
Essay on Being A Senior In High School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Being A Senior In High School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Being A Senior In High School


Being a senior in high school is a unique phase in life. It’s a time filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a bit of fear. This is when you stand on the edge of childhood and adulthood, ready to take your first big step into the world.

Academic Pressure

As a senior, the pressure of studies can be intense. You are expected to perform well in your final exams. It’s a time when you have to balance your studies with other activities. The key is to plan and manage your time well.

Social Life

Senior year is also a time for social growth. You get to enjoy proms, sports, and other activities. It’s a chance to make lasting memories with your friends before everyone goes their separate ways after graduation.

Future Planning

Being a senior means thinking about your future. It’s a time to choose a college or decide on a career path. It can be a bit scary but also exciting. It’s all about making decisions that will shape your future.

250 Words Essay on Being A Senior In High School

Being a senior in high school is a special time in a person’s life. It is full of excitement, challenges, and growth. It is the last step before stepping into the world of adulthood.

The Final Year

This is the final year in school. It is a mix of feelings. There’s joy in knowing you’ve come far, yet a bit of sadness as you’ll soon leave friends and teachers. It’s a year of making memories that will last a lifetime.

Getting Ready for College

Being a senior also means getting ready for college. It’s time to choose a career path. You have to study hard for entrance exams. It’s a bit stressful, but also thrilling to think about the future.

Leadership Roles

As a senior, you get to take on leadership roles. You become a role model for the younger students. It’s a chance to show responsibility and make a positive impact on your school.

Enjoying Senior Privileges

There are also fun parts of being a senior. You get to enjoy senior privileges like going on trips, attending prom, and celebrating graduation. These are moments to cherish.

500 Words Essay on Being A Senior In High School

Being a senior in high school is a unique and important time in a student’s life. It is a year filled with many changes, challenges, and opportunities. This is the final year before stepping into the real world or heading off to college. It is a time of growth, learning, and preparation.

Academic Expectations

As a senior, academic pressure often increases. This is the year where grades matter the most as they can determine college admissions. Seniors must balance their coursework, maintain good grades, and prepare for important tests. It’s not just about studying, it’s also about applying the knowledge learned over the years.

College Preparation

Seniors often take on leadership roles within the school. They may become captains of sports teams, lead clubs or become student body representatives. These roles help them develop important skills like responsibility, teamwork, and communication. They also set an example for younger students.

Emotional Changes

Being a senior can bring about many emotional changes. There is the joy of nearing the end of high school but also the sadness of leaving friends and familiar surroundings. There may also be stress and anxiety about the future. It’s important to remember that these feelings are normal and part of the journey.

Social Events

In conclusion, being a senior in high school is a time of change and growth. It is a year filled with academic challenges, college preparations, leadership opportunities, emotional changes, and fun social events. It is the final step before entering the real world or college. It’s a time to work hard, make memories, and prepare for the future.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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500 word essay about senior high school strand


Here’s Why Choosing HUMSS Strand is For You!

male HUMSS student

The HUMSS strand is a promising track choice for incoming senior high school students with a desire to pursue careers in social studies, creatives, and many more. However, most incoming senior high students actually come into their SHS distance learning experience not knowing what course to pick. In this article, we go over why choosing the HUMSS strand is an advantageous choice to make. If you are heading into senior high school are not sure what strand to get, here are a few reasons why incoming SHS students must choose HUMSS!

What is HUMSS?

HUMSS stands for Humanities & Social Sciences—a popular track among hopeful artists and students that are hoping to pursue careers in social studies, and literature among many others. HUMSS is all about educating students on the foundations of the human behavior and how they have come to influence different societal phenomenon such as arts, culture, religion, literature, and even the politics of their era.

HUMSS is meant to be the doorway to a bright future ahead with plenty of options for its graduates to figure out the lives they truly want. If you are a senior high school student that is decided on HUMSS or is considering taking it, below are some our top reasons why you should choose HUMSS as your SHS track.

Flexible Applications

Because of the versatility that HUMSS courses can offer after you finish senior high school, graduates can look forward to having several options about how they move forward with their future. From the type of HUMSS courses they pursue after graduating senior high, to the kind of internships they want to apply to in order to gain workplace experience and decide on the career they want, one reason why the HUMSS strand is a popular pick is because it can be a springboard to very distinct specializations while offering you a chance to discern if they are right for you.

Core HUMSS subjects such as Philosophy and Social Sciences make for great foundations to a pre-law degree in college. On the other hand, learning about Art & Art History in combination with Mathematics can set you up for a degree in courses like Architecture or Interior Design. The list of options is endless so if you want a track that keeps your choices open, the freedom to choose is an excellent reason to pick HUMSS.

Multiple Job Opportunities

Bouncing off of the flexible applications benefit that HUMSS affords its students, the access to a wide job market alone is a great reason why choosing HUMSS as a strand is a smart move. Whether you go the creative or sociological route of your HUMSS strand education, you have plenty of possible HUMSS strand jobs to choose from when applying for employment. Because many positions utilize the skills and knowledge that senior high students enrolled in HUMSS have, it is significantly easier to get hired compared to strands that are far more focused and technical.

If you want to secure your chances of quickly getting hired amid other applicants, then you can count on your HUMSS education to help pave the way to a successful job application.

Chances for Connecting with People

Among the different strands offered by SHS distance learning as well as any other senior high program, it is HUMSS that is the most people-centric in nature. HUMSS directly deals with studying the human body and its interactions with the world around us, as well as how we as people interact with each other to form societal relationships and manifest sociological phenomenon. Because of this, jobs that deal in HUMSS are often very interpersonal in nature—requiring plenty of empathy, extraversion, and reflection on the different aspects of human culture that occur around us.

If you love the idea of working with people or studying cultural and sociological phenomenon to determine valuable findings, then this chance is a great reason why should choose HUMSS over other options.

student presenting

Level Up Your Confidence

Not all HUMSS students come into the course with a penchant for extroversion and communication. Some come into the course in order to learn more about how society and man co-exist and interact within our natural world. More introverted students that prefer the company of books and research papers may benefit from the exposure and chances for communication that being in HUMSS can teach them. While there is no need for introverted students to suddenly become extroverts overnight, the chance to find your stride when it comes to communicating confidently is a great reason for you to pick HUMSS in the first place.

Communicating with others is not the only source of confidence you can build at HUMSS. With the strand being a logic and critical thinking-heavy choice, students enrolled in it will be forced to take their time when thinking critically and logically. By using logic and reasoning to deduce their theories and decide on arguments, building valuable skills in public speaking and presentation are also important whenever you try to build your case for class tasks.

Build Understanding & Maturity

An underrated benefit of choosing the HUMSS strand is how it builds your understanding and empathy as a person. By learning more about the different schools of thought, as well as sociological phenomenon and cultures from all over the world, students within the strand can develop a deeper understanding and a wider world view that takes the motivations and background of others into account.

This benefit goes beyond the obvious rewards it will yield within classroom and workplace settings. Rather, the increased understanding and maturity can also manifest in your personal life and relationships. Practice kindness and keep a cool head by always thinking of where the other person is coming from.

Get Into the Habit of Seeing the Big Picture

By choosing the HUMSS strand, you sign yourself up for an educational experience that encourages you to face truths and take the bigger picture into consideration— even if at times, this truth can be uncomfortable. If you are an incoming SHS student, the opportunity to build a habit of seeing things from the bigger picture can help you make sounder decisions later on into your tertiary education and eventually, in your career and personal life.

This habit of being able to evaluate a situation by considering all sides is a useful one to build because of how it prepares you for valuable skills such as financial planning, project management, and even policy-making should politics be among your interests. It is also a perfectly valid reason for incoming senior high students to choose HUMSS over other strands.

Weigh these Reasons Carefully Before Making a Choice

Deciding on a senior high school track to follow is a difficult task, and is one that you should not take lightly. Review these six reasons to choose HUMSS carefully and weigh how much you value each and every one of them. If you value four or more of these reasons, then we recommend that you seriously consider choosing HUMSS as your track in order to fulfill your goals and maximize your personal growth.

We hope that by presenting these six reasons to you, you can make a more informed decision that will have you following an educational and professional career path that is to your liking. Choose the HUMSS strand today and access opportunities that suit your goals and meet your needs based on the reasons above!


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The Advantages of Taking the General Academic Strand

Published by editorial team on september 24, 2019 september 24, 2019.

It seems logical that every senior high school student is partial to his chosen strand. Learning anything interesting is always cool after all. But for those who are truly curious about pursuing the General Academic Strand (GAS) in senior high, here’s a rundown of what the most determined GAS students have to say about it. 

Today’s K-12 generation is offered three educational tracks when they reach senior high school. The Academic track comprises HUMMS that deals with Humanities and Social Sciences, ABM for Accounting, Business and Management; and GAS for General Academics. For students who enroll in GAS, most are looking to develop their skills in reading, writing, and speaking skills. In short, GAS students are being groomed as professionals who serve people through ideas and communication. These students may someday be lawyers, professors, psychologists, or theologians. 

We’ve asked a few senior students who are proud GAS enrollees and here are some of the things they have to say about the advantages of taking this particular strand.

GAS has class.

And by class, we don’t mean your actual class lectures but instead the great selection of subjects a student can take within the strand such as disaster preparedness, risk reduction, and organization management among others. Imagine learning how to deal with common and not-so-common problems that most adults face and being able to formulate solutions of your own. Now that’s something worth studying for. Most students find these topics interesting in how they are both necessary for any job and how they serve as concrete foundations to specific specializations when they enter college. This strand also offers flexibility for students who are still on the fence about what course to take in college as it gives them experiential education and previews of the other strands offered in senior high school.  

You can select a good mix of subjects.

GAS also offers a host of subjects from the other Senior High School strands namely HUMMS, ABM, and STEM. Students may choose to take these subjects simultaneously. Among better subjects to look into that are available in GAS are Philippine Politics and Governance, Community Engagement, Creative Writing, and Applied Economics among many others. These subjects give senior high school students general overviews on what they can learn about in college depending on their chosen courses. The most likely ones to take if you’re a GAS graduate are those that have to do with communication arts, education, journalism, philosophy, literature, and political science. However, GAS students may also choose other tertiary disciplines that are more inclined to the other strands because that’s just how versatile the general academics strand develops its students.   

500 word essay about senior high school strand

GAS students are like boy and girl scouts.

GAS students are always prepared for college like scouts on a camping trip. That is if the student already knows what course he’ll be taking up upon graduating senior high. This is because GAS makes it more convenient for students to pick the subjects and strands they need to take in order to pursue higher education. Like any other senior high school strand, students will always encounter challenges but the trade-off is how they can discover their true disciplines and what college course they can excel the best. Your typical GAS class is usually composed of diverse individuals who are ready to share new discoveries with each other. If you love letters, you may eventually develop an interest in numbers from the next math genius sitting right beside you in class. That’s actually one of the best advantages a student can get when choosing GAS over the other Senior High School strands. It gives a student the leverage to find his own strengths, as well as fresh perspectives on the new things he learns from its wide range of subjects. This opportunity will definitely prepare a student for college well and soon after graduation, the real world.

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How To Write An Essay

500 Word Essay

Cathy A.

All You Need to Know About a 500-word Essay

16 min read

Published on: Mar 10, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

500 word essay

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A 500-word essay is a very interesting type of essay writing. Like other academic writing assignments, this type of essay writing is quite often assigned to students at different academic levels.

A 500-word essay tends to polish the writing and analytical skills of a writer. It is not a very extensive composition, but still, it is meaningful and equally important. 

This type of essay writing is interesting and very easy to write. You have to be on point, which means that you do not have to do a lot of research and stay focused on your point of view.

A 500-word essay format is one of the easiest formats to follow for essay writing.

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What is a 500-Word Essay?

A 500-word essay is basically an essay with three sections that give clear depictions of an occasion or any item. This type of essay is a common article design that can be followed for composing any sort of exposition, for example, a descriptive essay, an argumentative essay, and so forth.

A 500-word essay is mostly doled out at secondary schools and universities. Almost every other student faces it multiple times throughout academic life. It doesn't have any broad heading, so you can show all your latent capacity by not relying on the subject and theme.

How to Format a 500-Word Essay?

The format of a 500-word essay is very simple and very similar to other types of essay formats. The only thing that makes it different is the essay length.

As the word count for this type of essay is less, thus the length of the paragraphs is also small, and the word count ranges from 75-125 words.

Each paragraph has 3-5 sentences. These sentences must be well-written so that despite being short in length, the sentence can explain its purpose.

Here is a standard format of a 500-word essay that has the following components with examples of each component.

The introduction is responsible for keeping the reader engaged. It provides a brief overview of the overall essay and contains the thesis statement for the essay topic.

It provides background information about your essay’s topic and mentions why you chose this topic in particular.

Also, there is a hook statement in the introduction paragraph. This is a statement that usually is a verse or a famous quotation. It is used as an opening sentence for the essay.

For Example 

Cell phones have gone from a desired commodity to an essential item. While these devices offer us easy access to the rest of the world, they can cause problems for educators. High school teachers may be able to ask pupils in their classes to put away their mobiles, but should professors possess similar control over grown men and women? The solution is crafting cell phone usage rules that limit disruptions without impeding student liberties.

After the introduction, the body of the essay starts. The body paragraphs make the body of an essay. For a 500-word essay, particularly, there are usually 4-6 paragraphs.

Each paragraph discusses a key element and provides the required evidence to give it a logical sense.

Like the body paragraph of any other essay, the paragraphs of the 500-word essay start with a topic sentence. This sentence acts as an introduction to the paragraph.

Each paragraph should end with a transition sentence to show a connection with the upcoming part.

Make sure that such a body paragraph is meaningful yet in a comprehensive form.

Here is a sample body paragraph to help you craft a winning 500-word essay

Continuation of the same examples…

The principal basis for restricting cell phone use in the classroom is that phones can act as a distraction. Not only do students and teachers become diverted, but this has an analogous impact on someone glancing at their device during a movie screening - even if it's silent, the illuminated display will still divert one’s focus away from what matters most!

When debating mobile phone regulations in the classroom, safety is typically brought to the forefront. Emergencies may happen at any time and students should have their phones with them for peace of mind. Parents' needs come into play too; if a student has children, they could need access to call someone during medical emergencies. Furthermore, if an individual is on standby for work-related matters then having a cell phone accessible would be useful as well - there are endless plausible scenarios that make it difficult not to provide exceptions from these rules!

To ensure all students have an opportunity to learn without distraction, the optimal choice is to establish and enforce mobile phone usage rules. With these guidelines in place, pupils should be able to carry their devices with them as long as they remain on silent during class hours. This way, phones are easily accessible for any necessary use but don't interfere with anyone's learning experience. Vibrate settings can be allowed if the instructor feels comfortable with it, as the buzz may not be heard in a crowded classroom. In an emergency situation, students can quickly step out of class to answer their phones. This will create a more relaxed environment for both instructors and students alike.

Cell phone restrictions in the classroom should be enforced with clear and specific disciplinary measures for violations. For instance, if a student is caught using their cell phone during class, they can be excused from that day's classes. Professors should avoid seizing control of the device out of consideration for potential liability issues. It’s safer to request students leave the classroom than take away their phones, as any damages incurred while in a professor's possession could result in liability for repairs on behalf of the school or instructor.

A conclusion paragraph is the extract of the whole essay. The writing skills of a writer are judged by the way they conclude an essay.

Writing the conclusion is the most complicated part of essay writing. To write a good conclusion, the writer must logically summarize all the key elements and reiterate the thesis statement.

Whatever is mentioned in the conclusion should give the reader a sense of closure and completion.

Let's continue with the cell phone example for a better understanding of the conclusion phase.

Every educational institution, professor, and student body holds a unique identity. Thus, educational organizations must adjust their regulations to fit the current needs of their scholars. Although prohibiting cell phone use in college courses is excessive, there are other ways to reconcile students’ rights with instructors' expectations. Allowing just the right amount of regulation and flexibility within colleges can cultivate an optimal learning atmosphere that ensures maximum safety for its members.

500 Word Vs. 250 Word Essay

500-word scholarship essays provide you with a significantly greater degree of writing freedom than 250-word ones. When you're given fewer words, it can be tricky to express your views in concise and effective phrases without sacrificing clarity.

With 500 words at hand though, you have ample space to make sure that all the facets of your opinion are expressed - yet don't need footnotes and cited resources as often!

500 Word Essay Vs. 1000 Word Essay

The length of a 500-word essay and a 1000-word essay is quite different. 

While a 500-word essay may not require much outside research or citations, it still requires more focus and organization than a 1000-word essay. 

A 1000-word essay requires far more time and effort to write than a 500-word essay. Plus, it requires you to be more thorough in your research, analysis, and composition. It will also require you to use a greater degree of critical thinking skills when making arguments.

Additionally, a 1000-word essay may call for the use of outside sources to support points or draw conclusions. Thus, writing a 1000-word essay can be a much more challenging task than writing a 500-word essay. 

How Long is a 500-word Essay?

You must be wondering how long exactly a 500-word essay is? As it is a very easy style of composing an essay, so every student prefers to complete it right away and get back to other activities.

One of the interesting facts about this essay type is that it is even shorter than we think. It depends on the formatting style, sizing, and spacing a writer chooses to use. If a writer wants a double-spaced writing format, that is also acceptable for writing such an essay.

To make sure that you write the essay with perfection, understand all the requirements provided by your instructor to compose this type of essay.

500-Word Essay Sample (PDF)

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How to Write a 500-word Essay?

Writing a 500-word essay is a very simple task to do. But things might get complicated if you do not follow a standard way of writing.

The following are the steps you should consider while writing a 500-word essay.

Before you start writing an essay, the first thing you should do is to understand the requirements provided by your instructor.

Understanding the requirements will help you to complete your essay without any mess and up to the mark. Proceeding according to the requirements will keep you composed through the essay writing process.

Once you have understood all the requirements, the next step is to think of some interesting ideas. Brainstorming helps you to use the creativity of your mind, especially when it comes to essay writing.

Note down all the elements that you come up with within your mind. Make a rough list of all the ideas and later on organize them to compose an effective essay.

After you have understood all the instructions and spent enough time brainstorming different ideas, it is time you choose a topic.

Always choose a unique and interesting topic. A good topic is highly responsible for making your essay attractive. Also, try that you have selected a topic that is not overdone. An overdone and repetitive topic would make your audience boring.

For a 500-word essay, a topic must be very interesting as you have to make the essay interesting within a very limited word count. Make sure that you choose such a topic about which you can easily collect evidence and facts to support it and make it stronger.

Conducting research on the selected topic is an essential part of essay writing. The research will help you collect all the relevant information that is necessary to make your essay stronger.

Also, researching a topic will make the writing process very smooth for you as you will have all the information that is needed for the essay.

Collect all information only from reliable sources as you don’t want to misguide your audience.

The outline is an element of an essay that can save time, make things easy, and earn a better grade.

Just write down all the main features and arguments you want to discuss in your 500-word essay. This will help you to get back on track if you forget the things you wanted to write about.

Moreover, your essay will always be structured and clear, so the audience will read it easily and will follow your thoughts without any challenges.

Since you have your topic and all the information related to the topic thus, you are all set to start writing your essay.

Essay writing starts with writing an introduction. As you are writing an essay of 500 words, an introduction should have only one paragraph. In that paragraph, you should explain the main topic and its importance and also the thesis statement.

After introducing the topic, state the body paragraph, and explain all the key elements in it. Usually, there are three body paragraphs in such essays to explain different key elements.

Don’t forget to add transition words, which will make the text smooth and readable. Also, ensure that you use the standard font styles, preferably Arial or Times New Roman.

The same as an introduction, your conclusion should be one paragraph long. Summarize all the key elements in a very precise way and do not add any new points.

Devoting some extra time to proofreading, revision, and editing can make your essay a whole lot better.

This is the simplest thing to do, but most students still skip it and make the biggest mistake. Proofreading ensures that there are no mistakes left behind in your document.

Always make sure that you revise your essay at least once and do the required editing.

Watch this video that shows cases the 5 common mistakes you might make in your 500-word essay writing. Learn how to avoid them to get the desired grade. 

500-Word Essay Examples

To understand any type of essay, one needs to look into some good examples. Unfortunately, when it comes to writing a 500-word essay, things become a bit technical for the writer.

To understand the method of writing a good 500-word essay on any topic, look at the following 500-word essay sample pdf examples. 

Leadership essays are written to discuss all the qualities of being a leader. Look at the given example and learn how you can write a 500-word essay on leadership

500-Word Essay on Leadership (PDF)

500-word essay writing assignments are often assigned to high school students. If you are a high school and want to see how you can perfectly write such an essay, look at the example given below.

500-Word Essay for High School (PDF)

Our changing environment is an important issue these days. An essay can be composed of different things related to it. The given example is a 500-word essay that discusses the environment in general.

500-Word Essay on the Environment (PDF)

Punctuality is one of the significant qualities of an individual. A well-written 500-word essay on punctuality is mentioned below to help you through.

500-Word Essay on Punctuality (PDF)

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Anger management is a difficult topic to tackle. It requires you to find effective solutions and ideas within such a limited word count. Check out the example given below for help.

500 Word Essay on Anger

The Second World War is one of the most important events in human history and its impact can still be felt today. Writing a 500-word essay on this subject requires research, understanding, and war insight. Below is a sample to help you get an idea about how to tackle such a topic.

500 word essay on ww2

Now that you know exactly what a 500 word essay looks like. Continue reading to select the perfect 500-word essay topic.

Great 500-Word Essay Topics

This type of essay is mostly assigned to high school and middle school students. The following are some amazing topics for 500-word essays.

  • Difference between Love and passion.
  • The love story of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Why is there a belief that marriage destroys love?
  • A religious aspect of love.
  • What is real love?
  • Is it possible to make a person truly love somebody?
  • The influence of love on a person’s life?
  • Why is real love often depicted in fairy tales?
  • How to write a 100 words essay in Times New Roman?
  • Can animals feel love for their owners?
  • The effects of single space formatting in an essay.
  • A journey to remember.
  • How to prepare for an exam?
  • Thoughts on spacecraft?
  • How do people earn from the Internet?
  • How can money influence people?
  • How can disabilities be a challenge?
  • Carrying guns by people underage.
  • Telling lies is sometimes useful.
  • Why is smoking the greatest threat to youngsters?

Writing assignments can be really daunting sometimes. To write an essay perfectly, you need to have strong writing skills and a lot of time to complete it. Instead of being stressed out, the best option is to seek professional help.

At  CollegeEssay.org , we have a qualified team of expert writer who can take care of any writing assignment. From writing a good college essay to providing you with the best research paper, we have got you covered.

You can always make the most of AI essay writing tools to refine and enhance your writing skills.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

How many pages is a 500 word essay.

A 500-word essay page is approximately one page single-spaced, or two pages double-spaced. This may vary depending on your writing style and font size.Usually time new roman 12 is used. Typically, a 500 word essay will be about one page single or two pages double spaced.

Cathy A. (Marketing, Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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Essay Writing Guide

500 Word Essay

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

Writing a 500 Word Essay - Easy Guide

By: Nova A.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Jan 8, 2019

500 Word Essay

Are you staring at a blank page, trying to write a 500-word essay? Don't worry, you're not alone! 

Many students face this challenge when tasked with writing a concise yet impactful piece. A 500-word essay is a common task often assigned to high school and college students. 

Writing a 500-word essay can be quite difficult as you have to cover all the important points in a few words. However, this is where you can show all your potential. 

Read on to learn how to write a perfect 500-word essay with this step by step guide. You will also get to read some good example essays to help you out. 

Let’s dive into it!

500 Word Essay

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500 Word Essay Definition

A 500-word essay is a short length academic essay. It provides a writer’s perspective on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to high school and college students to teach them necessary essay writing skills.

Every type of essay can follow the 500-word essay format, including:

  • Persuasive essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Expository essay
  • Narrative essay

This means that you can write any type of essay in the 500-word format.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay

A 500-word essay is an opportunity to show and improve your writing skills. Here are the steps you need to follow to write your essay:

Make an Essay Outline

An outline is a roadmap that guides you through the different sections of your essay. It is important to make an outline before you start writing. This ensures a well-structured and coherent piece. 

A 500-word essay is usually composed of five paragraphs. Here’s what you need to create an outline:

  • The main topic of the essay
  • The central thesis statement
  • The main point or topic sentence for each body paragraph
  • Supporting points for body paragraphs

This is what your outline will look like:

Write a Good Introduction

An introduction plays an important role in making an impression on the reader’s mind. The readers decide on the basis of the introduction, whether they want to read the rest of the essay or not. 

Here is how you can compose the introduction paragraph:

  • It should start with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention immediately.
  • Provide a little background information that helps the reader understand the topic
  • Conclude the intro with a compelling thesis statement that you will support in the body.

Here is an example:

With its potential to revolutionize industries, reshape our daily lives, and challenge traditional notions of human capabilities, AI has become a topic of immense significance and intrigue. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to deep learning algorithms and autonomous robots, AI has permeated nearly every aspect of our modern world, promising a future that was once confined to the realms of science fiction. 

As we stand at the precipice of this transformative era,

Compose the Body Paragraphs

The body section is intended to provide a detailed description of the topic. It gives complete information about the essay topic and presents the writer’s point of view in detail. Following are the elements of the body section:.

  • Topic sentence

The first sentence of the body paragraph. It presents the main point that will be discussed in the paragraph.

  • Supporting evidence

It could be any points or evidence that support your main thesis.

  • Transition statement

This statement relates the body paragraph back to the thesis, and also connects it with the subsequent paragraph.

One of the most visible manifestations of AI's progress is in the domain of autonomous vehicles. 

Companies such as Tesla, Waymo, and Uber have made significant strides in developing self-driving cars, harnessing AI technologies to navigate complex roadways, interpret real-time data, and make split-second decisions. These advancements promise not only enhanced safety and efficiency on the roads but also a paradigm shift in our transportation systems. Similarly, AI-powered virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Google Assistant have become ubiquitous in our homes, providing personalized recommendations, answering queries, and performing various tasks with natural language processing and machine learning capabilities. 

These examples underscore the increasing integration of AI into our everyday lives, blurring the line between human and machine interaction.

Draft a Compelling Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph summarizes the whole essay and presents the final thoughts on the topic. It is as important as the introduction paragraph. Below are the things you include in the conclusion paragraphs:

  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Summarize the essay
  • Provide final thoughts or a call to action

In conclusion, 

the rise of artificial intelligence presents a watershed moment in human history, with its far-reaching implications extending into every aspect of our lives.

While AI holds immense promise in revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, and enhancing our daily experiences, it also brings forth complex ethical, societal, and economic challenges that must be carefully navigated. As we forge ahead into this AI-driven future, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration, establish robust ethical guidelines, and foster transparent governance to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably while mitigating its potential risks. By approaching AI with a balanced and informed perspective, we can harness its transformative potential while safeguarding the values and aspirations of humanity.

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500 Word Essay Format

Here is how you format a 500 word essay in general:

  • A common font style like Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman
  • 1” margins on both sides
  • Line spacing: double-spaced
  • Alignment: Left 

Remember, these are general guidelines. Always follow the specific page formatting guidelines provided by your instructor. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing a 500 Word Essay

Many things come up in your mind when you get to write a 500-word essay. You might want to know the length, outline, time required to write the essay, and many more things.

Below are some common questions that you may ask yourself while writing a short essay.

How Long is a 500 Word Essay?

“How many pages is a 500-word essay?”

An essay length of a 500-word essay is usually 1 to 2 pages. If it is single-spaced, it covers just 1-page. When double-spaced, it covers 2 pages. 

When it comes to spacing, stick to the instructions given by your professor.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The standard 500-word essay template has 5 paragraphs. It has one introduction, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. 

The word count is divided into 5 paragraphs evenly. The introduction and conclusion are 100 words long each. While the body paragraphs need to be 300 words long.

How Long Does it Take to Write a 500 Word Essay?

It would take no more than an hour or two to write a complete 500-word essay. Especially if you have enough information about the topic, you can easily write your essay within an hour. 

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 250 words essay

The word count of an essay plays a significant role in shaping its structure, content, and depth of analysis. A 500-word essay is a bit more detailed and longer than a 250-word essay. A 250-word essay is composed of three paragraphs maximum. Meanwhile a 500-word essay should contain at least five paragraphs.

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 1000 words essay

Here is a major difference between 500-word essay and a 1000-word essay: 

With a 500-word essay, you have a limited word count, which necessitates a concise and focused approach. You must carefully select your arguments, provide succinct evidence, and present a coherent analysis. 

On the other hand, a 1000-word essay allows for a more extensive exploration of the topic. It provides the opportunity to delve into multiple subtopics and offer more supporting evidence. 

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500 Word Essay Topics

Below are some interesting topics to help you get started on your essay.

  • Should gun ownership be restricted
  • My Favorite Place
  • Should healthcare be free? 
  • The benefits of volunteering in the local community
  • Is hunting for food moral? 
  • The importance of personal responsibility
  • How I spent my summer vacation
  • Describe an ideal personality
  • What is Climate Change?
  • The importance of sports for teenagers

Need more ideas? We’ve got you covered! Check out 100+ amazing essay topics to help you out!

500 Word Essay Example

Now you have a guide for writing a 500-word essay, have a look at the following example to have a more clear understanding.



500 Words Essay on Why I Deserve a Scholarship






With the help of this step by step guide and essay examples, you can easily craft a perfect essay. However, if you need more help, you can contact us anytime.

5StarEssays.com is a legitimate paper writing service that you can rely on to do my essay for me . We offer academic writing help for each category, i.e. research paper, scholarship essay, or any type of academic paper.

Place your order now to get unique and original essays at affordable prices. Or if you need quick writing assistance, try out our AI essay writer now!

Nova A.

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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How to Write a Great 500 Word Essay

David Feb 14, 2018

How to Write a Great 500 Word Essay

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During your scholarship applications, you may need to submit a 500-word essay answering a specific question. The theme of the essay can range from personal achievements to political controversies. This means you can adjust your writing style to fit the message of the prompt. This guide will explain how to write a 500-word scholarship essay. We will also provide an example for inspiration.

How to Format a 500-Word Scholarship Essay

The format of a 500-word scholarship essay is similar to a shorter essay. Each paragraph is about 75-125 words, and it consists of 3-5 well-written sentences. If you are writing a story or personal anecdote, the formatting can be more like a novel than a news article.

The main components of a 500-word essay include:

Introduction paragraph that engages the reader and establishes the thesis. The thesis may be a question that you will later answer in the essay content, or it can be a statement that you support in the body paragraphs. If you are writing a story, your “thesis” may not be as apparent.

4-6 body paragraphs that provide evidence to back up your thesis. Each paragraph should be a cohesive element with an intro and conclusion. The body paragraphs should flow well from one point to the next.

A conclusion paragraph that reminds the reader of the thesis and highlights key points from the body text. The conclusion should answer the question or complete the statement made in the introduction. It should give the reader a sense of closure and resolution

500-word essays do not have to be exactly 500 words, but they should be as close as possible. The essay prompt may say “in under 500 words” or “in at least 500 words,” which would state whether 500 is the minimum or maximum word count. If that information is not specified, write as much as you need to comprehensively address the prompt without frivolous content.

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500-Word Essay vs. 250-Word Essay

500-word scholarship essays offer more writing flexibility than 250-word essays . With a shorter word count, you are often forced to summarize long-winded thoughts into quick to-the-point snippets. 500 words give you more room to express your opinion. Yet, it is still short enough that it does not need footnotes and cited resources, usually.

500-Word Essay vs. 1000+ Word Essay

Another scholarship essay length you may encounter is 1,000 words. With a 1,000-word scholarship essay, you will need to cite sources and provide detailed references to support your claims. 1,000+ word essay prompts are often used for writing competitions, where you may be asked to create a fictional story. The extra length gives room for extra creativity, but it also requires more time to put the perfect piece together.

You should approach all essays with the same mentality, regardless of their length. Your goal is to compose a piece that clearly guides the reader through your thoughts and reasoning. You may have to adjust how you convey those thoughts based on the length. Your essay should always have a beginning, middle, and end.

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A Step-by-Step 500-Word Essay Example

To help you see how to write a 500-word scholarship essay, we want to show you each section of the essay step-by-step. Use this as a general guide when you write your essay. However, feel free to add your own spin to it. Our writing sample will be in green, and the commentary will be in plain text. So…let’s begin!

TOPIC: Should cell phone usage be controlled in college classrooms?

Step 1 – Create a Thesis

Everything in your essay revolves around your thesis. This is the big point you are trying to make, which is usually an answer to a question in the essay prompt. You will use the rest of the essay to support this thesis.

For the topic Should cell phone usage be controlled in college classrooms? our thesis will be:

“Cell phone usage should be controlled in college classrooms, as long as it does not hinder students’ rights.”

Step 2 – Write the Introduction

The introduction should grab your reader’s attention and prepare for an explanation of the thesis. It usually starts with a general statement related to the topic at hand, followed by supplementary sentences that lead into the thesis. Here is a sample introduction for our essay, including the thesis at the end of the paragraph:

Cell phones have gone from a sought-after luxury to a daily necessity. While these devices provide convenient access to the outside world, they can be problematic for educators. High school teachers can tell children in their classes to put their phones away, but should professors have the same control over adult men and women? The key is to create cell phone usage policies that limit distractions without hindering student rights.

Word count: an Intro paragraph, 70 words.

Step 3 – Write the Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should provide support for the thesis. Why do you think this way, and what evidence do you have to support those beliefs? The paragraphs should flow from one to the next like a constant stream of thought. Each paragraph should conclude the statement made at the beginning of the paragraph.

Building on the thesis “Cell phone usage should be controlled in college classrooms, as long as it does not hinder students’ rights,” we will now explain how colleges can control cell phones in class while preserving student rights. If our thesis was that cell phones should NOT be controlled in college, we would explain the dangers of not having access to cell phones.

No matter which side of the argument you choose, you should acknowledge the other angle and negate those statements. As you will see below, we remark on why some students may not want cell phone usage policies. We will also suggest how to get around those concerns. Doing this provides the best possible support for your thesis because it shows you have taken every angle into consideration.

Here is the body for our 500-word essay sample:

The primary argument supporting cell phone control in the classroom is the fact that phones can be distracting. Not only do cell phones distract instructors, but they may also distract students trying to pay attention to the lecture. This is the same effect as a moviegoer looking at his phone in a theater. Even if the phone makes no noise, the light from the screen is enough to catch someone’s attention. Arguments against cell phone control typically focus on safety concerns. Should a crisis occurs in the classroom, students should have their phones on hand to make a call. If a student has a child, he or she may need a phone in case of a medical emergency. If the student is on call for work, he or she will need access to a phone. The list of exception-worthy scenarios is endless. The best solution is to create cell phone usage rules that allow devices to be accessible without disturbing other students’ educational opportunities. Students should be permitted to keep their phones in their bags, pockets, or other belongings as long as the phones are on silent in class. Vibrate settings may be permitted if the instructor does not believe it will distract him or her, since the noise of the vibration may not be noticeable in a large classroom. If a student needs to answer the phone during an emergency, he or she can step out of the classroom to do so. This setup would give the students and the instructor peace of mind. Cell phone restrictions in classrooms should also include specific disciplinary actions for breaking the rules. If a student is caught using the phone in class, he or she should be excused for the rest of the day. Professors should refrain from physically taking possession of a student’s phone because of liability conflicts. If the phone is damaged while in the professor’s possession, the school or the instructor could be held responsible for the repairs. It is safer to ask the student to leave the classroom than it is to take the phone away completely.

Word count: Body paragraphs, 349 words. Total essay is now 419 words.

Step 4 – Wrap It up with a Conclusion

Once you have covered all your points, you should summarize the essay’s contents in the conclusion. This is your last opportunity to convince the reader of your thesis. Touch on the most important aspects of your essay then leave the reader with something to think about. Here is an example of how to conclude our essay:

Each school, professor and student body is different. Colleges must adapt their rules and discipline efforts to reflect the current needs of their students. Eliminating cell phones in college classrooms is an overstretch, but there are ways to balance students’ rights and instructors’ rights. With the right amount of control and flexibility, colleges can create a pleasant learning environment with maximum safety and minimal interruptions.

Notice how our conclusion was definitive but optimistic. We explain that colleges need to adapt their rules to fit the needs of their students. Yet still, confirm that cell phone use policies should be enforced.

Word count: Conclusion paragraph, 65 words. Total essay is now 484 words.

But wait! You’re 16 words short! We know that. The essay covered everything we wanted to without the need for extra words. If the prompt asked for at least 500 words, we would add another sentence to support one of the paragraphs. Since that was not a requirement though, we kept the essay as-is to avoid sounding wordy or repetitive.

The Complete 500-Word Essay Example

Cell phones have gone from a sought-after luxury to a daily necessity. While these devices provide convenient access to the outside world, they can be problematic for educators. High school teachers can tell children in their classes to put their phones away, but should professors have the same control over grown men and women? The key is to create cell phone usage policies that limit distractions without hindering student rights. The primary argument supporting cell phone control in the classroom is the fact that phones can be distracting. Not only do cell phones distract instructors, but they may also distract students trying to pay attention to the lecture. This is the same effect as a moviegoer looking at his phone in a theater. Even if the phone makes no noise, the light from the screen is enough to catch someone’s attention. Arguments against cell phone control typically focus on safety concerns. Should a crisis occurs in the classroom, students should have their phones on hand to make a call. If a student has a child, he or she may need a phone in case of a medical emergency. If the student is on call for work, he or she will need access to a phone. The list of exception-worthy scenarios is endless. The best solution is to create cell phone usage rules that allow devices to be accessible without disturbing other students’ educational opportunities. Students should be permitted to keep their phones in their bags, pockets, or other belongings as long as the phones are on silent in class. Vibrate settings may be permitted if the instructor does not believe it will distract him or her, since the noise of the vibration may not be noticeable in a large classroom. If a student needs to answer the phone during an emergency, he or she can step out of the classroom to do so. This setup would give the students and the instructor peace of mind. Cell phone restrictions in classrooms should also include specific disciplinary actions for breaking the rules. If a student is caught using the phone in class, he or she should be excused for the rest of the day. Professors should refrain from physically taking possession of a student’s phone because of liability conflicts. If the phone is damaged while in the professor’s possession, the school or the instructor could be held responsible for the repairs. It is safer to ask the student to leave the classroom than it is to take the phone away completely. Each school, professor and student body is different. Colleges must adapt their rules and discipline efforts to reflect the current needs of their students. Eliminating cell phones in college classrooms is an overstretch, but there are ways to balance students’ rights and instructors’ rights. With the right amount of control and flexibility, colleges can create a pleasant learning environment with maximum safety and minimal interruptions.

Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

Here are some tips to help you write a great 500-word scholarship essay:

Give yourself at least two full days to write the essay. You can use the first day to write a draft and do some minor editing. Then on the second day, you can look at the essay with fresh eyes to do your final edits.

If you have a chance to show your essay to your English instructor or academic adviser, do so. You can use the feedback to improve the essay before submitting it.

Don’t focus on the word count as you write. Get all your thoughts on paper, and you can extend or shorten the essay during the editing process.

Write the first draft from start to finish, even if you know your thoughts are out of order. You can re-arrange them at a later time, but the initial run through will be as fluid as possible.

Re-read the prompt several times before writing. You don’t want to write an entire essay only to find out you were completely off topic.

Always think about your audience when writing a scholarship essay. What organization is issuing the scholarship, and how can you tie that into your writing? What is the underlying information they want to learn from your essay? Write in a way that shows you are the best candidate for the scholarship.


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David Tabachnikov is the CEO of ScholarshipOwl. Formerly at Waze and Google, David is an experienced CTO/R&D manager with over 10 years of experience of leading tech teams. David fervently believes that students should have greater access to education, and is passionate about using technology to help them achieve that goal.

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How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Structure, Format, and Tips

A 500 word essay is actually not a type of essay itself, but a specific format that you can use while writing argumentative, analytical, critical, narrative, and other essay types. Why 500 words? As a rule, this word limit allows the development of a particular topic, to prove your point of view, or analyze a certain subject without unnecessary details. An experienced professor can easily evaluate the level of a student’s knowledge and writing skills while reading the essay of such a format.

A 500 word essay can be the easiest and, at the same time, the most difficult paper to write. Everything depends on the topic and your abilities. You have to express your thoughts properly and use logical reasoning to complete a high-quality 500 word essay. Get to know how to write my paper of such type.

If you have enough time and inspiration, you can provide an excellent paper by yourself without any help from writing services. In that case, we highly recommend you to read our informative guide on how to write a 500 word essay. Let’s start with the 500 word essay length and structure.

500 word essay length

Please, stop googling “how long is a 500 word essay”! It’s 500 WORDS! We hope so much that you meant “how many pages is a 500 word essay.” This question seems to be more meaningful, and we can answer it. A 500 word essay takes approximately 1 single-spaced page, or 2 double-spaced pages. You can also use our words to pages covnverter to have more clear understanding about all these numbers. Now, we can stop talking about 500 word essay length and move on to something less obvious.

500 word essay structure

As any other academic paper, a 500 word essay consists of three parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.

An introduction is aimed at two main goals. The first is to grab the attention of your readers. This function belongs to a hook – a catchy sentence that you should place at the beginning of your writing in order to interest your audience. The second goal of the introduction is to briefly present your subject. For this purpose, you should write a concise and understandable thesis statement.

The main body is the most significant part of your 500 words essay. Normally, the main body consists of three separate paragraphs. In each paragraph, you develop one point. Firstly, you make a statement and then provide your readers with a piece of evidence: a real-life example, a citation, an immaculate argument, etc. You can use different approaches to prove the same statement in order to make your writing more persuasive.

There are three strategies when it comes to the order of your points:

1. Direct order

You start with your strongest point and move on to the weakest. This strategy is good when you want to catch your readers’ attention at once. Remember that they may feel a bit disappointed at the end.

2. Reverse order

Using this method, you start from the less convincing point and end with the most persuasive one. If you choose this way of writing a 500 word essay, we recommend you to produce a well-considered introduction in order to distract your readers from the weaker first point.

3. Inside out

This strategy is pretty interesting and rather efficient. You hide your strongest point in the second paragraph between weaker points. It’s like a hamburger made of arguments where the most convincing is a juicy piece of meat and the weaker ones are crusty buns.

Generally, a conclusion for a 500 words essay is about 50-100 words. We know around a dozen good strategies to conclude a paper. Still, we will focus on five:

  • Restate each section.

This is a very simple method to finish your 500 word essay. In this manner, your readers will get the full picture of your writing in two or three sentences.

  • Ask a provocative question.

An intriguing question will motivate your readers to think outside the box. Of course, your question should be related somehow to your topic. A random question would be an interesting but inappropriate conclusion for a college paper.

  • Paraphrase the thesis statement.

Leave your readers with a feeling of completeness. Turn your 500 word essay into a harmonious cycle by paraphrasing the thesis statement. Don’t just repeat it word for word!

  • Give a hint.

Although your essay should look like a detective story, there is nothing bad about giving a small hint about a possible development of your topic. In addition, your conclusion may inspire someone for their own writings.

  • Provide a quote.

This is a banal but reputable way to complete your 500 word essay. Subconsciously, we trust famous people and their opinions, so the phrase that belongs to Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr. will automatically make your piece of writing more credible.

While writing a 500 word essay, the beginning of each part should start from the main idea, which briefly reflects the essence of the text and prepares the reader for what comes next.

Now that you know enough about 500 word essay length and structure, let’s figure out what you should start your 500 word essay sample from.

How to start a 500 word essay

First of all, you should choose a topic for your 500 word essay if your instructor hasn’t specified any particular theme. Your topic should be specific, interesting, and catchy. We can suggest you to check out this post: Original Essay Topics for Those Having No Idea What to Write About . There, you will find original themes for essays of different types: persuasive, compare and contrast, argumentative, expository, descriptive, etc. As you know, any of these types may have a 500 word essay format. The Worst Essay Topics for College is another really useful post, though it won’t give you any great ideas. Contrary to the article mentioned earlier, this one will provide you with a list of topics you should stay away from.

Secondly, look for information on your topic. Use only reliable sources: scientific journals, books of well-known specialists, articles of reputable newspapers, web encyclopedias, etc. Forget about Wiki-sites, personal blogs, and glossy magazines! Write down all your sources for your works cited page. If you forget to use a proper citation, you can be accused of plagiarism!

Next stop is an outline. Planning is everything whether you go shopping, leave on a vacation, or write a 500 word essay. A good outline will help you to structure multiple thoughts and ideas and pick the right strategy for writing. Use tables, lists, or diagrams to visualize your essay.

Now, everything is ready to write the first sentence. Brace yourself and do your best!

How to write a 500 word essay: 8 helpful tips

1. Choose a topic and create theses

Once you’ve decided to write an essay on a topic that you like, make a plan. You will express your thoughts on it. How to write a 500 word essay on the topic correctly? In addition to theses, make a list of words that are consonant with the topic and will be used in the text. This greatly expands the essay’s vocabulary. And it will help to learn new words and repeat familiar ones.

2. Create a 500 word essay outline

Before writing a 500 word essay, make a plan attributing what will be in the introduction, in the main part, and in the conclusion. Thus, you will have your thoughts formed in paragraphs; you will know what is being said in each part.

3. Stick to the essay topic

When preparing the material, it is important not to deviate from the topic. How to write a 500 word essay disclosing a topic? Clearly, with facts and arguments, reveal the essence of the problem. Try to write using expert opinion and not express your opinion unless it is asked for in the assignment. It is recommended to add your own vision of the situation in the conclusion based on the information as a whole.

4. Use academic English words.

If you want to sound smart, forget about the words “something,” “anyway,” and “probably.” Your English dictionary should become your best friend for the period of studying in college. Don’t overload your 500 word essay with complex words, however, but don’t neglect them at the same time.

5. Learn different argumentative strategies.

When you want to convince an intelligent person, smart words are not enough. Learn more about logical reasoning and avoid logical fallacies. Your readers should follow your thoughts without effort.

6. Take a nap before proofreading.

This is not a joke. When you have been writing your 500 words essay for 4 hours, you won’t be able to edit it properly. So, you’d probably take a nap and clear your mind. The best option is to finish your assignment and proofread it the next day.

7. Avoid phrases like “there is” or “there are.”

Your essay should be concise, and such phrases add unnecessary words. Without “there is/there are,” your sentences become stronger and straight to the point.

8. Choose strong verbs.

Use “assist” instead of “give assistance,” “participate” instead of “take part,” and other strong verbs. The nouns in these examples sound weaker than their verbal forms, so try to avoid phrasing sentences this way when your write academically.

A 500 word essay is a great way of structuring your thoughts and ideas. As soon as you understand the peculiarities of this format, any writing assignment will be easier for you.

We are confident that you now know enough about how to write a 500 word essay. If this guide was too difficult for you, we may recommend reading our guide on writing essays for dummies .

500 word essay format styles

If you want to learn how to write 500 words essay, you should know that there are three common essay format styles – MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian.

Features of the MLA format:

  • The page with sources is titled “Works Cited.”
  • The entire essay should be typed double-spaced, including block citations and page references in the works cited section.
  • Use block quotes for quotes that are four or more lines long.
  • Abbreviations do not include periods between letters.
  • An essay must be printed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper.
  • Leave a one-inch margin on all sides of the paper.
  • The essay should be written in Times New Roman, Helvetica or Arial, size 12.
  • Every page should contain the author’s last name and number of a page in the upper right corner.
  • It is not required to have a title page.

Features of the APA format:

  • Your essay must be printed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper.
  • Add a one-inch margin on all sides of the paper.
  • Every page of your essay should have a header. For essays, the header contains the page number, right-aligned.
  • Each page in an APA essay is numbered. Add numbers in the right at the top of the page.
  • It is recommended to use Times New Roman. Other valid fonts are Lucida, Arial, and Calibri.
  • An essay should have a title page.
  • The page with sources is titled “References.”
  • An essay should be double spaced.

Features of the Chicago/Turabian format:

  • You can use one of the two citation formats: the Author-Date format and the Notes-Bibliography system. They are perfectly acceptable in a Chicago formatted essay, but your teacher may require you to use one or the other.
  • The bibliography page is titled “Bibliography” in the Notes-Bibliography format and “References” in Author-Date style.
  • It is not required to include a title page. If you include a title page, it should not contain a header or page number. Write the title of the essay ⅓ of the page below.
  • Every page should have margins: 1 to 1.5 inches wide on all sides.
  • Every page (with the exception of the title page) must have a page number.
  • It is recommended to use a Times New Roman font, 12-point size.

500 word essay example you will like

The following 500 word essay sample will give you a deeper understanding of how to write this type of paper. This example confirms everything that we talked about in this guide. Use it as a template, but do not copy the text for writing your own paper.

Why Should a U.S. Company Consider Hiring Offshore Talent from Ukraine?


The success of the recruitment process depends on the choice of target country where there is the best opportunity opened to hire offshore talent. The process of talent acquisition is complex, so it requires attaining the most welcoming strategies and techniques to be useful to attain the advantageous result. The U.S. company should consider hiring offshore talents from Ukraine because they are responsible, culturally compatible, skillful, experienced, and ready to offer low-cost services following the principles of high quality; software developers from Ukraine are able to meet deadlines and keep principles of data security when working in the team effectively.

The Target Country: Why Hire a Software Developer from Ukraine?

Ukraine is a country located in Eastern Europe, so geographically and culturally, it is an appropriate zone for outsourcing practices. Software developers from here obtain good command of English and are open-minded sufficiently to become compatible with teamwork and communication strategies applied at western organizations. They are in the position to produce work of high quality in a timely manner which is a must for every respectful company. Software developers from this region can work with JavaScript, Python, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, AI, VR/AR, as well as IoT at an average cost of $25-80/hour, when compared with $100-150/hour rate offered within the U.S. market (Burak). For many international companies, allocating outsourcing resources right in this direction is a profitable advantage of cutting costs. Furthermore, Ukrainian software developers are more inclined to work extra hours, provide clients with attractive discounts, praising confidentiality and data security.

Advantages of the Outsourcing Practices

The general outsourcing practices that are recognizable within the global arena are direct outsourcing, hiring experts via recruitment agencies, or keeping the position of a recruiter that is responsible for talent acquisition. From the position of low-cost solutions, the best countries for outsourcing are Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, and the Czech Republic (T). Freelance experts from these countries are culturally compatible and more responsible when compared with their Western colleagues. Besides, software developers from China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are estimated as useful employees, as their work is commonly estimated in the range of $18-40 (T). For many reputable multinational companies, hiring a software developer from these regions means much more than simply searching in their homeland area and gaining no less than a compromise between price and quality of work.

Top-5 Projects: Target Interests

Hiring a Ukrainian software developer is a good option for projects in the field of software engineering, game, and app development, creating virtual space for data maintenance, as well as basic hi-tech and neuroscience opportunities rising. Essentially, it is possible to hire offshore talent when searching through automated job posting boards, where many experts post their resumes. Many companies are interested in the accumulation of the team portfolio, so they are ready to hire talents that keep the corporate spirit and quality of work high. Automated engagement and screening help to discover the employees whose skills are the most appropriate for projects to be completed individually or collectively (“5 Benefits of Outsourcing Talent Acquisition”). As for the code development, it is impossible to work on it alone, so a team of experts is assigned to create the strings, revise them, and test for the successful deployment and implementation of the scenario.

Therefore, U.S. companies should be interested in hiring offshore talents from Ukraine because they are responsible, skillful, open-minded, and ready to work in a culturally compatible team, meeting deadlines and requirements and offering low-cost services when compared with their American colleagues. Essentially, software developers from Ukraine are commonly ready to work extra hours as they are prepared to meet tight deadlines. They can work at night completing urgent orders sacrificing their spare time for the benefit of an employer. Hiring such talent means no less than catching a star.

Works Cited

“5 Benefits of Outsourcing Talent Acquisition.” Orion Insights Blog , 17 Dec. 2020, https://www.oriontalent.com/recruiting-resources/blog/375/5-benefits-of-outsourcing-talent-acquisition. Burak, Andrew. “How to Hire Ukrainian Developers: A Complete Guide.” Relevant , https://relevant.software/blog/hire-development-team-in-ukraine/. Accessed 25 Oct. 2022. T, Oksana. “Outsource Developer Rates in 2022. How to Choose a Software Outsourcing Country.” Geniusee , 24 May 2022, https://geniusee.com/single-blog/outsource-developer-rates-in-2020-how-to-choose-a-software-outsourcing-country

FAQ on how to write a 500-word essay

How long does it take to write a 500-word essay.

Usually, writing a 500-word text takes no more than 13 minutes for the average keyboard typist and nearly 25 minutes for handwriting. Nevertheless, the essay should include in-depth research, citations, and proper formatting. That’s why the duration can span up to two hours.

How many paragraphs is a 500-word essay?

Your essay should consist of five paragraphs. The structure does not depend on the subject: there is an introduction, a few paragraphs for the main body, and conclusion. The main task of the introduction is to interest the reader, to make them finish reading. The main body presents different points of view with arguments. In the final part, you need to combine the conclusions in the text.

Is a 500-word essay hard?

It is not hard if you follow these tips:

  • Write an outline. In this way, you will plan your work and know how many words you need to include in every paragraph of the essay.
  • Check grammar. Always proofread and edit your essay after finishing writing.
  • Take advantage of special services. Get writing help if a specific topic seems too difficult for you.
  • Check for plagiarism. Your essay must be unique.
  • Work hard on the introduction. The first paragraph is important because it helps the reader decide whether the paper is worth reading further or not.
  • Read samples. They will give you a clear understanding how to write your paper correctly.

How to write a 500-word essay in APA format?

The most important recommendations for the essay in APA format are:

– Write in the Times New Roman font, font size 12 pt. – Set the page margins to 1 inch. – Set double line spacing. – Apply a running head on each page. – Indent each new paragraph ½ inch.

How to write a 500-word essay about myself?

If you need to write a 500-word essay about yourself, it should include the following sections:

  • Your family and childhood.
  • Your education.
  • Your strengths.
  • Your shortcomings.
  • Your ambitions in life.
  • Conclusion.

How to deal with a 500-word essay in one hour?

You need to stick to the following plan:

  • Research the topic and takes notes efficiently.
  • Make an outline based on your notes.
  • Write an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Write three body paragraphs with strong arguments.
  • Write a conclusion based on your introduction.

500 word essay help from EssayShark.com

If you are not in a good mood for doing your assignment, our custom writing service on EsasyShark.com offers you the ability to get a great 500 word essay sample at an affordable price. Fill in the ordering form in a few simple steps, and simplify your path to academic success!

Let’s try to find out what the benefits of ordering a 500 word essay sample on EssayShark.com are, and why it is better to order a custom-written paper instead of downloading a free essay online:

  • Essay writers at EssayShark.com are completely devoted to their work and do everything possible to deliver academic papers of the highest quality to customers.
  • Customers are offered delivery of academic papers of all levels, topics, and disciplines. We have specialists in all spheres of studies – from marketing and business to sociology and art.
  • Each 500 word paper that we provide is written according to all rules and standards: our authors always stick to the required formatting style.
  • All EssayShark customers are offered only original 500 word essay samples, which will never be resold. You will never find your paper on any internet website.
  • Free 500 word essay examples that you may find on the internet are of low quality, and nobody can guarantee their uniqueness.

We hope that writing 500 word essays has become less challenging for you after reading our guide. However, you are always welcome to use our essay writing service .

Good luck, and may the Force be with you!

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  • Decide for your Future: Choosing a Senior High School Strand

Decide for your Future: Choosing a Senior High School Strand

Are you excited to kick off your Senior High School adventure, but still find yourself on the horns of a dilemma? Imagine yourself standing at a crossroads, and you’re not moving because you have no idea which road will lead you to your destination. It may sound distressing, but there is no point getting steamed up about it. Taking steps forward is the only way for you to advance your journey because if you want to obtain your college diploma, there is no escaping Senior High School.

500 word essay about senior high school strand

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How to Write a 500 Word Essay

500 word essay about senior high school strand

Gabriel Jimenez-Ekman is a content editor and writer at Scholarships360. He has managed communications and written content for a diverse array of organizations, including a farmer’s market, a concert venue, a student farm, an environmental NGO, and a PR agency. Gabriel graduated from Kenyon College with a degree in sociology.

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500 word essay about senior high school strand

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

500 word essay about senior high school strand

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay

With only about a page and a half to get your point across, every word counts in a 500 word essay. A succinct response packed with impactful examples can easily put you ahead of the crowd!

Follow our concise step-by-step guide to write an effective 500 word essay:

Start with an outline

Applying the outline to an example.

  • Deciding on how many examples to use

Don’t worry about the word count in your first draft

Don’t forget to proofread.

Keep reading to learn how to write the best 500 word essay you have ever written!

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Writing essays with word limits can be a balancing act. You may have a lot you want to say, but not enough space to sufficiently explain each point that you want to make. That’s why it is a great idea to start by outlining the 3-4 main ideas you’d like to address in your essay. Trying to pack any more than four main ideas into a 500-word essay could prevent you from effectively explaining your examples.

We suggest making a bullet point list for your outline, which could look something like this:

  • Hook the reader with an engaging first line and introduce your response.
  • Expand on your first point or example
  • Elaborate on your second point or example
  • Expand on your third point or example
  • Expand on your fourth point or example
  • Tie your examples together and conclude your essay with a meaningful last line

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Let’s try using this outline to respond to a prompt: Please describe your commitment to working within your community . With a prompt like this, you could hook your reader with a sentence emphasizing what community work means to you on a personal or emotional level, or how you first started working with your community.

Each body paragraph would be a description of different experiences you’ve had working in your community, and what they taught you. And you could use your conclusion to point out a common thread between these experiences; now that the reader has read all about your involvement in the community, you can use this opportunity to describe how the experiences have come together to reshape your relationship with community work. 

See more : How to write a winning scholarship essay

Comparing essay lengths

As you sit down to write your essay, you might wonder how you should adjust your approach to a 500 word essay as opposed to a 250 or 1000 word essay. 250 word essays are expected to be extremely brief, with only minimal elaboration on each point, and 1,000 word essays are expected to be more thorough, and might even include citations. A 500 word essay falls in a grey area between these two; it gives you the freedom to elaborate on the details you find to be the most important.

Will an admissions officer keep reading my essay if I go over?

You might be wondering “what happens if I go over the word limit? Will an admissions officer still read my essay?”

As with many topics related to the admissions process, it depends. If you have gone way over and wrote 2,000 words, it is possible that the admissions officer will not continue to read your essay or may just skim it. Remember, admissions officers and scholarship essay readers are busy people who have to get through many applications and essays.

So if you go over by a few words or sentences, you are probably fine and the admissions officer will likely not even notice. However, if you go over the word count in an obvious, noticeable way, this is something that is unlikely to help you (even if the writing is excellent).

Also see: How to write a 250 word essay

Deciding on how many examples you should use

A common question for writing a 500 word essay is whether or not you should include a fourth example. If your examples require a lot of thorough explanation in order to be impactful, it might be best to only include three. It’s better to have three impactful examples than four examples that don’t resonate with the reader. However, if the prompt is straightforward and you can explain your examples quickly, go ahead and add that fourth body paragraph!

Recommended: Wondering how to format your essay? Scholarships360’s guide will tell you all that you need to know!

Try writing out a first draft without worrying about your 500 word limit! This is a great way to get all your thoughts down on paper. It’s easier to cut the extra content down at the end than it is to keep interrupting your writing to edit it as you go. This can take you out of your writing flow, and make the essay take longer

A 500 word essay requires a lot of editing in order to make a point effectively in a limited number of words. It’s a great idea to ask a friend or family member to proofread your final copy. They can catch simple mistakes that you have been glossing over, or come up with new ways to reword your essay and slim it down to fit the word limit.

With this said, it’s important for you to maintain ownership over the voice of your essay. The job of the proofreader or editor is to catch mistakes and give general feedback–it is not to rewrite the entire essay.

A few more resources

Learn how to effectively conclude your scholarship essay by reading our guide on how to end scholarship essays . Many scholarships want to know more about you, so it’s important to know how to write an essay about yourself . If you are looking for additional scholarship opportunities that involve writing, check out our list of top writing & essay scholarships .    

Remember, writing scholarship essays is an opportunity to show exactly why you are deserving of a scholarship. Learn to write in a way that puts your best self forward, and  win all the awards that you qualify for!

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How should you choose your senior high school strand?

  • Mark Pere Madrona
  • August 29, 2021
  • commentary , education

How should you choose your senior high school strand?

For students who just finished Grade 10, the most common question that they are asked about is what senior high school (SHS) track and strand they plan to take. Deciding this matter is very important especially since this is already the first step toward their future careers. In that case, what should a student consider when deciding on what SHS track and strand to take?

Firstly, all students should take the time to discover truly what their interests are. It goes without saying that it will be very tough to perform well in disciplines you are not really interested or passionate about. However, it is worth pointing out that your interests can change over time, and that this is perfectly alright.

Related to the first consideration is the question of what your dream jobs are. How do you see yourself in ten or twenty years? If your aim is to be an entrepreneur, then perhaps taking the Accountancy and Business Management or ABM strand is great for you.

Batasan Hills National High School - Senior High School

If you want to be a journalist or political scientist, then maybe the Humanities or Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand is a good fit for you. If you’re planning to be a chemical engineer or doctor, then choose the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand.

Apart from considering your interests and your dream jobs, it is also highly advisable for students to assess their strengths and weaknesses as regards the requirements of each strand. For instance, you may be dreaming of enrolling in the ABM or STEM strands, but if you’re not good in mathematics, then you need to think twice.

Lastly, there is nothing wrong if you would like to seek advice from people who matter to you including your family and other relatives, friends, and former teachers. Talking to elders is a good way for you to have a good idea on what lies ahead in the job market. Nevertheless, do not feel constrained by their advice. In the end, you have the ultimate responsibility of choosing the SHS track and strand that is best for you.

About Author

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The Filipino Scribe (TFS) is managed by Mark Pere Madrona, a multi-awarded writer and licensed professional teacher from the Philippines.

Mr. Madrona earned his master’s degree in history from the University of the Philippines-Diliman last 2020. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in journalism cum laude from the same university back in 2010. His area of interests includes Philippine journalism, history, and politics as well as social media.

Know more about him here: https://www.filipinoscribe.com/about/.

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Home » Senior High School » Tracks and Strands » Senior High School Guide: Choosing the Right Track and Strand

Senior High School Guide: Choosing the Right Track and Strand

K-12 is a relatively new program here in the Philippines if you compare it with our neighboring countries. For students to move into college or the university level, they must undergo junior (Grades 7-10) and senior (Grades 11-12) high school level to be given a diploma. A certification is given during the junior level but finishing the senior high level certifies and validates that a student is qualified for college.

Going into senior high school, students must choose a strand and track they would like to take for the next two years of their senior high school life. There are different strands and tracks students can choose from which can also help them choose a course they might want to take in college. Given the magnitude of this decision, careful consideration is required. Here is a simple guide to assist you in deciding which academic track and strand are best suited to your needs.

K to 12 Tracks and Strands

As of 2023, there are four tracks in senior high school , namely: academic track, technical-vocational-livelihood track, arts, and design track, and lastly, sports track. Let us first discuss the Academic Track.

Academic Track

The Academic Track is for those who have already and surely decided to pursue a college education after senior high school; basically, it helps you in your journey going to college because of its subject specialization. Under this track there are four strands you choose from:

  • HUMMS – First is the Humanities and Social Sciences or HUMSS. HUMSS is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Political Science or International Studies, English or Filipino Literature, Mass Communication, Education, Performing Arts, and other related courses.
  • STEM – The next strand is the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math track, also known as STEM. STEM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Studies, Information Technology, and so on and forth on the related courses. This strand is a very hands-on type of experience that would be good for students who have firmly decided on their future college courses and profession.
  • ABM – The third is the Accounting Business and Management or ABM . ABM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Human Resources, Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Accounting, Business Studies, Marketing, Real Estate, Export Management, Entrepreneurship, and other related courses in this path. This is a suggested strand for those who have their eyes set on creating a business in the future or working in the business sector.
  • GAS – And the last strand in the Academic track is the General Academic Strand or GAS. Now if you have some uncertainty or confusion in your mind on what specific path you would want to take, then GAS is the strand offered in this track. What makes this good is that the courses offered here are encompassing; meaning in all fields. The things that one can learn in this can help your uncertain mind explore your possible college options. Simply put, this strand is for all college courses.

Our next track is the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track. The subjects on this track focus on practical knowledge and job-ready training. Once you take and finish a strand on this track, you will be given the TESDA National Certificate. If your goal is to work immediately or be eligible for certified jobs after senior high school, this track is perfect for you. Finishing any strand from this track gives you skills that are considered and accepted to qualify you for work. There are also four strands to this:

  • Agri-Fishery Arts Strand – The first strand under the TVL Track is the Agri-Fishery Arts Strand. The skills taught here are those that can be used in the agriculture and aquaculture field. Examples of lessons to be learned are rubber production, food processing, and such.
  • Home Economics Strand – It focuses on teaching you skills that can be useful in livelihood projects. Professions that can be considered after taking this stand are stylists, makeup artists, tour guides, baristas, bakers, etc.
  • Industrial Arts Strand – The third strand is the Industrial Arts Strand. When you want to know about carpentry, electrical repairs, driving, and welding, the Industrial Arts strand offers a good curriculum.
  • ICT Strand – Lastly, the Information and Communications Technology Strand, basically if you are tech and computer-savvy then you’d love this strand. Professions that can be considered after this strand is graphic designer, encoder, web developer and designer, call center agent, sales agent, and such.

Arts and Design Track

The next track is the Arts and Designs Track. It provides students with the know-how on the different arts and design forms, materials, media, and production in the creative industries. If you think you would want to have a job in the art field, this track is good. It has a curriculum catered to enhance and encourage your creativity. It is a good platform to express yourself. Concepts around the globe will be taught to you to make you more immersed and competitive in this field. If your interest falls under music, theatre arts, photography, fashion design, and such, this is the advisable track for you.

Sports Track

And the last track is the Sports Track. If you excel in sports, whatever it may be, then you would enjoy it here. You will be able to learn concepts on positive attitude, teamwork, and competitiveness because this teaches you about how sports management and leadership work in this type of setting. There will be subjects on human anatomy and physiology, plus you will also learn first aid. Whether or not your end goal is to become a professional athlete, trainer, P.E. teacher , instructor, game official, or anything in the field of sports, the Sports track has a curriculum that equips you with the knowledge you would need to prepare you for the future.

Which Track is Best for You?

Now that you’ve been given a broad overview of the tracks offered in senior high school, it is time to get into the process of decision-making. What track would you want to take? To help you in this, ask yourself the important questions. You may ask yourself the following questions:

“What are the subjects I excel at and enjoy?”

Look back at the past few years you’ve had in junior high school and try to determine which subjects were you good at and liked. By doing so, you can have a clearer image of what field you’d want to work in and possibly, what specific profession or job you see yourself taking. For example, if numbers and computing are a forte of yours, then you might want to consider taking STEM.

“How do I spend my free time?”

Your most liked subjects are not your only determinants. Think about what is it that you do when you have some free time on your hands. Your interests and hobbies can also help in deciding what track and strand would suit you best. You can be into sports, arts, music, inventing, and many more. These things you do during your free time might be what you might want to do professionally in the future. As bizarre as this sounds, by connecting your interests and hobbies to your decision, you’ll have an easier time choosing. And you are sure to find a track where your interests fit in.

“What do I want to be when I grow up?”

The most commonly asked question to any child, teenager, and adolescent. Not all adolescents have a direct and specified answer to this question which is okay; some people just need more time to discover their passion and their vision in life. But if you do have an answer to it, may it be a specific position/job or at least a field you want to work in, consider that when choosing your track and strand. Ultimately, the desired outcome is that your strand will be the bridge to your college course and eventually your profession.

“Have I done my research?”

Knowing yourself is good and all that but if you aren’t knowledgeable of what each track and strand entails and offers, then there is a chance you might miss out on the best track and strand for you. Read about the course outline or content of the strand and track you’ve shortlisted. Do your research so that you have a well-backed-up-with-information decision.

“Have I tried asking for help?”

It’s always nice to seek out advice or opinions from different people, not just your parents and friends. Asking for opinions can help you determine the track that suits you. Ask those who already graduated from senior high school, they can provide you with very useful insights that will be of major aid to you. This would help you broaden your perspective on each choice but slowly zoom in with the top choices you have and easily list down your likes and dislikes, and the pros and cons of each strand and track.

Now you are equipped with the information you would need in making an important decision. The next step is to decide and prepare yourself as you move forward to another stage in your life.


Hi i am also an incoming senior high student, and I want to apply for PMA when I graduate from grade 12. which strand should I choose to be eligible to apply for PMA in the future? Is it Humms?


Hi im an incoming senior high, i want to be in sports track, is it ok to go to that strand if i want to be a paramedic?


Hello can I know what’s the name and place of publication of this?


Hello, I Don’t know which do I chose , I wanna be a weaponary engineer, which strand do I chose??pls. Help…

Tian Jose

Hi i am an incoming senior high school student and I want to become a Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) what strand or course should I get.

Draven Cueva

If you want to be a part of the Marine Corps right after SHS, TVL Track- Industrial Arts or ICT Strands is perfect for you. The AFP is prioritizing applicants with carpentry, electrical repairs, driving, welding, or computer skills.

can i also get Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM) anyway thank you for your reply.

Yes. Take STEM then pursue an engineering course or join the PMA right after SHS.

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List of DepEd Senior High School (SHS) Tracks and Strands

On top of the fifteen subjects in the core curriculum , the remaining sixteen subjects are spread over the 4 Senior High School (SHS) tracks: 1) Academic , 2) Arts and Design , 3) Sports , and 4) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood . Students are expected to enroll in the track of their choice. Each track has its own set of Applied Track Subjects and Specialized Subjects. Each subject in the track will have 80 hours in a semester as well, with a total of 1,280 hours for the Applied Track and Specialized Subjects altogether.

Regardless of which track the student is enrolled in, s/he takes up the Applied Track Subjects . These are geared toward the acquisition of common but critical competencies in SHS, i.e. English language proficiency, research, ICT, etc., but delivered with teaching-learning content and strategies customized to the requirements of each track.

Table of Contents

List of Senior High School (SHS) Tracks and Strands

Academic track.

The Academic Track has four strands:

a. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand b. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand c. Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) Strand and d. General Academic Strand (GAS)

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand

The ABM Strand is for those who plan to take up business-related courses in higher education or engage in business, entrepreneur ship, and other business-related careers.

The subjects for the ABM Strand can be read here .

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

SHS students who are inclined toward, or have the aptitude for, Math, Science and Engineering studies can enroll in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand.

The subjects for the STEM Strand can be read here .

Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) Strand

Another strand in the academic track is the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand for learners who want to pursue these fields of study at the university level.

It has four Humanities subjects and four Social Science subjects which are listed here .

General Academic Strand (GAS)

The fourth strand in the Academic Track is the General Academic Strand, which has subjects selected from the different strands. This strand is ideal for SHS students who have not yet decided on a particular specialization. This strand, which is also a viable offering in secondary schools with a low student population, allows for electives that may be a combination of related subjects from the other tracks or strands in the SHS curriculum.

The subjects for the General Academic Strand can be read here .

Arts and Design Track

The Arts and Design Track covers a wide range of art forms: Theater, Music, Dance, Creative Writing, Visual Arts, and Media Arts. Prior to enrollment, there is art/creative talent assessment and guidance to gauge a student’s art inclination and aptitude. The track has six general or common subjects that focus on acquiring competencies required for further specialization in the different artistic areas.

The subjects for the Arts and Design Track can be read here .

Sports Track

The Sports Track is for students who are interested in sports-related careers, i.e. athlete development, fitness training, coaching, etc. Table 2.15 shows the subjects in this track.

The subjects for the Sports Track can be read here .

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track

The SHS program has a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track, which has four strands: Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics (HE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Industrial Arts. These are aligned with Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) in Grades 7-10. Each TVL strand offers various specializations that may or may not have a National Certificate (NC) equivalent from TESDA. The time allocation per strand specialization is based on TESDA Training Regulations-Based Courses and is only indicative since the standard time allotment of 80 hours per semester per subject will still be applied. Therefore, each strand specialization must be designed to fit into the 80-hour blocks of time.

Technology Livelihood Education and Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track Subjects may be taken between Grades 9-12. Schools may offer specializations from the four strands as long as the minimum number of hours for each specialization is met. Curriculum Maps may then be modified according to specializations offered by a school. Below is a list of all the Technology and Livelihood Education and the Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track Specializations, their prescribed number of hours, and their prerequisites and sample curriculum maps:

TVL Track: Agricultural-Fishery Arts (AFA) Strand

This TVL component consists of specializations equivalent to qualifications under agriculture and fishery sectors. Students with agri-fishery arts specializations will be able to demonstrate necessary skills/competencies and values on the cultivation of plants and animal production to harvest food and other products using available technologies on farming and on raising, harvesting, and capturing fish and other aquatic resources. Schools that offer these specializations must have adequate facilities for students’ laboratory classes.

The subjects for Agricultural-Fishery Arts (AFA) Strand can be read here .

TVL Track: Home Economics (HE) Strand

This TVL component consists of specializations equivalent to qualifications under garments, tourism, health, processed food and beverages, and social and other community development service sectors. Students with home economics specializations will be able to demonstrate the necessary skills, competencies, and values in taking care of oneself and one’s family, and in providing efficient services to others and to the community.

The subjects for Home Economics (HE) Strand can be read here .

TVL Track: Industrial Arts (IA) Strand

This TVL component consists of specializations equivalent to qualifications under automotive and land transport, construction, electronics, furniture and fixture, metal and engineering, and utilities sectors. Students with industrial arts specializations will be able to demonstrate the skills, competencies, and values in providing repair and maintenance services, installation, manual craftsmanship, and machine safety using available industrial and engineering technologies.

The subjects for Industrial Arts (IA) Strand can be read here .

TVL Track: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strand

This TVL component consists of specializations equivalent to qualifications under the information and communication technologies sector. Students with ICT specializations will be able to demonstrate the skills, competencies, and values in effective application, use, and management of technology in the context of system designing and customer service.

The subjects for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strand can be read here .

CONTINUE READING: List of DepEd Senior High School (SHS) Core Curriculum Subjects

500 word essay about senior high school strand

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, hailing from the Philippines, has made a profound impact on the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access crucial information and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas. His contributions have significantly enhanced their instructional and supervisory capabilities, elevating the quality of education in the Philippines. Beyond his domestic influence, Mark's insightful articles on teaching have garnered international recognition, being featured on highly respected educational websites in the United States. As an agent of change, he continues to empower teachers, both locally and internationally, to excel in their roles and make a lasting difference in the lives of their students, serving as a shining example of the transformative power of knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the teaching community.

4 thoughts on “List of DepEd Senior High School (SHS) Tracks and Strands”

I am part of an NGO community. We work very closely in partnership with the Local Government. One of the areas we are collaborating at present is on Career Guidance for Junior High School (JHS). We want to hold several activities with Grade 9 and Grade 10 learners and their parents as participants. Is it possible to partner with your organization on this undertaking? Thank you

Gem Simbulan 09338116243 [email protected]

List of Public Senior High Schools in the Philippines?

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