Electronics Research Paper Topics

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This list of electronics research paper topics provides the list of 30 potential topics for research papers and an overview article on the history of electronics.

1. Applications of Superconductivity

The 1986 Applied Superconductivity Conference proclaimed, ‘‘Applied superconductivity has come of age.’’ The claim reflected only 25 years of development, but was justifiable due to significant worldwide interest and investment. For example, the 1976 annual budget for superconducting systems exceeded $30 million in the U.S., with similar efforts in Europe and Japan. By 1986 the technology had matured impressively into applications for the energy industry, the military, transportation, high-energy physics, electronics, and medicine. The announcement of high-temperature superconductivity just two months later brought about a new round of dramatic developments.

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As the twenty-first century began, an array of superconducting applications in high-speed electronics, medical imaging, levitated transportation, and electric power systems are either having, or will soon have, an impact on the daily life of millions. Surprisingly, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the discovery of superconductivity was completely unanticipated and unimagined.

In 1911, three years after liquefying helium, H. Kammerlingh Onnes of the University of Leiden discovered superconductivity while investigating the temperature-dependent resistance of metals below 4.2Kelvin. Later reporting on experiments conducted in 1911, he described the disappearance of the resistance of mercury, stating, ‘‘Within some hundredths of a degree came a sudden fall, not foreseen [by existing theories of resistance]. Mercury has passed into a new state, which . . . may be called the superconductive state.’’

3. Electric Motors

The main types of electric motors that drove twentieth century technology were developed toward the end of the nineteenth century, with direct current (DC) motors being introduced before alternating current (AC) ones. Most important initially was the ‘‘series’’ DC motor, used in electric trolleys and trains from the 1880s onward. The series motor exerts maximum torque on starting and then accelerates to its full running speed, the ideal characteristic for traction work. Where speed control independent of the load is required in such applications as crane and lift drives, the ‘‘shunt’’ DC motor is more suitable.

4. Electronic Calculators

The electronic calculator is usually inexpensive and pocket-sized, using solar cells for its power and having a gray liquid crystal display (LCD) to show the numbers. Depending on the sophistication, the calculator might simply perform the basic mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) or might include scientific functions (square, log, trig). For a slightly higher cost, the calculator will probably include programmable scientific and business functions. At the end of the twentieth century, the electronic calculator was as commonplace as a screwdriver and helped people deal with all types of mathematics on an everyday basis. Its birth and growth were early steps on the road to today’s world of computing.

5. Electronic Communications

The broad use of digital electronic message communications in most societies by the end of the 20th century can be attributed to a myriad of reasons. Diffusion was incremental and evolutionary. Digital communication technology was seeded by large-scale funding for military projects that broke technological ground, however social needs and use drove systems in unexpected ways and made it popular because these needs were embraced. Key technological developments happened long before diffusion into society, and it was only after popularity of the personal computer that global and widespread use became commonplace. The Internet was an important medium in this regard, however the popular uses of it were well established long before its success. Collaborative developments with open, mutually agreed standards were key factors in broader diffusion of the low-level transmission of digital data, and provided resistance to technological lock-in by any commercial player. By the twenty-first century, the concept of interpersonal electronic messaging was accepted as normal and taken for granted by millions around the world, where infrastructural and political freedoms permitted. As a result, traditional lines of information control and mass broadcasting were challenged, although it remains to be seen what, if any, long-term impact this will have on society.

6. Electronic Control Technology

The advancement of electrical engineering in the twentieth century made a fundamental change in control technology. New electronic devices including vacuum tubes (valves) and transistors were used to replace electromechanical elements in conventional controllers and to develop new types of controllers. In these practices, engineers discovered basic principles of control theory that could be further applied to design electronic control systems.

7. Fax Machine

Fax technology was especially useful for international commercial communication, which was traditionally the realm of the Telex machine, which only relayed Western alpha-numeric content. A fax machine could transmit a page of information regardless of what information it contained, and this led to rapid and widespread adoption in developing Asian countries during the 1980s. With the proliferation of the Internet and electronic e-mail in the last decade of the twentieth century, fax technology became less used for correspondence. At the close of the 20th century, the fax machine was still widely used internationally for the transmission of documents of all forms, with the ‘‘hard copy’’ aspect giving many a sense of permanence that other electronic communication lacked.

8. Hall Effect Devices

The ‘‘Hall effect,’’ discovered in 1879 by American physicist Edwin H. Hall, is the electrical potential produced when a magnetic field is perpendicular to a conductor or semiconductor that is carrying current. This potential is a product of the buildup of charges in that conductor. The magnetic field makes a transverse force on the charge carriers, resulting in the charge being moved to one of the sides of the conductor. Between the sides of the conductor, measurable voltage is yielded from the interaction and balancing of the polarized charge and the magnetic influence.

Hall effect devices are commonly used as magnetic field sensors, or alternatively if a known magnetic field is applied, the sensor can be used to measure the current in a conductor, without actually plugging into it (‘‘contactless potentiometers’’). Hall sensors can also be used as magnetically controlled switches, and as a contactless method of detecting rotation and position, sensing ferrous objects.

9. Infrared Detectors

Infrared detectors rely on the change of a physical characteristic to sense illumination by infrared radiation (i.e., radiation having a wavelength longer than that of visible light). The origins of such detectors lie in the nineteenth century, although their development, variety and applications exploded during the twentieth century. William Herschel (c. 1800) employed a thermometer to detect this ‘‘radiant heat’’; Macedonio Melloni, (c. 1850) invented the ‘‘thermochrose’’ to display spatial differences of irradiation as color patterns on a temperature-sensitive surface; and in 1882 William Abney found that photographic film could be sensitized to respond to wavelengths beyond the red end of the spectrum. Most infrared detectors, however, convert infrared radiation into an electrical signal via a variety of physical effects. Here, too, 19th century innovations continued in use well into the 21st century.

10. Integrated Circuits Design and Use

Integrated circuits (ICs) are electronic devices designed to integrate a large number of microscopic electronic components, normally connected by wires in circuits, within the same substrate material. According to the American engineer Jack S. Kilby, they are the realization of the so-called ‘‘monolithic idea’’: building an entire circuit out of silicon or germanium. ICs are made out of these materials because of their properties as semiconductors— materials that have a degree of electrical conductivity between that of a conductor such as metal and that of an insulator (having almost no conductivity at low temperatures). A piece of silicon containing one circuit is called a die or chip. Thus, ICs are known also as microchips. Advances in semiconductor technology in the 1960s (the miniaturization revolution) meant that the number of transistors on a single chip doubled every two years, and led to lowered microprocessor costs and the introduction of consumer products such as handheld calculators.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

11. Integrated Circuits Fabrication

The fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs) is a complicated process that consists primarily of the transfer of a circuit design onto a piece of silicon (the silicon wafer). Using a photolithographic technique, the areas of the silicon wafer to be imprinted with electric circuitry are covered with glass plates (photomasks), irradiated with ultraviolet light, and treated with chemicals in order to shape a circuit’s pattern. On the whole, IC manufacture consists of four main stages:

  • Preparation of a design
  • Preparation of photomasks and silicon wafers
  • Testing and packaging

Preparing an IC design consists of drafting the circuit’s electronic functions within the silicon board. This process has radically changed over the years due to the increasing complexity of design and the number of electronic components contained within the same IC. For example, in 1971, the Intel 4004 microprocessor was designed by just three engineers, while in the 1990s the Intel Pentium was designed by a team of 100 engineers. Moreover, the early designs were produced with traditional drafting techniques, while from the late 1970s onward the introduction of computer-aided design (CAD) techniques completely changed the design stage. Computers are used to check the design and simulate the operations of perspective ICs in order to optimize their performance. Thus, the IC drafted design can be modified up to 400 times before going into production.

12. Josephson Junction Devices

One of the most important implications of quantum physics is the existence of so-called tunneling phenomena in which elementary particles are able to cross an energy barrier on subatomic scales that it would not be possible for them to traverse were they subject to the laws of classical mechanics. In 1973 the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Brian Josephson, Ivan Giaever and Leo Esaki for their work in this field. Josephson’s contribution consisted of a number of important theoretical predictions made while a doctoral student at Cambridge University. His work was confirmed experimentally within a year of its publication in 1961, and practical applications were commercialized within ten years.

13. Laser Applications

Lasers are employed in virtually every sector of the modern world including industry, commerce, transportation, medicine, education, science, and in many consumer devices such as CD players and laser printers. The intensity of lasers makes them ideal cutting tools since their highly focused beam cuts more accurately than machined instruments and leaves surrounding materials unaffected. Surgeons, for example, have employed carbon dioxide or argon lasers in soft tissue surgery since the early 1970s. These lasers produce infrared wavelengths of energy that are absorbed by water. Water in tissues is rapidly heated and vaporized, resulting in disintegration of the tissue. Visible wavelengths (argon ion laser) coagulate tissue. Far-ultraviolet wavelengths (higher photon energy, as produced by excimer lasers) break down molecular bonds in target tissue and ‘‘ablate’’ tissue without heating. Excimer lasers have been used in corneal surgery since 1984. Short pulses only affect the surface area of interest and not deeper tissues. The extremely small size of the beam, coupled with optical fibers, enables today’s surgeons to conduct surgery deep inside the human body often without a single cut on the exterior. Blue lasers, developed in 1994 by Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Chemical Industries of Japan, promise even more precision than the dominant red lasers currently used and will further revolutionize surgical cutting techniques.

14. Laser Theory and Operation

Lasers (an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) provide intense, focused beams of light whose unique properties enable them to be employed in a wide range of applications in the modern world. The key idea underlying lasers originated with Albert Einstein who published a paper in 1916 on Planck’s distribution law, within which he described what happens when additional energy is introduced into an atom. Atoms have a heavy and positively charged nucleus surrounded by groups of extremely light and negatively charged electrons. Electrons orbit the atom in a series of ‘‘fixed’’ levels based upon the degree of electromagnetic attraction between each single electron and the nucleus. Various orbital levels also represent different energy levels. Normally electrons remain as close to the nucleus as their energy level permits, with the consequence that an atom’s overall energy level is minimized. Einstein realized that when energy is introduced to an atom; for example, through an atomic collision or through electrical stimulation, one or more electrons become excited and move to a higher energy level. This condition exists temporarily before the electron returns to its former energy level. When this decay phenomenon occurs, a photon of light is emitted. Einstein understood that since the energy transitions within the atom are always identical, the energy and the wavelength of the stimulated photon of light are also predictable; that is, a specific type of transition within an atom will yield a photon of light of a specific wavelength. Hendrick Kramers and Werner Heisenberg obtained a series of more extensive calculations of the effects of these stimulated emissions over the next decade. The first empirical evidence supporting these theoretical calculations occurred between 1926 and 1930 in a series of experiments involving electrical discharges in neon.

15. Lasers in Optoelectronics

Optoelectronics, the field combining optics and electronics, is dependent on semiconductor (diode) lasers for its existence. Mass use of semiconductor lasers has emerged with the advent of CD and DVD technologies, but it is the telecommunications sector that has primarily driven the development of lasers for optoelectronic systems. Lasers are used to transmit voice, data, or video signals down fiber-optic cables.

While the success of lasers within telecommunication systems seems unquestioned thanks to their utility in long-distance large-capacity, point-to-point links, these lasers also find use in many other applications and are ubiquitous in the developed world. Their small physical size, low power operation, ease of modulation (via simple input current variation) and small beam size mean that these lasers are now part of our everyday world, from CDs and DVDs, to supermarket checkouts and cosmetic medicine.

16. Light Emitting Diodes

Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, are semiconductor devices that emit monochromatic light once an electric current passes through it. The color of light emitted from LEDs depends not on the color of the bulb, but on the emission’s wavelength. Typically made of inorganic materials like gallium or silicon, LEDs have found frequent use as ‘‘pilot,’’ or indicator, lights for electronic devices. Unlike incandescent light bulbs, which generate light from ‘‘heat glow,’’ LEDs create light more efficiently and are generally more durable than traditional light sources.

17. Lighting Techniques

In 1900 electric lighting in the home was a rarity. Carbon filament incandescent lamps had been around for 20 years, but few households had electricity. Arc lamps were used in streets and large buildings such as railway stations. Domestic lighting was by candle, oil and gas.

The stages of the lightning techniques evolution are the following:

  • Non-Electric Lighting
  • Electric Lighting: Filament Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: Discharge Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: Fluorescent Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: LED Lamps

18. Mechanical and Electromechanical Calculators

The widespread use of calculating devices in the twentieth century is intimately linked to the rise of large corporations and to the increasing role of mathematical calculation in science and engineering. In the business setting, calculators were used to efficiently process financial information. In science and engineering, calculators speeded up routine calculations. The manufacture and sale of calculators was a widespread industry, with major firms in most industrialized nations. However, the manufacture of mechanical calculators declined very rapidly in the 1970s with the introduction of electronic calculators, and firms either diversified into other product lines or went out of business. By the end of the twentieth century, slide rules, adding machines, and other mechanical calculators were no longer being manufactured.

19. Mobile (Cell) Telephones

In the last two decades of the twentieth century, mobile or cell phones developed from a minority communication tool, characterized by its prevalence in the 1980s among young professionals, to a pervasive cultural object. In many developed countries, more than three quarters of the population owned a cell phone by the end of the 20th century.

Cell phone technology is a highly evolved form of the personal radio systems used by truck drivers (citizens band, or CB, radio) and police forces in which receiver/transmitter units communicate with one another or a base antenna. Such systems work adequately over short distances with a low volume of traffic but cannot be expanded to cope with mass communication due to the limited space (bandwidth) available in the electromagnetic spectrum. Transmitting and receiving on one frequency, they allow for talking or listening but not both simultaneously.

For mobile radio systems to make the step up to effective telephony, a large number of two-way conversations needed to be accommodated, requiring a duplex channel (two separate frequencies, taking up double the bandwidth). In order to establish national mobile phone networks without limiting capacity or the range of travel of handsets, a number of technological improvements had to occur.

20. Photocopiers

The photocopier, copier, or copying machine, as it is variously known, is a staple of modern life. Copies by the billions are produced not only in the office but also on machines available to the public in libraries, copy shops, stationery stores, supermarkets, and a wide variety of other commercial facilities. Modern xerographic copiers, produced by a number of manufacturers, are available as desktop models suitable for the home as well as the small office. Many modern copiers reproduce in color as well as black and white, and office models can rival printing presses in speed of operation.

21. Photosensitive Detectors

Sensing radiation from ultraviolet to optical wavelengths and beyond is an important part of many devices. Whether analyzing the emission of radiation, chemical solutions, detecting lidar signals, fiber-optic communication systems, or imaging of medical ionizing radiation, detectors are the final link in any optoelectronic experiment or process.

Detectors fall into two groups: thermal detectors (where radiation is absorbed and the resulting temperature change is used to generate an electrical output) and photon (quantum) detectors. The operation of photon detectors is based on the photoelectric effect, in which the radiation is absorbed within a metal or semiconductor by direct interaction with electrons, which are excited to a higher energy level. Under the effect of an electric field these carriers move and produce a measurable electric current. The photon detectors show a selective wavelength-dependent response per unit incident radiation power.

22. Public and Private Lighting

At the turn of the 20th century, lighting was in a state of flux. In technical terms, a number of emerging lighting technologies jostled for economic dominance. In social terms, changing standards of illumination began to transform cities, the workplace, and the home. In design terms, the study of illumination as a science, as an engineering profession, and as an applied art was becoming firmly established. In the last decades of the 20th century, the technological and social choices in lighting attained considerable stability both technically and socially. Newer forms of compact fluorescent lighting, despite their greater efficiency, have not significantly replaced incandescent bulbs in homes owing to higher initial cost. Low-pressure sodium lamps, on the other hand, have been adopted increasingly for street and architectural lighting owing to lower replacement and maintenance costs. As with fluorescent lighting in the 1950s, recent lighting technologies have found niche markets rather than displacing incandescents, which have now been the dominant lighting system for well over a century.

23. Quantum Electronic Devices

Quantum theory, developed during the 1920s to explain the behavior of atoms and the absorption and emission of light, is thought to apply to every kind of physical system, from individual elementary particles to macroscopic systems such as lasers. In lasers, stimulated transitions between discrete or quantized energy levels is a quantum electronic phenomena (discussed in the entry Lasers, Theory and Operation). Stimulated transitions are also the central phenomena in atomic clocks. Semiconductor devices such as the transistor also rely on the arrangement of quantum energy levels into a valence band and a conduction band separated by an energy gap, but advanced quantum semiconductor devices were not possible until advances in fabrication techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) developed in the 1960s made it possible to grow extremely pure single crystal semiconductor structures one atomic layer at a time.

In most electronic devices and integrated circuits, quantum phenomena such as quantum tunneling and electron diffraction—where electrons behave not as particles but as waves—are of no significance, since the device is much larger than the wavelength of the electron (around 100 nanometers, where one nanometer is 109 meters or about 4 atoms wide). Since the early 1980s however, researchers have been aware that as the overall device size of field effect transistors decreased, small-scale quantum mechanical effects between components, plus the limitations of materials and fabrication techniques, would sooner or later inhibit further reduction in the size of conventional semiconductor transistors. Thus to produce devices on ever-smaller integrated circuits (down to 25 nanometers in length), conventional microelectronic devices would have to be replaced with new device concepts that take advantage of the quantum mechanical effects that dominate on the nanometer scale, rather than function in despite of them. Such solid state ‘‘nanoelectronics’’ offers the potential for increased speed and density of information processing, but mass fabrication on this small scale presented formidable challenges at the end of the 20th century.

24. Quartz Clocks and Watches

The wristwatch and the domestic clock were completely reinvented with all-new electronic components beginning about 1960. In the new electronic timepieces, a tiny sliver of vibrating quartz in an electrical circuit provides the time base and replaces the traditional mechanical oscillator, the swinging pendulum in the clock or the balance wheel in the watch. Instead of an unwinding spring or a falling weight, batteries power these quartz clocks and watches, and integrated circuits substitute for intricate mechanical gear trains.

25. Radio-Frequency Electronics

Radio was originally conceived as a means for interpersonal communications, either person-toperson, or person-to-people, using analog waveforms containing either Morse code or actual sound. The use of radio frequencies (RF) designed to carry digital data in the form of binary code rather than voice and to replace physical wired connections between devices began in the 1970s, but the technology was not commercialized until the 1990s through digital cellular phone networks known as personal communications services (PCS) and an emerging group of wireless data network technologies just reaching commercial viability. The first of these is a so-called wireless personal area network (WPAN) technology known as Bluetooth. There are also two wireless local area networks (WLANs), generally grouped under the name Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity): (1) Wi-Fi, also known by its Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) designation 802.11b, and (2) Wi-Fi5 (802.11a).

26. Rectifiers

Rectifiers are electronic devices that are used to control the flow of current. They do this by having conducting and nonconducting states that depend on the polarity of the applied voltage. A major function in electronics is the conversion from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) where the output is only one-half (either positive or negative) of the input. Rectifiers that are currently, or have been, in use include: point-contact diodes, plate rectifiers, thermionic diodes, and semiconductor diodes. There are various ways in which rectifiers may be classified in terms of the signals they encounter; this contribution will consider two extremes—high frequency and heavy current—that make significantly different demands on device design.

27. Strobe Flashes

Scarcely a dozen years after photography was announced to the world in 1839, William Henry Fox Talbot produced the first known flash photograph. Talbot, the new art’s co-inventor, fastened a printed paper onto a disk, set it spinning as fast as possible, and then discharged a spark to expose a glass plate negative. The words on the paper could be read on the photograph. Talbot believed that the potential for combining electric sparks and photography was unlimited. In 1852, he pronounced, ‘‘It is in our power to obtain the pictures of all moving objects, no matter in how rapid motion they may be, provided we have the means of sufficiently illuminating them with a sudden electric flash.’’

The electronic stroboscope fulfills Talbot’s prediction. It is a repeating, short-duration light source used primarily for visual observation and photography of high-speed phenomena. The intensity of the light emitted from strobes also makes them useful as signal lights on communication towers, airport runways, emergency vehicles, and more. Though ‘‘stroboscope’’ actually refers to a repeating flash and ‘‘electronic flash’’ denotes a single burst, both types are commonly called ‘‘strobes.’’

28. Transistors

Early experiments in transistor technology were based on the analogy between the semiconductor and the vacuum tube: the ability to both amplify and effectively switch an electrical signal on or off (rectification). By 1940, Russell Ohl at Bell Telephone Laboratories, among others, had found that impure silicon had both positive (ptype material with holes) and negative (n-type) regions. When a junction is created between n-type material and p-type material, electrons on the ntype side are attracted across the junction to fill holes in the other layer. In this way, the n-type semiconductor becomes positively charged and the p-type becomes negatively charged. Holes move in the opposite direction, thus reinforcing the voltage built up at the junction. The key point is that current flows from one side to the other when a positive voltage is applied to the layers (‘‘forward biased’’).

29. Travelling Wave Tubes

One of the most important devices for the amplification of radio-frequency (RF) signals— which range in frequency from 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz—is the traveling wave tube (TWT). When matched with its power supply unit, or electronic power conditioner (EPC), the combination is known as a traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA). The amplification of RF signals is important in many aspects of science and technology, since the ability to increase the strength of a very low-power input signal is fundamental to all types of long-range communications, radar and electronic warfare.

30. Vacuum Tubes/Valves

The vacuum tube has its roots in the late nineteenth century when Thomas A. Edison conducted experiments with electric bulbs in 1883. Edison’s light bulbs consisted of a conducting filament mounted in a glass bulb. Passing electricity through the filament caused it to heat up and radiate light. A vacuum in the tube prevented the filament from burning up. Edison noted that electric current would flow from the bulb filament to a positively charged metal plate inside the tube. This phenomenon, the one-way flow of current, was called the Edison Effect. Edison himself could not explain the filament’s behavior. He felt this effect was interesting but unimportant and patented it as a matter of course. It was only fifteen years later that Joseph John Thomson, a physics professor at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., discovered the electron and understood the significance of what was occurring in the tube. He identified the filament rays as a stream of particles, now called electrons. In a range of papers from 1901 to 1916, O.W. Richardson explained the electron behavior. Today the Edison Effect is known as thermionic emission.

History of Electronics


Few of the basic tasks that electronic technologies perform, such as communication, computation, amplification, or automatic control, are unique to electronics. Most were anticipated by the designers of mechanical or electromechanical technologies in earlier years. What distinguishes electronic communication, computation, and control is often linked to the instantaneous action of the devices, the delicacy of their actions compared to mechanical systems, their high reliability, or their tiny size.

The electronics systems introduced between the late nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth century can be roughly divided into the applications related to communications (including telegraphy, telephony, broadcasting, and remote detection) and the more recently developed fields involving digital information and computation. In recent years these two fields have tended to converge, but it is still useful to consider them separately for a discussion of their history.

The origins of electronics as distinguished from other electrical technologies can be traced to 1880 and the work of Thomas Edison. While investigating the phenomenon of the blackening of the inside surface of electric light bulbs, Edison built an experimental bulb that included a third, unused wire in addition to the two wires supporting the filament. When the lamp was operating, Edison detected a flow of electricity from the filament to the third wire, through the evacuated space in the bulb. He was unable to explain the phenomenon, and although he thought it would be useful in telegraphy, he failed to commercialize it. It went unexplained for about 20 years, until the advent of wireless telegraphic transmission by radio waves. John Ambrose Fleming, an experimenter in radio, not only explained the Edison effect but used it to detect radio waves. Fleming’s ‘‘valve’’ as he called it, acted like a one-way valve for electric waves, and could be used in a circuit to convert radio waves to electric pulses so that that incoming Morse code signals could be heard through a sounder or earphone.

As in the case of the Fleming valve, many early electronic devices were used first in the field of communications, mainly to enhance existing forms of technology. Initially, for example, telephony (1870s) and radio (1890s) were accomplished using ordinary electrical and electromechanical circuits, but eventually both were transformed through the use of electronic devices. Many inventors in the late nineteenth century sought a functional telephone ‘‘relay’’; that is, something to refresh a degraded telephone signal to allow long distance telephony. Several people simultaneously recognized the possibility of developing a relay based on the Fleming valve. The American inventor Lee de Forest was one of the first to announce an electronic amplifier using a modified Fleming valve, which he called the Audion. While he initially saw it as a detector and amplifier of radio waves, its successful commercialization occurred first in the telephone industry. The sound quality and long-distance capability of telephony was enhanced and extended after the introduction of the first electronic amplifier circuits in 1907. In the U.S., where vast geographic distances separated the population, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) introduced improved vacuum tube amplifiers in 1913, which were later used to establish the first coast-to-coast telephone service in 1915 (an overland distance of nearly 5000 kilometers).

These vacuum tubes soon saw many other uses, such as a public-address systems constructed as early as 1920, and radio transmitters and receivers. The convergence of telephony and radio in the form of voice broadcasting was technically possible before the advent of electronics, but its application was greatly enhanced through the use of electronics both in the radio transmitter and in the receiver.

World War I saw the applications of electronics diversify somewhat to include military applications. Mostly, these were modifications of existing telegraph, telephone, and radio systems, but applications such as ground-to-air radio telephony were novel. The pressing need for large numbers of electronic components, especially vacuum tubes suitable for military use, stimulated changes in their design and manufacture and contributed to improving quality and falling prices. After the war, the expanded capacity of the vacuum tube industry contributed to a boom in low-cost consumer radio receivers. Yet because of the withdrawal of the military stimulus and the onset of the Great Depression, the pace of change slowed in the 1930s. One notable exception was in the field of television. Radio broadcasting became such a phenomenal commercial success that engineers and businessmen were envisioning how ‘‘pictures with sound’’ would replace ordinary broadcasting, even in the early 1930s. Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S. all had rudimentary television systems in place by 1939, although World War II would bring nearly a complete halt to these early TV broadcasts.

World War II saw another period of rapid change, this one much more dramatic than that of World War I. Not only were radio communications systems again greatly improved, but for the first time the field of electronics engineering came to encompass much more than communication. While it was the atomic bomb that is most commonly cited as the major technological outcome of World War II, radar should probably be called the weapon that won the war. To describe radar as a weapon is somewhat inaccurate, but there is no doubt that it had profound effects upon the way that naval, aerial, and ground combat was conducted. Using radio waves as a sort of searchlight, radar could act as an artificial eye capable of seeing through clouds or fog, over the horizon, or in the dark. Furthermore, it substituted for existing methods of calculating the distance and speed of targets. Radar’s success hinged on the development of new electronic components, particularly new kinds of vacuum tubes such as the klystron and magnetron, which were oriented toward the generation of microwaves. Subsidized by military agencies on both sides of the Atlantic (as well as Japan) during World War II, radar sets were eventually installed in aircraft and ships, used in ground stations, and even built into artillery shells. The remarkable engineering effort that was launched to make radar systems smaller, more energy efficient, and more reliable would mark the beginning of an international research program in electronics miniaturization that continues today. Radar technology also had many unexpected applications elsewhere, such as the use of microwave beams as a substitute for long-distance telephone cables. Microwave communication is also used extensively today for satellite-to-earth communication.

The second major outcome of electronics research during World War II was the effort to build an electronic computer. Mechanical adders and calculators were widely used in science, business, and government by the early twentieth century, and had reached an advanced state of design. Yet the problems peculiar to wartime, especially the rapid calculation of mountains of ballistics data, drove engineers to look for ways to speed up the machines. At the same time, some sought a calculator that could be reprogrammed as computational needs changed. While computers played a role in the war, it was not until the postwar period that they came into their own. In addition, computer research during World War II contributed little to the development of vacuum tubes, although in later years computer research would drive certain areas of semiconductor electron device research.

While the forces of the free market are not to be discounted, the role of the military in electronics development during World War II was of paramount importance. More-or-less continuous military support for research in electronic devices and systems persisted during the second half of the twentieth century too, and many more new technologies emerged from this effort. The sustained effort to develop more compact, rugged devices such as those demanded by military systems would converge with computer development during the 1950s, especially after the invention of the transistor in late 1947.

The transistor was not a product of the war, and in fact its development started in the 1930s and was delayed by the war effort. A transistor is simply a very small substitute for a vacuum tube, but beyond that it is an almost entirely new sort of device. At the time of its invention, its energy efficiency, reliability, and diminutive size suggested new possibilities for electronic systems. The most famous of these possibilities was related to computers and systems derived from or related to computers, such as robotics or industrial automation. The impetus for the transistor was a desire within the telephone industry to create an energy-efficient, reliable substitute for the vacuum tube. Once introduced, the military pressed hard to accelerate its development, as the need emerged for improved electronic navigational devices for aircraft and missiles.

There were many unanticipated results of the substitution of transistors for vacuum tubes. Because they were so energy efficient, transistors made it much more practical to design battery powered systems. The small transistor radio (known in some countries simply as ‘‘the transistor’’), introduced in the 1950s, is credited with helping to popularize rock and roll music. It is also worth noting that many developing countries could not easily provide broadcasting services until the diffusion of battery operated transistor receivers because of the lack of central station electric power. The use of the transistor also allowed designers to enhance existing automotive radios and tape players, contributing eventually to a greatly expanded culture of in-car listening. There were other important outcomes as well; transistor manufacture provided access to the global electronics market for Asian radio manufacturers, who improved manufacturing methods to undercut their U.S. competitors during the 1950s and 1960s. Further, the transistor’s high reliability nearly eliminated the profession of television and radio repair, which had supported tens of thousands of technicians in the U.S. alone before about 1980.

However, for all its remarkable features, the transistor also had its limitations; while it was an essential part of nearly every cutting-edge technology of the postwar period, it was easily outperformed by the older technology of vacuum tubes in some areas. The high-power microwave transmitting devices in communications satellites and spacecraft, for example, nearly all relied on special vacuum tubes through the end of the twentieth century, because of the physical limitations of semiconductor devices. For the most part, however, the transistor made the vacuum tube obsolete by about 1960.

The attention paid to the transistor in the 1950s and 1960s made the phrase ‘‘solid-state’’ familiar to the general public, and the new device spawned many new companies. However, its overall impact pales in comparison to its successor—the integrated circuit. Integrated circuits emerged in the late 1950s, were immediately adopted by the military for small computer and communications systems, and were then used in civilian computers and related applications from the 1960s. Integrated circuits consist of multiple transistors fabricated simultaneously from layers of semiconductor and other materials. The transistors, interconnecting ‘‘wires,’’ and many of the necessary circuit elements such as capacitors and resistors are fabricated on the ‘‘chip.’’ Such a circuit eliminates much of the laborious process of assembling an electronic system such as a computer by hand, and results in a much smaller product. The ability to miniaturize components through integrated circuit fabrication techniques would lead to circuits so vanishingly small that it became difficult to connect them to the systems of which they were a part. The plastic housings or ‘‘packages’’ containing today’s microprocessor chips measure just a few centimeters on a side, and yet the actual circuits inside are much smaller. Some of the most complex chips made today contain many millions of transistors, plus millions more solid-state resistors and other passive components.

While used extensively in military and aerospace applications, the integrated circuit became famous as a component in computer systems. The logic and memory circuits of digital computers, which have been the focus of much research, consist mainly of switching devices. Computers were first constructed in the 1930s with electromechanical relays as switching devices, then with vacuum tubes, transistors, and finally integrated circuits. Most early computers used off-the-shelf tubes and transistors, but with the advent of the integrated circuit, designers began to call for components designed especially for computers. It was clear to engineers at the time that all the circuits necessary to build a computer could be placed on one chip (or a small set of chips), and in fact, the desire to create a ‘‘computer on a chip’’ led to the microprocessor, introduced around 1970. The commercial impetus underlying later generations of computer chip design was not simply miniaturization (although there are important exceptions) or energy efficiency, but also the speed of operation, reliability, and lower cost. However, the inherent energy efficiency and small size of the resulting systems did enable the construction of smaller computers, and the incorporation of programmable controllers (special purpose computers) into a wide variety of other technologies. The recent merging of the computer (or computer-like systems) with so many other technologies makes it difficult to summarize the current status of digital electronic systems. As the twentieth century drew to a close, computer chips were widely in use in communications and entertainment devices, in industrial robots, in automobiles, in household appliances, in telephone calling cards, in traffic signals, and in a myriad other places. The rapid evolution of the computer during the last 50 years of the twentieth century was reflected by the near-meaninglessness of its name, which no longer adequately described its functions.

From an engineering perspective, not only did electronics begin to inhabit, in an almost symbiotic fashion, other technological systems after about 1950, but these electronics systems were increasingly dominated by the use of semiconductor technology. After virtually supplanting the vacuum tube in the 1950s, the semiconductor-based transistor became the technology of choice for most subsequent electronics development projects. Yet semiconducting alloys and compounds proved remarkably versatile in applications at first unrelated to transistors and chips. The laser, for example, was originally operated in a large vacuum chamber and depended on ionized gas for its operation. By the 1960s, laser research was focused on the remarkable ability of certain semiconducting materials to accomplish the same task as the ion chamber version. Today semiconductor devices are used not only as the basis of amplifiers and switches, but also for sensing light, heat, and pressure, for emitting light (as in lasers or video displays), for generating electricity (as in solar cells), and even for mechanical motion (as in micromechanical systems or MEMS).

However, semiconductor devices in ‘‘discrete’’ forms such as transistors, would probably not have had the remarkable impact of the integrated circuit. By the 1970s, when the manufacturing techniques for integrated circuits allowed high volume production, low cost, tiny size, relatively small energy needs, and enormous complexity; electronics entered a new phase of its history, having a chief characteristic of allowing electronic systems to be retrofitted into existing technologies. Low-cost microprocessors, for example, which were available from the late 1970s onward, were used to sense data from their environment, measure it, and use it to control various technological systems from coffee machines to video tape recorders. Even the human body is increasingly invaded by electronics; at the end of the twentieth century, several researchers announced the first microchips for implantation directly in the body. They were to be used to store information for retrieval by external sensors or to help deliver subcutaneous drugs. The integrated circuit has thus become part of innumerable technological and biological systems.

It is this remarkable flexibility of application that enabled designers of electronic systems to make electronics the defining technology of the late twentieth century, eclipsing both the mechanical technologies associated with the industrial revolution and the electrical and information technologies of the so-called second industrial revolution. While many in the post-World War II era once referred to an ‘‘atomic age,’’ it was in fact an era in which daily life was increasingly dominated by electronics.

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  • Published: 26 May 2023

One year of Communications Engineering

Communications Engineering volume  2 , Article number:  29 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

4212 Accesses

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Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of Communications Engineering . We reflect on our progress and welcome in the second year by announcing some new projects and content.

The first year of  Communications Engineering has been one of growth and learning for our editorial team. At the time of writing, we have published 54 research papers covering a breadth of topics across all the major engineering disciplines. All our research publications have been editorially selected to offer new thinking with impact for a specialist engineering community and have gone through careful peer review managed by our editorial team. We have published a variety of Comment and Analysis pieces including Research Highlights, Q&A and Viewpoints which we hope will engage and inspire our growing engineering audience. We are delighted that a number of our papers have received wider media coverage, the result of press releases from either the relevant institutional or the Nature group Press Office. Some of our research papers have been covered in Highlight Articles from various Nature journals, and some have received multimedia attention.

Bringing communities together

In our launch editorial 1 we described three ways in which we aim to bring the engineering research community together. First we want to create a sense of a shared mission in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. We have released Calls for Papers on the topics of Battery Management Systems, Energy Infrastructure (in collaboration with Nature Communications ) and Thermal Engineering for Sustainability. And today we launch a new Call for Papers on the topic of engineering advances to tackle solid waste streams, such as food, paper and textiles, electronics, plastics and packaging, and municipal solid waste. Second we want to encourage and support engineering fields less familiar with the Nature Portfolio. We published a Special Issue combined with a Call for Papers on the broad topic of Resilient Infrastructure, welcoming submissions in civil and transport engineering amongst other topics. We have also launched a Call for Papers on the theme of Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures, a topic of high interest and relevance to the mechanical and structural engineering communities. Third, we want to support interdisciplinarity. Today we release a new retrospective and rolling collection on a topic in which we have published a number of interesting contributions: Bio-inspired Engineering. Papers in the collection come from the fields of aerospace, imaging, robotics and materials design. In support of this collection we publish today a review from the group of Aimy Wissa on the topic of bio-inspired flow dynamics 2 . All of our Calls for Papers are still live at the time of writing, and welcoming submissions ( https://www.nature.com/commseng/collections ).

Today we bring communities together in another way, by publishing the first in a short series of Q&As exploring the connectivity between engineering academia and industry. Our editorial board member Inge Herrmann offers her insights on the challenges and opportunities offered by commercialisation of academic research particularly in the field of biomedical engineering 3 . We hope that this will be particularly stimulating for early career researchers interested in entrepreneurship. Do keep a look out in future months for Q&As exploring more aspects of this interface. Our recently launched Industry Showcase also highlights all our research content from industrial or academic/industrial collaborations 4 ; future industry publications will be added to this Showcase.

Our service

We are grateful to all the researchers who have placed their trust in us with their research contributions. One key goal of the journal is to provide a high quality author service. As we await the official publication of our first set of peer review metrics, we continue to work hard with our editorial board, exploring new processes and strategies to optimise turnaround times for our authors. There are inevitably going to be delays with some submissions, and we aim to keep our authors informed of the progress of their submission to minimise the pain during the wait while their paper is being assessed.

We are also grateful to our peer reviewers for contributing their time and effort in assessing our submissions. Their hard work can often be seen in the peer review files supporting those papers for whom the authors have selected transparent peer review. In a further effort to recognise our peer reviewers, today we begin our Reviewer of the Month Programme. Each month we will recognise one reviewer whom we feel has made a significant effort to provide careful analysis and thoughtful insight and advice to help researchers improve their publications. We are delighted to announce that Megan O. Hill, Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Fellow from the University of Cambridge will be our first Reviewer of the Month.

Improving representation

Our final goal mentioned in our launch editorial was to support historically under-represented groups, with a key first effort being to actively include and represent women in our pages and our teams. At the time of writing, our editorial board has a balance of 50:50 representation of males and females. In addition, all our guest edited collections have at least one female guest editor. In another effort towards female representation, in June 2022, we supported International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) by publishing a Viewpoint where seven of our editorial board members wrote a short piece recognising a woman researcher who has been influential in their academic career 5 . Next month is our second INWED, and we will outline in more detail then how our journal continues to support women in the engineering community.

From the ground up

Over the past year we have been working hard to build the foundations of an engaging and respected broad scope engineering journal. We invite you to explore our content, to dig into research and discussion on topics within and beyond your own specific area of research study. We hope you will find something new and interesting and that you will come back and visit our journal again soon for more insight and innovation from across the engineering research community.

Editorial. Engineering solutions for a better world. Commun. Eng. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-022-00007-6 (2022).

Othman, A. K., Zekry, D. A., Saro-Cortes, V., Lee, K. J. & Wissa, A. A. Aerial and aquatic biological and bioinspired flow control strategies. Commun. Eng. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-023-00077-0 (2023).

Q&A: Industry-Academia Interface: Exploring Commercialization with Inge Herrmann. Commun. Eng. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-023-00076-1 (2023).

Nature. Communications Engineering Industry Showcase https://www.nature.com/collections/bhgiicfgae (2022).

Rizzo, A. et al. Inspiring engineers. Commun. Eng. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-022-00013-8 (2022).

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One year of Communications Engineering. Commun Eng 2 , 29 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-023-00078-z

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Published : 26 May 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-023-00078-z

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electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Proceedings of the 8th ICIECE 2019

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2020
  • H. S. Saini 0 ,
  • R. K. Singh 1 ,
  • Mirza Tariq Beg 2 ,
  • J. S. Sahambi 3

Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad, India

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Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India

Department of electronics and communication engineering, jamia millia islamia, new delhi, india, indian institute of technology ropar, rupnagar, india.

  • Provides the latest developments in the field of electronics and communication engineering
  • Includes contributions by researchers, scientists, technocrats, academicians, and engineers
  • Presents high-quality papers presented at ICIECE 2019

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 107)

75k Accesses

105 Citations

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Table of contents (75 papers)

Front matter, communications, fault analysis for lightweight block cipher and security analysis in wireless sensor network for internet of things.

  • Shamimul Qamar, Nawsher Khan, Naim Ahmad, Mohammed Rashid Hussain, Arshi Naim, Noorulhasan Naveed Quadri et al.

A Literature Review on Quantum Experiments at Space Scale—QUESS Satellite

  • C. S. N. Koushik, Shruti Bhargava Choubey, Abhishek Choubey, Khushboo Pachori

Simulink Model of Wireless Sensor Network in Biomedical Application

  • Md. Fazlul Haque Jesan, Md. Monwar Jahan Chowdhury, Saifur Rahman Sabuj

Analysis of Power in Medium Access Control Code Division Multiple Access Protocol for Data Collection in a Wireless Sensor Network

  • Mohammed Salman Arafath, Shamimul Qamar, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan, K. V. N. Sunitha

Single-Feed Right-Hand Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with Endfire Radiation

  • K. Manoj Kumar, A. Bharathi

Flexible RFID Tag Antenna Design

  • Fwen Hoon Wee, Mohamed Fareq Abdul Malek, Been Seok Yew, Yeng Seng Lee, Siti Zuraidah Ibrahim, Hasliza A. Rahim

Miniaturized Two-Section Branch-Line Coupler Using Open-Stub Slow-Wave Structure

  • Kok Yeow You, Jaw Chung Chong, Mohd Fareq Abdul Malek, Yeng Seng Lee, Sehar Mirza

Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network Using Virtual Machine (VM) for Insect Monitoring

  • Mohammad Rashid Hussain, Arshi Naim, Mohammed Abdul Khaleel

Impact of Pointing Error on the Performance of 2-D WH/TS OCDMA in FSO

  • Bithi Mitra, Md. Jahedul Islam, Mir Mehedi Al Hammadi

Millimeter-Wave AWR1642 RADAR for Obstacle Detection: Autonomous Vehicles

  • Nalini C. Iyer, Preeti Pillai, K. Bhagyashree, Venkatesh Mane, Raghavendra M. Shet, P. C. Nissimagoudar et al.

Performance Evaluation of Various Modulation Techniques for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication System

  • Mahin Akter, Md. Jahedul Islam, Mir Mehedi Al Hammadi

MCMC Particle Filter Approach for Efficient Multipath Error Mitigation in Static GNSS Positioning Applications

  • N. Swathi, V. B. S. Srilatha Indira Dutt, G. Sasibhushana Rao

Investigation of Multiband Microstrip Antenna by AWR Electromagnetic Simulator

  • Yaqeen Sabah Mezaal

A Voltage Dependent Meander Line Dipole Antenna with Improve Read Range as a Passive RFID Tag

  • Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Ajay Krishno Sarkar, Liton Chandra Paul

Evaluation of Latency in IEEE 802.11ad

  • Garima Shukla, M. T. Beg, Brejesh Lall

An Approach for Real-Time Indoor Localization Based on Visible Light Communication System

  • Dharmendra Dhote, Manju K. Chatopadhyay

Performance Analysis of 3 × 8 Multiband Antenna Arrays with Uniform and Non-uniform Inputs for RADAR Applications

  • P. Sai Vinay Kumar, M. N. Giri Prasad

Performance of BLDC Motor for Enhancing the Response of Antenna’s Positioner Using PI Controller

  • Bhaskaruni Suresh Kumar, D. Varun Raj, Segu Praveena
  • VLSI Design
  • Wireless Communications
  • Signal Processing
  • Embedded Systems
  • Digital Electronics
  • Microwave Engineering and RADAR
  • Emerging Technologies
  • ICIECE 2019

About this book

This book is a collection of the best research papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Guru Nanak Institutions Hyderabad, India. Featuring contributions by researchers, technocrats and experts, the book covers various areas of communication engineering, like signal processing, VLSI design, embedded systems, wireless communications, and electronics and communications in general, as well as cutting-edge technologies. As such, it is a valuable reference resource for young researchers.

Editors and Affiliations

H. S. Saini

R. K. Singh

Mirza Tariq Beg

J. S. Sahambi

About the editors

H. S. Saini, Managing Director of Guru Nanak Institutions, obtained his Ph.D. in the field of Computer Science. He has over 22 years of experience at university/college level in teaching UG/PG students and has guided several B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. projects. He has published/presented more than 30 high-quality research papers in international, national journals and proceedings of international conferences. He is the editor for Journal of Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (JIECE) published by Guru Nanak Publishers. He has two books to his credit. Dr. Saini is a lover of innovation and is an advisor for NBA/NAAC accreditation process to many Institutions in India and abroad. 

R. K. Singh, Associate Director Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, is an alumina of REC (now MNIT Jaipur) and did his M.Tech. from IIT Bombay, in the field of Communication Engineering.  He has completed Ph.D. on Radar Signal Processing from GITAM Deemed to be University. He has served Indian Army in the core of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering for 20 years before hanging his uniform as Lt Col. He has rich industrial experience as Army Officer managing workshops and has been teaching faculty for more than six years while in services. He started his career as a teaching Assistant at MNIT Jaipur for one year before joining army. As a Professor, he has served for more than eleven years after premature retirement from the army services. He has served as HOD, Vice Principal and Principal of engineering college before being approved as Associate Director of this institute. The Professor had hands-on experience on high-tech electronic equipments and has done many courses on radars and simulators. He has published many papers on microstrip antennas, VLSI and radar signal processing in national and international conferences. 

Mirza Tariq Beg is a Professor and Head Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He received Ph.D. degree from Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi in the year 2003, M.Tech. from Delhi University Delhi in the year 1987 and B.Tech. from Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh in 1985. He started his career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi in 1987. Now, he is working as a Professor since 2003 in the same organization. He was also Director of Centre for Distance & Open Learning (CDOL), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. His research area includes microwave and communication engineering. He has guided several Ph.D. students and authored and co-authored more than 50 research papers in peer-reviewed, international journals. 

J. S. Sahambi received the graduation degree in electrical engineering from Guru Nanak Engineering College, Ludhiana, India, M.Tech. degree in computer technology from the Electrical Engineering Department and the Ph.D. degree in the area of signal processing, in 1998, both from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India. In June 1999, he joined Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, IIT Guwahati, and moved to the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Ropar, since 2010. His research interests include signal processing, image processing, wavelets, DSP embedded systems and biomedical systems. 

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Book Subtitle : Proceedings of the 8th ICIECE 2019

Editors : H. S. Saini, R. K. Singh, Mirza Tariq Beg, J. S. Sahambi

Series Title : Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3172-9

Publisher : Springer Singapore

eBook Packages : Engineering , Engineering (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020

Hardcover ISBN : 978-981-15-3171-2 Published: 23 April 2020

Softcover ISBN : 978-981-15-3174-3 Published: 23 April 2021

eBook ISBN : 978-981-15-3172-9 Published: 22 April 2020

Series ISSN : 2367-3370

Series E-ISSN : 2367-3389

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XXVIII, 801

Number of Illustrations : 133 b/w illustrations, 386 illustrations in colour

Topics : Communications Engineering, Networks , Signal, Image and Speech Processing , Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Networks

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Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering covers an extremely broad range of topics. Whether in computer architecture, energy and power systems or in nanotechnology devices, the research conducted in ECE is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific developments. 

Image of a computer chip

  • Computer Engineering

Computer engineering concerns itself with the understanding and design of hardware needed to carry out computation, as well as the hardware-software interface. It is sometimes said that computer engineering is the nexus that connects electrical engineering and computer science. Research and teaching areas with a significant computer engineering component include digital logic and VLSI design, computer architecture and organization, embedded systems and Internet of things, virtualization and operating systems, code generation and optimization, computer networks and data centers, electronic design automation, or robotics.

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  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Complex Systems, Network Science and Computation
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  • Energy and the Environment
  • Rapid Prototyping

Robotics and Autonomy

  • Scientific Computing
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Statistics and Machine Learning

Robotics and Autonomy image

Robotics at Cornell spans various subareas, including perception, control, learning, planning, and human-robot interaction. We work with a variety of robots such as aerial robots, home and office assistant robots, autonomous cars, humanoids, evolutionary robots, legged robots, snake robots and more. The Collective Embodied Intelligence Lab  works to design and coordination of large robot collectives able to achieve complex behaviors beyond the reach of single robot systems, and corresponding studies on how social insects do so in nature. Major research topics include swarm intelligence, embodied intelligence, autonomous construction, bio-cyber physical systems, human-swarm interaction, and soft robots.

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  • Integrated Circuits
  • Power Electronics
  • Robotics and Autonomy
  • Systems and Networking

People network image

  • Information, Networks, and Decision Systems

This research area focuses on the advancement of research and education in the information, learning, network, and decision sciences. Our research is at the frontier of a wide range of fields and applications, including machine learning and signal processing, optimization and control theory, information theory and coding, power systems and electricity markets, network science, and game theory. The work encompasses theory and practice, with the overarching objective of developing the mathematical underpinnings and tools needed to address some of the most pressing challenges facing society today in energy and climate change, transportation, social networks, and human health. In particular, the Foundations of Information, Networks, and Decision Systems (FIND) group comprises a vibrant community of faculty, postdocs, and students dedicated to developing the mathematical underpinnings and tools needed to address the aforementioned challenges in a principled and theory-guided manner.

  • Biotechnology
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Energy Systems
  • Image Analysis
  • Information Theory and Communications
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Wire array load image

  • Physical Electronics, Devices, and Plasma Science

Work in this area applies the physics of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and the solid state to implement devices and systems for applications including energy, quantum technologies, sensing, communication, and computation. Our efforts span theory and development of new electronic and optical devices and materials, micro-electromechanical systems, acoustic and optical sensing and imaging, quantum control of individual atoms near absolute zero temperature, and experiments on high-energy plasmas at temperatures close to those at the center of the sun.    At Cornell ECE, we work on diverse topics aimed at transforming the way we view the world. Our interdisciplinary research reveals fundamental similarities across problems and prompts new research into some of the most exciting and cutting-edge developments in the field.

  • Advanced Materials Processing
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  • High Energy Density, Plasma Physics and Electromagnetics
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Chip circuit image

  • Circuits and Electronic Systems

Integrated circuits are ubiquitous and integral to everyday devices, from cellular phones and home appliances to automobiles and satellites. Healthcare, communications, consumer electronics, high-performance scientific computing, and many other fields are creating tremendous new opportunities for innovation in circuits and electronic systems at every level. Research in this area spans topics including analog and mixed signal circuits, RF transceivers, low power interfaces, power electronics and wireless power transfer, and many others. 

  • Micro Nano Systems
  • Optical Physics and Quantum Information Science

Digital brain image

  • Bio-Electrical Engineering

Biological and Biomedical Electrical Engineering (B2E2) consists of both applied and fundamental work to understand the complexity of biological systems at different scales, e.g., from a single neuronal or cancer cell, all the way to the brain or malignant tumor. B2E2 aims to develop new hardware and computational tools to identify, characterize, and treat diseases. In the physical domain, electrical engineering approaches to integrated microsystems lead to new biological and medical sensors. These sensors consist of state-of-the-art ultrasonic, RF, optical, MRI, CT, electrical impedance transducers. 

The integration of sensors, electronics are used to develop implantable and wearable devices, with decreasing size, weight, and power and increased functionality. B2E2 microsystems can help create interfaces for sensing and actuation to help understand the physiological and pathological mechanisms of diseases, and enable advanced robotic interfaces in medicine. Medical devices can generate vast amounts of data, which require both real-time and post-acquisition processing. B2E2 faculty, sometimes in collaboration with medical researchers, develop advanced computational tools to learn from and exploit data and apply artificial intelligence approaches to impact medical practice by improving: early disease detection, disease diagnosis, response to therapy assessment, and guided surgical procedures.

  • Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation
  • Complex Systems, Network Science and Technology
  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis
  • Nanobio Applications
  • Neuroscience

Computer Graphic

Hardware That Protects Against Software Attacks

ECE's Ed Suh and Zhiru Zhang and CS's Andrew C. Myers aim to develop both hardware architecture and design tools to provide comprehensive and provable security assurance for future computing systems against software-level attacks that exploit seven common vulnerability classes.

Image credit Beatrice Jin

Computer Graphic

Re-architecting Next-Gen Computing Systems

Disaggregated architectures have the potential to increase resource capacity by 10 to 100 times server-centric architectures.

Computer Graphic

Re-imagining Computer System Memories

Interdisciplinary team will provide new insights and an entirely new paradigm for the semiconductor industry in the emerging era of big data.

The Martinez and Zhang Research Groups

Engineers to hack 50-year-old computing problem with new center

Cornell engineers are part of a national effort to reinvent computing by developing new solutions to the “von Neumann bottleneck,” a feature-turned-problem that is almost as old as the modern computer itself.

Professors Dave Hammer and Bruce Kusse looking at the COBRA machine

The Laboratory of Plasma Studies: Uncovering mysteries of high energy density plasma physics

In the basement of Grumman Hall, an x-ray pulse produced by a hot, dense plasma – an ionized gas – lasting only fractions of a microsecond both begins and ends an experiment. Hidden within that fraction of time lies a piece of a puzzle—data that graduate students and staff scientists at the Laboratory of Plasma Studies (LPS) will use to better understand the mysterious physics behind inertial confinement fusion.

Sophia Rocco working on the COBRA machine

Sophia Rocco: Hoping to make the world a better place through a potential renewable energy source

When she was looking at graduate schools, physics major Sophia Rocco thought she would be in a materials science program bridging her interests in electricity and magnetism and novel materials for solar cells. Chancing upon the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell, she discovered the Laboratory of Plasma Studies (LPS).

The Laboratory of Plasma Studies with the COBRA machine in the foreground and students in the background

Finding the Ultimate Energy Source: Cornell’s Lab of Plasma Studies

Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, but it does not exist freely on the Earth’s surface. It must be artificially generated by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field. Located in the basement of Grumman Hall are two large pulse-power generators that create plasma by delivering extremely high currents to ordinary matter for short periods. These generators are part of the  Lab of Plasma Studies  at Cornell University.

Photo credit: Dave Burbank

A schematic, left, of a gallium oxide vertical power field-effect transistor, and a scanning electron microscope image, right, of the transistor, showing a 330-nanometer-wide by 795-nanometer-long channel.

Vertical gallium oxide transistor high in power, efficiency

The research group led by Grace Xing and Debdeep Jena presented research on a new gallium oxide field-effect transistor at a conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 29-June 1.

Molnar, Xing and Jena

Molnar, Jena and Xing join national consortium to develop future cellular infrastructure

Three Cornell faculty will be part of the newly established $27.5 million ComSenTer, a center for converged terahertz communications and sensing.

Faculty members associated with Cornell NeuroNex

Data on the Brain

The NSF has found a willing partner at Cornell University in this quest to create technologies that will allow researchers to image the brain and the nervous system.

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Digital Commons @ USF > College of Engineering > Electrical Engineering > Theses and Dissertations

Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

On the Performance Enhancement of Beamspace MIMO and Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for Future Cellular Networks , Sinasi Cetinkaya

Enhancing Smart Grid Security and Reliability through Graph Signal Processing and Energy Data Analytics , Md Abul Hasnat

Fabric-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor Towards Wearable pH Sensing Electronics , Nestor Osvaldo Marquez Rios

Novel Systems Engineering Framework Analysis of Photovoltaic Models and Equations , Peter R. Michael

Deep Learning Enhancement and Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning: A Data-Centric Approach , Hung S. Nguyen

Cyber-Physical Multi-Robot Systems in a Smart Factory: A Networked AI Agents Approach , Zixiang Nie

Multiple Access Techniques Enabling Diverse Wireless Services , Mehmet Mert Şahin

Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Optimization Techniques for Energy and Socioeconomic Systems , Salman Sadiq Shuvo

Process Automation and Robotics Engineering for Industrial Processing Systems , Drake Stimpson

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Stability and Interaction Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources in Power Grids , Li Bao

Healthcare IoT System and Network Design , Halil Ibrahim Deniz

Video Anomaly Detection: Practical Challenges for Learning Algorithms , Keval Doshi

Data-Driven State Estimation for Improved Wide Area Situational Awareness in Smart Grids , Md Jakir Hossain

Deep Learning and Feature Engineering for Human Activity Recognition: Exploiting Novel Rich Learning Representations and Sub-transfer Learning to Boost Practical Performance , Ria Kanjilal

Assistive Technologies for Independent Navigation for People with Blindness , Howard Kaplan

Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Higher Order Statistical Analysis of Electroencephalography Signals , Seyed Alireza Khoshnevis

Accelerating Multiparametric MRI for Adaptive Radiotherapy , Shraddha Pandey

A Model-Based Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems via Asynchronous Motors System Identification or Testing, and Control Engineering Observers , Kenelt Pierre

Improving Wireless Networking from the Learning and Security Perspectives , Zhe Qu

Improving Robustness of Deep Learning Models and Privacy-Preserving Image Denoising , Hadi Zanddizari

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

A Method for Compact Representation of Heterogenous and Multivariate Time Series for Robust Classification and Visualization , Alla Abdella

Dynamical System and Parameter Identification for Power Systems , Abdullah Abdulrahman Alassaf

Phasor Domain Modeling of Type-III Wind Turbines , Mohammed Alqahtani

An Automated Framework for Connected Speech Evaluation of Neurodegenerative Disease: A Case Study in Parkinson's Disease , Sai Bharadwaj Appakaya

Investigation of CoO ATO for Solar Cells and Infrared Sheaths , Manopriya Devisetty Subramanyam

Thermal Management of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Supercapacitors , Sanskruta Dhotre

Effect of Se Composition in CdSe 1-X T eX /CdTe Solar Cells , Sheikh Tawsif Elahi

Microencapsulation of Thermochromic Materials for Thermal Storage and Energy Efficiency of Buildings , Abdullatif Hakami

Piezoelectrically-Transduced ZnO-on-Diamond Resonators with Enhanced Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Power-handling Capability for Sensing and Wireless Communication Applications , Xu Han

Preparation and Characterization of Single Layer Conducting Polymer Electrochromic and Touchchromic Devices , Sharan Kumar Indrakar

Security Attacks and Defenses in Cyber Systems: From an AI Perspective , Zhengping Luo

Power System Optimization Methods: Convex Relaxation and Benders Decomposition , Minyue Ma

Metal Oxide Sensor Array Test Bed Prototype for Diagnostic Breath Analysis , Tiffany C. Miller

Packaging of Active RF Beamforming IC Utilizing Additive Manufacturing , Ryan Murphy

Adaptive Network Slicing in Fog RAN for IoT with Heterogeneous Latency and Computing Requirements: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach , Almuthanna Nassar

Development of a Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation Device for Renal Denervation , Noel Perez

Copper Electrodeposition Assisted by Hydrogen Evolution for Wearable Electronics: Interconnections and Fiber Metallization , Sabrina M. Rosa Ortiz

Theory and Application of Dielectric Rod Antennas and Arrays , Gabriel Saffold

Advanced Organic Polymers for the Nanoscale Fabrication of Fiber-based Electronics Using the Electrospinning Technique , William Serrano Garcia

Transparent Planar Micro-Electrode Array for In-Vitro Electric Field Mediated Gene Delivery , Raj Himatlal Shah

High Speed Switching for Plasma Based Electroporation , Shivangi Sharma

Development of Small-Scale Power Supplies for Wearable Medical Diagnostic Devices , Donny Stiner

Novel Approach to Integrate CAN Based Vehicle Sensors with GPS Using Adaptive Filters to Improve Localization Precision in Connected Vehicles from a Systems Engineering Perspective , Abhijit Vasili

Modeling, Control and Analysis of Inverter-Based Generators in the Power Grids , Yangkun Xu

Fiber-Based Supercapacitor for Wearable Electronics , Rohit Lallansingh Yadav

Modeling, Identification, and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources Integrated Systems , Miao Zhang

Data-Oriented Approaches towards Mobile, Network and Secure Systems , Shangqing Zhao

Strategies in Botnet Detection and Privacy Preserving Machine Learning , Di Zhuang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Architecture design and optimization of Edge-enabled Smart Grids , Adetola B. Adeniran

Multimodal Data Fusion and Attack Detection in Recommender Systems , Mehmet Aktukmak

Artificial Intelligence Towards the Wireless Channel Modeling Communications in 5G , Saud Mobark Aldossari

Enhancement of 5G Network Performance Using Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) , Faeik Tayseer Al Rabee

Investigation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System in Cybersecurity , Mohmmed Alrowaily

Comprehensive Optimization Models for Voltage Regulation in PV-rich Multi-phase Distribution Systems , Ibrahim Alsaleh

Design and Implementation of Solid/Solid Phononic Crystal Structures in Lateral Extensional Thin-film Piezoelectric on Silicon Micromechanical Resonators , Abdulrahman Alsolami

Analysis of Computational Modeling Methods as Applied to Single-Crystal Organohalide Perovskites , Jon M. Bebeau

Development of a Monolithic Implantable Neural Interface from Cubic Silicon Carbide and Evaluation of Its MRI Compatibility , Mohammad Beygi

Performance Enhancement Techniques for Next-Generation Multi-Service Communication and Medical Cyber-Physical Systems , Ali Fatih Demir

Microfluidically Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Switches, Antenna Arrays and Filters with Fast-Actuation Using Movable Metallized Plates and Integrated Actuation , Enrique J. Gonzalez Carvajal

Multilayered Transmission Lines, Antennas and Phased Arrays with Structurally Integrated Control Electronics Using Additive Manufacturing , Merve Kacar

Cost Efficient Algorithms and Methods for Spectral Efficiency in Future Radio Access , Murat Karabacak

Design of DeLRo Autonomous Delivery Robot and AI Based Localization , Tolga Karakurt

Theory, Fabrication, and Characterization of Perovskite Phototransistor , Fatemeh Khorramshahi

Modeling and Control of Renewable Energy in Grids and Microgrids , Yin Li

Next-Generation Self-Organizing Communications Networks: Synergistic Application of Machine Learning and User-Centric Technologies , Chetana V. Murudkar

Reliability Analysis of Power Grids and its Interdependent Infrastructures: An Interaction Graph-based Approach , Upama Nakarmi

Algorithms Enabling Communications in the Presence of Adjacent Channel Interference , Berker Peköz

Electrospun Nanofibrous Membrane Based Glucose Sensor with Integration of Potentiostat Circuit , Kavyashree Puttananjegowda

Service Provisioning and Security Design in Software Defined Networks , Mohamed Rahouti

Reading and Programming Spintronic Devices for Biomimetic Applications and Fault-tolerant Memory Design , Kawsher Ahmed Roxy

Implementation of SR Flip-Flop Based PUF on FPGA for Hardware Security , Sai Praneeth Sagi

Trauma Detection Personal Locator Beacon System , Sakshi Sharma

Network Function Virtualization In Fog Networks , Nazli Siasi

Socially Aware Network User Mobility Analysis and Novel Approaches on Aerial Mobile Wireless Network Deployment , Ismail Uluturk

Spatial Stereo Sound Source Localization Optimization and CNN Based Source Feature Recognition , Cong Xu

Hybrid RF Acoustic Resonators and Arrays with Integrated Capacitive and Piezoelectric Transducers , Adnan Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Fabrication and Characterization of Electrical Energy Storage and Harvesting Energy Devices Using Gel Electrolytes , Belqasem Aljafari

Phasor Measurement Unit Data-Based Steady State and Dynamic Model Estimation , Anas Almunif

Cross Layer-based Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning for MANETs , Amar Amouri

Power Conditioning System on a Micro-Grid System , Tamoghna Banerjee

Thermal Response in a Field Oriented Controlled Three-phase Induction Motor , Niyem Mawenbe Bawana

Design and Development of a Wireless EEG System Integrated into a Football Helmet , Akshay V. Dunakhe

Machine Learning, Game Theory Algorithms, and Medium Access Protocols for 5G and Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Networks , Mohamed Elkourdi

Improving Stability by Enhancing Critical Fault Clearing Time , Ammara M. Ghani

RF Power Circuit Designs for Wi-Fi Applications , Krishna Manasa Gollapudi

Enhancing Secrecy and Capacity of Wireless Systems Using Directive Communications , Mohammed A. Hafez

Statistical Anomaly Detection and Mitigation of Cyber Attacks for Intelligent Transportation Systems , Ammar Haydari

Absorber and Window Study – CdSexTe1-x/CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells , Chih-An Hsu

Methods and Algorithms to Enhance the Security, Increase the Throughput, and Decrease the Synchronization Delay in 5G Networks , Asim Mazin

Piezoelectric ZnO Nanowires as a Tunable Interface Material for Opto-Electronic Applications , Anand Kumar Santhanakrishna

Security Framework for the Internet of Things Leveraging Network Telescopes and Machine Learning , Farooq Israr Ahmed Shaikh

Diversity and Network Coded 5G Wireless Network Infrastructure for Ultra-Reliable Communications , Nabeel Ibrahim Sulieman

The Design of Passive Networks with Full-Wave Component Models , Eric Valentino

CubeSat Constellation Design for Intersatellite Linking , Michael T. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Design of Micro-Scale Energy Harvesting Systems for Low Power Applications Using Enhanced Power Management System , Majdi M. Ababneh

A Study on the Adaptability of Immune System Principles to Wireless Sensor Network and IoT Security , Vishwa Alaparthy

Validation of Results of Smart Grid Protection through Self-Healing , Felipe Framil Assumpção

A Novel Framework to Determine Physiological Signals From Blood Flow Dynamics , Prashanth Chetlur Adithya

The Effect of Processing Conditions on the Energetic Diagram of CdTe Thin Films Studied by Photoluminescence , Shamara P. Collins

Physical Electronic Properties of Self-Assembled 2D and 3D Surface Mounted Metal-Organic Frameworks , Radwan Elzein

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electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

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  • PhD. Dissertation (Full)
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  • PhD Coursework Abstract Writing Help
  • Interim-Report
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  • Power Point
  • References Collection
  • Conceptual Framework
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  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Theorem Development
  • Gap Identification
  • Research Design
  • Sample Size
  • Power Calculation
  • Qualitative Methodology
  • Quantitative Methodology
  • Primary Data Collection
  • Secondary Data Collection
  • Quantitative Statistics
  • Textual / Content Analysis
  • Biostatistics
  • Econometrics
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Software Programming
  • Computer Programming
  • Translation
  • Transcription
  • Plagiarism Correction
  • Formatting & Referencing
  • Manuscript Rewriting
  • Manuscript Copyediting
  • Manuscript Peer Reviewing
  • Manuscript Statistics
  • PhD Manuscript Formatting Referencing
  • Manuscript Plagiarism Correction
  • Manuscript Editorial Comment Help
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  • Academic Statistics
  • Journal Manuscript Writing
  • Research Methodology
  • PhD Animation Services
  • Academic Law Writing
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering & Technology
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  • Economics & Finance Academic
  • Biological & Life Science
  • Medicine & Healthcare
  • Computer Science & Information

Research topics in electronics and electrical engineering

Electronics and electrical engineering are the studies of harnessing electricity and the electromagnetic spectrum to enhance the lives of human beings. It is exciting and futuristic to think about significant technological advancements and electronic technology breakthroughs like smart grid systems, electronic vehicles, sustainable power consumption, wireless wearables, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Advanced developments in technology for electronics research and development contribute to the efficient use of energy for our daily needs. PhD Assistance may assist you in selecting the latest topic for study in electronics and electrical engineering.

Here are some of the topic research topics in electronics and electrical engineering.

Electrical engineering topics include the following:

  • Study on the use of a modified PNN classifier with SMO optimization techniques for diagnosing the severity of skin cancer conditions
  • A study on battery integrated multiple input DC-DC boost converter
  • A study on the impact of Evaluation of compact fluorescent lights in a 50 Hz electrical network
  • A Systematic Evaluation of deep neural network-based dynamic modelling method for AC power electronic systems:
  • A Review of 2D van der Waals Devices Using Electronic Modulation of Semimetallic Electrode
  • A Study on frequency stability of hybrid industrial microgrids using optimal fractional sliding mode
  • Review on Latent Features of Neural Network Design for Power Electronic Systems Using Impedance Modelling
  • Understanding Effective Power Electronics Using Circuit Simulation
  • First-principles calculations of phosphorus-doped SnO2 transparent conducting oxide: Structural, electronic, and electrical properties
  • Adaptive position control of a brush-based DC motor
  • Implementation of an A-Source DC–DC Boost Combination Phase-Shifting Full-Bridge Converter for Electric Car Rapid Charging Applications
  • PM machines with high power and high speed.
  • Series connected super-capacitor and li-ion capacitor cells: active voltage equalisation.
  • Design choice in the direct drive in-wheel motors.
  • Reluctance Motors.
  • Nanoelectronics.
  • Atomic layer interface engineering.
  • Using photovoltaics, graphene, and silicon carbide.
  • Piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics.
  • Studying behaviour thru computational modelling.
  • Computation research in new technologies, materials.
  • Power electronics tools and equipment.
  • Electrical motors and their redesigning.
  • Energy networks and their mathematical foundations.
  • Computer-aided design for electrical engineering.
  • Smart grid monitoring.
  • Soft magnetic composites.
  • Electric vehicle motors and gearbox.
  • Distributed generation systems: loss detection of grid events via pattern identification.
  • Challenges of autonomous power systems.
  • Extra-functionality devices: advanced technology modelling.
  • Switched reluctance motors.
  • Electric vehicles and health monitoring of power semiconductor modules.
  • Cost Functions for Efficient Electrics Vehicle Drive Systems.
  • Wind Turbine Generators: 3D temperature mapping.
  • DFIG Machines: improving energy efficiencies.
  • Power electronics.
  • Drives and controls.
  • Power systems and energy storage.
  • Hybrid electric aerospace.
  • Renewable energy.
  • Advanced propulsion science.
  • Designing compressor motors.
  • Motor design for aerospace—fault tolerant.
  • Wind turbine energy technologies.
  • Diagnosing green growth in India.
  • HPVPS stages (high power virtual systems).
  • Top speed motors and their topologies.
  • Low cost effective trains.
  • Low-cost virtual systems.

Need Guidance on how the topic selection would be, check our topic selection examples !

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1000+ Electronics Engineering Presentation Topics

These are 1000+ Presentation Topics for Electronics Engineering Students, Researchers, Teachers, and other professionals. Here we have given the latest and best electronics engineering presentation topics which can be used for PowerPoint paper presentations, seminars, webinars, oral or PPT presentations and discussions.

List of presentation topics for electronics engineering

These are the latest Presentation Topics for Electronics Engineering students.

Table of Contents

3G vs WiFi Wireless Internet Access

4G Wireless technology

5G Wireless technology

64-Point FT Chip

Air Powered Car

All-Optical Transistor

An Optical Switch Based on a Single Nano-Diamond

Artificial retina using thin-film transistor technology

Automatic solar tracker

Bio Battery

Brushless DC motor

Bubble Power

Carbon Nanotubes

Cellular Radio

Concentrating collectors

Detection and Tracking Algorithms for IRST

Digital Imaging

Drawing and Writing in Liquid With Light

DSP based motor control

E-Paper Technology

Electronics advance moves closer to a world beyond silicon


Embedded system in automobiles

Embedded System Security

Fractal Robots

High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA)

How Advanced Solar Cells Work?

Humanoid Robot

IBOC (In-band on-channel)

Impedance Glottography

Integrated Circuits: The Dominator of Electronics

Is the electronics sector still waiting for the economy to recover?

Kirlian photography

Matrix inversion generator architecture

Microelectronic Pill

MIMO Technology

Mobile Phone Cloning

Money Pad Future Wallet



New Techniques Produce Cleanest Graphene

The new way to dissolve semiconductors

Next-Generation Semiconductors Synthesis

Observer-Based Sensorless Control

Paper battery

Plastic Photovoltaics

Plastic Semiconductors

Riding an electron wave into the future of microchip fabrication

Smart antennas

Synaptic transistor

The power of wireless devices

Turning Plastic Bags Into High-Tech Materials

Use of DNA to assemble a graphene transistor

Wireless Communication technologies


Wi-Vi technology

World’s Smallest FM Radio Transmitter

More Electronics Engg. Topics (Alphabetical List)

Here is the list of thousands of presentation ideas for presentations for electronics and telecommunication engineering students.

21st Century Electronic Devices

3 Axis Digital Accelerometer

3- D IC’s

3-D Chip Stacking Technique

3D Internet

3D optical Data Storage Technology

3D Solar Cell Technology

3-Dimensional Printing

3G Vs. 4G mobile Networks

5G Wireless Systems

6.5 digit professional multimeters

A 64 Point Fourier Transform Chip

A Basic Touch-Sensor Screen System

AC Performance of Nanoelectronics

Accident identification with auto dialler

Acoustic to articulatory inversion

Active pixel sensor

Adaptive Active Phased Array Radars

Adaptive Blind Noise Suppression

Adaptive Cruise Control

Adaptive Missile Guidance Using GPS

Adaptive Multipath Detection

Adaptive Optics in Ground-Based Telescopes

Adhoc Networks

Advanced electronic war equipment

Advanced Mobile Presence Technology

Advanced Packet Classification Technique

Advanced Plastics

Advances in DCS Systems

Advances in motion-capture technology

Advances in Thin-Film Technology

Advertising display using LED & LCD

AFM ultrafast Imaging

Agricultural Plant watering systems

AI for Speech Recognition

Air pollution monitor

All-flash microcontrollers

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Amplifiers: single-and multi-stage

An Efficient Algorithm for iris pattern

Analog Circuits

Analogue CMOS

Analog Gyros

Analog-Digital Hybrid Modulation

Analog-Digital Hybrid Modulation for improved efficiency over Broadband Wireless Systems

Analysis of electromechanical systems employing microcomputers


ANN for misuse detection

Antenna Effect in VLSI Designs

Anthropomorphic Robot hand: Gifu Hand II

Antiroll suspension system

Aperture Synthesis (SAR and ISAR)

Application-Specific IC’s (ASICS)

Applications of dual-axis Accelerometers

Applications of Fuel cells

Architectural requirements for a DSP processer

Articulatory synthesis

Artificial Eye

Artificial immune system.

Artificial intelligence for speech recognition

Artificial Intelligence In Power Station

Artificial Intelligence Substation Control

Artificial Neural Network Systems

Artificial neural networks

Aspheric lenses


Asymmetric digital subscriber line

Asynchronous Chips

Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATM with an eye

Augmented Reality

Automated eye-pattern recognition systems

Automated Optical Inspection

Automated Remote Data Logger

Automatic Electric billing system

Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Automatic Railway Gate Controller

Automatic taxi trip sensing and indication system through GSM

Automatic Teller Machine

Automotive Infotainment

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Avalanche diode

Avalanche photo diode

Baseband processor for licence-free digital PMR radios

Bench top wind tunnels

Bio Telemetry


Biologically inspired robots


Bio-Molecular Computing


BIT for Intelligent system design

Blu Ray Disc

Blue Gene Supercomputer

Blue tooth technology

Bluetooth based smart sensor networks

Bluetooth Network Security

Boiler Instrumentation and Controls

Border Security Using Wireless Integrated Network Sensors

Brain Chips

Brain finger printing

Brain-computer interface

Brake Assisting Systems

Broadband Wireless Systems

Broadcasting as a Communication Primitive in Intercommunication Networks

Brushless Motors

Buffer overflow attack: A potential problem and its Implications

Business Process Execution Language (BPEC)

Capacitive Sensors

Carbon Chips

Carbon Nanotube Flow Sensors

Carbon Nanotubes -Adaptations & Applications

Cargo storage in space

Case Modeling

Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations

CCD vs. CMOS – Image

CCD: Charge-coupled device

CDMA & CDMA 1x Ev-Do

Cellonics Technology

Cellular Communications

Cellular Digital Packet Data

Cellular geolocation

Cellular Neural Network

Cellular Positioning

Cellular Technologies and Security

Cellular through Remote Control Switch

Chameleon Chip

Chip Morphing

Chip stacking Technology

Cholestric Flexible Displays(Ch LCDs)

Class-D Amplifier

Clockless Chips

Clos Architecture in OPS

Code Division Duplexing

Code Division Multiple Access

Collision warning system

Common Address Redundancy Protocol

Communication Onboard High-Speed Public Transport Systems

Compact peripheral component interconnect (CPCI)

Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging

Computer Aided Field Of Vision

Computer memory based on the protein

Concentrating Collectors

Contactless energy transfer system

Content-based image and video retrieval

Continuous phase modulation

Control system compensators

Convergence of Microcontrollers And DSPs

Co-operative cache based data access in ad hoc networks

Cordless power controller

Core Connecting Rod Design

Cortex M3 Micro controllers

Cross-media content production

CRT Display

Cruise Control Devices

Crusoe Processor

Cryptology in communication systems

Crystaline Silicon Solar Cells

CT Scanning

CVT: Continuously variable transmission


Data Compression Techniques

Data Loggers

DD Using Bio-robotics

Deep-Submicron Effects and Challenges

Delay Tolerant Networking

Dense wavelength division multiplexing

Design of 2-D Filters using a Parallel Processor Architecture

Development of transistors

Digit recognition using neural network

Digital Audio Broadcasting

Digital Audio’s Final Frontier-Class D Amplifier

Digital Cinema

Digital circuits

Digital filtering techniques-Aliasing

Digital HUBBUB

Digital Micro-mirror Device

Digital quartz MEMS for stabilisation and motion sensing

Digital Signal Processing

Digital steganography

Digital stopwatch

Digital Subscriber Line

Digital Visual Interface

Direct Current Machines

Direct Hydrocarbons for Fuel Cells

Direct to Home Television (DTH)

Discrete-time Fourier Transform

Display technology

Disposable Nano Pumps

Distributed COM

Distributed Integrated Circuits

Distrubuated control System

DLNA: Digital Living Network Alliance Technology

DLP: Digital Light Processing

DNA Based Computing

Driving Optical Network Evolution

DSP Enhanced FPGA

DSP Processor

DTCP: Digital Transmission Content Protection

DTL (Diode–transistor logic)

Dual Energy X-ray Absorpiomsetry

DV Libraries and the Internet

Dynamic virtual private network

Dynamic VPN

Earth Simulator

Earthing transformers For Power systems

EC2 Technology

ECC: Elliptical curve cryptography

ECL (Emitter-coupled logic)

EDGE: Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution

EDRAM: Embedded Dynamic random-access memory


Elecromagnetic Valves

Electrical Impedance Tomography Or EIT

Electricity from the sun’s energy – photo-voltaic cells

Electro Dynamic Tether


Electronic Cooling and Thermal Issues in Microelectronics

Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Devices

Electronic exchange& optical fiber network

Electronic humidity sensor

Electronic paper

Electronic Road Pricing System~

Electronic voting machine

Electronics Meet Animal Brains

Electronmagnetic Bomb

Element Management System

Embedded System in Automobiles

Embedded systems

Embedded Systems and Information Appliances

Embedded Systems In Automobiles

Embedded Web Technology

Embryonic approach towards integrated circuits

Embryonics Approach towards Integrated Circuits

Emergency Control of Power systems

Energy efficient turbo systems

Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution

Enhanced data rates for gsm evolution (edge).

Environmental Remediation Systems

EPG: Electronic Program(me) Guide

EUV Lithography

Evolution Of Embedded System

Extended Markup Language

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Eye Gaze Human-Computer Interface

Eye gaze systems

Fabrication of Si solar cells for concentrator applications

Face Recognition Technology

Face recognition using artificial neural networks.

Face Recognition Using Neural Network

Fast convergemce algorithms for active noise control in vehicles

Fault Diagnosis Of Electronic System using AI

FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FED: field emission display


FFT: Fast Fourier transform

Field Emission Display Screens

Field-effect transistors

Field-programmable gate array

FinFET Technology

Finger print based library management system

First order equation (linear and nonlinear)

FLASH PIC micro Micro controllers

Flexible CRT Displays

Flexible Power Gateways

Flip Chip Technology

Floating gate Transistor

Fluid Focus Lens (18)

Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc

Flyash Utilisation

Fly-By-Wire technologies

Flying Robots

FM direction finder

FOC: Fibre Optic Communication

FPGA in Space

FPGA: Field Programmable Gate arrays Technology

Fractal Antennas

Fractal Image Compression

Fractal Robot

FRAM (Ferroelectric RAM)

Free space laser communication

Free Space Optics

Free-Core LVDT Position Sensors

Frequency Division Multiple Access

Fusion Memory

Fuzzy based Washing Machine

Fuzzy Logic

Gaic algorithm for iris comparison

Gas Transfer Systems

Gauss and Green’s theorems

General packet radio system

Genetic Programming

Glass computer memory for reduced cost of medical imaging

Global Positioning System

Global System for Mobiles

GNSS Augmentation Systems

Graphics processing unit

Grating Light Valve (GLV) Display Technology

Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies

GSM Based remote measurement of electricity and control system for home

GSM Security and Encryption

Guided Missiles

Hall Sensor Applications

Handheld Radiation detector

Harsh Environment LVDT Position Sensors

HART Communication

Harvesting Wave power

HBTs: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors


HEMT Modeling and Fabrication

High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms

High Capacity Flash Chips

High-frequency RF design

High Performance Computing On Grid Databases

High Performance DSP Architectures

High Speed Packet Access HSPA

High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA)(84)

High-speed USB chips

High-Temperature LVDT

High-availability power systems Redundancy options

Higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients

HIPPI (High-Performance Parallel Interface)

HMDI- New Digital Video Interface

Holographic Associative Memory

Holographic Data Storage

Holographic Memory

Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD)

Home Audio Video Interpretability (HAVi)

Home Networking

Homeplug – powerline communication

Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP)

Hot Swapping

Humanoids Robotics

Human-Robot Interaction

Hydrogen Super Highway


HY-Wire Cars

IBOC Technology

Illumination With Solid State Lighting (4)

Image Authentication Techniques

Image Coding Using Zero Tree Wavelet

Image compression

Image processing techniques in PCB inspection systems

Image Sensors

Imaging radar

Imbricate cryptology

Immersion Lithography

I-Mode (Information Mode)

Implementation of Zoom FFT in Ultrasonic Blood Flow Analysis

Improving Multi-Path Radio Reception

Indoor Geolocation

Infinite Dimensional Vector Space


Innovation at Bell Labs

Instruction detection system

Integer Fast Fourier Transform

Integrated Power Electronics Module

Integrated sensor systems, and radio-frequency systems

Integrated Vehicle Health Management Technology

Integrated Voice and Data

Intel express chipsets

Intelligent RAM (IRAM)

Intelligent Sensors

Intelligent transport

Intelligent Wireless Video Camera

Interactive Voice Response System


Intermediate band quantum dot solar cells

Internet Cryptography

Internet Protocol Television

Intervehicle Communication

Introduction to the Internet Protocols

Inverse Multiplexing over ATM

Ion Conductivity Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell


IP Telephony

Ipv6 – The Next Generation Protocol

IR Tracking Robots

Iris Scanning

IRQ Numbers

ISO Loop magnetic couplers

Isolated PSE controller chipset

Jelly Filled Telephone Cables

Jet Stream windmill

Josephson junction

JTAG Boundary Scan

Junction transistors

Klystron tube

Landmine Detection Using Impulse Ground Penetrating Radar

Laplace transform

Laser communication systems

LCD screen harvests energy from indoor and outdoor light

LCOS Technology

LDMOS Technology

Led Wireless

Lenses of Liquid

Leo Satellite

LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) for Automobile/ industrial/military applications

Light-emitting polymers

Lightning Protection Using LFAM

Linear lumped elements

Linear Time-Invariant (LTI)

Line-Reflect-Reflect Technique

Low Energy Efficient Wireless Communication Network Design

Low Memory Color Image Zero Tree Coding

Low Noise Amplifiers for Small & Large Photodiodes

Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication

Low Power Video Amplifiers

Low Power Wireless Sensor Network

Low Quiescent current regulators

Low Voltage Differential Signal

Low voltage differential signaling-Electronics

Low-density parity-check code

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Miniature RF Technology Demonstration

LVDTs for proportional control valve applications

LVDTs for the Power Generation Industry

Magnetic Amplifiers

Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy(MRFM)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetoresistance on nanoscale

Maser Device

Mean value theorems

Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) Network

Membranes for Control and Energy Harvesting

MEMS CMOS processing

MEMS Microphone

Mesh Topology

Meso Technology

Metamorphic Robots

Microcontroller based Automatic Flush Control Systems

Microcontroller based security system using sonar


Micro Electronic Pill

Micro Electronics

Micro Fluidic MEMS

Micro Mouse

Micro Robotics

Micro System Technology in Security Devices

Microbial Fuel Cells

Microcontroller based Auto-Dialer Home Security System

Microcontroller based sky car parking system

Microcontroller based talking key pad for blind people

Microcontroller based traffic density controller

Microcontroller based wireless energy meter

Microelectronic Pills

Micro-fabricated Bio-sensors

Micro fuel Cells

Micromechanical System For System-On-Chip Connectivity

Micro-mirror based projection displays


Microvia Technology

Micro-wave Based Telecommunication

Microwave Superconductivity

MIFG(Multiple Input Floating Gate)

Migration to 4G: Advantages and Challenges

MiliPede Technology

Military Radars


Mixed-signal IC’s


Mobile Processor

Mobile Train Radio Communication

Mobile Virtual Reality Service

Modern Irrigation System Towards Fuzzy

Molecular Electronics

Molecular Fingerprinting

Molecular hinges

Molecular Surgery

Moletronics- an invisible technology

Molten oxide electrolysis

Money Pad, The Future Wallet

MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor)

MOS capacitor

MOS field-effect transistors

MST in Telecommunication Networks

Multithreading microprocessors

Multichannel DC Convertors

Multimedia Messaging Service

Multiple description coding

Multiple integrals

Multisensor Fusion And Integration

Myword – ‘the text editor’

NAND Flash Memory

Nano Ring Memory


Nanocrystalline Thin-Film Si Solar Cells

Nanoimprint Lithography


Nanopolymer Technology

Nanosensors from nature

Nanosized Resonator

Nanotechnological proposal of RBC


Nanotechnology Assembler Design

Nanotechnology for Future Electronics

Narrow Band & Broad Band ISDN

Navbelt and Guidicane

NCQ: Native Command Queuing

Near Field Communication

Neo -wafer 3d packaging.

Network Coding

Network on Chip

Neural Networks


New Applications For Carbon Nanotubes

New Generation Of Chips

New methods to power mobile phones

New Sensor Technology

New trends in Instrumentation

Next Generation Internet

Night Vision Technology

Non Visible Imaging

Nonlinear limits to the information capacity of optical fibre communications

NSAP: Network Service Access Point

Nuclear Batteries-Daintiest Dynamos

NVSRAM- Non-Volatile Static RAM

Object-Oriented Concepts

OCT: Optical Coherence Tomography

Optic Fibre Cable

Optical Burst Switching

Optical Camouflage

Optical Character Recognition

Optical Communications in Space

Optical Ethernet

Optical Integrated Circuits

Optical Mouse

Optical networking

Optical packet switch architectures

Optical Packet Switching Network

Optical Satellite Communication

Optical Switching

Optimization of the sorting architecture of rof

Organic Display

Organic Electronic Fibre

Organic LED

Organic Light Emitting Diode

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

Ovonic Unified Memory

Oxygen User technology

PAC: Programmable Automation Controller

Packet Cable Network

Packet Switching chips

Palladium cryptography

Paper Battery

Passive InfraRed sensors (PIRs)

Passive Integration

Passive Millimeter-Wave

Passive Optical Sensors


PCD: Protein-Coated Disc

Personal Area Network

Pervasive Computing

PH Control Technique using Fuzzy Logic

Photonic Chips


PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control

Piezoelectric Actuators

p-I-n diode

Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing

Plasma antenna

Plasma Display

Plasma Television

Plastic circuitries

Plastic electronics

PMR ( Private Mobile Radio) Revolution

PolyBot – Modular, self-reconfigurable robots

Polycrystalline Si solar cells

Polymer memory

Polymer Memory


Porous Burner Technology

Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer

Power Consumption Minimisation in Embedded Systems

Powerless Illumination

Power Line Networking

Power of Grid Computing

Power over Ethernet

Power System Contingencies

Power-supply ICs for slim LED-backlit TVs and PC main power systems

Precision IR thermometers

Printable RFID circuits

Printed Memory Technology

Printed organic Transistor

Project Oxygen

Proteomics Chips


Push Technology

QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT

Quadrics network

Quantum Computers

Quantum cryptography

Quantum dot lasers

Quantum Dot Lasers

Quantum dots

Quantum Information Technology

Quantum Wires

QXGA – (Quad eXtended Graphics Array)

Radiation Hardened Chips (12)

Radio Astronomy

Radio Frequency Light Sources

Radio Network Controller

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)-VxWorks

Real-Time Simulation Of Power Systems

Real-Time Speech Translation

Real Time System Interface

Real-Time Image Processing Applied To Traffic

Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance

Recent Advances in LED Technology

Remote Access Service

Remote Accessible Virtual Instrumentation Control Lab

Remote energy metering

Remote Monitoring And Thought Inference

Remotely Queried Embedded Microsensors

Residue theorem

Reversible Logic Circuits

RIFD: Radio Frequency Identification

Robot driven cars

Robotic balancing

Robotic Surgery

Role of Internet Technology in Future Mobile Data System

RPR: Resilient Packet Ring

RTOS – VxWorks(42)

Sampling theorems

Satellite Digital Radio(44)

Satellite Radio

Satellite Radio TV System

SCADA for power plant

SCADA system

Scalable Coherent Interconnect (SCI)

Screening for Toxic Nanoparticles

Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Seasonal Influence on Safety of Substation Grounding

Secure Electronic Voting System Based on Image Steganography

Securing Underwater Wireless Communication Networks

Security In Embedded Systems

Self Healing Computers

Self Healing Spacecrafts

Self Phasing Antenna Array

Sensorless variable-speed controller for wind power generator(67)

Sensors on 3D Digitization

Sensotronic Brake Control

Serial Attached SCSI

Service Aware Intelligent GGSN

Short channel effects/ Latchup in CMOS

Signaling System

Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP

Silicon on Plastic

Silicon Photonics

Silicon Technology

Silicon transistors

Silicon-carbide JFETs for high-end audio applications

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography SPECT(59)

Slow Light For Optical Communications

Small Satellites

Smart Antenna

Smart Autoreeling mechanism

Smart Cameras in Embedded Systems

Smart Fabrics

Smart heat Technology in Soldering Stations

Smart Note Taker

Smart Pixel Arrays

Smart Quill

Smart rectifiers

Smartwire-DT communication system

SMF BAtteries

SMS based vehicle Ignition controlling system

SOFC, MCFC, Fuel cell performance models

Soft lithography

Software Radio

Software-Defined Radio

SOI Technology (Silicon On Insulation)

Solar Power Satellite

Solar-powered plane -Solar Impulse plane

Solid Electrolyte Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells

Solid-State Lighting

Solid-State RF Switches

Solid-state Viscosity

Souped-Up Mesh Networks

Sources of error in digital systems

Space Quantum Cryptology

Space Robotics

Space Shuttles and its Advancements

Speaking I-Pods

SPECT (Single-photon emission computed tomography)

Spectrum Pooling

Speech Compression – a novel method

Speech recognition: using dynamic time warping

Speed Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras

Spin Valve Transistor


Spring-Loaded LVDT Position Sensors

STAP: Space-Time Adaptive Processing

Stealth Fighter

Stealth Radar

Steganography In Images

Stereoscopic Imaging

Storage Area Networks

Stream Processor

Super Capacitor

Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage

Surface Mount Technology

Surface Plasmon Resonance

Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display (SED)

Surge Protection In Modern Devices

Surround sound system

Swarm intelligence & traffic Safety

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

Synchronous Optical Network

Synthetic Aperture Radar System

System on chip

Sziklai Pair (configuration of two bipolar transistors)

Tagged Command Queuing

Taylor’s and Laurent’ series





Tempest and Echelon

Terahertz Transistor

Terahertz Waves And Applications

Terrestrial Trunked Radio

The Architecture of a Moletronics Computer

The Bionic Eye

The future of wireless network infrastructure

The InfraRed Traffic Logger

The making of quantum dots.

The mp3 standard.

The p-n junction

The speedes Qheap: a priority-queue data structure

The Synchronous optical network(SONET)

The Thought Translation Device (Ttd)

The TIGER SHARC Processor

The Ultra Battery

The Vanadium Redox Flow Battery System(35)

Theorems of integral calculus

Thermal Chips

Thermal infrared imaging technology


Third Generation Solid State Drives

Three-dimensional integrated circuit.

Time Division Multiple Access

Time Reversal Terahertz imaging

Tiny Touch Screens

Token ring – IEEE 802.5

Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis (root loci, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Bode and

Nyquist plots)

Toroidal surface-mount power inductor for consumer electronics devices

Touch Screens

Tracking and positioning of mobiles in telecommunication

Transient Stability Assessment

Transistors and Moore’s law

Transparent Electronics

Transparent LCD displays

Treating Cardiac Disease With Catheter-Based Tissue Heating

Trends in appliance Motors

Trends in Mobiles & PC’s

Tri-Gate Transistor

Trisil – electronic component

TTL (Transistor–transistor logic)

Tunable lasers

Tunnel diode

Turbo codes

U3 Smart Technology

Ultra Conductors

Ultra-high frequency

Ultra Nano Crystalline Diamond

Ultra Small MCUs

Ultra Wide Band ( UWB)Sensors

Ultra-wideband technology


Ultrabright white SMD LEDs


Ultrasonic Motor

Ultrasonic Trapping In Capillaries


Uniform linear array

Unijunction transistor

Unintentional radiator

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

Unlicenced Moblie Access ( UMA) technology

USB Power Injector

User Identification Through Keystroke Biometrics

Utility Fog


Vacuum Electronics For 21st Century(50)

Vacuum tube

Valence band

Vector field

Vehicle-to-Grid V2G

Vertical Cavity Surface Emission Lasers

VHSIC hardware description language

Vintage amateur radio

Virtual circuit

Virtual ground

Virtual Keyboards

Virtual Reality Visualisation

Virtual Retinal Display

Virtual retinal display (VRD) Technology

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)


Virtual worlds come to life

Visual Neuro Prosthetics

visual prosthetic

VLSI Computations

Voice morphing

Voice over internet protocol

Voice recognition based on artificial neural networks.

VT Architecture

VXI bus architecture

Wafer Level -Chip Size Packaging (WLCSP) Technology

Wardenclyffe Tower

Warner exemption

Wave impedance

Wave propagation

Waveguide antenna

Wavelength division multiplexing

Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Wavelet transforms

Wavelet Video Processing Technology

Wearable Biosensors

Wearable Technology innovations in Health care

Web-based home appliances controlling system

Web-based remote device monitoring

Web camera motion control

Welding Robots

Wheatstone bridge

Whip antenna

White facsimile transmission

White LED: The Future Lamp


Wideband modem

Wideband Sigma Delta PLL Modulator

Williams tube

Wink pulsing

Wireless access point

Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Charging Of Mobile Phones Using Microwaves

Wireless communication

Wireless community network

Wireless DSL

Wireless Fidelity

Wireless Integrated Network Sensors (WINS)

Wireless Intelligent Network

Wireless LAN Security

Wireless LED

Wireless Microserver

Wireless Mimo communication systems.

Wireless Networked Digital Devices

Wireless power transmission.

Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems

Wisenet (Wireless Sensor Network)

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

XLR connector

Zener diode

Zero dBm transmission level point

Zero-dispersion wavelength

Zero-Energy Homes

ZIF (Zero insertion force)

Zigbee – zapping away wired worries(13)

Zigbee Networks(86)

Zipper noise elimination by the digital volume control


This is all about Electronics engineering presentation topics for students, academicians and researchers.

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electronics and communication engineering research paper topics


electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Latest Topics in Electronics and Communication (ECE) for project, research, and thesis

Electronics and Communication is an important field with respect to our daily life. There are a number of good topics in electronics and communication engineering (ECE) for thesis, research, and project. New developments and research are going on in this field. It has made our life, even more, easier and comfortable.

Mobile phones and Communication network have brought the world closer. All thanks to electronics and communication engineers working towards the development of these electrical products. Talking about academics, students are often confused about which topic to choose in electronics and communication for project, thesis or for the seminar. M.Tech students find it even more difficult to choose a good master thesis topics in communication engineering. Even after the choice of the topic is made, students are unable to get proper thesis guidance and thesis assistance in ECE.

So what to do?

Here are some of the latest and best topics in electronics and communication which you can choose for your thesis, projects, and seminars for M.Tech and Ph.D. You can get thesis help in any of these topics from the thesis guidance experts.

Latest Thesis and Research Topics in Electronics and Communication(ECE)

Following is the list of latest  topics in Electronics and Communication(ECE) for the project, research and thesis:

Fibre Optic Communication

Embedded systems, nanoelectronics, oled(organic light emitting diode).

Zigbee Technology

Human Area Network

Bluetooth is a low-power wireless technology used for exchange of data within a short range. Bluetooth build a Personal Area Network(PAN) for exchange of data between mobile devices. This technology was invented by Ericsson in 1994. Bluetooth is based on radio technology known as frequency-hopping spread spectrum. In this technology, the data is transmitted in the form of packets. It is a very good topic for an M.Tech thesis. Thesis help in this topic can be taken from an expert in this field. Along with this it is also a very good choice for major project in ECE. There are two processes of Bluetooth technology:

Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate(BR/ED) –It uses point-to-point topology to enable continuous wireless communication between two devices. The common example for this is wireless speakers.

Low Energy(LE) – It uses multiple network topologies for communication which include point-to-point, mesh and broadcast. Point-to-point is for one to one device communication. Broadcast is for one to many device communication. Mesh is for many to many device communication.

Many consumers are using this technology worldwide for streaming audio, data exchange and broadcasting information. Bluetooth technology uses a variety of protocols. The Bluetooth protocol stack is divided into two parts: Controller Stack and the host stack.

The controller stack is implemented in low-cost silicon devices that contains Bluetooth radio and a microprocessor. The host stack is implemented on the top of the operating system or as an installable package on the operating system.

Thesis topics in electronics and communication

How Bluetooth technology works?

The Bluetooth network is also known as Personal Area Network or Piconet in which there are 2 to 8 devices. One is the master device that initiates the communication while other are the slaves. The slave devices respond to the action of the master device. The master device governs the transmission between the slave devices. A slave device may begin transmission only in an allotted time slot.

A scatternet is created when a device participates in more than one piconet.

Features of Bluetooth Technology

Following are some of the features of Bluetooth technology:

Based on radio technology.

Power consumption is less.

There are fewer complications.

Applications of Bluetooth technology

Wireless mobile phone headset.

Bluetooth enabled laptops and Pcs.

Wireless mouse and keyboard.

Data transfer between mobile devices.

Disadvantages of Bluetooth Technology

Along with benefits, there are certain disadvantages of Bluetooth technology. Some of these are:

High battery consumption.

Security is poor.

The data transfer is low.

Lower bandwidth.

For transmission of large amount of data fibre optic communication is the perfect choice. This type of communication is used to transmit data over long distances over the computer network. This technology converts electronic signals into light signals and the signals are transmitted through the optical fibres. It is a very good choice for your M.Tech thesis project. Thesis help in this topic can be taken from professionals in this topic. Some of the characteristics of this type of communication are:

High bandwidth

Long distance communication

Less electromagnetic interference

Transmission Security

How Fibre Optics Communication works?

Unlike other form of communication, in fibre optics, the communication takes place in the form of light signals. The components of fibre optics communication are:


Light source

The transmitter receives input in the form of electrical signals which are converted into light signals using a light source like LED and laser. The light signal is transmitted using optic fibre cable to the receiver where it is converted back into electric signals. The receiver consists of a photodetector that measures the frequency of the optic field. The wavelength near to the infrared is used for communication.

Topics in electronics and communication

Photodetector – A photodetector is a device that converts light signals into electric signals. Two types of photodetectors mainly used in fibre optic communication are PN photodiode and avalanche photodiode.

Advantages of fibre optics communication

Some of the advantages of fibre optics communication are:

Higher transmission bandwidth

Data transmission is higher

Low power loss

Higher Security

Immunity to electromagnetic interference


High installation cost

More number of repeaters

More maintenance is required

Embedded Systems are the type of physical hardware systems with software embedded in that. This system is microprocessor or microcontroller-based and can be independent or can be a part of larger system. This system is specifically designed to perform some tasks. It is a hot topic for thesis, project ad for seminar. If you know little about this topic you can also take thesis guidance for this topic. Following are the three components of embedded systems:

Real-Time Operating System

Characteristics of Embedded Systems

The characteristics of the embedded systems are:

Single Functionality – Embedded Systems are specifically designed to perform a single task.

Tightly Constrained – Embedded Systems are based on constraints like design, cost , size, and power.

Reactive – Embedded Systems are reactive in nature i.e. they instantaneously react to any changes in nature.

Based on microprocessor – Embedded Systems are microprocessor and microcontroller based.

Memory – These systems have ROM(Read Only Memory) embedded in that as there is no need of secondary memory.

Connectivity – These systems have peripherals connected to them for input and output.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

What an Embedded System consists of?

The basic structure of an embedded system consists of the following components:

Sensor – To measure the quantity of a system by converting it into electrical signals.

A/D Converter – It is required to convert analog to digital signals.

Processor – It processes the data and stores it into memory.

D/A Converter – It converts digital to analog signals.

Actuator – An actuator compares the output of the D/A converter to the expected output.

Advantages of Embedded Systems

These systems can be easily customized.

These have low power consumption.

The cost is comparatively low.

The power is enhanced.

Disadvantages of Embedded Systems

High efforts in development

Marketing is not easy.

Nanoelectronics is a field that deals with the use of nanotechnology in electrical components. On the other hand, nanotechnology is a branch of engineering that deals with the matter at an atomic and molecular level. Nanoelectronics more or less is based on the transistors. The transistors used here have size lesser than 1000 nanometers. These are so small that there is separate study to understand the inter atomic interactions as well as quantum mechanical properties. These transistors are designed through nanotechnology and are very much different from the traditional transistors.

The work that a nanoelectronic device can do depends upon its size. With increase in volume, the power of the device will increase. The development in this field is in progress as there are some limitations of it when used in real world.

Different approaches to nanotechnology

The different approaches to nanotechnology are:


Nanomaterials Electronics

Molecular Electronics



Applications of Nanoelectronics

Certain development and applications have been made in this field of nanotechnology which are as follows:

Nanoradio – These will have nanoprocessors for its working with high speed and performance. Carbon nanotubes are being used in this application.

Nanocomputers – Traditional computers will be replaced by nanocomputers for higher performance and speed. Detailed research is being carried out in this field.

Medical Diagnostics – Nanoelectronic devices can detect biomolecules and thus will help in medical diagnostics.

Energy Production – Research is being conducted to create energy efficient solar cells, galvanic cells and fuel cells.

VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)

VLSI is a process to create Integrated Circuits(IC) by combining together thousands of transistors on a single chip. Microprocessor is an example of VLSI. Before the development of VLSI, the Integrated Circuits had limited functionality and performance. VLSI gives the ability to add CPU, RAM, ROM and other such functions on a single chip.

Due to this, the electronics industry has recorded a commendable growth.

Topics in ece

Design of VLSI

VLSI maily consists of front-end design and back-end design. Front-end design is the digital design while back-end design is the CMOS(Complememtary metal-oxide semiconductor) library design. The steps followed while designing a VLSI are:

Problem Specification – In this step, various parameters are studied like size, cost, performance and functionality.

Architecture – In this step, specifications like floating point unit, ALU, RISC/CISC and cache size are studied.

Functional Design – The functional unit along with the input and output are defined in this step using a block diagram.

Logical Design – The main logic of the system is designed at this step. Other developments in this step include boolean expression, register allocation, control flow and word width.

Design of the Circuit – The circuit is designed after the logical design by the use of gates and transistors.

Physical Design – The complete layout of the system is designed at this step through geometrical representation.

Packaging – The final product is obtained after putting together all the chips into a single printed circuit board.

Advantages of VLSI

The advantages of VLSI are:

Size of the circuit is reduced.

Cost of the device is reduced.

Increase in overall performance and speed.

Higher reliability

Find its use in almost every field from computers to medicines.

OLED is a type of LED( Light Emitting Diode) with a small change that the component that produces light is made up of a thin layer of organic compounds. This organic semiconductor layer is situated between the two electrodes. It is mainly used for flat panel displays, mobile devices, and smartphones. There are two types of OLEDs :

Based on small molecules

Using polymers

Working of OLEDs

Organic LED work almost in the same way as traditional LEDs with some changes. In this instead of n-type and p-type semiconductors, organic molecules are used to produce electrons and holes. There are 6 layers of OLED. The top layer is known as the seal while the bottom layer is called the substrate. There are two terminals between the top and the bottom layers – anode(positive terminal) and cathode(negative terminal). In between these terminals, there are the organic layers one is the emissive layer and the other one is the conductive layer.

A voltage is connected to the anode and the cathode. Electricity starts flowing and the cathode starts receiving electrons while the cathode starts losing them. As the electrons are added, the emissive layer starts becoming negatively charged while the conductive layer starts becoming positively charged. The positively charged holes starts jumping towards the emissive layer. When the positive hole meets the negatively charged electron ,a photon is produced which is a particle of light.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Advantages of OLEDs

These are superior to LCDs.

These are thinner, lighter and flexible.

The respond time is faster.

They produce true colors with better viewing angle.

Disadvantages of OLEDs

These have comparatively less life time than the LCDs.

The organic molecules degrade over the time.

These are very sensitive to water.

ZigBee Technology

ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4 based communication system designed for wireless personal area network . This standard allows the physical and media access control layer(MAC) to handle various devices at a very low-data rate. The main characteristics of this technology is that it is low powered and low cost. It controls and manages application within a range of 10-100 metres. Moreover, it is less expensive than the Bluetooth and Wifi.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Architecture of ZigBee

This system consist of the following three devices:

ZigBee Coordinator

The ZigBee coordinator acts as the bridge and the root of the whole network. It handles and stores the information by performing some data operations. The ZigBee routers are the intermediatory device that allows data to pass to and from other devices. The end device communicates with the parent node. The ZigBee protocol consists of the following 5 layers:

Physical Layer – This layer performs the modulation and demodulation operation.

MAC Layer – This layer access different networks using CSMA to check for reliable transmission of data.

Network Layer – This layer looks after all the operations related to the network.

Application Support Sub-Layer – This layer matches two devices according to their services and needs.

Application Framework – This layer provides two types of data services. One is the key value pair and the other one is the generic messages service.

ZigBee Operating Modes

There two modes of operation in ZigBee:

Non-beacon – In this mode, there is no monitoring of the incoming data by the coordinators and the routers.

Beacon – In this mode, the active state of the incoming data is continuously monitored by the coordinators and routers thereby consuming more power.

Applications of ZigBee Technology

ZigBee finds its application in the following fields:

Industrial Automation

Home Automation

Smart Metering

Smart Grid Monitoring

Human Area Network is a wireless network also referred to as RedTacton that uses the human body as a medium for high-speed transmission. It is different from other wireless and infrared technologies in the sense that it uses tiny electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. It is a very good topic under ece thesis topics list. 

The human body forms a transmission path whenever a part of it comes into contact with the RedTacton transceiver. Body surface can be hands, legs, arm, feet or face. It can work through clothes and shoes. Whenever the physical contact between the transceiver and the human body is lost, communication ends.

It has the following three main features:

The communication can be triggered by human movements like touching, gripping, walking, sitting, and stepping for obtaining data.

The transmission speed is not depleted when many people are communication at the same time as the transmission path is human body surface.

Conductors and dielectrics can be used along with the human body.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Working of Human Area Network

The approach of Human Area Network is different from other networks. It does not use electromagnetic waves or light waves for data transmission. Instead, it uses weak electric signals on the human body for transmission. It works as follows:

The RedTacton transmitter generates a weak electric signal on the human body surface.

Any changes caused by the transmitter to the electric field is sensed by the RedTacton receiver.

RedTacton depends upon the principle that the changes in the weak electric field can cause a change in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal.

These changes are detected using a laser and the result is produced in the form of electrical signals.

RedTacton uses CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense with Multiple Access with Collision Detection) protocols for transmission.

GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Services. It is a packet-based service for 2G and 3G mobile communication. It is standardized under European Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI). It provides higher data rates for Internet on mobile phones. It is based on GSM(Global System for Mobile) communication and provides additional services on circuit-switched connections and Short Message Service(SMS). It is another popular topic for final year project, thesis, and seminar. 

GPRS has the following main features:

It has lesser cost than the circuit-switched services as the communication channels are shared.

It provides variable throughput and latency.

It provides data rates of 56-114 kbps.

It supports IP, PPP, and X.25 packet-based protocol.

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Services offered by GPRS include:

SMS(Short Messaging Service)

Internet Access

MMS(Multimedia Messaging Service)

Push-to-talk service

Instant Messaging

Point-to-point(P2P) and point-to-multipoint(P2M) services

It stands for High-Speed Packet Access. It is a combination of two technologies named HSDPA and HSUPA for uplink and downlink. This provides high-speed data access. It can provide download speed up to 384 kbps. It uses WCDMA protocols and improves the performance of the existing 3G mobile communication. Students looking for ece project ideas can work on this topic. 

Components of HSPA

Following are the two main components of HSPA providing a link between the base station and the user:

HSDPA(High-speed Downlink Packet Access) –  HSDPA is used to provide support for packet data and a data rate of 14 Mbps. Also, it helps in reducing delays.

HSUPA(High-speed Uplink Packet Access) –  It also provides data support with improved features along with data rate of 5.74 Mbps. 

electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

Benefits of HSPA

There are a number of benefits of HSPA but following are the significant ones:

HSPA uses a higher order of modulation for data to be transmitted at a higher rate.

It uses a Shorter Transmission Time Interval(TTI) to reduce the round trip time and reduction in latency.

It uses a shared channel for transmission which provides a great level of efficiency.

To maximize the channel usage, link adaption is used.

Fast Node B scheduling is used with adaptive coding and modulation to respond to the constantly varying radio channel and interference.

These were some of the topics in electronics and communication for your project, thesis and for your seminar. Thesis help and thesis guidance can be taken for ece thesis topics from thesis guidance agencies.

Techsparks offer thesis and research help in electronics and communication (ECE). You can contact us on this number +91-9465330425 or email us at [email protected] for any help in all the latest topics in electronics and communication. You can also fill the query form on the website.

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Seminar Topics for Electronics and Communication Engineering Students

The seminar presentation is an important aspect of engineering students to gain more knowledge and strong skills for their brighter careers. Many electronics and communication engineering students find it extremely difficult to choose seminar topics. This article provides a list of the most popular and latest seminar topics for electronics  and communication students. Choosing the best ppt topics is important not only from an academic point of view but also from the knowledge point of view because the selection of the best topics improves the knowledge of the students about the latest technology in an embedded system . This article lists the latest easy seminar topics for electronics and communication engineering students.

Latest Technical Seminar Topics for Electronics and Communication Engineering Students

Here is a list of the latest technical seminar topics for ECE students in choosing their seminar topic in the field of electronics and communication engineering.

Latest Technical Seminar Topics

Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs):  Download

The OLED stands for organic light-emitting diode , which looks like the same as a light-emitting diode. The OLED is the latest technology in electronics which is used in many electronic devices such as TV screens, computer monitors, and portable systems such as mobile phones. The OLEDs consume low power and a combination of great colors. The OLEDs get first place in Seminar topics for electronics and communication.

OLED Technology

Bluetooth Technology is a technical seminar topic:  Download

Bluetooth technology is a high speed, low powered wireless technology that is used to transmit and receive data serially. The Bluetooth transceivers consist of many devices such as mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices. Bluetooth technology is one of the best seminar topics for electronics and communication students. In the embedded system many of electronic project applications , controlling by Bluetooth technology. The Bluetooth technology gets second place in Seminar topics for electronics and communication.

Bluetooth Technology

Surveillance Camera Control System:  Download

This is the latest technology to provide security in places like roads, shops, and colleges to capture visuals for monitoring purposes. In case of robbery, the recorded video or visuals may provide some clues about the heist. These surveillance cameras are fixed devices, and therefore, 360-degree coverage is not possible with such systems. However, 270-degree coverage is possible with these cameras. This is the best technical seminar topic for ECE students.

Biometric Voting Machine:  Download

The biometric system introduced new technology in the embedded system to develop a biometric voting machine which is used to avoid the rigging in the elections and enhanced the accuracy and speed of the process. This is the best paper presentation topic for ECE students.

Biometric Voting Machine Seminar Topic

Secure Symmetric Authentication For RFID Tags:  Download

Radio Frequency Identification System is a technology-based identification system that helps to identify objects just through the tags attached to them, without requiring any light of sight between the tags and the tag reader. All that is needed is radio communication between the tag and the reader. This is the best paper presentation topic for ECE students.

RFID Technology Seminar Topic

Plastic Solar cell technology:  Download

Solar energy is the most readily available source of renewable energy by which electricity is produced by solar panels. The solar panel consisted array of solar photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into usable electricity. The solar panels placed on the roof of homes or freestanding remote locations.

Solar Technology

Wireless Power Transmission Technology:  Download

Traditional wired power transmission systems usually require lying of transmission wires between the distributed units and the consumer units. This produces a lot of constraints as the cost of the system- the cost of the cables, the losses incurred in the transmission as well as in distribution. Just imagine, only the resistance of the transmission line results in loss of about 20-30% of the generated energy.

Wireless Power Transmission Technology

Sensor Technology:  Download

Sensor technology plays an essential role in electronic system design. A Sensor is a device that responds and senses some type of input from both the physical or environmental conditions, such as pressure, heat, light, etc. The output of the sensor is generally an electrical signal that is transmitted to a controller for further processing.

Sensor technology

Nanotechnology in Electronics:  Download

Nanotechnology is one of the new technology in electronics , which is used in different application areas such as medicine and space technology. Nowadays,  nanorobots play an essential role in the field of Bio-Medicine, particularly for the treatment of cancer, cerebral Aneurysm, removal of kidney stones, etc.


Latest Technology in Embedded System: Download

The embedded system is a computer system, where software is embedded into the hardware to control and access the data in electronic-based systems is known as an embedded system. The embedded system involves engineering, electronics mini-projects, and main projects. This system may be either an independent system or a larger system. This is the best paper presentation topic for ECE students .

Embedded System Technology

FSO (Free Space Optic) Technology

The technology like FSO stands for free space optic is wireless communication technology. It is used to transmit infrared signals or modulated visible signals through the environment to attain optical communications similar to fiber. In FSO communication, lasers are used for transmitting the data, but in place of enclosing the data flow within a glass fiber, the data can be transmitted throughout the air.

The working principle of FSO is the same as to IR TV remote or wireless keyboard. Free Space Optics (FSO) transmits invisible, light beams through low power IR lasers in the frequency of the TeraHertz spectrum. In the FSO, the light beams are sent through a laser light that is focused on very responsive photon detector receivers.

These are telescopic lenses capable of collecting the photon stream & transmit digital data includes a mix of video images, Internet messages, radio signals otherwise computer files. FSO systems operate over several kilometers of distance if there is a clear line of view between the source & the destination with sufficient transmitter power.

Silent Sound Technology

Whenever we are traveling on the bus or train, speaking on the phone is somewhat difficult due to the disturbances. So we speak very loudly to receive our voice to another person on the phone. For this, Silent sound technology is implemented to speak on the phone while traveling.

The main function of this technology is to notice each lip movement & converts the electrical pulses internally into sound signals. These signals can be transmitted by removing the noise in the surroundings. This technology is very helpful for the people who cannot speak clearly due to noise & allows them to make noiseless calls without troubling others.

Instead of making any noises, your earpiece will decode the mouth movements which makes by determining muscle action, after that converts this into speech listen to the other side of the person on the phone. This translation supports different languages such as English, German & French. However, for the Chinese languages, different tones have different meanings

Bionic Eyes

The bionic eye is an artificial eye and the main function of this eye is to provoke visual vibrations within the human brain by motivating different elements of the optic nerve directly. Other investigational places can excite the ganglia cells over the retina. So, there is more attention is given to the artificial retinas for making. There are different kinds of artificial eyes are designed but there is no typical model. So scientists are working on different kinds of ideas.

The prototype of this eye is 2 millimeters across & includes 3,500 micro photodiodes that are arranged at the back of the retina. This mini solar cell collection can be designed to change the normal beam to electrical signals. These signals are sent to the human brain through the residual well parts of the eye retina.

An electromagnetic bomb (E bomb) is one kind of weapon. This weapon utilizes a strong electromagnetic field for making a concise energy pulse that has an effect on electronic circuitry without damaging humans otherwise buildings. This electromagnetic bomb generates the electromagnetic shock signals to damage the electronic circuit as well as enemy forces communication networks.

Extremely high levels will damage electronic circuitry totally, therefore detaching any kind of machine by using electricity like radios, computers & ignition systems within vehicles. The E-bomb market is influenced by high power microwaves across the world. The main application of this is in the military sector to target the mobile of enemies, naval vessels & mobile radars using communication systems, electronic systems & air defense systems.

At present, the demand for GPS based E-bombs is growing quickly because these bombs lead conventional weapons for tactical air attacks. These bombs are mostly equipped with guided weapons using electronic sensors, control systems & changeable flight fins to provide guidance capacity through more precision. In the arrangement of the military, this e-bomb weapon plays a major role in dissimilar military relationships. Nuclear weapons are also improving the expansion of these bombs in the market around the globe.

Energy-Efficient Methods for 5G Networks

At present, communication technology was developed with the corresponding necessity of optimization within energy usage is also rising. So, 5G technology is developed, so that the importance of energy efficiency for wireless networks also realized even more.

In this project, different energy issues are addressed to provide an investigation of a variety of methods that will be accepted within the 5G networks for enhancing the device’s energy efficiency. This system focuses on different areas for enhancing energy efficiency like improvement of energy efficiency with radio access methods such as concurrent wireless energy, transfer of power, improvement of energy-efficient using mini cells & enormous MIMO, improvement of EE through relays.

Several methods are used to make 5G technology energy efficient These methods are categorized into three groups. These groups use architectures of energy-efficient, resource allocation of energy-efficient otherwise employing energy-efficient radio technologies. These methods are for power optimization by integrating the 5G network.

Night Vision Technology

Night vision technology can observe in low light situations. For humans, night vision capacity is very poor as compared with animals. So a night vision technology is implemented to overcome this problem. By using this technology, observing a person who is standing 183 meters way in a cloudy night or less light. This device is mainly designed for military people.

This technology is used mainly by state & central agencies for providing security, inspection, search & rescue. This equipment was developed from large optical equipment within low weight goggles using the image intensification based technology. There are two technologies are used for night vision like thermal imaging and image enhancement. Night visions are available in two types like biological type and technology type.

Communication through Visible Light

VLC systems (Visible Light Communication) use visible light for communication to occupy the range from 380 nm – 750 nm that is equivalent to 430 THz – 790 THz of a frequency spectrum. The low BW issue within RF communication can be determined in Visible Light Communication due to the accessibility of the huge bandwidth. The receiver of the VLC simply gets the signals if they exist in a similar room to the transmitter.

Thus, the receivers outside of the VLC source room are not capable of receiving the signals. So, it has the resistance to safety problems that happen within the RF communication systems. Whenever the source of visible light is used for both illumination as well as communication, so, it conserves an additional power that is necessary for RF communication. VLC provides several advantages like high bandwidth, non-licensed channels & low power usage.

This kind of communication is used in Li-Fi, robots within hospitals, communication from vehicle to vehicle; communication underwater, signboards for displaying information. VLC is used within vehicular communication intended for warning of the lane change, sensing of pre-crash & violation warning of the traffic signal for avoiding accidents.

For these applications, low latency communication is required that is provided through VLC due to its higher BW & simple installation due to the existence of vehicle lights & traffic signals.

OFDM Implementation through VLSI

A multi-carrier system like OFDM is used to encode the data bits for numerous sub-carriers and sends simultaneously in time and it uses optimum bandwidth. An OFDM symbol can be formed by a set of orthogonal sub-carriers. To avoid inter-symbol interference (ISI) because of multi-path; the symbols of successive OFDM are divided using a guard band. So this band will make the system of OFDM resistant to the effects of multi-path.

Even though this system within the theory has been in existence for a lengthy time, current developments within the technologies like VLSI & DSP have made it a possible option. This project implements an OFDM using VLSI for especially the 802.11a based OFDM system. But, the same reflections would be useful in executing any OFDM system within VLSI.

In this multi-carrier system, data bits can be encoded to several subcarriers, not like single carrier systems. All the frequencies are sent simultaneously in time and this system provides numerous benefits over an only carrier system such as equalization of the simpler channel, relaxed timing gaining constraints & better multi-path affect immunity. However, it is more vulnerable to local frequency offset & non-linearities of radio front-end.

Transmission of Microwave Power

An SPS or solar power satellite is one kind of renewable energy system. This satellite is used to change the energy of solar into microwaves. These microwaves are transmitted to a beam and receive antenna on the globe so that it converts into normal Electricity.

The first concept of SPS was proposed in the USA, in 1968. At present, this concept was attracted by the people to enhance public attention because a promising energy system is used to determine the problems of energy & the global environment. This solar power satellite is a dirt-free, secure & large-scale electric power source.

The ever-increasing demand for faster information transport and processing capabilities is undeniable. Our data-hungry society has driven enormous progress in the Si electronics industry and we have witnessed a continuous progression towards smaller, faster, and more efficient electronic devices over the last five decades.

The scaling of these devices has also brought about a myriad of challenges. Currently, two of the most daunting problems preventing significant increases in processor speed are thermal and signal delay issues associated with electronic interconnection.

Detection System of Life using L & S-band Microwaves

In embedded systems, a new revolutionary is a life-detection system based on L&S microwave bands. This system detects human beings who were hidden under the buildings due to the earthquake, so thousands of people were killed due to the earthquake.

By implementing this detection system, the death rate has been decreased to a high amount because a huge percentage of death occurs because of the earthquake. The microwave signals’ benefits are completely used within the system. In this system, the microwaves of L & S bands are mainly used for detecting the living body.

Transmission of Energy for Artificial Heart

The artificial heart works like a normal heart. It includes four chambers for supplying blood. This kind of electrical circulatory helps the devices like whole artificial heart otherwise ventricular help devices usually employ a BLDC (brushless dc) motor like their pump. They need 12 to 35 Watt power for operating & this power can be supplied through a dc-dc converter & moveable battery pack.

FBG – Fiber Bragg Gratings

Fiber-optic communication (FOC) is one kind of technique for transmitting data from one area to another through transmitting light pulses using an optical fiber. The electromagnetic carrier signal can be formed by light that is adjusted to hold the data. The main advantage of this fiber optic communication is to provide a very low loss, allows long communication between repeaters otherwise amplifiers.

It has high data carrying capability inherently so that number of electrical links would be necessary to change a single high BW fiber optic cable. Another benefit of fibers is that it can transmit the data for long distances. These cables experience efficiently no crosstalk, on the contrary to some kinds of electrical transmission lines.

Security of WLAN (Wireless LAN)

At present, the fastest-growing technology is Wireless local area networks (WLANs) which use wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) standards to use in offices, schools, homes, and businesses.  They give mobile access to the Internet for enterprising networks. So operators can stay connected away from their desktops. These networks run fast whenever there is no access to wired Ethernet infrastructure.

These are designed to work through less effort without depending on particular commercial installers. The advantages WLANs mainly include, mobile users can be constantly connected to their most useful applications as well as data. Mobile users can be more creative if they have nonstop access to e-mail, immediate messaging & other applications;

Intervehicle Communication

The IVC or Intervehicle Communication provides ITS (intelligent transportation system) & assistant services for the drivers as well as passengers. This system reorganizes the vehicle’s operation, traffic of the vehicle can be managed, helps drivers by security, toll collection & other information, for travelers. In this proposed system, VANETs or Ad hoc Networks are used like a wireless network that suddenly formed among moving vehicles inbuilt with wireless interfaces that use communication systems for short to medium range.

A VANET is a type of ad hoc network for mobile users to provide communications between near vehicles, in between two vehicles & close to the fixed device on the roadside. These networks are also called VANETs which are believed like one of the ad-hoc n/w real-life application that allows communications between close-by vehicles.

Mobile Train Radio Communication

A separate and temporary radio channel is used in each mobile to speak with the cell site. At a time, this cell site speaks with several mobiles through a single channel for each mobile. These radio channels use a set of frequencies for communication purposes. One frequency is used for transmitting. One for transmitting the data from the site of cell & remaining one is to get the calls from the operators. The communication used between mobile units is half-duplex otherwise full-duplex.

In a half-duplex case, the communications among the mobile units are not all at once, so listening and talking cannot be done at a time, whereas in full-duplex, the communication can be done at a time. Once communications among mobile units are in a cell & if the same is in half-duplex, after that it uses simply one set of frequency. If the same is full-duplex, then a requirement of frequency pair shall be two.

Whenever a mobile unit is interacting through a mobile unit at the exterior of the cell, after that the necessity of a set of frequency shall be single for each cell for both the communication. Therefore, the resources of the system are used more if the mobile units converse with each other within the full-duplex form.

HART Communication

The full form of HART protocol is “Highway Addressable Remote Transducer”. This protocol uses FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) to place over digital communication signals. This allows field communication is two-way. This protocol converses at 1200 bps without interrupting 4 to 20mA signal. This signal permits a host application to obtain two otherwise more digital updates for each second using a smart field machine.

This protocol gives two instantaneous communication channels like the 4mA to 20mA based analog & a digital signal. This signal converses the primary measured value through the 4mA to 20mA current loop. Extra device data can converse through a digital signal.

HART Communication mainly occurs among two devices which are enabled through HART. The communication mainly occurs through typical instrumentation wire, standard wiring & termination practices.

Telecommunication Networks

The telecommunication network is one kind of transmission system that allows the data to be sent in the form of analog otherwise digital in between several different sites through optical or electromagnetic signals. This data includes audio, video data otherwise some other kind of data. These networks are based on wired otherwise wireless communications. The best examples of these networks are the mobile n/w, telephone landline n/w, and internet & cable TV networks. In two-way speech transmission, different kinds of phone networks are used.

Previously, data transmission can be done based on the wire. The speech signals can be transmitted through analog, electromagnetic signals. At present, the phone networks are digital and the network can be landline or mobile.

High Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communication

At present, most of the communication can be done wirelessly at a quick speed. Most people use wireless communication with high speed to transmit the data so that they do not irritate by using wires. The communication with HAP (High Altitude Platforms) allows rural areas & remote villages to allow communication with high speed.

HAAPS – High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms

The HAAPS (High Altitude Aeronautical Platform Stations) is one kind of technology used to provide services like wireless narrowband, broadband telecommunication & broadcasting services using aircraft or airships. The high-altitude aeronautical platforms work at altitudes among 3km to 22 km.

This covers a service region up to 1000 km width based on the smallest elevation angle that is allowed from the location of the user. These platforms may be airships or airplanes & manned otherwise un-manned through autonomous processes coupled through remote control from the earth. HAAPS is a solar-powered as well as unmanned airship otherwise airplane that is capable for long fortitude on-station probably several years.

Blue Eyes Technology

Blue Eyes technology is used to monitor as well as record the basic physiological factor of the operator. And, saccadic activity1 is the most significant parameter that allows the system to check the position of the visual attention of the operator through head acceleration that comes with a huge displacement of the visual axis.

The difficult situation in the industry can make a risk of exposing the worker to poisonous materials, which can influence his circulatory, cardiac & pulmonary systems. Therefore, on the basis of the plethysmographic signal received from the surface forehead skin, the system calculates blood oxygenation & heartbeat rate.

Optical Mouse

An advanced computer pointing device like an optical mouse can be built with an optical sensor, LED & DSP (digital signal processing) instead of the fixed mouse ball as well as the electromechanical transducer.

The movement of the mouse can be detected through changes within reflected light instead of interpreting the movement of an undulating sphere. This mouse takes the snapshots of the microscopic of the functioning surface at a rate of above 1,000 images for each second.

If this mouse is moved, then the image will change. The smallest abnormalities within the exterior can generate images sufficient for the DSP & sensor to produce functional movement data. Some surfaces don’t permit the DSP & sensor to work correctly as the abnormalities are too tiny to be noticed. An unfrosted glass is the best example of a surface of poor optical-mousing.

Actually, an optical mouse does not require cleaning, as it doesn’t include moving parts. This feature also removes mechanical exhaustion. If the mouse device is used with a suitable surface, then noticing is more exact as compared through any pointing device with the older electromechanical design. This is a benefit in the applications of graphics & it makes the operation of computers easier.


MAGLEV train is the fastest transportation in the world. This kind of transportation works on the Magnetic Levitation principle. The main difference between the normal train and the MAGLEV train is the usage in different countries, speed, etc. The technologies used in this train to drive are Electro-dynamic Suspension & Electromagnetic Suspension. These trains are environmentally friendly.

AR (Augmented Reality) Technology

Augmented Reality (AR) technology works by adding the real world & virtual world to observe the graphics in a 3D format. Therefore, extensively generated graphics in this technology will improve the perception of everyone’s in the real world. The essential components used in this technology are displays, orientation techniques, tracking, software, etc. AR technology is used in games, education, defense, security, entertainment, medical, etc.

Electronic Ink Technology

In this technology, a method is used to type on screens using digital ink. This ink can be designed with three components like millions of microcapsules, the ink material current in an oily type to load the microcapsules, and pigmented chips which are charged negatively otherwise balls to float within the microcapsules.

Electronic-ink looks like the normal ink, although they are dissimilar. It can also be used on a similar material where normal ink is applied. Even though, different manufacturing companies will make the E-ink in different methods.

Photonic Integrated Circuit

The PIC or Photonic Integrated Circuit is a compound chip that uses several optical devices to make an only photonic circuit.

The major dissimilarity between a photonic IC & an Electronic IC is, the photonic IC is analogous to an Electronic IC. There are several optical devices such as multiplexers, optical amplifiers, optical lasers, de-multiplexers, detectors, and attenuators that are placed on to a PIC. This device can be used for a large scale operation by integrating hundreds to thousands of optical devices on to this device.

The list of Technical Seminar Topics for Electronics and Communication Engineering Students are listed below. These seminar topics are very useful for ECE students.

  • System On-chip Design Challenges
  • Plastic Solar Cells: Implementation of Nanorod and Screen Printing Technology
  • Optical Computers (Future of Technology)
  • Bio-Chip Technology
  • Space Solar Power
  • The evolution and implementation of the “ARM” Architecture
  • Multi-core processors and its advantages
  • Haptic Technology
  • Next-Generation Wireless Communication
  • Window Based Embedded System
  • Iris Recognition as A Biometric Technique
  • Speech Signal Analysis and speaker signal recognition by signal processing
  • Wireless Technologies
  • Weapon Detection System Using  Digital Image Processing
  • Sniffer Mobile Phones
  • VLSI Logic Circuits Using a Silicon Transistor
  • Electronic Wireless Body Scanning System
  • Zigbee Wireless Mesh Networking
  • Accident Detection System using Mobile Phones
  • Internet Broadband over Electronic Lines
  • Electronic Based Satellite Communication System
  • How Night Vision Work Digital Image Processing
  • Diamond-The Ultimate Semiconductor
  • Ultra Wide Band Technology Creating a Wireless World
  • Bluray and HD technologies
  • 3G Mobile Communication Technology
  • Brain Finger Print Technology
  • Smart Antenna Technology
  • Smart Cord Security System
  • Zigbee Wireless Communication
  • WI-MAX Technology
  • Compressed Image Processing
  • Radio Frequency Identification
  • Satellite For Amateur Radio
  • 3D Integrated Circuits
  • Wireless Smart Cars in Embedded System
  • Wireless Optical Communication
  • Artificial Hand Using Embedded System
  • Embedded NDE With Piezo Electric Wafer Active Sensors In Aerospace Application

Therefore, This is the list of the latest seminar topics for ECE (electronics and communication engineering) students for seminars. We believe that these Seminar Topics for Electronics and Communication list will help engineering students in choosing their seminar topics.

Don’t Miss: Electrical and Electronics Projects for Engineering Students .

Apart from this, we have a simple task for our readers and students: from the above list of seminar topics, you are requested to select the seminar topics of your choice, and then do mention them in the comment section given below. Also, we request our readers to write their queries and give their feedback in the comment section given below.

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Latest Seminar Topics for ECE in 2024 (Updated)

Ece seminar: important practical course to excel in electronics and communication.

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Seminar Topics for ECE 2024 [Updated] 

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  1. ECE (Electronics and Communication) Engineering Final Year Projects

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

  2. Recent PhD Research Topic Ideas for Electronics and Communication Engineering 2020- II

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

  3. Engineering Research Paper With Best Topics & Writing Help

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

  4. Topics in Electronics and Communication for Project, Thesis, and Research

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

  5. 100 Engineering Research Paper Topics

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics

  6. Thesis topics for electronics and communication engineering(ECE) E2MA…

    electronics and communication engineering research paper topics


  1. Electronics & Communication Engineering Department Tour

  2. Overview of Electronic Components & Signals II Lec-01 II FEE II By Pankaj Sir

  3. 'Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering' Final Year Project ❤

  4. Important questions of Communication engineering

  5. Electronics and Communication Engineering department

  6. Electronics & Communication Engineering at Mehr Chand Polytechnic College, Jalandhar


  1. Electronics and Communication Engineering

    Tc Manjunath. This paper gives the brief design of the hardware model & its development of a fire alarm circuit in crowded places is presented in brief. Fire Alarm Circuit is a simple circuit that ...

  2. Electronics Research Paper Topics

    This list of electronics research paper topics provides the list of 30 potential topics for research papers and an overview article on the history of electronics. 1. Applications of Superconductivity. The 1986 Applied Superconductivity Conference proclaimed, ''Applied superconductivity has come of age.''. The claim reflected only 25 ...

  3. Electrical and electronic engineering

    Electronic engineering focusses on lower energy currents for processing and communicating information. ... frameworks, ongoing research, open issues and recommendations, and provides a roadmap for ...

  4. Electronics and Communication Engineering Research Topics

    List of Topics. SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (SSRG - IJECE) - is a journal that publishes articles that contribute new novel experimentation and theoretical work in all electronics and communication engineering and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high-quality papers on ...

  5. One year of Communications Engineering

    The first year of Communications Engineering has been one of growth and learning for our editorial team. At the time of writing, we have published 54 research papers covering a breadth of topics ...

  6. Frontiers in Electronics

    An innovative journal that explores the increasingly pervasive role of electronics in technological innovation - from materials and devices, to circuits, systems, and electronic architectures. ... 31 Research Topics Guest edit your own article collection Suggest a topic. Submission. null. Submission

  7. Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication

    At present he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India. He has published more than 60 research papers in reputed refereed international journals as well as in international conferences. He has guided more than 05 Ph.D scholars and more than 15 M.Tech scholars.

  8. Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering

    He was also Director of Centre for Distance & Open Learning (CDOL), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. His research area includes microwave and communication engineering. He has guided several Ph.D. students and authored and co-authored more than 50 research papers in peer-reviewed, international journals.

  9. Research on the application of electronic technology in communication

    Electronic communication technology is very critical to improve the quality of communication engineering. This paper discusses the application of electronic technology in communication engineering under the background of big data. The use of electronic technology in the allocation of communication engineering resources is mainly reflected in that the electronic communication resources can only ...

  10. PDF Communication and Controll in Power Electronics Systems

    controllers, batteries, and inverters, communication allows interoperation between different elements of the power electronics system, enabling energy management. Results show the. operation of the system and energy management algorithm. A house of this type won first prize at.

  11. ECE Research Areas

    Current research activities in the department are organized into several areas. A snapshot of ECE department research can be found on NYU Scholars. Visit Research Centers and Labs and individual faculty profiles to see more detailed descriptions of projects in each area.

  12. Strategic Research Areas

    Healthcare, communications, consumer electronics, high-performance scientific computing, and many other fields are creating tremendous new opportunities for innovation in circuits and electronic systems at every level. Research in this area spans topics including analog and mixed signal circuits, RF transceivers, low power interfaces, power ...

  13. Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

    Piezoelectrically-Transduced ZnO-on-Diamond Resonators with Enhanced Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Power-handling Capability for Sensing and Wireless Communication Applications, Xu Han. PDF. Preparation and Characterization of Single Layer Conducting Polymer Electrochromic and Touchchromic Devices, Sharan Kumar Indrakar. PDF

  14. Research topics in electronics and electrical engineering

    Piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics. Studying behaviour thru computational modelling. Computation research in new technologies, materials. Power electronics tools and equipment. Electrical motors and their redesigning. Energy networks and their mathematical foundations. Computer-aided design for electrical engineering. Smart grid monitoring.

  15. 1000+ Electronics Engineering Presentation Topics

    Here is the list of thousands of presentation ideas for presentations for electronics and telecommunication engineering students. 21st Century Electronic Devices. 3 Axis Digital Accelerometer. 3- D IC's. 3-D Chip Stacking Technique. 3D Internet. 3D MEMS. 3D optical Data Storage Technology. 3D Solar Cell Technology.

  16. Free Ieee Paper Ece-electronics Communication Engineering

    ECE- Electronic communications engineering is the utilization of science and math applied to practical problems in the field of communications. Electronic communications engineers engage in research, design, development and testing of the electronic equipment used in various communications systems. ELECTRONICS-ECE IEEE PAPER 2022

  17. (PDF) Electronics and Its Worldwide Research

    it reached 2000 papers and received the Impact Factor 2018 of 1.764 (154/265 (Q3)) in "Engineering,

  18. Topics in Electronics and Communication for Project, Thesis, and Research

    Techsparks offer thesis and research help in electronics and communication (ECE). You can contact us on this number +91-9465330425 or email us at [email protected] for any help in all the latest topics in electronics and communication. You can also fill the query form on the website. There are many trending topics in electronics and ...

  19. Research Collaborations

    Phone: +91 80 2293 2276 : +91 80 2293 2278. Fax: +91 80 2360 0563. Email: [email protected]

  20. Seminar Topics for Final Year Engineering Students

    The list of Technical Seminar Topics for Electronics and Communication Engineering Students are listed below. These seminar topics are very useful for ECE students. System On-chip Design Challenges. Plastic Solar Cells: Implementation of Nanorod and Screen Printing Technology. Optical Computers (Future of Technology)

  21. Engineering solutions to microelectronics and transportation ...

    Beginning July 1, the new Center for Research and Education in Microelectronics will receive $3.1 million in annual state appropriations, according to a Morgan State news release. The other center, Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research (SMARTER) Center, is funded by the federal Department of Transportation.

  22. Latest Seminar Topics for ECE in 2024 (Updated)

    Download PPT, IEEE papers, technical seminar report, and PDF for the latest ECE Seminar Topics. Also, explore the list for Instrumentation, Embedded, and Telecommunication. Some of the topics may not be included in the list but uploaded on the website. So kindly search on the search box to find your topic. 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer. 3- D ICs.