How to Answer ‘What Makes You Unique?’ & Stand Out in Your Next Interview

Alana Chinn

Published: April 23, 2024

Whenever I get asked ‘What makes you unique?’ or ‘What makes you stand out from other candidates?’ in an interview, I use it as the perfect opportunity to explain why I’m the best person for the role.

Marketer showing you how to answer the what makes you unique interview question

And I like to get specific. I’ve found that interviewers respond positively when I skip the generics and tie my answer back to what I have to offer based on my individual background.

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Your answer could ultimately make or break your interview, so it’s important to really nail it. I’ll walk you through how to answer this question the right way.

Table of Contents

Subtle Ways Interviewers Ask 'What makes you unique?’

Why do interviewers ask ‘what sets you apart from other candidates’.

  • How to Answer "What makes you unique?"

7 Sample Answers to "What Makes You Unique?" and Why They Work

Prepare beyond ‘what makes you unique’.

There are many ways that interviewers try to tease out what makes you a stand-out candidate.

Here are some of the common questions that are actually ‘What makes you unique?’ in disguise:

  • What makes you stand out from other candidates?
  • What sets you apart from other candidates?
  • What can you bring to this role that’s different from other candidates?
  • What makes you a valuable candidate for this role?
  • Why are you the best candidate for this role?
  • Why should I choose you over other candidates?

No matter how this question manifests itself during your interview, the overarching goal remains the same.

what makes me special essay

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The interviewer is asking you this question to give you an opportunity to showcase your value.

They want to see that you’ve done thorough research about the company and the position. And they want you to connect your skills and experience back to the role you’re interviewing for.

For example, let’s say I’m trying to land a social media role, and I notice that the company could be doing a better job on TikTok.

I can use this as an opportunity to:

  • Show that I’ve done my homework — I’m already familiar with the company’s social media presence and the platforms where they’re currently active (i.e., TikTok).
  • Highlight relevant skills — I have several years of experience managing and growing TikTok accounts, so I’ll be sure to mention that.
  • Provide a light recommendation — I’ll share how my skills and experience allows me to identify and implement that recommendation.

Think about it like this: If you can show the interviewer that you can help the company meet their goals (and that you know what their goals are in the first place), that’s one great way to set yourself apart from the rest.

Plus, it becomes clear to the interviewer that you’ve taken the time to prepare if you can provide specific examples related to the role.

These are all reasons why this is such a popular interview question — so come ready, and don’t be afraid to humble brag about yourself a little.

How to Answer 'What makes you unique?'

  • Mention skills listed in the job description.
  • Provide specific examples from your background.
  • Avoid generic phrases like ‘I'm a hard worker.’
  • Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results.
  • Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.

1. Mention skills listed in the job description.

This is one of the best ways to show the interviewer that you’ve done your research. Also, the job description is basically like your cheat sheet. Use it as a guide so you know exactly which skills to highlight throughout the interview.

My recommendation: Refer back to the job description but don’t recite it word for word. Use it in context to explain how your skillset aligns with the expectations for the role.

2. Provide specific examples from your background.

This is another smart way you can use the job description to your advantage. Reference prior accomplishments or results from past roles that relate to the position you’re interviewing for.

My recommendation: Focus on examples that tie back to the skills required for the position, and always quantify success where possible.

Using our social media example, saying ‘I ran a social media campaign which resulted in a 120% increase in traffic to our website’ is a lot more impactful than ‘I have experience running social media campaigns.’

3. Avoid generic phrases like "I'm a hard worker."

Remember, this is a very standard interview question, so that means every candidate is likely being asked this question.

Make your answer compelling. Instead of saying you're a ‘hard worker,’ give specific examples about the hard work you’ve accomplished related to the role.

My recommendation: Try to avoid the common buzzwords and instead replace those with real descriptions of your past work.

For example, you and every other candidate for a social media position probably consider yourselves to be “social media savvy.” 

Instead, make the case to prove that you are actually savvier than the competition based on your unique background.

4. Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results.

Someone else might have similar skills as you, but your personality is one of a kind. 

Being ‘social media savvy’ is one thing. But if you’re social media savvy and a tenacious person who is able to think quickly on your feet, that’s an asset.

Highlight the traits that have proven value in helping you grow as a professional.

My recommendation: You want to know one of my favorite ways to convince interviewers that I can deliver the results they’re looking for? Tell them how I’ve found similar success in the past and how my individuality supported that.

5. Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.

This closely relates back to Tip #3. 

Don’t just talk about generic skills that most candidates have — always tie your skills back to specific projects you’ve worked on.

Your background is what makes you unique. There’s no one person that has the exact experience, skills, and traits that you do. Use that to your advantage.

My recommendation: You may not know the company's internal goals, but you should always try to connect your skills back to their mission and values when possible.

what makes you unique for a job

1. "I am a very good communicator and find it's easy for me to relate to other people."

Consider mentioning a personality trait you feel would be a good fit for the business. After reading the job description, make a list of attributes that could make you an exceptional candidate.

Additionally, including a personality trait in your answer allows you to display how you're a good fit for a role in which you have little prior experience.

For instance, if you're applying for a position as a team leader, it's critical that you demonstrate strong communication skills and an ability to connect with a diverse group of people. 

If you tell the interviewer, "I am a very good communicator and find it's easy for me to relate to other people", you're able to match your personality to components of a successful leader.

Why this works: Effective communication is a critical trait to emphasize in interviews. If you consider how  86% of employees cite lack of collaboration  as a main component of workplace failures, you can begin to appreciate why.

2. "I really enjoy learning new things and am constantly seeking out new learning opportunities."

By mentioning your passion for learning new things, you're demonstrating you're growth-focused and unafraid of challenges.

Additionally, answering the question in this way allows you to remind the interviewer why you're uniquely qualified for the role. 

Why this works: While other candidates might have more prior experience in the industry, you're proving your desire to exceed expectations of the job quickly.

3. "My prior experience in customer service has provided me with unique technical skills that I can apply to this role."

If you have prior experience in a role vastly different from the one for which you're applying, you might use this as an opportunity to explain how your background uniquely qualifies you. 

It's critical, however, that you provide specific examples of how your prior experience has provided you with certain transferable skills.

For instance, you might say the following:

"My prior experience in customer service provided me with an extensive knowledge base for how our product works. As a marketer, I will be able to use this knowledge to ensure we're meeting our customers' needs."

It's also important to highlight: Previous job experience has declined in importance when it comes to recruiters evaluating candidates. In fact, over the last few years, that number has dropped from 92% to 62% . 

So it's okay if you feel your prior work experience doesn't perfectly align with the role for which you're applying — as long as you can explain how your skills will help you succeed. 

Why this works: With an answer like this one, you're able to alleviate concerns the interviewer might have with your lack of experience in the field.

4. "Working at a startup gave me an opportunity to understand the ins-and-outs of the industry, and to take on tasks I might not have at a larger company. I think this experience gives me a slight edge over other applicants."

Similar to the answer above, this answer is a good one if you're attempting to switch industries. 

Consider how your background has allowed you to gain unique skills that others, who followed a more linear career trajectory, might not have. 

For instance, if you previously worked at a small startup and now you want to transfer to a large corporation, it's important you mention how those skills will make you successful in this new role.

Why this works: If you think your prior experience could deter interviewers from seeing you as exceptionally qualified, this is an optimal chance to prove them wrong.

5. "I'm not afraid of failure. In fact, I think it is an essential part of the experimental process that gets you to success. For example … "

This answer shows your interviewer that you're not afraid to take risks.

Of course, you'll only want to say this if you have a positive example to reinforce the importance of failure in the workplace.

You don't want to sound like you make mistakes all the time, but you'll stand out if you mention how you turned a failure into a success.

For instance, you might say, "I'm not afraid of failure. In my last role, we tried to streamline our SEO process and, along the way, found we'd accidentally decreased traffic to our site. 

However, this initial failure allowed me to see the errors in our previous procedure. My team and I came up with a more successful strategy to avoid these mistakes in the future, and ended up increasing traffic by 20%."

Why this works: With this answer, you're showing you're capable of remaining flexible and open-minded when something doesn't work right away, and you know how to take failures and use them as learning opportunities.

6. "When solving problems, I apply both logic and emotional aspects in equal proportion. For instance, I'm trained in SEO and understand how to use analytics to ensure a marketing campaign is successful, but I also majored in design and know how to apply creativity to a project as well."

If you're stuck on deciding how to demonstrate your unique qualifications, start by thinking about how other people approach problems at your company, and how you differ.

For instance, most people are either logical and use analytics to solve problems, or emotional and use creativity. It's rare to find someone who is both. 

Why this works: Most people focus on highlighting one skill per question in an interview. If you’re able to demonstrate that you’re comfortable combining two unique skills, it's an impressive ability you should highlight.

7. "I'm exceptionally organized, and at my last company, I was able to apply this skill to improve our process and increase ROI by 33%."

Remember, when your interviewer asks "what makes you unique", they're really wondering "how will you help our company?" 

At the end of the day, it's critical you tie your answer back to how you will solve problems for the company. 

48% of recruiters say improving quality of hire is a top priority — so you'll want to ensure your answer highlights how you will excel in the role for the long haul.

Consider a personality trait or skill set that helped your last company achieve results. If the results are quantitative, make sure you have the specific numbers to support your claim.

However, it's also appropriate to share qualitative results, such as, "my organizational skills led my manager to trusting me with a major project within the first two months in my role."

Why this works: Ultimately, providing examples shows the interviewer you're results-driven, and aren't just saying generic phrases to answer their question.

For even more inspiration on how to answer this question effectively, check out the video below.

The age-old “What makes you stand out from other candidates” question is one of many common questions that interviewers love, so it’s important to prep accordingly.

HubSpot’s comprehensive interview guide to help you tackle over 50 different interview questions like a pro, including questions related to:

  • Who you are and what skills you bring to the role
  • How you respond to challenges and conflict
  • How you’ll fit into or add to the company culture
  • Your professional goals and desired career trajectory

Download it for free here .

Stand Out in the Crowd

Essentially, ‘What makes you unique’ really means, ‘What makes you an exceptionally good fit for this role?’ Come prepared, get specific, and use examples to prove that you’re the best option in the candidate pool.

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What Makes You Unique Essay Example

Published by gudwriter on January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021

What Makes You Unique College Essay

Universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning are highly coveted. Hundreds of thousands of students send their applications every year, but only a few get admitted. Those who receive admission letters to their preferred schools have more than just academic performances and GPA to show. They have special personality, social and physical abilities that make them better than those whose applications are dropped. To sieve out the large number of applicants, these colleges normally require students to write up an essay about what makes them unique.

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Describing yourself in an essay may be difficult sometimes but with the help of an admission essay writing service you get to work with writers who are expert in such kind of essays and will write a quality paper for you.

It is what makes you special that will help you beat other competitors for place in the school. You need to explain how you stand out: it must, of course, be in a positive way. For instance, it could be that you are a talented athlete, singer or leader. Colleges need people with such talents to market their name. Again, they’d definitely love to develop all-round students and you need to prove that you can be one.

Additional tips

Few people know how they are special. Nature makes it possible for every human have different features that are unique. If you are the type that is quiet in class, finishes assignments on time and has an ordinary life, it may not be easy to realize how unique you are. However, everyone is indeed peculiar. If you want to write up the best essay, be sure to ask yourself some questions. The answers will lead you to who you really are. Here are a few issues to consider.

  • Where and with whom do you live?
  • How was your childhood like and how does it affect your life today?
  • What is unique about your family?
  • How extensively have you travelled?
  • What languages can you speak?
  • How committed are you to your religion?
  • Are you a sportsperson?
  • Where and how many times have you volunteered?
  • Which are the most memorable challenges you’ve faced in our life and how were you able to face them?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Perhaps you might be interested in reading an essay on Dante’s Divine comedy .

If you can’t find out the possible distinct qualities that you have try the following:

  • Hear your friends out
  • Ask your classmates to describe you
  • Note down everything you know about yourself

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Admission Essay Samples

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Sample 1: College Essay What Makes You Unique Essay?

For me, being special is a state of having distinct qualities from other people. This could be based on personality, beliefs, standpoints, or interests. Well, there has been more than forty presidents in America, but; Abraham Lincoln stands out as the one who freed slaves. William Shakespeare’s writings were unique in his time and it’s the reason we remember him today. I may be living with albinism but my uniqueness is way more than skin-deep. I have a great passion for people and knowledge, and that may summarize why I am applying for a law degree program at Yale University.

First, I have a great motivation towards justice. I dislike seeing people make others suffer. I don’t like it when I hear people getting mistreated or discriminated against. I have had to live with albinism myself, and this may have been an indelible inspiration. Yet, I was raised in a well-off elite family, but this only gave me a taste of both worlds. As a person with firsthand experience, I know how to be on both sides of the scale. And this has helped me to understand that I need to put myself in the shoes of the offender as well as the victim before passing a judgment.

I’m however distinct from other inspiring lawyers in that I don’t necessarily want to be obsessed with punishing wrong doers. Instead, I want to help them realize how wrong it is and possibly use the chance to change the society. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr . would have probably put it, the profession is all about making way for ‘justice to run like a mighty stream’.

Second, I have a heart for volunteering. Growing up, I was trained that work is not a punishment but rather, a way of playing a part in making the society and the world in general a better place. To me, it’s not about the money that people get from the profession. This has enabled me to take part in almost every volunteering chance I ever got. The majority of these camps had little to do with law, but I liked them because they provided the opportunity to interact and help people.

Third, I am greatly enthusiastic about sports. I love long races. Well, sometimes – actually most times- organizers tend to insist that I should run in the People Living with Disability special sports category. But, I always desist from that. Honestly, the only difference between me and other people is my absence of melanin. I don’t possibly see how that makes me a lesser person. In fact, I have several medals from my high school where I was the reigning champion for two years. I hope to impress at the NCAA and possibly soar to greater heights in future.

Well, I am unique in so many ways that a 500 word essay cannot possibly contain each of them. I have an insatiable love for travelling and besides, I’m a computer geek. I play chess and at 18 years, I’m already rated 1795. I hope to push forward and become a grandmaster soon. I’ve been my class prefect for as long as I can remember. As the first born in a family of three, I’ve been able to learn how to be a responsible leader. My character revolves around being an open, analytical minded person who leads from the front. I believe Yale University will find me a valuable student.

Sample 2: Admission Essay: How am I unique?

Being unique encompasses the beliefs, character traits, and even physical attributes of a person that make him or her different from other people. It’s about standing out from a crowd.

First, I am an 18-year old girl with a great passion for computers. I was raised in Dallas, Texas, where we live with my Dad and step mother. My parents lived a happy life until mum left when she was giving birth to me, and that’s as far as I know. Since then, dad and our step mum have been the pillars of our life – my two elder brothers and I. The whole experience has taught me to be a person who appreciates life. I have a passion for other people and I believe anyone can be the best they want to be as long as they are dedicated to it. As a matter of fact, this is my major mantra in life; that I can achieve all my life dreams as long as I am committed in pursuing them.

I guess growing up with the boys gave me the urge to be daring. The three of us were fond of playing games on our dad’s desktop computer. We had several video games and dad bought us a play station, probably to make us leave his computer alone. However, I still had a strong desire to know how the computer worked. I wanted to check why buttons and commands were obeyed by a mere machine. My life has always revolved around this issue. It’s made me a truth seeker and this is the primary reason why I am applying for a chance to study computer science and engineering. I want to know the science behind one of the greatest inventions in the history of the universe: the computer.

In this quest for knowledge about computers, I have gone extra miles. I’ve removed the screws and opened up dad’s computer just to stare at wires. Yes, at the age of 10, I touched a bare wire and the next minute, I was receiving medical services at the hospital. Interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, that did not stop me. My dad tried to dissuade me from electronics but I just couldn’t help it. Eventually, he gave up on separating me from this strong passion. I was maverick, literally, and I guess that sums up my desire for this course.

Throughout my school life, other students simply referred to me as ‘the comp girl’. It felt odd for them as they believed that I had misplaced hobbies. They believed that coding and computer repair was for men, and I felt an urge to challenge that. Well, I guess I won that argument so many times that they just called me the comp girl. It was me they always called when they needed a quick fix or troubleshoot. And I happily did that. It reassured me that I was on the right path to realizing my dream of becoming a computer wizard.

Noteworthy however, my life hasn’t been all about computers. I have unquenchable love for camping and swimming, as well as football. I never miss a chance to participate in voluntary activities, probably a virtue I have learnt from my family’s staunch Christian traditions. At 18, I haven’t traveled much (if travelling is visiting foreign countries). However, I have interacted with several people at school, church, and other fora. As a team player, I know how to respect other people and I’m not the kind of person to find in fights. I love children, and I intend to use the knowledge I gather from the university to create a functional app for taking care of them.

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Everybody is unique in their own way and so am I. I feel that what has had the most impact on who I am today is being brought up in a God-fearing family. Throughout my childhood till now, I have heavily relied on my family for support in whatever decisions I make. My culture is based on three essential tenets: good thoughts, good deeds, and good words. In line with these tenets, I always try to do good things to other people and do my best in my own life endeavors in order to achieve the best of results. I particularly try to do well in my academics since I saw right from my childhood the many opportunities and doors one can access through good education. For me, education is the ultimate equalizer for all humans.

Even though I am not very intelligent or highly talented, I am a very hardworking person. In high school, I used to be among the last in memorizing and understanding texts. While some students only needed to be taught the basics of lessons in order to start understanding the concepts, it took me a lot of time to understand them. This did not however bar me from always claiming the first position in class and even winning the “Best Student of the Year” prize on many occasions. Out of my spirit of hard work, I would sit down with my books after class and carefully study all the concepts that I found challenging to understand. Moreover, I would seek teachers’ help as much as I would need it. In other terms, I have the belief that what I cannot achieve through intelligence, I can achieve through sheer hard work.

Besides being a hardworking person, I am a humble and respectful person who never loses hope in life. I like telling everyone the truth while according them due respect irrespective of whether they are my elders or my juniors in terms of age. This is because as the old adage goes, truth sets people free and thus it pays to avoid lies which often turn out to be costly. My humble attitude in relating with others has enabled me to earn respect from everyone I interact with. In addition, I never lose hope no matter how physically or mentally poor a situation might make me to be. Instead, I normally make efforts to achieve my dreams by utilizing my strengths and accepting my weaknesses but never giving them a chance to bring me down. To me, a hopeful person is already a successful person!

Finally, I am blessed with a sensitive spirit and I do jump into action whenever there is need to stand up for righteousness, especially that involving people. I am a staunch Christian who lives by Christian virtues and believes that no human should be exposed to injustice. This is why whenever I see a person suffering unjustifiably; I would go to any possible lengths to help them seek justice. I am also hospitable to people regardless of where they come from because I believe that guests bring good fortunes and the best thing to do is to welcome them warmly. I may only turn hostile if the intention of the guest’s visit is to harm me because even the Holy Bible teaches us to defend ourselves from unjust aggression. This is because being receptive to evil is in itself evil.

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What Makes You Special: Identifying Your Special Qualities

what makes me special essay

Sanju Pradeepa

What makes you special

You are unique. You have a special combination of talents, interests, and personality traits that make you unlike anyone else. Sure, you share some similarities with others, but at your core, you are one of a kind.

This is something to be proud of. Then why can’t we embrace our uniqueness and use it to our advantage? The more you know about who you are and what makes you special, the better you’ll be able to live a fulfilling life on your own terms.

That’s where self-reflection comes in. This process of looking inward and exploring what makes you unique is essential for understanding and appreciating yourself. It can also help you set goals and figure out what you want out of life.

Ready to get started? Below, we’ll provide some tips for reflection that will get you thinking about what makes you special.

Table of Contents

Let’s define special qualities..

What is it that makes you special and unique in this world? Well, it’s different for everyone. Everyone has their own set of talents and qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. But the important thing to remember is that we all have something unique inside us worthy of being celebrated!

For example, you may have a special talent for music or art, or maybe you’re incredibly good at problem-solving or have a knack for understanding people. Or maybe it’s something simpler you show lots of kindness, you’re always willing to lend a helping hand, or your heart is full of compassion and understanding.

Even though we are full of uniqueness, we just try to compare ourselves with the people around us. So, regardless of what your special qualities are, it is important to recognize them in yourself and use them to reach your highest potential.

Take some time today to think about what makes you truly unique by reflecting on those things that make you happy and set your soul on fire.

Importance of knowing what makes you special .

Importance of knowing what makes you special

Knowing yourself and the special skills and talents that make you unique is an incredibly important part of living a fulfilled life. There are so many different factors that contribute to making YOU, such as your talents, strengths, experiences, and dreams.

key to living a life that’s full of meaning and purpose

It’s also important to recognize that no one else has the same combination of gifts and talents that you do, so you have something unique to contribute to the world.

Some people may have learned skills or taken classes that enable them to play instruments or speak foreign languages all things which make them unique but it’s important to recognize that there’s something about YOU specifically that no one else can replicate or substitute for.

Knowing what makes you special gives you the confidence to embrace your hobbies and pursue opportunities that bring fulfillment and joy into your life.

Benefits of Cultivating Your Uniqueness

There are countless benefits to cultivating your uniqueness.

  • When you find your spark, you become unstoppable.
  • You know what makes you different and you own it.
  • You’re no longer just trying to fit in or be like everyone else.
  • You’re not chasing someone else’s dream; you’re following your own.
  • It gives you a sense of purpose and clarity in what you want out of life.
  • It helps you attract likeminded people and meaningful relationships.
  • You start to see the world through a different lens.
  • You develop a unique perspective that is invaluable.
  • Most importantly, when you find your spark, you find yourself.

Identify What Sets You Apart from Others

Identify What Sets You Apart from Others

Finding your unique power can start by really digging into and understanding what sets you apart from others. Of course, everyone has different interests and skills, so that’s a great place to start.

Think about things like:

  • Your individual education or career experiences
  • Hobbies or activities that you’re passionate about
  • Areas of expertise that you have beyond most other people.

These elements come together to make up your own personal story, and when you know the story well enough, it will begin to show you just what makes you special. Knowing your own special skills and possessing the self-awareness to recognize them will help guide you in the direction of fulfilling work and enriching relationships that have meaning for you.

1. Your Personality

Do you know what makes you special? It’s not a question that people often ask themselves, but it’s an important one to consider. What is it that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd? What makes you unique?

“ What Defines You is Your Personality “

For some people, it’s their personality . They’re the life of the party, always up for a good time. For others, it might be their skills or talents. They’re great at painting, playing the guitar or dancing. And for others still, it might be their passion for helping others. They’re always looking for ways to make a difference in the world.

What’s important is that you figure out what your spark is and embrace it. Embrace what makes you different and use it to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through. You’re unique and special and there’s nobody else quite like you in the world. So, own it.

2. Your Passions and Talents

Yes, there are a lot of things that make you unique in this world. But it’s important to learn to embrace your passions and talents.

You may not know this, but I was once in your shoes. I used to doubt myself and question my passions. I didn’t think I was good enough, and I let other people’s opinions hold me back. But eventually, I realized that was a waste of my time.

Because I understand;

Your passion is what makes you come alive. It’s what makes you happy and fulfilled. So don’t be afraid to embrace it and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough. You are unique, and you have something special to offer the world.

3. Your Attitudes and Habits

What makes you unique isn’t just what you have, it’s also how you approach the world. And this is something you can control . You have the power to cultivate positive attitudes and habits that will serve you well in life.

For example, think about your approach to challenges. Do you shy away from them, or do you view them as opportunities to learn and grow? How do you react when things don’t go your way? Do you beat yourself up over small failures, or do you pick yourself up and try again?

Your attitude and habits will determine how successful you are in life. But it’s important to remember that these are things that you can change, if you want to. It’s OK to start small but make a commitment to yourself to work on these things every day. You’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make in a short time.

4. Your Natural Creativity

Your natural creativity is another thing that makes you unique in this world. We all have the same needs and desires, but how we express them is where our personalities truly shine.

Nurturing your creative side is as easy as finding something that interests you and going to town with it. Whether it’s cooking, playing an instrument, making art or writing stories, your personal touch can make even the most mundane tasks come alive. And who knows you might find a hidden talent while you’re at it.

You may also want to look into self-expression through hobbies and sports. Not only will it help you connect with yourself and others, but you’ll also be practicing a skill or activity that will make you stand out among your peers.

Take the time to explore what creative processes work for you. The possibilities are endless and could possibly be a source of joy for years to come.

5. Your ability to be respectful of yourself and others

This is an important trait to cultivate, as it allows you to connect more deeply with the people around you and also helps you build a positive image of yourself.

It’s easy to forget that it’s not just about talking respectfully, but also about listening and paying attention to what others have to say. Being able to recognize the value of other people’s opinions gives them a feeling of respect and opens the door for meaningful conversations.

In addition, it means understanding the importance of setting boundaries and being assertive in communication. When done right, you can create strong bonds with those around you while still upholding your values.

Respectful behavior involves recognizing and valuing each person individually rather than judging them on their appearance or assuming they are something they are not. This type of attitude is key to building relationships in both meaningful and fruitful.

6. Your own unique path

Creating a personalized path for growth is a key part of being unique. This might mean finding a mentor or joining a group that can help you to develop skills and explore new opportunities. It could also mean volunteering or taking courses that align with your passions and interests.

The beauty of crafting your own path is that it allows you to step outside of your comfort zone and go after the things you really want in life with no one else’s expectations but your own. It’s about uncovering what sets your heart on fire and then making it happen, whatever it takes.

Every time you take steps towards something that’s important to you, you build moments of achievement, satisfaction, and pride (all factors) can contribute to a sense of uniqueness. Creating goals and then taking action towards them can also help to develop mindfulness, resilience, and confidence.

Small steps forward can be just as impactful as bigger ones

7. Your Skills

Think about the skills you possess, such as technical abilities, creative abilities or problem-solving abilities. Do you have a knack for writing or public speaking? How about coding or photography? What unique skills have enabled you to stand out in the past? Spend some time reflecting on where your strengths lie, and how they can be used to set you apart from the crowd.

8. Your Experiences

Have you had any experiences that have been impactful enough for you to remember? It could be something as simple as a situation that challenged you emotionally or mentally or even a physical challenge. Reflect on these moments and think about how they have shaped who you are today.

9. Your Paths Taken

Take a step back and look at your life up until this point what paths have you taken, either personally or professionally, that make you different from others? Have there been any moments of courage or strength that demonstrate a different side of yourself? Pay attention to those moments and use them as inspiration for future paths in life.

Self-Reflection is the key to find what makes you especial .

Self-Reflection is the key to find what makes you especial

When engaging in the process of self-reflection, it’s important to come at it with an open heart and an open mind. The more open you are to discovering things about yourself, the deeper and richer your understanding will be.

And just like any skill or habit, the more practice you have self-reflecting, the better you get at it. Don’t be discouraged if you do not see tangible results right away; instead, focus on developing a passion for that process itself.

Allowing yourself to show up with curiosity and presence is what will help you uncover new insights about yourself and understand why certain things make you unique.

Take some time each day to pause and reflect on your thoughts, emotions, successes and failures. Asking yourself thought-provoking questions can serve as a great starting point for honest reflection.

Once you’ve taken some time for self-reflection, it’s important to make a plan to move forward. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Create a vision board with meaningful images and quotes that inspire you and keep your goals at the forefront.
  • Write affirmations and read them out loud every morning for an added boost of confidence.
  • Make a list of all your strengths and weaknesses and what you want to work on. This will help you focus on areas that need improvement.
  • Set small goals that are attainable and keep track of your progress over time.
  • And most importantly, believe in yourself! If something doesn’t go as planned, don’t let it discourage you just try again.

Taking time each day to practice self-reflection will not only help you identify what makes you unique but also give you the courage and motivation to reach your goals.

How to Draw Out What Makes You Unique

How to Draw Out What Makes You Unique

Discovering what makes you unique can be a daunting task, but it’s worth it. Once you know your “spark,” you can start to focus on what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. And that’s when the real magic happens.

How do you go about finding your spark? It’s not as hard as it might seem. Here are a few tips to help get you started:

  • Ask your friends and family what they think makes you special.
  • Think about the things that make you happy and make you feel alive.
  • Ask yourself what you would do if money was no object.
  • Consider your talents and passions and how you can use them to make a difference in the world.

Once you’ve drawn out what makes you unique, it’s time to start putting it into action. Figure out what steps you need to take to turn your passion into a career and get started.

Ready to discover your unique power? Here’s how:

1. Take Time to Know Yourself Better

So, how can you start discovering what makes you truly unique? Start by taking time to get to know yourself better by asking yourself questions about your values, aspirations, dreams, and skills. Maybe there’s something nobody else can do quite like you or an area of expertise that you could use to your advantage. Consider areas where your strengths lie and use them to your benefit.

Think about your passions and interests. What kind of activities make you feel joy? Where do you see yourself in the future?

2. Celebrate Who You Are

The most important thing to remember when you reflect to find your uniqueness is to celebrate who you are. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others and feeling inadequate.

But we all have something unique and wonderful to offer the world. It’s just a matter of figuring out what that is and harnessing it.

Be proud of your talents, abilities, and quirks. Celebrate your goals and dreams. Embrace the moments when you feel most alive and joyful. And take pride in all the little things that make you truly unique it could be a hobby, a talent, an interest, or a passion.

By accepting our differences, we can set ourselves free from comparison and judgment, allowing us to build more meaningful connections with those around us. That’s where true happiness lurks! So don’t forget: You’re one-of-a-kind.

3. Reflect on your past.

Try to reflect on what were the things that made you happy and what were the things that made you feel fulfilled. What were some of your successes and what were your biggest failures? What passions do you have and what are some things that you’re indifferent to?

By answering these questions, you’ll get a better understanding of who you are and you specialties. You might be surprised at the answers that come up, but that’s okay. Because it’s all part of the process of self-reflection.

4. Analyze Your Strengths and Weaknesses

It is a powerful self-reflection tool. Taking inventory of your skills and talents can help you identify new opportunities for personal and professional growth . It’s also a great way to gain insight into what makes you unique.

Start by making a list of your assets and areas for improvement. Think about past successes, mistakes you’ve made, hobbies that bring you joy, or tasks that you find particularly difficult. From there, narrow down your list to focus on the five or six items that stand out the most to you.

Next, make sure to not just focus on the areas where you feel strongest. To gain a true understanding of what makes you unique, it’s important to also reflect on the qualities that don’t come so naturally.

These are often our biggest growth opportunities. And while it can be difficult to tackle these complex topics head-on, analyzing your strengths and weaknesses can be incredibly rewarding in the long run.

5. Explore different ways to express yourself

We all possess something unique, something that sets us apart from others a gift of sorts. This could be a skill, talent, or strength that we have come to recognize and value. Trying out new activities, interests, or ways of expressing yourself can help unearth talents or perspectives that weren’t obvious before.

What makes you unique is your combination of personality traits, life experiences, passions, talents, and abilities. No one has the exact same set of characteristics as you, and that’s what makes you special. You bring a unique perspective to the world that no one else can replicate. So be proud of who you are and use your individual talents to make a difference in the world.

  • What makes me unique: 5 ways to discover your uniqueness by   Michelle Ward 2014 from GoDaddy
  • The Importance of Knowing Your Uniqueness – created by Brent Dalley from
  • What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada – from YouTube

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Career Sidekick

12 Expert-Approved Responses to ‘What Makes You Unique?’ in Job Interviews

Published: April 25, 2024

Interview Questions and Answers

Actionable advice from real experts:

picture of Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Former Recruiter

what makes me special essay


Dr. Kyle Elliott

Career Coach

what makes me special essay

Hayley Jukes


Biron Clark

Biron Clark , Former Recruiter

Kyle Elliott , Career Coach

Image of Hayley Jukes

Hayley Jukes , Editor

Hiring managers interview many candidates for each job , so they want to hear what makes you unique from the other candidates. Lacking an impressive, confident answer can cost you the opportunity.

Drawing from my recruiting experience and insights from seasoned career coaches, this guide offers clear strategies and real-life sample answers to help you articulate your unique strengths effectively.

  • Reflect on your experiences to find what sets you apart, aligning it with the job role.
  • Understand the company and role you’re applying for, personalizing your response to show how your uniqueness benefits them.
  • Use concrete examples to demonstrate how your unique quality has contributed to your success in past roles or projects.

Understanding the Question: Why Recruiters Ask ‘What Makes You Unique?

“What makes you unique?” isn’t a trick interview question, and there isn’t one right answer. 

Hiring managers often ask this question to:

  • Assess your company fit.
  • Identify what you bring to the table beyond technical skills.
  • Understand your personality better.
  • Gauge compatibility with the team and organization.

The aim here is to get you talking about what you bring to the company. 

There may be something the hiring manager doesn’t know about you . They want to learn a bit more than what’s on your resume. Maybe you have a unique ability or soft skills that other candidates are missing. 

Even if not, this question is a chance to show that you understand the job description and the employer’s requirements for the role, and then demonstrate why you’re qualified.

The main reasons why recruiters ask this question are to get a better idea about your communication skills, to get your perspective on how successful your career has been so far, and to get a better sense of your suitability for the respective job or organization.

Your response gives a snapshot of your career intentions and showcases your unique skills in a way that aligns with the job. It’s not just about what you’ve done, but how you present it—that can set you apart from the rest.

Pre-Interview Preparation: Expert Tips for Answering ‘What Makes You Unique?

To keep your answer clear and concise, I recommend responding to this interview question with one single skill or trait that makes you unique. 

You can mention unique technical skills/hard skills, soft skills , key personality traits, experiences, personal attributes, or any other factor that makes you an exceptional candidate… and different from other job seekers. 

To feel fully prepared before the interview, follow my advice below:

Self-Reflect and Prepare

Look back at your career or the time you spent in college. What were your biggest successes? What were you proudest of? Some of the top skills or accomplishments you could mention include:

  • Innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Adaptability
  • Social intelligence and conflict resolution
  • Exceptional digital technology proficiency
  • Organizational proficiency
  • Creativity and resourcefulness
  • Public speaking skills
  • Consistent conflict management ability
  • Bias for action
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Strong work ethic
  • Excellent follow-up ability
  • Trainability: the ability to acquire new knowledge effortlessly

Take Your Time When Answering

There’s no need to answer too quickly or rush your response when asked what makes you unique. This is a tricky question and it’s completely acceptable to say,

“That’s a great question. Let me think for a second. I want to give you a good response here.” 

Doing this gives you time to consider the company’s values, the hiring manager’s attitude/personality, and any topics or job requirements you’ve already discussed in this job interview. 

Personalize Your Responses

The list mentioned above is great but it does sound generic. In order to impress, you have to explain how that unique skill is going to be an asset for the organization you’re pursuing a job with.

Study the job description and always go through as much information about the company as you can find.

Knowing how your skills fit the job and the company’s culture shows you’ve really thought about your role and where you fit in, which is a step above just doing basic company research.

Bill Burnett , Co-Director of the Stanford says

Don’t just tell them you’re unique, tell them how it benefits them. Explain how your unique skills or experiences can address a specific company need or contribute to their culture.

Customizing Your Response: Align Your Answer with the Job Description

To give you even more clarity, let’s take a look at a job ad and how your response can be personalized within its context.

what makes me special essay

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and curate engaging content for various social platforms
  • Oversee and manage multiple social media projects with overlapping deadlines
  • Innovate and brainstorm campaign strategies with a creative team
  • Analyze social media metrics to guide strategy and decision-making

What You’ll Bring:

  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
  • Proven experience managing projects with a detail-oriented approach
  • Creative and strategic thinking with a knack for developing unique campaign ideas
  • Proficiency with social media analytics tools and interpreting data effectively

This job description for a Social Media Manager asks for:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to create compelling SM content
  • Strong PM skills and ability to manage multiple projects and priorities simultaneously
  • Creative thinking to innovate bright new ideas for SM campaigns 
  • SM analytics experience

This role has several skill requirements so the question “What makes you unique?” should be answered in a way that incorporates all of these skills:

what makes me special essay

“What makes me unique is my ability to stay focused, effective, and creative under pressure. I’m able to generate consistently strong original ideas for social media posts and campaigns, even while managing multiple social media calendars and goals at once. 

I collate advanced analytics from a wide range of sources to set the right goals and generate the right impact at the right time. 

As a part of my past experience, I’ve managed multiple campaigns, adapting my style to address the client’s requirements. I’ve employed innovative approaches and measured their impact to give clients data-driven solutions perfectly aligned with their outreach objectives.”

12 Expert-Approved Sample Answers to ‘What Makes You Unique?’

Here are twelve examples of how you could answer “What makes you unique?”

Example Answer: Communication Skills

what makes me special essay

“One trait that I feel makes me unique is my ability to get along with all types of people and personalities. I’ve worked in retail customer service, all the way up to managing large enterprise client accounts in my last job. I can relate to a construction worker just as easily, as I can connect and relate to a corporate lawyer or doctor. 

I saw that your job description for this role emphasizes communication skills , and I’ve read about the variety of clients that your business serves. So, that’s one reason I feel I’m a strong candidate for the role and may have some unique skills and background that other candidates don’t bring.”

Why This Answer Works

The answer highlights the candidate’s ability to get along with all kinds of people, as well as their customer service experience. It’s specific while also shedding some light on relevant previous work history.

Example Answer 2: Multi-Disciplinary Approach

what makes me special essay

“One of my unique skills is that I’m a former software developer . I moved into product design because I’m more passionate about this area, but I’m still able to write code and scripts to automate tasks, and I still approach challenges and obstacles through an engineer’s mindset .

I perform tests and I make decisions based on data. This data-driven approach sets me apart from many other designers and makes me a unique candidate for your Senior Design Lead role.”

The ability to apply a set of skills from one industry to another is a unique advantage.

Example Answer 3: Public Speaking Ability

Note: This is an example of one of the “what makes you unique” sample answers for students that will be ideal for people lacking professional experience:

what makes me special essay

“One of the skills that makes me unique is my public speaking ability. I enjoy giving presentations. I’ve spoken in front of hundreds of people at my college. I was a part of my college debate team, too.

I also led weekly intern meetings during both of my internships before I graduated, and I genuinely enjoy talking in front of a crowd. 

As I look to find my first full-time, permanent position after graduating, I look forward to finding ways to use this skill in my career. I saw your job description for this role mentions giving sales presentations to clients, so that’s one area where I feel I’d immediately excel.”

The answer shows some confidence in one’s abilities, even if the candidate doesn’t have an extensive history. It’s detailed and very relevant, perfectly aligned with the skill set the recruiter is looking for.

Example Answer 4: Soft Skills 

“I have an unusual combination of soft skills that I feel makes me unique. I’m constantly seeking to improve, learn from my mistakes, and challenge myself.  

I’m exceptionally organized in terms of tracking my results, progress, and any trends in my work and output.   I’m able to find potential learning opportunities and lessons, spot potential problems before they become larger issues, and steadily improve. I use challenges as a learning experience and try to turn the occasional small mistake into a huge positive, rather than dwelling on it as a negative. In past jobs, my managers often complimented my ability to learn quickly, perform well without needing constant supervision, and remain calm even when something didn’t go my way. So that’s the unique skill set that I bring to the role.”

The response uses the opportunity to mention not just one unique skill but a number of those: organization ability, performance evaluation, learning, problem-solving, etc.

Example Answer 5: Leadership

“I think that my unique skill is project leadership. I have a natural ability to lead numerous tasks and projects , whether as the direct team leader or project coordinator. I think this comes from my combination of strong organizational skills and interpersonal skills . I’ve always enjoyed leadership and working in a team environment and hope to continue finding companies that value collaboration.

I reviewed the job listing and it seemed to me that your company values hiring people with a collaborative mindset, and people who can grow in the organization and take on more leadership over time, so this role seemed like a great potential fit.”

The answer pinpoints some unique skills and it also explains how these can be used to achieve growth and performance enhancement within the organization.

Even if an employer doesn’t directly ask,  “Why are you applying to this job,”  it’s a nice touch to end an interview answer by explaining why you feel their job is a good match. Doing this shows research, thoughtfulness, and preparation. You can see this in the sample answer above, which ends by saying,  “…so this role seemed like a great potential fit.”

Example Answer 6: Problem-Solving

“I have a really well-established and well-practiced problem-solving methodology . However, my systematic approach doesn’t prevent me from brainstorming highly creative solutions when the situation calls for them . My skill in this area has seen me promoted to numerous team-leadership roles , as I’m able to generate ideas and delegate tasks to get a problem solved faster. As a result, I’ve ended up saving a great deal of money for the companies that have employed me.

I believe my critical thinking and problem-solving will work really well within the fast-paced day-to-day settings linked to this job. I’m confident in my ability to think quickly and make optimal decisions bound to turn challenging situations into opportunities.”

Not only does the answer present the interviewee’s biggest strength, it also emphasizes the fact they’re flexible and ready to get their approach properly aligned with the current processes within the organization.

Example Answer 7: Teamwork

“What makes me unique is my heartfelt belief that success in this industry and this role is dependent on outstanding teamwork . I see immense value in diverse perspectives and ideas and believe that every single team member has a lot to offer. That’s why I make it my business to set the stage for strong collaboration by helping team members find their voice and realize their potential, by motivating others to act, and by building my teammates up through constant feedback, celebration, and support.”

The answer shows precisely how the candidate’s unique skill applies to the new work environment. It details specific advantages that the entire team can experience as a result of hiring that person.

Example Answer 8: Work Ethic

“What makes me unique is my sense of professionalism and work ethic . My career is of the utmost importance to me and, as such, I take immense pride in my work, believing that the work I produce is an expression of the kind of person I am. 

I believe that there is always room to develop, up-skill, and sharpen my delivery . I compete with myself day in and day out, always striving to do better than I did before. In fact, I only see it as a job well done if I know I’ve grown and improved on my past performance.”

This candidate expresses confidence in the skills they already have. At the same time, it suggests the person is open to new learning opportunities, something that most recruiters value.

Example Answer 9: Ambition

“What makes me unique is my ambitious drive and inability to function without continuously striving for and achieving new goals. 

Having worked at two industry-related businesses in the past 10 years, I’ve been promoted six times thanks to my d iligent self-challenges, adherence to setting and achieving each of my goals, and ability to act on initiative with minimal guidance . 

In the shorter term, my ambition makes me well suited to complex, high-priority tasks, as I’m driven to meet briefs and deadlines, while constantly upping my skills and standard of work in the process.”

Apart from pinpointing unique skills, the answer seamlessly mentions some amazing accomplishments the candidate achieved within their previous line of employment.

Example Answer 10: Adaptability

“ I have a strong passion for learning and experiencing new things . It’s a passion that’s made me highly adaptable.  I get excited about discovering new trends, mastering new tools, and adapting quickly to diverse tasks/situations without skipping a beat.

I have a strong belief in my ability to master any skill or succeed on any task, no matter how new or challenging it may seem to me. This belief makes me highly versatile and successful in a fast-paced setting because I don’t waste time doubting myself or stressing about the newness of things, I simply get them done.”

This answer tells the recruiter that the candidate is willing to do whatever it takes to optimize their performance within the organization. An eagerness to learn is incredibly valuable, being open to new ways of doing work often trumps other specialized skills.

Example Answer 11: Growth Mindset

“My biggest strength is the growth mindset I’ve always had. It has kept me curious and open to new opportunities. Throughout my professional journey, I’ve been eager to learn and evolve. I really enjoy acquiring new skills and finding a practical application for the know-how ‘ve accumulated.

This mindset has enabled me to continue evolving. I’ve used every mistake as a stepping stone that has taken me closer to my ultimate career goal. Even today, I continue cultivating unique skills that make it easier to pursue unconventional career paths reliant on out-of-the-box thinking.”

The answer is especially well-suited to the needs of people looking into non-traditional career paths. It demonstrates an open mind and a desire to keep on learning that can prove to be exceptionally valuable career-wise.

Example Answer 12: Empathy

“I used the time spent away from professional settings to strengthen my soft skills, especially empathy. The volunteering work I did over the past year helped me sharpen my understanding of others, their motivators, and the ways they pursue goals. I am confident in my ability to collaborate and motivate coworkers to perform to the best of their ability. My skills make me very good at reading people and situations accurately, and identifying opportunities and risks whenever these manifest themselves.”

The answer is a great choice for someone attempting to re-enter the workforce after a break. It tells the recruiter how the candidate used their time off to acquire skills and also demonstrates a proactive approach toward seizing new opportunities.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: What Not to Say When Asked ‘What Makes You Unique?’


what makes me special essay

Dr. Kyle Elliott , MPA, CHES Tech & Interview Career Coach

Avoid the Trap of Only Listing Qualifications

One of the biggest mistakes interviewees make is only sharing how they’re qualified for a role without highlighting what sets them apart from other candidates.

If you’ve made it to the interview stage, it’s evident that you’re qualified, and now it’s your time to showcase how you’re distinct from the other applicants. Importantly, though, you want to back up your claims with examples and results. Anyone can make a claim, but you’ll be a more memorable interviewee if you back it up with a powerful story.

When answering this interview question, it’s best to give detailed, specific examples. Notice how in the sample answers above, narrow and precise skills were named. The bottom line is:

You want to avoid general claims like, “I’m a hard worker” and instead be more specific. 

Why does this matter? Every job seeker claims to be a hard worker. They make many general claims like that. Hiring managers are tired of hearing that every candidate is a hard worker. 

Second, a general, non-specific answer doesn’t paint a clear picture in the hiring manager’s mind of how you’ll help them if you’re hired for the position. Give more specific examples to show why you’re truly the best candidate and how you can contribute to the organization. 

Example: Instead of saying, “I’m very organized” and ”I’m a hard worker,” (which is not unique at all) you could say:

“One thing that makes me unique is my organizational skills. I get excited about anything to do with organization. I love creating systems, templates, and other tools to save time and make me more effective at work. In my last job, I used this to save two hours per day by creating a new scheduling and follow-up system for interacting with customers.”

This answer is more compelling to a hiring manager because:

  • A concrete example has been provided  
  • It shows that you have read and understood the job description and role
  • You’ve explained how your uniqueness can add value and contribute to the company

Share more detail and be more specific in your resume, interview answers , and cover letter (if you send one), and you’ll make more hiring managers see you as an ideal candidate.

Other Interview Resources 

For even more interview prep help and to make sure you nail that first impression, check out these extra resources.

  • Why are you the best candidate for this position?
  • What sets you apart from other candidates?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • Powerful job interview tips

picture of Biron Clark

About the Author

Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions. Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Read more articles by Biron Clark

About the Contributor

Kyle Elliott , career coach and mental health advocate, transforms his side hustle into a notable practice, aiding Silicon Valley professionals in maximizing potential. Follow Kyle on LinkedIn .

Image of Hayley Jukes

About the Editor

Hayley Jukes is the Editor-in-Chief at CareerSidekick with five years of experience creating engaging articles, books, and transcripts for diverse platforms and audiences.

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A Conscious Rethink

10 things that make each person a unique, one-of-a-kind individual

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illustration of red stick figure among gray stick figures showing the concept of being a unique person

Every single person is a unique puzzle composed of pieces of personality, life experiences, knowledge, and emotions.

Every person has their own perspective and world view, largely fueled by the way they’ve experienced and navigated the world.

Regardless of the exact path one’s life has taken, the journey leaves its mark on the person and shapes the way they interact with the world today.

However, we are not condemned to a particular outcome.

The qualities that make every person a unique, interesting individual can be honed, improved upon, and made to grow as we continue our life’s journey.

Here are just some of the things that make YOU unique in this world.

What does it mean to be unique?

To be unique means to be a rare and precious gem in a sea of sameness.

It is to stand out in a crowd, to be noticed for something that sets you apart from the rest.

It is the feeling of being one-of-a-kind, of having a distinct identity that cannot be replicated or duplicated.

To be unique is to embrace your individuality, to celebrate your quirks and flaws, and to recognize that they are what make you truly special.

It is to be unapologetically yourself, to follow your own path, and to forge your own destiny.

In a world where conformity is often rewarded, being unique is a bold and courageous act of rebellion. It is a reminder that we are all different, and that our differences are what make us beautiful.

10 Unique Things About You

1. your personality.

An individual’s personality is something that is molded from the moment they are born right through to the present moment.

Every good and bad experience, every triumph and failure, every moment of strength and weakness, every bit of knowledge and wisdom we acquire…

…these guide us in how we move through the world.

No one else can or will have your exact collection of knowledge, experiences, and perceptions that causes you to be who you are.

No one else is going to respond to what you’ve experienced with the same emotions and thoughts that you had.

No one is going to make the same choices that you make.

Your personality is uniquely your own.

2. Your Attitude

A person’s attitude dictates how they perceive life and the actions of the people around them.

Both a positive and negative attitude can be infectious, influencing the people around you and pulling them in the general direction of what you are putting into the world.

That’s the foundation of self-help and motivational materials that talk about how your attitude can really limit what you can accomplish in life.

Because, the truth is that people with a positive attitude tend to shy away from those with more neutral or negative attitudes.

Your attitude is something that is formed by your emotional landscape unless you make an active choice to craft it into something better and more conducive to a happier present and future.

3. Your Experiences

A person’s past and future experiences have, without a doubt, the greatest influence on shaping who they are as a unique individual.

Every experience helps us determine how we will end up interacting with the world and other people in it.

People with negative experiences may find themselves feeling anxious and defensive when faced with situations similar to those in which they got hurt or when trying to avoid future harm.

And people seek out positive experiences to help improve their understanding of the world, the people in it, and how to best pursue a happy and content life.

That doesn’t mean that you are condemned to be held hostage by your experiences.

Certain negative experiences often contain shreds of wisdom that you can use to find a better path, make better decisions , and pursue a more positive future.

4. Your Habits

A habit is a thing we do with great regularity. The habits we have inform and determine what aspects of our unique person we develop.

A bad habit of eating unhealthy food and not exercising is going to cause lethargy and poor physical health.

A good habit of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing is going to keep your mouth healthy and pain-free.

Forming habits such as reading, meditation, exercise, or trying new things can improve mental health and well-being.

Carl Jung famously said, “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” And his words largely speak to how our actions and habits determine the person we become.

5. Your Creativity

Creativity is an interesting thing because there are so many different kinds.

You have a variety of arts that flex the creative side of your brain, from painting and drawing to dance and singing.

But then you also have creativity in other forms, like developing efficient systems, building a bookcase with your own hands, or planning an aesthetically pleasing landscape.

Every person has their own unique, creative gifts which are influenced by their own vision of what beauty is.

Sometimes, beauty isn’t a complicated thing. Sometimes creativity and beauty is simple effectiveness.

6. Your Perspective

Can anyone else in the world see the world exactly as you do?

No one else has lived your twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

No one else has experienced life in the same way that you have.

No one else has the exact same body of knowledge that you have.

A person’s perspective is uniquely their own.

That’s why it’s so important to be open to other people’s opinions and ideas…

…not necessarily to accept them as right or wrong, but to help fill in the blanks and continue to develop your unique perception of the world.

An exchange of ideas with the right person on your perceptions of the world can unlock realization and wisdom, so don’t shy away from listening to or sharing your own perspectives and opinions.

7. Your Taste

What do you like? What do you dislike?

Though we can find common ground with other people on what constitutes quality or beauty, your tastes are largely a unique facet of your personality.

A person’s tastes will influence many of their choices in life, whether it’s what food to eat or what type of people they want to have a relationship with.

Exploring the different tastes of the world, in all their forms, is an excellent way to expand one’s horizons, learn new things, and continue to develop as a person.

An open mind and a willingness to embrace the tastes of others can introduce you to so many great things.

8. Your Goals

A person’s goals generally guide how they spend their time, energy, and effort.

The areas of life and endeavors where we invest our time, energy, and effort are going to be the things we have in mind most often, which will influence what we give back and take from the world.

Short, medium, and long-term goals provide us direction and motivation when we feel lost or like we are stumbling on our path.

Anyone can get more out of their life, grow as a person, and find clearer direction by finding some goals to work toward.

Journaling is a great companion to a goal-oriented, growth mindset , because it’s a place to speak your mind freely, map out exactly what you want, and develop a plan to get there.

9. Your Hobbies

What do you like to do for fun?

It’s a common question that people use as an icebreaker, and it speaks to the type of person you are.

Hobbies certainly don’t define a person, but what you spend your time doing informs others about what kind of person you are.

Do you like puzzles? Binge-watching shows on Netflix? Sports? Volunteer work? Gardening? Cooking? Gaming?

All of these things say something about you as a unique individual, your values, and how you seek happiness or meaning in life.

That also means that trying out and adopting new hobbies can help facilitate growth and personal development.

10. Your Passion

Passion is a magnificent part of the human experience.

There are so many things to be passionate about – art, nature, and humanity to name a few.

Passions can provide much needed direction toward a goal or experience that will allow us to leave our own unique mark on the world.

The things that stir the deepest emotions in one’s soul can speak to a higher calling to do something greater than oneself, even if they might be in a mental or emotional place where things aren’t that good at the moment.

Understanding your passions can help you find a direct, distinct path that is guided by your values and unique perception of the world.

Don’t let them cool down to nothing. Stoke and stir those flames from time to time, so they continue to burn and illuminate your path.

We are all unique individuals. We all have something unique and valuable to contribute to the world. It just may take some time to find that thing you are meant to contribute.

It’s The Mix That Matters Most

There will be individual elements of you as a person that you share with others.

You might enjoy the same cuisines, share hobbies, or hold similar beliefs or opinions to other people.

What makes a person different to all others is not these things by themselves, but the combination of these things that only you have.

You are unique. There’s no doubt about it.

How to come up with specific examples of unique things about you.

Coming up with specific examples of what makes you unique can be a daunting task, but it is also a powerful exercise in self-discovery.

Start by reflecting on your life experiences, your passions, and your talents. Think about the moments that have shaped you into the person you are today, and the skills that you have developed along the way.

Consider the things that you enjoy doing, the things that come naturally to you, and the things that set you apart from others.

Maybe you have a talent for playing an unusual musical instrument, or you have a passion for collecting vintage clothing. Perhaps you have overcome a significant challenge, or you have a unique perspective on a particular issue.

Whatever it is that makes you stand out, embrace it, celebrate it, and share it with the world.

Remember, your uniqueness is what makes you special, and there is no one else in the world quite like you.

Why we should embrace our differences.

We should embrace our differences because they are what make us human. They are the things that make us interesting, unique, and beautiful.

Embracing our differences means accepting ourselves and others for who we are, without judgment or prejudice. It means recognizing that diversity is not a weakness, but a strength.

When we embrace our differences, we open ourselves up to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. We learn from each other, and we grow as individuals and as a society.

Embracing our differences also means standing up against discrimination and inequality. It means fighting for a world where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

In a world that often tries to make us conform, embracing our differences is a radical act of self-love and acceptance. It is a reminder that we are all unique, and that our differences are what make us truly special.

How to accept yourself and your unique set of characteristics.

Accepting yourself and your unique set of characteristics can be a challenging journey, but it is also one of the most rewarding.

Start by recognizing that you are not perfect, and that is okay. Everyone has flaws and imperfections, and they are what make us human.

Embrace your quirks and idiosyncrasies, and celebrate the things that make you different from others.

Practice self-compassion and kindness, and treat yourself with the same love and respect that you would give to a friend.

Set realistic expectations for yourself, and focus on your strengths and accomplishments, rather than your shortcomings.

Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and let go of those who do not.

Finally, remember that self-acceptance is a process, and it takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, and keep working toward a place of self-love and acceptance.

When you accept yourself and your unique set of characteristics, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and opportunities, and you become the best version of yourself.

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About The Author

what makes me special essay

Jack Nollan is a person who has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years now. Jack is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspective from the side of the mental health consumer. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.

what makes me special essay

How To Answer “What Makes You Unique?” (+ Sample Answers)

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments

what makes you unique

By Jeff Gillis

Updated 6/30/2022.

Uniqueness is a bit of a strange concept. When it comes to the formal definition , something is unique when it exists as the sole example, essentially having no equal. So, when the hiring manager asks, “What makes you unique?” it’s not uncommon to struggle a bit.

Luckily, you don’t have to be the sole example of something to answer this question well. If you’re wondering how to answer “what makes you unique,” here’s how to get headed in the right direction.

Why Do They Ask You “Tell Us What Makes You Unique?”

So, why do hiring managers ask you, “What makes you unique?” Is it to throw you off a bit? Well, maybe a little. But there’s actually more to it than that.

First, your answer gives them insights into what you value in yourself. You’re essentially discussing why you believe you’re special, and the traits or capabilities you decide to showcase can give them potent clues about your personality and skills.

Second, they want to see how you manage stress. Talking about yourself in this manner is, admittedly, uncomfortable, and they want to know if you can navigate the challenge.

Finally, the hiring manager is trying to see if you bring an ability or characteristic to the table that they didn’t explicitly request, but could help you, the team, and the company thrive in an unexpected way.

As the minds at the Balance put it, the hiring manager isn’t just looking at your technical qualifications, but at whether you have “something above and beyond what the other candidates offer, showing that you’ll be a strong addition to the company.” They’re after that bit of something extra, as that could help the organization reach new heights.

How to Answer “What Makes You Unique?”

Take a minute and think of all the answers that pop into your head. Are they quirky traits that set you apart from your friends and family? Are they odd habits that you’ve had since childhood that nobody else seems to have? Is it a skill you’ve always wished you could share on late-night television but never gotten the chance?

Okay, now let’s try that question again, but this time, I’m going to run it through the “What the interviewer is actually asking” filter. Are you ready? Here it is:

“What about you makes you the best candidate for this job?”

Rather than figuring out what makes you unique, think about what value you bring to the company. Now, your list might include valuable things like “I’m highly motivated by a challenge” and “I enjoy working with a team to bring a project to completion.”

This question is meant to find out what makes you valuable both as a person and in the workplace…and why those differences set you apart from the other candidates. Remember, an interviewer’s number one job is to find the best candidate for the position they are hiring for, and your job is to prove to them that you’re the perfect candidate!

Remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

Click below to get your free PDF now:

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FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Answering “What Makes You Unique” on a Job Application

Your first encounter with this interview question may come when you are filling out a job application. It is not uncommon for a company to ask you something along the lines of, “In 150 characters or fewer, tell us what makes you unique.”

You really don’t need to overthink this. Everything that we’ve said above still applies. If you want to get the maximum benefit from the answer you give, you just need to ensure that you use the allotted characters you have in an economical way.

The hiring managers want clear, concise thoughts, which is why they put a character limit on it in the first place. So, one major thing to avoid is rephrasing the question in any way. You also want to skip filler words that don’t add any real value to the answer.

The most important thing to remember is to try to focus on unique skills that you have that are the most relevant to the position you are interviewing for. Use the following tips to further help with crafting your answer.

Top 5 Tips for “What Makes You Unique”

1. do your homework.

Start with the job listing itself. Look at what skills are required and match those up with the skills you know you have. Make sure when you answer the question that you work those skills into the conversation through examples.

2. Self-Assess

After you’ve gone over the job posting and your related skills, spend some time asking yourself about what sets you apart from other candidates and write those answers down. Come up with a list of skills or traits that you think are unique to you – and make you a valuable addition to the company – that weren’t listed in the job posting.

3. Reference the Past

Share actual examples from your own work history to back up your answers. Make sure your stories are short, concise, and end on a positive note. Share with your hiring manager not only what makes you unique but how you used that uniqueness in a positive, constructive way.

4. It’s Not All About You

Yes, it’s your interview, but really, it’s all about the company and how you can help them. Do your research on the company ahead of time and come up with solid ways your unique skills and talents can benefit them. Yes, getting the job would help you, but ultimately, it’s always about them.

5. Be Unique

Yes, this question is all about how you’re unique, but it’s all too easy to fall into less than unique answers that your interviewer has already heard a million times.

Instead of saying, “I’m a really hard worker,” say, “I’m driven to complete a task, no matter how difficult.” Forgo “I’m a fast learner” in favor of “I really enjoy learning new things and find that it’s easy for me to pick up on required skills.” And skip “I always go above and beyond” and go with “I truly enjoy excelling and pushing myself. I look forward to tasks where I can learn and grow.”

Then, practice ahead of time. That way, your answers sound smooth and confident.

How NOT to Answer This Question

Now that we’ve shown you the best techniques to answer the “What makes you unique” interview question, we thought we’d go over some of the things you definitely need to avoid when facing this question.

1. Oversharing

Yes, the hiring manager really does want to know what makes you unique, but only so far as it applies to the job. Keep your truly personal details private. Remember, they want to know how your unique skills will help the company, not that you spend your weekends dressing your dog up in accurate period costumes and reenacting major historical battles.

2. Being Generic

We touched on this above, but it really does need to be said twice. While it’s tempting to rush through this question simply because it’s not easy to answer, don’t fall back onto bland, boring answers with no example follow-ups.

3. Being Negative

This question isn’t an opportunity for you to trash on the other job seekers who are applying for the position. Don’t use this as a platform to tell the hiring manager why you’re superior to all those other job seekers in the waiting room. Not only will it make you look petty and shallow, but it also won’t win you any points.

4. Don’t Get “Lost”

Keep your answer short, focused, and relevant. Make sure you use targeted words that highlight your skills and then follow those up with a clear example. Don’t ramble on talking about unrelated skills that have nothing to do with the job or the company you’re interviewing for.

5. Don’t Lie

We say this time and time again in these blogs because it’s critical. Be honest! Don’t come up with a unique skill or trait you don’t actually possess just because you think it’ll get you hired. There’s nothing worse than being hired for a job you can’t actually do or talking about a skill you don’t actually have only to get asked to use it. Be honest!

How to Use the Job Description to Find the Best Traits

At this point, you’ve probably got a solid idea about how to answer the “what makes you unique” interview question. However, it’s wise to go a bit further.

While discussing what sets you apart from other candidates in general is fine, relevancy should be the name of the game. You want to consider, “ What makes me unique that’s also something the hiring manager would value?” By doing that, you’re able to identify unique traits that also improve your position as a candidate.

In most cases, the job description is an excellent resource when you want to tailor your answers to the job. What you want to find is tidbits about the type of candidate they’re after. That means looking beyond the must-have hard skills. Instead, you want to consider what unique characteristics allow you to apply those technical abilities better.

Similarly, you want to highlight unique traits that make you adept at navigating a workplace similar to the hiring manager’s company. Again, that makes you a far stronger candidate.

When it’s time to talk about those unique characteristics, don’t just say what you bring to the table. Instead, think about your past jobs and other past experiences, including educational pursuits , hobbies , volunteer work , and more. Then, find examples that demonstrate your unique traits, as showing is always more effective than telling.

If you want to learn more about how to make any of your interview answers ridiculously relevant, check out our Tailoring Method article for more details.

5 Great Sample Answers

To help you come up with your own answers, here are five “what makes you unique” example answers.

For a position that requires a team leader:


“I’m particularly adept at working with different personalities and finding a way to motivate people. In my last role, I oversaw a project with a diverse team, including one employee that classically struggled with deadlines. Not only was I able to make sure that everyone worked well together, but I also took time to speak with the one challenging employee and determined that positive feedback was a critical part of their success equation. By going the extra mile to comment on their efforts, they were far more engaged, resulting in the project finishing on time and above expectations.”

For a job that requires ongoing education:

“By nature, I’m incredibly curious, and I love a challenge. That’s part of why I initially studied medicine. Conditions can present in numerous ways, and our understanding of the human body continuously shifts. By pursuing a healthcare career, I get to feed my curiosity daily, both when assisting patients with unique presentations and by furthering my knowledge in emerging areas. In my last role, I was traditionally completed by required credits far sooner than my colleagues and often went further, attending conferences and networking to stay on the cutting-edge. That allowed me to bring valuable knowledge back to my workplace, making it easier for us all to remain ahead.”

For a position where you lack direct experience:

“One thing that makes me unique for this role in human resources is my previous experience in the information technology field. I spent nine years working in a networking position, collaborating with colleagues in a range of specialties. When I pivoted and returned to college to get my degree in human resources, many didn’t see the connection. However, I believe this makes me particularly well-suited for a technical recruiter role, as I understand what it takes to thrive in these positions thanks to my previous experience.”

For roles where a strength that’s a weakness for others provides value:

“One capability that I feel is genuinely unique in this field is my skill with public speaking. I’m incredibly comfortable giving presentations, which is why I was selected to lead training activities and showcase project progress during meetings in my last role. Whether it’s a handful of people or hundreds, I have no issue standing up and sharing knowledge and information whenever the need arises.”

For a job where an unconventional degree is beneficial

“One way that I feel I stand out from other sales professionals is actually my education. While it may not seem like a degree in psychology would provide exceptional value, it taught me a lot about why people make certain decisions and what motivates them to buy. In my last role, I was able to convert 22 percent more leads simply because I could quickly adjust my approach based on the potential buyer’s sentiment and perspective. The ability to pivot my language and adjust my strategy to make them not just comfortable but confident yielded results, something that I can continue doing in my next job.”

Putting It All Together

Remember, when you’re answering the dreaded “What makes you unique” interview question, what you’re really answering is “What makes you the best candidate for this job?” Keep your answers memorable, keep them focused and keep them relevant. Make yourself stand out from the herd by showing your value to the company.

And as always, good luck!

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  • Different situations you could fins yourself in when facing this question and a breakdown on how to approach each one!

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Co-founder and CTO of Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Jeff gillis.

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Co-founder and CTO of Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Marty Nemko Ph.D.

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Figuring Out What Makes You Special

11 questions to help you tease it out..

Posted June 25, 2018

Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain

No one wants to feel ordinary: a replaceable part in society, the workplace, or relationships.

Fortunately, even identical twins aren’t completely identical. So there probably are myriad ways you differ from the norm. But how do you figure out what makes you special? And more challenging, how might better use your specialness to enhance your place in the world?

These questions derived from a chapter in my just-published book, Careers for Dummies, may help:

Looking forward

Imagine that you're 17 but have all your self-knowledge and knowledge of the world. What would you do careerwise that’s at least slightly unconventional? Would it be different if you were 30?

Anything unconventional regarding relationships?

How about avocationally?

You’re in perfect health but have only one day left to live. How do you spend it?

What if you have one year left?

If you were to give a last lecture, broadcast worldwide, at the end of which you dropped dead, what would be your main point(s) that is at least slightly unconventional?

Lessons from your past

What’s something unusual, even weird, about you?

What's a second unusualness?

Have you had an unusual accomplishment or two?

What’s one or two unconventional things you’ve done?

If a few people who know you well are talking about you, what do they say is unusual about you?

The takeaway

As you review your answers, is there at least one thing that makes you different from the average bear? And does that suggest something you actually want to do more of, less or, or something completely new? Do you want to do it now? At some date certain?

I read this aloud on YouTube

Marty Nemko Ph.D.

Marty Nemko, Ph.D ., is a career and personal coach based in Oakland, California, and the author of 10 books.

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How To Answer “What Makes You Unique?” (With Examples)

  • How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself?
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
  • What Are Your Career Goals?
  • When Can You Start?
  • How Do You Define Success?
  • Describe Your Work Ethic
  • Where Are Your Current Duties?
  • What Are Your Learning Goals?
  • Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation
  • What Is Your Desired Salary?
  • What Makes You Unique?
  • Why Are You The Best Person For This Job?
  • Reasons For Termination
  • What Are Your Work Values
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  • What Are You Most Proud Of?
  • Personal Code Of Ethics
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  • What Are You Passionate About
  • What Skills Would You Bring To The Job
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Interviewers love to ask “What makes you unique?” because they are looking to see how you talk about yourself and what unique skills and qualifications you have that set you apart from the crowd.

To help you answer what the interviewers are looking for, we’ll go over how to answer “What makes you unique?”, and provide some what makes you unique sample answers. We will also go over some tips to keep in mind as well as some mistakes to avoid when answering.

Key Takeaways:

When answering “What makes you unique from others?” you need to be prepared, answer with job specifics, and use examples from previous jobs.

When answering the question keep the answer work-related and not something from your personal life.

When hiring managers and recruiters ask this question, they’re most interested in what you bring to the role and why you would be a better choice than another candidate.

How to answer

How to answer “What makes you unique?”

Example answers to “what makes you unique”, why interviewers ask “what makes you unique”, tips for answering “what makes you unique”, common mistakes to avoid when answering “what makes you unique”, “what makes you unique” faqs, final thoughts.

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When you’re asked “What makes you different, unique, or odd,” you should answer with what makes you a unique hire over your competition for the position. Suddenly, your answer about being able to touch your nose with your tongue seems wildly out of place.

Here is a detailed list of how to answer questions about what makes you unique:

Prepare. You’re doing it now, and that’s going to help you when it comes time to interview. Don’t just prepare your answers, but do some research in preparation, too. Carefully read the job description to determine what qualities are most necessary to succeed in the role.

Be job-specific. Part of your research should be about the company and what they value. You should also learn about the role. If you know they’re a small company and the employees wear a lot of hats (figuratively speaking), then stress how you’re an incredible multitasker and willing to work outside your professional box.

Consider the compliments you’ve received. Think back on the strengths that have served you well in the past and what former supervisors have had to say about your performance. You can also drop the professional bit and just think about what qualities people most appreciate about you. Don’t be afraid to ask friends or family for ideas if you’re not sure.

Use examples. What have you done that can illustrate your skills? For example, if you’ve had the opportunity to interview an A-list celebrity, you can use this to show how you did something that made you very nervous but afterward, you learned that we’re all people. It made you a more confident interviewer.

Tie it to work. If your “unique” trait is that you spent a year backpacking across Europe, find a way to tie it to the job you want. Maybe you can explain how you love learning new things and spent a year traveling to immerse yourself in new cultures.

Boring can be perfect. If you think that you’re just not interesting enough, remember the question isn’t about how exciting you are. If you rush home every night to work on a hobby, that’s a wonderful answer. It tells the employer that you’re detail-oriented, passionate, and committed to completing projects.

Here are a few what makes you unique sample answers for different scenarios to help you come up with your own answer:

Tell us something about yourself which makes you special example answer

“I am an avid fly fisherman and have been doing it my whole life. I learned it from my father, and it taught me that attention to detail, patience, and perseverance are important qualities. When things are difficult, I’ve learned to keep my head down and focus like I do when I’m fishing or tying a fly. I can get through and usually catch my fish.” Why it works: This answer does a great job of showing the interviewee as a person. It paints a picture of a solid, well-adjusted person with strong family ties. Then it displays some characteristics that could be crucial for the job at hand.
“I am a marathon runner and triathlete. I love setting big goals for myself and achieving them. I find that these personal challenges help me grow in ways I would never have expected. And the sense of self-satisfaction is incredible.” Why it works: This interviewee doesn’t try to tie their uniqueness to work at all, and yet, it happens on its own.
“I don’t have a college degree, like most people in this position and probably most people you’re hiring. Instead, I have worked my way up from a customer service job to management. I’ve learned the ins and outs of every job along the way, and that’s what makes me an excellent manager. I know this business as few people do.” Why it works: Wow, right? This answers the question perfectly. It is what makes them unique. They turned something that they know doesn’t look great on paper into a huge positive.
“I am a foster parent and am currently fostering two wonderful children. I also have two kids of my own. I’m always busy and often mediating fights, but it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Why this works: This managerial candidate shows that they not only can manage on the job but that it’s ingrained in who they are. There’s also a note of genuine compassion in the response. Finally, they love this type of work and choose to have a life in which their skills are put to use on a daily basis.
“I have a degree in archeology but never worked a day in the field after college. I know this sounds odd, and it’s my true passion, but turning it into a job felt like taking the joy out of it. Instead, I use my analytical skills and attention to detail to dig into financial reports.” Why this works: Suddenly, the job of a field auditor for an accounting firm sounds more interesting. Again, taking a point that sounds out of place on paper and turning it into something that makes your candidate outstanding is exactly what this question is designed to do.
“I’m a people person. I thrive in social environments and find that people are naturally drawn to me. This is my happy place.” Why this works: A simple statement might not mean much if the person were applying for a job as a night janitor , but it means a lot for a potential customer service representative or a party planner .
“I was in politics when I was younger. When I was 18, I was elected mayor of my hometown. This made me the youngest mayor ever elected in our state, but I decided politics wasn’t for me. I enjoyed working with people and loved the entire election process. It was the best education I could have given myself at the time. Now, I love to teach others and share my story so they can go for their dreams, no matter their age.” Why this works: Can you guess what position this person is applying for? Yes, they are a teacher , and what an incredible story. Even if they weren’t elected, just the gumption to go after a dream and learn from it is something that can benefit the students in a fresh and novel way.

“What makes you unique?” example answers for specific job opportunities:

“What makes you unique?” for a deadline-driven job example answer

I think my capacity to remain calm in stressful situations is what makes me unique. From my first high-school job flipping burgers to my last job working as an editor for a newspaper, time management has always been an important factor in my work. Past supervisors have commented on my ability to keep a cool head under pressure, which makes my coworkers, as well as any clients present, feel more confident in our ability to get the job done on time.

“What makes you unique?” for a customer-facing job example answer

I’ve been told that my ability to hold conversations with anyone from anywhere is what makes me unique. Whenever I move to a new neighborhood, whether that was in Madrid, Buenos Aires, or right here in San Jose, I make it a point to meet and know my neighbors. I like to be a source of aid for those around me, and it really makes me smile to help someone find a solution.

“What makes you unique?” for a recent college graduate example answer

I believe my ability to adapt to new challenges and experiences has made me unique. I had the ability to study abroad and participate in leadership roles within different organizations. This has taught me to think on my feet and be flexible for any challenge that came my way. My time studying abroad gave me a new global perspective while allowing me to have a better understanding of the interconnectedness and a willingness to embrace diverse perspectives.

Interviewers ask “What makes you unique?” to get an understanding as to why you think you are the best person for the job. They already think you might be a good fit because they’re interviewing you. It’s your job to tell them why you’re the best and quite probably the only person for the job. That means you need to stand out from all of the other applicants they’ve interviewed.

This question is very popular, and it’s quite tricky to answer. That’s why hiring managers ask it. It’s a question that typically throws people off their game a little. You know they’re going to ask about your assets and your faults. But did you expect them to ask what makes you unique?

Quick, off the top of your head, what answer would you give? Is your answer about your personality? Maybe you’ve thought of a strange quirk or an interesting hobby that you have. While those things are great, they’re not what the interviewer is looking for.

This is a personality interview question that can tell them a bit more about you, but it can also tell them what you value about yourself. What you see as something interesting in yourself tells them quite a bit about how you’ll be as an employee and as a coworker.

The best way to answer questions is to think about what you’d want to hear if you were the interviewer and then be as honest as possible . These tips will help you craft your answers and keep you on track when you’re in the job interview :

Be succinct, don’t ramble

Try to answer quickly but don’t interrupt the interviewer

Try to keep answers work-related and not about your personal life

Know what the company wants from its employees and mirror their language

Keep eye contact as much as possible

Watch out for non-verbal nervousness , looking at the ground, shaking legs, etc.

Listen to the question ; don’t anticipate too much

You should avoid saying anything deeply personal or anything negative. Here are some more things you don’t want to say in an interview – even if it is what makes you unique:

Something deeply personal. You don’t want to be too intimate with a potential employer or a hiring manager. You also never want to make someone feel uncomfortable. Just like when you discuss your interests or hobbies outside of work, you should aim to keep things surface-level unless the interviewer probes for more detail.

Don’t be negative. Make your answer as positive as possible. Even if it has to do with a negative event, then explain how it made you better or you overcame it. But really, this is the sort of softball question that doesn’t require you to dive into your weaknesses or mistakes, so take advantage of the opportunity to stress your strengths instead.

Skip the odd human tricks. Your weird party trick might pop into your head first – quickly discard that and move on to something legitimate for the workplace. Save the stupid tricks for the office holiday party.

No show and tell. If your unique answer sounds like a kid giving a show-and-tell presentation – skip it. Remember that all interview answers should be kept fairly brief, and this one is more than most. A few quick sentences are all you need to sketch what makes you a unique candidate.

Nothing. You’ve got to come up with some answer to the question. You can’t just say, “Meh, I’m exactly like everyone else.” You can do better than that, and you know it.

Avoid lying or stretching the truth. If you don’t have anything you think that makes you unique, don’t make something up. It might sound like a good idea at the time but that lie could come back and haunt you.

What are five things that make you unique?

Five things that make you unique are:

Experience. You are the product of many experiences built upon one another, which inevitably makes you unique. This is true for both your external experience in the physical world and your internal experience of your own thoughts and emotions.

Perspective. Based on your life experience, how you view the world is different than everyone else.

Communication. The way you go about communicating with others with have slight characteristics that set you apart from others, such as in the words you choose, how you phrase them, and even in your body language.

Interests. Although you might share interests with others, you have your own unique reasons for having them.

Goals. Similar to interests, you may have shared goals with others, but your goals are specific to your life.

What makes you stand out from other candidates?

Be specific with how your values, skills, and experience add up to stand out from other candidates. Your answer should show that you are both highly and uniquely qualified for the job. You want to make the type of impression that sticks in people’s memories long after they have met other candidates.

What are unique professional skills?

Unique professional skills would be anything relevant to the job that other candidates do not have. Some examples of unique professional skills would be:

Fluency in multiple languages.

Certified from accredited institutions.

Advanced or specific technical knowledge.

High-pressure conflict resolution skills.

Diverse interpersonal skills.

How do I figure out what makes me unique?

To figure out what makes you unique, you can:

Keep a journal. A journal will help you track your days. Over time you can begin to notice patterns that define you as a unique individual.

Ask friends and family. Those close to you will have their own thoughts about what makes you unique. Consider giving them an anonymous survey so that they can speak freely.

Imagine what a perfect day looks like for you. This image will reveal certain characteristics specific to you.

Focus on your goals. Your goals will make you unique, so consider what they are.

Reflect on your past. Your past has made you unique. Look back and figure out how your life has been different than everyone else.

How to answer “What makes you unique?” in an interview?

When answering questions about what makes you unique, you should think of the skills and qualifications that help set you apart from other candidates. These skills and qualifications should be job specific and you should relate them to how you would succeed in the job.

The best way to show an interviewer how you are unique is to use examples from your past experiences. This could include compliments you have received or how you succeeded in projects.

Now that you have your “unique” question answer ready – you’re good to go, right? Not a chance. There are a ton of questions you might run into during your interview. It’s good to prepare for all of them equally. Consider your answers to these questions, too:

What sets you apart from other candidates ?

Is there anything else we should know about you ?

What motivates you ?

Why should we hire you instead of somebody else ?

Why do you want this job ?

How would your friends describe you ?

Tell me about yourself ?

U.S. Department of Labor – Interview Tips

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Employment Interviewing: Seizing the Opportunity and the Job

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Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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Why I Am Special (Essay Sample)

Why i am special.

First of all, I believe that every person is different and uniquely gifted or talented. As a young person, I never quite understood what politicians meant when they said, “our strength is in our diversity.” However, as I grew older, it dawned on me that the world is at it is because of the different qualities and contributions that everyone makes. It is always easy to notice when a person is doing something exceptionally and without much struggle. While sometimes we are often expected to be good at many things, our strengths always seem to get the best of us and we excel in only the ones we are comfortable with. I believe that everyone is special. Our strengths make us special and the hint of greatness in every person makes all of us special. As I grow older, I have become more observant and I always tend to appreciate and acknowledge my weaknesses. This has helped me grow and to become more accommodative of other people’s gifts and talents. I am not naturally talented like most people are but below is an excerpt of why I think am special.

First of all, I am accommodative and always finds a way to welcome people in my realm. This became easier as I slowly understood that every person is gifted in their own way. Accepting people and letting them invade your territory is always difficult and only a few people can do that. My friends have strict boundaries and while I also have them, they are sometimes puzzled by my demeanor of letting people get close to me both physically and emotionally. I believe that having one’s space is essential but I have also come to realize that this space often robs us off great minds and people. There are times that I have regretted letting some people in my life but I have also learnt a lot during that time and I can firmly say that I am a better person because of that.

Secondly, despite not being gifted in a particular sport, I can participate in almost all sporting events without looking like an amateur. Whenever am required to play basketball or football or tennis or volleyball, I have always shown a bit of experience even if I lack any. This quality has always helped me to believe that I can do anything. My best friend is quite good at playing basketball and while I cannot play as good as he does, he knows that I can compete as well. I have also exhibited this special attribute in my studies where I have shown the ability to attain high marks in almost all the units. I have always known that I am good in numbers but the fact that other units have never troubled me as much led me to believe that indeed I am uniquely gifted.

Finally, I am a quick learner and everyone I meet always seems to notice this trait first. Since my childhood days, I have always been the type of student that seems to grasp what the teacher is trying to communicate. My mother has always been amazed at how fast I grasp new things and always encourages me to read widely and to gather more information so that I may avoid being gullible and susceptible to petty lies. I know that I can share these qualities with other people but I also believe that I am special because of these and much more.

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What Makes Me “Me”, Essay Example

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A man’s personality is shaped by his genetic potential, the environment in which he grows up, parental guidance and the way he is imparted his education. I was born in Iran, which despite its rich culture and historical past, has stayed a bit off-track from rest of the world in the last few decades of the twentieth century. I was the last child of my parents and therefore had my elder brothers and sisters to watch and emulate. My parents are enlightened individuals who raised their kids in the most appropriate manner, with traditional religious values interspersed with modernity in thought as well as action.

Despite the heavy influence of my elder siblings, I always had an independent streak in me which allowed me to be fiercely adventurous in thought as well as action. A car was my favorite toy as a child and as a teenager I was greatly fascinated by motor sports, which I saw on the television. My father bought me a go kart which I enjoyed riding thoroughly. Though not popular in my native country, I always wished to partake in motor sports somewhere else in the world. With this single minded devotion, which enraptured me during early teens, I started participating in small events in my locality where I and a few friends raced on their personal cars. After this I started participating in professional racing and although I did not win any title, my kart was admired for completing a lap in the fastest time which was due to the modifications in the engine which I carried out myself. This continued for a year or two until I was involved in a serious accident in which I escaped with only minor injuries. This was a wakeup call for my parents who forbid all such activities and asked me to concentrate on academics and finish school before I could consider any ambitious aspirations of becoming a racer. I complied with their directions and concentrated on my studies. But I always felt restricted from within and when I saw life in the United States on television, I always aspired to move there and get myself the best education this world had to offer. I decided to move to the USA when I attained the age of sixteen and although my parents were reluctant to allow me to do so, they complied with my wish and I was allowed to move to the United States to complete higher education. I left Iran with a heavy heart as I started missing my family and the safe haven of my home right at the juncture when I was about to board a flight to America, the land of my dreams. I was feeling very anxious on the flight and was almost panic struck at the idea of living alone in a new land with a culture entirely different from my own. But as I nurtured the ambition to achieve something in life I was excited and fully confident of my ability to carry on with my life as a student, and later as a professional engineer. I moved to Plano in Texas where I pursued my studies and am now a senior at Plano West Senior High School. I have a good academic record throughout my student life and my present OGPA is 3.60/4.00. In addition I possess a good physique and am quite active in sports. I play soccer and represent my school team in local tournaments.

Personally, I feel that I have a creative mind as my thought process is always directed towards discovering and inventing new things, especially anything connected with an engine which fascinates me thoroughly. Designing new engines and cars is my passion and I read a lot about the latest inventions in magazines and the internet. Physics is my pet subject at school and I never miss a class and thoroughly enjoy the lectures from my able and respected teachers. I follow all the major motor sports activities around the world which include formula racing as well car rallies and dirt track racing. I watch motorcycle as well as car races on the television and always enjoy the thrill at the finish line, although I know that somebody else is driving the car, and not me. I dream of building my own racing car someday and race along with the professionals, although it seems very farfetched and ambitious at this stage of my life.

Despite my unique cultural background and different outlook on life, I have blended well into the American society and feel quite at home with my American friends. American society is a great blend of people from different ethnicities and religious backgrounds who live together in a modern mutual relationship. This great country has a rich cultural heritage and offers unique opportunities to everybody and one can make or mar one’s career depending upon the qualities one possesses from within. I work passionately for whatever is my immediate target, in my educational pursuits as well as social interactions. The experiences in my native country have inculcated in me the qualities of hard work, perseverance, passion and responsibility. I aim at working hard throughout in life and do something productive for myself as well as the society in which I live. I feel that a person must leave an indelible impression on the face of earth so that he is remembered for his contributions by the following generations.

If granted the scholarship, I intend to thoroughly reciprocate the honor bestowed on me and work with renewed passion to fulfill the targets set forth before me. I aim to excel academically and increase my knowledge under the guidance of professional teachers and subject experts. Given the opportunity I will fully try to keep up with the academic and practical tasks I am assigned. I am fully confident of my abilities and as I come from another country it is all the more important to prove myself and be a worthy son of my parents whom I intend to make proud of me in the future.

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Learning Styles — What Makes Me Special: Learning and Personality Profile


What Makes Me Special: Learning and Personality Profile

  • Categories: Learning Styles Personal Qualities Personality

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Published: Aug 4, 2023

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Table of contents

Vark learning styles, strengths and weaknesses of our intelligences, what makes me special: unique personality.

  • Fleming, Neil. 'VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles.' Accessed from:
  • Gardner, Howard. 'Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice.' Basic Books, 2006.
  • Myers, Isabel Briggs, and Peter B. Myers. 'Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.' Consulting Psychologists Press, 1998.
  • Keirsey, David. 'Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence.' Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998.

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what makes me special essay

36 Smart Answers to “What Makes You Unique?”

By Editorial Team on May 24, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

Interviewers ask the question “What makes you unique?” to determine how you stand out from other candidates: they want to know what specific qualities, skills, or experiences you possess that will bring success to the position they are filling. This question helps interviewers assess your self-awareness , confidence , and ability to effectively communicate your strengths .

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35 Best Answers to “What Are Your Strengths?”

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Identifying Your Unique Qualities

To answer this question:

  • Start by reviewing the job description and pinpointing key skills or requirements for the position.
  • Identify your own experiences or qualities that align with these key attributes.
  • Focus on the aspects of your background, personality, or life experiences that make you uniquely suited for the job.

Emphasize aspects of your experience and skills that align with the position’s requirements, while also highlighting personal or life experiences that set you apart from other candidates.

36 Sample Answers to “What Makes You Unique?”

  • When asked, “What makes you unique?” you could reply: “I have a strong ability to identify problems and implement innovative solutions quickly. In my previous job, I was responsible for improving our customer support process, which led to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction. This shows my drive for excellence and my determination to always seek improvements.”
  • You might want to mention your enthusiasm as a unique trait: “I am extremely passionate about the work I do, and I bring this energy to every task I undertake. My enthusiasm positively influences my team members, and I have found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. My passion drives me to consistently perform above expectations.”
  • Showcase your accomplishments as a factor that sets you apart: “My unique combination of skills led me to be recognized as the top salesperson at my previous company for three consecutive years. I expertly balance relationship building with a focus on meeting targets to drive growth and ensure success.”
  • You could emphasize your adaptability: “I am highly adaptable and can comfortably work in various environments or industry sectors. For example, I have experience in sales, marketing, and customer service, which has provided me with a well-rounded understanding of different business areas.”
  • Highlighting your dedication to lifelong learning might impress interviewers: “I’m committed to continually developing my skills and knowledge in my field. I consistently attend conferences, read industry publications, and take courses to stay updated on the latest trends and practices. This commitment allows me to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to my work.”
  • Perhaps you want to mention how you balance work and personal life: “I pride myself on maintaining an excellent work-life balance, allowing me to stay focused and productive during work hours but also having time to pursue personal interests and hobbies. This gives me a healthy perspective and positively impacts my overall performance.”
  • You could speak to your ability to communicate effectively: “My strong communication skills and ability to relate to people from diverse backgrounds make me highly effective in team environments. I have a proven track record of resolving conflicts and fostering collaboration, which makes our team projects successful.”
  • Draw attention to your ability as a mentor: “I enjoy mentoring and sharing my knowledge with others, which benefits both my personal growth and the development of my team members. I have a history of empowering and guiding colleagues to help them reach their full potential.”
  • Your resourcefulness could be a point of interest: “I am resourceful and creative when faced with challenges or limited resources. This enables me to find unique solutions and operate efficiently, regardless of constraints.”
  • Emphasizing your work ethic: “I’m known for my strong work ethic and dedication to always putting forth my best effort. I take pride in consistently delivering high-quality results and have built a reputation as someone my team can rely on to execute tasks on-time and accurately.”
  • Showcase your leadership skills: “I have developed strong leadership skills throughout my career, allowing me to effectively guide teams and make strategic decisions. My ability to inspire and motivate those around me helps to cultivate a positive and productive work environment.”
  • Or, you could focus on your attention to detail: “My meticulous attention to detail allows me to quickly spot errors and discrepancies that others might miss, ensuring the highest quality of work. This has saved my team considerable time and effort, as well as prevented potential issues.”
  • More examples: “My dedication to learning new skills sets me apart. I constantly seek opportunities to improve my expertise and apply that knowledge to my work.”
  • “I bring a unique combination of marketing and design experience, which allows me to approach projects with creative and effective strategies.”
  • “My bilingual background allows me to communicate seamlessly with diverse teams and clients, ensuring successful collaboration on projects.”
  • “I am an avid problem-solver who enjoys tackling complex challenges, and I have a track record of finding innovative solutions that drive success.”
  • “My exceptional time-management skills help me juggle multiple tasks without compromising on quality or deadlines, especially when working under pressure.”
  • “My strong interpersonal skills have allowed me to create and maintain great working relationships with coworkers and clients, fostering a positive work environment.”
  • “I pride myself on being very adaptable, making it easier for me to adjust to new situations, teams, and roles within a company.”
  • “As a lifelong volunteer, I bring a strong sense of community and empathy, which has aided me in understanding the unique needs of clients and coworkers.”
  • “Through my experience in diverse industries, I gained a well-rounded perspective that allows me to approach tasks and projects from different angles.”
  • “As a self-starter, I am proactive in identifying areas for improvement and taking the necessary steps to ensure the success of the team and the company as a whole.”
  • “My resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks have allowed me to learn from my mistakes and continuously grow both personally and professionally.”
  • “I have a knack for storytelling, which helps me present complex ideas in a compelling way, making it more accessible and engaging for my audience.”
  • “ My background in both marketing and data analytics sets me apart from other candidates. This allows me to effectively analyze marketing data while also devising creative strategies for driving customer engagement.”
  • “As someone who has worked remotely for several years, I have developed strong communication and time management skills that would make me an asset to this team.”
  • “I am fluent in three languages, which makes me an asset in providing customer support to a diverse range of clients.”
  • “I am a certified yoga instructor, and I believe in incorporating mindfulness and stress reduction techniques into my work environment, leading to increased productivity and teamwork among colleagues.”
  • “I have an extensive background in nonprofit management, which includes grant writing, budgeting, and strategic planning. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to help grow and maintain the financial stability of the organization.”
  • “I have a strong track record of building rapport with clients in my previous sales role, consistently exceeding sales targets and receiving high satisfaction ratings.”
  • “With a background in both graphic design and writing, I have developed a creative approach to problem-solving that allows me to generate innovative solutions to business challenges.”
  • “As a military veteran, I have learned the importance of discipline, teamwork, and adaptability. These traits make me a valuable addition to any team.”
  • “I have experience working with both children and adults with special needs, making me uniquely qualified to meet the diverse needs of clients in this occupational therapy role.”
  • “In the past, I have taken on several leadership roles, engaging in volunteer work, and mentoring relationships. These experiences have helped me develop strong leadership and communication skills.”
  • “Having completed a coding bootcamp, I am skilled in multiple programming languages and have a strong grasp of best practices. This knowledge allows me to quickly adapt and contribute to various projects.”
  • “I have a strong background in both technical support and customer service, which enables me to give clients a seamless support experience while effectively troubleshooting and resolving any issues they encounter.”

Personality Traits


Showcasing your adaptability can help set you apart. When asked “What makes you unique?” consider sharing an example of your ability to adapt quickly to new situations. For example, you could say, “I embrace change in the workplace and am always eager to learn new skills. In my previous role, my team had to switch to remote work unexpectedly, and I quickly became an expert in using remote collaboration tools to keep the team on track.”

Empathy is a valuable trait to demonstrate during an interview. A good answer that highlights empathy could be, “I’ve found that my ability to empathize with others allows me to build strong relationships with team members and clients. I actively listen to their concerns and strive to understand their experiences, which has helped me adapt my communication style to make others feel comfortable.”

Related: Examples of Empathy (and 38 Empathy Statements)

Enthusiasm can make a significant impact on a hiring manager. When answering what makes you unique, use an example that illustrates your excitement about the role, company, or industry. For example, you could say, “I am genuinely enthusiastic about my work and continuously seek opportunities to expand my knowledge. I recently completed a certification course in digital marketing, even though it wasn’t required for my previous position, because I wanted to deepen my expertise.”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution skills are an essential aspect of effective teamwork. Prove your ability to handle difficult situations by sharing an example from a previous job. For example, “I have a strong ability to mediate conflicts and maintain positive team dynamics. In my last job, two coworkers were disagreeing over a project that was causing delays. I stepped in, listened to their concerns, and facilitated a solution that satisfied both parties and got the project back on track.”

Related: How to Choose a Conflict Management Style? [5 Styles with Examples]

By focusing on adaptability, empathy, enthusiasm, or conflict resolution you’ll demonstrate qualities that a hiring manager is likely to find attractive. Use examples from your experience to showcase these traits, and be confident in presenting yourself as a unique candidate.

Skills and Abilities

Technical skills.

When answering “What makes you unique?” in a job interview, you can highlight your technical skills that set you apart. For example:

  • “I have mastered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have successfully built several websites from scratch. This experience makes me a strong candidate for web development roles.”
  • “I am a certified project manager with a track record of completing projects on time and within budget. This demonstrates my ability to lead a team and ensure success.”
  • “My experience with data analysis and visualization tools like Tableau and Excel have allowed me to create impactful reports and make data-driven decisions.”

Soft Skills

You should also emphasize your soft skills which contribute to your uniqueness.

  • “I have excellent time-management skills and can juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. I believe this ability allows me to perform well in high-pressure environments.”
  • “My communication skills help me effectively convey ideas to colleagues and clients alike. I think this makes me an asset in collaborative projects.”
  • “I pride myself on my problem-solving abilities, which enables me to approach complex situations with clarity and determination. This skill helps me excel in challenging roles.”

Try to be specific about the skills and abilities you possess and how they contribute to your uniqueness in the workplace. Providing real-life examples of how you’ve applied those skills in your work history can make your answer more convincing and memorable to the interviewer.

The key to answering this question effectively is to focus on your personal strengths and abilities, providing specific examples that demonstrate how your unique qualities will benefit the company. By doing so, you’ll leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of landing the job. Good luck!

  • 5 Smart Answers to “What Areas Need Improvement?”
  • What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? (Answers & Strategies)
  • 35 Smart Answers to "What Are Your Strengths?"
  • Good Reasons for Leaving a Job [10 Examples]


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