StandOut CV

CV personal statement examples

Andrew Fennell photo

If you want to secure job interview, you need a strong personal statement at the top of your CV.

Your CV personal statement is a short paragraph which sits at the very top of your CV – and it’s aim is to summarise the benefits of hiring you and encourage employers to read your CV in full.

In this guide I have included 17 CV personal statement examples from a range of professions and experience levels, plus a detailed guide of how to write your own personal statement that will get you noticed by employers

CV templates 

17 CV personal statement examples

To start this guide, I have included 10 examples of good personal statements, to give you an idea of how a personal statement should look , and what should be included.

Note: personal statements are generally used by junior candidates – if you are experienced, check out our CV profile examples instead.

Graduate CV personal statement (no experience)

Graduate with no experience CV personal statement

Although this  graduate has no paid work experience, they compensate for it by showcasing all of the skills and knowledge the have gained during their studies, and demonstrating how they apply their knowledge in academic and personal projects.

When you have little or no experience, it’s important to draw out transferable workplace skills from your studies and extracurricular work, to showcase them to employers.

Graduate CV personal statement (part time freelance experience)

Graduate with part time freelance experience CV personal statement

This candidate has graduated with a degree in biochemistry but actually wants to start a career in digital marketing after providing some digital freelance services to fund their studies.

In this case, they haven’t made much mention of their studies because they aren’t relevant to the digital marketing agencies they are applying to. Instead they have focused their personal statement around their freelance work and passion for the digital field – although they still mention the fact they are degree educated to prove their academic success.

CV builder

School leaver CV personal statement (no experience)

School leaver with no experience CV personal statement

This candidate is 16 years old and has no work experience whatsoever, but they compensate for this by detailing their academic achievements that relate to the roles they are applying for (maths and literacy are important requirements in finance and accountancy roles).

They also add some info on their extracurricular activities and school work-placements, to strengthen this student CV further.

    Top tips for writing a CV personal statement

  • Thoroughly research the jobs and companies you are planning to apply for to identify the type of candidate they are looking for – try to reflect that in your personal statement
  • Don’t be afraid to brag a little – include some of your most impressive achievements from education, work or personal life
  • Focus on describing the benefits an employer will get from hiring you. Will you help them to get more customers? Improve their workplace? Save them time and money?
  • If you have no work experience, demonstrate transferable workplace skills from your education, projects, or even hobbies

School leaver CV personal statement (part time experience)

School leaver with part time experience CV personal statement

Although this person has only just left school, they have also undertaken some part-time work in a call centre alongside their studies.

To make the most of this experience, they have combined their academic achievements with their workplace exposure in this personal statement.

By highlighting their GCSE results, summer programme involvement, work experience and expressing their ambitions to progress within sales, this candidate really makes an appealing case for hiring them.

College leaver CV personal statement (no experience)

College leaver with no experience CV personal statement

This candidate has left college with good grades, but does not yet have any work experience.

To compensate for the lack of workplace exposure, they have made their A level results prominent and highlighted skills and experience which would benefit the employers they are targeting.

Any recruiter reading this profile can quickly understand that this candidate has great academic achievements, a passion for IT and finance and the ability to transfer their skills into an office environment.

College student CV personal statement (freelance experience)

College student with freelance experience CV personal statement

As this student has picked up a small amount of freelance writing work during their studies, they have made sure to brag about it in their personal statement.

They give details on their relevant A level studies to show the skills they are learning, and boost this further by highlighting the fact that they have been applying these skills in a real-life work setting by providing freelance services.

They also include key action verbs that recruiters will be looking for , such as creative writing, working to deadlines, and producing copy.

Academic CV personal statement

Academic CV personal statement

Aside from junior candidates, the only other people who might use a personal statement, are academic professionals; as their CV’s tend to be more longer and detailed than other professions.

This candidate provides a high level overview of their field of study, length of experience, and the roles they have held within universities.

School leaver CV personal statement with and sports experience

School leaver with part time experience CV personal statement

Although this person has no work experience, they are still able to show employers the value of hiring them by selling their other achievements and explaining how they could benefit an organisation.

They expand on their sports club involvement to demonstrate their teamwork, leadership skills, communication and motivation, which are all important traits in the workplace, and will be looked upon favourably by recruiters and hiring managers.

They also draw upon their future plans to study business studies and take a part time job, to further prove their ambition and dedication.

History graduate CV personal statement

History graduate CV personal statement

This history graduate proves their aptitude for both academic achievement and workplace aptitude by showcasing valuable skills from their degree and voluntary work.

They do this by breaking down the key requirements for each and showing how their skills could be beneficial for future employers, such as listening, communication, and crisis management.

They also describe how their ability to balance studies alongside voluntary work has not only boosted their knowledge and skills, but also given excellent time management and organisational skills – which are vital assets to any employer.

Law graduate CV personal statement

Law graduate CV personal statement

This legal graduate makes the most from their work university work placements by using it to bulk out the contents of their CV personal statement.

They include their degree to show they have the necessary qualifications for legal roles, which is crucial, but more importantly, they showcase how they applied their legal skills within a real-life work setting.

They give a brief overview of the types of legal professionals they have been working alongside and the type of work they have been carrying out – this is all it takes to get the attention of recruiters and show employers they have what it takes to fulfil roles in the legal sector.

Medical student CV personal statement

Medical student CV personal statement

This medical student proves their fit for the role by showcasing the key skills they have gained from their studies and their work experience placements.

In just these few sentences, they are able to highlight the vast amount of experience they have across different disciplines in the industry, something which is particularly important in the medical sector.

As they have not graduated yet and are still studying, they have provided proof of their most recent grades. This can give the recruiter some indication as to the type of grade they could be graduating with in the near future.

Masters student CV personal statement

Masters student CV personal statement

This masters student has started by specifying their area of study, in this case, accounting, and given details about the specific areas of finance they are most interested in. This can hint towards their career goals and passions.

They have then carefully listed some of the key areas of accounting and finance that they are proficient in. For example, business finance, advanced corporate finance and statistics.

They have also outlined some of the transferable skills needed for accounting roles that employers will be looking out for, such as communication, attention to detail and analytical skills.

Finance student CV personal statement

Finance student CV personal statement

As this finance student has recently undertaken some relevant work experience, they’ve made sure to shout about this in their personal profile.

But more than this, they have included a list of some of the important finance skills they gained as a result of this work experience – for example, financial reporting, processing invoices and month-end reconciliations.

Plus, through power words and phrases such as ‘prevent loss’ and ‘ improve upon accuracy and efficiency’, they have also showcased how they can apply these skills in a workplace setting to benefit the potential employer.

Internship  CV personal statement

Internship CV personal statement

This digital marketing professional has started their personal profile by outlining their most relevant qualifications and work experience, most notably their freelance role as a content manager.

They have also provided examples of some of the key marketing skills that potential employers might be looking for, including very detailed examples of the platforms and tools they are proficient in – for example, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest.

They have then closed their statement by giving a detailed description of the type of role or opportunity they are looking for. In this case, an in-house position in a marketing company.

Graduate career changer personal statement

Graduate career changer CV personal statement

Switching careers as a graduate can be tough. Especially when it comes to writing a personal statement that will attract employers in your new chosen field.

This candidate is looking to move from history teaching into journalism, so they have created a statement which briefly mentions their current workplace, but mainly focuses on highlighting transferable skills which are relevant to journalism. They achieve this by discussing the writing skills they use in their current role, and mentioning their hobby of writing – including some publications they have been featured in for extra brownie points.

Business management graduate personal statement

Business management graduate CV personal statement

This business management proves their ability to work within a junior business management position by swiftly highlighting their impressive degree (to ensure it is not missed) and summarising some of the real-life experience they have gained in management during their university placements and volunteering. They do not let their lack of paid work experience, stop them demonstrating their valuable skills.

PhD graduate

PhD graduate CV personal statement

PhD graduate roles attract a lot of competition, so it’s important that your CV contains a personal statement that will quickly impress and attract recruiters.

This candidate provides a short-but-comprehensive overview of their academic achievements, whilst demonstrating their exceptional level of knowledge in research, languages and publication writing.

By highlighting a number of skills and abilities that are in high-demand in the academic workplace, this CV is very likely to get noticed and land interviews.

How to write a personal statement for your CV

Now that you’ve seen what a personal statement should look like and the type of content it should contain, follow this detailed guide to one for your own CV – and start racking those interviews up.

Guide contents

What is a CV personal statement?

Cv personal statement or cv profile, personal statement format, what to include in a cv personal statement.

  • Personal statement mistakes

How to write persuasively

A personal statement is a short paragraph at the top of your CV which gives employers an overview of your education, skills and experience

It’s purpose is to capture the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers when your CV is first opened – encouraging them to read the rest of it.

You achieve this by writing a tailored summary of yourself that explains your suitability for the roles you are applying for at a very high level, and matches your target job descriptions .

Personal statement basics

One question candidates often ask me is , “what is the difference between a personal statement and a CV profile?”

To be honest, they are almost the same – they are both introductory paragraphs that sit at the top of your CV… but there are 2 main differences

A personal statement tends to be used more by junior candidates (graduates, school leavers etc.) and is relatively long and detailed.

A CV profile tends to be favoured by more experienced candidates , and is shorter in length than a personal statement.

CV personal statement vs profile

Note: If you are an experienced candidate, you may want to switch over to my CV profile writing guide , or example CV profiles page.

To ensure you grab recruiters’ attention with your personal statement, lay it out in the following way.


You need to ensure that your personal statement sits at the very top of your CV, and all of it should be totally visible to readers, without the need to scroll down the page.

Do this by reducing the top page margin and minimising the space taken up by your contact details.

CV margins

This will ensure that your whole personal statement can be seen, as soon as your CV is opened.

We have a Word CV template which can help you to get this right.


Your personal statement needs to contain enough detail to provide an introduction to your skills and knowledge, but not so much detail that it bores readers.

To strike the right balance, anything between 8-15 lines of text is perfect – and sentences should be sharp and to-the-point.

As with the whole of your CV or resume , your personal statement should be written in a simple clean font at around size 10-12 to ensure that it can be read easily by all recruiters and employers.

Keep the text colour simple , ensuring that it contrasts the background (black on white is best) and break it into 2 or even 3 paragraphs for a pleasant reading experience.

It should also be written in a punchy persuasive tone, to help you sell yourself and increase your chances of landing interviews , I cover how to do this in detail further down the guide.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional CV templates and pre-written content for every industry.

Once you have the style and format of your personal statement perfected, you need to fill it with compelling content that tells recruiters that your CV is worth reading.

Here’s what needs to go into your personal statement…

Before you start writing your personal statement, it’s crucial that you research your target roles to find out exactly what your new potential employers are looking for in a candidate.

Run a search for your target jobs on one of the major job websites , look through plenty of adverts and make a list of the candidate requirements that frequently appear.

Key words in job adverts

This research will show you exactly what to include in your personal statement in order to impress the recruiters who will be reading it.

Education and qualifications are an important aspect of your personal statement, especially if you are a junior candidate.

You should highlight your highest and most relevant qualifications, whether that is a degree, A levels or GCSEs. You could potentially go into some more detail around modules, papers etc. if they are relevant to the roles you are applying for.

It’s important that you discuss the experience you have gained in your personal statement, to give readers an idea of the work you are comfortable undertaking.

This can of course be direct employed work experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

You can also include:

  • School/college Uni work placements
  • Voluntary work
  • Personal projects
  • Hobbies/interests

As with all aspects of your CV , the content should be tailored to match the requirements of your target roles.

Whilst discussing your experience, you should touch upon skills used, industries worked in, types of companies worked for, and people you have worked with.

Where possible, try to show the impact your actions have made. E.g . A customer service agent helps to make sales for their employer.

Any industry-specific knowledge you have that will be useful to your new potential employers should be made prominent within your personal statement.

For example

  • Knowledge of financial regulations will be important for accountancy roles
  • Knowledge of IT operating systems will be important for IT roles
  • Knowledge of the national curriculum will be important for teachers

You should also include some information about the types of roles you are applying for, and why you are doing so. Try to show your interest and passion for the field you are hoping to enter, because employers want to hire people who have genuine motivation and drive in their work.

This is especially true if you don’t have much work experience, as you need something else to compensate for it.

CV personal statement mistakes

The things that you omit from your personal statement can be just as important as the things you include.

Try to keep the following out of your personal statement..

Irrelevant info

Any information that doesn’t fall into the requirements of your target roles can be cut out of your personal statement. For example, if you were a professional athlete 6 years ago, that’s great – but it won’t be relevant if you’re applying to advertising internships, so leave it out.

Generic clichés

Poor resume profile

If you are describing yourself as a “ dynamic team player with high levels of motivation and enthusiasm” you aren’t doing yourself any favours.

These cliché terms are vastly overused and don’t provide readers with any factual details about you – so keep them to a minimum.

Stick to solid facts like education, skills , experience, achievements and knowledge.

If you really want to ensure that your personal statement makes a big impact, you need to write in a persuasive manner.

So, how do you so this?

Well, you need to brag a little – but not too much

It’s about selling yourself and appearing confident, without overstepping the mark and appearing arrogant.

For example, instead of writing.

“Marketing graduate with an interest in entering the digital field”

Be creative and excite the reader by livening the sentence up like this,

“Marketing graduate with highest exam results in class and a passion for embarking on a long and successful career within digital”

The second sentence is a much more interesting, makes the candidate appear more confident, throws in some achievements, and shows off a wider range of writing skills.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional templates and pre-written content for every industry.

Your own personal statement will be totally unique to yourself, but by using the above guidelines you will be able to create one which shows recruiters everything they need.

Remember to keep the length between 10-20 lines and only include the most relevant information for your target roles.

You can also check our school leaver CV example , our best CV templates , or our library of example CVs from all industries.

Good luck with the job hunt!

Taxi Driver Resume Example

Sashika Dilshan

Sashika Dilshan

Complete resume guide for a taxi driver, best tips and secrets from a professional taxi driver, taxi service companies vs modern recruitment process.

  • Taxi Driver Resume Example (Text Version)

No hidden costs. Download your ATS-Friendly resume in PDF for absolutely FREE after creating!

Taxi Driver Resume

No need to start from the beginning. Edit this resume sample with your information and keywords from the job posting.

Taxi Driver Resume Example - Cresuma

What is the best resume template for a Taxi Driver?

the best page setup of a Taxi driver resume

There is no particular taxi driver resume template. But you can select a resume template based on your willingness by considering the following facts.

No heavy graphics:- Select a resume template with light and simple graphics because heavy graphics usually disturb the ATS friendliness.

Clear Font type:-

Let the recruiters read your resume smoothly by selecting a clear resume font style We recommend you to use the ‘Open Sans’ font type.

Cool Colors:- Do not disturb the readability of your taxi driver resume. So apply cool colors that are comfortable to sight.

Free Online Template:- Nowadays the easiest and standard way to create a resume for job seekers is using free online resume builders. Because those builders always consider the ATS friendliness, quality, and standards of resume writing.

What a Taxi driver should include on his resume header?

 key points for a Taxi driver resume header

Usually, the resume header should contain your personal contact details. That means surely adding your name, location, job title, email address, contact number. But sharing your social media URLs is optional.

You can follow the below guidelines when you arrange your resume header.

  • Only mention your first and last name . Because the recruiters only want to know who you are. Mentioning the full name will waste more space from your resume.
  • The recruiters decide on how far your place is from the company, based on your location. Therefore just mention the city and state . Then the recruiters will feel that you are not far.
  • Job title refers to your target position and it includes in the job advertisement correctly. That may be a Taxi Driver, Shuttle Driver, Part-Time Driver, Driver, or Taxi Cab Driver. Therefore mention the same job title of the job advertisement in your resume.
  • Your email address should be professional . Because if it contains fancy words or it is the email address of your workplace, that will have a bad impact on your resume.
  • Do not list your every contact number in the resume and make the recruiters fed up to find out the available one. Therefore mention only one available personal contact number in your resume.

There is no restriction to add or not to add social media URLs in your resume. It is based on the capability to showcase your professional value through social media.

Taxi driver resume header example

How to write an impressive resume summary for a Taxi driver?

key points for a taxi driver resume

As the image represents, your resume summary should contain your values and qualities as a driver. If you can reveal that you are unique from other competitors that is a great chance to draw the recruiters’ attention.

You can mention the top achievements in your career history, best educational qualifications, and unique skills as a taxi driver. When building up your resume summary, try to use keywords, action verbs, percentages, amounts, numbers, and years as possible.

Example from an Expert

Reliable taxi driver with 5+ years of experience and a clean driving record who ensures the client’s safety, comfort, and pleasure by notifying the destination quickly, picking and dropping them at the point, helping them to load the luggage, and providing a clean and fresh space to travel.

What to insert in the work experience section of a Taxi driver?

Tips to stand out the work experience section of a Taxi driver

Though prior work experience as a taxi operator is not required, the excellent driving skills will support you to gain your dream job – fast. Therefore you can mention your prior experiences in driving.

Try to mention a complete set of information about your previous jobs such as job title, employment duration, company name, location, and 3-6 bullet points of your career achievements.

For further enhancement, start the bullet points from a formal and relevant action verb, and add suitable keywords possibly.

Taxi Driver – 2014/Oct to 2018/Dec Metro Yellow Taxi Cab, Oakland

  • Transported more than 1000 customers to cities or suburban locations.
  • Carried 2-3 luggage, groceries, or wheelchair walkers per day.
  • Completed trip sheets and daily paperwork after each travel.

What should emphasize on Taxi driver’s achievements?

When you mention your achievements in your summary or work experience section you can use the following facts. But we suggest not to mention them directly but reveal they are your own experiences.

Try to quantify your results in the achievements using years, percentages, amounts, and numbers as possible. Also try to include key words which were mentioned in the job description.

Reveal you are a law-abiding Taxi driver

If you can mention in your achievements that you know the road rules well, how it helps you to be a talented taxi driver, what are the feedbacks that you got from the customers and prior company owners, the recruiters will understand your abilities as a driver.

Here are some famous driving rules

  • When to stop
  • What are the one-ways
  • When to take a u-turn
  • What are the no entry premises
  • What is the speed limit of separate routes

Country rules

Try to explain in your achievements how the awareness of country rules help you to overcome the day to day challenges as a taxi driver. Here are some country rules for driving.

  • Driving side of the country (Left-hand drive or Right-hand drive)
  • Number of passengers per transport
  • Vehicle condition required to drive
  • The recommended side to pass other vehicles
  • When and how to wear seat belts
  • How to use lightings of the vehicle

Mention you know the area well

As a driver, the awareness of the routes and the geography in the area is an essential qualification. Therefore you have to highlight how well you know the area well in your achievements. You can mention your prior experiences. Such as ‘transported customers in the city and even out of the city’.

Showcase your great customer service in your resume

Courteous driver

The hiring managers will be impressed to know that you greet the customers well, smile at them pleasantly and you never mess up the personal problems in the profession.

Low-volume Music Listener

It is better if you can showcase that you never play music without the permission of the customer while traveling. At the same time, try to reveal that you never up the music too loud.

Great helper

If you are a beneficial driver who does some assists to the customers like opening the door for them and if they have luggage, placing them in the trunk, etc. try to mention them in your resume properly.

Formal chatter

Try to highlight that you are a great listener and an active talker who never talks about the topics that cause disagreements like political and religious.

Let them know you are a safe driver

  • No answering phone calls

You can mention that you never answer personal phone calls while driving and if you want to answer an official call you surely use a hand-free device such as a Bluetooth earpiece. Further, explain how it helps you to be a great driver.

  • No unexplained detour

You can highlight that you never take shortcuts or unexpected detours without informing the customer, though you are in a hurry. That will impress the recruiters.

  • Not a speed driver

Mention that you never speed up too much to ensure the safety of the client. Though you are in a hurry, you use the recommended speed limit. At the same time, the recruiters will be really happy to know that you never race with the other vehicles or taxi drivers.

Highlight that you care about hygiene first

  • Cleanliness of vehicle

A clean environment directly causes the comfortableness of the customers. Therefore you have to express to the hiring managers how both the inner and outer cleanliness of your vehicle affected your prior careers positively.

  • Professional look

A pleasant look is a plus point to be a professional driver. Therefore try to explain how your proper look enhances your value as a taxi driver because you wear clean clothes with no wrinkles.

If you want to prove it further you can add a professional-looking photo to your resume . But it is better to have a photo-free layout because you can emphasize your qualities, skills, qualifications, and other values than your appearance.

Are you the volunteer driver of your family?

The hiring managers are fond of knowing that driving is not only your duty but also it is a passion in your personal life. Therefore try to add such qualifications to enhance your value. You can mention them in a separate section called ‘ Volunteer work ’.

Does a Taxi driver need educational qualifications?

A degree, diploma, secondary, or any other educational qualification is not required to be an expert taxi driver.

But it is better to mention your best educational qualifications in your resume . Do not forget to mention the type of educational qualification, name, and location of the college or studied duration.

For further enhancement, you can add some achievements that you have achieved during the studied period. However, ensure the relevance of the achievements to the desired job position.

But, some driving schools might provide courses for taxi driving with map reading, customer service, federal and local regulations. Though the job-seeker did not follow a course or training he has to have a good knowledge of road signs, rules, regulations, and policies in driving.

What are the essential soft skills for a taxi driver?

Oral and written communication:- The candidate should be able to understand the correct destination of the customer and complete some paper works during the transport and the end of the day. Therefore he should be able to communicate fluently in both oral and written.

Time management:- The applicant should be responsible to transport the customer to the destination on time. At the same time, he has to return to another customer. Therefore they should be able to manage the time while considering the safety of the customer.

Organizational skills:- As the taxi driver has to work with many customers he should have a particular practice plan. To plan the day he should have good organizational skills.

Problem Solving:- Though the applicant is connected with a taxi company, he should be able to handle emergencies during the transport. Therefore problem-solving skills are a must for a taxi driver.

Interpersonal skills:- The candidates should be ready to deal with the customers each time. Therefore the interpersonal skills are very essential to provide great customer service as a taxi driver.

Basic Mathematical skills:- Financial management is the main duty of a taxi driver. At the same time, to calculate the fare correctly, to take the correct amount, and return the balance if there is a balance, mathematical skills are very essential.

Make sure to add ATS friendly resume key words to emphasize your soft skills.

Is there any technical skill related to a Taxi driver?

Not much. But there are a few technical skills. These skills of a taxi driver will help the applicants to process the day-to-day duties smoothly.

Here are some of the hard skills related to a Taxi driver

  • A better knowledge of roads and traffic system
  • Good geographical knowledge
  • Awareness of handling money
  • The technical expertise of vehicles
  • Excellent education about smartphones
  • Ability to use GPS software, online maps, or rideshare services apps

How does an entry-level Taxi driver’s resume differ from an experienced one?

Carefully look for the difference in the below image to have a clear idea.

Taxi driver resume example structure

How to write an impressive objective statement for an entry-level Taxi driver?

The objective statement is the best substitution for a resume summary that facilitates an entry-level or fresher Taxi driver to showcase their values. Literally, the purpose of the objective statement should explain your objections. But ensure you have not explained your future plans.

Additionally, if you can explain your willingness to dedicate your skills and knowledge to ensure the company goals, that will be great. Because that is what the recruiters want to know from your objective statement. In brief, you have to provide a plan for how the Taxi cab service company can achieve the company goals by hiring you as an employee of their company. Read more resume samples to get an clear idea about resume templates.

To ensure client satisfaction by notifying the destination quickly, transporting them within less time, returning the balance after the payment, loading their luggage, and providing a comfortable environment to travel by using the best communication skills.

Can you communicate with the customers in different languages?

If you can communicate in different languages other than the native language that will be a great chance to get marks from the hiring managers. Therefore if you have such ability, mention the language and the competency level under the ‘ Languages ’ section.

Should a Taxi driver mention the availability of the driving license in the resume?

Exactly! They should mention it. Because a driving license is a major and essential requirement to be a professional taxi driver. It is better to mention the Driving license under the ‘ Certifications & licenses ’ section.

On account of informing that you have an international driving license will help you to get the job opportunity as fast as possible. Because taxi companies preferred to hire taxi drivers who accepted internationally.

Further, you can find out the other set of requirements of the particular city and mention them also in the above-mentioned section.

TIP #01:Conducting a Self-Research on the Taxi service company

What is the importance of self-research?   The information that can be found from the self-research will provide a great background for creating a taxi driver resume.

What are the resources to conduct a self-research? The job advertisement is the main and the closest resource to understand the status of this job. Further, you can refer to the company profiles to understand the size, rules, and regulations, the number of employees, vehicle types of the taxi service company.

That will help you to tailor your resume exactly to the desired position of the company.

TIP #02:- Selecting relevant keywords from the Taxi driver’s job advertisement

The job advertisement is full of keywords that represent the skills, qualifications, objects, procedures, and people related to the taxi service. The emphasized keywords will differ from one job advertisement to another.

Here we have highlighted some keywords of the below job advertisement sample.

List of the keywords related to a Taxi driver

TIP #03:Using the relevant Action verbs for a taxi driver

Though the resume action verbs are common verbs in resume writing, those action verbs represent the duties and responsibilities of the desired position. As they are unique to the job field you should use them in your resume meaningfully.

You can refer to the following sample job advertisement for further understanding.

 List of the relevant action verbs for a Taxi driver

List of Action verbs

  • Figured out

TIP #04:- Save the resume sample in PDF format

PDF format is a universally used file format and the most ATS friendly resume file format. Therefore we suggest you save your resume in PDF format. Though doc., Docx., and plain text documents are also ATS friendly they are a little bit unsafe because anyone can edit them. Therefore save your taxi driver resume sample in PDF format.

Modern recruitment process of Taxi service companies

Modern Recruitment Process Overview

As the above image mentioned, the majority of the taxi service companies post the vacancies for taxi drivers on their web sites or other job posting sites.

Then the applicants submit their taxi driver resumes through an email.

A company receives more than hundreds of resumes per vacancy. Therefore they use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter the top resumes.

After the ATS filters the top resumes, the recruiters scan them to select the best resumes for the interview.

Finally, the owners of the best resumes are invited to the interviews and the hiring managers select the most suitable employee for their company.

Taxi Driver Resume Sample (Text Version)

Joshua christopher, taxi driver.

+(3110) 658 2256

[email protected]

New York, Huntington

10+ years experienced and punctual taxi driver with excellent knowledge of the roads and the traffic system. Drove the taxi by ensuring the safety of the clients and other road users. The ability to transport the elders, disabled customers, and children carefully, caused to win the best taxi driver of the company award in 2016.

Work Experience

Taxi Driver – 2017/Jan to Present

Kids On The Go, Rochester

  • Transported 500+ employers on time according to their schedules.
  • Modified the vehicle to transport elders and disabled clients carefully.
  • Calculated the payment fairly and returned the balance correctly.

Taxi Driver – 2013/Jan to 2016/Nov


  • Picked more than 50 customers per day and drop them at the desired point within minimum time.
  • Won the best taxi driver of the company award in 2016 for the best performance.
  • Cleaned the vehicle before every shift to provide a fresh environment for the passengers to travel.

Taxi Driver – 2010/Jan to 2012/Dec

A A Action Taxi, Sioux city

  • Selected the best routes free from traffic to save clients’ time.
  • Provided the information for the clients about the best and suitable places in the area based on their needs.
  • Carried 20-30 luggage, groceries, elders, children, or disabled clients per day.

High School Diploma – 2007/Jan to 2009/Jan

Amherst College, Amherst

  • Excellent Communication Skill
  • Strong Work Ethics
  • Friendly and enjoy driving
  • Dependability
  • Flexibility
  • Customer service
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Technical knowledge of vehicles
  • Ability to drive day and night
  • English – Native Speaker
  • German – B2
  • French – Working Knowledge

More sample job descriptions for Taxi Driver

  • Collected freelance experience as a driver by handling the vehicles of relatives for more than 3 years.
  • Participated in the Young Driver Focus Conference that was organized by FirstCar, Road Safety GB, and the RAC Foundation in 2019.
  • Completed the high school diploma successfully 6 months ago.
  • Received the membership of the National Road Safety Foundation and actively participated in the meetings to update the knowledge.
  • Got the driving license by completing age 16 and at the same time, voluntarily started to manage and drive the family vehicle.
  • Learned Taxi commission rules, Meter operation, Paperwork requirements, and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) training by completing the Taxi driver training program of Hennepin Technical College (St. Paul, MN).
  • Owned an excellent medical report approved by a physician.
  • Expert in understanding and interpreting map information in any mobile mapping app.
  • Activated in social media highly and responded as soon as possible.
  • Followed and completed a high school diploma before one year.

Entry-level Taxi Driver

  • Increased passenger satisfaction by 50% by resolving the problems professionally and engaging with them friendly.
  • Checked the cleanliness and sanitary conditions of the vehicle before each trip.
  • Assisted passengers to load and unload their baggage by ensuring the safety of the baggage.
  • Handed over the company service leaflets to every passenger and increased customer re-engagement by 50%.
  • Handled cash and returned the correct balance by ensuring the safety and security of the money.
  • Cleaned and wiped to ensure the sanitization of the vehicle before each transport.
  • Engaged with peer taxi drivers to complete the shared car schedule on a daily basis.
  • Finished the daily travel by completing the paperwork and trip logs every day.
  • Used clear communication and interpersonal skills to approach the passengers and make them comfortable.
  • Got ready to accept any weekend or holiday schedules by providing a quick response.
  • Saved extra time by calculating the correct fee for each transport within a short time period.
  • Completed 6-month taxi driving training under three professional senior taxi drivers.
  • Ensured the proper condition of the vehicle by re-fuelling, checking oil and routine fluids, or reporting other technical issues to the supervisor.

Experienced Taxi Driver

  • Focused on customer service strongly and increased revenue by 20%.
  • Accepted more than 50 emergency schedules of weekends and holidays.
  • Made the passengers comfortable by communicating English, French, German, and Spanish fluently according to their requirements.
  • Trained more than 20 junior cab drivers by providing relevant information and instructions on time.
  • Appreciated by more than 20 passengers per week for ensuring the on-time arrivals of both in the city and far from the city.
  • Posted as the chairman of the informal cab driver community in 2018 and led the society successfully by actively participating in each session, communicating, and mentoring other members.
  • Confirmed whether the correct fee, mileage, and time duration have been recorded in the transaction logs before finishing the daily traveling.
  • Completed more than 100 transportations of disabled persons, elders, and children by ensuring their safety and comfort.
  • Decided the best, easiest, and quickest way to transport passengers to their destination by using the knowledge of geolocations.
  • Owned a track record of 5 years with high-quality customer service and without any complaints.
  • Provided a service with a tough time frame of 24 hours per 7 days with a quick response.
  • Informed each passenger about the best and easy taxi service of the company and increased customer requests for the company’s taxies by 20%.
  • Appreciated by giving an award as the best taxi driver of the month for maintaining an accident-zero transportation record.

Want to build a perfect resume by yourself? Click on the below button.

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Taxi Driver Cover Letter Example


Taxi Driver CV Examples (Template & 20+ Tips)

Create a standout taxi driver cv with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Taxi Driver CV Example

Welcome to our Taxi Driver CV Example article. Here, we will provide you with an in-depth look at how to create an effective CV to stand out from the competition and land your dream job. We will cover the key elements to include in your CV, such as skills, experience, and education, as well as discuss the best format to use. Finally, we will provide you with a downloadable CV template to get you started on your own. Read on to learn more about how to create the perfect Taxi Driver CV!

We will cover:

  • How to write a CV , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a CV to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a CV fast with our professional CV Builder .
  • What a CV template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Taxi Driver do?

A taxi driver provides transportation services to passengers, typically using a car or van. They pick up passengers and take them to their desired destination. They may also provide additional services such as helping with luggage or providing directions. Taxi drivers may also provide additional services such as parcel delivery or running errands.

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  • Tour Guide CV Sample
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  • Travel Counselor CV Sample
  • Concierge CV Sample
  • Front Desk Agent CV Sample
  • Bellman CV Sample
  • Valet Attendant CV Sample
  • Reservation Agent CV Sample
  • Cab Driver CV Sample
  • Bus Driver CV Sample
  • Shuttle Driver CV Sample
  • Taxi Driver CV Sample
  • Flight Instructor CV Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Taxi Driver?

  • Pick up and drop off passengers at their requested destinations
  • Know the roads and be able to navigate to any destination efficiently
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Ensure the safety of passengers by obeying all traffic laws and regulations
  • Keep the vehicle clean and in good condition
  • Collect fares and record trips in logbooks
  • Handle cash, credit and debit card payments
  • Inspect the vehicle before and after each trip
  • Provide directions and information to passengers
  • Maintain records of daily activities

Sample Taxi Driver CV for Inspiration

Personal Details: Name: John Doe Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA Phone: +1 234 567 8910 Email: [email protected]

Summary: John Doe is an experienced and reliable taxi driver with a proven track record of providing excellent customer service and safe rides. He has over 10 years of experience driving taxis, and is familiar with the local area and roads. He is an efficient driver with a valid license and a clean driving record. He is also knowledgeable in the local language.

Work Experience:

  • Taxi Driver, Anytown Taxi Service, Anytown, USA (2014 - Present)
  • Taxi Driver, ABC Taxi Service, Anytown, USA (2009 - 2014)

Education: High School Diploma, Anytown High School, Anytown, USA (2005)

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Knowledgeable in local language, roads, and area
  • Efficient driver with a valid license and a clean driving record
  • Ability to follow instructions and directions


  • Taxi Driver License, Anytown, USA (2014)
  • First Aid Certificate, Anytown, USA (2012)
  • Defensive Driving Certificate, Anytown, USA (2009)

Languages: English (Native Speaker) Local Language (Fluent)

CV tips for Taxi Driver

Crafting an impeccable CV that kickstarts your career is a challenging endeavor. While adhering to fundamental writing principles is beneficial, seeking guidance customized for your unique job pursuit is equally prudent. As a newcomer to the professional realm, you require Taxi Driver CV pointers. We've curated top-notch advice from experienced Taxi Driver individuals. Explore their insights to streamline your writing journey and enhance the likelihood of fashioning a CV that captivates potential employers' attention.

  • Outline relevant experience and qualifications in a clear and concise manner
  • Highlight any customer service experience you have acquired
  • Detail any knowledge you have of the local area
  • Mention any additional services you can offer (i.e. tours)
  • Include any relevant awards, certifications or qualifications

Taxi Driver CV Summary Examples

A CV summary or objective allows potential employers to quickly assess your qualifications and decide whether you are a good fit for the job. It also gives them an idea of what kind of driver you are and what experience you have. By including a summary or objective, you can demonstrate your commitment to the job and help employers better understand why you are the best candidate for the role. For Example:

  • Experienced taxi driver with over 10 years of providing safe and reliable transportation services.
  • Dedicated to providing a comfortable and enjoyable ride for all passengers.
  • Possess a thorough knowledge of the local area and surrounding districts.
  • Excellent customer service and communication skills.
  • Proficient in GPS navigation and modern technologies for efficient routes.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Taxi Driver CV

Building a strong experience section for a taxi driver CV is important because it enables employers to quickly identify the most relevant experience for the role. It also allows employers to assess the driver’s competence in key areas such as customer service, navigation, and safety. Furthermore, a well-crafted experience section can demonstrate the driver’s commitment and dedication to the job, which can be an attractive quality for employers. Lastly, it can also be used to demonstrate the driver’s knowledge of local roads and landmarks, which can be important for a taxi driver. For Example:

  • Provided safe and comfortable transportation services to customers in need.
  • Adhered to traffic laws, road regulations and company safety policies.
  • Navigated to requested destinations in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
  • Assisted passengers with luggage and provided door-to-door service.
  • Ensured passenger satisfaction by promptly responding to inquiries and requests.
  • Maintained a clean and orderly vehicle appearance.
  • Accurately recorded all trips in the company database.
  • Provided customer support and answered questions regarding rates and destinations.
  • Kept up-to-date with local traffic regulations and available routes.
  • Handled payments and provided receipts upon request.

Taxi Driver CV education example

Taxi drivers are not required to have any formal education or qualifications in order to become a taxi driver. However, most jurisdictions require taxi drivers to obtain a special license or permit before they can legally operate a taxi. This usually involves passing a written test, a background check, and a medical exam. Additionally, some jurisdictions may require taxi drivers to take a defensive driving course, as well as a course on customer service and taxi safety. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Taxi Driver CV:

  • School of Transportation, London - Taxi Driver License (2015)
  • City College, London - NVQ Level 2 in Professional Driving (2013)
  • City High School, London - GCSEs in Maths, English and Science (2011)

Taxi Driver Skills for a CV

Skills are important to add to a Taxi Driver CV because they demonstrate the necessary abilities for the job. They demonstrate to employers that the applicant has the necessary technical and interpersonal skills to be successful in the role. Skills can include vehicle maintenance, customer service, communication, problem-solving, and route mapping. Adding these skills to a CV can help applicants stand out from the competition. Soft Skills:

  • Excellent Driving
  • Time Management
  • Customer Service
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Organizational
  • Interpersonal
  • Problem Solving
  • Defensive Driving
  • Route Planning
  • Multi-tasking
  • Knowledge of Area
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Flexibility

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Taxi Driver CV

In today's competitive job market, an average of 180 applications floods employers' inboxes for each vacant position. To streamline this influx of CVs, companies frequently employ automated applicant tracking systems that weed out less qualified candidates. If your CV manages to surpass these digital gatekeepers, it must still captivate the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Given the sheer volume of applications, a mere 5 seconds is typically allocated to each CV before a decision is reached. With this in mind, it's crucial to eliminate any extraneous information that might relegate your application to the discard pile. To ensure your CV shines, consult the list below for elements to avoid including in your job application.

  • Skipping the cover letter: A well-crafted cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your suitability for the role and express your enthusiasm for it.
  • Excessive jargon: CVs laden with technical terms can alienate hiring managers who lack specialized knowledge.
  • Neglecting vital details: Incorporate your contact information, education, work history, and pertinent skills and experiences.
  • Relying on generic templates: Tailoring your CV to the specific job exhibits your commitment to the position and company.
  • Errors in spelling and grammar: Proofreading is essential to eliminate typos, spelling errors, and grammatical blunders.
  • Overemphasizing duties: Highlight accomplishments to underline your candidacy's value.
  • Sharing personal information: Steer clear of revealing personal details like age, marital status, or religious affiliations.

Key takeaways for a Taxi Driver CV

  • Highlight your experience driving a taxi, including any certifications or special qualifications.
  • Describe your customer service skills and how they can benefit passengers.
  • Showcase your problem-solving skills, such as helping passengers with special needs or difficult situations.
  • Mention any additional qualifications that are beneficial, such as first-aid training or knowledge of the local area.
  • Emphasize any safety-related skills, such as defensive driving or accident prevention.
  • List any special awards or recognition you have received, such as customer service awards.

Create CV

  • CV Templates
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Taxi Driver CV Example

Example CV Template For a Taxi Driver

Using a CV Template when creating a CV for a Taxi Driver position is a helpful way of putting structure into your CV, and a great way to learn ideas.

Quick Links

Personal statement.

  • Cover Letter Guidance
  • Taxi Driver CV Template Overview
  • Taxi Driver CV Example Structure
  • Related CV Advice

It is good practice to view several examples of CVs from your industry, so you can define what you would like to achieve. Be careful when using a CV template because the content you include needs to be unique content, tailored to your experiences as a Taxi Driver and specifically, about your achievements. When creating your CV, a key tip is to carefully insert your personality, give an overview of your job responsibilities and share insights about your career that you are proud of.

Taxi Driver CV Advice

It is good practice to view several examples of CVs from your industry to define what you would like to achieve. Be careful when using a CV template because the content you include needs to be unique content, tailored to your experiences as a Taxi Driver and specifically, about your achievements. When creating your Taxi Driver CV, a key tip is to carefully insert your personality. Key points to include are an overview of your job responsibilities and insights about elements of your career that you are proud of. When applying for a Taxi Driver job, read the hiring manager’s Taxi Driver job description, identify the Taxi Driver skills mentioned in the job ad, and ensure they appear on your Taxi Driver resume.

Taxi Driver Personal Statement

Start with a unique personal statement tailored specifically to you. Focus on who you are, what your strengths are and share the traits that make you a standout candidate for Transportation and Logistics positions. Your personal statement should summarise your CV, which should address who you are, what you have to offer, and what you are aiming for in your career. Most crucially, you need to let the hiring manager, interviewer, or employer understand the type of impact you will have in their company, should you be employed. Our CV template includes a personal statement example to help you secure a job interview. employed.

Taxi Driver Cover Letter Guidance

When job seekers apply for a Taxi Driver job, it is crucial to include a cover letter, even if the position is an entry-level job. The cover letter suitable for most Taxi Driver jobs needs to fulfil three criteria. You should introduce yourself, build rapport with the recruiter, and encourage the hiring manager to invite you to an interview. When writing your cover letter, create an introduction, explain why you are applying for the job, and why they should hire you. It can be helpful to review the Taxi Driver job description to discover the skills the employer is seeking. You can view the perfect cover letter template here.

Recommended Taxi Driver Jobs

Cv template overview for a taxi driver.

As a Taxi Driver, I provided safe and reliable transportation to passengers throughout the city. I would pick up passengers from their location and take them to their requested destination in a timely manner. I would also assist passengers with their luggage and provide guidance on the city's landmarks, attractions and routes. Maintaining a clean and comfortable vehicle was an essential part of the job to ensure that the passengers had a comfortable and pleasant journey.

I was knowledgeable about the different areas of the city, able to navigate around traffic and take alternative routes to avoid delays. My excellent customer service skills enabled me to handle all sorts of passengers, from tourists to business commuters, with respect and professionalism, and deal with any queries or concerns they had.

CV Example Work Experience for a Taxi Driver

  • Possessing a full driving licence with no convictions.
  • Having good driving skills, experience and knowledge of local geography.
  • Having good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Being able to work flexible hours, including weekends and public holidays.
  • Being reliable, punctual, and honest.
  • Being physically fit and able to lift heavy weight if required.
  • Having a good understanding of vehicle maintenance, including oil and brake checks.
  • Being able to keep track of fares and manage cash and card payments.
  • Having a good understanding of traffic regulations, including parking, speed limits and road safety.
  • Being able to handle difficult situations, such as passenger complaints and emergency situations.

CV Tips for a Taxi Driver

  • Ensuring that the vehicle is clean, well-maintained and roadworthy.
  • Adhering to local traffic regulations and safety standards.
  • Providing excellent customer service by being polite, courteous, and helpful.
  • Ensuring that the fare is accurately calculated and handling cash and card payments.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude towards the job and the passengers.
  • Keeping accurate records of daily takings and mileage.
  • Communicating effectively with the passengers, dispatchers, and other drivers.
  • Reporting any accidents, incidents or vehicle malfunctions to the taxi company.
  • Adapting to the needs of different types of passengers and providing special assistance if required.
  • Keeping up-to-date with the local area and traffic updates.

Taxi Driver Sample Resume Format

This Taxi Driver resume sample format will allow you to create a concise CV that includes all the elements a hiring manager will expect to see when you apply for Taxi Driver jobs. Your work experience and education should be added in reverse chronological format, with the most recent employer and qualification appearing first. If you have little work experience, we recommend changing the order of our Taxi Driver resume sample/cv sample, so your education is listed before your work experience. If you have no work experience, consider adapting the resume sample, where an Essential Skills section replaces the Previous Employers section.

Example Structure of a CV for a Taxi Driver

Telephone Number | Email Address | LinkedIn Profile

Your Personal Statement

Previous Employers

Company name, job title (dates of employment).

  • Job skills (Taxi Driver skills)
  • Achievements
  • Awards and recognition
  • Job skills (computer skills / interpersonal skills / verbal communication skills)

Education & Qualifications

University name, degree name (dates of study).

  • Relevant modules

College Name

(dates of study).

  • Subjects and grades

Interests & Hobbies

  • Transferable skills and experience

Related CV Templates

  • Class II Lorry Driver
  • Class I Lorry Driver
  • Delivery Driver
  • Driver/Sales Worker
  • Lorry Driver
  • Multi Drop Driver
  • Owner Operator
  • Vehicle Operator
  • Tanker Driver
  • Industrial Truck and Tractor Operator
  • Bus Drivers, School or Special Client
  • Class II Driver
  • Class I Driver
  • Minibus Driver
  • Refuse Driver
  • Tow Truck Driver
  • Private Hire Driver
  • Removal Driver
  • Hazmat Truck Driver
  • Driving Instructor
  • Driver Merchandiser
  • Recovery Driver
  • Hoist Driver
  • Limousine Driver
  • Mover Driver
  • Paratransit Driver
  • Coach Driver
  • Truck Driver

Find a Salary

Average salary.

Min: £15,000.00 Max: £50,000.00

Average Taxi Driver Salary in UK: £30,420.11

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Taxi Driver Resume Samples

A Taxi Driver provides the essential service of transporting customers from one place to another which may include bringing back from school, shoppers back home and also assisting with mobility problem people. A well-drafted Taxi Driver Resume mentions the following duties and tasks – picking and delivering customers , taking the fastest and safest road or route; assisting customers in loading and unloading from the vehicle, maintaining the condition of the vehicle, making pre and post-inspection check of the taxi, and ensuring the vehicle is always clean and neat.

Those who have a passion for driving can take this profession, in case, they are able to exhibit the following skills – good standard of professional appearance and mannerism; great memory, superb customer service skills; and the ability to follow GPS and navigation devices. A high school diploma and a driver’s license is seen on resumes.

Taxi Driver Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Taxi Driver

Taxi driver Resume

Objective : Hard working person, also a perfectionist. work with the public and want to be able to get more comfort with doing so. Currently working on joining the army and want to go in to law enforcement so learn communication skills is a must.

Skills : Multi-Line Phone System, Appointment Scheduling, Appointment setting, Customer Service Skills, Computer, Typing, Answering Phones, Phones.

Taxi driver Resume Model

Description :

  • Followed relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation and ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
  • Tested vehicle equipment such as lights, brakes, horns, or windshield wipers, to ensure proper operation.
  • Provided passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles, and help them with any luggage.
  • Driven taxicabs, limousines, company cars, or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
  • Performed routine vehicle maintenance such as regulating tire pressure and adding gasoline, oil, and water.
  • Picked up passengers at prearranged locations, at taxi stands, or by cruising streets in high traffic areas.
  • Enforced all Xanterra South Rim L.L.C., National Park Service and Department of Transportation rules and policies for transporting passengers.

Taxi Driver Helper Resume

Objective : Contribute to the development and success of your business, by providing my services. Fully implementing and developing the knowledge gained through my work experience, education and skills improvement.

Skills : Word, Excel, Power Point, Access And Internet Explorer, French Speaking, Spanish Speaking.

Taxi Driver Helper Resume Model

  • Communicated via telephone, or computer to exchange information and receive requests for passenger service.
  • Safely transported principal to scheduled business appointments and social functions.
  • Performed diverse administrative tasks related to scheduling travel appointment for executive.
  • Coordinated principal's time-sensitive appointments with executive administrative assistant.
  • Maintained a clean and safe transportation environment for all passengers.
  • Handled all luggage, bags, and office essentials Arrange to pick up particular customers or groups on a regular schedule.
  • Obeyed all posted speed limits and all other traffic regulations.

Taxi Driver/Owner Resume

Objective : Providing passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles, and help them with any luggage. Provided a high level of customer service and passengers relations based on outstanding communication and interpersonal skills.

Skills : Auto mechanic, Tow Truck Driver, Landscaping, Taxi Driver.

Taxi Driver/Owner Resume Template

  • Carried luggage wheelchairs walkers and groceries as needed for elderly or infirm passengers.
  • Completed trip sheets and daily paperwork.
  • Coordinated with office personnel and dispatchers.
  • Offered door-to-door assistance as needed.
  • Thoroughly checked brake controls and fuel levels before each shift.
  • Ensured vehicle cleanliness at the end of each shift.
  • Displayed meter with current fare rate clearly to customers.

Taxi Driver Resume

Summary : A creative problem solving individual with an assortment of professional skills.A team player with attention to detail and who takes pride in a job well done.

Skills : Carpentry And Driving Ad Well As Custpmer Service.Strong Work Ethic And Trouble Shooting Skills.Excellent Knowledge Of The Madison Roadway System And Routes.

Taxi Driver Resume Example

  • Arranged to pick up particular customers or groups on a regular schedule.
  • Collected fares or vouchers from passengers and make changes or issue receipts as necessary.
  • Determined fares based on trip distances and times, using taximeters and fee schedules, and announce fares to passengers.
  • Notified dispatchers or company mechanics of vehicle problems.
  • Assisted passengers as needed and requested by the passengers and/or Dispatch.
  • Used proper radio codes when communicating with Dispatch, other taxi/tour drivers, National Park Service or Fire & Security.
  • Provided safe and reliable transportation service to passengers by operating position specific vehicles which may include sedans, vans, paratransit vans, limousines, taxi-cabs, shuttles, transit buses, school buses, and/or motor coaches with a fixed or changing route.

Taxi Driver Assistant Resume

Summary : Experienced with Microsoft systems, multi line phones, and word processing, and also purchasing/receiving with regards to hardware and software.

Skills : Driving Skills, MS office.

Taxi Driver Assistant Resume Sample

  • Tested vehicle equipment such as lights, brakes, horns, and windshield wipers, to ensure proper operation.
  • Communicated with dispatchers by radio, telephone, or computer to exchange information and receive requests for passenger service.
  • Reported any maintenance problems to Maintenance in accordance with Company procedure and does not operate an unsafe vehicle.
  • Reported to duty on time and maintains assigned route on time but in a safe manner.
  • Physically assisted passengers in evacuation of the vehicle in case of emergency.
  • Immediately reported any accident or incident per Company policy.
  • Exercised passenger and/or student management per Company policy.

Taxi Driver/Delivery Driver Resume

Objective : Responsible for Assisting the Captain of the Water Taxi for the safe and courteous operation of the boat, Assisting riders of the Water Taxi on and off the boat, Maintaining the boat in a clean and organized manner as directed by the Captain, and also Helping maintain the Port office, dock and surrounding area as directed by the Captain.

Skills : Delivery Driver, Planning Skills.

Taxi Driver/Delivery Driver Resume Sample

  • Informed all appropriate personnel of problems/procedures.
  • Kept the interior of the assigned vehicle clean and presentable.
  • Presented a neat and professional personal appearance at all times.
  • Ensured vehicle is properly fueled according to facility procedures.
  • Completed all required paperwork (including route change sheets, time cards, vehicle repair requests) and submits to the appropriate authority in a timely manner.
  • Maintained a cooperative attitude with fellow employees, supervisors, customers, and passengers while always promoting company goodwill.
  • Safely and efficiently utilized vehicle equipment, including wheelchair lifts, radios and emergency equipment.

Senior Taxi Driver Resume

Summary : Highly organized and able to effectively coordinate tasks to accomplish projects with timeliness and creativity. Creative, resourceful, and flexible, able to adapt to changing priorities and maintain a positive attitude and strong work ethic.

Skills : People Person, Supervising Skills.

Senior Taxi Driver Resume Model

  • Collected fares or vouchers from passengers and make change or issue receipts as necessary.
  • Turned the taximeter on when passengers enter the cab, and turn it off when they reach the final destination.
  • Recorded name, date, and taxi identification information on trip sheets, along with trip information such as time and place of pickup and drop-off, and total fee.
  • Operated vehicles with specialized equipment, such as wheelchair lifts to transport and secure passengers with special needs.
  • Driven taxi cabs, limousines, company cars, or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
  • Prepared vehicle for inclement weather conditions, including scraping or cleaning windows, applying tire chains.
  • Ensured proper placement and conducts final inspection of all company vehicles to ensure readiness for customer rental.

Junior Taxi Driver Resume

Objective : To bring to your organization enthusiasm, dedication, responsibility and good work ethic, combined with a desire to utilize my skills obtained through my professional and volunteer work experiences. In addition, I welcome new challenges and new opportunities and the chance to grow and learn new skills.

Skills : Fluently write and speak German, English, and all former Yugoslavian languages.

Junior Taxi Driver Resume Template

  • Picked up customers from the greater Tulsa Area and delivering them safely to their destination.
  • Knowledged of the city and various lodging, eating, and entertainment destinations.
  • Being on time to dispatch locations and being on time to time pickup orders.
  • Contacted customers on the phone to verify information.
  • Properly communicated with customers in transit.
  • Maintained a clean vehicle and vehicle maintenance.
  • Managed credit card and cash transactions.

Taxi Driver Lead Resume

Summary : To secure a Taxi Driver Lead position leveraging strong customer service and relationship building skills while utilizing my education and business experience in the interest of the company's mission.

Skills : Excellent Parenting Skills, Customer Service, Traveling, Driving, Cake Decorating, Cooking, Typing.

Taxi Driver Lead Resume Format

  • Followed safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation & ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
  • Communicated by radio, telephone, or computer to exchange information & receive requests for passenger service.
  • Used automated dispatch with phone-based application.
  • Contacted dispatch via radio after dropping off passengers to receive next assignment.
  • Conducted daily safety inspection of taxi, and report any discrepancies to the Dispatcher.
  • Checked and filled all vital fluids including tire pressure when needed.
  • Maintained interior cleanliness of the vehicle.

Taxi Driver Head Resume

Summary : Dedicated Taxi Driver Head motivated to maintain customer satisfaction and contribute to company success. Proven ability to establish rapport with clients and exceed sales quotas.

Skills : Planning Skills, Supervising Skills.

Taxi Driver Head Resume Sample

  • Followed relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation and ensured that passengers follow safety regulations.
  • Provided passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles, helped with any luggage, groceries, or laundry.
  • Completed accident reports when necessary.
  • Picked up passengers at dispatched location and deliver passengers to the requested destination.
  • Collected fare from passengers and record trip and fare.
  • Turnned in collected fare(s) to the Dispatcher in a timely manner.
  • Provided information of services to passengers as requested.

Headline : More than 5 years' successful experience in customer service and support with recognized strengths in problem-solving and trouble-shooting, and sales staff support. Solid computer skills.

Skills : MS office, Driving Skills.

Taxi Driver Resume Template

  • Vacuumed and cleaned interiors and washed exteriors of automobiles.
  • Determined fares based on trip distances and times, using taximeters and fee schedules and announced fares to passengers.
  • Collected fares and vouchers from passengers and made change and issued receipts, as necessary.
  • Provided passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles and helped them with any luggage.
  • Communicated with dispatchers by radio and telephone in order to exchange information and receive requests for passenger service.
  • Recorded name, date and taxi identification information on trip sheets, along with trip information such as time and place of pickup and drop-off and total fee.
  • Provided passengers with information about the local area and points of interest and gave advice on hotels and restaurants.

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Driver cv examples.

If you enjoy driving and are looking for a driving role then usually you will have had some form of previous driving experience. You could be a driver of a lorry, a forklift truck driver, a limousine driver, a taxi driver, private hire driver, bus driver etc.

Depending on what kind of driver you are will depend on what type of licence you hold such as a Driver driving a 7.5-tonne lorry will require a special licence and a bus driver too with carrying passengers.

You will need to be able to pay great attention to detail and to be able to concentrate maybe for long periods of time depending on the journeys. You will need to have a good sense of geography and be able to map read.

driver cv xamples

Name Surname Address Mobile No/Email


I am a very practical person who enjoys working in a hands-on capacity. I have done driving work for many years and I enjoy meeting different people, seeing different places in a work capacity.

I have got excellent communication skills and a good sense of my local area. I travel quite frequently and feel to have a good sense of direction and be able to find my way to places quite easily with and without a map.

I can plan my time well and always ensure that I allow for traffic and road works when I am planning my routes. I am self motivated and enthusiastic in my work and enjoy working hard.


Date to Date or To Date – Driver – Where?

In my role as Driver I take business clients to and from the airport, to restaurants and meetings as required. My responsibilities include:

  • Organizing my schedule for driving
  • Communicating well with clients
  • Collecting clients from airports, meeting establishments, restaurants etc
  • Planning routes, researching traffic and road works to ensure less delay
  • Liaising with my colleagues as to their routes, journeys, plans etc
  • Checking over my vehicle and ensuring that it is clean inside and out
  • Taking bookings for new pick ups
  • Dealing with any payments and noting hours, journeys etc for invoicing purposes to clients.


University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.


Computer skills – MS Office, Excel??? Anything relevant, industry specific packages? Any specific licence details, carrying passengers etc.


What do you like to do outside of work?

Available on request.

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