TOEFL Essay Question Types –  Compare and Contrast

The lists of ' Compare and Contrast' TOEFL Independent Writing topics below will help you prepare for this type of question on your exam. Look at questions in the following four categories as well, to be prepared for all the types of TOEFL essays.

  • Agree or Disagree
  • Description / Explanation
  • If / Imaginary

1. It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

2. When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.

3. Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.

4. Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

5. A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either:

to go on vacation to buy a car

Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

6. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

7. Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.

8. You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.


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1 September 2023

5 minutes read

TOEFL Writing: A Guide to Compare and Contrast Essays in 2023


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction

The TOEFL writing section can be intimidating for many test-takers, especially when it comes to writing compare-and-contrast essays. This type of essay is common in the TOEFL independent writing section, and it’s crucial to understand its structure and requirements.

In this guide, we will focus on the compare and contrast essay, TOEFL writing questions, and essay topics, and provide writing samples and test resources to help you prepare for your TOEFL test in 2023.

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  • What is a Compare and Contrast Essay in TOEFL Writing?

Defining the Compare and Contrast Essay

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires you to identify the similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas. In the TOEFL writing section, particularly the TOEFL independent writing part, you’ll often find this type of essay. It requires analytical thinking and a well-structured format to convey your understanding effectively.

Importance in TOEFL Writing Section

The TOEFL writing section has two main tasks: integrated writing and independent writing. The compare and contrast essay mainly appears in the TOEFL independent writing task, where you need to form and articulate your own thoughts.

Mastering this type of essay is vital because it not only your writing skills but also your ability to think critically and compare various elements while presenting a cohesive argument.

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  • Structure of a Compare and Contrast Essay

Understanding the structure of a compare and contrast essay is paramount for a good score in the TOEFL writing section. Here are the key elements:

  • Introductory Paragraph : Introduces the two subjects to be compared and contrasted and contains the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs : Discuss the similarities and differences.
  • Concluding Paragraph : Summarizes the main points and restates the thesis in a new light.

A Deep Dive into the Introductory Paragraph

The introductory paragraph is like a roadmap for the reader. It sets the stage for what’s to come. In the TOEFL essay, your introduction should not only present the subjects to be compared but also articulate a clear thesis statement.

The thesis statement usually comes at the end of the introductory paragraph and gives the reader an overview of what to expect in the body paragraphs. It should be specific and clear to guide the reader through your argument.

Body Paragraphs: Point-by-Point vs. Subject-by-Subject

There are two main ways to organize the body of your compare-and-contrast essay: point-by-point and subject-by-subject.

  • Point-by-Point : This method involves discussing one point of comparison or contrast at a time, alternating between the two subjects. For example, if you are comparing and contrasting two cities, you might first discuss the cost of living in each city, then move on to compare their climates, and then their cultural scenes.
  • Subject-by-Subject : This method involves discussing all the points of comparison or contrast for one subject first and then moving on to the other subject. For example, you might discuss all the points about one city first and then move on to the other city.

Both methods are acceptable, and you should choose the one that you feel most comfortable with and that best suits your essay topic.


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  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay for TOEFL

Analyze the Essay Topic

The first step to writing a great compare and contrast essay for the TOEFL is to analyze the essay topic thoroughly. Reading the essay prompt carefully is crucial to understanding what is being asked.

TOEFL essay topics for compare and contrast essays can range from comparing cities, jobs, schools, ideologies, or virtually any subject under the sun. Understanding the essence of the question can give you an upper hand in drafting a compelling essay.

Plan Your Essay

Once you have a good understanding of the essay topic, the next step is planning. A well-planned essay is like a well-executed game plan in sports; it sets you up for success.

Outline the main points you want to discuss and the examples you will use to support your points. You may also want to decide whether you’ll use a point-by-point or subject-by-subject structure for the body paragraphs. Planning will save you time and make the writing process much more straightforward.

Use Specific Reasons and Examples

The TOEFL writing section expects you to use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. This means that your essay should be grounded in concrete facts and not just abstract ideas.

For instance, if you are comparing two policies, it’s not enough to say that one policy is better than the other; you must provide concrete examples and reasons why one is better. This could be statistics, historical events, or any other factual information that supports your argument.

  • Sample Essays and Writing Samples

Where to Find Sample Essays

Sample essays can be invaluable resources for preparing for the TOEFL writing test. They provide insights into the essay structure, the type of language used, and the level of detail expected.

You can find these resources on the ETS website, which is the organization that administers the TOEFL test. Other test resources for sample essays can be found in TOEFL preparation books, online forums, and educational websites focused on TOEFL preparation.

How to Use Writing Samples Effectively

Just finding writing samples is not enough; you must know how to use them effectively. When you look at a sample essay, don’t just read it passively.

Instead, analyze its structure, the thesis statement, the topic sentences, and the types of supporting details and examples used. Then, try to apply these insights when you write your own essays. Practice makes perfect, and the more you write, the more natural it will become.

  • Mastering the TOEFL Writing Section in 2023

Updated Test Resources for 2023

The TOEFL test evolves over time, and so do the test resources. In 2023, new types of questions and topics may be introduced. Always make sure you’re using the most current test resources to prepare for the TOEFL writing questions. You can keep up-to-date by visiting the official ETS website or following reputable TOEFL preparation websites and online forums.

Leveraging Technology for TOEFL Preparation

The modern world provides several digital tools that can aid your TOEFL preparation, particularly in mastering compare and contrast essays. Various mobile apps can guide you through the entire process of essay writing, offering real-time feedback.

Moreover, there are online courses solely focused on TOEFL writing, providing a detailed walkthrough of each type of essay, including compare and contrast essays.

Writing a great compare and contrast essay for the TOEFL test is both an art and a science. It requires a good understanding of the essay structure, impeccable writing skills, and the ability to think critically.

By analyzing the essay topic, planning your essay, using specific reasons and examples, and revising diligently, you can master this type of essay. With focused effort and the right resources, you can improve your TOEFL writing score in 2023.

What is a compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires you to identify the similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas.

What is the structure of a compare and contrast essay?

A typical structure includes an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.

How can I practice writing compare and contrast essays for the TOEFL test?

You can practice by analyzing sample essays and writing your own. Online platforms and TOEFL preparation books are excellent resources for this.

What are the latest test resources for TOEFL writing in 2023?

Always make sure you’re using the most current test resources, which can be found on the official ETS website and other reputable TOEFL preparation platforms.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction
  • • What is a Compare and Contrast Essay in TOEFL Writing?
  • • Structure of a Compare and Contrast Essay
  • • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay for TOEFL
  • • Sample Essays and Writing Samples
  • • Mastering the TOEFL Writing Section in 2023
  • • Conclusion

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TOEFL Prep Online Guides and Tips

13 toefl writing topics to help you practice for the exam.

compare and contrast essay topics toefl

 On the TOEFL Writing section, you’ll be expected to plan and write two essays. But what are those supposed to be about? What types of TOEFL Writing topics will you see?

In order to be well prepared and confident on test day, you’ll need thorough understanding of the types of TOEFL essay topics you could see on the exam.  This guide gives in-depth explanations of every type of TOEFL Writing topic you might see, how to approach different types of prompts, and what your essays are expected to include. We end with a set of 13 unique sample essay prompts, including both TOEFL Independent Writing prompts and Integrated Writing prompts so that you can prepare with high-quality practice problems.

An Introduction to the TOEFL Writing Topics

The TOEFL Writing section is 50 minutes long and contains two tasks: Integrated Writing and Independent Writing. It’s the fourth and final section of the exam. After this you’re done! You’ll type both essays on the computer, but you can use scratch paper to jot down notes and plan out your essays.

In the next two sections, we’ll explain the format of the two Writing tasks and give an official sample question, along with an analysis of the common types of topics and strategies for doing well on each task.

TOEFL Integrated Writing Topics

The Integrated Writing task requires you to use listening, reading, and writing skills. For this task, you’ll have three minutes to read a short passage, then you will listen to a short (approximately two-minute long) audio clip of a speaker discussing the same topic the written passage covers.  You’ll need to write an essay that references both of these sources in order to answer the question. You won’t discuss your own opinion for this essay.

During the writing time, you’ll be able to look at the written passage again, but you won’t be able to re-hear the audio clip. You’ll be able to take notes while you listen to it though.

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  • Writing Time: 20 minutes
  • Suggested Essay Length: 150-225 words

Official Integrated Writing Prompt Sample

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In an effort to encourage ecologically sustainable forestry practices, an international organization started issuing certificates to wood companies that meet high ecological standards by conserving resources and recycling materials. Companies that receive this certification can attract customers by advertising their products as “ecocertified.” However, it is unlikely that wood companies in the United States will do the same, for several reasons.

First, American consumers are exposed to so much advertising that they would not value or even pay attention to the ecocertification label. Because so many mediocre products are labelled as “new” or “improved,” American consumers do not place much trust in advertising claims in general.

Second, ecocertified wood will be more expensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn ecocertification, a wood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification agency. This additional cost gets passed on to consumers. American consumers tend to be strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are likely to choose cheaper uncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer to keep their prices low rather than obtain ecocertification.

Third, although some people claim that it always makes good business sense for American companies to keep up with the developments in the rest of the world, this argument is not convincing. Pursuing certification would make sense for American wood companies only if they marketed most of their products abroad. But this is not the case– American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States, catering to a very large customer base that is satisfied with the merchandise.

Directions: Below is the transcript.

Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

Professor: Well, despite what many people say, there’s good reason to think that many American wood companies will eventually seek ecocertification for their wood products. First off, consumers in the United States don’t treat all advertising the same. They distinguish between advertising claims that companies make about their own products and claims made by independent certification agencies. Americans have a lot of confidence in independent consumer agencies. Thus, ecologically minded Americans are likely to react very favorably to wood products ecologically certified  by an independent organization with an international reputation for trustworthiness.

Second point–of course it’s true that American consumers care a lot about price– who doesn’t? But studies of how consumers make decisions show that price alone determines consumers’ decisions only when the price of one competing product is much higher or lower than another. When the price difference between the two products is small–say, less than five percent, as is the case with certified wood– Americans often do choose on factors other than price. And Americans are becoming increasingly convinced of the value of preserving and protecting the environment.

And third, US wood companies should definitely pay attention to what’s going on in the wood business internationally, not because of foreign consumers, but because of foreign competition. As I just told you, there’s a good chance that many American consumers will be interested in ecocertified products. And guess what, if American companies are slow at capturing those customers, you can be sure that foreign companies will soon start crowding into the American market, offering ecocertified wood that domestic companies don’t.

Directions: Give yourself 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response is judged on the quality of the writing and how well it presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. You may view the reading passage while you respond.

RESPONSE TIME: 20 minutes

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

What to Expect From TOEFL Integrated Writing Topics

The written passage and audio recording can be on pretty much any subject, but the good news is that all the prompts for the Integrated Writing Task are pretty similar. They usually ask you to summarize the points made in the lecture and compare/contrast them to points made in the reading passage.

You won’t be discussing your own opinion during this essay, instead you’ll be taking information from both the lecture and reading and analyzing it.

How to Approach the Integrated Writing Task

Before you even begin the essay, you should take good notes on the key points of the reading passage and the audio clip. Your notes should be especially good for the audio clip since you won’t be able to hear it again. Using your notes as reference, your essay should recap each of the main points made in the audio clip. For each point you should clearly describe how it contrasts with or challenges points from the reading passage.

Also, remember to use specific examples to strengthen your essay. Refer back to your notes and the reading passage if need be.  However, don’t just copy portions of the audio clip or passage into your essay; that doesn’t show your English skills. Always rewrite the main ideas in your own words. Again, remember that you shouldn’t be including your own opinion in this essay. Stick only to what the reading passage and audio clip cover.


TOEFL Independent Writing Topics

For the Independent Writing task, you’ll receive a question on a particular topic or issue. You’ll need to write a response to that topic that explains your opinion, and you’ll also need to give reasons and examples that support your opinion.

  • Writing Time: 30 minutes
  • Suggested Essay Length: At least 300 words

Official Independent Writing Prompt Sample

Directions: Read the question below. Give yourself 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

What to Expect From TOEFL Independent Writing Topics

TOEFL Independent Writing topics generally fit into one of three categories. There are example problems for each of these categories in the next section.

Type 1: Agree or Disagree

This is the most common prompt type for the Independent Writing Task, and the sample question above is an example of it. For this type of prompt, you’ll be presented with two sides of an argument. You’ll need to pick one side and give specific reasons and examples that support your opinion.

Type 2: Explain Both Sides

This is similar to the first type of prompt, except you’ll be discussing both sides, rather than choosing one you think is best.  Many times these types of prompts will ask you to compare the advantages and disadvantages of an issue and give examples to support your statements.

If the sample question above followed this type of format, the prompt would be something like this: “Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of allowing television advertising to be directed toward young children (aged two to five). Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

Type 3: Pick a Stance From Many Options

This category is rarer, but you still may see it on TOEFL Writing. The TOEFL Independent Writing topics give   you a broad topic with many possible opinions and ask for your stance on it.

If the sample question followed this type of format, the prompt would be similar to: “Which age group do you believe the majority of television advertising should be directed towards? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

How to Approach the Independent Writing Task

Depending on the type of prompt you receive, you’ll either choose an opinion (from two options or many options) or explain both sides of an issue. For this essay, each paragraph should be devoted to making one main point, and each point should be supported with specific reasons and examples to back it up. If you’re being asked to describe your opinion, make it clear within the first paragraph of your essay. There should be no doubt as to how you feel about the topic.

Also, even though ETS states that a 300-word essay is the “recommended minimum” length for this task, don’t feel like you need to write hundreds of words after you reach the 300 mark in order to get a high score. Longer isn’t always better. It’s very possible (and common) for Independent Writing essays that are only 300 words or slightly longer to receive high scores.


Sample TOEFL Writing Topics

Completing practice essays and becoming more familiar with the types of questions you could be asked is a key part of preparing for TOEFL Writing. There numerous practice TOEFL questions available , but you’ll likely want more to practice with.

To help you out, we’ve come up with 13  practice TOEFL Writing topics for both the Integrated and Independent Writing Tasks.  Remember that on the real exam the conversations for the Integrated Writing Tasks would be audio recordings that you’d be listening to as opposed to reading.

TOEFL Independent Writing Topics

#1: agree or disagree prompt.

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When people solve problems as a group, they come up with better solutions that if they were to try to solve the problem individually. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All children should be required to take a foreign language class from the time they start school until they begin university. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made it easier for people to connect on a deeper level. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Some people believe school cafeterias should stop selling soft drinks and other high-sugar drinks, while others think students should have a choice in what they drink. Which option do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

#2: Explain Both Sides Prompt

  • Some high school students are delaying college for a year in order to take a gap year where pursue other opportunities such as work or travel. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of gap years. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of requiring college freshman to complete at least a year of college classes before selecting a major versus having them choose right away. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city versus living in a small town. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of studying on your own versus studying with a group of people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

#3: Pick a Stance From Many Options

  • Imagine that there is a large piece of vacant land in your town. What is the best way to make use of it? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • What do you believe is the most important problem facing the world today? Why is it the most important? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • If you could learn one new skill you’ve never had the opportunity to try before, what skill would it be? Explain your choice by using specific reasons and examples.
  • What are the main qualities of a good boss? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

TOEFL Integrated Writing Topic

Directions: Read the following passage and the lecture that follows. On the real TOEFL, you’ll have three minutes to read the passage. Then, answer the question below.

Reading Passage

Driverless cars are increasingly being seen as the way of the future. They will eliminate many of the hassles and dangers associated with traditional driving and pave the way for this new technology to become commonplace.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of driverless cars is that they will drastically cut down on human error that results in millions of people being injured or killed every year in car accidents. Driverless cars won’t forget to notice a stop sign, get distracted while texting, not notice the car up ahead has slowed down, or any other of a myriad of driver errors that occur every day. Once driverless cars become commonplace on our roads, thousands of lives will be saved a year.

Another benefit is that driverless cars will cut down on driving time and make commutes shorter. Cars with automated driving will travel at a more consistent and efficient rate than cars with human drivers, who tend to use the brake and gas pedals more often than necessary. Driverless cars know the exact speed to go in order to get to the destination as quickly as possible, based on speed limits, traffic, and other conditions, and the more driverless cars there are on the road, the more travel time will be reduced.

Finally, driverless cars allow people who would normally be driving to focus their attention on a task that’s more interesting and important to them. They may choose to check their emails, get absorbed in an audiobook or podcast, or enjoy a snack, among other possibilities. Having a driverless car will help former drivers make better use of their time.

Lecture Transcript

Professor: Despite the recent attention this subject has gotten in the news and on social media, driverless cars are not the world-changing technology they are being advertised as. They have significant drawbacks, and even if those are ironed out, they will still not offer all the benefits that they are advertising. First and foremost, even if every car on the street became driverless, that does not mean automobile accidents would suddenly end. Automated driving technology, like all technology can and will fail at times. In fact, even though there are few driverless cars currently on the road, they have already been associated with multiple accidents, injuries, and deaths. Automated driving will always be an imperfect technology, and it will also lack the human mind’s ability to analyze a situation and make split-second decisions which are often necessary to avoid accidents.

Another falsehood is the belief that driverless cars will make commutes significantly shorter. Driverless cars may be able to reduce a lot of the speed up/hit the brakes patterns human drivers engage in, however, driverless cars cannot do anything to change speed limits, road conditions, traffic, or other factors that contribute to commute times. As such, any reductions in driving times will be small, at best.

And third, many people believe that, with driverless cars, drivers won’t need to pay attention to the road at all. They’ll be free to watch a movie or read a book while driving! However, this is completely false. The person sitting in the driver’s seat of an automated driving vehicle will still need to pay attention to the road at all times in order to be alert for any situations where they need to override the automated driving technology. This means that, not only will driverless cars mean drivers can do something else while in the car, they’ll have to suffer through the boredom of passively watching their car make all the decisions without taking their eyes off the road.

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Review: What Will You See on TOEFL Writing Topics?

Knowing what to expect from the TOEFL essay topics will go a long way towards helping you write high-scoring essays. There are two essays on this section, the Integrated Writing Task and the Independent Writing Task. Integrated Writing topics provide you with an article to read and a lecture or conversation to listen to and then ask you to combine information from the two. TOEFL Independent Writing topics simply give you an idea or theory and ask for your perspective on it.

Completing practice essays will help you become better at understanding and answering TOEFL Writing topics. You should practice writing appropriately long responses that clearly outline your thoughts and support them with specific details.

What’s Next?

Looking for more information on the TOEFL Writing section? Learn all the tips you need to know in order to ace TOEFL Writing!

Want more tips on how to prepare for TOEFL Writing questions? Check out our guide to the best ways to practice for TOEFL Writing!

Looking for a great TOEFL prep book?  A good prep book can be the most important study tool you use, and we have information on all the best TOEFL prep books you should consider.

Ready to improve your TOEFL score by 15 points?

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Author: Christine Sarikas

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries. View all posts by Christine Sarikas

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127 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

13 December, 2020

13 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Crafting a compare and contrast essay is typically much more interesting and fun than working on a dissertation. With this piece of writing, a student gets his chance to be creative. Besides, one doesn’t have to re-invent the bicycle: these essays already have a purpose and a topic. All you have to do is find similarities or differences between specific notions. And yes, there is one more problem to it.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Half of the success of a compare and contrast essay lies in a properly-chosen topic. Now, this can be tricky.

Just think about it: would want to read a piece on a beaten topic like “Books vs. Television”? Or would you rather give a read to an unusual compare and contrast Korean and Vietnam war essay? While you know everything about the first one, the second topic actually sounds interesting.

Choosing compare and contrast essay topics can be time-consuming and daunting. However, with the guide our  essay writer prepared, you will find a great title with no problem.

By the way, if you need a reminder of what such writing looks like and what components it consists of, don’t hesitate to read our guide on  how to write a compare and contrast essay . It will help you structure and organize your knowledge in this regard.

And here is a short introduction to what this type of academic writing should really look like.

How to write a compare and contrast essay

Depending on the task you received from your tutor, in this particular academic paper you are either to compare several things or notions or contrast them.

how to write a compare and contrast essay outline

Here is what a structure of this type of writing looks like:

  • An engaging opening with a “hook.”
  • A thesis statement that explains what is the focus of your writing and whether you’ll be comparing or contrasting the notions.
  • If you don’t know  how to write a thesis statement , here is a guide that will explain you all the details step by step.
  • An argument #1 that supports the thesis statement.
  • Evidence proving the author’s position.
  • A short conclusion.
  • A short reminder of a problem described in the essay.
  • A brief overview of the similarities or differences (aka supporting arguments).
  • A call to action or a interesting question to the audience.

Any A-grade essay would follow this structure. Thus, if you aim to receive better grades, consider taking this structure into account.

Meanwhile, as a student you get tons of other writing assignments. If you’re currently struggling with choosing good  argumentative essay topics , don’t hesitate to take a look at our recent guide!

Finally, let’s dive into the search. After all, this is a key to crafting an excellent piece.

What makes good compare and contrast essay topics

Several factors make some topics your best option compared to the rest.

No matter how great the topic of your choice is, the target audience can sense when you genuinely care about what you are writing, and when you’re simply following the structure with no personal interest in the subject. If you write yawning and find it hard to find any evidence to support your position, chances are you’ve chosen a wrong topic. A compare and contrast dog and cat essay might be a good topic for a person deeply loving these furry little creatures. But someone not that much into domestic animals won’t be able to write a single line of an essay comparing dogs and cats. So, choose your topic wisely.

Availability of trusted sources.

In some cases, you have to use trusted sources to prove your point. Otherwise, your position might seem biased and subjective. That is why we strongly recommend you to check whether the compare and contrast essay titles you opted can be supported by evidence found at the trusted sources.

Recommendation of a tutor.

Last but not least, ask for recommendations. With years of experience under his belt, your tutor might have an eye for great topics. So, why not using his experience for your own good? Besides, apart from good topics suggestions, he can also provide you with great sources to explore. So, don’t lose an opportunity to make your life easier with his assistance!

Proper formatting style.

Proper formatting is hard to overestimate when it comes to A-grade essay writing. A great deal of your grade depends on it. That is why we recommend you to check out our  essay format guide to figure out what your piece should look like.

These are the criteria that help you pick a good theme for your paper. But where should you look for theme to choose from in the first place? We know the answer.

If you aren’t sure you have the time and energy to craft a piece yourself, we’re here to help.  Handmade Writing is a reliable place to order your academic papers from.

Sources of interesting topics

Basically, there are six sources students can go to these days:

  • Social media.
  • Scientific journals.

Each one of them is filled with personalities, facts, events, and locations to contrast and compare. Therefore, don’t hesitate to explore these right sources.

By the way, if you are looking for ideas or inspiration on  how to write a scholarship essay , we’ve got something for you. We’ve gathered a guide that will walk you step by step through the process of composing a good essay that’ll get you college scholarship!

compare contrast essay topics

Easy compare and contrast essay topics for college students

  • High school vs college.
  • McDonalds and Burger King: Explain how these two fast food chains similar or different from each other.
  • Public schools and homeschooling: Which do you prefer?
  • Basketball and football: Popularity, speed of play, dependency on athleticism, personal preference, etc.
  • Lamborgini vs. Bugatti.
  • Virtual vs. Augmented reality: Which technology is the future?
  • Star Wars vs. Star Trek: Which is better?
  • Communism vs. Socialism: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • American English vs British English.
  • Conventional or E-learning: What would you choose?
  • Computer and video games: Which is more fun?
  • Inner beauty and outer beauty.
  • Snapchat and Instagram: What makes them similar (different)?
  • Stalin or Hitler: Which is a bigger evil? Or what in their management style was similar?
  • Living in the big city or living in the country: What would you choose?
  • Italian vs. Spanish cuisines.
  • Active vacation in the mountains vs. passive rest by the sea.
  • Facebook vs. Twitter.
  • Windows vs. Linux.
  • Android or iOS: Which is the future?

Funny compare and contrast essay topics

  • Chandler, Joey and Ross: Which one of them is cooler?
  • Pizza or pasta: If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, which of these would you choose?
  • Batman vs. SuperMan;  Avengers vs. Justice League.
  • Soccer vs football: How are they different apart from their name?
  • Iron Man or Hulk: Which one is the best superhero of his time?
  • Michael Jackson vs. Elvis Presley.
  • George and Lennie.
  • Harry Potter vs. Ronald Weasley: One is way cooler than the other.
  • Simpsons or the South Park?
  • Eternal summer or eternal winter: Which is the least of all evil?

Historical topics

  • WW1 and WW2: Reasons, participants, number of dead and wounded, etc.
  • Renaissance and Barocco.
  • Roman and Greek mythology.
  • Crusaders vs. Saracens.
  • The European economics before and after WW2.
  • Abolition of slavery in the USA and Europe.
  • Japanese and European feudalism essay.
  • Gender roles in the Roman Empire vs Ottoman Empire.
  • British colonization and Spanish colonization.
  • Lincoln and Kennedy.
  • Reconstruction in America against the Industrial Age.
  • Mongolian Empire and Persian Empire.
  • Monaco vs Luxembourg: Countries’ history comparison.
  • Worker unions history in the USA vs. Great Britain.
  • Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great.

Compare and contrast essay between two jobs

  • Marketer vs. Digital Marketer.
  • Anthropologist vs. Philosopher vs. Psychologist
  • Software Engineer vs. Software Architect.
  • Film producer and a Film Director.
  • Working from home and working at an office.
  • Linguist and a Grammarian.
  • Developer or a Coder?
  • QA Specialist or a Test Engineer.
  • Dean or a Principal.
  • Accountant vs. Economist.
  • Journalist vs. Reporter.
  • Recruiter vs. HR Generalist.
  • Copywriter vs. Content Marketer.

Compare and contrast essay between two cultures

  • Egypt and Mesopotamia compare and contrast essay
  • Modern European and American culture.
  • Urbanism and ruralism.
  • Vegetarianism vs. pescetarianism.
  • Compare and contrast Mexico and United States essay.
  • Emo culture and gothic.
  • Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens essay.
  • Bookworms vs. Film Buffs.
  • Culture and ethnicity.
  • Christianity, Islam and Judaism essay.

Interesting topics about literature

  • Bible vs. Quran.
  • 1984 vs. Fahrenheit 451.
  • Chronicles of Narnia: Film or the book series?
  • The Great Gatsby vs. The Catcher in the Rye.
  • Fiction against non-fiction.
  • Divine Comedy vs. Paradise Lost.
  • Lord of the Rings: The book against the latest film production?
  • Expository and Persuasive writing.
  • Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings.
  • Anne Frank’s Diary vs. I am Malala.
  • Classic poetry against the modern one.
  • Paper books against the e-books: The never-ending battle.
  • Anne of Green Gables vs. Pollyanna.
  • Pride and Prejudice vs. Bridget Jones’ Diary.
  • Bronte sisters vs. Jane Austen.
  • Drama and Comedy.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird or The Help.
  • Little Women vs. Little Men.
  • Poetry and prose: What makes them different?

Topics related to movies and cinematography

  • Wolf of Wall Street vs. Great Gatsby.
  • Main differences between European and American films.
  • Horror films and thrillers.
  • House M.D. against Grey’s Anatomy.
  • Sherlock Holmes: The old series or the new episodes?
  • Polyanna: Which is better – a film or the book?
  • Japanese horror films vs. American.
  • Home Alone 1 vs. Home Alone 4.
  • The Wizard of Oz against Gone With the Wind.
  • The Sound of Music vs. Mary Poppins.
  • Beverly Hills, 90210 or Melrose Place.
  • Friends vs. The Office.
  • Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean.
  • The Pianist or Schindler’s List.
  • Romeo and Juliet: 1968, 1996, and 2013 productions.
  • Forrest Gump or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
  • 300 or Gladiator.
  • Lord of the Rings: extended edition vs. director’s cut.
  • Ben-Hur (1959) vs. Ben-Hur (2016).
  • Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) and Prince of Egypt.
  • Dunkirk vs. Saving Private Ryan.
  • The Green Mile vs. The Shawshank Redemption.
  • Les Miserables (2012) vs. The Greatest Showman.

Music and arts-related topics

  • Beyonce vs. Rihanna.
  • Whitney Houston against Adele.
  • Britney Spears against Madonna.
  • Mona Lisa vs. Girl with a Pearl Earring.
  • Van Gogh against Picasso.
  • Impressionism against Expressionism.
  • Opera and ballet.
  • Spotify or Deezer.
  • Records or Live concerts.
  • Jazz or classical music.
  • Musical theatre vs. Play with music.
  • Renaissance and Enlightenment epochs in arts.
  • African vs. Asian art.
  • Rock music of the XX century vs. today.
  • Religious hymns and secular songs about Christmas.
  • Music people listened to in their twenties in the XX century and now.
  • Protagonist of the modern pop music culture and that of the 1960s.

We guarantee that you can easily find a good title among the ones we suggested. If you find it hard to compose a good compare and contrast essay even after choosing one of our topics, don’t hesitate to us a line asking for help.

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80 TOEFL Writing Topics

The 80 TOEFL writing topics on this web page focus on the most common question types found on the writing section of the TOEFL exam: agree/disagree, multiple choice, preference, and good idea.

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80 TOEFL Writing Topics

Agree/Disagree TOEFL Writing Topics (Most Common)

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be given a modest weekly allowance for doing household chores .  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Video games are great ways to help children learn creativity . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Completing writing projects are more beneficial for students than taking multiple-choice exams . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Consumers should be forced to buy electric-powered vehicles . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be given more options to learn in groups . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major in college . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Remote learning using techologies such as Zoom is just as effectice as in-person classroom learning . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who toss trash out their car windows should be fined at least $500 . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to play sports such as soccer and basketball. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children between the ages of 5 and 18 should not be allowed to listen to sexually explicit songs. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Following China’s policy that originated in the 1970’s, families worldwide should only have one child per couple to prevent overpopulation. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Football involves too much physical contact and should be banned .  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? English grammar is one of the easiest language systems to learn . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When looking for a spouse, a person should date several people at the same time. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Middle class and rich citizens should pay at least 30% of their income to federal and state taxes so that governments can use this money to help the poor. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  Consulting tutors when students are having dfficulty with course content will help them to succeed academically. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All households should be required to conserve by using 30% less water each month. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  All children should be required to get vacccinations from illnesses such as measles, small pox, coronavirus, and polio. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A diet with little or no meat is the most healthy . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should have part time jobs while attending high school . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is always good for people to have a hobby outside of work interests . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Not everyone will succeed in life on their first try. However, they should not give up. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good listeners are much better friends that good conversationalists. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Eating 3-5 smaller meals daily is much better for the digestive system rather than eating 1-2 large meals. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All children and able-bodied adults should exercise 45 minutes daily at least five times per week. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The current accepted work week is 40 hours a week, but it should be reduced to only 30 hours. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Companies that sell junk food and sugary drinks should be prohibited from advertising their products on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who are arrested for selling drugs should not be imprisoned. Instead, they should be rehabilitated. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees should change jobs frequently in order to gain more experience . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At Christmas and at birthdays, it is always better to give than it is to receive . Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

Mutiple-Choice Style TOEFL Writing Topics (Less common)

31. Which of the following employee attributes are most important?

  • Workers should be able to get along well with others.
  • Workers who are honest will make the most contributions.
  • Workers need to always show up on time and should never leave early.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

32. Which of the following are most important  when choosing a house?

  • Close to where you work
  • Near where your children attend school
  • In a safe neighborhood away from the city

33. Which of the following is most important when deciding on a university?

  • An international reputation for research and teaching
  • A reasonably priced institution that will not indebt its study body
  • One which is located near a pristine beach

34. Which of the following is most important for someone suffering from depression?

  • Having an affectionate pet such as a dog or cat
  • Being able to interact with friends and family members regularly
  • Having accurately prescribed medication to treat the mental illness

35. Which of the following is the most important part in maintaining an orderly society?

  • A robust police department which builds relationships of trust with the public
  • Having well-funded educational systems with trained and knowledgeable teachers
  • Creating an environment in which churches have well-attended services

36.  Which of the following is most important in having an environmentally-friendly city?

  • A city with a public transportation system so extensive that private cars are not needed
  • A city which requires all residences to use solar power for at least 80% of their energy needs
  • City whose residences are required to recycle at least 50% of all water used.

37. Which of the following is the most healthy part of a person’s lifestyle?

  • Continuous cardiovascular exercise for 45 minutes daily 5 days a week
  • Eating an adundance of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Getting 8-9 hours of deep sleep nightly

38. Who would you most likely fire if you were the CEO of a large company?

  • An employee who often arrives late
  • Someone who argues a lot with other co-workers
  • A worker who doesn’t commplete his job tasks competently

39. You just received an inheritance of more than 50 million dollars, and you MUST donate 1/2 of the money to one of the following:

  • An elementary or high school

Which organization would you donate the money to? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

40. You are going into the wilderness for two weeks. Which three objects would you bring with you?

  • Matches, pocket knife, and a hat
  • Sunglasses, poncho (rainsuit), and 1/2 pound of dried meat
  • A compass, a shovel, and 2 liters of water

41. Which of the following measures would make a city safer?

  • Hiring more police officers and getting them properly trained to serve the public
  • Increasing the number of rehab facilities to help people quit using illegal drugs
  • Improving educational facilties to prevent children from dropping out of school

42. Which of the following forms of social media are most harmful to children?

43. Which of the following is the most beneficial form of exercise for adults?

  • Long-distance running

44. Which politican would you most likely vote for?

  • A candidate who will make it a priority to help the poor
  • One who lowers taxes and deregulates small businesses
  • A politician who promises to serve only one term in government

45. Which of the following animals would win in a fierce fight?

  • A 1000 kg Salt Water Crocodile
  • A 1,500 kg African hippopatamus
  • A 227 kg Siberian Tiger

46. Which of the following jobs appeal to you the most?

  • A doctor who cures infectitious diseases
  • A lawyer who represents the rights of the underpriveleged
  • An engineer who designs bridges and skyscrapers

47. Which of the following will allure more tourists to a city?

  • A mega-entertainment center such as Disneyworld
  • An abundance of trails and paved paths for bikers, runners, and walkers
  • Huge shopping complexes offering discounts on 100’s of items

48. If the death penalty were allowed in your country, which method of execution should be implemented?

  • Lethal injection
  • A firing squad
  • The electric chair

49. Which strategy is most effective when you have a lot of homework assignments?

  • Completing the assignments with other members from the class
  • Setting aside two hour blocks daily to tackle all the assignments alone
  • To prioritize by completing the most difficult assignments to the least difficult ones

50. Which of the following events would cause the most harm to our planet?

  • An eruption from a super volcanoe
  • Impact from an asteriod which is at least 10 km in diameter
  • A full-scale nuclear exchange of weapons involving the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea

Preference Style (Less common)

51. Computers are becoming more and more acceptable as tools that educators are using in classrooms. Some believe that this type of technology is useful for student learning. Others, on the other hand, believe that computers are not a required part of student learning. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

52.  Some believe that food is becoming more and more scarce. Therefore, international laws should be passed that limit couples to having only one child. Others, on the other hand, believe that there will always be plenty of food for the world’s population. As a result, no laws are needed to restrict wordwide population growth. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

53. Some believe that all types of plastic should be banned since much of this material ends up polluting our oceans. Others, on the other hand, believe plastic should not be banned since it is an essential material. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

54. Some believe consumers should have vegetarian diets. Others, on the other hand, believe that these people should also eat meat in addition to healthy amounts of fruits and vegetables. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

55. Some believe that success mostly depends on how hard someone works to achieve his goals. Others, on the other hand, believe that luck plays an important role in whether or not someone succeeds in life. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

56. Some believe that it is proper etiquette to kiss someone on a first date. Others, on the other hand, believe that a couple should not kiss the first time that they go out together. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

57. Some believe that licensed doctors should recommed herbal treatments for their patients. Others, on the other hand, believe that doctors should only be allowed to prescribe medication that has been approved by a governmental organization such as the Federal Drug Association. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

58. Some believe children should be given household chores appropriate to their age. For example, a 10-year old child could be given a chore of emptying the garbage on a daily basis. Others, on the other hand, believe children should not be given any chores so long as they spend enough time doing their homework assignments after coming home from school. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

59. Some believe that elementary and high schools should separate the genders. For instance, only boys study at some schools, whereas girls study at other schools. Others, on the other hand, believe the boys and girls should be allowed to study in the same classrooms at the same schools. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

60. Some believe that people should not marry outside of their culture and language. They believe that marriage is already difficult enough, and mixing cultures will only complicate matters further. Others, on the other hand, believe love matters more than a culture or language when it comes marriage. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

61. Some believe electric cars are viable alternatives to fossil-fuel vehicles. Others, on the other hand, believe fossil-fuel cars will always be superior in their quality and durable compared to electric cars. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

62. Some believe that action movies are the best movies to watch after a hard day’s work. Others, on the other hand, believe that they can relax more effectively by watching comedy movies. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

63. Some believe that politicians should only serve one term in office. Limiting how long politicians serve, they believe, will minimize corruption and conflicts of interest. Others, on the other hand, believe that politicians will more effectively serve their districts if they serve more than one term. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

64. Some believe that people should not be allowed to fart in public places since the offensive odor can really annoy others. Others, on the other hand, believe that there is no harm farting in public, even if people fart loudly. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

65. Some believe that goverments should allocate more money for space exploration. According to them, space exploration can lead to new discoveries and cures for infectitious diseases. Others, on the other hand, believe that govermments should reserve more money in their budgets for basic needs on Earth such as poverty, education, and healthcare. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

66. Some believe children should not be allowed to watch television since it has no educational value. Others, on the other hand, believe that television has educational value, so children should be able to watch it. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

67. Some believe human activities have caused irreversible effects of climate change. According to them, unless humans change their behaviors, the Earth could suffer an extinction level event for most animal and plant life. Others, on the other hand, believe that natural factors have had more of an effect on our climate. According to this belief, there is nothing that humans can do to alter this naturally occurring cycle that the Earth is going through. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

68. Some believe that cats make great pets by bringing comfort, compassion, and unconditional love to their owners. Others, on the other hand, believe that dogs make better pets than cats. Which pet do you think brings more satisfaction to their owners? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

69. Some believe that it is better to rent a home rather than buy one. Others, on the other hand, believe that buying a home represents a much better investment. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

70. Some important guests are coming to visit you. To get ready, some believe that the first thing to be cleaned should be the interior and exterior windows. Others, on the other hand, believe the guest bathroom and living room should be the first areas of the home to be cleaned. Which view do you support? Use reasons and examples to support your point of view. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

Good Idea (Less common)

71. Some schools do not allow high school students to bring their smartphones to class. They believe that students will excel academically and socially without relying on these popular gadgets. Do you think that it is a good idea? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

72. Some assert that children should be limited to one hour of electronics daily because the types of gadgets can harm children’s development. Do you think that it is a good idea to restrict how much time children spend on their electronics? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

73. Some say that all citizens of a country should be required to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus.  They believe that making everyone get vaccinated will help society to develop herd immunity, which will effectively end the pandemic. Do you think that everyone should be required to get vacccinated? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

74. Some educators believe that children should read about 45 minutes every day?  They believe that this type of extensive reading will help children to mature academically. Do you think that extensive reading is a good idea for children? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

75. Some believe that outdoor and indoor smoking should be banned everywhere. They believe that the secondhand smoke from cigarettes creates a health hazard. Do you think that it is a good idea to prohibit smoking? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

76. Some believe that countries worldwide should be forced to reduce their fossil fuel consumption by at least 20%. They believe that reducing fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas will counteract the dangerous effects of climate change. Do you think that it is a good idea for countries to limit their fossil-fuel consumption? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

77. Some say workers should have the same political views of the instutions for which they work.  For example, if the instution such as a school district supports the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, then educators under this organization should also support the BLM. If they do not, then they should be fired or forced to resign. Do you think it is a good idea for organizatons to fire employees who have opposing political views? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

78. Some administrators and teachers say children should be punished by being paddled with a wooden board.  They believe that this type of corporal punishment will curb undesirable behaviors. Do you think that it is a good idea to paddle children when they act out? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

79. Some say drugs such as marijuana, herione, and cocaine should be legalized. They believe that legalizing these drugs will significantly reduce crime. Do you think that it is a good idea to legalize drugs? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

80. To reduce fossil fuel consumption, some say governments should prohibit families from purchasing more than one automobile. They believe that if families have only one vehicle they will drive fewer miles, thereby slowing the emission of dangerous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Do you think that it is a good idea? Use reasons and examples to support your opinion. Make sure that you do NOT use memorized examples.

While you practice writing responses to these 80 TOEFL writing topics, consider joining my TOEFL Speaking and Writing Feedback Service . That way you can get estimated TOEFL writing scores every time you complete a practice test.

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May the next TOEFFL exam you take be your last!

Michael Buckhoff ,  [email protected]

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60 TOEFL Writing Topics to Help You Prepare

Learn about the TOEFL test for English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL preparation, sample questions, & TOEFL writing topics and tips for high school & beyond.

The TOEFL exam, also known as the Test of English as a Foreign Language, is typically taken by international students who want to study abroad in the United States. While students must pass the test to be admitted to the school of their choice, acceptable scores differ between educational institutions. If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips .

What Are TOEFL Tests?

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Sample TOEFL Writing Topics

TOEFL iBT exams are considered the most thorough assessment of understanding and communicating in English. It is essential for those who wish to study in America to achieve a high score so that they can be accepted into most colleges and universities. The test is also essential for those who want to work in an English-speaking country, either now or in the future.

The exam structure is as follows: 

  • Reading 
  • Listening 
  • 10-minute break 
  • Speaking 
  • Writing 

The reading and speaking portions of the assessment are essential and count for a large portion of the overall test score. These exam sections are designed to assess how well a student can read and speak English in a classroom setting, both essential for acceptance to many colleges and universities. You might also be interested in our list of the best report writing topics .

There are different TOEFL tests, including  Paper-based Tests (PBT), Computer-based Tests, and Internet-based Tests (iBT). The most common type of TOEFL test is commonly the iBT. However, some universities require PBT testing to complete the application process successfully.

ETS courses, books, and other materials are available for purchase to help students study for their upcoming English exams. The TOEFL Go! app is also available for download on Android and iOS devices, allowing test takers to obtain access to sample questions, study guides, and more on the go.  

Some other free TOEFL resources include: 

  • BestMyTest 
  • Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL)

For more TOEFL practice questions and a sample test, TOEFL Practice Online offers multiple options for exam prep, including integrated essay practice, speaking practice, independent writing question exercises, and more. 

TOEFL Question Types, Sample Essays & Specific Examples

Test takers could be asked to write about five different types of TOEFL writing questions. We’ve included several TOEFL essay topics below, categorized by type, that can work as a practice test to help you prepare ahead of time to obtain a high score.

The following test questions will make a statement and ask you to offer an opinion. In your response, discuss whether or not you agree with the statement and provide the reasoning behind your argument. Test takers will be assessed on their English language usage to articulate their points of view.

Do you agree with the following statement?

1. You can’t learn from books; true knowledge only comes from personal experience. 

2. People from small towns have less life experience than those who grew up in big cities or larger metropolitan areas.  

3. Children should be taught the value of hard work as early as possible.  

4. The best teachers are the ones who discipline their students the most.  

5. All countries need to make environmental protection a priority. 

6.  Issuing the death penalty to convicted criminals is sometimes necessary depending on the crime committed. 

7.  Making friends gets more difficult as people get older. 

8.  Eating meat, dairy, and egg products is morally wrong. 

9.  Movies are more enjoyable when watched at the theater than when watched on television at home. 

10.  Being good at math is much more important than being good at English. 

11.  Healthcare and prescription medicine should be free to everyone since it is necessary for life. 

12.  Reading is an excellent way to learn new words and how to use them in the proper context. 

These questions require participants to write a description of something or an explanation of an event that happened in clear, concise language. Your reading passage should be concise and help paint a picture in the audience’s mind.

13. If you could invent new technology, what would it be, and why would you create it? 

14. Public transportation is a cornerstone of metropolitan living. What public transportation problems might big cities face, and how could they solve them? 

15. What do you think is the most important part of the human experience? 

16. What do you think draws people to dangerous activities like skydiving or bungee jumping? 

17. What are the potential negative impacts of a society that revolves almost solely around technology usage?

18. Will more gun control protect or harm citizens? 

19. Are mobile phones and tablets beneficial or detrimental to our society? 

20. Do you think growing and eating genetically modified foods will eventually cause health problems? 

21. Would restricting experiments without consent impede scientific advancements or even cause harm to the public good?

22. Does violence in movies, television, and music harm young people? 

23. Do people have the right to affordable shelter? 

Preference questions can be some of the most difficult on the TOEFL exam, as they require test takers to form and articulate an opinion even if they don’t have one or can’t relate to the topic. Students will write their essays using logic, emotion, and fact to make their main points, and the ETS will judge answers based on clarity, conciseness, and English writing skills.  

24. Some elementary schools take away recess as a punishment for disobedient students. Do you agree with this practice?  

25. School dress codes are standard, but many disagree with how they are implemented. Do you agree with school dress codes, or should they be phased out? 

26. Many people believe that putting family first is most important. Others think it’s best to put your own needs ahead of others. Which do you agree with?  

27. Which is better – handmade or machine manufactured? 

28. Is capital punishment preferable to being sentenced to life in prison? 

29. Is the millennial generation more prone to violence than previous generations? 

30. Do you think medicinal marijuana is helpful or harmful to society? 

31. Is the growth of artificial intelligence a good or bad thing? 

32. Do you think free internet access promotes cybercrime? 

33. Do you think students should refrain from working a job until they are out of school?

34. Is prison overcrowding an issue in America?

35. Has the war on drugs been effective? 

A compare-and-contrast writing prompt allows the student to find two or more topics, ideas, or situations that can be compared and contrasted. This question requires the writer to explore the pros and cons of a particular topic or situation and give specific reasons why each might be beneficial or problematic. 

36. Compare the benefits and drawbacks of becoming close friends with a coworker. Give examples of good and bad things that might come from forming such a friendship. 

37. Discuss the pros and cons of online learning compared to traditional in-classroom instruction. Give specific examples of times when you disliked or enjoyed each and why. 

38. Compare the risks of plane travel to the risks of car travel. Demonstrate the benefits and drawbacks of each with specific examples. 

39. Which makes a better pet, a dog or a cat? 

40. Is it better to listen to music while studying or not?  

41. Is it better for parents to have kids at a younger or older age? 

42. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of exercising first thing in the morning and at night. 

43. Discuss the pros and cons of driving a car versus riding the bus. 

44. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the two religions. 

45. How are local and international tourism different, and why? 

46. Do you think a four or five-day workweek is better? 

47. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between socialism and communism. 

If & imaginary writing prompts require the reader to use their imagination and a strong command of the English language to describe a hypothetical situation or event and how they might respond. These questions typically start with phrases like “Imagine you were…” or “If you had….” Test takers are assessed for sentence structure, syntax, word choice, and other critical factors. Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

48. Imagine you could have dinner with anyone from history, alive or dead. Who would it be, and why would you choose them? 

49. If you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, what would it be for, and what would you say in your acceptance speech?  

50. Imagine you are on a small boat in the ocean when a storm suddenly begins to approach. How does this make you feel, and what is your response to the potential danger ahead?  

51. If you were stranded on a desert island but could only take three things with you, what would they be and why?  

52. If you could live to be 150 years old, would you and why?  

53. If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would you choose to change and why? 

54. Imagine you can completely cure one disease for free with no consequences. Which disease or medical condition would you choose and why? 

55. If you could go back in time and relive a moment with someone from your past, who would it be, and what would you share with them again? 

56. What would you do if you woke up one morning and no one else was left on earth? 

57. Imagine you could be famous for any reason. What would you want to be remembered for and why?

58. If you found a way to get rich quickly without any consequences but knew it was illegal, would you still do it, and why?

59. What would you do, and how might you feel if you woke up tomorrow as the opposite gender from what you wanted to be? 

60. If you could decide how you would die, would you choose, and if so, what would you do?

If you still need help, our guide to grammar and syntax explains more.

FAQs About TOEFL Writing Topics

A good TOEFL score is above 100. The average TOEFL score ranges between 85 and 95.

Your TOEFL independent writing question answer should be around 150 words. The integrated essay should be around 300 words.

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an exam that tests international students for their proficiency in English as a foreign language.

The TOEFL better assesses the full scope of English academic proficiency, while the IELTS is divided between academic and conversational English.

The IELTS test is usually taken by students who want to study at universities in English-speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, or Canada.

The ETS, or the Educational Testing Service, is the organization that oversees the administration and scoring of TOEFL tests across the United States. The nonprofit organization works to advance quality and equity in education, providing opportunities for all people, regardless of their background or circumstances. 

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Sample Essays for the Writing Section of the TOEFL® Test

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Did you hear about the updated TOEFL iBT Writing section?

On July 26, 2023, ETS introduced a new TOEFL Writing question : Writing for an Academic Discussion.

That’s right. The Independent Writing question has been retired from the official TOEFL iBT test.

Before we get into the topics and sample essays for the new TOEFL Writing question, let’s start with the first task, which hasn’t changed, the Integrated Writing.

TOEFL Integrated Writing Topics

In the TOEFL Writing Section, there are two questions you must respond to. The first question is called the TOEFL Integrated Writing task. The second question is called the TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion task.

The integrated question presents a reading and listening passage, followed by a question, which is a bit more complicated.

Integrated Writing: Task Breakdown

The writing section instructions will be read aloud. You can skip this introduction.
You will be given an academic passage to read. This passage will contain between 250-300 words. When the clock starts, you will have three minutes to read the passage. After that, the passage disappears and an audio lecture starts. However, the reading passage will return when it's time to write.
A lecture that addresses the content of the reading will start to play. The lecture will last for two to three minutes.
After the passage finishes, you will be asked a question. The question is almost always something like:
The clock starts. You will have approximately 20 minutes to write an essay of at least 250 words. You must answer the question and report on the most important points from both the reading and listening.

Simple, right?

No? Still confused.

No worries. The best way to understand something better is through examples.

Let’s do one together.

This TOEFL integrated writing topic deals with the use of  Corn Ethanol .

Give yourself three minutes to read it:

The chemical compound, ethanol, has risen in recent years as the most viable alternative to fossil fuels. Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from crops, mainly from corn in the United States, which can power engines. There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.

One major benefit of using corn ethanol is that it uses less energy than gasoline. Using less energy means that people can get better gas mileage while driving these more fuel-efficient cars. In the long-run, this will be cheaper for consumers because they can drive further than they do now with fossil-fueled cars. People will spend less money on gas because they won’t have to stop to fill up as frequently.

Another advantage of switching to corn ethanol is that it helps the American economy become less reliant on energy sources from other countries. Petroleum is not readily available in the U.S., so it must be imported from other countries. Depending on foreign relations with those countries, fuel becomes a political issue. Corn is a crop that America has in abundance. By using corn ethanol instead, the cost of gas will decrease because now the import taxes on fossil fuels are calculated into the price. This also means that we will be putting the money into our own economy, thus helping local corn farmers.

One of the most attractive aspects of corn ethanol is how environmentally friendly is when compared to current automobile gasoline. Fossil fuels release carbon that has been stored for years from the earth. Burning biofuels, like corn ethanol, is better for the environment because it releases less greenhouse gas emissions. Lessening the amount of carbon emissions will help prevent global warming and all of the other negative effects of climate change.

Once three minutes have ended, listen to a conversation about the same topic

Now, it’s time to write your TOEFL essay.

Stop reading.

Start writing.

Write your essay before you look at this TOEFL Writing sample. You will learn a lot more if you actually write the essay and then compare this to your own.

Here’s an expert TOEFL teacher’s sample essay to this particular TOEFL Writing topic.

The article introduces the topic of corn-based ethanol. More specifically, the writer discusses the advantages of switching from fossil fuels to this alternative energy source. The lecturer in the listening passage disagrees. He believes that the benefits the author mentions are misleading and attacks each of the claims made in the reading.

In the reading, the author begins by stating that drivers will get better gas mileage on corn ethanol than on fossil fuels, and therefore save money on gas. The speaker, however, disagrees. He states that the production of corn ethanol is very expensive. He says that in order to make for the costs to create and distribute this biofuel, the price of ethanol gas will increase.  Therefore, it will not be any cheaper for consumers in the long run.

The writer also claims that making the switch to corn ethanol will help the American economy because it will make the United States less dependent on foreign oil. Again, the lecturer believes there are flaws in the writer’s argument. He holds instead that mass use of corn-based ethanol will hurt the economy. He elaborates this by point out that the inevitable competition for corn by multiple consumers, including beef and dairy farmers, will drive the price of corn up.

Another reason why the author feels that moving from traditional gasoline to corn ethanol is a good idea is that they are more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. The professor in the listening passage is doubtful that this is accurate. He suggests that as more farmlands are created to support the demands for more corn, more carbon will be absorbed by the land. This means that these emissions will still be released to negatively affect the environment.

As you can see the author and speaker hold very different views about the use of corn ethanol.

The author here clearly defined the main idea, organized the supporting points from both the reading and listening passage, and showed how they differ from each other. 

I know it may seem a bit difficult, which is why I recommend that you start off with a TOEFL Writing template for both the Writing for an Academic Discussion task and Integrated essay.

compare and contrast essay topics toefl

Looking for more example essays?

Download our TOEFL Writing 24+ Guide if you would like more sample essays. It includes extra tips, tricks, and strategies you will not find anywhere else. Download it for free here

Too complicated? Don’t worry.

I will share TOEFL writing templates for the Integrated Writing question, which will make your life a whole lot easier.

We have to talk about the Writing for an Academic Discussion question.

Writing for an Academic Discussion Question

You will have 10 minutes to complete the Writing for an Academic Discussion question .

For this task, you will participate in an online discussion. After you read the question and student responses, you will have to write a response that adds to the conversation.

Here’s the breakdown:

Writing for an Academic Discussion
Time Management

Scan the discussion and plan
Write your response
Edit your response

This question is straightforward, but let’s do a sample together.

When the question appears on the screen, take two minutes to scan the passage and the student’s opinions.

compare and contrast essay topics toefl

Start to write your response. Be sure to add to the discussion and avoid repeating the same points as the other students.

Aim to write at least 120 words.

compare and contrast essay topics toefl

Get peace of mind with these TOEFL Writing Templates

Now that you have a few TOEFL Writing topics and sample essays to study from, you may want to use a writing template to help guide your writing.

A TOEFL template is basically a pre-organized set of words and phrases that you can use in almost any TOEFL Writing response.

Here’s TST Prep’s template for the integrated TOEFL Writing question (question one) :

The article introduces the topic of (general topic). More specifically, the writer discusses (stance of the author on the topic). The lecturer in the listening passage disagrees. He believes that (stance of the professor on the topic) and attacks each of the claims made in the reading.

In the reading, the author begins by stating that (first point made to support stance). The lecturer, however, disagrees. He states that (first counterargument by the professor). He goes on to say that (additional detail about first counterargument).

The author also claims that ( second point made to support stance). Again, the lecturer believes there are flaws in the writer’s argument. The speaker holds that (two sentences about the professor’s second counter-argument).

Another reason why the author feels that (restate stance of author ) is that ( third point made to support stance). The professor in the listening passage is doubtful that this is accurate. He suggests that (two sentences about the professor’s third counter argument ).

To sum up, both the writer and professor hold conflicting views about (general topic). It’s clear that they will have trouble finding common ground on this issue.

And here’s our template for the independent TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion (question two) :


BASIC TEMPLATE: QUESTION 2 (Writing for an Academic Discussion)

opinion on the topic , globalization is a positive force in the world today.
is that when nations interact together, it leads to less suffering. , people who suffer from natural catastrophes can import goods and services to help mitigate their losses and recover quickly. Citizens of nations who may be going through war or famine can flee to neighboring countries for shelter.

I totally agree with _____ point about ____, and I would like to add _______.
Alex's cultural homogenization, . Much of the food found in grocery stores around the world is imported. Our very diet is due to the international trade partnerships and alliances forged over the last half of the 20th century.
it is crucial to maintain our current global policies for a safer world with a higher standard of living.

You will notice that the sample essays in this article differ from the templates.

You do not have to use templates, it’s up to you. Some people prefer to write in their own unique fashion for the entire exam. However, you will notice that the structure of the templates is similar to the TOEFL example essays.

These templates follow the exact organization and structure you are expected to use on test day, so don’t hesitate to use them in your writing.

Also, don’t forget to download the free 24+ TOEFL Writing Guide if you would like more example essays, templates, and exclusive tips to help you earn the best possible TOEFL Writing score on test day.

If you read this far, it means you are serious about your TOEFL studies. Don’t hesitate to send us an email and let us know how we can help you earn the TOEFL score of your dreams – [email protected]

Did we forget anything? Please comment and let us know how we can improve our TOEFL Writing advice (or if you want to just say hi that would be great too).

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Ten Awsome Tips for the Writing Section of the TOEFL Test

100 Free Questions for the Listening Section of the TOEFL Test

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Hello, Josh. Firstly, thanks for the useful tips. I wonder if I can get a point if I don’t understand the lecture but write everything about reading. Should every idea in the passage and audio be matched?


Hi Ella, Thanks for your question. In general, the listening points should correspond with the reading. This is because the listening usually argues the opposite points.


Hi, Josh. I have a question about copying and pasting in TOEFL writing. I heard some TOEFL teachers say it should be avoided because ETS will consider it a potential form of plagiarism in future academic study.

Could you please provide some suggestions in terms of this issue? Is it ok to copy and paste, since it saves a lot of time in writing, especially on the test day. Thank you!

Great question. The copy-and-paste feature will not work at the test center, and I do not believe it works on the Home Edition either. Regardless, copying and pasting or manually copying the exact words should be avoided. You are always better off putting the answer into your own words.

Abdul Siyar Azizi

Hello Josh, I have a question regarding how we can write an advanced writing that will be scored 25+?

Thanks very much for your question. We do have some templates that can help to increase your score. However, to give you a more detailed answer, I would suggest you consider doing an essay evaluation with us so we can help you determine specific areas for improvement. In the meantime, here are some articles that can help.


Hi Josh! For the academic writing, I only gave my reason for the topic, and I forgot to mention the opinion of the other student. I checked my word count. It is already past 100 words, and I do not want it to be too long. Do we really need to mention the other students’ opinion?

Hi Ireen. Great question! We often suggest mentioning one of the other students, but it is not required. As long as what you said was on topic, you “added to the discussion,” and gave specific reasons and examples, you should be okay with the 100 words you wrote.


Hello, I have a question about the independent writing: Is it a problem if I just give one reason in my essay (but detailed enough)? Thank you

Hi there and thank you for your question. There are no specific grading criteria that say you MUST give two reasons for your opinion, so, in theory, yes, you can just give one reason. I don’t think you will be marked down for it. If possible, try to give two though. It will make your word count higher.


Hello Josh, I was wondering if you have more integrated writing questions that we could do for practice, do you know where to find them?

Hi there and thank you for your question. If you search “TOEFL Writing Practice test” on Youtube you will find 2-3 TST Prep practice videos with an Integrated Writing practice question. I’m sure there will be tests from other providers as well.


Hey Josh, I have been following your YouTube channel for my TOEFL preparation, where I learned a lot. My question is that I got stuck between 15-17 scores in the reading section and could not figure out what I would do to enhance my scores. Any suggestions?

Hi there Ashina, and thank you for your question.

It is, indeed, a difficult question to answer. Here are two pieces of advice on how to practice at home and how to improve time management:


I am going to breakdown the process you should go through when you do a TOEFL Reading passage:

1. Copy the test conditions (set a timer to complete the passage and all the questions in 18 minutes)

2. Check your answers

3. Identify the reason you got a specific question wrong (or didn’t understand why you were correct) and write down what you can do to avoid the same mistake next time. Step #3 is the most important and the one often overlooked because most test-takers are pretty tired after reading and answering questions. This will help you notice patterns in incorrect choices and apply what you have learned later.

4. (Optional) Do the same passage again two weeks later. (You will remember much of what you did before, but it should help remind you of what you have learned)


My advice is pretty simple here, practice with LESS TIME. If it is not too stressful, try to complete a passage and all of the questions in 16 minutes (instead of 18). This usually does the trick for most students over time.

I hope you find some of this helpful. Good luck, and let me know if you need anything.


Hey Josh, in the Reading section the last question holds two marks where we are asked to pick three choices. I have always have a hard time getting the perfect score here. any suggestions, please…

Hi Kiba, this is a popular complaint. I posted a video about summary questions here. You might find it helpful.


Hey Josh, I have a question. If the question is saying a good essay is between 200 and 300, and I wrote more than 300, is this okay? Or should I make it only as maximum as they are saying?

Hi Joud and great question. Definitely write MORE. There is a direct correlation between test scores and word count, so the more you write the better. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should write as much as possible as fast as possible, but anything between 350-450 words would be great.


Hey Josh, I think I do well in my writing section, but my score doesn’t improve. Is there anything that I can do to know my mistakes from the ETS?

Hi Aziz, good question, and unfortunately, no, they do not release that information. The best you can do is work with an experienced teacher who can point out your weaknesses and work on them at home before test day.

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Compare And Contrast Essay Guide

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: 100+ Fresh New Ideas

By: Barbara P.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 10, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

A compare and contrast essay revolves around finding and analyzing the similarities and differences between two subjects belonging to the same category.

If you have been assigned a compare and contrast essay, then you’re probably looking for interesting topics that you can write on, right?

Steer forward with us!

Following is the list of interesting topics for a compare and contrast essay that you can use for your essay assignments. As you proceed, you will notice that some of the topics are academic, and others are included for interest.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

On this Page

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Students - 2022 Ideas

A compare and contrast essay is an important academic assignment for school or college students. An essential point that you must keep in mind when choosing a compare and contrast essay topic is to go for the subjects that belong to the same category. For instance, you can’t choose football and 19th-century art.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for University Students

At the university level, the essay topics are a little different and unique. Also, with a good essay topic, you will easily create the thesis statement and body paragraphs.

If you want to write on a great topic, you can choose from the below-mentioned essay topics.

  • Salt vs. sugar
  • Teacher vs. Doctor
  • Prose vs. poetry
  • Short vs. long hair
  • Psychosis and antisocial disorder
  • Between soft and hard drugs, which is more dangerous?
  • Difference between lust and love
  • Compare methods of normal and abnormal psychology
  • Silver and gold
  • Tennis vs. badminton

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Students

When students step into college from high school, they are still used to the concept of teachers assigning essay topics. Sometimes the teacher gives you the topic, but you will have to pick one yourself most of the time. So, be creative and challenge yourself to write on different essay topics.

Topics for college students can be difficult to manage at times because teachers can have higher expectations. In such a case, get help from an online writing service with your academic paper.

The compare and contrast essay topics in college are a bit less complicated than in high school. The following are the easy compare and contrast essay topics for college students.

  • How does high school differ from college?
  • Students with or without part-time jobs
  • Essay Vs. Research Paper: What is more challenging?
  • Homeschooling Vs. Traditional Schooling
  • SAT Vs. GRE: What is more difficult?
  • Masters Vs. PhD: What helps strengthen your career?
  • Differences between Islam and Christianity
  • Introverts Vs. Extroverts
  • Real-life dating Vs. Online dating
  • How do education and employment compare?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students

Essay topics for high school students are much different than the topics for college students. The topics are a little less technical and difficult.

Here are some great compare and contrast essay topics for your ease.

  • Friends Vs. Family
  • Childhood friendship Vs. High school friendship
  • Bikes vs. cars.
  • Study abroad Vs. Studying in your country
  • Living on your own Vs. At home with my parents.
  • Facebook vs. Twitter In-house employees Vs. Freelance contractors
  • Texting Vs. In-person conversations
  • Working out or dieting
  • Being in a relationship or being single

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School Students

The topics for middle school students are quite interesting and creative. Therefore, the students enjoy the writing process.

We gathered some great compare and contrast essay topics for your help.

  • Basketball Vs. Football
  • Compare two plays written by Shakespeare
  • Running Vs. Walking
  • Reading vs. writing
  • Doctor Vs. Nurse
  • Breakdance Vs. Ballet: What is more difficult?
  • World war I Vs. World War II
  • Chocolate vs. Ice-cream
  • Compare two of your favorite movies
  • Reading books Vs. Watching movies

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade

The essay topics for grade 6 are very simple and easy. We collected some essay topics for grade 6 students; pick the one that you find interesting.

  • School exams vs. college exams
  • Winter holidays vs. summer holidays
  • Comparative essay vs. argumentative essay
  • Attending school vs. remote learning
  • Driving a bike and driving a car
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Christianity versus Judaism
  • E-books versus textbooks
  • An experience I agree to attend a party or stay at home.
  • Steroids and boxing
  • Handwriting or typing

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Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

There are certain pros and cons associated with psychology topics. The pros are that the possibilities are endless; one can write as much as possible. This fact is the con as well; since there is so much material to choose from for the essay topic.

  • Anxiety vs. Depression
  • Therapy vs. medication
  • Agoraphobia Vs. Claustrophobia
  • Compare suicide and homicide
  • Autism Vs. Down syndrome
  • B. F. Skinner theory Vs. John B. Watson theory
  • Anorexia Vs. Bulimia
  • Social anxiety or fear of public speaking
  • Nature vs. nurture
  • Ego Vs. Superego

Sports Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

The best part about the sports-related topic is the accurate data available online with practical examples. This fact can help you write an even more refined essay.

Take a look at these and topics and choose the best one for your essay.

  • Women’s football team, Vs. Men’s
  • Chess Vs. Checkers
  • Football Vs. Cricket: Which is better?
  • Sachin Tendulkar Vs. Ricky Ponting
  • Roger Federer Vs. Rafael Nadal
  • Rugby and Soccer
  • Wayne Rooney and Lionel Messi
  • Ice climbing Vs. Traditional climbing
  • Knicks Vs. Nets
  • Aikido Vs. Judo

For all the students who are in sports, these are the best kind of topics. As they say, you write best about subjects you are most interested in.

Art & History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Writing a compare and contrast essay has its challenges and especially when the topics are art or history-related. Always make sure to gather the necessary data before kick-starting the essay.

  • Baroque Vs. Mycenaean Period
  • Mosaic Vs. Raku
  • Compare the 19th Century Art
  • Brunelleschi and The Romans
  • Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
  • Roxanna and Dorian Gray
  • Compare Kafka's Metamorphosis and Albert Camus’ The Stranger
  • Macbeth and Othello
  • Tapestry Vs. Fresco

Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Funny topics not only refresh the mind of the students but help in the learning process as well. Below given are some great essay topics that you can use for your essay.

  • Beyonce Vs. Rihanna
  • Kim Kardashian Vs. Paris Hilton
  • Ellen DeGeneres Vs. Oprah Winfrey
  • Pet dogs Vs. Pet cats
  • Pasta vs. pizza
  • Lollipops Vs. Popsicles
  • Drama Vs. Comedy
  • Email Vs. Pigeon Post
  • Credit card Vs. Cash
  • Star Trek Vs. Star Wars

Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

The medical students are sometimes stuck with selecting the essay topic for their essay assignment. For your help, we compiled some excellent topics that will help in your writing phase.

  • Religions that are against traditional medical procedures.
  • Vaccination or Medications.
  • Operations vs. therapeutic cancer curing.
  • Should vaccinations be made mandatory?
  • Morning exercise vs. evening exercise.
  • Medical history and privacy concerns.
  • Wheat and corn grain.
  • Chocolate or candies.
  • Carrot and pumpkin.
  • Rest or training.

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Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Movies

The compare and contrast essay on movies is an interesting type of essay. Look at these topics that will help in your topic-selection phase.

  • Romeo and Juliet.
  • Gandalf vs. Dumbledore.
  • Comedy vs. horror.
  • Harry Potter: book & movie.
  • Thrillers and horror movies.
  • Fantastic Four or Avengers.
  • Bollywood Vs. Hollywood.
  • DC or Marvel
  • Superman vs. batman.
  • Games of thrones vs. the witcher.

Are these topic ideas helpful? Did you get what you were looking for?

Now that you have chosen a topic for your essay, you can start composing it. For that, you have to follow a structured essay outline.

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Barbara P.

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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1 September 2023

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TOEFL Writing: A Guide to Compare and Contrast Essays in 2023


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction

The TOEFL writing section can be intimidating for many test-takers, especially when it comes to writing compare-and-contrast essays. This type of essay is common in the TOEFL independent writing section, and it’s crucial to understand its structure and requirements.

In this guide, we will focus on the compare and contrast essay, TOEFL writing questions, and essay topics, and provide writing samples and test resources to help you prepare for your TOEFL test in 2023.

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  • What is a Compare and Contrast Essay in TOEFL Writing?

Defining the Compare and Contrast Essay

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires you to identify the similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas. In the TOEFL writing section, particularly the TOEFL independent writing part, you’ll often find this type of essay. It requires analytical thinking and a well-structured format to convey your understanding effectively.

Importance in TOEFL Writing Section

The TOEFL writing section has two main tasks: integrated writing and independent writing. The compare and contrast essay mainly appears in the TOEFL independent writing task, where you need to form and articulate your own thoughts.

Mastering this type of essay is vital because it not only your writing skills but also your ability to think critically and compare various elements while presenting a cohesive argument.

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  • Structure of a Compare and Contrast Essay

Understanding the structure of a compare and contrast essay is paramount for a good score in the TOEFL writing section. Here are the key elements:

  • Introductory Paragraph : Introduces the two subjects to be compared and contrasted and contains the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs : Discuss the similarities and differences.
  • Concluding Paragraph : Summarizes the main points and restates the thesis in a new light.

A Deep Dive into the Introductory Paragraph

The introductory paragraph is like a roadmap for the reader. It sets the stage for what’s to come. In the TOEFL essay, your introduction should not only present the subjects to be compared but also articulate a clear thesis statement.

The thesis statement usually comes at the end of the introductory paragraph and gives the reader an overview of what to expect in the body paragraphs. It should be specific and clear to guide the reader through your argument.

Body Paragraphs: Point-by-Point vs. Subject-by-Subject

There are two main ways to organize the body of your compare-and-contrast essay: point-by-point and subject-by-subject.

  • Point-by-Point : This method involves discussing one point of comparison or contrast at a time, alternating between the two subjects. For example, if you are comparing and contrasting two cities, you might first discuss the cost of living in each city, then move on to compare their climates, and then their cultural scenes.
  • Subject-by-Subject : This method involves discussing all the points of comparison or contrast for one subject first and then moving on to the other subject. For example, you might discuss all the points about one city first and then move on to the other city.

Both methods are acceptable, and you should choose the one that you feel most comfortable with and that best suits your essay topic.


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  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay for TOEFL

Analyze the Essay Topic

The first step to writing a great compare and contrast essay for the TOEFL is to analyze the essay topic thoroughly. Reading the essay prompt carefully is crucial to understanding what is being asked.

TOEFL essay topics for compare and contrast essays can range from comparing cities, jobs, schools, ideologies, or virtually any subject under the sun. Understanding the essence of the question can give you an upper hand in drafting a compelling essay.

Plan Your Essay

Once you have a good understanding of the essay topic, the next step is planning. A well-planned essay is like a well-executed game plan in sports; it sets you up for success.

Outline the main points you want to discuss and the examples you will use to support your points. You may also want to decide whether you’ll use a point-by-point or subject-by-subject structure for the body paragraphs. Planning will save you time and make the writing process much more straightforward.

Use Specific Reasons and Examples

The TOEFL writing section expects you to use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. This means that your essay should be grounded in concrete facts and not just abstract ideas.

For instance, if you are comparing two policies, it’s not enough to say that one policy is better than the other; you must provide concrete examples and reasons why one is better. This could be statistics, historical events, or any other factual information that supports your argument.

  • Sample Essays and Writing Samples

Where to Find Sample Essays

Sample essays can be invaluable resources for preparing for the TOEFL writing test. They provide insights into the essay structure, the type of language used, and the level of detail expected.

You can find these resources on the ETS website, which is the organization that administers the TOEFL test. Other test resources for sample essays can be found in TOEFL preparation books, online forums, and educational websites focused on TOEFL preparation.

How to Use Writing Samples Effectively

Just finding writing samples is not enough; you must know how to use them effectively. When you look at a sample essay, don’t just read it passively.

Instead, analyze its structure, the thesis statement, the topic sentences, and the types of supporting details and examples used. Then, try to apply these insights when you write your own essays. Practice makes perfect, and the more you write, the more natural it will become.

  • Mastering the TOEFL Writing Section in 2023

Updated Test Resources for 2023

The TOEFL test evolves over time, and so do the test resources. In 2023, new types of questions and topics may be introduced. Always make sure you’re using the most current test resources to prepare for the TOEFL writing questions. You can keep up-to-date by visiting the official ETS website or following reputable TOEFL preparation websites and online forums.

Leveraging Technology for TOEFL Preparation

The modern world provides several digital tools that can aid your TOEFL preparation, particularly in mastering compare and contrast essays. Various mobile apps can guide you through the entire process of essay writing, offering real-time feedback.

Moreover, there are online courses solely focused on TOEFL writing, providing a detailed walkthrough of each type of essay, including compare and contrast essays.

Writing a great compare and contrast essay for the TOEFL test is both an art and a science. It requires a good understanding of the essay structure, impeccable writing skills, and the ability to think critically.

By analyzing the essay topic, planning your essay, using specific reasons and examples, and revising diligently, you can master this type of essay. With focused effort and the right resources, you can improve your TOEFL writing score in 2023.

What is a compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires you to identify the similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas.

What is the structure of a compare and contrast essay?

A typical structure includes an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.

How can I practice writing compare and contrast essays for the TOEFL test?

You can practice by analyzing sample essays and writing your own. Online platforms and TOEFL preparation books are excellent resources for this.

What are the latest test resources for TOEFL writing in 2023?

Always make sure you’re using the most current test resources, which can be found on the official ETS website and other reputable TOEFL preparation platforms.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction
  • • What is a Compare and Contrast Essay in TOEFL Writing?
  • • Structure of a Compare and Contrast Essay
  • • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay for TOEFL
  • • Sample Essays and Writing Samples
  • • Mastering the TOEFL Writing Section in 2023
  • • Conclusion

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TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: Ace Your Exam!

When choosing TOEFL compare and contrast essay topics, consider contrasting two different types of technology or comparing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city versus a rural area. These topics provide ample opportunities to showcase your ability to analyze and evaluate different perspectives.

Crafting a well-structured essay that highlights the similarities and differences will demonstrate your critical thinking and writing skills. By exploring these topics, you can effectively showcase your language proficiency and analytical abilities, ultimately leading to a strong essay that resonates with the readers.

Introduction to TOEFL Writing Section

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that assesses the English proficiency of non-native English speakers. The TOEFL Writing Section is an essential part of the test , evaluating the ability of test-takers to express their ideas clearly and effectively in written English. This section consists of two tasks: an integrated writing task and an independent writing task.

The Importance of Essay Writing

Essay writing is a crucial component of the TOEFL Writing Section as it showcases the test-takers ability to articulate their thoughts and arguments in a structured manner. The essays provide insight into the writer’s command of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. Furthermore, essay writing helps in developing critical thinking and analytical skills, which are valuable in academic and professional settings.

Overview of Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essays require test-takers to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This type of essay assesses the writer’s ability to present balanced arguments, provide evidence, and draw meaningful comparisons. In the TOEFL Writing Section, compare and contrast essay topics may cover a wide range of subjects, including education, technology, culture, and more.

Choosing the Right Topic

Selecting the perfect Toefl compare and contrast essay topics is crucial for a well-crafted and engaging composition. Ensure the topics are thought-provoking and allow for a comprehensive analysis of different perspectives. The right topic choice sets the foundation for a successful and impactful essay.

Criteria For Selection

To excel in the TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. But how do you know if a topic is good enough? Here are some criteria to help you select the right topic:

  • Relevance to the prompt: Ensure that the topic you choose is directly related to the prompt given.
  • Clear differences and similarities: A good topic should have clear differences and similarities to compare and contrast.
  • Interesting and engaging: The topic should be able to keep the reader interested throughout the essay.
  • Manageable scope: Choose a topic that is not too broad or too narrow. A manageable scope ensures that you can cover all important points in the given word limit.

Brainstorming Techniques

Now that you know the criteria for selecting a good topic, how do you come up with one? Here are some brainstorming techniques to help you generate ideas:

Write down the main topic and branch out related ideas. Use this visual aid to help you organize your thoughts.
Write down a list of potential topics related to the prompt. This technique helps you explore multiple options and narrow down your choices.
Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write down everything that comes to mind related to the prompt. This technique helps you generate ideas without worrying about grammar or structure.

In conclusion, choosing the right topic is essential to excel in the TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay. Ensure that your topic meets the criteria mentioned above and use brainstorming techniques to generate ideas. With the right topic and approach, you can write a compelling essay that showcases your language skills and critical thinking abilities.

Effective Strategies for Compare and Contrast Essays

Discover effective strategies for writing TOEFL compare and contrast essays. Develop compelling topics, create clear thesis statements, and use transitional words to guide the reader through your essay. Emphasize similarities and differences, providing evidence and examples to support your arguments.

Master the art of organizing your thoughts and presenting a well-structured essay.

Structuring Your Essay

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it is crucial to have a well-organized structure that allows for a clear and logical presentation of your ideas. A well-structured essay not only enhances readability but also helps the reader grasp the similarities and differences between the subjects being compared.

Here is a suggested structure for your compare and contrast essay:

  • Introduction: Start with a captivating hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Provide some background information on the subjects being compared and present your thesis statement. The thesis statement should clearly state the main points of comparison and contrast.
  • Body paragraphs: Divide your essay into several paragraphs, each discussing a different aspect of the subjects being compared. Use topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph, and support your points with evidence and examples.
  • Point-by-point or block method: Choose a method of comparison that suits your essay. In the point-by-point method, you compare and contrast specific points of similarity or difference between the subjects in each paragraph. In the block method, you discuss all the similarities and then all the differences between the subjects.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in your essay and restate your thesis statement. Leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement is essential for a successful compare and contrast essay. It acts as a roadmap for your essay, guiding the reader on what to expect and how the subjects will be compared and contrasted. Here are some tips for developing an effective thesis statement:

  • Be specific: Clearly state the specific points of comparison and contrast in your thesis statement. Avoid vague or general statements.
  • Highlight the main idea: Your thesis statement should convey the main idea or argument of your essay. It should be concise and focused.
  • Use parallel structure: When comparing and contrasting multiple points, use parallel structure to maintain consistency and clarity in your thesis statement.
  • Avoid bias: Your thesis statement should be neutral and unbiased, presenting a fair analysis of the subjects being compared.

Remember, the thesis statement sets the tone for your entire essay, so invest time and effort in crafting a strong and compelling statement.

Toefl Compare And Contrast Essay Topics: Ace Your Exam!


Crafting Compelling Introductions

Crafting a compelling introduction is crucial when writing a TOEFL compare and contrast essay. The introduction sets the tone for the entire essay and entices the reader to continue reading. In this section, we will explore three key aspects of creating captivating introductions: hooking the reader, setting the stage, and providing a clear thesis statement. Let’s dive in!

Hooking the Reader

The first step in crafting a compelling introduction is to hook the reader. You want to grab their attention right from the start and make them curious about what you have to say. To achieve this, consider using a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or a compelling anecdote. By engaging the reader’s interest, you increase the chances of them staying engaged throughout your essay.

Setting the Stage

After hooking the reader, it’s essential to set the stage for your compare and contrast essay. This involves providing some background information on the topic to give the reader context and a basic understanding of what you will be discussing. You can include a brief overview of the two subjects you will be comparing and contrasting, highlighting their significance or relevance. This helps the reader understand the importance of your analysis and prepares them for the arguments you will present.

Providing a Clear Thesis Statement

Lastly, a compelling introduction should always include a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main idea or argument you will be exploring in your essay. It should be concise, and specific, and provide a preview of the points you will be discussing. A strong thesis statement guides the reader and gives them a clear sense of direction, ensuring they understand the purpose and focus of your essay right from the beginning.

Crafting compelling introductions for your TOEFL compare and contrast essay requires careful attention to detail. By hooking the reader, setting the stage, and providing a clear thesis statement, you can captivate your audience and set the tone for a well-structured and engaging essay. Now that we’ve covered the importance of introductions, let’s move on to the next section and explore effective strategies for developing the body paragraphs of your essay.

Body Paragraphs that Stand Out

When writing a TOEFL compare and contrast essay, the body paragraphs play a crucial role in showcasing your analytical skills and demonstrating a deep understanding of the chosen topics. To stand out, these paragraphs need to be well-organized, supported by evidence and examples, and effectively structured to convey your ideas.

Organizing Ideas Effectively

Effective organization is the key to writing impactful body paragraphs in a TOEFL compare and contrast essay. Start by clearly outlining the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Use a structured approach such as the block method or point-by-point method to ensure a coherent flow of ideas. Each paragraph should focus on a single point, making the comparison or contrast clear and easy to follow.

Using Evidence and Examples

Supporting your arguments with relevant evidence and examples is essential in making your body paragraphs stand out. Incorporate quotes, statistics, or real-life scenarios to validate your points. Ensure that each piece of evidence directly relates to the comparison or contrast being made, strengthening the overall argument.

Toefl Compare And Contrast Essay Topics: Ace Your Exam!


Concluding Your Essay with Impact

Crafting a powerful conclusion for your TOEFL compare and contrast essay is crucial. By avoiding common phrases and keeping sentences concise, you can leave a lasting impact on your readers. Instead, opt for unique expressions to maintain their interest and make your essay stand out.

Summarizing Key Points

After presenting your comparisons and contrasts, summarize the key points in your TOEFL compare and contrast essay. Remind the reader of the main similarities and differences.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

End your essay by leaving a lasting impression . Reiterate the significance of the compared elements and emphasize the importance of your analysis.

Revision and Editing Techniques

Discover effective revision and editing techniques to enhance your TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay Topics.

Self-review Checklist

Assess your essay using the self-review checklist to ensure clarity and coherence.

  • Check for thesis statement clarity .
  • Evaluate paragraph structure and logical flow .
  • Verify supporting evidence relevance.
  • Grammar and punctuation inspection.

Peer Review Tips

Engage peers for constructive feedback on your TOEFL essay before submission.

  • Request specific feedback on the thesis statement .
  • Seek input on paragraph transitions .
  • Ask for clarity on supporting details .
  • Consider grammar and vocabulary suggestions.

Toefl Compare And Contrast Essay Topics: Ace Your Exam!


Sample TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Explore a wide range of engaging and thought-provoking TOEFL compare-and-contrast essay topics. Discover compelling subjects to analyze and showcase your critical thinking skills. With a diverse selection of themes, you can enhance your writing abilities and excel in the TOEFL examination.

Technology in Education vs Traditional Methods

  • When writing a TOEFL compare and contrast essay, consider examining the impact of technology versus traditional teaching methods in education.
  • Technology in classrooms offers interactive learning opportunities, while traditional methods focus on face-to-face instruction.
  • Students can engage with digital content and collaborate online, but traditional methods emphasize direct teacher-student interactions.

City Life vs Country Life

  • Another compelling TOEFL essay topic is the comparison of city versus country living experiences.
  • City life provides diverse opportunities, and a bustling lifestyle, while country life offers tranquility and close-knit communities.
  • Urban areas boast cultural amenities, and job prospects, contrasting with the natural beauty and slower pace of rural living.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular toefl compare and contrast essay topics.

For TOEFL essays, common topics include technology vs. traditional methods, urban vs. rural living, and the advantages/disadvantages of studying abroad.

How Can I Effectively Structure a TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay?

Organize your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs for each point of comparison, clear transitions, and a strong conclusion summarizing key points.

What Are Key Tips for Writing a Successful TOEFL Compare and Contrast Essay?

Focus on clear thesis statements, use of comparative language, varied sentence structures, and providing specific examples to support your arguments.

Choosing a compare-and-contrast essay topic for TOEFL requires careful consideration of the subject matter. The topics should not only be interesting but also allow for a thorough analysis of the similarities and differences. It is important to select topics that are familiar and relevant and to conduct extensive research to gather relevant information.

By following these tips, you can craft a well-written and compelling TOEFL essay that will impress your readers and earn you a high score.

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Wow, that’s really inspiring. Thanks for your feedback. All the best to you.

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Yes you are right ,its happens to me as well ,i feel that i am perfect in english ,hhhh ,but i reality still bad ,

I went subscribe gave my awy

Hope you enjoy the website.

dear mis Rebecca ESL goon evening…Im Ozz, from Jakarta, Indonesia. now, I’m in learning english. I just want to say thankful to you for a good lesson about english. And I will always search and brows your site especially for your english video lesson. i.m really helped whit it. but problem is i get difficult to download your video. thank you

i learn a some thing from this mam

Thank you for your kindness Ms. Rebecca in sharing your knowledge to us, TOEFL takers. I want to ask if you have a pattern or any suggestions in TOEFL-ibt integrated writing task because I need to have a good grade on that part. Please help me Mam.

I saw your comment and want to congratulate you for the scores. I’d like to improve my scores too, how did you prepare for the test? Would you mind sharing some tips.bye xiany

Hi Rebecca!

Thank you for that wonderful lesson. I hope you could also help me in structuring the TOEFL writing integrated part. Please help me I need to have a good grade on that part.

I already passed the other three tasks (27/30 reading, 27/30 listening, 26/30 speaking and writing 21/30). I’m desperately eager to have a 24 score in the writing section in order for me to work as Physical Therapist in Texas, USA. Pls help me!

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Thanks for your feedback.

The first important element of successful integrated writing in the TOEFL iBT is taking detailed notes during the listening portion. That way you have enough information to build your response, whatever you are asked to do.

The integrated writing is more flexible in terms of pattern. It could be structured in different ways and still be effective. It could have only three paragraphs – a basic intro, body and conclusion, in which you place all the requested info in the body paragraph. Alternatively, you could have an intro and conclusion, and any number of shorter body paragraphs, each devoted to an additional fact or supporting detail from the reading and the listening.

Try to address each point from the reading and the listening together, in the same paragraph. Move from point to point. Avoid explaining everything from the reading in one paragraph and everything from the listening in another paragraph. Blend, or integrate the information you present in your response.

Look into Delta’s guide to the TOEFL iBT for some more examples of good integrated writing techniques.

Also, do look at the sample essays on my website for ideas on how to improve the second essay task. There are also videos on engvid on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay, which will help.

My best wishes to you. I hope you’ll be certified as a Physical Therapist very soon.

Hi, I am in the same situation. May I know how you handled it? Even, it would be great if I have your contact email to reach you… Best,

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Thanks to all for your feedback.

Thank you so much , i learnt a lot from you ,but there is one thing > please do a lesson how to write a paragraph ,i really can’t start writing ,

Okay, I will plan a lesson on that for you. Thanks for your suggestion.

Thanks for your feedback and best of luck to you.

Dear Rebecca,

I would like to know that essay that is mainly based on current affairs and is required to be around 2500-3000. Under which category of essay it comes?

I’m not sure which exam you are speaking about. On the TOEFL iBT, the essay needs to be 300-350 words in length. On the IELTS, it needs to be 250 words.

The length you have mentioned is much longer than this, so I’m not sure what that’s about.

To know the essay category, you need to look at the way in which the question is framed. Perhaps if you write me the whole essay topic, I could tell you which type it belongs to.

Hope that helps, Sohail.

Hi Rebecca! Thanks for having paved the way for us. Before, we found it a little bit difficult to develop anything about writing, but now it’s rather inspiring to do such a task.

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Hi , its rarely to find an Algerian speaks English very well like you ! ,so are you from Algiers ?

you are wrong with that, lot of algerian speak good english u want a prove ?

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Thanks so much for your kind comments, Urcupido. It means a lot.

Yes, as you have realized, it can be a lot of fun to write essays actually, once you learn how to organize and present your thoughts.

My best wishes to you with your English.

Hi Mrs Rebecca

I would like to ask you whether to generalize my essay or write something that fits me specifically..I mean for example on “Agree/Disagree” type; shell I answer the right thing or the thing that I really do.

Actually, the “right thing” is not limited to any one way.

I usually recommend that you write from whichever point of view you have more to say. That way you will have lots of good ideas to add to your essay.

You can write whatever you believe. It doesn’t matter whether you agree or disagree. What matters is that you explain your answer well, using your best grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and so on…

And of course the structure and content should address teh question asked,

Best of luck to you, Tarek.

Hi teacher!

Thank you so much for helping us!!! I’m in Toronto and I’d like to know where you teach here? I’m gonna take TOEFL soon and I really need help!!! Cheers!!!

i really liked the way you are teaching, so i would like to aske you a question out of this topic if you let me. I confused what Theme is and how to use it. thanks for your helping

Sorry, Mohammed, I’m not exactly sure what you mean by the theme.

Perhaps you mean what is the broad area you are reading or writing about, such as holidays, education, technology, etc.

Tell me a little more and I will try and help you some more.

hank you Hi Mrs Rebeca I’m in New Jersey I went this country two years ego and I study the english in College de Passaic on second grade. I essay in thank you so much for helping us.

It’s a pleasure. Keep on studying English and write as much as you can. You will surely reach your goal. My best to you, Armida.

hi is it totally free??

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I thank you for sharing ways to use, if you need to pass Toefl exams. iam also prepraring for this paper.thank you.

You’re welcome. All the best with your exam, Isaac.

i like to write toefl exam but can you bring for us previous exams how

to see the way they took the exams

compare and contrast essay topics toefl

My best to you.

Thank you Mrs Rebeca, I am preparing myself to get IELTS , so if you have any information that you believe will be useful especially in writting part and speaking. Best regards

Please watch my videos on IELTS letter writing , if you are doing the General IELTS.

Also, my video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay will help you with your IELTS essay too. You can use the same strategy, but your essay needs to be shorter than TOEFL, only about 250 words, or 4 paragraphs.

First, I want to say that I really admire you : ) Now I have some question about writing part of TOEFL , Independent Writing: If I wrote that “I disagree”, (just in first sentense) but all the passage(supporting detail) is “agree with the topic) I would like to ask you that how many scores I will be decreased TT and is it minor or major mistake. I’m really worried nervous and worry now. I will look forward to your answer. Best regards,

If you explained your point of view clearly throughout your essay, it should be fine. So don’t worry.

My best wishes to you and thank you kindly for your feedback.

Oh.. I’m sorry for the last comment I did because I typed by using phone, so it’s kind of hard to read and there are a lot of mistakes. Just forget my last comment :) I will type a new one for you.

Question -> About Independent Writng Part (Agree or Disagree) First, I hesitated between disagree or agree, and I decided to write “disagree.” After that, I gave the supporting idea, and I’ve found that I’d better write in the way of “agreement.” The result is, all my supporting ideas support the topic. The big problem is… I didn’t edit the word “disagree” in the first sentense. Teacher.. .. I’m really worried now.. TT I would like to ask you that “Is it minor or major mistake?” and “How many scores will be decreased?” Would you mind answering me for the question. I will look forward to reading your answer :)

Best regards, Nasarin

As you said, you did explain clearly throughout the rest of the essay so I think it will be fine. Actually, that is why it is helpful to spend a few minutes planning before you start to write. In any case, there are many different factors that affect your score, so don’t worry.

Let me know what happens. From your message,I would say you have a good command of written English so you should get a good score.

Oh.. thank you teacher. I’m very glad to read your message. Happy New Year 2010 : )

Hello ma’am, your lesson is great and effective. However, when i took your quiz i got only 6 out of 8, I confused when did i get wrong. I just follow your guide. My mistakes are no.4 and 8 question. In no. 4, i was confused with If( My answer) and Explanation/Description(Your answer). And no.8 with Preference(My answer) and Explanation/Description(Your answer). I hope you could help to explain my mistakes. Thank you !

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Thanks for your questions and feedback.

You are right about question 4. We made a mistake in that answer; it should have been an If question. Thanks for pointing that out. It has now been changed.

Number 8 is not a preference question, because they do not give you two choices. In a preference question, they will say, ” Some people…..” and then, “Other people think….” That is how you can identify a preference question. It’s not just a question of which animal you prefer out of all possible animals.

Hope this helps you, and thanks for helping us. My best wishes to you

thank u teacher how can i improve my english language to take TOEFL i want to speak fluently. ur teaching wondeful

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There are so many ways to improve your English. The best way to prepare for the TOEFL exam is to join a good exam preparation class and to work with some good TOEFL exam prep books, such as Delta or Barron’s.

MY best wishes to you.

hii, friends im new comer to learn something about tofele. so please guide me everyone and teach me to please my dear friends

Thanx a lot Mrs Rebecca, Your lessons give inspiration for studying. I also want to speak English Fluently. Please suggest me, What should I do??

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Immerse yourself in English. Find a good private teacher or class. Get hold of some good grammar books, such as Raymond Murphy’s Grammar in Use.

Listen, speak, read and write but also have someone give you feedback on your English. All the best.

Hi,thank you so much for your lesson.I want to improve my spoken English.Will you please help me?

There are many ways to improve your spoken English. If you can, try and join a class, or find a private teacher, or make an English-speaking friend who can help you.

Good luck, Esha.

Hi Rebecca, I’m from Costa Rica. Just discovered this site. I love your lessons so much, very simple and easy to understand. I’d like to improve my toefl score, but need some tips on reading, and listening.

Please have a look at the tips in my website,, as well as some of the other lessons here on engvid.

thank you very much

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before any thing i would like to thank you for the great effort you made and still making so as to help us improving our english level in writing. i want you to know that i have decided to pass the tofel exam lots of times but i couldn’t because i felt and still having the same felling that i am not ready for this:i fell i have a lack in vocbulary and a good style of writing assays as well.i hope that you serve me with some kinds of essays which will surely help me in developping my writing style. i don’t know how to thank you my best teacher your new student najib

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Thanks for your kind compliments.

Re your TOEFL, please check the free essay samples on the website.

Also check my video lesson on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay on this website.

You also need to improve your grammar and spelling, because that counts too. The TOEFL is not an easy exam and you need to prepare well for it.

Do some practice tests from a good TOEFL preparation book. They will also help you to know when you;re ready.

All the best.

Hello every one in this website, when i was just surfing on the internet i found your site here. It is very interesting thought, i love and like your all video lessons you done. Nowadays everything costs, but you all are giving priceless and usefull lessons for every one, it is very good. I hope! You can do much more than this. I wanna be your student, teachers! All the best wishes to u.

Thanks. Please do tell your friends so we can continue to offer this service. Best wishes to you.

Hello Rebeca, I have been studying English for a year, and I still have grammar problems I would like to became an English Teacher, but it’s HARD I don’t going to give up, but belived me it’s Hard. Please give me a Good Advice, to learn Grammar, Also I like the way you teach, clear and straight, Thank You.

I wish you all the best with your chosen career. Please refer to Raymond Murphy’s Basic Grammar in Use and work through it steadily. It will help you a lot.

Also, most mistakes that students make are covered in this book.

All the best to you, Robert.

Hi, Rebecca!!! I’m preparing for the TOEFL iBT. Independent writing.

First, I want to notice that your lessons are so wonderful: clear, simple, powerful.

But now I’m confused about Comparison & Contrast topic type. I’ve just finished “Barrons How to prepare for the TOEFL essay” book. There the author divided essay questions into 1) Making an argument; 2) Agreement/Disagreement; 3) Stating a preference (Advantages/Disadvantages, Compare/Contrast); 4) Giving an explanation. These types are very similar to what you have shown, except Stating a preference type. You have separated it into two independent types: Preference and Comparison/Contrast. The Author of that book provides the same structure for every type of question. However, you ordered separate pattern for the Comparison/Contrast type.

It’s said in that book every paragraph of body should be started with topic sentence which gives general view of the whole paragraph.

My question is how to write topic sentences correctly for each body paragraph? And if you have some sample essays of that type of topic, organized in the way you provided, could you show it.

Thanks a lot! Hope for your help!!!

There are many ways to write an effective essay and I offer one easy way. You could check essay samples on hte website.

Topic sentences should be general, so that you can develop your paragraph. If the topic sentences are too detailed, then you have difficulty knowing how to expand the point into a full paragraph.

My best wishes to you, Azamat.

Hi Rebecca,

I should like to thank you for the useful info you have given us. I really find it very helpful.

Glad I could help you. All the best.

thank you so much for helping us and i like to improve my writing fast because i have exam after one month i need argumentative essay can you help me this is my email [email protected]

You’re welcome.

Please check my answer to najib, easyenglish, above. That will help you.

Hi I’m one of the student whom working to get the TOEFL . Your lessons helped me

Good luck on your exam, Adnan.

Dear Rebecca

First of all, thanks a lot for your lecture.

your explanation is so definite and clear~!

p.s- i also like as you smile :)

Thank you. Being friendly and kind is so important in life, isn’t it? Sure you are the same, if you noticed that quality.

Warm wishes to you, Kim.

This lecture is useful to me in many ways. Thanks a lot! :)

Dear Miss rebecca I am from Peru, I am pursuing a postgraduate in Aerospace Engineering in Texas, i found your lectures very useful. Than you very much. Marcell

hi Rebecca: I did read your following TOEFL video, and I really want to read your simple of that topic, could you show me your essay ? thank you so much

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You can check my TOEFL website for free sample essays .

All the best to you.

so sorry, I typed wrong word yesterday I should be:

hi Rebecca: I did read your following video on youtube, and I really want to read your sample of that topic, could you show me your essay ? thank you so much

Thank you very much for your lesson. And I have some question. I don’t understand between If and Explanation/description what about different?

The main difference is that the If question is more imaginary.

Like,” If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would you change?”

The explanation question just asks you to explain something ordinary and not imaginary.

For example, ” In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbour?”

Hope that helps you.

hello , i would like to improve my language and acually i no know how do this..

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There are so many ways to improve – through reading, writing, listening, speaking, singing, watching TV and movies, joining a class…and so much more.

Also, through engVid, of course! My best wishes to you.

Thankou for your lesson

Hi Rebecca:

I have a question about independent task: can I use preposition in my writing, such as I,you,she, and he? I tend to use my own experience when I write a essay, so it is difficult to avoid from using. Also, can I use “I think/ believe/insist” in my writing ?

Thank you so much Rebecca.

Yes, you can certainly use pronouns, such as I, you, he, she etc.

In fact, you are being asked your opinion on the Independent Essay task, so you do need to say, “In my opinion…” or “I think…” etc.

All the best!

it is astonishing lessons’ topics, and so the teachers’ performance would you please introduce a topic about negotiations and what phrases used at different levels of it. As in place where contradicting opinions prevail, also when trying to keep counterparts more close to our opinons. what language to use to make rivals more convinced in our pinions.

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Thanks for the lesson idea. I will try and do a lesson on that for you.

first f all i wuld lik 2 congragulate u for almost replying for evry response vth patience and care………… hope u keep up vth dis in future as well

Thanks, Rani. I try my best.

All the best to you, too.

thank you very much you are agood teacher . I hope one day be like you

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Rebecca, thank you very much for your wonderful lectures! I’m attending special courses to prepare for TOEFL in Russia now, but our teacher isn’t so good as you.

Thank you a lot , i walys take low digree in subject of essay ,and i don’t know the wrong that i have. but after this lesso i learned the basic which i need it to learn . thanx

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thanx a lot. I also want to take TOEFL exams but I have problems in writting section. But I know that if I will work hard I can do it. i think that BELIEVING IS JUST THE BEGINNING. I mean if someone wants to do smth first he or she must believe that he or she can do it.

You’re absolutely right about that!

all the best to you, Elnara.

wow this really helped me ..

I have been able to differentiate .. and I can answer questions on any 1 give only because I am still in doubt

thanks a lot

This is a very nice video. I like the way you explain things. : o)

I have some questions about comparison and contrast essays.

Question 1:

I think the system you showed on the video is called ‘block system’, right? I have heard that there is another system called ‘point by point system’. It is Okay to use any system you want?

Question 2:

Also, you mentioned that we should use another paragraph about the preference. In other words, which position do we like the most and why. Can we write that even if it is not asked on the topic question? For example, let us consider this topic question:

“The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion.”

I think the topic question does not say anything about the write preference. Would it be OK if I write my preference even though it is not required (or is it?)?

Question 3:

What about the other essays? Is there a system we should follow to write the other types of the TOEFL essays?

A lot of question, I know. But I’d be most grateful if you would give me some answers.

Thank you very much in advance.

How you structure your answer depends very much on the question. In your Question 2, it is possible to have two body paragraphs – one for the advantages and one for the disadvantages. It is possible to mention your own opinion briefly in the conclusion.

Please check my website for more info and sample essays.

All the best to you, Mouhcine.

Thank you for your efforts ,really you explaining in very good way , you simplify and facilitate points that appear complex in the beginning.

Thank You a lot

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thank you!!!

Thank you ,miss Rebecca and the web!!

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can I have all your lectures and quiz by email? I found your teaching style the best.

KIndly see if my essay is good enough. thanks

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. Everyone knows that we can’t judge a book by its cover, but is it true when it comes to judging people? For me, external appearances are certainly not a fail-safe indicator to a person’s true character and personality. One of my friends, Jenny, serves to be the perfect example to illustrate the point that outside appearance can be incredibly deceptive. When I first met her, the first thought flashing through my mind was ” What a serious girl!” She dressed like a nun, talked like a nun, and even her name reminded me of a nun! However, as we came to know each other better, all my first impressions about her began to shatter. I found out that she likes to wear mini-skirts and pink tank tops, enjoying eating anything but vegetables, collecting rock music albums and attending all kinds of parties. Except for her name, nothing on her is associated with a nun. External appearances can really trick and deceive people, but I do agree that sometimes, people have no alternative but to judge each other by what is on the surface. For example, a famous international company is going to employ 5 people, and thousands of applicants flooded in. Instead of spending lots of time to understand everyone, the interviewers may very likely filter out thousands of candidates by looking at their photos first. It may sound unfair to a lot of people but it is the harsh reality of life. Besides, I believe that sometimes, appearances are the tell-tale signs of a person’s true character and personality. For example, if a student always wears dirty clothes to school and chews gums/ betel nuts while talking with his/her professors, no matter how bright and diligent the student is, no professors will likely to have a good impression about him/her.

Appearance is not everything, and it can even be totally opposite to a person’s true values and attitudes; thus judging a person only by his/her external appearance is treacherous. Nevertheless, we can never overlook the power of appearances; after all, sometimes, first impressions can mean far more than we have expected. Word count: 352

We don’t check essays on this website, but you certainly have a great command of the English language and would get a very high score on your TOEFL exam if you wrote like that!

All the best to you, Metsm.

i am very proud to look this essay, because i cannot write essay well even i know vocabulary. i think it is due to lack of practice. i tried to make me habutuate in writing essay but cannot be so. so please advise me how is it possible for me. thank you, hope ever

ahm, i am just confused, if we are writing essay what would be the best form of tenses should be apply in writing? is that present tense,continuous, or past tense?

It depends what you are trying to say. Please check some of the free sample essays on my TOEFL website.

Best wishes to you, Raphy.

Thank you for sharing these videos in this website. This will definitely improve my English.

Well, when I was taking English classes… I felt like participating a lot and in so many cases, I felt like taking control of the class and I wanted to do more than just listen to my teacher. I believe a lot of participation is needed everyday so we “students” can practice and show individually what we have learned and what we would like to learn. Thanks for this website.

Yes, you are right. Unfortunately, many English classes are too large to enable students to participate sufficiently and improve their skills effectively. In our private language school, we allow only 8- 10 students in each class so everyone gets a chance to speak.

Best wishes to you, Edwin.

thank you for updoading these useful lessons. I have a question about the agree/disagree topics. do we have to choose one of the two ‘options’ we are given? could our opinion be somewere between?

Rebecca mam, this is the 1st time im visiting this site , and am very much impressed with ur teaching from the 1st class itself . i need to take toefl on july 10,2010 . pls guide me in READING section.thankyou

Please have a look at my goodlucktoefl .com website and you will find many useful tips for the TOEFL Reading section.

My best to you, Akshay.

I have become a huge fan of urs REBECCAESL MAM , even explaining micro details to the viewers like the reason for the noise erupting as a result of MOTOR BIKES, u r a perfect teacher , as per the say “FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE BEST IMPRESSION”…pls mail me

i like the way when you teach i learn a lot watching your videos,tomorrow is going to be my essay test, im so nervious

i think is so good . i can help me very so much in learning englsih

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hi rebecca,i m an avid viewver of ur videos.they are really proving very helping in my toefl prep.i have question 4 it mandatory to use GRE(typical n tough) words in r essay?what are the benefits/drawbacks of using/not using them?please give the appropriate suggestion for both the viewpoints.thank you in advance.

What’s important is to use vocabulary that you know how to use correctly. A good essay has some simple vocabulary and some advanced. Of course, if you know advanced level vocabulary very well, then by all means you should use it. Focus on writing relevant content within a clear and logical essay structure. Every sentence should serve a purpose toward supporting your argument.

I have a strong feeling that you will do very well. Your command of English is strong. All the best to you.

hi…,rebecca i should to great on your teaching in english it’s very easy to whom more people interested for studied all them.and also it for me yes!! im happy your website cause look a see at post the a start study english. i want imformation cause i have to planning apply call center..i thought more call services, i think the website in to wellfare share lesson..i also big thing itself for study english.

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hellow! Rebicca all good’s your share lesson english i think got a people more learn.but then themselve will to cultovate however to speaking exactly for conversation. that’s great have consent to in shown give to open mind.that’s all i know for every who intended to develope speak in english.will has theme proctice if is a available make will ought more for proctice in english to all,

Hello, it seems to be a good program and i would like to thank Mrs. Rebecca, she is really hare working woman and she provide good lesson i would to thank you just the same Mrs Rebecca.

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wooooooooooooooooow i like it the best lessons that i have ever to see about the toefl is yours

Thank you kindly, Roma. My best wishes to you.

Thanks to all for your comments, questions and suggestions.

Dear Rebecca: Curently , I am preparing the test of TOEFL and it will be done in next month.However, for some topics ,I do not have enough idea to write .For example , what music reveals the culture of your country? Would you mind to give me some kek points to hint for this essay? Thank you dear teacher Daqinag

Dear Rebecca: Curently , I am preparing the test of TOEFL and it will be done in next month.However, for some topics ,I do not have enough idea to write .For example , what music reveals the culture of your country? Would you mind to give me some key points to hint for this essay? Thank you dear teacher Daqinag

I am sorry Rebecca becasue this is my first time to use the “Submit Comment.”So in the first section of my writing ,I wrote your name in the name blank. I wish I can see your answer as quick as bossible since before long I will have the severe examination. Or if it is possible for you to allow your students to meet you in your school . I live in Toronto. Help, Help.Without the necessary indication how I can pass the test? Daqiang

Hi Ms Rebecca ,Your Lecture is very good.Now i got confidence in writing essays in toefl.thanks for ur lecture

Hi Ms Rebecca ,Your Lecture is very good.Now i got confidence in writing essays in toefl.thanks for ur lectureI would like to get advice from you on how to write an Essay which in that we should read a paragraph and listen to a conversation…i m confused with these essay..that how to structure it?

i love this leeson..

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Where is the lovely teacher ? I have posted my messages more than one week and have got any reply. I am nearly mad due to that I am planning to have the most arduous test next month. Help, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

mam.. plz include explanation through examples atleast one for one topic

and plz teach more how to construct introduction and conclusion.

thanks alot… ur lecture is so worth listening its awesome….

Hi Rebecca your lessons are very easy to understand and also I have improved my English knowledge watching your videos.So thank you very much your help to develop our English.

Hi there, I’m really impressed and interrested about the lessons, I’d like to know what must be done done to study the English by correspondence from your University.

Thanks very much. Jose Zau.

Hi, teacher i’m looking for the english Diploment coure six month to one year, please any information or address to send me,

Thank so much

Hi Rebecca, I love you. You look so hot. Will you marry me?

your lecture is very awesome .Can u tell me how many word require in an essay . My teacher give me a topic which is “I ENCOUNTER WITH ALEIN FROM MARS” plz tell me something about ths topic and I hope u will rply me comment.thx

Thank you a lot. I have a guestion for you. Is there might be an argument essay in the TOEFL exam?

Thanks for your wonderful service to the English community. I am pleased with your explanation.Thank again.

I have few clarifications below.Can you please help me out..

Can you give more details to differentiate between perference type and comparsion and contrast type independant essay..both seems to be alike…

Also shouldn’t we mention our opinion/perference of choice in the beginning of the essay.. (In all type of essays, especially to comparasion & contract type as our perferences are mentoined only in the fourth paragraph)

Thank you, sugandh

hi teacher how are you. you now teacher i went write but my english spiling is problimhow can i lern writeing spileang will you helpme.thinku mesi from Botswana Africa

thank you so much dear teacher for teaching. before this i could not understand English easily but now i do any thing jawad form Afghanistan

How to deal with this topic question in comparison and contrast essay:

“When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.”

The topic question doesn’t say what to compare (advantages, disadvantages or advantages of option 1 and advantages of option 2, etc).

What should we write about in this case?

thank u so much dear teachers for teaching i listened youre teaching now i can speak english easily thanks alot

hi rebecca iam very glad to hear your lessons beacause they are very useful my problem that i find in writing essays is how to arganize the essay and how to find the right words and express my self iam not a native speaker iam from morocco i dont know what is the problem so i hope you will hepl me thank you .

really but can you you are a very interested teacher > but can you please show us an essay about advantagase and disadvantagase as example with all my regards

I love this website very much, and you make English easy, but teacher, can you tell me why I can’t receive my password?

There is a problem with the system right now. It should be fixed by November 5.

please can any one help me>> the vedio is viewd on my page. there is some problem,, on page

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it;s wonderful

tahnks a lot:)) this helped me much!!!

thanks a lot:)) it helped me much!

Thanks a lot you are very good teacher

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Thank you for your explanation. It is very helpful for me. But I have a question about essay types 1-4: Should these three reason be only positive or only negative? I couldn’t understand exactly what to write.

Thank you Rebecca, for helping me to improve my English, I have to stick to your lessons about TOEFL in order to get a good grade next year on the TOEFL, I have already been studying a TOEFL book called Success at my English School in Brazil, and my teacher is a Great Man, all of that, associated with your explanations about this matter, I think I’ll do well on the TOEFL. Thank you once more!

You are great. I love ur teaching.

thanks alot for the lesson , i find dificulties in wtitter essays , i hope i will improve my writing with your lessons .thanks.

Thanks a lot for all your good efforts. Your lessons have improved my level in English language. Once again thank you very much.

Best regards Salah

it made me very simple in my writing exam……..thankzzz a lot.

hello .. you are awesome. i wanted to ask a doubt which i hold about toefl essays. in essays where we have to present our preference, can we take a mid way stand? if we take one stand,do we need to acknowledge the other side? looking forward to your reply.

how i prepare to give the examination of SAT

U are amazing. Really! I am from Russia and we haven’t some teachers like u. Your video helping me! Thnx!

Hi dear Rebecca Is it possible to use when for present perfect? I know we can use How long, and how You ever but how about when??? Thanks

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Hi Rebecca How can I watch your videos?

Dear madam thanks for your kind help , and thanks to your humanity

take care always

what is different futuer possiplity moadl nad conculsion modal

Please, I want to get a good score at toefl ibt which course online must I enter thanks

why I cannot see the vedio? Is anything wrong?

hi rebecca, thank you so much for your resources I was download every one of them, Because I Liked so much,I like your videos and the way that you explain every topic,I think so is a great website and the material is amazing, thank you so much and blessing of every one of you friends as ronnie and jamie they are great teachers. bye bye

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hi this is majdi plaese can you tell me how can I write paragragh with out mistak Iive in boston Sencerly,

sory I mean I live

Thank you Rebecca, all your suggestions are very useful! I’m looking forward a way to practice integrated essays writing, I already did all the exercise in the book I bought, then I had a look on line but there is nothing specific about it. Do you know how could I do? I’m looking for reading passages and audio lectures to use for integrated essays practice. Thanks Arianna

i have to admit that rebecca is the smartest teacher in this web site , i highly appreciate her and her lessons thanks alot rebecca

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hi i got 29 for the writing section and your information helped a lot thank you

hello miss Rebecca . thank u sooo much for this lesson i got knowledge how i can write essay . i hope the best life for u . may God keep u in safe and protect u and give u what u wish . i love u miss Rebecca so much . your sister : Bashayer from yemen:)

great…thank you very much…this will be help me improve my toefl score… u do a great job..keep on it…

thank u sooooooooooooo much , i was needing this lesson , u gave me points how to write in toefl test , i was writing what’s in my mind but now i understood the steps to write essay in right way . may Allah bless u :)

Its really very very useful site. I met this site today for the first time and i am enjoying it. I hope i can improve my English here. Thank you so much.

Thank you Rebecca for providing such great videos for TOEFL IBT student since a few months ago started to watch your video from Youtube and as well from, and that considerably improved my english efficiency. After all I have a question regarding the exam price for TOEFL IBT test I can’t find out how much it is? more about my other question is about validation of TOEFL Many people says that it expire after every two years and some say vice versa please answer my question if you read my comment Thanks

Thanks for this informative video. I reviewed an interesting subject as preparation for TOFEL.

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To Start with, I’d like to say how wonderful are all the courses you gave and that I had the opportunity to discover, these last days. I’m a medical doctor (psychiatrist) in France and I travel a lot around the world. To improve my English, I would appreciate a lot to have EngVid’ courses in DVD. Is it possible to by them somewhere ? I hope you’ll answer to me. Thank yoo so much for your help. Congratulations ! All the best.

its a good help for me and my students..thanks

i really thank u for the amazing explanation……i thank u more for communicating with us n replying to the comments

hi, i am from Bhutan and i am sitting Toefl test but as u have mentioned that it is not easy to appear for the i have praticed the toefl sample paper which i got through mail and i also went through Barrons but i am confused in speaking section and will it be difficult in actual test as i not practiced miuch.and also one i practiced is differnt from Barron.As my test is tomorow.please give me some suggestion/solution.

thanx alot its very helpful lesson am astudent in arab american university in palestine my major is english language iwish if you could visit us in our collage and help us to improve our accent we need anative speaker

Thank you very much ! I really enjoyed your class !!

Best regards, Javier.

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Would you mind explain the differents between holiday & holidays? thanks!!

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Thank you very much! Very useful

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i love it! thanks! ;)

This is a very helpful website.


I really love your teaching style.

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rebecca thank you so much this video is very beneficial =)

can the 1st paragraph be the introduction, 2nd paragraph I give the fact, the 3rd paragraph I give my real life experience and the 4th paragraph be my conclusion?

Thank you alot for making such a helpfull information totally free. I hope it’ll help me on the test day.

thank you a lot your lessons are so helpful. keep up the splendid job

I studied English for a long time, but I never felt so good as these classes. I have fun and learn a lot. Congratulations! Silvia.-

great thank for your lesson but you did not mentioned last one compression and contrast can you tell us how should be ?

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thank you you teach very well

thank you teacher.the lecture was very helpful.but while i write essay i cannot generate ideas quickly.can u please give me some suggestion?

wow….i have the same problem!….i think i understand how to write an essay but when i have to do it, i have no idea what to write! :( it’s so frustrating!!!!

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can u give some more tips to get understand the given topic well? and if i follow 5 paragraph pattern of writting essay what would be my score range?

i get bad marks in this quiz

thank you for help

Thank you . I definitely can say that I’ve leared something today.

i am in the US. i’m trying to get my GED is this the same type of essay

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Dear Teacher, I am really like your lessons, there are very useful for me. I enjoy learning your teaching. I would like to learn more about writing the essays from you. My question is if I choose the topic from 5-types-toefl to write the essay, would you mind to read my essay and score it? So I can know how good I am about writing the essay.

Could you please let me know about my request. Your sincerely. Latsamy

This was incredibly helpful. I am an English teacher in an elementary Academy in Seoul, but have recently been assigned a few older students studying for the TOEFL. I have an English degree and strong background in writing, but I was clueless about what the TOEFL essay expectations were. Thanks for helping me be helpful to my students!

thaaaankss aloooooooooooot it was greeeeeeeeeeeeat

hi, rebbeca thanks for you help, but i will pass my toefl. After i finish my english, but i have a problem in writting what sould i do, please help me.

hey thanks for the amazing video,,im gonna have tofel exam on sunday and i feel afraid and i have to got more than 441 to enter the university tell me some advises to have this mark,,thank you

My students and I have greatly benefitted from your online lessons. Welcome to China.

I got an excellent way of writing essays as well as their types.Thanks a lot.Hope,It will help me in my Toefl.Thanks for your best wishes too. Visit India whenever you are free.

Hi Rebbeca, I have a question to ask you about writing the essay about comparison & contrast. My question is in introduction part do we need a hook, background and the thesis statement?

I’ve been studying English since I was a kid. And now I am staying in US and married with American but I am still not confident with my english:( I will take my TOEFL soon… Dont know what to do

I’m started learn english soon, so give me A good way to be very good in english language by short time and i hope get the ibt certificate . please help me to do my wish . thanks.

I’m wondering what is better, easier: I mean TOEFL or CAE? I really like your lesson! Thank you.

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Iwant to speak english perfect

Can I know the difference between the preference types of essay and descriptive & contrast types of essays?

what do u think rebbeca? it`s good or not? can u read this essay and say ur idea?

as u wrote before in ur answers,please wrote more useful vocabulary books?

very good,helpful and useful,and very great teachers

thank you this video has helped me a lot. but i actually have one question in mind to ask. is it always necessary that we write in a certain kind of format that everybody else writes? or do u think it’s too risky to write in a liberal format as in creative writing or etc?

Thank you! and i hope you, too, know that you are an awesome toefl teacher

Its very useful thanks so much

hi, my name is junior A live in Brasil. I loved so much you english class

i some times fine it very had to write good essays because there are some essays i find it very had to understand them and as a result of this i cant wright well on them. i love essays especially when i see good example of written essays.

Hello teacher. How are you doing? I would like to say thanks to you for all hard work you’ve done. I’m absolutely certain that everyone can find something useful to them. I like your website very much!!! I wonder if you could help me overcome my problem. I really want to start writing effectively. But my question is, How to learn to write effectively? What is the first step to good writing? Thanks.

hi teacher i ‘m very happy to’s kind of youand i’m longing to another lesson for which talk how we can improve our sills.i make your lesson i wanted to get your address. thank for all this efforts you do for us.

Do you think if i start to study from this site, i will be excellent in English? what is the best way to pass Tofel Test?. I am a native Arabic man, should i translate to Arabic language all the words i don’t understand? Best Regard Ahmad

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thank you teacher for your advice, i know that they they will help in exam

thank you for the test . i got 450 which is the total score in toefl test and i got 4.5 for essay. shall i add 450 to 4.5 to get the final score or what is my final score?

very good exercice1

Hello Rebecca your vidio are realy help me with my IBT But I need someone to correct my essays and give me a mark for each from 1 to 5 as IBT to improve main

I ve heard that the toefl pattern changed now. Can you tell me what are the changes?

good engvid to learn

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Please, give me information about the types of TOFEL.

hello,my name is mabiala chance. i want to get toefl lesson on line. i want to how to write a good essay.

thank you Rebecca you are a good teacher I like this lesson

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Hi, Rebecca. thank you for you class, there is very interesting and important to improve my English

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Dear Rebecca, Your lecture helps me much in understanding and organizing my TOEFL writing responses. But I have a question about the essay pattern in response for compare & contrast questions that should I still organize my body in 3 paragraphs, however the 2 above paragraphs will present 2 major points that make 2 choices significantly different. In each paragraph I will deliver contrast ideas of each and also imply my preference. Then in 3rd paragraph, I will state more easily my preference.

Thank you so much Rebecca!

thank you i got 7 correct answer

thnx mis rebecca this was a very interesting lacture i got 8 out of 8 correct answers

hi, great video, do you teach for the toefl in toronto?

Hi miss I want to know abt integrated writing task…the reading passage would be shown in my screen when i writing the task. Plzz tell me some easy step how to write the seems really hard to me.

i thought it may help you

i do not know how to write an example essay!!!im so confused??

Hi Rebecca, Thank you for thorough explanation. I can’t understand the difference between topics #2 and #5 why do they have different patterns?

Thank you for the videos. Those are very helpful. But I need someone to correct my essays.can you give me a mark for each from 1 to 5 to improve my essay writing

Hi , thank you so much for your valuable time to guide us. I always have problem writing the essay can you give me some example how to began and how to sum up.

thanks very much for you and all the teachers (*_*)

Hi Rebeccca i have serious problems on writing integrated writing?Can you give men an advice?)

Rebecca you’re the Queen

Thank you so much, I`m very happy with this web and I looking this web evreyday before I go to sleep.Merci bcp

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That’s good. I hope you dream about us, too.

great video!!! very helpful :)

hello, i live in Vietnam. nice to meet you!

I think it really works .

Hi,Rebecca! THANKS for your valuable suggestions,I really appreciate it.Special thanks for your suggestion about comparison/contrast essay questions.YOU”RE A GREAT TEACHER!You explain everything in such a succinct way!GOD BLESS YOU!GOOD LUCK IN YOUR FUTURE LIFE AND CAREER!Bye

v gain teacher ur efforts r matchless……v gain a great input…….me trying 2 improve ma english through ur efforts……give me some tips teacher…..i will b gratefull

You are a fantastic teacher. After going through your videos on toefl ibt, I have got a lot of clarity on toefl, especially for the writing section. You really are a superb teacher. Wish you all the good luck in you profession.

Thanks & Regards,


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me too Valentina .. it soo helpful website

It was a great working from u and I really appreciate you thanks ^_^

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Dear Rebecca Hi, I enjoy watching engvid videos. I will be going to sit for TOEFL exam in Feb 2012. I am having difficulty in writing integrated essay. a) How to join the text and lecture in every sentence. b)How to start and end the essay? c ) what are the connector words? Need help. SOS Thank you once again for such a nice video. Mrs.Khan

please teacher i need to help me quikey time i have probelm for the writing thanks so much bay

thanks a lot mrs: rebicca

Ms Rebeca,you are just adorable!Infact you are my Role Model.

Thanks alot mrs Rebicca

This Website ( very good. It is useful so much. please Keep it on.

Thank you very much for such a great lesson!

Rebecca if I was asked to write an essay about Agree or disagree, how should I start my essay?

I agree that ….. I disagree ….

could you pleas guide me to the correct way

thank you in advance

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you are really good rebeca

it’s clear up everything! thank you very much!

Great lesson! I can feel you!When I was watching this footage it seemed like I was sitting in front of you! I think you’re superb teacher!

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i need help with my essay

Hello, I wrote an independent essay on the exam only 294 words long :( How badly it can affect on the score? Thank you in advance!

Hello Rebecca . Thank you very much for such a good and perfect lesson.please, help me ,i need a help, i want to see some essays examples , i need to impove my writing section, it is too bad

thanks foe the lesson…

Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson. i will try to follow all the step you have taught to us.

i would be very much grateful if you could kindly give us the assay topic so that will see whether i can write on it or not….jst my opinon

It’s rather noisy with you, you must leave your studio !!! Bye bye !!!

Nice post. I was watching continuously this site and I’m impressed! Extremely useful info specifically the last part I care for such info much. I was looking for this particular info for a long time. Thank you and best of luck.

I ‘m writing an essay that has 2 questions. I am confuse on where I should put the answer to the second question. Do I write it as a continuation or do I start a new paragraph ? These are my two question, what are the benefits of starting school early? What are some of the problems you see in sending a four year old to school?

It is difficult.

thanks for http://www.engVid , specially to all teacher. The all lesson very important . wonderfull lesson, trims from me at Borneo Indonesia.

Thanks for the vids you have provided, you really get ESL students to learn easily, and be up to date in english.

thank you very much I really learn new things :)

interesting class,,,, thank you so much teacher

Hi Rebeca, That a cool quiz a I heve been learning with this materal!!

Thank you for being an amazing teacher. i’ll do my best using your advices. thanks again.

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Hi rebecca, I really wish that I can continue my study in the overseas, to get the scholarship I need the highest score of toefl, but I really weak in listening section n writing, could you give me suggestions????

WOW!!!! Awesome video. It does help me. Thanks you so much!!!!!


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hey everyone how’s everything can yu please guy help me in something ??????

Hi, Rebecca this is the web site that my son recommended to me.And first time i try to write this email to you.I’m taking an English course now but i still poor an English and writing,and want to write an essay, I don’t know how to start a paragraph of an essay because my vocabulary and phrase are poor.I hope you can let me know how to improve it. Thank you!

Hi, Rebecca this is the web site that my son recommended me.And it is the first time i try to write this comment to you.I’m taking an English course now but i am still poor in speaking English and writing,and want to write an essay, I don’t know how to start a paragraph of an essay because my vocabulary and Grammar are poor.I hope you can let me know how to improve it. Thank you!

Hi,Rebecca this is the web site that my son recommended me.And it is the first time i try to write this comment to you. I am taking an English course now but i am still weak in English and writing, and want to write an essay,i do not know how to start an essay because my vocabulary and grammar are weak.I hope you can let me know how to improve it. Thank you!

Hi, Rebecca my son recommended me this web site to me.Ane it is the first time i write this comment to you.I am taking an English course now and want to write an essay.i do not know how to write en essay because my vocabulary and grammar is weak. I hope you can let me know how to improve it. Thank you!

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Hi, Rebacca I have seen your video and I have learn a lot from u according to my requirement. Rbacca I would like to ask one more question following this video that I understood the tips of rest 3 essay but I NEED MORE EXAMPLE HOW TO EXPLAIN THE REASON 1, REASON 2, AND REASON 3. THANK U VERY MUCH REBACCA.

Thx for information.

The description was apt and i liked the way you explained the independent essay writing. However, i would like to get some ideas about integrated essay writing. Kindly, enlighten me with some ideas

Hi Mrs Rebcca, i love the lesson that u have posted in this net,and i have learn a lot from this lesson. To request you one thing more, i have recently trying to appear in IELTS exam and i have no one to help my work to do necessary correction,so, iam requesting you to help me please. The problem with society today is that it is essentially unbalanced, with some people being paid huge salaries to work very long hours, whilst others do not have a job and have too much time on their hands. There is no middle ground. Do you agree or disagree? Essay

It is certain that, any company, whether Multi-production or single; wish to have limited workers in field experienced, and then are paid very high wedges, as well paid extra work charges, for their extra time works. And then earn huge money. In this assay, I will give brief explanations about how two factors result in the inequality of job.

As it is understood, in year 2011, a great number of people lost their jobs, especially in Europe due to Global Economic crises. The goods and services produced from the factories lost its markets, as a result, income for the company simultaneously reduced. Therefore, workforce has to reduced to small number, selecting by skilled workers, to work more extra hours, in return, they were compensate as per the extra working hours. So they draw more salary in return.

On other hand, fresh graduates from different fields of study do not have work experience, and being so, organizations were reluctant to recruit in their company. Even, if so, in low wedges, but the employee have no interest to work in low salary. By doing so, they were left as unemployed in the job market. Certainly, this increases the unemployment ratio in the global.

In conclusion, the organizations wish to have limited workers, but with far more experienced and long working hours, as to increase their daily income products. Recruiting fresh employee takes time to cope up the organizations work ethic and its rules. These discourage the employer, to employ the newly graduates in their company. Hence, this leads to raise of youth unemployment problems for every country in the world as well as unfairness to human society too.

Thank you very much for explain!!!)

I have a toefl Ibt on 9th of june.I need some useful advice from you to do a better test

thaks a lot


Thank you for sharing this great video. This is very helpful.

dear mam you tought me a lot of things today. thankyou.

Hello everybody, I just found a good website to TOEFL IBT where you can follow preparation lessons, and have your test and teacher grading too. if am not wrong. i don’t know if I am authorized to display its link here on this page?

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can you send me that link?

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Hello! Thank you Rebecca, you’re such a good teacher. I want to know specifically about examples I can find in a TOEFL, besides currently I’m studying for my TOEFL, because the next year I’m goint to take it. Please give me some tips, further I want to apply for a scholarship. Thank you very much! God bless you and take care. =D

Hi Rebecca, congrats for the video. It is cool.I have 3 questions about the independent essays.

1. What type of topic is this question: Salary increases and promotions to new positions are not the only ways to reward employees for good work. What other rewards for good work could be effective in encouraging further good work? Use specific examples to support your response?

This is not really a description type of topic as you have to list more than 1 thing. So what structure would fit this question?

2. I heard the question in the video about the compare topic. It said: Compare the advantages of…..with the advantages of….And then in the structure of the essay you stated that in the body should be used advantages and DISADVANTAGES. So if the question includes only advantages in this case, shall we use the disadvantages too?

3. Could we take the 3rd pharagraph of the body in compare type question into the conclusion. I mean to state our opinion in the conclusion and explain why, there?

till now i didnt have an idea as to how to write an essay , but this video gave me the view to write an essay . i am sure i could do well in writing

Thank you mam for this video. I have a question. For Comparison and contrast question, you mentioned to write advantages and disadvantages of A and advantages and disadvantages of B. What must be in the introduction? Shouldn’t we choose our preference in the thesis statement? and wont it be futile if for reader if we mention the answer to the question only in 4th paragraph?

Thank you!!

Hi dear teacher Rebecca! I’m very disapointed because I wanted to do my MBA in London, but I’m not a native speaker so I need to to TOEFL essay…and now, I’m sure if I’ll be able to do it. I think it’s very difficult…I have to study more english. You are a great teacher. Thank you to inform me about this. Take care

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wow! thanks a lot.. this video will help me with the TOEFL i’m sure about that… r a nice teacher everything is clear for me…. thanks a lot for helping us. :)

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Hi! That’s a really wonderful lesson with the technique of explanation.. Thanks very much.

Dear teacher Rebecca. My name is basir from Indonesia. In my institution regulation that every one should be own a TOEFL certificate if they want to be a manager candidate. I hove that through your material I can improve my TOEFL score. Thanks

thanks rebecca

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I have a question about iBT. I need topics for current iBT. Heeeeeeeelp me!

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really i love the way to learn thank you

Thaaanks!!! very usefull video:)

can i download the videos at this website?

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No. You can watch them.

what is that sites?

i was doing one the of quiz one the question i did said i was wrong but i think, was write “Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? Give specific reasons and details to support your choice. i picked preference and i was wrong hmmmmmm

Nice post. I was watching continuously this site and I’m impressed! Extremely useful info especially the last part I care for such info much. I was looking for this specific info for a long time. Thank you and best of luck.

merci énormement Ms. Rebecca, est ce que je peut avoir des lient ou je trouve des examplaire de toefl

Thank you for your helpful video :)

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is it possible to have two topic types in one question in the TOEFL exams? i sometimes experience this at school.

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I like your teaching method , it is very helpful.Do you have online writing class?

While I was watching your video just the word Toefl. made me scared. I probably fly away from m’y chair.


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Dear Mrs Rebecca, Thank so much for your help about the TOEFL. I took last month the TOEFL, I got 18 for the writing part. I am sure if I had visited your website before ,I would have had a better score. As you know it is very difficult to finish the essay in the time alloted for. Could you give me a template for each type of topic that I can study and apply to my essay in order to gain in time ? you can send them onmy email address. Thanks so much.

Hi Rebecca, I found all your lectures (those I have visited so far)on different topics very helpfull. Your way of explaining the topics makes the lecture interesting. Thank you so much and God bless you.

thanks Rebecca great lesson really

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thanks Rebecca for your grat lessons could you please explain what the difference between until and by the time ı have looked up some grammar book but ı can’t find enough information about it.if you do ı’ll be pleased thank you again.

Hi how are you I,m in England now to learn English but I still have probalm i can’t speak easy help me pleas thanks

Thank you very much for this enjoyable lesson.

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I really like this lesson. You explained plainly the essay patterns.

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Thank u so much Rebecca sis… U made me easier for my TOEFL exam…

Thanks a lot!

am not able to score more then 24 on my toefl writing,don’t know what should i do.i follow the 5 paragraph format.

Thanks so much Mrs are really a wounderful teacher.l think i can make my TOEFL now.


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Hi Rebecca, very good lesson, congratulation in advance, however I’m not certain about something. In those essays should I use the first person ? I mean, can I refer to myself ? for example using the pronoun “I”

Hello Rebecca! This is really useful, I use the same structures for my essays. However, I have a question and I cannot find an answer to it anywhere. Can the independent essay be longer than 300-350 words? Yesterday I wrote one with 618 words. I think it is a good one and I am able to write long essays for 30 minutes. Would this decrease my score? And can I write a longer answer on the integrated one.. I mean more than 225 words?

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Could you give as an example of the integrated writing task? it is quit tricky and the structure and the overal way of writing is a bit difficult. Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your worthy effort ,really its a useful lesson ,what is your advice to got high score in TOEFL exam?

hi Mis , it’s so amazing lesson i realy like it and i learned more ,so thank you so much . mmm actually i have problem with the essay in length especialy of each type of it some times i worry abou t it … how i can manage the plan of the essay in each type , also how i can avoid being far away or out from the topic it also happened to me many times i mean in the body of essay how i can make the coherent between paragraphs and make my essays’ body as a one piece more related and avoid irrelevant things , i hope you catch my meaning ,thanks again :)

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I really enjoyed watching your English teaching video all day long. You explained very clearly and easy to understand. I am preparing my first time TOEFL IBT test. I found out that you made my life easier and create my confidence for TOEFL exam. Thank you so much for your dedication for all students around the world.

Best regards,

i wonder about the conclusion of the comparison & contrast

i was thought that my opinion is the conclusion isn’t right ? and if it is not what can i write in the conclusion ?

ooh i was able to forget i wanna say THANK YOU A LOOOOOOOOOT really you help me ^_^

Dear Rebecca Thank you very much and this lesson very useful I’m appreciate Good luck

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I got by second try :D 100

Thanks a lot.

thank you because you always make it sipmle for us.

Thanks for your help I was really in need of it :)

Hi Rebecca, i want to commend you for taking time to respond to series of questions here andd on your site. My TOEFL exams is in a week’s time and i am slightly nervous. Wish me all the best. Thank you

Well, this sucks

cause it’s too hard to understand

Hi dear teacher. I am very proud of you and thank you for everything. In my opinion you are the best teacher, due to you dear professor I improve my English skills and my pronunciation. Please if it is possible help me. I want to know can I use the word and in one sentence, for example I can never do this work without your helping. I ask because I know that in one sentence can not be two and more negative words. Thank you for helping.

How excellent you are !

Dear Rebeca Your web site is great. I like it. I would like to know some information about the TOEFL JUNIOR test. For example tye a) Essay topics b) Writing topics c) Reading topics Thanks a lot in advance for your kind reply

hello rebecca am having some little issues on compare and contrast essay writing can you tell me more about it or do you have a video about it

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I like It’s very useful for all student.:)

Hi,mam i have taken TOEFL in feb 2013.The topic of independent essay is given below. “own reading is important than assigned by teacher” for this question which format need to select among 5 .In the question they haven,t mentioned to write about advantages or disadvantages.please help me,because i got lowest score on this

Hi,you are one of the best teacher ,well tell me essay section will depend on which percentage or how many numbers will it contain?

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Hi teacher, I am asking if there website to write essay or paragraph and then correct for ma?

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in the other form type essay besides the comparaison and contrast, Do we need to introduce each new idea in a new paragraph?

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your teaching style is just amazing! can you give us more detail about this essay? and more examples, please! i really like the way you explain the lectures.

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People learn more from their peers than those older than them. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

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HI Guys, I am Rahul, searching for a fellow with whom I can chat (Video or Voice both as He/She wants) in English. I am preparing for TOEFL and GRE and I am going to take these exams in the mid of October. In my surroundings I couldn’t get anyone who can talk in English, That’s why I am seeking here. If anyone, who is doing the same and interested to talk to a person who is extremely curious to crack these exams then he or she can contact me through my mail. “[email protected]”. Thax

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this is usefull course tank you!!!!

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thanks alot

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Hello Rebecca. Thank you for the lesson I have a question about the compare & contrast essay. I saw the pattern that we should follow for this question, but my question is do we always have to say the advantages and disadvantages of the topic?, eventhough if in the question is not specify. For example in this one that I found: “Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain Why”.

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Many times it is confused, because we don’t know if we have to write the advantages or disadvantages or just explain them hahah maybe you can find more information in her web site, is this one ( good luck! ^_^

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Dear madam, Could you please identify/ clarify me what differences between writing. essay of discussion and argument ? I feel confused. Thnk you very much.

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That was a wonderful topic! Thank you so much Rebecca! The engVid is a great place to learn! Thank you guys!

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thanks Rebecca,your lesson is very useful,but we need to know about our answer is depend on what the question has or estimate the status.

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Hi Rebecca, I am preparing to do IELTS in a few months and I was wondering if anybody from your team can correct my writing, I mean the essays that I do for practice. Do you have this service available, how much will it cost? Thanks

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Hi karen””thank u very mutch for this vedio “” but i’ve a issue u know what i want write something but i don’t have any subject to talk about it .So bleace MS.Karen if u can solvt my problem tell me ..

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So for the essays Agree/Disagree and Preference I have to write reasons always, right? And for Comparison/Contrast just I have to explain Advantages and Disadvantages. And finally, for the If/Imaginary and Description/Explanation just I have to explain, I don’t have to write specific reasons for them? Thank you very much!

Hello, Rebecca! I greatly admire your lessons – they are are hugely helpful for students who are self-taught in English, just like me. I’m going to take the TOEFL iBT Test in two months and I’ve been looking for lessons on how to structure a phrase/sentence effectively, so I can improve my writing skills. Do you have any lesson video talking about this subject? If not, do you think that could be a good topic to discuss? Thanks for helping and congratulations on your excellent job.

Kind regards,

Matt from Brazil.

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I’m taking the TOEFL iBT Test in two months…* (I think it sounds better this way,haha).

I try to answer your quiz teacher and i got 2mistake only but teacher i want to learn more can your help me how to do it? Because i want to learn how to start to write a essay please help me i really want to pass to TOEFL exam so i can pass and join to the higher section please help me

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that was great.

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Hi Every body Thanks for explanation . this videos was very helpful for me so thanks for present. i appreciate teacher Rebecca i like the way of teaching its so funny , understandable

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Rebecca is the best. Would say the greatest. Thanks.

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Thanks for the video ! But I wish you had recorded the video in a place less noisy. Because There is so much noise comes from outside ! Although, the microphone was far from you.

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Hi Rebecca, thank you for the informative video on how to identify the different essay patterns asked in TOEFL exams.

I will need your help here on a small query I have. It so happens that while I am giving a thought on which topic to choose of the two available ones, I always feel that it is easier to fill in more content when I write the pros and cons about both the topics rather than writing in favour or against one topic only. Can you please help me by stating if this approach by me will be graded with good marks or if it will be gauged to have no certain view and graded to receive lower score.Your help on this will be much appreciated.Thanks in advance.

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you’ve got a very clear way to engage with the purpose. thanks so much!

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Dear Rebecca, I have to work again and again before to take a TOEFL exam. But why not? Yours sincerely’

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oh my god writing essay is so easy to learn with you thnx you sooo much you helped me a lot <3

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Hello Rebecca, thank you for this helpful lecture. I got better understandings on TOEFL writing, but I am a little confused. From the examples you give to explain preference type of essay and comparison/contrast type of essay, they are all the same type to me. Could you please explain more about the differences between these types of essay. Thank you very much.

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Hi Rebecca, I have a question. In the case of Agree/disagree, what if it is something that I don’t agree or disagree in total in both affirmations? For exemple, if in my opinion the best way is to find a midpoint solution. How should I write? Or, in this case, do you recommend to give preference to one of them even if it’s not my real opinion?

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Thank you Rebecca very much, i have a different perspective about help, there are so many ways to help people, and i admire the way how you help us(your students). English – is a hard language to learn to be honest, because there are so many rules and exceptions, but thank you for making it clear, thanks for your explicit answers and definitions. I will take my TOEFL IBT tomorrow, and i will leave my comment about my score as soon as i will get them. Thank you one more time

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Hi Rebecca thank you for your lesson. But I can’t detect diferrence between preference type of writing and comparison and compare type. How can I understand whıch one is which one

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Hello At first I want to thank you for all these informative videos you have been making. I have question about comparative paragraph. Although I did understand how to structure the body of comparative essay, I am so confused about how to write a thesis statement for this essay. Do I have to state my opinion in the thesis, or to give both sides of comparison the same attention objectively without telling what is my preference?

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Thanks a lot madam. But unfortunately I had only 63 as a score. And I want to re take it and maybe there is no way to do it, may you show me how?

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Hi madam, it’s ok. I found how to do it. And i got 83. Thanks a lot

Now 88%, really happy

How can I take lesson as special from a teacher in here ?I saw just videos.But I wanna get online TOEFL course from a teacher in this website.Please if you’d help me,I’d appreciate it.

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its so workable and thank u soo mush for your effort

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As a learners we profoundly thank you for your efforts . hopefully you have a tome to reply my useful question for all of us that if we get the pattern of essay whose kind starts with (if) , what is the verb form we should use in the whole essay to accomplish our task properly ? Kind regards .

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Help me a lot to write effective essay . Thank a lot , all the best Rebecca.

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Thanks Rebecca. Sometimes we get our mind in black because is already difficult to talk about something when you are not having a conversation, but at least if we have a plan (like the one you just gave us) there is something to begin with.

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How can I take lesson as special from a teacher in here ?I saw just videos.But I wanna get online TOEFL course from a teacher in this website.Please if you’d help me,i’d

This is a great lesson

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I’d appreciate it

I can easily help to you .I have good TOEFL score and also can speak in turkish.

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Good evening! Thanks for this lesson! It helps me a lot) 8/8

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i’am happy when lestn these lessons

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thank you teacher Rebecca..I really like your way of explaining.

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Thanks for the lesson. Very useful!

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Very interesting lessons.

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My score is 100. Thanks rebbeca. Really helpful

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Very useful, not only for TOEFL

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You got 6 correct out of 8.

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Thank you so much

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I want to learn how to write acdemic writting sytle and research paper. please guide me how I shold learn where I can learn about it.

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Good morning! Thank you for your video, that was very clear but I have one question: is the essay about the toefl iBt and the toefl rpdt the same? Because the latter is a new format which appeared two years ago, and I can’t find some exercises about it! Thank you.

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Thanks Mr. Rebecca.

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8/8. Thanks a lot for such simple explanation of essays system.

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Exactly, her simple and explanation was fascinating.

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Here is a question that I want to ask you. It is about comparison and contrast type of essay in TOEFL, specifically, can you guide me how can we write our thesis in this pattern.

Thanks in advance

Unfortunately, 3 /10

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i am sorry 3/8

I watched the video twice on September 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.

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I am a student and I should learn English. Thank you, Rebecca!

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good to know…

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Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics

Nova A.

Interesting Compare and Contrast Essay Topics & Ideas

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compare and contrast essay topics

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Your Ultimate Guide to Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare And Contrast Essay Examples & Samples

Learn How to Create a Compare and Contrast Essay Outline - With Examples & Tips

Writing a compare and contrast essay can be hard for students because they struggle to find an interesting topic that fits their assignment.

To help, we have compiled a list of great compare and contrast essay topics ideas.

Read on to find easy and good compare and contrast essay ideas from our list of prompts.

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  • 1. What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?
  • 2. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for University Students
  • 3. Compare and Contrast Essay For ESL Students
  • 4. College Level Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 5. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students
  • 6. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School
  • 7. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 9th Grade
  • 8. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For 7th Grade
  • 9. Easy Compare And Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade
  • 10. Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For Elementary Students
  • 11. Personal Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 
  • 12. History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 13. Science Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 14. Sports Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 15. Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 16. Literature & Language Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 17. Education Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 18. Social Sciences Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 19. Arts and Culture Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 20. Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 
  • 21. Controversial Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 22. Movie Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 23. Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 24. Fun Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 25. Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 26. Deep Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 27. Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 28. Healthcare Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 29. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Technology
  • 30. Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 31. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Economy
  • 32. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Politics
  • 33. How to Choose a Topic for a Compare and Contrast Essay?

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that explains how two or more subjects are different or similar. 

The purpose of this essay is to examine two things and find out how they are similar and different. When writing a compare and contrast essay, it's important to consider the relevance of each characteristic being compared. This will help you decide which characteristics are most worth exploring.

Here’s a video that explains compare and contrast essay in more depth:

If you have not decided on the topic as yet, get inspired by the topic ideas given below:

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for University Students

  • Compare the education systems of the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Compare and contrast the themes and characters in two classic novels of your choice.
  • Compare the democratic systems of the United States and European countries.
  • Compare the impact of Eastern and Western philosophies on modern society.
  • Compare and contrast the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
  • Compare the economic systems of capitalism and socialism.
  • Compare the theories of evolution and creationism in the context of biology.
  • Compare the impact of World War I and World War II on global politics and society.
  • Compare the role of women in society in the 19th and 21st centuries.
  • Compare and contrast classical music and contemporary pop music.

Compare and Contrast Essay For ESL Students

  • Traditional Festivals: Similarities and Differences Between Your Country and Another Culture
  • Public Transportation Systems: Comparing Your Hometown with a Major City Abroad
  • Education Methods: Traditional Approaches versus Modern Learning Techniques
  • Family Gatherings: Cultural Customs in Your Homeland versus Another Culture
  • Cuisine: Contrasting Traditional Foods in Your Country with Fast Food Trends in the West
  • Language Learning: Immersion Programs versus Classroom Instruction Methods
  • Environmental Awareness: Comparing Efforts and Initiatives Across Different Countries
  • Work Ethics: Contrasting Professional Behavior in Your Country and a Western Culture
  • Healthcare Systems: Comparing Access, Quality, and Affordability in Various Nations
  • Social Media Usage: Differences in Norms and Etiquette Between Your Country and the United States

College Level Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Check out these compare and contrast essay topics for college students.

  • The Challenges of School and College: Which is More Difficult?
  • Balancing Act: Employed Students and Unemployed Students
  • In-Depth Analysis: Research Papers and Essays
  • Cultural Comparisons: American Culture and British Culture
  • Paths to Success: Education and Employment
  • Language Proficiency Tests: IELTS and TOEFL
  • Academic Levels: Graduate Students and Postgraduate Students
  • Debating Styles: Argumentative Essays and Persuasive Essays
  • Mobile Operating Systems: Android and iOS
  • Writing Mediums: Online Writing and Traditional Writing

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Comparing Academic Life in School and College
  • The Challenges of Being an Employed vs. Unemployed Student
  • Understanding the Differences Between Research Papers and Essays
  • Exploring the Cultural Differences Between America and Britain
  • Weighing the Pros and Cons of Education vs. Employment
  • IELTS vs. TOEFL: Which Language Test is Right for You?
  • Graduate Students and Postgraduate Students: What Sets Them Apart?
  • Argumentative Essays vs. Persuasive Essays: Understanding the Differences
  • Comparing Android and iOS: Which Mobile Operating System is Better?
  • Online Writing vs. Traditional Writing: Which Method is More Effective?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Playing Video Games and Reading a Book: Which is More Beneficial?
  • Real Communication and Texting: Comparing the Impact on Relationships
  • Apples and Pears: A Nutritional and Taste Comparison
  • Giving vs. Receiving Presents: Which Brings More Joy?
  • Long Hair vs. Short Hair: Which Style Suits You Best?
  • Cats vs. Dogs: Which Makes a Better Pet?
  • King Arthur and Zeus: Comparing Legends and Myths
  • Watching a Film at Home vs. in the Cinema: Which Experience is Better?
  • Dictators and School Bullies: Parallels and Differences in Behavior
  • Hurricane vs. Tsunami: Comparing Natural Disasters

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 9th Grade

  • Comparing the Dangers of On-Screen Screen Time vs Outdoor Activities
  • Contrasting Ancient Rome and Modern America
  • Online Classes vs On-campus Classes
  • School Uniforms vs Casual Dress Code
  • Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling
  • Video Games vs. Movies
  • Reading Books vs Watching Movies
  • Examining the Impact of Social Media on Teenage Lives
  • Comparing Private Schools to Public Schools
  • Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life vs Country Life.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For 7th Grade

  • Exploring the Differences Between Summer and Winter Activities
  • Comparing E-books and Printed Books
  • Staying Home Versus Going on Vacation
  • Playing Video Games Versus Playing Outside
  • The Experience of Attending Elementary School Compared to Middle School
  • Comparing Having Siblings with Being an Only Child
  • Living in a Big House Versus a Small Apartment
  • Watching Cartoons Versus Reading Comic Books
  • Riding a Bicycle Compared to Riding a Skateboard
  • The Differences Between Online Friends and Real-Life Friends

Easy Compare And Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • Choosing Between Dogs and Cats as Pets
  • Books or TV: How Do They Entertain Us Differently?
  • Summer Fun vs. Winter Adventures
  • Indoor Games vs. Outdoor Activities
  • Daytime vs. Nighttime: When is the Best Time for Fun?
  • Healthy Snacks Compared to Junk Food: Which is More Tempting?
  • Morning Habits vs. Evening Routines
  • Bringing Lunch from Home or Eating School Lunch: Which is Better?
  • Movie Night at Home vs. Going to the Theater
  • Biking vs. Walking to School: Which is More Enjoyable?

Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For Elementary Students

  • Facebook or Instagram
  • Fast food vs. healthy meal
  • Public school vs. Private school
  • Parental control or full freedom
  • Good teacher vs. a bad teacher
  • Online vs. Traditional shopping
  • Chinese vs. American beauty concepts
  • Rock vs. Classical music
  • Apartment vs. House 
  • University professors vs. School teachers

Personal Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 

  • Comparing My Childhood Home to My Current Residence
  • Reflecting on High School vs. College Experiences
  • Contrasting My Parent's Parenting Styles
  • Analyzing My Career Goals vs. My Current Job
  • Comparing My Favorite Vacation Spots
  • Reflecting on My Best Friend vs. My Sibling
  • Contrasting My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Analyzing My Approach to Time Management vs. Procrastination
  • Comparing My Hobbies and Interests Over the Years
  • Reflecting on My Attitude Towards Health and Fitness

History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comparing the American Revolution and the French Revolution
  • Ancient Egypt vs. Ancient Mesopotamia: Early Civilizations Compared
  • World War I and World War II: Causes and Consequences
  • The Roman Empire vs. The Byzantine Empire: Differences in Governance and Culture
  • Industrial Revolution in Britain vs. Industrial Revolution in America
  • Cold War vs. War on Terror: Strategies and Impacts
  • Comparing the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement
  • The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I vs. The Reign of Queen Victoria
  • Comparing the Impact of the Printing Press and the Internet on Society
  • Gandhi's Non-Violent Resistance vs. Malcolm X's By Any Means Necessary: Approaches to Civil Rights

Science Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Renewable Energy Sources vs. Non-Renewable Energy Sources: Which is More Sustainable?
  • Solar Power vs. Wind Power: Comparing Renewable Energy Solutions
  • Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells: Differences in Cell Structure and Function
  • Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration: How Do They Differ?
  • Comparing the Effects of Earthquakes and Volcanoes on the Environment
  • Animal Adaptations in the Desert vs. the Rainforest
  • DNA vs. RNA: Molecular Structures and Functions
  • Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells: Key Structural Differences
  • Newton's Laws of Motion vs. Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Understanding the Principles of Physics
  • Analog vs. Digital Signals: How They Impact Communication Technology

Sports Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Individual Sports vs. Team Sports: Which Builds Better Character?
  • Football vs. Soccer: Comparing Two Popular Sports
  • Olympic Games vs. Paralympic Games: Differences in Competition and Participation
  • Basketball vs. Baseball: Contrasting Playing Styles and Rules
  • Tennis vs. Badminton: Comparing Racquet Sports
  • American Football vs. Rugby: Differences in Rules and Strategy
  • Gymnastics vs. Figure Skating: Comparing Athleticism and Artistry
  • Boxing vs. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA): Contrasting Combat Sports
  • Golf vs. Tennis: Comparing Individual Sports with Global Appeal
  • Winter Sports vs. Summer Sports: Seasonal Athletic Pursuits

Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • How Do Behaviorism and Cognitive Psychology Differ in Explaining Behavior?
  • Freudian Psychoanalysis vs. Humanistic Psychology: What Shapes Our Personality?
  • Genes or Environment: What Makes Us Who We Are?
  • Learning by Repetition vs. Learning by Rewards: Classical vs. Operant Conditioning
  • Social Psychology vs. Clinical Psychology: Focusing on Groups vs. Individuals
  • How Do Psychodynamic and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Mental Health?
  • Erikson vs. Piaget: How Do We Grow as People?
  • Positive Psychology: Focusing on Strengths Instead of Problems
  • Phobias vs. Obsessions: Understanding Different Anxiety Disorders
  • Social Media vs. Face-to-Face: How Does Online Interaction Affect Our Minds?

Literature & Language Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Shakespeare's Plays: Tragedy vs. Comedy - Big Feels or Big Laughs?
  • Poetry vs. Prose: Telling a Story in Rhyme or Regular Talk?
  • Old Books vs. New Books: What's the Difference?
  • Fiction vs. Non-Fiction: Made Up Stories or True Accounts?
  • Who's Telling the Story? Seeing Things from the Character's Eyes vs. Knowing Everything.
  • Modern English vs. Old English: How Our Language Changed Way Back When.
  • Symbols in Writing: Finding Hidden Meanings in Poems and Stories.
  • Dark and Scary vs. Romantic and Dreamy: Comparing Gothic and Romantic Literature.
  • Reality with a Magic Twist: Mixing the Real World with Fantasy in Writing.
  • Analyzing Books: Taking Apart the Story vs. Having Your Own Opinion.

Education Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Can Standardized Testing and Alternative Assessments Accurately Measure Student Achievement?
  • Traditional Classrooms or Online Learning: Exploring the Best Fit for Modern Education.
  • Optimizing Classroom Instruction: Examining Teacher-Centered vs. Student-Centered Learning.
  • Early Education vs. Later School Start Times: What's the Best Time for Young Minds to Begin Learning?
  • Vocational Training or College Degrees: Unveiling Paths to a Fulfilling Career.
  • Public vs. Private Schools: Funding, Access, and Educational Philosophy in Comparison.
  • Does Homework Enhance Learning or Become an Unnecessary Burden?
  • Inclusion vs. Segregation: Creating a Learning Environment that Benefits All Students.
  • Technology's Role in Education: Boosting Learning or Creating Distractions?
  • Striking a Balance: Play and Academics Working Together for Effective Learning.

Social Sciences Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Nature or Nurture: What Shapes Who We Are?
  • Learning from Others: Social Learning Theory vs. Observational Learning.
  • Individual vs. Society: Social Psychology Examines Behavior, Sociology Analyzes Structure.
  • Unearthing the Past: Cultural Anthropology vs. Archaeology.
  • Capitalism vs. Socialism: Contrasting Economic Systems and their Societal Impact.
  • Democracy vs. Autocracy: Exploring Citizen Participation in Different Forms of Government.
  • A Globalized World vs. National Identity: Globalization vs. Nationalism.
  • Crime and Punishment: Deterrence, Rehabilitation, or Restorative Justice?
  • City Living vs. Country Living: Exploring the Challenges and Benefits of Urbanization vs. Rural Life.
  • Social Media and Mental Health: Positive Connections or Negative Impacts?

Arts and Culture Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Artistic Expression Across Time: Renaissance vs. Baroque Art.
  • Evoking Emotion: Pop Music vs. Classical Music.
  • Capturing Reality: Impressionism vs. Cubism.
  • Storytelling Through Movement: Contemporary Dance vs. Traditional Ballet.
  • Global vs. Local Cinema: Hollywood Movies vs. Bollywood Movies.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Festivals: Exploring the Evolution of Cultural Celebrations.
  • Fashion as Identity: Expressing Individuality Through Historical vs. Modern Fashion Trends.
  • Myths and Legends: Folklore and Urban Legends Compared.
  • Spectator Sports vs. Extreme Sports: The Cultural Significance and Evolution of Athletic Competition.
  • Food and Identity: Exploring Cultural Traditions in Cuisine.

Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 

Here are some fun compare and contrast essay topics for light-hearted essays

  • Moonwalk vs. Gangnam Style 
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation 
  • Growing a tree vs. raising a child
  • Being single vs. in a relationship 
  • Drugs or Coffee - Which is better to improve performance?
  • Morse code vs. Beethoven’s fifth symphony 
  • Love or friendship
  • Apple vs. Samsung 
  • Live-in relationship vs. marriage 
  • Barbie vs. Bratz 

Controversial Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Balancing Gun Control Measures with Second Amendment Rights for Safety and Freedom
  • Examining the Societal Impacts of Legalizing Marijuana versus Maintaining Strict Drug Laws
  • Perspectives on Abortion: Debating Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Stances
  • Ethical Considerations in Punishment: Capital Punishment versus Life Imprisonment
  • Comparing Economic Systems: Socialism and Capitalism in Pursuit of Equality
  • Ethical Dilemma in Scientific Research: Animal Testing versus Upholding Animal Rights
  • Freedom of Expression versus Harmful Speech: Limits and Consequences
  • Securing Privacy in Surveillance: Individual Rights and National Security
  • Analyzing Climate Change: Natural Causes versus Human Contributions
  • Comparing Educational Approaches: Traditional Schooling and
  • Homeschooling in Learning and Social Development

Movie Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Can Classic Films and Modern Movies Help Us Understand Cinema's Evolution?
  • Superhero Epics vs. Sci-Fi Adventures: Exploring Contrasting Blockbuster Genres.
  • How Does the Adaptation Process Impact Films Based on Literature?
  • Unveiling the Distinctive Styles of Animation: Disney vs. Pixar.
  • The Complexities of Original Films and Remakes: Balancing Artistic Merit with Audience Reception.
  • High-Octane Action or Side-Splitting Comedy: What Makes Different Film Genres Appealing?
  • Exploring Cultural Perspectives in Cinema: Hollywood Blockbusters vs. International Films.
  • Independent Spirit vs. Mainstream Appeal: Examining Themes and Production Values in Film.
  • Unveiling Narrative Depth: The Differences Between Dramas and Comedy-Dramas.
  • A Look at the Distinct Cinematic Visions of Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan.

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Living in a Big City versus Living in a Small Town
  • Traditional Education versus Online Learning
  • Books versus Movies and Their Storytelling Approaches
  • Work Environments: Working from Home versus Working in an Office
  • Flying by Plane versus Taking a Train
  • American English versus British English in Vocabulary and Spelling
  • High School versus College and Their Academic and Social Differences
  • Apple Devices versus Android Devices and Their Operating Systems
  • Public Transit versus Driving a Car in Terms of Cost, Convenience, and Environmental Impact
  • Traditional Families versus Blended Families and Their Relationships

Fun Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Wizards vs. Witches: Magical Showdown
  • Summer Festivals vs. Winter Carnivals: Seasonal Celebrations
  • Metropolis Madness vs. Country Calm: Where to Live?
  • Adventures in Middle-earth vs. Galaxy Far, Far Away: Epic Journeys
  • Social Butterflies vs. Snap-happy Explorers: Social Media Stars
  • Pizza Palooza vs. Burger Bonanza: Foodie Face-off
  • High School Hijinks vs. College Capers: Student Life
  • Road Trippin' vs. Jet Setting': Travel Adventures
  • Campfire Chronicles vs. Hotel Hideaways: Outdoor Escapes
  • Mozart vs. Morrison: Musical Masterminds

Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comparing Renaissance and Baroque Art Styles.
  • Analyzing Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing in the Digital Age.
  • Exploring Dreams in Psychology and Literature.
  • The Impact of Video Games and Literature on Storytelling.
  • Contrasting Natural Medicine with Conventional Medicine.
  • Comparing Shakespearean Sonnets with Modern Song Lyrics.
  • Examining Eastern and Western Approaches to Meditation and Mindfulness.
  • Contrasting Ancient Greek Democracy with Modern Democratic Systems.
  • The Internet's Effect on Traditional Journalism and Citizen Journalism.
  • Comparing Family Members and Friends in Tough Life Decisions.

Deep Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Balancing Individual Rights with Social Responsibilities
  • Understanding Genetic and Environmental Influences
  • Evolving Gender Roles: Traditions versus Fluidity in Identity Formation
  • Ethical Challenges in Artificial Intelligence and Human Decision-Making: Evaluating Risks and Benefits
  • Globalization's Impact on Cultural Identity: Preserving Diversity Amidst Global Integration
  • Comparing Political Systems: Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Societal Effects
  • Perspectives on the Universe: Science, Faith, and Rational Approaches to Understanding
  • Achieving Sustainable Development: Balancing Environmental Conservation and Economic Growth
  • Factors Influencing Mental Health: Resilience, Vulnerability, and Psychological Well-being
  • Defining Free Speech in Society: Exploring Boundaries and Responsibilities

Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Paths to Healing: Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine
  • Philosophies and Practices in Healing: Western vs. Eastern Medicine
  • Prevention vs. Treatment in Healthcare
  • Holistic Health vs. Conventional Medicine: Approaches to Comprehensive Care
  • Access and Quality of Medical Services: Public vs. Private Healthcare
  • Therapy vs. Medication in Mental Health Treatment
  • Surgical Procedures: Benefits and Risks of Open vs. Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Managing Chronic Diseases: Strategies and Outcomes for Diabetes and Hypertension
  • Preventive Measures and Treatments: Vaccines vs. Antibiotics
  • Healthcare Delivery: Convenience and Effectiveness of Telemedicine vs. In-Person Consultations

Healthcare Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Traditional Medicine vs. Modern Medicine
  • Universal Healthcare vs. Private Healthcare
  • Telemedicine vs. In-Person Doctor Visits
  • Mental Health vs. Physical Health Care
  • Vaccination vs. Natural Immunity
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine vs. Western Medicine
  • Healthcare in Developed vs. Developing Countries
  • Public Health vs. Personal Health
  • Hospital Care vs. Home Healthcare
  • Healthcare Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Technology

  • Contrasting Technological Progress: The Evolution of Smartphones and Computers
  • Advantages and Limitations: Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence
  • Impact on Students: Online Learning versus Traditional Classroom Education
  • Analyzing Consumer Preferences: E-commerce and Brick-and-Mortar Stores
  • Assessing Environmental Impacts: Renewable Energy versus Fossil Fuels
  • Perspectives and Challenges: Balancing Digital Privacy and National Security
  • Applications and Innovations Compared: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Audience Engagement Strategies: Social Media Platforms - Facebook versus Twitter
  • Comparing Preventive Strategies in Business: Cybersecurity Measures
  • Future Trends and Applications: Exploring the Internet of Things and Blockchain Technology

Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comparing Live Concerts with Music Streaming Services.
  • Analyzing Hollywood Films and Independent Movies.
  • Contrasting Video Games and Board Games.
  • Exploring Fiction Books versus Non-Fiction Books.
  • Comparing Stand-Up Comedy and Improv Comedy.
  • Examining Theater Plays and Movie Adaptations.
  • Contrasting Cable TV with Streaming Services.
  • Analyzing Action Movies versus Romantic Comedies.
  • Exploring Pop Music and Hip-Hop Music.
  • Comparing Classical Art with Street Art.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Economy

  • Keynesian Economics vs. Supply-Side Economics
  • Market Economy vs. Planned Economy
  • Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics
  • Economic Development vs. Economic Growth
  • Fiscal Policy vs. Monetary Policy
  • Developed Countries vs. Developing Countries' Economies
  • Income Inequality in Capitalist vs. Socialist Economies
  • The Great Depression vs. the 2008 Financial Crisis
  • Trade Protectionism vs. Free Trade
  • Economic Impact of COVID-19 vs. Other Major Crises

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Politics

  • A Comparative Analysis of Democratic and Republican Policies in Politics
  • Examining Political Systems: Comparing Democracy and Authoritarianism
  • Governance Structures Examined: Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
  • Exploring Political Philosophies: Conservative and Liberal Ideologies
  • Perspectives on International Relations: Nationalism and Globalism
  • Debating Voting Systems: Electoral College and Popular Vote
  • Balancing Rights and Responsibilities: Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech Laws
  • Impact of Political Movements: Comparing Left-Wing and Right-Wing Populism
  • Comparing Green Parties Around the World: Perspectives on Environmental Policies
  • Strategies in National Security: War on Terror and Diplomatic Approaches

How to Choose a Topic for a Compare and Contrast Essay?

Usually, elementary school and college students are assigned topics for their essays. But if not, then it is time to show your creativity by choosing an interesting topic. 

Choosing the right topic for your essay is both important and daunting.

If you want to select an impressive topic for your essay, follow the tips provided below:

  • Identify Your Interests: Identify the topics you find interesting and are passionate about discussing. Your enthusiasm will enhance the quality of your writing.
  • Create a List of Ideas: List down all the ideas and choose subjects that can be described in detail with various aspects.
  • Ensure Coherence: Make sure that the subjects you choose for your essay belong to the same group or category. This ensures a logical and coherent flow of ideas.
  • Consider Your Audience: Keep in mind the target audience. Structure your compare and contrast essay outline based on the readers' interests to increase your essay’s readership. Choose a topic that aligns with your audience's preferences.
  • Explore Current Trends: Choose topics from current trends and controversies. People are more interested in subjects that are new or controversial. This ensures your essay remains engaging and relevant to your audience.

Researching before choosing your compare and contrast essay topic is essential. In this way, you will know if your chosen topic is suitable or not. 

To sum up, these are some helpful and fun writing ideas you can use in your compare and contrast essay.

However, sometimes students need more than a list of compare and contrast essay topics to guide them. You should also read some compare and contrast essay examples to get a better understanding.

Whether writing an essay or an academic paper on compare and contrast, it is essential first to pick a good topic. You can easily get help from our essay writing company online.

If you are looking for free essay examples and samples, is the right place. We have professional essay writers available around the clock to help you with your essays.   Buy compare and contrast essay now to get a well-written academic paper to improve your grades.

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compare and contrast essay


  • 100 Great Compare and Contrast Essay Topics to Choose From
  • 100 Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Any Student

100 Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Any Student

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay

Tips on choosing a topic, compare and contrast essay topics, compare and contast essay topics for college students, compare and contrast essay topics for high school, history: topics, economics: topic ideas, healthcare: compare and contrast essay topics.

  • Philosophy: Topic Ideas

IT and Social Media: Ideas

Literature: great compare and contrast topics, cinematography and music: topics, science: topics, bottom line.

  • Students Also Ask

Most students get excited when given a chance to choose a compare and contrast essay topic they are most passionate about. However, the first time you face this task, you can't help but feel a bit puzzled. Believe you are not alone since coming up with a brilliant topic idea may take some time. Besides, you need to take care of the target readers – mostly your professors grading thousands of similar papers.

The great news is that our experienced English essay writers have compiled a list of the 100 best compare and contrast essay topics for any assignment you can ever imagine. On top of that, you will find out how to select the topic that will make the jaws drop (in a good way only).

It shouldn't surprise you that any writing process starts with brainstorming a topic for an academic paper. However, it's nearly impossible to choose the right topic without a precise understanding of a compare and contrast essay . Let's first figure out the definition .

As you may guess, compare and contrast essay is a piece of writing that offers an extensive comparison of the two or more subjects. This type of paper is all about uncovering what is similar and what is different. Such paper provides enough space for creativity since students may choose to explore a controversial topic. And the fun part begins when you get to draw a parallel between two subjects instead of covering a single issue.

Takeaway : before you actually get down to write a paper, make sure to choose two things that you will be able to compare.

Now that you are familiar with the definition, it's time to learn how to choose great compare and contrast essay topics. Below, we have gathered the great suggestions that will help you get started . Here're several useful tips to consider when choosing compare and contrast essay topics:

  • Brainstorm a topic . The best way to decide on two good compare and contrast topics is to brainstorm and write down all potential ideas. Once you choose two proper subjects, you have to organize your thoughts. Prepare a table where you will mention both similarities and differences between the two subjects.
  • Focus on an apples-to-apples comparison . As mentioned before, you should find two things that have a connection. For example, you can take two pets – cats and dogs – to contrast, while comparing a fruit (i.e., banana) with music (i.e., hard rock) doesn't make sense.
  • Ensure there is enough material . Just like an argumentative paper, your compare and contrast essay will need evidence. Thus, when picking a topic, you should also find enough primary and secondary sources. Make sure these sources are credible and no older than 5 years.
  • Choose a killer subject . When it comes to a small task and massive results, topics steal the show. Good titles for essays  have an immense impact on your reader. For this reason, you should focus on those compare and contrast essay topics that will spark interest.  
  • Build a thesis statement . Sometimes all you need is to move in the opposite direction. Firstly, set your purpose by writing the thesis statement. Next, research the topics based on your thesis.

Keep in mind that compare and contrast essay topics should be in line with your assignment's instructions , if there are any. After all, it would be really frustrating to have a comparison paper written on a topic that doesn't stick to the requirements.

Selecting a compelling topic might take a while if you don't have a list of sample ideas in front. With this in mind, we encourage you to look through the pool of compare and contrast essay topics listed below . Feel free to grab any subject you like most and transform it into an outstanding essay.

We have divided the following topic ideas into several categories to make it easier to select the one you need. But you can always browse other ideas such as argumentative essay topics . The list starts with the most relevant compare and contrast essay topics college students usually discuss. These are:

  • School vs. College: the key differences
  • Employed and unemployed students: who takes the best of their life?
  • Research paper and essay: what are the similarities and differences?
  • Introvert and extrovert: how are they different?
  • American English  and British English: major differences
  • What makes education and employment similar?
  • SAT and TOEFL : Differences and similarities
  • How are Master's Degree and Ph.D. different?
  • Persuasive and argumentative papers: what similar features do they share?
  • Traditional education or remote learning: which option is better?

Below, you can find a list of the most common topics for high school students:

  • Living in poverty and being rich
  • Coffee and tea: what are the effects on a human body?
  • Living in a big city or a countryside
  • Human interactions: face-to-face vs. online
  • Exercising or dieting: which method is more effective?
  • Family traditions vs. national traditions
  • Living at home or living on campus
  • Childhood and adulthood
  • Working in an office or being a freelancer
  • Education or professional career: comparison

They say history repeats itself. However, the course of events is always different. Let's see the examples of historical events or public figures students can choose for their history compare and contrast essay topics:

  • Comparison of Lincoln's and Washington' ideas
  • Renaissance vs. Baroque epoch
  • Anthropology vs. Religious studies
  • American Government vs. Soviet Union Government
  • Democracy vs. monarchy
  • Election systems: US vs. the UK
  • North and South before the Civil War in the US
  • Henry VIII vs. King Louis XIV
  • Fascism vs. nazism
  • World War I and World War II

As for history subjects, consult our topics for informative essays . You will find something interesting for sure.

In case you need to compose a comparison paper on Economics, look through this selection of compare and contrast essay topics:

  • Economy and Economics
  • Economics and Business
  • Financial crisis and regression
  • Economic growth and economic development
  • Economic issues and social issues
  • GDP vs. GNP
  • Economic politics: East vs. West
  • Developed economy and developing economies
  • Consumerism and minimalism
  • Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

Thanks to modern medicine, there are different treatment approaches. With this in mind, finding ideas for comparison should not be a challenge. Below are just some ideas on Healthcare:

  • Traditional medicine and western medicine
  • Prescription drugs and natural alternatives
  • Surgery or chemotherapy
  • Plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery
  • Psychology and psychiatry
  • Cancer and tumor
  • Autoimmune disease and autoinflammatory disease
  • Clinic or hospital
  • Testing on animals or testing on humans
  • Antibiotics or antiviral drugs

Diversify proposed topics with some new ideas. A good cause and effect topic may come in handy.

Philosophy: Topic Ideas 

There are so many philosophical theories and ideas that you will be spoilt for choice. Here're are just some aspects you can consider when choosing compare and contrast essay topics on Philosophy:

  • Philosophy and Neuroscience
  • Life and death: various philosophical views
  • Physical and mental needs of human beings
  • Greek philosophy and Roman philosophy
  • German philosophy and French philosophy
  • Materialism or spiritualism
  • Dualism or monism
  • Idealism or relativism
  • Nietzsche or Kant
  • Freud or Adler

If you are a digital-savvy student, consider the following compare and contrast essay topics on technology:

  • Windows or Mac
  • Android or iPhone: which one is better?
  • Netflix or HBO
  • Facebook or MySpace: which social network offers more opportunities?
  • E-mail or traditional mailing
  • Chatting with a human or a robot
  • Online and traditional commerce
  • Online dating and real-life relations
  • Computer games and video games
  • Searching for a job online or traditionally?

Have a comparison paper due on Literature? Do not skip over this list of ideas:

  • Comedy or drama
  • Greek and Roman mythology
  • Romanticism and impressionism in literature
  • Prose or lyrics: what people prefer more and why?
  • The poetry of XIII Century and nowadays
  • Shakespeare's Othello vs. Hamlet
  • American novels and French novels
  • Fiction or nonfiction literature: what are the differences?
  • Autobiography and memoir
  • Literature now and 20 years ago

Are you passionate about movies or music? Here's your jam of compare and contrast essay topics every movie and music lover will appreciate:

  • Books or movies: why reading is preferred
  • Computer-generated imagery and computer animation
  • American cinematography and the Soviet Union cinematography
  • Movies and anime
  • Horror movies and thrillers: comparison
  • Electronic instruments vs. traditional musical instruments
  • Jazz and rock
  • Sam vs. Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
  • Harry Potter vs. Draco Malfoy
  • Gandalf vs Dumbledore

Are you into science? Then, quickly look through these great compare and contrast essay topics to find the one you like best:

  • Predators and prey
  • Physics or Chemistry
  • Milky Way and Andromeda
  • Bacterias and viruses
  • What makes the Earth different from the Mars
  • The first mission to the Moon and the second visit
  • Thomas Jefferson or DaVinci: whose innovations matter more?
  • Earthquake or tsunami: consequences of which one are worse?
  • Formulas of two different chemical reactions
  • Protons and neurons

You may look for how to write a topic sentence . No worries, we have a special blog that will explain everything.

Compare and contrast essay topics for college students might be tricky to choose. Make sure to consider the tips given in this article when picking the subjects for your paper. Once you decide on a subject, feel free to get in touch with our expert writers for help. We are eager to assist you at any stage in the writing process and deliver a unique compare and contrast essay.

Students Also Ask 

Can I choose more than two subjects for a compare and contrast essay? 

Typically, it is required to draw a parallel between two subjects in your compare and contrast essay. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t take three or more things for your comparison. Make sure that you find both similarities and differences between the chosen subjects. But if you choose multiple things to compare, you should put extra effort into organizing your thoughts. 

How do I write a title for a compare and contrast essay? 

The main purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to identify the similarities and/or differences between any two things or events. To choose a great title for a comparison paper, you should ensure that the subjects are:

  • Comparable (have something in common)
  • Contrasting (have differences)
  • Both comparative and contrasting.

Besides, your title should be eye-catchy to grab the reader’s attention.  

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101 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Great Ideas for Essays

  • Teaching Resources
  • An Introduction to Teaching
  • Tips & Strategies
  • Policies & Discipline
  • Community Involvement
  • School Administration
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Teaching Adult Learners
  • Issues In Education
  • Becoming A Teacher
  • Assessments & Tests
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Homeschooling
  • M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Florida
  • B.A., History, University of Florida

Compare and contrast essays are taught in school for many reasons. For one thing, they are relatively easy to teach, understand, and format. Students can typically understand the structure with just a short amount of instruction. In addition, these essays allow students develop critical thinking skills to approach a variety of topics.

Brainstorming Tip

One fun way to get students started brainstorming their compare and contrast essays is to create a Venn diagram , where the overlapping sections of the circle contain similarities and the non-overlapping areas contain the differing traits.

Following is a list of 101 topics for compare and contrast essays that you are welcome to use in your classroom. As you look through the list you will see that some items are academic in nature while others are included for interest-building and fun writing activities.

  • Apple vs. Microsoft
  • Coke vs. Pepsi
  • Renaissance Art vs. Baroque Art
  • Antebellum Era vs. Reconstruction Era in American History
  • Childhood vs. Adulthood
  • Star Wars vs. Star Trek
  • Biology vs. Chemistry
  • Astrology vs. Astronomy
  • American Government vs. British Government (or any world government)
  • Fruits vs. Vegetables
  • Dogs vs. Cats
  • Ego vs. Superego
  • Christianity vs. Judaism (or any world religion )
  • Republican vs. Democrat
  • Monarchy vs. Presidency
  • US President vs. UK Prime Minister
  • Jazz vs. Classical Music
  • Red vs. White (or any two colors)
  • Soccer vs. Football
  • North vs. South Before the Civil War
  • New England Colonies vs. Middle Colonies OR vs. Southern Colonies
  • Cash vs. Credit Cards
  • Sam vs. Frodo Baggins
  • Gandalf vs. Dumbledore
  • Fred vs. Shaggy
  • Rap vs. Pop
  • Articles of Confederation vs. U.S. Constitution
  • Henry VIII vs. King Louis XIV
  • Stocks vs. Bonds
  • Monopolies vs. Oligopolies
  • Communism vs. Capitalism
  • Socialism vs. Capitalism
  • Diesel vs. Petroleum
  • Nuclear Power vs. Solar Power
  • Saltwater Fish vs. Freshwater Fish
  • Squids vs. Octopus
  • Mammals vs. Reptiles
  • Baleen vs. Toothed Whales
  • Seals vs. Sea Lions
  • Crocodiles vs. Alligators
  • Bats vs. Birds
  • Oven vs. Microwave
  • Greek vs. Roman Mythology
  • Chinese vs. Japanese
  • Comedy vs. Drama
  • Renting vs. Owning
  • Mozart vs. Beethoven
  • Online vs. Traditional Education
  • North vs. South Pole
  • Watercolor vs. Oil
  • 1984 vs. Fahrenheit 451
  • Emily Dickinson vs. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • W.E.B. DuBois vs. Booker T. Washington
  • Strawberries vs. Apples
  • Airplanes vs. Helicopters
  • Hitler vs. Napoleon
  • Roman Empire vs. British Empire
  • Paper vs. Plastic
  • Italy vs. Spain
  • Baseball vs. Cricket
  • Jefferson vs. Adams
  • Thoroughbreds vs. Clydesdales
  • Spiders vs. Scorpions
  • Northern Hemisphere vs. Southern Hemisphere
  • Hobbes vs. Locke
  • Friends vs. Family
  • Dried Fruit vs. Fresh
  • Porcelain vs. Glass
  • Modern Dance vs. Ballroom Dancing
  • American Idol vs. The Voice
  • Reality TV vs. Sitcoms
  • Picard vs. Kirk
  • Books vs. Movies
  • Magazines vs. Comic Books
  • Antique vs. New
  • Public vs. Private Transportation
  • Email vs. Letters
  • Facebook vs. Twitter
  • Coffee vs. an Energy Drink
  • Toads vs. Frogs
  • Profit vs. Non-Profit
  • Boys vs. Girls
  • Birds vs. Dinosaurs
  • High School vs. College
  • Chamberlain vs. Churchill
  • Offense vs. Defense
  • Jordan vs. Bryant
  • Harry vs. Draco
  • Roses vs. Carnations
  • Poetry vs. Prose
  • Fiction vs. Nonfiction
  • Lions vs. Tigers
  • Vampires vs. Werewolves
  • Lollipops vs. popsicles
  • Summer vs. Winter
  • Recycling vs. Landfill
  • Motorcycle vs. Bicycle
  • Halogen vs. Incandescent
  • Newton vs. Einstein
  • . Go on vacation vs. Staycation
  • Rock vs. Scissors
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This article covers a list of over 100 Compare and Contrast Essays Topics . It also provides guide and tips on how to choose a topic and steps involved in writing a Compare and Contrast Essays.

What You'll Learn

Compare and Contrast Essays

There are many different types of essays you may have to write in school, and it can be helpful to know the difference between them before you get started.

In a compare and contrast essay, you will be looking at two or more subjects and discussing how they are similar and how they are different.

This can be a fun and challenging type of essay to write, so it’s important to choose a good topic that you can easily find information on.

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Steps to Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay

As you may know, a compare and contrast essay is not really written like other common kinds of essays.

There are certain aspects about it that make it so different from all these other essays and you need to be aware of that before you start writing.

The first thing you need to do is identify the type of compare and contrast essay that you are handling.

There are basically four types:

  • Events . These essays focus on the comparison of different historical events in life or in books.
  • Different situations . They examine the differences of certain cases that you may have found yourself in or even others. If you know how to write a newspaper editorial you are familiar with this stylistics
  • Characters . Focused on people or characters in books, what they did and the impact.
  • Locations or travelling essays . Discusses different places and locations in the world.

As much as compare and contrast essays are written a bit differently from other types of essays, there are certain aspects about them that are similar to the writing format of other essays.

  • Introduction . Just like in any other essay, a good compare and contrast essay has to have an introduction that is catchy and functional.

Here, you need to explain what your topic is all about and what you hope to achieve at the end of the discussion.

It should also have a thesis statement that will give a little more information about the subject matter and why you have chosen to discuss it.

  • Your argument . The next step is to start writing about your standpoint while giving proof of why you think that the way you are looking at it is the best.
  • Use references, quotations, and citations to develop your argument into something readable and easy to understand.
  • Opposing arguments . You need to do thorough research about the opposing arguments that your rival would use to counter your points. You should discuss at least two points here and refute these points standing with your own.
  • Concluding statement . Here, you can choose to rephrase your thesis statement supporting that your point of view is the best.

Conclude with a powerful statement that will impact the reader. Use some cause and effect essay outline to emphasize the connection between the paragraphs.

How to Choose a Compare and Contrast Essay Topic?

Choosing a compare and contrast essay topic can be tricky. You want to choose something that is interesting to you, but also has enough similarities and differences to write a well-rounded essay.

Here are a few tips to help you choose a compare and contrast essay topic:

1. Pick two subjects that you know well. This will make it easier to find points of comparison and contrast.

2. Choose subjects that are different enough to be interesting, but not so different that they have nothing in common.

3. Once you have your subjects picked out, brainstorm some ideas for points of comparison and contrast. Make a list or mind map of all the things you can think of.

4. Narrow down your list to the most important or interesting comparisons and contrasts.

5. Choose a structure for your essay. There are many ways to organize a compare and contrast essay, including using a Venn diagram or chart, listing pros and cons, or identifying similarities and differences point by point.

6. Start writing! Now that you have your topic and structure sorted out, you can start drafting your essay.

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure

Academic success in USA colleges, as well as universities, depends on your ability to follow the rules while adding a personal touch that makes you stand out among your peers.

In this type of paper, one must follow an adequate outline, and structure with the format to submit an excellent task.

By browsing compare and contrast essay examples , one can see that a typical assignment is composed of three sections that include an introduction, a discussion of your main idea, and the particular issues to study.

Get your Paper Started

In the introduction paragraph, mention your thesis statement plus a brief explanation of the main topic that you will explore.

It should be inspiring enough to encourage readers to keep on reading. Next, discuss and analyze the subject fully.

Mention similarities and how the two ideas differ. Include an arguable thesis statement.

Work on the Body

One of the most successful ways to submit this type of writing is to brainstorm for thought-provoking concepts.

Note down all similarities and differences in points for easy reference. Start by listing down a paragraph that highlights similarities between the two ideas.

Next, devote a separate section to explain how each one of them is unique.

You can use visuals like a Venn diagram to explain your opinion. It highlights the distinctive features of each subject plus how they relate to each other. Lists are also excellent tools to clarify ideas.

Paragraphs should be of equal weight and importance. All should contain relevant evidence that gives your paper credibility, shows that you’ve worked hard to finish it. Use reliable scientific resources.

Refer to a previous reading or a personal experience to support your point of view. Your argument should be based on your own opinion.

It should be supported by enough examples that tempt people to read the rest of your essay.

Develop a convincing argument using the facts you have mentioned. Make sure they add value to the audience.

Explore the counterarguments. Study opinions that oppose your thesis statement or belief.

In the conclusion paragraph, sum up your idea. This section provides your readers with a quick summary of the research you conducted and explains why you’ve reached this conclusion.

It should give a different interpretation of your thesis sentence. Think about how it relates to your argument.

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Compare and Contrast Essays Topics

There are a lot of different topics that you can use for your compare and contrast essays.

You can pick any two things to compare and contrast, but sometimes it can be hard to think of good ideas.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for University Students

When it comes to compare and contrast essay topics for university students, there are a number of different things that you can write about.

They include:

  • Nighttime vs. Daytime
  • Sleeping vs. Being active
  • Running & Walking
  • Summer & Winter
  • Comic books and TV shows
  • Halloween or prom night? – Which one is more fun?
  • Riding or driving – Which is more difficult?
  • 5 star vs. 3-star hotel
  • Male or female – A better friend?
  • Parents vs. Celebrities – Who influences more?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Students

  • School vs. College – Which is more difficult?
  • Employed vs. unemployed students
  • Research papers vs. Essays
  • American vs. British English
  • Education vs. employment
  • Graduate vs. Postgraduate student
  • Argumentative vs. Persuasive essays
  • Android vs. iOS
  • Online writing vs. traditional writing

History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Sports compare and contrast essay topics.

  • Sports vs. Exercise – Which is better for health?
  • Table tennis vs. Lawn tennis
  • Football vs. Soccer
  • Basketball vs. Baseball
  • Breakdance vs. ballet
  • Steroids vs. Energy drinks – More harmful to athletes?
  • Women’s vs. men’s basketball
  • Australian vs. Indian cricket team
  • The Bundesliga vs. The English Premier League
  • Barcelona vs. Real Madrid

Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

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Education Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Compare and contrast the education systems in the United States and another country of your choice.
  • Compare and contrast the different types of schools, such as public, private, and charter schools.
  • Compare and contrast the educational philosophies of two different educators.
  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of different teaching methods.
  • Compare and contrast the learning styles of two different students.
  • SAT vs. IELTS
  • Scientific Paper vs. Academic Writing
  • Science and Art
  • Professional vs. Skill Degree
  • Essay Writing and Research Paper
  • What is the difference between Public and Private School students?
  • Casual Clothing vs. Uniforms
  • University and College
  • Gender studies and Women’s Studies
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • IT and Social Media Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • Differences and similarities between a traditional versus a smartphone.
  • Instagram or Snapchat: What makes each one of them unique?
  • Facebook or Twitter: social media sharing.
  • 10 Years Challenge versus Ice Bucket Challenge.
  • Difference and similarities between a traditional versus a smartphone.
  • Differences and Similarities: Writing emails and letters.
  • Online jobs or traditional jobs?
  • Differences and Similarities: Radio or newspaper.
  • Desktop computers or tablets.
  • iOS and Android Mobile Platforms
  • Windows OS and Linux: Simplicity VS Complexity.
  • AI Robots in Education: Pros and Cons.
  • Technology’s Impact on Young People and Adults.
  • Similarities Between Online Dating And Real-Life Relationship Experiences
  • Differences Between Virtual Gaming And Actual Sports
  • Similar Issues Covered By The New York Times And The Forbes Magazine
  • Why Is Myspace Similar To Skype?
  • Watching Movies At The Cinema Is More Exciting To Streaming Them Online
  • Why Are Online Writing Techniques More Attractive Than Traditional Means
  • Similarities Between Using Traditional Mailing Systems To E-Mailing Services
  • Chat Rooms vs. Social Media Platforms: Which Are Most Efficient?
  • Significant Differences Between Windows 8.1 And Windows 10?
  • Android Or iOS: Which One Do You Prefer?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Politics

  • Different models of democracy
  • Republicans vs. Democrats
  • Democracy and communism
  • The political system of US vs. UK
  • Margaret Thatcher vs. Barack Obama;
  • Good vs. bad politics
  • American politics vs. British politics
  • Parliamentary vs. presidential
  • World war I vs. World War II
  • Rural politics vs. urban politics

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 in Economy

  • Do I need to study economics for business research or not
  • Economic growth is important to improve life or not
  • Importance of understanding economics vs no need
  • Economics and Management: Similarities and differences
  • Economy vs Economics
  • Economics or business studies
  • Economic upliftment vs better standard of living
  • Economic growth or per capita income
  • Rich and poor: differences and similarities

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Compare and Contrast Essays Topics )

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 on Healthcare

  • Free Health Care and Paid Health Care
  • Vaccination vs Medication
  • Compare two different roles in the field (nurse to doctor)
  • Osteopathic and allopathic medicine: similarities and differences.
  • Does the city need mobile first aid stations, or are there enough local hospitals
  • Where is the best possible care for the sick – at home or in the hospital?
  • Canadian Health Care and American Health Care
  • Female vs male doctors
  • Operations vs. therapeutic cancer curing.
  • Should Vaccinations be made mandatory?

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Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Moonwalk vs. Gangnam Style
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation
  • Growing a tree vs. raising a child
  • Being a single vs. in a relationship
  • Drugs or Coffee – Which is better to improve performance?
  • Morse code vs. Beethoven’s fifth symphony
  • Love or friendship
  • Apple vs. Samsung
  • Live-in relationship vs. marriage
  • Barbie vs. Bratz

Controversial Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Saving money or not
  • Public vs private college
  • Monarchy vs democracy
  • Theory vs practical
  • Higher education or job
  • Plastic vs paper
  • The political system of US vs the UK
  • 3D movies or 4D movies
  • Plastic surgery or not
  • Oxford or Harvard

Movie Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comedy vs. horror movies
  • Vampires of Twilight vs. Vampire diaries
  • Avengers vs. Fantastic Four
  • DC or Marvel
  • Normal vs. 3D screening
  • Dumbledore vs. Voldemort
  • Michael Jackson vs. Prince
  • Netflix or Youtube
  • Bollywood vs. Hollywood
  • Mystery vs. Crime movies

Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Vaccination or medications
  • Female vs. male doctors
  • All-natural cures vs. chemical cures
  • Alternative medicine vs. traditional medicine
  • Soft Drugs s. Hard Drugs
  • Should medical marijuana be approved on the federal level?
  • Traditional vs. modern medicine
  • Old-fashioned or unique ways of treatment
  • Doctor vs. nurse
  • Medicine vs. herbal

Philosophy Compare and Contrast Essay Ideas

  • Are historians and philosophers closely related? Incredible Similarities.
  • What is stronger: Physical power or the power of words.
  • Who is truly wild: humans or animals? Discover Similarities.
  • What is the effect of music and poetry on people?
  • The Difference between Socrates and Plato.
  • Modern and ancient philosophers.
  • Helping others versus taking care of one’s self.
  • Effect of books and video games on morals.
  • The negative versus positive impact of religion on people.
  • Thin Line Between Right and Wrong

Religion Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • The Quran vs the Bible: Difference in their teachings.
  • Life of Jesus Christ. Life of Moses. Any Similarities?
  • Buddha versus Jesus Christ.
  • Exploring the definition of right vs wrong in various religions.
  • Zoroastrianism plus Islam: How do they relate?
  • How was the life of Jesus Christ displayed in different gospels?
  • Comparing Ancient Egyptian versus Ancient Roman religions.
  • Isis against Athena.
  • Judaism before and after Jesus Christ: Compare and Contrast.
  • Catholicism against Protestantism.

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Compare and Contrast Essays Topics)(Compare and Contrast Essays Topics)

You can also check out Current Event Essay Topics & Current Event Essay Example

Related FAQs

1. how to write a compare and contrast essay.

Let’s see compare and contrast essay topics ideas as well as brief strategies you can use in your writing. The first thing that you need to do before you start writing is to choose an appropriate topic to write about. This should essentially be a topic of interest to you or something that you can discuss in length without any problem whatsoever.

2. What is the biggest challenge in writing a compare and contrast?

The biggest challenge is usually in picking the best topic for you and this can be quite a huge issue if you are not careful in what you are doing. Let’s see compare and contrast essay topics ideas as well as brief strategies you can use in your writing .

3. What are some good topics for comparison and contrast?

That is why you can quickly find several items from the health and medicine sphere to compare and contrast. We investigated this sphere and provided the following list of topics suitable for any study level: Regular small portions vs. interval starvation diet.

4. How do you compare two subjects in an essay?

For the section where you compare two subjects, you can include any of the following words: similarly, likewise, also, both, just like, similar to, the same as, alike, or to compare to. When contrasting two subjects, use: in contrast, in comparison, by comparison, on the other hand, while, whereas, but, to differ from, dissimilar to, or unlike.

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Test Resources

TOEFL® Resources by Michael Goodine

What do the toefl independent writing questions look like.

Most students have a pretty good understanding of what the two TOEFL writing questions require them to do. Everyone knows that the TOEFL independent writing question asks them to write an essay that describes their personal opinion about a given topic. Moreover, they all know that the integrated writing question asks them to compare an article about an academic topic to a lecture about the same topic. If they are smart, they even know that the lecture always opposes the reading.

But do you know that ETS (the makers of the test) use some really common patterns when designing the questions every week? That these questions have really predictable forms and structures? Today I want to talk about some of the forms that ETS uses when designing the independent essay question.

If you can learn these structures before taking the test your job might be a bit easier on test day. At the very least you will avoid being surprised by what you get. Oh, and don’t worry. I’ll talk about the integrated essay in a few days time. It is also super predictable.

Obsolete Question Styles

Before I actually describe the question styles you will get on the test, I want to talk about a few styles that aren’t actually used anymore. A problem a lot of students face is that even the Official Guide to the TOEFL mentions several styles that ETS has eliminated in recent years .

First of all, you likely won’t get a “compare and contrast” question in the independent writing section. Here’s one such question right from the Official Guide:

“Compare and contrast your life with that of your parents. Which do you think will be more satisfying for future generations.”

Yes, that is in the Official Guide (and some poorly written textbooks). However, you aren’t going to be asked to compare and contrast anything on the real test.

Next up, you won’t get a “characteristics of” question on the real test. Here’s one from the Official Guide:

“Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a good neighbor.”

Nope! You’ll never be asked to mention the characteristics, traits of features of anything!

Third, you won’t get a “causes of” question. Here’s one of those… again, from the official guide:

“In general, people are living longer these days. Describe the causes of this phenomenon.”

That sounds like a really interesting question, but it won’t show up on the test. You will never be asked to talk about the “causes” of anything.

Okay, those are the most popular “obsolete” styles. So what will you get on the actual test?

Current Question Style #1: Agree/Disagree

The most common question type in the independent writing section is the “agree/disagree” style question. In this type you are presented with a short statement and asked if you agree or disagree with it. Here’s one:

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to follow strict rules set by their parents. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

Here’s another:

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The widespread use of the Internet today has a positive effect on society. Use details and examples to support your opinion.”

Heck, here’s one more:

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better to not tell the truth. Use details and examples to support your opinion, dude.”

Simple, right? You are given a statement and asked if you agree or disagree with it. Just remember to actually pick a side. Don’t support both sides!

Current Question Style #2: Preference

The second most common question type is the “preference style” question. This type requires you to choose from between two opinions regarding some topic. Here’s one:

“Some people feel that high school students should be required to do volunteer work in their free time. Others think that they should spend their free time studying and preparing for classes. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

“Some students prefer to study for tests alone. Others prefer to study with some of their classmates. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

Do you see what I mean? You are presented with two opinions and you must choose which one you “prefer” or “think is better.”

Current Question Style #3: Three Choices

The last question style is the “three choices” style. This one is pretty straightforward. You must choose from between three given choices. Here’s one such question:

In your opinion, which of the following strategies is the best way for a student to prepare for a successful career?

-Studying specific academic subjects -Taking a part-time job -Getting to know other students

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Here’s one more:

When a person is deciding what subject to focus on at college or university, which do you think is the best source of advice?

-their current classmates -their teachers and professors -their parents

Final Thoughts

And that’s it. As far as I know, ETS only really uses those three question styles. If you get something different, though, please let me know. If you want to know how to actually write this essay you can check out my guide to the independent task .

You got this.

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Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Compare and contrast essays are some of the most interesting assignments and students (well, some) enjoy writing them. This is because unlike most kinds of essays, it is hardly possible to get writer's block when you are handling these. You are given the freedom to not only pick compare and contrast topics on your own, but you have the freedom to choose the side of your support as well as how to contrast it.

However, the fact that you are given all this freedom does not mean that this is the simplest essay to write. The biggest challenge is usually in picking the best topic for you and this can be quite a huge issue if you are not careful in what you are doing. Let's see compare and contrast essay topics ideas as well as brief strategies you can use in your writing.

Tips On How To Write Superb Compare And Contrast Essays

The first thing that you need to do before you start writing is to choose an appropriate topic to write about. This should essentially be a topic of interest to you or something that you can discuss in length without any problem whatsoever. Lucky for you, there are so many topics you could focus on when writing and it is all up to you to determine the exact topic that you want to build on.

In most cases, the topics you choose should be closely related. For example if you chose to go with sports, choose two contrasting topics that are in the same category such as soccer vs basketball. You should steer clear of choosing topics that do not have any kind of relationship whatsoever such as pasta vs winter. This will be difficult to compare as they do not have any similarities and are basically worlds apart.

However, there is an exception of really good art students who can pull off contrasting two things that are completely different or discussing certain topics from an artistic point of view. For example one may choose a topic such as, life in the shoes of a werewolf. You see that it is an unusual topic that may be quite difficult to imagine or explain, but some students may just turn that topic into a masterpiece.

Students are encouraged that when choosing a topic, you think outside the box as this will most likely earn you better grades. Students who excel in writing about such complex topic may have a chance to be enrolled into some of the best Art universities to develop their skills and talent.

How To Choose Your Sources

Just because you are given total freedom about what you are going to write, does not mean that you should write casually without giving any proof. Remember that a compare and contrast essay is an academic essay so the language and formatting should all be formal.

Referencing and giving citations in your work is one of the best ways of proving your points, hence explaining why you chose a particular stand. The sources that you choose should be up to date and not more than 5 years old unless you are discussing a historical topic. Always check for the credibility of your sources before using them in your essay so as not to give false information. Some of the best sources of information include:

  • Official textbooks and encyclopedias.
  • Published journals.
  • Official magazines.
  • Academic and research reports.
  • Documentaries.

Steps To Writing A Compare And Contrast Essay

As you may know, a compare and contrast essay is not really written like other common kinds of essays . There are certain aspects about it that make it so different from all these other essays and you need to be aware of that before you start writing.

The first thing you need to do is identify the type of compare and contrast essay that you are handling. There are basically four types:

  • Events . These essays focus on the comparison of different historical events in life or in books.
  • Different situations . They examine the differences of certain cases that you may have found yourself in or even others. If you know how to write a newspaper editorial you are familiar with this stylistics
  • Characters . Focused on people or characters in books, what they did and the impact.
  • Locations or travelling essays . Discusses different places and locations in the world.

As much as compare and contrast essays are written a bit differently from other types of essays , there are certain aspects about them that are similar to the writing format of other essays.

  • Introduction . Just like in any other essay, a good compare and contrast essay has to have an introduction that is catchy and functional. Here, you need to explain what your topic is all about and what you hope to achieve at the end of the discussion. It should also have a thesis statement that will give a little more information about the subject matter and why you have chosen to discuss it.
  • Your argument . The next step is to start writing about your stand point, while giving proof of why you think that the way you are looking at it is the best. Use references, quotations and citations to develop your argument into something readable and easy to understand.
  • Opposing arguments . You need to do thorough research about the opposing arguments that your rival would use to counter your points. You should discuss at least two points here and refute these points standing with your own.
  • Concluding statement . Here, you can choose to rephrase your thesis statement and supporting that your point of view is the best. Conclude with a powerful statement that will impact on the reader. Use some cause and effect essay outline to emphasise the connection between the paragraphs.

Writing Tips To Make Your Essay Stand Out

Any good essay has to stand out and encourage the reader to continue reading from the beginning to the end, no matter the type of essay it is. This is why you need to ensure that you make your compare and contrast essay as interesting and accurate as possible using these tips.

  • Check other essays for inspiration. Starting your own essay from scratch can be a bit confusing for most students. This is why you need to take some time and check out other written essays in the same category as the one you are writing for the best ways to start, develop your argument and finally conclude. See how to incorporate quotes, sayings and humor into your compare and contrast essay. Also check on creative ways to use our references to add some backbone to your argument.
  • Think critically. This is necessary when you are trying to find a suitable topic to write about since there are so many to choose from. Brainstorm and write down a list of your best topics listing down the differences and similarities to see which work well together and have a lot of points that you can discuss.
  • Seek professional assistance. Identifying great education services can help you get your hands on really useful sources on your chosen topics. This will help you build a strong argument and to be able to back what you are discussing. You can write literature review where you reveal your sources and how they helped in your discussion. It is a really great way of increasing your word count without unnecessary fluff.
  • Proper formatting and in text citations. As earlier mentioned, a compare and contrast essay is an academic paper so the correct formatting needs to be used according to what you were instructed to do. In text citations give evidence of your discussion and why you chose the argument that you did.

So now you know how to choose the best compare and contrast topics and the different segments that you need to address when writing. You also understand how to find sources and the best kind to use in your paper to make it relevant and interesting. however, you may still have a problem identifying the best topics for you to discuss, which is why we have highlighted different topics that you can use in your compare and contrast essay.

Best Compare And Contrast Topics For University Students

  • Sciences vs Arts: which are the most viable in the job market?
  • Essays vs research papers: what is the difference:
  • Home schooling: what are the benefits and disadvantages?
  • College education: should it be free? What is to be gained if that step was taken?
  • College degrees: how relevant are they in today’s job market?
  • Education: is it necessary to become successful in life?
  • Exams: are they a true reflection of a student’s ability?
  • Boarding schools vs day schools: what are the major differences?
  • Hostels vs renting: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Political And Historical Topics

  • Karl Marx vs Friedrich Hegel: who made the most impact?
  • The bible vs the Quran: what are the differences in teachings
  • The 60s vs the 90s music: which was better?
  • Capitalism vs communism: which is superior?
  • Dictatorship and democratic: how are they different?
  • Al Qaeda vs Boko Haram: are they the same?
  • African government vs western governments: what are the differences in governance?
  • Greek gods: real or not?
  • Us president vs Monarch of England: what are the differences in power?

Compare And Contrast Topics For Starters

  • Tomatoes: are they fruits or vegetables?
  • Netball vs basketball: are the rules different or the same?
  • Samsung vs apple: which is the better brand?
  • Being miserable in a mansion or happy in a shanty: which is better?
  • Differences between the American and the British.
  • Aliens: real or not?
  • Marijuana: is it dangerous or a blessing in disguise?
  • Winter vs summer: which is better?
  • Dinner date vs movie and drinks.

Battle Of The Opposites Essay Topics

  • White vs black.
  • Alibaba vs amazon.
  • Religious marriage vs civil marriage.
  • Dogs vs cats.
  • Happiness vs sadness.
  • Pizza vs pasta.
  • WW1 vs WW2.
  • Good girl vs bad boy.
  • Electric vs gas cars.

Teenage Compare And Contrast Essays

  • Watching at home vs going out to a movie.
  • When should one be allowed to date?
  • Reading vs watching? Which is easier
  • Arts vs Science
  • Hip hop vs RnB
  • White collar vs blue collar
  • Android vs IOS
  • Casual vs casual official? What is more appropriate?
  • Snapchat vs Instagram: which is better?

IT And Social Media Essay Topics

  • Does paper mailing have a space in future?
  • Desktop computers vs tablets
  • Facebook vs Twitter: which is better?
  • Online jobs vs traditional jobs?
  • SEO vs traditional marketing? Which yield more results?
  • Blogs vs websites.
  • Traditional learning vs E-learning: what does the future hold?
  • Windows vs IOS.
  • Radio vs newspapers.

Movie and Music Comparison Ideas

  • Rock vs country.
  • Batman vs superman: who is the true hero of the world?
  • DC vs Marvel?
  • Comedy vs Horror
  • Dumbledore vs Voldemort
  • Vampires vs werewolves: who are stronger?
  • 3D vs normal screening? Differences and similarities?
  • Avengers vs fantastic four
  • Michael Jackson vs Prince: who is the true kind of pop music?

Compare And Contrast Literature Topics

  • Fiction vs nonfiction: which has a larger readership?
  • Romance vs horror.
  • Past vs present works of literature: which is better?
  • Hardcopy vs E- books
  • Romeo and Juliet: takeaway lessons
  • Is Shakespeare the greatest poet who ever lived?
  • Poetry vs hip hop: are there any similarities?
  • Greek vs Egyptian mythology
  • Is harry potter the best magical fantasy book ever written?

Scientific Topic Ideas

  • Uranus vs Saturn: are there any similarities?
  • The sun vs the moon
  • Chemistry vs biology
  • Nuclear vs fossil energy
  • Disputable scientific statements
  • Science and technology: are they interdependent?
  • Is there life on other planets
  • Can theories in physics be used to explain all aspects of life?
  • Hurricanes vs tornados

Everyday Compare And Contrast Topics

  • Coffee vs tea
  • Wood vs bricks: which is better to build with
  • The west vs the east: similarities
  • Catholics vs protestants
  • African countries vs European countries
  • Flying vs driving: which one is better?
  • McDonalds vs KFC
  • Cartoon network vs Nickelodeon
  • American English vs British English

Philosophy Topic Ideas

  • Music vs poetry: do they have the same effect on people
  • Philosophers vs historians: are they similar?
  • Which is more important food or health care?
  • Are humans wilder than wild animals?
  • Should there be justification for evil deeds?
  • Friends vs enemies: who should you be weary of?
  • Good vs evil: where is the line drawn?
  • Simplest explanation vs complex explanation: which is best?
  • Similarities between philosophy and religion.
  • The pen is mightier than the sword: how true is this?

Final Thoughts

The above mentioned compare and contrast essay topics are just a few of the many topics you can choose to discuss in your essay. If you are still having problems making a decision, then you can always ask for assistance from our professional essay writers who will help you find the best topic. You can also order a fully written compare and contrast essay and ease the amount of work you have to do.

compare and contrast essay topics

It’s no wonder that students like to write contrast and compare essays because they leave a lot of space for creativity and own opinion. Such an essay allows the student to put in his own thoughts on the subjects compared and it can be quite fun to compare two entities rather just analyzing one and composing an essay on that. Of course, this doesn’t make it a very easy job and there are some rules and tips you should be aware of before starting to write a comparative essay.

Main Parts of Writing a Compare Essay

Before you even start writing it is very important to choose the topic that will put you in advantage. In most of the situations, you should look for items to compare that have some differences but similarities as well. For example, you can’t go on writing a comparative essay between a stone and rock and roll. So focus on comparison items that will give you the chance to talk about things they have in common but as well on how one is better than the other at certain aspects.

After you establish the comparison items you needs to do some proper research so that you have enough information on both to be able to perform a proper comparison. There are several sources from where you can gather information on your subjects but make sure that you always go with facts. Your text will need some proper back-up and sources to be cited. You can use sources like:

  • Documentaries
  • Scientific magazines
  • Academic journals
  • Official Reports

How to Write a Comparative and Contrast Essay

If you think that you can simply use the basic essay tips you learned in class or for other types of essays, you’re wrong. The thing with comparative and contrast essays is that you’re not just focusing on one item and anything you write has to be constructed in such a way that it can be used to compare it with the other one.

You can start with the type of topic you choose for your compare and contrast essay. Usually, the topics are divided into 4 categories:

  • People and Fiction

No matter what category you choose to go with, you will have to always follow the structure of any academic paper. If you’re not sure how that goes, let us refresh your memory a bit.


Here is the place where you have to try and get your readers to listen and hook them with your story. You need to present your topic, of course, and also your thesis statement which has the role of indicating to your readers what is the probable course of the entire work. The thesis statement usually goes in the first paragraph, somewhere around the last sentence of it.

Emphasizing on your arguments

After you’ve done the research, it’s time to develop the arguments that you make when comparing one thing to another. Makes sure to include reliable sources and don’t overdo it, just make it enough for your comparison to look well-researched.

Refuting arguments

In this section things will go the other way around. You need to research the selected topic and find facts to contradict your initial thesis. Again, choose at least one example and expand it into a paragraph at least that contains the counter-argument and as well as sources you used to reach that conclusion.

Obviously, this is the part where you draw your conclusions. You can restate your thesis statement and point out some of the arguments used over the entire essay that backs it up.

More Tips on Writing a Comparative and Contrast Essay

Always check for possible examples of essays when working on your hook sentence. This sentence has a great influence on a first-time reader of your work decision to keep reading or simply pass. There’s a wide variety of hooks you can use such as:

  • Literary queotes
  • Anecdotes or jokes
  • Quotes of important persons
  • Setting scenes
  • Quotes from poetry
  • Scientific arguments
  • Rhetorical questions

Never stop brainstorming since it’s the best way to make a decision regarding the two items you’re going to write about. Make sure to write them down so you can go over them later and finally decide what you’re going to focus on. You can even start to sketch a few similarities and differences between the topic you brainstormed so that you have an idea on how complicated it will be to write the essay.

If needed, you can always turn to professionals to give you a nudge or help you with your topics or sources. You can appeal to books, movies or articles that are discussing the same topic you’re going to approach in your essay.

Make sure you don’t forget about in-text citations and formatting since you’re writing an academic paper. You have to use all the correct citations, including indirect and direct quotes to make your text even more believable.

We are trying to keep the part on how to write a comparative and contrast essay as brief as possible as we already approached this subject, in full, in another article. This article puts more focus on subjects and topic for these types of essays since without a good topic, you might end up getting stuck and have to start over and over again. So here are the best 150 topics you can elaborate a compare and contrast essay on.

Topics for Compare and Contrast Essays That Can be Used by College Students

As you can see, the topics are divided into multiple categories so that it would be easier for you to select one. We chose to start this list of categorized topics with what’s most relevant for college students and that’s obviously college itself and how to handle it. So, here we go:

  • College vs Schools – what’s changed?
  • Unemployed students compared to students that work. Who’s having the right approach.
  • Essays vs research papers – what’s the best choice?
  • British English or American English – what are the major differences?
  • Are there any similarities between employment and education?
  • TOEFL and SAT – what are the similarities and differences?
  • Ph. D and Master Degree – main differences
  • Argumentative papers vs persuasive paper – same or different
  • Traditional Education or remote education – what works best?

6th Grade Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Summer or Winter – what’s the best season?
  • Christmas at home vs Christmas traveling
  • Wolves and dogs – differences and similarities
  • Flowers and Weeds – why do we need both?
  • Novels or comic books – what’s more interesting to read?
  • Ping-pong vs tennis – what’s your favorite game?
  • Reading a book vs watching TV
  • Female friend or male friends – which ones are best?
  • Western USA vs Eastern USA

Middle School Essay Topics

  • Zeus vs King Arthur – which one is cooler?
  • Role models of 1950s compared to modern role models
  • Watching a move at home compared with going to the cinema
  • Is there a link between school bullies and dictators?
  • Is a hurricane worse than a tsunami or the other way around?
  • Christmas, Halloween or Prom night – which one is the most fun?
  • Bicycle or car driving – which one is more difficult?
  • 5-star hotels vs 3-star ones – why should you choose each of them?
  • Parents or celebrities – who influences a teenager most of all?

High School Compare and Contrast Essay Themes

  • Historic literature or fiction – which one appeals most to college students?
  • College Tests vs High School examinations – what is the most important of the two?
  • E-learning versus traditional learning – is science and technology really helping with the learning process?
  • New England Patriots vs Atlanta Falcons – who has more fans?
  • Printed books vs e-books – what is the most appealing form of reading for colleague students?
  • Story buildings or wooden houses – what type of construction is best?
  • Portugal and Spain – what are the main similarities and differences?
  • Japanese concept of beauty compared with the American one – what are the standards?
  • Modern rock music compared with rock from the early 20th century – what are the differences and how did this genre evolve?

Day-to-day Compare and Contrast Essay Themes

  • Buffy or Twilight – similarities and differences in characters
  • Macbeth vs Julius Caesar – what do they have in common?
  • Modernism vs realism – main differences and similarities
  • Prose vs poetry – what are the literary elements that differentiate these genres
  • Rural vs urban living – what are the similarities and differences
  • Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump – who should have won and what do they have in common?
  • Barcelona vs Real Madrid – differences and things the two clubs have in common
  • Android vs iOS – benefits of both operating systems
  • Textbooks or tablets in schools – what are the advantages and disadvantages of each in the process of learning?
  • Asylums vs Jails
  • Star Trek vs Star Wards
  • Family Guy vs American Dad
  • Pineapple vs Apple
  • Scandinavian Mythology vs Greek Mythology

Politics and History Compare Essay Topics

  • Washington’s Ideas compared with Lincoln’s way of action
  • Baroque vs Renaissance epochs
  • Religious Studies vs Anthropology
  • Soviet Government opposed to the American Government
  • UK Prime Minister vs US President
  • South and North Before the events of the Civil War in the United States
  • King Louis XIV compared with Henry VIII
  • Nazism and fascism: are there any differences?
  • Difference in the events of World War II and World War I

Easy to Approach Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comparing an orange to an apple
  • Day Time vs Night Time – what are the advantages of each time frame?
  • What are the main differences between animals and people
  • Being rich opposed to living in poverty
  • Tea or Coffee – What are the similarities and contrasts?
  • Living in a small village opposed to living in a big city
  • The differences between feeling sad or lonely
  • Main differences and similarities between British and American traditional dishes
  • Camping sites – seashore or in the woods?

Opposite Compare Essay Topics

  • Males vs Females
  • Pepsi or Coke?
  • White vs Red
  • Peace vs War
  • Riding the bus or driving a car?
  • Hatred and love
  • Positive and negative aspects of working a lot
  • Sun and the Moon
  • Soft toys or dolls – what are the most appropriate toys?

Compare and Contrast Topics for Teenagers

  • Adulthood vs Childhood
  • Living on Campus opposed to living at home
  • Watching a movie or reading the book that the movie was made after?
  • Freelancing or working in an office?
  • Scientific writing vs academic writing
  • Radio shows or TV show?
  • Professional career or education – what should you focus on?
  • Roman and Greek culture – what are the main similarities and differences
  • Science Classes compared with Art Classes

Social Media and IT Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Traditional Mailing vs email
  • Traditional Commerce vs e-commerce
  • Real-life dating vs online dating sites and apps
  • Video Computer games vs smartphone games
  • Forbes or New York Times?
  • MySpace or Facebook? What’s the best social network?
  • Online job application vs traditional methods
  • Traditional writing services compared with online writing services
  • Online advertising compared with traditional advertising

Music and Movie Compare and Contrast Essay Themes

  • Charmed or Buffy?
  • Movies against books: Reading is the best way to explore a novel?
  • Rock vs Jazz
  • Frodo vs Sam – Which Lord of the Rings character is more important?
  • Dumbledore vs Gandalf
  • Soviet cinematography vs American films
  • Loki and Thor – Brothers or Enemies?
  • Thriller or horror films – what do they have in common
  • Draco Malfoy vs Harry Potter

Literature-Inspired Compare and Contrast Essay Ideas

  • Drama vs Comedy
  • Roman vs Greek Mythology
  • Lessons learned from Beauty and the Best
  • Lyrics of Prose – what students prefer?
  • Nowadays Lyrics compared with poetry of the 13th century
  • Non-fiction vs fiction literature
  • Harry Potter vs Lord of the Rings
  • Literature of the past compared with the one of the future

Scientific Topics for Compare and Contrast Essays

  • Microwave vs Oven
  • Chemistry vs Physics
  • Andromeda and Milky Way
  • What are the differences between Mars and Earth
  • Differences and similarities of the two moon missions
  • DaVinci vs Thomas Jefferson
  • Tsunami vs Earthquakes – what’s the worse natural phenomenon
  • Two different chemical reactions formulas
  • Limited control software vs full access navigation

Popular Compare Essay Themes

  • Football vs Soccer
  • Korean vs Chinese
  • Personal point of view vs public opinion
  • Water or juice
  • Dark beer vs light beer
  • Obesity and Anorexia – what is the most dangerous
  • Divorce and marriage
  • Linux or Windows – Paid vs free OS
  • Capitalism vs Marxism

Philosophical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Is Miami Beach a better place to live rather than home?
  • Life and Death
  • Anchored in reality or dreamy – what are the pros and cons?
  • Friends or more – where’s the limit?
  • Mental and physical needs of humans
  • Fantasy world or reality?
  • Macbeth and Hamlet – a philosophical approach
  • Humans and dogs – similarities
  • Free access compared with reserved rights – how intellectual property should be treated?
  • Roman philosophers vs Greek ones

Best Dissertation Methodology for Writing a Chapter

  • Resume Formats
  • Easy Persuasive Speech Topics
  • How to Properly Create an Argumentative Essay Outline
  • APA Essay Style Format
  • 20 Classification Essay Topics To Inspire You

compare and contrast essay topics toefl


  1. Compare and Contrast

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl

  2. Compare and Contrast Essay

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl

  3. Compare and Contrast Essay

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl

  4. TOEFL Essay Writing

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl

  5. 017 Template Comparing And Contrasting Essay Example Cute Compare

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl

  6. Topics for College Students for Compare and Contrast Essay.pdf

    compare and contrast essay topics toefl


  1. TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion (New Question Type)

  2. Compare Contrast Essay Insight

  3. Chapter 73: How to learn grammatical construction that could help clear TOEFL or IELTS


  5. Chapter 74: Grammatical construction that could help clear TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, SAT, GRE

  6. How to use Ai to write essays (no cheating) #texteroai


  1. Compare and Contrast

    The lists of ' Compare and Contrast' TOEFL Independent Writing topics below will help you prepare for this type of question on your exam. Look at questions in the following four categories as well, to be prepared for all the types of TOEFL essays.

  2. TOEFL Writing: A Guide to Compare and Contrast Essays in 2023

    This type of essay is common in the TOEFL independent writing section, and it's crucial to understand its structure and requirements. In this guide, we will focus on the compare and contrast essay, TOEFL writing questions, and essay topics, and provide writing samples and test resources to help you prepare for your TOEFL test in 2023.

  3. 13 TOEFL Writing Topics to Help You Practice for the Exam

    Looking for TOEFL writing topics? We explain the types of Integrated and Independent TOEFL essay topics and how to attack them, plus 13 sample prompts.

  4. 127 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    How to find good compare and contrast essay topics? We've got the answer! Check out our ultimate list of 127 compare and contrast essay topics and choose one for your essay!

  5. 80 TOEFL Writing Topics

    Practice with 80 TOEFL writing topics: agree/disagree, multiple choice, preference, and good idea. Get free access to TOEFL Writing Resources.

  6. 60 TOEFL Writing Topics to Help You Prepare

    Test takers could be asked to write about five different types of TOEFL writing questions. We've included several TOEFL essay topics below, categorized by type, that can work as a practice test to help you prepare ahead of time to obtain a high score.

  7. TOEFL® Writing Practice Questions (2024 Update)

    About these TOEFL® Writing Samples Practice TOEFL Integrated Essays On test day, you'll first get a TOEFL Integrated Writing Question.

  8. Sample Essays for the Writing Section of the TOEFL Test ( )

    Before we get into the topics and sample essays for the new TOEFL Writing question, let's start with the first task, which hasn't changed, the Integrated Writing.

  9. 40 Toefl Essay Topics with Samples

    All of the topics we'll list out in this article are included in the Official Guide to the TOEFL (fourth edition). The Official Guide to the TOEFL is a book that enjoys a distinguished reputation. In our opinion, anyone who wants to take this exam should get their hands on it! That said, take a look at our list of questions for the TOEFL.

  10. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: 100+ Fresh New Ideas

    Are you looking for an interesting topic for your paper? Here is a list of the best compare and contrast essay topics to help you write your essay.

  11. TOEFL Writing: A Guide to Compare and Contrast Essays in 2023

    Master the art of writing compare and contrast essays for TOEFL. Learn essential techniques and access essay examples for TOEFL success. Start now!

  12. TOEFL Independent Writing Task 2

    TOEFL Independent Writing Task 2 - Compare & Contrast essaysFor more free TOEFL practice questions, visit our website at you'r...

  13. Complete TOEFL Essay Templates (2024 Update)

    TOEFL essay templates can help you answer both of the TOEFL writing questions. To write a strong TOEFL essay just fill in the blanks with the required information from your notes (in the integrated essay) or from your ideas (the writing for an academic discussion task). Note that I also have a set of TOEFL speaking templates.

  14. TOEFL Writing Topics (Independent Essay)

    TOEFL Independent Writing Topics TOEFL Essay Practice Questions This list is from an old version of the Official Guide to the TOEFL.

  15. Toefl Compare And Contrast Essay Topics: Ace Your Exam!

    When choosing TOEFL compare and contrast essay topics, consider contrasting two different types of technology or comparing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city versus a rural area.

  16. 5 Types of TOEFL Essays & TOEFL iBT Essay Patterns · engVid

    Before writing the TOEFL essay, you must be able to identify the essay type and choose the correct essay pattern. This important English lesson explains the five essay categories and two essay patterns you need to know to succeed in the Independent Essay Writing task of the TOEFL iBT.

  17. 200+ Best Compare And Contrast Essay Topics (2024)

    For writing an effective essay, you need a strong topic. Here are some interesting compare and contrast essay topics to help you write a winning essay.

  18. 100 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics + Awesome Tips

    Are you stuck in finding great compare and contrast essay topics? Check out this list of topic ideas for any assignment - you will be spoilt for choice!

  19. 75 Dynamic Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    Whether you're in middle school, high school, or college, these compare and contrast essay ideas will help you get inspired to write some great work.

  20. 101 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    These compare and contrast essay topics provide teachers and students with great and fun ideas for home and class work.

  21. 100 + Top Notch Compare and Contrast Essays Topics

    This article covers a list of over 100 Compare and Contrast Essays Topics. It also provides guide and tips on how to choose a topic and steps involved in writing a Compare and Contrast Essays.

  22. What do the TOEFL Independent Writing Questions Look Like?

    Most students have a pretty good understanding of what the two TOEFL writing questions require them to do. Everyone knows that the TOEFL independent writing question asks them to write an essay that describes their personal opinion about a given topic. Moreover, they all know that the integrated writing question asks them to compare an article about an academic topic to a lecture about the ...

  23. 260 Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Students

    Discover compare and contrast essay topics ideas, 260 best examples you can choose from and learn how to write impactfully. Get started here!