College Application Resume for 2024 [With Examples, Tips & Template]

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They say college is the most exciting time in a student’s life and we couldn’t agree more! 

The only thing standing between you and your dream university, though, is a college application resume.

You open the resume document, get ready to start writing…

And nothing comes out! After all, how can you even make a resume when you haven’t worked a day in your life?

Worry not - you don’t need any work experience to write a compelling college application resume. In this article, we’re going to teach you just how you can do that!

What Should a Resume for College Application Contain?

  • 5+ College Application Resume Formatting Tips
  • How to Write a Resume for College Applications?
  • 3+ College Application Resume Tips

College Application Resume Template

So let’s dive in! 

Before we get into the knits and grits of writing a resume for college application, let’s first do a quick review of what your resume should contain: 

  • Contact information , including your full name, address, phone number, and professional email.
  • A resume objective , where you state the goal of your college application resume.
  • Education section , where you list the history of your grades and exam scores.
  • Relevant activities , including any work experience you might have.
  • Skills relevant to a resume for a college application, e.g. soft skills such as active listening, interpersonal skills, communication skills, or hard skills such as public speaking, MS Office, or computer skills.
  • Additional sections , such as awards and honors.

6 College Application Resume Formatting Tips 

Before we dive into the nits and grits of CV making, let’s talk about formatting. Here are our top tips on how to format your college application resume: 

  • Choose the functional/skills-based resume format. This format is perfect for those who lack work experience , as it focuses more on your skill-set. If you DO have some work experience, though, then you can opt for the chronological format.
  • Keep your college application resume one page long . As a rule of thumb, this is the optimal length for a resume—professionals with 10 years worth of work experience stick to the 1-page limit, so there’s no excuse for someone with little to no work experience to go overboard.
  • Add plenty of white space , especially around your resume’s margins. It will make your resume look less cluttered and more reader-friendly.
  • Include clear section headings and use the same heading for each section.
  • Use an easy-to-read font. Some resume fonts (such as Ubuntu or Overpass) are resume friendly—professional-looking, easy-to-read, and yet modern. Others, like Comic Sans, are just one big NO.
  • Save your college resume as a PDF. You might be used to Microsoft Word, or even think it’s the safest alternative, but MS Word has a good choice of messing up your resume format if opened in different computers or operating systems. PDF files, on the other hand, remain the same no matter what computer opens them.

How to Write a Resume for College Applications? (With Examples)

Once you’ve got the formatting done right, it’s time to get to writing your college application resume.

In this section, we’ll walk you through that process, starting with:  

#1. Order Your Contact Information the Right Way 

As we already mentioned, your college application resume should start with your contact information. 

These are your contact information section must-haves :

  • Full name and address
  • Functional phone number where you can be reached.
  • Professional email address, preferably consisting of your first and last name.

And here’s what this looks like in practice: 

Sharon White

123 Main Street

New York, NY

Phone Number: 553-123-1234

Email: [email protected]

#2. Write an Attention-Grabbing College Resume Objective

A resume objective is a 2-3 sentence long paragraph that should communicate your motivation for getting into college or for studying a specific major.

As such, a well-crafted resume objective can instantly attract admission officers to read the rest of your college application resume. 

There is, however, a right and wrong way to write a resume objective.

A convincing resume objective is:

  • Tailored to the university/major you’re applying to, instead of looking like a one-fits-all kind of statement that you can use to apply to several colleges.
  • Highlights the achievements that give you an edge over the competition.  

The following example does that right: 

Aspiring journalist with a knack for creative writing looking to deepen their knowledge through NYU’s renowned Journalism track. Founder of my high school’s first online newspaper, the ‘Daily Prophet,’ which now has over 2,000 subscribers. Hardworking, with a grade A average in social sciences and commitment to improving. 

Now compare it to the following resume objective, which although articulated looks like a one-fits-all kind of statement that you can just insert into several college applications. 

Very committed high-schooler with a calling for social sciences. With an SAT score of 1400, a passion for psychology, and experience as a peer counselor, I am confident that my hard work and motivation will shine through as a college student. 

See, the resume objective is your chance to show exactly why you want to attend that college, right from the start. 

So, even if you don’t have many achievements to highlight, make sure to personalize your statement by expressing a genuine interest in your application.  

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#3. Put Weight on Your Education

Taking into consideration that, as a student, you most likely lack significant work experience, your education is the first thing admission officers will look at. 

As such, you should give your education its due importance in your college application resume. 

For starters, make sure to include this must-have information:

  • Your high school’s name and location
  • The date of your graduation

In addition, though, combine that with some relevant achievements that can make your education pop out. 

Let’s take a look at two examples. The second student has simply listed out the essential education information, whereas the first has taken their education section to the next level. 

Dunnellon High School FL

2017 - 2021

  • 3rd place at the International Mathematical Olympiad 
  • Vice-President of the Science Club
  • SAT Scores: 1350 (650 Verbal, 700 Math)
  • SAT Scores: 1400

#4. Showcase Relevant Activities

Extracurricular activities have a great number of benefits when it comes to your college application resume. Most importantly, they:

  • Demonstrate you who are outside of the classroom
  • Provide an opportunity to showcase your skills

Any activity and/or interest related to the college you’re applying to has a place on your college application resume,  but you don’t have to necessarily stop there. 

Any kind of interest, field, or activity where you’re good at can be of benefit to your application. 

That’s because it can prove that your interests are not focused solely on your favorite subject or desired career path and that you are engaged and well-rounded . 

So, don’t just list your college resume activities dryly (e.g. “reading” or “swimming”). Instead, be specific and creative about your interests, and rest assured that you will get extra points for diversity and commitment. 

Don’t believe us? Compare for yourself how the activities sections of two different students look like: the first has put minimal effort into it, whereas the second has put his A-game into writing it.

  • Passionate about science
  • Co-founder of the Astrophysics Club


  • Two-times winner of my high school’s Science Fair
  • Co-founder of the Astrophysics Club, finalists of the MIT-founded THINK challenge
  • Swimmer from an early age and member of my high school’s swim team during junior and senior year 
  • Traveling; I have so far visited 10 countries and 15 states in the USA. 
  • Photography, with a focus on architectural photography. 

#5. Highlight Your Work Experience

Now, if you’ve spent your summer holidays working any type of job for teens , that means that you also have some work experience under your belt. 

Although work experience is not necessary when you’re applying for college (meaning that you won’t get left out of college if you don’t have any), it does help to include it if you have it. 

Here’s how to list work experience in your college application resume:

  • Start with the company name (e.g. if you worked at Starbucks), your job title, and the period you worked there. 
  • Put your job title first if you worked, say, as a high-school tutor or camp counselor. 
  • Include 1-2 of your main responsibilities in bullets. If you have achievements to show for, however, make sure to put them first.  

Let’s see how that works in a practical example.

Starbucks Coffee 

  • Awarded employee of the month for 3 months straight
  • Fielding customer complaints and questions
  • Maintaining good customer service and speedy delivery

Even if the above position isn’t related to the student’s desired field of study, the work experience still highlights some of their skills such as commitment, time management, effective communication, and motivation.  

#6. Include Your Skills 

Skills—we all got them, but not everyone knows how to demonstrate them effectively in a college application resume. 

There are two things to consider when you include skills in your college resume:

  • Know the kind of skills that are relevant to your major/field.
  • Prove your skills, instead of just listing them 

Let’s show you how that works through practical examples:

  • Time management
  • Critical thinking

Are these great skills for a college applicant? Sure! 

But anyone can claim to have those skills (and frankly, most people do).

Rather than just listing these skills, you want to also back them up with achievements and experiences like so: 

  • Attention to deadline: managed to update the high school’s online newspaper daily
  • Leadership: successfully led a team of 6 reporters.
  • Creativity: won the 2021 Young Writers competition 
  • Self-motivation: founded the high school’s first online newspaper

Now, this is a skills section on a college application resume that proves you deserve a spot in your favorite university.

College application resume skills 

Wondering which skills to include in your college application resume? Here’s a list to draw some inspiration: 

Soft Skills

  • Good judgment 
  • Open-mindedness
  • Communication  
  • Self-motivation
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving

Hard Skills

  • Computer Skills
  • Programming
  • Public Speaking

#7. Use These Additional Sections

If you’ve followed all our tips till now, congrats - you’re around 90% into creating a top-notch college application resume.

Now, let’s talk about how you can take that to 100%!

In addition to the conventional resume sections we’ve covered till now, you can include the following to help you stand out in a sea of other applicants:

  • Awards. Here, you can list any awards won in competitions (spelling, art, storytelling, math, etc). 
  • Volunteer experience . Did you clean up your town, or maybe you volunteered at an animal rescue center as a high school student? Any kind of volunteering can help your college application resume because it shows you’re a responsible community member. If it’s somehow related to your field or future major, that’s a big plus. 
  • Projects. Be them individual (e.g. you built a website from scratch, or started an informational podcast), or school-related (e.g. an art portfolio for a class, or a history documentary), projects can show that you’re passionate and creative. 
  • Sports. Poet Juvenal said “ a healthy mind in a healthy body. ” This means that physical exercise is an important part of mental and psychological well-being (which is why sports in a college application resume make all applicants look good). Do you excel at specific sports? Include them in your resume!. 
  • Languages. Being fluent (or even just a beginner) in a foreign language is another plus for a prospective college student. Make sure to show it in your college application resume. 

5 College Application Resume Tips

Finally, here are some of our college application tips that didn’t fit anywhere else in the article:

  • Be direct and to the point. Your college application resume is not the right place to show how many SAT-level words you know. Keep your language simple, direct, and to the point. Let your achievements and results speak for themselves. 
  • Don't lie about your academic background or accomplishments. Lying about the awards you’ve won or your achievements won’t get you into college. More often than not, admission officers will see through your lies by asking behavioral interview questions . 
  • Proofread your college application resume.   Spelling and grammar mistakes can make you appear like a less serious applicant. Imagine telling recruiters that you have great SAT scores and GPA but having spelling mistakes in your resume. Kind of contradictory, isn’t it? To avoid these kinds of mistakes, use spelling and grammar apps such as Grammarly and Heminway . 
  • Have one or more people look at your resume before you send it out. There are kinds of mistakes that Grammarly or Hemingway cannot catch. To avoid such mistakes, have one or more people that know you give your college application resume a look. 
  • Emphasize specific achievements over general responsibilities. As mentioned before, emphasizing your achievements over your responsibilities is the best way to set yourself apart from other candidates. The reason is that your achievements effectively show how well you handle responsibilities and they are uniquely yours.

Making a resume from scratch can take what feels like ages—especially if it’s your first time doing it.

You’ve got to tweak the formatting. 

You make a change at MS Word and the layout falls apart in front of your eyes. Or you end up using a bland and outdated template. 

Well, you don’t have to worry about any of these things with Nóvóresume’s free resume templates . 

With 8 free templates to choose from - college application resume included - you don’t have to worry about anything other than inputting your information.

Let our resume builder do the rest! 

college application resume template

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on college application resumes. We hope to have made the process of writing yours easier and even more enjoyable. 

For good measure, let’s go over the main points we covered: 

  • Your college application resume should contain the following sections: contact information , personal profile , education section , relevant activities , your skills , and additional sections , such as awards and honors. 
  • In terms of formatting, the functional resume template fits your college application best. Additionally, make sure to keep your resume one page long and save it as a PDF. 
  • Write a resume objective that doesn’t surpass 3 sentences and that clearly communicates your motivation for getting into college and your most relevant skills. 
  • Make sure to give your education section its due importance by being thorough about your grades, SAT scores, and achievements. 
  • Don’t forget to list all your relevant activities and passions, as well as soft and hard skills.
  • Instead of writing your college application resume from scratch, use one of Nóvóresume’s ready-made templates to save yourself time and effort!  

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How to Write a Resume for College – A CollegeAdvisor Guide

How to write a resume for college – introduction.

Standing out as a stellar applicant in the college admissions process is tough. One way to separate yourself from the crowd is by crafting a strong resume for college. Your college resume can highlight information about your background, activities, and achievements. Some of these might not be indicated elsewhere in your college application or recommendation letters . 

In this article, we will teach you how to write a college resume. We’ll highlight 5 simple steps to building your college application resume. We will also discuss what a college resume is and why you may need a resume for college. Additionally, we will provide examples on how to write a resume for college by reviewing college resume examples. Finally, we’ll walk you through some college resume templates in our example college resumes.

So, let’s look at how to write a college resume and explain what makes a good college resume, why you should include a resume for college in your applications, and more!

What is a college resume? 

A high school resume is typically a one-page document that complements your college application . Your high school resume (or college resume) can help you showcase your achievements and extracurriculars for college. It does this by sharing information that is not elsewhere within your college applications. The goal of a college resume is to show the college admissions officers who you are and how you spend your time outside of the classroom . 

Before we jump into how to write a college resume, let’s examine some things that make up a good college resume.

A good college resume should include: 

  • Clear structure
  • Concise language (bullet points over essay-style)
  • Relevant details
  • Strong formatting

As we discuss how to write a resume for college, you might wonder what purpose a college resume serves. In short, a college resume is a summary of experiences that you can use to add depth to your college applications. You can also think of a college resume as your high school resume, or a resume for college. Your college resume will include a brief description of each of your experiences and extracurriculars for college. 

While we examine how to write a resume for college, you should first note that your college resume should include key details like your educational details, GPA , extracurricular activities/jobs, and honors/awards. As we’ll discuss, your college resume will have other key features. We’ll go through each of these as we learn how to write a resume for college. 

Many colleges list a college resume within their college application requirements. But, even if a college resume is not listed in the college application requirements, we recommend creating one anyway. 

We will look at a sample college resume later in this article, along with a 5-step guide to creating a resume for college that you can use as you begin writing your college resume. 

Do I need a resume for my college applications? 

No, you do not necessarily need to include a college resume with your college applications. However, a high school resume or resume for college can be a helpful tool in the college admissions process. 

So, how could including a resume for college application be beneficial? First, including a college resume in your college applications can help highlight your skills, experiences, and qualifications to the admissions office of your dream school.  

Having a college resume can help you showcase your extracurricular activities in your college applications. You can highlight leadership positions, accomplishments, interests, and activities on your college resume that might not appear elsewhere in your college applications. 

Creating a resume for college application can also demonstrate your accomplishments and experiences to college admissions officers. Even if a high school resume is optional in the list of college application requirements, including one in your college applications can help you stand out. Standing out is incredibly important in the admissions process, especially if your ideal college is high on the list of college rankings . 

It is a good idea to start putting together your college resume as you near the end of high school.

You may forget the names of clubs, supervisors, mentors, teachers, etc. as you get ready to apply to college. So, the earlier you can gather all the information for your high school resume, the better! That way, all of your experiences are fresh in your mind, and you can create the strongest resume for college possible. 

When should I prepare my college resume? 

As you begin the process of applying to college, you might be wondering when to prepare your college resume. The ideal timeline for creating your high school resume can start as early as 9 th grade. 

In general, you won’t want to include anything on your high school resume before 9 th grade. Like other college application requirements, college admissions officers are only interested in the activities you have participated in during high school. 

Keep a list starting in 9th grade

As early as 9 th grade, you can start keeping a list of your accomplishments and activities. Even though you won’t need to format this list into a college resume yet, it will be the basis for your future college application resume.

As you begin the college admissions process, you can use the list you created and turn it into a college resume. As you apply to college and prepare your college resume, research which college resume format works best for you. Reviewing a sample college resume or college resume template can help you find the perfect college resume format. 

As you look through college resume examples, think about which aspects of the college resume template you like the best. Then, adapt things from those college resume examples to fit your college resume. Once you have decided on a college resume format, list your accomplishments, jobs, and activities within that college resume format. 

Summer before senior year

The best time to create your high school resume is during the summer before your senior year. This gives you plenty of time to perfect your college application resume. 

We’ll examine the necessary components of a successful college resume in the next section of this article. So, read on!

What should a high school student put on a resume? 

As you begin the college admissions process, you may be asking yourself what to include on your high school resume. You can start the college application resume writing process by brainstorming how you spend your time outside of your courses. 

Think about everything you have done or achieved since you started high school and write it down. Your high school resume should highlight your activities, interests, and skills. Pay particular attention to these factors as you consider what to include on your high school resume.

Your high school resume will be organized categorically. Some of the most common categories for a resume for college application include personal information, work experience, extracurricular activities, volunteer experience/community service, education, and skills.  In addition to the categories listed above, below is a list of some other things that high school students should list on their resume for college.

Top ten things to list on your college resume:

  • School name and address
  • Contact Info
  • GPA or Class rank, if applicable
  • Internships & volunteer roles
  • Awards and honors
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Leadership positions
  • Language competencies

As we mentioned earlier, you may not have information or experiences for every category listed above. That’s perfectly fine! Focus on what applies to you and what you can include on your high school resume as you learn how to write a college resume. 

What does not belong on my high school resume? 

Now that we have examined what to include on your high school resume, let’s discuss what does not belong on your college application resume. 

Keep it current

In general, you should avoid including any activity or achievement from before 9 th grade on your resume for college. However, it’s okay to include something that is particularly impressive and/or attached to a current activity. 

For example, if you have 12 years of experience in playing the violin, you will want to include that on your high school resume. However, if you joined your middle school band for a semester, you should likely leave that out of your college resume. Your resume for college should reflect activities that matter to you now.

Avoid listing daily duties

There is no need to include informal everyday activities on your college resume, such as cooking for your family or cleaning around the house. When you are crafting your resume for college, it’s best to stick to things that are relevant to admissions committees or future employers. 

Note that this is one area where your college resume differs from your activities list. For instance, if you spend considerable time caretaking your three siblings, you may choose to include that on your activities list within the Common App. However, the same responsibilities likely shouldn’t appear on your resume for college.

Keep it clear

As you examine college resume templates and college resume examples, take note of the language and structure in a sample college resume. It’s important to use concise language and clear structure throughout your resume for college. 

Additionally, do not include excessive text or overly detailed explanations on your college application resume. You want your resume for college to be simple and clear. In general, you should limit your high school resume to one page, or two at the absolute maximum. Most people who review your college resume will spend about 30 seconds with it. So, your resume for college should be easily scanned, above all. 

When you use concise language throughout your college resume, it will make it easier for your reader to understand your accomplishments. Because most people will skim your high school resume, having a clear structure throughout will make it easy to read. Keep it simple and keep it consistent. 

Steer clear of images and graphics

While you might come across this in your college resume format research, it’s best to avoid including images or graphics in your college application resume. Although this is a new trend and can be seen on multiple college resume examples and college resume templates, it can be distracting and take up valuable space on your high school resume.  

For instance, if you volunteered at twelve different soup kitchens, there is no need to list each one separately. That will become tedious and take up too much space on your essential resume for college application. 

Finally, you should never misrepresent your qualifications on your high school resume. Be honest about your involvements, however many you have. It’s not worth potentially getting caught in a lie or an exaggeration during a college interview.

Where do I submit my college application resume? 

While you apply to college, you might be wondering what to do with your resume for college applications. Many college application portals will include a section for your college resume, especially if a resume for college is listed as one of the college application requirements. 

Most college application portals list the high school resume section as optional. While you are applying to college, you might notice that most colleges require that you fill out an activities section as part of the application process. The activities section will ask you to list your extracurriculars for college. Often, your activities section will serve the same purpose as your college resume. 

If you choose to include a high school resume with your college application, it should reflect your accomplishments in more detail than your activities section. Additionally, if you choose to include a resume for college with your application, make sure it adds something new to your activities list. 

You will receive access to your college’s application portal once you have completed the process of applying to college but before you receive a college acceptance letter and officially enroll . When it’s time to upload your high school resume, be sure to upload it as a PDF rather than a Word document. That way, you can ensure that your formatting of your college resume stays consistent on every application. 

We’ll provide more details about the college resume format later in this article, when we examine college resume examples and college resume templates. 

How often should I update my college resume? 

It may be helpful to update your resume (or other records) every six months to a year in order to avoid missing any important details. You can use your college resume for more than just your college application requirements. In fact, there may be internships or other opportunities you seek out in high school that will ask you to submit a high school resume. Updating your college resume often will help you keep track of your experiences and accomplishments. 

In general, you should update your high school resume as often as it works for you. However, when you are almost done applying to college , you will want to make sure that your college resume is up-to-date and accurate before including it with your application. 

No matter how often you update your resume for college applications, we encourage you to keep copies of any old college resume examples you might have. Having old copies of your college resume can help you in the future as you begin to tailor your college resume for potential reviewers. 

How to write a resume for college

Now that we have a better understanding of what makes up a college resume, let’s focus on how to write a resume for college. You can begin writing your college resume by creating a list of your key details . Your key details will be the starting point for your college resume. 

First, you will include information about where you go to school, as well as your current GPA and any Honors statuses. You will also want to list your academic interests on your high school resume, including what you hope to study or pursue beyond high school. 

You will also include your extracurricular activities and the years you engaged in them on your resume for college. Additionally, you will want to add any jobs or internships you have had and the dates you held them. You can also list any leadership positions and the years you held them on your college resume. 

Finally, you will want to include any special skills you have on your resume for college. This can include certifications as well. 

Once you have a list of your key details, you will want to organize these details into sections on your high school resume. For some, these sections might include Objective, Education, Leadership Positions, Work and Internship History, and Special Skills.  

College Resume Walkthrough

Linked about is our college resume walkthrough. Let’s do another walkthrough of these sections here to see what kind of information to include in each one. 

Your objective is the reason why you are writing your college resume. This section will vary depending on where you send your resume. 

If you are creating a resume for college applications, you should include information about your intended major or future career in this section. However, if you are sending your high school resume to a potential employer, your objective section will include information about why you are uniquely skilled for the job. 


The education section of your college resume should include all high schools you have attended, along with your GPA and anticipated date of graduation. 

If your high school provides you with a class rank, you can also include that piece of information within this section of your resume for college. 

Additionally, you can include your SAT or ACT score within this section, especially if you are submitting your resume for college applications. 

Leadership Positions 

Be sure to highlight any leadership positions you have held in your college resume. This includes any appointed positions you have received and even informal leadership positions. 

For example, if you were voted Class President of your Student Council, you can include that information here. Or maybe you are a peer mentor on your soccer team—you can include those details within this section of your college resume. 

Work and Internship History 

This section of your high school resume will list your whole work history, including internships , summer jobs , or part-time jobs. 

You will want to include the job title, company, dates of employment, and a brief outline of your duties for each of the work or internship experiences in this section of your resume for college. 

Special Skills 

Finally, this section of your college resume will outline any technical or soft skills you might have. Soft skills include things like teamwork, communication skills, and conflict resolution. 

In this section of your resume for college, you can also include any languages you speak or certifications you have. 

After you have organized your high school resume into sections, you will want to include a bulleted list detailing your responsibilities within each of your engagements/leadership roles. Be sure to include only relevant details in your descriptions, as it’s important to be concise on your college resume.  

Remember to include the years for every role/activity on your college resume. You will want to list them with the most recent positions/activities at the top of your resume for college. 

College resume format

Your college resume format is one of the most important features to consider as you apply to college. As you construct your college resume format, make sure that it’s readable. 

Most people won’t look at your college resume for more than 30 seconds. So, any reader should be able to skim your high school resume and come away with a relatively clear idea of your qualifications and background. 

The ideal college resume format will have the name of the student clearly listed at the top of the college resume. Another aspect of a strong college resume format will have clear sections with strong headlines. Additionally, the best college resume format will include bulleted lists where appropriate. 

We will look at the college resume format in action as we review some college resume examples and college resume templates. 

College resume examples

As we review our sample college resume, we will explain how to use it to craft your own college resume when you apply to college. Use this sample college resume as a reference point for your resume for college. Then, adapt it to fit your own unique needs. 

We will discuss the sample college resume in the next two sections of this article. As we review the sample college resume, pay particular attention to what makes this college resume clear and effective. You can use this sample college resume as a college resume builder while you apply to college. 

At first glance, you can see that this college resume is organized. This resume for college has clear sections and a concise structure. What makes this college resume clear and effective is its formatting, language, and length. Be sure to incorporate these same elements into your own high school resume as you apply to college. 

Remember, this sample college resume is just one of many college resume examples available. Figure out what you like best about this sample college resume and use it to craft your own college resume. 

Sample college resume – What works? 

The key features of this sample college resume are its formatting, language, and length. Focusing on these in your own college resume will ensure that your resume for college stands out. 

Clear delineated sections

The formatting in this college resume works so well because it includes clearly delineated sections and organized by year. Keeping your information and experiences organized by year is an effective format for a resume for college applications. 

Simple and straightforward language

Another feature of this college resume that works well is the language. There is clear language and details throughout this resume for college that provide context for each role and accomplishment. For example, each of the work experiences in this high school resume feature a brief description of the student’s role and duties/responsibilities. 

Concise structure

Additionally, this resume for college application features a concise structure that helps the reader clearly understand the purpose of each section. The descriptions within this college resume are brief but comprehensive. Having a concise structure and clear language throughout your college resume is key. 

The final key feature that works well in this college resume is the length. This resume for college is just one page in length. Ideally, you want your college resume to fit on one page, but that is not a hard and fast rule. If you have a wealth of experiences and extracurriculars for college, your college resume can go over the typical one-page length. 

Even though this high school resume is a little over one page, it does not have any irrelevant details or extraneous information on it. As you begin writing your college resume, be sure to only include relevant details on it. 

As you learn how to write a college resume, keep track of what features work well and incorporate them into your own college resume. If you are unsure if the sample college resume will work for your college resume, don’t worry. There are plenty of college resume examples and college resume templates to choose from as you are applying to college. 

College resume template

There are multiple college resume examples that you can review as you start your college resume or college application letter . Looking at a college resume template can help you decide on the formatting, language, and length that works best for you. 

Hunter College has a web page with college resume examples and college resume templates. Use it as a resource as you build your high school resume. 

If possible, you should avoid using form templates as you construct your college resume. Instead, think of the college resume template as a guide. You should aim to format your resume for college in the way that works best for you. 

It’s best to be a bit unique as you create your high school resume. Looking at a college resume template can help you find your own distinct style. You can also incorporate different aspects from a college resume template into your own college resume. 

However, be sure to avoid any hard-to-read fonts or unnecessary details in your formatting as you learn how to write a college resume. While your resume shouldn’t look like it was made using a stock college resume template, it also should not be overly crowded.

College resume builder

There are also college resume builder resources, like this one from Wheaton College , that will help students build their college resumes. You can use a college resume builder to format your own resume for college. 

At, we host webinars on topics that help you apply to college. We have a webinar on how to write a resume for college, with plenty of college resume examples. We also have a webinar with advice from former Admissions Officers on how to build your college resume. 

Once again, you should generally avoid a pre-formatted college resume builder or college resume template. Instead, use these college resume examples as a jumping off point as you begin the college admissions process. 

Formatting your high school resume yourself makes it easier to make any quick edits or fix any formatting quirks. If you were to use a college resume builder or college resume template, these adjustments may be a challenge. 

Build your College Resume in 5 Simple Steps

Having examined some college resume examples, let’s review 5 simple steps for how to write a resume for college. 

Five Steps to Build your College Resume

Make an accurate list of your experiences, awards, education, and qualifications. You will use this list as the outline for your resume for college. 

Choose the best college resume format for the job. Before you finalize your choice of college resume format , review a college resume template or college resume examples for guidance. Then, create a resume header for your college resume. 

Add your accurate information by section on your resume for college. Reference the college resume examples you reviewed previously to choose the sections you will use on your high school resume. Organize each list by year, placing the most recent item at the top of your resume for college. Be sure to separate your extracurricular experiences from your awards/honors, creating two lists (or more if necessary). 

Format your lists to be clear and readable , and add your name and contact information as the header of your college resume. 

Ask a friend, family member, or mentor to copy edit your resume for college! Having another set of eyes on your high school resume will help you create the strongest resume for college possible. 

How to write a college resume – Final Thoughts

In this article, we reviewed how to write a college resume. As we discussed the purpose of a college application resume, we examined college resume examples and described key features that work in a college resume. We hope the college resume examples we featured in our article on how to write a resume for college help you craft your high school resume as you apply to college.

Need help crafting the perfect college application resume? can teach you how to write a resume for college. Register for a free account and receive access to hundreds of articles and webinars. These resources will help you craft your college resume as you begin applying to college.

This article was written by  Claire Babbs . If you want to get help with your college applications from Claire or other  Admissions Experts , click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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what is a college resume for admission


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College Admissions Resume Example & Writing Guide for 2024

what is a college resume for admission

In a highly competitive college admissions landscape, a college admissions resume can be crucial in setting an applicant apart from the rest. It offers admission officers a concise and clear picture of a student’s achievements, skills, and experiences.

C. Tips for Writing an Effective Resume

Writing an effective college admissions resume can be overwhelming, but with the right tips, it can become a manageable task. Some of the essential tips to keep in mind when crafting your resume include highlighting your accomplishments, showcasing your skills and experiences, avoiding ambiguity and vagueness and paying attention to formatting, and using appropriate keywords. By incorporating these tips, your resume will stand out and resonate with the admission officer.

This guide provides detailed information on each of these tips with examples to help you create an impactful and winning college admissions resume.

In the rest of this article, we will discuss each section of the college admissions resume and provide useful tips and examples to help you create a winning one.

Understanding the College Admissions Resume Format

When it comes to applying for college, the admissions resume is an essential component of your application package. This document provides admissions officers with a snapshot of your academic and extracurricular achievements, professional experiences, and personal accomplishments that set you apart from other applicants.

To create a stand-out admissions resume, it’s crucial to understand the basic elements and guidelines of the college admissions resume format, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls.

A. Basic Elements of a College Admissions Resume

The following basic elements should be included in your college admissions resume:

Contact Information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Objective Statement: Provide a brief statement describing your career or academic goals.

Education: List your most recent education first, including your high school name, location, GPA, and anticipated graduation date.

Extracurricular Activities: Highlight your involvement in clubs, sports teams, music or theater groups, volunteer work, or other community activities.

Awards and Honors: Showcase any academic, athletic, or artistic honors you have received.

Work Experience: Detail any relevant internships, part-time, or full-time work experience, including job title, company name, dates of employment, and responsibilities.

Skills: List any relevant skills, including computer proficiency, foreign languages, or certifications.

B. Guidelines for Formatting

To ensure that your admissions resume is easy to read and visually appealing, follow these formatting guidelines:

Use a consistent font and size throughout the document, such as Times New Roman 12 point.

Use bullet points and bold or italic text to highlight important information and make the document easy to scan.

Keep the resume to one page by avoiding unnecessary details and focusing on the most important information.

Include white space between sections to make the document easier to read.

C. Avoiding Common Mistakes

When creating your admissions resume, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that can detract from its effectiveness:

Don’t list irrelevant information or include personal data, such as age or marital status.

Use specific examples of accomplishments or experiences, not vague statements.

Don’t exaggerate or falsify your achievements.

Proofread your resume carefully and have someone else review it to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

By following these guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a compelling and effective college admissions resume that showcases your strengths and helps you stand out from the crowd.

How to Choose the Right Resume Template

Creating a college admissions resume can be a daunting task, but choosing the right template can make the process easier and more efficient. Here are the steps to consider when selecting the right template for your college admissions resume:

A. Types of Resume Templates

There are several types of resume templates available that cater to different formats and purposes. Some of the common types of resume templates are:

  • Chronological Resume Template: This type of template is ideal for showcasing the candidate’s work experience in chronological order, where the most recent job is listed first.
  • Functional Resume Template: This type of template focuses on the candidate’s skills and abilities, highlighting the relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Combination Resume Template: This type of template combines the features of both chronological and functional resume templates, showcasing the candidate’s skills and experience in a structured format.

B. Criteria for Choosing a Template

When selecting a resume template, it is essential to consider the following criteria:

  • Relevancy: The template should be relevant to the job position and the industry. This will help to create a positive impression on the employer.
  • Simplicity: A simple and clean template is easy to read and understand. A complicated design may not be suitable for a resume.
  • Customization: The template should allow customization, enabling the candidate to highlight relevant information and omit unnecessary details.
  • Practicability: The template should be suitable for the online application process, as the majority of the job applications happen online.

C. List of Recommended Templates

Here are some of the recommended templates for creating a college admissions resume:

Simple and Clean Resume Template: This template is a classic and straightforward design that presents the candidate’s information in a well-structured format. It is easy to read and understand and can be customized according to the candidate’s needs.

Modern Resume Template: This template showcases a modern design that highlights the candidate’s creativity and uniqueness. It is suitable for job positions that require creativity and innovation.

Professional Resume Template: This template presents a professional layout that is perfect for job positions that require formal attire. It is structured in a way that makes it easy to read and understand.

Selecting the right resume template plays a crucial role in creating a compelling college admissions resume. By considering the types of resume templates, the right criteria for choosing the template, and the recommended list of templates, candidates can create an outstanding resume that showcases their skills, experience, and achievements.

Sections to Include in a College Admissions Resume

When it comes to creating a college admissions resume, it’s important to include all relevant information that showcases your skills, experiences, and achievements. Admissions officers want to see who you are beyond your grades and test scores. In this section, we’ll discuss the seven essential sections to include in your college admissions resume.

A. Heading and Personal Information

The first step in creating any resume is to include a header with your name, address, phone number, and email address. This information should be easy to find and visually appealing. You can also include your LinkedIn profile or portfolio website if you have one. Make sure your contact information is accurate, up-to-date, and professional.

B. Educational Background

In this section, you should include details about your academic background, including your GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores. You should also list any relevant coursework, academic awards, and honors. If you are currently in college, include your major, expected graduation date, and any relevant academic achievements.

C. Extracurricular Activities

Admissions officers want to see that you are a well-rounded individual who is involved in extracurricular activities outside of the classroom. List any sports teams, clubs, organizations or volunteer groups that you are a part of. Provide details about your roles and responsibilities, as well as any leadership positions you hold. Emphasize those activities that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

D. Honors and Awards

If you have received any awards, recognition, or honors for your achievements in any area, be sure to list them in this section. Examples include academic or athletic scholarships, awards for community service, or recognition for outstanding performance in music, drama, or art.

E. Relevant Experience

Include any relevant work experience, internships, or part-time jobs you have had. Focus on jobs that align with your academic and personal interests. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments in each role, including how you made an impact on the company you worked for.

F. Volunteer Work and Community Service

Your volunteer work can demonstrate your civic-mindedness and leadership abilities. List any volunteer work, community service projects, or activism-related initiatives that you have participated in. Describe your roles and responsibilities, and how your actions made a positive impact.

G. Skills and Abilities

Finally, include any skills, languages, certifications or licenses you have acquired that are relevant to your education and career goals. Focus on skills that are transferable to multiple fields, such as communication skills, problem-solving, collaboration, or digital literacy.

By including all these seven sections in your college admissions resume, you will create a well-rounded picture of yourself, and demonstrate to admissions officers that you are someone with not just good grades, but also a range of experiences, accomplishments, and interests.

Tips for Writing the Perfect College Admissions Resume

As you work on creating your college admissions resume, there are several important tips to keep in mind to ensure that your document reflects your strengths, achievements, and experiences in an engaging and effective way. Here are four key areas you should focus on as you draft your resume:

A. Highlighting Strengths

One of the primary goals of your college admissions resume is to showcase your strengths and unique qualities to potential schools. Think about what sets you apart from other applicants and use your resume as a platform to highlight those things.

For instance, if you’ve pursued a particular extracurricular activity for several years and achieved significant success in it, be sure to include those achievements on your resume. Similarly, if you’ve been the recipient of any awards or recognition outside of school, don’t hesitate to showcase those accolades as well.

B. Selecting the Right Verbiage

The language you use on your college admissions resume is just as important as the content itself. Be sure to choose strong verbs that accurately describe your accomplishments and experiences.

For example, instead of saying “Participated in the school’s volunteer program,” try using language like “Coordinated and led volunteer efforts with the school’s community service group.” This not only shows a greater level of involvement but also highlights your ability to lead others.

C. Showcasing Achievements

Your college admissions resume should highlight your achievements both in and out of the classroom. This may include academic honors, leadership roles, community service, or athletic accomplishments.

When discussing your achievements, be sure to quantify them as much as possible. For example, instead of simply stating that you volunteered at a local food bank, try to include details about the number of hours you contributed or the number of meals you helped serve.

D. Formatting Dos and Don’ts

Finally, when it comes to formatting your college admissions resume, there are several best practices to keep in mind.

  • Keep your resume concise and organized. Stick to one or two pages at most and use clear headings to separate different sections.
  • Use a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial and keep the font size between 10-12 points.
  • Proofread your document carefully and ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.


  • Use an overly creative or colorful design. Keep your resume simple and professional.
  • Include any irrelevant information or experiences. Stay focused on highlighting your strengths and achievements in the areas that matter most to potential schools.
  • Use slang or casual language. Your college admissions resume should be written in a formal, professional tone.

By following these tips and guidelines, you’ll create a college admissions resume that effectively showcases your unique strengths and accomplishments and sets you apart from other applicants.

Sample College Admissions Resumes

When applying to college, one of the most important things students will need is a strong resume. This document serves as their personal marketing tool, highlighting their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and leadership experience. In this section, we will provide some examples of college admissions resumes and analyze their key elements to see what makes a successful one. We will also offer suggestions for improvement.

A. Resume Examples for Different Fields of Study

Depending on their chosen field of study, students may need to tailor their resumes to showcase specific skills and experiences. Here are some sample resumes for different fields of study:

Business/Management:  This resume includes relevant coursework and leadership experience in business clubs, as well as internships and part-time jobs in the industry. It also highlights the student’s proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, which are essential skills for anyone pursuing a career in business.

STEM:  For STEM fields, resumes should emphasize technical skills and relevant coursework. This sample resume includes research experience, coding skills, and participation in science and engineering clubs. The student also lists achievements such as winning a science fair and publishing a paper in a scientific journal.

Arts/Humanities:  Resumes for arts and humanities students should showcase creativity and critical thinking skills. This sample resume highlights the student’s experience in theater productions, writing and editing for the school newspaper, and community service in the arts.

B. Analysis of Sample Resumes

All three sample resumes have different styles and focus areas, but each accomplishes its goal of presenting the student in the best possible light. Here are some key elements to look for in a successful college admissions resume:

Clear organization:  Resumes should be visually appealing and easy to read. The most important information should be at the top, and each section should be labeled clearly.

Relevance to field of study:  Resumes should be tailored to the student’s intended major or career path. They should showcase experiences and skills that are relevant to that field.

Quantifiable achievements:  Students should state their achievements in concrete terms. For example, instead of saying they “participated in a science fair,” they should specify that they “won first place in the physics category at the regional science fair.”

Active language:  Resumes should use strong action verbs to describe the student’s achievements and responsibilities. For example, “led a team of volunteers” is more impressive than “assisted with volunteering events.”

C. Suggestions for Improvement

Even the strongest resumes can be improved. Here are some suggestions for students looking to revise their college admissions resumes:

Consider the audience:  Admissions officers may have limited time to review each application. Students should make sure their most impressive achievements are highlighted near the top of the resume.

Be specific:  Students should provide concrete details about their experiences and achievements.

How to Tailor Your Resume to Different Colleges

When it comes to applying to colleges, a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t cut it. Each institution has unique admissions criteria, and applicants must tailor their resumes to showcase their strengths and experiences that align specifically with each college. Here are the key steps to take when customizing your resume for each college:

A. Researching the College

Before crafting a tailored resume for a particular college, it is important to conduct thorough research about the institution. Look for information on the school’s mission, values, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and any specific initiatives or projects that align with your interests. This information will provide valuable insights for tailoring your resume to showcase your fit with the college’s culture and goals.

B. Reviewing the College’s Admissions Criteria

Carefully review the admissions criteria for each college you plan to apply to, paying close attention to the key qualifications and experiences that are emphasized. Look for trends or patterns in the admissions requirements, as well as any unique or distinctive qualities that the college seeks in its applicants. This information will help you identify the most relevant and impactful experiences to include on your tailored resume.

C. Crafting a Tailored Resume

Finally, use the insights gathered in your research and review of admissions criteria to craft a tailored resume that speaks directly to the college’s priorities and expectations. Consider using a targeted objective statement or summary section that explicitly highlights your fit with the college and its values. Also, be strategic in selecting and presenting your experiences, focusing on those that most clearly demonstrate your alignment with the college’s admissions criteria.

When tailoring your resume for different colleges, keep in mind that the goal is not to simply make minor tweaks or adjustments to the same document. Rather, a truly tailored resume will reflect a deep understanding of each college’s unique priorities and expectations, and will showcase the applicant’s fit with the college’s culture and mission. By putting in the time and effort to customize your resume for each college, you can greatly increase your chances of standing out and securing admission to your top-choice schools.

How to Write an Effective Personal Statement

A. understanding the importance of a personal statement.

A personal statement is a crucial part of the college admissions process. It’s where a college applicant gets to showcase their unique qualities, achievements, and experiences that make them stand out as a candidate. Admissions officers use personal statements to get a sense of who an applicant is beyond their grades and test scores.

B. Brainstorming and Outlining

Before beginning the writing process, it’s important to spend some time brainstorming and outlining your personal statement. Start by reflecting on your experiences and accomplishments and identifying what you want to highlight in your statement. Consider what makes you unique and how you would like to present yourself to the admissions committee.

Once you have a general idea, outline your statement to create a structure for your writing. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by a couple of paragraphs outlining your experiences and achievements, and concluding with a strong statement of purpose.

C. Writing Tips and Techniques

When it comes to the actual writing process, there are several tips and techniques that can help you craft an effective personal statement:

  • Be concise and to the point. Admissions officers read hundreds of personal statements, so make sure yours is clear and easy to understand.
  • Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Show, don’t tell.
  • Be authentic and honest. Don’t try to be someone you’re not – admissions officers can tell when an applicant is trying too hard to impress.
  • Edit, edit, edit. After you’ve written your statement, take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes. Read it out loud and make any necessary revisions.

By following these tips and techniques, you can write an effective personal statement that showcases your unique qualities and experiences. Remember to be authentic, concise, and specific, and always take the time to proofread and edit your work.

Your personal statement is a chance to shine and show admissions officers why you would be a great addition to their college community. Use this opportunity wisely and let your personality and achievements shine through.

The Dos and Don’ts of College Admissions Resumes

When it comes to crafting the perfect college admissions resume, there are certain mistakes that can greatly diminish your chances of getting accepted. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

A. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Providing irrelevant or outdated information: Your resume should only include information that is relevant to the college admissions process. Leave out any information that is not recent or does not relate to your academic achievements and experiences.

Failing to highlight achievements: Be sure to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work experience. These will be crucial in demonstrating why you would be a valuable addition to the college community.

Being too general: Avoid using generic language and instead provide specific details and examples of your accomplishments and experiences.

Failing to proofread: Simple spelling and grammar mistakes can leave a negative impression on admissions officers. Be sure to triple-check your resume for any errors before submitting it.

B. Examples of Bad Resumes

Here are a few examples of bad college admissions resumes:

A resume that is too long and includes irrelevant information.

A resume that is too generic and does not highlight any unique experiences or achievements.

A resume that is poorly formatted, making it difficult to read or comprehend.

C. Guidelines for Effective Resumes

To craft an effective college admissions resume, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Tailor your resume to the specific college or program to which you are applying. Highlight experiences or achievements that are particularly relevant to the college or program’s values and priorities.

Use bullet points and headers to make your resume easy to read.

Be concise and specific, using action verbs to demonstrate your achievements and experiences.

Use a professional and legible font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and be sure to proofread for any errors.

By following these guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a strong college admissions resume that highlights your achievements and demonstrates why you would be a valuable addition to any college or university.

Frequently Asked Questions

As you create your college admissions resume, you may be wondering about certain details. Below are a few frequently asked questions to keep in mind:

A. Should I include a picture on my resume?

In general, it is not necessary to include a picture on your college admissions resume. The focus should be on your academic and extracurricular achievements, not your appearance. In fact, some colleges may even discourage applicants from including photos, as this could inadvertently lead to discrimination based on appearance, race, or other factors.

However, there may be some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are applying to a performing arts program and your appearance is a factor in the evaluation process, you may wish to include a headshot along with your resume. Similarly, if you have a professional social media presence (such as on LinkedIn) and your profile picture is appropriate, you could consider including a link to your profile within your resume.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to include a picture on your resume should be based on your individual circumstances and the expectations of the colleges or programs to which you are applying.

B. Can I include non-academic achievements?

Absolutely! In fact, including non-academic achievements can be an excellent way to showcase your character, leadership abilities, and diverse interests.

When compiling your list of achievements, be sure to include any extracurricular activities (such as sports, clubs, or community service), volunteer work, internships, part-time jobs, or other relevant experiences. These may not be directly related to your academic coursework, but they can demonstrate your dedication, work ethic, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities.

Remember that college admissions officers are not just looking for students with high GPAs and test scores; they want to see well-rounded individuals who are passionate about their interests and have the potential to contribute positively to their campus community.

C. How long should my resume be?

The length of your resume will depend largely on your level of experience and the number of achievements you wish to highlight. In general, a college admissions resume should be no more than one to two pages in length.

If you are a high school student or recent graduate with limited experience, your resume may be shorter (one page is typically sufficient). Focus on providing a clear overview of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any honors or awards you have received.

If you are a college student or have relevant work experience, your resume may be longer (up to two pages). Be sure to include detailed descriptions of your job responsibilities, relevant coursework, and any research or publications you have participated in.

Remember to prioritize the most important and relevant information on your resume, and format it in a clear and concise manner. This will allow admissions officers to quickly and easily understand your qualifications and achievements.

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Susan Shor

College Admissions resume example & writing guide

College Admissions resume example & writing guide

The college admissions landscape

 early decision college admission, deferred college admission.

You’re looking beyond your high school career or maybe you took some time off and are ready to move onto university. You need a college admissions resume that tells admissions officers that you’re up to the academic challenge. But how do you develop a document that caters to the college and study program of your choice?

Entry-level College Admissions Resume Example can help. Our powerful resources include resume guides such as this and resume examples for 300+ professions, backed up by an easy-to-use resume builder. Take advantage of these tools to create a resume that makes the grade!

This resume guide, along with the corresponding resume example will cover the following topics:

  • How to write a college admissions resume (tips and tricks)
  • The best format for a college admissions resume
  • Advice on each section of your resume (summary, work history, education, skills)
  • Professional resume layout and design hints.

How to write a college admissions resume

The very first step in writing your college admissions resume is understanding what sections to include. Your resume should contain the following elements:

  • The resume header
  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The education section
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section

You have one or two colleges that are your top choices and you have your heart set on them, but you may also have a few other schools you’re applying to. Each school deserves your full attention. That means you need to tailor your college admissions resume for each school by doing your research. Get to know the makeup of the student body, what the program you intend to enroll in focuses on and what the school is known for.

A college admissions resume that will get you to the head of the class does the following:

  • Speaks directly to the college in question and explains why you want to go there and how you will add to the student body.
  • Pays attention to design and layout to give it a polished, mature look.
  • Highlights the top criteria college admissions officers seek.

What do college admissions deans look for?

Applying to college in this post-lockdown era may be a bit different. Colleges understand the constraints of COVID have had lasting effects on young people. This is what they say they are looking for in candidates now, according to Grown & Flown :

  • Academic achievement but with an understanding that many students suffered performance slippage during online learning.
  • Contribution to the community
  • Contribution to family life
  • And as always, extracurriculars and summer activities

Admission to the top tier of colleges is highly competitive and has only gotten more so in the past year. The numbers of applications are up, but the numbers of admissions are down. Less selective colleges admit many more of their applicants than those top tier colleges, so if you’re not looking to go to Harvard or Stanford and you are looking at smaller, lesser known colleges, you have a much better chance of getting into the school of your choice, according to the New York Times .

Stanford University had the lowest admissions rate of any U.S. college, at 4%. Columbia, the Curtis Institute of Music, and Harvard followed with 5% admission rates. You can see the entire list at U.S. News and World Report .

You can find details for any college in the United States at the National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator .

Choosing the best resume format for college admissions

For a job hunt resume, we recommend the standard reverse chronological order format most of the time, but your college admissions resume is likely to veer from that format. Unless you are returning to school after participating in the workforce for some years, you should choose a resume that focuses on your skills and academic achievements so far.

You may also consider a hybrid resume format, which begins with a skills or experience section before moving on to the employment history.

Resume summary example: you’re more than your GPA

You will write your college admissions essay with an eye toward illuminating what makes you an excellent candidate for your chosen university, but your resume summary gives you another chance at it. It’s likely there was something you wanted to say in that essay that did not fit in 500 words. You have 3-4 lines at the top of your resume, so say it here!

Try not to repeat information you offer elsewhere and remember that your goal is to answer the question: “How will you contribute to the student body and academic environment at our university.”

These other education resume samples may give you more ideas: 

  • Early Childhood Educator resume sample
  • College Student resume sample
  • High School Student resume sample
  • Student resume sample
  • Academic Librarian resume sample
  • Health Educator resume sample
  • ESL Teacher resume sample
  • Tutor resume sample
  • Teacher Assistant resume sample
  • Substitute Teacher resume sample
  • Middle School Teacher resume sample
  • Elementary School Teacher resume sample
  • College Professor resume sample
  • Internship resume sample
  • High School Teacher resume sample
  • Academic Tutor resume sample
  • Teacher resume sample

See the resume example text below for summary ideas.

Motivated and passionate student with the intention of gaining admission into your renowned University. Hardworking and driven, with goals of flourishing in your respected Liberal Arts program. Bringing forth a strong academic background with a steady GPA above 3.5, and a decorated Softball career resulting in a 2017 Championship for our school. Committed to working hard and serving my school, peers, and community.

Should I put my GPA on my resume?

Knowing when and how to include your GPA on a resume can be a tricky question. is here to help with straightforward advice that can be implemented right away.

Education section resume example: school is your job

For college admissions resumes, we recommend moving your education section to directly under your summary. Unless you are returning to college after a longer working break, this is where most of your achievements will fall. Think of your classes as work experiences and list your projects or proudest accomplishments within those classes. Highlight your collaborative skills as well as individual projects. If you have extracurricular activities, you may list them here along with your role or you may create a separate section.

Any honors or distinctions should be highlighted here as well, or in their own specific section on your resume. 

AP computer science: Created program that collected and sorted data on class demographics.

AP computer science: Completed class with an A.

See resume sample content for an education section below.

2012-2016 Westhills High School, High School Diploma Westhills, NJ

Skills section example: your talents on display

An outstanding college admissions resume, such as this example, will include a strong balance of soft and hard skills that make you stand out as a unique applicant. Choose attributes that your target college admissions officers have said they look for.

See resume example content for a skills section below.

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Love of Learning
  • Networking Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Analytical Thinking Skills
  • Photography Skills
  • Multilingual

Employment history example: show off your soft skills

If you worked in the summer or after school, this is the place to list those jobs. Colleges want to know that you are responsible and know how to manage your time. Your part-time work shows them you have those attributes, so even if you think the job was menial or if you worked only one day a week, include it. 

If you do not have any work experience, be sure to focus on your academic experiences and accomplishments. 

Here's our resume sample content that showcases high school academic and extracurricular experiences.

  • Graduated with High Honors.
  • Member of the Swim Team.
  • Member of the Softball team.
  • Staff Writer of the Sacred Heart Newspaper.
  • Member of the Photography Club.
  • Graduated with High Honors

Resume layout and design: creative yet professional

You’re taking a step up from your days of slapping stickers on your computer, or maybe not, but your resume layout and design should take a more mature approach. You may think that the way to stand out is to get overly creative, but that will just make your information difficult to read.

You don’t have to lose all personality, but make sure you present yourself as someone who paid attention to the details and takes the college admissions process seriously. You may use a bit of color or add a flourish to your contact information, but don’t go overboard. An easy way to accomplish this is by using a pre-designed resume template complete with professional fonts and an attractive header.

If you are applying to a creative department, you can err a bit on the side of artistic expression, but it is your portfolio that will show off your talents at their best.

If you don’t have one already, sign up for a professional sounding email address. [email protected] is a format that works well. Definitely don’t use the silly one that’s an in-joke with your high school clique.

Take advantage of our expert-tested resume layouts to eliminate the time-consuming job of formatting and use our online resume builder with built-in spell check to avoid embarrassing (and potentially candidacy-damaging) typos.

Key takeaways for a college admissions resume

  • Target each university by understanding what that school values and its educational philosophy.
  • Use your summary section to complement your college admissions essay.
  • Focus on your academic achievements and extracurricular activities.
  • Find a great example of page design in our college admissions resume sample.

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

what is a college resume for admission

College Resume Examples - What To Include On Your College Resume

What is a college resume.

When people apply for a job, they submit a resume highlighting their value to the potential employer. For a student trying to get into a college or university, that post-secondary institution serves the same basic purpose. A college resume (sometimes called a high school resume or a resume for college) is a document that offers a snapshot of a student’s high school accomplishments and experiences as well as a glimpse as who they are as a person. It concisely tells the reader about your activities inside and outside of the classroom. A good college resume makes you memorable and generates interest in your candidacy.

Some institutions require students to submit a college resume as part of the application process. Other people who may like to receive a copy include:

  • College reps at recruiting events
  • College admission interviewers
  • Scholarship committees
  • Your high school guidance/career counselor
  • People you have asked to write you a letter of recommendation
  • Prospective employers for summer jobs or internships

Students themselves benefit from the process. Building a college resume demands thorough evaluation of your high school years. The completed document gathers highlights in one central place for easy reference when writing essays or preparing for interviews. Seeing achievements all together also inspires confidence!

What Should I Include On My High School Resume for College Applications?

Every student’s college resume is unique since it reflects his or her own experiences during this period of life. When thinking about what to include, here are some common elements.

Before composing the final document, brainstorm what you might want people to know about you in terms of:

  • GPA/class rank
  • Special academic accomplishments (such as research projects, AP classes, etc.)
  • Honors and awards
  • Extracurricular activities (school-based, religious/cultural, lessons, scouts, etc.)
  • Paid work experience
  • Internships
  • Enrichment camps
  • Volunteer work/community service
  • Special skills (such as proficiency in a foreign language, website design, coding ability, etc.)
  • Leadership roles
  • Interests (especially ones that are unique, relevant to your intended major, or that you’ve pursued for many years)
  • Objectives (what you hope to do in college and/or career goals)

You may have a great deal of material under some topics and little to none for others. That’s ok. The key is to figure out which things to highlight in order to put your best self forward and stand out in the college resume.

3 College Resume Examples

Looking at sample college resumes can help you figure out how to create your own. Here, we offer three college resume examples showcasing individuals with different strengths.

College Resume Example #1


123 Oak Street, Anytown, VA 24559

(595) 262-3445 (mobile)

[email protected]

To further my career goal of becoming a pediatrician, I am seeking admission to an institution with a strong pre-medicine program. I also wish to contribute to the college community by continuing my life-long passion for volunteer work.


Willowbrook Academy, 2020-present (anticipated graduation June 2024)

  • GPA of 3.94 (4.0 scale)
  • 5 Advanced Placement classes: biology and English literature, 2022-23; chemistry, calculus, and U.S. history, 2023-24
  • Independent study research project on improving childhood vaccination rates in low-income communities, 2023-24
  • National Honor Society, elected 2023 (junior year)
  • Bausch and Lomb Science Award, 2023


  • Willowbrook Wildcats Yearbook, editor, 2022-present
  • Mathletes, member, 2020-present; named to All-Conference Team, 2022
  • Environmental Club, vice-president, 2021-22


  • St. John’s Church, soup kitchen, worker, 2018-2021; shift leader, 2022-present
  • YMCA summer camp for children with special needs, volunteer counselor, 2023
  • Anytown General Hospital, COVID-vaccine registration assistant, 2021
  • Anytown Tribune’s Outstanding Area Youth Volunteer Award, 2023


  • American Red Cross CPR/First Aid Certification, 2021-present
  • Fluent in Spanish

College Resume Example #2

Charles Andrew Smith

1567 N. 28th St., Mycity, FL 34567

[email protected] /(530) 212-6789 (mobile)

MyCity Central High School (2020-present)

813 Central Drive, MyCity, FL 34567

Anticipated graduation, May 2024

GPA 3.45 (4.0 scale)

Captain, varsity football squad, 2023

Fellow teammates elected me to this position. My duties include leading practice drills, speaking at pep rallies, and motivating players to give their best.

Vice President, MyCity Central Athletic Council, 2022-23

After serving as one of the football team’s representatives to this organization for two years, I ran for this position on the executive board. My responsibilities include helping to conduct meetings, fundraising for new sports equipment, and talking to incoming freshmen about the school’s athletic programs.

Co-Founder, MyCity is Your City, 2022

Seeing a need for a safe space in which students of all races, religions, and gender identities could come together to discuss their challenges and find common ground, I joined with two other students to establish this extracurricular club. It meets once a week at lunchtime, and membership has grown from eight at the first gathering to 35 now.

Seasonal building and grounds worker, MyCity Public Works Department, 2022-23

I worked 30 hours per week for two consecutive summers cutting grass in parks, picking up trash along the road, and setting up for community festivals.

Volunteer referee, YMCA, 2020-21

I served as an official for youth football matches every Sunday during the Fall of my freshman and sophomore year.


Heart and Hustle Award, 2022

Given by the MyCity Central football coaches to the team member who best displays passion, sportsmanship, and effort.

Featured in the Florida Daily Newspaper, 2022

The publication profiled me in its “Youth Who Make a Difference” section for working to improve student relations through founding the MyCity is Your City club.

College Resume Example #3

Ariana Marie Thompson

21207 Maple Drive, Appleview, WA 53209

(322) 465-3989 (mobile)

[email protected]


I am a budding entrepreneur who would like to study business in college. This foundation will help me expand my current company into a larger, more profitable enterprise.

Michelle Obama High School, Sept. 2022-present

234 Obama Way, Orchard Blossom, WA 53399

  • GPA: 3.75/4.0
  • SAT: 1200 ACT: 29
  • Honors classes: European history, computer science, calculus

George Washington High School, Sept. 2020-June 2022

345 Cherry Tree Lane, Founding Fathers, NH 34689

Founder, Jewelry by AMT, 2020-present

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I turned my passion for making jewelry into a profitable business. Sales through Etsy and other outlets topped $9,000 this past year. I do all the marketing and bookkeeping for the company.

Baby-sitting, 2022-present

I am the primary caregiver for my two younger siblings from 3-6 pm daily during the week. I entertain them, help with homework, and start dinner so that we can eat together as a family when our mom gets home from work.

Active parishioner at Orchard Blossom Community Church

Self-taught intermediate-level guitar player

Frequent viewer of TED Talks on entrepreneurship

College Resume Tips

Note that all the sample resumes contain basic information at the top with the “highlight reel” format below. Other important things to remember include:

  • Limit the college resume to one page
  • Avoid emojis and “cute” or hard-to-read-fonts – they look immature
  • Black print tends to be the easiest on the eyes, which someone who reads many resumes appreciates. However, if you’re applying for a creative major, it might not hurt to add some design or use a Canva template to keep it attractive while maintaining professionalism. 
  • Maintain good margins at the top, bottom, and sides to keep the document looking crisp
  • Watch for style consistency throughout, such as putting all topic headings in bold

Very importantly, double-check everything for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. The last thing you want to discover later on is that you made a typo in your phone number!

College Resume FAQ

  • A college resume (sometimes called a high school resume or a resume for college) is a document that offers a snapshot of a student’s high school accomplishments and experiences. It concisely tells the reader about your activities inside and outside of the classroom as well as more about who you are as a person.
  • In addition to basic contact information, a college resume includes pertinent information about a student’s high school years. This often involves concise specifics about academic performance, extracurricular activities, paid and unpaid work, awards, and special skills.
  • Write down things you have accomplished during high school both in the classroom and outside of it. Decide which you would like to include on your document. Organize information under relevant headings, such as “Extracurricular Activities” and “Academic Achievements.” Consider using a template or looking at our college resume examples to figure out how you would like to structure the college resume.
  • Limit a college resume to one page of text, if possible.
  • Many institutions require a college resume as part of their application process. Others who might benefit from receiving a copy include college admissions reps at fairs or interviews, scholarship committees, prospective employers, your high school career counselor, and people you have asked to write letters of recommendation.

College Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

College Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Resume Examples

How To Write a College Student Resume

  • Resume Text Examples

When applying to colleges, you may find some schools require a resume . You can write a great resume for your college applications by showing your relevant high school and other experiences and emphasizing how you’ve explored topics and pursued your interests. Incorporating this theme into each section of your resume can increase your chances of being accepted into your preferred college or university. The advice and examples provided below can guide you in achieving this goal.

  • Computer Science


1. Summarize your college student qualifications in a dynamic profile

Your resume profile should catch admissions officers’ interest by giving the top reasons they can expect you to engage actively in their campus community. Can you share some instances from your life where you have exhibited curiosity and dedication toward excellence? Your answer to this question can lead to your best profile points. For example, maybe you’ve earned an “A” average in the school subject likely to become your college major. Or perhaps you’ve done freelance work that’s helped you develop a hobby into a possible career track. With details like these at the top of your college resume, you can show your potential to thrive in a college setting.

Profile Example

Motivated student with strong academic performance in high school, including an “A” average for mathematics. Demonstrated success in a leadership role through multiple school athletics and work activities. Naturally curious and eager to explore and understand new topics.

2. Add a compelling section featuring your college student experience

Use your resume’s experience section(s) to give examples of exploring and pursuing topics that interest you. Colleges and universities generally want students who are engaged, diligent, and curious about the world. So view your experience from this perspective and write down anything that reflects your gaining or showing these qualities.

You aren’t limited to details about work experience, especially if the jobs you’ve held so far don’t speak to your career interests. On a resume for college applications, the strongest experience section will often come from a different area. For example, maybe you’re most proud of having been on the debate team or teaching yourself HTML outside school. Below is a list of possible experience sections you might develop on your resume:

  • Community service
  • High school athletics
  • Internship experience
  • Personal accomplishments
  • School clubs and societies
  • Study abroad experience
  • Summer coursework

Experience Example

High school athletics.

Spring Track Team

Co-Captain (Senior year)

  • Voted into team leadership role; coordinated with the head coach to help organize meets and answer various questions from team members
  • Served as a valued mentor and resource to underclassmen

Member (all four years)

  • Gained and demonstrated a strong sense of dedication and teamwork
  • Contributed to team’s placing in the top four out of 18 high schools in the region for three consecutive years

3. Include education and certifications relevant to college students

View your resume’s education section as another chance to show active engagement in learning. Give basic details about your high school. But also feel free to name study areas or materials that have sparked your interest and may become a focus for you at the college level. For example, if your English classes have let you choose from a reading list for each unit, you could name some of the books or texts you decided to read and why. Also note any AP classes you’ve completed, school awards you’ve won, or other distinctions you’ve earned, like a high GPA or class rank. These can all help admissions officers see your potential.

Below are templates and examples to help you format your high school education, along with any certifications you’d like to add to your resume. Note that optional template areas appear in [brackets].

  • Candidate: Diploma, High School Name, City, ST | expected graduation date
  • [Select study areas or materials of interest]


Certification Name or Title , [Awarding Organization] | [Year]

Service Excellence Certificate, VCU Advanced Solutions | 2023

4. List college student-related skills and proficiencies

Add a key skills section to show how you excel in a learning environment. For instance, maybe you like to research a topic independently, or you prefer the stimulation of working in a group. On the other hand, perhaps you’re open to learning by various methods. Whatever your learning style, you can highlight it in your key skills section so admissions officers see how you’d apply yourself at their school. Below are some common keywords for college student resumes:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Creative problem-solving Critical thinking
Data gathering and analysis Data visualization
Efficiency improvement Group collaboration
Independent research Microsoft Office Suite
Process improvement Proofreading and fact-checking
Qualitative and quantitative analysis Reading, writing, and editing
Task prioritization Teamwork
Time management Work planning and scheduling

5. Consider adding personal hobbies or interests

You may have heard that hobbies and interests should be left off a resume. While this is often true for regular job seekers, it doesn’t apply to aspiring college students. Hobbies and interests can be a strong feature of your college application resume because they help show your all-around sense of curiosity. Feel free to highlight them in a separate section, typically toward or at the bottom of your resume.

Hobbies and Interests

Avid reader (six or more books per month) | Painting | Running

How To Pick the Best College Student Resume Template

For college applicants, a clear and straightforward resume template is usually best. Opt for a visual design that lets the admissions officer quickly review your most relevant information. Select a traditional resume font , and avoid any template with a colorful or elaborate design.

College Student Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Math College Student Resume Example
  • Computer Science Student Resume Example
  • Marketing Student Resume Example

Joseph Corbin (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Philadelphia, PA 12345 |

Motivated student with strong academic performance in high school, including an “A” average for Mathematics. Demonstrated success in a leadership role through multiple school athletics and work activities. Naturally curious and eager to explore and understand new topics.

Key Skills 

  • Complex problem-solving
  • Data analysis
  • Group leadership
  • Mathematics
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Team collaboration

Graduate, Benjamin Franklin High School, Philadelphia, PA | August 2018 to June 2022

  • “A” average in all Mathematics classes, including AP Calculus

Spring Track Team 

Work Experience

Host / Server / Team Lead, Domino’s Pizza, Philadelphia, PA | Summer 2018 and 2019

  • Greeted visitors and took and served food orders in a fast-paced environment
  • Proposed several changes to the order entry process for servers and delivery drivers, improving efficiency and collaboration among the two groups
  • Helped restaurant place No. 3 in the region for customer satisfaction in July and August 2019

Hobbies & Interests

Advanced proficiency in Spanish (A- average for classes taken in all four years of high school)

Rob Smith  (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Columbus, OH 12345 |

Efficient and hardworking student with a strong interest in computer science. Draw on technical knowledge base covering UX design, JAVA, MySQL, and HTML. Demonstrated success objectively measuring software performance while participating in a rapid development cycle.

  • Efficiency improvement
  • Group collaboration
  • Independent research
  • Technical troubleshooting
  • User experience (UX)

Graduate, AAE High School, Columbus, OH | August 2018 to June 2022 3.7 GPA | Top 10% of graduating class

Tech Support, XYZ Company, Columbus, OH | June 2020 to present

  • Quickly and professionally respond to various tech support tickets
  • Install hardware and software as needed to maintain systems
  • Work with managers to develop rapid response systems to major tech threats
  • Co-design and deliver educational materials to staff on proper tech use

Retail Sales Associate, Smith Clothing Company, Columbus, OH | August 2019 to May 2020

  • Gained strong foundation in positive customer relations
  • Operated cash register and balanced the till at end of day (EOD)


  • Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+
  • Nielsen Norman Group UX and UX Master

John Miller (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Columbus, OH 12345 | LinkedIn | Portfolio

High school student with a strong interest in marketing and advertising. Freelance graphic design professional with a growing portfolio and client relationships with major local nonprofits. Enjoy collaborating on a team to explore topics and solve complex challenges.

  • Data visualization
  • Graphic design
  • Marketing strategy
  • Task prioritization
  • Writing and editing

Candidate: Diploma, Douglass High School, Columbus, OH | expected June 2023 3.8 GPA | SAT scores: 760 math, 680 verbal (1440 combined)

High School Athletics and Activities

Member, Debate Team | August 2020 to present

  • Collaborate closely on a 10-person team to research debate topics and form and organize compelling arguments

Member, Cross-Country Running Team | Fall 2021 and 2022

Freelance Graphic Designer, XYZ Company, Columbus, OH | April 2018 to present

  • Conceptualize and create diverse marketing materials to spec
  • Engage and partner with marketing teams to design campaigns and track return on investment
  • Design logos and event graphics for client nonprofits
  • Make infographics using data provided by sales teams
  • Developed an award-winning print ad for a local coffee shop

Library Materials Associate, Community Library, Columbus, OH | June 2014 to April 2016

  • Greeted students and verified account status for check-out
  • Helped students find and incorporate various research sources
  • Set up display technology for individual and group use
  • Managed schedules for meeting and study rooms
  • Reshelved materials at EOD

Technical Skills

Adobe InDesign, Photoshop | Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)

Frequently Asked Questions: College Student Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for college student resumes -.

For aspiring college students, good resume verbs will relate to the process of learning and discovery – think “explored,” “researched,” or “uncovered.” But there are various others you might use to describe your school, work, and other life experiences so far. The following list can help you find a good mix of action verbs for your college application resume:

Action Verbs
Adapted Analyzed
Balanced Calculated
Collaborated Conducted
Coordinated Created
Designed Determined
Developed Discovered
Earned Enhanced
Examined Explored
Found Improved
Increased Inquired
Investigated Maintained
Overcame Planned
Prioritized Ranked
Researched Resolved
Scheduled Studied
Synthesized Tested
Uncovered Won

How do you align your resume with each college application? -

The National Center for Education Statistics forecasts that total undergraduate enrollment will increase by about 9% (to nearly 17 million students) between 2021 and 2031. 

To optimize your resume for each college application:

1. Take cues from what you know about the school. 2. Refer to their website, brochures, notes from the campus tour, or any other information you’ve gathered on what the school is known for and what you’re most drawn to about it. 3. As you look over these materials, highlight words or phrases that are repeated or emphasized.

These terms can tell you what details you may want to feature in your resume profile or key skills sections (as long as they’re accurate to your experience).

For example, say you’re drawn to the college’s study-abroad program. Consider using your profile to showcase any travel or exchange programs you’ve done, along with your foreign language skills. With adjustments like these, you can make your resume more relevant to each college opportunity.

What is the best college student resume format? -

In nearly all cases, use a Combination (or Hybrid) resume because it’s easiest for admissions officers to learn about your pertinent skills and background. It’s also easiest for you to align with your goals.

With the Combination format, you focus on your most relevant skills and experience in your experience section(s) and an intro section. (This combination of experience and intro content is where the format gets its name.) Your resume intro should usually include a profile summary and key skills section, but you may also add a highlights or awards section. By carefully choosing the details for these intro sections, you can (a) position yourself for your desired school program and (b) give admissions officers a clear, quick view of what you offer.

Craft your perfect resume in minutes

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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  • How Far Back a Resume Should Go Learn More
  • How To Build a Resume for College Applications Learn More
  • How to Include Personal and Academic Projects on Your Resume Learn More

Essential Guides for Your Job Search

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StandOut CV

Resume for College Application example

Andrew Fennell photo

Getting into college and getting a degree will give you a huge head-start in your career, but getting into college isn’t easy.

This guide contains an example College Applicant resume and plenty of tips on how to create your own winning resume, so you can stand out amongst the other candidates and get into the college of your dreams.

Guide contents

Resume for College Application example 1

Resume for college application example 2.

  • Structuring and formatting your resume
  • Writing your resume summary
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education

Resume templates 


Unsure of what your College Applicant resume should look like?

Have a look at the resume example above to get familiar with the structure, layout and format of a professional resume.

As you can see, it provides plenty of relevant information about the applicant but is still very easy to read, and brief – which will please busy college recruiters.

College Applicant resume structure and format

The format and structure of your resume is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your resume.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go.

How to write a resume

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Recruiters will be immediately put off by lengthy resumes – with hundreds of applications to read through, they simply don’t have the time! Grabbing their attention with a short, snappy and highly relevant resume is far more likely to lead to success. Aim for two sides of A4 or less.
  • Readability : Make sure your resume is easy to read and looks professional by applying some simple formatting tricks. Bullet points are great for making large paragraphs more digestible, while formatting your headings with bold or colored text will help the reader to find the information they need, with speed.
  • Design: It’s generally best to stick to a simple resume design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle color scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Avoid photos: Logos, profile photos or other images aren’t necessary and rarely add any value – save the space for written content, instead!

resume builder

Structuring your resume

As you write your resume , work to the simple but effective structure below:

  • Name and contact details – Pop them at the top of your resume, so it’s easy for recruiters to contact you.
  • Resume summary – Write a snappy overview of what makes you a good fit for the role; discussing your key experience, skills and accomplishments.
  • Core skills section – Add a short but snappy list of your relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Work experience – A list of your relevant work experience, starting with your current role.
  • Education – A summary of your relevant qualifications and professional/vocational training.
  • Hobbies and interests – An optional section, which you could use to write a short description of any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each resume section.

Resume Contact Details

Resume contact details

Tuck your contact details into the corner of your resume, so that they don’t take up too much space. Stick to the basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, such as your full name.
  • Location -Just write your rough location, rather than your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – If you include these, ensure they’re sleek, professional and up-to-date.

College Applicant Resume Summary

Recruiters read through countless applications every day.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll simply move onto the next one.

That’s what makes your resume summary (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level/graduate candidate) so important.

This short and snappy summary sits at the top of your resume and should give a high-level overview of why you’re a good match for the college.

This way, you can ensure that busy recruiters see your suitability from the outset, and so, feel your resume is worth their time.

resume summary

Tips for creating an impactful resume summary:

  • Keep it brief: It might be tempting to submit a page-long resume summary, but recruiters won’t have the time to read it. To ensure every word gets read, it’s best to include high-level information only; sticking to a length of 3-5 lines.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your resume, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your resume summary, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your summary. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter.
  • Avoid cliches: “Determined team player who always gives 110%” might seem like a good way to fill up your resume summary, but generic phrases like this won’t land you an interview. Recruiters hear them time and time again and have no real reason to believe them. Instead, pack your summary with your hard skills and tangible achievements.

What to include in your College Applicant resume summary?

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your summary.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your resume.
  • Essential qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant qualifications, so that anyone reading the resume can instantly see you are qualified for the universities you are applying to.

Quick tip: Your resume is your first impression on recruiters, so it’s vital to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes if you want to appear professional. Use our quick-and-easy Resume Builder to add pre-written content that has been crafted by recruitment experts.

Core skills section

In addition to your resume summary, your core skills section provides an easily digestible snapshot of your skills – perfect for grabbing the attention of busy hiring managers.

As College places might receive a huge pile of applications, this is a great way to stand out and show off your suitability for the role.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points and be made up of skills that are highly relevant to the universities you are targeting.

resume core skills

Work experience/Career history

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your resume.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

If you don’t pay attention to the structure of your career history section, it could quickly become bulky and overwhelming.

Get in recruiters’ good books by creating a pleasant reading experience, using the 3-step structure below:

Role descriptions

Begin with a summary of your role, detailing what the purpose of your job was, who you reported to and what size of team you were part of (or led).

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

At the bottom of your resume is your full education section. You can list your formal academic qualifications, such as:

  • High School Diploma
  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses

As well as any specific qualifications that are essential to the jobs you are applying for. Note down the name of the qualification, the organization at which you studied, and the date of completion.

Interests and hobbies

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Writing your College Applicant resume

An interview-winning resume for a College Application needs to be both visually pleasing and packed with targeted content.

Whilst it needs to detail your experience, accomplishments and relevant skills, it also needs to be as clear and easy to read as possible.

Remember to research the role and review the college before applying, so you’re able to match yourself up to the requirements.

If you follow these guidelines and keep motivated in your college search, you should land an interview in no time.

Best of luck with your next application!

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Crafting a High School Student Resume

Think resumes are only for job seekers? Think again. A high school student resume gives colleges a snapshot of your accomplishments, extracurriculars, hobbies, and work history. They can also be a useful tool for prepping for a college interview or to give to the teachers who are writing your letters of recommendation .

Not sure how to get started? Follow our tips for crafting a standout resume for college and scholarship applications.

What should go on a high school student resume for college admissions?

Any of the sections below could appear on your resume for college applications. Pick an assortment that works for you!

  • Heading with your name, address, and e-mail
  • High school information with your graduation date, GPA (weighted), class rank, and SAT/ACT scores
  • Academic awards, publications, honors, and other achievements
  • Coursework (summer programs, college courses, or other specialized workshops that do not appear on your high school transcript)
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Community service
  • Work experience
  • Special skills (e.g. foreign language fluency or HTML expertise)

When should you submit a resume to colleges?

Some colleges and scholarship committees request or recommend that you include a high school resume with your application materials. (But don’t submit a resume if they don’t ask for one—following instructions is a key application strategy.) Bring your resume to college interviews and give copies to your college counselor and teachers so that they can write you the strongest possible recommendation letter.

High school resume for college applications

Tips for Composing Your College Admissions Resume

1. keep it concise..

Pare down the activities you showcase to the most brag-worthy and most representative of you as a candidate. Do colleges need to know that you were on the field hockey team for one semester in Grade 9? Probably not. The standard rule of thumb is to stick to one or two pages.

2. Focus on depth and length of commitment.

When deciding which activities and accomplishments make the cut, keep in mind that colleges would much rather see you excited about one or two key experiences than sporadic involvement in 20 clubs. If having an after-school job limited your ability to participate in clubs or sports, make sure your resume plays up your work responsibilities, training, and on-the-job skills.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Applying to College

3. Provide detail whenever possible.

The details are what set a resume apart from a list of extracurriculars on a standard college application. For example, when describing your involvement in the French Club make sure to include:

  • school years/hours per week you participated
  • specific contributions (e.g. "Organized a successful after-school film series to introduce our community to French cinema and culture" )
  • leadership roles (e.g. "Treasurer, Grade 12" )
  • unique details that will make you stand out

4. Highlight things you weren’t able to write about in your college essays or short answers.

Use your high school resume to show colleges something new. If your devotion to photography didn’t make it on the application but is a big part of who you are, then showcase your photography cred on your resume.

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5. Formatting is key.

Make your resume easy to scan. Divide information into sections with clear headings, bulleted lists, and a consistent font. Use a system of organization that works for you. (Chronological, by importance of activity, or by time commitment are a few options.) Don’t forget to proofread !

6. Be honest and accurate.

Colleges know how to spot inconsistencies in your high school student resume, and they won’t hesitate to call your counselor to verify information that doesn't seem right. So don't tell them that you have practice for the school play for 30 hours per week—unless drama club is somehow your full-time job!

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What’s A College Admissions Resume: An In-Depth Guide

what is a college resume for admission

By Eric Eng

Female teacher giving instructions to four students in a library.

While resumes are documents that are mainly associated with applying for jobs or employment, recently they have become an important document in the college admission process. Many institutions have become increasingly interested in students’ resumes as part of the overall application of the process.

The purpose of this guide is to provide students with a basic understanding of the college admissions resume and how to prepare one that will help them throughout the college application process. This way, students can put their best foot forward in the hopes of getting into the university of their dreams.

What’s a college admissions resume?

Resumes are mainly associated with professional jobs so you’re probably wondering “what’s a college admissions resume?” Well, a college admission resume is a document that is used to show what type of courses the student has enrolled in as well as their level of academic achievement.

Young woman standing in the middle of the school ground with her classmates.

It can be used to explain why the student would be a good fit for an institution in which they are applying to attend. It’s also used to show how the student differs from other applicants and how an institution can benefit by accepting that student.

Unlike job resumes that mainly focus on the career accomplishments and job skills of an individual, college resumes mainly focus on the academic achievement of a student. They are used to show how a student is different from other students in their potential to succeed as well as how they differ from other students applying to the same school.

Most college admission officers are looking for several different factors when they look at a resume:

  • Academic achievement, including SAT or ACT scores , GPA, honors and awards, and class rank.
  • High school activities such as sports teams, clubs and volunteer work.
  • Extracurricular activities and clubs such as Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
  • General information such as the interests of the student and their intended field of study
  • Personal information, including a brief introduction or statement about themselves or their interests.

Some colleges ask for multiple copies to be submitted with all major sections completed, while other schools may only want a single copy. It is vital to follow each school’s specific requirements as this will help you have a successful time completing your application.

Elements of a resume for a college application.

It is important to note that the main purpose of a college resume is to show an institution that you have the potential to not only succeed academically but also socially. As such, a college admissions resume should reveal a lot about you. Here are some of the key sections to include:

  • Heading: This part includes the full name of the applicant, personal email, home address, and phone number. This is important as you might be sending this document out through the mail, so it is good to have the address and phone number just in case the documents are lost in the mail.
  • Major: You’ll want to include what major or field of study you want to pursue at college. Some colleges may prefer this section to be filled out while others may not require it, but we advise all students to fill it out if they know what they want to study.
  • Academic profile: This section gives a brief overview of your academic background. It is important to include your GPA and the classes that you have taken that are related to the major you have selected. Other things like honors and awards, as well as your rank in class, are important to include in this section.
  • SAT/ACT scores: This section will include your SAT or ACT scores. Keep in mind that you can take these standardized tests multiple times to improve your score. You’ll want to put the highest score you’ve received on your resume.
  • Extracurricular activities: Admissions officers care about what you’re doing out of the classroom too. So, you’ll need to include a section on your resume about any extracurriculars you’re doing.
  • Out-of-School Activities: This section will include the activities that the student has been involved in out of school other than extracurriculars.
  • Hobbies and Interests: This is a section on what you are interested in. It is important to focus on the hobbies and interests that are directly associated with the degree that you’re intending to study.
  • Employment history: In this part, a student should mention any part-time jobs they’ve had over the years, including during the summer. You’ll want to include some specifics of the role such as your title and responsibilities.
  • Skills: This section should include the skills that you have had experience in and is something important for an admissions officer to review. Some colleges may require this section to be included and others might not.
  • Volunteer experiences: Here, the student should mention any volunteer experiences that they have had. This is another section that some schools really want to see while others aren’t too interested. But, it never hurts to add it.
  • Personal Statement: This is a section that explains why the student wants to attend their intended college. It should explain how they will benefit both academically and socially by going to college. This is a good time to elaborate on the information you provided about yourself in the academic profile and interest sections.

While students do not need to include all the above-stated sections in their resume, it is important to ensure that the resume details what will make an applicant the most attractive candidate for admission.

Study the college that you are intending to join.

When admissions officers are reading through college admissions resumes, they’re not just looking for information about an applicant. It’s not that this information isn’t important. In fact, it’s critical. Colleges want to know as much about you as possible. However, it’s important to explain things about yourself in relation to the college to which you’re applying.

View of a student smiling at the camera.

What does that mean, exactly? Well, admissions officers aren’t just looking for applicants with stellar grades, fantastic standardized test scores, and impressive extracurricular performance . These are important elements of a great application, but schools are also interested in how a candidate fits into their school.

As a result, it’s important to include some information in your college admissions resume that demonstrates your knowledge of the school and why it would be a good match for your academic pursuits. It’s helpful to conduct some research about your intended colleges before writing resumes so you can custom-tailor the information to match.

Tips for writing an effective college application resume.

Like in job resumes, candidates should ensure that their college application resumes stand out from the rest of the crowd. Fortunately, there are several ways that applicants can achieve this:

  • Be concise and direct: Ensure that your resume is short and to the point with all the most important aspects. Mention your previous academic qualifications. Describe any achievements that you have made, such as winning a race or making a donation to charity, with pithy wording.
  • Limit the resume to one page: As a rule of thumb, college admissions officers will only spend about 15 seconds per resume. If your resume is excessively long, it sends the message that you are trying to exaggerate your achievements and accomplishments.
  • Keep it simple: A college application resume should always be easy to read. If you feel that you must use lots of jargon or special terminology, try to find a simpler way to say the same thing. It’s possible most of the time!
  • Highlight your strengths and unique achievements: You should highlight any sort of success and accomplishments in your past. Maybe you won an academic competition, received an award for your art, or mastered a new skill.
  • Keep it original: Don’t repeat too many details in your college application resume as this will make it less interesting and less appealing to the reader.
  • Be honest: Tell the truth about yourself. Resist the urge to embellish or fabricate anything. Remember, you’re the most important part of the application, so stick to the truth.
  • Proofread your resume several times: Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be the difference between getting accepted and not getting into the college of your dreams. Have different people proofread your work:
  • Never rush through: It is a good idea to take your time in writing the college application resume. Take weeks to write the whole thing if you need it. You don’t want to write it under pressure as this is a recipe for disaster.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice: Use active voice instead of passive voice when you are writing your resume. For example, instead of writing “The experiment was conducted by me,’ write ‘I conducted the experiment.’ Using the passive voice is considered to be weak and vague in a college application resume.

So far, our tips have focused on how to write an effective college admissions resume. However, the way in which applicants format their admissions resumes is critically important too! Just like you’d put time into making sure a job application is properly formatted, you should take the same care and attention when formatting a college resume. Here are some tips to make sure everything looks good.

Use descending order.

Applicants should begin with their most recent achievement to their least recent. Arrange the education and work experiences you have in descending order in terms of chronology.

Make use of bullet points.

Bullet points are useful in highlighting the most important aspects of your resume. It is a great idea to make your credentials, skills, and accomplishments stand out. Bullet points can also make your resume look more organized which is always nice for admissions officers who have to sift through hundreds of resumes.

Students standing next to each other while talking.

Use italics to highlight important information.

Another tactic you can use to highlight crucial information is to use italics. This will help to grab the reader’s attention while they are going through your resume. Just make sure not to overdo it! Nobody is going to be drawn to each italicized word if it occurs too often.

Write as clearly as possible.

A college admissions resume isn’t the time or place to show off your writing chops. Leave the literary prose and big words for college essays. You’ll want to keep the wording as simple as possible for readability and aesthetics. Smaller words look better than excessively long ones.

a group of students walking at a university walkway

Be consistent in your chosen style of formatting.

There should be no more than one way to format a piece of writing. For this reason, the same formatting style should be used all through the resume. For example, if you chose to use solid black bullet points in one section, use the same bullets throughout the whole resume.

Use margins.

Margins are useful in making the resume look well-formatted and organized. Using a standard Word format should already have these margins built-in. However, you might want to double-check to make sure everything looks normal.

How important is a college resume?

Now that you have an answer to “what’s a college admissions resume?” you’re probably wondering how important t is this document in the college application process? Well, not all colleges actually require applicants to submit a resume but it may be considered good practice to submit your application with a resume.

Since most applicants won’t provide colleges with a college admissions resume, the applicants who take this extra step will stand out from the crowd. Admissions officers will automatically view a candidate who submits this extra document as an eager and worthy candidate for admission.

Female student talking to a student in a room with books.

Having said that, it is important to understand that colleges will not give applicants entrance on the basis of their resumes alone. This is because there are many other factors in the college application process.

A candidate’s grades, scores, and overall academic performance are considered more important when compared to resumes. However, some colleges place the utmost importance on a college resume.

Other key advantages of writing a resume are that it may help recommenders write apt and convincing recommendation letters about you. These letters are your real ticket to the college of your choice. Additionally resumes may be used in scholarship applications if the applicant has won any awards or if they have secured a place in any championship or popularity contests.

Key takeaways of a college admissions resume.

Many high schoolers have been wondering “what’s a college admissions resume?” and “how do I write one?” We hope this article has answered most of these questions. Let’s recap some of the key points covered so you can nail this part of the college admissions process.

  • What admission officers look for in a college resume: Admissions committees do not look for specific skills in an applicant’s resume. Instead, they are looking for a candidate who has the opportunity to contribute at the college level and who can fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
  • Elements of a college resume: The most important sections of a college resume include the heading, intended major, SAT/ACT scores, academic profile, extracurricular activities, volunteer activities, and personal information.
  • Tips for writing an effective resume: The college application resume should be written professionally to make it appealing, attention-grabbing, and engaging. To write a resume properly the student should keep it simple, concise, highlight their key achievements, and ensure that it addresses their unique traits.
  • How important is a college resume: A good college resume highlights the achievements and abilities of an applicant. As such, it is important for applicants to ensure that their college application resumes are short but effective and engaging. This will help them make an impact on the admission committees who will then be persuaded to admit them.

College Resumes: The bottom line

Hopefully, this article has helped you determine “what’s a college admissions resume?”  and why these documents are important in the college admissions process.

These documents can have a major impact on your chances of getting accepted to your dream college.

The key is to not only be clear, concise, and engaging but also to highlight your achievements and let them speak for themselves. Plus, you want to custom-tailor this information to the college you hope to attend. The easier you make it for college admissions officers to imagine you attending the school, the better your application will appear.

If you’d like some help preparing the perfect college admissions resume, the experts at AdmissionSight have you covered! We’ve helped dozens and dozens of students get into their dream colleges. In fact, 75% of our students get into Top 10 or Ivy League colleges.

Contact us today to learn more about what we offer. We’ll set up a free consultation to answer any of your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!


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How to Write a Resume for College Applications

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Watch the  Matriculate x CollegeVine webinar  to hear from Sarah (former Matriculate Advising Fellow and current Matriculate staff member) and a Matriculate alum – Wiralba (QuestBridge Match Scholar at Grinnell College) for tips on how to write a college resume. Here are some key takeaways:


(Start the video at 17:38 to learn more.) The short answer is, “Yes!” On the Common App, you can only add 10 activities to the Activity Section and use only 150 characters to describe them. By submitting your resume, you can share all of your activities with colleges and share far more details than 150 characters will allow. Note: Some colleges will not have the option to upload a resume to the application, in this case, use your resume as a guide to complete the Activity Section. Here’s advice from Common App on ‘Approaching the Activity Section.’


Unlike a professional resume, where the reader is looking for professional skills and experience, colleges are more interested in your scholastic achievements, awards, activities, athletics, clubs, leadership, community service, special talents, and other program participation .. *AHEM* Matriculate! 🙂 The college admission resume is designed to show how you spend time when you’re not sleeping, eating, or in school, and what you’re passionate about. 


Use this free college application resume template and verbs list to get started! Start the video at 4:12 to learn how to write the different sections of the resume.

Here are some key experiences to include on a college resume:

  • Volunteerism and Work Experience: While college resumes focus on your academics and how you spend time in school, the purpose of the Activity Section is to better know you as a student and how you spend time outside of the classroom – this includes your afterschool job, summer internship, and all volunteer work (even if it was a club requirement).
  • Leadership: Don’t forget to include your job title! In each activity description, if you‘ve had a specific job or leadership position, include that – for example: team captain, Vice President, Teacher’s Assistant, etc.
  • Family Responsibility: Many students have major responsibilities at home, including Home Health Aid, caring for younger siblings, etc – you should also include this in your resume!


Looking for advice on how to spend your summer and add more to your resume? Check out the CollegeVine x Matriculate webinar on “How to Make the Most of Your Summer.”


  • Scoir – The College Resume: A How-To Guide
  • College Essay Guy – How to Write a College Resume (+ Example Templates)
  • The Princeton Review – Write a High School Student Resume for College Applications


If you’re a high school junior and need free college application help – the Matriculate Class of 2025 Application is open until the end of August 2024. Students are accepted on a rolling basis – so if you apply today, you could be matched with your advisor within two weeks!

If you’re a younger student and need free college application help – join our mailing list  and be the first to get access to the application for your class.

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what is a college resume for admission

Wiralba Pichardo 

Wiralba is a current junior at Grinnell College, a QuestBridge scholarship recipient, and a Matriculate High School Fellow alumna. Currently based in Barcelona for her study abroad program, Wiralba is a political science major with a concentration in education. She is very passionate about rural and urban education initiatives and bettering education. She loves cooking and is currently exploring saffron recipes.

what is a college resume for admission

Sarah Oppenheim

S arah is from Bay, Arkansas and is the High School Fellow Recruitment Associate at Matriculate. Prior to this role, she was an Advising Fellow with Matriculate and graduated from Columbia University in 2021. In her free time, she loves kayaking, hiking, and trying new restaurants.

Matriculate © 2024 All rights reserved.

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What is an academic resume for college admissions?

Postit: What is an academic resume for college admissions?

Why create an academic resume?

An academic resume also allows you to decide which accomplishments to highlight. This can be an advantage if you have the opportunity to give your resume to an admissions officer before you actually submit your application. Her first view of your information will be how you choose to frame it.

Taking an academic resume with you to a college interview can be helpful to the person conducting the interview, especially during alumni interviews. Often, the alumni have no specific information about the individual before the interview and may ask for a resume to help focus the questions.

Academic resumes can be critical for the scholarship application process. Private scholarship applications often don’t offer the opportunity to provide the same amount of information college applications do. Therefore, an academic resume can be the perfect way to supplement the application information. However, before you submit a resume, contact the organization to be sure they will accept it and read it.

Academic Resumes aren’t Required

Ultimately, an academic resume is not necessary for college admissions. Given that a resume should only be a page long, all of the information should also be part of your official college application. I haven’t heard of an academic resume being required as part of the official college application.

However, if you are submitting a resume as part of your application be sure to pay attention to any requirements listed by the college. Furthermore, you should use the opportunity for your resume to include any information that isn’t already on your college application. Otherwise, what’s the point of going through the trouble of submitting it and having an admission’s officer reading it?

Don’t worry if you show up to an admissions interview without one. You can use the points you remember to start conversations. Basically, the academic resume should be a tool that makes the college admissions process easier for you.

The academic resume is not the same thing as an  athletic profile  which is a necessary part of the athletic recruiting process.

Resources for Academic Resumes

Information on academic resumes.

  • College Resume Templates for High School Students If you only visit one website, this is the one.
  • How to Write a Resume for College
  • How to Write an Activities Résumé for College Applications
  • Composing Your College Admission Resume
  • The College Admissions Resume

Sample Resumes and Templates

  • Sample Resume for the College Application Process
  • Sample Resumes for College
  • Activities Resume Samples
  • School Admissions Resume

What is an academic resume for college admissions?

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5 Things To Do This Summer To Prepare Your College Applications

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Harvard University Admissions

The summer before senior year is a critical time for those preparing to submit college applications in the fall. While summer is traditionally seen as a time to relax and recharge, it also offers a valuable opportunity for students to develop their passion projects, start writing their application essays, and plan a timeline that will allow them to stay organized and on track throughout the fall. As they look forward to compiling their college applications, here are five essential tasks that rising seniors should tackle this summer to set themselves up for success:

1. Start The Common App Essay

One of the most daunting and time-consuming parts of the college application process is writing the personal statement , also known as the Common App essay. Students should anticipate that the writing process will take longer than they initially expect it to, as the best essays require self-reflection, multiple drafts, and a great deal of editing. Writing this essay over the summer will allow students time to brainstorm, draft, and revise without the added pressure of schoolwork.

The Common App essay should tell a compelling story. Often, it will serve to highlight a student’s hook and cohere all of the elements of a student’s application around a central narrative. Students should begin by reflecting on their experiences, values, and academic and personal goals. While many students assume that a standout essay requires a groundbreaking discovery, a life-altering experience, or a heroic feat, some of the most engaging and original essays are those that find significance in seemingly mundane or everyday experiences. By working on their essay over the summer, students not only have the time to workshop a unique topic, but they can also find inspiration in the activities that they engage in outside of the classroom—a lesson they learned in their summer job, a relationship they forged during their summer travels, or a personal value or belief they developed through their summer volunteering.

2. Finalize A Balanced College List

While many students go on their college visits during the spring of their junior year, summer can offer a prime opportunity for students to visit colleges and hone their balanced college list . As students evaluate the schools on their list after their visits, they should consider factors such as location, size, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and campus culture. For students who have hectic summer schedules, virtual tours, college webinars, and online information sessions can provide valuable insights.

Additionally, when it comes to finalizing their college list, students should aim to include a mix of roughly two to three safety schools, four to six match schools, and four to six reach schools. Safety schools are those for which a student’s academic credentials (standardized test scores and GPA) significantly exceed the institution’s average admitted student profile. Match schools are those for which a student’s credentials are on par with the average, and reach schools are those for which a student’s credentials are below the average of admitted students’ profiles. Students should also consider all Ivy League and top-tier schools to be reach schools, no matter how competitive their GPA and standardized tests scores are. A well-balanced list will set students up for success and provide them with options when decision time comes next spring.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 3. achieve standardized testing goals.

As top schools continue to reverse their test-optional policies, it is critical for students to set ambitious yet attainable goals for their standardized test scores, as they are the foundation of a competitive application. There is still time for students to sign up to sit for summer tests—the ACT will be offered on July 13 (registration deadline passed on June 7, but late registration is open until June 21), and the SAT will be offered on August 24 (August 9 is the registration deadline). Students should set a study schedule that allows them to review key concepts, practice sample questions, and take full-length practice tests during their free time.

Those who have already taken standardized tests should consider retaking them if they believe they can achieve a higher score. Higher scores can increase an applicant’s competitiveness, both for college admission and for merit-based scholarships. Consistent, focused preparation can make a significant difference in students’ performance.

4. Develop A Passion Project

A passion project is an independent initiative that reflects a student’s core interests and showcases the applicant's dedication and creativity. Whether it's starting a nonprofit, conducting independent research, creating a blog, or launching a community service project, a strong passion project should highlight students' commitment to their interests and ability to make a meaningful impact in their communities.

Summer is the perfect time to either start or significantly scale a passion project. Students should focus on setting clear goals, planning their activities, and documenting their progress. This project can provide rich content for their personal statement, supplemental essays, and interviews, illustrating their unique strengths and interests to admissions officers.

5. Make A Plan for Requesting Letters Of Recommendation

For students who have not yet done so, summer is an excellent time to request letters of recommendation. Students should identify the teachers, coaches, or mentors who can speak positively about their abilities and character. Reaching out to recommenders early to discuss college plans and expressing why they value their recommendation will allow recommenders to craft thoughtful letters that reflect students’ strengths and contributions.

Additionally, students should use the summer to prepare a concise packet of information for each recommender, including their resume, a list of their achievements, and any specific points they would like their recommender to highlight. Providing this information can help recommenders write a more personalized and detailed letter.

Summer is the perfect time to make progress on college applications. Students who wait until the fall must juggle the stress of sports, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and earning good grades in school, as first semester grades are often considered in the application review process. Focused summer preparation can allow students to make significant progress ahead of time, write quality essays, prepare cohesive applications, and be less stressed come fall.

Christopher Rim

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what is a college resume for admission

Application Instructions

Thank you for your interest in the Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers (PACT). Catholic schools are a critical and life-giving part of the Church’s mission, working with families and communities to form children into who God made them to be. It is an honor and privilege to participate in this ministry.

Application Materials

The application is available at on October 1st.

Please note: Your application is not complete until the Office of Graduate Admissions receives all the materials listed below. If you have any questions, or if an element of your application may be delayed, please contact the PACT office at 401-865-2657 or [email protected] .

The application includes:

Personal Statement

  • Three Recommendations
  • Resume highlighting your experience with youth and/or in educational settings
  • Transcripts: Current college seniors – Unofficial transcripts All other applicants – Official transcripts from your institution(s) must be sent to [email protected] , or to: Lisa Lombardo, Office of Admission, Providence College, 1 Cunningham Square, Providence RI 02918.
  • For applicants to the Secondary M.Ed.: Proof of registration for the appropriate PRAXIS content knowledge exam. Scores are due to the PACT office June 1, 2023.
  • $65 application fee (waived for all applications received on or before February 1, 2024)

The personal statement allows you to introduce yourself to PACT and to your potential school leaders and should illustrate the characteristics that will make you a successful PACT teacher. Keep in mind that your personal statement will be read by the PACT program interview committee as well as the leadership of potential school placements.

PACT is founded on three pillars: Teaching & Learning, Community, and Shared Dominican Spirituality. Discuss how you envision yourself engaging in each of these pillars and the gifts you bring to each domain. Try to answer:

  • What is the purpose of education? What is the role of the teacher towards that purpose?
  • What is the role of community in educational? How does it fit into your vision of your PACT experience?
  • What is the role of faith and/or spirituality in the work of teaching?
  • How do you see yourself learning and growing through two years in PACT?
  • Your personal statement should be 1,000-1,300 words.
  • Use specific examples and descriptive details.
  • Write one coherent statement rather than disconnected responses to aspects of the prompts.
  • Include your name within the document.

The resume should highlight your experience with youth and/or educational programs.


Current college seniors who will graduate between January 1 and June 1, 2024, may submit unofficial in-progress transcripts. Official transcripts showing a conferred degree and a final GPA of 3.0 or above will be required by June 30, 2024.

All others must request official transcripts be sent directly to Providence College from their institution(s).


PACT requires three recommendations from individuals who can speak to your strengths and openness to growth in key areas. Ensure that each recommender knows what area they represent.

PRAXIS Content Knowledge Test (M.Ed. Secondary Education only)

Rhode Island requires all secondary teachers demonstrate knowledge of their subject area sufficient to teach via the PRAXIS Content Knowledge series. A passing score is required before you can be admitted to the program. To submit your online application, we require proof of registration for the exam.

1 Cunningham Square Providence, RI 02918 USA +1.401.865.1000

what is a college resume for admission


what is a college resume for admission

Stanford University

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Stanford will resume requiring either the SAT or the ACT for undergraduate admission, beginning with students applying in fall 2025 for admission to the Class of 2030. Stanford will remain test-optional for students applying in fall 2024 for admission to the Class of 2029.

Test scores represent only one part of a holistic review of each applicant to the university, for which academic potential is the primary criterion for admission. Performance on standardized tests is an important predictor of academic performance at Stanford, a review by the faculty Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid has confirmed. The renewed testing requirement will allow Stanford to consider the fullest array of information in support of each student’s application.

Stanford paused its testing requirement in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with students applying to the Class of 2025. Since then, undergraduate applicants to Stanford have been welcome to submit test scores but have not been required to do so.

The university is reinstating the test requirement in a manner that will allow all students enough lead time to plan and prepare for testing. Scores from the SAT or ACT will only be required beginning with students applying in fall 2025 for admission to the Class of 2030.

Stanford will continue to review applicants in context, and to consider each piece of an application as part of an integrated and comprehensive whole. More specifically, the university evaluates academic achievement and potential in the context of each student’s background, educational pathway, work and family responsibilities, and other factors. Additional information is available on the Undergraduate Admission website .

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Testing Policy

February 5, 2024

Update On Dartmouth's Standardized Testing Policy

Informed by new research, dartmouth will reactivate the standardized testing requirement for undergraduate admission beginning with applicants to the class of 2029.

When Dartmouth suspended its standardized testing requirement for undergraduate applicants in June 2020, it was a pragmatic pause taken by most colleges and universities in response to an unprecedented global pandemic. At the time, we imagined the resulting "test-optional" policy as a short-term practice rather than an informed commentary on the role of testing in our holistic evaluation process. Nearly four years later, having studied the role of testing in our admissions process as well as its value as a predictor of student success at Dartmouth, we are removing the extended pause and reactivating the standardized testing requirement for undergraduate admission, effective with the Class of 2029. For Dartmouth, the evidence supporting our reactivation of a required testing policy is clear. Our bottom line is simple: we believe a standardized testing requirement will improve—not detract from—our ability to bring the most promising and diverse students to our campus.

An Evidence-based Policy Reactivation Informed by New Research and Fresh Data

A new research study commissioned by Dartmouth President Sian Beilock and conducted by Dartmouth economists Elizabeth Cascio, Bruce Sacerdote and Doug Staiger and educational sociologist Michele Tine confirms that standardized testing— when assessed using the local norms at a student's high school —is a valuable element of Dartmouth's undergraduate application. Their illuminating study found that high school grades paired with standardized testing are the most reliable indicators for success in Dartmouth's course of study. They also found that test scores represent an especially valuable tool to identify high-achieving applicants from low and middle-income backgrounds; who are first-generation college-bound; as well as students from urban and rural backgrounds. It is also an important tool as we meet applicants from under-resourced or less familiar high schools across the increasingly wide geography of our applicant pool. That is, contrary to what some have perceived, standardized testing allows us to admit a broader and more diverse range of students.

The finding that standardized testing can be an effective tool to expand access and identify talent was unexpected, thought-provoking, and encouraging. Indeed, their study challenges the longstanding critique that standardized testing inhibits rather than broadens college access; they note that contextually strong testing clearly enhances the admission chances of high-achieving applicants from less-resourced backgrounds when such scores are disclosed. Indeed, their finding reinforces the value of Dartmouth's longstanding practice of considering testing within our broader understanding of the candidate as a whole person.  Especially during the pandemic's test-optional period, my colleagues and I sharpened our awareness of local norms and environmental factors, as well as the degree of opportunity available at a student's high school and in their community. Those environmental elements of discovery and assessment were one of the fortuitous by-products of the extended pandemic moment during which we reimagined traditional guidelines and practices.  Knowing what we now know, it is an approach we will preserve as we move forward. Contextualized testing is an essential element of our individualized, holistic review. Of course, Dartmouth will never reduce any student to their test scores. It is simply one data point among many, but a helpful one when it is present.

The faculty researchers write: "Our overall conclusion is that SAT and ACT scores are a key method by which Dartmouth can identify students who will succeed at Dartmouth , including high performing students…who may attend a high school for which Dartmouth has less information to (fully) judge the transcript." Simply said, it is another opportunity to identify students who are the top performers in their environments, wherever they might be.

Indeed, as Dartmouth experienced our first admissions round with a "testing recommended" advisory this past fall, we set new institutional records for access even as 75 percent of those early acceptances included testing as an element of the application. We celebrated two early milestones: 22 percent are first-generation college bound and 21 percent qualified for a zero-parent contribution with family incomes and assets at or below $65,000 USD. These outcomes encourage and excite us, and we view contextualized testing as another opportunity to amplify our objective to admit and enroll a broadly heterogenous undergraduate class that is well-prepared to succeed in the curriculum we offer.

Lessons Learned from Test-Optional Practices

Our experience with optional testing has been enlightening. As with the other optional elements of the Dartmouth application—an alumni interview, a peer recommendation—the decision to share testing was individualized. But as the faculty study notes, "Some low-income students appear to withhold test scores even in cases where providing the test score would be a significant positive signal to admissions." Dartmouth admission officers also observed this pattern: Our post-admission research showed students with strong scores in their local framework often opted for a test-optional approach when their scores fell below our typical mean or mid-50% range. Often, those scores would have been additive, positive elements of the candidacy had they been shared. The absence of such scores underscores longstanding misperceptions about what represents a "high" or a "low" score; those definitions are not binary. A score that falls below our class mean but several hundred points above the mean at the student's school is "high" and, as such, it has value as one factor among many in our holistic assessment. That is how we consider testing at Dartmouth, and the opportunity to imagine better ways to inform students about their "score strength" will be a priority for us.

Moreover, the Dartmouth faculty study found testing "allows Dartmouth admission officers to more precisely identify students who will thrive academically." In our high-volume, globally heterogeneous applicant pool in which most candidates are "high achievers," environmental and historical data, high school performance, and testing—when taken together—offer the most robust framework for predicting success at Dartmouth. That finding was especially true for applicants from under-resourced high schools, noting that students with standardized test scores at or above the 75th percentile of test-takers from their respective high schools are well prepared to succeed in our fast-paced, rigorous course of study. All scores are assessed through that local framing as we seek excellence from new geographies.

Reactivating and Reimagining Our Testing Requirement

Beginning with the Class of 2029, Dartmouth will once again require applicants from high schools within the United States to submit results of either the SAT or ACT, with no Dartmouth preference for either test. As always, the results of multiple administrations will be super-scored, which means we will consider the highest result on individual sections of either exam regardless of the test date or testing format. For applicants from schools outside the U.S. , results of either the SAT, ACT or three Advanced Placement (AP) examinations OR predicted or final exam results from the International Baccalaureate (IB), British A-Levels, or an equivalent standardized national exam are required. This distinction between students attending a school in the U.S. or outside the U.S. acknowledges the disparate access to American standardized testing—as well as the lack of familiarity with such testing—in different parts of the world. Dartmouth's English language proficiency policy remains unchanged: For students for whom English is not the first language or if English is not the primary language of instruction for at least two years, students are required to submit an English proficiency score from TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo or the Cambridge English Exam.

Dartmouth will pair the restoration of required testing with a reimagined way of reporting testing outcomes, ideally in ways that are more understandable for students, families, and college counselors. For example, when testing was submitted as part of our Early Decision round for the Class of 2028, 94 percent of the accepted students who shared testing scored at or above the 75th percentile of test-takers at their respective high school. More significantly, this figure was a full 100 percent for the 79 students who attend a high school that matriculates 50 percent or fewer of its graduates to a four-year college. Accordingly, we will develop a new testing profile that seeks, in part, to disrupt the long-standing focus on the class mean and mid-50 percent range, with hopes of empowering students to understand how a localized score aligns with the admissions parameters at Dartmouth.

An Enduring Commitment to Holistic Admissions

Dartmouth has practiced holistic admissions since 1921, and that century-long consideration of the whole person is unquestionably as relevant as ever. As we reactivate our required testing policy, contextualized testing will be one factor—but never the primary factor—among the many quantitative and qualitative elements of our application. As always, the whole person counts, as do the environmental factors each person navigates. And, as always, we will evaluate and reframe Dartmouth's undergraduate admission requirements as the data and the evidence informs us.

Undergraduate Admission

Application requirements & enhancements.

Two students working in a lab on a project

Our admission counselors review each application carefully, taking into consideration your academic background, life experiences and interests. We don’t have a minimum test score or GPA range to gauge your potential for admission, but there are some things that can make you a stronger candidate.

Required for admission consideration

We look for students who have been successful in a variety of challenging courses, especially those that are above and beyond what’s required for graduation. And we understand every school is different, so we evaluate your transcript specifically against your high school's curriculum.

Prior to high school graduation, we require you to complete a minimum of:

  • English: 4 years
  • Math: 3 years
  • Science: 3 years (2 must be laboratory science)
  • Social studies: 3 years
  • Foreign language: 2 years

If you're interested in engineering or the sciences, we recommend an additional year of math and laboratory science. Leaning more toward the liberal arts? We’d suggest another year of social studies and foreign language.

Application essay

All first-year students must complete an essay via the Common App or Coalition with Scoir. What you share in your essay is completely up to you—it should be about conveying who you are to the admission staff. No matter the topic, personalize it. Add a part of you into the piece, and make it genuine.

Arts Supplement Required for music majors and those who are pursing a Arts Achievement Scholarship in either music or art studio

Applicants who are required to submit an Arts Supplement will see this required checklist item on their applicant status portal. Students must upload their portfolio materials using the portfolio updater prior to completing the Arts Supplement. You can access the portfolio uploader by logging into your applicant portal using your CWRU Network ID and clicking Edit Portfolio.

The Arts Supplement is optional for all other applicants. (More on that below.)

Opportunities to enhance your application

We understand there may be more you want to share with us than can fit neatly on the Common App or Coalition with Scoir. Though not required as part of their application, some students choose to share additional information that may possibly strengthen their application and help us get to know them better. We welcome you to share such information with us.

Optional ways to enhance your application include the following:

Test-optional policy

Case Western Reserve University is test-optional.  Read about our test-optional policy .

We “superscore” our students’ test results, which means we take your best scores on each section of the SAT and ACT. If you took a test more than once, you will be evaluated on the highest score you received in each individual section of the exam.

Here’s a look at admitted student statistics for the Class of 2025:

Middle 50% 

  • SAT Total: 1420-1510
  • ACT Composite: 32-35
  • Unweighted GPA: 3.6–4.0
  • Test optional: 42%

Ordinarily, scores for standardized tests taken in November of your senior year arrive in time for Early Action or Early Decision I deadlines, and scores for tests taken in January arrive in time for Early Decision II or Regular Decision consideration.

To ensure your application can be fully reviewed in time for your chosen decision plan, you should take tests by the following dates:

  • Nov. 30 : Early Action, Early Decision I and Pre-Professional Scholars Program applicants
  • Dec. 31 : Early Decision II and Regular Decision applicants

Share your talents

Arts Supplements are required for music and music education majors and available to all applicants. If you intend to submit an arts supplement, be sure to indicate this on your application.

The arts supplement is due 15 days after the application deadline and can be completed via your applicant portal .  For detailed information:

Scholarship Audition and Portfolio Requirements

  • Prepare two contrasting monologues, one Shakespeare and one contemporary, not to exceed a total time of four minutes. You may also prepare 16 bars of any song, but this is not required. If possible, please present a headshot and resume at the audition.

A portfolio presentation is needed for the directing concentration. Your portfolio should consist of the following:

  • A one-page resume documenting your theater experience (directing, acting, playwriting, design, stage management, etc.).
  • A one- to two- page director’s concept for a published play or musical that you would be interested in directing, detailing your vision for the show (characters, moods and tones, visual aspects) in addition to what you would want the audience to take away from the production in terms of its central themes and ideas.
  • Production photos from previous projects you have directed (if applicable, not required).
  • You should be prepared to speak about your interest and passion for directing as well as your previous directing and/or theater experience.

Dramatic Writing/Playwriting

  • Submit a 20-page sample of your work in either playwriting or screenwriting (or both) at least one week before the interview date. This can include either an excerpt from a full-length work or a combination of shorter pieces, such as 10-minute plays or short-film scripts. While dramatic writing is preferred, you may also submit other examples of your creative writing, such as short stories, poetry, essays, etc.

Stage Management

  • Bring your stage management binders, copies of scripts you have worked on (with cues written in), paperwork related to the show, and any other evidence of skills related to stage management such as organization, managing/coordinating large groups of people, multitasking and communication.
  • A one-page resume of experience in theater is required. You may also include experience in a related field, such as art, architecture, graphics or photography. Additionally, a statement of intent—even if that statement is exploratory—should be provided. Other materials may include a portfolio demonstrating skills in theater (renderings, sketches, paperwork, scale drawings, production photos, etc.) and related areas (artwork, photography, drawing, drafting, computer graphics, etc.). The portfolio may be in scrapbook format. Art projects or model-making could substitute or be included with the other requirements. The material should be organized into some kind of cohesive presentation, with identifying labels for references. The interviewer will retain a copy of your resume but will not keep your portfolio. Portfolio is for presentation purposes only.
  • Submit a video and complete an online questionnaire for pre-screening by dance department faculty. The video submission should be 90 seconds to three minutes in length, and you should be clearly visible. Do not submit ensemble footage. Video may be from technique class or performance.
  • Submit a portfolio PowerPoint consisting of 24 pieces of your work. Each image credit line should include the name of the piece, the dimensions, the material, media and the date completed. (For example: Self-Portrait, 18” x 24”, media soft pastel on paper, fall 2021.) If you are showing three-dimensional work, i.e. sculpture or pottery, you may want to show two different views, front and side, etc. You may also want to choose to photograph a specific detail.
  • Autobiography : A short (250-word) essay, citing your course of study in the visual arts. Include any special out-of-school activities, i.e., art camp, working as a teaching assistant doing creative activities, or private art lessons. Describe both your junior high and high school art experiences, courses that you took, and subjects that you studied.
  • Program of study : A separate, short (250-word) essay of what you hope to gain participating in our program in Art History and Art. You may want to consult the Art History and Art website for courses that are available for you to take.

Tell us more about yourself

Additional materials can be shared through a form on your applicant portal. You can use this opportunity to share videos, web links, PDFs, documents, photos and more.

Some students use this as an opportunity to add additional context to their application with materials like:

  • Additional letters of recommendation
  • Research abstracts
  • ACT writing tests
  • tutor transcripts
  • Predicted IB results
  • Though not all may be eligible for college credit at CWRU, these test scores can still enhance your application. You can send scores directly to us or self-report them via your portal.

Anything you have that can help us know you better and understand the contributions you can make to our campus are welcome and appreciated.  


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  1. How To Write a Resume for College Applications (With Sample)

    A college admissions resume is a document describing a high school student's academic performance, extracurricular activities and work or volunteer experience. Typically, you submit an admissions resume as part of your application to a college or university. An admissions resume can help you show schools you're capable of academic success.

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    For example, if you're applying to an arts-focused school, try starting your resume with a resume section called "creative accomplishments" or "artistic talents.". 2. Include resume keywords for your college resume. Use appropriate resume keywords when writing your college resume.

  5. How to Write a Resume for College

    Step 3. Add your accurate information by section on your resume for college. Reference the college resume examples you reviewed previously to choose the sections you will use on your high school resume. Organize each list by year, placing the most recent item at the top of your resume for college.

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    A good college resume makes you memorable and generates interest in your candidacy. Some institutions require students to submit a college resume as part of the application process. Other people who may like to receive a copy include: College reps at recruiting events; College admission interviewers; Scholarship committees

  13. College Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    To optimize your resume for each college application: 1. Take cues from what you know about the school. 2. Refer to their website, brochures, notes from the campus tour, or any other information you've gathered on what the school is known for and what you're most drawn to about it. 3.

  14. How to Write a Resume for College Applications in 10 Steps

    College application resume vs. job resume. When it comes to a job resume, the focus primarily rests on work experience, skills, and professional achievements. On the other hand, a college admissions resume shines a spotlight on your academic achievements, coursework, extracurricular activities, and community involvement.

  15. Resume for College Application [example resume + guide]

    Resume summary - Write a snappy overview of what makes you a good fit for the role; discussing your key experience, skills and accomplishments. Core skills section - Add a short but snappy list of your relevant skills and knowledge. Work experience - A list of your relevant work experience, starting with your current role.

  16. Write a High School Student Resume for College Applications

    Provide detail whenever possible. The details are what set a resume apart from a list of extracurriculars on a standard college application. For example, when describing your involvement in the French Club make sure to include: 4. Highlight things you weren't able to write about in your college essays or short answers.

  17. What's A College Admissions Resume: An In-Depth Guide

    Well, a college admission resume is a document that is used to show what type of courses the student has enrolled in as well as their level of academic achievement. It can be used to explain why the student would be a good fit for an institution in which they are applying to attend. It's also used to show how the student differs from other ...

  18. How to Write a Resume for College Applications

    Start the video at 4:12 to learn how to write the different sections of the resume. Here are some key experiences to include on a college resume: Volunteerism and Work Experience: While college resumes focus on your academics and how you spend time in school, the purpose of the Activity Section is to better know you as a student and how you ...

  19. 5 Templates for College Resumes (And What To Include)

    Template 1. Below is a template you might use if you want to prioritize your educational background on your resume: [Your name] [Phone number] | [Email address] | [City, State] Professional Summary [Two or three sentences about your education, experience and key skills] Education [Degree] [College name], [Expected graduation year]

  20. Best College Application Resume/CV with Examples [Resume Writing

    What to Put on an Academic Resume for College Application. 1. Personal & contact information. On the top of your student resume for college application, make sure you put your full name, basic contact information such as phone number, brief address (i.e., city, state, and country is enough), and email address.

  21. How to Write a College Resume + Templates

    Check out tried-and-true college resume templates, and make your experience shine on paper. ... Your name. If you go by a nickname, use the name that's attached to your college application—again, consistency is key. A professional email that you check regularly. If you don't have one, make one. If you're still using ZendayaLover99 from ...

  22. What is an academic resume for college admissions?

    An academic resume is simply a summary of your high school "career.". It will include the same information that will be requested on most college applications-GPA, test scores, activities, awards, etc. In that respect, an academic resume isn't necessary since the admissions office will be getting the information from the college application.

  23. 5 Things To Do This Summer To Prepare Your College Applications

    1. Start The Common App Essay. One of the most daunting and time-consuming parts of the college application process is writing the personal statement, also known as the Common App essay.Students ...

  24. Application Instructions

    Resume highlighting your experience with youth and/or in educational settings Transcripts: Current college seniors - Unofficial transcripts All other applicants - Official transcripts from your institution(s) must be sent to [email protected] , or to: Lisa Lombardo, Office of Admission, Providence College, 1 Cunningham Square ...

  25. Stanford will resume standardized test requirement for undergraduate

    Stanford will resume requiring either the SAT or the ACT for undergraduate admission, beginning with students applying in fall 2025 for admission to the Class of 2030.

  26. 9 Resume Tips for College Students (With Examples)

    9 college resume tips. When writing a resume for a job application as a college student or recent graduate, consider these tips: 1. Choose the right resume format. Potential employers spend a short amount of time looking at your resume—usually only several seconds. The easier your resume is to scan, the better you can hold their attention.

  27. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Tailor your resume for each job application by highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role. Proofread for any errors and keep the formatting consistent throughout. ... Resume Library, CompTIA, and more. Conrad graduated with a B.A. in International Relations from Goucher College in Maryland and currently lives in Taipei ...

  28. Testing Policy

    Informed by new research, Dartmouth will reactivate the standardized testing requirement for undergraduate admission beginning with applicants to the Class of 2029 When Dartmouth suspended its standardized testing requirement for undergraduate applicants in June 2020, it was a pragmatic pause taken by most colleges and universities in response ...

  29. Application Requirements & Enhancements

    Some students use this as an opportunity to add additional context to their application with materials like: Additional letters of recommendation Resumes Research abstracts ACT writing tests tutor transcripts Predicted IB results AP scores, including 3s or better Though not all may be eligible for college credit at CWRU, these ...

  30. What Is a CV? And How Is It Different from a Resume?

    Job seekers may be asked to submit a CV, or curriculum vitae, as part of the application process instead of a simple resume. Learn what sets this document apart from a standard resume. For many industries and countries outside the United States, a CV (short for the Latin curriculum vitae ) is a professional document that employers request of ...