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PhD Program 'Biomedical Ethics and Law' Medical Track

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PhD students should complete coursework 12 ECTS points. Students should fulfill the core/mandatory requirements and complete elective modules with the most relevance to their research interests.  The program will offer a variety of modules covering theoretical areas in biomedical ethics as well as research methodologies. The selection of electives should be approved by the student’s supervisor.

See curriculum:

Mandatory Requirements (12 ECTS)

Offered by the Institute of Biomedical Ethics 3 ECTS


Choose one to complete mandatory course ECTS  3 ECTS

Additional Mandatory Requirements

Institute of Biomedical Ethics  

Electives (will appear in Academic Record if offered by UZH)

Electives are comprised of selected courses and conferences offered by the IBME or by other Institutes, either in Zurich or in other Universities. They must be relevant to the PhD students research interests and have to be pre-approved by the PhD supervisor. 

Active participation in international meeting   tbd
Mentoring-Program   tbd
Soft skills courses, As Needed (MMed/PhD courses) tbd

Core Courses

The core courses are offered by both the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and the Faculty of Law and are mandatory for all PhD students. Core courses can yield a total of 12 credit points. The goal of the core courses is to ensure that PhD students have a deep understanding of the key concepts, issues and methodological approaches in their field of study. It is highly recommended that core courses are completed during the first two semesters of study. Students who have completed these general courses will be better positioned to identify their research interests and select their research topic, while they will have the opportunity to explore the most suitable methodological approaches.


At least one peer-reviewed publication is a mandatory requirement for the successful completion of the program. It is expected that the publication will derive from the PhD research project and may be a chapter of the dissertation or one of the published articles that will comprise the dissertation.

Research Colloquium

Research Colloquia are bi-weekly and feature presentations by either a guest speaker, IBME staff, or a PhD student. They provide a great opportunity for interaction and academic exchange and are an important activity for the PhD program. To obtain the credit points for the semester colloquium students should attend all sessions during the semester and be active participants. (Absences should be discussed with the supervisor and they will be documented)

Foundations in Biomedical Ethics

This course presents the development of the field of biomedical ethics analyzing the historical and social changes that have played the most significant role in shaping the field. It focuses on the methodological approaches that have emerged in addressing ethical dilemmas in biomedicine in particular, principlism, rights-based approach, casuistry, virtue ethics etc. The goal of this course is to equip students with the different methodological approaches of argumentation and how they can be applied in the debate of bioethical issues. It only takes place in Fall Semesters

Contemporary Issues in Biomedical Ethics

The course is a survey of the current controversies in biomedical ethics. It addresses a representative selection of the most debated topics in the field including issues in clinical ethics, research with humans, international health and justice. The goal of the course is to ensure that participants are acquainted with the key debates in the field, and have an in depth knowledge of the most relevant literature which will also facilitate their search for defining their research project.

Methods in Biomedical Ethics

This module aims to introduce PhD students to various methodological aspects and practical skills they need for their research, including bibliography search, writing skills, research integrity issues, data protection and ethics self-assessment, research proposal writing, and a short introduction to quantitative and qualitative empirical methods.

Teaching Involvement

This requirement consists in completing a minimum of 100 hours of teaching along the PhD studies. “Teaching” is understood in a broad sense, which includes not only lectures or any form of assistance in the preparation of teaching (like teaching material), but also presentations, the organization of workshops, the tutoring of Master’s students, etc. This requirement applies only to PhD students starting from the spring semester 2022 onwards.

Every student has a supervisor. Depending on the research project a student may have two supervisors. The supervisor/s should be defined as early as possible and no later than the end of the first semester.


The dissertation is generally a cumulative dissertation consisting of various original articles, whereby at least one publication with first authorship must have been published or accepted for publication in an internationally recognized scientific journal. First authorship may be shared and the dissertation should include at least three publications. The dissertation may also consist of a monograph.

Dissertation Committee : The dissertation committee is responsible for planning, scheduling, supervising and evaluating the work that leads to the PhD degree. At the initiative of the PhD student the dissertation committee should be formed by the end of the first semester. The signed dissertation committee form should be returned to the secretariat at the end of the semester. It consists of the following members: 1. the supervisor, who must have at least a doctoral degree (if the student has two supervisors, both should be members of the committee). 2. a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the UZH; 3. an external member (i.e. not from the UZH or ETH) with relevant expertise. At least half of the committee members should be affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine of the UZH. The dissertation committee should receive regular progress reports and hold a meeting with the PhD candidate within the first six months and once a year thereafter.

Dissertation Commitee Form (PDF, 91 KB)

Dissertation Defense Examination : Once the dissertation is completed and after the agreement of the Dissertation committee has been obtained, the PhD candidate sets a date for the dissertation defense examination. The dissertation defense examination consists of two parts: public presentation and open discussion of the PhD findings and a separate discussion between the candidate and the Dissertation committee. Examiners are the members of the Dissertation committee. The exam is graded on a pass or fail basis. In case of failure, the exam can be repeated one more time.

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Faculty of Law

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, publication of the doctoral thesis and phd conferral.

In order to be granted the title of Doctor the doctoral candidates need to publish and submit the required deposit copies of the doctoral thesis within two years of the approval.

Number of Deposit Copies

Deposit copies

Second supervisor


bibliothek Zürich

UB Law

Print dissertation 1 5 30
E-Dissertation (accessible online free of charge) 1


Declaration of consent and a PDF of the dissertation


The Zentralbibliothek Zürich must be given 5 deposit copies for a print dissertation and 3 deposit copies for an e-dissertation , a declaration of consent, and the dissertation in PDF format on a stick or via email for uploading to ZORA . In addition, 30 deposit copies must be submitted to the UB Law in the case of a print dissertation and 1 deposit copy in the case of an e-dissertation . Doctoral students are responsible for sending 1 deposit copy to the second supervisor .

The doctoral candidates are provided i.a. with a template for the title and inner page as well as with further information regarding the publication of the doctoral thesis after the dissertation has been approved by the Faculty Assembly and are required to obtain the print approval from the Study Dean's Office ( [email protected] ) before publishing the dissertation.

The title and the text of the deposit copies must be identical with the title and the text in the PDF approved by the Faculty Assembly. Any subsequent amendments or additions have to be approved by the main supervisor and the approval forwarded to the Dean’s office.

The doctoral candidates have to be matriculated in the semester their doctoral degree is issued. Holding the title of Doctor before receiving the Confirmation of Doctoral Degree is prohibited.

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[email protected]

Ordinance for obtaining a Doctoral degree

Regulation on the Doctoral Degree

Zentralbibliothek Zürich

  • Declaration of Consent upon Submission of an E-PhD Thesis to the Zentralbibliothek Zürich

Rämistrasse 74/27

8001 Zurich

+41 44 634 3099



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PhD Program Biomedicine

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, the phd program in biomedicine (biomed) is part of the life science zurich graduate school (lszgs) of the university of zurich and the eth zurich..

The Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) offers additional postgraduate coures, for example:

Project management for research

Scientific writing

Scientific presentation

details and registration

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PhD theses and habilitations from UZH

PhD theses and habilitations from UZH

We collect and archive PhD theses and habilitations from all faculties from the University of Zurich ( (Faculty of Philosophy only habilitations)

Research and borrowing

To search for specific PhD theses, habilitations and master’s theses from UZH you can use the Catalogue of university theses. Master’s theses can only be borrowed for consultation in the ZB Zürich reading room. Theses from the last five years can only be consulted with the written consent of the author. Use this form to request consent.

Delivery to the Zentralbibliothek Zürich

The Zentralbibliothek Zürich accepts approved PhD theses and habilitations. Please note the Instructions for the required deposit copies of PhD Theses and Habilitations . Your work will be listed in the library catalogue once it has received final approval from the University of Zurich.

You can bring your mandatory copies in person and hand them over to Department Turicensia at the infodesk (opening hours: Mon–Fri, 8 am–8 pm) or send them by post to:

Zentralbibliothek Zürich Abteilung Turicensia Hochschulschriften UZH Zähringerplatz 6 8001 Zürich

In both cases, please give us your current email address.

We do not accept master’s theses. These should be submitted direct to the relevant dean’s office in accordance with the deadlines and requirements laid down by the faculties. 

[email protected]

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UZH - Medtool


Dissertation (Dr. med. vet.) Interaction of GLP-1 and Amylin agonists in the control of eating 80 %

A position for a doctoral student (Dr. med. vet.) is available at the Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty University of Zurich.

Your responsibilities

Your profile.

  • Strong interest in academic research and motivation to pursue an academic career.
  • Ability to work both independently and in a team.
  • Strong command of English.

What we offer

  • Flexible working models (such as part-time positions, mobile working, job-sharing)
  • Childcare at the kihz foundation of UZH and ETH
  • Wide range of continuing education courses of UZH and the Canton of Zurich
  • Language Center run jointly with ETH Zurich
  • Food and drinks at reduced prices in the UZH cafeterias
  • Lunch-Check-card with UZH contribution
  • Special conditions on the Academic Sports Association ASVZ
  • Free seasonal flu vaccinations
  • Rest and relaxation at the quiet room in the university tower
  • Private traffic: Carsharing, rent a vehicle, parking space
  • Digitalization: Hardware, software, mobile phone subscriptions
  • Special conditions on hotel reservations
  • Policies of the UZH
  • Most UZH staff are employed according to public law
  • Support for people from outside Switzerland
  • Campuses Zurich City, Zurich Irchel, Oerlikon and Schlieren
  • Sites Zurich West, Old Botanical Garden, Botanical Garden and Lengg

Institute of Veterinary Physiology

Information on your application, further information, questions about the job, contact question to: prof. thomas a. lutz, working at uzh.


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University of Zurich

Biology: Molecular and Cellular Biology

(concentration), degree program: master of science faculty of science (120) (2021).

General description Admission requirements Branch of studies Educational goals Career possibilities ECTS credits Degree Program structure Part-time studies Major/minor subject combinations Examination and assessment regulations Language of instruction

General description

The fundamental processes of life occur at the level of cells, proteins and nucleic acids. Molecular and cell biology concentrates on understanding how processes are controlled in cells by regulated genetic activity and changes to the DNA and proteins. Molecular and cell biology are closely related to biochemistry, molecular genetics and development biology.

Admission requirements

A Bachelor's degree in Biology, Biomedicine or Biochemistry from the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich allows for admission to the a Master’s degree course in Biology. Corresponding degrees of Swiss and foreign universities can be recognized by the Faculty. The Faculty assesses all other qualifications, in particular those from universities of applied sciences, according to its own criteria, whereby the principle of equal treatment applies to assessing the equivalence of Bachelor's degrees. The Faculty can require the fulfillment of conditions or additional requirements in form of evidence of academic achievement. The Faculty decides about the acceptance of academic achievements and credit points which were obtained elsewhere.

Branch of studies

Educational goals.

Master’s graduates have skills in scientific research. Their knowledge allows them to understand complex biological systems. They recognize relevant problems in Biology and are able to plan and conduct experiments using a variety of techniques to address these problems. Their ability to adapt technical procedures to specific scientific problems allows them to expand their problem solving skills. The ability to work exactly and treat precious materials, instruments and organisms carefully is particularly important. Working with organisms requires students to apply their ethical responsibilities. The master’s thesis, which is a research project within the master’s program, teaches students to conduct research independently as would be required for a dissertation.

Career possibilities

Doctorate in one of the fields of biosciences; teaching and research at universities and other institutes of higher education; work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, agrobiology and food technology industries; teaching at secondary level and in vocational, agricultural and engineering schools; management posts in industry, public administration and politics; planning for nature conservation and environmental protection, private and public; work in zoos, museums, research institutes, laboratories and clinics; scientific journalism. The degree courses of biology at the University of Zurich qualify graduates to find work in not only specific biological or educational professions.

ECTS credits

90 ECTS Credits

Master of Science UZH in Biology

Program structure

The course work comprises block courses and special lectures in Molecular and Cellular Biology (16 ECTS credits), and elective modules (4 ECTS). The core components are the Master's research project in Molecular and Cellular Biology, including seminars and colloquia (together 60 ECTS credits) and the module "Integrated Knowledge in Biology" (10 ECTS credits).

Part-time studies

The Master’s degree course is usually done full-time. Exemptions must be applied for in advance and require the consent of the Faculty of Science.

Major/minor subject combinations

The Master's study program in Biology 90 can be taken as a single major or be combined with a minor study program 30 at Master's level.

Examination and assessment regulations

The student's achievement is assessed at the end of each module. Achievements are graded on a scale from 1 to 6, whereby 6 denotes the highest grade of achievement and 1 the lowest. A grade below 4 is insufficient. Achievements can also be graded with 'passed' or 'failed'.

Language of instruction

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Adonis Rubio and Christopher Barnes, PhD

Immunology student Adonis Rubio and his adviser, assistant professor of biology Christopher Barnes, have been named fellows of the 2024 cohort of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Gilliam Fellows Program. The program recognizes student-adviser pairs for their outstanding research as well as for their commitments to advancing equity and inclusion in science. The pair will receive $53,000 of annual funding for up to three years, to support Rubio’s dissertation research, which focuses on leveraging structural biology to profile protective human antibodies against infectious diseases, with the aim of engineering therapeutics and vaccines to improve human health.

Adonis Alexandre Rubio

About Stanford Medicine

Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems. Together, they harness the full potential of biomedicine through collaborative research, education and clinical care for patients. For more information, please visit .

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  1. Informationen zur Promotion

    Die Promotion dient dem Nachweis der Fähigkeit der Kandidatin bzw. des Kandidaten, durch eine selbstständige wissenschaftliche Forschungsleistung im human- oder naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Für die Promotion gilt, dass die Dissertation frühestens zwei Semester nach dem Studienabschluss eingereicht werden kann.

  2. PDF Handbuch Dissertation

    1.2.1 Die Immatrikulation ist die Einschreibung in die Liste der Studierenden und somit die Voraussetzung für ein Studium an der Universität Zürich (UZH). Mit der Immatrikulation erhalten Sie das Recht, Leistungen der UZH zu beziehen. Doktorierende müssen während der ganzen Doktoratszeit immatrikuliert sein.

  3. UZH

    Homepage belonging to the University of Zurich. Willkommen bei Medtool | Welcome to Medtool

  4. UZH

    Dissertation. Auf dieser Applikation können Dissertationen einschliesslich der dazugehörenden Vereinbarung und weiteren Unterlagen eingereicht werden. Die entsprechenden Formulare sind nach Anmeldung im Tool verfügbar. Login.

  5. MD-PhD-Programm

    Track II: Both propaedeutic studies and doctoral dissertation are conducted after attaining a medical Master degree (human medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry). The doctoral dissertation must be carried out in one of the research groups of UZH affiliated to the Life Science Zurich Graduate School.

  6. PDF Information on the dissertation in the Clinical Science doctoral ...

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  7. PDF Microsoft Word

    1. The registration for the doctorate is initiated by submitting the dissertation to the Mem-bers of the Doctoral Committee and to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine, addressed to the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program Care and Rehabilitation Scienc es (electronically as to carePDF [email protected]). Please

  8. Curriculum and Dissertation

    3. an external member (i.e. not from the UZH or ETH) with relevant expertise. At least half of the committee members should be affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine of the UZH. The dissertation committee should receive regular progress reports and hold a meeting with the PhD candidate within the first six months and once a year thereafter.

  9. UZH

    Info. Medtool ist die digitale Plattform des Dekanats der Medizinischen Fakultät. Seit 2021 befindet sie sich im Aufbau, bereits realisiert sind Filling the Gap und Dissertation, für 2023 vorgesehen ist die Einführung des Bestandteils Master. Medtool is the digital platform of the dean's office of the faculty of medicine.

  10. Publication of the Doctoral Thesis and PhD Conferral

    1. 3. Declaration of consent and a PDF of the dissertation. 1. The Zentralbibliothek Zürich must be given 5 deposit copies for a print dissertation and 3 deposit copies for an e-dissertation, a declaration of consent, and the dissertation in PDF format on a stick or via email for uploading to ZORA. In addition, 30 deposit copies must be ...

  11. PDF Regulations for the Doctoral Program Integrative Molecular ...

    Doctoral Program Regulations FoS - Part B: Integrative Molecular Medicine (imMed) 2. Courses for PhDs at UZH/ETH (transferable skills)max. 4 Courses for PhDs at other institutes of higher education max. 4 Primary author of a grant proposal (worth at least CHF 20,000 , 2 ECTS Credits per grant). max. 2 Poster and presentation at an ...

  12. LSZGS

    The Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) offers additional postgraduate coures, for example: Project management for research. Scientific writing

  13. Zentralbibliothek Zürich

    The Zentralbibliothek Zürich accepts approved PhD theses and habilitations. Please note the Instructions for the required deposit copies of PhD Theses and Habilitations. Your work will be listed in the library catalogue once it has received final approval from the University of Zurich. You can bring your mandatory copies in person and hand ...

  14. Items where Subject is "UZH Dissertations"

    UZH Dissertations (12242) Number of items at this level: 12242. Noureddine, Nazek. ... Faculty of Medicine. Zimmermann, Konrad. Die Besitzstandsgarantie im öffentlichen Recht. 2023, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law. Rillaerts, Jordy. Three Essays in Empirical Finance. 2023, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

  15. UZH

    University of Zurich » Faculty of Medicine » Medtool » Dissertation. UZH - Medtool. Dissertation Auf dieser Applikation können Dissertationen einschliesslich der dazugehörenden Vereinbarung und weiteren Unterlagen eingereicht werden. Die entsprechenden Formulare sind nach Anmeldung im Tool verfügbar.

  16. UZH: Dissertation (Dr. med. vet.) Interaction of GLP-1 and Amylin

    Dissertation (Dr. med. vet.) Interaction of GLP-1 and Amylin agonists in the control of eating 80 %. Start of employment will be as soon as possible. A position for a doctoral student (Dr. med. vet.) is available at the Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty University of Zurich.

  17. Dissertations

    Dissertations. ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and Archive) is the primary repository of publications by researchers at the University of Zurich and provides access to the full texts. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I 1743 to the present day. ZB-PURA-Login or ZB-/UZH-License. Log in with PURA: Click on the SWITCH login button.

  18. UZH

    Career possibilities. Doctorate in one of the fields of biosciences; teaching and research at universities and other institutes of higher education; work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, agrobiology and food technology industries; teaching at secondary level and in vocational, agricultural and engineering schools; management posts in industry, public administration and politics ...

  19. Adonis Rubio and Christopher Barnes, PhD

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  20. Dissertations

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