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14 architectural intern/ entry level architect cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect Roles

Table of contents

  • Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect
  • Junior Architect
  • Junior Architectural Designer
  • Entry Level Architectural Designer
  • Architectural Designer
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect resume examples

Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, captivating personal connection.

Sharing a personal story that connects the applicant to the company makes the cover letter more engaging and memorable. It shows genuine interest in the company and its work.

Design Competition Success

Highlighting a specific accomplishment, like winning a design competition, demonstrates the applicant's skills and ability to perform well in a team setting. It also shows their passion for the industry.

Relevant Internship Experience

By mentioning a previous internship where the applicant worked on a similar project, they show that they have relevant experience and can apply their skills to Gensler's projects.

Showcasing Team Leadership and Innovation

Leading a team on a project not only shows your ability to work collaboratively but also underlines your leadership skills. It's equally important to talk about the unique and innovative aspects of your project. It demonstrates your creativity and ability to think outside the box – two qualities that are extremely precious in architecture.

Highlighting Impactful Results

Showing the tangible outcomes of your work, like the 25% increase in productivity due to your design, is a powerful way to demonstrate your potential value to an employer. It tells me that you don't just create beautiful designs, but you also consider their practical impact on people's lives - a critical skill for architects.

Highlight Relevant Achievements

By mentioning your successful final year project, you not only showcase your leadership skills but also highlight your aptitude for sustainable design. It's a smart way of connecting your experiences to Gensler's own values and priorities.

Showcase Transferable Skills

When you talk about your internship and how you utilized BIM software to improve efficiency, you're showing that you have hard skills that could directly benefit Gensler. You've also made it clear that you're not just capable, but excited to use these skills at Gensler.

Express Genuine Enthusiasm

This is where you show you're not just seeking any job, but specifically this job at Gensler. You're not just excited about the work, but about the company's approach to work. This shows me you've done your research and made a connection to our values.

Express Gratitude

A simple thank you goes a long way. It shows humility and appreciation for the reader's time in considering your application.

Show your excitement for the architectural intern role

When you mention your excitement about applying for the position and your educational background, it helps me see you're not just looking for any job, but you're interested in what we specifically do, especially in sustainable design.

Demonstrate project leadership in architecture

Talking about how you led a project and worked with various stakeholders like clients and contractors shows you have real-world experience, not just theoretical knowledge. This signals to me that you're ready to take on responsibilities.

Align your passion with the company's mission

By connecting your passion for sustainable design with our mission, you demonstrate that your values align with ours. It tells me you're not just a good fit for the architecture field but specifically for our team and goals.

Express eagerness to contribute to sustainable design

Your excitement about joining and contributing to our mission makes your application memorable. It shows you've really thought about how you can add value to our projects and are not just looking for any job to start your career.

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Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Express enthusiasm for innovative design

Articulating your excitement about the company's innovative projects shows that you're not just looking for any job, but you're passionate about contributing to cutting-edge work.

Illustrate hands-on project experience

Mentioning your direct involvement in projects from concept to documentation provides concrete evidence of your abilities and the breadth of your experience.

Emphasize teamwork and problem-solving skills

Highlighting your collaboration with engineers and contractors underscores your ability to work well in multidisciplinary teams, a crucial skill for any architect.

Communicate your excitement for learning

Conveying your eagerness to learn from a team of visionary architects shows humility and the desire for growth, qualities that are highly valued in new hires.

End with a forward-looking note

Closing your letter by expressing hope for a discussion about your future at the company sets a positive, anticipatory tone for your potential interview.

Show your passion for architecture

Telling me about your childhood fascination with architecture makes me see your genuine interest. This isn't just a job for you; it's a part of who you are.

Detail your internship experience

When you talk about your work on a LEED Gold-certified project, it shows you can handle important tasks and care about sustainability. This is what we need more of in the field.

Highlight leadership in university projects

Starting a club at university proves you're a go-getter. It tells me you're not just about ideas, but also about making things happen, especially when it can gather a crowd.

Express eagerness to grow as a junior architect

Your excitement to learn and contribute to our projects is clear. We want someone who's not just looking for any job but is invested in our mission.

Junior Architect Cover Letter Example

Displaying awards and achievement.

Sharing about an award-winning project you were part of signals that your work is recognized for its excellence. It hints at your potential to contribute quality work to the prospective employer's team too. But remember, don't just mention the award - talk about your role in the project to ensure the spotlight shines on your contribution.

Communicating Complex Ideas

Describing how you successfully communicated complex design concepts through 3D modeling and presentation shows you have strong communication skills. As an architect, being able to clearly convey complex ideas to clients, contractors, and team members is crucial. Show me you can do this, and you've caught my attention.

Highlight your drive for innovative junior architect roles

Mentioning your passion for innovative design right at the start grabs my attention because it's exactly the kind of mindset we look for. Your keen eye for detail is crucial in architecture, signaling you fit our needs well.

Showcase your 3D modeling skills in architecture

Describing your involvement in creating 3D models and renderings is great. It’s a specific skill that adds huge value to projects, especially in helping clients visualize the final outcome. This tells me you can contribute important skills to our team.

Emphasize the importance of teamwork in architecture

Stating your belief in collaboration and communication highlights your soft skills, which are just as important as technical skills in architecture. It reassures me that you’d be a good team player in our projects.

Communicate your dedication to enhancing spaces

Your closing statement about wanting to contribute to creating spaces that enhance people's lives resonates with our mission. It shows you understand the impact of your work and are committed to the field of architecture.

Show appreciation for the company's design approach

Talking about your excitement for the company's unique approach helps me see your genuine interest. This makes your application memorable.

Highlight specific architectural skills

When you mention skills like 3D modeling and sustainable design, it gives me a clear picture of what you can do. It's important to know your technical strengths.

Discuss impactful projects

Describing a project where you made a significant impact shows me your ability to apply skills in real-world scenarios. It's this practical experience that stands out.

Connect with the firm's global mission

Expressing a desire to address challenges like climate change with us tells me you're not just looking for a job, but a place to make a difference. This alignment is key.

Express confidence in your fit for the role

Affirming your belief in being a strong candidate demonstrates confidence. It makes me more interested in seeing what you bring to the table.

Connect your background to architecture

Your unique mix of creativity and technical precision from your family background gives you an edge. It makes you stand out as someone who truly understands what architecture demands.

Showcase software proficiency

Learning advanced features of Revit on your own initiative demonstrates your commitment to being the best in your field. This proactive approach is highly valued.

Link your interdisciplinary knowledge

Your blend of architecture and psychology could offer new perspectives to our projects. It's refreshing to see a candidate who sees beyond the conventional.

Emphasize your desire to make an impact

Your eagerness to contribute to meaningful projects, particularly in healthcare, tells me you're looking for work that fulfills you on a deeper level.

State your ambition to join the team

Expressing your enthusiasm about joining our team gives me confidence in your commitment. It sounds like you're ready to dive in and make a difference.

Junior Architectural Designer Cover Letter Example

Relevance of projects.

You talk about a project that aligns perfectly with SOM's own values of sustainable design and excellence. This not only shows you have relevant experience but also that you're committed to the same principles as SOM.

Present Unique Skills

By discussing your experience with historic renovation, you're showing that you bring a unique skill set to the table. This skill might not be a requirement, but could certainly add value to SOM's diverse projects.

Relate Skills to Company's Work

Here, you specifically point out how your experience and skills can contribute to SOM's projects. This shows your understanding of the firm's work and how you can fit into that picture.

Show Understanding of the Company's Impact

Calling out the firm's impact on cities and communities shows that you understand the bigger picture of SOM's work. This demonstrates a level of thoughtfulness and engagement that is impressive.

Entry Level Architectural Designer Cover Letter Example

Show your passion for sustainable design.

Sharing your excitement about the company's commitment to sustainability demonstrates a personal value alignment, which is a strong foundation for your application.

Highlight significant academic achievements

Discussing your thesis project not only shows your technical skills but also your ability to tackle complex issues like sustainable housing, setting you apart as a candidate with hands-on experience.

Connect your values with your architectural vision

Emphasizing your advocacy for social justice through architecture illustrates a deep understanding of architecture's impact beyond just buildings, showing you're a well-rounded candidate.

Assert your fit for the role

Confidently stating your belief that you are a strong candidate reflects self-assurance and readiness to contribute to the company's mission, which is appealing to employers.

Close with anticipation

Ending your letter looking forward to a discussion about your contribution demonstrates eagerness and a proactive approach to the application process.

Architectural Designer Cover Letter Example

Admire the firm's influential projects.

Sharing your admiration for our work shows that you value what we do. It tells me you're passionate about being part of our vision.

Showcase a range of project experience

Highlighting your work on diverse projects tells me you're adaptable and have a broad skill set. This variety is appealing in a candidate.

Illustrate innovation in design

Talking about innovative solutions you've implemented, like sustainable facade systems, shows me you're a forward-thinker. Innovation is crucial in our field.

Value the firm's collaborative culture

Pointing out our collaborative and inclusive environment as a draw for you emphasizes that you're a team player. This quality is very important to us.

State your eagerness to contribute

Asserting your confidence in your ability to add value signals your readiness to take on challenges. This eagerness is what we look for in new hires.

Show your passion for architectural design

Explaining your journey from education to your current standing showcases a long-term dedication to the field of architecture, making you a more compelling candidate.

Highlight real-world experience

Describing specific projects you've worked on, especially those that align with the company's values, demonstrates your ability to contribute meaningfully from day one.

Align with company values

When you mention your inspiration from the company's commitment to social issues, it suggests a deeper level of engagement with their work beyond just the job role.

Express eagerness to contribute to social impact

Illustrating your dedication to social issues in your past experiences reveals your potential to enrich the company's culture and projects with your passion and insights.

End with a strong closing statement

Concluding your letter with a clear expression of your enthusiasm and how you see yourself growing with the company leaves a lasting positive impression.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect Roles

  • Architectural Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • Architectural Intern/ Entry Level Architect Cover Letter Guide
  • Architectural Project Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Architect / Architecture Cover Letter Guide
  • Architecture Intern Cover Letter Guide
  • Landscape Architect Cover Letter Guide
  • Minimalist Architect Cover Letter Guide

Other Design Cover Letters

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  • UX Researcher Cover Letter Guide

application letter for architecture apprenticeship

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application letter for architecture apprenticeship


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Table of Contents

Cover letter for architecture internship (5 samples)

application letter for architecture apprenticeship

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The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

This article will show samples of “cover letters for architecture internships.”

How to write a cover letter for an architecture internship

When writing a cover letter as an intern here are some of the things to include in the letter:

  • Mention your new knowledge. Use your recent learning experiences to your advantage; an employer might be more willing to hire you if they know you can help their business acclimate to new technologies or practices.
  • Express your energy and enthusiasm. It shows the potential motivation you will bring to a job as a fresh college graduate.
  • Check your grammar and proofread your letter. It is a way of showing employers your ability to write comprehensive, error-free messages.
  • The first step is addressing the employer with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can refer to them as the hiring manager.
  • The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening. 
  • Make a brief statement about why you’re interested in the position.
  • Since you are a recent graduate, it would help to emphasize your college coursework, internships and other experiences that show your employability.
  • Ensure your qualifications are similar to the job position. 
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement. For example, “I look forward to discussing the position with you further.”

Your Job Title

Mailing Address

Phone Number

Email Address

Hiring Manager Name

Company Name

Dear [Hiring Manager Name],

As a third-year architecture student at the University of Virginia, I was thrilled to find the internship opportunity at Phillips & Bowman Studios. My talent for design and aptitude for quick learning have already been recognized with the Bobby Newman Endowed Scholarship this year. I’d cherish the opportunity to apply the same skills to producing outstanding drafts and 3D visualizations for Phillips & Bowman. 

Completing 12 projects during my degree has helped me develop excellent software skills, including full proficiency in Revit and Rhino3D and a working knowledge of SketchUp, Lumion, and ArchiCad. In addition, thanks to my previous experience of working as a part-time administrative assistant for 4 semesters, I can offer proven time management and clerical skills to aid in the smooth running of the Phillips & Bowman offices.

As a firm believer in the need for positive environmental change within architectural design, I’ve always admired your sustainable approach and uncompromising dedication to finding eco-friendly solutions. Your confidence in producing unorthodox designs is equally inspiring: I was particularly impressed with the combination of Victorian-style facades with postmodern elements, evident in the Oak Springs Theater and Lakefield Art Center buildings.

It would be an honor to discuss in more detail how my skills and knowledge could contribute to Phillips & Bowman’s outstanding designs and how I could aid the Studio in its mission of sustainable modernization. 

Best regards, 

[Your name], Student Architect

P.S.: I’d love to tell you more about my project Clearing the Air, which was shortlisted for the WA Student Award last year!”

I am excited to be applying for the Architectural Intern position at your company. I am a recent graduate of the architecture program at the University of Southern California and I am eager to begin my career in the architecture field. I believe that my education and experience have prepared me well for this position and I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team.

I have experience working in a team environment and I am confident that I can be an asset to your team. I am proficient in AutoCAD and Revit and I have experience in both residential and commercial architecture. I am also familiar with the California Building Code. I am excited to learn more about your company and to begin working on projects that will help to shape the future of your city.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”

I am writing to apply for the Architectural Intern position that was recently advertised on your company website. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for, and I am eager to put my skills to work in order to help your company achieve its goals.

I have been working as an architectural intern for the past three years, and during that time I have gained extensive experience in the field. I have worked on a variety of projects, both large and small, and I have a deep understanding of the architectural design process. I am also familiar with the latest software and design tools.

I am a hard-working and motivated individual, and I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I am eager to learn and grow, and I am confident that I can contribute to your company in a meaningful way. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

“Patrik Bartolic


[email protected]

Freeman & Sons, Inc.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Application for the position of Intern Architect

Dear Hiring Managers,

I am pleased to be applying for the Intern Architect position within Freeman & Sons, Inc. as I am certain that my qualifications and qualities make me a perfect fit for the role. What is more, I believe that it would be the opportunity of a lifetime for me to learn new things, further develop my expertise, and grow both personally and professionally.

First of all, I am a third-year Architecture and Building Sciences student at the Delft University of Technology. During my studies there, I have worked on multiple individual and group projects and these assignments have allowed me to become a great team player and taught me how to function well in fast-paced and deadline-driven environments. Moreover, at the university, I also serve as a President of the TEDx Club and this valuable experience has played a crucial role in the development of my excellent time management and organizational skills.

On top of my education, I worked as an Intern Architect at Accenture, Ltd. for three months last Summer. There, I was given the responsibility for completing professional site visits, producing detailed drawings and sketches, and maintaining relevant correspondence. Additionally, I assisted in the design of multiple commercial/residential properties, generated regular reports on the progress of the assigned projects, and presented results to supervisors.

Finally, I am a native Croatian speaker with proficiency in English and a basic knowledge of Japanese. Offering the ability to use all software programs necessary for the role, including 3DS Max, AutoCAD, and CATIA at an intermediate level, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss the internship in more detail. Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.

Patrik Bartolic”

“Dear Mr./Ms.,

When I learned the requirement of an Intern Architect, I decided to express my interest in the same. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and developed the required skill set, such as project support and teamwork to fit perfectly into the position. Therefore, I am sure to fulfil the job expectations in this capacity.

Here is the list of my core skillset for your review:

  • Provide assistance in drawing the structure layout by making use of CAD software.
  • Develop the prototypes and 3D models of the building.
  • Research the feasibility and effectiveness of the products to be used in construction.
  • Prepare reports consisting of details about the construction materials to use, construction methods and processes, etc.
  • Sort and compile the important documents and paperwork required for obtaining permits.
  • Assist the senior architects in contract and project management.
  • Carry out other duties as per the instructions provided by the supervisor.

I have a comprehensive knowledge of design and architecture, communication, and organizational skills to become a solid match for your intern Architect’s role.

I truly want to thank you for considering me as a potential match for the role. Please accept my enclosed resume to get a sneak peek of my qualifications and skill set. I would greatly appreciate a chance to further discuss my strengths.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]”

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do i write a cover letter for an architecture application.

  • Explain why you’re the best architect candidate for the job. 
  • Give numbers to prove some key past accomplishments. 
  • Demonstrate the skills and know-how you have to match their needs. 

How do you write a cover letter sample?

A cover letter should include the following parts:

  • Salutation.
  • Introduction.
  • Body paragraph.
  • Closing paragraph.
  • Letter ending and signature.

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Architectural Intern Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

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Intern Architect Cover Letter Example

Get closer to landing a top-notch architectural internship with our cost-free cover letter sample. Use this Intern Architect cover letter example directly as it is or modify it the way you want in our intuitive cover letter creator.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Intern Architect Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Patrik Bartolic

Dear Hiring Managers,

I am writing to express my interest in the Intern Architect position at Freeman & Sons, Inc. Based on my qualifications and experience, I believe I am well-suited for this role. I am eager to further develop my skills and knowledge in a professional setting.

I am currently a third-year Architecture and Building Sciences student at Delft University of Technology. Throughout my academic career, I have completed various projects that have honed my teamwork, time management, and organizational skills. As the President of the TEDx Club, I have gained valuable leadership experience.

In addition to my academic background, I have previously worked as an Intern Architect at Accenture, Ltd. During my time there, I was responsible for site visits, creating drawings, and assisting in the design of commercial and residential properties. I am also proficient in several software programs essential for this role.

I am a native Croatian speaker with fluency in English and basic knowledge of Japanese. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the requirements of the Intern Architect position at your company.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity further.

Architectural Intern

An architectural intern receives the formal practice needed to become a certified architect. They gain well-balanced experiences, learning how to develop and execute design and construction projects. They often work on 3D visualization, construction administration, physical models, and drawing revisions. Not only does an architectural intern practice their technical skills, but they also get to work on their soft skills such as time management, teamwork, negotiation, effective communication, or leadership.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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12 Architect Cover Letter Examples

Architects meticulously design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and enduring, blending creativity with practicality. Similarly, your cover letter is your blueprint to showcase your professional journey, combining your creative vision, technical skills, and enduring commitment to the field. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Architects, helping you to construct a compelling narrative that stands the test of time.

application letter for architecture apprenticeship

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start an Architect cover letter is by clearly stating your purpose and enthusiasm for the role. Begin with a professional greeting, then introduce yourself and mention the specific position you're applying for. Highlight your most relevant skills or experiences that align with the job description. For example, "As a licensed architect with 5 years of experience in sustainable design, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of creative and technical skills to your firm's innovative projects." This approach immediately communicates your qualifications and passion for the role, capturing the reader's attention.

Architects should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the position and their belief in their ability to contribute positively to the company. This can be done by reiterating key skills or experiences that align with the job description. It's also important to express enthusiasm for the potential opportunity to join the team. For example: "I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and collaborative spirit to your esteemed firm. I am confident that my skills and passion make me a strong candidate for this opportunity." Finally, always thank the reader for their time and consideration, and express your eagerness for the next steps. For example: "Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further." Remember, the end of your cover letter is your final chance to leave a lasting impression, so make it count.

An architect's cover letter should ideally be one page long. This length is enough to succinctly present your skills, experiences, and passion for architecture without overwhelming the reader. It's important to remember that hiring managers often have numerous applications to go through, so a concise, well-structured cover letter will be appreciated. This length also allows you to focus on the most relevant and impressive aspects of your career, ensuring that the reader's attention is drawn to your strongest points.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as an Architect can seem daunting, but it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Here's how you can approach it: 1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. Make sure to express your enthusiasm for the role and the company. 2. Highlight relevant skills: Even if you don't have direct experience as an Architect, you likely have skills that are relevant to the role. This could include technical skills like proficiency in AutoCAD or SketchUp, or soft skills like problem-solving or creativity. Use specific examples to demonstrate these skills. 3. Discuss your education: If you're a recent graduate, your education is particularly relevant. Discuss the degree you earned, any specializations you have, and any relevant coursework or projects. This can help show your knowledge and passion for architecture. 4. Show your passion for architecture: Employers want to hire people who are passionate about their work. Discuss why you're interested in architecture and how this passion will drive you to succeed in the role. 5. Mention any relevant experience: Even if you haven't worked as an Architect, you may have other experiences that are relevant. This could include internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work. Any experience where you've used relevant skills or gained industry knowledge can be helpful. 6. Close with a strong conclusion: In your conclusion, reiterate your interest in the role and your eagerness to contribute to the company. Thank the employer for considering your application and express your hope for further discussion. Remember, the goal of a cover letter is to show the employer why you would be a good fit for the role. Even without direct experience, you can still demonstrate your passion, skills, and potential.

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application letter for architecture apprenticeship

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application letter for architecture apprenticeship

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Intern Architect Cover Letter Example

Submit a cover letter tailored to the particular internship that includes your extracurricular and work experience and academic qualifications. Your Intern Architect Cover Letter should encompass your Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and related skill set. Our expert has prepared a strong Intern Architect Cover Letter Sample to guide you to draft the best cover letter.

An Intern Architect is responsible for providing assistance to the senior architects with contract administration duties, report preparations, and developing models. During the tenure of his architectural internship, he gets an overview of real-world construction practices and methodologies.

Intern Architect Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Construction

What to Include in a Intern Architect Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

Some of the major responsibilities of an Intern Architect are mentioned below:

  • Create 2D structural layouts using CAD applications along with building a 3D model.
  • Incorporate revisions in the already drawn-up specifications.
  • Provide assistance with project management.
  • Prepare presentations for obtaining approval from various federal authorities.
  • Negotiate with the vendors for procuring the raw materials at reasonable rates.
  • Assist the senior architects in preparing financial estimates.
  • Develop weekly work progress reports for the review of the supervisor.
  • Perform other tasks as guided by the supervisor.

Education & Skills

Intern architect skills:.

  • Amazing analytical approach to determine the dimensions of the buildings, quality of products to be used, and construction methodologies.
  • Outstanding computer competency to make use of computer-aided design software and other applications.
  • Creativity oriented to design the structure plans and utilize every inch of area efficiently.
  • Incredible time management skills to complete the assigned duties within the specified period.
  • Great interpersonal and communication skills to coordinate with the supervisor, coworkers, vendors, and clients.
  • A keen learner to grasp new concepts and construction techniques.

Intern Architect Educational Requirements:

  • Currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture.
  • Excellent grasp of mathematics.
  • Thorough understanding of gravity concepts, land types, and slopes.
  • A prior internship experience is a plus.
  • Familiarity with CAD software and other designing applications required in architecture.

Intern Architect Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.,

When I learned the requirement of an Intern Architect, I decided to express my interest in the same. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and developed the required skill set, such as project support and teamwork to fit perfectly into the position. Therefore, I am sure to fulfill the job expectations in this capacity.

Here is the list of my core skillset for your review:

  • Provide assistance in drawing the structure layout by making use of the CAD software.
  • Develop the prototypes and 3D models of the building.
  • Research about the feasibility and effectiveness of the products to be used in construction.
  • Prepare reports consisting of details about the construction materials to use, construction methods and processes, etc.
  • Sort and compile the important documents and paperwork required for obtaining permits.
  • Assist the senior architects in contract and project management.
  • Carry out other duties as per the instructions provided by the supervisor.

I have a comprehensive knowledge of design and architecture, communication, and organizational skills to become a solid match for your intern Architect’s role.

I truly want to thank you for considering me as a potential match for the role. Please accept my enclosed resume to get a sneak peek of my qualifications and skill set. I would greatly appreciate a chance to further discuss my strengths.

Best Regards, [Your Name]

You can highlight your academic scores in the pursued stream along with your keen interest to join the organization and serve with your best job-specific skills.

Are you looking for professional guidance to build your resume? Check out our well-written Intern Architect Resume Sample .


Customize Intern Architect Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

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StandOut CV

Apprenticeship cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

An apprenticeship can be a great way to strengthen your skills and kickstart your career. The trouble is, these positions can be competitive.

So, in order to stand out, you need a persuasive application – and that includes an engaging and creative cover letter.

Not sure how to write a standout application? That’s OK, we can help. Check out our step-by-step guide and apprenticeship cover letter examples below to get started.

CV templates 

Apprenticeship cover letter example 1

Apprenticeship cover letter 1

Apprenticeship cover letter example 2

Apprenticeship cover letter 2

Apprenticeship cover letter example 3

Apprenticeship cover letter 3

The Apprenticeship cover letter examples above should give you a good idea of the type of content you need to include in your own cover letter, and how it should be structured.

But if you’re really looking to wow recruiters and get your CV in front of the very best employers, then check out our guidance on how to write your own effective cover letter below.

How to write an Apprenticeship cover letter

Here’s a simple process to write your own interview-winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

Type the content of your cover letter directly into the email you are sending, or if you are applying via a job board, directly into their messaging system.

The reason for doing this it to ensure that your cover letter gets seen instantly and you can start connecting with the recruiter as soon as they open your message.

If you attach your cover letter as a separate document, the recipient will have to open up the document, which will slow the process down, or make them less likely to even open your cover letter – which could mean your application gets skipped over.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To build an instant connection with the recruiter reading your cover letter, start with a warm greeting.

It should be friendly but not casual – keeping it professional at all times.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you have opened the cover letter with a warm greeting, you need to explain which role you are interested in.

Sometimes a recruitment consultant could be managing over 10 vacancies, so it’s crucial to pinpoint exactly which one you are interested in.

Highlight the department/area if possible and look for any reference numbers you can quote.

These are some examples you can add..

  • I am interested in applying for the role of *Type of Apprenticeship* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for an IT project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The bulk of your cover letter should be focused around highlighting your suitability for the job you are applying to.

Doing this will show the recruiter that you are suitable candidate and encourage them to open your CV.

The best way to do this, is by studying the job advert you are applying to, and find out what the most important skills and knowledge are.

Once you know the most important requirements, you then need to highlight your matching skills to the recruiter. In a few sentences, tell them exactly why you are a good fit for the job and what you can offer the company.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

A good cover letter is short and sharp, getting to the point quickly with just enough information to grab the attention of recruiters.

Ideally your cover letter should be around 4-8 sentences long – anything longer will risk losing the attention of time-strapped recruiters and hiring managers .

Essentially you need to include just enough information to persuade the reader to open up your CV, where the in-depth details will sit.

Sign off professionally

To round of your cover letter, add a professional signature to the bottom, giving recruiters your vital contact information.

This not only gives various means of contacting you, it also looks really professional and shows that you know how to communicate in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Gerald Baker Senior Accountant 07887500404 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application email, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Apprenticeship cover letter

So, what type of information should you write about in your Apprenticeship cover letter?

The specifics will obviously depend on your profession and the jobs you are applying to, but these are the key areas you should be covering.

  • Your industry experience – Tell recruiters the types of companies you have been working for and the roles you have held in the past.
  • Your qualifications – Highlight your most important relevant qualifications to show employers you are qualified to do the roles you are applying for.
  • The impact you have made – Demonstrate the positive impact you have made for employers in previous jobs. Have you saved money? Improved processes? Made customers happy?
  • Your reasons for moving – Employers will want to know why you are leaving your current/previous role, so provide them with a brief explanation here.
  • Your availability – When will you be able to start a new job ? Check your current contract to find out your notice period if you are in a position already.

Apprenticeship cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Apprenticeship cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

Hope you’re well. I am writing in relation to the Electrical Apprentice position at Mears Group as advertised on Glassdoor Jobs. As an individual with a genuine passion for electrical work and a strong desire to learn and grow in the field, I am eager to contribute to electrical projects while gaining hands on experience under the stewardship of experienced professionals.

I possess a HND in Electrical Engineering from Bradford College, where I gained foundational knowledge in electrical circuitry, wiring, troubleshooting, safety practices, and technical mathematics. I am a fast learner and can quickly grasp new concepts, while aiming to thrive in a collaborative environment and supporting the delivery of high-quality work according to project deadlines.

During my academic journey, I obtained “A” grades for all my subjects, helped an instructor install complex components for a client one day ahead of schedule, and received a commendation for resolving electrical-related problems when participating in school competitions and workshops.

I look forward to attending an interview and discussing my competencies in further detail. Thank you for considering my application.

Kind regards

James Goldstein ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Good day Gary

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Apprentice Welder vacancy advertised by Severfield Group on LinkedIn. As an enthusiastic individual with a genuine passion for welding and a strong desire to build a successful career in the field, I am excited at prospect of contributing my skills and commitment to your establishment.

I have acquired foundational knowledge through a HND in Welding & Fabrication from Capital City College, as well as hands-on school project experience in MIG, TIG, and Stick techniques. I am focused on prioritising safety in all aspects of welding and following regulations to ensure a secure work environment for myself and others. As an apprentice, I would welcome the opportunity to absorb knowledge from seasoned personnel to be able to apply it effectively in practical settings.

Some achievements I contributed towards in seven projects include, completing 50 high-quality welds with 0% defects or rejections, and ensuring no accidents through maintaining an excellent safety record.

Enclosed is my CV for your review, and I look forward to discussing my competencies in further detail. Thank you for considering my application.

Matt Turner ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Good afternoon, Shaun

I am excited to apply for the available Apprentice Mechanic position at Volkswagen UK. As a dedicated individual with a passion for automotive technology, I have the desire to contribute my mechanical aptitude to deliver success for your esteemed organisation.

With a HND in Motor Vehicle Engineering and hands-on workshop experience gained at Newark College, I possess the competencies necessary to check, diagnose, and repair various mechanical issues. My focus remains on providing excellent customer service, while partnering with team members in a stimulating and high-performing environment.

Some notable accomplishments at college include aiding in troubleshooting and resolving engine malfunctions faster than any other student, helping a mentor complete routine maintenance tasks for three clients two hours ahead of schedule, as well as receiving positive feedback from supervisors for producing exceptional work at all times.

I am confident that my career aspirations firmly align with your business goals. Please find my CV attached and thank you for considering me for the aforementioned role.

Robert Stokes ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Writing a strong attention-grabbing cover letter is a vital step in landing a good Apprenticeship job.

Use the tips, strategies and examples above to get more responses from you job applications and start lining job interview up.

Good luck with your job search!

application letter for architecture apprenticeship

Architecture Cover Letter / Job Application Letter

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Architecture Cover Letter / Job Application Letter


Graduate Architect Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Graduate Architect cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

application letter for architecture apprenticeship

Table Of Contents

  • Graduate Architect Example 1
  • Graduate Architect Example 2
  • Graduate Architect Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

Graduate architects are recent graduates who have completed an accredited architecture program. They may work in a variety of settings, including architecture firms, construction companies, and government agencies.

To get a job as a graduate architect, you need to write a cover letter that showcases your skills and experience. Follow these examples and tips to learn how to write a cover letter that will help you land your dream job.

Graduate Architect Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Graduate Architect position at your company. I am a recent graduate of the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. I have experience working in a design studio and have a strong foundation in the principles of architecture. I am confident that I have the skills and passion necessary to be a successful member of your team.

I am intrigued by the opportunity to join a company like yours that is dedicated to innovation and creativity. I am passionate about architecture and design and am excited to learn and grow as a professional in this field. I am confident that I have the skills and drive to be a valuable member of your team.

I am eager to learn more about the Graduate Architect position and your company. I look forward to meeting with you in person to discuss this opportunity further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Graduate Architect Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing to apply for the Graduate Architect position that was recently advertised on your website. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for, and I am eager to put my skills to work in order to help your company achieve its goals.

I have over three years of experience working as a Graduate Architect. In that time, I have gained extensive experience in all aspects of the job, from designing and drafting plans to working with clients and contractors. I am confident in my ability to deliver results that exceed expectations.

I have a proven track record of success in this field, and I am confident that I can bring value to your company. I am a hard worker who is always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done. I am also a team player who is able to work well with others.

I would like to thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Graduate Architect Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the Graduate Architect position that you have posted. I believe that my education and experience make me a strong candidate for this position.

I graduated from the University of Michigan with a Master of Architecture degree in May 2010. My concentration was in Urban Design, which is an interdisciplinary field that combines urban planning, architecture, and landscape architecture. My coursework focused on the relationship between people and their environment, as well as how to create sustainable communities. I also completed a minor in Art History, which has helped me develop a better understanding of the historical context of architecture.

My professional experience includes working at two different architecture firms in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At both firms, I worked on projects ranging from small residential remodels to large-scale commercial developments. I gained valuable experience in all aspects of architectural design, including programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and construction administration.

I am confident that my education and experience make me a strong candidate for this position. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications can contribute to your firm’s success.

Graduate Architect Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. show your passion for architecture.

When applying for a job as a graduate architect, it’s important to show employers that you have a passion for architecture. One way of doing this is by talking about your experience in the field, whether it’s through coursework, extracurricular activities or previous jobs.

You can also highlight your interest in architecture by discussing your favorite architects or architectural movements. This will help hiring managers see that you have a strong understanding of the field and are excited to learn more.

2. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills

Graduate architects are often required to solve complex problems, so it’s important to showcase your problem-solving skills in your cover letter. One way of doing this is by providing specific examples of challenges you’ve faced in the past and how you overcame them.

You can also talk about your experience with design software and how you were able to create innovative designs using these tools. This will show employers that you have the necessary skills to handle the challenges of the job.

3. Tailor your letter to the job description

The best way to make sure your cover letter is tailored for a specific job is by paying close attention to the details of the position. For example, if you see that an opening for a graduate architect position requires experience with Revit software, then highlight any relevant experience you have with this software.

If there are any additional requirements or skills mentioned for that job, also list them on your application; this will help make it clear how you can meet their needs.

4. Proofread your cover letter

Proofreading your cover letter is the first step to landing an interview for a graduate architect position. As with any position, it’s important to spell-check and double-check that there are no errors in your resume or cover letter. Otherwise, you risk being disqualified before the employer even sees your qualifications.

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  1. Cover Letter for an Architecture Internship: Sample & Tips

    Start with the proper cover letter salutation: Dear + hiring manager's name. Introduce yourself and clarify that you're applying for an architecture internship. Include an eye-catching professional accomplishment, academic achievement, or award in the first paragraph. Mention a few key skills relevant to the position.

  2. Architectural Intern Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

    Architectural Intern Cover Letter Writing Tips. 1. Show your passion for architecture. When applying for an architectural internship, it's important to show hiring managers that you have a passion for architecture. One way of doing this is by describing your experience in the field, whether it's through coursework, extracurricular ...

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  4. Cover letter for architecture internship (5 samples)

    Sample 5: "Dear Mr./Ms., When I learned the requirement of an Intern Architect, I decided to express my interest in the same. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and developed the required skill set, such as project support and teamwork to fit perfectly into the position.

  5. Intern Architect Cover Letter Example

    Patrik Bartolic. 555-555-5555. [email protected]. Freeman & Sons, Inc. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 07/04/2020. Application for the position of Intern Architect. Dear Hiring Managers, I am writing to express my interest in the Intern Architect position at Freeman & Sons, Inc. Based on my qualifications and experience, I believe I am well-suited ...

  6. Architecture Cover Letter Example

    Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Manager's Name], My name is Marcus Winfield, and I'm writing to apply for the position of Junior Architect at R&G Designs Inc. I graduated from Woodbury University's School of Architecture, following which I acquired my architect's license from the California Architects Board [License Number].

  7. Architecture Cover Letter—Examples [Architect, Internship]

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  8. Intern Architect Cover Letter Examples & Samples for 2024

    Free Intern Architect cover letter example. Dear Ms. Marshall: Upon reviewing your posting for an Intern Architect to join your firm, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. With my avid interest and advanced education in architecture, along with my skills in team collaboration and project support, I am confident that I ...

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  10. How To Write The Perfect Architecture Cover Letter

    Here are the three main "ingredients" of your application. 1. Cover letter 2. Resume 3. Sample Portfolio. Option 1: Cover letter in body of email, resume and portfolio attached separately. Pros: Makes it more likely the recipient will read your cover letter if it is just included in the email as opposed to opening the cover letter attachment.

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    Intern Architect Cover Letter Example (Text Version) Dear Mr./Ms., When I learned the requirement of an Intern Architect, I decided to express my interest in the same. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and developed the required skill set, such as project support and teamwork to fit perfectly into the position.

  13. Architecture Cover Letter: Examples & Templates

    This architecture cover letter guide will show you: Architecture cover letter examples better than 9 out of 10 others. How to write a perfect cover letter architecture design firms love. Tips on how to grab their attention with a professional architectural cover letter. Architecture cover letter examples to gain a lot of inspiration.

  14. Architect Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Get recommendations for your resume in minutes. Simon Watson. Tuscon, AZ. 606-555-0185. [email protected] May 4, 2023 Kersten Young Architects Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to apply for the position of Junior Architect at Kersten Young Architects, one of the city's premier firms.

  15. How to write an apprenticeship cover letter (With examples)

    State the specific apprenticeship you wish to apply for and the name of the company or organisation. You can also introduce yourself by name and mention where you heard about the apprenticeship. Related: 7 powerful ways to start a cover letter (With examples) 4. Talk about your relevant qualifications.

  16. 3 Apprenticeship cover letter examples [Land top jobs]

    These are some examples you can add.. I am interested in applying for the role of *Type of Apprenticeship* with your company. I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393) I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department.

  17. Architecture Cover Letter / Job Application Letter

    Architectural Drafting Supervisor sample cover letter when you know the company or person. Job Application Letter. Dear [Recipient Name], I received your name last week from Mr. Jayce, the branch manager of [Firm Name], and he suggested I contact you for a possible Architectural Drafting Supervisor position.

  18. Professional Junior Architect Cover Letter Examples

    Dear Mr. Gleason, This letter is sent to express my interest in the junior architect position your company is offering. I am enclosing my resume to give you a good idea as to why I see myself as the perfect applicant for the job. I have the hands-on experience that promises to bring great value to any team or project on your drawing boards.

  19. Graduate Architect Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

    Graduate Architect Cover Letter Example 1. I am excited to be applying for the Graduate Architect position at your company. I am a recent graduate of the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. I have experience working in a design studio and have a strong foundation in the principles of architecture.

  20. Architecture Apprenticeship Application Letter

    Send us the instructions, and your deadline, and you're good to go. We're sure we have a professional paper writer with the skills to complete practically any assignment for you. We only hire native English speakers with a degree and 3+ years of experience, some are even uni professors. Architecture Apprenticeship Application Letter -.

  21. Architecture Apprenticeship Application Letter

    Architecture Apprenticeship Application Letter. Meet Eveline! Her commitment to quality surprises both the students and fellow team members. Eveline never stops until you're 100% satisfied with the result. She believes essay writing to be her specialty. Place your order Use our user-friendly form to place your order.

  22. Application Letter For Architecture Apprenticeship

    They can ease your admission process for higher education and write various personal statements, cover letters, admission write-up, and many more. Brilliant drafts for your business studies course, ranging from market analysis to business proposal, can also be done by them. Be it any kind of a draft- the experts have the potential to dig in ...

  23. Architecture Apprenticeship Application Letter

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