| | | | Selective listing of graduate-level course notes in all core disciplines. | | | | | | | What first-year PhD students read, with comments. | | | | | | | Which journals publish what, plus statistics related to selectivity. | | | | | | | The econphd.net rankings in 10 subdisciplines and 36 minor fields, as well as network rankings. See also: - at UT Dallas - at . - by TestMagic users | | | | e-mail about personal | | | | | Applying to economics PhD programs: what it takes, how it works, what to expect. Or start with Tony Williams's (JHU) recent . | | | | | | | Detailed applicant profiles and outcomes from 2002, 2003 and 2004, downloadable as a spreadsheet. Scott Barkowski’s (UCLA) page links to some departments publicize. , , and track ongoing admission activity. | | | | | | | Primary areas of recent activity by department in a spreadsheet, assembled from the rankings database. | | | | | | | The most active forum for econ applicants is testmagic ( , , business). and are worth a look. For those on the job market, try . | | Regarding e-mail : The place for application-related questions is a discussion board. Clarification in regard to rankings can usually be found in the methodology section. Advance apologies to the many friendly people who e-mail me with suggestions; I'm slow to respond nowadays. My research and the job market have priority. * U Melbourne Updates : 04/10: (TM) This site has moved from econphd.net to econphd.econwiki.com! Thanks to all who have helped. Also, the site is now mantained by members of the TestMagic community, although don't expect many changes, at least not soon. Feel free to email if you have any suggestions, or do so at the TestMagic boards. The current administrator can be contacted at tm[dot]untitled^at^yahoo(dot)com 04/07: (CR) On a personal note, I’ve accepted a lectureship at the University of Queensland . The department is less known internationally than my main competing offer, but hired outstanding senior professors in micro theory last year and is quickly becoming recognized as Australia ’s top research department, certainly in micro theory. I’m already teaching at UQ as of February, so even less time gets committed to maintaining econphd.net. But an update of the rankings is still on the cards for 2008, given the wide interest – I will seek funding to hire research assistants. More on Getting There in Economics: - Matthew Pearson 's (UC Davis) guide to Surviving the First-Year of grad school.
- On a related theme, Survive, Then Thrive , an empirical paper on grad school success.
- John Cochrane 's ( Chicago ) recommendations for academic writing: Writing Tips for PhD Students .
- John Creedy 's ( Melbourne ) introduction to the publishing process: From Manuscript to Publication .
- Harvard's Information for Graduate Students on the Job Market .
- John Cawley 's (Cornell) manual A Guide and Advice for Economists on the US Junior Academic Job Market .
- Hisham Foad 's ( San Diego State ) job-landing guide Memoirs of a Job Market Candidate .
- Paul Oyer (Stanford) on the luck factor in career success: The Macro-Foundations of Microeconomics: Initial Labor Market Conditions and Long-Term Outcomes for Econmoists and MBAs .
- Job Market Rumors and the Interview / Flyout and Offer wikis, run by mysterious benefactor “Tatonnement.”
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For some reason, this section is not available on the English page. A two-course business lunch costs 840 rubles, a three-course meal - 1220 rubles. Business lunches are available on weekdays from 10.00 to 16.00 Link to busines lunch (rus)https://cafe-pushkin.ru/wp-content/themes/struck/pdf/business_lunch_ru.pdf Depending on what all goes into this, suggest you try wonderful buffet Grabli - they have a wide choice of salads, main dishes, desserts for either the same or lower price...Mu-Mu is also not bad. Also, in case OTHER visitors to this item do NOT know these minor details, do not want them thinking this is a reasonable choice for said “business lunch”... I DO realize the difference. >>>> Hope the OP does, too... Thanks for clarifying...it did dawn on me after posting that just what you said might be the case...that is, a desire to try out, but it being super expensive, business lunch might be the best way to go...so, you cleared up the mystery (well, for me!) But, being she is frugal, I would strongly urge you to give Grabli a try...I find they have a very nice assortment of all sorts of things, and very reasonable prices. There are also some other fun options under FAQ “cheap eats”... After all, it's your time and your money. No matter what opinion other people may have, surely the most relevant is one's own. - cloths to be taken to visit mascow in the month of septemper Aug 17, 2024
- Alternate hotel recommendations Aug 16, 2024
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- Another Sapsan ticket question. Jul 09, 2024
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- SIM card. Russian SIM cards, do they still work in the UK? Apr 09, 2024
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現在JavaScriptが無効になっています Yahoo!ニュースのすべての機能を利用するためには、JavaScriptの設定を有効にしてください。 JavaScriptの設定を変更する方法はこちら TM NETWORKの3人がトリビュートアルバムを通して語る、ユニットのバックボーン8/25(日) 11:30 配信 音楽評論家・田家秀樹が毎月一つのテーマを設定し毎週放送してきた「J-POP LEGEND FORUM」が10年目を迎えた2023年4月、「J-POP LEGEND CAFE」として生まれ変わりリスタート。1カ月1特集という従来のスタイルに捕らわれず自由な特集形式で表舞台だけでなく舞台裏や市井の存在までさまざまな日本の音楽界の伝説的な存在に迫る。 【画像】TM NETWORKのトリビュートアルバム 2024年5月の特集は、「TM NETWORKと加藤和彦」。前半2週が今年デビュー40周年、5月15日に初めてのトリビュート・アルバム『TM NETWORK TRIBUTE ALBUM -40th CELEBRATION-』をリリースしたTM NETWORK。後半2週がドキュメンタリー映画『トノバン 音楽家加藤和彦とその時代』が公開された加藤和彦を渡り掘り下げていく。また、本記事の最後には田家秀樹によるTM NETWORKのライブレポートも掲載する。 田家:FM COCOLO「J-POP LEGEND CAFE」マスター・田家秀樹です。今流れているのはTM NETWORKの「Get Wild Continual」。1987年に出た「Get Wild」の最新バージョン。4月25日に世界独占配信されたNetflixの映画『CITY HUNTER』のエンディング・テーマとして使われております。今週と来週の前テーマはこの曲です。 Get Wild Continual / TM NETWORK 今週と来週はTM NETWORKのトリビュート・アルバム『40th CELEBRATION』のご紹介。なんと、メンバー3人をお招きしております。僕の隣から宇都宮隆さん、木根尚登さん、小室哲哉さん。よろしくお願いいたします。 TM NETWORK:よろしくお願いします。 田家:40周年ツアーが大詰めで、Kアリーナを残すのみ。 小室:はい、あと2公演ですね。 田家:4月21日のデビュー日に発売されたのが、『40th+ ~Thanks to CITY HUNTER~』。『CITY HUNTER』シリーズの主題歌8曲入りボックス。これはやっぱり『CITY HUNTER』があったから? 小室:いろいろ偶然が重なって、アニメの映画、劇場版だったりとか、実写化だったりとか。CITY HUNTERがブームですね。ちょっとしたこの1~2年本当に。 田家:Netflixのやつは実写版ですもんね。 小室:結構画期的なことだと思いますね。あれを実写にするという企画自体が。 宇都宮:配信だから世界だもんね。観れる人は。 田家:全世界配信ですもんね。この「Get Wild Continual」が流れている。 小室:4月25日から世界配信なんですけど、3~4日目で軒並み1位になっている国が10ヶ国くらいあって。もちろん日本はすぐ1位になりましたけど、香港、韓国、台湾、フランスとか軒並み1位になってましてね。 田家:いろいろな曲がありますけど、これだけ多くのバージョンがある曲は他に思い当たらないでしょうね。30周年のときには36曲入った4枚組っていうのもありましたもんね。 小室:そんなに変わってないのもありましたけどね(笑)。 宇都宮:でも、メロディと歌詞は変わってないもんね。 小室:そうね、はい。 田家:映画版ということであらためて作り直す上で意識されたことはあるんですか? 小室:音は世界配信なので、海外に届くということで頑張りましたね。 田家:ダイナミックになっている感じとか、よりスピーディーになっている感じもありましたけどね。 小室:そうですね。所謂BPM、テンポはオリジナルと変わってないんですけど、疾走感は出しました。実写とアニメにつけるのではスピード感が違うんですよね。 田家:あ、違います? 小室:アニメの方がやっぱりちょっとゆっくりですね。今カット割りが激しいですから速いですけど、1秒くらい動かない顔とかもありますから、口だけが動いているというときも。でも実写の場合は0.1秒でも表情が変わったりするので、そのスピード感は違いますね。 田家:今週と来週は5月15日に発売になる『40th CELEBRATION』のご紹介なのですが、まずはこの曲をあらためてお聴きいただきます。「Get Wild Continual」。 - 竹内まりやとTM NETWORKのデビュー作、時代によって左右されるポップ・ミュージック
- J-POPの歴史「1980年と1981年、劇的だった80年代の幕開け」
- J-POPの歴史「1982年と1983年、70年代のムードを断ち切った転換点」
- J-POPの歴史「1984年と1985年、ニューミュージックから新世代へ」
- J-POPの歴史「1986年と1987年、新しい扉が開いたロック元年」
アクセスランキング(エンタメ)元関脇・貴闘力「ホントに悔しいよ」今年4月に急逝した同期入幕の元横綱への想いを語る 二階堂ふみ、NHK『あさイチ』での毅然な対応をネット称賛…番組内容に違和感を覚える声も「気持ちを踏みにじるようなセレクト」 岡田将生、別人のような激変姿にネット仰天「ちょっと…」「誰?」「直視できない」「声出ちゃった」 あのちゃん、絶対NGにしている仕事とは?頻繁に依頼も「本当にイヤ!全部断ってる」 大谷翔平とともにずぶ濡れ被害のワトソンさん 宣言通り美容院に行き、巻き髪姿に変身 請求書の行方は… Yahoo!ニュースからのお知らせ #今つらいあなたへ 届けたい Yahoo!ニュース ドキュメンタリー 「正解」がない時代に、あなたの生きるチカラになる 雑誌アクセスランキング(エンタメ)「これは泣く」浜田雅功 密着番組で明かした“衝撃の引き際”にSNS騒然 「地雷です」「むりすぎ」ジェシー、SixTONES動画で「免許取りたい」に思わぬ反応…“綾瀬はるかの影” にゲンナリするファンも 「顔が死んでいるような状態に…」目黒蓮 活動休止直前の「月9」現場で不安視されていた“壮絶異変” “むしろタトゥーがあるから私”28歳セクシー女優の意外な経歴「一度は普通の生活に戻ろうと思った」 「中丸は不倫で干されたのに」「とても下品」日テレの“高校生不倫”ドラマに批判殺到 About the PhD Cafe categoryThis forum is for PhD students and is aimed at discussing different aspects of the PhD journey. If you are an Indian (or Indian-origin) graduate student or research scholar, feel free to post your ideas, opinions and suggestions. Also check out articles in our column series of the same name here . Thanks for this new forum. I read Jacinth’s article and feel inspired to share my experiences as a graduate student at IISER Pune. I (along with two batchmates) have started a podcast group called the Graduate Podcast Reporter (GPCR) at IISER Pune, where we discuss topics relevant to graduate students. Please let me know if and how can I contribute to PhD Cafe. You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Submit Your Results* These fields are mandatory. Stats (Optional) Please help other grad students by posting your text results and GPA; all submissions are anonymous. Color Scheme - Use system setting
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Bryan Kohberger’s defense doubles down on moving Moscow murder trial to BoiseThe defense for Bryan Kohberger, who is accused of the University of Idaho student homicides, rejected arguments from prosecutors that Moscow remains an acceptable place for the suspect to receive a fair trial next summer. Elisa Massoth, one of Kohberger’s attorneys, continued the push to move their client’s capital murder trial 300 miles south to Boise. The North Idaho region has been tainted by intense media coverage of the case, she wrote, which has created a “mob mentality within the community” about Kohberger’s possible culpability. “The traumatized town of Moscow is understandably filled with deeply held prejudgment opinions of guilt,” Massoth wrote in a Monday court filing made public Tuesday. “Latah County mob mentality will never produce a (jury pool) that results in a cross section of the community.” The defense backed its preference for a venue change to the Idaho capital for the trial with results from a phone survey conducted by a hired trial consultant . They supported it with analysis from a University of Nevada, Reno, social psychologist, whom they may also call as an expert witness at a court hearing next week over the venue change question before Judge John Judge. Kohberger, 29, is charged with killing the four U of I students at an off-campus home in November 2022. The victims were seniors Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves, both 21, junior Xana Kernodle and freshman Ethan Chapin, both 20. Kohberger was arrested on suspicion of the fatal stabbings in late December 2022 at his parents’ home in eastern Pennsylvania , where he grew up. Kohberger faces four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary. Prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty for Kohberger if he is convicted. A court hearing over possible challenges to the death penalty is tentatively scheduled for early November. Trial in Moscow ‘a complete pain for the community’Prosecutors last week submitted their written opposition to the defense’s request to move the trial out of Moscow. Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson, who is leading the prosecution of Kohberger, said the defense had failed to meet the burden under Idaho law to show that a venue change was “necessary or convenient.” “Even if the court were to be persuaded that a fair and impartial jury could not be empaneled in Latah County, the court could … draw upon a jury pool from a neighboring county,” Thompson wrote . He suggested selecting a jury from nearby Nez Perce County and driving them in for Kohberger’s trial. Moscow Mayor Art Bettge told the Idaho Statesman in an interview earlier this year that he doesn’t see the point of taking Kohberger’s trial elsewhere in Idaho. “My personal opinion is there’s no need to move the trial any place else, because everybody in the state knows about the broad strokes of what went on,” he said. “So that alone is not justifiable reason to move a trial to a different locale.” Although holding the trial in Moscow would come with the return of major effects on residents, Bettge said the city would be better prepared this time around for the arrival of media and others who may travel to attend in person. After so much heartache and adverse impacts following the students’ deaths, perhaps some local benefit could come from keeping Kohberger’s trial in town, he said. “It’s a complete pain for the community, but there is an economic benefit to be realized if the trial were still here,” Bettge said. Defense argues for Ada County trialProsecutors also argued last week that the “interest of justice” for keeping the trial in Moscow should consider the families of the four victims, who live nearby and may seek to attend the trial. Judge set a trial start date of June 2025. The parents of Kaylee Goncalves, who live about 30 minutes north of Coeur d’Alene in Rathdrum, have been the most vocal of the victims’ families during the pretrial phase of the case. Earlier this summer, the Goncalves family’s attorney issued a statement on their behalf that requested the trial stay in Latah County. The defense responded in their filing Monday that prosecutors’ proposal to keep the trial in Moscow, but bring in jury prospects from the county directly south, still would be insufficient for achieving an impartial group of people to serve as jurors with their client’s life possibly on the line. Ada County, with its much greater population, grants Kohberger’s best chance at a fair trial, they wrote. “Expanding the jury pool to Nez Perce County is not a remedy,” the court filing read. They “have been exposed to 36% of the total media coverage and are more than 10 times more likely to encounter coverage as compared to residents of Ada County.” That media coverage — in print, online, as well as on television and the radio — “is often inaccurate and inflammatory,” the defense wrote, without providing specific examples. The sheer amount of coverage in the closely watched case is disqualifying of Moscow hosting the trial, they wrote. “The media coverage inundating Latah County does not tell citizens that no evidence has been presented at this time; that there are no facts on the record at this time; that Bryan Kohberger is innocent,” Massoth argued in the filing. “Publicity regarding Mr. Kohberger has been ongoing since Dec. 30, 2022. It rises and falls but does not wane.” Judge will hear oral arguments about a possible venue change on Aug. 29 at the Latah County Courthouse in Moscow. Unleashing the power of career readiness programsAs the new school year begins, local juniors and seniors in the Greater Spokane area find themselves standing at the precipice of their future. - Remember me Not recommended on shared computers
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Second time (first in 2021) applying for PhD in epi (CVD): JHSPH, Harvard, UNC, UMN, U-M Ann Arbor and Stanford. Got ScM in epidemiology from JHU and have been working 3+ years with 8 published papers (3 first/co-first papers)+ dozens of abstracts (2 oral presentations) since graduation.
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Preparing to Apply to Graduate School in the Future. By Extra Espresso, March 25, 2016. advice. early undergrads. (and 2 more) 12 replies. 30.1k views. basketballfrost. December 24, 2017.
Added on August 20, 2024. Accepted on 20 Aug Fall 2024 International GRE 154 GRE V 155 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.81 Masters. Biostatistics, University Of Waterloo Masters at UWaterloo in Statistics with 91.71% average. PhD admissions for current UWaterloo Masters students depend heavily on finding a supervisor, meaning that if you found someone who'll ...
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Grad Trends: Interest in Artificial Intelligence Surges. Ignore Artificial Intelligence at your peril. While expansive news coverage might make it seem like another tech fad, our graduate ... Grad school admissions results, discussions, tips, forums and help. If you've got a question about grad school, we've got it covered.
158. July 16, 2024. Carnegie Mellon Part-Time M.S Business Analytics vs. UMD Part-Time M.S Business Analytics. Graduate School. 15. 215. July 15, 2024. Trouble prioritizing graduate school and work responsibilities. Looking for advice.
1. BA GPA (as compared to MPH GPA and GRE scores and experience (claro)) 2. experience post-graduation. I am just finishing my MPH now, but I worked in public health for over a decade. Many thanks, FuturePhDPls, phdappfall2022 and KryzFerr. 3. 3 weeks later...
The most active forum for econ applicants is testmagic (graduate admissions, PhD economics, PhD business). Auto Admit and Princeton Review are worth a look. For those on the job market, try econ job rumors. Regarding e-mail: The place for application-related questions is a discussion board. Clarification in regard to rankings can usually be ...
This forum is for PhD students and is aimed at discussing different aspects of the PhD journey. If you are an Indian (or Indian-origin) graduate student or research scholar, feel free to post your ideas, opinions and suggestions. ... PhD Cafe. Topic Replies Views Activity; About the PhD Cafe category. 1: 870: March 19, 2019 Flexe.io Marketing ...
Accepted. 2024-08-13. Masters at UWaterloo in Statistics with 91.71% average. PhD admissions for current UWaterloo Masters students depend heavily on finding a supervisor, meaning that if you found someone who'll take you in, you'll pretty much get in. Also, you can apply late, as in June-July (and you have to if you did your undergrad elsewhere).
PhD Cafe. This forum is for PhD students and is aimed at discussing different aspects of the PhD journey. If you are an Indian (or Indian-origin) graduate student or research scholar, feel free to post your ideas, opinions and suggestions. ... This is a forum to discuss international funding opportunities (fellowships & grants) open to India ...
Answer 1 of 12: I have read in TA reviews that Cafe Pushkin has offered a "Business Lunch", but I am not seeing it listed on their menu. Does anyone know if this option still available?
Weather Moscow. Moscow has long, cold winters usually lasting from November to the end of March. Temperatures can fluctuate between the city centre and the suburbs between 5-10°C (41-50°F). Heat waves may occur during summer. Average low temperatures are -10°C (15°F) in February, while average highs reach 24°C (76°F) in July. Study a PhD ...
TheGradCafe's Psychology Forum covers many different topics. See others admission results or acceptance rates, PhD questions or share your advice with other students! Followers 234. Sort By.
音楽評論家・田家秀樹が毎月一つのテーマを設定し毎週放送してきた「j-pop legend forum」が10年目を迎えた2023年4月、「j-pop legend cafe」として ...
This forum is for PhD students and is aimed at discussing different aspects of the PhD journey. If you are an Indian (or Indian-origin) graduate student or research scholar, feel free to post your ideas, opinions and sug… This forum is for PhD students and is aimed at discussing different aspects of the PhD journey. ... PhD Cafe. Shreya March ...
Double Degree Programs. PhD programs are implemented since 1932. Those who have Master's degree or a Specialist's degree in the fields related to the programs of aspired postgraduate studies are best suited for these programs. List of PhD degree programs: Code and name of scientific specialty. The number of budget places.
Please help other grad students by posting your text results and GPA; all submissions are anonymous. Undergrad GPA (/4.0) GRE (General) Quantitative. Verbal. AW. Notes. Notice: if you put a long comment, you stand a high chance of it being edited. Use the forum for discussion. I acknowledge and agree to TheGradCafe.com's terms & conditions.
The grad cafe's Philosophy forum covers many different topics. See others admission results, Philosophy PhD questions, share and discuss your advice with other students! Followers 113. 1,521 topics in this forum. Sort By . Recently Updated; Title; Start Date; Most Viewed; Most Replies; Custom;
Kohberger, a former criminology PhD student, was indicted earlier this year in the November 2022 killings of Madison Mogen, 21; Kaylee Goncalves, 21; Xana Kernodle, 20; and Ethan Chapin, 20, in an ...
United Arab Emirates PhD History Programs. Thegradcafe's History forum covers many different topics. See others admission results, History PhD questions or share your advice with other students!
College of Science ibi.gmu.edu DISCOVERY HALL | 10910 GEORGE MASON CIRCLE, MANASSAS, VA 20109 SELECT PUBLICATIONS ››A. Baranova et al., Adipose may actively delay progression of NAFLD by releasing tumor-suppressing, anti-fibrotic miR-122 into circulation.