History and Biography Read in Assamese

Albert Einstein Biography in Assamese | এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ জীৱনী

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইন বিশ্বৰ এজন প্ৰখ্যাত বিজ্ঞানী আৰু তাত্ত্বিক পদাৰ্থবিজ্ঞানী। তেওঁ সাধাৰণ আপেক্ষিকতাবাদৰ তত্ত্ব বিকশিত কৰিছিল। বিজ্ঞানৰ দৰ্শনক প্ৰভাৱিত কৰাৰ বাবেও তেওঁৰ নাম বিখ্যাত। বিশ্বত এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ নাম হৈছে ই=এমচি বৰ্গ সূত্ৰৰ বাবে গণ-শক্তিৰ আটাইতকৈ বিখ্যাত সমীকৰণ, ই হৈছে বিশ্বৰ আটাইতকৈ বিখ্যাত সমীকৰণ। এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে তেওঁৰ জীৱনত বহুতো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল, কিছুমান আৱিষ্কাৰৰ বাবে আইনষ্টাইনৰ নাম ইতিহাসৰ পৃষ্ঠাত লিপিবদ্ধ কৰা হৈছিল। তেওঁ এজন সফল আৰু অতি বুদ্ধিমান বিজ্ঞানী আছিল। আধুনিক সময়ত, তেওঁ পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞানসমুহ সৰল কৰাত এক মহান অৱদান আগবঢ়াইছে। ১৯২১ চনত এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনক তেওঁৰ আৱিষ্কাৰৰ বাবে নবেল বঁটা প্ৰদান কৰা হয়। এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰি এই স্থান অৰ্জন কৰিছিল। তেওঁ গণিতৰ প্ৰতিও যথেষ্ট আগ্ৰহী আছিল। তেওঁ পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞানক সৰল ভাৱে বুজাবলৈ বহুতো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল, যিমানুহৰ বাবে অনুপ্ৰেৰণাদায়ক।

Table of Contents

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ জন্ম আৰু শিক্ষা

১৮৭৯ চনৰ ১৪ মাৰ্চ তাৰিখে জাৰ্মানীৰ উলমত এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ জন্ম হৈছিল। কিন্তু তেওঁ জাৰ্মানীৰ মিউনিখ চহৰত ডাঙৰ দীঘল হৈছিল আৰু ইয়াৰ পৰাতেওঁৰ শিক্ষাও আৰম্ভ হৈছিল। তেওঁ সৰুতে পঢ়াশুনাত অতি দুৰ্বল আছিল আৰু তেওঁৰ কিছুমান শিক্ষকে তেওঁক মানসিকভাৱে অক্ষম বুলি মাতিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। ৯ বছৰ বয়সলৈকে তেওঁ কেনেকৈ কথা ক’ব লাগে নাজানিছিল। তেওঁ প্ৰকৃতিৰ নিয়ম, আশ্চৰ্যৰ বেদনাৰ অভিজ্ঞতা, কম্পাছৰ বেজীৰ দিশ আদিৰ দ্বাৰা মন্ত্ৰমুগ্ধ হৈছিল। তেওঁ ৬ বছৰ বয়সত সাৰংগী খেলিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল আৰু গোটেই জীৱন এইটো বজাই ৰাখিছিল। 12 বছৰ বয়সত, তেওঁ জ্যামিতি আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰে আৰু ইয়াৰ কিছু প্ৰমাণ পায়। 16 বছৰ বয়সত, তেওঁ সহজে আটাইতকৈ কঠিন অংকবোৰ সমাধান কৰিব পাৰিছিল।

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা ১৬ বছৰ বয়সলৈ শেষ হৈছিল। তেওঁ স্কুল ভাল নাপালে, আৰু তেওঁ কাকো আমনি নকৰাকৈ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়লৈ যোৱাৰ সুযোগ বিচাৰিবলৈ পৰিকল্পনা আৰম্ভ কৰিলে। তেওঁৰ শিক্ষকে তেওঁক তাৰ পৰা আঁতৰাই দিছিল, কিয়নো তেওঁৰ আচৰণ ভাল নাছিল, যাৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ সহপাঠীসকল প্ৰভাৱিত হৈছিল। এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে চুইজাৰলেণ্ডৰ জুৰিখৰ ফেডাৰেল ইনষ্টিটিউট অৱ টেকন’লজীলৈ যাবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু তেওঁ তাত নামভৰ্তি পৰীক্ষাত বিফল হৈছিল। তেতিয়া তেওঁৰ অধ্যাপকে পৰামৰ্শ দিছিল যে প্ৰথমে তেওঁ চুইজাৰলেণ্ডৰ অৰৌত থকা ‘কেণ্টোনেল স্কুল’ত ডিপ্লোমা কৰা উচিত। তাৰ পিছত, 1896 চনত, তেওঁ স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাৱে ফেডাৰেল ইনষ্টিটিউট অফ টেকন’লজীত নামভৰ্তি কৰিব। তেওঁ অধ্যাপকজনৰ পৰামৰ্শ বুজি পাইছিল, তেওঁ ইয়ালৈ যাবলৈ অতি আগ্ৰহী আছিল আৰু তেওঁ পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান আৰু গণিতত ভাল আছিল।

১৯০০ চনত এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে ফেডাৰেল ইনষ্টিটিউট অৱ টেকন’লজীৰ পৰা স্নাতক পৰীক্ষাত উত্তীৰ্ণ হয়, কিন্তু তেওঁৰ এজন শিক্ষক তেওঁৰ বিৰুদ্ধে আছিল আৰু কয় যে আইনষ্টাইন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ সহায়ক পদৰ বাবে যোগ্য নহয়। ১৯০২ চনত তেওঁ চুইজাৰলেণ্ডৰ বাৰ্ণৰ পেটেন্ট কাৰ্যালয়ত এজন পৰিদৰ্শক নিয়োগ কৰে। ছয় মাহৰ পিছত তেওঁ মাৰিয়াকক বিয়া কৰায়, যি জুৰিখত তেওঁৰ সহপাঠী আছিল। তেওঁলোকৰ দুটা পুত্ৰ আছিল, তাৰ পিছত তেওঁলোক বাৰ্ণত আছিল আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ বয়স আছিল ২৬ বছৰ। সেই সময়ত তেওঁ ডক্টৰেট ডিগ্ৰী লাভ কৰিছিল আৰু তেওঁৰ প্ৰথম বিপ্লৱী বিজ্ঞান দস্তাবেজ লিখিছিল।

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ কেৰিয়াৰ

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে বহুতো নথি পত্ৰ লিখিছিল, এই নথিপত্ৰবোৰৰ সৈতে তেওঁ বিখ্যাত হৈছিল। তেওঁ চাকৰিৰ বাবে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ত কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰিব লগা হৈছিল। ১৯০৯ চনত বাৰ্ণ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ত প্ৰবক্তা হিচাপে চাকৰি কৰাৰ পিছত আইনষ্টাইনে জুৰিখ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ সহযোগী অধ্যাপকক তেওঁৰ নাম দিয়ে। দুবছৰৰ পিছত তেওঁ চেকোস্লোভাকিয়াৰ প্ৰাগৰ জাৰ্মান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ত অধ্যাপক হিচাপে নিৰ্বাচিত হয়। 6 মাহৰ ভিতৰত, তেওঁ ফেডাৰেল ইনষ্টিটিউট অফ টেকনলজীৰ অধ্যাপক হয়। ১৯১৩ চনত প্ৰখ্যাত বিজ্ঞানী মেক্স প্লেংক আৰু ৱালথাৰ নৰ্নষ্ট জুৰিখলৈ আহে আৰু আইনষ্টাইনক জাৰ্মানীৰ বাৰ্লিন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ত লাভজনক গৱেষণা অধ্যাপকপদ গ্ৰহণ কৰিবলৈ উৎসাহিত কৰে আৰু তেওঁ তেওঁক প্ৰুচিয়ান একাডেমী অফ চাইন্সৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ সদস্যপদও প্ৰদান কৰে। আইনষ্টাইনে সুযোগটো গ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল। যেতিয়া তেওঁ বাৰ্লিনলৈ গুচি গৈছিল, তেতিয়া তেওঁৰ পত্নীয়ে তেওঁলোকৰ দুই সন্তানৰ সৈতে জুৰিখত বাস কৰিছিল আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ হৈছিল। ১৯১৭ চনত আইনষ্টাইনে এলছাক বিয়া কৰায়।

১৯২০ চনত আইনষ্টাইনক হ’লেণ্ডৰ লিডেন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ আটাইতকৈ সন্মানীয় অধ্যাপকপদৰ বাবে নিৰ্বাচিত কৰা হয়। ইয়াৰ পিছত, তেওঁ বহুতো বঁটা লাভ কৰে। ইয়াৰ পিছত, তেওঁৰ কেৰিয়াৰ এক নতুন পৰ্যায়ত উপনীত হয়। এই সময়ত আইনষ্টাইন কেলিফৰ্ণিয়া ইনষ্টিটিউট অৱ টেকনলজীলৈ ৰাওনা হয়, এইটো তেওঁৰ আমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ অন্তিম ভ্ৰমণ আছিল। তেওঁলোক ১৯৩৩ চনত তালৈ গৈছিল।

আইনষ্টাইনে ১৯৩৯ চনত এটা পাৰমাণৱিক বোমাৰ গাঁথনিত অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ অৱদান আগবঢ়াইছিল। ১৯৪৫ চনত আইনষ্টাইনে তেওঁৰ বিখ্যাত সমীকৰণ ই=এমচি বৰ্গ উদ্ভাৱন কৰে।

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ আৱিষ্কাৰ

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে বহুতো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল যাৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ নাম বিখ্যাত বিজ্ঞানীসকলৰ মাজত গণনা কৰা হৈছিল। তেওঁৰ কিছুমান আৱিষ্কাৰ নিম্নলিখিত ধৰণৰ:

পোহৰৰ কোৱান্টাম তত্ত্ব –

আইনষ্টাইনৰ পোহৰৰ কোৱাণ্টাম তত্ত্বত, তেওঁ ফ’টন নামৰ শক্তিৰ সৰু থলী সৃষ্টি কৰিছিল, যাৰ এক তৰংগসদৃশ বৈশিষ্ট্য আছে। এই তত্ত্বত, তেওঁ কিছুমান ধাতুৰ পৰা ইলেক্ট্ৰনৰ নিৰ্গমন ব্যাখ্যা কৰিছিল। এই তত্ত্বৰ পিছত, তেওঁ দূৰদৰ্শন উদ্ভাৱন কৰিছিল, যাক ভাস্কৰ্যৰ জৰিয়তে দেখুওৱা হয়। আধুনিক সময়ত এনে বহুতো সঁজুলি আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰা হৈছে।

ই= এমচি বৰ্গ –

আইনষ্টাইনে ভৰ আৰু শক্তিৰ মাজত এক সমীকৰণ প্ৰমাণ কৰিছিল, যাক আজি পাৰমাণৱিক শক্তি বুলি কোৱা হয়।

ব্ৰভনিয়ান আন্দোলন –

ইয়াক এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ আৰু সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ আৱিষ্কাৰ বুলি ক’ব পাৰি, য’ত তেওঁ এটা পৰমাণু ৰখাত আঁকাবাঁকা চলাচল লক্ষ্য কৰিছিল, যি অণু আৰু পৰমাণুৰ অস্তিত্বৰ প্ৰমাণত সহায়ক। আমি সকলোৱে জানো যে আজিৰ সময়ত, বিজ্ঞানৰ বেছিভাগ শাখাই মুখ্য শাখা। বিজ্ঞান অলৌকিক প্ৰবন্ধটো ইয়াত পঢ়ক।

আপেক্ষিকতাবাদৰ বিশেষ তত্ত্ব –

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ তত্ত্বই সময় আৰু গতিৰ মাজৰ সম্পৰ্ক ব্যাখ্যা কৰে। বিশ্বব্ৰহ্মাণ্ডত পোহৰৰ গতিক নিৰন্তৰ আৰু প্ৰকৃতিৰ সূত্ৰ অনুসৰি বৰ্ণনা কৰা হৈছে।

আপেক্ষিকতাবাদৰ সাধাৰণ তত্ত্ব–

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে প্ৰস্তাৱ দিছিল যে মহাকৰ্ষণীয় স্থান – সময় হৈছে কণ্টনিয়ামৰ বক্ৰ ক্ষেত্ৰ, যি ভৰৰ অস্তিত্ব ব্যাখ্যা কৰে।

মানহাট্টম প্ৰকল্প –

এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে আমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰক সমৰ্থন কৰা এক গৱেষণা মানহাট্টাম প্ৰকল্প সৃষ্টি কৰিছিল, তেওঁ ১৯৪৫ চনত পাৰমাণৱিক বোমাৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ দিছিল। তাৰ পিছত তেওঁ প্ৰথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধৰ সময়ত জাপানত পাৰমাণৱিক বোমা ধ্বংস কৰিবলৈ শিকিছিল।

আইনষ্টাইনৰ ৰেফ্ৰিজেৰেটৰ

এয়া আছিল এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ আটাইতকৈ সৰু আৱিষ্কাৰ, যাৰ বাবে তেওঁ বিখ্যাত হৈছিল। আইনষ্টাইনে এটা ৰেফ্ৰিজেৰেটৰ উদ্ভাৱন কৰিছিল যিয়ে এমোনিয়া, পানী, আৰু বেটাইন আৰু অধিক শক্তি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰে। তেওঁ এই ৰেফ্ৰিজেৰেটৰটো উদ্ভাৱন কৰিছিল ইয়াত বহুতো বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ কথা মনত ৰাখি।

আকাশ নীলা –

আকাশ কিয় নীলা তাৰ এইটো এটা অতি সৰল প্ৰমাণ, কিন্তু এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে এই সন্দৰ্ভতো বহুত যুক্তি উপস্থাপন কৰিছিল।

এনেদৰে এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনে বহুতো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল যাৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ নাম ইতিহাসত বিখ্যাত হৈছিল।

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Essay on Albert Einstein

500 words essay on albert einstein.

Albert Einstein was a physicist who is responsible for developing the famous general theory of relativity. Furthermore, he is one of the most influential and celebrated scientists of the 20th century. Let’s take a look at the life and achievements of this genius with the essay on Albert Einstein.

essay on albert einstein

                                                                                                                 Essay On Albert Einstein

Early Life of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in Germany into a Jewish family on 14th March 1879. Furthermore, Einstein had to deal with speech difficulties early on but was a brilliant student at his elementary school. His father, Hermann Einstein founded an electrical equipment manufacturing company with the help of his brother.

At the age of five, Albert’s father showed him a pocket compass . Moreover, this made him realize that the needle was moving due to something in empty space. According to Einstein, this experience left a deep and lasting impression on him.

In 1889, a ten-year-old Albert became introduced to popular science and philosophy texts. This happened due to a family friend named Max Talmud.

Albert Einstein spent time on books like Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ and ‘Euclid’s Elements’. From the latter book, Albert developed an understanding of deductive reasoning. Furthermore, by the age of 12, he was able to learn Euclidian geometry from a school booklet.

Einstein’s father’s intention was to see his son pursue electrical engineering. However, a clash took place between Albert and the authorities. This was because Albert had resentment for rote learning as, according to him,  it was against creative thought.

Achievements of Albert Einstein

In 1894, Einstein’s father’s business failed and his family went to Italy. At this time, Einstein was only fifteen. During this time, he wrote ‘The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields’, which was his first scientific work.

In 1901, there was the publishing of a paper by Einstein on the capillary forces of a straw in the prestigious ‘Annalen der Physik’. Furthermore, his graduation took place from ETH with a diploma in teaching.

In the year 1905, while working in the patent office, there took place the publishing of four papers by Einstein in the prestigious journal ‘Annalen der Physik’. Experts recognize all four papers as tremendous achievements of Albert Einstein. Therefore, people call the year 1905 as Einstein’s wonderful year’.

The four papers were special relativity, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion , and equivalence of matter and energy. He also made the discovery of the famous equation, E = mc².

The theory of relativity was completed by Einstein in 1915. The confirmation of his theory was by British astronomer, Sir Arthur Eddington, during the solar eclipse of 1919.

There was the continuation of research works by Einstein and finally, in 1921, his efforts bore fruits. Most noteworthy, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Albert Einstein for his services to Theoretical Physics.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein’s contribution to the field of physics is priceless. Furthermore, his ideas and theories are still authoritative for many physicists. Einstein’s lasting legacy in physics will continue to be an inspiration for young science enthusiasts.

FAQs For Essay on Albert Einstein

Question 1: What is the legacy of Albert Einstein?

Answer 1: Albert Einstein is one of the world’s greatest physicists and a Nobel Laureate. Furthermore, his greatest achievement is the theory of relativity which made a significant change in our understanding of the universe like. However, this wasn’t his only legacy as Einstein was also a refugee and a humanitarian.

Question 2: What is the equation E = MC 2 ?

Answer 2: Einstein’s E = MC 2 is the world’s most famous equation.  Furthermore, this equation means that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared.  Moreover, on the most basic level, this equation tells us that energy and mass happen to be interchangeable and that they are different forms of the same thing.

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Essay on Albert Einstein

Science reached a high peak with the great scientist Albert Einstein. He is known as one of the greatest thinkers and scientists of the twentieth century. He is the one who advanced the pillar of Modern Physics. Albert Einstein is best known for introducing the theory of relativity in Physics, which helped us to understand time, universe, gravity, and space. Here are a few sample essays on Albert Einstein.

100 Words Essay on Albert Einstein

200 words essay on albert einstein, 500 words essay on albert einstein.

Essay on Albert Einstein

Published in 1905, Einstein's first article established him as one of the world’s premier scientists. Einstein admired the environment much more compared to other children and wished to spend more time with nature as the sounds and sights fascinated him. While employed in the patent office, Einstein did not miss the opportunity to solve the beam light problem, which he had been fascinated with since he was 16. Albert Einstein spent his entire life working for harmony and abominated war. Albert was in support of the American Civil Right Movement, and he was totally against violence. For his law of photoelectric effect, Einstein received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

Born on March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. Albert studied in a Catholic Elementary School in Munich. He was then transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (today known as Albert Einstein Gymnasium) at 8, where he received primary and secondary education. Albert Einstein was not much of a fan of education, yet he enjoyed learning and reading independently. Einstein had these two ‘wonders’ in his early years, which affected him greatly. At age five, an encounter with a compass mystified him that the invisible forces could divert the needle. Secondly, at age 12, he found a book of geometry, which he devoured, and gave it the name “sacred little geometry book”.

Contribution To Physics

He significantly contributed to Physics in 1905 when he developed the Theory of Special Relativity. From a young age, Einstein excelled in Physics and Maths and even discovered his original Pythagorean theorem at age 12. His father wanted him to go with Electrical Engineering, but Einstein did not agree with him and resented the school’s regiment and the teaching method. Einstein was much ahead of his peers in Maths and Physics and excelled in them. His passion for algebra and geometry convinced everyone that nature could be understood as a mathematical structure. He was also awarded a Federal Teaching Diploma.

Einstein was one of the founding members of the German Democratic Party in 1918. He was critical of capitalism and was a socialist. Impressed by Mahatma Gandhi, Einstein described him as a role model for future generations and exchanged written letters with him. Einstein was totally in support of non-violence. He was also a Nobel Prize winner.

Childhood Issues | Einstein was unable to speak in his childhood because his skull was larger than the rest of his body. Slowly and gradually, his head began to improve and take shape. Still, everyone believed him to be sick until that time.

Religious Beliefs | Albert Einstein did not believe in any personal God for all the fates, destiny and actions. He also clarified that he was not an atheist and instead called himself a deeply religious non-believer. He observed and admitted that without ethical culture, there is no stand for salvation for humanity.

Stint With Music | Einstein’s mother played the piano quite well and wanted her son to learn the same, so he could develop a love for music. At age 5, Einstein began to play the piano, though he did not enjoy it much. He discovered the violin sonatas of Mozart at age 13, and at that time, he started to enjoy music. Einstein played Chamber music for his friends and family.

Contribution To Physics | He received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the Photoelectric Effect. He also launched the new science of Cosmology. A Nobel Prize was awarded in 1993 to the discoverers of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein.

Death | Einstein died in the University Medical Centre of Princeton and Plainsboro, after his death, during an autopsy, the pathologist removed Einstein’s brain without the permission of his family and preserved it to know the real cause of Einstein’s intelligence. Einstein’s legacy was passed on to other scientists.

An Incident From Einstein’s Life

In 1919, at the University of Berlin, while working as a theoretical physics professor, Einstein theorised that an impending solar eclipse would provide a rare opportunity to observe gravity’s effect on light. The reports proved his observation to be correct. This observation of Einstein sent a shock wave through the scientific community and the world. Einstein spent the next few years travelling, speaking engagements, and receiving awards. He also founded the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1921 and won the Nobel Prize in the same year.

What Do We Learn From Einstein?

Albert Einstein had the ability to think outside of the square and apply great imagination and creativity to science. This ability of his influenced many people to think outside their comfort zone, explore chances and the world around them. Einstein gave way to many younger generations to think and rethink what they want to do and focus on it, to give their hundred percent in achieving their desired goals. Einstein also taught us not to blindly believe in whatever is being told but to question everything and look for reasons. Albert Einstein taught us to live in the moment and to keep going in the right direction, and success will automatically follow. One should make mistakes but also learn from them, as one who does not commit mistakes practically does not do anything.

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Albert Einstein as an Influential Scientist Essay

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Albert Einstein was one of the most influential scientists of all time. Born in Germany in 1879, Einstein was known for his remarkable curiosity and love for exploration from a very young age. This passion for discovery ultimately led him to science and mathematics, which he pursued throughout his academic career. After completing his doctorate at the University of Zurich, Albert Einstein became a professor of physics at the University of Berlin, where he developed his famous theory of relativity (Jerri, 2021). This revolutionary breakthrough in scientific thinking and understanding of the universe has had a lasting impact on modern science and technology, cementing Einstein’s legacy as one of the greatest minds of all time.

Einstein was an incredibly influential scientist, making groundbreaking discoveries throughout his lifetime that revolutionized how we view the world today. His theories on relativity, energy, and the universe’s interconnectedness have had a lasting and profound impact on our understanding of the cosmos. His belief that all matter is composed of power and that the speed of light is constant has been firmly established in modern science. Moreover, his ideas on space and time are relative rather than absolute. They have been integral to how scientists and physicists comprehend the universe today. His theories and discoveries still shape our understanding of the universe and will continue to be used to explain and explore the wonders of the cosmos.

Einstein’s groundbreaking work and remarkable discoveries in science and philosophy have inspired numerous generations of scientists and thinkers to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new ideas (Jerri, 2021). He was a passionate advocate for peace and firmly believed in the power of education. Constructive dialogue to create a better, more equitable, and just world. His legacy and impact continue to this day. He will always be remembered as one of human history’s most influential and brilliant minds. His work and insight will continue to shape and inspire future generations.

Jerri, M. C. (2021). Albert Einstein: Biography and Quotes .

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IvyPanda. (2024, January 20). Albert Einstein as an Influential Scientist.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Albert Einstein as an Influential Scientist." January 20, 2024.

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  • Albert Einstein Essay


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Albert Einstein was a Theoretical Physicist of German origin. He is the one who developed a pillar of modern Physics, the Theory of Relativity. Be it his mass-energy equivalence formula or his law of photoelectric effect, the theories he postulated changed the history of science forever. His works are still studied in standard institutions of learning throughout the world.

About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879 in Ulm in the Kingdom of Wurttemberg in the German empire. His father's name was Herman Einstein and his mother's name was Pauline Koch. His father worked as a salesman and as an engineer. In 1880, his father along with his family moved to Munich. His father and his uncle founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie. It is a company that manufactures electrical equipment based on direct current.

After birth, Albert Einstein's head was much larger than his body and he was born as a deformed abnormal child. Usually, children start speaking at the age of 2, but Albert Einstein started speaking after 4 years of age. When Einstein was 5 years old, his father gifted him with a magnetic compass on his birthday. The needle of the compass used to be in the North Direction, and seeing this, he became very fascinated and developed an interest to explore science well.

His Childhood

Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879, in Ulm, where his family ran a small shop. He had two siblings, an elder sister named Maja and a younger brother named Hans Albert. The Einsteins were non-observant Jews and moved to Munich when Albert was one year old. His parents wanted him to become a businessman, but he showed scientific inclinations from his childhood days. From 1890, the family resided in Milan where Einstein underwent Technical High School education. Since his father had relocated to Italy for work purposes, Albert Einstein decided not to move with his family to Berlin after matriculating from the Zurich Polytechnic in 1896.

He had problems with authority and left his academic institutions without a degree on several occasions. He started working as a patent clerk at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902, where he spent most of his time on theoretical physics. In 1905, he published four papers that revolutionized Physics. They were on (I) Brownian motion, (ii) photoelectric effect, (iii) special relativity and (iv) equivalence of mass and energy, which is famously known as the E=mc 2 equation. He worked on unified field Theory for more than ten years but was unable to complete it.

At the age of 5, he joined the Catholic Elementary School in Munich. After that, he enrolled in Luitpold Gymnasium, where he received his primary and secondary school education. When Albert Einstein was 15 years old, his father wanted him to do electrical engineering but Einstein used to fight with the authority of his school, about their way of teaching. He believed that due to so many strict rules and regulations in the school, the creative mind of children was lost and they only knew the strict rote learning. Einstein was thrown out of school too many times due to this behavior of his. He used to fight with his teachers, he also raised questions about their way of teaching.

At the age of 12, Einstein started learning Calculus on his own, and when he became 14 years old, he mastered Integral and Differential Calculus. Einstein got married in 1903 to Marci. In 1904 his son named Hans Albert Einstein was born, and in 1910 his second son Eduard was born.

Contribution Towards Science

Albert received a patent officer job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property in Bern, Switzerland, at the age of 23, after completing college. While working there, he completed his Ph.D., after which he became a professor at the University of Zurich. During this period he gave the theory of mass-energy (E = mc 2 ). The atomic bombs dropped in Japan were built on this principle. However, throughout his life, Albert Einstein was against the atomic bomb dropped on Japan. He then gave a new theory of relativity, falsifying the old rules of relativity given by Isaac Newton, which proved that time and light are not constant. If traveling at the speed of light, i.e. 300000 km, it will be slow, and millions of years have passed on Earth. That is, he proved that time travel can be done. However, till date scientists have not been able to build a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light. 

In 1977, NASA conducted an experiment to prove this theory in which they set the clock in a satellite and were left to orbit the Earth. After a few years, when the satellite's clock was checked, it was much slower than the Earth's clock. In this theory of quantum physics, Indian scientist Satyendra Nath Bose wrote a letter from India to Albert Einstein in which he said that Newton's relativity theory is wrong. Albert Einstein then agreed to the letter of Satyendra Nath Bose, and he published that paper and later gave a new theory of relativity. Albert Einstein made many other inventions with this theory. 

He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1981 for his photoelectric effect. In 1933, Hitler killed millions of people in Germany, and at the same time, Albert Einstein was changing the whole world with science. He went to America from Europe forever, taking the citizenship there because Hitler placed a reward of \[$\]5000 on Albert Einstein's head and burned all his research books.

Moving to the United States

During World War-I, he was invited to join the Bureau of Standards in Washington before accepting its offer officially. He moved to the United States of America with his family in April 1933 after Hitler's rise to power.

He advised breaking up Bell Labs and nationalizing the electricity supply industry, worked on defense projects during World War II, and became a citizen of the United States in 1940.

In 1951, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."

Albert Einstein died on 18th April 1955 at Princeton Hospital, New Jersey. He was 76 years old.

Death and Awards

On 17th April 1955, Einstein underwent internal bleeding in the Lower Abdominal, and he was taken to a hospital where the doctor asked him to undergo a surgery. Albert Einstein refused to undergo the surgery, and said that he would go when he wanted, and that it is tasteless to prolong life artificially. He told me that he would like to die like that. Later research was done on Albert Einstein's brain and it was found that the parts of Einstein's brain that were for mathematical calculus had developed 15% more as compared to the brains of normal people.

The whole world celebrates Albert Einstein's birthday on 14th March as World Genius Day. He had published more than 300 research papers on science in his life and had contributed to the advancement of science. This is the reason that Times magazine has awarded Albert Einstein the title of Person of the Century. Einstein received numerous awards and honors, and in 1922, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".


Albert Einstein was one of the best scientists, mathematicians, and physicists of the 20th century. In the early twentieth century, Albert Einstein formulated theories that changed the thinking of physicists and non-specialists alike. He will always be remembered for his law of photoelectric effect and mass-energy equivalence formula. His body of work is studied in universities across the world to this day. He is a famous and known name in the world of Physics, he also achieved a lot, and was awarded the Nobel Prize for his commendable research and accomplishments.


FAQs on Albert Einstein Essay

1. Why did Albert Einstein Have No Social Life?

Albert Einstein was a very intelligent person. He had no time for a social life because he was always busy with his research and work. Albert Einstein had more than 40 publications to his credit. His life and work were on research and inventions. His life revolved around his work and family. The work-life of Albert Einstein is an inspiration to all the people who are working day and night to achieve something great in their lives. One of the best scientists, mathematicians and physicists of the 20th century was none other than Albert Einstein. His achievement includes the most discussed formula in his name- the mass-energy equivalence equation. He was known for the impact he made on the world of physics and also for the awards and honors he received in his lifetime.

2. What Was the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein?

The theory of relativity is the scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein between 1905 and 1915. It is a theory of gravity and space-time. The theory revolutionized physics by proposing that the laws of physics are the same for all inertial frames of reference. That is, the laws of physics are the same whether an observer is stationary or in motion. The theory also proposed that the speed of light is a constant for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This was a radical departure from classical mechanics and Newton's view of the universe. His theory is the basis for many features of our modern life and is used in daily applications. You can learn more about the theory of relativity in any good physics textbook.

3. What Did Albert Einstein Do for Science?

Albert Einstein was a German theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. He is best known in popular culture for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc 2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"). He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". This makes Einstein the only physicist to win twice. He is also known for his other great works, such as the world's smallest unit of time and explaining the Brownian motion of particles. His life's work has had a great impact on the modern world and the way we see things.

4. What Awards Did Albert Einstein Receive in His Lifetime?

Albert Einstein was one of the most genius scientists of all time. He is known for his great works in Physics. He also received a lot of awards in his lifetime. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". He is the only physicist to have been awarded a Nobel Prize twice. In 1921, he received the Nobel Prize in physics. In his acceptance lecture, titled "The Field Theory of Matter", he provided what is now viewed as a foundation for relativistic quantum field theory. Einstein was voted number 3 in BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.

5. Why Was Einstein Thought of as a Genius?

Albert Einstein was a brilliant and intelligent man. He changed the world because of his scientific ideas and theories. He is known for the mass-energy equivalence formula (E=mc 2 ); he came up with it in 1905; before coming to this theory, he did not have any notable publications. However, by the end of this year, he had already submitted two articles to Annalen der Physik. One of these was on the photoelectric effect, while the other was on "A new determination of molecular dimensions". Albert Einstein is considered a genius because he looked at things in an entirely different way than anyone else did before him. He also had wonderful ideas about space and time that changed the way we think about those things.

6. What Were the Names of Albert Einstein’s Father and Mother?

Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879 in Ulm in the Kingdom of  Wurttemberg in the German empire. His father’s name was Herman Einstein and His Mother’s name was Pauline Koch.

7. How Albert Einstein Was Different from Normal Kids?

After birth, Albert Einstein's head was much larger than his body and he was born as a deformed abnormal child. Usually, children start speaking at the age of 2, but in the case of Albert Einstein, he started speaking after 4 years of age. At the age of 12, Einstein learning Calculus and when he became 14 years old he had mastered Integral and Differential Calculus which is obviously not normal for any other kid.

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Albert Einstein

What did Albert Einstein do?

What is albert einstein known for, what influence did albert einstein have on science, what was albert einstein’s family like, what did albert einstein mean when he wrote that god “does not play dice”.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

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  • PBS - A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Albert Einstein
  • DigitalCommons@CalPoly - Einstein’s 1935 Derivation of E=mc2
  • - Albert Einstein: His life, theories and impact on science
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  • Institute for Advanced Study - Albert Einstein: In Brief
  • Famous Scientists - Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a famous physicist. His research spanned from quantum mechanics to theories about gravity and motion. After publishing some groundbreaking papers, Einstein toured the world and gave speeches about his discoveries. In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect .

Albert Einstein is best known for his equation E = mc 2 , which states that energy and mass (matter) are the same thing, just in different forms. He is also known for his discovery of the photoelectric effect , for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Einstein developed a theory of special and general relativity, which helped to complicate and expand upon theories that had been put forth by Isaac Newton over 200 years prior. 

Albert Einstein had a massive influence on contemporary physics. His theory of relativity shifted contemporary understanding of space completely. Along with his equation E = mc 2 , it also foreshadowed the creation of the atomic bomb . Einstein’s understanding of light as something which can function both as a wave and as a stream of particles became the basis for what is known today as quantum mechanics .

Albert Einstein was raised in a secular Jewish family and had one sister, Maja, who was two years younger than him. In 1903 Einstein married Milena Maric, a Serbian physics student whom he had met at school in Zürich. They had three children: a daughter, named Lieserl, and two sons, named Hans and Eduard. After a period of unrest, Einstein and Maric divorced in 1919. Einstein, during his marriage, had begun an affair with his cousin Elsa Löwenthal. They were married in 1919, the same year he divorced Maric.

How did Albert Einstein die?

After suffering an abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture several days before, Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955, at age 76.

In December 1926 Albert Einstein wrote to Max Born that “[t]he theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.” Einstein was reacting to Born’s probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics and expressing a deterministic view of the world. Learn more.

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Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879, Ulm , Württemberg, Germany—died April 18, 1955, Princeton , New Jersey , U.S.) was a German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect . Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.

(Read Einstein’s 1926 Britannica essay on space-time.)

Einstein’s parents were secular , middle-class Jews. His father, Hermann Einstein, was originally a featherbed salesman and later ran an electrochemical factory with moderate success. His mother, the former Pauline Koch, ran the family household. He had one sister, Maria (who went by the name Maja), born two years after Albert.

Einstein would write that two “wonders” deeply affected his early years. The first was his encounter with a compass at age five. He was mystified that invisible forces could deflect the needle. This would lead to a lifelong fascination with invisible forces. The second wonder came at age 12 when he discovered a book of geometry , which he devoured , calling it his “sacred little geometry book.”

Civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers a speech to a crowd of approximately 7,000 people on May 17, 1967 at UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza in Berkeley, California.

Einstein became deeply religious at age 12, even composing several songs in praise of God and chanting religious songs on the way to school. This began to change, however, after he read science books that contradicted his religious beliefs. This challenge to established authority left a deep and lasting impression. At the Luitpold Gymnasium , Einstein often felt out of place and victimized by a Prussian-style educational system that seemed to stifle originality and creativity. One teacher even told him that he would never amount to anything.

Yet another important influence on Einstein was a young medical student, Max Talmud (later Max Talmey), who often had dinner at the Einstein home. Talmud became an informal tutor, introducing Einstein to higher mathematics and philosophy . A pivotal turning point occurred when Einstein was 16 years old. Talmud had earlier introduced him to a children’s science series by Aaron Bernstein, Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbucher (1867–68; Popular Books on Physical Science ), in which the author imagined riding alongside electricity that was traveling inside a telegraph wire. Einstein then asked himself the question that would dominate his thinking for the next 10 years: What would a light beam look like if you could run alongside it? If light were a wave , then the light beam should appear stationary, like a frozen wave. Even as a child, though, he knew that stationary light waves had never been seen, so there was a paradox . Einstein also wrote his first “scientific paper” at that time (“The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields”).

Einstein’s education was disrupted by his father’s repeated failures at business. In 1894, after his company failed to get an important contract to electrify the city of Munich , Hermann Einstein moved to Milan to work with a relative. Einstein was left at a boardinghouse in Munich and expected to finish his education. Alone, miserable, and repelled by the looming prospect of military duty when he turned 16, Einstein ran away six months later and landed on the doorstep of his surprised parents. His parents realized the enormous problems that he faced as a school dropout and draft dodger with no employable skills. His prospects did not look promising.

Fortunately, Einstein could apply directly to the Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule (“Swiss Federal Polytechnic School”; in 1911, following expansion in 1909 to full university status, it was renamed the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, or “Swiss Federal Institute of Technology”) in Zürich without the equivalent of a high school diploma if he passed its stiff entrance examinations. His marks showed that he excelled in mathematics and physics , but he failed at French , chemistry , and biology . Because of his exceptional math scores, he was allowed into the polytechnic on the condition that he first finish his formal schooling. He went to a special high school run by Jost Winteler in Aarau , Switzerland , and graduated in 1896. He also renounced his German citizenship at that time. (He was stateless until 1901, when he was granted Swiss citizenship.) He became lifelong friends with the Winteler family, with whom he had been boarding. (Winteler’s daughter, Marie, was Einstein’s first love; Einstein’s sister, Maja, would eventually marry Winteler’s son Paul; and his close friend Michele Besso would marry their eldest daughter, Anna.)

Einstein would recall that his years in Zürich were some of the happiest years of his life. He met many students who would become loyal friends, such as Marcel Grossmann, a mathematician, and Besso, with whom he enjoyed lengthy conversations about space and time. He also met his future wife, Mileva Maric, a fellow physics student from Serbia.

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Albert Einstein

By: Editors

Updated: May 16, 2019 | Original: October 27, 2009

Albert EinsteinPortrait of physicist Albert Einstein, sitting at a table holding a pipe, circa 1933. (Photo by Lambert/Keystone/Getty Images)

The German-born physicist Albert Einstein developed the first of his groundbreaking theories while working as a clerk in the Swiss patent office in Bern. After making his name with four scientific articles published in 1905, he went on to win worldwide fame for his general theory of relativity and a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his explanation of the phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. An outspoken pacifist who was publicly identified with the Zionist movement, Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States when the Nazis took power before World War II. He lived and worked in Princeton, New Jersey, for the remainder of his life.

Einstein’s Early Life (1879-1904)

Born on March 14, 1879, in the southern German city of Ulm, Albert Einstein grew up in a middle-class Jewish family in Munich. As a child, Einstein became fascinated by music (he played the violin), mathematics and science. He dropped out of school in 1894 and moved to Switzerland, where he resumed his schooling and later gained admission to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. In 1896, he renounced his German citizenship, and remained officially stateless before becoming a Swiss citizen in 1901.

Did you know? Almost immediately after Albert Einstein learned of the atomic bomb's use in Japan, he became an advocate for nuclear disarmament. He formed the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists and backed Manhattan Project scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer in his opposition to the hydrogen bomb.

While at Zurich Polytechnic, Einstein fell in love with his fellow student Mileva Maric, but his parents opposed the match and he lacked the money to marry. The couple had an illegitimate daughter, Lieserl, born in early 1902, of whom little is known. After finding a position as a clerk at the Swiss patent office in Bern, Einstein married Maric in 1903; they would have two more children, Hans Albert (born 1904) and Eduard (born 1910).

Einstein’s Miracle Year (1905)

While working at the patent office, Einstein did some of the most creative work of his life, producing no fewer than four groundbreaking articles in 1905 alone. In the first paper, he applied the quantum theory (developed by German physicist Max Planck) to light in order to explain the phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect, by which a material will emit electrically charged particles when hit by light. The second article contained Einstein’s experimental proof of the existence of atoms, which he got by analyzing the phenomenon of Brownian motion, in which tiny particles were suspended in water.

In the third and most famous article, titled “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” Einstein confronted the apparent contradiction between two principal theories of physics: Isaac Newton’s concepts of absolute space and time and James Clerk Maxwell’s idea that the speed of light was a constant. To do this, Einstein introduced his special theory of relativity, which held that the laws of physics are the same even for objects moving in different inertial frames (i.e. at constant speeds relative to each other), and that the speed of light is a constant in all inertial frames. A fourth paper concerned the fundamental relationship between mass and energy, concepts viewed previously as completely separate. Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (where “c” was the constant speed of light) expressed this relationship.

From Zurich to Berlin (1906-1932)

Einstein continued working at the patent office until 1909, when he finally found a full-time academic post at the University of Zurich. In 1913, he arrived at the University of Berlin, where he was made director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics. The move coincided with the beginning of Einstein’s romantic relationship with a cousin of his, Elsa Lowenthal, whom he would eventually marry after divorcing Mileva. In 1915, Einstein published the general theory of relativity, which he considered his masterwork. This theory found that gravity, as well as motion, can affect time and space. According to Einstein’s equivalence principle–which held that gravity’s pull in one direction is equivalent to an acceleration of speed in the opposite direction–if light is bent by acceleration, it must also be bent by gravity. In 1919, two expeditions sent to perform experiments during a solar eclipse found that light rays from distant stars were deflected or bent by the gravity of the sun in just the way Einstein had predicted.

The general theory of relativity was the first major theory of gravity since Newton’s, more than 250 years before, and the results made a tremendous splash worldwide, with the London Times proclaiming a “Revolution in Science” and a “New Theory of the Universe.” Einstein began touring the world, speaking in front of crowds of thousands in the United States, Britain, France and Japan. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for his work on the photoelectric effect, as his work on relativity remained controversial at the time. Einstein soon began building on his theories to form a new science of cosmology, which held that the universe was dynamic instead of static, and was capable of expanding and contracting.

Einstein Moves to the United States (1933-39)

A longtime pacifist and a Jew, Einstein became the target of hostility in Weimar Germany, where many citizens were suffering plummeting economic fortunes in the aftermath of defeat in the Great War. In December 1932, a month before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, Einstein made the decision to emigrate to the United States, where he took a position at the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey . He would never again enter the country of his birth.

By the time Einstein’s wife Elsa died in 1936, he had been involved for more than a decade with his efforts to find a unified field theory, which would incorporate all the laws of the universe, and those of physics, into a single framework. In the process, Einstein became increasingly isolated from many of his colleagues, who were focused mainly on the quantum theory and its implications, rather than on relativity.

Einstein’s Later Life (1939-1955)

In the late 1930s, Einstein’s theories, including his equation E=mc2, helped form the basis of the development of the atomic bomb. In 1939, at the urging of the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard, Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt advising him to approve funding for the development of uranium before Germany could gain the upper hand. Einstein, who became a U.S. citizen in 1940 but retained his Swiss citizenship, was never asked to participate in the resulting Manhattan Project , as the U.S. government suspected his socialist and pacifist views. In 1952, Einstein declined an offer extended by David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s premier, to become president of Israel .

Throughout the last years of his life, Einstein continued his quest for a unified field theory. Though he published an article on the theory in Scientific American in 1950, it remained unfinished when he died, of an aortic aneurysm, five years later. In the decades following his death, Einstein’s reputation and stature in the world of physics only grew, as physicists began to unravel the mystery of the so-called “strong force” (the missing piece of his unified field theory) and space satellites further verified the principles of his cosmology.

albert einstein essay in assamese

HISTORY Vault: Secrets of Einstein's Brain

Originally stolen by the doctor trusted to perform his autopsy, scientists over the decades have examined the brain of Albert Einstein to try and determine what made this seemingly normal man tick.

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"How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving...

, an essay by Gerald Holton

. It is also included in (pp. 3-7) New York: Simon Schuster, 1931. For a more recent source, you can also find a copy of it in A. Einstein, , edited by Carl Seelig, New York: Bonzana Books, 1954 (pp. 8-11).


American Institute of Physics


Einstein and Humanism

albert einstein essay in assamese

Portrait of Albert Einstein.

Credit: The Bettman Archive, courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives

It is a delight to explore the exceptional works of physicists which are part of the Wenner Collection, one of the recent big additions to the Niels Bohr Library & Archives, received in 2018. As a cataloger, I explore every item from this collection, and I strive to make the book or serial description as comprehensive, relevant, and useful for our researchers as possible.

Many of the books in this collection are rare, old, and hard to find and read outside of libraries. However, among the books in the Wenner Collection, there are some that are discoverable in later publications. They are enjoyable as companions for our leisure time, or serve as sources for contemplation and comparison with our personal point of view. One of these books is Essays in Humanism (1950) by Albert Einstein, a book which is currently available in print and as an eBook version in bookstores or on the Internet Archive website . The essays in this book were written between 1931 and 1950, during the aftershock of The Great Depression.

The scope of Einstein’s Essays in Humanism is wide, and the richness of the language is delightful. The expressed opinions reveal the point of view of this encyclopedic humanist who is thinking about the world in many dimensions. Einstein’s other popular essays are collected in The World As I See It (1931), Essays in Science (1934), and The Theory of Relativity and Other Essays (1996, ©1950). The Center for History of Physics has a special virtual exhibit  on Einstein's opinions and his contributions to humanity.

Whenever we have time to read a book beyond a specific research purpose, perhaps for inspiration or just to refresh our minds, Einstein’s Essays in Humanism (1950) are a great choice. They are exceptionally easy to read, rich in metaphoric language and clear messages revealing his social and scientific philosophy. He writes them with the full recognition that his opinions and statements related to everyday life and politics may not be popular and acceptable by some people, and that this is fine. He explains his point of view and his right as a human to have his opinion and freedom to voice it (essay “At a Gathering for Freedom of Opinion”). It is such a strong message to society that its members should actively look at what is going on and build relations between individuals that are humane, prevent hostility, and practice social justice. He analyzes the reasons for historical ethnical stereotypes and how ethnic oppression can transform into motivation for success for Jews (essay “Where Oppression Is a Stimulus”). As a naturalized citizen of the United States and a minority person, he presents his opinion on slavery and racial inequality (“The Negro Question”). As a physicist, he points to the importance of science in prevention of new world conflict (“Atomic War or Peace”).

In one of his very short essays, only half a page (“International Security”), he sees a reason for an active role of the United States in “building up an international court of arbitration” (p.76, Essays in Humanism ), and solving international disputes. In some other politically flavored essays in the same book, Einstein's statements challenged the people of his time, and they provide food-for-thought for readers today as well, for example his reflections on socialism (“Why Socialism?”). However, there are many other essays on the impact of education and scientific discoveries on human life which are very popular. For example, several of the essays in the book are Einstein’s reflections on great minds in different areas of science and political life (Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Max Planck, Mahatma Gandhi, Carl von Ossietzky, etc.) All these essays present Einstein’s views on the world, on peace, on relations between nations, on majorities and minorities (racism and anti-Semitism), on how much we depend on society and science. These essays show that indeed Einstein was thinking and living his life among real people. He was one of the intellectuals of his time to see, analyze, and speak freely about various world issues.

Front cover of Essays in Humanism by Albert Einstein, 1950.

Front cover of Essays in Humanism by Albert Einstein, 1950.

If you read the essays in this book, you will be amazed to see how little the world has changed since the 1940s. Still the same issues, still the same challenges to humanity. Human nature is changing very slowly. We may need to learn faster from political, social, and science history.

I want to mention one more of these essays which has a strong connection to the current pandemic situation. In “The Menace of Mass Destruction,” Einstein compares the means of mass destruction with a “menacing epidemic” (p.69, Essays in Humanism ). He points out that in both situations, the fear and anxiety create aggression, and the efforts for intelligent, objective and humane thinking are “suspected and persecuted as unpatriotic” (p.69). Einstein sees a productive way to solve such a challenging situation by getting all experts together “to work out an intelligent plan to combat” the epidemic. Similar statements have been very popular recently in the media. Currently, researchers in sciences and medicine are working hard to make that happen, and hopefully, we will see the results of these efforts soon.

Einstein is a master of the essay genre. His essays have simple and powerful messages. They are a real pleasure to read. If you are trying to relax, or trying to find an inspirational quote for a given reason, this tiny volume Essays in Humanism won’t disappoint you. Reading this book is perhaps an opportunity to compare and rethink our approach to the world.

Einstein, Albert. Essays in Humanism . New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1950. Print.

Einstein, Albert. Essays in Science . New York: Philosophical Library, Inc. 1922. Print.

Popova, Maria. “7 Einstein Classics, Digitized for the First Time: What the theory of relativity has to do with world government and the ethics of nuclear proliferation.” Accessed May 27, 2020.

Gergana Kostova

albert einstein essay in assamese

Gergana Kostova  was the Rare Book Project Cataloger. She holds an advanced degree in history of literature from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria,  and a master’s of library science from the University of Maryland, College Park. She has a background in electronics and digitization. Here at the Niels Bohr Library and Archives she is cataloging rare books and serials from Wenner Collection. One of her favorite books from the library is  Sylva Sylvarum  by Francis Bacon.

Caption: Images from Sylva Sylvarum

See all articles by Gergana Kostova

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This I Believe

An ideal of service to our fellow man.

Albert Einstein

Listen to Robert Krulwich Read Einstein's Essay

albert einstein essay in assamese

Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity in 1916, profoundly affecting the study of physics and cosmology for years. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his work on the photo-electric effect. Einstein taught for many years at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Yousef Karsh hide caption

albert einstein essay in assamese

NPR's Robert Krulwich. hide caption

NPR's Robert Krulwich reads Albert Einstein's This I Believe essay, which first aired circa 1954.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious — the knowledge of the existence of something unfathomable to us, the manifestation of the most profound reason coupled with the most brilliant beauty. I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, or who has a will of the kind we experience in ourselves. I am satisfied with the mystery of life's eternity and with the awareness of — and glimpse into — the marvelous construction of the existing world together with the steadfast determination to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature. This is the basis of cosmic religiosity, and it appears to me that the most important function of art and science is to awaken this feeling among the receptive and keep it alive.

I sense that it is not the State that has intrinsic value in the machinery of humankind, but rather the creative, feeling individual, the personality alone that creates the noble and sublime.

Man's ethical behavior should be effectively grounded on compassion, nurture and social bonds. What is moral is not the divine, but rather a purely human matter, albeit the most important of all human matters. In the course of history, the ideals pertaining to human beings' behavior towards each other and pertaining to the preferred organization of their communities have been espoused and taught by enlightened individuals. These ideals and convictions — results of historical experience, empathy and the need for beauty and harmony — have usually been willingly recognized by human beings, at least in theory.

The highest principles for our aspirations and judgments are given to us westerners in the Jewish-Christian religious tradition. It is a very high goal: free and responsible development of the individual, so that he may place his powers freely and gladly in the service of all mankind.

The pursuit of recognition for their own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the quest for personal independence form the traditional themes of the Jewish people, of which I am a member.

But if one holds these high principles clearly before one's eyes and compares them with the life and spirit of our times, then it is glaringly apparent that mankind finds itself at present in grave danger. I see the nature of the current crises in the juxtaposition of the individual to society. The individual feels more than ever dependent on society, but he feels this dependence not in the positive sense — cradled, connected as part of an organic whole. He sees it as a threat to his natural rights and even his economic existence. His position in society, then, is such that that which drives his ego is encouraged and developed, and that which would drive him toward other men (a weak impulse to begin with) is left to atrophy.

It is my belief that there is only one way to eliminate these evils, namely, the establishment of a planned economy coupled with an education geared towards social goals. Alongside the development of individual abilities, the education of the individual aspires to revive an ideal that is geared towards the service of our fellow man, and that needs to take the place of the glorification of power and outer success.

Translation by David Domine. Essay courtesy of the Albert Einstein Archives at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

More 'This I Believe' Essays

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  • Start date Mar 15, 2023

albert einstein essay in assamese

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  • Mar 15, 2023


  • I have taken time off from school between high school and college.
  • I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years.
  • I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying.
  • I have taken and received credit for online science core courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics) that were taken prior to the Covid Pandemic (earlier than Spring 2020).
  • I have applied previously to medical school.
  • I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously.
  • I am/was a graduate student in the Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences of Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
  • I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend.
  • I was previously enrolled in medical school.
  • I can attest that I have fulfilled the Albert Einstein College of Medicine COMPETENCIES ( Course Requirements | M.D. Admissions | Albert Einstein College of Medicine ) for admission.
  • I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school.
  • I am presently holding a deferral from another medical / graduate / professional school.
  • I have received a grade of "F" during my college/graduate school years.
  • I have received a grade of "D" during my college/graduate school years.


  • I have received a grade of "W" during my college/graduate school years.
  • I have received a grade of "I" during my college/graduate school years.
  • As an undergraduate, I transferred from one college to another.
  • I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did NOT result in a disciplinary action.
  • I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or administrative action, expunged or not, while an undergraduate or graduate student.
  • I currently have disciplinary charges pending.
  • I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity because of alleged misconduct.
  • If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed.
  • Please provide the names of languages you speak (other than English) and indicate the fluency with which you speak them (beginner, moderate, advanced). If none, please write "NA."


  • Your PRIMARY RECOMMENDATION PACKET will be submitted by (select one):
  • If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your MAJOR and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below.
  • If you are a post-Baccalaureate student (not a master’s degree student), a letter or statement of “Good Standing” must be submitted either from your undergraduate college or university, or included in your post-bac letter. Please indicate which of the two applies to you, and the name, title, and school from which the letter has been submitted. If no letter or statement has been submitted, please indicate when such a letter or statement will be uploaded to the AMCAS Letter Writer. If this does not apply to you, please write “NA.”
  • Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?
  • If you have an Undergraduate Pre-Professional Advisory Committee at your college or university, and have chosen NOT to request a letter from that Committee, please tell us why not.


  • Have you worked in basic or clinical research at Einstein/Montefiore?
  • Have you participated in an Einstein/Montefiore Pipeline (Pathway) Program during high school, college or after?
  • Have you ever volunteered at Einstein/Montefiore in one of our clinical areas, other than research or a Pipeline Program?
  • If you answered "yes" that you have worked with us here at Einstein/Montefiore, will a letter from an Einstein/Montefiore faculty member be included in your evaluations?


  • Do you have a family member who is a current employee (non-faculty) of an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  • Do you have a SIBLING who is currently enrolled as an Einstein medical or graduate student?
  • Do you have a family member who is currently a Faculty member at an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  • Do you have a family member who is an Einstein Alumnus (MD, MSTP or PhD degree only)? Please do not include names of relatives who have only completed residency training here.


  • What unique life experiences, personal attributes and/or perspectives will you bring as part of the incoming class? Are there particular challenges or successes that you have encountered? If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.”


  • Please use this space to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know. If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.”
  • In the list below and in the following question, please indicate the field(s) of your prior research experience. Check all that apply.
  • Please describe briefly the field(s) in which you plan to pursue your future research. We are looking for the big picture, Aging, Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Immunology, etc., not the specific focus. (250c)
  • Please list your previous scientific presentations and abstracts. List all authors, abstract titles, name of meeting, and date of meeting. List each meeting on a separate line. Please do not include the text of the abstract. (9999c)
  • Please list publications on which you are a co-author. List each on a separate line. Include names of all authors, title, journal, year of publication, and volume and page number(s). Please do not list papers that are “in preparation.” (9999c)
  • Please indicate which was your favorite course in college and why. (3000c)

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University Interview Feedback


  • Jul 1, 2023

Prewriting and am stuck: How do I answer/explain "I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school"? I graduated a year ago so yes, I have my bachelor's degree. I was just going to say "Yes" but it said answer if applicable with up to 3000 characters. Do I explain what my degree is in? Or does "yes" suffice? I know I'm overthinking this but I appreciate your response. Thanks in advance!  


Plain-spoken Texan

madamemichaelscott said: Prewriting and am stuck: How do I answer/explain "I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school"? I graduated a year ago so yes, I have my bachelor's degree. I was just going to say "Yes" but it said answer if applicable with up to 3000 characters. Do I explain what my degree is in? Or does "yes" suffice? I know I'm overthinking this but I appreciate your response. Thanks in advance! Click to expand...


  • Jul 5, 2023

If anyone has received the secondary prompts please share!  

  • Jul 11, 2023

IS secondary received  

oos secondary received  


OOS received  

coffeespin23 said: OOS received Click to expand...

pablo213 said: oos secondary received Click to expand...

Oos secondary received  

So there's a ton of questions about one's history with 3000 characters available to explain each one, if needed. Not sure if it's worthwhile to put all those on here... As for the "regular" essay questions: What unique life experiences, personal attributes and/or perspectives will you bring as part of the incoming class? Are there particular challenges or successes that you have encountered? If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.” (3000 characters) Please use this space to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know. If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.” (3000 characters) @wysdoc @doc_doc_goose  


+1 OOS secondary received  



Did anyone get a confirmation email after they submitted? I didn't, but I'm not sure how to check if they received everything outside of my headshot and secondary essays (LORs, MCAT, etc)  


A. history​, b. history continued​, c. letters of recommendation​, d. einstein/montefiore work experience​, e. einstein/montefiore family member​, f. unique life experiences​, g. anything else you would like to share with us​.

Bowel-Plumber said: +1 IS Received. It's a long one, so I'll take the L of copying and pasting. All of the prompts allow 3000 characters to explain, if applicable. @chilly_md here are the prompts: A. HISTORY​ I have taken time off from school between high school and college. I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years. I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying. I have taken and received credit for online science core courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics) that were taken prior to the Covid Pandemic (earlier than Spring 2020). I have applied previously to medical school. I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously. I am/was a graduate student in the Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences of Albert Einstein College of Medicine. I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend. I was previously enrolled in medical school. I can attest that I have fulfilled the Albert Einstein College of Medicine COMPETENCIES ( Course Requirements | M.D. Admissions | Albert Einstein College of Medicine ) for admission. I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school. I am presently holding a deferral from another medical / graduate / professional school. I have received a grade of "F" during my college/graduate school years. I have received a grade of "D" during my college/graduate school years. B. HISTORY CONTINUED​ I have received a grade of "W" during my college/graduate school years. I have received a grade of "I" during my college/graduate school years. As an undergraduate, I transferred from one college to another. I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did NOT result in a disciplinary action. I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or administrative action, expunged or not, while an undergraduate or graduate student. I currently have disciplinary charges pending. I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity because of alleged misconduct. *Some information about your parents status including their education and addresses* If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed. Please provide the names of languages you speak (other than English) and indicate the fluency with which you speak them (beginner, moderate, advanced). If none, please write "NA." C. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION​ Your PRIMARY RECOMMENDATION PACKET will be submitted by (select one): If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your MAJOR and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below. If you are a post-Baccalaureate student (not a master’s degree student), a letter or statement of “Good Standing” must be submitted either from your undergraduate college or university, or included in your post-bac letter. Please indicate which of the two applies to you, and the name, title, and school from which the letter has been submitted. If no letter or statement has been submitted, please indicate when such a letter or statement will be uploaded to the AMCAS Letter Writer. If this does not apply to you, please write “NA.” Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago? If you have an Undergraduate Pre-Professional Advisory Committee at your college or university, and have chosen NOT to request a letter from that Committee, please tell us why not. D. EINSTEIN/MONTEFIORE WORK EXPERIENCE​ Have you worked in basic or clinical research at Einstein/Montefiore? Have you participated in an Einstein/Montefiore Pipeline (Pathway) Program during high school, college or after? Have you ever volunteered at Einstein/Montefiore in one of our clinical areas, other than research or a Pipeline Program? If you answered "yes" that you have worked with us here at Einstein/Montefiore, will a letter from an Einstein/Montefiore faculty member be included in your evaluations? E. EINSTEIN/MONTEFIORE FAMILY MEMBER​ Do you have a family member who is a current employee (non-faculty) of an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital? Do you have a SIBLING who is currently enrolled as an Einstein medical or graduate student? Do you have a family member who is currently a Faculty member at an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital? Do you have a family member who is an Einstein Alumnus (MD, MSTP or PhD degree only)? Please do not include names of relatives who have only completed residency training here. F. UNIQUE LIFE EXPERIENCES​ What unique life experiences, personal attributes and/or perspectives will you bring as part of the incoming class? Are there particular challenges or successes that you have encountered? If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.” G. ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH US?​ Please use this space to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know. If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.” Click to expand...


Are the last two essays truly optional? I am a ORM with a pretty normal life/application and don't want to hurt myself by trying to make myself sound more unique just to have something written down  

acceptmeplz132435 said: Are the last two essays truly optional? I am a ORM with a pretty normal life/application and don't want to hurt myself by trying to make myself sound more unique just to have something written down Click to expand...



+1 OOS Secondary Received. Has anyone else had trouble finding where to upload the headshot/photo? All I could see was the main app with all the essays, etc.  

burreanbito said: +1 OOS Secondary Received. Has anyone else had trouble finding where to upload the headshot/photo? All I could see was the main app with all the essays, etc. Click to expand...


pablo213 said: there should be a section right above the main app when you log in Click to expand...

Thanks for taking the time to include all the questions @ Bowel-Plumber . And thanks @SailboatJ for sharing the MSTP specific-prompts.  

nanopoison4 said: forgive my blindness, but I can't seem to find it either. could you post a screenshot? Click to expand...


OreoLover365 said: Did anyone get a confirmation email after they submitted? I didn't, but I'm not sure how to check if they received everything outside of my headshot and secondary essays (LORs, MCAT, etc) Click to expand...


I filled out all the questions, but I cannot hit the submit button?  

parasaurolophus said: I filled out all the questions, but I cannot hit the submit button? Click to expand...
pablo213 said: Well its below now but i swear it was above it before I uploaded my pic Click to expand...
  • Jul 12, 2023

Is anyone having an issue where they select an option from the dropdown boxes but it doesn't fill? Edit: only had this issue on Safari, resolved when switching to chrome. Leaving up in case this is helpful for anyone else.  



for "If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed"--is it fair game to talk about non-paid employment, ie working in a research lab on a volunteer basis?  

moonshapedpooll said: for "If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed"--is it fair game to talk about non-paid employment, ie working in a research lab on a volunteer basis? Click to expand...
burreanbito said: Has anyone else had trouble finding where to upload the headshot/photo? All I could see was the main app with all the essays, etc. Click to expand...


"I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying." For this question, do we answer it only if it's already been a year since graduating, or does it apply to anyone who is taking a gap year at all? Edit: also lol, does this application not let you save in the middle of it? Do you have to submit it all at once?!  

confusedcurls said: "I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying." For this question, do we answer it only if it's already been a year since graduating, or does it apply to anyone who is taking a gap year at all? Edit: also lol, does this application not let you save in the middle of it? Do you have to submit it all at once?! Click to expand...



Anyone else have to fill out this app like 3 times before you were able to submit?  

burreanbito said: I took it to mean that you should answer it if you graduated ~May 2023 or earlier. Also, my app seemed to autosave -- I closed out of it multiple times and all my essays and responses were still there when I returned. YMMV Click to expand...


If I previously applied to medical school but not to Albert Einstein, do I still have to say yes to the I have previously applied to medical school question?  

"I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying." If I'm in a research-heavy master's program, can I use this question to address the work research I'm doing, as well as other volunteer activities? Was going to use this space as a "gap year" essay, but technically I'm not taking time off from school since I'm in a masters...  

SailboatJ said: "I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying." If I'm in a research-heavy master's program, can I use this question to address the work research I'm doing, as well as other volunteer activities? Was going to use this space as a "gap year" essay, but technically I'm not taking time off from school since I'm in a masters... Click to expand...

Just to clarify, for the prompts answered as "yes", do we think it would be better to go with a larger essay (using the space of 3000 characters), or just be brief? Not sure how everyone else was going about this, thanks!  

KodakFat said: Just to clarify, for the prompts answered as "yes", do we think it would be better to go with a larger essay (using the space of 3000 characters), or just be brief? Not sure how everyone else was going about this, thanks! Click to expand...

is anyone using the "anything else" for a "why us?"  

moonshapedpooll said: is anyone using the "anything else" for a "why us?" Click to expand...
  • Jul 13, 2023
pablo213 said: I never know whether to fill it out. Some people say to leave it blank unless you have something especially exceptional to say and others don't... Click to expand...

Did you guys receive a confirmation email after submitting the application? I received neither a receipt of my payment nor of my application's completion  

confusedcurls said: Did you guys receive a confirmation email after submitting the application? I received neither a receipt of my payment nor of my application's completion Click to expand...


For the Post-Bac student letter of good standing prompt: I completed my undergrad with all pre-med reqs, but I'm taking one undergrad bio class this fall as a non-degree seeking student since I'm nontrad and want more recent bio. It's not a Post-Bac program, but would this make me a "Post-Bac student" by Einstein's standards?  



Uhhh who the heck has 40 credits of humanities?  

anon16985342 said: Uhhh who the heck has 40 credits of humanities? Click to expand...
sunshine_99 said: For the Post-Bac student letter of good standing prompt: I completed my undergrad with all pre-med reqs, but I'm taking one undergrad bio class this fall as a non-degree seeking student since I'm nontrad and want more recent bio. It's not a Post-Bac program, but would this make me a "Post-Bac student" by Einstein's standards? Click to expand...
mickeymice said: I think that question is designed for people in a formal post-bacc program. I do not think you need anything, but you can always email their admissions department, they are very helpful. Click to expand...

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Essays In Science

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Book Source: Digital Library of India Item 2015.502402 Einstein, Albert 2015-09-26T03:11:06Z 2015-09-26T03:11:06Z 2006/07/23 1934 dc.identifier.barcode: 04990010256205 dc.identifier.origpath: /data4/upload/0108/917 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scannerno: SCL_01 dc.description.scanningcentre: C-DAK, Kolkata dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 130 dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf dc.language.iso: Unknown dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India dc.publisher: The Wisdom Library, New York dc.rights: In Public Domain dc.source.library: Dr. Meghnad Saha Collection dc.subject.classification: Natural Sciences dc.subject.classification: Generalities About Pure Sciences dc.subject.classification: Generalities About Pure Sciences dc.subject.keywords: Theoretical Physics dc.subject.keywords: Theory of Relativity dc.subject.keywords: Physics dc.title: Essays In Science dc.type: Print - Paper dc.type: Book

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  3. Albert Einstein at School Assamese summary || Albert Einstein সাৰাংশ

    albert einstein essay in assamese

  4. জীৱনত উন্নতি কৰিবলৈ এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ 12 টা উক্তি || Albert Einstein

    albert einstein essay in assamese

  5. Biography of Albert Einstein in Assamese

    albert einstein essay in assamese

  6. What was in Einsteins Brain

    albert einstein essay in assamese


  1. আইনষ্টাইনৰ ঠাই এইটো

  2. Albert Einstein essay by maahi😊

  3. Essay on mahatma gandhi in Assamese mahatma gandhi par nibandh in assamese

  4. Literature of Assam Part 1


  6. Short note on assam in English


  1. Albert Einstein Biography in Assamese

    Albert Einstein Biography in Assamese | এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ জীৱনী ... Albert Einstein Biography History Quotes In Hindi. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * ... Student Essay in Assamese; Temples of Assam; Uncategorized; Yojana ...

  2. Albert Einstein Biography in Assamese /এলবাৰ্ট ...

    In this video I discussed the full life story of Albert Einstein. তথ্য সংগ্ৰহ - ইন্টাৰনেট আৰু ...

  3. Essay On Albert Einstein in English for Students

    500 Words Essay On Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was a physicist who is responsible for developing the famous general theory of relativity. Furthermore, he is one of the most influential and celebrated scientists of the 20th century. Let's take a look at the life and achievements of this genius with the essay on Albert Einstein.

  4. Essay on Albert Einstein

    500 Words Essay on Albert Einstein. Einstein was one of the founding members of the German Democratic Party in 1918. He was critical of capitalism and was a socialist. Impressed by Mahatma Gandhi, Einstein described him as a role model for future generations and exchanged written letters with him. Einstein was totally in support of non-violence ...

  5. Albert Einstein Secondary Application

    Albert Einstein Secondary Essay Prompts (If you have updated prompts, please submit them at Prompts have been updated June 2023. (Older essays, if available are below) Prompts: I have taken time off from school between high school and college. (3000 characters) I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years.

  6. Books in Assamese

    The earliest specimens extant of Assamese literature are the folk-songs called Bihugeet, pastoral ballads, and aphorisms call ed Dak's Yachans dealing with agriculture and weather. The early literature is divided into pre-Vaishnavite (a.D. 1200—1450.) and Vaishnavite (A.D. 1450—1650) periods. The recorded literature in Assamese begins with Hem

  7. Albert Einstein as an Influential Scientist Essay

    Albert Einstein was one of the most influential scientists of all time. Born in Germany in 1879, Einstein was known for his remarkable curiosity and love for exploration from a very young age. This passion for discovery ultimately led him to science and mathematics, which he pursued throughout his academic career.

  8. Albert Einstein Essay for Students in English

    Conclusion. Albert Einstein was one of the best scientists, mathematicians, and physicists of the 20th century. In the early twentieth century, Albert Einstein formulated theories that changed the thinking of physicists and non-specialists alike. He will always be remembered for his law of photoelectric effect and mass-energy equivalence formula.

  9. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Germany—died April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.) was a German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

  10. Albert Einstein

    Einstein's Early Life (1879-1904) Born on March 14, 1879, in the southern German city of Ulm, Albert Einstein grew up in a middle-class Jewish family in Munich.

  11. Essays in humanism : Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

    The world recognizes that Albert Einstein, the outstanding scientist of the twentieth century, was fifty years ahead of his time. ... These Essays in Humanism (1931-1950) are more relevant today than when he conceived them. We feel privileged to offer them to the public with hardly any editorial change - a moving document of the workings of a ...

  12. List of scientific publications by Albert Einstein

    First page from Einstein's manuscript explaining general relativity.. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a renowned theoretical physicist of the 20th century, best known for his theories of special relativity and general relativity.He also made important contributions to statistical mechanics, especially his treatment of Brownian motion, his resolution of the paradox of specific heats, and his ...

  13. An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It

    The text of Albert Einstein's copyrighted essay, "The World As I See It," was shortened for our Web exhibit. The essay was originally published in "Forum and Century," vol. 84, pp. 193-194, the thirteenth in the Forum series, Living Philosophies . It is also included in Living Philosophies (pp. 3-7) New York: Simon Schuster, 1931.

  14. Einstein and Humanism

    One of these books is Essays in Humanism (1950) by Albert Einstein, a book which is currently available in print and as an eBook version in bookstores or on the Internet Archive website. The essays in this book were written between 1931 and 1950, during the aftershock of The Great Depression. The scope of Einstein's Essays in Humanism is wide ...

  15. Albert Einstein

    Signature. Albert Einstein ( / ˈaɪnstaɪn / EYEN-styne; [4] German: [ˈalbɛɐt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn] ⓘ; 14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, Einstein also made ...

  16. An Ideal of Service to Our Fellow Man : NPR

    NPR's Robert Krulwich reads Albert Einstein's This I Believe essay, which first aired circa 1954.. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious — the knowledge of the existence ...

  17. Albert Einstein Critical Essays

    Albert Einstein 1879-1955. German-born American physicist and philosopher. Einstein is generally acknowledged as the preeminent scientist of the twentieth century who challenged and disproved ...

  18. Annus mirabilis papers

    Einstein in 1904 or 1905, about the time he wrote the annus mirabilis papers. The annus mirabilis papers (from Latin annus mīrābilis, "miracle year") are the four papers that Albert Einstein published in Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics), a scientific journal, in 1905.These four papers were major contributions to the foundation of modern physics.They revolutionized science's ...

  19. 2023-2024 Einstein

    24. Mar 15, 2023. #1. 2023-2024 Einstein Secondary Prompts (you "could" use 3000 characters for any that need explaining, but the essays everyone "should" probably use are F and G.) **Note, many of these are only to be filled out if it applies to you or they just want basic details as opposed to essays.**.

  20. Albert Einstein's notable contributions to science

    Albert Einstein's most important contribution to science was his development of the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 and subsequent 1915 development of his Theory of General Relativity.

  21. Essays In Science : Einstein, Albert : Free Download, Borrow, and

    Book Source: Digital Library of India Item Einstein,

  22. Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, 1921. Albert Einstein's religious views have been widely studied and often misunderstood. Albert Einstein stated "I believe in Spinoza's God". He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings, a view which he described as naïve. He clarified, however, that, "I am not an atheist", preferring to call himself an agnostic, or a ...

  23. Download [EPUB] Essays in Humanism By Albert Einstein on ...

    Listen to this episode from My Blog » Harri9432Wheeler on Spotify. download EPub Essays in Humanism by Albert Einstein on Audible Full Volumes Read EPUB Essays in Humanism by Albert Einstein is a great book to read and thats why I recommend reading or downloading ebook Essays in Humanism for free in any format with visit the link button below.

  24. Mileva Marić

    Mileva Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић, pronounced [milěːva mǎːritɕ]; 19 December 1875 - 4 August 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein (Милева Марић-Ајнштајн, Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn), was a Serbian physicist and mathematician.She showed intellectual aptitude from a young age and studied at Zürich Polytechnic in a highly male dominated ...