PhD Assistance

Beginners guide to write a research proposal for a phd in computer science.

  • Writing a PhD Doctoral Dissertation Proposal is the critical step in computer science research. Poor writing can turn down (decrees the scope of your research work) and even decrease the chance of getting a PhD.
  • The L iterature must contain the outline of the previous work and research work previously carried out in your research area (topic related to your proposed project work).
  • Assume it as a research tool that will help you clarify your idea and make conducting your research easier.

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

  • Introduction

The proposal must contain the outline of your general area of study within which your research falls. You have to denote the current state of your knowledge and any current debates related to your research topic; it has to demonstrate your proposed research’s originality.Three major questions that needed to be considered before starting with Research Proposal Writing

A research proposal must sate your idea or research question and expected result with simplicity, clarity and definition.

Why- It must also create a case for why your question is essential and how far your contribution will impact your discipline.

What it must not do is answer the question – that’s what your research will do.

Importance of the Research Proposal

Research proposals are important because they formally outline your intended or in-depth research. Which means you need to offer details on how you will proceed with your research, including:

  • your methodology and procedure
  • timeline and feasibility
  • All other thoughts needed to improve your research, such as resources.

Assume it as a research tool that will help you clarify your idea and make conducting your research easier. High-Quality Research Proposal Writing Service help you in getting high-quality research work.

Planning to write your PhD proposal

Consider the structure of your research proposal writing process before you start writing.

Plan the writing flow of your proposal and stick to the plan. Do not deviate from the plan of your proposal.

The strategy to write a PhD proposal is as follows:

  • Work out any pictorial representation that you would like to include
  • Describe your methodology
  • Express the data to be used
  • Propose possible outcomes of studying data
  • Bibliography
  • Writing your PhD proposal

After completing your PhD proposal plan, the next step is to proceed with your actual writing plan. Consult with your trainer or mentor to ensure you are going in the right direction and consult with experts to get a NO.1 Research Proposal Writing Services . The PhD proposals adopt a more proper style than other writing types — even other theoretical papers you have already written. It is always necessary to clear this up before you start writing.

The Basic Structure OF a Research Proposal

Writing a research proposal is the critical step in computer science research. Poor writing can turn down (decrees the scope of your research work) and even decrease the chance of getting a PhD.

The following are the fundamental procedure that needs to be followed for Writing a Research Proposal of PhD in Computer Science

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

Proposal Introduction:

The introduction section must contain an overview of your proposed research projects, its key concepts and problems statement or issues. You must able to show the reader or reviewer where your research fits. In general, you have to justify your research work within the field of computer science and then narrow it down to a particular research area (choosing a particular domain) and concern it will focus. Make it clear what exact problem or query your research will address and explain it in a brief research thesis statement.

Literature Review:

The literature must contain the outline of the previous work and research work previously carried out in your research area (topic related to your proposed project work). The main reason for writing a research proposal is to show the reader that you are familiar with what has already been done in the area. And to identify there is a gap in the particular research area that your work will fill.

Research Methods:

It must offer a clear and elaborate detail about the research work you will carry out. Must contain a detailed description of the equipment, techniques, or any other methodology you plan to include in your project should be covered here. Your projected schedule and budget should be added.


Write a bibliography that cites all resources that were used in your literature review area. Many citing references found but computer science-related research project prepares APA (American Psychological Association) style of citing references format. It should be added at the beginning of your research proposal.  And it is a good way to familiarize others with your research topic, which can help them see the work you have included (relevant literature work). If you are having difficulties writing your research proposal in computer science, our  PhD Thesis Writing Service will Help .

Proofreading for Awesome Results

It is essential to proofread the dissertation work before the final submission to check for grammatical errors and correctness. Plagiarism correction helps in justifying the research work and help to prove the originality of the work.

The best ways of conducting a proofreading PhD proposal are as follows:

  • Read the proposal carefully, again and again to yourself to recognize unnatural wording
  • Proofreading, again and again, helps in improving the quality of the project work; always take time in-between writing and proofreading, which allow your brain to take rest.
  • It is always better to have someone who can help with proofreading, to get a perfect work.

Exactness is never more significant than in a PhD proposal. Make sure intensive proofing is a part of your research proposal plan.

What’s the difference between a Dissertation Proposal and a Research Proposal

Writing a Research Proposal For PhD may be a difficult task. But writing a PhD D octoral D issertation will be much more challenge than that. Any research proposal’s objective is to present and justify the research study’s necessity and identified research problem found in a particular research area. Apart from this, you have to present a way to demonstrate the study from a practical perspective. Always make sure that you are following a slandered and specific guideline for each work.   It is better to learn about the phases of writing a dissertation to better your project work. A dissertation proposal must also contain points that you plan to cover and observe during your research. The main difference found between a research proposal and a dissertation is that the dissertation will not entirely be based on research. Instead, it offers new opinions, ideas, theories, and practices.

If you are ready to write a PhD proposal, no one needs to tell how important it is, that much, you already know. Our tips and Best PhD Proposal Writing Service will help you make a clear and high quality, PhD Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and earn your meritorious doctoral degree.

  • Dey, S. (2014). A beginner’s guide to computer science research.  XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students ,  20 (4), 14-14.
  • Kumar, R. (2018).  Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners . Sage.
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  • Plagiarism correction.
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how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

Thesis Proposal

In the thesis proposal, the PhD or DES student lays out an intended course of research for the dissertation.  By accepting the thesis proposal, the student’s dissertation proposal committee agrees that the proposal is practicable and acceptable, that its plan and prospectus are satisfactory, and that the candidate is competent in the knowledge and techniques required, and formally recommends that the candidate proceed according to the prospectus and under the supervision of the dissertation committee. It is part of the training of the student’s research apprenticeship that the form of this proposal must be as concise as those proposals required by major funding agencies.

The student proposes to a committee consisting of the student’s advisor and two other researchers who meet requirements for dissertation committee membership.  The advisor should solicit the prospective committee members, not the student. In cases where the research and departmental advisors are different , both must serve on the committee.

The student prepares a proposal document that consists of a core, plus any optional appendices. The core is limited to 30 pages (e.g., 12 point font, single spacing, 1 inch margins all around), and should contain sections describing 1) the problem and its background, 2) the innovative claims of the proposed work and its relation to existing work, 3) a description of at least one initial result that is mature enough to be able to be written up for submission to a conference, and 4) a plan for completion of the research. The committee commits to read and respond to the core, but reserves the right to refuse a document whose core exceeds the page limit. The student cannot assume that the committee will read or respond to any additional appendices.

The complete doctoral thesis proposal document must be disseminated to the entire dissertation committee no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the proposal presentation. The PhD Program Administrator must be informed of the scheduling of the proposal presentation no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the presentation. Emergency exceptions to either of these deadlines can be granted by the Director of Graduate Studies or the Department Chair on appeal by the advisor and agreement of the committee.

A latex thesis proposal template is available here .


The student presents the proposal in a prepared talk of 45 minutes to the committee, and responds to any questions and feedback by the committee.

The student’s advisor, upon approval of the full faculty, establishes the target semester by which the thesis proposal must be successfully completed. The target semester must be no later than the eighth semester, and the student must be informed of the target semester no later than the sixth semester.

The candidacy   exam  must be successfully completed  before  the  proposal can be attempted.  The proposal must be completed prior to submitting the application for defense. [Instituted by full faculty vote September 16, 2015.]

Passing or failing is determined by consensus of the committee, who then sign the dissertation proposal form (sent to advisors by phd-advising@cs.  Failure to pass the thesis proposal by the end of the target semester or the eighth semester, whichever comes first, is deemed unsatisfactory progress: the PhD or DES student is normally placed on probation and can be immediately dismissed from the program. However, on appeal of the student’s advisor, one semester’s grace can be granted by the full faculty.

Last updated on October 16, 2023.

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Computer Science at Columbia University

Upcoming events, in the news, press mentions, dean boyce's statement on amicus brief filed by president bollinger.

President Bollinger announced that Columbia University along with many other academic institutions (sixteen, including all Ivy League universities) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the Executive Order regarding immigrants from seven designated countries and refugees. Among other things, the brief asserts that “safety and security concerns can be addressed in a manner that is consistent with the values America has always stood for, including the free flow of ideas and people across borders and the welcoming of immigrants to our universities.”

This recent action provides a moment for us to collectively reflect on our community within Columbia Engineering and the importance of our commitment to maintaining an open and welcoming community for all students, faculty, researchers and administrative staff. As a School of Engineering and Applied Science, we are fortunate to attract students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, from across the country, and from around the world. It is a great benefit to be able to gather engineers and scientists of so many different perspectives and talents – all with a commitment to learning, a focus on pushing the frontiers of knowledge and discovery, and with a passion for translating our work to impact humanity.

I am proud of our community, and wish to take this opportunity to reinforce our collective commitment to maintaining an open and collegial environment. We are fortunate to have the privilege to learn from one another, and to study, work, and live together in such a dynamic and vibrant place as Columbia.

Mary C. Boyce Dean of Engineering Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor

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A collection of classical literature including Thucydides Historiae.

How to write a research proposal

Drafting your first research proposal can be intimidating if you’ve never written (or seen) one before. Our grad students and admissions staff have some advice on making a start.

Before you make a start

Is it a requirement for your course.

For some research courses in sciences you’ll join an existing research group so you don’t need to write a full research proposal, just a list of the groups and/or supervisors you want to work with. You might be asked to write a personal statement instead, giving your research interests and experience.

Still, for many of our research courses — especially in humanities and social sciences — your research proposal is one of the most significant parts of your application. Grades and other evidence of your academic ability and potential are important, but even if you’re academically outstanding you’ll need to show you’re a good match for the department’s staff expertise and research interests. Every course page on the University website has detailed information on what you’ll need to send with your application, so make sure that’s your first step before you continue:

There are many ways to start, I’ve heard stories about people approaching it totally differently. Yannis (DPhil in Computer Science)

How to begin?

There isn’t one right way to start writing a research proposal. First of all, make sure you’ve read your course page - it’ll have instructions for what to include in your research proposal (as well as anything to avoid), how your department will assess it, and the required word count.

Start small, think big

A research degree is a big undertaking, and it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first. One way to start writing is to look back at the work you’ve already done. How does your proposed research build on this, and the other research in the area? One of the most important things you’ll be showing through your research project is that your project is achievable in the time available for your course, and that you’ve got (or know how you’ll get) the right skills and experience to pull off your plan.

They don’t expect you to be the expert, you just have to have good ideas. Be willing to challenge things and do something new. Rebecca (DPhil in Medieval and Modern Languages)

However, you don’t have to know everything - after all, you haven’t started yet! When reading your proposal, your department will be looking at the potential and originality of your research, and whether you have a solid understanding of the topic you’ve chosen.

But why Oxford?

An Admissions Officer at one of our colleges says that it’s important to explain why you’re applying to Oxford, and to your department in particular:

“Really, this is all dependent on a department. Look at the department in depth, and look at what they offer — how is it in line with your interests?”

Think about what you need to successfully execute your research plans and explain how Oxford’s academic facilities and community will support your work. Should I email a potential supervisor? Got an idea? If your course page says it’s alright to contact a supervisor (check the top of the How to apply section), it’s a good idea to get in touch with potential supervisors when you come to write your proposal.

You’re allowed to reach out to academics that you might be interested in supervising you. They can tell you if your research is something that we can support here, and how, and give you ideas. Admissions Officer 

You’ll find more information about the academics working in your area on your department’s website (follow the department links on your course page ). John (DPhil in Earth Sciences) emailed a professor who had the same research interests as he did.

“Luckily enough, he replied the next day and was keen to support me in the application.”

These discussions might help you to refine your ideas and your research proposal.

Layal says, “I discussed ideas with my supervisor — what’s feasible, what would be interesting. He supported me a lot with that, and I went away and wrote it.”

It’s also an opportunity to find out more about the programme and the department:

“Getting in touch with people who are here is a really good way to ask questions.”

Not sure how to find a potential supervisor for your research? Visit our How-to guide on finding a supervisor .

Asking for help

My supervisors helped me with my research proposal, which is great. You don’t expect that, but they were really helpful prior to my application. Nyree (DPhil in Archaeological Science)

Don’t be afraid to ask for advice and feedback as you go. For example, you could reach out to a supervisor from your current or previous degree, or to friends who are also studying and could give you some honest feedback.

More help with your application

You can find instructions for the supporting documents you’ll need to include in your application on your course page and in the Application Guide.

Applicant advice hub

This content was previously available through our  Applicant advice hub . The hub contained links to articles hosted on our  Graduate Study at Oxford Medium channel . We've moved the articles that support the application process into this new section of our website.

  • Application Guide: Research proposal

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PhD Thesis Proposal

After passing the area process you must form a thesis committee and defend a thesis proposal. The proposal defense constitutes the ‘Ph.D. qualifying exam’ discussed in the University’s  Graduate Studies Bulletin  and  Regulations and Policies Concerning Graduate Studies.

Students must perform research that is a significant contribution to the field during their third year. This can be satisfied by:

  • Writing a paper that is accepted in a respectable refereed conference or journal
  • Producing a paper of similar quality (quality of paper judged by the dissertation advisory committee)
  • Incorporating the contribution in the required thesis proposal

Dissertation Advisor and Preliminary Advisory Committee

Soon after passing the area process, you should concentrate on narrowing down your interests to more specific ideas, such as:

  • “Truth Maintenance in Natural Language”
  • “Collapsing Complexity Classes via Counting”
  • “Parallel Visual Shape Recognition”
  • “Latency Tolerance in Distributed Shared Memory Systems”

Part of this process will be exploring ideas with faculty and finding a dissertation advisor and a preliminary advisory committee.

All students must register their dissertation advisor and a preliminary advisory committee with the graduate coordinator  no later than December 31 in their third year.

Your advisor will play a major role of guiding you through the process of completing a PhD. Your advisor will:

  • Help you in planning your thesis proposal defense
  • Point you towards to appropriate literature
  • Advise proposal-related (and other) research
  • Read drafts of your proposal
  • Giving general advice

The advisor also plays a crucial role in the actual exam itself. Choosing an advisor should not be done lightly; changing advisors can significantly delay completion of your studies.

The preliminary advisory committee must contain:

  • Your dissertation advisor
  • At least three University of Rochester faculty members holding the rank of at least assistant professor
  • Three department members*

*This is a department requirement. Exceptions can be granted by the chair.

A faculty member from outside the department can also be included, and must be included when the final dissertation advisory committee is formed in the second term of the third year.

Thesis Topic

After choosing an advisor and a general category, the next step is to decide what you really want to do. This involves finding, with the help of your advisor, a suitable topic.

After choosing a topics students should search through literature to answer the following questions:

  • What (if anything) has been done already?
  • What has not been done?
  • What are the major gaps in previous work?
  • What are recognized “next steps”?

After you have a grasp of the area and the problem, you will need to outline how your research will address the problem. This outline should include ideas on:

  • How the research will attack the problem
  • What it will not attack
  • How it will fit in with previous work
  • What the essential contribution of the work will be

You should be actively engaged in research on the topic by the fall of your third year.

Dissertation Advisory Committee

Your preliminary advisory committee members will usually become your dissertation advisory committee. If your preliminary advisory committee had no outside member, you must bring one on board at this time.

The committee members should be Rochester faculty members holding the rank of at least assistant professor, and three should be from the Department of Computer Science. (For exceptions, see the section above on forming a preliminary advisory committee .)

Each member must sign your thesis proposal defense form immediately after the thesis proposal defense. Your advisor should promptly return this form to the graduate program secretary.

Producing a Thesis Proposal

This proposal should explain:

  • The context of the problem
  • The problem itself
  • Previous approaches
  • Your proposed research

You should also include a well-researched bibliography. The thesis proposal should be of high quality in style, content, and exposition.

The thesis proposal and all other publications you have written during the year should be distributed to the dissertation advisory committee at least ten days before your thesis proposal defense. Students should ideally distribute materials before even scheduling the defense.

The thesis proposal will usually describe your:

  • Third-year research
  • The specific research directions you will pursue in the immediate future
  • The general research directions you will pursue in the more distant future
  • The theme that will unify your research into a coherent PhD dissertation

The thesis proposal should demonstrate that you have acquired the skills needed to perform dissertation-quality research. You are expected to have performed new research of substantial strength and novelty since your area paper. Except in exceptional cases, this new research should be appropriate for inclusion in the dissertation.

The thesis proposal should demonstrate that you have the technical strength needed to do PhD-quality research, and the vision to see the “big picture” into which that research fits.

Furthermore, the thesis proposal should show that you not only know how to solve problems, but also how to frame the issues.

Finally, the thesis proposal should demonstrate that you have developed strong and insightful intuitions as to which research themes are promising. The thesis proposal defense serves to verify these points.

In short, the proposal, talk, and exam should demonstrate to the dissertation advisory committee that an entire dissertation is indeed likely to result within a reasonable time frame.

A successful thesis proposal is not a guaranteed formula for producing a successful dissertation. As the research progresses, the research goals may change dynamically, and some initial goals may be too hard to be solved within the time frame.

We therefore expect that the dissertation project will evolve to meet these contingencies, and that this evolution will be the primary topic of six-month reviews.

Scheduling the Thesis Proposal Defense

Once sufficient feedback on the thesis proposal has been gathered, you can schedule the Thesis Proposal Defense. This is best done early in the spring of the third year, though it can be done earlier, and must be done before the spring PAS.

When you are ready to schedule the thesis proposal defense, see the graduate program secretary to reserve a room and date, and to complete a Thesis Proposal Defense Appointment Form.

The graduate program secretary will not schedule more than two events in the same day—one in the morning and one in the afternoon—to ensure the availability of interested faculty members. Students should try to schedule events well in advance to make sure they meet the spring PAS deadline.

Defending the Thesis Proposal

A public presentation is a required part of the thesis proposal defense. It is a chance for you to publicly present your ideas to the community and for your committee to judge both the ideas and the presentation.

The presentation should take no more than an hour, and should concentrate on the proposed research and the current year’s research progress.

You should provide the department secretary with the date, time, place, and abstract of the talk at least ten days in advance. She will then advertise the talk to the faculty, staff, and students.

The actual exam, which will normally occur immediately following the public presentation, is a meeting of the dissertation advisory committee and the student. Other faculty may attend and freely question and comment.

The purpose of the exam is for the committee—now that it has read the thesis proposal and heard the public talk—to ask you further questions and give you feedback. Questions may address any aspect of the proposal, including the actual research, the larger problem, your familiarity with previous work, and your expected attack on specific sub-problems. In addition to direct feedback, the committee will also report to the PAS.


You may choose to attempt the third-year process in your second year. You will be expected to do so if you passed the area process during your first year. There are no delayed requirements in this case; accelerating simply amounts to completing the third-year hurdles one year early.

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PhD | Thesis Proposal

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The student must present an oral thesis proposal and submit the form to their full reading committee by Spring quarter of their fourth year. The thesis proposal form  must be filled out, signed, and approved by all committee members. Then, submitted to the CS PhD Student Services ( [email protected] ). 

The thesis proposal allows students to obtain formative feedback from their reading committee that'll guide them into a successful and high-quality dissertation. The thesis proposal (a private session only with the student's advisor/co-advisor and reading committee members) should allow time for discussion with the reading committee about the direction of the thesis research. The suggested format should include:

  • A description of the research problem and its significance;
  • A description of previous work in the area and the "state of the art" prior to the student's work; 
  • A description of preliminary work the student has done on the problem, and any research results of that work; 
  • An outline of remaining work to be done and a timeline for accomplishing it.

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Students are not assigned to pre-specified projects. They are expected to propose an area or topic, and will be accepted only if an appropriate and willing supervisor is available. Applicants should therefore prepare a statement of proposed research of no more than 3000 words (this is different from a personal statement) indicating their intended topic and research strategy. This should:

  • show an understanding of existing work in the field,
  • identify an area for new work,
  • have concrete goals and deliverables for the first year, and
  • indicate that you know how to achieve them.

This could usefully be drafted in collaboration with the intended supervisor and candidates are invited to make informal contact with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, either through individual staff members or the Postgraduate Education Manager, before submitting a formal application. Staff members belong to one or more research groups and may be contacted by email in the first instance. If you contact more than one person in the Department,  please make sure that all the people you contact are aware of all the others so that we do not duplicate effort. The Department may suggest an informal visit, and may interview applicants in person, by video-conference or by telephone.

Department of Computer Science and Technology University of Cambridge William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD

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Research Topics & Ideas: CompSci & IT

50+ Computer Science Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

IT & Computer Science Research Topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a computer science-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the CompSci domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: CompSci Research Topics

  • Algorithms & data structures
  • Artificial intelligence ( AI )
  • Computer networking
  • Database systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information security (IS)
  • Software engineering
  • Examples of CompSci dissertation & theses

Topics/Ideas: Algorithms & Data Structures

  • An analysis of neural network algorithms’ accuracy for processing consumer purchase patterns
  • A systematic review of the impact of graph algorithms on data analysis and discovery in social media network analysis
  • An evaluation of machine learning algorithms used for recommender systems in streaming services
  • A review of approximation algorithm approaches for solving NP-hard problems
  • An analysis of parallel algorithms for high-performance computing of genomic data
  • The influence of data structures on optimal algorithm design and performance in Fintech
  • A Survey of algorithms applied in internet of things (IoT) systems in supply-chain management
  • A comparison of streaming algorithm performance for the detection of elephant flows
  • A systematic review and evaluation of machine learning algorithms used in facial pattern recognition
  • Exploring the performance of a decision tree-based approach for optimizing stock purchase decisions
  • Assessing the importance of complete and representative training datasets in Agricultural machine learning based decision making.
  • A Comparison of Deep learning algorithms performance for structured and unstructured datasets with “rare cases”
  • A systematic review of noise reduction best practices for machine learning algorithms in geoinformatics.
  • Exploring the feasibility of applying information theory to feature extraction in retail datasets.
  • Assessing the use case of neural network algorithms for image analysis in biodiversity assessment

Topics & Ideas: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Applying deep learning algorithms for speech recognition in speech-impaired children
  • A review of the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making processes in stock valuation
  • An evaluation of reinforcement learning algorithms used in the production of video games
  • An exploration of key developments in natural language processing and how they impacted the evolution of Chabots.
  • An analysis of the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence-based automated marking
  • The influence of large-scale GIS datasets on artificial intelligence and machine learning developments
  • An examination of the use of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery
  • The impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on transparency and trust in supply chain management
  • An evaluation of the role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and risk management in cryptocurrency
  • A meta-analysis of deep learning algorithm performance in predicting and cyber attacks in schools

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Networking

  • An analysis of the impact of 5G technology on internet penetration in rural Tanzania
  • Assessing the role of software-defined networking (SDN) in modern cloud-based computing
  • A critical analysis of network security and privacy concerns associated with Industry 4.0 investment in healthcare.
  • Exploring the influence of cloud computing on security risks in fintech.
  • An examination of the use of network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom networks in Southern America
  • Assessing the impact of edge computing on network architecture and design in IoT-based manufacturing
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities in 6G wireless network adoption
  • The role of network congestion control algorithms in improving network performance on streaming platforms
  • An analysis of network coding-based approaches for data security
  • Assessing the impact of network topology on network performance and reliability in IoT-based workspaces

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Topics & Ideas: Database Systems

  • An analysis of big data management systems and technologies used in B2B marketing
  • The impact of NoSQL databases on data management and analysis in smart cities
  • An evaluation of the security and privacy concerns of cloud-based databases in financial organisations
  • Exploring the role of data warehousing and business intelligence in global consultancies
  • An analysis of the use of graph databases for data modelling and analysis in recommendation systems
  • The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) on database design and management in the retail grocery industry
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of distributed databases in supply chain management
  • Assessing the impact of data compression algorithms on database performance and scalability in cloud computing
  • An evaluation of the use of in-memory databases for real-time data processing in patient monitoring
  • Comparing the effects of database tuning and optimization approaches in improving database performance and efficiency in omnichannel retailing

Topics & Ideas: Human-Computer Interaction

  • An analysis of the impact of mobile technology on human-computer interaction prevalence in adolescent men
  • An exploration of how artificial intelligence is changing human-computer interaction patterns in children
  • An evaluation of the usability and accessibility of web-based systems for CRM in the fast fashion retail sector
  • Assessing the influence of virtual and augmented reality on consumer purchasing patterns
  • An examination of the use of gesture-based interfaces in architecture
  • Exploring the impact of ease of use in wearable technology on geriatric user
  • Evaluating the ramifications of gamification in the Metaverse
  • A systematic review of user experience (UX) design advances associated with Augmented Reality
  • A comparison of natural language processing algorithms automation of customer response Comparing end-user perceptions of natural language processing algorithms for automated customer response
  • Analysing the impact of voice-based interfaces on purchase practices in the fast food industry

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: Information Security

  • A bibliometric review of current trends in cryptography for secure communication
  • An analysis of secure multi-party computation protocols and their applications in cloud-based computing
  • An investigation of the security of blockchain technology in patient health record tracking
  • A comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms for instant text messaging
  • A systematic review of secure data storage solutions used for cloud computing in the fintech industry
  • An analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems used in the healthcare sector
  • Assessing security best practices for IoT devices in political offices
  • An investigation into the role social media played in shifting regulations related to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • A comparative study of digital signature schemes adoption in property transfers
  • An assessment of the security of secure wireless communication systems used in tertiary institutions

Topics & Ideas: Software Engineering

  • A study of agile software development methodologies and their impact on project success in pharmacology
  • Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments
  • A study of the impact of DevOps practices on software development and delivery in the healthcare sector
  • An analysis of software architecture patterns and their impact on the maintainability and scalability of cloud-based offerings
  • A study of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on software engineering practices in the education sector
  • An investigation of software testing techniques and methodologies for subscription-based offerings
  • A review of software security practices and techniques for protecting against phishing attacks from social media
  • An analysis of the impact of cloud computing on the rate of software development and deployment in the manufacturing sector
  • Exploring the impact of software development outsourcing on project success in multinational contexts
  • An investigation into the effect of poor software documentation on app success in the retail sector

CompSci & IT Dissertations/Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a CompSci-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various CompSci-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An array-based optimization framework for query processing and data analytics (Chen, 2021)
  • Dynamic Object Partitioning and replication for cooperative cache (Asad, 2021)
  • Embedding constructural documentation in unit tests (Nassif, 2019)
  • PLASA | Programming Language for Synchronous Agents (Kilaru, 2019)
  • Healthcare Data Authentication using Deep Neural Network (Sekar, 2020)
  • Virtual Reality System for Planetary Surface Visualization and Analysis (Quach, 2019)
  • Artificial neural networks to predict share prices on the Johannesburg stock exchange (Pyon, 2021)
  • Predicting household poverty with machine learning methods: the case of Malawi (Chinyama, 2022)
  • Investigating user experience and bias mitigation of the multi-modal retrieval of historical data (Singh, 2021)
  • Detection of HTTPS malware traffic without decryption (Nyathi, 2022)
  • Redefining privacy: case study of smart health applications (Al-Zyoud, 2019)
  • A state-based approach to context modeling and computing (Yue, 2019)
  • A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Solomon, 2019)
  • HRSB-Tree for Spatio-Temporal Aggregates over Moving Regions (Paduri, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your Computer Science dissertation or research project, check out our Topic Kickstarter service.

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Steps on getting this project topic


I want to work with this topic, am requesting materials to guide.

Yadessa Dugassa

Information Technology -MSc program

Andrew Itodo

It’s really interesting but how can I have access to the materials to guide me through my work?

Sorie A. Turay

That’s my problem also.


Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments is in my favour. May i get the proper material about that ?



Nanbon Temasgen


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  • PhD in Computer Science

A Guide For Writing Flawless Online PhD in Computer Science

Purpose of a phd in computer science online composing.

As you work towards your PhD in computer science, one of the requirements will be to complete a research project that your dissertation will be based on. Before beginning your research you will first have to submit a research proposal. CS candidates will submit a research proposal that should:

  • Identify an issue or problem and demonstrate that there is a need for further research in the area
  • Show that your research project will address that need and how it will do so.

The research proposal for an online PhD in computer science must be approved before you can carry on with your research project. In addition to being necessary to get your research approved, the research proposal in CS has the added benefit of forcing you to do the groundwork for the project that will make things run smoother later on. Failure to do the necessary groundwork will almost certainly result in your proposal not being approved. You can compare your project with cancer research, for example.

computer science research proposal

Get Top 10 Best Research Topics

Here are sample PhD in computer science online that are helpful for all:

  • An investigation towards large-scale networking, its threats, and potentials.
  • The use of a PC to improve the quality of education in high schools.
  • Computerization of hospitals: the pros and cons of switching from traditional to digital.
  • A study towards producing effective hardware that can support efficient data processes.
  • Configuring robots and machines at par with human intelligence to improve work productivity.
  • The impact of using robotics in household chores.
  • Formatting PCs to reach the level of human understanding of language
  • Issues regarding robotics in future cars and how to address them to avoid human casualties.
  • Understanding the best method to program it for communication.
  • An investigation of cybersecurity and the use of advanced programming to prevent hacking and data mining.

You can also check out some great PhD in computer science USA.

computer research topic

What to Include

In order to be approved, there are several questions that should be addressed in your PhD in computer science education. CS candidates should make sure that their proposal does answer these questions which include:

  • Why is the research you propose importantly?
  • What other studies have been done in the area and how do they relate to the research you propose?
  • How will your research add to knowledge in the field?
  • What is the main question you wish to answer?
  • What are the methods you will use to conduct your research and interpret results?

To properly answer these questions you will need to conduct a thorough literature review of other related work that has been done and provide a detailed explanation of the methods you intend to use. A proposed timetable should also be included. Getting your suggestion approved is an important first step towards completing your requirements. If you aren’t sure how to write your document one alternative is to use the service we provide.

  • FREE topic suggestion
  • 100% original research
  • Dedicated experts only

How Should Your Doc Be Formatted?

Every paper at this level will need to be written to a very specific academic style and to a fixed structure. This, however, can vary between different programs so it is always vital that you take the time at the start of the process to fully understand just what they expect from the best PhD in computer science. They will detail everything that they expect from the number of words that you should write through to how your references should be laid out. Often your supervisor will not only be able to provide you with clear guidance as to what those expectations are they will also be able to provide a template for your writing. Always ensure that you fully follow all of the requirements perfectly if you want your proposal to be accepted.

computer science research papers

Best Writing Tips for Premium Topics

One of the most challenging tasks when writing the first PhD in computer science is deciding on the perfect topic for you. Given the vast scope of CS, it is crucial that the topic you choose for a research paper computer science is not only relevant to current issues but also something you are truly passionate about. When choosing your topic, avoid research topics in CS that are too complex, require extensive research or those that are previously done. Keep in mind that you have limited time to write your research paper which is why selecting the right research topics in CS is important to ensure its quality.

What Should Your Research Proposal Answer?

Your CS article is written so that your supervisor and other members of the faculty will be able to check that what you are proposing can actually be done with a good chance of success and that it will lead to you being awarded your doctorate. They will be wanting to see the answers to the following questions when they review your proposal:

  • Have you selected an appropriate topic for your research: is it important in your field and is it an original idea for your work?
  • Are your methods going to yield the expected results? They will want to see that you have chosen a methodology that is going to work and give you a large chance of a successful outcome.
  • Is the idea that you have selected feasible: you should have a clear plan showing how long things will take and what resources you will require. Should your plan be considered expensive, overly ambitious, or simply unachievable then it may be rejected.
  • That it can be supported: if the faculty has no expertise in the area of your proposed research or it outside of their aims then it may also be dismissed.

100% Winning with Expert Help

Do not hesitate to seek help online when you encounter problems with writing your paper. One of the best advantages of services is the availability of custom assistance which ensures that your research topics in CS are original and unique. You can have access to a large database of papers that will allow you to get ideas on the right research topics for you. Additional benefits of using our service include:

  • Guarantees that the work we provide will be original, error-free, delivered on time and satisfy all of your requirements.
  • Affordable rates that will be easy on your budget
  • Fast and easy online order and payment process
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How to Write Your PhD Proposal: A Step-By-Step Guide

Profile image of Dr. Qais Faryadi

American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2012

This appraisal argues that a piece of investigation must pass through a set of rigorous tests such as scientific methodology (quantitative, qualitative, experimental, observation and so on), validity, (logical procedure to answer a question), reliability (Quality of measurement) and unbiased conclusion (accurate measures are taken to make sure that it is free from individual interest). This guideline further examines the procedures for writing a practical and a realistic PhD proposal. Further, this critical evaluation assists PhD students by providing them with a complete roadmap on how to write an internationally recognized PhD proposal. Lastly, in this investigation, the PhD proposal writing process, such as abstract, introduction, problem statement, research questions, literature review, research methodology, research results, conclusion, discussions and implications are illustrated.

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Scientific Research Publishing: Creative Education.

Dr. Qais Faryadi

Thesis writing is a skill that every PhD candidate must acquire to convey his or her research findings clearly. The main objective of this paper is to facili- tate the thesis writing process so that PhD candidates understand what a PhD thesis is and can write their thesis correctly and scientifically. The methodol- ogy used in this research was descriptive as it discusses and describes the var- ious parts of thesis writing process and explains how to do it in a very simple and understanding language. As thus, this article outlines the various steps of thesis writing to guide the PhD candidate so that the task of PhD thesis writ- ing becomes manageable and less daunting. This research is a useful roadmap especially for students of the social sciences studies. Further, in this paper, research procedure and thesis writing strategies are explained in a simple manner. This paper adopts a how-to approach when discussing a variety of relevant topics, such as thesis introduction, types of introductions, introduc- tion statements, problem statement, research questions, hypothesis and con- tributions of the study. This paper has 5 parts: Introduction, Literature Re- view, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. The introduction chapter is dis- cussed in this paper. I will discuss the rest as a series in the future.

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science


Stella Atter

Scientific Research Publishing: Creative Education

Literature writing is a skill that every PhD candidate must procure to communicate his or her research findings clearly. The main objective of this paper is to facilitate the literature writing process so that PhD candidates under- stand what PhD literature is and are able to write their PhD literature cor- rectly and scientifically. The methodology used in this research is a descrip- tive method as it deliberates and defines the various parts of literature writing process and elucidates the how to do of it in a very unpretentious and under- standing language. As thus, this paper summarizes the various steps of litera- ture writing to pilot the PhD students so that the task of PhD literature writ- ing process becomes adaptable and less discouraging. This research is a useful roadmap especially for students of the social science studies. Additionally, in this paper, literature writing techniques, procedures and important strategies are enlightened in a simple manner. This paper adopts a how-to approach when discussing a variety of relevant topics, such as literature review intro- duction, types of literature review, advantages of literature reviews, objective of literature review, literature review template, and important check lists about literature review are discussed. This paper has 5 parts, such as Intro- duction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. The lit- erature review chapter is discussed in this paper. I will discuss the rest as a se- ries in the future. Keywords Thesis Writing Process, Literature Review, PhD, Social Science, Research Methodology

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Tips on Writing a Computer Science Research Proposal

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Writing a research proposal in any discipline is a real challenge, but writing a computer science research proposal requires not only theoretical knowledge and the ability to dig in literature, but also practical experience and relevant background. It is only normal if you feel stuck just beginning to compose your research proposal. Along with the guidelines received from your professor and rules from textbooks, you can benefit from these expert tips written by expert academic writers at academic writing company . Use them to get started and keep going.

Clarity the Problem You Address

The basic idea is to find a field in Computer Science which was previously underestimated or not researched enough. Seeing this field, you need to identify a problem that evolves from this field being not studied enough or an issue that will be solved if you do proper research in this field. It is better if you find at least several problems in one area and present them to your professor or supervisor. He or she will choose one with you, and you can start working on it. Though in the research proposal the problem statement is not the first part of the paper, without deciding on it, you should not start writing at all, or it can all be gone in vain. Sometimes, it is not obligatory to confirm your problem statement with your professor or supervisor, but we strongly recommend to do it to share vision as well as responsibility for the chosen research direction. Someone would say that it sounds like manipulation, but we are sure it is just about efficiency.

Write a Detailed Research Plan

Writing a plan is boring, and it takes too much time, so students often tend to skip this step and go directly to writing. Unfortunately, this approach just doesn’t work. You need to write a thorough plan and confirm it with your professor or supervisor. Without a plan, you will get stuck too often, not knowing what to do next. Being stressed about it, you will start procrastinating, feeling that you don’t have enough progress you will get even more stressed. Lots of computer science research proposals were not submitted on time (or at all!) due to this circle of stress and procrastination. To avoid it, you need a detailed plan. In this case, even if something goes wrong, you always know where to pick up. There are two plans — the one you present to your professor, and the one you use for yourself. Think about yourself as about a manager of this computer science research project and write a plan considering risks, limitations, and strengths.

Elaborate On Research Methods

Unlike in many other disciplines, in Computer Science, methods often exist in the form of algorithms, and you need to prove why the chosen algorithms are the best for the particular research and problem in question. Most probably, you will use combined methods — one classical, and one or two specific for Computer Science. Sometimes, this part should also include time for completion and even budget, if you submit your research proposal as an admission document for grant or scholarship. Don’t overestimate your abilities to write fast and don’t underestimate the costs.

Just Know It’s Going to Be Better

Maybe this point sounds silly, but it is essential to know it. You need to remember, that writing a research proposal for the first time is always challenging, for everyone, not only for you. If you get stuck, it doesn’t mean you are not good enough, or you’ve chosen a wrong path, or you should do something else. More of it, writing a research proposal is often harder than doing research and writing a research report itself. When dealing with a proposal, you have to plan everything in advance, decide on a problem, write a problem (thesis) statement, choose literature, confirm every step, decide on methods, etc. Later you will use this preparation work for your more important papers, such as thesis or dissertation. Think in advance about hardships and come up with some small motivating treats for yourself.

When you are done with writing the main parts, start making formatting and checking your text with grammar and spelling checkers and anti-plagiarism software. Students often overestimate the amount of time they need to write research proposals and don’t have enough time in the end to make final check-ups. Make it a rule to check every 2-3 written pages gradually, and you will both improve your writing skills, rest a little, and make sure when the deadline becomes scarily close, almost entire paper is perfectly formatted and checked for mistakes and plagiarism. Following your plan and thinking in advance will lead you through this challenging period of writing a computer science research proposal. Good luck!

About Author

' data-class=

Bob Buskirk

About 10 years of computer experience. Been messing around with electronics since I was 5, got into computers when I was in highschool, been modding them ever since then. Very interested in how things work and their design.

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Beginners Guide to Write a Research Proposal for a PhD in Computer Science

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

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  • Writing a PhD Doctoral Dissertation Proposal is the critical step in computer science research. Poor writing can turn down (decrees the scope of your research work) and even decrease the chance of getting a PhD.
  • The L iterature must contain the outline of the previous work and research work previously carried out in your research area (topic related to your proposed project work).
  • Assume it as a research tool that will help you clarify your idea and make conducting your research easier.

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

  • Introduction

The proposal must contain the outline of your general area of study within which your research falls. You have to denote the current state of your knowledge and any current debates related to your research topic; it has to demonstrate your proposed research’s originality.Three major questions that needed to be considered before starting with Research Proposal Writing

A research proposal must sate your idea or research question and expected result with simplicity, clarity and definition.

Why- It must also create a case for why your question is essential and how far your contribution will impact your discipline.

What it must not do is answer the question – that’s what your research will do.

Importance of the Research Proposal

Research proposals are important because they formally outline your intended or in-depth research. Which means you need to offer details on how you will proceed with your research, including:

  • your methodology and procedure
  • timeline and feasibility
  • All other thoughts needed to improve your research, such as resources.

Assume it as a research tool that will help you clarify your idea and make conducting your research easier. High-Quality Research Proposal Writing Service help you in getting high-quality research work.

Planning to write your PhD proposal

Consider the structure of your research proposal writing process before you start writing.

Plan the writing flow of your proposal and stick to the plan. Do not deviate from the plan of your proposal.

The strategy to write a PhD proposal is as follows:

  • Work out any pictorial representation that you would like to include
  • Describe your methodology
  • Express the data to be used
  • Propose possible outcomes of studying data
  • Bibliography
  • Writing your PhD proposal

After completing your PhD proposal plan, the next step is to proceed with your actual writing plan. Consult with your trainer or mentor to ensure you are going in the right direction and consult with experts to get a NO.1 Research Proposal Writing Services . The PhD proposals adopt a more proper style than other writing types — even other theoretical papers you have already written. It is always necessary to clear this up before you start writing.

The Basic Structure OF a Research Proposal

Writing a research proposal is the critical step in computer science research. Poor writing can turn down (decrees the scope of your research work) and even decrease the chance of getting a PhD.

The following are the fundamental procedure that needs to be followed for Writing a Research Proposal of PhD in Computer Science

how to write a research proposal for phd in computer science

Proposal Introduction:

The introduction section must contain an overview of your proposed research projects, its key concepts and problems statement or issues. You must able to show the reader or reviewer where your research fits. In general, you have to justify your research work within the field of computer science and then narrow it down to a particular research area (choosing a particular domain) and concern it will focus. Make it clear what exact problem or query your research will address and explain it in a brief research thesis statement.

Literature Review:

The literature must contain the outline of the previous work and research work previously carried out in your research area (topic related to your proposed project work). The main reason for writing a research proposal is to show the reader that you are familiar with what has already been done in the area. And to identify there is a gap in the particular research area that your work will fill.

Research Methods:

It must offer a clear and elaborate detail about the research work you will carry out. Must contain a detailed description of the equipment, techniques, or any other methodology you plan to include in your project should be covered here. Your projected schedule and budget should be added.


Write a bibliography that cites all resources that were used in your literature review area. Many citing references found but computer science-related research project prepares APA (American Psychological Association) style of citing references format. It should be added at the beginning of your research proposal.  And it is a good way to familiarize others with your research topic, which can help them see the work you have included (relevant literature work). If you are having difficulties writing your research proposal in computer science, our  PhD Thesis Writing Service will Help .

Proofreading for Awesome Results

It is essential to proofread the dissertation work before the final submission to check for grammatical errors and correctness. Plagiarism correction helps in justifying the research work and help to prove the originality of the work.

The best ways of conducting a proofreading PhD proposal are as follows:

  • Read the proposal carefully, again and again to yourself to recognize unnatural wording
  • Proofreading, again and again, helps in improving the quality of the project work; always take time in-between writing and proofreading, which allow your brain to take rest.
  • It is always better to have someone who can help with proofreading, to get a perfect work.

Exactness is never more significant than in a PhD proposal. Make sure intensive proofing is a part of your research proposal plan.

What’s the difference between a Dissertation Proposal and a Research Proposal

Writing a Research Proposal For PhD may be a difficult task. But writing a PhD D octoral D issertation will be much more challenge than that. Any research proposal’s objective is to present and justify the research study’s necessity and identified research problem found in a particular research area. Apart from this, you have to present a way to demonstrate the study from a practical perspective. Always make sure that you are following a slandered and specific guideline for each work.   It is better to learn about the phases of writing a dissertation to better your project work. A dissertation proposal must also contain points that you plan to cover and observe during your research. The main difference found between a research proposal and a dissertation is that the dissertation will not entirely be based on research. Instead, it offers new opinions, ideas, theories, and practices.

If you are ready to write a PhD proposal, no one needs to tell how important it is, that much, you already know. Our tips and Best PhD Proposal Writing Service will help you make a clear and high quality, PhD Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and earn your meritorious doctoral degree.

  • Dey, S. (2014). A beginner’s guide to computer science research.  XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students ,  20 (4), 14-14.
  • Kumar, R. (2018).  Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners . Sage.
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Examples of research proposals

How to write your research proposal, with examples of good proposals.

Research proposals

Your research proposal is a key part of your application. It tells us about the question you want to answer through your research. It is a chance for you to show your knowledge of the subject area and tell us about the methods you want to use.

We use your research proposal to match you with a supervisor or team of supervisors.

In your proposal, please tell us if you have an interest in the work of a specific academic at York St John. You can get in touch with this academic to discuss your proposal. You can also speak to one of our Research Leads. There is a list of our Research Leads on the Apply page.

When you write your proposal you need to:

  • Highlight how it is original or significant
  • Explain how it will develop or challenge current knowledge of your subject
  • Identify the importance of your research
  • Show why you are the right person to do this research
  • Research Proposal Example 1 (DOC, 49kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 2 (DOC, 0.9MB)
  • Research Proposal Example 3 (DOC, 55.5kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 4 (DOC, 49.5kB)

Subject specific guidance

  • Writing a Humanities PhD Proposal (PDF, 0.1MB)
  • Writing a Creative Writing PhD Proposal (PDF, 0.1MB)
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