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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Saddest Day Of My Life” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Saddest Day Of My Life

4 Best Essays on ” The Saddest Day of My Life”

Essay No. 1

Life is a strange mixture of joys and sorrows. Some days are so sad that they take away all joy and peace from the life of man. I cannot forget the day that was the saddest day in my life. It was the 25 th of June in the year 2002. The night had been sleepless because of scorching heat, attack of mosquitoes, and frequent failure of electricity. Early in the morning as I was dozing off to sleep, a postman woke me up. It was a piece of sad news. My elder brother who had gone to Pune to attend a seminar on education died there in a road accident. Hardly had my parents left for Pune by a car when a police party reached our place. I lost ground under my feet. They had a warrant for my arrest in connection with a student agitation in our college. They did not listen to my entreaties and took me to the police station. I rang up my lawyer friend but he was out of the station. It was only in the evening that I was bailed out. As I reached home, I found my younger sister crying bitterly. She told me that my nephew had been admitted to the hospital because of severe pain in the stomach.  I rushed to the hospital in a rickshaw. On the way, I broke my leg and had to keep my leg in plaster for over three weeks. It is rightly said that misfortunes do not come alone. Even today when I remember that day of untold miseries, my heart comes into my mouth. It was really the saddest day of my life.

Essay No. 2

Life is a mixture of laughter and tears, joys and sorrows. There are events of both lights (happiness) and shadow (sorrow) in life.

The 22 nd June 1989 is the saddest day in my life. on this day a number of sad events took place. I can never forget this day. It is the blackest spot in my memory.

I had appeared at inter Examination. Some of the papers were quite stiff. I had not fared well in Mathematics. I have never been good at Mathematics. I was waiting for the result with fear. On this day the saddest one in my life – my result was to be declared. I looked at the result. My fears only turned out to be too true. My roll number was missing from the list of successful students.

My old father was then ill. He had been suffering from high blood pressure. The news of my failure shocked him. He was almost speechless with sorrow.

I thought of my poor old man. He expected much of me. I was once the brightest boy in the school. All my teachers spoke highly to me. But mathematics had let me down.

It appears as if circumstances conspired together to undo me. Fate had turned against me. There was still another shock in store for me and the whole family. My elder brother was employed in Civil Supplies. He was the head clerk in the office. He had been suspended on the alleged charges of corruption. It was alleged that he had taken bribes from the people. He was not on good terms with the boss. He made out a false case against him on his report he was suspended.

An inquiry of the police into the alleged charges against my brother was held. We were sure that my brother’s innocence would be proved. There was not much evidence against him. But the police collected a mass of lies against my bother. All false evidence was cleverly put up before the magistrate. We thought that the learned magistrate would see through the game and know the truth. But no,  even the magistrate was befooled by the crooked evidence of the police.

It was on this day at about 8 p.m. that we received a telegram. When I opened the envelope, my ailing father impatiently inquired of the contents. With tears in my eyes, I told my father that it was the dismissal order of my brother. My father was wild with grief. My brother was the only bread-earner in the family. We all depended on his earning for our very life.

The shock was too severe for my old sick father to bear. He died under it. The whole family wailed. My two younger brothers and a sister were beside themselves with grief. They wept bitterly./ the people of the village came to sympathies with us in our tragedy.

This indeed was the saddest day in my life.

Essay No. 3

The saddest day of my life

A death in the Family   

The saddest day in my life was June 18, 1994. It was the day when my brother, Tara Singh, died.

He was working in the Central Public Works Department and was quite hale and hearty on June 17 th , 1994. He took half a day’s leave from his office to keep his appointment with Dr. Carrolli for a medical checkup in the Willingdon Hospital. The  Doctors detained him overnight for a checkup and he could not even inform his family about his detention. Nor the hospital authorities took the necessary steps to inform his people so that they could attend to him or at least not feel worried about him. As he himself was tied up with various instruments, he could not even telephone his people.  

At midnight I received a call from one of his co- patients about his presence in hospital and detention overnight.

The next morning I met him in the hospital and he talked normally about business and family affairs. He told me to go leave. But as I reached his office to get leave for him, I was informed by his colleagues that he was already dead. They had received this information from the hospital. I could not believe my ears till I reached the hospital and found him really dead. 

We removed him in the ambulance to his house on Roshanara Road. As it was summer, we had to put slabs of ice around his body to keep him for the night at home. Early next morning we took his dead body to Nigambodh Ghat and there committed him to the flames. The memory of his death will never pass away from my mind.

Often I spend livelong nights on the banks of the Hindon River and think of his death. Why did he die? Why he had to die? What is death? Is death the end of life? I can never get these questions off my mind. I have seen many deaths but his death has left an indelible mark on my mind.

Essay No. 4

The Saddest Day of My Life

There are some days in a life of an individual that is very difficult to forget. The events of that day remain indelibly etched in his psyche forever, for they are not ordinary. Such days are often instrumental in turning the course of an individual’s life. These days could be sad or happy.

I can never forget the 30th of November, 1995, which was the saddest day of my life. The memory of that day still haunts me. It seemed that life had conspired against me.

I had taken the Supplementary Degree Examinations. We were waiting for the results. I had not done the papers well, still, I hoped to get through. The day started on a sad note. The results were declared. To my great disappointment, my name was not among the successful candidates. My failure was a great shock to my ailing father

That evening another mishap took place. My uncle, who was the only breadwinner of the family, was charged with embezzlement and misuse of funds. He was working as a cashier in a big business firm. He was removed from service. This came as a great shock. My father could not bear all this. He could not think of the fate of the family without the job of my uncle. He began to sink. He breathed his last soon after

We were anyway leading a hand to mouth existence. These events plunged my family into gloom and despair. The onslaught of so many bad events is enough to demoralize even the bravest of all people in the world.

Since that day it has been a long story of struggle and extremely hard work for my family.

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write an essay on the saddest day of my life


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Wow I was shocked to read the essay 😭🥲😔😔😔

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50.English Essay Example on: The Saddest Day of My Life

The saddest day of my life.

21st November, last year, was the saddest day of my life. It was bitterly cold. Gusty and chilly winds were blowing from early morning. The day was cheerless. It looked very unpleasant. The result of my Medical Entrance Examination was out that day. I had a lurking (hidden) fear of my failure. The morning paper came. I consulted it quite half-heartedly. I knew that my chances of success in the said Examination were bleak. I turned over the pages. I hurriedly saw my roll number. It was not to be found anywhere. I again saw it very minutely but to my misfortune, it was missing. I broke down with tears in my eye l. I realized my bad luck. All other room-mates of mine had cleared the Entrance Test. It saddened me. The news broke my heart. It spoiled my mood.

My future was now in the dark. Now nothing could be done. It was too late. I repented the time which I had passed in idle pursuits. I felt ashamed of myself. My prestige had been lowered. I had fallen in the eyes of my friends and relatives. I had fallen in my own estimation. I tried to hide my face in shame. I very much wished to commit suicide. It was better to finish my life with my own hands.

By noon another bad news was in store for me. I was least prepared for it. My father who was in the wholesale fruit business sustained a heavy loss to the tune of 10 lakhs. It was news for which none of us was ready to hear it. It came like a bolt from the blue. We were undone. We were badly ruined. Our prosperity was wiped out. Our very existence was meaningless.

We were now on the brink of famine. The debtors would not spare us. They would drag us to the law court. Our respect was at stake. The name of the family was drowned. The whole world appeared to be a nonentity. The mind failed to do any serious thinking. The eyes got blurred. The head began to feel giddy. Now the very question of survival was staring us. -“We will survive or die unknown” was the paramount issue. We were bewildered. This irreparable loss had broken our backbone. All the fair-weather friends had left us. In fact, we had fallen on bad days. I could not eat anything that day. I slept with a heavy heart. It was really the saddest day of my life.

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Essay on “The Saddest Day of My Life” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Kids and Students for Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE, ICSE Board, 272 Words.

The saddest day of my life.

Man’s life is a tale of tears. Failures and miseries stare him in the face at every step. The fear of some sorrow, loss or pain always haunts him. His dreams of life remain unfulfilled. Things happen just contrary to his hopes. He feels utterly disappointed. There is no escape for him from this hopeless situation.

The day of 10th July 1995 was the saddest day of my life. On this day I lost my best friend, Vinod, in a car accident. He was the only son of his parents. He was very gentle and noble. He always treated me as his brother. We were class-fellows during our school-days. We always shared our joys and sorrows of our life. His death greatly shocked me. His parents were left issue-less.

On this day the result of my younger brother was declared. His roll number was not in the list of successful candidates. My brother is very sensitive. He could not bear this failure. He was so shocked that he fell unconscious. He had to be moved to the hospital. When we returned home, my nephew fell off the roof where he was flying kites. He broke his left arm.

Things did not end here. There was still another shock in store for us. My uncle had gone on a business tour. He came home in the evening. He had been robbed on the way. The robbers took away his fifty thousand rupees at a gun-point. The cup of our miseries was full. All of us were cursing our fate. There was sorrow on every face. The atmosphere in the family was grim and tense. None of us ate food. It was the saddest day of my life. I can never forget it.

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The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Every person has embarrassing days that one regrets or does not want to recall under any circumstances. These memories make us feel awkward and blame ourselves for what we have done wrong or not adequately. People prefer not to tell their relatives, friends, and colleagues about these moments as they are afraid that the society’s opinion about them might change in a blink of an eye. As we grow up, our views on life change and these stories become good memories that give us life experience. Nowadays I am glad to share various awkward cases with other people. The following paper will discuss the most embarrassing day of my life and will demonstrate how my views on lives have been changing since childhood.

The most embarrassing day of my life was when I was a child. I did not understand every aspect of people’s relationships and values at the age of seven yet. I believe that there are many people in the world who regret particular events or days of their adolescence (Widen 188). However, it was a regular Sunday when my family and I went to church. While the pastor was preaching, I was searching through his wife’s purse as she was sitting next to me. When I found the lady’s camera, I took it and went to the Sunday school with this device. My friends and I were playing with the stolen camera, and I did not tell my peers where it came from. However, the pastor’s family lived in our neighborhood. When my parents found out about the case described above, they made me go to the pastor’s house, apologize, and return the camera to his wife. When I was a child, I did not feel embarrassed about that incident, but now I realize what my parents felt that day.

Unfortunately, that hapless Sunday went on. I heard my mother talking to her auxiliary on a cellular phone. I remember that she was not satisfied with someone’s work, and told her colleague that she would not receive any bonuses this month. I decided to message her auxiliary as I heard her name during their conversation. As I was angry at the person who made my mother nervous, I was rude to that lady in my text. I offended her by using an abusive nickname and told the woman that she will not ever receive any bonuses from now on. Unfortunately, I got my mother in trouble by sending that message. Moreover, I happened to meet her colleague on the same day, and she already knew that it was I who offended her. I felt embarrassed and always avoided looking into the lady’s eyes.

In the evening of the same day, I went to the groceries store that was situated in our neighborhood. I met my classmate on the way there who told me that he has been stealing chips from that store. My mother gave me money to buy one loaf of bread, milk, and some cereal for the next day breakfast, and it was not enough for a package of chips. Therefore, I decided to steal it from the shop, and my friend taught me how. The storekeeper knew my father and asked him to pay for the chips I stole before I came home. My dad made me go to the store again and give the money to his acquaintance.

Usually, people regret their childhood deeds and realize their mistakes when they become adults. Unfortunately, I had some awkward situations in my life that I feel embarrassed about till the present day. These moments emphasize on children’s careless minds and their wrong perception of the surrounding world.

Widen, Sherri C., et al. “The Development of Emotion Concepts: A Story Superiority Effect in Older Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , vol. 131, no. 1, 2015, pp. 186–192.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 25). The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-most-embarrassing-day-of-your-life/

"The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." IvyPanda , 25 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/the-most-embarrassing-day-of-your-life/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life'. 25 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-most-embarrassing-day-of-your-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-most-embarrassing-day-of-your-life/.


IvyPanda . "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-most-embarrassing-day-of-your-life/.

Essay on “The saddest day of my life” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

The saddest day of my life

Essay No. 01

The saddest day of my life was June 18, 1994. It was the day when my brother, Tam Singh, died.

He was working in the Central Public Works Department and was quite hale and hearty on June 17th, 1994. He took half a day’s leave from his office to keep his appointment with Dr. Carrolli for a medical checkup in the Willington Hospital. The Doctors detained him overnight for a checkup and he could not even inform his family about his detention. Nor the hospital authorities took the necessary steps to inform his people so that they could attend to him or at least not feel worried about him. As he himself was tied up with various instruments, he could not even telephone his people.

At midnight I received a call from one of his co-patients about his presence in hospital and detention overnight.

The next morning I met him in the hospital and he talked normally about business and family affairs. He told me to go to his office and inform his officer for granting him medical leave. But as I reached his office to get leave for him, I was informed by his colleagues that he was already dead. They had received this information from the hospital. I could not believe my ears till I reached the hospital and found him really dead.

We removed him in the ambulance to his house on the Roshanara Road. As it was summer, we had to put slabs of ice around his body to keep him for the night at home. Early next morning we took his dead body to Nigarnbodh Ghat and there committed him to the flames. The memory of his death will never pass away from my mind.

Often I spend the livelong nights on the banks of the Hindon River and think of his death. Why did he die? Why he had to die? What is death? Is death the end of life? I can never get these questions off my mind. I have seen many deaths but his death has left an indelible mark on my mind.

Essay No. 02

The Saddest Day in My Life

Life is full of incidents of sorrow and joy, some make us happy while others make us sad.

I still remember 13th June 1997 which was for me the saddest day in my life. It appeared as if fate had conspired against me and the clouds of sorrow seemed all around.

I was very nervous that day as my Board Examination Results were to be declared. But my parents assured me that I would pass with good marks.

I reached my school at the specified time for the results to be declared. As I checked my roll number I saw that I had failed in Hindi and History. I was stunned as I had always scored good marks in both the subjects throughout the year and could never think of such a result in the main exams. I was heartbroken as I had decided to do my B. A. in one of these subjects.

Even my teachers, parents, and my friends were shocked on seeing my result. My parents did not say anything and tried to cheer me up but I could feel their distress. I was also worried about my future. For days I cried, and I feel that day was the saddest and the darkest day of my life.

Essay No. 03

The Saddest Day of My Life

Days are not of equal value in one’s life. Some bring happiness while others bring sadness. Sadness and happiness both are equally important to man’s life since they are the two sides of a coin. As we cannot forget the happiest day, we are unable to forget the saddest day of our life too. The saddest day of my life was Diwali Day. Diwali is considered to be a happy festival and till last Diwali, it was my favorite festival. On last Diwali, my sister, my brother, and I were busy lighting the fireworks. I was holding a ‘fuljhari’ in my hand and unfortunately, my younger brother, who was standing just beside me, had a cracker in his hand. This cracker caught fire and a very loud explosion was heard which shook my sister and me. After that, we all could think of nothing else than blood-stained cotton, bandage, Dettol, etc. My cousin took my brother to the doctor where he got 14 stitches in his forefinger and thumb. But at home, everybody kept cursing and blaming me for the mishap. That night, I could not sleep and I cried a lot. For the next few days, 1 bore the burden of this blame for being responsible for this unfortunate incident. I felt deeply guilty conscious which I was able to overcome after a long time.

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The saddest day of my life was probably the day my grandpa passed away.

Not only was he my grandfather, but he was my best friend, and with whom I shared the happiest moments of my life. Everything was great and I lived in a peaceful world. Until a horrible thing happened and everything changed.I was in another room when I heard my grandma yell for me.

When I came into the room my grandpa was lying in the floor. I laid down beside him and held his hand. I didn’t know what was going on, my grandma and parents explained it to me and in that moment I felt an immense sadness in my heart, that moment was when I could understand everything and knew what was going on, and I knew that I would never again see my grandpa.After I tried to understand what had happened, my family and some friends met us at the church for the funeral to give one last good bye to my best friend. It was the first funeral of my life.

I didn’t know what to expect or do I just knew we had to dress nice and wear black. I will never forget it because it was a really sad day, it was my first funeral and everyone was crying and hugging each other. I will never forget him or all the memories we had together.When the funeral had finished, all people went together to the cemetery.

Some men had already prepared everything for it. When we arrived, the men who carried my grandfather, let us see him for the last time, when I got close to my grandfather I couldn`t believe that the person that was always happy and laughing, now was quiet. In that moment, I felt confusion and loneliness. My grandfather and my best friend would never be with me again.I knew that I would have an angel watching over me and my family, but I had lost my best friend. Since that moment until now, I only have memories of my grandpa of whom I spent great times in my life with.

That day was the saddest in my life although I knew that in that moment I would have a great angel for the rest of my life.

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The saddest day of my life Essay Example

The saddest day of my life Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (389 words)
  • Published: January 31, 2017
  • Type: Essay

The saddest day of my life was probably the day my grandpa passed away. Not only was he my grandfather, but he was my best friend, and with whom I shared the happiest moments of my life. Everything was great and I lived in a peaceful world. Until a horrible thing happened and everything changed.

I was in another room when I heard my grandma yell for me. When I came into the room my grandpa was lying in the floor. I laid down beside him and held his hand. I didn’t know what was going on, my grandma and parents explained it to me and in that moment I felt an immense sadness in my heart, that moment was when I could understand everything and knew what was going on, and I knew that I wo

uld never again see my grandpa.

After I tried to understand what had happened, my family and some friends met us at the church for the funeral to give one last good bye to my best friend. It was the first funeral of my life. I didn’t know what to expect or do I just knew we had to dress nice and wear black. I will never forget it because it was a really sad day, it was my first funeral and everyone was crying and hugging each other. I will never forget him or all the memories we had together.

When the funeral had finished, all people went together to the cemetery. Some men had already prepared everything for it. When we arrived, the men who carried my grandfather, let us see hi

for the last time, when I got close to my grandfather I couldn`t believe that the person that was always happy and laughing, now was quiet. In that moment, I felt confusion and loneliness. My grandfather and my best friend would never be with me again.

I knew that I would have an angel watching over me and my family, but I had lost my best friend. Since that moment until now, I only have memories of my grandpa of whom I spent great times in my life with. That day was the saddest in my life although I knew that in that moment I would have a great angel for the rest of my life.

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The Worst Day of My Life

  • Categories: A Bad Day Worst Day

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Words: 895 |

Published: Oct 25, 2021

Words: 895 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Bolen, R. M. (2015). Coping with Grief: A Guide for the Bereaved Survivor. AuthorHouse.
  • Fitzgerald, H. M., & Malcolm, W. (2017). Bereavement, grief, and mourning. In B. Carr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of clinical psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Holland, J. M. (2013). The process of grieving: A review and application of models and frameworks. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(9-10), 1435-1443.
  • Kübler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. Scribner.
  • Loprinzi, C. E., & Prasad, K. (2017). Grief and bereavement issues. In M. A. Fenstermaker & B. T. Heasley (Eds.), Handbook of death and dying (2nd ed., pp. 155-165). Wiley.
  • Neimeyer, R. A., Harris, D. L., Winokuer, H. R., & Thornton, G. F. (2011). Grief and bereavement in contemporary society : Bridging research and practice. Routledge.
  • Parkes, C. M. (2015). Bereavement: Studies of grief in adult life. Routledge.
  • Rando, T. A. (2011). Treatment of complicated mourning. Research Press.
  • Sanders, C. M. (2013). Grief: The mourning after: Dealing with adult bereavement. Wiley.
  • Worden, J. W. (2009). Grief counseling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner (4th ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

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