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Presentation Cghs Vellikulanga Secondary School Logo

Presentation Cghs Vellikulanga Secondary School Thrissur

School Name
Address / Location Kodakara Gups Vellikulangara Vellikulangara-08 India 680699
Block Name Kodakara
Number of Instructional Days (Upper Primary) 220
Student Hours in School (Upper Primary) 6
Approachable by All-Weather Roads Yes
CCE Curriculum Yes
Pupil Cumulative Records Maintained Yes
School Management Committee (SMC) Yes
School Development Plan by SMC Yes
Record Maintained as per RTE Yes
Text Books Received Yes
Mid-Day Meal Provided and Prepared in School Premises
Kitchen Devices Grant No
No. of Female Teachers 20
School Building Type Private Building
No. of Class Rooms 15
Computer Aided Learning Yes
Separate Room for Head Teacher/ Principal Yes
Electricity Connection in School Yes
School Building Boundary Wall Pucca
Books Library Yes
Playground Yes
Drinking Water Type Tube-Well
Medical Check-Up Yes
Disabled Friendly Ramps Yes
Location Type Rural
Medium of Instruction Malayalam
Founded In Year 1954
Pre-Primary Section No
Residential School No
School Management Private Aided
Classes Starts from Class 5
Highest Class Offered Class 10
School Category Upper Primary with Secondary
School Type Co-Educational
School Building Part of Shift School? No
Residential School Type Not Applicable
No. of Books in Library 7500
No. of Computers 14
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Provisional Rating 4.8/5 Based on 10 ratings by visitors
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presentation convent high school vellikulangara






PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is in cluster GUPS VELLIKULANGARA which is situated in Kerala. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is Co-educational in type and it is Upper Primary and Secondary from class 5 to class 10. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is 4-Government Aided and is 4-Government Aided. This school comes in 1-Rural area

PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is in 1-Private with 25 girls toilet & 12 boys toilet and 2 cwsn toilet. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA has below facilities like Drinking Water => Yes, Handwash => Yes, Functional Generator => 2, Library => 1-Yes, Reading Corner => 1-Yes, Book Bank => 2-No, Funcational Tablet => 0, Functional Desktop => 8, Funcational Laptop => 17, Functional Scanner => 1, Functional Printer => 1, Functional LED => 0, Functional Digiboard => 0, Internet => 1-Yes, DTH => 2-No, Functional Webcam => 1

Services Offered

Normal room, special room, business room, basic details.

  • State : Kerala
  • Block : KODAKARA
  • School Category : Upper Primary and Secondary
  • Class From : 5
  • Class To : 10
  • State Management : 4-Government Aided
  • Status : 0-Operational
  • Aff Board Sec : State Board
  • Year of Establishment : 1954
  • UDISE CODE : 32070802509
  • District : THRISSUR
  • PinCode : 680699
  • School Type : Co-educational
  • National Management : 4-Government Aided
  • Location : 1-Rural
  • Aff Board H.Sec. :
  • Pre-Primary :

School Facilities

  • Building Status : 1-Private
  • No. of Boys Toilets : 12
  • Drinking Water Availability : Yes
  • Library : 1-Yes
  • Functional Laptop : 17
  • Functional Scanner : 1
  • Functional DigiBoard : 0
  • Functional Web Cam : 1
  • Boundary Wall : 1-Pucca
  • No. of Girls Toilets : 25
  • Hand Wash Facility : Yes
  • Reading Corner : 1-Yes
  • Functional Desktop : 8
  • Functional Printer : 1
  • Internet : 1-Yes
  • No. of CWSN Toilets : 2
  • Functional Generator : 2
  • Book Bank : 2-No
  • Functional Tablet : 0
  • Functional LED : 0

Room Details

  • Class Rooms :
  • Other Rooms :

Enrolment of The Students

  • Fifth : 116
  • Sixth : 129
  • Seventh : 150
  • Eighth : 112
  • Nineth : 128
  • Tenth : 141
  • eleventh : 0
  • twelveth : 0
  • Class(1-12) : 776
  • Class(1-12) With Pre-Primary : 776
  • Total Teachers :

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presentation convent high school vellikulangara

presentation convent high school vellikulangara


presentation convent high school vellikulangara

The sisters started a school in a temporary shed. On the first 12 pupils were present. They were mostly the children of field labourers, all of them poor, some almost destitute. Slowly it was upgraded to Primary, Middle, High school and Girls Higher Secondary School it caters to 2200 girls.

Presentation Convent Girls Higher Secondary School , holds 2150 poor children from Theni and suburbs. Most of these children come from below poverty line. Daily activities are carried on as usual by 51 teaching staff and 5 non teaching staff. Midday Meal programme caters to 1500 children which is monitored by the staff. Besides formal education children are trained in extracurricular activities namely, Sports, NSS, JRC.

presentation convent high school vellikulangara

Care of the Earth

presentation convent high school vellikulangara

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  • Educate them materially poor by imparting the human values through formal and life oriented education to prepare them to be agents of social change.
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  • Encourage children to take part in Red Cross, NSS,YSM and NGC.
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Presentation Convent High School

Ambaji Fatorda

Email : presentationcon[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in Phone : 0832-2749252


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Presentation Convent Girls High School in Thrissur

Presentation convent girls high school.

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presentation convent high school vellikulangara

Photos by Samara Stephen 


Home of CHS United

Convent High School Volleyball aims to provide an equal opportunity for all to participate in all activities and at all levels of competition by providing enjoyable, inclusive and supportive playing environments where players can feel comfortable to develop their skills at a suitable pace.

Code of conduct, convent high school volleyball expects all club members (players, coaches, officials, parents and volunteers) to abide by these codes of conduct..


All club members and representatives shall:

    1.1 Not knowingly discriminate against, abuse, harass, ridicule or embarrass anyone by this code of conduct

    1.2 Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings (to include practice) with others.

    1.3 Treat all persons with respect, dignity and proper regard for their rights and obligations.

    1.4 Act at all times in a fair and sporting manner and in such a way as to ensure good relations within and between teams and other organisations.

    1.5 Conduct themselves in a proper manner to the complete satisfaction of the Convent High School (CHS)Volleyball and its delegates so as not to bring themselves, CHS Volleyball or the team into public disrepute.

    1.6 Not approach an official prior to, during or after a game in an aggressive, threatening or negative manner.

    1.7 Refrain from engaging in any form of victimisation or sledging towards opposition players or coaching staff prior to, during or after a game.


     All committee members, in addition to the Club Code of Conduct (1), shall:

    2.1 Ensure that equal opportunity for participation is made available to all interested participants.

    2.2 Ensure, to the best of the committee’s ability, that qualified and competent coaches and officials capable of developing appropriate sports behaviour and skill technique are utilised at all times within the association.

    2.3 Ensure that parents, coaches, sponsors, trainers and participants understand their responsibilities regarding fair play.

    2.4 Maintain a zero tolerance level of any unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents throughout the club.

    2.5 Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour.

    2.6 Address any complaints or breaches of the Code of Conduct in a fair, impartial, timely and confidential manner.


    All coaches, in addition to the Club Code of Conduct (1), shall:

    3.1 Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and/or ability of the players.

    3.2 Display good sportsmanship at all times.

    3.3 Develop team respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.

    3.4 Make it clear to team members that any unlawful discrimination against referee’s or players, coaches and supporters of opposing clubs will not be tolerated.

    3.5 Maintain positive coach / official relationships.


    All players, in addition to the Club Code of Conduct (1), shall:

    4.1 Play by the rules.

    4.2 Cooperate with their teammates and coaches

    4.3 Never argue with an official. If you disagree with an official, discuss the matter with your coach after the game.

    4.4 Control their temper. Verbal or physical abuse of officials, or coaches, players and supporters of opposing teams will not be tolerated.

    4.5 Avoid using derogatory, demeaning or bullying language.

    4.6 Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.

David Toussaint

By sherri jeffrey, the ever affable david toussaint, born and raised in pointe michel, has been playing volleyball for the last thirty years., mr. toussaint’s involvement in the field of volleyball has borne tremendous fruit. as a player, he has been a member of four volleyball teams including the pointe michel wolf pack. on a national level, he has also been a member of the dominica national volleyball team for the last twenty five years, twelve of which he served as captain. , when it comes to coaching, mr toussaint is one of the best instructors around. under his careful and thorough eye, the male team he coached has won ten national league championships, and the female team has won seventeen. mr toussaint has also been busy teaching new generations of young volleyball players, helping various school teams to complete the arduous training and understand the necessity of clear communication and solid teamwork. under his tutelage, both the male and female teams he has coached have each won the intershools tournament seven times..

presentation convent high school vellikulangara

Eldridge Xavier

Convent High School, P. O. Box 409, Roseau, Dominica.                              (767) 616-2916/2917 (767) 448-2916/2917                                              [email protected]  

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Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School For Girls

Good school but some of the girls performance was tooo bad apart from that it was an awesome school and wonderfully teachers a great sports coaching I love my school.. and I miss my teachers and my lovely headmistress miss shanthi sister love you lot sister and I miss you lot

12 years Im studying in the school very lucky student 🥰☺️missing those days and teachers and friends ♥️😔

Excellent education Nd knowledgeable well talented staffs

A very old girls school starts from 6th std and upto 12th standard on both English and tamil medium. The coaching are good here and govt aided school so fees are very nominal here and its safe for girls to study and also has hostel facilities. Its not easy to get seat in this school.

I studied just 2 years ... But this school gives me lots nd lotz of memories nd xperience .. I feel proud to b a student if this school.. If god give another birth to me i am dying to study again in this school... luv tiz school...

I am old student of this school...I LEARN to pray and study alone through my hostel life...... i molded here ..superb school...fantastic education....during my period superb HM (Sr.Josephine hillari )

Lovely memories 😉😉😉 I enjoy my school days still now & forever..... I love my teachers especially vimala Priya miss, Deepa miss, jesi miss. who were careing,loveing...still now. I miss those happiest moment. I miss my friends. I miss u guys and still. And I respect and proud of my school and HM.Lovely memories 😉😉😉 I love my school days still now & forever.....

Now I study 12th standard I love my school and teachers they are wonderful teachers they encourage all of us

Excellent teachers superb school I m really missing my school

I like my school very much.because the teachers are very lovely

Nice school.i had studied there for 7 year.

One of the best school in coimbatore

I like my school.good education.good teachers semma

Good education performance and I love my school

I am a student of pchss good!

Better atmosphere school in cbe

Quality education system for girls...

I love my school 😊😊😊

I like school very very much it super school

Simply Awesome😍😍😍

One of the prestigious schools of Coimbatore.

Good sports

Good education performance

Amazing teachers

  • Address: Goods Shed Rd, Town Hall, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641001, India
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  • Phone: +91 422 239 2458
  • Higher secondary school
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presentation convent high school vellikulangara


Welcome to Presentation Convent School, an integrated and holistic space in the heart of Navi Mumbai!

presentation convent high school vellikulangara

Often proverbially mentioned, ‘Education is not just the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think’. We at PCS indubitably pursue the proverb by encouraging and nurturing critical and creative thinking along with emotional intelligence for a better and brighter tomorrow. Presentation convent school is an educational society of sisters of Presentation belonging to the congregation of the daughters of Presentation. By the grace of God, our network of educational institutions is also in constant growth. The inception of the school in Navi Mumbai, was in the year, 2005 and the school was upgraded to ISC in the year, 2018. The school houses classes from Nursery to XII and we have adopted the co-education system of teaching with English as the medium of instruction. We are well equipped with teachers who are masters of their craft along with all the other resources such as fully functioning science and computer laboratories, music room, dance room, yoga room, skating room, and so much more for the comprehensive development and well-being of each and every child entrusted to us.

PCS today has emerged as one of the leading schools in Navi Mumbai and we welcome you whole heartily to be a part of our growing family and for a cohesive and empowering learning experience.

presentation convent high school vellikulangara

Everyday at the Presentation Convent School is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Sr. pauline — manager, presentation convent school at a glance.

Current Enrollments

Qualified Staff

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Mission Statement

‘Faithful to the spirit of Accipe, treasured by our founders, Francisca Butti and Maria Rossi, we participate in the maternal concern of the Holy Church in her educational mission of life. Proffering humanized and liberating process of education, we strive to build the kingdom of God on earth by pursuing a unique educational pedagogy of ‘Formation of Heart’, particularly for the young women and the marginalized. This subsequently enables them to promote life as a gift and vocation and helps them to make free and responsible choices which have positive reinforcement in their personal lives, communities and society.

Vision Statement

Our vision is the same as the vision of Jesus Christ who came to restore the integrity of God’s original creation in its wholeness through healing and transformation which leads to the fullness of life. ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’ (Jn.10:10)” ‘The educational pedagogy of Society of Presentation Sisters envisages to build up a society walking towards the fullness of life which ultimately leads to the salvation of oneself’


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  3. Presentation Cghs Vellikulanga Secondary School Thrissur

    Presentation Cghs Vellikulanga Secondary School (PCVSS) located at Thrissur Kodakara Gups Vellikulangara Vellikulangara-08 is one of the best schools in India. The School has been rated by 10 people. This School is counted among the top-rated Schools in Kerala with an outstanding academic track record. Find details on Map Location, Admissions, Contact Number, Fees, Photos, Address, Application ...

  4. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA District Thrissur : Get Contact And

    PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is in cluster GUPS VELLIKULANGARA which is situated in Kerala. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is Co-educational in type and it is Upper Primary and Secondary from class 5 to class 10. ... This school comes in 1-Rural area. PRESENTATION CGHS VELLIKULANGA is in 1-Private with 25 girls toilet & 12 boys toilet and 2 ...

  5. Presentation Convent Girl´s High School Vellikulangara

    Presentation Convent Girl´s High School Vellikulangara (Vellikulangara) Presentation Convent Girl´s High School Vellikulangara. (Vellikulangara) India / Kerala / Chalakudi / Vellikulangara. high school, girl's school. it is a school run by the Clarist sisters. Nearby cities:


    Slowly it was upgraded to Primary, Middle, High school and Girls Higher Secondary School it caters to 2200 girls. Presentation Convent Girls Higher Secondary School, holds 2150 poor children from Theni and suburbs. Most of these children come from below poverty line. Daily activities are carried on as usual by 51 teaching staff and 5 non ...

  7. Presentation convent school vellikulangara

    Presentation convent school vellikulangara - Facebook

  8. Presentation Convent High School

    Presentation Convent High School. Ambaji Fatorda. Email : presentationcon [at]yahoo [dot]co [dot]in. Phone : 0832-2749252. Website Policies. Help. Contact Us. Feedback. Content Owned by District Administration.

  9. Presentation Convent Girls High School in Thrissur

    Infobel India Education & Teaching Thrissur Presentation Convent Girls High School. Categories. Education & Teaching (78) Hospital - Medical Center (1) Secondary School (1) Location. Thrissur (1046) ... Vellikulangara 680693 Thrissur Kerala - India. Private Kindergartens. Private Primary Schools.

  10. Curriculum

    The school is affiliated with the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi and follows a curriculum which is in accordance with the specifications of the ICSE Board of Examinations. ... The Presentation Convent School. PLOT NO. 85, SECTOR 27, NERUL, NAVI MUMBAI 400706. Main Office. 022-27705353, (M): 8424952363 EMAIL ID ...

  11. Convent High School Volleyball

    Convent High School, P. O. Box 409, Roseau, Dominica. (767) 616-2916/2917 (767) 448-2916/2917 [email protected]

  12. Presentation Convent High School Reasi

    Presentation Convent High School ReasiExchange Road, near BSNL Exchange ReasiPresentation Convent High School Reasi is a English Medium Co-educational school...

  13. Elavumparambil Arun Chacko (Vellikulangara)

    Presentation Convent Girl´s High School Vellikulangara 0.2 km; St. Paul's F. C Convent 0.7 km; St Anne's Convent LP School Koplipadam 2.7 km; Axis College of Engineering & Technology 2.9 km; Mobin jose,Nedumkallel ....Ambanloy 3 km; Kadambode L P School 3.5 km; Augustine Thuluvath 4 km; Kodassery Mountain 4.2 km; Kundai Ground 4.6 km; Thrissur ...


    Reading the signs of time we have adopted E-Learning to assist students to avail knowledge as well as use time constructively though this cannot be replaced for class room learning.

  15. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School For Girls

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School For Girls. Goods Shed Rd, Town Hall, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641001, India. Appearance.

  16. Presentation Convent School, Nerul

    Presentation School at a Glance. 2K+ Current Enrollments. 90+ Qualified Staff. 80+ Clubs & Activities. 100+ Active PTFA Members. ... The Presentation Convent School. PLOT NO. 85, SECTOR 27, NERUL, NAVI MUMBAI 400706. Main Office. 022-27705353, (M): 8424952363 EMAIL ID: [email protected] Attendance.

  17. About

    Presentation convent school is an educational society of sisters of Presentation belonging to the congregation of the daughters of Presentation. By the grace of God, our network of educational institutions is also in constant growth. The inception of the school in Navi Mumbai, was in the year, 2005 and the school was upgraded to ISC in the year ...


    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School seeks to create an atmosphere of peace, love and joy enlivened by the Gospel Spirit of freedom and charity. To help the young develop themselves into persons capable of freely making choices in conformity with their conscience and conviction, having a definite attitude. ...

  19. Administrative divisions of Moscow

    Overview. Administratively, the city is divided into 12 administrative okrugs, which in turn are subdivided into 146 administrative units, which include 125 administrative districts and 21 administrative settlements. Municipally, each of the 146 administrative units have municipal status as 125 municipal okrugs, 19 municipal settlements, and 2 ...

  20. Переделкино, ДСК Мичуринец, поселение Внуковское, ул. Погодина, 4

    Where to find Переделкино? Переделкино is located at ДСК Мичуринец, поселение Внуковское, ул.

  21. Судебный участок мирового судьи № 391 района Поселение Внуковское

    Justice of the peace «Судебный участок мирового судьи № 391 района Поселение Внуковское» at Moscow, Novoorlovskaya Street, 7Г, ☎️ +7 499 530 10 00. working hours. Get directions in Yandex Maps.

  22. The Patriarchate Of The Russian True Orthodox Catacomb Church

    Where to find The Patriarchate Of The Russian True Orthodox Catacomb Church? The Patriarchate Of The Russian True Orthodox Catacomb Church is located at Новомосковский район, Поселение Внуковское, боровское шоссе, Ликова дом 7, Moscow, Russia, 142750 in the state Other, Russia. The place can be reached through its phone number, which ...