
Essay on Planning a Trip

Students are often asked to write an essay on Planning a Trip in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Planning a Trip


Planning a trip can be exciting and fun. It involves deciding where to go, what to do, and how to get there.

Choosing a Destination

First, you need to decide on a destination. This could be a city, a beach, or even a forest.

Planning Activities

Next, research about the place and plan activities. These could include sightseeing, hiking, or swimming.

Transportation and Accommodation

Decide on the mode of travel and where to stay. This could be a hotel, a hostel, or a rented home.

250 Words Essay on Planning a Trip

Planning a trip is an intricate process that involves several stages. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the destination, budgeting, and scheduling. This essay explores the key steps involved in planning a successful trip.

Researching the Destination

The initial step in trip planning is researching your destination. This involves understanding the culture, local customs, and laws of the place. It also entails knowing the best time to visit, popular tourist attractions, and local cuisine. This knowledge helps in setting realistic expectations and enhances the overall travel experience.

Budgeting is a critical aspect of trip planning. It involves calculating the total cost of the trip, including transportation, accommodation, meals, and sightseeing. A well-planned budget ensures that you can enjoy your trip without financial stress. It’s also crucial to keep some funds aside for emergencies.

An organized schedule can make a trip more enjoyable and stress-free. It involves deciding the duration of the trip, the places to visit, and the time to be spent at each location. However, it’s important to maintain some flexibility in the schedule to accommodate unexpected events or changes in plans.

In conclusion, planning a trip is a meticulous process that requires careful research, budgeting, and scheduling. It ensures a smooth and enjoyable travel experience, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in a new culture and environment without unnecessary stress. Therefore, investing time and effort in trip planning is undoubtedly worthwhile.

500 Words Essay on Planning a Trip

The first step in planning a trip is to decide on a destination. This choice is often influenced by factors such as personal interests, budget, and time constraints. It’s important to conduct thorough research on potential destinations, including their culture, climate, safety, and tourist attractions. Advanced planning tools like Google Trips, Lonely Planet, or TripAdvisor can provide valuable insights and reviews from other travelers.

Once a destination is decided, the next step is budgeting. This includes estimating costs for flights, accommodation, meals, transportation, and activities. It’s crucial to account for unexpected expenses like travel insurance and emergency funds. Utilizing apps such as TrabeePocket or Trail Wallet can facilitate tracking expenses and managing your budget effectively.

Creating an Itinerary

Booking accommodations and flights.

Booking accommodations and flights early can often result in significant savings. It’s essential to consider the location, amenities, and reviews of accommodations. When booking flights, flexibility with dates and times can lead to better deals. Skyscanner and Airbnb are popular platforms for booking flights and accommodations respectively.

Packing is a vital yet often overlooked aspect of trip planning. It’s important to pack according to the destination’s climate and planned activities. A packing list can ensure no essentials are forgotten. Advanced packing apps like PackPoint can generate custom packing lists based on the trip details.

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how to plan a trip process essay

How to write a process essay

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

  • August 25, 2023

Process essays are one of the most common types of essays . It’s simply explaining a process of how to do something. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to write a process essay in steps with interactive examples. 

Process essay definition

Let’s take a look at the steps outlined below to write a clear and effective process essay. 

Choose a topic

You should start by choosing a topic that not only interests you but also attracts your target audience. 

Whether it’s brewing the perfect cup of coffee or conquering the art of origami, your topic should be engaging and well-defined.  Let’s have a look at topic examples:

  • Crafting Exquisite Miniature Bookbindings
  • Building a Sustainable Vertical Garden
  • Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

So for this guide, I’ve chosen “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”. Now let’s continue with the next steps.

Create a process essay outline

Now that you’ve your topic at hand, it’s time to create an outline to present the steps chronologically. Outline will also help you organize your thoughts and ideas so you won’t get lost during the writing process.

Let’s examine this step with an example of a process essay explaining “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”.

Process essay outline example

  • Thesis statement
  • Provide safety precautions if necessary.
  • Address to the reader
  • Provide any variations or customization options if applicable.
  • End with a memorable concluding thought or call to action.

By presenting the steps in chronological order, your readers can follow the process smoothly. 

During this step, just make sure to:

  • Expand on each step you outlined earlier.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Make use of bullet points or numbered lists to make the process visually appealing.

After completing the outline, it’s time to write an interesting introduction.

Write an introduction

  • Hook the reader's interest with a hook sentence
  • Offer a brief overview of the topic and its significance
  • Introduce and explain the process with a thesis statement at the end of introduction

Process essay introduction example


Now that we have an intro on our hand, you need to tell what materials you need to finish the process.

Write the materials needed for the process

Listing the necessary materials for the process is a best practice for process essays. Typically found just after the introduction, this paragraph is devoted to outlining the necessary materials.

Here, p rioritizing the list is important; the more influential a component is, the higher its position on the list should be.

Example material list for process essay

Body paragraphs

Materials needed

  • High-quality coffee beans that align with your flavor preference.
  • A grinder for optimal flavor extraction.
  • Equipment for brewing methods, such as a pour-over apparatus, a drip coffee maker, a French press, or an espresso machine.
  • Fresh and clean water for brewing.
  • Optional additives like milk, cream, sugar, flavored syrups, or other preferred elements.

Start writing the process

Right after listing the materials needed, it’s time to start writing the process itself.

When describing your process, be careful not to make it too complicated. To keep your readers on track, use transitional words like “after,” “eventually,” “first,” “then,” and others help you maintain an understandable tone.  

Or simply use a 1,2,3, bullet point structure as seen in example below to remind readers of their step during the process.

Body paragraphs - Process writing example

Materials needed ...

  • Grind the beans just before brewing for optimal freshness. Use a burr grinder and adjust the coarseness to match your brewing method (coarse for French press, fine for espresso).
  • Weigh your coffee grounds using a scale. A standard ratio is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, but adjust to your taste.
  • Ensure the water is heated to the ideal temperature, typically between 195-205°F (90-96°C). Water that's too hot or too cold can affect the taste.
  • Pay attention to the brewing time. Generally, 4-5 minutes is suitable for most methods, but again, adjust based on your preference.
  • After finishing, regularly clean your coffee maker or French press to prevent rancid oils and residue from affecting your coffee's taste.

As seen from the example above, using an imperative language structure is generally preferable. It makes total sense as you’re describing a process in steps and usually don’t need a full sentence structure. 

Give tips and supporting details

After explaining the process above, it’s now time to provide tips and supporting details. Here, make use examples, tips, and even warnings if necessary. 

In other words, anticipate the questions your readers might have and address them as you go along. 

Body paragraphs - Supporting details

Supporting details & tips

  • Ensure safe handling of hot water and coffee-making equipment.
  • Water that's too hot can result in over-extraction, while water that's too cold won't extract enough flavor.

Write a conclusion

At this step, you simply need to write a conclusion paragraph to end your process essay. First summarize the key points, and restate the process in a concise and short sentence. And finally, finish your process essay by a memorable sentence or a call-to-action. 

Process essay conclusion example

Revise and polish your essay.

Now that you’ve written your essay, take a breath, and then come back for some editing. Check for consistency, correct sentence structure, efficient transitions , tense selection , and other linguistic issues that may arise. 

If possible, make use of proofreading tools like QuillBot or Grammarly . 

  • Think about potential reader misunderstandings and address them. If needed, explain what should be avoided.
  • Offer explanations for steps that might seem unusual or complicated.
  • Define any unfamiliar terms or materials that the reader might not understand. This ensures clarity in your essay.

So  you’ve successfully learned how to write a captivating process essay. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you’ll become.

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

how to plan a trip process essay

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Best topics on Trip

1. Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family

2. Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Sri Lanka: A Journey Through Its Picturesque Places

3. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

4. A Trip I Will Never Forget: Swiss Apls

5. A Memorable Trip to Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

6. A Memorable Holiday Trip to Kuala Lumpur

7. A Journey Through Time and Tranquility: About a Place I Visited

8. Personal Vacation Experience of Unveiling the Wonders of Asia

9. My Best Vacation: a Memorable Experience That I Won’t Forget

10. How to Plan a Vacation Trip: Correct Navigation of the Process

11. Traveling Through Life: Learning, Evolving, and Reflecting

12. My Recollections About The Family Trip To Costa Rica

13. Reflections of My Kamogawa Sea World Trip

14. The Fictional Recreation of Vasco Da Gama’s Trip

15. Essay In Defense of Mission Trips

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How to write a travel essay

November 22, 2023 by Josh Collins Leave a Comment

Travel essays and short notes allow you to dive deep into the memories and share your experience with readers. If written well, readers can explore new places without traveling or get inspired to explore new things. The location you have visited may contain many things to discuss: architecture, sightseeing, nature, culture, and much more. How can you tell about it in a short essay? Whether you are planning to write an essay, blog post, or another type of writing – all the tips below will help you craft an appealing paper.

how to plan a trip process essay

Understand your goals

Before writing a travel essay: 1. Define the main idea you want to stick to in your writing. If you have a specific word limit, you may be unable to cover everything you wish to write about. 2. Check whether the professor asked you to cover specific experiences during your trip or stick to a more descriptive writing style. 3. If you are free of what to write about, make up a list of things you wish to focus on.

Understanding your goals will help you see the big picture and write the text within a limited time. If you were assigned to write an essay about your travel and can’t meet the deadline or have no ideas, you can get punctual help with essay writing from EssayShark .

Write catchy introduction How did your travel start? What were your plans? You can start with a quote about adventure or just begin your story by planning or arriving at the destination place. For example, here are some starters for travel essays: ● Who has said traveling is pricy? ● Don’t let the routine bore you; add a bit of spice with traveling to your everyday life. ● And the adventure begins!

Experiment with various approaches to engage the reader. You can put this step at the end when you finish the first draft, when the overall idea will be more transparent.

Add vivid descriptions First, think about whether you can attach images to your essay to make it more appealing to the reader and support your adventures with real photos. An additional illustration can create a unique atmosphere that will transfer the reader to the place you have visited.

Use a more relaxed writing style and understand that a travel essay is not a formal academic paper but more personal writing. Use the language you use every day, and avoid cliches and slang to sound more natural and appealing to the reader.

Focus on several ideas What if you have no solid experience in traveling? Or maybe you haven’t seen anything special to talk about. In fact, even a small town has its own spirit and local sightseeing that, you can tell in your essay. For example, you can discuss local cuisine the weather, and share specific descriptions of the places.

Tell the simple story The main aim of every travel essay is to help the reader wear your shoes and imagine what you have experienced during the trip. Describe your emotions and experience in detail to help the reader feel like they have already visited the place. Avoid listing attractions or telling the traveling process step by step. Share your thoughts, and use creative expressions to keep your natural flow.

Ensure your travel story has a standard format and contains an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Don’t interrupt your writing in the middle of an idea; wrap up everything you have said in a meaningful conclusion.

Wrapping Up In general, you can approach traveling essays from different points of view. Grab the reader’s attention with an exciting intro, add vivid details, and focus on several aspects of your journey to keep them reading. Share your experience in a storytelling manner, and your writing won’t be unnoticed.

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay - Guide with Examples


“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

-Gustav Flaubert

Packing the duffel with the bare essentials and hopping into the car, getting behind the steering wheel and driving with no perfect destination in mind – we all dream to live such a life, don't we? Travelling to unseen places and exploring what it has to offer can be an enriching experience. However beautiful can travel be as an experience, writing a travelling essay can be quite a challenge. It may seem easy to come up with the ideas that you want to include in the essay but putting them into coherent sentences can be difficult. Your words should be impactful enough to be able to sweep the readers off their feet and take them on the cliff or make them feel the saline breeze on a beach.  

A perfect travel essay must reflect the journey and highlight the little-known facts about the region. It should be infused with the character and culture of the place. If you are feeling stymied while writing a travel essay, then we have some brilliant tips for you that can make the task considerably easy for you.

8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling

Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay:

  • Be specific with the destination

Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an entire city. Think it out practically – is it possible to travel through a city in just a few days? Take for instance your essay is about London. It is quite an insurmountable task to be able to cover all the distance even in a week. So stick to a particular destination so that you can include the nuances and minutest details of the place to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with your words. 

  • Less guide, more exploring

Also, the destination need not be about an exotic locale. It can be a story about an idyllic rustic location in the suburb of the teeming city. It can be about a cottage up on the hills with just the view of snowy valleys and iced peaks. Your words should give the sense of exploring and not touring. The essay should not be like a guide. It should be a view of the location through your lens.

  • Know the location like the back of your hand

Before starting to write a travel essay, do your research. A travel essay isn’t a made-up story so there should not be any fake information. Readers will be looking for more than just the necessary information about the must-visit tourist attractions. So you need to go beyond the surface and include more about the history of the place. Just do not write about the restaurants – talk about the cuisine of the place and the story behind it, if any. To get into the innermost recesses of the location, you can speak to the residents of the area. To bring richness in your travel essay, you must reveal another side of the destination.

  • Include the nitty-gritty

The key to an impressive travel essay is to be able to break down the location into kernels and write the core details about them. As mentioned earlier, so not just write about the tourist attractions and restaurants in the destination. Write about the lesser talked streets and unknown landmarks and the history behind them. If the place is known for its delicacies, write about how the cuisine has evolved and who had started it. From quaint bookstores to ice cream parlours to run-down shabby pubs – shed light to such nuances to bring your essay to life. You can even mention the negative things that you have faced in the place – like irregular transport modes or impolite locals. These little details will help you make your essay more impactful.

  • Be creative with the writing style

Since a travel essay is more like an anecdote, there is no specific format to write it. Therefore, a travel essay gives you the scope of setting your foot into the unchartered areas of creativity. You have got the creative freedom to write what you want. You can study how the natives of the locale speak and learn some of the basic words and phrases they use. To put them into writing you can read the local newspaper to get the pulse of the city you are in. Using the colloquial lingo can help the reader get a closer peek into the lives of the people living in the place. It will reflect a slice of how they live their way of life. Your words should be simple and yet impactful to portray and not just merely narrate. Touch every bit of the rust in the roof to make the reader feel like they are on the same journey with you.

  • Make it personal

The travel essay is your story. So add some personal experience in the story and at the same time do not make it self-indulgent. Include stories that can resonate with all your readers. Your experiences should be able to bring the reader back to the travel destination and connect him with the place. It should be the perfect blend of narration of the experiences you had while on the trip along with a vivid description of the place. To achieve the balance, write your essay in first person perspective to give a real touch to the story. Include the most interesting bits that will help the reader connect with you. You can even include the quotes of natives living in the area you had visited.

  • Start with a captivating catch

Like every essay, the introduction is the key to make it an impressive read. The opening should be capturing enough to attract the reader’s attention. It should leave an impact and should make them want to go on reading the piece. Start with an unknown fact about the place and leave it hanging from the cliff. Use a tone of suspense to excite the readers to keep them guessing about the contents of the essay.

  • Make it vivid with images

For certain places, words may fall short in being able to explain the exact description of a place. You cannot describe how the sky looked with the mountains seemingly touching the clouds or the horizon fading beyond the sea. Certain things cannot be explained in words – like the color of the sky or the water! This is where pictures come in! Providing real images of the place in between can help the readers stay connected. Vivid photos can also make the readers understand the story better by bringing them closer to it. So make sure you take breathtaking pictures of the place you are writing about. The images will help your essay stay in the readers’ mind longer.

With the above tips, we are sure you will be able to write an excellent travelling essay  that will impress your professor and fetch you a good grade.

And if you are still unsure about putting these to use, then below is a winning sample to show you how it is done!

Travelling essay sample

I have visited London several times, and yet it is amazing how I find something new to explore every time I visit the capital city. My visit last autumn too did not fail to surprise me. With the hustle and bustle and the rich royal history, London city has a lot to offer. Since I just had a few days to spare, I wanted to make the best out of this trip.

Although vast and sprawling, I decided to visit most of the city on foot this time. Now since in my previous visits I had seen most of the tourist-y attractions already, I wanted to take the path less travelled this time to discover the hidden gems of the city. The last time I had been to London, I had missed out on the chance to visit the chock full of literature and history that awaited me in the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. Being a student of literature, visiting the place where the Bard of Avon once enacted the plays he wrote was a spellbinding moment. And guess what? I also caught a staging of the Macbeth before I left the place. Before heading towards the Hyde Park tube station, I grabbed some of London’s famous Fish ‘n’ Chips from the oldest food market of the city, the Borough Market. From Hyde Park to Tower Hill in under fifteen minutes by Tube, I began exploring the Tower of London. It was there that I heard a guard speaking about where he hailed from. A quick conversation with Peter, I had gotten intrigued to know more about his village – Suffolk in Lavenham. I asked him how to get there and Peter, being the quintessential helping guide that Londoners are known to be, told me that I could either take a car from central London. Or I could wait for the next day and take the train from Liverpool to Sudbury and then take the bus route 753 and reach in around two hours. Having nothing to do, I spent that day in the British Museum and walking on Oxford Street.

The next morning, I started my journey to the quaint village of Suffolk. I had picked up a book about the village where I learned that the village had once housed Henry III in 1257. And a bonus for all the Harry Potter fans – the village also starred in ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ as Godric’s Hollow where Hermoine and Harry are seen to be visiting Bathilda Bagshot. On reaching the village, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the picture-perfect silhouette of prosperous medieval England with all the half-timbered houses. The lime-washed and brightly coloured buildings added an idyllic element to the village with the De Vere House standing out from the rest. Adding to the rustic touch was the fifteenth-century St Peter Church with its soaring height of a 141ft tower. The autumn breeze welcomed me as I walked on the leaf-covered high streets. I saw some young guns cycling around in a park and called out to them for directions. My stay for the trip was an Air BnB home-stay where I had to put up with an elderly couple – the Havishams. I still remember how on reaching the gate of the house, I had caught a waft of crumpets and hot scones. After an exchange of banalities followed by me gorging on the scones, I had found out about the hidden gems from Mr Havisham who happened to be quite a cheerful talker. He told me what a must-visit Hadley’s was when in Suffolk. I had then set out with a local map to find the hidden gem. On reaching I had found that Hadley’s was a cutesy ice cream shop, almost run down, run by an old lady. Here Rebecca told me how the ice cream parlour was opened back in the 1850s and was still known for their hand-made sorbets.

Like the sorbet, my stay in Suffolk had been a sweet experience – a trip of revelation. The tour – with all the lonely walks – had in an inexplicable way helped me to get my perspectives right. It isn’t the exotic locales and the flight above the clouds that make travelling my drug. Rather, it is little but beautiful discoveries like Suffolk that feed my wanderlust. Thank you, London. Thank you for being a wonderful experience, once again.   

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Pure Travel

How To Write a Good Travel Essay

  • March 18, 2020

Travelling is one of the most exciting parts of everyone’s life. In the same way, this experience has the potential to be a fascinating topic for your writing assignments.

Writing a travel essay requires minimal creativity because trips are full of extraordinary events by their nature, as well as dramas and cultural findings. So, there’s no need to make things up or think through ideas while you are writing this kind of essay. To make life even easier you can even order essay .

However, as easy as it may sound, turning a travel experience into a piece of writing can be a bit challenging for students. Because if not careful, they will end up writing some dull clichés about a bunch of different places, and nothing more.

If you’ve never read any trips or you don’t have enough time to write a paper, you can quickly get your essay written by making use of available writing services. However, here we present some practical guidelines to help you write an exceptional essay:

Select Your Favorite City

Sometimes a trip is explicitly taken to collect information for an essay. If this is true about you, take your time to choose your destination carefully. Do some research before deciding on the city. Read about various regions and see which ones inspire you the most.

Your task here is to share useful information with people and get them involved in your journey. If you can’t enjoy your own trip, how can you let others have fun while reading the story? So it’s essential to choose a destination that you are interested in.

Choose a Few Attractions

Every city or town usually has several tourist attractions. If you attempt to include every single place you visited on that journey, your writing would be a boring list of city attractions that can be found anywhere, such as a tourist website.

Rather than mentioning multiple sights, focus on two or three places, and provide detailed information about them. Let readers know few, but know well.

Another point is that famous attractions are not proper choices for your writing because almost everyone knows the basic information about these places. Put your focus on unknown sites, remembering that people want to hear about something they have never heard.

Write a Compelling First Paragraph

Your first paragraph is usually the most important one. It’s where you convince the readers you had an incredible trip – one that has something new to teach your audience and is worth reading about.

Start with an unusual tradition you witnessed, an interesting dialogue you had, or a cultural misunderstanding you faced during your journey.

Use your sense of humor. Be as innovative as you can. No matter what you do, the final aim is to engage the readers and make them stick to your story.

Show Rather Than Tell

‘Showing’ is what makes a difference between a boring and outstanding travel essay. When you show something with your words, you actually describe what you experienced in full details. However, when you tell something, it’s like you’re just giving a brief report on what you did.

Readers won’t understand what an incredible park, a fabulous road, or a fantastic building means unless you show it to them. Showing makes the readers feel they’ve been there with you.

Therefore, don’t merely rely on telling where you went. Instead, add specific descriptions about that place, talk about your feelings, and paint an imaginary picture of that space in the minds of readers.

Images serve as a complement to your verbal description as they help readers imagine your story better.

One or two pictures is enough, but try to pick the most breathtaking ones that are more related to your narrative. Also, remember that vivid shots are always a better option than black and white ones because they are more eye-catching and can better intrigue the reader’s curiosity.

Keep It Simple

The primary purpose of writing a traveling essay is to entertain your readers. So, there’s no need to show off by using literary words or highly academic structure. Instead, use an active voice, try to be friendly, and bring readers closer to your story.

In this kind of essay, your writing intelligence depends on your ability to amuse people and your art of describing scenes, not using a lot of fluffy sentences.

Describe What You Achieved

If your traveling experience didn’t teach you anything or couldn’t make a positive change in your life, it would be a significant loss of time and money. Every great experience comes with great achievement. This can be as small as a shift in your beliefs, or as big as making wonderful friends. Whatever the accomplishment is, it’s worth telling your readers about it.

Give Readers a Good Ending

Every fantastic narrative begins with a good starting point, continues with a climax, and ends with a reasonable conclusion. Plan your paragraphs before writing. Think about the ways you want to start your story, go through the rising action, and then slow it down gradually to let readers know they are reaching the end of the story. If you end your writing in the middle of the turning point where the reader is reading the most thrilling part of the story, they might get puzzled and confused. It’s like putting an obstacle in front of a high-speed runner and making him stop all of a sudden.

Bottom Line

Travels are full of new experiences. Sometimes a short trip gives you a handful of stories to tell your future grandchildren. They have a lot to teach us and therefore, a lot to talk about. So why not use them as a subject for your writings? The next time you will be searching the net for online essay writing services with “interesting topics to write my essay,” think about your traveling experiences and bring everything you can remember on the paper. Then, google some “help write my essay tips” to learn the main guidelines for writing a travel essay.

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A Passion and A Passport

Proving Travel is Possible with a Full-Time 9-5

How to Plan a Trip Like a Pro: The Only Trip Planning Resource You’ll Ever Need

last Updated: December 8, 2022 travel tips

FYI: Affiliate links may be sprinkled throughout the awesome, free content you see below. I’ll receive a small commission when you purchase from my links (at no extra cost to you), which I’ll totally blow on adult things like boba tea and avocado toast. As always, thanks for the support.

Wondering how to plan a trip without all the headaches? Yeah, travel planning can be quite the doozy.

It’s time-consuming, overwhelming, and downright confusing; there’s flights to book, currencies to convert, time to take off, and activities to plan. And that’s not even considering all the getting around once you actually arrive!

Don’t let the stresses of travel planning get in the way of heading to your dream destination. I get it, though, I really do, there’s a lot to do. Planning a trip can seem like a daunting task. But I’m here to help with my travel planning tips! 

how to plan a trip process essay

Luckily, I’ve planned dozens (and dozens) of trips, from quick weekend jaunts to Napa Valley and Lassen Volcanic National Park , to faraway exotic destinations like Bali and Morocco (with ridiculously detailed itineraries).

After lots of trial and error (and making tons of mistakes on my part) I’ve figured out a way to ease the travel planning process. I’ve narrowed it down to an easy 18 steps on how to plan a trip, so you, too, can take the trip of your dreams. Whether it’s a 5-day beach break or a culturally diverse 2-week trip to Thailand , follow my advice below and you’ll be off before you know it.

I’m kinda known for my crazy-detailed itineraries, and get lots of people asking me for help on others. I haven’t been everywhere, so wanted to provide this trip planning resource so you can plan epic trips of your own!

This is my exact trip planning method – it’s kinda ingrained in me now, but after getting it all down on paper, I realized I actually prefer doing things in a set step-by-step basis! Perfect for you because you can copy how I plan my trips!

how to plan a trip process essay

So if you’re looking for a STEP-BY-STEP guide (made for busy professionals like you), continue reading, because this trip itinerary planner is juuuust the thing you’re looking for. Don’t blame me if you plan too many vacations. :p

→ Read Next: How to Travel More (with a full time 9-5 job)

How to Plan a Trip: Actionable steps to planning a trip of your dreams

Step 1: inspiration + fun/general research.

Before we get started on the specifics of how to plan a trip, start with some travel inspo! And sometimes, just getting inspired is half the fun of actually booking the trip (at least it is for me). 

I like to use Pinterest , Instagram , good old fashioned travel mags (at the dentist/doctor or when strolling through my favorite store Target), and of course, travel blogs.  I constantly find myself swooning over photos I see, and sometimes even book a trip based off of one photo alone, like that time I begged my sister to head off to Chefchaoen with me (I’m a highly visual person if you haven’t noticed). 

how to plan a trip process essay

Since my mind goes into overload during the inspiration phase, I make sure to organize what I find right away as efficiently as humanly possible.

Enter, Google Maps. As soon as I find a spot I wanna visit (whether it be as specific as a restaurant in a little town or a country as a whole), I type it into Google Maps and hit Save → Want to Go. This way, all my finds are kept neatly in one place, and already plotted on a map to see general locations. You should see my Google Maps – it’s covered in those little green pin markers.

A few posts for some inspiration right over here:

  • My Life-Long Bucket List
  • Most Beautiful Places in California
  • 25 Perfect Week-Long USA Itineraries
  • Where I went in 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , and 2018
  • 35+ Winter Weekend Getaways in the USA (snowy and warm)
  • My Travel Bucket List: USA Edition
  • 14 Adventurous Places to Travel 
  • The Best Beaches Around the World
  • The Ultimate South East Asia Bucket List

how to plan a trip process essay

Specific Bucket-list worthy experiences:

  • Meeting the Dragons in Komodo
  • Bobsledding in Park City, Utah
  • Sailing the Greek Islands
  • Staying in an Overwater Bungalow
  • Beach bumming Hawaii

Once you’ve narrowed down your list to a few places you wanna go, figure out how much time you’ll need and the best time of year to visit. Make this quick – no need to do intense research just yet. We’re still in the beginning phases of how to plan your trip. They’ll be time later for lots and lots of googling, reading, and finalizing.

Jot it down on paper in 3 columns: Places I Want to See, Time Needed, and Best Time of Year to Visit (based off of weather). I quickly google “best time to go to ____”. Example here:

How to plan a trip like a pro

Step 2: Decide on your Destination and Trip Length

How much time are you allocating to this trip? Are you able to use a bunch of PTO and make it an epic adventure? When can you travel? Before you even begin to plan your trip, you’ve gotta know where you’re going and for how long!

Be as specific as possible. Instead of saying “I want to go to Europe”, specify the exact country, and then cities within. “I’m headed to Barcelona and Valencia!” sounds much more real, and you’ve got a much more specific goal to work towards. 

Think about the type of trip you want – are you a “see-as-much-as-possible” and “cross-it-off-the-list” type of traveler, or do you want to take a few days to really get to know a place inside and out? I’m more of the first type (hey, yolo, right?), but I’m starting to appreciate spending ample time in destinations I really love.

What kind of weather do you want? Are you looking for a frozen, ice-filled fantasy or longing for a few days basking in the sun ? How do cultural and foodie experiences sound? Are you looking to stay close-ish to home or are you prepared to travel far? All questions you gotta ask yourself when choosing a destination.


how to plan a trip process essay

If you know you’ll only have a few days, don’t pick a place that’ll take you 2 days to get to. We want to maximize the amount of time you’ll actually have in your destination.

And Psst – don’t think there’s much around you? Think again. There’s likely loads within a few hours.

  • For example, from NYC, you can get to London in just under 7 hours, the Caribbean/Central America in 3/4 hours (depending on where), Iceland in just 5 ½, and the other side of the country in 6.
  • From San Francisco, you can get to Japan in 10 hours, Mexico City in 4 ½, and Hawaii in 5.  Cliche, I know, but the world really is your oyster.

Only have a few days? Check out these sample itineraries I’ve created to see exactly how much I’m able to fit in in just a few days!

Coming from the States:

  • Long Weekend Trips from San Francisco
  • Long Weekend Trips from New York City
  • 5 Days in Maui / 3 Days in Kauai
  • 3 Days in Mexico City 
  • 3 Days in Las Vegas
  • 3 Days in Washington DC
  • 3 Days in Portland, Oregon

Coming from Europe:

  • 3 Days in Vienna
  • 3 Days in Barcelona
  • 2 Days in Venice
  • 3 Days in Santorini
  • 2 Days in Athens

Coming from Asia:

  • 3 Days in Ubud
  • 3 Days in Tokyo
  • 3 Days in Taipei
  • 2 Days in Bangkok
  • 3 Days in Singapore
  • 3 Days in Hong Kong


Longer trips are undeniably much harder to plan, since there’s a bunch of logistics involved in getting from place to place. You probably won’t be staying in the same exact spot for all 7+ days. But as long as you start your research early and follow my itinerary planning advice below, you’ll be a step above everyone else blindly crafting their schedules. P

ractice really does make perfect, so the first long, multi-destination trip you plan will be the hardest. Expect a few hiccups, but just go along with it; that’s just part of traveling!

how to plan a trip process essay

If you’ve got a longer amount of time, check out these bucket-list worthy destinations for inspiration (and plus, I already planned out the bulk of these itineraries = less leg work/heavy research for you):

  • 2 Weeks in Thailand
  • 10 Days in Japan
  • California Coast Road Trip
  • 10 Days in Norway
  • 2 Weeks in Croatia (+Bosnia)
  • 10 days in Panama
  • 2 Weeks in Spain and Portugal
  • 10 days in Bali + Komodo National Park
  • A Week in Iceland
  • 10 days in Greece

And right after I decide on a destination, I always research to see if a visa is involved. Some you can get upon arrival at the airport, while others you need to apply and wait for.

Don’t book a ticket without knowing the visa situation, as airlines don’t check for proper documentation before you book your flight (and it’s possible you’ll get turned away at the airport and need to go back home just as soon as you arrive into the country which requires a visa – not fun!).

Step 3: Choose your Approximate Travel Dates

If you’ve done your due diligence and filled out your own travel planning worksheet above, you already know the best time to visit your dream destination. However, when considering the best time to travel, there’s quite a few factors to think about. 

No one wants to get to their destination after planning for months only to realize they forgot to look into the weather patterns. Will it be rainy season? Hurricane season? Ridiculously over-the-top blazing hot (sweating profusely is no fun for anyone). I’ve had friends visit Bora Bora (a wildly-expensive once-in-a-lifetime trip) in the rainy season and I crossed my fingers for sun for them.

I always like to visit a destination in either the high season or shoulder season, for the best chance of perfect or near-perfect weather. I’m someone who despises rain with a passion (some may like it, but just think about if your activities will be dampered because of some precipitation). This is extra important to me, and I’d rather pay a bit more money for higher possibilities of sun and no rain/clouds.

Of course, you cannot predict the weather months from now, but I always look at the expected weather trends in my intended travel month and stay away from the rainy/hurricane season.

how to plan a trip process essay

For the best combo of pleasant weather and minimal crowds, it’s wise to travel in the shoulder season (weeks/months outside of high season). This will of course change from destination to destination, but in general, late April-early June and September-October is shoulder season in many parts of both Europe and the USA.

Think about when kids are back in school – if you visit when school is in attendance, you’ll have less families traveling and therefore fewer overall people.

Three days in Rome is the perfect amount of time for site seeing, lots of eating, and city strolling. Check out what to do in Rome in three days, what to eat, and where to sleep.

Note that high season typically sees higher costs (but hey, it’s high season for a reason!). If you can visit when kids are back in school, you’ll have higher chances of finding a good deal. Visiting during a holiday? If you can plan your travels bypassing Christmas and New Years, you’ll automatically save a whole bunch, as this is the most expensive time to travel to most places.

Headed to Las Vegas and looking for the best 3 day Las Vegas itinerary? Keep on reading for opulent hotels, sugary snacks, and luxurious spa treatments. See, it’s not all kitschy casinos and high-cash table games!

Attending a Specific Event

Is there a specific festival/event/animal migration you want to attend/witness? For example, Oktoberfest in Germany, whale watching in Monterey, safari in Africa, and Burning Man in Nevada. Full Moon Party in Thailand and the Day of the Dead in Mexico are two other examples.

You’ll need to obviously plan your trip around these dates/months. Do note that it’ll most likely be one of the most costliest times to visit, so plan to book flights and accommodations way in advance.

how to plan a trip process essay

No need to plan exact dates just yet, just know the general timeframe of when you want to go. For example, this could be 1) early June 2021, 2) between Thanksgiving and Christmas, 3) birthday month, etc.

Step 4: Decide on your Travel Partners

Are you planning on traveling solo or with friends/family/significant other? 

Traveling with Friends/Family/Children?

Traveling with other people can be a bit more difficult to plan (you’ve got other people’s interests and budgets to cater to), but the memories will be even sweeter when you can reminisce about your fantastic trip together in a few months.

Planning a trip with family? You’ll likely be deciding on your destination together. Remember – it’s all a compromise. If I want a few days of running around a major city, we always make sure to head to smaller towns/spend a day or two relaxing on the beach for my husband later on in the trip. Everyone should be part of the decision-making process.

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When I’m traveling with friends, I like to have my desired destination in mind as well as approximate dates. Don’t go to your friend and say “wanna travel next year?”. It’s way too open-ended, especially if you have a general idea of where you wanna go. I just started planning a trip for Spring Break, so asked my friend if she wants to accompany me on a trip to Jordan in late March. See, much more specific.

Always know the type of accommodation you both prefer, if this will be a budget/mid-range/luxury trip, and how the other person feels about spending some time solo (if one person wants to do something but the other really doesn’t want to). Your bestest of friends may make the worst travel buddies – be upfront about as much as possible and you’ll have the greatest chance of a smooth trip.

Traveling Solo?

Never traveled solo before? Don’t fret – I just started traveling solo a few years ago and fell in love with the whole concept ! It’s all so freeing! You can pick and choose all your activities, have cupcakes for breakfast (guilty!), and take as many photos as you want (64597 or 0)! Things do end up being a bit more expensive because you’ve got no one to split the bill with, so I typically stay in hostels and eat tons of street food to help with costs. 

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When traveling solo for the first time, I recommend heading to a country that speaks your language, has an easy currency conversion, and is known for being safe and with a good tourist infrastructure. I loved traveling solo in Iceland , London, and Croatia solo, and would highly recommend these countries for first-time solo travelers! 

→  All my female solo travel tips over here (useful for you men as well, but it’s catered towards women, just FYI). 🙂

Step 5: Research Trip Costs

Before you can you do research on trip costs, you’ve gotta know where you’re going (obviously, because places all cost a different amount of money), how long you plan to travel for (more days = more money, usually), and when you aim to go (high season vs. low season can be wildly different in terms of financials). 

See, this is why you need to figure out how long you’re planning to travel for before you do your research on trip costs. Every night at a hotel, plus food and activities per day, will add up quickly. 

But it’s true – a vacation is only as expensive as you make it. Don’t expect baller champagne on a beer budget. That being said, you still can have a hell-of-a-time without spending a fortune.

Everyone told us that Japan would be over-the-top expensive, and we found it pretty in line with other trips we’ve taken. Must have been those inexpensive AirBnBs we found and eating cheap street food everyday.

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If you’re traveling solo you won’t have many opportunities to cut these costs down (hostels are great for solo travelers), but if you’ve got a travel partner and are planning on sharing accommodation, you can automatically save 50% on hotels, car rentals, some activities, etc. 

Make a rough outline of how much you think the trip will cost, approximations of course. Be sure to note flight, hotel, meals, activities, transportation, and any possible extras. The more research you do, the fewer surprises you’ll have later on.

How to plan a trip like a pro

In addition, when thinking about your budget, think about areas in which you could save some money, and what hotels/activities/experiences you feel comfortable splurging on. Would you rather stay at that posh 5 star resort for 2 nights or take a helicopter ride in Maui ? Do you prefer a fancy spa treatment or a night out at the opera? It’s wise to pick and choose a few things you know you can’t live without, and try and cut corners in other areas. 

For example, we sometimes stay at airport hotels if we’re arriving late into our destination, which saves us money as they are typically less expensive than hotels in downtown. The next morning we check into the more expensive hotel, but have already saved a bunch of money by spending a night at the less expensive hotel, without impacting our travel plans at all!

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Make sure to think about transportation costs too, as these can vary greatly depending on where you’re going. I’m not talking about transportation to your first destination, but how you’ll actually get around once you’re there. You can get anywhere in NYC for $2.75 (which I miss greatly), but if you wanna take day trips outta the city it’s a whole other ball game.

Think about if you’ll be traveling to different cities/places during your trip – be sure to account for a car rental, trains, buses, public transit, Uber, taxis, domestic flights, etc.

*** Always overestimate the cost of travel. There are lots of unexpected and unforeseen costs involved (unfortunately).  It’s always best to over over prepared, especially when it comes to finances!!! And if you don’t use all the money you save, you can always allocate the funds to your next trip. Boom!

And once you’ve figured all this out, you can set a rough budget for yourself. I say rough, because things are gonna change. Travel can be wildly unpredictable (especially if you haven’t done enough research).


Time to get saving, my soon-to-be world-traveling friends. Because, well, hate to break it to ya, but you need a large chunk of change to pay for all your fun. You don’t need to save up enough cash for your entire trip all at once, but make sure you have a plan as to how you’ll do so before your trip arrives.

As you’re booking flights, hotels, activities, and as other trip-related expenses come up, you’ll want to have a sufficient amount of money to cover these things straight away.

NEVER go into credit card debt to travel. Just please don’t. Wait an extra few months/year to travel if you need to. The world ain’t going anywhere, but the credit card companies will charge you a hell of a beast of interest, that’s for sure.  

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To make your finances black and white, write down all the things you spend money on each month (rent/mortgage, car payment/insurance, groceries, gym memberships, etc). Then look at your credit card and write down all the miscellaneous stuff. You may be surprised to see that you’ve spent ~300/month on coffees or ~$80/month on that pilates membership you haven’t used since February.

See if you can split the cost of Amazon Prime/Spotify/Netflix with a friend/family member, as even saving an extra $40 per month can get you a few nights in some places.

Think about ways you can slightly alter your everyday life to save for your trip. Every time you forgo that expensive morning latte or night out at the club/bar, you’re a few dollars closer to your dream trip.

Your friends don’t understand? Get new friends. Haha – but really, explain to them that a night out can cost as much as entry to the Vatican or a few days bumming around in Belize.

Get rid of those weekly/monthly subscription boxes, make your morning coffee at home, and save dinners out for special occasions. There are a billion ways to save money, you just gotta be creative sometimes.

And if you’re lucky, you’ll already have some extra cash lying around to plan your trip- but just remember, never take money out of your emergency fund to go off traveling. Set up a different bank account, with the sole purpose being money saved for travel.

Step 7: Apply for a no-fee ATM card

And since we’re talking cash, now’s the time to apply for a no-fee ATM card.

If you want to avoid those pesky ATM fees every time you take out cash while away, simply look into a no-fee debit/ATM card, such as one through Charles Schwab (which I have and love). You can use the card at any ATM in the world, and Schwab will reimburse you all the ATM fees at the end of the month. Pretty neat, right?

It’s by far the best debit card for traveling Americans. We transfer some money into our Schwab account before a trip, and use that as our spending money (do note that it takes a few days for money to transfer between banks, so do this a few days before jetting off).

More info on Charles Schwab here.

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ATM fees quickly add up, with many banks charging around $5 or so per transaction. When traveling, I don’t like to keep a whole lotta cash on me at hand, so rely on local ATMs to take out small amounts when need be. Why shell out money when you don’t have to, right?

Step 8: Apply for a travel rewards credit card

Not all credit cards are created equal. I repeat. Not all credit cards are created equal. If you plan on traveling quite a bit (or even just once), it’s wise to look into a travel rewards credit card for the bonus miles and perks that come along with it.

There are many to choose from, including more general travel cards as well as airline/hotel/brand specific. 

We currently use and love the Chase Sapphire Reserve®, which not only gives us $300 a year statement credit for travel, but grants us access into Priority Pass airport lounges worldwide, provides free auto insurance when renting cars, lost luggage reimbursement, and even a concierge service, (and oh so much more).

Don’t let the $450 annual fee scare you; it’s actually only $150 once you spend $300 on travel. Chase typically has great promotions, so be on the lookout for ones providing ~50k+ bonus miles (good for a roundtrip flight to almost anywhere in the world). There’s also the Chase Sapphire, which still comes with heaps of benefits, but you don’t get lounge access and other perks.

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In addition, we also use an airline specific credit card, the Delta American Express, since my husband’s airline of choice is Delta. Whenever we book Delta flights using this card, we get extra bonus miles, which we can put to use for future free flights. I wouldn’t recommend only traveling with AMEX though, as many places around the world only take VISA/Mastercard. Hence our need for both.

Other recommended cards include Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card, The Platinum Card® from American Express, and the Chase Ink Business Preferred Card. 

When looking for a travel credit card to apply for, check to make sure it has no international ATM withdrawal fees, no currency conversion fees, and reward points for travel (airlines/hotels/cars/etc).

And just FYI, Travelers Checks are kiiiinda a thing of the past, so be sure to have a credit card ok for international use.

Step 9: Book Flights

Booking flights is one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the travel planning process for me. And why? Because not only do flight prices fluctuate daily, but once you book, you only have 24 hours to cancel (as long as you’re booking from the USA). I find it incredibly intimidating, especially because I’m always trying to get the best possible price. And all those options! So confusing!

I rely on Skyscanner and Google Flights when looking for the cheapest possible flights, and sometimes also look on Kiwi . I tend to sway towards Skyscanner the most because it allows you to search an entire month (or time of year) to find the absolute cheapest flight available.

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If I ever purchase a flight through a third-party, I make sure to call the airline and confirm my reservation number. 

However, 99.99% of the time I book directly through the airlines themselves. Once you find a good deal on Skyscanner or Google Flights, go directly to the airline website to book the flight. And don’t forget to input any airline numbers you are a partner of to rack up those skymiles for later use!

→ Psst – check out Skyscanner and set up price alerts to snag the best deal.

However, always be sure to check low-cost airlines, as they are not always included in third-party sites.  A good list can be found here . Southwest and Frontier Air are good options in the USA.  More tips on getting the best price on airfare here . 

Don’t be that person who paid the most on a flight → be flexible, use miles if you can, and sign up for email notifications (I like to use Skyscanner and Google Flights for this). If you’re a bit more flexible with your destination, make sure to sign up for Scott’s Cheap Flights and The Flight Deal, as you’ll receive insane flight deals. The more flexibility you have, the better your chances of scoring a great price. Be willing to fly midweek and off-hours, at the least, if you can.

Search for low airfares and hit BUY when you feel comfortable (don’t wait as flight prices can drastically change within hours)! Here are some additional tips on finding cheap airfare ! I’m a serial advanced planner when it comes to expensive, long-haul flights, but some of my friends score good deals by waiting until a month or two before. It all depends on your comfort level. 

Before booking, you’ll want to have a general idea of your travel route, as this may impact your flights. Will you be flying into one city and out of another? Are you booking a round trip ticket? 

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An important note on Passports : Traveling internationally? Can’t leave the country without a valid passport, am I right?! Many countries require at least 6 remaining months on passports before you leave or in order to even enter the country.

If you need to order a new passport, you can check out this passport guide for help, and if you’re traveling within 6-8 weeks (amount of time it usually takes to process passports), you’ll need to get an expedited passport which you’ll receive in approximately 3 weeks for an extra $60. Well worth the money if you find yourself in a pinch and desperately need that passport ASAP.

Step 10: Book Hotels/Accommodations

I like to book hotels relatively early on in my planning process. Why? If you’re traveling during high season (which happens to be me more often than not), there’s a chance your desired hotels could be all booked up! We tend to book hotels that we can cancel, just in case our travel itinerary changes or we find accommodation that suits us better. Most of the time refundable rooms cost a bit more, so just something to keep in mind.

When searching for rooms, I typically do a quick check on HotelsCombined , since they find the best price by checking dozens of booking sites.

→ Search for the best hotel prices on HotelsCombined 

When booking accommodation, think about how far the hotel/apartment is from the city center and the activities you want to do. Sometimes, booking a hotel that’s way cheaper will end up costing more than a slightly-more-expensive hotel if you need to shell out extra dough to get yourself places.

Think about how much time you’ll be spending in the hotel. If you’re planning to be out and about all day, why book a fancy room when all you’ll be doing is sleeping and showering there?

We book over-the-top resorts/hotels when we know for a fact that we’ll be able to enjoy all the amenities. Like that time in Bali we stayed at a resort with our own private pool, lush jungle views, and multiple infinity pools. But we were planning on spending an entire day taking advantage of the hotel so it made sense. In Tokyo when we’re out stuffing our faces all day? Not so much. 

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A few additional places we look for accommodation:

Hotel Tonight : My go-to for last minute deals.  Think road-tripping and spontaneous weekend trips.  We once paid $23 for a (really nice) hotel in Reno, Nevada.  You can now check and book up to seven days in advance. Top tip: download the app in advance in case you’re stuck without wifi for a bit.  Use my promo code JKLEINER for a free $25 towards your first booking.

AirBnB : In some cases, we find ourselves wanting a more local experience, so we look to AirBnB for an apartment or condo. With AirBnB, you can rent out private rooms, entire apartments, and even full houses! We’ve had some fantastic experiences and wonderful hosts, and saved a ton of money!  Save an additional $40 off your first stay here !

My number 1 tip: heavily research where you are staying – read all the reviews and make sure the property owner is readily available to contact. Always check the cancellation policy. 

→ New to AirBnB? We’re giving you a coupon of $40 off your first stay of $75 or more !

Expedia : So great for package deals, as you can literally saves 100’s by purchasing flight and hotel together.  Plus, with their rewards program, you can store your points for even greater savings down the line.

Step 11: Get Vaccinated/Medications if Needed

It’s always wise to schedule a travel appointment with your doctor so you can decide what’s best when it comes to vaccinations and precautionary medications with trained medical staff. In addition, I always check the CDC website for recommendations on the such.

Some are more standard vaccines you can get with your primary care doctor, but others (like Yellow Fever for our upcoming trip to Africa), you’ll need to arrange for in advance.

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It’s wise to know which vaccines you’ll need early-ish on in the travel planning process, as some need to be specifically ordered and other vaccinations you’ll need multiple, specifically timed spaced-out appointments. Some vaccines are only recommended if you’re visiting particular parts of a country, so don’t feel like you need to get them all if you aren’t even visiting the infected areas.

In addition, research if you need to show proof of vaccines upon arrival into a particular country (they may not let you in without the proper documentation). Ack! 

It’s also a wise time to talk to your doctor about any medications (like Malaria pills we took in Thailand and Bali) you may want to bring along.

Step 12: Decide on WiFi/cell service

Some like to be away from it all and go wifi-free, while others will feel more safe and secure knowing they can use their phones. It all comes down to personal preference. I rely on my phone way too much to go completely data-free, so always make sure I have a set plan in place before leaving on any international trip.

Personal Wifi Hotspot

Although you will most likely have wifi at your accommodation, it’s a good idea to bring along a pocket-sized personal WiFi hotspot , to keep you connected during your time abroad. WiFi hotspots are a cost effective option to ensure you can use GPS apps like Google Maps, check your emails, and catch up with friends and family while away.

With this portable device , you’ll have WiFi wherever you go (even if your phone doesn’t have service), unlimited internet (on up to five devices at a time!!!), and it’s fast and reliable. At less than $9 a day, this device can’t really be beat.

Note that some cell phone plans allow for international use, but many of these are costly. I accidentally turned on my phone service for LESS THAN 2 MINUTES once and got charged $150 by my phone carrier! I desperately wished I had a personal WiFi hotspot with me then!

Find more information and plan options here . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED especially when you don’t speak the native language of the country you’re visiting. A true life saver.

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Other Options

Other options include bringing along an unlocked phone so you can use local SIM cards, and looking for plans which include international data.

If you’re thinking about doing a bunch of international travel over the next few years, it may be worth switching to T-Mobile if the service is decent in your home area. My husband and I currently use T-Mobile, and get access to free data in over 210 countries (excluding the one country I was charged an obscene amount of money in – but that was my fault).

Some teched-out cities even have free wifi throughout the city – need to check beforehand (don’t count on this as it’s a relatively new thing, and I wouldn’t rely on the free wifi in case an emergency occurs).

Psst: I always bring a portable battery charger to recharge throughout the day since I rely on my phone heavily for directions!

Step 13: Research + Map Out Activities/Restaurants

Ohhhh, this is where it gets really fun in my eyes. Activities are the bulk of your trip, and probably the main reason you’re visiting the area (besides the food, of course).

Here’s how I like to do it:

1. First, I do some research on things to do in the area (this includes food tours, beaches, museums, popular attractions, hikes, etc), day trips which peak my interest, and anything else I find exciting on Get Your Guide , Viator , and AirBnB Experiences (use this promo code for $15 off your first AirBnB experience). 

I’m a BIG FAN of Get Your Guide and Viator when it comes to perusing activities and signing up for tours (they have SO many options). I’ve been using both of these sites for years, and can honestly say 99% of the time the tours are downright AWESOME and a good bang for your buck. I like to plan in advance (sometimes too far in advance), and being able to book specific activities (with the ability to cancel if need be) is something I love about Get Your Guide and Viator.

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I recently started using AirBnB Experiences , as they offer some more local-type experiences, such as cooking classes in chef’s homes (I learned how to make macarons in Paris this way!), photography sessions, and more niche city walks.

I also like to use travel blogs from those writers I trust (not all travel bloggers have the same credibility unfortunately, so if something sounds odd/wacky, I do further research/cross reference facts). In order to do this, I usually google  destination + “blog”, and pick them out one by one in the search results. You tend to get additional tips and insights you normally wouldn’t have on other large-party sites.  

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Depending on the destination, I’ll peruse Lonely Planet for even more must-do’s. I used to rely on TripAdvisor, but after I learned that many reviews are fake/bought, I stopped using them entirely. 

2. Plot each “attraction/museum/beach/restaurant” on a map → I’ve been using Google Maps lately and love it! If you prefer to use paper maps, get a large one so you can easily see all the spots! But why waste paper and money?

3. Look at the map, and take note as to where these activities fall. I then separate the activities into different areas. This helps figure out which attractions you should see together on a particular day. You don’t wanna be running back and forth across the city/town/destination out of stupidity silliness. Group attractions together that are in the same proximity/close distance.

4. Think about how much time each activity will take. Some attractions will only take a few minutes, while others you may want to devote entire hours. Don’t aim to see a whole bunch of super-intensive things in the same day; try and space them out if you can.

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5. Star your top “things to do” in each location. These are the things you’ll aim to see on your trip, while the others will be extra bonuses. Because, lets face it, if you only have 3 days in Paris, you probably won’t have time to see all 235232 museums.

At the end of this process, you should have a handful of main activities you wanna check out, as well as a bunch more less time-intensive ones, listed out by location/proximity to each other. 

Depending on the type of traveler you are, you may want to book a few guided tours of the city/area you’re visiting. When I travel (especially on my solo jaunts), I tend to book a few guided tours and day trips. I always meet a few chatty people and end up hanging with them the entire day!

It’s also nice to have someone guide me around for a bit (solo travel gets exhausting). Guided day trips are great if you don’t wanna worry about getting lost on public transport and/or don’t wanna rent a car.

Inspiration for Things to Do/Tours/Day Trips

  • Get Your Guide 
  • Viator  
  • Airbnb experiences
  • Travel Blogs (like mine !)

If there’s a particular + popular restaurant/dining experience your longing after, it’s wise to make a reservation in advance. When we went to Mexico City , we had to book our table a few months ahead of time, and there still wasn’t much availability! 

Step 14: Plan Your Day-to-Day Itinerary

Don’t overplan , but definitely keep track of the tours you booked and other sites on your wishlist. I tend to make exceptionally long Google Docs (for easy access without wifi), and roughly plan out my days. This makes sure I don’t forget what’s going on each day; especially helpful if your trip consists of a few different towns/cities/etc.

I always put the date, day of week, and location in the left column, then details about my day in the right.

Planning your trip and looking for the best Mexico City itinerary?! Whether you’ve got a full week or just 3 days in Mexico City, you can be sure you’ll never be left bored.

Some tours are only offered on certain days, so you may need to play around with your day-to-day itinerary until it works out. 

The example below (a random few days during my two weeks in Croatia ) is not as crazily detailed as my normal ones, but you get the picture:

how to plan a trip itinerary

Once the itinerary is all set, I then go ahead and book all tours and skip-the-line tickets for popular attractions (imagine not booking a ticket in advance for Frida Khalo’s House in Mexico City, the Louvre in Paris, or the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona). Don’t waste your time waiting in line. Spend 3 minutes booking your tickets now and you’ll be thanking yourself later on during your trip.

Step 15: Book a Car Rental (if need be)

Heading off on a road trip (one of my favorite types of trips)? Don’t forget to book a car rental for the duration of your stay! 

In order to save some money, think about if you’ll actually need the car for your entire trip. Are you staying put in your first destination for a few days? Can you get around on foot or inexpensive public transport? Will you really need a car then? Book the car rental for the night before/morning of your first real road trip day.

→ Search for the cheapest car rentals over here !

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And if you’re primarily visiting one city and doing a few day trips, can you move all your day trips to the beginning/end of your trip to only book the car for 3 days, instead of say 7? It’s silly to pay for an extra day if the car will just sit there all day.

But always check how much a weekly car will cost – sometimes there are deals, and a rental may end up being cheaper in total if you book for longer (crazy, huh?)! It’s wise to think about parking fees and such before getting too excited though.

Additional Reading: Tips and Tricks for your Next Roadtrip

Step 16: Buy travel insurance

Confession time:  I was always that girl who never really understood the value of travel insurance.  Honestly, I thought it was a complete waste of money. After checking out the highly recommended Safety Wing , I finally came to the realization that it really is worth the (small) extra cost, and it’s just plain stupid to travel without. 

Safety Wing is not just for medical insurance, but also helps when luggage is lost, you need to cancel a trip, or when your gear is stolen or damaged when traveling. 

Norway Road Trip Itinerary: All the stops you'll want to make if you've got 10 days in Norway!

Even better, you can purchase at home or overseas (while already traveling) & make claims online from anywhere in the world. There’s really no excuse, especially since the insurance only costs a few dollars a day. You’ll be kicking yourself mid-trip if something goes wrong and you’ve got to pay tons out of pocket.

They say if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel.  Now I won’t travel without it. Get a FREE quote . Planning a trip abroad? Just get the insurance. No excuses.

Step 17: Before you go action items

Thought you were done? So close, just a few more things to do when planning a trip! These last-minute items can literally be done in the few days leading up to your trip. Some only take a minute, but are oh-so-important.

  • Tell your credit card companies you’re traveling (you don’t want any cards to get denied because of suspected fraud/theft)
  • Arrange for pets to be watched and plants to be watered.
  • Get familiar with currency rates. They obviously vary from country to country, and can sometimes be as easy as moving the decimal point a few spots, or as confusing as dividing everything by 7.3. Download a currency converter for your phone for easy conversions on the road (I like Currency XE).
  • Learn a few important words/phrases in the local language. I find Duolingo quite fun!
  • Do some research on safety, common scams, and any areas to avoid in the destinations you’re visiting. It’s also wise to check out any cultural norms/basic manners in your destination.
  • Let friends and family know you’re traveling. Be safe – someone at home should always know exactly where you are, especially if you’re traveling solo.
  • Transfer money into Schwab account: remember, this takes a few days, so be sure to transfer as much cash as you think you’ll need for the beginning of your trip. I like to make it easy and just do one bulk transfer before we leave. Remember, using Schwab saves you all those precious ATM fees!

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  • Buy necessary items: Depending on where you’re going, you may need to pack something specific. Traveling internationally? You’ll most likely need a plug adaptor ( this one works in all countries ) and possibly a converter for voltage. You’ll probably wanna pack a wide-brimmed hat and reef-safe sunscreen for warm-weather destinations. A sarong to cover up with for visiting temples in Asia. 
  • Credit cards you are bringing
  • Travel insurance documents
  • Rough itinerary
  • Flight/Hotel/Activity reservations 

I also like to print out a copy (or 2) of my passport and keep in a separate place. If I’m keeping my passport in my purse with me, I also put a copy in my suitcase/husband’s carryon just in case.

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A REALLY IMPORTANT EXTRA TIP: Figure out how you’ll get to your accommodation/into the city from the airport before you take off. The last thing you wanna do when you’re completely drained from sitting on the plane for 10 hours (with potential jet lag) is to figure out how to get to your first stop.

Be kind to yourself and at least write it down (on your handy-dandy Google Doc) beforehand. Consider the time you’re arriving, as public transport may not work all hours of the night.

Step 18: Start Packing!

Phew – so close! I suggest starting to take things out a few days before your trip so you don’t forget anything important. Make sure you’ve got your passport, additional form of ID, copies of credit cards and other documents, and your itinerary. You’ll also want to check the plug/socket type and make sure you have one/a few which fit.

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A few of my top packing tips:

  • Know your airline’s baggage fee policy. Don’t wanna show up at the airport expecting to get 2 huge suitcases for free and end up having to pay $$$ for them. A great list can be found here , but it’s always wise to triple check on the actual airline website.
  • Pack light. Most people take way more than they actually need. Think about the activities you planned earlier, and pack according to that. Put everything on your bed and take out half of the clothing you think you need (yes, half). Not only will this reduce potential fees at the airport, but it’ll make it easier to get around with less baggage.
  • Keep all your absolute essentials and one change of clothes in a carry-on. Lost baggage happens; don’t let it ruin your trip. Always keep medications and expensive electronics on your body, as well as a toothbrush!
  • Come prepared. We always take along something for motion sickness, altitude sickness, stomach bugs (anti-diarrheal), and other general over-the-counter meds including fever-reducers, pain reliever (Tylenol or motrin), an antihistamine, and antibiotic ointment. Throw a bunch of band aids in your bag as well. You just never know what’ll happen and if you’ll have access to these quickly and easily on the road.
  • Use packing cubes. I don’t know how I managed to travel before packing cubes came into my life. They are oh so helpful for organization and to keep my bag from exploding. And if you haven’t ordered packing cubes in time, you can always use large plastic bags. Better yet, roll your clothes into packing cubes and you’ll be golden.

Step 19: And you’re off!

You did it! You planned your trip! Now go enjoy the fruits of your labor and have the time of your life! Just remember to stay safe and take lots of photos! Be sure to read how to stay entertained on long flights before you leave so you’re first 3, 7, or 10 hours of travel isn’t a complete bore!

Hope this ridiculously detailed guide on how to plan a trip helped! Where are you hoping to travel soon?! Now, go help a friend plan a trip, pronto!

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June 15, 2020 at 5:27 am

This is so so so helpful! I am a hyper planner as well so this is pretty much exactly what I do. Love this!

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June 16, 2020 at 9:15 pm

Yassss! Planners unite! Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but then I go ahead and plan the best trips!

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August 5, 2020 at 12:33 pm

Planners unite! Everyone thinks I’m crazy!

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September 22, 2020 at 5:24 am

Hi jess, Amazing post! You share some useful blog every time. I appreciate your planning and Your planning always working for me. Thank you for sharing your travel plan.

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January 24, 2021 at 4:18 am

An informative read Jess. You’ll have to visit Tenerife one day and do a review of the island.

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March 21, 2021 at 9:55 am

I plan to travel to Croatia in 2022. Yes it is more than a year upfront. I like your blogs a lot and will definitely use them. Any suggestions for traveling the Croatian coastline. Want to fly to Rome and travel per train to Venice and from there with a bus/train to a destination in Croatia where I can rent a car. Preferably Poreč then Pula and all along the coast to Rijeka to Zadar, Split and all the way to Dubrovnik.

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December 29, 2023 at 6:34 pm

Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for this article – it was very informative! My husband and I are planning on taking a trip to Japan in Spring of 2025. Do you speak Japanese? If not, did you find it difficult navigating the county? I am trying to figure out if I should book a tour group, or if we would be okay just going by ourselves. 🙂 Thanks so much for your help!

December 29, 2023 at 6:36 pm

Sorry! This comment was supposed to be on your Japan article! I don’t know how to fix it. LOL.

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how to plan a trip process essay

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

Few things can be more enjoyable than telling a fascinating story about your holidays. You can post it on your social media, create a travel blog, or write an essay for school. Sharing memories of the pleasant trip is for sure much more interesting and exciting than writing an academic essay on some obscure topic. Besides obvious fun, however, this kind of writing could bring the same challenges as any other topic and even a few more. 


Traditional struggles with essay writing include crafting a clear outline, selecting your key ideas and related arguments, and drafting a concise text. Travel essays may additionally raise the issue of wanting to tell too much. It is also easy to overwhelm your readers with lots of new facts and information about another country or activity. So, let’s discuss some tips and tricks on how to write your travel essay smoothly and with the best result.

Start With a Map

planning a trip

Your wonderful journey was born after looking through the bucket lists of the most remarkable destinations and choosing several highlights of your trip. Most probably, you’ve planned an itinerary connecting your dream destinations trying for it to be the shortest or the most picturesque. Same is valid for planning your travel essay – always start with an outline.

Clear draft of the points you’d like to describe and details to better illustrate your story could keep you in check while writing your essay. It’ll be easier to follow one narrative line without wandering off. The best about the outlines is that anyone can write an essay with an elaborated outline. And if you struggle with finding time or inspiration to complete your essay, you can always apply for help to professionals. As the best essay writing service reviews show, experienced writers deliver great essays based on the clients’ outlines.

Focus on Your Goal

Even travel essays can differ in type and end goals. You can describe your journey from start to finish concentrating on the attractions seen. Or you can talk about funny incident that happened to you. One can always dare to beat Jack Kerouac and write a road story. It is even possible to go travel-blog style and write about lifehacks for those planning a journey.

Whatever you choose as your aim for an essay would decide the text structure, language, and whole approach to writing. It is advisable to keep this in mind and avoid mixing several goals in one paper. The essay format requires being brief and sticking to one line of narrative. It wouldn’t work to start philosophical dwellings on the symbolism of the road and continue with lifehacks about packing light for a journey.

Paint a Picture

Unless you’re writing an essay for your personal travel blog, it’d be difficult to attach photos to illustrate your text. So, you should use your words instead. Try to add adjectives and phrases that bring your memories to life. If a good description makes you feel the taste and smell of your holidays, it’s probable your readers would feel that too. 

Remember, though, to stay tasteful and brief. Too many personal details may spoil the effect your essay was supposed to make. And documenting every step of your journey may turn your account into a boring story. Keeping a balance here is a challenge, but if succeeded you’ll have a captivating essay for any kind of audience.

Tie Your Story to Bigger Issues

Of course, your vacations deserve detailed storytelling. But without clearly demonstrated relations between the lessons you’ve learned on your trip and more universal challenges and experiences, it might be quite boring for other people to read your essay. In the end, we all worry most about our own lives. So, to grasp the attention of your readers try to plan your captivating story around some relatable issue. For example, feeling of sadness away from home despite wonderful landscapes around you. Or practical challenges of finding a common language with locals in another country. 

With such an approach in mind, you can add advice or travel recommendations to your essay based on your own experience and reflections. This would make your paper more useful, important to finish, and relatable.

Recounting your exciting travels is a pleasant task. Even with efforts to put into writing an essay, the subject itself warms sparks the inspiration. There is an obvious need to follow the traditional essay-writing rules. Start with a clear outline in mind, limit your account to several highlights of your journey, connect your experience to some relatable issue your reader would feel close to. Consider choosing some stronger emotional adjectives or phrases to convey your personal feelings about the journey. Think about your paper as of your travel journal and as a brief educational piece for someone who’s never traveled. This way your essay would be both colorful and concise for any reader to love.

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How to Write An Ideal Essay About Your Trip

how to plan a trip process essay

Traveling is fun and adventurous. It is inspiring and the experience is perfect for your writing assignments. Some students find it difficult to write an essay about their traveling experience. There are some tips to write an exceptional essay on your latest trip. Let us help you get started:

Use a capturing introduction section

Start your essay with something interesting to get the reader’s attention. A travel essay is a lot different from other write-ups. It revolves around your personal experience. It should be exciting and fun to read. Don’t begin with random boring statements such as:

  • Traveling is a fun experience for everyone;
  • Traveling uplifts your mood and spirits.

You can give a more personal touch to your writings by using statements that build the reader’s interest. If the starting lines are not captivating enough, the reader will think the body paragraphs and your remaining essay are also not interesting. To pique a reader’s interest into your blog or essay, here are some examples for you to consider:

  • Break your routine life and open up new vistas of imagination by traveling to your favorite city;
  • Don’t wait for tomorrow! Pack your bags today for this exciting journey I am about to share with you.

However, if you are short on time and are having trouble writing an essay on your own, you can choose reliable writing services like Essay Kitchen to do the job for you. It will save you time and your essay will be delivered by a professional.

Follow a standard essay structure

Essay on traveling is just the same as any regular essay. No matter what the topic is, the structure of the essay should remain the same. An introductory note begins the essay followed by 3-4 body paragraphs. The conclusion is in the end wrapping up the entire article’s content. The introduction will include a thesis statement, and introduce you to the places you have traveled. Here, you can briefly mention your feelings about the trip.

In the body paragraphs, describe your experience in detail. You should also write about your fun memories and the historical places you have been. Describe the people there and mention their hospitality. Share some tips about the hotel stay, different forms of accommodation and food. You can also share your per-day expense to give the reader an idea about how much money they should keep with them. The concluding note must share your learning experiences and if the trip met your expectations or not. Give recommendations in the end while wrapping up your essay. Check out some ways to present a stunning essay:

  • Brainstorm ideas. Sit in a natural environment to induce creativity;
  • Describe your experience in detail;
  • Begin with the introductory note;
  • Write down the body paragraphs, describing events;
  • Present a conclusion sharing your learning experiences.

Select your favorite city

Wondering how to write a travel essay when you have not visited any place in recent times? The simplest way to start writing is to mention your favorite city. When you write about the best place you would like to be, you can create a journey. Read about different regions and places and see which one inspires you the most. Share useful information with people and make them a part of your journey. Have trouble writing an essay? You can always hire an essay writing service. There are plenty of case study examples that will help you submit quality work on time.

Choose a few attractions

Every place has its unique features and attractions. A buzzing metropolitan city also has numerous places to visit. Mention all the places that have inspired you the most. Give a brief introduction about each attraction. Provide basic information to the readers about unknown sights and fascinating areas. Discuss the most intriguing places in detail. Travelling essay writing is a lot different from other article types.

Here are some general guidelines to help you write an exceptional travel essay:

  • Use a sense of humor to convey your thoughts;
  • Your final aim should be to engage the readers;
  • Share specific descriptions;
  • Give your account;
  • Provide as much relevant information as possible;
  • Use a narrative that builds imagination;
  • Follow a structure;
  • Keep it simple;
  • Don’t use complex vocabulary;

Show rather than tell

Use language that takes the reader to the place. Show them around. Once they are finished reading your essay about travelling experience, they should feel like they have been to the place. Describe the experience. You shouldn’t just list down attractions. Paint an imaginary picture of the space in the reader’s mind. Give specific descriptions about the place and not just discuss any random idea.

Keep it simple

Use simple words and vocabulary. Don’t show off your vocabulary and use high-sounding words. Your teacher is only interested to know how you can narrate any experience. It is not imperative to use flowery language or load up your essay with difficult words. Keep a natural flow and use creative expression to share your thoughts. Using simpler words doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be imaginative. Avoid clichés and formal language as it will kill the purpose of your writing. Brainstorm ideas for your write-up before you sit down to write.

  • Is the essay engaging;
  • Does your essay follow a set structure and format;
  • Is the language creative and interesting to read;
  • Does your essay connect to the reader;
  • Are the words repetitive?

Describe what you achieved

Tell the readers how life-changing the traveling experience was for you. Was it financially draining or rewarding? Your essay on a trip should describe events, happenings, and your overall experience. If you have made good friends or met new people, discuss it in your blog. Every riveting detail would fill up the reader’s imagination.

Give readers a good ending

Every story is incomplete without a proper climax. Your writing should have a significant conclusion. The reader must be satisfied with reading your account. Plan your paragraphs and the information you wish to give out in each para. Leave the thrilling part for the conclusion. 

Don’t share everything in the body paragraphs. If you end your essay about the trip in an abrupt manner, you will lose the essence. Give a conclusion that wraps up everything in a convincing manner. Just like the first paragraph is important, the concluding note is equally necessary.

These are some of the ways to write an essay about traveling. Give vivid descriptions, creatively share your story to grip the reader’s attention. Engage the audience with your account and share with them the various experiences you had. Your writing should enhance the reader’s curiosity.

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Essay , travel , Trip

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

16 Easy Steps for Planning Your Next Trip

A map on a wall with money and pins used for planning a trip

I remember when I started planning my first trip around the world. I had no idea what I was doing.

When I decided to quit my job and travel the world , I walked into a bookstore and bought Lonely Planet’s Southeast Asia on Shoestring . Buying that guidebook was my first step toward long-term travel. It made the trip seem more real, more tangible. It made it all seem possible.

While helpful, the book didn’t exactly prepare me for planning a trip around the world. Back then, there weren’t really travel blogs, sharing economy websites, and apps like there are today. I was excited and determined — but I was lost. I had to figure it out as I went, hoping I didn’t miss anything important.

Trip planning can be a daunting task. Where do you begin? What’s step one? What’s step two? What’s step three?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you haven’t done something like this before — and especially considering just how much information there is out there these days. Blogs, social media, and guidebooks have never been more plentiful. There’s a firehose of information out there that can sometimes make the task of planning a trip even more challenging and overwhelming.

After a decade of traveling the world , I’ve planned countless trips and vacations for myself, friends, family, and even group tours. In the beginning, it was trial by fire and I learned a lot of lessons the hard way . However, that helped me develop an efficient checklist that ensures I don’t miss anything important during the trip planning process.

After all, I don’t want to get to my next destination and then realize I forgot something. And neither do you!

There is a lot of information on this website ( and even more information packed into my book ), but one question that comes up frequently is, “Matt, how do I put this all together? How do I plan a trip?”

In a continuing effort to help you get out the door and into the world, I’ve created this step-by-step guide on how to plan a trip. It works for any kind of trip — no matter how long you’re going for! Just follow this checklist and you’ll be off in no time!

Table of Contents

Step 1: Decide Where You Want To Go

Step 2: decide the length of your trip, step 3: research your costs, step 4: start saving money, step 5: get a travels rewards credit card, step 6: switch to no-fee atm cards, step 7: stay focused and inspired, step 8: check for last-minute deals, step 9: book your flight, step 10: book your accommodation, step 11: plan your activities, step 12: sell your stuff, step 13: automate your bills, step 14: pack, step 15: buy travel insurance, step 16: enjoy your trip.

If you want to jump ahead, simply click on any of the links above.  

Signs pointing in all directions on a tall sign post with a blue sky as the background

It’s a lot easier to mentally get behind “I am going to Paris in the summer” than “I’m going to Europe” or “I’m going somewhere.” Not only will your trip become more concrete for you and easier to commit to, but it will make planning easier as well…because you know what to work towards. Get specific with your plans. Get detailed. The more focused and concrete your goal, the easier it will be to actually reach it.

Resources for picking your travel destination:

  • 200+ In-Depth Destination Guides
  • 10 Destinations Under $50 Per Day
  • The 10 Best Places to Visit as a Budget Traveler
  • The 20 Best Tropical Islands in the World

How much does it cost to travel? That depends!

Without knowing how long you’re going away for, I can’t answer that question. And it’s a question you need to answer so you can start planning!

In order to figure out how much you need to save you’ll need to know how long your trip will be.

Are you going away for a week? A month? A year?

The length of your trip is a huge factor in determining how much money you need. Spend some time mulling that over until you have your answer.

For example, after you say “I’m going to Paris this summer,” add “for X days.” That way you can start to narrow down just how much money you’re going to need to save. “I am going to Paris for 10 days” is a trip that you can plan for. It’s an attainable goal.  

So you know where you’re going and how long you’ll be there, but to really nail down how much money you need, your next task is to research the costs in your destination at the style of travel you want.

Do you want to backpack, or would you rather stay in luxury hotels?

How much are hostels, hotels, restaurants, and attractions?

Knowing will allow you to estimate how much money you’ll need for your trip. Here is how to research costs:

  • Buy a guidebook.
  • Check out my travel guide section .
  • Google prices for specific things you want to do, such as scuba diving, bungy jumping, winery tours, etc. ( Get Your Guide is a good place to start for that)

You don’t need to do more than that. There’s so much information on the web that if you go down the rabbit hole of overplanning, you’ll get lost and confused by the firehose of information. Stick to those three things and you’ll be set!

In our example, if you are going to Paris for 10 days and need at least $75 USD a day (not including your flight), you know you need to save $750 USD (though round up to $800-900 USD since it’s good to have extra) for your trip.

If you were to travel around the world for a year, you’d need $50 USD a day .

Here are some other insightful posts that will help you better estimate your costs:

  • 5 Ways to Make Your Money Last When You Travel
  • How to Know the Travel Info You Find is Legit
  • How I Research My Solo Travel Destinations

saving money for travel in a piggy bank that's standing on a pile of cash bills

People bleed a lot of money every day through small purchases: a coffee here, a snack there. All of that adds up. In order to make changes to your spending habits, you first need to understand them. Making a list will do just that. It will also put your financial needs into a better perspective.

For example, if you need $2,000 USD for the trip you’re taking in eight months, that means you only have to save $8.33 USD per day. Couldn’t you find a way to save $8 USD per day? Heck, your daily coffee is most of that!

If you’re struggling to save money, here are 23 ways to cut your expenses and save money for travel . This will help you get started and on the road to saving money in no time!  

travel credit card being used to shop online by a man at a laptop

These days, most cards have welcome offers of up to 100,000 points when you meet their minimum spending requirement. That’s enough miles for a free flight almost anywhere in the world!

If you want a free flight, sign up for the cards that help with that. If you want free hotel rooms, get a hotel card. Either way, sign up for a travel credit card and start earning points today. As long as you can pay off your monthly balance, you’ll get free travel credit.

You don’t need to sign up for very many cards either; pick one or two and focus on those. Do this the moment you decide you want to travel. Don’t wait — waiting equals lost miles, which means less free travel.

Collecting points and miles is what all the experts do to cut their costs and travel longer. It’s what has kept my costs down and me on the road for so many years. While the best cards are only available in the US, there are still plenty of options for Canadians as well as folks from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

For more information on travel credit cards and using points and miles, check out these posts:

  • Points and Miles 101: A Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Pick the Best Travel Credit Card
  • The Best Travel Credit Cards
  • How to Earn Points by Paying Your Rent
  • The Ultimate Guide to Points and Miles
  • How to Use Points and Miles in Canada

Once you’re abroad, you’re going to need money. While many countries accept credit cards, in the majority of countries cash is still king. That means you’ll need to use ATMs to withdraw the local currency.

And that also means you’re going to get dinged by ATM fees.

If you’re just away for a week or two, paying a few dollars in ATM fees isn’t the end of the world. But if you’re away for a longer period, those fees add up and chew into your travel budget — a budget you’ve worked hard to grow. Don’t give banks any of your hard-earned money.

How? By using a no-fee ATM card.

I use Charles Schwab , but there are lots of other banks (don’t forget to check your local banks) that don’t charge ATM fees. Additionally, you can join a bank in the Global ATM Alliance .

By using a no-fee ATM card you can avoid those pesky ATM fees, leaving you more money for what it was intended for: travel.

Here’s exactly how you can avoid ATM fees while traveling .  

While you get closer to your goal, make sure that you keep feeding your desire to travel. Travel planning can be exhausting and overwhelming — especially if you don’t have support from your friends and family (and especially if your trip is still months away). It can often get discouraging and feel out of reach at times.

Luckily, there are tons of ways to stay focused and keep your spirits high thanks to the amazing community we have on this website. Here are some inspiring travel stories to help keep you inspired to travel:

  • Why It’s Never the Perfect Time to Travel
  • 13 Travel Books That Will Give You Serious Wanderlust
  • How to Change the “I’m Too Poor to Travel” Mindset and Say Yes to Travel
  • 8 Ways to Stay Motivated to Travel

Additionally, be sure to join our online travel community The Nomadic Network . Not only will you find support (and tons of tips) online, but we also host regular in-person and virtual events all around the world. These are a great way to get inspired, meet other awesome travelers in your area, and get travel advice.  

Okay, you’re inspired, prepared, and on your way to saving money for your trip. But before you go buy that flight or book that hotel, check for deals you might have missed. You may dream of Paris but maybe there are great deals to Berlin right now. Or maybe you can get a seven-day cruise for 70% off, a package deal to Hawaii for the price of your flight to Paris, or 50% off sailing trips around Greece.

These days, there is always a deal to be found — especially if you’re flexible with your dates and/or destinations. Some deal websites worth checking out are:

  • Going (Formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights)
  • The Flight Deal
  • Holiday Pirates

A commercial plane taking off into the golden, bright sunset

Fortunately, there are still many ways to avoid being the person on the flight who paid the most for their ticket. My two favorite sites for finding cheap airfare are:

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is the best website for searching multiple destinations at the same time.

For the best deals, book your flight about two-three months in advance. Here are two articles on how to score a cheap flight:

  • How to Find Cheap Flights
  • Booking Flights: Everything You Need to Know

luna's hostel in panama city, full of backpackers just hanging out and having fun

For trips longer than two weeks (or if you are going to be traveling long-term) just book your first few days. That will ensure you have a place to go on arrival. Once there, you can get insider advice from your hotel/hostel staff as well as other travelers. You can then use that info to plan your next steps.

While you can book more than your first few nights, you might end up wanting to change your plans once you land. I prefer having flexibility, which is why I always just book my first few nights and go from there.

Here are my go-to sites when it comes to finding the best deals on accommodation:

  • Hostelworld – Hostelworld has the largest selection of hostels and is my go-to site for finding affordable hostels.
  • Agoda – Agoda has the best results if you’re heading to Asia (though they sometimes have good US deals too).
  • Booking.com – Booking.com is the best overall platform for finding budget hotels and guesthouses.

If you’re on a tight budget or you want to connect with more locals during your travels, consider joining platforms like Couchsurfing or BeWelcome . These communities allow travelers to stay with locals for free as a sort of cultural exchange.

Long-term travelers can also try housesitting or WWOOFing as well as they both offer free accommodation (in exchange for pet sitting or farm work respectively).  

Nomadic Matt pretending to be lost with a group of backpacker friends in Asia

Search online for discounts as well. While some countries offer cheaper prices in person, others give discounts to those who book early/online. Research which is which for your itinerary so you can save money.

For shorter trips, you can also book your activities in advance to ensure you get tickets. For longer trips, book as you go.

Additionally, before you leave home, have a rough idea of what activities are priorities for you. That way, if you run out of time or money, you can focus on your top activities so you don’t miss out. Also, make sure to double-check that there are no holidays or other obstacles that will prevent you from certain activities as well.  

If you are going on a long-term trip (six months or more), consider selling your stuff in order to earn extra money for your trip. Start doing this about 60 days before you leave. Some sites to use are:

  • Gumtree – An online classified site with a focus in the UK and Australia.
  • Amazon – The biggest online store in the world.
  • Craigslist – Online global classifieds that have both local and global reach.
  • eBay – Another global online classified site.
  • Facebook Marketplace – Great for finding people near you (so you don’t need to ship your items).

If you aren’t going to be gone that long, skip this step. If you are going away long-term but want to keep your stuff, move it to a friend’s house or keep it in storage. A good storage company in the US is Public Storage . It’s one of the most affordable options out there.  

Get rid of your mail, go paperless, and set up online bill payment for your recurring bills to ensure you won’t miss any while overseas. If you are still going to get paper mail, use a service like Earth Class Mail , which will collect and scan your mail for you. (If you are going on a two-week trip, you don’t really need to worry about this, so you can skip this step, too.)

If you have the option (and don’t want to pay for a mail service), you can also have all your mail sent to a friend or family member.

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure you cancel any phone plans you have or switch your plan to one that is more travel-friendly. T-Mobile is great for travelers going on trips under 3 months. For any trips longer than that, you’ll want to cancel your plan and just buy SIM cards abroad as that will be much cheaper.  

Two travel backpacks all packed and ready for an adventure

I travel with a 45L REI bag and then a smaller day bag.

Unless you’re heading to multiple climates and need bulky winter gear, you don’t need a massive 70L bag stuffed to the top. Here’s my suggested packing list to help you take just the right amount of stuff and avoid overpacking ( here’s a list for female travelers as well ).

While what you pack will depend on where you are going, remember that you don’t need to pack everything you own. You can buy things you need on the road. You can do laundry overseas. At the end of the day, you have to carry everything you bring. So bring less!

There are a few extra items you might want to pack beyond your everyday clothes, though. Some things I like to bring with me are:

  • First aid kit
  • LifeStraw bottle with built-in filter
  • Packing cubes (to stay organized)
  • Travel lock (for hostel lockers)
  • Travel adapter
  • Quick-dry towel

Additionally, make sure you bring any prescriptions with you so you have enough for the duration of your trip. If that’s not feasible, bring a doctor’s note and prescription with you so you can fill it abroad.  

While a lot of people think, “I’m healthy, I don’t need travel insurance . I won’t get sick,” travel insurance is much more than just medical protection. It covers you when your camera breaks, your flight is canceled, a family member dies and you have to come home, or if something gets stolen.

Yes, it’s an added expense. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry. I never leave home without it because I’ve seen first-hand just what can happen on the road.

I never thought I would pop my eardrum while I was scuba diving in Thailand or break my camera in Italy .

I didn’t know I would get knifed in Colombia .

My friend never thought he would break his leg hiking.

Another friend didn’t expect her father would die and she would have to fly back home.

Unfortunately, bad things can happen when you’re traveling. True, these events are few and far between. But they can cost tens of thousands of dollars to handle on your own. If you’re not prepared to pay out of pocket, buy travel insurance.

To help you figure out the best plan for you and your trip, here’s my ultimate guide to picking a good insurance company . It will show you how to pick a good plan that covers you for when you get sick, your flights get canceled, if you get injured, something gets stolen, or your trip is delayed.

Here’s a breakdown of my recommended travel insurance companies so you can see what company offers the best plans for your needs and budget:

  • SafetyWing – Super affordable plans for budget travelers.
  • Insure My Trip – Best for senior travelers.
  • Medjet – Provides additional evacuation coverage to ensure you get home should an emergency occur.
  • Insured Nomads – In-depth emergency and non-emergency coverage for long-term travelers and digital nomads.

For more information on travel insurance, you can check out these posts:

  • What Does Travel Insurance Actually Cover?
  • Is Travel Insurance Worth It?
  • Do You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance?

Additionally, make sure you know your rights as an airline passenger. For example, delayed flights to/from Europe often mean you’re entitled to compensation (beyond anything insurance-related).

Learn how to ensure you are compensated if your travels are delayed or your flight is canceled .  

A person jumping into the water from a cliff as they travel the world

If you’re feeling nervous, don’t worry — that’s perfectly normal. You’re about to embark on an amazing adventure — and that’s a huge change. Feeling anxious or nervous or unsure is something every traveler experiences. But you’ve made it this far. Trust your planning, follow your instincts, and you’ll have the trip of a lifetime. I guarantee it.

By using this post as a guideline for your trip planning, you can better organize and prepare for your trip. You’ll check all the boxes, not miss anything, and have plenty of money for your vacation. It can be as simple as booking a flight and packing or as complex as rearranging your entire life to go backpack the world forever.

But, no matter how long your trip may be, this list will help you stay organized and motivated as you plan your trip and step out into the world.

P.S.  – Yes, I did leave out visas and vaccinations, because needing those isn’t as universal as the other stuff on this list, but don’t forget to check if you need those, too!  

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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Travel blogger Nomadic Matt holding a glass of wine while sitting on an airplane in first class


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  • Planning Travel

How to Plan a Trip

Last Updated: January 29, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Amy Tan . Amy Tan is a Travel Planner and the Founder of Planet Hoppers, a boutique travel design team founded in 2002. Planet Hoppers specializes in brainstorming and creating itineraries for dream vacations, honeymoons, exotic adventures, family reunions, and group trips. Planet Hoppers is a TRUE accredited travel agency and a member of the Signature Travel Network, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Travel Leaders. Amy earned a BA in Communications and a BS in Physics from the University of California, Davis in 2000. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 94% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 556,303 times.

Before planning a trip have a current passport. Purchase traveler's checks. Keep the receipt in a safe place in case of being stolen. Whether for travel or pleasure, schedule some fun. All trips are meant for adventure, relaxation, and enjoyment. By planning well, you can ensure you that you and your family or friends can enjoy a hassle-free trip with only the good kind of surprises to ensue.

Planning Help

how to plan a trip process essay

Choosing the When, Where, and How

Step 1 Choose your location.

  • Keep in mind weather and climatic conditions, merits and demerits of the place, types of recreation (beaches, culture, shopping), and facilities (transport, eating out, etc). What clothes are suitable? How removed from civilization will you be? What does your destination require?

Step 2 Choose when you want to go.

  • Do you want to go during the off-season or while tourism is booming? The off-season will offer discounts, but it will also mean closed doors and reduced availability.
  • When it comes to weather, do you want to deal with winter or the rainy season? How about when it's hot and muggy?
  • And then there's ticket prices – if you're flying, when is it the cheapest to fly? If you are planning to fly on a long weekend , then you should book the tickets well in advance to get the best deal.

Step 3 Plan a loose itinerary.

  • Make a list. Write down the places you want to visit, including restaurants, museums, malls, and other places of interest. This will help give you ideas and prevent being completely lost when you arrive and do not know what to do.
  • Include how you're going to get around. Does your itinerary involve cab rides? Using the subway? Trekking on foot? If you are taking public transportation, make sure you know how that's done wherever you're going.

Step 4 Be wary of going through a travel agent.

  • Companies that help you in the actual "planning" phase of your trip, would be like Gap Travel Adventures, Get A Trip.com, the Automobile Club of Southern California Travels Division (and their counterparts in each of the 50 States), and the American Express Corporation, whereas the giant travel conglomerates, such as Expedia, Travelocity ,Orbitz.com and Priceline (the 4 largest travel vendors in "gross profits" within the United States), aim at the end booking process.
  • The five things you can do to help yourself and your budget (that you don't need a travel agent for) are the following: 1) Book your flight and hotels at the same time, not separately 2) Be willing to fly mid-week and off-hours 3) Be willing to fly or land at a neighboring airport within 30 miles (48 km) of each other 4) Pay an all-inclusive price when possible, so that meals and gratuities are included, and 5) The actual season you travel – i will differ the rates by 30-40%.

Figuring Out the Logistics

Step 1 Assess your costs.

  • Always add some wiggle room, overestimating rather than underestimating. There are always costs you don't foresee or things you want to do that you haven't accounted for.
  • If the trip is more than you are willing to spend, make cuts where you can. If it ultimately means cutting the trip short, so be it.

Step 2 Make a budget.

  • Ditch that daily sugary latte. If you get a $4 coffee drink three times a week, that's $12 a week, and about $50 a month. That's $300 in six months right there.
  • Eat from home more. Restaurants are great, but they're expensive. If you cook at home, you can save money not only because it's cheaper, but because you'll have leftovers that can last you days.
  • Quit the luxuries for a while. That last drink on Saturday night? Pass. A movie next week? Nope. Heck, cable? Who needs it when you have Netflix? Take a look at what little things are fun, but that you could live without.

Step 3 While you're saving, do your research.

  • It is said that you should book airfare around two months out for the best deals – this is that happy place where airlines start discounting their trips to sell tickets, but haven't yet jacked prices up because they're last-minute.
  • If you're going somewhere that speaks a different language, take the time to brush up on the basics. You'll be glad you did, and the people you interact with will be, too.

Step 4 Get a

  • Many airlines also pair with major retailers, like Target, Amazon, and Apple. If you buy from those stores, you get miles. What's not to like? You're shopping there anyway – you might as well get a free flight for it.

Setting Your Plans in Stone

Step 1 Make your reservations for flights and accommodations.

  • And anything else for that matter, too. Many attractions have ticket sales online where you can skip the lines and go right in. Sure, the idea of waiting in line right now doesn't sound so bad, but for three minutes of work right now you can not waste hours of your vacation standing in a line with strangers wishing past you would've had better sense.

Step 2 Consider travel insurance.

  • Only you know if you are one of these people that changes their mind often, or often does re-scheduling – or if you are one of these people that will fly out in a hurricane, no matter what!

Step 3 If traveling internationally, make sure your documents are in order.

  • Keep your passport, travel documents, visas, and similar items in a safe pouch. You may want to make copies, too, and keep them in a safe place. It will make it so much easier to replace anything that you lost.

Step 4 Notify the right parties that you're leaving.

  • If applicable, put vacation notices on your e-mail, and remember to set your answering machine. Those messages will just have to wait until you get back.

Wrapping Up the Details

Step 1 Buy everything you'll need.

  • Traveling in a car? Make sure to get lots of foodstuffs, water, and things to do. A CD on tape about a road trip or your specific destination will be great to get you in the mood. Consider "On the Road," " Lost in My Own Backyard," "A Walk Through the Woods," or "Washington Schlepped Here," amongst others. Good music is a must, too.

Step 2 Pack light.

  • Stick to basic pieces and a couple pairs of shoes – it's really all you need in terms of clothes regardless of how long your trip is. A few basic shirts and a few basic pants, shorts, or a skirt will do the job. You can then mix and match as necessary.
  • Roll your clothes when packing. This will save you a ton of room and mean you can buy that authentic-looking tiki torch when the mood strikes.
  • Create and use a checklist for packing, which helps consistently remind you of all the odds and ends of packing. You don't want to arrive at the airport and remember you forgot the needed documents at home.

Step 3 Go!

  • Don't be tempted to take work or home problems with you – then all this planning will be for naught, making it feel like you're still mentally back home. Leave that laptop and your phone off – now is all about exploring and going on an adventure.

Expert Q&A

Amy Tan

Reader Videos

  • If planning a trip on a severe budget is your number one priority, there are literally hundreds of money saving tips for the actual daily travel plans, that can save you in the hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If peer reviews are more important than shopping by rates, than websites like Trip Adviser.com and some of the top ranked travel blogs, like with Budget Travel and Travel Zoo.com all have stellar reputations for providing unbiased reviews. In Europe, a similar counterpart would be found within Auto Europe.com (full service European travel vendor, not just cars) The Asian markets probably have the widest variety of travel providers. The only reason mentioning names is relevant, is according to Forbes Research many of the other smaller affiliate travel resources have been known to delete from their databases the low-25% of the negative reviews, thus obstructing true peer review analysis. This does not mean however, that one should not consider one of these smaller travel affiliates, though one should do their research and due diligence on that company's trust factor. Many have value-added services the larger companies do not have. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Start learning the language of the country you are going to if you are traveling overseas. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to plan a trip process essay

  • Don't keep sharp objects in your luggage. Security has been greatly beefed up, and your luggage may be checked. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Traveling can be hectic. If traveling to a new place, make sure you keep medication (especially for children). Keep your documents and precious possessions safe. Mugging and theft is common. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.theglobetrottingteacher.com/how-to-successfully-choose-your-travel-destination/
  • ↑ Amy Tan. Travel Planner. Expert Interview. 12 March 2020.
  • ↑ http://www.seat61.com/spreadsheet.htm#.VBx5XvldUss
  • ↑ https://www.lonelyplanet.com/travel-tips-and-articles/how-to-budget-for-a-big-trip/40625c8c-8a11-5710-a052-1479d2772aa0
  • ↑ http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/planning-a-trip/
  • ↑ http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-tips/how-to-find-a-cheap-flight/
  • ↑ https://www.travelpulse.com/news/features/the-importance-of-travel-insurance-3.html
  • ↑ http://www.roadtripamerica.com/tips/How-To-Plan-A-Great-Road-Trip.htm

About This Article

Amy Tan

To plan a trip, start assessing your costs by determining where you will stay, like a hotel or a hostel. You should also go online and compare flight prices a couple months in advance for the lowest rates. Additionally, be sure to consider ways of getting around your destination, like rental cars or subways, based on the place you’re traveling to. If you’re traveling internationally, get your necessary documents in order 6 months in advance, like a passport and travel visa, and keep them in a safe place. For more tips on planning a vacation, like how to make a budget, keep scrolling! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • How To Plan A Trip In 5 Simple Steps

06 Dec 2023

It is an adventure you’ve always dreamt of, but haven’t been able to plan and execute properly. Here are some useful pointers on how to plan a trip, that put an end to the cluttered chaos by streamlining your vacations to perfect harmony and pure bliss.

Vacations often start off as a wonderful idea and then eventually end up being a nightmare to manage. Often overlooked, a lot of thought and brainstorming goes into perfectly organizing touring plans. The lack of know-how on how to plan a trip often reflects during “unseen hurdles” on a vacation.

With a little bit of preparation and effort in maintaining a personalized trip planner, travelers can overcome 90% of their difficulties they may face during a trip. Here are some handy trip planning tips that will keep your prepared for the proverbial rainy-day.

1. Pick your destination

If you are wondering how to plan a trip with friends or family than you should probably start from either some stunning pics that gone viral on social media, the scenic setting of a movie, or an irresistible story of a friend’s last trip abroad. Touring plans, more often than not, are triggered by external factors.

Picking a destination

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Must Read: 30 Travel Hacks You Must Know If Just-The-Girls Trip Is On Your Mind

Things to keep in mind before selecting a destination

  • There’s nothing to say when a traveler’s mind wishes to visit the beaches, mountains, or a forest. However, picking the right destination according to the season is a key factor in understanding how to plan a trip successfully.
  • Check out the best time to visit all destinations. Usually, the ideal season to visit beaches and mountains is completely different.
  • Consider the cost factor while picking a destination. Some places are more enjoyable in a luxury budget than others. Going to a luxury destination during the shoulder season (a few weeks before or after the official ‘busy season’) can result in some good discounts on hotels and flights.
  • Safety of travelers is a prime concern people specially when you are concerned of how to plan a family vacation. Pay attention to it before stating off the journey (especially when female travelers are included).
  • Ease of accessibility or lack thereof is also a factor that can sway the decision of visiting a destination or not. Generally, the popular destinations have a lot of daily flights, trains, and good highway infrastructure to support the tourist influx.

2. Decide the duration of your trip

There is a fine line between getting bored and enjoying every moment at a destination. However, no destination has a predefined ideal duration. Wondering how to plan your road trip? It often depends on the touring plans and purpose of the visit of the travelers. Some travelers like to see new cities every day, whereas some travelers prefer taking it slow by witnessing and enjoying the subtle nuances of places they visit. This is a key aspect of your trip planning which can help your itinerary and budget both. Additionally, Travel Triangle also offers customize itinerary so if you are concerned of how to prepare an itinerary for a trip, no worries!

Handwriting travel plan

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Things to keep in mind before deciding the duration of a trip

  • A key aspect of a good trip planner is to correctly estimate the number of days required to visit a destination. A road trip planner would elongate the duration of a trip whereas, a trip planned with flight tickets could be a little shorter.
  • Trips, where the destination is within 8 hours, can also be done on a weekend provided that the night time is utilized for traveling.
  • A trip with a lot of urban destinations will need more time in the sightseeing, and therefore a longer trip duration. Whereas a trip to a tropical beach town would not involve much sightseeing and hence, the duration can be shorter.
  • It is advisable to keep a vacant day in touring plans that exceed 7 days. This gives a buffer to things like flight/train delays, traffic jams, weather hold-ups, or a change-of-heart to extend one’s stay at a particular destination.

3. Book flights, train, or bus tickets, and accommodation

After the ideation is complete, booking tickets for your flight, train or bus transfer well in advance is an important step in learning how to plan your trip to perfection. Since flight and train tickets are subject to availability and prices rise over time, getting the bookings done a few months in advance will help you avoid additional costs on your initial budget. Whether you are planning to explore the hidden places in Goa or savour the local flavour of Rajasthan , advance booking can help you with a hassle-free journey.

Booking flights

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Things to keep in mind while booking transfers and accommodation

  • Only book the cheaper non-refundable flight or train tickets if you are absolutely certain of your vacation plans. Otherwise, it is advisable to book refundable tickets if booking well-in-advance.
  • Flight prices fluctuate a lot, keep a track on flight prices by using Google Flights Tracker.
  • Expect a surge in prices of flights and accommodations if you are booking tickets for a vacation that falls during the peak season of that particular destination.
  • Use credit cards that give frequent flyer miles and points on every rupee spent on booking flights and hotels to earn great rewards and cash-backs.

4. Plan the day-wise activities and course of action

It always sounds fascinating and adventurous when touring plans are made on a sudden impulse and gut feel. However, the downside of going on such trips is that there could be many days where the scheduling can go haywire because of everything being so last-minute.

Activities on a trip

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Things to keep in mind while planning day-wise activities

  • Depending on the budget and time-at-disposal, getting a rough idea of what activities should be done on what day is a vital ingredient in understanding how to plan a trip perfectly.
  • Transfers between destinations should be kept as much as possible during the evening/night. This will provide enough time for sightseeing and activities as most of them are only possible during the day-time.
  • Most of the times, it is better to book activities like water sports, adventure sports, boat-rides, and safari rides at the destination itself to get a better price and some scope for bargaining.
  • In the trip planner, keep only one or two activities in a day if the purpose of the trip is to relax and take it easy during the vacation.
  • At some places, popular tourists activities like skiing, boating, scuba diving etc are closed during offseason. Check the availability of activities before going to the destination.

5. Pack diligently and make all the necessary adjustments

After the bookings are done, it is always advisable for your trip planning to pack your stuff keeping in mind the destination and the influence of external factors on it. The unpredictability of weather, socio-political scenario, or a festive season can adversely affect travel plans.  In order to avoid alteration of touring plans due to these scenarios, travelers should do a bit of research before starting their vacation.

packing for a trip

Further Read: Travel Myths Busted: Don’t Let These Cliched Fables Ruin Your Travel Experiences

Things to keep in mind while packing for a vacation

  • An extra shirt, sweater, pair of jeans, or jumper can always prove handy during trips where the weather is expected to be cold or rainy.
  • Things like sunscreen, lotion, or mosquito repellent sound like unnecessary items but they are very vital in preventing any skin-related diseases
  • As a part of cultural sensitivity and responsible tourism, travelers must research about the destination they are visiting. Reading about the do’s and don’ts is advisable in order to avoid causing any conflict or disrespect to the local people of the place to be visited.

Vacations are experiences that change people for the good. With a better understanding of how to plan a trip, travelers can enjoy their sojourns without any malice or unfortunate occurrence. Book a tour package to your dream destination with TravelTriangle and enjoy a responsible, thoughtful, and considerate way of traveling.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Trip Planning In India

Which are some of the offbeat destinations to plan budget trips in India?

Amidst an array of awe-inspiring destinations in India, there are some offbeat destinations that can easily be planned for an ultimate budget trip. Some of these destinations are: 1. Digha - West Bengal 2. Savarkut - Maharashtra 3. Maval - Maharashtra 4. Hampi

Which destinations in India can be explored on a very low budget?

Some incredible places in India can be explored on a very low budget. Some of them are: 1. Pushkar 2. Ooty 3. Lonavala 4. Nainital 5. Rishikesh 6. Hampi

Which place is best to travel for 2-3 days in India?

The best place for a 2-3 day trip in India would depend on your location. If you are located in North Delhi, then Shimla and Jaipur would be a good choice. For people living in South India, Mysore and Coorg must be on the list. For West India, head to Alibaug or Mahabaleshwar. Northeast can head to Pelling or Darjeeling. And East Indians would love to visit Sunderbans or Puri.

What is the best place to visit in South India with a low budget for a 3 to 4-day tour?

Hampi, Coorg, and Ooty are some of the best places to visit in South India if you are a budget traveler.

Which is the cheapest city in India?

Kolkata, Chennai, and Bangalore are arguably the cheapest cities in India. It is affordable for a majority of Indian citizens to rent out a place in these metro cities. Also, the dining options here are pretty cheap compared to other metro cities.

How can I travel cheaply in India?

If you plan to travel cheaply in India, you can live for free at an ashram in Pondicherry, drink at shacks in Goa that serve vodka shots for INR 60 per glass, travel by state-owned buses in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, and prefer staying at homestays.

How much does a meal cost in India?

A meal in India costs INR 100 at street joints, INR 250-500 at medium-level restaurants, and over INR 1,000 at upscale restaurants. Make sure you taste the local street food while you’re in India. The flavor and the aroma of Indian cuisine is distinct and usually hits all your senses.

Which is the cheapest country to visit from India?

There are various countries that you can consider visiting from India on a low budget. Some of them have been listed below: 1. Malaysia 2. Sri Lanka 3. Bhutan 4. Nepal 5. Thailand 6. Laos 7. Singapore

What are some of the best tips to keep in mind while planning budget trips in India?

If you are thinking how to plan a vacation on a budget to India, make sure to go through the following tips. These tips would certainly come in handy while planning your budget trip and will allow you to have a seamless vacation. Check them out: 1. Research thoroughly - Make sure you research in depth about your destination. Research about the best budget hotels, pocket-friendly restaurants, and transportation options. 2. Travel during the off-season - If you intend to have a vacation that is easy on your pockets, it is vital to travel during the off-season, when the demand is less and prices are not inflated. 3. Travel in a group to share costs related to accommodation and transportation. 4. Travel to offbeat places in the country. Places that are already very popular amongst tourists would naturally cost you more. It is wise to travel to unexplored places and save some bucks! 5. Find accommodation in homestays. Homestays are relatively cheaper than hotels. You can also look for accommodation in budget-friendly hostels. 6. Travel via public transport instead of taxi/cab. Keeping these tips in mind would surely aid you while planning your ideal budget trip in India.

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