Words at Ease

6 Speech Examples for Student Council

Are you running for student council and need some inspiration for your campaign speech?

Look no further!

As a seasoned speech writer with three decades of experience, I’m here to guide you through the process of crafting a compelling speech that will win over your fellow students.

Speech Examples for Student Council

Speech Examples for Student Council

In this article, you’ll find six sample speeches of varying lengths, each tailored to different occasions and audiences.

Whether you’re aiming for a short and sweet introduction or a lengthier, more detailed address, these examples will provide you with the building blocks to create a speech that truly resonates with your peers.

Let’s explore the sample speeches:

Speech 1: Introducing Yourself and Your Vision

Good morning, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I’m running for the position of [Position] in our student council. I believe that our school has the potential to be an even more incredible place, and I want to work with all of you to make that happen.

As your [Position], I will focus on three main goals: increasing student engagement, improving communication between the student body and the administration, and creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. Together, we can make our school a place where every student feels valued, heard, and supported.

I’m excited to bring my passion, dedication, and leadership skills to this role, and I hope to earn your vote. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for our school community!


Commentary: This short speech is perfect for introducing yourself and your vision to the student body. It’s concise, yet it touches on key points that will resonate with your audience. This speech is ideal for a brief campaign introduction or a quick address during a school assembly.

Speech 2: Addressing a Specific Issue

Hello, fellow students. Today, I want to talk about an issue that affects many of us: the lack of healthy food options in our school cafeteria. As your potential [Position], I believe we must work together to ensure that every student has access to nutritious meals that fuel their bodies and minds.

If elected, I will collaborate with the administration and the cafeteria staff to introduce a wider variety of healthy food choices, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain options, and lean proteins. I will also advocate for the inclusion of vegetarian and vegan options to cater to the diverse dietary needs and preferences of our student body.

Additionally, I plan to organize educational workshops and events that promote healthy eating habits and teach students about the importance of proper nutrition. By working together, we can create a school environment that prioritizes the health and well-being of every student.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to have your support in the upcoming election.

Commentary: This medium-length speech focuses on a specific issue that is relevant to the student body. It demonstrates the candidate’s understanding of the problem and presents concrete solutions. This speech is suitable for a more detailed campaign address or a debate on school-related issues.

Speech 3: Encouraging Student Involvement

Good afternoon, everyone. As we all know, student involvement is the heart and soul of our school community. It’s what makes our school an engaging and meaningful place to learn and grow. That’s why, as your potential [Position], I want to make student involvement my top priority.

If elected, I will work tirelessly to create more opportunities for students to get involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, and events. I believe that every student should have the chance to explore their passions, develop new skills, and connect with like-minded peers.

To achieve this goal, I will collaborate with the administration, faculty, and student leaders to organize a wide range of activities that cater to diverse interests and talents. From sports and arts to community service and academic clubs, there will be something for everyone.

Moreover, I will ensure that these opportunities are accessible to all students, regardless of their background or financial situation. I will advocate for funding and resources to support student-led initiatives and provide the necessary equipment and materials.

By fostering a culture of student involvement, we can create a stronger, more connected school community where every student feels valued and empowered to make a difference.

So, let’s work together to make our school a place where every student can thrive and reach their full potential. Vote for [Your Name] for [Position], and let’s unleash the power of student involvement!

Commentary: This long speech emphasizes the importance of student involvement and presents the candidate’s plan to create more opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities. It’s an inspiring and motivational speech that can be used for a longer campaign address or a school-wide event promoting student participation.

Speech 4: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Hello, my fellow students. Today, I want to talk about a topic that is close to my heart: diversity and inclusion. As your potential [Position], I believe that our school should be a place where every student, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or ability, feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Diversity is what makes our school community rich and dynamic. It brings together different perspectives, experiences, and ideas, which are essential for growth, learning, and innovation. However, diversity without inclusion is meaningless. That’s why we need to actively work towards creating an inclusive environment where every student feels a sense of belonging and has equal opportunities to succeed.

If elected, I will make diversity and inclusion a top priority. I will collaborate with the administration, faculty, and student leaders to develop and implement policies and programs that promote equity and combat discrimination and bias.

Some of the initiatives I plan to introduce include:

  • Organizing diversity and inclusion workshops and training sessions for students, faculty, and staff.
  • Establishing a diversity and inclusion committee that will work towards identifying and addressing issues related to equity and inclusion in our school.
  • Advocating for a more diverse and inclusive curriculum that represents the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities.
  • Creating safe spaces and support groups for students who may feel marginalized or excluded.
  • Celebrating diversity through cultural events, festivals, and awareness campaigns.

By working together to promote diversity and inclusion, we can create a school community where every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to be their authentic selves.

So, let’s embrace our differences, celebrate our diversity, and build an inclusive school culture that uplifts and supports every student. Vote for [Your Name] for [Position], and let’s make our school a place where everyone belongs.

Commentary: This long speech addresses the important topic of diversity and inclusion in the school community. It presents a compelling case for why diversity and inclusion matter and outlines specific initiatives the candidate plans to introduce if elected. This speech is suitable for a campaign focused on promoting equity and social justice or for a school event celebrating diversity.

Speech 5: Advocating for Mental Health Support

Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about an issue that affects many of us, yet often goes unspoken: mental health. As students, we face a lot of pressure and stress – from academics and extracurricular activities to social relationships and personal challenges. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even depressed at times.

That’s why, as your potential [Position], I believe that our school should prioritize mental health support for all students. We need to create a culture where it’s okay to talk about mental health, where seeking help is encouraged, and where resources and support are readily available.

If elected, I will work closely with the administration, counselors, and mental health professionals to develop a comprehensive mental health support system for our school. This will include:

  • Increasing access to mental health resources, such as counseling services, support groups, and crisis hotlines.
  • Organizing mental health awareness campaigns and events to reduce stigma and promote open conversations about mental health.
  • Advocating for the integration of mental health education into our curriculum, so students can learn about coping strategies, stress management, and emotional well-being.
  • Creating a peer support network where students can connect with and support each other.
  • Ensuring that our school policies and practices prioritize student mental health and well-being.

By prioritizing mental health support, we can create a school environment where every student feels supported, valued, and empowered to take care of their emotional well-being.

So, let’s work together to break the silence around mental health, and build a school community that promotes resilience, compassion, and well-being for all. Vote for [Your Name] for [Position], and let’s make mental health a priority.

Commentary: This lengthy speech tackles the critical issue of mental health support in schools. It highlights the importance of creating a culture that prioritizes mental health and outlines specific initiatives the candidate plans to implement if elected. This speech is suitable for a campaign focused on student well-being or for a school event raising awareness about mental health.

Speech 6: Envisioning a Sustainable Future

Hello, fellow students. As we look to the future, it’s clear that sustainability and environmental responsibility must be at the forefront of our minds. As your potential [Position], I believe that our school has a crucial role to play in shaping a sustainable future – not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

The challenges we face are difficult – from climate change and resource depletion to pollution and waste. But I believe that our school community has the power to make a difference. By working together, we can transform our school into a model of sustainability and inspire others to follow our lead.

If elected, I will make sustainability a top priority. I will work with the administration, faculty, and student leaders to develop and implement a comprehensive sustainability plan for our school. This plan will include:

  • Reducing our school’s carbon footprint by implementing energy-efficient practices, such as using renewable energy sources and improving insulation.
  • Promoting waste reduction and recycling through education campaigns and the installation of recycling bins throughout the school.
  • Encouraging sustainable transportation options, such as biking, walking, and carpooling, and advocating for better public transportation access.
  • Integrating sustainability education into our curriculum, so students can learn about the environmental challenges we face and the solutions we can implement.
  • Creating a student-led sustainability committee that will work to identify and address sustainability issues in our school and community.

By taking action on sustainability, we can not only reduce our environmental impact but also create a healthier, more resilient school community. We can inspire others to join us in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation.

So, let’s come together to build a sustainable future – one where we can thrive in harmony with the planet. Vote for [Your Name] for [Position], and let’s make sustainability a way of life at our school.

Commentary: This lengthy speech focuses on the urgent issue of sustainability and environmental responsibility. It presents a vision for transforming the school into a model of sustainability and outlines specific initiatives the candidate plans to implement if elected. This speech is suitable for a campaign centered on environmental issues or for a school event promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness.

To sum up, crafting a compelling student council speech requires a combination of passion, vision, and strategic thinking.

By focusing on issues that matter to your fellow students, presenting concrete solutions, and delivering your message with confidence and authenticity, you can inspire your peers to support your candidacy and join you in creating positive change in your school community.

Keep in mind, that the key to a successful speech is to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Share your own experiences, listen to the concerns of your fellow students, and demonstrate your commitment to making a difference.

Use these sample speeches as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to infuse your personality and unique perspective into your words.

Your speech should reflect who you are and what you stand for.

So, go out there and give it your all! With hard work, dedication, and a compelling message, you can win the hearts and minds of your fellow students and become a strong voice for positive change in your school.

Good luck, and may the best candidate win!

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  • Student Council speeches | Secretary

Student Council speech | Secretary

An example campaign speech for secretary

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you're running for the Student Council Secretary position and want to see a sample campaign speech to help you write one of your own.

There's an example below, as well as a list of the main tasks * of the Student Council Secretary. You'll want to be thoroughly familiar with all of them before you can begin on your speech!

  • Student Council Secretary main tasks list
  • Example Student Council Secretary speech
  • Student Council speech printable planner and outline
  • More Student Council speech resources

* (My list is general. Your school may have specific requirements that I've not noted. Double check to ensure you know what would be good to highlight in your speech prior to writing it.)

Image: row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: YES!

Student Council Secretary - main tasks

Are you organized? Are you good at communicating: making sure everyone knows what's going on?  How are your administrative skills?

To be worthy of a YES vote from your fellow students you need all three of them!

The role of Student Council Secretary is key to ensuring the council functions smoothly and communicates effectively with students, faculty, and administration.

The main tasks and responsibilities of the position are:

  • Record keeping : Maintaining accurate records of all council meetings which includes taking the minutes, preparing the agendas, and noting attendance. Ensuring that the minutes of meetings are distributed to Council members and, when necessary, to the student body.
  • Correspondence and communication : Handling communication between the council, students, teachers, and administration. Relaying important information, announcements, and decisions made by the council to the student body.
  • Meeting preparation : Assisting in the preparation of meeting agendas in collaboration with the Council President or the Student Advisor. Distributing agendas and other required relevant information to council members before meetings.
  • Attendance tracking : Keeping track of attendance at council meetings and reporting any issues to the Student Council President or to the Student Council advisor. For example: repeated unexplained absenteeism or lateness.
  • Archiving and documentation : Maintaining an organized archive of past meeting minutes, agendas, and other relevant documents for reference.
  • Elections and voting : Assisting in organizing and overseeing Student Council elections, including the nomination processes and voting procedures.
  • Committee support : Collaborating with other council members and committees to help them achieve their goals by providing administrative support.
  • Event calendar maintenance + event planning : Maintaining/updating the school's event calendar Assisting in planning and organizing school events, fundraisers, and community service initiatives sponsored by the Student Council.
  • Community outreach : Participating in or supporting outreach efforts to engage with the student body, gathering feedback, and promoting student council activities.
  • Advocacy and representation : Serving as a voice for the student body by representing their concerns, ideas, and suggestions during council meetings.
  • Collaboration and teamwork : Working closely with the Student Council President, Vice President, Treasurer, and other members to ensure the council operates effectively and achieves its goals.
  • Adherence to bylaws : Ensuring that the Student Council operates in accordance with its constitution or bylaws and helping update these documents when necessary.
  • Problem solving : Assisting in addressing and finding solutions to issues and challenges faced by the student body.
  • Promotion of school spirit : Encouraging school spirit and pride through involvement in pep rallies, spirit weeks, and other activities that foster a sense of unity and belonging.

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Example Secretary speech for Student Council

To get a good idea of how this speech works, read it through a couple of times and then try it out loud.

It's 474 words long which will take just over 3 minutes to say , depending on your  speech rate .

Image: a row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: Yes! Sam Smith for secretary Student Council

Don't you just love writing up notes, and scheduling activities? No? { said with a big smile ☺}

Fellow students, teachers, and staff of Cherry Landing College, fortunately I do!

That's why I'm here standing in front of you today. My name is Sam Smith, and I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve you as your Student Council Secretary.

Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential for this role. As anybody who knows me knows, I have both of those, along with the determination to use them to benefit all of us.

The success of a Student Council is to a large extent determined by the efficiency and effectiveness of its communications.  As your Secretary, I will make it my primary mission to ensure that information flows smoothly between the student body, teachers, and administration.

We know what happens when it doesn't flow as it should. And we don't like it. People feel excluded. Assumptions are made. Things quickly become unnecessarily chaotic - something we want to avoid!

Now, excellence in communication is underpinned by excellence in organizational skills. The first is impossible without the latter.

Again,  I am known for my attention to detail and my ability to keep things well and thoroughly organized. From recording meeting minutes to maintaining a comprehensive calendar of events, you can rely on me to work diligently to keep our council running efficiently - a chaos free zone.

However, being Secretary isn't just about fulfilling administrative tasks well. It's about being a dedicated advocate for all of you. I promise to represent your interests and work to address any issues or challenges that may arise during the school year.

Whether it's improving the school facilities, advocating for more extracurricular activities, or addressing concerns about the cafeteria menu, I will be your voice. 

Whoever you are, I promise to actively listen to your concerns, suggestions, and ideas, and to ensure that they are brought to the attention of the council.

In addition, I am fully committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration within our school. I will actively seek out opportunities to bring students from different backgrounds and interests together. By doing so, together we will create a stronger, more united student body  - a microcosm of the society we want to live in - one that supports us all.  

In conclusion, I am ready and eager to serve as your Secretary. I bring a passion for communication, organization, and advocacy to this role. But most importantly, I bring a resolve to represent each and every one of you to the best of my ability.

Together, we can make our school a place where every student's voice is heard, and where positive change is always possible.

I ask for your support and your vote. Sam Smith for Secretary! Together, we can make a difference. Thank you.

Get a blank Student Council speech planner

Click on the image below to open a downloadable printable student council speech planner and outline pdf. (Please note it will open in a new window.)

Image: a row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: Click to download a printable student council speech outline.

More resources for Student Council Speeches

If you've arrived on this page without seeing this one: Student Council Speeches , I highly recommend reading it before planning or writing your speech for Student Council Secretary.

You'll find:

  • a list of important points you'll want to consider carefully before you start,
  • another 2 example speeches - Student Council President and Student Council Vice President,
  • tips for rehearsal or practice, and more.

Go to Student Council Speeches .

And click this link if you'd like to read an example Student Council speech for Treasurer .

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Frantically Speaking

The Ultimate Go-To Guide to Prepare for Your Student Council Speech

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics

Empower voices, spark change! Together, let's shape our school's future. I'm committed to listening and acting for all. Thank you for your trust

Delivering a compelling student council speech is a crucial opportunity for students to make their voices heard and leave a lasting impact on their school community. The role of the student council is not only to represent the interests of fellow students but also to initiate positive change and contribute towards the overall development of the school.

Crafting an effective student council speech requires careful thought, preparation, and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. In this section, we will explore the importance of a student council speech and provide valuable insights on how to make a lasting impression that captures the attention and support of your peers.

Whether you are running for class president, vice president, treasurer, or any other position within the student council, your speech serves as an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills, articulate your vision for improvement, and inspire others to rally behind you. It is not just about winning votes but about demonstrating your dedication to serving the needs and aspirations of your fellow students.

Throughout this section, we will delve into strategies that can help you deliver a powerful student council speech that stands out from the rest. From crafting a strong opening statement to highlighting relevant experiences and outlining actionable plans for change, we will guide you through each step of the process.

Remember that every word you speak has the potential to influence opinions and shape perceptions. By mastering the art of delivering an impactful student council speech, you can become an agent of positive change within your school community. So let’s dive in and discover how you can make a lasting impact through your words!

  • 1. Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals
  • 2. Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly
  • 3. Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone
  • 4. Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details
  • 5. Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence
  • 6. Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

Step 1: Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals

In order to deliver an impactful student council speech, it is crucial to first understand the role of the student council and identify your goals. By doing so, you can effectively communicate your vision and aspirations to your fellow students.

The student council plays a vital role in representing the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. It is a platform where students can voice their concerns, propose ideas for improvement, and contribute to the overall development of the school community.

When preparing your speech, take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve as a member of the student council. Identify specific goals that align with your values and address issues that are important to your peers. This could range from improving school facilities and promoting extracurricular activities- to fostering inclusivity and enhancing communication between students and faculty.

By clearly defining your goals, you will be able to convey a sense of purpose and passion in your speech. Your fellow students will be more likely to connect with your message if they see that you have a genuine desire to make positive changes within the school community.

Remember, being part of the student council is not just about holding a position or gaining recognition – it is about making a difference. So take this opportunity to inspire others with your ideas, motivate them with your enthusiasm, and demonstrate how you can contribute positively towards creating an inclusive and thriving school environment.

Step 2: Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly

When preparing a student council speech, it is crucial to understand your audience and tailor your message accordingly. By conducting thorough research on the interests, concerns, and aspirations of your fellow students, you can create a speech that resonates with them and effectively communicates your ideas and goals.

Understanding your audience allows you to speak directly to their needs and desires. Are they looking for more extracurricular activities? Do they want improvements in school facilities or policies? By delving into these questions, you can craft a message that addresses their specific concerns, making it more compelling and persuasive.

Additionally, tailoring your speech to the interests of your audience helps establish a connection with them. When students feel that you genuinely understand their challenges and aspirations, they are more likely to trust you as a candidate and support your ideas.

Researching the audience also enables you to anticipate any potential objections or counterarguments. By addressing these concerns proactively in your speech, you show that you have taken the time to consider different perspectives and are prepared to address them thoughtfully.

In conclusion, researching the audience is an essential step in crafting an impactful student council speech. By understanding their needs, tailoring your message accordingly, and addressing potential objections, you can deliver a compelling speech that resonates with your fellow students and increases your chances of success.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone

The opening of your student council speech is your chance to capture your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation. A strong and compelling opening will make a lasting impression and encourage your listeners to pay attention to what you have to say.

Consider starting with a captivating anecdote or a thought-provoking question that relates to the issues you will address in your speech. This will immediately grab your audience’s attention and pique their curiosity. You can also use a powerful quote or statistic to emphasize the importance of your campaign and the changes you hope to bring about.

In addition to capturing attention, the opening of your speech should also establish a rapport with your audience. Share a personal story or experience that demonstrates your understanding of their concerns and shows them that you are genuinely invested in making a difference. This will help create a connection between you and your listeners, making them more receptive to your message.

Step 4: Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details

A well-structured speech is essential for conveying your ideas effectively and ensuring that your audience can follow your train of thought. To achieve this, it is crucial to organize your speech into clear main points and support them with relevant details and examples.

Start by outlining the main ideas or goals you want to communicate in your speech. These could be specific initiatives you plan to implement or broader themes you want to address. Once you have identified your main points, arrange them in a logical order that allows for a smooth flow of information.

For each main point, provide supporting details that substantiate your claims and add credibility to your speech. These could be statistics, personal anecdotes , or expert opinions that illustrate the importance and feasibility of your proposals. Remember to present this information in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to your audience.

Additionally, consider using visual aids such as graphs, charts, or images to enhance your presentation. Visuals can help reinforce your main points and make complex information more digestible for your audience. However, use them sparingly and ensure they complement rather than distract from your speech.

Step 5: Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence

Persuasion is a key element of any successful student council speech. To persuade your audience effectively, you need to develop persuasive arguments and present them with confidence and conviction.

When developing your arguments, consider the needs and concerns of your audience. What solutions can you offer to address these issues? How will your ideas benefit the student body as a whole? By focusing on the needs of your audience and presenting practical and achievable solutions, you can make a compelling case for your candidacy.

To present your arguments with confidence, it is essential to practice your speech thoroughly. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with friends and family, paying attention to your body language, tone of voice, and overall delivery. This will help build your confidence and ensure that you come across as poised and prepared on the day of your speech.

Remember to maintain eye contact with your audience and speak clearly and audibly. Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize key points and show enthusiasm for your ideas. By exuding confidence and passion, you will inspire trust and captivate your listeners, increasing your chances of winning their support.

Step 6: Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

No matter how well-prepared you are, delivering a student council speech can be nerve-wracking. However, practicing your speech can help alleviate anxiety and build the confidence you need to deliver a compelling and impactful presentation.

Start by memorizing the key points of your speech. This will allow you to maintain a natural flow of information and engage with your audience more effectively. However, avoid memorizing your speech word-for-word, as this can make you sound robotic and less authentic.

Instead, focus on understanding the overall structure and flow of your speech. Practice delivering it in a conversational manner, using your notes as a reference rather than a script. This will help you adapt to different situations and respond to audience reactions, making your speech more dynamic and engaging.

Additionally, consider recording yourself during practice sessions. This will allow you to evaluate your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Pay attention to your pacing, intonation, and body language, and make conscious efforts to improve these aspects.

Lastly, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers or mentors, who can provide constructive criticism and help you refine your speech. Incorporate their suggestions and continue to practice until you feel confident and well-prepared.

Sample Speech:

“Good morning everyone! I am absolutely thrilled to be standing before you today as a candidate for the student council. This is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in our school, and I am excited to share my vision with all of you. As a student, I have always been passionate about creating a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. I believe that the student council plays a crucial role in representing the voice of the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. Through my involvement in various extracurricular activities and my dedication to academic excellence, I have developed the skills necessary to be an effective leader in this role.

One of my main goals as a member of the student council is to promote student engagement and participation. I want to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and that they feel empowered to contribute their ideas and opinions. By organizing regular town hall meetings and creating platforms for open dialogue, we can foster a sense of unity and collaboration within our school community.

Together, we can work towards making our school an even better place for everyone.”

Another area that I am very passionate about is enhancing the overall student experience. I believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and it is important to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and development. Through organizing workshops, seminars, and events that focus on various aspects of personal development, such as leadership, communication skills, and mental health, we can empower our fellow students to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, I am truly excited about the possibility of representing you all on the student council. With your support, I am confident that we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and supportive environment for every student in our school. Let’s work together to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Preparing for your student council speech is a crucial step in your campaign journey. By understanding the importance of your speech, tailoring your message to your audience, crafting a compelling opening, structuring your speech effectively, developing persuasive arguments, and practicing your delivery, you can increase your chances of delivering a memorable and impactful presentation.

Remember, your student council speech is not only an opportunity to showcase your leadership qualities but also a chance to connect with your peers and inspire change. By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can confidently deliver a speech that resonates with your audience and convinces them to vote for you. Check out our communication coaching for more tips!

Now, it’s time to put your preparation into action. Take a deep breath, step onto the stage, and deliver a speech that will make a lasting impression on your fellow students. Good luck!

Hrideep Barot

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Winning Tips for Student Council Speeches

Tips for Student Council Speeches

Get more votes and win your election with these essential tips for student council speeches. Then, use the sample speech from Charlie, who followed these practices, to inspire your student council speech. 

  • Tips for a Winning Speech
  • A Sample Speech by Charlie
  • BST Guide to Writing a Student Council Speech

Here are twelve essential tips for writing a student council speech:

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding who you're speaking to will help you tailor your message to their needs and interests. Remember that your audience consists of your peers, and your student peers are likely interested in the same things you are.
  • Introduce Yourself: Begin your speech by introducing yourself. Tell the other students about your interests and hobbies. This makes you seem relatable and real.
  • State Your Intentions: Be clear about why you're running for student council. What motivated you? Was it a desire to bring change or to represent your peers better? Be honest and sincere.
  • Present Your Ideas and Plans: Outline your plans if elected. What are your ideas for improving the school or community? Be specific so that your audience knows what you're proposing.
  • Be Unique and Authentic: Try to differentiate yourself from other candidates. What unique perspective or experiences do you bring? Be authentic in your speech.
  • Use Clear, Concise Language: Avoid using jargon or overly complex words. You want your message to be easily understood.
  • Engage With the Audience: Ask rhetorical questions or include interactive segments to make your speech more engaging. You could ask for a show of hands or opinions on a particular issue.
  • Show Passion and Enthusiasm: Show your audience that you genuinely care about your role and the issues you discuss. Passion and enthusiasm can be contagious!
  • Use Anecdotes and Personal Stories: If you have a personal story or anecdote that illustrates why you're running or what you hope to achieve, share it. Personal stories can make your speech more compelling and relatable.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice your speech, the more confident you'll be when you deliver it. You'll be able to focus on your tone, delivery, and body language rather than worrying about forgetting your lines.
  • Have a Clear Structure: Like any good speech, yours should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Open with a powerful introduction to grab the audience's attention, then move into the central part of your speech, where you lay out your plans, and conclude by reiterating why you're the best choice.
  • End With a Call to Action: Encourage your audience to vote for you. Be direct and remind them that their vote can help bring about the changes you've proposed.

Remember, being elected to the student council is not just about the speech. It's also about how you conduct yourself before and after the speech, listen to your fellow students, and present yourself as a potential leader.

Charlie's Sample Student Council Speech

Charlie's Student Council Speech

Imagine our candidate, Charlie. He walks up to the podium, adjusts the microphone, clears his throat, and begins the following excellent performance among several student council speeches on election day...

"Good afternoon, fellow students. My name is Charlie, and I am running for the position of class secretary.

Some of you may already know me, but for those who don't, let me tell you a bit about myself. I love baseball, and though I may not be the best player on the field, I always show up, giving it my all. I have a dog named Scout and we've been through quite a lot of adventures together. He's even taught me a thing or two about being a good friend and listener.

I’m running for class secretary because I believe in the power of teamwork, just as much as I believe in the power of a solid kick to a football… we’ll just ignore the times when some unexpected surprises have knocked me over! I understand the value of each individual’s contribution to the team, and as your secretary, I’d work diligently to ensure that all your voices are heard and recorded.

If elected, I have several plans to improve our school. First, I want to establish a regular feedback system where you, my fellow students, can voice your concerns, ideas, and suggestions. You know, like a suggestion box, but maybe something more exciting - perhaps a 'Great Idea Garden'? Second, I want to organize inclusive events that celebrate our diversity, where everyone can share their unique traditions and talents. Maybe our history enthusiast could teach us about archaeology, our pianist could play a concert, or our resident philosopher could host a philosophy club meeting.

I don’t have a magic blanket or cool alter ego. What I do have is the commitment to serve, the tenacity to overcome difficulties, and the willingness to listen and understand. I may have a reputation for being a bit of a dreamer, but one thing's for sure - I always try my hardest, and I never give up, no matter how many times I stumble.

To ensure everyone understands what I’m saying, I’ll say it simply: I’m running for class secretary to make our school a better place for all of us, where every voice matters.

Now, how many of you want to be a part of a school where everyone’s ideas are respected and heard? [pauses for response]

See? Together, we can make this happen.

I am Charlie, a simple guy with a big heart and bigger dreams for our school. I may not always kick the football just right, but I guarantee you, I will always work my hardest to kick our school’s spirit and unity into high gear.

So, when it's time to vote, I ask that you consider me, Charlie, for class secretary. Remember, a vote for Charlie is a vote for every single voice in our school to be heard, respected, and included.

Thank you."

[Charlie walks off the stage to a round of applause, feeling a little less like a dreamer and a little more like a potential class secretary.]

Avoid student council speeches like this creative and funny example from @snerixx below. In this sample, the author illustrates how sometimes student council speeches could be more genuine and make promises that can't be kept. 

You might like the BST guide to writing a student council speech and analysis. 

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Student Council Speech Ideas: How to Craft the Perfect Speech


Now that you’ve decided to take on the challenge of running for student council, it’s time to consider how to craft that all-important speech that will make your candidacy stand out from the rest.

It goes without saying that writing the perfect speech requires some preparation and a variety of creative approaches. This post will provide you with student council speech ideas that will help you put together a memorable and persuasive talk that will propel your candidacy.

Here, we will look at ways to structure your speech, as well as techniques for convincing the student body that you’re the right person for the job. With the following tips, you’ll have the winning speech that gets you elected!

Understand the Position and Responsibilities

When crafting the perfect student council speech, it is important to understand the position and responsibilities associated with a student council leader.

Student council leaders are elected by fellow students to represent their class or school in governance-related decisions. In addition to seeking input from peers, they often work with faculty members, administrators, and other key stakeholders when making major decisions.

Being a student council leader requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to think critically. It is important to understand the roles and responsibilities of other student leaders, staff, and faculty members alike so that collaboration can be fostered under one’s leadership.

Not only is it essential to maintain positive relationships but also to demonstrate proficiency in areas such as problem solving, communication, and decision-making.

While some may view the role of a student council leader as administrative paperwork and organizational tasks, a leader should have an understanding of more than just policymaking. They must be able to promote good citizenship among peers and create an atmosphere that encourages engagement.

Drafting the perfect student council speech should not be done without regard for the objectives of a student council leader.

When speaking on behalf of peers it is essential to remember that both knowledge of positions and values are required for successful leadership. With this in mind we can move forward into the next section where we explore “What Does a Student Council Leader Do?”

What Does a Student Council Leader Do?

Being a student council leader requires more than just giving a speech .

The responsibilities of leading the student council consist of building productive relationships, setting ambitious goals and executing plans, communicating effectively, listening to peers and understanding their concerns, advocating for students’ rights in the school and community, and organizing events to benefit the student body.

Leaders must possess both soft skills such as being organized and hard skills like public speaking . With both sets of skills, these leaders are able to skillfully manage a team or individual volunteers and create a focus on important goals that the council wants to accomplish.

A successful student council leader should have a strong sense of responsibility and accountability while also displaying enthusiasm towards achieving collective goals.

The debate can be seen as to whether or not student council leaders should participate more in decision-making power or serve more as figureheads for their group goals.

Advocates for more decision-making authority argue that student councils can be valuable partners with school administrative teams by providing insight into issues that face students directly and providing perspective into how policies are playing out in the student body.

Opposing sides argue that although student councils can provide insight into certain issues, they cannot be expected to make major decisions regarding school policies given their lack of experience with those matters.

No matter the opinion on this debate, all agree that student council leaders play an integral role in school culture and environment by representing their peers. Those seeking election to a leadership role must demonstrate their commitment to furthering the mission of their student body.

This is done through crafting speeches that elucidate why they’re qualified for the position as well as show evidence of previous service accomplishments. To learn how to do this properly, it is useful to understand how to craft the perfect speech by demonstrating your experience.

Demonstrate Your Experience

When crafting your student council speech, it is important to demonstrate your experience and expertise.

Being able to speak confidently about your qualifications and previous accomplishments will help convince your audience of your ability to take on a leadership role.

Start off with a statement that introduces yourself and the reasons why you are qualified for the position. Use specific examples of projects or responsibilities that you have undertaken in the past, as well as how you were successful in completing them.

You may want to describe any volunteer or organizational activities that you are involved in or any educational qualifications or awards that you may have earned.

It is also worthwhile debating the various pros and cons of your candidacy. This will demonstrate your ability to think analytically, as well as showcase your knowledge on the subject matter. However, be warned to not make any personal attacks or remarks, which could alienate portions of your audience if they disagree with your viewpoint.

The next section will discuss how to talk about your leadership skills and convince your audience of their importance in making an impactful student council member.

Most Important Summary Points

When crafting a student council speech, it is important to demonstrate experience and qualifications to ensure an effective appeal to the audience. Talking about past achievements and providing specific examples will help make a case for why you are the best fit for the position.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to provide an analytical debate stating both the pros and cons of your candidacy; however, it should be done without making any personal attacks on opponents. Finally, discussing leadership skills and their relevance to the role may also work in favor of your candidacy.

Talk About Your Leadership Skills

When crafting a student council speech, it is important to talk about one’s qualifications in order to demonstrate leadership.

Before doing so, it is beneficial to list tangible accomplishments, such as working on a particular project or volunteering for an organization. It is also important to discuss any awards won or leadership roles held prior to speaking in front of the student council.

Being able to communicate one’s importance and impact helps prove why one is the best candidate for the role and can potentially sway the audience in their favor.

On the other hand, discussing past and current leadership roles does not always need to include tangible accomplishments.

Talking about oneself in terms of what they have learned and how they plan on using it moving forward can also be very powerful. For example, talking about mistakes made, lessons learned, and how one plans on incorporating that knowledge into their candidacy can show wisdom beyond their years.

It can also serve as proof that even though they may be young, they are still capable of making a great contribution to the student council if elected.

Ultimately, striking a balance between tangible accomplishments and experiences learned will ensure that your leadership speaks for itself during your student council speech.

By combining both sides of the argument and effectively conveying them to your audience, you will be best positioned for success when discussing your leadership skills with potential voting members of the student council. Now, let’s move on to discussing our ideas and goals for being on the council if given the opportunity.

Discuss Your Ideas and Goals

When discussing your ideas and goals, it is important to be direct and succinct. Start by introducing yourself and briefly outlining why you are running for Student Council in the first place.

Explain what inspired you to run and what you hope to bring to the table. Being clear and concise while still providing tangible examples will help voters better understand both your dedication and drive.

Once your motivation has been made clear, detail the specific things you plan to change or implement as a representative of the student body if elected.

Speak from the heart and talk about what issues are most important to you. During this time, it is crucial that you have done research on the particular problems that may be faced by the student council at their respective school. Then, use this information to inform your ideas, goals, and propositions on any particular issue.

In addition to thoroughly preparing for your speech in advance, it is also a good idea to practice beforehand. Students should train themselves not only in speaking but also in presenting facts throughout speech so that they can defend their ideas if someone questions them.

To ensure success during a presentation, test yourself with hard questions, rehearse extensively and get comfortable with the material ahead of time.

Lastly, students should remember that their goal is to deliver an effective speech which can influence enough people’s desire to make a difference within their school and community.

Debating both sides when discussing your ideas and goals is a great way to both show your understanding of a particular subject and present yourself as an engaged student looking to truly make a change.

Showing awareness of how opposing views affect policy changes can demonstrate your analytical skills while making sure everyone hears all sides of an argument allows for more informed decision-making among fellow students.

With this understanding in place, students can then start considering proposed changes or improvements for their respective student councils with confidence.

Explain Proposed Changes and Improvements

When proposing changes and improvements in a student council speech, it is important to explain why the proposed changes are necessary.

In order to effectively discuss both sides of the argument, craft your speech so that you first suggest why the changes are needed, followed by possible counterarguments and how you plan on addressing them.

Explain the current problems and deficiencies within your community or organization, as this can help emphasize why the suggested changes are needed.

For example, if you are suggesting increasing funding for student sports teams, you could draw attention to their lack of proper equipment and uniforms due to not enough money.

Offering solutions on how to acquire more funds is also important; brainstorm with other student council members to come up with ideas like requesting donations from teachers or local businesses.

In addition, anticipate and address any doubts that your peers may have about the suggested changes. Be aware of other perspectives surrounding the issue at hand and discuss every angle in detail in your speech.

If some students feel as though certain aspects of the changes will cost too much for their comfort, propose ways that costs can be kept low without sacrificing results.

Additionally, point out positive aspects of the proposed changes from multiple points of view, such as how they benefit various groups within the school or organization.

Explaining proposed changes and improvements is a key tool in crafting an effective student council speech. It’s important to detail why each change is necessary and offer solutions on how to make it happen while also standing firm on your viewpoint.

By showing dedication and commitment towards these ideas through a comprehensive analysis of both sides of each argument , you’ll be able to give an impactful speech that resonates with your peers.

Show Dedication and Commitment

When crafting a student council speech, showing dedication and commitment is key. This is important to discuss with students as they prepare to give their speeches because it will help them to sound confident in their ability to carry out the tasks of being on student council.

This can be done through highlighting past accomplishments that demonstrate a commitment to projects, as well as pledging to continue to work hard on future initiatives. It is also beneficial for speakers to emphasize the importance of making an impact both on campus and within the broader community.

It is important to highlight both sides of the argument when discussing dedication and commitment. For example, it can also be beneficial to discuss how there are many challenges in achieving objectives, but if one is motivated and determined, goals can still be realized.

Also, considering how student council represents a wide array of points of view and perspectives, it is essential for speakers to commit to being open-minded when discussing issues. Acknowledging opposing views with respect shows dedication and commitment not only to staying civil but also representing everyone in student council effectively.

Ultimately, dedicating time, energy and effort and remaining committed throughout this process is essential for success when it comes to executing student council duties.

By showcasing these qualities during a speech, speakers have the opportunity to demonstrate determination and initiative that fellow students should admire and stand behind. With that in mind, addressing the student body appropriately will help ensure an effective presentation overall.

Address the Student Body Appropriately

When addressing the student body, an important consideration for any Student Council speech should be to consider the audience.

After all, this is ultimately who the message is intended for. You want to make sure that you craft a message that speaks to and resonates with your peers.

This can be as simple as mentioning a common interest or having a connection with something they can relate to, such as pop culture.

However, it is also important to remember to maintain a certain level of professionalism in your speech throughout so as not to alienate members of the student body or allow the tone and atmosphere of the occasion to become unwelcoming.

It is also important to address different members including teachers involved in helping put together the council, staff members and other bodies involved in school activities.

It can also be beneficial to openly thank those involved for their hard work and dedication regardless of opinion or stance during preparations for the council meeting and election process.

This shows respect from one side as well as appreciation from you—to endear yourself more towards the wider student body.

Regardless of the approach when addressing fellow students, no matter how persuasive or heartfelt they may be, you will want to make sure that your words are not viewed as inflammatory or disrespectful.

Consideration must be taken into account when making statements that highlight potential issues within a school or resident authority because these can cast a negative light on you as well as them.

A balanced approach where both sides are heard endorses fairness towards each viewpoint and encourages healthy debate among members of the student body.

Having established what’s appropriate when talking directly to fellow students, it is now time to explore ways of creating a powerful speech to ensure that your message hits all the right notes. The next section will discuss ways in which you can prepare a speech that has maximum impact on the student body.

Prepare a Speech that Hits All the Right Notes

Preparing a speech for student council can be an intimidating process. It is important to make sure that you hit all the right notes within your speech. Through careful planning, practice and consideration of your audience, it is possible to construct an impactful, memorable speech.

When writing your speech, begin by recognizing the qualities that make you a great candidate. Detail the goals of your platform by articulating the various ways in which you will serve your constituents and their needs.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the real issues facing students and illustrate how you understand their perspectives on them. Showcase your character by outlining concrete actions that demonstrate why you are uniquely qualified for the position.

The most important part of any speech is having a strong conclusion . Your conclusion should restate the core message and summarize some of the key points from throughout the entirety of the address.

Additionally, include a call to action that encourages students to get involved – whether simply by voting or actively campaigning on behalf of your candidacy.

Make sure to end on an inspiring note that reinforces your leadership skills and offers an optimistic outlook for the future of the student body with you as their representative.

Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts on Your Student Council Speech

When crafting your closing remarks, the most important thing to remember is to keep it brief and to the point. Try not to repeat yourself and instead emphasize key points that you want your audience to remember. Here are some tips on how to close your student council speech with impact:

1. Summarize Your Ideas: After spending time talking about your ideas and plans, briefly summarize your message in a few sentences. If you have raised any specific issues, make sure to include any solutions or opinions that you have presented in the course of your speech.

2. Express Gratitude: Show your appreciation towards all those who voted for you and stuck around to listen, thanking them for their time and energy spent affirming their belief in you as a capable leader.

3. Leave On A High Note: End on a high note by expressing optimism about the future outcomes of the initiatives you raised during your speech, no matter what the results may be. Take this opportunity to give the audience a feeling of immense hope and excitement, ensuring they depart with a positive outlook on all that can be achieved through leadership.

4. Keep It Short And Simple: Above all, ensure that whatever final words you choose express confidence in yourself and remember that overthinking can derail your performance. Do not give too much information but rather provide powerful points that will ensure everyone knows where you stand—then step down!

In conclusion, taking into consideration the tips outlined above when creating your closing remarks will ensure dramatic effect when delivering a successful student council speech. Keep it short, sweet, memorable and sincere—the perfect recipe for an effective finish!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important elements to include in a student council speech.

One of the most important elements to include in a student council speech is the audience. When crafting the perfect speech, it is important for the speaker to consider who their audience is, and how their topic will be received. It’s best to tailor the content to fit the interests of the particular audience, so that they can relate more directly to what you’re saying.

Another key element would be credibility. The speaker should provide solid evidence and facts behind their ideas, in order to gain trust from their audience and prove that their points are valid and reliable. This includes anticipating any questions or counterarguments and being prepared with justifications for any potential criticism.

Additionally, the organization of the speech should be a priority. The speaker should have an outline or plan in place beforehand, so as not to get lost or overwhelmed in the middle of their address. Having an organized structure helps maintain unity throughout the speech, while promoting a professional presentation overall.

Finally, an effective student council speech should also tell a story . Incorporating personal anecdotes or experiences related to your topic can help make your words more memorable and meaningful to your audience. Doing this can also create a more intimate connection between yourself and whoever is listening.

How should a student council speech be structured?

A student council speech should be structured in such a way as to effectively communicate the speaker’s ideas while keeping their audience engaged .

The speech should generally start with an attention-grabbing introduction , followed by a statement of purpose or goal that outlines the speaker’s main argument. The body of the speech should then provide evidence and reasoning for why the argument is valid. Finally, the conclusion of the speech should reiterate the key points, summarize the overall message and close with a memorable quote or call to action.

In order for a student council speech to be effective, it must be well organized and cohesive. To ensure this, each point should be supported by clear examples and logical evidence .

Additionally, arguments and information should be presented in chronological order, making it easy for listeners to follow the flow of thought being presented. Visual aids can also be extremely helpful in breaking up sections of longer speeches while providing supporting images and facts.

Overall, crafting the perfect student council speech involves organizing information into an understandable format while creating an engaging story throughout. By highlighting key arguments and providing persuasive evidence along the way, presenters have a better chance of having their message heard and remembered.

What are some effective techniques for delivering a student council speech?

When delivering a student council speech, there are a few key techniques that can help make it more effective.

1. A Clear Starting Point: Start your speech by introducing yourself and briefly explain why you are running for office. Make sure to be extremely clear with your audience so they understand where you stand.

2. Speak Intentionally: Speak slowly and intentionally so your points come across clearly without stuttering or stumbling over words. Pause in order to better make your point, gather your thoughts, and allow the audience to digest what you’ve said.

3. Use Audience Engagement: Ask the audience questions and provide them with opportunities to show their support or contribute to the conversation. This is an effective way of getting the audience involved while also allowing you to gauge their interests or lack thereof, thus providing feedback that can inform your future decisions if elected.

4. Establish Goals: Provide realistic and achievable goals that you plan to accomplish during your time in office, should you be elected. Showing a desire for change and progress will ensure that the audience understands what you are striving for and hopefully motivate them to support you in achieving it.

5. Rehearse: Rehearase tiyour speech multiple times beforehand in front of friends, family members, or even teachers, in order to become comfortable with every aspect of it – from its content to its delivery – as this helps create an easier flow throughout your delivery when done live.

Above all else, it is important that you remain confident in what you are saying and who you are as a person – this will give the audience assurance that they are voting for the right candidate who is able to fulfill their goals and expectations as student council president!

The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

Elementary Student Council Speech Ideas

Grade 9 Speech Topics

Grade 9 Speech Topics

Running for elementary school student council can be an apprehensive activity for young children. They may be nervous speaking in front of their classmates and unsure of what tasks the role of a student council member includes. Students running for council will be required at some time to make a speech to the other students that details what the speaker will do for the other students or why they are the best choice for the position. Most student council speeches follow similar themes and include similar sections.

Speaker Qualities

Many student council speeches are written around the qualities the speaker feels sets them apart from other candidates. The speech might list popularity, intelligence, dedication or the ability to do certain things. The speech should start with an introduction and a summary of what the speaker feels they can accomplish as a student council member. The speech should not sound like bragging and should offer evidence to support what it says.

Leadership Abilities

Some student council candidates focus on their abilities to be leaders. They may point out their extracurricular activities such as scouts organizations or church groups where they may take a leadership role. They may speak about what their leadership might accomplish for their voters by pointing out issues that are important to their classmates, and how the speaker can try to address them.

Issues Addressed

For older elementary students, speeches may focus on particular issues that are important to the student body as a whole. These issues may include curriculum choices or activities that the students would like to see implemented. The issues may be on cafeteria food or certain school rules. The speaker may make a speech about a plan to reasonably address the situations by providing a voice for the voters.

What Not to Say

Within the speech, there are negative topics to avoid. The candidate shouldn't attack other students that are running for the same office or other offices. Focusing on their own positive qualities and ideas for the office is a better way to present themselves in their speech. Additionally, the candidate shouldn't make outlandish promises in their speech that are undeliverable.

Overall Speech Themes

Many speeches blend other types of speeches into one. They may focus on the qualities that the candidate feels she possesses, her leadership potential and how she may resolve problems or issues the students feel they face. She may speak about ideals the students want to see achieved such as a reduction in bullying or how she can lobby for longer recess breaks or more time in the lunchroom.

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Georgia Dennis has been writing since 1995, specializing in the areas of education, behavioral sciences, canine behaviors, human resources and language development. Her work has been published in literary journals, magazines and in print. She is also suspense novelist. Dennis is pursuing her Bachelor of General Studies, with an emphasis in writing and psychology, from Indiana University.


Student Council Speech for Class Representative

Ai generator.


Good morning/afternoon everyone,

My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to stand before you today as a candidate for Class Representative. I believe I have the skills, enthusiasm, and dedication to represent our class effectively.

Why I Want to Be Your Class Representative

I am running for Class Representative because I care deeply about our school community and want to make our school experience as positive and productive as possible. I believe that every student’s voice matters, and I want to be the person who ensures that your ideas, concerns, and suggestions are heard and acted upon.

My Qualifications

  • Leadership Experience: I have served as a team leader in several group projects and extracurricular activities. This has taught me how to manage responsibilities, delegate tasks, and work collaboratively with others.
  • Communication Skills: I am a good listener and communicator. I believe in open, honest, and respectful dialogue, and I am committed to making sure everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts with me.
  • Dedication to Our Class: I am passionate about our class and committed to making it the best it can be. Whether it’s organizing events, addressing issues, or helping classmates, I am always ready to step up and contribute.

My Goals as Class Representative

  • Enhance Communication: I will establish regular class meetings and surveys to gather your feedback and keep everyone informed about important decisions and events.
  • Promote Inclusivity: I will work to ensure that every student feels included and valued. This includes creating opportunities for everyone to participate in school activities and making sure diverse perspectives are represented.
  • Improve School Experience: I will advocate for initiatives that enhance our school environment, such as better facilities, more extracurricular opportunities, and addressing any concerns you may have about our school.

In conclusion, I am committed to representing you with integrity, enthusiasm, and dedication. I believe that together, we can make our school an even better place. I hope to earn your trust and your vote as your Class Representative.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]


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A Guide to Writing School Speeches: Structure, Delivery, & More

Last Updated: September 19, 2023 Fact Checked

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Sample Speeches

This article was written by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,089,283 times.

If you’re running for office in school elections, delivering your candidate speech can be one of the most important parts of the whole process. And you can’t deliver a good speech without writing a good speech. Sure, there are templates online that you can just paste in your name into, but a speech written by you, that represents you, holds a much better chance of making an impact on your classmates/voters. In this article, we’ll walk you through expert advice on crafting a speech that’s clear and concise, as well as some public speaking tips to help you resonate with your audience. The true power of your speech will come from how you personalize it, but consider this a comprehensive blueprint to help you get started. This article is based on an interview with our professional public speaker, Lynn Kirkham, founder of Yes You Can Speak. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Begin your speech by stating who you are, the position you’re running for, and a catchy slogan that reminds the audience what you’re working towards.
  • Use the middle of your speech to explain your goals, if elected, and give a few specific steps on how you plan to achieve those goals.
  • Keep your speech short and sweet; most school election speeches are only about 150-250 words.

Crafting Your Message

Step 1 Brainstorm your main points.

  • For example, you might begin your brainstorming sesh with goals like “outlaw homework” and “allow skateboarding on campus.” Then, as you condense your ideas, you’ll become more realistic with plans like adding healthy food options at lunch, expanding a tutoring program, or working to reduce bullying.

Step 2 Create a slogan.

  • Your slogan can be lighthearted (“The Right Manuel for the Job”) or serious (“Your Voice for Change”).
  • It can be focused on one specific issue (“Save the Spring Formal”) or aimed more broadly (“Let’s Fly Higher Together”). Most importantly, the slogan should make people think of you when they hear or see it, and give them an idea of how you’ll serve their interests.
  • When writing a slogan , avoid negative language. You want to sound confident in yourself, rather than unconfident in your opponents.
  • For example, if you’re trying to come up with a treasurer campaign slogan, you might say “A Vote for Maggie Makes Cents” or “Bank on Hank” rather than “Lyle Can’t Be Trusted With Money” or “Vote Hank, Not Celia.”

Step 3 Write down why you’re qualified for this position.

  • A great way to show your qualifications and personalize your speech (without sounding like you’re blowing your own horn) is to tell a story. Talk about what made you want to run for office.
  • For example, if you’re looking for FFA (Future Farmers of America) speech ideas, you might write “I’ve been working with animals since I was a kid and it taught me so much about life. I want to inspire other young people to do the same.”

Step 4 Find ways to incorporate your personality into your speech.

  • It can help to write down some key traits you possess and build your speech from there. For example, if you write “hardworking,” you could use your speech to talk about the countless hours of effort you plan to put into this job.
  • If you write down “empathetic,” you can talk about how you understand people’s point-of-view and, if you’re elected, you’ll make sure everyone feels listened to.
  • It can be difficult knowing how you come across. If you don’t know what your key traits are, ask your friends how they see you. They’ll be positive yet realistic.

Step 5 Write your speech to be heard, not read.

  • Avoid complicated sentences, jargon, or unnecessary asides. While your skill with language may work well in essays, now is the time to connect with an audience in words they can easily understand.
  • As you draft your speech, read each sentence aloud after writing it. If it sounds awkward, clunky, or overly complex, revise it in simpler terms.

Structuring Your Speech

Step 1 Begin your speech by introducing yourself and your message.

  • Something simple like “Hi. I’m Jane Thomas, and I want to be your class president because I am dedicated to Making Butler High Better Together” is a highly effective way to begin.
  • Try to tweak your introduction to match your personality. You could say “Some people say that Leon Lawson is too wild and not serious enough to be vice-president. Well, I’m Leon Lawson, and I say that I’m Seriously Wild about shaking things up in Key Club.”

Step 2 Identify your goals and the main issue(s) you hope to target in office.

  • For instance, you might say “Bullying is an epidemic at Adams High School. Odds are that you have been bullied, seen someone being bullied, or even been a bully yourself. We can all do better.”
  • Asking the audience can be a helpful tactic to connect over an issue. You might say “Raise your hand if you’ve been grossed out by the condition of our school bathrooms.”
  • When stating the issue, avoid negative comments, or blaming a particular person or group. Instead of “Principal Stevens has done nothing to help with school lunches,” you might say “I hope to work with Principal Stevens to develop a plan so all our students are fed.”

Step 3 Outline how you plan to achieve your goals.

  • Be as precise as you can when explaining how you plan on accomplishing your mission. Instead of “I will unite the student body” (which is vague and unrealistic), you might say “I will create an open forum for students that meets every Friday at lunch so we can all share our ideas as a team.”
  • Use active verbs to describe what you have done/will do. Some examples include: “pursue,” “follow,” “take up,” “initiate,” “present,” “represent,” “create,” “build,” and “lead.”
  • If you’re running for re-election or have held a different office, talk about a few things you have done and a few you will do. Make it clear how they all link together. For example, you might say "As my work as President of Spanish Club shows, I can manage a team of people to achieve common goals. I will use this experience to pursue change in Student Government, too."

Step 4 Try to strike a balance between ethos, pathos, and logos.

  • To improve the ethos of your speech, find ways to connect yourself to the position you’re running for. Market yourself by listing your relevant experience and how you’ve prepared. For example, you might say “I’m secretary of 2 other clubs, so I can easily transition to secretary of Bible Club.”
  • To improve the pathos of your speech, find moments to show off your personality. Are you goofy, fun-loving, sincere? Let that shine through in your language. You might add a joke or use some vivid adjectives.
  • To improve the logos of your speech, make sure your goals are well-connected and realistic. Clearly explain why it’s reasonable for you to achieve each of your plans during your time in office.

Step 5 Keep your speech clear, short, and sweet.

  • Even if you don’t have a short time limit, people rarely complain that speeches are too short. Don’t waste time on unreasonable promises or unnecessary details.

Step 6 Summarize your main points in your conclusion.

  • For example: “We all know that there are too many cliques and factions that divide us as students here at West Branch High. This Friday, please consider voting for me, Ben Davis, for student council. I’ll make it my number one job to bring all West Branch Eagles together so we can Fly High as One.”

Step 7 Leave the audience wanting more.

  • For example, you might say “I have several additional ideas for ways to bring back Tiger pride to our school. I would love to hear your ideas too after class.”

Rehearsing Your Speech

Step 1 Practice your speech as much as possible.

  • If you’re allowed to, practice giving your speech in the location where you’ll actually be presenting it. Get a feel for the room and the podium, so you’ll be that much more comfortable come speech day.

Step 2 Be ready to speak, not read.

  • If you can memorize your speech, great, but you don’t want it to sound like you’re just regurgitating words from a page. Know the speech by heart, so that you can seamlessly adjust to a misstated phrase or an unexpected opportunity to connect with the crowd.

Step 3 Relax and visualize a positive outcome.

  • It can help to meditate before your speech and picture yourself getting a standing ovation (or whatever the best possible scenario is for you).
  • Rely on whatever relaxation techniques work for you to get ready for your performance. If that means employing the old trick of imagining the audience naked, go for it — maybe just watch who you tell about having used it!

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Look professional and presentable.

  • Smiling throughout the entirety of your speech is an easy way to appear warm and confident without much effort.
  • If you use hand gestures while you speak, be sure they’re not excessively distracting and keep your use of them limited. Appropriate hand gestures can help you engage your audience.

Step 2 Maintain eye contact and speak at a conversational pace.

  • You don’t necessarily have to make direct eye contact with any specific person. Just make it clear you’re trying to connect with your audience.

Step 3 Try to have fun with your speech.

  • If you make a mistake while giving your speech, don't panic. Laugh it off and move on. This will show that you are flexible and adaptable, and will encourage others to see you as someone who can meet challenges without losing her cool.

how to write a class representative speech

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you're very nervous before presenting the speech, try looking just above the heads of the audience or focus on a person that does not make you nervous, like a friend. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1
  • If you don't win, it's okay! Know you gave it your all and tried your hardest. There's tons of other opportunities to showing great leadership. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1

how to write a class representative speech

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

If you need to write a speech for school elections, think about what you would like to accomplish while you’re in office, then narrow that down to 1 or 2 goals. Next, come up with a catchy election slogan. Open your speech by introducing yourself and your message, giving a few details about why you’re the right person for the position. Include your slogan early in the speech, then identify your main goal and outline your clear, realistic plan for accomplishing those goals. End with a strong statement that tells the other students why they should vote for you. Keep reading for tips from our reviewer on delivering your election speech! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write a class representative speech

Speech for CR Before Election | Class Representative Speech

What is a class representative speech or CR speech ? What do you write in a Class Representative Speech? Who is a class CR and what does he/she do? How would you prepare a class representative speech for college or school? Who can become a class CR? How do CRs feel ? All these questions are answered below. Here you can prepare your own speech for student election in school / college. The speech below will tell you what you say in a class representative speech. Scroll down to read the probable questions for the class representative interview with their answers.

Who is a CR (Class Representative)

A class representative can be understood as a student leader. He/she is elected from the whole class to present students’ points of view before the teachers and the principal. A class representative is often termed a ‘Prefect’ or ‘Monitor’ in schools.

What are the qualities of a class representative?

A class representative must have certain qualities that qualify him/her for the seat of a class representative. They must be ready to take the initiative and responsibility whenever a situation arises. Besides, a CR should be confident enough to participate in meetings with the principal, teachers and parents. Keeping these points in mind a student can stand to join in the post of class representative.

If you are unsure about what you say in a class representative speech , then this speech might prove helpful to you.

Student Councillor Speech by a US Student

2-minute Class Representative Speech (CR)

Short Speech for Class Representative Election (class 6-12)

Hello, my dear fellow students and respected opponents. Today, I am here not to introduce myself, but I will tell you why you should choose me for the student council elections. I am not that much popular in the school as my competitors because I joined this school last year only due to my father’s job transfer. But you must know that I was the student council president in my earlier school and I can help my classmates with my previous experience. By now you would have understood that I am a good communicator. Besides, I can help my class by bringing in innovative ideas. If you are hesitant to talk to the teacher you can always stay assured to share your problem with me. I will always place my council duties over my personal matters. On the last note, Your vote is your right as well as your responsibility. So, choose the right person. Thanks for your patience and time.

Class Representative Speech

Good morning teachers and my dear friends. My name is Vaishnav. I think I am a perfect candidate to become a class representative of class 10th B. I consider myself to be an apt person to represent my class. I am confident enough to discuss my classmates’ problems in the principal room.

I am good at studies so I can handle my studies simultaneously. My family supports me in this decision and does not mind if I hold meetings even at odd hours.

My father is the president of the Residents Welfare Society and my mother is a women’s activist who presides over many meetings. I feel leadership is in my genes. Being a language lover I can express my thoughts through words in a much better way.

I live within walking distance from the school so I can visit the school even on holidays. Therefore, I assure you that I am a perfect person to rely upon in case of any emergency. I have good relations with all my teachers and student leaders. Have faith in me and vote for me. Thanks 😊

I became head boy after delivering this speech An Inspiring School Head Girl Speech Thanks Giving Speech by Class Prefect Head Girl/HeadBoy Hindi Speech

Can you spare some time to tell us how this student representative speech for school prefect elections helped you for your purpose? It feels great to read about others’ experiences.

If you still want to write a speech of your own, these Student Election Speech Opening Lines can prove useful.

Probable Questions for a Class Representative Interview

  • Why do you want to be a Class Representative? I want to be popular in my school. It will also help me in driving away public speaking fear .
  • How would you help your class teacher after getting selected as a class representative? I can bridge away the gap between teachers and students by disseminating correct information.
  • What can your classmates expect from you? I can become their best confidant.
  • What are the duties of a class representative? To maintain a cordial relationship between teachers and students.
  • How would you maintain a balance between your studies and other class issues? I study in a disciplined way so I can easily spare time for my duties.

Motivational CR Speech for College Election Teachers’ Day Speech In Hindi Class Representative Short & Easy Speech Head Girl / Head Boy Speech on Investiture Ceremony Thanksgiving Speech Funny Student Council Election Speech Speech on Importance of outdoor games Farewell Speech in College by Corona Batch Student

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Student Council Speeches

How to give a speech they’ll be talking about for years.

So what did I do?  I told them a story about a guinea pig biting my hand in Kindergarten.  My startled response was to accidentally drop and step on the poor creature.  Obviously, I felt horrible. (Thankfully Nutmeg the guinea pig was unscathed and went on to lead a long and healthy existence thereafter.)

Wait, that’s it?  You just told them a funny guinea pig story?

Well there was a little more to it.  I tried to attach a small moral lesson. I think I told them, life is full of bad days but its how you respond that really matters, or something like that.

That was it.  Nothing too profound. Yet years later people who had attended our graduation would come up to me saying that speech had stayed with them.  I was dumbfounded.

Some of the best speeches you’ll ever hear are filled with powerful or funny narratives that put the listener in the driver seat.  It’s an escape, really.  It allows the listener to take a break from noticing how hot the room is or how hard the seats are.  Stories are an invitation to break away from reality and be entertained or even moved emotionally.

So here are a few humble ideas for rock solid student council speeches.  They are based on my own experiences in student government and other public speaking opportunities, so take that as you will.  I have used them on many occasions and it has always yielded good results. So, here it goes:

FREE Student Council Speech Templates:      (click to download Word file)

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RED HOT TIP : Avoid starting your speech with “Hello my name is ________ and I am running for __________.  Chances are somebody will already be introducing you!  Why waste the precious little time you have regurgitating was has just been said?  Why not dive head first into a joke, funny story or inspirational quote? You’ll have a much better chance grabbing people’s attention…IMHO.

1. Have an introduction that tells a story, makes people laugh or inspires them.

I used to find it so lame whenever someone would start their speech with “Hi my name is _________ and I’m running for _________________ .”

What’s weird is that somebody will probably be introducing you.  So why waste that time just regurgitating the same old tired introduction?

When people hear that intro, in their heads they think, “Um, yeah.  I’m going to tune out for a second and think about the gum that’s stuck beneath this bleacher. Whoa, wait is that a penny? And its head up, no less!  Cool!”

A better approach for you may be to start with a story about something that happened to you recently that really hit home.  It’s best if the story has something to do with your student council ideas.

Maybe you have a cool story about your childhood that fits with your campaign theme.  Maybe there’s a witty joke you can tell (make sure its truly funny though, lame humor can backfire.)  Or perhaps an inspirational quote from an historic leader that sets a majestic tone.

In any event any event, your introduction should grab people attention by 1.) Making in them laugh 2.) Make them think or 3.) Help them catch a feeling such as inspiration.

Stories, jokes, quotes and sometimes bizarre facts (“..did you know 65% of sophomores cannot spell ‘sophomore’?”) can help get them eating out of the palms of your sweaty hands.

2. Limit yourself to three REALLY good ideas

One common mistake we all make is trying to cram 20 ideas into a 3 minute speech.  Sorry but that ain’t gonna work, boss.

Instead do some research about what students want (see campaign section) or think of some of your own. Narrow it down to three or four solid ideas you will mention in your speech.

Why not more?  Well it’s simple.  After a short time people’s attention begins to….. SQUIRREL!   

Besides, your speech isn’t suppose to be a doctoral thesis on how you plan to improve your schools bond rating.  You don’t need to explain every detail.  Just keep it simple and positive.

The bottom line is, keep our ideas solid and straight forward.  They also need to be realistic. (Promising soda fountains in every classroom would be an example of a bad because it’s extremely unlikely you can follow through with it and its also bad for your teeth! Gulp. Gulp.)

3. Finish strong and give the BIG ASK!

My opinion is that finishing with a mini-version of your introduction coupled with a BIG ASK is a solid way to finish. The mini-introduction is a one-liner, a shorter story or an inspirational quote that hold people’s attention.

Your ending should be much shorter than your introduction but functions in much the same way.  You want to connect with your audience one last time at the “gut-level” or “heart-level” to leave a lasting impression.

Finally, the BIG ASK is simply asking people to “Vote for you!”

You want to do it in a way that is sincere and hits a high note after all the funny, powerful, thought provoking things you just told them!

“I would be honored by your support!”

Also be sure to say “Thank You” as your last statement. Even the President of the United States ends their speech in this manner, so don’t forget to thank people for their time and support!

How to give persuasive student council speeches

In order to give a persuasive student council speech, you must put yourself in the mindset of your audience. Chances are a large percentage of students listening to your speech will be experiencing the following:

  • Boredom: “This is boring.”
  • Apathy: “I don’t care.”

Students in these categories will often vote for candidates who cure the short-term feelings of boredom and apathy . This why many student elections and speeches turn into popularity contests or stand-up comedy routines. Students are either bored or don’t care and just want someone who will entertain them !

The good news is that what people actually want are leaders who are credible . Student don’t necessarily want to vote for the class clown or the cheerleading captain, but if no other credible candidates are out there offering compelling ideas, they will default and go with the candidates that ease the boredom of listening to student council speeches!

So you might be wondering what does it mean to be a “credible leader”? Credible leaders are those who act in private as they say in public . In other words they are genuine and truthful in their words and actions. People trust them for who they are not just who they claim to be. Credible leaders are honest, forward thinking, team-players who cast a hopeful vision for the future. This is the kind of leader you should strive to become!

Ideally, you would persuade people with the strength of your character and not have to resort to crazy stunts to get people to vote for you. The process of developing personal credibility takes time – but it is worthy goal to strive for. You will become a better person and a better leader if your words, match your actions.

Let’s fast forward for a moment and say that your personal credibility is fine, but you want to add a little extra flare to your speech to grab people’s attention. What should you do? Well, hang on to your flapjacks amigo and check out these powerful tactics of personal persuasion.

1. Use the bandwagon effect

Often times people will vote for a candidate based on how they believe other people will vote . This is called the “bandwagon effect”.

One way you can legitimately harness the power of the ‘bandwagon effect’ is to start a petition (sign up sheet) of the people who say they will vote for you and like your ideas. You can start off by asking your friends to sign up and then ask people you don’t know as well to join your cause.

Once you have a good number of names, you can reference your petition as ‘proof’ that your ideas are gaining traction. For example, you might say in your speech, “Over 200 people signed a petition to get the school board to update the lockerooms. I invite you to join us in making this dream become a reality!”

Whoa! Suddenly you have shifted the audience’s mindset. Now their vote actually carries some weight. You have told them that a big group of people are already supporting your ideas, so maybe they’ll think, “I should too!”.

2. Help others “visualize” the problem

There is a famous story about a manager of a glove-making (for yard work, gardening, etc.) factory who wanted to convince her co-workers that the assembly line was making too many mistakes. For months, she tried sending out emails or stopping people in the hallway to warn them that too many mistakes were being made and that it was costing the company a lot of money.

Her co-workers ignored her until one day they came to work to find an enormous pile of thousands of gloves on the factory floor. The pile was waist high and everybody stood around wondering what those gloves were doing there. Suddenly the manager came out and said, “Good morning! The pile in front of you represents the number of unusable gloves our factory makes every week! From now on, this kind of waste will be unacceptable!”

Needless to say that kind of in-your-face visual was impossible to ignore and her co-workers finally understood the magnitude of the problem. If your school will allow it, you can use the same kind of visual to grab people’s attention!

For example, let’s say you want to convince people that your school is wasting too much water and you happen to know how many gallons per month or year that is. You could create a visual representation of this by filling a jar full of marbles where each marble represents a gallon of water wasted! Maybe the number of jars would fill up an entire table! You could use the same effect for such things as number of days students miss school or the number dollars wasted doing a ridiculous project that nobody really likes.

People respond to visuals in a powerful way, so use this to your advantage. Make sure the numbers are accurate so you don’t mislead anyone, but try to think of a visual that will have a powerful symbolic meaning!

Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You

Give them a speech they'll never forget. These ideas can help you get started with a funny, creative speech perfect for the student council role you want.

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

Megan's contributed both writing and research to a myriad of associations including academic publications, cultural institutions, non-fiction works, and experimental collaborative projects.

When you've got hundreds of kids staring you down, bright lights in your face, and the worst case of jitters the school stage's felt in weeks, take a breath. You can always rely on the funny student council speech you've worked so hard on crafting to perfection to get you through.

So many people can be naturally funny without trying too hard, so if you just relax and let your natural humor shine through in your student council speech, you'll do great. But if you've glued your pinky to the backspace trying to write yours, let us help you with these tips and ideas. 

Funny Student Council Speech Intros for Specific Roles 

When you're running for a student council position, all you've got is your words. So, you need to write a speech that students will remember long after you've graduated. After you've pitched around some  speech ideas for your student council role , it's time to put pen to paper (or fingers to the keys). And what's the best way to get an audience on your side? With laughter, of course. 

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Funny President Speech Intro Example 

The other candidates are going to come up here and tell you all the reasons why you should vote for them. I'm going to give you only one reason why you should vote for me. I've got the face of an angel.

Think about it, every time I ask for your concerns, give a speech, or land an interview in the school paper, you're going to have to look at my face. If you want to make this year and school politics Instagram-worthy, consider just whose face you want to stare at every day, mine or theirs.

Hilarious Vice President Speech Opener

My competitors have come up here and given you a laundry list of reasons why they should be elected VP, so I'll keep things short. I'm the brains behind this operation, and I'll marionette puppet our president better than Ratatouille and his little rat hands ever could. Whatever you want, I'll work those strings to make it happen. 

Silly Secretary Speech Intro

Your student council secretary really needs to love words. I love words so much that I'll only eat Alpha-Bits for breakfast. And what's more, I'll only eat the cereal letters I can use to make a word. So, say there's a "T," "Q," and "R" left in the bowl; I can't bring myself to swallow them.

I love pencils so much that I fail every automatically graded exam because I can't bring myself to damage the pencil by using it. I love writing so much that I've got a physical therapist on speed dial for my carpal tunnel. 

Comical Treasurer Speech Opener

If time is money, we're all going to be very rich after this speech. I'm not sure who's responsible for the exchange rate, but I hope it's a good one. As treasurer, I take money lingo just as seriously as I do sticking to our budget, and unlike Al Capone, I won't bust our operation with faulty books and tax fraud. 

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Funny Student Council Speech Intros That'll Win Everyone Over 

One of the biggest tips for writing a speech is to connect with your audience on their level. Your classmates will probably respond well to fun and humor, so give your speech a dose of comedy and break the ice with a funny intro.

  • Mr. Smith, our beloved math teacher, told us all that we'd use trigonometry one day. I think he's an awesome teacher and I really want him to be right. So, my entire speech will cover things that are opposite and adjacent to the issues of our school, and that will lead me on a tangent.
  • When you hear the words "Student Council," you probably envision a bunch of old, bald, white guys sitting around wearing suits with ties and talking about all the problems students cause in the world. Today, to help me get through my stage fright, I'm asking you to imagine me as one of those guys. Preferably, I hope you picture Will Farrel as Mattel's CEO. 
  • Today, I'm here to taco 'bout something serious and I've been trying to figure out how to get your vote. You might think school rules and student privileges are nacho business, but you'd be wrong. I won't try to get jalapeño business or get saucy, and I certainly won't burrito around the bush. If you want this year to feel like a fiesta, vote for me for President. In queso you still haven't figured it out, I'm the best woman for the job.
  • Everyone, let's take a moment of silence. [Pause]. Thank you for joining me in that moment of silence for the competition that I'm going to slaughter at the ballot box this week. 
  • (Pointing phone at the crowd) [High School Name] STUDENT BODY! Let's make some noise for my lovely competition — they've worked so hard — and give yourselves a round of applause for appointing someone as awesome as me to your student council. (Puts phone away.) So I'd like to thank my mother who, without her, I wouldn't be here today, and my father of course, because there's part of him in here too...(dramatic pause). OH, oh sorry everybody, those were my acceptance speech cards. Let me just pull out the right ones here.

Creative Ways to Sprinkle Some Humor into Your Speech 

Speech starters aren't the only places you can toss in a little funny line or two. There are a ton of ways you can incorporate humor into your student council speech to break the ice, grab everyone's attention, or stand out from the crowd. These are just a few of them: 

Poke a Little Good-Natured Fun at a Staff Member

There's nothing teens find funnier than cleverly making fun of their teachers and principals. Just be sure to only poke fun at the ones you know will take the joke well, and keep it good-natured and lighthearted. 

End an Info-Heavy Section With a Witty One-Liner

As a teen, you know kids have short attention spans (curse you TikTok), so you'll start to lose them after a while. Keep their attention by ending any information-heavy section with a funny one-liner. It's hard to stay snoozing when you're laughing. 

It's totally ok to use jokes in a student council speech, but remember the goal of using jokes and humor is to connect with your peers, so make sure they're things that everyone will actually find funny and not anything that could be hurtful or upsetting.

Don't Rush the Delivery

If you've got a line you just know is going to make everyone laugh, don't pull the wind from its sails by speeding through it. People tend to talk faster the longer they're presenting, so make sure your joke lands by pulling back and easing into the delivery. 

Add Something Funny or Unexpected to a Serious Sentence

If you're listing some of the genuine things you bring to the table for your desired student council position, grab everyone's attention by throwing a funny one on at the end. 

Tell a True Funny Story From Your Childhood

Talking about something funny that really happened to you, especially if it's related to the student council role you want in some way, can be a creative and memorable way to stand out. For example, the lemonade stand disaster you had as a kid might just make you a shoo-in for treasurer. After all, you learned from your mistakes. 

End the Speech With a Joke or Funny Slogan 

You can also use a joke or a funny slogan at the end of your student council speech to help make it memorable. A funny, relatable slogan that helps people remember you could have a positive impact when it comes time to vote. 

  • School Jokes for Kids of All Ages

Hook 'Em With Humor for a Winning Speech 

The secret for how to win a high school election isn't stuffing the ballot box or teen comedy movie-ing your way to making the competition drop out. Instead, it's about being memorable and connecting with your peers. A funny opening line or hilarious closing one will not only capture their attention, but it'll have them thinking about you when they step up to that ballot box. 

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December 27, 2011

Rhea’s 4th grade student council class representative speech.

My name is Rhea. And I want to be the class teacher. Wait a minute! I think that spot is taken. No offense, Mrs. Calkins

I would like to be your Student Council Class Representative because:

I have been at Rockwell for five years. I know almost every student in 4 th grade, and especially in this class. I have worked with you, played with you and even chased some of you on the playground. This is a fun class, and if ever I want to represent one, it is this one.

1. Being a class representative will allow me to represent your views at the student council. We will get together and talk about what we want and need. Then we will think hard and decide on a good reason for having it. And I will help present your ideas to the council.
But for those of you who are hoping, soda machines or candy machines might not pass.
2. This is my second last year at Rockwell. I have just two years left to make a difference for the school I love. I want to participate in fund raisers to help our school.
3. And being the class representative would be a new challenge for me (including getting up early twice a month). I love challenges and I do well when challenged.

I think I would do a good job because: I am responsible, reliable and a team player.

I am responsible. I turn in my homework on time. I am a mentor to a little buddy and I enjoy what I do. At my daycare, I help younger kids with their homework whenever they need me to. I am reliable. I am always on time. I always fulfill my commitments. You can always count on me to be there.

And I am a team player. I listen to everybody and use other people’s ideas. I am participate in discussions and I am part of the school choir and chess club.

To summarize, I am responsible, reliable and I am a good team player and I want to be your Student council representative.

Together, we will make it work!

Posted at 10:34 AM | Permalink

good speech, little one! did u write that all by urself? u should also mention that u r an innovative , out-of-the-box thinker ; a leader by inherent nature and fearless enough to speak the truth.

p.s- when r the elections?

Posted by: sweety | December 30, 2011 at 05:38 AM

I won did I tell you

Posted by: Rhea shinde | December 30, 2011 at 12:07 PM

WOW all i can say is WOW!!! this is so good i cant believe u wrote that by your self. i mean i couldn't evan think of what u have said!

Posted by: jj | August 29, 2012 at 11:10 PM


Posted by: SARAH | October 04, 2012 at 04:01 PM

u made 1 mistake. you forgot a period. so the only reason i read this was because i needed ideas. thanks, you helped a lot with my struggles.

Posted by: joy jiang | September 21, 2013 at 01:38 PM

good speech but to long for me to do at school but me i like it

Posted by: darius | September 29, 2013 at 01:16 PM

Posted by: TROLOLOL | October 01, 2013 at 01:48 PM

thanks! i have a student council election tomorrow ! hp i win!

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Student Council Speech [Topics and Tips]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

student council speech

  • A simple welcome to all interested/hesitating voters is the kick-off when you’re running for representative. This is good: Hello all, Good morning, or afternoon or evening!
  • Introduce yourself briefly. I’m … from class …  .Nothing more, nothing less for now. Blend more about you naturally in the flow of the oral presentation.
  • Then immediately focus their attention on the main goal you are standing for. Use an understatement everybody will recognize, a sticky situation suitable for improvement. Solutions will be initiated by you in special committees.Sidebar: The student council election speech or student council campaign speech is a short public address about 1 to 2 minutes long presented in front of voters. You can apply this pattern of arrangement also when you write a speech for student council president or secretary. <
  • And make a pay-off:  That’s why I’m running for … fill in the position you want to achieve. So, be clear, and take position: I want to become president / vice president / secretary / treasurer. How to work out these student council speech ideas? Well:If it is your first real-life election campaign, use an easy-to-remember oneline message to tell what your thoughts and views are on the position you want.
  • in one catchy phrase what your mission statement has been the past years and how you will continue your work;
  • The benifits of your plans.
  • Now tell your audience what you think are common needs at campus that ought to be fulfilled right away.
  • Present the solution, draw the contours of the positive outcomes of the strides you want to take for them. Keep in mind that this is a brief and triggering summary of your objectives, most wanted achievements, plans, views and solutions in relation to to the needs of the voters. Consider them as the most important student council speech ideas you can think of.
  • Educational qualifications.
  • Outstanding personal qualities.
  • Main accomplishments or special activities in high school, college or university.
  • And the specific qualifications you can think of related to the position you strive for. E.g. Proven leadership in community volunteering is the right ticket to become president of the representative administrative body.
  • Conclude with a remarkable personal invitation: invite all to communicate ideas the coming years. Just like you say: My door is always open. I will be in office to fight for your needs. I am always open to suggestions. Mail me or look me up on Facebook. I am looking forward to meeting you! Encourage the voters to visit your webpage – if you have one – and further inform theirselves as to why they should vote for you.
  • Refer to your introduction statement, conclude that you are suitable, just in one teasing slogan. Of course in such a way that they will remember your core student council speech idea.

And: before you jump to other student council speech idea sources, do not forget to sneakpeak in my broader convincing subdivision top left. Look and listen how your competitors are doing. Copy their success parts in your own words, improve them. That is on of my secret bonus hints!

Descriptive Speech

Epideictic Speech [Topics and Examples]

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