My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

When I was a child, my dream was to find the work connected with managing people and resources. The vision persisted until it became time for pursuing a college degree, where I opted for a business course in Human Resource Management (HRM). I intended to be in a position to lead people at the workplace. After graduating from school, luckily, I got an internship program with one of the renowned retail companies called Costco Retailers.

The first working experience was memorable because I finally managed to become independent and earn my first money. When I started working in the corporation, I changed my mentality to adapt to the new system. This paper will discuss the experience during my first job recruitment, skills, and knowledge gathered during this period. During the first working experience, recruits should apply the theoretical knowledge in practice to avoid difficulties in time-management, issue solving, and communication with clients and colleagues.

The time-management appeared to be a fundamental problem that I have faced during my experience. It was a requirement that all the staff report one hour before the opening of the stores. This was necessary to facilitate daily planning and arrangement of the work routine to enhance the efficiency of the operations. It was difficult for me to manage time properly and organize the activities of other people. I had to participate in various events and often failed to perform my duties correctly. There even was a period of time when I was at significant risk of being fired. I had to learn how to be time-conscious to overcome the pressure. I solved this problem thanks to applying some time-management techniques.

Besides the time factor, another issue was working under pressure. During the first few months, I was stationed at the customer care desk to attend to the clients’ queries. At this position, several problems emerged that required immediate attention from the top managers within the department. It was challenging to handle some inquiries because of the large number of customers and the nature of their needs. The intensity to meet their expectation was overwhelming, and it involved many commands from the senior staff.

Another problem that required theoretical knowledge from me was cultural diversity. Shoppers consist of people from different races, gender, culture, and profession. Communicating with customers was a nightmare, especially for those whose cultures tend to diverge at some point. Sometimes you might offend people from different cultures without noticing it. Nonetheless, thanks to their interactive nature and understanding, some clients helped me learn how to communicate appropriately.

Generally, working with customers entails fluctuating motions since they come in different moods with various expectations to be fulfilled. Meeting people from different backgrounds increased my exposure and understanding of individuals behave in relation to their culture. The race-tolerance strategies learned during my education helped me to adjust my communicational style.

I thought handling customers was the main challenge of this position, but there was another significant problem. Being a novice, young, and unfamiliar with the company’s system was another terrifying encounter. At the customer care desk, we had co-workers who had been in the institution for an extended period. These workers used to take advantage of the recruits by assigning complex tasks and overworking them. I became a victim and felt exploited since I could do twice what the other workers were doing. From one point of view, such pressure was rational, aiming to increase my working skills. From the other point, I had moral difficulties coping with a considerable amount of work while experienced colleagues did not offer me any help.

It is also essential to mention which new skills I have gained during my working experience which contribute to my professional development. Thanks to this organization, I gained valuable knowledge and skills helpful for developing in this work industry. First, I gained an understanding of how to communicate with customers and colleagues. Before joining the Costco team, I thought managing people was easy to perform and did not require any special knowledge. Thanks to this working experience, I have learned that communication and management is a whole science that requires profound knowledge and well-developed communicational skills. Therefore, I realized that it is critical to apply the behavioral analysis approach to maintain effective communication.

Moreover, the company made me develop and improve my intrapersonal skills. Working with people having different ages and cultures requires self-understanding (Horak & Matoskova, 2018). To be able to relate effectively with other staff members and even customers, I had to learn how to communicate and listen. Communication is essential in advancing the relationship amongst the business affiliates. The on-the-job experience made it easier to comprehend and apply the skills. Here I also successfully applied the gained during my education knowledge.

Surprisingly, technological knowledge was vital during my working experience. Furthermore, being at the customer care desk exposed me to using the computer system to record, search, monitor, and even communicate with the administration. I developed deep insight into technology, and my computer knowledge increased. Through the period, I could use the system to perform critical tasks like monitoring the level of inventory, tracking customers’ purchasing records, and updating new valuable information for clients. In addition, I was able to analyze the trend of buyers, which was helpful for the administration for updating the stocks.

Another critical skill that I acquired during the period was the ability to solve problems. At the customer care desk, clients came with various issues ranging from sales of defective products to poor service delivery. I have analyzed different literature on the topic of problem-solving. Multiple techniques help the manager build good relationships with the customer and colleagues (Funke et al., 2018). One of them is the culturally-tolerant attitude towards the participants of communication. I developed a profound knowledge of managing different circumstances to generate a proper solution by handling such issues. Seeing and learning how the colleagues were regulating similar situations at work was vital and prompted self-confidence. To make a decision, self-reliance is essential as it allows one to find their own answers to the problem.

Generally, obtaining a job after completing coursework in college is beneficial because you can gain valuable experience. On the job, learning makes the whole perspective different as it comes with arrays of experiences both encouraging and demoralizing. Sometimes changing and adapting to a new routine is difficult for the new employees. Furthermore, interacting with various people at the workplace advance understanding and worldview of individuals.

The exposure also makes people gain the necessary knowledge and skills that are essential for further carrier development. Joining the proper organization could impact the level of experience individual gains. If people are ready to develop their knowledge and skills, asking questions, elaborate new ideas, then the chances of attaining new skills at work are high. It is also vital to implement the theoretical concept learned through education in practice. Thus, applying theoretical concepts and constant development contributed to forming a positive working experience.

Funke, J., Fischer, A., & Holt, D. V. (2018). Competencies for complexity: Problem solving in the twenty-first century. In Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 41-53). Springer, Cham. Web.

Horak, M., & Matoskova, J. (2018). Comparison of training programmes and activities for cluster managers in Europe with respect to their focus on skills development. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge , 6 (1). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 25). My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained.

"My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." IvyPanda , 25 Nov. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained'. 25 November.

IvyPanda . 2022. "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." November 25, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." November 25, 2022.


IvyPanda . "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." November 25, 2022.

learning from work experience essay

How to... Learn from work experience

Work experience is experience of the workplace you gain prior to graduating and starting your career. It can be incidental to your study (and probably supporting it in the case of part-time work) or intrinsic to it, as when the course requires you to do a placement or a sandwich year in industry, possibly with some sort of credit-bearing project work attached.

On this page

What is work experience, benefits of work experience, areas of learning.

Workplace experience will complement your academic studies by providing another way of learning outside the classroom. It will also provide you with crucial knowledge, skills and personal attributes that employers look for. Indeed, in some countries such as the UK, even the brightest students find it hard to get work without having had some work experience.

A degree alone is not enough. Employers are looking for more than just technical skills and knowledge of a degree discipline. They particularly value skills such as communication, team-working and problem solving. Job applicants who can demonstrate that they have developed these skills will have a real advantage."

– Digby Jones: Director-General, Confederation of British Industry, Foreward to  Prospects Directory 2004/5 .

There are a number of different types of work experience, as follows:

  • Part of a sandwich course with an industrial placement. Many vocational courses, such as publishing, hotel and catering, and even business studies, include a year’s relevant placement in industry. The placement is organised by the university and the student will retain contact with their tutor and often produce work which is credited to the degree.
  • A shorter work placement, which is also part of a course of study and arranged by the university, may focus on a particular project such as designing a web site for the company.

Shell Step ( ) is a UK-based programme which offers a range of specific project based work, for example one student on an international business degree course helped a company specialising in child safety devices break into the US market, while another worked on a rebranding exercise for an IT and communications specialist.

  • Internships, commonly over the summer break and lasting 6 to 12 weeks, involving placement within a particular organisation.
  • Work shadowing, when student ‘shadows’ an experienced professional.
  • A wide range of other possibilities, including part-time paid work and voluntary work.

There are many benefits of work experience and we list them below, before going on to look at how some of them may form part of the learning experience.

  • It provides a different perspective and a context for academic learning, an opportunity to put theory into practice.
  • It helps you develop ideas for final year projects, if such are part of your degree.
  • It offers opportunity to earn (sometimes – note that work experience can also be unpaid) and hence reduce debt.
  • Helping you work on a whole range of employment skills, from learning about and adapting to workplace culture to time management and teamwork.
  • Offering you the opportunity to network
  • In some cases, rehiring you after graduating.
  • It will help you develop your chosen career but giving you a chance to see how different aspects of it work, for example you may get the opportunity to see how marketing works differently from sales.
  • It will help you develop personally.

As will be clear from the above, there are many learning opportunities inherent in work experience. Broadly speaking, they can be put into the following categories.

Application of academic learning

Work experience offers the opportunity of applying subject specific theoretical knowledge to a real life situation. You have learnt how to  apply your critical skills  to journal articles, text books, case studies, lectures etc. Now you are experiencing a real life case study: how does it relate to what you have read? Can you draw from your reading suggestions for improvement? Does it make you see the literature and theoretical background differently? Does it make you want to go back and re-read the literature, perhaps exploring other authors?

You may be applying a particular technical skill which you learnt at college: Are your skills at the right standard? How does what you are required to do differ from what you learnt? Are you using the same equipment and techniques? You should not automatically assume that what you do in the workplace is right and what you learnt at college is wrong: workplace practice differs and there may be no one right way; you need to reflect on the differences and what you can learn from other ways of doing things.

One particular way in which you can apply your workplace practice to your academic learning is if you have to write a final year project or dissertation. Whether you are doing a specifically vocational degree or a more general one in business studies, you will need a project with a strong practical application, and you may find that a particular company project can be the basis for your dissertation. That way you will not only achieve an academic goal but also help the company concerned.

Employability skills

A good period of work experience will greatly increase the knowledge, personal attributes and skills that will make employers want to employ you, including:

  • Team working  – you may have had the experience of working in groups on assignments, but most workplaces are built on teams and you need to learn to work well with other people and value each others’ strengths and contribution.
  • Communication  – you will have to learn to communicate clearly and succinctly both in writing and orally, often making quick points in the cut and thrust of meetings.
  • Interpersonal skills  – working with people at all levels.
  • Planning, organising and time management  – not only do you have to get to and leave work at set times but you will also have to learn to juggle different priorities and work on several projects simultaneously.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making  – you won’t always be able to rely on other people to tell you what to do! It is important to be able to act on your own initiative.
  • Numeracy and IT literacy  – both are important skills, along with oral and written communication.
  • Ability to appear self confident  – students may appear diffident at college, and their tutors take this as a sign of humility, or not notice if they produce good work. However, in the business world diffidence may be misinterpreted as failure to engage.
  • Negotiation skills  – for example, over conflicting priorities, or if there is a particular way in which you want the organisation to help you achieve a learning objective.
  • Ability to understand, and adapt to, the workplace culture , as well as the particular demands it places upon you.
  • Increase in commercial awareness  by understanding management practices and the way organisations work. In particular, how are decisions made and who holds the power? What are the main factors in the company’s external environment, e.g. clients, competitors, that affect its products and performance? What is the company culture, and how can you fit in? Are there specific cultural differences which you need to be aware of?

Professional development

A specific work placement is a chance to gain more insight into your chosen field. You will be exposed to modern techniques and industry practices. You will also have a chance to gain more insight into an area of work that attracted you – is it really all you have imagined? Would you like to work in this type of organisation or this corner of your chosen field, or do you want to get more experience somewhere else? Remember too that through the workplace there will be access to professional associations, and you should try to get to their meetings.

An important lesson is how to network, which will prove invaluable not only in getting your first job but also throughout your career. Study opportunities not only in your organisation but also through meetings with clients, and professional organisations as mentioned above.

Personal development

Work experience provides an important opportunity to grow personally. If you can achieve some of the employability skills listed above, as well as greater awareness of your chosen area, you will become more self disciplined and self confident. Having to subject yourself to the rigours and responsibilities of the workplace as opposed to the peace of the library and lecture room, you will become more mature. Teachers on industry-linked sandwich courses comment on how the students they say goodbye to at the end of the second year are not the same ones that come back at the beginning of the fourth year!

Ways of ensuring learning

Whether or not your work placement is a success depends upon you, your employer and your higher education institute (HEI). If the work experience is part of a course, the HEI will probably have negotiated the placement with the employer, and will help you prepare your CV and look for a suitable placement. This can help make the experience a quality one, and ensure that the employment tasks can be structured around specific learning outcomes, which you as the student should be aware of. The employer in turn needs to be aware that they are not just employing someone who can answer the phone and do photocopying, but who will undertake particular projects and who is working to specific outcomes.

Preparing and supporting the learner

Your tutor should brief you not only on learning outcomes, but also on the particular style of learning that you need to adopt (see below). He or she should also support you throughout the process, visiting you at the workplace and helping you to understand how your learning relates to your goals (these visits may or may not be part of a formal assessment). The close of the work experience should also be marked by a debriefing to help you reflect on whether or not the goals have been achieved.

Becoming a reflective learner

You will also need to adapt to learning in a situation where the learning objectives are not always made explicit, in contrast to a class or lecture where these are normally articulated. Reflective learning is the conscious process of analysing and learning from what one has done or is doing, and is shown in the ability to:

  • learn from a wide range of situations, not just ones where you are being taught
  • articulate what that learning is, and how you can apply it
  • reflect on how that learning relates to other learning, and if relevant to a theoretical perspective
  • apply the learning to your own self development
  • apply previously acquired learning (e.g. what you have gained from your studies) to your work situation.

You will also need to examine yourself critically and see yourself as an employer would, using the same critical thinking skills you should have acquired in reading texts. This means identifying your own strengths and weaknesses, including areas for improvement.

Students studying for degrees in the Department of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management at Oxford Brookes University in the UK frequently do a work placement. This has specific learning outcomes relating to knowledge and understanding, personal development, and the development of skills associated with learning at work. The knowledge and understanding is articulated in specific questions, such as What are the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, and how can the company be improved? What is the organisation doing to encourage cultural diversity? Students undertake a small project, and need to relate the question to academic theory.

Students are expected to use the placement as an opportunity for self development and need to develop reflective thinking skills, reflecting on situations and relating them to theory. There are documented appraisals at several points of the placement, culminating in an essay which describes how they have changed and what management skills they have acquired. They are also expected to negotiate learning agreements with their employer, relating to small bundles of learning about particular management issues.


You will find it easier to analyse what you have learnt if you keep a written record. If a work placement is part of your course there will probably be particular requirements, in the form of:

  • a specific piece of work, for example a report, an essay, or project
  • an ongoing record of development, in the form of a log, portfolio etc.

Students at Oxford Brookes are required to keep a reflective log, in which they put notes about any learning which relates to knowledge and understanding or personal development.

Students studying on a graphic media degree at a further education college in the UK were required to produce a report at the end of their placement profiling the company and their job within it, describing their learning and what they gained from the experience. To aid them complete the report, they had to keep a log book.

Whether or not your degree has a specific requirement, keeping some sort of daily record of what you have done, with associated learning and evidence, is useful. It can be in the form of a log, etc., and will help you produce written course work as well as articulate your skills for future employers.


Essay on OJT Learning Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on OJT Learning Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on OJT Learning Experience

Introduction to ojt.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a type of learning where students gain practical skills while working. It’s like learning by doing. This method is common in areas like engineering, healthcare, and business. It’s a practical way to learn and apply new skills.

Benefits of OJT

OJT has many benefits. It helps students to understand the real work environment. They learn how to interact with co-workers and deal with actual job challenges. It also boosts their confidence and prepares them for their future career.

OJT Challenges

While OJT is beneficial, it can be challenging too. Students might face issues like work pressure, meeting deadlines, and understanding complex tasks. But, these challenges help them to grow and learn.

In conclusion, OJT is a valuable learning experience. It helps students to gain real-world skills and prepare for their future careers. Despite some challenges, the benefits of OJT are numerous and significant.

250 Words Essay on OJT Learning Experience

Introduction, why ojt is important.

OJT is important because it provides real-life experience. It is not just about reading books or listening to lectures. Instead, it’s about doing the work and learning from it. This helps students to understand the work better and prepares them for their future jobs.

One of the main benefits of OJT is that it helps students to learn faster. When you learn something by doing it, you remember it better. Also, OJT allows students to apply what they have learned in school to real work situations. This makes the learning process more exciting and meaningful.

Challenges of OJT

Despite its benefits, OJT can also be challenging. Sometimes, the work can be hard and stressful. But these challenges can help students to become stronger and more resilient. They learn how to solve problems and overcome difficulties, which are important skills for their future careers.

In conclusion, OJT is a powerful way to learn. It provides practical experience, helps students to learn faster, and prepares them for their future jobs. Despite the challenges, the benefits of OJT are clear. It is an important part of the learning process that should not be overlooked.

500 Words Essay on OJT Learning Experience

Introduction to ojt learning experience.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a type of learning experience that happens directly in the work environment. It allows learners to gain practical skills while doing the actual job. Think of it like learning to ride a bike. You can read all about it, but until you actually sit on a bike and start pedaling, you won’t really learn how to ride. That’s what OJT is all about.

Benefits of OJT Learning Experience

Second, OJT allows you to learn at your own pace. This means you can take your time to understand new concepts and skills. It’s like learning to play a new game. You can take your time to understand the rules and practice before you start playing for real.

Third, OJT lets you learn from experts. You get to work with people who are already good at what they do. This gives you a chance to ask questions and get feedback. It’s like having a personal coach who can guide you and help you improve.

Challenges of OJT Learning Experience

Another challenge is that the quality of OJT can vary. It depends on the skills and patience of the person teaching you. If they’re not good at explaining things or if they don’t have time to help you, it can make learning difficult.

In conclusion, OJT is a valuable way to learn new skills. It allows you to practice what you’re learning, learn at your own pace, and learn from experts. But it can also be stressful and the quality can vary. Just like any learning experience, it has its ups and downs. But if you’re willing to face the challenges and make the most of the opportunities, OJT can be a powerful tool for learning and growth.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Professional Skills

  • Oct 10, 2023
  • 15 min read

15 Key Skills You Can Gain from Work Experience in 2024

That internship or placement has a lot to offer!

Siôn Phillpott

Siôn Phillpott

Career & Entrepreneurship Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Key Skills You Can Gain from Work Experience

As a student, gaining  work experience — whether it’s through an internship, a placement or a part-time position — is invaluable.

Indeed, once you graduate and  head out into the world of work , you’ll already have gained the  key transferable skills  that employers look for. This, in turn, will differentiate you from the competition, making that all-important  job search  just a little less stressful.

So, instead of spending your summer chasing cocktails on a beach somewhere, maybe consider an internship or a placement in your industry. After all, it could be the most critical employment decision you ever make!

To illustrate how important work experience can be, we’ve compiled a list of its biggest benefits, including some of the most essential  professional skills  it can help you gain.

What is work experience?

In the simplest of terms, work experience refers to the experience you acquire in any professional work setting . All professionals, regardless their age and seniority, accumulate work experience over time.

When it happens at the beginning of people’s career, however, it exposes young or inexperienced adults to working independently as well as within a team ; practicing their technical and soft skills; and putting their theoretical knowledge to practice for the first time.

In some parts of the world, “work experience” is used interchangeably with the term “work placements”. Many university students complete their “work experience” as part of their degree at a company they choose. This is similar to internships and apprenticeships, in that it provides fixed-term employment to students.

Benefits of work experience

Work experience can benefit your career in multiple ways. Let’s look at some below:

  • It boosts your confidence as a professional. The more tasks you take on, the faster and more accurate your execution will become. In turn, this increases your faith in your own ability, which is crucial in advancing your career down the line.
  • It allows you to acquire new skills and enhance existing ones. Hands-on experience is a surefire way to build a strong skill set. The longer you work, the more diverse and impressive your range of technical and soft skills will be.
  • It makes you more employable. Since work experience has the power to increase your confidence on a professional level and build your skill set, it automatically makes you a more desirable candidate in the eyes of recruiters.
  • It allows you to form connections . Working within a team is a great way to find mentors who can guide you as you progress, as well as people who might be able to open new doors for you in the future.
  • It lets you gain a greater understanding of the industry you plan to work in. There’s no better way to know what you’re signing up for than going for it!

15 skills you gain from work experience

Both technical and soft skills are crucial to your career success. Here are 15 workplace skills gained through work experience!

1. Self-reliance

To an extent, university also helps you develop self-reliance. You’re encouraged to find your own answers and build your own path. But applying this skill in an academic environment is entirely different from doing it in the workplace, and students develop a greater sense of self-awareness when there is more riding on their actions than just their own grades.

Demonstrating that you can be trusted to take on a task and complete it independently gives employers that warm fuzzy feeling. It will also help you to understand your own strengths and weaknesses , and how you can cultivate them accordingly.

2. Interpersonal skills

The development of  interpersonal skills is vitally important  and, in reality, can only be effectively acquired in a workplace environment. Indeed, being able to  communicate with clarity and diplomacy  is an absolute requisite for any successful employee.

This doesn’t just mean being able to speak and listen, though. It’s essential to learn about the more subtle art of communication, such as knowing when to take the lead and when to take a step back ; these are  lessons  that can only be learned and observed in a real-life work scenario. When you do eventually start working full-time, these are the key learnings that will arguably serve you best — so don’t ignore them.

3. Problem-solving skills

No employer wants a worker who continually hits brick walls in the course of their daily work; instead, they want somebody capable of using their initiative and  seeking out their own solutions .

Luckily, being proactive and competent is a lot easier when you have some experience to back up your intuition — meaning that, from day one, you won’t constantly be leaning on the shoulders of your more experienced coworkers.

Getting into the habit of decision-making will serve you well further down the line, too. If you have any ambitions of working your way into a leadership position , for example, being able to work through issues with a degree of self-confidence will certainly make you a suitable candidate.

4. Commercial awareness

Although this can be industry-specific, gaining a general understanding of how organizations work and operate will make your transition into the workplace a lot easier.

Specifically, having first-hand knowledge of how your chosen industry works can give you not only a clearer indication of your suitability for it but also a working knowledge that you exhibit in your interviews. In broader terms, it can also help you realize how decisions are made and how a  company’s culture  can have an impact.

5. Maturity

You might not realize it at the time, but as a student, you’re still fairly immature. As wonderful as higher education is, you’re still somewhat restricted to the kind of people you associate with, including their backgrounds and motivations; your exposure to the “real world” may still be minimal.

Working in a team where your coworkers vary drastically in terms of age, experience and knowledge can significantly alter your perceptions and allow you to see things differently . This accelerated maturity will not only stand you in good stead for future employment but also greatly benefit your studies.

By having a more balanced viewpoint and starting to see the world outside your own educational bubble, your personal development will advance rapidly.

6. Teamwork

If you don’t play well with others, then you should probably consider starting your own one-person business. (Hint: we don’t actually mean that.)

Every single successful company in the world is built upon the core foundation of  teamwork . You need to learn how to work within a group and recognize that the strengths and weaknesses of individuals are only effective when combined into something greater.

It’s also one of the few guaranteed interview questions you will face : “Give me an example of a time when you worked in a team”. If you have nothing to draw on in your answer other than group assignments or sports, you might be at a disadvantage to those who have completed quantifiable, real-time projects in a workplace environment.

7. Practical skills

Of course, each job role is different, and you will encounter different software systems and tools depending on your chosen profession. Some things will remain the same, regardless your industry, though.

For example, basic IT skills are expected of all new hires, but if you’ve never changed an email signature or converted data into a graph before, then where else are you likely to learn? You’ll also get highly valuable exposure to some important technical skills and tools , such as Microsoft Excel ; becoming familiar with more advanced formulas and capabilities will certainly be useful.

If you want to refine your skills further and  make the most out of your work experience , you could do so through an online course that will solidify your practical skills and knowledge. For example, embarking on a programming course while working for a tech company could take you one step further and help you stand out as a future job candidate, too.

8. Self-confidence and self-esteem

It’s long been accepted as a psychological truism that having a job  boosts your sense of self-esteem and self-worth , making you a more confident and well-rounded individual . This is an essential component of your personal and  professional growth .

It’s also something that others notice. At university, many students are unassuming and prefer to remain within their shell, but in interviews and indeed the workplace itself, this can be misinterpreted as a failure to engage or, even worse, as a sign that you don’t care. Doing something that you enjoy every day — and being good at it — will bring out the best of you.

9. Organization skills

University teaches organization skills to an extent, but it’s one thing to drop a grade because you didn’t give yourself enough time to finish a paper and quite another when entire teams of people across different departments (and external companies) are relying on you to submit a proposal on a deadline.

Even without resorting to such extreme examples, it’s a simple reality that the world of work is far more rigid than university in terms of time management. From something as simple as working out how to be on time every single day to learning how to deal with and prioritize the demands of different managers , right through to juggling multiple tasks and submitting everything on time and to a high standard, work experience teaches it all.

10. Networking

Just because you’re a three-month intern at the very bottom of the corporate “food chain”, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make an impression on others. This means having to learn how to  create and develop professional relationships  with coworkers, managers and even clients — a vitally important skill that you will use for the entire duration of your career.

It can also lead to a  multitude of opportunities . If you impress with your attitude and your ability during those three months, then this could convert into a permanent job role that will be waiting for you when you graduate.

Alternatively, you might have impressed a client so much that they suggest you contact them if you’re looking for employment. As you progress in your career, you never know how important these connections will be; hands-on experience will help you learn how to cultivate them.

11. Business etiquette

Getting a grasp of professional and  business etiquette  is something that isn’t taught in a classroom — it can only be learned by seeing and imitating. Many school leavers and graduates are not used to professional environments and can have trouble making the initial adjustment, which has consequences.

Knowing how to express yourself in an email or a phone conversation might seem relatively straightforward, but when you get it wrong, it can leave a negative and lasting impression on you. There’s nothing more embarrassing than having to be told how to answer a phone properly, for example.

Therefore, getting exposure to how offices operate and how people communicate with each other can give you a good head start. When it comes to making a positive first impression, this could truly set you apart from your peers.

12. Negotiation skills

At some point in your career, you’ll have to make agreements with employers, coworkers or outside parties over minor and even major issues. Learning the art of negotiation and compromising in the workplace is, therefore, key.

During work experience, you may run into relationships or challenges that require negotiation. You may build the skills to support your arguments while maintaining a positive tone and compromising with your peers.

Such negotiation skills will come in handy with your real-life job, from having to negotiate a work schedule, a contract, your salary or a deadline with your boss. Being able to successfully negotiate, create a mutual understanding and solve a problem can ultimately be highly beneficial for workplace success.

13. Stress management

You can’t escape  stress in the workplace . In fact, it comes hand-in-hand with success. Of course, school and university can be pressuring, but there’s a difference when it comes to your actual job.

You’re pressured to perform well,  maintain a good relationship with peers  and managers, and ultimately, keep your job so you can earn an income. To achieve these, you may be faced with situations that cause stress, such as working long hours , a heavy workload, or tight deadlines.

Although it may not feel as serious, you may face similar scenarios during your work experience. The stress you encounter during your placement can be just as demanding if you’re eager to complete it successfully and enhance your career. But learning how to manage stress beforehand can prepare you for similar situations at your future job .

14. Determination

It’s easy to give up and let go when things aren’t working out. Doing so at work, however, can have a consequential effect on your employability and overall professionalism. Employers want to hire someone who is able to push through and face any hurdles and challenges in the workplace. The work determination you attain from work experience can, therefore, be highly valuable.

Through your  internship  or placement, you will most certainly stumble upon difficult situations that will test your determination to carry on. The key is to learn to push through and avoid giving up so that, when it comes to your future job, you’ll have the same determination at the ready.

15. Coping skills

You develop coping skills by learning from your mistakes . And what better way to make “excusable” mistakes than during your work experience?

After all, you’re there to learn lessons and think about how you can improve the next time you’re in a similar situation. When you fail at something, it means you’re in the process of learning and, ultimately, that is the purpose of a work placement or an internship.

The professional experience that you gain can help you work past your mistakes, develop coping skills and take away powerful lessons that can help you avoid similar errors in your future career — which  can  be detrimental for your success.

How to highlight your work experience skills

“When you got it, flaunt it,” sang Uma Thurman in Susan Stroman’s The Producers. And why shouldn’t you? Here are four ways to hone in on your skills and show potential employers your value.

On your résumé

If you’re like most jobseekers, you’ll likely be using a reverse-chronological résumé in your job search.

Even though these types of résumés put more emphasis on work experience rather than your skill set, they must still include a section that’s dedicated to outlining your most valuable skills. Typically, you’ll want to list 10–15 skills on your résumé ; any more, and it can make your document appear cluttered and imprecise.

If you’re a student, recent graduate or someone with limited work experience, using a skills-based résumé instead can be a smart move. Where chronological résumés have a large employment history section, skills-based ones center on a professional skills section.

In your cover letter

An effective cover letter introduces you to the hiring manager, conveys your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and presents you as the ideal candidate. It does the latter by relating your skill set and knowledge to the job requirements, essentially “ticking them off” one by one.

As such, it provides an opportunity for you to talk in more detail about what you’ve learned from your job experience and which skills are your strongest .

On your LinkedIn profile

Much like your résumé, your LinkedIn profile has some key sections you should always strive to fill in. Besides your headline, summary and work experience sections, it’s a good idea to complete your skills section, too.

Although you can add around 50 skills to your profile, it’s best not to go overboard and make your profile look cluttered and unfocused. Choosing 10–15 skills (as you would on your résumé) is a better way to demonstrate your most recent and relevant skills that employers in your industry consider most desirable.

In a job interview

In a job interview, the hiring manager might ask you something along the lines of: “What have you learned from your work experience so far?”. When a question like this comes up, use it as an opportunity to talk about your skills.

The best way to do this is to describe real scenarios you dealt with in your previous roles , mention what skills those challenges or tasks allowed you to build, and then indicate how your skill set makes you a good fit for the role.

Key takeaways

As you can see, there is more to be gained from work experience than an extra block of text on your résumé. You could think of it as a crash course in  soft skill development  and professional awareness, two traits that employers look kindly upon!

To summarize:

  • Many key job skills you will develop through work immersion are transferable; in other words, they can come in handy down the line , even if you change career paths .
  • Work experience can boost your professional development in many ways. Besides growing your skill set, it often leads to important connections being made, as well as increased confidence.
  • Highlighting your skill set in your application materials as well as the interviews you attend is a great way to show prospective employers you have what it takes to meet their requirements.

Can you think of any more employability skills that work experience can help people develop? Share them with us in the comments section below.

Originally published on February 9, 2018. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

Work Experience

Soft Skills

Writing About Personal Experiences

Table of contents, introduction, what does it mean to write about personal experiences, what does it involve to write about your personal experiences, structure of an essay about your personal experiences, the process of writing about personal experiences, 1. preparation:.

b. Selecting a Personal Experience:

2. Drafting:

c. Climax or Turning Point:

3. Revising, Editing, and Final Draft:

General tips for writing the perfect narrative of your personal experience, topics about personal experience narrative, sample personal experience narrative.

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My Experience Working in a Group: Essay Sample

📄 Words: 1361
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📑 Pages: 5
✍️ Type: Essay

Teamwork Efficiency

What i learned from the team, what team members learned from me, team success factors.

  • The Most Challenging Aspects

Communication Technologies’ Effects

  • Advice to Next Semester’s Students

I believe that my team was effective in working together on the project. First of all, the planning of the project was very efficient. In the initial meeting, we devised a clear plan and created a schedule for every team member to follow, which allowed everyone to stay on schedule and submit parts of work on time. We also decided that it would be better to break down every person’s work into smaller parts to avoid doing the project at the last minute.

This ensured that we had enough time to check the work and make any corrections if required. Secondly, we determined communication channels, using online collaboration tools, such as Google docs and instant messaging chats. This helped us to support each other and to enhance the decision-making process. Throughout the project, I could consult my teammates if I had any questions or concerns about my part, which was useful. Finally, I believe that the assignment allowed each team member to show his or her skills and abilities, while at the same time enhancing our knowledge of workplace communication tools that are used by different companies.

Working in a team was an exciting opportunity for me to learn new skills and improve my ability to work in a group. One of the key differences between working alone and working in a team for me was the need for collective decision-making. Working in a group requires all members to contribute to decision-making. While working on this project, I also discovered the value of effective leadership in teamwork. Our group leader was Josie, and she worked really hard to ensure that everyone submitted their part of work on time, while at the same time remaining very kind and supportive to all team members.

She organized each meeting to ensure that we stay on schedule and communicate with each team member to check on the project. Having such an effective team leader was motivating and inspiring, which is why I enjoyed working in a group more than working on my own. In addition, working as part of a group, I learned about conflict resolution and cooperation. There were some problems and challenges that we had to solve collectively in order to finish the project successfully, and I believe that the experience of solving conflicts within a team was very useful.

Throughout working on the project, I tried to participate in all aspects of teamwork, such as meetings, online discussions, and more. Apart from working on my part of the project, I also shared my thoughts about the project with others and helped my teammates where possible. However, I did not try to influence their decisions or take on a leadership role, as this was Josie’s responsibility. I think the key skill that other team members could have learned from me was effective participation and support.

In addition, I believe that I acted efficiently during any conflicts. On one hand, I tried to contribute to finding the most beneficial solution; on the other hand, I allowed my teammates to come to a compromise with the help of the team leader rather than attempting to influence the conflict. Overall, I believe that the project allowed me to convey my views on effective communication strategies to other team members.

There were four main factors that allowed our team to complete the project successfully. First, Josie’s effective leadership helped to ensure that all team members stay on track with their work and participate in all aspects of the project. Josie managed to promote effective communication and helped to resolve any conflicts regarding the choice of topics and tools to be reviewed. Josie’s remained supportive throughout the project, which helped us to stay motivated and complete all work on time. Secondly, determining various online communication channels helped us to promote decision-making and create a supportive working environment.

Instead of waiting for the next meeting, we solved the majority of issues online within a few hours, which helped us to devote more time to research and analysis of information. Lastly, the diversity of skills and abilities of team members was very useful. When one team member struggled to find information or could not find a particular feature, there was always someone willing to help. Supporting one another and following the plan carefully helped us to resolve most of the challenges that our team faced.

The Most Challenging Aspect

One of the most challenging aspects of the team project was balancing our schedule and other commitments to organize meetings. Initially, we could not find a perfect time to meet up and became concerned that we would not be able to work on the project effectively. However, as we started to discuss various options, we found a way to compromise and to alter our schedule in a way that would permit us to meet on a regular basis. Another challenge we faced was the choice of tools.

Most of the team members wanted to write about tools they were familiar with, which led to a minor conflict as we could not decide on the allocation of tools. However, our team able was able to solve the problem by assigning tools randomly, which was fair to all team members. Finally, it was rather difficult to decide on which parts of work to include, as the amount of research we produced far exceeded the project requirements. In this case, we held a group discussion to identify the most interesting aspects of the work done and included those parts into the final project.

As part of the project, we investigated a wide variety of online collaboration tools with regards to their functionality, ease of use, benefits, and potential challenges. Overall, we found that most of the tools provide a lot of benefits for collaboration, specifically by supporting virtual team communication. For instance, Microsoft Skype for business can be used for business meetings in case, not all the workers are on-site, whereas Google Calendar can help the team to stay on track with the project schedule and regular meetings. However, with the variety of different tools available, it is crucial for the business to choose the ones that suit its current needs and can be implemented easily.

For instance, in order to use Microsoft Skype for Business effectively, it is crucial for all the participants to have high-speed, stable internet access. Google Drive, on the other hand, might influence the layout of documents, which could create difficulties if the team needs to follow a specific template in their work. Overall, a correctly chosen online tool that fits the goals and abilities of the team would be efficient in supporting virtual team communication, whereas a tool that does not suit the team’s needs might hinder the process.

Advice to Next Semester’s Student

The key advice that I would give to the next semester’s students is to create a detailed project plan and a project schedule right in the first meeting. For us, creating a project plan and schedule was very effective, as it helped us to stay on track with the work and ensure that we finish the project in advance. Moreover, it is also crucial to choose a good team leader who has a lot of experience in leading group work.

Josie was quick and efficient in resolving any conflicts or issues, which was one of the key factors allowing us to succeed. Finally, I would also recommend future students establish online communication channels. Not only does it allow to ensure quick and effective decision-making, which contributes to success, it also provides additional insight into the research of the use of communication tools, which helps to add value to the research conducted.

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Experience Essay

Experience essay generator.

learning from work experience essay

People love talking about their experiences with their family, friends, and loved ones. You can use your love for that to practice and enhance your essay writing skills. Yes, you have read it right. It is like hitting two birds with one stone. Tell your story by composing an experience essay.

10+ Experience Essay Examples

1. research experience essay.

Research Experience Essay

Size: 732 KB

2. Formal Experience Essay

Formal Experience Essay

Size: 209 KB

3. Experience of Life Essay

Experience of Life Essay

Size: 197 KB

4. Academic Personal Experience Essay

Academic Personal Experience Essay

Size: 188 KB

5. COVID-19 Experience Essay

COVID 19 Experience Essay

Size: 76 KB

6. Work Experience Essay

Work Experience Essay

Size: 75 KB

7. Post Graduation Experience Essay

Post Graduation Experience Essay

Size: 41 KB

8. Previous Research Experience Essay

Previous Research Experience Essay

Size: 28 KB

9. Sample Experience Essay

Sample Experience Essay

Size: 44 KB

10. Coaching Experience Essay

Coaching Experience Essay

Size: 19 KB

11. College Experience Essay

College Experience Essay

Size: 31 KB

What Is an Experience Essay?

An experience essay is a composition that requires you to narrate an event that you have personally experienced. It is a type of academic essay that most high school, colleges, and post-graduation studies assign their students to write to improve their writing. Most scholarship applications also require you to write this essay. In addition, some people devise this as a part of their resume when applying for work. 

How to Compose a Riveting Experience Essay

Composing various literature essays will also require you to apply different skills. In that sense, this piece of writing will test your storytelling skills. How do you effectively narrate a story on a paper? You can discover that as you go through the process of learning how to devise this document.

1. Choose an Unforgettable Memory

In selecting an experience to tell, you should choose those experiences that considerably impacted your personal life. It can be either be a positive or a negative experience. For example, you can write about your best day or the worst experience you had. Most people would opt for unique topics, but that is not a requirement. The important thing is how to make your unforgettable experience memorable for your readers. 

2. Arrange the Sequence of Events  

Sometimes when people share something, they often tell another story in between and then go back to their original topic. That’s a no-no in writing your experience essay. It needs to be carefully structured. That said, you need to arrange it by properly sequencing the events. There are available blank outline templates online to help you with this task.

3. Devise an Engrossing Introductory Paragraph

An impressive introduction should contain a compelling hook and a powerful thesis statement . The first paragraph of your essay can be a make or break factor for your entire writing. People often start judging the quality of your composition after reading your introductory paragraph. It sets the vibe and gives them the first impression. It is essential to pay a lot of attention to this segment.

4. Craft a Rousing Statement for Your Conclusion

Your conclusion paragraph should provide the gist and the purpose of your experience essay. In this last part, you should restate your thesis statement and summarize the underlying message of your writing. It should include a personal reflection regarding what that particular event made you learn about yourself. A conclusion for an essay should be powerful enough to rouse the emotions of your readers.

How should you describe an experience in your essay?

Writing a personal experience essay does not only require you to provide the order of events that happened in your experience. Instead, you should include describing what you are thinking and feeling at that moment. In addition, you should also mention the activities that are also happening during your experiences. Don’t forget to include the reactions of the people involved in your story.

What are good topics for an experience essay?

One of the most important factors to consider in choosing your topic is the thematic statement it presents. Do you want to write about love, friendship, or family? You can also choose to compose about the defining moments of your life. Such as the time you faced your greatest fears or the day you met your best friend.

What makes an experience essay different from a narrative essay?

An experience essay and a narrative essay are mostly similar. Both of these writings focus on narrating an experience of the writer. Despite that, there is something that sets them apart from each other. An experience essay focuses more on an individual’s discovery about oneself. On the other hand, the latter aims to inform the readers of how the experience made the writer realize things. Particularly the lessons regarding another person or an issue.

The act of composing this type of essay is a formative experience. In the process of writing it, you can learn lessons about yourself as well as on writing essays. Your life experiences are full of lessons. Ensure to capture the message and convey it to your readers. Secure that employment or that award certificate by crafting your experience essay thoroughly.


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Write an Experience Essay on your first day at school

Discuss a travel experience that changed your perspective in an Experience Essay

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Bridging Classroom Learning to Real-World Emergency Management

Purpose of the Internship

The purpose of the internship is to provide the fledgling emergency manager with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience related to all four phases of Emergency Management. The internship is a key component of the Emergency Administration and Planning program and provides pre-career students an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge and develop professional skills that will lead to a successful career. Moreover, the internship experience frequently provides the student with an entry into a permanent position.

Emergency Administration and Planning students must complete an internship of at least 240 hours of employment. Students must register for EADP 4800, EADP Internship Preparation, and complete the course before beginning an internship appointment. This three hour course meets four times during the semester and prepares students for an internship. Career testing, resume and interview preparation, and discussions of professional and ethical conduct are covered. When the student is ready to begin an internship, the internship coordinator will assist in identifying internships, but the student is ultimately responsible for securing an appointment.

Internships may be completed during the summer months, on a part-time basis during the academic year, or once all course work has been completed.

Internship Resources

Internship Guidelines

Career Center Internship Information

Current EADP Internship Placements

Internship Practicum Testimonials

Internship Waiver Request   - Please include your current resume with this form.

For more information, please contact the EADP Internship Coordinator,   Dr. Ron Timmons .

Internship Details

There are three categories for internships in the EADP program:

Students with NO Professional Work Experience: 48 Hours in Major

Required: Internship Preparation (EADP 4800)

Required: Internship Practicum (EADP 4810) and a 240 hour internship.

Students with Professional Work Experience (but not in EADP field): 45 Hours in Major

Not required: Internship Preparation (EADP 4800)

This change must be approved. Please contact  Dr. Ron Timmons , the EADP Internship Coordinator (Chilton 204J), to request a waiver for EADP 4800.

Students with Three (3) years Professional Work Experience in Emergency Management: 42 Hours in Major

Not required: Internship Practicum (EADP 4810) and a 240 hour internship.

This change must be approved. Please see   Dr. Ron Timmons ,  EADP Internship Coordinator (Chilton Hall 204J) to request a waiver for EADP 4800/4810.

If you choose the 42 hour degree plan, you may not complete an internship for credit.

EADP 4810 (Internship Practicum) is a restricted enrollment course and requires a permission code for registration. You MUST contact the Internship Coordinator prior to your registration date. It is best to acquire your code at least two weeks prior to your registration date. DO NOT wait until the day you are scheduled to register to try to obtain your registration code.

EADP 4800 - Internship Preparation 

During Internship Preparation, students will meet with the internship coordinator to begin arranging their internship. The internship coordinator will assist the student in securing a practicum, but the final responsibility for finding an internship rests with the student.

Enroll in Internship Preparation at least one semester before beginning an internship.

Prerequisites:  Enrollment is restricted to EADP majors who have completed EADP 3010, 3035, and 3045, and consent of the Internship Coordinator.

Topics covered in this course include: career counseling, resume development, professionalism and interviewing skills.

EADP 4810 - Internship Practicum 

Students will meet during scheduled classes to monitor progress, discuss experiences, turn in documentation and resolve concerns. The dates, locations and time for the class will be announced at the beginning of each semester via student email.

Internship Coordinator must approve internship prior to beginning internship. If it is not approved, it will not count.

Pre-requisites: Enrollment is restricted to EADP majors who have completed EADP 4800, 3010, 3035, 3045, plus 3 additional hours of EADP coursework. After a student has arranged for an internship, they must register for Internship Practicum (EADP 4810).

EADP 4810 is a restricted enrollment course and requires a restriction code for registration. You MUST contact the Internship Coordinator prior to registration in order to enroll in this course. It is best to acquire your code at least two weeks prior to your registration date. Do NOT wait until the day you are scheduled to register to try to obtain your registration code.

Obtaining an Internship

Internship opportunities are available with a variety of public agencies and departments, as well as at various levels of government. Students may also serve as interns in the private and nonprofit sectors. Internships complement coursework in the major field with practical, hands on knowledge. Students gain a better understanding of emergency management principles while also obtaining experience, credentials, and identity in the field. EADP internships, therefore, serve a very important step in the student's career preparation and development.

When anticipating an internship, you should begin by thinking about the type of work experience you would like to complete.  For example, consider whether you hope to work in the public, private or nonprofit sector.  Then, narrow the choice further by specific organization (e.g. municipal, state or federal government) and functional area (e.g. planning or response).  The internship preparation course will also help to identify student's strengths and areas of professional interest.  All students enrolled in EADP 4810 must register with Eagle Careers through the UNT Career Center. Students may find an internship searching opportunities posted on Eagle Careers, through networking, and reading professional newsletters.  To qualify for course credit, the internship must be approved by the Internship Coordinator prior to beginning the internship, be related to Emergency Administration and Planning, and supervised by a professional in the field.

If you have any questions about internship requirements or procedures, please contact the Internship Coordinator,  Dr. Ron Timmons.

Internship Waiver Form

Occasionally, students will enter the Emergency Administration and Planning program with professional experience in the field. Students who feel they have a great deal of experience directly related to emergency management can appeal for an internship waiver. Students will need to be able to articulate in a scholarly manner how their full-time professional experiences directly relate to all four phases of emergency management. A faculty committee will carefully review the request. If a student is waived from the internship requirement, their degree plan will be altered.

Additionally, a few students will have sufficient experience in a professional setting although not necessarily related to emergency management. In this situation, students may appeal to be waived from the Internship Preparation class, but still expect to do an internship. In order to be waived from the Internship Preparation Course, students will fill out the Internship Waiver Request. If the student is granted a waiver from EADP 4800, then the student will need to meet with the Internship Coordinator BEFORE accepting an internship for academic credit.

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Published: Sep 18, 2018

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    Learn from work experience

  9. Essay on OJT Learning Experience

    Despite the challenges, the benefits of OJT are clear. It is an important part of the learning process that should not be overlooked. 500 Words Essay on OJT Learning Experience Introduction to OJT Learning Experience. On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a type of learning experience that happens directly in the work environment.

  10. How to Write a Personal Experience Essay With Sample Papers

    A major, life-changing event. Something that you did over and over that was meaningful to you. Your experience and memories of a place that embodies who you are or has meaning for you. A time you were scared but overcame your fear. An ending of a relationship, activity, or event. A beginning of something new.

  11. WEEK 1: OJT Learning Experience (August 27

    WEEK 3: OJT Learning Experience (September 16-20, 2019) This third week of my OJT is so great experiences for me, many thing are happened, a lot of task that well done, thanks to Ma'am Loids ...

  12. PDF Guidelines for Writing an Experiential Learning Essay

    Sample Subjects/Topics For Experiential Learning Essays Note: All essays are based upon your adult, personal experience (aged 18+). You cannot write an essay to fulfill General Education or Elective requirements, if you do not have significant experience in the area you are writing about. All essays written for academic credit must be

  13. 15 Key Skills You Can Gain from Work Experience in 2024

    15 Key Skills You Can Gain from Work Experience in 2024

  14. Writing About Personal Experiences

    The Process of Writing About Personal Experiences. Here is a comprehensive guide outlining the steps for writing about personal experiences: 1. Preparation: Before starting the drafting process of your personal experience essay, consider immersing yourself in the art of narration by studying a well-crafted sample.

  15. WEEK 6: OJT Learning Experience (October 7-11, 2019)

    WEEK 3: OJT Learning Experience (September 16-20, 2019) This third week of my OJT is so great experiences for me, many thing are happened, a lot of task that well done, thanks to Ma'am Loids ...

  16. The Benefits of Lifelong Learning: [Essay Example], 719 words

    Cognitive and Health Benefits of Lifelong Learning. The benefits of lifelong learning extend beyond professional development and personal growth; it also has profound effects on cognitive function and overall well-being. Learning new things stimulates the brain, improves memory, and enhances mental acuity. Furthermore, numerous studies have ...

  17. Team Working and Learning Experience Essay Example [Free]

    What I Learned from the Team. Working in a team was an exciting opportunity for me to learn new skills and improve my ability to work in a group. One of the key differences between working alone and working in a team for me was the need for collective decision-making. Working in a group requires all members to contribute to decision-making.

  18. Work Experience Essay Sample

    Work Experience Essay Sample. 851 Words4 Pages. Work experience. I always try to utilize my time to the maximum extent in expanding my skill strata and to self-sustain through various employments. I have been employed briefly during the gaps between my academic careers. After my plus 2 examinations, I worked as a marketing representative for ...

  19. Personal Experience Essay Examples • Narrative Essay Samples

    Personal Experience Essay Examples

  20. WEEK 2: OJT Learning Experience (September 9-13, 2019)

    WEEK 2: OJT Learning Experience (September 9-13, 2019)

  21. Experience Essay

    1. Choose an Unforgettable Memory. In selecting an experience to tell, you should choose those experiences that considerably impacted your personal life. It can be either be a positive or a negative experience. For example, you can write about your best day or the worst experience you had.

  22. My Reflection On Work Immersion Experience

    My Reflection On Work Immersion Experience | PDF

  23. Internships

    Students with Professional Work Experience (but not in EADP field): 45 Hours in Major. Not required: Internship Preparation (EADP 4800) Required: Internship Practicum (EADP 4810) and a 240 hour internship. This change must be approved. Please contact Dr. Ron Timmons, the EADP Internship Coordinator (Chilton 204J), to request a waiver for EADP 4800.

  24. Service Learning Experience: [Essay Example], 447 words

    Service Learning Experience. For my service learning, I attended to Feeding South Florida. This organization is responsible for providing food to insecure people in the counties of Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe. Their work is based on banking food in big warehouses for future distribution. Being the biggest organization in these ...