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Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

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A successful application to a Film and Media Studies program requires a well-crafted personal statement that reflects your passion for the subject. You need to showcase your unique perspectives and experiences to stand out from the competition.

You must also demonstrate the specific knowledge and skills you can bring to the program. With an eye towards creativity and practicality, this article will provide guidance to craft an excellent film and media studies personal statement .

What Is a Film and Media Studies Personal Statement?

A Film and Media Studies personal statement is an essential document for anyone hoping to pursue a degree in film or media. This document helps admission officers gain insight into the applicant’s motivations, aspirations, skills, and experiences pertinent to their studies.

A well-crafted personal statement will give candidates a competitive edge in pursuing higher education. The statement should be written with clarity, specificity, and emotion while also demonstrating knowledge of the field. By weaving together factual examples and creative language, applicants can showcase their unique talents as well as their commitment to this exciting industry.

Tips to Write a Good Film and Media Personal Statement

Emphasize your passion.

When writing a personal statement for film and media studies, it’s vital to demonstrate your passion for the field in an engaging way. Provide detailed examples of experiences that have nurtured your interest in the industry. It could be attending movie screenings or participating in relevant activities. Demonstrating a deep-seated enthusiasm and commitment to pursuing film and media studies will help showcase your drive and determination to admissions officers.

Highlight Relevant Experiences

Utilize your personal statement to emphasize any previous experiences you may have had related to filmmaking, media production, scriptwriting, or video editing. Even if these experiences are outside the classroom, they can still provide valuable insight into your skill set and capabilities within this field. Include any projects you’ve completed, awards or accolades you’ve earned, and internships or jobs you’ve held. And explain how each of these has strengthened your understanding of film and media studies.

Discuss Your Professional Goals

While discussing past experiences is important, make sure to also focus on your future ambitions for the field. Explain what professional aspirations you hope to achieve after graduating from the program. It could be working as a director, producer, cinematographer, editor, or writer. It provides admission officers with a clear vision of your career goal and why the specific program is ideal for you to get there.

Make It Personal

To craft a compelling personal statement for film and media studies, inject some personality! Include anecdotes or stories about yourself which offer insight into who you are as an individual. Showcasing your character traits and perspectives through thoughtful storytelling adds layers of dimension to your application. It lets the reader know the “real” you beyond just facts and figures.

Tailor It to the Program

Tailor your personal statement directly to the program you are applying to. Research the institution thoroughly and find ways to mention elements of its curriculum that resonate with you. Or mention areas of specialization offered by faculty members which excite you professionally.

black and grey DSLR camera near several photos on brown map

Film and Media Studies Personal Statement Example

Below is an excellent example of a film and media studies personal statement to inspire you to write one for yourself:

Personal Statement Example

I have always been fascinated by the potential of media and film to incite change on a large scale. As an undergrad, I immersed myself in courses that explored these disciplines – from American cinema to global digital content. And I have since developed a comprehensive understanding of how different media platforms can be used to communicate powerful messages. My interest has led me to pursue further studies in Film and Media Studies. I am eager to use my passion for narrative-building and storytelling to shape conversations about important social issues like immigration, poverty, and gender inequality.

A graduate degree in Film and Media Studies will give me the essential skills to produce impactful films. It would increase my aptitude in online communication and challenge viewers to think critically about current events. In addition, it will open up opportunities to work on projects related to documentary filmmaking, advertising campaigns, and public service announcements. These are areas where I could apply my already-sophisticated knowledge of cinematography and production design. Moreover, collaborating with other professionals from diverse backgrounds would expand my skill set and bolster my capabilities as an independent producer.

Sustaining an active presence within this field is crucial for honing my craft. Therefore, I am committed to dedicating extra hours outside class for networking and professional development activities. I plan to leverage my previous experience teaching introductory film classes at two local universities to make meaningful contributions to departmental seminars. With all these elements combined, I am confident that I will not only grow as a practitioner but also empower others through my work.

Film and media studies is a unique field that requires understanding both creative elements and technical concepts. By crafting a personal statement that accurately reflects one’s experience and passion for the subject matter, potential students can stand out from the rest.

It’s essential to use clear language and structure, inject emotion into your writing, and utilize colloquialisms. By following the right approach and the tips and examples in this post, you can make their application shine.

Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to get into Film School - PART 1: The Personal Statement

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  • Publish date Aug 15, 2019
  • Updated Aug 15, 2019
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good film studies personal statement

scribble.jones said: 1. Figure out what your application is doing in front of them. Come up with two or three d@mn good reasons why you belong at USC and make them the soul of your statement. 2. Just do it, then do it again (repeat as necessary). Be aware that it's not easy and it's not meant to be. Force yourself to get something down, go over what works, then do it again until you're happy with it. 3. Imagine yourself as a character, then tell them your story. You want them to get to know you, and hopefully to like you, so pitch yourself accordingly. If you were a protagonist, what personal qualities would you highlight? How did those things contribute to you arriving on their doorstep? 4. At the end of the day, they are looking for alumni. Your success is their success, so do everything you can to present yourself as a good bet. Have you visited? Why do you think you're a perfect fit? Be confident (though not arrogant!) and demonstrate your vision and your enthusiasm. 5. Humor is an option. My statement began with a hilarious anecdote from my days as a medical office assistant. It probably told them more about me than any bumbling attempt to summarize myself, and it set up a flow for the rest of the piece. More to the point, humor amid a sea of seriousness will make your statement readable and memorable. 6. You'll know it when you've got it. 'Nuff said. Click to expand...
Jayimess said: don't tell them how awesome USC is...they already know that. Instead, show them your own voice. Click to expand...
osmosisjonesiz said: I took a very narrative approach to my writing style on my narrative, mainly due to the fact that I didn't want to focus my statement on my love of film but instead wanted to tell my story, in a fashion that still kept my love for story telling. All in all, I would say, focus on what makes you you, and by the end of your statement find a way to tie that back into filmmaking, instead of focusing on filmmaking for the entirety of it. The last thing you want is to sound like every other person who loves films. Be different, be unique, and most importantly, just be you. Click to expand...
Xylo said: I would focus on what makes you unique, avoid the stereotypical comments about Steven Spielberg or George Lucas (unless they REALLY made an impact on you that is super significant), and make it sound like a story. Being a filmmaker is about telling a great story, after all. Click to expand...
Edouard N said: Regarding format: USC is deliberately vague here because it wants to give you the freedom to be as creative as you wish to be. As long as you stay within the guidelines in the application (e.g. number of words, page limit, etc), anything goes. I've even heard of people who submitted a personal statement in the format of a storyboard/comic strip. Of course, it's also totally fine to submit more traditional formats, like a classic essay structure. There's no right or wrong answer here in my opinion. Click to expand...
Dorothy said: I would say that trying to establish a strong voice through structure is best. Focus on answering the questions asked within the prompt and structure will emerge as you go through the characters, events, and weave the story with a beginning, middle, end. Build up your story and your world with conflict then have it lead to pay offs at the end. Don't be afraid to think of the structure of your favorite shows or films and have that inspire the structure as well. Tell your authentic story. Click to expand...
BuddernScotch said: How can you be as undeniable as your drive, how can you get that across to people that have read 100000s of applications all spouting the same thing? It's a cliche and that's why it often goes over our head, this "be you and be unique" type of thing, but really think about it. Who are you? Why do you want this so much? What do you have to offer that no one else does? And how do all these things tie together? Look into yourself and you will find these answers, my friend. For the first two years, my SOP was something like: Garbage boring human who loves movies and can probably write goodish seeks entry into top film school please let me in. That didn't work. The final year, more along the lines of: Immigrant gamer girl with sad lonely outsider past seeks sense of belonging through books movies and the online world. I realized that filmschool wasn't my actual goal. My actual goal was to tell stories in order to understand myself and others. Filmschool would help me get there. And there are MANY wonderful schools at that, so please please do your research and apply to several choices and understand that even if you don't get into any of them there are so many paths to success it's overwhelming (and why I defaulted to filmschool). I tortured myself by being dead set on one program and wasted so much energy and time... I won't go into it. There's not a program in the world that guarantees you success, so look around at the options! In summ: Are you trying to tell stories so you get into film school, or are you trying to get into film school to tell stories? Click to expand...
katavi08 said: Sorry! I didn't mean to make you nervous! Let me clarify: the reason the personal statement is so important (again just speaking from my experience!) is because it is looked at by both the admissions counselors and the faculty. When the admissions counselors look at it they are looking for things like sloppy writing, or any red flags. For example, we had an essay come in last semester that had some racist undertones to it. This person wasn't applying for an MFA, but the admissions team look for things like that in all essays that come through. Faculty are busy, and looking over applications takes time. The job of the admissions counselors is to make things as easy as possible by cutting out any people who obviously won't make the cut. If you don't have at least a 3.0 GPA or equivalent you're out. If you're essay is sloppy, or causes concern you're out. Now sloppy essay does not mean you have two or three typos and that's it. It happens, and one typo is not going to hurt you. There is a clear difference between the writing of people who took the time on their essay and those that did not. At this level of education, there is an expectation that your writing will be at a certain level, and that you will take the responsibility to put effort into it. The faculty use them as a way to get to know you as a person. So, it's better to have an essay that is true to who you are than something that sounds cliche and boring. Click to expand...
katavi08 said: Personal statements are also important when it comes to things like institutional aid. Example: at my college, once students have been accepted, the director of graduate admissions will work with the counselors to make a list of students they recommend for scholarships, fellowship, etc. This list goes to financial aid, and things go from there. A lot of things go into determining a student's financial aid package, and this includes admissions materials. I’m not sure how this works with larger universities, but at my college we have a scholarship budget that is given to us every year by the institution. From this budget, the director decides who gets a scholarship, and how much. This amount is coming directly out of the graduate school budget, and once it's gone, it's gone. Where does the personal statement come in? Well, like I said the director works closely with the counselors to determine who should get scholarships. Admissions is not looking at your FASFA, or any other financial documents. So, they make their recommendations based on what they know about each student from their essay, and other application materials. The sad truth is admissions counselor can and will pick favorites amongst a group of applicants. I've heard counselors in my office rave about certain students after reading their essays. Much like the faculty, they like essay that show them who you are as a person. A good essay will help you get through the rounds, but a great, truly personal essay can give you an edge throughout the whole process. Click to expand...
LonelyBear said: Generally for the statement of purpose the review committee is looking to get a sense of who you are as a person and what led you the the discipline that you are interested in. It's a way for them to gauge you as a individual. People definitely can get dramatic but that's not always a good thing in my opinion since melodrama is often worse than no drama. Personally I think it's always best to be honest and forward about things. Explain to them what matters to you and why. The events in your life that really shaped you the way you are and led you to be interested in producing. If you show real character and willingness to commit I think that will be good enough. Click to expand...
moni4liberty said: The only rule I tried to follow during the application process was "don't show them anything they've seen before." So, for my personal statements, I completely avoided all talk about why I like filmmaking and what's special about it. I didn't even mention film until the last quarter of my statement. I focused on things that were totally unique to me, that no one else would say. Same for the writing samples. Just don't be cliche. Be as uniquely you as possible! Click to expand...

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Chris W

Owner of FilmSchool.org and working as a Film & TV editor and producer in Los Angeles since 2001. Boston University College of Communication Class of 1999 for film (BS).

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  • Personal Statements
  • Film personal statement

Film Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For most students the thought of doing a degree that involves breaking out the popcorn and sitting on the sofa watching films is pretty appealing, but studying Film is harder than you think and you have to get onto the course first.

If you’ve been having trouble writing an award winning personal statement here is an example of a personal statement for someone applying to study Film.

Ever since I was a young child I have been fascinated by films and how artists, directors, producers, and actors use film to convey their message to a wider audience. Whether they want to communicate comedy, tragedy, horror, drama, fictional or real life events it can all be captured by the magic of cinema.

As well as a strong interest in film I also have a passion for history and enjoyed combining these two things during school history lessons when we explored how film can be used for propaganda purposes during times of war.

In particular I am especially interested in how film was used during the Second World War by both the Allies and the Nazis to convey negative messages about the opposition and to raise morale.

During the lesson we were required to write a short film script for a propaganda film which first inspired me to start script writing in my spare time. Outside of school I attend writing workshops to further develop my skills and I hope to submit my scripts to an agency in the near future.

A work experience period with a local media company enabled me to gain a more in-depth insight into the industry and to develop my media production abilities. This period also helped me to develop my communication and teamwork skills. I gained a real sense of responsibility and achievement by completely this placement, as well as good references from my manager.

I hope that my time at university will give me a better understanding of the techniques used to create a successful film and to utilise my experience, skills, and knowledge for a future career.

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  • Film Production Personal Statement Examples

Learn how to write a good film personal statement from our examples. Our personal statement examples are free to use for inspiration and as a template for writing. 

Below are two film production personal statement examples you can check. 

Film Production Personal Statement Example

I have been captivated by the magic of film. Watching movies transported me to different worlds and sparked my imagination. This lifelong passion for film has fueled my ambition to become a film producer. Studying Film Production at university will equip me with the practical skills and knowledge to achieve this goal.

To prepare for university, I completed a BTEC in Media Production where I gained top marks in most courses, demonstrating my determination and ability to overcome obstacles to reach my objectives. I particularly excelled at the practical elements of production, and I look forward to continuing to strengthen these skills at university. While I had previously pursued traditional academic A-Levels in Theatre, English Literature and Law, I found that my true talents and interests lie in the practical and creative realms of film production.

Beyond the classroom, I have actively sought opportunities to gain valuable experience in the film industry. I spent a term teaching primary school children how to make stop-motion animations, utilizing techniques I had taught myself to help the students create their own short films. However, my most impactful experience was working as a runner for an actual production company, where I assisted in assembling and disassembling 3D cameras. This gave me an invaluable, hands-on understanding of camera equipment and functions. My weekend job as a sales assistant in the Sound and Vision department of Sainsbury’s has also provided insight into film marketing and distribution. Advising customers on what films to choose has honed my skills in effectively promoting creative works, which will be useful for networking within the industry.

In my spare time, I have taught myself various technical aspects of filmmaking by creating stop-motion animations and short films. My self-taught abilities were recognised when I was chosen to edit a company’s promotional video, providing my first paid work and lesson in balancing artistic vision with client demands. I also served as team leader for a student production where I edited a music video and managed a 16-person crew as floor manager, overseeing all cameras and equipment. My editing work received public acclaim when our student production was nominated for a prestigious award. As Technical Director and Chief Editor, I ensured my team executed all technical elements, gaining valuable experience directing others and strengthening my time management abilities.

Outside of film, I enjoy organising charity events for a local hospital’s special care baby unit. I am an avid swimmer and hope to join the university’s swim team. I aim to collaborate with other film students at the university on various projects. I am determined to seize every opportunity to progress towards my goal of becoming a film producer. The film is my passion, and I aspire to instil in others the sense of wonder it has given me.

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Film and TV production personal statement

Fascinated by the film in all its complexity, from the collaborative creative process of production to its cultural impact and ability to influence society. Through previous study, I have built a strong foundation in both film theory and practice. I now aim to gain specialized knowledge that will allow me to play an integral role in the growing film industry.

From an early age, I have been imaginative and creative, enjoying various art forms and media. An avid dramatist and writer as a child, I often made short films and put on plays with friends and family, in addition to participating in school productions. Film uniquely combines my interests in storytelling, visual arts, and performance, explaining my lifelong dedication to the medium.

Eager to turn this passion into a career, I pursued an undergraduate degree in Media and Creative Industries to gain comprehensive exposure to media theory and practice. While focusing heavily on filmmaking modules and completing many projects, the broad, cross-media nature of the course has shaped me into a well-rounded creative talent. Nevertheless, the film remains the medium that inspires me the most. I took a directing course at the Met Film School in London to gain further practical experience exploring different aspects of filmmaking.

My filmmaking experiences during these courses have also led to amateur projects with friends and fellow students in various production roles, including Co-Producer and Assistant Director, using different cameras and editing software. My natural abilities in organization, working well under pressure, and communicating with my team indicate I am well-suited to such positions, which I hope to explore as potential career paths.

Fascinated by film’s power to convey complex ideas, I have also worked to thoroughly understand communication in general. Placements at DDB Advertising and in fashion marketing/design (including website design) have allowed me to demonstrate my creative approach to communication across media. I believe this has made me a stronger filmmaker by providing insight into how the film relates to and differs from other media.

I am convinced a strong film industry could address important social issues. Studying and working across film and other media has established a foundation for a meaningful creative career in this powerful medium. Gaining the skills and experience to fulfil this potential through postgraduate study at a prestigious university is the next step in achieving my goal of contributing to the growth of this exciting industry.

The film has captivated me from an early age with its ability to transport audiences to different times and places. I aspire to instil in others the sense of wonder film has given me by pursuing a career as a producer, and ultimately starting my own production company. With a diverse background spanning film, media, marketing, and beyond, I believe I would bring a unique multidisciplinary perspective to this role. Graduate study is crucial to acquiring the specialized knowledge and experience necessary to become an innovative leader in the next generation of filmmakers.

FAQ for Film Production Personal Statements

– Your lifelong interest in film and dedication to the medium – Relevant experience, e.g. making short films, internships, and media-related jobs – Transferable skills, e.g. communication, time management, creative thinking – Career ambitions, e.g. producer, director, starting your own production company – Reasons for applying to university and how their programme suits your needs

You can start with an anecdote showcasing your passion for film from an early age. For example: “From a young age, I have been captivated by the magic of film. Watching movies transported me to different worlds and sparked my imagination. This lifelong passion for film has fueled my ambition to become a film producer.” Or start with a more dramatic statement indicating your dedication and work ethic: “I live and breathe film. While my peers were participating in school sports or clubs, I could be found making short films or constructing plays to communicate stories in a visual medium. The film is my craft, my calling, and my ultimate aspiration.”

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How to Write an Incredible Film Production Personal Statement Image

How to Write an Incredible Film Production Personal Statement

By Film Threat Staff | February 18, 2021

The film industry keeps growing and there are many careers in the industry. Every film school and course has its own unique application requirements. Your personal application statement plays an important part as it reveals your personal and professional goals.

You have an opportunity to express yourself and help the admission team understand why you want to pursue a career in film. It must be unique enough to capture attention, unlike a generic resume where you list your achievements.

Where to start

The most important place to start is by doing research to see what a school has to offer you. Think about which modules align with your interests.

Once you’ve found a course that interests you, think about any experience you have that’s relevant. What personal experiences have encouraged you to explore this subject? Was it seeing particular movie? Did you see a documentary that inspired you? Have you won any prizes or achieved any recognition for your interests?

good film studies personal statement

The basic structure

A structure will keep you from rambling and make sure you put the right elements in the right place. Begin by introducing yourself and what course you’re applying for. Start off with a strong statement that makes the reader want to read further.

In the middle section, you can go into detail about your passion, education and experience. Have you volunteered on projects or had previous on-set experience? What did you learn from these experiences? Talk about what you plan to do after graduation and the career path you hope to follow.

Your final paragraph should sum up the statements you make in your middle section. On reading your statement, the reader should know more about you and feel that you are a good candidate for the course for which you’re applying.

Personal statement writing assistance

When students say, “write my personal statement for me, “they usually have ideas in mind and have written the first draft. A specialist writer is able to listen to what you want to say or take your first draft and perfect it. You need to know about writix.com, which offers a personal statement writing service for students wanting an education in film. The writers at Writix know how to showcase your skills and personality when offering writing help. They can make your personal statement stand out from other students applying to the same college or university and convince the admissions team that you belong there.

good film studies personal statement

Write your first draft

Once you have decided on your basic structure, you need to get down your thoughts on paper. Don’t worry about word count or perfection at this stage. You can take the questions you thought about before beginning and address them.  

Start with your introduction and then include all your relevant experience, future career goals etc. Only then will you start the process of editing. There will be a big difference between your first draft and your final draft.

Tell a story about yourself

It may sound like a cliché but you need to be authentic. You shouldn’t try to write what you think admission committees are looking for because it will come across as fake.  

Avoid any stereotypical comments and make your personal statement sound like your own story – after all, being a great filmmaker is about telling a story. As long as you stay within the guidelines of the application with regard to the number of words or page limit, you are usually free to be as creative as you like.

good film studies personal statement

Write clearly and consistently

There is often a clear distinction between the writing of someone who took the time on a personal statement and someone who didn’t.  

At this level of education, there is an expectation that the writing will be at a certain level, and students must take the responsibility to put effort into it. Try to use a concise, natural style and simple language rather than trying to impress by throwing in complex terms.

Check for errors  

It is certainly worth proofreading your personal statement and making sure it’s free of grammar or spelling mistakes. You could use a third party to read through it to pick up any errors you may have missed.

Remember, admissions committees are not looking for experts who already know it all. They are looking for committed, confident, enthusiastic students with a desire to learn who will add value to a school. Be sure to your personal statement focuses on the main reasons why you are a suitable applicant and your expectations of what you hope to achieve through taking the course. Honesty and truthfulness in describing yourself and your passion is the key.

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Film and Television Personal Statement

Sample Film and Television Personal Statement

I have always been fascinated by every aspect of film, from the way in which various creative industries interact in the process of production to the way in which they are received by the audience and the impact they can have on cultures, societies and individual lives. Having built a foundation of both theoretical and practical knowledge of the media, film and filmmaking through previous study, I am now aiming to gain more specific knowledge that will allow me to play a vital and exciting role in a young, yet burgeoning, film industry.

I have always been an imaginative and creative individual who has enjoyed taking part in all of forms of art and media. A keen amateur dramatist and writer from a young age, I could often be found making short films or constructing plays with my friends and family, as well as taking on roles in school productions. As my subsequent studies have confirmed, film offers an opportunity to translate this desire to communicate through story, visual arts and drama in a single medium, explaining my dedication and passion for film from my childhood to the present day.

Keen to turn this passion into a career, I chose to pursue an undergraduate degree in Media and Creative Industries, in order to gain a thorough overview of theory and practice in all forms of media. While I focused heavily on taking as many practical, filmmaking modules as possible, and completed many projects, I am still convinced that the broader, multimedia approach of the course has shaped me into a more rounded creative talent. Nevertheless, film is the medium that inspired me most and I have taken every opportunity to gain more practical experience by undertaking a 4 week directing course with the Met Film School, London; which has offered an outlet to explore more aspects of practical filmmaking.

My experiences of filmmaking throughout these courses have also led to me becoming involved, on an amateur level, with projects for friends and fellow students. I have undertaken a range of production roles, which has allowed me to gain experience of working as a Co-Producer and Assistant Director and using various shooting and editing equipment. My natural flair for organisation, remaining calm under strict deadlines and communicating well with other members of my team suggests that I am well suited to these sort of roles and I would be keen to explore these as possible future career options.

I am fascinated by film’s potential to communicate complex ideas to an audience and, as a consequence, have also worked to ensure that I thoroughly understand communication on a broader level. Undertaking placements with DDB Advertising and working within fashion marketing and design (including website design), I have also been lucky enough to demonstrate my creative approach to communication across mediums. I believe that this has made me a stronger filmmaker as I have gained a greater understanding of film’s relationship with these other media, the ways in which they are similar and the ways in which they are different.

I firmly believe that a strong film industry would have the potential to address social issues. By exploring all aspects of filmmaking, alongside study and work across other media, I have laid a foundation for a long, and hopefully meaningful, creative career within this powerful medium. Gaining the skills and experience necessary to translate this potential into action, through postgraduate study on a prestigious course, is the next vital step in allowing me to achieve my ultimate goal of making a contribution to a growing industry at a hugely exciting point in its development.

We hope this Film and Television personal statement has been a valuable example.

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Personal Statement - Film

Media/film/tv/theatre personal statement.

The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly" - Cecil B DeMille.

I feel that this quotation really applies to my desire for success in the Media Industry. My interest in media has led me to take every opportunity to investigate different techniques used to gain an audience's attention.In theatre, I have been inspired by Michael Frayn's " Noises Off" where the construction of the set, which the audience saw from front and behind, together with the energy and pace of the delivery of the script and performers, made the audience fully involved with action happening in different parts of the stage simultaneously. Stephen Daldry's new production of "An Inspector Calls" showed how to create atmosphere with lighting and dry ice. By elevating the main actors in a room suspended above the stage, the audience had to strain to see the activity which helped keep them focussed. This helped me realise how different approaches to production generate new experiences for an audience and enhance a script. The new play "Porridge" showed me how to transfer from TV to stage - the basic set made sure the focus was on the script and the set became almost incidental. Throughout school I have taken part in a large number of activities which have led me to my decision to pursue a career in Media. I took a lead role in "Romeo and Juliet". I was a member of the school choir for two years where I learnt to work as a team member, interacted well with my peers, built my confidence in front of an audience and represented the school at Durham Cathedral. I have also helped produce our award- winning school newspaper for five years. As a member of the editorial team, I have written articles, taken photos as well helping produce the paper at the Journal offices in Newcastle. I have also helped to organised events at the school such as the "Charity Oscars Night" arranged by the Media Department. My role included promotion, selling tickets, helping to organise the evening as a whole and acting as a paparazzo - taking photos. I won one of the Oscars for a short film piece I produced. I am also a Sixth Form "Media Ambassador". This means I am the focal point for any younger pupils who may have questions or an interest in the subject. It gives me the opportunity to talk to parents as well as pupils at open days or parent evenings and promote my subject. I really enjoy this as I have the opportunity to pass on my enthusiasm for the subject. I am also a member of the school Production Committee. I am in charge of filming the school productions of the drama club/department, making sure that the footage is of the highest quality. These films will form an archive for the school drama department and can be used to promote the school.

Outside school, I regularly help out in the local community. I have produced several Radio shows at Radio Teesdale. My duties include things such as timings, choosing the music and managing the radio presenter at the time. This has given me good experience in a new area in media for me and I really enjoy it.

I am very passionate about working in the media industry. In addition to the above, I have also volunteered to help members of staff and have created several presentations for them which have been shown on the school TV screens, posters and the school website. Topics have included bullying, fundraising events such as "Jeans for Genes" and Oxfam, school newspaper promotion as well as current activities within the school and have been seen by pupils and visitors to the school.

I want my career to be in media production/direction and I believe I have the necessary enthusiasm and desire for taking risks in production which will develop the key skills required to succeed in the industry. I would love the opportunity to study media at university as the next step towards my future career.

Universities Applied to:

  • University of Reading, (Television, Film & Theatre), (BBB/300 points), Firm
  • Aberystwyth University (Film & Television), (220 UCAS Points), Insurance
  • University of Leeds (Cinema & Photography), (BBB)
  • Oxford Brookes University (Multimedia Production), (CCC)
  • Kingston University (Film Studies), (240 UCAS Points)

Grades Achieved:

Media Studies - B English Language - B ICT - C Politics (AS) - D

Applicant's Comments

In a sense, I feel I am quite lucky, I missed out on my Firm offer, yet I managed to get in despite this. I have a feeling my personal statement was a HUGE help because of this, however my experience in Sixth Form with various Media/Film/TV related groups and events helped to emphasise my interest and desire to do a Film/TV degree.

My advice to any prospective students would be, to join as many groups and take part in any activities you can linked to Media while at College/Sixth Form/School. My experience, I think, was very strong, and even including minor things, such as being part of my School's choir, showed my willingness to try new things.

Although there are arguments both for and against including a quote, I felt mine was very relevant, and showed my extensive research into the subject I was applying for.

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good film studies personal statement

Film personal statement example

Film personal statement example preview

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 11th October 2021
  • Word count: 758 words
  • File format: Text

My interest in the area of Film began in Junior School where I completed a course which involved producing a short film. This gave me an insight into the subject that would lead to a creative and fulfilling career.

During GCSE Film Studies , my favourite part of the course was looking at the Cinematography of Film as I enjoyed studying and analysing the creative choices that were made to give the film the correct effect that the director wanted to portray. This qualification confirmed my passion to pursue a career in film.

I am a self-taught photographer with an eye for detail. My portfolio includes a wide range of subjects with many diverse themes and this year I completed a photography course that allowed me to build up my knowledge and improve my skills. I feel that the technical skills I have gained over the years will be invaluable towards my chosen course at university.

I am currently in the process of making a promotional video for my local animal rescue centre where I am interviewing the staff about the rescue and bringing awareness to the animals that are in desperate need. I also recently returned from a trip to New York which inspired me to create a cinematic video about my experience there. I have contacted local film studios offering my services as a volunteer to enable me to gain experience and skills in a working environment and hope to get the opportunity in the near future in preparation for university.

I wasn’t able to choose Film as an option at A level but the subjects I have taken have helped me gain the relative skills for studying at undergraduate level such as leadership , organisation, and resilience. Throughout my time in Sixth Form, I have conducted many presentations that I have completed with confidence and accuracy and have found teamwork beneficial and enjoyable.

During Sixth Form, I have participated in a number of Open Events where I have been involved with parents and pupils on a question and answer basis. I was chosen to help Year 11’s with their Geography coursework which I did within my own time during school holidays. Both roles have been beneficial to my communication skills and have developed my ability to work confidently with all ages. After volunteering at primary schools helping out with after-school sports activities, I obtained a permanent position with Sefton’s ‘Active Kidz’. This position has helped my awareness of different behaviours of children of all ages and has taught me how to take responsibility control of a large group of different personalities whilst also learning how to manage my time effectively and finding a balance between work, school and leisure time. As mentioned, I have been volunteering at Freshfields Animal Rescue Centre for nine years as a registered dog walker and fundraiser, I have had experience with more troubled animals and the staff are confident that I can carry out my duties efficiently and safely. I enjoy the challenge of winning the trust of the dogs and seeing them progress in their behaviour.

I completed my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award two years ago and this year I went on to achieve my Silver Award. Although I found the Silver Award a demanding experience, the sense of achievement was the biggest reward. I am currently working towards the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award which will demonstrate my determination and resilience even further. I was chosen to represent my school in an International Netball Tournament in Florida, involving intense training ending with the tournament. I appreciated the diversity as it allowed me to interact with different cultures and make long-lasting friendships.

During my internship at Lace Factory Studios , a photography and videography studio in Nottingham, I had the opportunity to work on various aspects of film production. I assisted in setting up lighting and camera equipment for studio shoots, helped organize and manage video shoots, and participated in post-production editing using professional software. This hands-on experience provided me with valuable insights into the technical and creative processes involved in professional filmmaking, reinforcing my passion for the field and enhancing my practical skills in a real-world setting.

Several visits to Open Days and Campus Tours at Edge Hill University confirmed my decision to pursue a degree in the area of film as I was impressed and excited with the excellence of the facilities offered to students there. The challenges of university have always appealed to me and I feel I am highly motivated to meet the demands it will bring.

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Film studies

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  • Subjects it's useful to have studied first

Careers: Where it can take you

Getting in: entry requirements, other subjects you may be interested in, considering an apprenticeship, explore further, application advice.

A film studies degree or apprenticeship gives an exciting look at cinematic art, giving students an understanding of visual storytelling, film history, and cultural impact.

Beyond the joy of dissecting movies, studying film studies opens doors to diverse career paths such as film production, directing, screenwriting, and digital content creation. The analytical and creative skills gained make graduates valuable in fields like marketing, media, education, and cultural management. Film studies not only nurtures a deep appreciation for the art of cinema but also equips individuals with versatile skills needed in many professions. 

  • Participate in film festivals where there is a platform for diverse voices and perspectives.
  • Contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage.
  • Contribute to discussions about representation and diversity in media
  • Creative cinematography
  • Storytelling for the screen
  • Production skills
  • Analogue and digital technology
  • The business of Hollywood
  • Film and photography’s role in history
  • Principles of creativity
  • Society of the media

Options to study in this field include:

  • undergraduate courses
  • apprenticeships

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Subjects it's useful to have studied first

Some film studies courses or apprenticeships will have requirements for previous qualifications in certain subjects. Entry requirements vary, so always check with the provider.

Second year drama and film studies student, Royal Holloway, University of London

  • Film analysis
  • Scriptwriting
  • Story structure
  • Project planning and coordination
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Creative expression
  • Presentation skills

Find out more about your career prospects from studying film studies. The following information is based on a typical arts officer, producer, and director role.

Career options

Arts officers, producers, and directors

Photographers, audio-visual, and broadcasting equipment operators

TV, video and audio servicers and repairers

Authors, writers, and translators


What is a…. location scout.

Find out more about what you'll need to study film studies at university or as an apprenticeship.

Average requirements for undergraduate degrees

Entry requirements differ between university and course, but this should give you a guide to what is usually expected from film studies applicants.  

A day in the life of a Video Production Apprenticeship

Digital media, production, and technology

  • Events management  
  • Marketing 

Media studies

  • Photography  

Let's talk about... creative and design apprenticeships

Applying for an apprenticeship is just like applying for a normal job. Here’s what you need to know:

Where to apply

Apply to university and apprenticeships, find out more.

Read our guide to creative and design apprenticeships .

Annual Academy Awards

The uk film festival, the filmmakers podcast.

  • Express your genuine love for film as an art form. Talk about specific films, genres, or directors that have influenced you and shaped your interest.
  • Highlight your creative side by including any personal or academic projects related to filmmaking, storytelling, or creative expression.
  • Do you have any hands-on experience in film production? This could include involvement in student films.
  • How much do you know about the film industry? Can you discuss trends, notable filmmakers, and current developments? This will show that you know about the broader context of film.
  • If you can, mention any interdisciplinary interests that are related to film studies, such as literature, art, psychology, or cultural studies. This shows a broader perspective.

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Film Studies

Keele University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Keele · 23/09/2024

Tariff points: N/A

Liverpool John Moores University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Liverpool · 16/09/2024

Tariff points: 72/72

University of Greenwich

BA (Hons) · 6 Years · Part-time · London · 09/2024

Tariff points: 112/112

University of Portsmouth

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Portsmouth · 23/09/2024

Tariff points: 112/120

Queen Mary University of London

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · London · 16/09/2024

University of Huddersfield

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Sandwich · Huddersfield · 16/09/2024

Tariff points: 104/112

University of Hull

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Hull · 16/09/2024

Bristol, University of the West of England

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Sandwich · Bristol · 16/09/2024

De Montfort University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Leicester · 09/2024

Tariff points: 104/104

King's College London, University of London

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · London · 23/09/2024

Lancaster University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Lancaster · 10/2024

Tariff points: 128/128

University of Leicester

BA (Hons) · 3-4 Years · Full-time · Leicester · 23/09/2024

Tariff points: 120/144

Richmond American University London

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · London · 09/2024

Tariff points: 96/96

University of St Andrews

MA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · St Andrews · 09/09/2024

Tariff points: 126/136

Sheffield Hallam University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Sheffield · 23/09/2024

University of Southampton

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Southampton · 23/09/2024

University of Winchester

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Winchester · 16/09/2024

Tariff points: 96/112

York St John University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · York · 23/09/2024

University of Warwick

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Coventry · 23/09/2024

Royal Holloway, University of London

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Egham · 23/09/2024

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film studies personal statement

I'm a first year uni student looking to transfer universities to do film studies, which means I don't have any support writing my personal statement. I did sociology and English language for my a-levels and a btec in health & social care, my current course is completely unrelated to film so I don't know how I can link my qualifications. Does anyone have any tips?

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Harris inches ahead in the polls amidst swing state campaigning

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Mara Liasson

Vance and Walz both claim the Midwest. What does it mean to be Midwestern?

by  Ayesha Rascoe


An "uncommitted" voter holds a sign opposing President Biden’s policy toward Israel’s war in Gaza, outside a polling place in Dearborn, Mich., ahead of that state's presidential primary in February. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images North America hide caption

Leaders of the movement that protested Biden on Israel express some hope on Harris

by  Don Gonyea ,  Lexie Schapitl

Student protests in Bangladesh ousted its prime minister. What's next for the region?

Nigerian athletes say mismanagement by the country's officials cost them the olympics.

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Emmanuel Akinwotu

80 years ago, Smokey Bear taught Americans about fire safety. Is he still relevant?

by  Eric Whitney ,  Melissa Sevigny

Sunday Puzzle

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Sunday Puzzle: This puzzle is as easy as 1-2-3!

by  Will Shortz

Worms are infecting Colorado's sweet corn. Moths with STDs could help

by  Eric Whitney ,  Stina Sieg

Music Interviews

Pianist chad lawson's new album is an 'invitation to decompress', harris picks her running mate and other political news, from the newsmakers themselves, a lesser-known aspect of trump rallies: they all begin with prayer, middle east, the u.s. is bracing for an iranian response to the killing of a senior hamas leader, in ferguson, some businesses destroyed during the 2014 protests are still rebuilding.

by  Eric Schmid

Amateur runners will get the chance to compete on the same course as Olympic athletes

by  Juana Summers

Protests against Kenya's president have sparked a new wave of music, poetry and art

by  Emmanuel Igunza

Author Interviews

Gabino iglesias on his book 'house of bone and rain'.

Ruaridh Mollica in Sebastian.

Ruaridh Mollica in Sebastian. Kino Lorber hide caption

‘Sebastian’ re-writes the sex work movie

by  Ryan Benk ,  Ayesha Rascoe

In 'Sebastian', an author in search of inspiration turns sex worker

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  1. 5 Basic Steps to Write an Amazing Film Personal Statement

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  5. Proofread and edit personal statement for film major, film studies

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  6. Film studies personal statement.docx

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  1. Film Studies BA Personal Statement

    Film Studies and History Personal Statement . For me, the most interesting thing about film is the responses it can bring out in people. Be it love or d... Recommended Course. Script to screen: Join tomorrow's film visionaries. Turn your passion into a career! Study Film at QMUL, explore diverse genres from blockbusters to independent cinema ...

  2. Film Studies Personal Statement Examples

    Degree Course Quiz. Find the ideal university course for you in minutes by taking our degree matchmaker quiz today. Browse our range of Film Studies personal statement examples. Gain inspiration & make sure you're on the right track when writing your own personal statement.

  3. Film Studies Personal Statement Example 1

    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 1. Since I am a relatively young person living in a media orientated part of the world, film and television have been and continue to be hugely influential in just about every area of my life. For example growing up, my sense of humour was shaped by Jim Carey movies and joey from 'friends', I was unable ...

  4. Film Personal Statement Examples

    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 1. Since I am a relatively young person living in a media orientated part of the world, film and television have been and continue to be hugely influential in just about every area of my life. For example growing up, my sense of humour was shaped by Jim Carey movies and joey from 'friends', I was unable ...

  5. Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

    A Film and Media Studies personal statement is an essential document for anyone hoping to pursue a degree in film or media. This document helps admission officers gain insight into the applicant's motivations, aspirations, skills, and experiences pertinent to their studies. A well-crafted personal statement will give candidates a competitive ...

  6. How to get into Film School

    Come up with two or three d@mn good reasons why you belong at USC and make them the soul of your statement. 2. Just do it, then do it again (repeat as necessary). Be aware that it's not easy and it's not meant to be. Force yourself to get something down, go over what works, then do it again until you're happy with it.

  7. Film Studies Personal Statement Example 3

    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 3. Films are an insight into the human imagination, and offer the chance to inhabit worlds that would otherwise never exist. Whilst much the same is true of literature, the addition of a visual element only solidifies the immersive nature of storytelling. This is particularly abundant in the works of ...

  8. Film Personal Statement Example

    If you've been having trouble writing an award winning personal statement here is an example of a personal statement for someone applying to study Film. Ever since I was a young child I have been fascinated by films and how artists, directors, producers, and actors use film to convey their message to a wider audience. Whether they want to ...

  9. Film Production Personal Statement Examples

    Film Production Personal Statement Example. Example 1. I have been captivated by the magic of film. Watching movies transported me to different worlds and sparked my imagination. This lifelong passion for film has fueled my ambition to become a film producer. Studying Film Production at university will equip me with the practical skills and ...

  10. Film Studies Personal Statement

    Sample Film Studies Personal Statement. When I began my study at the University of Salzburg I also started a career [JB1] as an unpaid movie critic. My first reviews were quite a mess, composed with inadequate research and prioritising the build up of my online presence instead of producing quality content. Generally employing the subtlety of a ...

  11. How to Write an Incredible Film Production Personal Statement

    Tell a story about yourself. It may sound like a cliché but you need to be authentic. You shouldn't try to write what you think admission committees are looking for because it will come across as fake. Avoid any stereotypical comments and make your personal statement sound like your own story - after all, being a great filmmaker is about ...

  12. Media and communication personal statements

    Media and communication personal statements. On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study media, communication and related courses at university. These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples ...

  13. Film Studies and History Personal Statement

    Architecture Personal Statement. Submitted by Thomas. From a young age, I knew that I would pursue a career in design. Whether it was creating and designing my flawless dream car or producing my own handcrafted mechanical paper guns; scissors, a roll of cello-tape, and a set of colouring pencils were the main tools that never left my hands.

  14. Theatre and Film Personal Statement

    Degree Course Quiz. Find the ideal university course for you in minutes by taking our degree matchmaker quiz today. Take Quick Quiz Take Full Quiz. Inspire your Theatre and Film personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university.

  15. Film and Media Personal Statement Example

    Studying Film and Media in London is my biggest dream, and I never give up on my dreams. My ultimate goal is to turn my passion for Film and Media into a career. There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous. This personal statement is unrated. I discovered my interest in Film and ...

  16. Film and Television Personal Statement

    Sample Film and Television Personal Statement. I have always been fascinated by every aspect of film, from the way in which various creative industries interact in the process of production to the way in which they are received by the audience and the impact they can have on cultures, societies and individual lives. Having built a foundation of ...

  17. Personal Statement

    I have a feeling my personal statement was a HUGE help because of this, however my experience in Sixth Form with various Media/Film/TV related groups and events helped to emphasise my interest and desire to do a Film/TV degree. My advice to any prospective students would be, to join as many groups and take part in any activities you can linked ...

  18. Film personal statement example

    This qualification confirmed my passion to pursue a career in film. I am a self-taught photographer with an eye for detail. My portfolio includes a wide range of subjects with many diverse themes and this year I completed a photography course that allowed me to build up my knowledge and improve my skills. I feel that the technical skills I have ...

  19. Film studies

    A film studies degree or apprenticeship gives an exciting look at cinematic art, giving students an understanding of visual storytelling, film history, and cultural impact. ... how to make good TV and film happen. Application advice. Whether it's personal statement tips or what to write in a cover letter for an apprenticeship application, our ...

  20. film studies personal statement : r/University

    film studies personal statement I'm a first year uni student looking to transfer universities to do film studies, which means I don't have any support writing my personal statement. I did sociology and English language for my a-levels and a btec in health & social care, my current course is completely unrelated to film so I don't know how I can ...

  21. Communication Studies Curriculum

    Description: Examines how gender, and consequently race and sexuality, are represented in film. Specific attention is given to feminist approaches in film studies. COMM 4858 - Contemporary Cinema Credit Hours: (3) Description: Major themes and styles in international and U.S. narrative film from 1980 to present.

  22. Film Studies Personal Statement Example 4

    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 4. If I could choose one medium to use as a universal form of communication, one with the power to provoke and unite, I would choose Film. It's the way they portray emotion and subtly address big issues captured so effectively and vividly yet also provide the entertainment and the excitement that we so ...

  23. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Grad School

    A statement of purpose, also known as a personal statement, allows applicants to explain what they want to get out of graduate school and why they're a good fit. "Your statement of purpose is your one opportunity to showcase your unique experiences, future goals, and how the graduate program will help you achieve those goals. Your statement ...

  24. Walz once praised Muslim leader who shared antisemitic propaganda

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz once praised a cleric and leader in the Muslim community who has spread antisemitic content on Facebook, according to video newly revealed by the Washington Examiner.

  25. Film Studies Personal Statement Example 6

    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 6. The idea of being able to create entertainment or capture the world's issues through a camera lens has always intrigued me. I chose to focus on film studies at A-level because the course promised to be provoking and interesting. Having embarked upon the course I was struck by how the moving image ...

  26. Weekend Edition Sunday for August 11, 2024 : NPR

    An "uncommitted" voter holds a sign opposing President Biden's policy toward Israel's war in Gaza, outside a polling place in Dearborn, Mich., ahead of that state's presidential primary in ...

  27. Film Studies and English Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement was written by David_w1996 for application in 2014. This personal statement is unrated. I want to go to university because I want to further my education and knowledge in the subjects I enjoy the most. I have thoroughly enjoyed my BTEC Media course, mainly the film components and all opportunities including the extended ...