Christian Educators Academy

Discover The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Christian Bible College

Are you looking to make a difference in the world by starting a Christian Bible college? Perhaps you’re a passionate theologian or educator who wants to create a space for students to grow in their faith and knowledge. Or maybe you’ve been inspired by the transformative power of Christian education and want to share that with others.

Whatever your reasons, starting a Bible college can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the key steps you need to take to bring your vision to life. From understanding the demand for Christian education to researching regulations, building your curriculum, and marketing your college, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to make your dream of starting a Christian Bible college a reality. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can create a place of learning, growth, and spiritual development for the next generation of Christian leaders.

Ready to take the first step towards starting your own Christian Bible college? Let’s get started!

Understanding the Demand for Christian Bible Colleges

Christian Bible colleges have been gaining popularity in recent years due to the growing demand for education that is grounded in faith and spirituality. The demand for Christian Bible colleges has been fueled by various factors, including the desire for students to deepen their understanding of the Bible, the need for Christian leaders in communities, and the demand for Christian education in various fields such as counseling, ministry, and education.

Christian Bible colleges offer a unique opportunity for students to integrate their faith and learning in a supportive community . As such, these institutions are increasingly becoming a popular choice for students who seek a holistic education that is centered on their spiritual beliefs.

The Benefits of Attending a Christian Bible College

  • Integration of Faith and Learning: Christian Bible colleges provide an opportunity for students to integrate their faith and learning, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of their faith and its relevance to their chosen field of study.
  • Spiritual Growth: Christian Bible colleges offer an environment that promotes spiritual growth and development, providing students with opportunities for worship, prayer, and fellowship.
  • Supportive Community: Christian Bible colleges foster a supportive community that helps students grow in their faith and provides a sense of belonging.

The Curriculum at Christian Bible Colleges

The curriculum at Christian Bible colleges is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in biblical studies and theology. The curriculum typically includes courses in Old and New Testament studies, theology, church history, and ethics. In addition to these core courses, students can choose from a range of elective courses that focus on specific areas such as pastoral ministry, counseling, education, and missions.

Career Opportunities for Graduates of Christian Bible Colleges

Graduates of Christian Bible colleges can pursue a variety of career paths in fields such as pastoral ministry, counseling, education, missions, and non-profit organizations. These graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference in their communities and the world at large, all while living out their faith.

If you are considering attending a Christian Bible college, it is important to understand the benefits and unique opportunities that these institutions offer. Whether you are seeking to deepen your faith or pursue a career in a field that is grounded in Christian principles, a Christian Bible college can help you achieve your goals.

Researching the Requirements and Regulations

Starting a Christian Bible college can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to navigating the requirements and regulations. The first step is to research the legal requirements of your state or country, including obtaining necessary licenses and permits. It is also essential to understand the accreditation process and ensure that your college meets the standards set by accrediting bodies.

Another crucial aspect of starting a Bible college is to research the curriculum requirements. This includes understanding the academic standards for faculty and staff, developing a robust academic program, and ensuring that your college meets the minimum credit hour requirements for your degree programs.

Legal Requirements

  • Research the legal requirements for starting a college in your state or country
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits
  • Understand the accreditation process and meet the standards set by accrediting bodies

Academic Standards

Developing a strong academic program is a critical component of starting a Christian Bible college. Faculty and staff must meet specific academic standards, and the college must offer courses and programs that meet minimum credit hour requirements.

  • Research and meet academic standards for faculty and staff
  • Develop a robust academic program that meets minimum credit hour requirements
  • Offer courses and programs that align with the mission and values of your college

Financial and Administrative Requirements

Starting a Christian Bible college also requires careful consideration of financial and administrative requirements. This includes creating a budget, developing fundraising strategies, and establishing policies and procedures for administrative tasks.

  • Create a comprehensive budget and fundraising plan
  • Establish policies and procedures for administrative tasks such as admissions, financial aid, and student services
  • Develop effective communication strategies to engage with students, faculty, and the community

Starting a Christian Bible college is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By understanding the legal, academic, financial, and administrative requirements, you can build a strong foundation for your college and ensure its success for years to come.

Building Your Curriculum with Essential Christian Teachings

When creating a curriculum for a Christian Bible college, it is important to include essential teachings that will provide a strong foundation for students. These teachings should be rooted in the Bible and help students develop a deeper understanding of their faith.

Here are some key areas to consider when building your curriculum:

Biblical Studies

  • Theology: Teachings about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the nature of the Trinity.
  • Biblical Interpretation: The principles and methods used to understand and apply the Bible.
  • Church History: The history of Christianity and the development of the Church.

Ministry and Leadership

  • Pastoral Ministry: The practical aspects of leading a congregation, including preaching, counseling, and administration.
  • Missions: The role of the Church in global missions and outreach.
  • Leadership: Principles of leadership and management as they relate to ministry and the Church.

Christian Ethics

  • Moral Philosophy: Understanding ethical principles and applying them to modern issues.
  • Social Justice: The role of the Church in promoting justice and equality in society.
  • Bioethics: Examining ethical issues related to life and health, such as abortion and euthanasia.

By including these areas in your curriculum, you can provide students with a well-rounded education that will prepare them for a life of service and leadership within the Church. Remember, the goal of a Christian Bible college is to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to live out their faith and make a positive impact on the world.

Choosing the Right Location and Facilities

When it comes to choosing the right location and facilities for your business, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to think about the needs of your customers. What kind of space will they require? Is there ample parking? Is the location easily accessible? These are all important considerations that will impact the success of your business.

Secondly, you need to think about your own needs. What kind of facilities will you require to operate your business efficiently? Will you need office space, storage space, or production space? These are all important considerations that will impact the daily operations of your business.

  • Accessibility: Consider how easily customers can reach your location. Is it conveniently located near main roads or public transportation?
  • Demographics: Consider the demographics of the area. Is it a high traffic area? Is the demographic suited for your business?
  • Competition: Consider the competition in the area. Is there already an established business similar to yours in the area? Is there room for another similar business?

Once you have chosen the right location for your business, it’s time to think about the facilities you will need. This will vary depending on the type of business you run, but some common facilities include:

  • Office Space: If you have employees, you’ll need a space for them to work. This could be a traditional office, co-working space, or even a virtual office.
  • Storage Space: If you sell physical products, you’ll need a space to store inventory.
  • Production Space: If you manufacture goods, you’ll need space to produce them.

When it comes to location, one important factor to consider is parking. Make sure there is ample parking for your customers, as this can impact whether or not they choose to do business with you. If your business is located in a high traffic area, you may need to consider alternate parking options such as nearby lots or valet services.

Raising Funds and Finding Investors for Your College

Starting a college is an expensive venture, and you’ll need to find ways to raise funds to get your institution off the ground. There are many options available to you, and you’ll need to carefully consider which ones will work best for your specific situation.

One way to raise funds for your college is through fundraising campaigns. You can organize events, such as charity dinners or auctions, and invite potential investors to attend. You can also set up online fundraising pages and reach out to your community through social media. Another option is to apply for grants from foundations and government agencies that support education initiatives. You can also seek out loans from banks and other financial institutions that specialize in lending to colleges and universities.

Finding Investors

When looking for investors for your college, it’s important to identify potential candidates who are passionate about education and willing to support your vision. Consider reaching out to alumni, philanthropists, and business leaders who have expressed an interest in education in the past. You can also attend networking events and conferences to meet potential investors and build relationships with them.

Marketing Your College

Branding: Develop a strong brand for your college that will attract potential investors and students. Choose a name, logo, and mission statement that clearly communicate your college’s values and goals.

Website: Create a professional website that provides information about your college, its programs, and its values. Include testimonials from current and former students, as well as faculty members and other stakeholders.

Networking: Attend networking events and conferences to meet potential investors and build relationships with them. Stay active on social media and post regular updates about your college’s progress and achievements.

Securing Investments

When pitching your college to potential investors, it’s important to have a clear and compelling vision for your institution. You should be able to articulate your college’s mission, values, and goals, and explain how it will provide value to students and the wider community. You should also have a detailed business plan that outlines your college’s financial projections, marketing strategy, and growth plan.

By following these strategies, you can raise the funds you need and secure the investments necessary to build a successful college that will have a positive impact on students and society for years to come.

Marketing Your College and Attracting Potential Students

If you want your college to succeed, you need to attract potential students. Marketing is a crucial part of achieving that goal. With the right strategy, you can reach a wider audience and generate interest in your institution. Here are some tips on marketing your college:

Create a Strong Brand Identity

Branding is a crucial part of marketing. Your brand identity should represent your college’s values and appeal to your target audience. It’s important to develop a brand that stands out from the competition and resonates with potential students. Your brand should be consistent across all marketing channels, from your website to social media to brochures.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching potential students. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to engage with your audience and showcase what makes your college unique. You can share photos and videos, promote events, and highlight your programs and achievements. It’s important to develop a social media strategy that aligns with your overall marketing goals.

Host Open House Events

Open house events are a great way to showcase your college to potential students and their families. During these events, visitors can tour your campus, meet with faculty and staff, and learn more about your programs and amenities. It’s important to create a welcoming and informative atmosphere that reflects your college’s values.

Making an Impact on Your Community and Beyond

Community engagement is a vital aspect of any college’s mission. It allows institutions to build lasting relationships with local businesses, organizations, and residents. A college can establish its presence in the community by supporting local events and charities, collaborating with other institutions and groups, and promoting volunteerism. Through community engagement, a college can demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact on the community and the world.

Sustainability is another area where colleges can make a difference. By adopting eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting conservation, colleges can help reduce their environmental impact and inspire others to do the same. Sustainability initiatives can also attract environmentally conscious students and faculty, who want to be part of an institution that shares their values.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity are essential components of a college’s mission. A diverse student body, faculty, and staff bring unique perspectives and experiences that enrich the learning environment. To promote diversity and inclusivity, colleges can establish programs and initiatives that support underrepresented groups, create a welcoming and inclusive campus culture, and foster dialogue and understanding across diverse perspectives.

Internationalization is another way colleges can promote diversity and inclusivity. By providing opportunities for international students and faculty to study and teach at the college, as well as encouraging domestic students to study abroad, colleges can create a global learning community that celebrates cultural differences and promotes cross-cultural understanding.

Engaging in Service and Social Justice

Service and social justice are integral components of a college education. By encouraging students to engage in service activities and social justice initiatives, colleges can instill a sense of civic responsibility and inspire students to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. Service and social justice initiatives can also provide students with valuable hands-on experience, as well as opportunities to develop leadership and teamwork skills.

Research is another way colleges can contribute to service and social justice. By conducting research on social issues, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental justice, colleges can contribute to the development of solutions that address these problems. Research can also help raise awareness of social issues and inspire action to create positive change.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i start a christian bible college.

To start a Christian Bible college, you will need to have a clear vision and mission statement, a team of experienced leaders and educators, and a plan for funding and accreditation. You will also need to determine what type of program you want to offer, whether it’s a traditional on-campus program or an online program.

What are the qualifications for starting a Christian Bible college?

Qualifications for starting a Christian Bible college may vary depending on the country and region. In the United States, you will need to have a degree from an accredited institution, experience in leadership and education, and a passion for ministry. Additionally, you will need to comply with state and federal laws and regulations.

How do I find funding for starting a Christian Bible college?

There are several ways to find funding for starting a Christian Bible college. You can apply for grants, seek donations from individuals and churches, or explore partnerships with other institutions or organizations. You can also consider offering scholarships or tuition assistance to attract students.

How do I obtain accreditation for my Christian Bible college?

Accreditation is an important step in starting a Christian Bible college. To obtain accreditation, you will need to meet certain academic and administrative standards set by accrediting agencies. You will also need to submit an application and undergo a review process.

What types of programs can I offer at my Christian Bible college?

You can offer a variety of programs at your Christian Bible college, including undergraduate and graduate degree programs in theology, ministry, and biblical studies. You can also offer certificate programs and non-degree programs for continuing education and professional development.

How can I attract students to my Christian Bible college?

Attracting students to your Christian Bible college requires a combination of marketing and outreach efforts. You can create a website and social media presence, host events and information sessions, and reach out to local churches and Christian organizations to spread the word about your college. You can also offer competitive tuition rates, scholarships, and a supportive community to attract students.

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How to Start a Bible School – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Education Industry » School

Do you want to start a bible school from scratch? Or you need a sample bible school business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. It is no longer news that school business have continued to soar over the years in nearly all parts of the world. This is because of the fact that a lot of folks are beginning to come to terms with the fact that education is the best legacy. This is whether it is the formal education, the vocational education or any other form of education at all.

In recent times one other area which Christian entrepreneurs are beginning to cash in on is the bible school business. However, this is not to say that there hasn’t been the existence of bible schools before now. In fact the emergence of bible schools dates back to centuries ago.

As the thirst and zeal to know a lot more about the bible and Christianity religion came to fore, people saw the reason and need to create bible schools where biblical knowledge are taught. It is for this reason that this article proposes to look into the ways that you can start your own bible school. Here are top notch tips on how you too can start a bible school that is if you have decided to make this a business, as there are free bible schools all around.

Starting a Bible School – Sample Business Plan Template

1. be determined.

It isn’t okay for you to nurse the feeling to own a bible school merely because you are a Christian. It is however expedient that much more than having the wish that you are determined this is the kind of venture you want to go into. Why is this so you might ask? This is simply because with determination you might then be willing to go all the way to pursue your dream to a fruitful end.

2. Undertake a Market Survey

This is one of the important factors that you must really hold dearly. This is because no man embarks on the journey of starting a business without first undertaking some research. This research and the findings you get would to a large extent determine a whole lot of things.

Things like; how those who have already started the bible school pulled through, the steps they took that helped them, the mistakes they made. The possible amount of being that might be needed for start up, the kind of location needed and what have you.

3. Run a Course

It isn’t enough that you carry out a market research. You may also want to consider running a crash course in a bible school, so that you can have firsthand experience on how things are run. Whilst, some of the courses being offered in these schools vary from country to country, you may still want to opt for courses that are short in duration.

During these periods you may want to find out the types of courses offered, the day to day operations and activities and how they are run, and a host of other things that you can physically find out for yourself. There also might be the need for you to take someone into confidence by letting them know the sole purpose why you have enrolled. When you do this, you may be able to get better information.

4. Find the Purpose Why You Want One

After you have taken the steps mentioned earlier, then you can now find the purpose why you want to start a bible school. Deciphering why you really want one means that you can easily come to grasp with what the students who attend your school stand to gain as well as the kind of graduates you would be churning out.

This is because it isn’t enough that you just want to start one for profit. There has to be an underlying factor why you want one to be set up. For some it might be the thirst to educate people biblically, whilst to some it might be because they have seen another person thrive at it and they want to achieve the same kind of success.

5. Draw a Business Plan

This is also a veritable step you may want to consider dealing with seriously. This means that you must be ready to draw up an immediate, short term, as well as long term plan about your intended business. The information here would include how the business would be run, the amount needed to get started, how many faculties you plan to have, the number of lecturers you plan to have, as well as other very indispensable information.

6. Incorporate Your Company and Get a License

This is in no way a type of business that you can start from home. This is because you would have to meet some very vital requirements by the government authorities. This is why it is very important that you first get a Business Name for your school, get the right documentation for your business from the appropriate quarters in your country, and then get the required license. For some the requirement would be that you get a befitting space.

7. Get a Space

Here you would need your realtor to help in getting a good space. This means that you would need to determine how big you want your school to be so that you know what the realtor is targeting at. You may consider a large space if you are looking to start really big or a moderate apartment if you want to start moderately. However, be sure that either way you would still need to furnish and make things look okay before you commence operation.

8. Draw up a Curriculum and Hire Workers

If you have a background in this field or if you have been to a school of theology yourself then you may consider drawing up the course curriculum yourself. On the other hand if you haven’t then you may want to consider hiring an expert, who might be one of the lecturers who would eventually work with you.

9. Market Your School

You may consider starting with your local church by announcing or printing flyers about your bible school. This is so that so that you start from the known to the unknown. Thereafter, you may consider outsiders and non church members. The internet is also a good area through which to market your school.

There you have it. With these steps taken seriously, you can be sure to start your own bible school on a right footing. This is because these are tested steps that have helped those who have succeeded.

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Huntsville Bible College Logo

Strategic Plan Summary

Huntsville Bible College’s Strategic Plan consists of five major areas to be addressed: Financial Stability, Enrollment Management and Public Relation, Assessment and Planning, Facilities Development, and Staffing. Contained in this page is a summary of the five year plan for each area. A more detailed and extensive document is on file at the College.

THE MISSION Huntsville Bible College (HBC) is an institution of academic and spiritual excellence committed to training and educating men and women for the work of ministry and preparing students for life.

HBC’s mission is obtained as we seek to foster spiritual growth and development and provide educational opportunities for:

  • Life/careers in job-related fields;
  • Church leadership in Pastoral Ministry;
  • Service for Christian ministers, mission and evangelism workers, and other ministries and organizations; and
  • Leadership for Christian education teachers, youth workers, and church leaders for local congregations.

THE VISION Our vision is that Huntsville Bible College will be a solid entity in the North Alabama Community. Our goal is to secure the future of the College as we build character, teach commitment, and develop competence in our graduates. Over the next five years, the following will be the primary focus of the College to help make our vision a reality:

  • Building an Endowment
  • Expanding Leadership
  • Planning for Leadership Transition
  • Increasing Enrollment
  • Increasing Program Options
  • Seeking Regional Accreditation (SACS CASI)

FINANCIAL STABILITY The goal is to strengthen the financial stability of the College. This will be accomplished by:

  • Expanding the Number of Funding Sources
  • Increasing Individual Donor Support
  • Increasing Church Support
  • Reducing Debt
  • Establishing and Building an Endowment

ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS The thrust of HBC for the next three years is to heighten recruitment and student retention, improve student outcome, and enhance public relations. This will be accomplished by:

  • Increasing Student Degree Options
  • Improving and Expanding Distance Education
  • Providing Additional Scholarships
  • Improving Personal Counseling
  • Expanding the Learning Resource Center
  • Improving Publicity and Marketing
  • Establishing Additional Extension Centers
  • Exploring Regional Accreditation with AdvancED (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement – SACS CASI)

ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING HBC will continue to follow and enhance the current assessment plan, seek new methods to assess the learning process and student outcomes, and implement the recommendations of the 2016 assessment committee.

FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT HBC assesses and seeks to improve its facilities on continuous bases. Plans are to:

  • Improve Parking
  • Seek Use of Syler Tabernacle for Additional Classes and Study Hall
  • Expand Learning Resource Center
  • Conduct In-depth Assessment for Long-Term Facility Needs

STAFFING Qualified and competent staff is the goal of HBC. Therefore the need to assure that students are best served the College plans to:

  • Increase and Conduct On-going Staff/Student Training for the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) CampusSIS Data Management System
  • Fill Approved Vice-President for Development Position
  • Evaluate Current Staffing and Training Needs
  • Provide Training and Cross-Training for Employees
  • Develop Plans for Leadership Transition

SUMMARY OF EVENTS 2015-2016 Acquired ABHE CampusSIS Data Management System 2016-2017 Improve Parking 2017-2018 Review Majors and Programs 2017-2018 Increase Library Holdings 2017-2018 Establish an Endowment 2018-2019 Improve Staffing 2019-2020 Plan for Leadership Transition

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Lbc’s strategic plan.

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2024-2026 Strategic Plan

Vision for the Strategic Plan

Strengthening the foundation that will enable us to be the leader in collaborative, contextualized biblical higher education in the u.s. and around the world., ready in every season.

See how our campus community is coming together to realize the goals and outcomes of the Strategic Plan in order to ensure that LBC | Capital remains a vibrant living and learning community for the next 90 years.

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Delve Deeper into LBC’s Strategic Plan

Readiness hinges on being stewards, maximizing and multiplying God’s resources. Readiness is being present in good times and hard, when experiencing favor and enduring difficulties. Readiness is being nimble, never compromising, always focused on Christ, always tuned to the work of the Spirit, understanding the times and adjusting to what needs to be done; prepared to prune, willing to change, willing to risk, always with the goal of continuing to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.

  • View the Strategic Plan
  • Download the One Page Summary (pdf)

The principles that drive our actions and decisions

We apply God’s Word to all of life.


We maximize and multiply God’s resources.


We work with others to accomplish our mission.

We strive to continually improve to give God our best.


We serve others to bring out their best.

Please direct any questions about the Strategic Plan to the President’s Office.

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Success in Business God’s Way

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Utilize Business Model Generation Canvas.

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Business School

Has God placed a desire in your heart for business? Have you buried that dream for lack of knowledge and skills?

Join us at Charis Bible College – Business School

Gain hands-on experience and access to instructors with proven track records in business. At the core of the school’s curriculum is the Business Model Generation Canvas, the same tool adopted by Harvard and other MBA programs. Receive valuable insight into Kingdom wealth-building that will benefit your clients, your community, and your business. Experience success in business with Charis Business School.

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  • Build your business plan.
  • Law and Operations, Commercial Real Estate, and more.
  • Receive personalized coaching
  • Glean from instructors successful in the corporate business world

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Terms of use, copyright © 2024 charis bible college. all rights reserved., register for free, adjunct instructor, duane sheriff.

Duane Sheriff is the senior founding pastor of Victory Life Church, a multi-campus church headquartered in Durant, Oklahoma. Pastor Duane is an author and speaker who travels around the world speaking at conferences and churches. He also serves as an instructor at Charis Bible College, teaching a personal presentation of the Gospel that resurrects hope and ignites faith.

Dean of Worship Arts and Healing School

Daniel amstutz.

Daniel and his wife, Tracy, have been married for over forty years and have two children and seven grandchildren. Daniel is an ordained minister, a published songwriter and recording artist. He holds a bachelor of music degree in vocal performance from the University of Colorado and a bachelor of theology degree from Christian Life School of Theology. Daniel is the president of Daniel Amstutz Collective, Inc., a non-profit that connects generations in spirit and truth. He loves to help people become free through the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Arthur Meintjes

Arthur Meintjes, originally from South Africa, trained at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. He and his wife Cathy now reside in Colorado and travel the world preaching the Gospel with Ki ngdom Life Ministries. Arthur is also an adjunct instructor at Charis Bible College where he teaches first and second year classes for both the day and night school. He teaches with integrity and openness, so that hearts and lives will be changed and people will realize their acceptance by God and value as human beings.

Director of Business School

Paul milligan.

Paul Milligan and his wife, Patsy, have been married for forty-four years and have three children and nine grandchildren. Paul has over thirty-five years of experience in the corporate world and twenty-eight years in building his own companies. Paul is currently chairman of the board of Solaris Healthcare, Inc., and has been a member of the board of directors of Andrew Wommack Ministries/Charis Bible College since 2003. He now serves as the Director of the Year 3 Business School.

Executive Vice Presidents

Mike & carrie pickett.

Mike and Carrie Pickett were married in 2006 and have two children. They lived sixteen years in Russia as full-time missionaries. Carrie graduated from Charis Bible College in 1999 and moved to Russia to plant a Charis Campus, where Mike would get connected and eventually direct Andrew Wommack Ministries, Russia. Now they are the Executive Vice Presidents of Charis Bible College as well as instructors, dedicated to using the Word of God to raise up leaders.

Executive Director of Communications

Elizabeth fumero muren.

Elizabeth was born in Honduras to missionary parents. After marrying her husband, Robert, they traveled in thirteen countries with a stage musical called The Covenant , using song, music, and dance to tell the story of God’s love for His people. In October 2012, their friends in Norway introduced Robert and Elizabeth to the teachings of Andrew Wommack. Shortly thereafter, Elizabeth contacted Andrew for his feedback on their screenplay, and they were invited to perform God with Us at Charis Bible College. The Murens have been producing musicals in partnership with Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis since 2014, with the sole purpose of reaching the world with the Word of God.

Director of Practical Government School

Mark cowart.

Mark Cowart was born on April 2nd, 1958. He and Linda were married in 1985 and have three children and two grandchildren. Mark began in ministry in 1983 when he started volunteering in his local church. He and Andrew Wommack met at a meeting in 1978 and he now serves as the Director of the Year 3 Practical Government School. Mark Cowart is also the senior pastor of Church For All Nations, where he focuses on empowering people to carry out the Great Commission.

Chief Executive Officer

Billy epperhart.

Billy Epperhart began in ministry in 1978 and gained experience as a youth pastor and senior pastor. As a CEO and Founder of his own real estate company, he owned and supervised a multi-million-dollar real estate portfolio located in five different real estate markets. Billy is also a public speaker who has authored seven books. Billy is now the CEO of Andrew Wommack Ministries, Charis Bible College and Truth and Liberty. His two nonprofits; WealthBuilders and Tricord Global, help people to make sense of making money for making a difference.

Lawson Perdue

Lawson Perdue and his wife, Barbara, have been in full-time ministry for over thirty years and are the senior pastors of Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs. Lawson was called to preach in 1978 through the ministry of Andrew Wommack. He challenges his students to break out of the mold, emphasizing abundant life and identity in Jesus Christ.

Executive Director of Academics

Daniel bennett.

Daniel Bennett’s journey with Charis began in 2007 while he served in the U.S. Air Force. He completed the first year of Charis by mail, and later graduated from Charis in Colorado in 2009. He also completed Charis’ Business School and earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from UCCS.  Starting as a volunteer at Charis extension campuses in the U.S. and abroad, Daniel joined Charis’ staff in Colorado in 2014. Since then, he has served in various roles, including as the Dean of Students and as an Executive Director. Daniel’s passion is discipleship, and as an instructor at Charis, his favorite topics are friendship with God and practical wisdom.

Ministry Ambassador

Wendell parr.

Wendell Parr was born on March 19th, 1943. Wendell and Linda were married in 1963 and have two children, one grandchild, and two great-grandchildren. Wendell started in ministry in 1973 when he began pastoring a church. He became connected with Andrew Wommack in 1989 at the Minister’s Conference in Buena Vista. He would go on to help Andrew start Charis Bible College in 1994 as well as plant the first international Charis campus in England in 1997. Wendell continues to teach at Charis Bible College and holds the title of Ministry Ambassador; sharing the Word of God and encouraging believers to keep their eyes on Jesus.

Director of Ministry School

Greg Mohr was born on December 4th, 1951. He is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, and has earned a master’s degree in leadership from Southwestern Christian University. Greg and Janice were married in 1971 and have four children and twelve grandchildren. He began in ministry in 1976 through street ministry, a bus ministry, as well as being a children’s pastor. Greg served as senior pastor of River of Life Church in Decatur, Texas, for twenty-four years. He heard Andrew’s teachin g on a cassette tape in 1981 and from there invited him to speak at his church every year. He now serves as Director of Ministry School, teaching and helping students grow in wisdom, Christlikeness, and grace.

bible college business plan

Charis Bible College

Charis is a revolutionary institution where students are invited to come on a transformational journey, immersing themselves in the Word of God.

Senior Instructor

Barry bennett.

Barry Bennett was born on August 18th, 1952. Barry is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. He and Betty Kay were married in 1978 and have three children and eight grandchildren. Barry began in the Ministry in 1978 as a missionary in Mexico, and would go on to serve for 12 years in Chile and Guatemala. Barry was introduced to Andrew Wommack through his radio show and came to work at Andrew Wommack Ministries in 2007 and is now the Senior Instructor at Charis Bible College, Woodland Park, ministering on many topics focusing on the goodness of God and hearing His voice. 

Executive Director of World Outreach

David briggs.

David serves as the Executive Director of World Outreach, bringing decades of experience and dedication to his role. Married to Melta for 49 years, they are proud parents to four children and grandparents to ten grandchildren. David holds a B.A. in Bible Theology and an M.S. in Inter-Cultural Development, specializing in Micro-Finance & Micro-Enterprise development. His career spans both the private sector, where he owned a business, and ministry since 1974, working with non-profit and faith-based organizations across 45 countries. As a partner and Co-founder of Tricord Global with Billy Epperhart, David oversees international operations. Introduced to Andrew Wommack’s ministry in 1978, he has also contributed to the Charis Business School and Global Training.

Rick McFarland

Rick McFarland was born on December 3rd, 1967. Rick and Joann were married in 2001. He graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing in 1991. He then graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1993. He also attended and graduated from the School of the Local Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1996. Rick was a singles pastor at Grace Church for sixteen years and moved to Colorado in 2011 to attend Charis Bible College with his wife, Joann, where he would graduate from the Year 3 Ministry School. Rick is the senior pastor of River Rock Church in Colorado Springs and teaches several core classes at Charis including Principles of Grace and Faith and How to Study the Bible.

Chief of Staff

A 2013 graduate of Charis, Will came to the ministry with a background in public education, later completing certifications in formal process improvement and business administration. He began his journey with the ministry in the call center, and since that time, has overseen diverse departments such as Project Management, Process Improvement, Conferences and Events, Product Fulfillment, Communications, and College Operations.   Having demonstrated   an inspired ability to train and develop leaders, he now serves Mike & Carrie Pickett in building out Charis Bible College worldwide.

Guest Speaker

Jesse duplantis.

Jesse Duplantis has traveled throughout the world since 1978 preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesse founded Jesse Duplantis Ministries (JDM) with a desire to use every available voice to cover the earth with God’s love. JDM has its International Headquarters in Destrehan, Louisiana as well as additional offices in the United Kingdom and Australia.

Get a Free Teaching from Carrie Pickett

David barton.

David Barton is the Founder of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. David is the author of numerous best-selling books and a sought-after speaker. David is also a frequent guest on a number of national media programs, and is a host on a daily radio show, WallBuilders Live. He serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the US Supreme Court  His work in media has merited several Angel Awards, Telly Awards, and the Dove Foundation Seal of Approval.

Timothy Barton

Timothy Barton is the President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our religious, moral, and constitutional heritage. Tim is an ordained minister and has worked in a variety of church staff positions, including as youth minister, worship leader, and assistant pastor. Tim has been a guest on numerous national television and radio programs including The Ben Shapiro Show, the Glenn Beck Program, Louder With Crowder, TBN, Andrew Wommack Ministries, and many others. He is also a writer for the Epoch Times. Regardless of where he is, Tim speaks into the lives of those around him, encouraging them to live passionately and to follow Christ whole-heartedly.

Bill Federer

Bill Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc. , a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. Bill gained national recognition for lecturing and writing, receiving an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from American Christian College in 2004; and an Honorary Doctorate of Global Leadership from Midwest University in 2013. In addition to serving on numerous advisory boards, Bill is an original signer of the Manhattan Declaration.

Bob McEwen is Senior Advisor with the nationally recognized law firm of Greenebaum, Doll & McDonald. As such he maintains offices in Cincinnati and Washington, DC. An Ohio native, Bob McEwen represented Ohio in the United States House of Representatives for six terms. Prior to his Congressional service, he operated a successful Ohio Real Estate and Development firm as well as serving three terms in the Ohio General Assembly as the Senior Republican on the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee. An outstanding communicator, Mr. McEwen is a leading advocate for pro-family interests and free-market economics. As such, he maintains an active international speaking schedule.

Creflo Dollar

Creflo Dollar is a founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI). He’s a world-renowned Bible teacher, sought-after conference speaker, and bestselling author with hundreds of books, CDs, and DVDs in distribution worldwide. He is the author of such game-changing books as The Radical Life of Grace and Why I Hate Religion, and his award-winning Changing Your World television broadcast reaches nearly 1 billion homes. Creflo Dollar and his wife, Taffi, have five children, and they live in Atlanta.

Alex McFarland

Alex McFarland is a Christian apologist, author, evangelist, religion and culture analyst, and advocate for biblical truth. Alex was the third president of Southern Evangelical Seminary and College, located in Charlotte, NC, from 2001 until 2005. He has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

Executive Director of Operations

Caleb stewart.

Caleb Stewart started as a youth pastor in 2009 and continued in full-time ministry for the next five years. After hearing Andrew teach Caleb began working at Andrew Wommack Ministries in 2014, and attended school, graduating in 2018. He now serves as the Executive Director of Charis Operations with the desire to help people grow in their personal relationship with God.

Audrey Mack

Audrey Mack is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and Victory World Mission Center and has been in the ministry since 1987. Audrey has been healed of bone cancer in 1999, and has a burning desire to bring the message of faith, grace and healing to this generation.  

Audrey married her husband Frederick in 1999. Frederick is a graduate of Charis Bible College but also a successful general contractor who sees his business as an avenue to serve and share his faith. Audrey’s joy is to connect people with God’s heart, teaching them to walk with the Holy Spirit so that they may become fruitful and fulfill their God given destiny.

Vice Presidents

Mike and Carrie Pickett were married in 2006 and have two children. They lived sixteen years in Russia as full-time missionaries. Carrie graduated from Charis Bible College in 1999 and moved to Russia to plant a Charis Campus, where Mike would get connected and eventually direct Andrew Wommack Ministries, Russia. Now they are the Vice Presidents of Charis Bible College as well as instructors, dedicated to using the Word of God to raise up leaders.

Medical Facilities

Woodland park.

  • Peak Vista Health Center at Divide
  • Pikes Peak Regional Hospital & E.R.

Colorado Springs

  • DaVita Medical Group – Urgent Care
  • Peak Vista Community Health Centers
  • Penrose Main Hospital & E.R.
  • Memorial Hospital Central & E.R.

Living at High Altitude Tips

  • Slowly acclimate. Try to stay below 7,000 feet the first day
  • Give your body time to adjust. Avoid strenuous exercise the first day. 
  • Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol binds oxygen and water and robs your body of these two important nutrients. It also slows the acclimation process.
  • Drink more water. Keep to a minimum of 1 liter of water for every 4 hours of inactivity and 1 liter of water for every 2 hours of activity. 
  • Always travel with a companion. If someone begins to experience severe coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, get him or her to a lower altitude as quickly as possible.
  • Check with a medical advisor. The effects of some drugs can be greatly increased at higher altitudes. Be sure to check with your doctor before exerting yourself at higher altitudes.

People will acclimatize at different rates. Make sure all members of your family are properly acclimated before going higher.

 If you have any breathing difficulties if may be best for you to live in Colorado Springs and come up to school for the 4-5 hours a day and then return to Colorado Springs

Winter Driving Tips

Check your:

  • Tire wear and air pressure – you’ll need good tread for winter driving
  • Antifreeze level and freeze line
  • Windshield blades – New blades to fight ice build-up
  • Gas tank- Don’t let it get below a quarter of a tank

Keep a “Winter Supply Box” in your car during the Winter:

  • Ice scraper and snow brush
  • Properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench, and tripod jack
  • Shovel Bag of salt or cat litter for better tire traction or to melt snow
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit Windshield cleaner – antifreeze type
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Nonperishable, high-energy foods
  • Bottled water
  • Winter coat
  • Blankets, mittens, socks, and hats
  • Snow Boots and extra socks


In Colorado Springs public transportation is available with Uber, Lyft, and Mountain Metropolitan Transit

In Colorado Springs you may be able to bicycle to the store or walk to nearby restaurants, but in order to get to Woodland Park and once in Woodland Park, public transportation is virtually non-existent. Biking/walking is not feasible for transportation to school in most situations due to mountainous terrain and wintery weather; it can snow as early as September and as late as May. Vehicle registration and insurance is required in Colorado, as well as double license plates

Senior Vice President

Andrew wertz.

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President and Founder

Andrew wommack.

Andrew Wommack was born on April 30th, 1949. Andrew and Jamie Wommack were married in 1972 and they have two sons and one granddaughter. He founded Andrew Wommack Ministries in 1978 and Charis Bible College in 1994. Andrew teaches across the country and the world through Conferences, Charis Bible College, and his TV show: The Gospel Truth – All with the desire to reach far and deep with the Gospel focusing on God’s unconditional love and grace.

Strategic Plan

Appalachian Bible College is committed to intentional strategic planning known as “Our Path for Servants” (OPS) as we pursue our mission.

Mission Statement:

"Appalachian Bible College exists by God's grace and for His glory to educate and equip servants for the Church of tomorrow while edifying the Church of today."

The effort to achieve this mission is driven by our intended vision.

Vision Statement:

  • Training students through a truth-driven curriculum and transformative co-curriculum that prepares Christlike servants who are skilled in interpreting, obeying, and proclaiming God's Word for the global spread of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the strengthening of His Church.
  • Impacting the Church with Christ-centered ministries, which challenge people through God's Word to wholly follow Christ.

Our Path For Servants (OPS)

The design for our OPS has been outlined with the following planning cycle adopted by our Board of Directors (September, 2022) and implemented by the Planning Committee of ABC as directed by the Board.

  • Assess: Each division assesses their effectiveness in fulfilling our mission and achieving our vision through their area of responsibility. From this review a report will be composed noting specific deficiencies. (September – November).
  • Prioritize: The Planning Committee compiles the reports from each division and prioritizes the deficiencies from this list. It will determine which ones to address as Strategic Initiatives for the coming year. Those not selected will be maintained for future consideration. (December).
  • Adopt: The Board of Directors will review and approve the proposed Strategic Initiatives. (January).
  • Organize: The Planning Committee will select appropriate persons to develop action plans to accomplish the initiatives. (February / April).
  • Implement: Progress reports for each of the Strategic Initiative Action Plans will be provided to the Planning Committee (December) and the Board of Directors (April / September).
  • Evaluate: Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic initiative action plans (September / December).

Appropriate members of the Planning Committee have been engaged to direct areas of Strategic Initiatives relative to their designated responsibility utilizing additional staff and faculty members.

The following Strategic Initiatives were adopted by the Board of Directors (January, 2022) for our 2022-2023 OPS planning year. These have been selected from the assessment reviews undertaken by each division of the college. In the December ADCOM retreat these selections were seen as priorities for advancing our ABC mission. The ADCOM serves as the Planning Committee for the college. Budgetary allocations will be determined as the 2022-2023 budget is constructed.

  • Student Information System - upgrade or replace the current system.
  • Church Relations Plan - develop and improve communication and interaction with churches to build close relationships and to channel students to ABC.
  • Personnel Review - review current personnel and position needs to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing our mission.

In keeping with the OPS planning cycle, these Initiatives are being implemented and evaluated.

Appalachian Bible College


2024-2027 Strategic Plan

A three-year rolling strategic plan developed by the FLBCS Board of Trustees.  

Placeholder Image

Core Purpose

The mission of FLBCS is: E stablishing students in the eternal and inerrant Word of God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His Kingdom.

The goal of this strategic plan is to provide increased quality of Bible education to FLBCS students, while standing strong against physical and spiritual pressures to the institution and its mission. Please refer to the FAQ's section for answers to commonly asked questions about this plan.

FREE LUTHERAN BIBLE COLLEGE was founded in 1966 to see God transform young people through the teaching of His Word. It was of primary concern among the founders of the AFLC to establish young Christians in the Word of God and help believers be equipped for life and ministry in local congregations and communities.

FREE LUTHERAN SEMINARY was founded in 1964 to train men to be servant pastors in the AFLC. The founders of the AFLC wanted pastors trained to handle the infallible and inerrant Word of God with respect and care, and to minister to their congregations with love and attentiveness, understanding the congregation as the right form of the kingdom of God on earth.

Institutional Objectives >

  • Word of God
  • Congregation
  • Spiritual Maturity
  • Great Commission Disciple Making

Core Values >

  • Equipping for Future Vocation
  • Stewardship
  • Whole Life Discipleship
  • Life Together


Our Promise to Our Students

WE PROMISE THAT AT FREE LUTHERAN BIBLE COLLEGE you will learn from great teachers to love Scripture and the Author of it. They will care for you, walk with you, and introduce you to the truth of the Bible. Here you will find a warm, encouraging community of people like you who want to know and follow Jesus more deeply. You will learn in great facilities on a beautiful campus that provides places to study, think, pray, and reflect. Here you will find a sure foundation for your life and be prepared for a lifetime of service in your congregation and calling.

WE PROMISE THAT AT FREE LUTHERAN SEMINARY you will be mentored by professors who will care for you and prepare you to shepherd God’s people and preach the Word in the congregation with impact. Here you will be immersed in the Word of God and historic Lutheran doctrine and find fellowship with peers in a community that will pray for you, care for you, walk with you, and encourage you. You will leave here with ministry opportunities, little to no seminary student debt, and the confidence to fulfill God’s calling on your life and vocation.

Strategic Goals

The FLBCS strategic plan exists as three-year plan that is updated every year. This plan is a result of strategic planning, which exists at FLBCS because of regular strategic thinking. Every year FLBCS is in a new “year one” of a strategic plan, so the plan is never neglected, ignored, out of touch, or out of date. 

The full Strategic Plan document can be found here .

By July 31, 2027 FLBCS will implement a process of risk management for the ongoing identification, assessment, and treatment of potential internal and external risks.

Several risks (for example—cultural, financial, theological) exist to the mission of FLBCS. Staff, administration, and board members will keep an eye on trends and current events so that the mission of establishing students in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ continues to be strong. 

By July 31, 2027, while operating with a balanced budget, FLBCS will have a positive net change for operational income for the previous three fiscal years, have established an endowment of $5M, a 3-month operating reserve, and reduced overall facility debt to under $2M. Additionally, FLBCS will have a plan in place to provide affordable Campus Housing options for students and staff.

FLBCS has operated with a balanced budget for years, and will continue to do so. The School will now operate with a positive net change in operational income, making sure that the services provided are appropriately priced to provide a margin that supports the mission of FLBCS. A three-month operating reserved is deemed to be sufficient, and a combination of endowment and debt reduction will occur due to operational gains, capital gifts, and/or estates approximating $6M over the next three years. Affordable housing is a challenge for many, and FLBCS will investigate ways of providing some such housing for students, faculty, staff, and/or administration.   

By July 31, 2027 FLBCS will have increased enrollment in the Bible College to 160 while maintaining its theological integrity and campus culture.

Current enrollment projections, including the start of the BA in Bible and Ministry, make a full campus of nearly 160 students likely. Additional student housing could accommodate a total of 300 students, but the current funding model for FLBCS also succeeds at current enrollment levels (approximately 130 students fall 2024). 

By July 31, 2027, FLBCS will graduate its third cohort of students from the AA and BA in Bible and Ministry programs.

The first cohort of BA students will graduate from FLBCS in the spring of 2025, and by 2027 such occurrences will become a routine occurrence. Current estimates plan on 15-20% of FLBC students to continue on to the BA program, likely influencing an increase in Seminary enrollment. 


Strategic Narrative

(Where we aim to be by Spring 2027)

At graduation 2027, leaders of the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary share about the state of the school with parents and financial partners. They report that enrollment has surpassed 160 thanks in part to the new AA and BA in Bible and Ministry and more focused recruiting efforts. The seminary trains a student body of 25 students each year, many of whom are robustly prepared for seminary studies through the BA program.

They share the good news that for a third year in a row the school has ended the fiscal year with a positive net operational gain, and that the total of all endowments has exceeded $5 million. The mortgage on the Student Life Center has been refinanced with no more than $2 million remaining. Additionally, FLBCS is executing plans for affordable on or near campus housing for students and staff.

Other leaders from the AFLC share stories of how FLBCS students are influencing congregations across the Association. Student leaders share how the school has prepared them for life and ministry because of its unwavering theological stance and focus on its mission and core values. The President concludes the presentation by stating that as a result of its financial strength, vision, and unequivocal commitment to its values, donors are giving more, and students are enrolling, then contributing to the life of congregations.

Strategic Plan FAQs

The Strategic Planning Team consisted of six administrators, two alumni, and four board members. Most faculty members, many staff members, several alumni, and a handful of corporation and community members were consulted at various times through the process.

The Strategic Planning Team used a consultant to help move the process along. Scott Rodin of The Focus Group was the consultant that helped with Board Governance Training, so he understands the culture and needs of both FLBCS and the AFLC. The consultant helped the Strategic Planning Team avoid “echo chambers” and “group think” that makes institutions blind to their own blind spots. He also helped synthesize the team’s thoughts and led the team to a place of broad agreement around the mission, vision, and core values of FLBCS.

After significant development, checking, input, and revision, the Board of Trustees adopted this strategic plan at their January 2023 meeting, seeking to establish and strengthen the mission of establishing students in the eternal and inerrant Word of God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His kingdom.

A strategic goal is not an operational goal. FLBCS will continue as it has been, provided for by operational plans that keep the institution moving in the current direction. Strategic goals identify desired change and focuses the Board of Trustees and Administration to provide for that desired change. In this way the mission of establishing students in the eternal and inerrant Word of God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His kingdom is more robustly fulfilled.

For more on each strategic goal read the Strategic Plan – and paragraphs of explanation– closely. Each goal is addressed specifically, below.

Strategic Goal 1: Successfully standing against the increased pressures of conformity and compromise

Strategic Goal 2: Operating with a balanced budget and have established a $10M endowment and a 9-month operating reserve

Strategic Goal 3: Increased enrollment in the Bible College to 160 while maintaining its theological integrity and campus culture

Free Lutheran Seminary has 15 students, with 20 anticipated in next year’s student body. Bible College enrollment is at 108, which is higher than the recent past and lower than capacity. Someplace between 110-120 students are expected next year.

Strategic Goal 4: Offer a BA and AA in Bible and Ministry

Diploma in Biblical Studies– The current program at FLBC.

Associates of Arts in Bible and Ministry – Building on the current program at FLBC, the AA will add general education requirements (*see below), either through transfer credits already earned by students, or by taking a few new classes offered by FLBC (**see below).

Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Ministry– Building on the current program at FLBC, the BA will allow students to take more classes that FLBC offers or would like to offer, including a number of congregationally-focused emphases.

AA and BA degrees must include a broad base of study. This contrasts with technical or professional training which is specific and narrow. In recent years general education requirements have shrunk in number, shifted in content, and become quite easy to obtain. Every system has different general education requirements, and you can find them listed on most college/university web sites. For TRACS-accredited institutions (FLBCS), general education must include at least three credits in each of four areas:

  • Communications
  • Mathematics and Lab Science
  • Social or Behavioral Science
  • Humanities and Fine Arts

AA students must have at least 15 total credits in these areas, while BA students must total at least 30. The other credits are major specific.

Strategic Goal 5: Implement at least three new outreach emphases and practices, employing the values and skills of students and graduates to impact the AFLC

  • Student Life
  • Tuition and Aid
  • Seminary Academics
  • Seminary Admissions
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Accreditation
  • Student Achievement
  • Campus & Location
  • Strategic Plan

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  • Business Templates
  • Sample Plans

FREE 3+ Bible School Business Plan Samples in MS Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages | PDF

bible school business plan featured

A Bible school is a great opportunity to educate your community with the Word of God, and let them apply their learnings in their lives to live a fulfilled life and to avoid doing things that could harm them and their families. Furthermore, a Bible school can bring the community closer and establish solid friendships and support each other’s endeavors. If you feel like it’s your calling to form a Bible school, you need to keep in mind that it is similar to creating a business and you just need a solid plan to help you create it. While it’s possible to run a business without a plan, it’s also more likely your business is going to fail without one. This article will show you how to write a business plan for your Bible school and the importance of having one.

Bible School Business Plan

Free 10+ sample preschool lesson plan, free 7+ graduation program templates, free 7+ wholesale real estate samples, 3+ bible school business plan samples, 1. bible school business plan template.

bible school business plan template

  • Google Docs

2. Bible College School Business Plan

bible college school business plan

3. Bible School Charity Business Plan

bible school charity business plan

Size: 70 KB

4. Bible School Committee Business Plan

bible school committee business plan

Size: 104 KB

Importance of a Business Plan

A business plan is essential for every type of business that exists out there. It serves as a road map for your business from flopping because it will keep you focused on the important aspects of your business to help you keep accountable, it will help you from doing fatal errors that will cost your business, especially if you’re still starting, and it allows you to set goals for the improvement of your business.

How to Write a Business Plan for Bible School

1. choose the values that you will apply in your business.

Since you are starting a Bible school, it is just appropriate that the foundation of your business will be based around the Bible. Think of any Bible verses that you want to center your business around and you can also use as your motivation to keep going on your business, even when times are tough. Once you’ve chosen the Bible verses for your business, it’s time to choose some values that you want to use as your guide in shaping and operating your business.

2. Write Your Mission and Vision Statements

The next section is where you write your mission and vision statement. The mission statement is where you state what does your business does and to whom do you serve. Make sure your statement is straight to the point.

For your vision statement , you need to state where do you want your business to be in the coming years. This is where you state your long-term goals and your plans on achieving them. Make sure your vision statement is brief.

3. Business Background

This section is where you provide more details about your Bible school. State the name of your business, your business structure,  business address, business bank account, website address, social media accounts, etc. List also the licenses and permits you obtained that make your business operations legitimate. State what kind of insurance you need and other details regarding it.

List also all the operations that will be going on in your school. Mention the courses you will offer to your students, the number of students who may enroll, the class schedules, the grading system, programs and training you do for your student’s overall wellbeing in learning their courses, and any other operations that you do that are not mentioned here.  Present also your organization’s structure through an organization chart and the list of the faculty staff that will be working in your school.

4. Financial Plan

Every business needs a financial plan to succeed. It determines the viability of your business and helps keep you in check on your current finances and the budget you’re going to need to keep your business going. Below are some details to include in your plan:

  • The amount of capital you need to start your business
  • The current amount of  your capital
  • Your projected cash flow
  • Your strategies on how you will make money
  • Profit loss statement
  • Cost of operations for the first six months of the business
  • Break-even analysis
  • Projected balance sheet

5. Marketing and Sales Strategies

To attract customers who will be your potential students, you need to have marketing strategies to invite them on enrolling in your school. You can do paid advertisements, content marketing, cold calling, social media marketing, paid ads, or direct mail marketing to market your school. It’s up to you on what strategies you will use, after all, your strategies will depend on your type of business, your customers, and your marketing budget.

Don’t forget to work on your brand awareness to make sure people will recognize your school. Having recognition to a wider audience means more potential for generating revenue.

How long does it take to complete Bible school?

For anyone interested to major in Bible studies, it takes four years to complete the degree.

What are the benefits of Bible school?

The main benefit of studying in Bible School is that you just not only fulfilled your academic studies but you also solidify your foundational beliefs and nourish your spiritual life. You will also discover and understand more about God and His will to the people.

How do I start a Bible school?

Here is a summarized list of what you can do to start a Bible school:

  • Fill out loan applications to raise capital if you don’t have enough capital
  • Reach out to local churches for support
  • Share your mission statement and course offerings with pastors and parishioners
  • Explain how your school will train and educate students.

When you’re writing your business plan, set aside a lot of time to brainstorm, draft, review and revise your proposal. Even though the whole process can be tedious and mind-boggling, and even frustrating sometimes,  don’t pressure yourself to finish it in a short time; instead, take your time on writing and revising it to assure that your proposal is free from errors and inaccurate information and it’s written concisely. To help you get started on writing a business plan for your Bible school, download our free sample templates provided above!

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  • Christian Thought

Biblical Studies

Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies (BA) Bachelors in Biblical Studies

“Go therefore, and teach all nations…” ~Matthew 28:19

Those who wish to study and communicate the truth of the Bible in its original context will enjoy the bachelors degree in Biblical Studies major or minor in the Department of Theology. You will gain in-depth knowledge about the Bible as well the skills to interpret the Bible responsibly, and to communicate the nature of God’s Word to others. This degree is especially appropriate for those who want to serve the body of Christ in a teaching and preaching role as a minister in a church, or as a missionary, someone in parachurch ministry, or whatever setting to which God calls you.

The Biblical Studies degree is 45 credit hours long, with 18 hours of core classes, 12 hours of Biblical Studies classes, 6 hours of biblical languages, 4 hours of Spiritual Formation, 3 hours of electives, 6 hours of language, and 2 hours of Senior Seminar. The core courses for the major are New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, History of Christianity, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, the Christian Vocation, and the Senior Seminar.  We also offer a wide variety of Biblical Studies classes which allow you to tailor your studies to your interests, such as Jesus and the Gospels, Romans, Revelation, Paul and His Letters, and Isaiah.

This program will give you a solid foundation in the Bible and prepare you for a variety of ministries. It will also prepare you for graduate studies such as in our Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) , Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) , or a Master of Divinity (MDiv) .

Scholarships for the Biblical Studies Degree

HCU offers several types of scholarships to help our incoming students for the Bachelors in Biblical Studies degree program. Our students will especially want to be aware of these scholarships.

BGCT Scholarships

The Baptist General Convention of Texas funds scholarships for our Southern Baptist students who are pursuing ministry as a vocation. The BGCT scholarship amount is currently $50 per credit hour for freshman and sophomores and $75 per credit hour for juniors and seniors. In addition to the denominational eligibility requirements, students must take two classes during their time at HCU: the Christian Vocation and Baptist History.

The BGCT also supports students financially with the Mary Hill Davis Ethnic/Minority Scholarship . It currently provides $800/semester (for full-time students) who are from a non-Anglo background and are part of a BGCT church that is representative of his/her ethnic/minority heritage. Note: the scholarship application should be submitted directly to the Mary Hill Davis Scholarship Office (not to HCU) no later than April 15.

Covenant Fellows

The purpose of the Covenant Fellows Program is to give students called to Christian ministry financial, personal and professional support as they further their undergraduate development, and become competent and holistically educated ministers/professors/missionaries. HCU covenants with our students and with local churches to provide education and professional experiences that will prove beneficial to both those studying in the program and those churches supporting and employing our ministerial students. One of the benefits of the program is that participants may receive scholarship money during their junior and senior years, per meeting the requirements of the program. Click to learn more about Covenant Fellows .

Further Graduate Studies: Seminary and Other Options

After completing a degree in Biblical Studies, most students preparing for ministry pursue some type of graduate degree to help them further prepare for ministry. Traditionally, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it provides the most well-rounded and robust training for ministry. Our 75-hour MDiv prepares you, not just for Bible study and academic knowledge, but it focuses on your personal development as a Christian and a minister to the church through practical experience. Similar to the MDiv, we offer a 40-hour Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) designed to meet the needs of those preparing for vocational or lay ministry or who just want to further their own personal development. For students who wish to pursue a more academically focused and shorter degree, we offer a 40-hour Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS)  that gives the core foundation desired by churches, but provides you more flexibility in course selection.

There are a variety of ways to engage the Department of Theology: we’re on Facebook ,  we offer an annual Theology Conference , and we have regular lectures by preeminent scholars as part of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series .

Biblical Studies Degree Plans

  • Faculty and Departments
  • Apologetics (minor)
  • Biblical Languages (BA and minor)
  • Biblical Studies (BA) 
  • Christian Ministry (BA)
  • Christian Studies (minor)
  • Classics (BA and minor)
  • Integrated Behavioral Studies (BA)
  • Latin (minor)
  • Theological Studies (BA)
  • 5-Year BA to MDiv Degree
  • Master of Arts in Biblical Languages (MABL)
  • Master of Arts in Classics and Early Christianity (MACEC)
  • Master of Arts in Apologetics (MAA)
  • Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL)
  • Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS)
  • Master of Divinity (MDiv)
  • Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
  • Houston Theological Seminary
  • Scholarships
  • Graduate Certificates
  • Conferences and Events
  • Related Centers and Organizations

Bible School Business Plan Template

Bible School Business Plan Template in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages

Download this Bible School Business Plan Template Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Whether you like it or not, most people born in this era are not interested anymore in attending a Bible study or bible school. In order to make it more interesting, you have to develop a plan that will convince people why they need to attend a bible school. Take advantage of our Bible School Business Plan template and spread God’s word in an interesting and exciting way. Don’t hesitate to use its pre-made content and be more efficient with your time. Utilize your various devices to edit and customize its content. Be determined and inspired by downloading this Bible School Business Plan template instantly.

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Citing the Bible

Identify the color-coded elements to cite the Bible on your Reference List:

Elements of citing the Bible

Citations in your paper should be formatted in  a black or  grayscale  font.

Referencing the Bible

For more information see: 

  • APA Style's Religious Work References
  •   APA Manual 7th   Edition   ,  pages 302-303, and 325

In-Text Citations

Place in-text citations in parentheses: 

  • ( Holy Bible: English Standard Version , 2011, Joshua 1:8)

Study Bible Citations

Identify the color-coded elements to cite books on your Reference List:

bible college business plan

Basic Bible Citation

Basic Bible citation

  • The Bible is treated as having no author (except for study Bibles--see below)
  • Include the year of publication, and if republished, add the original year of publication

Print Bible

Holy Bible example

Online Bible

Online Amplified Bible Example

Republished Bible

Republished Bible

Study Bible

Study Bible example

Study Bibles place the Editor(s) in the Author position.

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Tennessee Bible College

Making Plans

Sep 12, 2017 | Culture

“Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that” (James 4:13-15).

All of us make plans from day to day. What we will do, where we will go, what we will eat, are made by many every day. The people James is addressing in this text were making plans. That is not why they were rebuked. They were rebuked because of the way they were planning. They had decided that (1) either today or tomorrow they would leave and go into a certain city; (2) they would stay there a year; (3) they would engage in a business enterprise where they would be buying and selling; (4) their business would be profitable, they would make gain. Thus, they had made minute plans involving a whole year. Yet, James reminds them that they did not and could not know what would be on even one of those tomorrows.

Solomon exhorted in Proverbs 27:1, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” James reminded his readers that they should always include God and His will in their plans, “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that.” This is not just a formula that we need to add to every plan we make or express; it is a frame of mind which acknowledges that everything depends on God. In John 15, as Jesus taught concerning bearing fruit, He said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (v. 5). These lyrics of a song sung by Elvis state this truth correctly. “Without Him I could do nothing; Without Him I’d surely fail; Without  Him I would be drifting; Like a ship without a sail” (written by Mylon R. LeFevre).

James also reminds us of the uncertainty of life and its brevity. There are many answers given in the scriptures for the question James asks, “For what is your life?” Here James answers his own question by saying, “It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

How short at best, and uncertain is life! James follows the example of Jesus in drawing illustrations from nature (Matt. 6:30). He demonstrated his teaching with the metaphor of a vapor, a fog or mist. What a great and real example. You can have a heavy ground fog; yet three hours later the sky may be clear for a hundred miles in all directions. That’s the way life is. Poets of all ages have marveled at the brevity and uncertainty of it. Shakespeare said, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage” (Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Line 11). However, nothing can surpass James’ description given in this passage (James 4:13-15).

Let each of us make our plans and be sure that we include God in every plan we make.

Paul M. Wilmoth

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Real Estate | New application filed for long-stalled…

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Real Estate

Real estate | new application filed for long-stalled development next to meadow woods sunrail station.

A site plan of the proposed development on the former Meadow Woods Golf Course. (Site plan from Jim Mikes)

The applicants behind a transit-oriented development that would provide much-needed affordable housing near the Meadow Woods SunRail Station hope to get the long-stalled project back on track.

On Monday, St. Petersburg-based attorney Jim Mikes submitted an application to Orange County for a massive mixed-use development on behalf of El Shaddai Christian Church, located at 13001 Landstar Blvd. The church owns 189 acres, most of which is land formerly used for the Meadow Woods Golf Course, which closed in 2005. The application calls for 1,764 multifamily units, all of which will be affordable, as well as 15,000 square feet of retail, and 15,000 square feet of medical office uses. Additionally, the church would build a 10,000-square-foot bible college and a 10,000-square-foot high school building for the existing TKCA Academy.

A concept plan indicates that there will be 760 affordable units across the street from the SunRail station, along with 10,000 square feet of retail space fronting Landstar Boulevard. Further down, an additional 500 units south of Iowa Woods Circle East would be set aside for affordable senior apartments and student housing and would be situated adjacent to the existing church and proposed high school expansion and bible college building. Mikes told GrowthSpotter that the bible college could accommodate around 200 students at a time and that some of the units would be set aside for the students who are there on both a temporary and more permanent basis, while some of the senior housing could be set aside for retired pastors.

“You might have students that are there for full semesters or full years, and you might have students there for periods of one week or two weeks for seminars,” he explained.

Behind the church, there would be 4 residences for church staff and pastors, just above an additional 200 affordable senior housing units. The southernmost portion of the project would consist of 300 affordable units just below Rhode Island Woods Circle.

Of the 189 acres, about 60%, or 115.5 acres, would be set aside for conservation space, as the County mandated that at least 50% of the land be kept as open space. Additionally, about 77 acres would be retention ponds, which Mikes said is by design. The proposed development is surrounded by the already completed 3,000-acre Meadow Woods master-planned community by Coral Gables-based Landstar Development Group . According to Mikes, all the stormwater runoff for the surrounding Meadow Woods community was diverted to the former golf course.

Mikes said that, once the project is approved, the church will remain in ownership of the land.

“The church is going to end up staying as the owner of the land, and whoever wants to come in and build the affordable housing, the church will own the land and get paid rent,” he said.

A 2016 concept plan from FDOT showcasing the state's vision for the area, which includes a transit oriented development on the former golf course. (Handout from FDOT)

The long-awaited project has been in the works for at least 15 years. In 2000, Mikes purchased the Meadow Woods Golf Course under the entity Contrarian Florida Links L L C. He sold the clubhouses to El Shaddai, and then later donated the remainder of the land to the church in 2009.

“I donated the golf course to El Shaddai with the intention that I would then work with them and we would get whatever necessary entitlements, and they could sell and then develop senior housing for retired pastors right around their sanctuary, which is the clubhouse, as well as other affordable workforce type housing,” Mikes explained.

In 2019, GrowthSpotter reported that El Shaddai Christian Church submitted an application to the County requesting approval for a little more than 1,500 residential units and 22,500 square feet of commercial space, including medical office use and retail space. However, in October 2019, county planning staff moved the project to inactive status, saying that the application remained insufficient, since “the proposed plan amendment requires authorization from the owner/developer of the Meadow Woods Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and a complete application for an amendment to the DRI Development Order.”

The developer that staff was referring to, Landstar Development Group, already wrapped up development on the surrounding Meadow Woods community. “The county isn’t even enforcing the DRI anymore, but they enforce it relative to us. We’re the only undeveloped portion in this 3000-acre DRI,” Mikes said. He pointed out that he recently filed with the County because he wants to have a pre-app meeting with staff to finally get the ball rolling on this project.

“We hope to be building not 10 years from now, but a year from now. We’d like to put the ponds in first and then start building the units,” Mikes said. “We’re not looking to make money. There’s no money involved here,” he explained, pointing to the benefits that the affordable housing and bible college would bring to both the community and the church.

Jose Hoyos, a realtor who represented the church during their land transaction with Jim Mikes, is also working as a consultant on the El Shaddai development. He said that, right now, buildings of up to 3.5 stories are allowed on the land, but he is hoping that the County will be more receptive to further density, and that the application team has a pre-app meeting scheduled with county staff in June. He also pointed out that a mixed-use development on the former golf course aligns with the goals of a 2016 report by FDOT, which envisioned a walkable community on the vacant land connected to the SunRail Station.

Hoyos pointed to low SunRail ridership as a major reason for more density and transited-oriented development around SunRail stations. According to Hoyos, only 2,600 people ride the train per day, and a mere 175 riders board the Meadow Woods northbound trains to Downtown Orlando during morning peak hours from 5:45 AM to 8:45 AM. His vision is to not only increase density around the SunRail station but also provide enhanced accessibility to the station through the use of an internal shuttle service.

The internal shuttle service would conveniently connect residents to the nearby train station. Hoyos said that initially, the shuttle service would consist of buses, but that he also plans to apply for a federal grant to use autonomous vehicles, such as the ones used in Altamonte Springs . Additionally, he plans to have a shuttle running every 15 minutes from the SunRail station area to Terminal C of the Orlando International Airport.

“The whole idea is that we can run it as part of the HOA through an MSTU (Municipal Services Taxing Unit),” Hoyos said.

“We will sit down with Lynx to see how we can accommodate our new ridership to their current service Lynx 18, 407 and 418,” he explained.

Hoyos said that he plans to apply for a grant for an autonomous vehicle service, similar to the one used in Altamonte Springs. (Photo from City of Altamonte Springs)

According to Hoyos, he’s had discussions with residents of the nearby single-family homes and said that they aren’t opposed to development on the site, but they want it done in the right way, as neighbors expressed that they don’t want apartment buildings to have balconies overlooking their properties.

“They just want to make sure that the type of development is appropriate,” he said.

According to Hoyos, the development will not only provide new walking trails but will also revitalize the area.

“We’re not imposing new taxes on the current residents, but everybody is going to get the benefit,” Hoyos said, explaining that the new construction will be similar to popular communities like Celebration, Baldwin Park, or Lake Nona. “We’re not going to reinvent the wheel here.”

Have a tip about Central Florida development? Contact me at (407)607-8160 or [email protected] . Follow GrowthSpotter on  Facebook  and  LinkedIn .

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  17. Bible School Business Plan Template

    Utilize your various devices to edit and customize its content. Be determined and inspired by downloading this Bible School Business Plan template instantly. Instantly Download Bible School Business Plan Template, Sample & Example in Microsoft Word (DOC), PDF, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Available in A4 & US Letter Sizes. Quickly Customize.

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  20. New application filed for long-stalled development next to Meadow Woods

    Additionally, the church would build a 10,000-square-foot bible college and a 10,000-square-foot high school building for the existing TKCA Academy. A concept plan indicates that there will be 760 affordable units across the street from the SunRail station, along with 10,000 square feet of retail space fronting Landstar Boulevard.

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