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case study of environmental risk assessment

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice - Set, 3rd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-119-55110-2

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case study of environmental risk assessment

Dennis J. Paustenbach

Understand the fundamentals of human risk assessment with this introduction and reference

Human risk assessments are a precondition for virtually all industrial action or environmental regulation, all the more essential in a world where chemical and environmental hazards are becoming more abundant. These documents catalog potential environmental, toxicological, ecological, or other harms resulting from a particular hazard, from chemical spills to construction projects to dangerous workplaces. They turn on a number of variables, of which the most significant is the degree of human exposure to the hazardous agent or process.

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment combines the virtues of a textbook and reference work to introduce and analyze these vital documents. Beginning with the foundational theory of human health risk assessment, it then supplies case studies and detailed analysis illustrating the practice of producing risk assessment documents. Fully updated and authored by leading authorities in the field, the result is an indispensable work.

Readers of the second edition of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment will also find:

  • Over 40 entirely new case studies reflecting the latest in risk assessment practice
  • Detailed discussion of hazards including air emissions, contaminated food and soil, hazardous waste sites, and many more
  • Case studies from multiple countries to reflect diverse international standards

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment is ideal for professionals and advanced graduate students in toxicology, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, environmental science, and all related subjects.

Dennis J. Paustenbach, PhD, has more than 35 years experience in the field of risk assessment and has conducted as many as 1000 risk assessments personally. He was the founder of ChemRisk and has published extensively on risk assessment and related subjects.

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NGFS Occasional Papers Case Studies of Environmental Risk Analysis Methodologies

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case study of environmental risk assessment

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  • Published: 15 November 2021

Role of epidemiology in risk assessment: a case study of five ortho-phthalates

  • Maricel V. Maffini   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3853-9461 1 ,
  • Birgit Geueke   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0749-3982 2 ,
  • Ksenia Groh 3 ,
  • Bethanie Carney Almroth   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5037-4612 4 &
  • Jane Muncke   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6942-0594 2  

Environmental Health volume  20 , Article number:  114 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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The association between environmental chemical exposures and chronic diseases is of increasing concern. Chemical risk assessment relies heavily on pre-market toxicity testing to identify safe levels of exposure, often known as reference doses (RfD), expected to be protective of human health. Although some RfDs have been reassessed in light of new hazard information, it is not a common practice. Continuous surveillance of animal and human data, both in terms of exposures and associated health outcomes, could provide valuable information to risk assessors and regulators. Using ortho-phthalates as case study, we asked whether RfDs deduced from male reproductive toxicity studies and set by traditional regulatory toxicology approaches sufficiently protect the population for other health outcomes.

We searched for epidemiological studies on benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Data were extracted from studies where any of the five chemicals or their metabolites were measured and showed a statistically significant association with a health outcome; 38 studies met the criteria. We estimated intake for each phthalate from urinary metabolite concentration and compared estimated intake ranges associated with health endpoints to each phthalate’s RfD.

For DBP, DIBP, and BBP, the estimated intake ranges significantly associated with health endpoints were all below their individual RfDs. For DEHP, the intake range included associations at levels both below and above its RfD. For DCHP, no relevant studies could be identified. The significantly affected endpoints revealed by our analysis include metabolic, neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders, obesity, and changes in hormone levels. Most of these conditions are not routinely evaluated in animal testing employed in regulatory toxicology.

We conclude that for DBP, DIBP, BBP, and DEHP current RfDs estimated based on male reproductive toxicity may not be sufficiently protective of other health effects. Thus, a new approach is needed where post-market exposures, epidemiological and clinical data are systematically reviewed to ensure adequate health protection.

Peer Review reports

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are a global burden to public health [ 1 ]. Nutritional shortcomings and lifestyle factors have been associated with increased incidence of diabetes and obesity, but current evidence indicates that exposures to environmental chemical contaminants also play a role in the development of NCDs [ 2 ]. In the US, cardiovascular diseases and mental health conditions impose the highest economic burden followed by cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases [ 3 ]. Of particular concern are exposures during gestation and early childhood [ 4 ] . A recent review [ 5 ] proposed incorporating environmental health risk factors when estimating global burden of disease, including air pollutants, neurotoxicants, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and climate-related factors. To do this successfully, the components of risk assessment such as exposure sources and levels, as well as data about chemical effects and associated health outcomes, are required [ 6 ].

One source of chemical exposure is plastic. With a global production of almost 360 million metric tons in 2018 [ 7 ], manufacturing, use, and disposal of plastic materials pose major safety concerns. Leachate from landfills, migration from consumer products (e.g., food packaging, toys, flooring, textiles), and air pollution from burning plastic materials are just some of the sources of chemical contamination affecting humans and the environment [ 8 , 9 , 10 ] . Because information on chemicals present in plastics is difficult to obtain and their hazards often remain unknown, Groh and colleagues [ 11 ] published a comprehensive database with more than 900 chemicals likely associated with plastic packaging as part of the Hazardous Chemicals in Plastic Packaging (HCPP) project. The authors also ranked the chemicals based on hazards to human and environmental health according to the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals [ 12 ] The 63 chemicals that ranked highest for human health concerns underwent a tiered prioritization [ 13 ] based on biomonitoring data, endocrine disrupting properties, and their regulatory status under the European Chemicals Regulation REACH. This prioritization approach identified five ortho-phthalates (referred to as phthalates in this article) for which the risk to human health was considered the highest: benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP, CAS 85-68-7); dibutyl phthalate (DBP, CAS 84-74-2); diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP, CAS 84-69-5); bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP, CAS 117-81-7); dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP, CAS 84-61-7).

Phthalates are highly abundant plastic additives used primarily as plasticizers to soften materials and make them flexible [ 14 ]. Human biomonitoring shows widespread exposure to phthalates [ 15 ] from diverse sources including food which could be contaminated from its packaging as well as other food contact materials such as conveyor belts and tubing used in food processing [ 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ]. Personal care products and building materials also contribute to human exposure to phthalates [ 21 , 22 ].

Several regulatory authorities have assessed the toxicity of BBP, DBP, DIBP, DEHP, and DCHP [ 23 , 24 , 25 ] and established the amount of each chemical above which the risk to human health increases. Regulatory agencies give different names to these so-called ‘safe’ levels including derived no-effect level (DNEL) used by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) [ 26 ], acceptable daily intake (ADI) used by International Programme on Chemical Safety [ 27 ], total dietary intake (TDI) used by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) [ 28 ] and reference dose (RfD) used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [ 29 ]. Although the nomenclature is different, the meaning is similar, namely, exposures above established amounts of chemicals are not safe. For simplicity, we use the term RfD throughout the article.

The established RfDs for the five phthalates are the result of risk assessments of mostly animal studies showing adverse effects on male reproductive development due to the anti-androgenic properties of these chemicals. These risk assessments’ results have led to the restriction of some uses of these phthalates. In 2008, the Congress of the United States banned the use of DEHP, BBP and DBP in children’s toys and childcare articles [ 30 ] and in 2017, the Consumer Protection Safety Commission increased the list of prohibited phthalates to eight [ 23 ]. Similarly, the European Union has also listed DEHP and DBP in its authorization list under REACH and more than a dozen phthalates are included in the candidate list for authorization [ 31 ]. The observed decline in human exposure to restricted phthalates in industrialized countries over the years [ 15 , 32 , 33 ] have been attributed to these regulatory measures. Notably there are yet no major restrictions to uses in food contact materials (e.g., packaging, processing equipment), pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.

Epidemiological data published in the last 15 years indicate that in some cases exposure to phthalates is still a cause of concern to human health. For example, recent publications by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show a strong association between exposure to low concentrations of DEHP, DBP, and DIBP and increased risk of diabetes [ 34 ], and between exposure to DEHP and DBP and male reproductive effects such as reduced semen quality and testosterone levels [ 35 ]. Several small- and large-scale human studies have also shown phthalates to associate in a dose-dependent manner with negative effects on neurodevelopment [ 36 , 37 ], metabolic function [ 38 ] and female reproduction [ 39 ]. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether regulatory safe levels of phthalates are protective of the public for other relevant health outcomes in addition to male reproductive development. We conducted a targeted literature search of human studies showing association between any of the five phthalates, BBP, DBP, DIBP, DEHP, and DCHP and health effects. Furthermore, we back-estimated daily intake for each phthalate that showed a statistically significant association with health effects, and compared these estimated intake values to the individual RfD.

Targeted literature search

We searched the Public Library of Medicine for human studies on phthalates published between 2003 and 2019. Search terms included compounds’ full name, abbreviation, and chemical abstracts service (CAS) numbers in combination with human exposure, epidemiological studies and metabolites among others. See Supplemental Materials for additional information. This targeted search aimed at obtaining information on the five phthalates including concentration of parent phthalates or metabolites in any bodily fluid, description of measured endpoint, and statistical significance of the association between health endpoint and concentration measured. When a study met these criteria, we extracted the following data: 1) population sampled and population in which the endpoints were measured (e.g., men; pregnant women/children; children, etc.); age; gestational age where appropriate; 2) metabolite or parent compound concentration as percentile, geometric mean or other available concentration measure; 3) concentration at which metabolite(s) or parent compound had a statistically significant correlation with an endpoint; 4) statistically significant endpoint and outcome (e.g., increase/decrease; positive/negative association). We used the studies that met the criteria described above to perform the analysis and controlled for quality, specifically, whether the studies included controls for covariates and confounders such as race, maternal/paternal age, child’s sex, IQ, socioeconomic status, smoking, physical activity, caloric intake, etc.; however, we did not control for potential bias.

Intake estimation from urinary concentration

From the studies that met the inclusion criteria, we identified the lowest phthalate metabolite concentration that was associated with a statistically significant endpoint. Concentration data were expressed in various ways including geometric means of a population, percentiles, and average of urine collections per individual visits. We established the following assumptions: 1) the 25th percentile concentration was considered equivalent to a no-observed-adverse-effect level when concentrations were expressed as quartiles, meaning that only concentrations at or greater than the 25th percentile were included; 2) unless specified in the studies, logistic regressions were considered linear.

For each phthalate, we estimated intake using urinary concentration of its metabolite(s), daily urine volume, body weight (bw), and creatinine correction values for the different populations assessed [ 40 , 41 ]. In the case of DEHP, we considered the individual excretion of its four metabolites over time and expressed it as percent of the parent phthalate’s intake as described previously [ 42 , 43 ]. We used the following mean percentage excretion values for DEHP metabolites: 6% for monoethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP), 11% for mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl phthalate (5oxo MEHP), 15% for mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (5OH MEHP) and 14% for mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (5cx MEHP). For DBP, DIBP and BBP, we followed the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) assumption of 100% elimination of the parent compound as phthalate monoesters [ 25 ]. We used the following formula:

Intake (μg/ bw (kg)/d) = Metabolite concentration (μg/L) x (Vol (L)/day) x (1/bw (kg)) x (1/% elimination)

In cases when creatinine correction was needed, concentration of urinary metabolite in microgram per gram (μg/g) creatinine was multiplied by the urinary concentration of creatinine in gram per liter (g/L). The Supplemental Materials include an example of the intake calculations and the assumptions made for each population (children, pregnant women, non-pregnant women, men) regarding body weight, daily urine volume, and creatinine excretion.

Regulation of priority phthalates

The uses of and exposure to phthalates are regulated in the European Union and the United States [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 44 , 45 ]. We chose the regulatory limits set by ECHA and the US Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC) to compare against the estimated intakes associated with health endpoints because these safe levels have been reaffirmed or established in the last 5 years using current scientific evidence. In addition, both assessments target products that are commonly used by children, a susceptible population as highlighted by government regulatory agencies [ 23 , 25 , 46 ]. Regulatory RfDs are commonly expressed as the amount of chemical a person is safe to consume per kilogram of body weight per day, over their expected lifetime. Table  1 summarizes the RfD for BBP, DBP, DIBP and DEHP and the health endpoint selected by ECHA to establish each reference dose. Because ECHA did not establish an RfD for DCHP, we used a regulatory limit set by the US CPSC, i.e., less than 0.1% DCHP per weight of the final product for children’s toys and articles [ 23 ]. This assessment was also based on DCHP’s anti-androgenic effects (i.e., reduced anogenital distance) observed in male rodents [ 54 ].

We identified 38 out of 64 publications that met our selection criteria (Table  2 ). The studies included longitudinal and cross-sectional studies; small cohorts (e.g., patients at fertility clinics; under-represented urban populations) and nationally representative cohorts such as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention; and prenatal exposure studies where phthalates were measured in the mothers but the health outcomes were assessed in their children months or years after birth. Supplemental Materials Table S1 lists the 26 publications that did not meet our criteria and therefore were not included in this case study.

All 38 studies reported phthalate metabolites measured in urine. DEHP was the phthalate most frequently assessed. There were 12 studies on mother-child pairs evaluating prenatal exposure effects, 12 women-only studies, six men-only studies, eight children studies evaluating postnatal exposure effects, and two studies including both men and women. A few studies included more than one population (e.g., children and adults) and only one study was a prospective mother-child study. It is worth noting that none of the studies included evaluation of DCHP, neither as a parent compound nor its metabolite. The lack of epidemiological studies on DCHP is likely due to the fact that the urinary concentration of DCHP metabolite has been found to be consistently below the limit of detection at the 75th percentile in the NHANES 1999–2010 period [ 83 ] and, when measured, the frequency of detection has been low (e.g., less than 10% of the population tested) [ 33 , 83 ].

Table 1 lists the range of exposure for each phthalate and their association with significant endpoints. All phthalates measured in urine as metabolites of DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP showed significant associations with reproductive (male and female), neurodevelopmental, behavioral, hormonal, and metabolic endpoints at estimated intake values well below their respective RfDs.

Figure  1 shows the estimated intake distribution per phthalate compared to the respective RfD. DEHP had the widest range of estimated intakes associated with statistically significant endpoints: 0.03–242.5 μg/kg-bw/d (Table 1 , Fig.  1 ). The highest estimate was almost seven times greater than the RfD (35 μg/kg-bw/d) which is an indication that some individuals could already be exposed to unsafe levels of the chemical as judged by the current regulatory limits. As shown in Table 1 , the highest DEHP intake was associated with decreased semen quality [ 47 ]. On the lower end, DEHP was associated with significantly lower number of ovarian antral follicles (a measure of remaining oocytes supply) [ 39 ] at an estimated intake three-orders of magnitude lower than the RfD (0.03 and 35 μg/kg-bw/d, respectively).

figure 1

Schematic representation of the range of estimated intake for individual phthalates (solid light-colored bars) associated with statistically significant endpoints (small circles) in relation to their respective reference doses (RfD; large circles). Each small circle corresponds to an endpoint significantly associated with an estimated intake. The lowest metabolite concentrations measured in urine that were found to be associated with statistically significant endpoints were 0.03, 0.19, 0.06 and 0.08 μg/L for DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP, respectively. See Supplemental Table S2 for additional data. DEHP: diethylhexyl phthalate; DBP: dibutyl phthalate; BBP: butylbenzyl phthalate; DIBP: diisobutyl phthalate

For DBP, DIBP and BBP, the ranges of intake associated with statistically significant endpoints were all below their respective RfDs. (Fig. 1 ). The lowest estimated intake for DBP (0.19 μg/kg-bw/d) was associated with decreased sperm motility and semen concentration [ 48 ] while the highest intake (2.86 μg/kg-bw/d) was associated with decreased concentration of total thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and free T4 (fT4) in women [ 49 ]. The lowest DIBP intake measured in pregnant women (0.08 μg/kg-bw/d) was associated with decrease in masculine play behavior in boys [ 52 ] and the highest intake (0.51 μg/kg-bw/d) also measured in pregnant women, was significantly associated with increased occurrence of eczema in children [ 53 ]. The range of estimated intake for BBP associated with significant endpoints showed the greatest difference with the RfD. The lowest intake of 0.06 μg/kg-bw/d was associated with increased levels of steroid hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in children [ 50 ]. SHBG is a protein that transports estrogen and testosterone in the blood and regulates their access to tissues [ 84 ]. The highest estimated intake for BBP (0.6 μg/kg-bw/d) was associated with increased body mass index and waist circumference in men and women [ 51 ]. These intakes are eight-thousand to five-thousand times lower than BBP’s RfD of 500 μg/kg-bw/d.

The four phthalates for which we found data are known to affect male reproductive development due to their anti-androgenic properties which are the basis of their regulation. However, other systems are also affected at exposure levels similar to those associated with anti-androgenicity as seen in Table 2 . Our analysis shows the 10 lowest estimated intakes were significantly associated with endpoints measured in women and children. Many of these endpoints relate to endocrine function and neurobehavioral development in children as well as female reproductive system (Table  3 ).

Prenatal exposures to DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP were significantly associated with a diverse set of negative outcomes in the neurological system, and all endpoints were associated with intakes well below the RfD for each phthalate. Supplemental Table S2 shows that children born to mothers exposed to phthalates during pregnancy display delayed psychomotor and mental development [ 65 , 66 ]; decreased intellectual, memory and executive function development [ 36 ]; and behavioral changes associated with both delinquency and externalization [ 64 ] as well as withdrawn personalities and internalization of problems [ 65 , 68 ]. Increased odds of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ 69 ] and decreased masculine behavior in boys [ 52 ] were also observed.

We identified three major systems associated with metabolic function that were affected by phthalates: thyroid, pancreas, and fat tissue (Supplemental Table S3 ). DEHP, DBP and BBP were associated with decreased levels of triiodothyronine (T3) in men and children as young as 4 years of age. DEHP was also associated with decreased levels of free T4 in women [ 56 ] and men [ 82 ] and decreased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in men [ 47 ].

DIBP and DEHP intakes were positively associated with insulin resistance in children [ 72 , 78 ] and men and women [ 60 , 77 ]. The effect of DEHP on fat tissue was more diverse. For instance, in adults, body mass index (BMI) was negatively associated with DEHP levels in men and women [ 59 ], while Hatch et al. [ 51 ] reported a positive correlation in women). Maternal DEHP levels were inversely associated with their daughters’ BMI at a young age (4–7 years) [ 67 ] and Zang and colleagues also observed a negative association between DEHP levels and obesity in 8–10-year-old girls [ 74 ]. DBP and BBP showed a positive correlation with obesity in boys [ 74 ], BMI and waist circumference in women and men [ 51 ].

All the estimated intakes were below their respective RfDs, except for the reduction in TSH level in men that was associated with the highest DEHP intake of 242.55 μg/kg-bw/d [ 47 ].

Both, the male and female reproductive systems and their associated hormones, were negatively affected by the four phthalates (Supplemental Table S4 ). DEHP, DBP and DIBP intakes were associated with reduced number of antral follicles in women [ 39 ] and DEHP, DBP and BBP with delayed puberty in girls [ 73 ]. DEHP and DBP were associated with decreased number of fertilized eggs and total oocytes, and lower quality of oocytes [ 57 ]. DEHP and DIBP showed a negative association with trophoblast differentiation genes [ 58 ]. DEHP was also associated with decreased levels of inhibin [ 61 ], a critical hormone in reproductive functions [ 85 ], and showed inconsistent association with gestational length [ 62 , 63 ].

In adult men, DEHP, DBP and BBP all had a negative association with semen quality including concentration and sperm motility [ 47 , 48 , 79 ]. DEHP was associated with decreased total and free testosterone and estradiol, as well as increased levels of SHBG [ 80 ]. DEHP also had a positive association with testosterone/estradiol ratio [ 81 ]. In boys gestationally exposed to known levels of phthalates, DEHP and DIBP were negatively associated with free and total testosterone and estradiol [ 50 ]. DEHP, DBP and BBP were associated with increased SHBG. DBP was associated with decreased levels of dehydroepiandrosterone [ 50 ]. Finally, DEHP was also associated with reduced anogenital distance in boys [ 70 ].

This case study shows that low dose exposures to BBP, DBP, DIDP and DEHP are associated with health endpoints in organs and systems not usually assessed in regulatory toxicology studies. These endpoints differ markedly from the well-studied effects of phthalates on male reproductive development. Furthermore, there are significant physiological effects (i.e., early biological perturbations that may lead to overt effects) and disorders that may require clinical interventions later in life associated with estimated intake levels lower than the current RfD. We also observed that some individuals appear to be exposed to levels of DEHP higher than its RfD. This may be the case if there are yet to be identified exposure routes and sources, or if the metabolism or excretion of DEHP is altered. Overall, these data, although with limitations, show weaknesses in a chemical regulation framework that is in need of improvement.

Some of the limitations are, first, this study is similar to a mapping of evidence; it is not a systematic review that must follow stricter protocols and methods. Second, our approach aimed to capture as many publications as possible. However, although we used broad search terms, we may still have missed relevant publications. Third, we trust the integrity and quality of the journal peer-reviewed conducted for each of the studies we included. However, we understand the peer review process is not perfect. An example of this less-than-perfect process is the lack of clarity or data that prevented us to include an additional 26 human studies as shown in Table S1. Importantly, only six studies were excluded because of the lack of statistical significance, hence, the body of evidence is consistent with the associations. Fourth, in some cases, data interpretation had to be based on information that was available. Although we contacted authors from some of the studies that did not meet our criteria to obtain additional data, only a few responded to our request and were willing to share additional data. Fifth, the number of subjects in the studies varied from less than 100 to thousands of people; although the population size as such could be a limitation, strong and weak statistical significance was observed in all cases. As all but one study was cross-sectional, we are mindful about implying that they show causality. Lastly, some assumptions made in our calculations may have been outdated. For example, the EPA handbook on exposure is from 2011. Although it is our understanding that the agency and others continue to use this handbook in their analysis, we cannot rule out that parameters such as body weight by age range may have changed in the last decade and could have affected our estimates.

Overall, the case study we present here specifically aimed to use strong human data to perform a first examination of a hypothesis, namely that the current animal-based testing methods to estimate “safe” exposure levels of chemicals could be significantly underestimating actual human health risk if epidemiological data are not considered. Following the initial confirmatory findings presented here, this hypothesis will serve as a basis to guide further testing and more detailed assessments in a follow-up work.

The protection of public health from detrimental effects of environmental chemical exposures should ideally incorporate the expertise from two sides: the risk assessors and the healthcare community, including epidemiologists. On the one hand, risk assessment relies on evaluating exposure to a chemical and using animal models to identify which organ(s) would be affected, in order to find a dose that would cause no harm. On the other hand, the medical community is confronted with a wide range of health outcomes in the human population—from acute to chronic and from subtle to clinically defined—and tries to identify what caused them, whether environmental chemical exposure or otherwise, in order to support prevention. But there is a disconnect between these bookends of environmental health which hinders effective protection of the public from chemical exposures. In 2017, the US National Academy of Sciences [ 86 ] recommended that for evaluating evidence of low dose effects, regulators should surveil for signals indicating an adverse outcome in a human population or evidence that a particular low dose effect may not be detectable with traditional toxicity testing. The authors stated that one way to seek out information is by conducting regular surveys of the scientific literature. Our limited case study of five phthalates shows that many of the health effects observed to occur in humans at very low exposure levels are not traditionally evaluated in animal toxicology testing. Metabolic, neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders, obesity, levels of hormones and transport proteins are just a few examples of endpoints not commonly included in toxicity testing guidelines despite their relevance to human health. It is also important to point out that traditional toxicology studies only infrequently evaluate a dose-effect relationship using chemical levels relevant to human exposures occurring at different life-stages. Rather, assumptions of safe levels are commonly made based on adult non-pregnant animal data. These omissions thus result in significant gaps in chemicals regulation that may put human health at risk [ 87 ].

The current chemical risk assessment approach to establish an RfD used by most regulatory agencies around the world combines a dose that did not cause an adverse effect in animal studies using high exposure doses and safety factors (also known as uncertainty factors) to account for incomplete data and variability between and within species. Although not routinely, regulatory ‘safe’ levels have been reviewed. For example, ECHA lowered the derived no effect level for DIBP from 420 to 8.3 μg/kg bw/d in 2016 [ 25 ]; similarly, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) lowered the tolerable daily intake of bisphenol A from 50 to 4 μg/kg bw/d in 2015 [ 88 ]. In both cases, new scientific information was available at the time the agencies were responding to requests for reassessment of those chemicals. However, we would argue that, in addition to specific requests made to regulatory agencies, a more systematic reevaluation of RfDs could be incorporated into the risk assessment and management processes. For example, a post-market RfD reassessment could be triggered by 1) human studies showing associations between exposure and endpoints previously not measured; 2) information on reported uses or biomonitoring indicating increased exposures due to chemical production volumes or reduced exposure due to abandoned uses; or 3) new hazard information. Lastly, this information surveillance should not be the exclusive responsibility of the regulatory agencies; rather, companies with approved chemical uses should submit new available information that could potentially raise questions about the safety of their product and agencies should establish a mechanism to enforce this requirement.

Both, scientific information and market behavior, are dynamic. Advances in science and technology allow scientists to develop new methods to measure chemicals in humans and gain new knowledge and understanding of chemicals’ interactions with physiological systems at different life stages. To account for these developments, epidemiological and clinical studies together with chemical biomonitoring data should be evaluated at regular intervals as recommended by the NAS [ 86 ] in order to check whether an RfD review is warranted to better protect public health. We are cognizant that this approach, although promising, is not without shortcomings. For instance, biomonitoring data alone cannot account for all sources of exposure. For chemicals like phthalates, with many sources ranging from the diet to personal care products and house dust, it may be challenging to design mitigating strategies to reduce the most significant sources of exposure. However, well designed surveys and a better understanding of materials’ composition may help identifying the major exposure sources for various populations as it was described by Lioy and colleagues [ 89 ].

As implied earlier, the RfD represents a concept of ‘safety’, a bright line between ‘no risk’ or ‘safe’ when the exposure estimate is below the established number and ‘risk’ or ‘unsafe’ when the value is greater than the RfD. In reality, it is far more complicated, namely, chemical hazard information and populations’ background exposures from multiple chemicals, health conditions and life-stages change with time. In its 2009 Science and Decisions report [ 90 ], the NAS recognized this complexity and recommended a progression away from the current concept of ‘safety’ and towards dose-response methods that quantify risk at doses used in animal experiments as well as lower doses representing human exposures. As much as two-thirds of the human population suffers from chronic diseases that cannot be explained by genetic causes alone [ 91 ] and it is becoming increasingly apparent that life-long chemical exposures can contribute to this burden [ 5 ]. Yet, for the great majority, chemicals are not evaluated for their contribution to common chronic ailments in the human population [ 92 , 93 ]. As a consequence, the current work on toxicology and epidemiology is inundated with disconnected data that misses the bigger picture: better protection of the entire human population’s health. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the status quo to ensure adequate population health protection. Issues to be interrogated may include, among others, strategies for proper assessment of the risk of developmental exposures; use of early biomarkers of health effects; integration of evidence from different data streams including predictive modeling, in vitro, animals and humans; development of new and redesign of old testing protocols; optimization of in vitro testing to minimize the use of laboratory animals; design of protocols to more efficiently monitor human exposures.


Phthalates have been used in many products for many decades. There are substantial animal and human data available which allowed us to use these substances in case studies such as this one. However, a similar question could be raised for many other chemicals with a growing body of human biomonitoring data and evidence of human health effects [ 94 ].

To set the course for a better, more efficient and health protective risk assessment of chemicals, a dialogue should be established between risk assessors, the medical community, and academic researchers. Until a profound modernization of the risk assessment and management of chemicals occurs, human studies should be taken into account to identify whether the health risk of chemicals already in the marketplace, such as phthalates, should be reassessed.


First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester

Acceptable daily intake

Benzyl butyl phthalate

Body mass index

Body weight

Chemical abstract service

Consumer products safety commission

Dibutyl phthalate

Dicyclohexyl phthalate

Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate

Diisobutyl phthalate

Derived no-effect level

European chemical agency

European food safety authority

Environmental protection agency

Homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance

Intelligence quotient

Non-communicable disease

National health and nutrition examination survey

Registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals

  • Reference dose

Steroid hormone binding globulin


Tolerable daily intake

Thyroid stimulating hormone

United States

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The authors are grateful to Dr. Leonardo Trasande for his expert advice and guidance and to those investigators that shared detailed data not included in the public versions of their publications.

This work was funded in part by a grant from MAVA Foundation and by the Food Packaging Forum (FPF). BG and JM are employees of FPF. FPF receives unconditional donations for unrestricted funding, as well as project-related grants, and all funding sources are listed.

https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/about-us/funding . Neither the board of FPF, nor MAVA Foundation interfered with the authors’ freedom to design, conduct, interpret and publish this information.

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Independent Consultant, Frederick, MD, USA

Maricel V. Maffini

Food Packaging Forum Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland

Birgit Geueke & Jane Muncke

Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Ksenia Groh

Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Bethanie Carney Almroth

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MVM: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation and Original draft. BG: Validation, Visualization, Review and Editing. KG: Validation, Review and Editing. BCA: Review and Editing. JM: Conceptualization, Review and Editing, Project administration, Funding acquisition. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Maricel V. Maffini .

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MVM and KG are members of FPF science advisory board. MVM is a co-author on a petition to the US Food and Drug Administration to revoke the authorizations to use phthalates in food packaging and processing equipment.

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Maffini, M.V., Geueke, B., Groh, K. et al. Role of epidemiology in risk assessment: a case study of five ortho-phthalates. Environ Health 20 , 114 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-021-00799-8

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Received : 09 November 2020

Accepted : 18 October 2021

Published : 15 November 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-021-00799-8

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An environmental risk assessment of filling stations using the principles of security management. a case study in the slovak republic.

case study of environmental risk assessment

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. approaches to an environmental risk assessment, 2.1.1. the netherlands, 2.1.2. sweden.

  • Preventive planning;
  • Examination of environmental risks;
  • Identification and classification of risk areas.
  • Tox—acute toxicity to aquatic organisms [mg/L];
  • Am—stored/transported quantity [t];
  • Con—viscosity of the substance [cSt];
  • Sol—solubility [wt.%];
  • Sur—properties of the environment (distance to the nearest water flow, groundwater depth, groundwater gradient, soil thickness above groundwater).

2.1.3. The Czech Republic

2.1.4. the slovak republic, 2.1.5. united kingdom.

  • Identifying the hazard(s);
  • Assessing the potential consequences;
  • Assessing the probability of the consequences;
  • Characterizing the risk and uncertainty.

2.1.6. The USA

  • Problem formulation;
  • Risk characterization.

2.1.7. Evaluation of Methodologies and Approaches to Environmental Risk Assessment

2.2. design of a methodological procedure for environmental risk assessment.

  • Determination of the type of liability for the environmental damage (in concordance with the directive).
  • Identification of sources of risk and determination of emergency scenarios.
  • Initial assessment of emergency scenarios (by index methods).
  • Detailed assessment of major emergency scenarios (based on the results of the initial assessment).

2.3. Characteristics of the Filling Station Facility

2.3.1. an identification of the subject and its activity.

  • Unloading of fuels from tanks into storage tanks;
  • Dispensing of fuels into the tanks of customers’ vehicles alone;
  • Control of fuel dispensing from the service room of the filling station;
  • Additional functions (washing vehicles in the washing line, inflating tires for passenger cars, dry cleaning of vehicle interiors—vacuuming).

2.3.2. An Identification of the Sources of Risk and Their Location

  • A large amount of hazardous substances is unloaded from the tank vehicle into the storage tanks and, at the same time, recovered gases are discharged from the storage tanks into the tanks;
  • The handling area for the unloading of fuels is not fenced, i.e., it is accessible to unauthorized persons who may interfere with the unloading of fuels;
  • There is a risk of fuel spillage;
  • There is a risk of the storage tanks being overfilled.

2.4. An Identification of Emergency Scenarios

Results of the assessment of emergency scenarios.

  • Distance to the nearest watercourse (DNW): approx. 60 m;
  • Groundwater depth (DGS): 2–5 m;
  • Slope of the groundwater level: the groundwater level tends to have water flow;
  • Strength and character of the soil above groundwater: concrete area.

4. Discussion

Author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

EAI ValueProposed
1–100Input hazard analysis (HA)The study covers the properties of substances related to mobility, degradation, toxicity, classification, etc.
100–500Initial hazard analysis (HA) + initial environmental risk assessment (ERA)The study includes an extended form of HA (data on the site where the schematic substance is handled) and the determination of the affinity for a particular environmental compartment.
>500Extended environmental risk assessment (ERA)The study includes a comparison of the predicted watercourse concentration (PEC) with concentrations without a negative effect on the watercourse (PNEC), the determination of emergency scenarios, and the modeling of the impact of the watercourse. This part of the evaluation also includes an evaluation of the impact of a hazardous substance on groundwater.
Hazardous SubstanceEquipmentQuantity (kg)Physical Form of the SubstanceClassification H-Phrases
Diesel fuelStorage tank39,100LiquidH226 (Cat. 3); H351 (Cat. 2); H332 (Cat. 4); H304 (Cat. 1); H315 (Cat. 2); H373 (Cat. 2); H411 (Cat.2)
“Natural 95”
Storage tank36,800LiquidH224 (Cat. 1); H304 (Cat. 1); H315 (Cat.2); H361 (Cat. 2); H340 (muta 1B); H350 (carc. 1B); H336 STOT Single exp. 3; H411 (Cat.2)
Type of SpillCause of SpillConsequences of the Spill
1.Fuel spill during unloadingOne-time leakage of the entire transported quantity or only one chamberDamage to the integrity of the tank shellLeaked fuel will get outside the paved area.
Continuous leakage of unloaded fuelsRupture of the unloading hose, or its incorrect installation on the connections with the unloading pipe or the tank; overfilling of tanksLeaked fuel will not spill outside the paved area; it will be caught in the emergency tank.
2.Fuel spill from the storage tanksContinuousTank leakLeaked fuel will not spill outside the paved area; it will be caught in the emergency tank.
3.Fuel spill from the storage tanksContinuousRupture or leakage of the transport lineLeaked fuel will not spill outside the paved area; it will be caught in the emergency tank.
4.Fuel spill from dispensers during refuelingContinuousDamage to the dispenser or dispensing guns when refueling customers’ vehiclesLeaked fuel will not spill outside the paved area; it will be caught in the emergency tank.
Hazardous SubstanceEquipmentQuantity (kg)ToxAmConSolSurEAI
Diesel fuelTank (the entire volume)30,50545415300
Tank (1 chamber)413643415120
PetrolTank (the entire volume)27,97865415200
Tank 1 (chamber)352563415180
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Mäkká, K.; Kampová, K.; Loveček, T.; Petrlová, K. An Environmental Risk Assessment of Filling Stations Using the Principles of Security Management. A Case Study in the Slovak Republic. Sustainability 2021 , 13 , 12452. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212452

Mäkká K, Kampová K, Loveček T, Petrlová K. An Environmental Risk Assessment of Filling Stations Using the Principles of Security Management. A Case Study in the Slovak Republic. Sustainability . 2021; 13(22):12452. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212452

Mäkká, Katarína, Katarína Kampová, Tomáš Loveček, and Katarína Petrlová. 2021. "An Environmental Risk Assessment of Filling Stations Using the Principles of Security Management. A Case Study in the Slovak Republic" Sustainability 13, no. 22: 12452. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212452

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Environmental risk assessment of ivermectin: A case study


  • 1 ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Böttgerstrasse 2-14, D-65439 Flörsheim/Main, Germany. [email protected]
  • PMID: 20821718
  • DOI: 10.1002/ieam.96
  • Integr Environ Assess Manag. 2010 Oct;6(4):790

The veterinary parasiticide ivermectin was selected as a case study compound within the project ERAPharm (Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals). Based on experimental data generated within ERAPharm and additional literature data, an environmental risk assessment (ERA) was performed mainly according to international and European guidelines. For the environmental compartments surface water, sediment, and dung, a risk was indicated at all levels of the tiered assessment approach. Only for soil was no risk indicated after the lower tier assessment. However, the use of effects data from additional 2-species and multispecies studies resulted in a risk indication for collembolans. Although previously performed ERAs for ivermectin revealed no concern for the aquatic compartment, and transient effects on dung-insect populations were not considered as relevant, the present ERA clearly demonstrates unacceptable risks for all investigated environmental compartments and hence suggests the necessity of reassessing ivermectin-containing products. Based on this case study, several gaps in the existing guidelines for ERA of pharmaceuticals were shown and improvements have been suggested. The action limit at the start of the ERA, for example, is not protective for substances such as ivermectin when used on intensively reared animals. Furthermore, initial predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) of ivermectin in soil were estimated to be lower than refined PECs, indicating that the currently used tiered approach for exposure assessment is not appropriate for substances with potential for accumulation in soil. In addition, guidance is lacking for the assessment of effects at higher tiers of the ERA, e.g., for field studies or a tiered effects assessment in the dung compartment.

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A new approach for risk assessment of pulmonary toxicants: a preliminary study using didecyldimethylammonium chloride

  • Research Article
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case study of environmental risk assessment

  • Jun Woo Kim   ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0009-7661-3157 1 ,
  • Yu Bin Han   ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0008-7654-1109 2 ,
  • Kyu Hyuck Chung   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4283-0742 3 &
  • Yong Joo Park   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0528-6197 3  

Current human risk assessments often rely on animal toxicity data to establish point of departure (POD) values, followed by the application of uncertainty factors. Consequently, there is growing interest in alternative toxicity testing methods that reduce reliance on animal models. In this study, we propose a novel approach for inhalation toxicity risk assessment that integrates in silico and in vitro methods. Human primary alveolar epithelial cells were exposed to aerosolized didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) to assess cytotoxicity. This was followed by transcriptome analysis and biological pathway investigation, utilizing adverse outcome pathway (AOP), to calculate the POD. Additionally, human DDAC exposure was simulated using a multiple-path particle dosimetry (MPPD) model to predict exposure levels in the human alveolar region via inhalation. The results from in silico and in vitro studies were then compared, and a comprehensive risk assessment was performed. The POD for AOP 452 key events—oxidative stress, inflammation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), apoptosis, and autophagy—was found to range between 19.0 and 23.89 ng/cm 2 , according to benchmark dose calculation tools. The estimated human exposure to DDAC in the alveolar region under actual exposure conditions was 0.164 ng/cm 2 /day, resulting in a margin of exposure (MOE) ranging from 121 to 145, suggesting caution regarding DDAC inhalation exposure. This study presents a novel risk assessment method that compares estimated human inhalation exposure values to in vitro results, applying the human equivalent concentration concept. Our findings demonstrate the potential for conducting human risk assessments using both in silico and in vitro methods as alternatives to traditional in vivo studies.

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This research was supported by the Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through the Technology Development Project for Safety Management of Household Chemical Products, funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2022002960003, NTIS-1485018900).

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Inhalation Toxicology Center for Airborne Risk Factors, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Jeongeup, 56212, Republic of Korea

Jun Woo Kim

College of Pharmacy, Korea University, Sejong, 30019, Republic of Korea

College of Pharmacy, Kyungsung University, Busan, 48434, Republic of Korea

Kyu Hyuck Chung & Yong Joo Park

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YB Han: Data curation, methodology

KH Chung: Investigation, writing—review editing

YJ Park: Investigation, writing—original draft, writing—review editing, supervision

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- Inhalation toxicity of didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) was assessed using a next-generation risk assessment approach.

- Point of departure was determined by analyzing cellular transcriptome based on the adverse outcome pathway.

- Human equivalent concentration was compared with a review of human DDAC exposure estimated by multiple-path particle dosimetry model and aerosol exposure of DDAC in vitro assay.

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About this article

Kim, J.W., Han, Y.B., Chung, K.H. et al. A new approach for risk assessment of pulmonary toxicants: a preliminary study using didecyldimethylammonium chloride. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-34905-3

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Received : 03 June 2024

Accepted : 30 August 2024

Published : 13 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-34905-3

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  • Inhalation toxicity
  • Next-generation risk assessment
  • Didecyldimethylammonium chloride
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  • Multiple-path particle dosimetry
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