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15.13 Structure Assignment

Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example:

Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

See Assignment Expressions .

When a structure type has a field which is an array, as here,

structure assigment such as r1 = r2 copies array fields’ contents just as it copies all the other fields.

This is the only way in C that you can operate on the whole contents of a array with one operation: when the array is contained in a struct . You can’t copy the contents of the data field as an array, because

would convert the array objects (as always) to pointers to the zeroth elements of the arrays (of type struct record * ), and the assignment would be invalid because the left operand is not an lvalue.

13.7 — Introduction to structs, members, and member selection

The struct keyword is used to tell the compiler that we’re defining a struct, which we’ve named Employee (since program-defined types are typically given names starting with a capital letter).

This defines a variable of type Employee named joe . When the code is executed, an Employee object is instantiated that contains the 3 data members. The empty braces ensures our object is value-initialized.

Struct member variables work just like normal variables, so it is possible to do normal operations on them, including assignment, arithmetic, comparison, etc…

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C Structures

The structure in C is a user-defined data type that can be used to group items of possibly different types into a single type. The struct keyword is used to define the structure in the C programming language. The items in the structure are called its member and they can be of any valid data type. Additionally, the values of a structure are stored in contiguous memory locations.

C Structure Declaration

We have to declare structure in C before using it in our program. In structure declaration, we specify its member variables along with their datatype. We can use the struct keyword to declare the structure in C using the following syntax:

The above syntax is also called a structure template or structure prototype and no memory is allocated to the structure in the declaration.

C Structure Definition

To use structure in our program, we have to define its instance. We can do that by creating variables of the structure type. We can define structure variables using two methods:

1. Structure Variable Declaration with Structure Template

2. structure variable declaration after structure template, access structure members.

We can access structure members by using the ( . ) dot operator.

In the case where we have a pointer to the structure, we can also use the arrow operator to access the members.

Initialize Structure Members

Structure members cannot be initialized with the declaration. For example, the following C program fails in the compilation.

The reason for the above error is simple. When a datatype is declared, no memory is allocated for it. Memory is allocated only when variables are created.

Default Initialization

By default, structure members are not automatically initialized to 0 or NULL. Uninitialized structure members will contain garbage values. However, when a structure variable is declared with an initializer, all members not explicitly initialized are zero-initialized.

We can initialize structure members in 3 ways which are as follows:

  • Using Assignment Operator.
  • Using Initializer List.
  • Using Designated Initializer List.

1. Initialization using Assignment Operator

2. initialization using initializer list.

In this type of initialization, the values are assigned in sequential order as they are declared in the structure template.

3. Initialization using Designated Initializer List

Designated Initialization allows structure members to be initialized in any order. This feature has been added in the C99 standard .

The Designated Initialization is only supported in C but not in C++.

Example of Structure in C

The following C program shows how to use structures

typedef for Structures

The typedef keyword is used to define an alias for the already existing datatype. In structures, we have to use the struct keyword along with the structure name to define the variables. Sometimes, this increases the length and complexity of the code. We can use the typedef to define some new shorter name for the structure.

Nested Structures

C language allows us to insert one structure into another as a member. This process is called nesting and such structures are called nested structures . There are two ways in which we can nest one structure into another:

1. Embedded Structure Nesting

In this method, the structure being nested is also declared inside the parent structure.

2. Separate Structure Nesting

In this method, two structures are declared separately and then the member structure is nested inside the parent structure.

One thing to note here is that the declaration of the structure should always be present before its definition as a structure member. For example, the declaration below is invalid as the struct mem is not defined when it is declared inside the parent structure.

Accessing Nested Members

We can access nested Members by using the same ( . ) dot operator two times as shown:

Example of Structure Nesting

Structure pointer in c.

We can define a pointer that points to the structure like any other variable. Such pointers are generally called Structure Pointers . We can access the members of the structure pointed by the structure pointer using the ( -> ) arrow operator.

Example of Structure Pointer

Self-referential structures.

The self-referential structures in C are those structures that contain references to the same type as themselves i.e. they contain a member of the type pointer pointing to the same structure type.

Example of Self-Referential Structures

Such kinds of structures are used in different data structures such as to define the nodes of linked lists, trees, etc.

C Structure Padding and Packing

Technically, the size of the structure in C should be the sum of the sizes of its members. But it may not be true for most cases. The reason for this is Structure Padding.

Structure padding is the concept of adding multiple empty bytes in the structure to naturally align the data members in the memory. It is done to minimize the CPU read cycles to retrieve different data members in the structure.

There are some situations where we need to pack the structure tightly by removing the empty bytes. In such cases, we use Structure Packing. C language provides two ways for structure packing:

  • Using #pragma pack(1)
  • Using __attribute((packed))__

Example of Structure Padding and Packing

As we can see, the size of the structure is varied when structure packing is performed.

To know more about structure padding and packing, refer to this article – Structure Member Alignment, Padding and Data Packing .

Bit Fields are used to specify the length of the structure members in bits. When we know the maximum length of the member, we can use bit fields to specify the size and reduce memory consumption.

Syntax of Bit Fields

 example of bit fields.

As we can see, the size of the structure is reduced when using the bit field to define the max size of the member ‘a’.

Uses of Structure in C

C structures are used for the following:

  • The structure can be used to define the custom data types that can be used to create some complex data types such as dates, time, complex numbers, etc. which are not present in the language.
  • It can also be used in data organization where a large amount of data can be stored in different fields.
  • Structures are used to create data structures such as trees, linked lists, etc.
  • They can also be used for returning multiple values from a function.

Limitations of C Structures

In C language, structures provide a method for packing together data of different types. A Structure is a helpful tool to handle a group of logically related data items. However, C structures also have some limitations.

  • Higher Memory Consumption: It is due to structure padding.
  • No Data Hiding: C Structures do not permit data hiding. Structure members can be accessed by any function, anywhere in the scope of the structure.
  • Functions inside Structure: C structures do not permit functions inside the structure so we cannot provide the associated functions.
  • Static Members: C Structure cannot have static members inside its body.
  • Construction creation in Structure: Structures in C cannot have a constructor inside Structures.

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  • Next, initialize the pointer variable (make it point to something). Pointer variables store addresses . Initialize a pointer to the address of a storage location of the type to which it points. One way to do this is to use the ampersand operator on regular variable to get its address value: int x; char ch; ptr = &x; // ptr get the address of x, pointer "points to" x ------------ ------ ptr | addr of x|--------->| ?? | x ------------ ------ cptr = &ch; // ptr get the address of ch, pointer "points to" ch cptr = &x; // ERROR! cptr can hold a char address only (it's NOT a pointer to an int) All pointer variable can be set to a special value NULL . NULL is not a valid address but it is useful for testing a pointer variable to see if it points to a valid memory address before we access what it points to: ptr = NULL; ------ ------ cptr = NULL; ptr | NULL |-----| cptr | NULL |----| ------ ------
  • Use *var_name to dereference the pointer to access the value in the location that it points to. Some examples: int *ptr1, *ptr2, x, y; x = 8; ptr1 = NULL; ptr2 = &x; ------------ ------ ptr2 | addr of x|--------->| 8 | x ------------ ------ *ptr2 = 10; // dereference ptr2: "what ptr2 points to gets 10" ------------ ----- ptr2 | addr of x|--------->| 10 | x ------------ ----- y = *ptr2 + 3; // dereference ptr2: "y gets what ptr2 points to plus 3" ----- ----- ptr1 = ptr2; // ptr1 gets address value stored in ptr2 ------------ ----- ptr2 | addr of x |--------->| 10 | x ------------ ----- /\ ------------ | ptr1 | addr of x |-------------- ------------ // TODO: finish tracing through this code and show what is printed *ptr1 = 100; ptr1 = &y; *ptr1 = 80; printf("x = %d y = %d\n", x, y); printf("x = %d y = %d\n", *ptr2, *ptr1);
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C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following C programming topics:

Store Information in Structure and Display it

In this program, a structure student is created. The structure has three members: name (string), roll (integer) and marks (float).

Then, we created an array of structures s having 5 elements to store information of 5 students.

Using a for loop, the program takes the information of 5 students from the user and stores it in the array of structure. Then using another for loop, the information entered by the user is displayed on the screen.

Sorry about that.

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Struct declaration.


A struct is a type consisting of a sequence of members whose storage is allocated in an ordered sequence (as opposed to union, which is a type consisting of a sequence of members whose storage overlaps).

The type specifier for a struct is identical to the union type specifier except for the keyword used:

Syntax Explanation Forward declaration Keywords Notes Example Defect reports References See also

[ edit ] Syntax

attr-spec-seq (optional) name (optional) struct-declaration-list (1)
attr-spec-seq (optional) name (2)
name - the name of the struct that's being defined
struct-declaration-list - any number of variable declarations, declarations, and declarations. Members of incomplete type and members of function type are not allowed (except for the flexible array member described below)
attr-spec-seq - (C23)optional list of , applied to the struct type

[ edit ] Explanation

Within a struct object, addresses of its elements (and the addresses of the bit-field allocation units) increase in order in which the members were defined. A pointer to a struct can be cast to a pointer to its first member (or, if the member is a bit-field, to its allocation unit). Likewise, a pointer to the first member of a struct can be cast to a pointer to the enclosing struct. There may be unnamed padding between any two members of a struct or after the last member, but not before the first member. The size of a struct is at least as large as the sum of the sizes of its members.

If a struct defines at least one named member, it is allowed to additionally declare its last member with incomplete array type. When an element of the flexible array member is accessed (in an expression that uses operator or with the flexible array member's name as the right-hand-side operand), then the struct behaves as if the array member had the longest size fitting in the memory allocated for this object. If no additional storage was allocated, it behaves as if an array with 1 element, except that the behavior is undefined if that element is accessed or a pointer one past that element is produced. Initialization and the assignment operator ignore the flexible array member. sizeof omits it, but may have more trailing padding than the omission would imply. Structures with flexible array members (or unions who have a recursive-possibly structure member with flexible array member) cannot appear as array elements or as members of other structures.

s { int n; double d[]; }; // s.d is a flexible array member   struct s t1 = { 0 }; // OK, d is as if double d[1], but UB to access struct s t2 = { 1, { 4.2 } }; // error: initialization ignores flexible array   // if sizeof (double) == 8 struct s *s1 = (sizeof (struct s) + 64); // as if d was double d[8] struct s *s2 = (sizeof (struct s) + 40); // as if d was double d[5]   s1 = (sizeof (struct s) + 10); // now as if d was double d[1]. Two bytes excess. double *dp = &(s1->d[0]); // OK *dp = 42; // OK s1->d[1]++; // Undefined behavior. 2 excess bytes can't be accessed // as double.   s2 = (sizeof (struct s) + 6); // same, but UB to access because 2 bytes are // missing to complete 1 double dp = &(s2->d[0]); // OK, can take address just fine *dp = 42; // undefined behavior   *s1 = *s2; // only copies s.n, not any element of s.d // except those caught in sizeof (struct s)
(since C99)

Similar to union, an unnamed member of a struct whose type is a struct without name is known as . Every member of an anonymous struct is considered to be a member of the enclosing struct or union, keeping their structure layout. This applies recursively if the enclosing struct or union is also anonymous.

v { union // anonymous union { struct { int i, j; }; // anonymous structure struct { long k, l; } w; }; int m; } v1;   v1.i = 2; // valid v1.k = 3; // invalid: inner structure is not anonymous v1.w.k = 5; // valid

Similar to union, the behavior of the program is undefined if struct is defined without any named members (including those obtained via anonymous nested structs or unions).

(since C11)

[ edit ] Forward declaration

A declaration of the following form

attr-spec-seq (optional) name

hides any previously declared meaning for the name name in the tag name space and declares name as a new struct name in current scope, which will be defined later. Until the definition appears, this struct name has incomplete type .

This allows structs that refer to each other:

Note that a new struct name may also be introduced just by using a struct tag within another declaration, but if a previously declared struct with the same name exists in the tag name space , the tag would refer to that name

[ edit ] Keywords

[ edit ] notes.

See struct initialization for the rules regarding the initializers for structs.

Because members of incomplete type are not allowed, and a struct type is not complete until the end of the definition, a struct cannot have a member of its own type. A pointer to its own type is allowed, and is commonly used to implement nodes in linked lists or trees.

Because a struct declaration does not establish scope , nested types, enumerations and enumerators introduced by declarations within struct-declaration-list are visible in the surrounding scope where the struct is defined.

[ edit ] Example

Possible output:

[ edit ] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
C11 members of anonymous structs/unions were considered members of the enclosing struct/union they retain their memory layout

[ edit ] References

  • C23 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2024):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: TBD)
  • C17 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 81-84)
  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 112-117)
  • C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 101-104)
  • C89/C90 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990):
  • Structure and union specifiers

[ edit ] See also

  • struct and union member access
  • struct initialization
for Class declaration
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C++ Tutorial

C++ functions, c++ classes, c++ reference, c++ examples, c++ structures (struct), c++ structures.

Structures (also called structs) are a way to group several related variables into one place. Each variable in the structure is known as a member of the structure.

Unlike an array , a structure can contain many different data types (int, string, bool, etc.).

Create a Structure

To create a structure, use the struct keyword and declare each of its members inside curly braces.

After the declaration, specify the name of the structure variable ( myStructure in the example below):

Access Structure Members

To access members of a structure, use the dot syntax ( . ):

Assign data to members of a structure and print it:

One Structure in Multiple Variables

You can use a comma ( , ) to use one structure in many variables:

This example shows how to use a structure in two different variables:

Use one structure to represent two cars:

Named Structures

By giving a name to the structure, you can treat it as a data type. This means that you can create variables with this structure anywhere in the program at any time.

To create a named structure, put the name of the structure right after the struct keyword:

To declare a variable that uses the structure, use the name of the structure as the data type of the variable:

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C Programming Tutorial

  • Array as Member of Structure in C

Last updated on July 27, 2020

Since the beginning of this chapter, we have already been using arrays as members inside structures. Nevertheless, let's discuss it one more time. For example:

struct student { char name[20]; int roll_no; float marks; };

The student structure defined above has a member name which is an array of 20 characters.

Let's create another structure called student to store name, roll no and marks of 5 subjects.

struct student { char name[20]; int roll_no; float marks[5]; };

If student_1 is a variable of type struct student then:

student_1.marks[0] - refers to the marks in the first subject student_1.marks[1] - refers to the marks in the second subject

and so on. Similarly, if arr_student[10] is an array of type struct student then:

arr_student[0].marks[0] - refers to the marks of first student in the first subject arr_student[1].marks[2] - refers to the marks of the second student in the third subject

The following program asks the user to enter name, roll no and marks in 2 subjects and calculates the average marks of each student.

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define MAX 2 #define SUBJECTS 2 struct student { char name[20]; int roll_no; float marks[SUBJECTS]; }; int main() { struct student arr_student[MAX]; int i, j; float sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++ ) { printf("\nEnter details of student %d\n\n", i+1); printf("Enter name: "); scanf("%s", arr_student[i].name); printf("Enter roll no: "); scanf("%d", &arr_student[i].roll_no); for(j = 0; j < SUBJECTS; j++) { printf("Enter marks: "); scanf("%f", &arr_student[i].marks[j]); } } printf("\n"); printf("Name\tRoll no\tAverage\n\n"); for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++ ) { sum = 0; for(j = 0; j < SUBJECTS; j++) { sum += arr_student[i].marks[j]; } printf("%s\t%d\t%.2f\n", arr_student[i].name, arr_student[i].roll_no, sum/SUBJECTS); } // signal to operating system program ran fine return 0; }

Expected Output:

Enter details of student 1 Enter name: Rick Enter roll no: 1 Enter marks: 34 Enter marks: 65 Enter details of student 2 Enter name: Tim Enter roll no: 2 Enter marks: 35 Enter marks: 85 Name Roll no Average Rick 1 49.50 Tim 2 60.00

How it works:

In line 3 and 4, we have declared two symbolic constants MAX and SUBJECTS which controls the number of students and subjects respectively.

In lines 6-11, we have declared a structure student which have three members namely name , roll_no and marks .

In line 15, we have declared an array of structures arr_student of size MAX .

In line 16, we have declared two int variables i , j to control loops.

In line 17, we have declared a float variable sum and initialized it to 0 . This variable will be used to accumulate marks of a particular student.

In line 19-34, we have a for loop which asks the user to enter the details of the student. Inside this for loop, we have a nested for loop which asks the user to enter the marks obtained by the students in various subjects.

In line 40-50, we have another for loop whose job is to print the details of the student. Notice that after each iteration the sum is reinitialized to 0 , this is necessary otherwise we will not get the correct answer. The nested for loop is used to accumulate the marks of a particular student in the variable sum. At last the print statement in line 48, prints all the details of the student.

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assign value for field in a struct using a loop

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Set Members in Struct: SOLUTION!

I’ve been running into problems where using set members in struct function would overwrite any empty pins with default values. After about 2 weeks of beating my head against desk, I worked it out a few minutes ago.

Solution: When editing custom structs in BP using Set Member in Struct function, select node, and under node properties hide any pins that you are not updating. This will make it so that it does not update anything but what you actually have connected.

Create a struct with default values. Pass struct to a function Inside function do something to edit variables and then try to assign something to each of them them with “Set Members in Struct” without hiding any pins. Next, make some more edits, and then try to assign values using Set Members in Struct. Leave some pins empty but not hidden. Print Struct.

Next, alter second struct by hiding unused pins. Print struct.

This method works on structs of structs, and structs of structs of structs.

To be tested:

I have not yet tested if this will work with structs within an array. it would be worth testing though.

No Answer Needed. Answer in OP.

This has been tested in 4.6.0 and confirmed to work with Arrays of structs. Just remember to set your array element after setting members of your struct.

Not having any luck using this trick with Arrays of structs. values do not udate (even if I remove unused pins).

What do you mean exactly by “Just remember to set your array element after setting members of your struct.” ?

I’m using 4.6.1

If you make a change to struct itself, reset element in array with struct. i.e. edit struct then do an array set element and pass it newly edited struct.

if you will post up a picture of your current setup I will have a look and help if I can.

Would you mind posting up an image of your solution of this working with an array of structs ?

Thanks buddy !

Beter solution here. We have a backpack with an array of InventoryItem structs, I pass in struct by reference, then break it, then set all fields, then set to a local struct (forcing a copy) then return by value. You then put this back into array.


Here is upper level call to function.


I’m doing an inventory system with dropping items out of inventory, spawning that actor in world but need to pass struct details from dropped item to spawned item in world. . . . problem being is construction script of spawned item is setting default values for class object.

Screen picture is below of how i’m trying to implement this… i have CONFIRMED through several rounds of PRINT STRINGS that variables are INDEED getting passed through custom event bind (coming from my HUD ON DROP action, calling event dispatcher in my controller script) so variable passing is not an issue… it is SETTING these variables upon spawn of actor class. Any solutions out there for this? This post and one other are only relevant posts i see regarding this information.


Hi walldiv,

Your best bet for getting this in front of more people is to open a new question in Blueprint Scripting section:

Feel free to reference this post with a link if you think it’s relevant. Thanks!

This is also why I was mentioning delegate binding in construction scripts in one of my other posts. We ran into a similar problem and I am not yet certain how to work around it.

We finally punted on this issue and converted struct to a class.

Heh, how can i convert struct to a class and create some objects using that class? I can’t see any possibility to do this using blueprints, i afraid i have to start my project using raw c++ code to achieve any good result.

I have never needed to convert a struct to a class. Just create a class from start.

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Way to loop through systemverilog structure members

I have a structure x defined as below

The number of members inside the structure is not deterministic. I want to print out each value of the structure member separately. Is there a way to loop through the structure members?

Thanks in advance.

  • system-verilog

user1978273's user avatar

2 Answers 2

You can try

%p is for an assignment p attern. and displays

If you want anything more complex, there's no way to iterate over struct members from the SystemVerilog itself. There is a C based API (VPI) to get access to this information, but you need to be a serious developer to do this.

dave_59's user avatar

  • Thank you. I tried doing this inside a class. It just printed %p without the value. Is there any restriction of where it can be used? –  user1978273 Commented May 18, 2018 at 17:14
  • class transaction_class; typedef struct packed { int a; int b; } member; member mem, dont_compare; function new; this.dont_compare = '0; endfunction function compare(transaction_class _actual); if((this.mem & ~this.dont_compare) != (_actual.mem & ~this.dont_compare)) $error("Compare mismatch. expected is %p and actual is %p\n", this.mem, _actual.mem); else $display("Compare success\n"); endfunction endclass Displayed: Compare mismatch. expected is %p and actual is %p –  user1978273 Commented May 18, 2018 at 17:16
  • Looks like a tool issue. Some tools do not support %p in $error, only $display or $sformatf. Also, your compare function needs a void return type. Implicit default return type is one logic bit. –  dave_59 Commented May 18, 2018 at 17:36
  • glad to know using VPI makes me "a serious developer" :D –  nmz787 Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 18:17

A cumbersome way to iterate over a struct can be to use a union to contain the struct. It is a tedious way but gets the intent of cycling over a struct.

Nisreen Taiyeby's user avatar

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struct member value assignment with a loop


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    struct member value assignment with a loop


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