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Essays About Dream Jobs: 6 Essay Examples Plus Prompts

If you are writing essays about dream jobs, read our essay examples and topic ideas to give you some inspiration.

What are the typical dream jobs that our friends say when we are young? “I want to become a successful actor!” or “I want to be a doctor to help people!” It might be painful to hear these words more often than not, but dreams are just dreams. Some will surely make it, but some will not due to several factors.

We’ve encountered people who shared their stories of determination and perseverance to achieve their goals. Some individuals choose to stop pursuing their dream job for their family or personal reasons. The most heartbreaking ones are those who realize that their dream job is not how they imagined it.

If you are writing an essay about dream jobs, here are 5 essay examples to help you write an insightful piece.

1. The Secret To Happiness At Work by Arthur C. Brooks

2. 10 things i wish i knew before pursuing my dream job by erin sullivan, 3. can a dream job become a nightmare by daisy buchanan, 4. a moment that changed me: i lost my dream job – and found unexpected success by david barnett, 5. even with a dream job, you can be antiwork by farhad manjoo, 6. when you have to quit your dream job to pursue your dream by laura yan, 1. what is your dream job, 2. how to land your dream job, 3. challenges in landing your dream job, 4. what do you want to accomplish in your dream job, 5. social challenges when pursuing your dream job, 6. dream job vs. high-paying job.

“ They find this statistic surprising because, like so many of us, they generally assume that to be satisfied, you must hold your dream job—one where your skills meet your passions, you make good money, and you are excited to get to work each day. No way 89 percent of people have this, right? ”

In his piece published by The Atlantic, Brooks questioned the concept of equivalence between having your dream job and being happy at work. He finds that satisfaction in an occupation boils down to three things – a sense of accomplishment, recognition, and work-life balance. Check out these essays about dreams and sleep .

“ Passion and drive will never fully soften stress or worry. It’s still work, and as a result, it still feels like work. When you do what you love, you’ll work many days in your life– it’ll just be more enjoyable. ”

Professional photographer Erin Sullivan reminds us that having your dream job doesn’t mean that everything will be easy. It will still require an amount of work and dedication. Believe it or not, there will still be challenges you have to overcome to succeed.

“I was still depending on someone else – my manager – to validate me and grant me eternal happiness, just like that perfect grade had been supposed to. Eventually, I quit that coveted role, having recognised that even in our biggest and best dreams, we can feel powerless and unhappy.”

Daisy Buchanan shares two stories – one from personal experience and another from her friend, Lizzie – which relays how being passionate about your dream job can increase being exploited at the office. Thankfully, the essay has a happy ending for both of them, as they can venture out into different roads and find that dreams are about more than work.

“I was devastated, as if a partner I had devoted myself to for more than a quarter of a century had suddenly told me they didn’t love me any more. I felt a crashing sense of impostor syndrome. Had I been fooling myself all these years? Was I not as good as I thought? Had I finally been found out?”

For an award-winning journalist like Barnett, losing his dream job after 26 years in the industry felt like the world’s end. As an unemployed 45-year-old with bills to pay and a family to provide for, the future looked terrifying. However, he was still good at writing, and an opportunity to utilize that came knocking at his door, which gave him a shot to pursue his dream job once again.

“It’s just that I now have space in my mind for a truth that my pre-pandemic workaholism never allowed me to consider — that even a dream job is still a job, and in America’s relentless hustle culture, we have turned our jobs into prisons for our minds and souls. It’s time to break free.”

Written in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, this New York Times opinion essay by Manjoo tackled how the pandemic transformed the American workforce’s way of thinking when it comes to jobs. Suddenly, a new opportunity for workers to get better compensation is at hand, and they quickly realize that there’s more to life than toiling day and night at work.

“Anger wouldn’t work, but silence wouldn’t, either. I thought about what I always valued: being honest, true to myself, my values. Speaking up even when it was hard. I was a bold and ambitious journalist, but in this office, that part of me had gone silent. I couldn’t let it be silent anymore.”

Everything was going well for Yan. She got her dream job with great pay, which allowed her to get a nice residence in New York and buy furniture for the first time. Everything clicked until it didn’t. In this piece, Yan chronicled how her seemingly perfect career turned into a nightmare and how she managed to cope after leaving it all behind.

Essay Prompts About Dream Jobs

Here are some essay prompts about the topic that might assist you in composing your piece.

Essays About Dream Jobs: What is your dream job?

You might be the one who was able to pursue the career you’ve been aiming for your whole life or the one who held it off either because of personal priorities or several other factors. In your essay, share what you aspired to become when you were young and try to look back on when you realized it. Finally, discuss how it influenced your life as you grew older.

You’ve managed to land your dream job and want to share the things you’ve learned to the new or up-and-coming graduates. Share the actions you undertook to increase their chances of joining you in the field. Did you build your network by attending conferences and talks, or by excelling during your internship? Talk about the attributes they should be looking for in a company, and consequently, what information should they include in their resume if they plan to apply. You can also include how to negotiate for the right compensation. Create a step-by-step instruction in essay form.

There are many reasons for a person to consider not pursuing their dream job. Is it because of financial constraints? Is it because of social and environmental factors? Ask yourself why some people stray off course in pursuing their passion. Discuss these challenges and obstacles and put in your two cents on how they’ll be able to overcome it.

If you’re stuck picking an essay topic, check out our guide on how to write essays about depression .

You pursued your dream job because you wanted to achieve something in the field. For example, did you become a doctor to be the first to cure cancer, or perhaps a lawyer who wanted to champion the poor? Talk about your primary motivation in getting your dream job and trying to insert what the future of your industry holds.

Trace your steps from when you’ve decided to go for your dream job. Write an essay sharing how your parents took this information. Did they support you or receive pushback? Share what you felt the first time you took a step into college surrounded by colleagues with the same aspirations. Was the competition friendly or fierce? Additionally, try to weigh the efficacy of joining a study group or studying alone. 

If there are any, go through the time when you encountered pressure from family or peers and share a lesson or two on how to control those moments of hesitation.

Consider writing an argumentative essay based on this dilemma. For example, try to talk to people who have chosen passion over money and vice-versa and dive into their level of contentment. Were they happy with the choice they made? Were there moments of regret, and would you have chosen differently? By the end, assess your situation and decide where you’ll stand if you were given this option.

Tip: If you liked this article and want to put these ideas into practice, check out our round-up of storytelling exercises .

how to get your dream job essay

Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.

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How to Land Your Dream Job in 10 Steps

Professionals networking

  • 20 Sep 2018

The average person spends one-third of their life at work, so it’s disheartening that, according to a 2017 Gallup poll , most are unhappy in their jobs. If you’re just starting your career and want to avoid being a statistic, or you’re one of those people just checking a box, it may be time to shake things up.

If you’re feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated at work, getting your dream job might sound far-fetched, but with the right preparation your dream can become your reality. If you're ready to make your next career move, here's how to land your dream job in 10 simple steps.

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How to Get Your Dream Job

1. make a plan.

The first step toward achieving your goals is setting them. To achieve your career ambitions, articulate your goals and develop a plan to get there.

Start with your vision, or where you want to be in five to 10 years. Then, identify the organizations you admire and the specific roles that will help you get there. Identify achievable roles and some that are a stretch—then get to work.

2. Hone Your Skills

Part of your planning process should be an honest assessment of your skills compared to those required for the roles you’re pursuing. If your career goal is to eventually move into a position of management or leadership within your organization, what skills will be most instrumental in getting you there? Where do you currently excel, and where do you fall short? Where there’s a glaring hole, look for online courses and certifications that can help round out your experience.

For example, perhaps you excel at directly managing your team and ensuring they stay on track with projects but find it difficult to articulate your department’s contribution to overhead or the return on investment (ROI) of a given initiative. In this case, completing a course, such as Economics for Managers or Financial Accounting , can help you develop your understanding of those concepts and make you a well-rounded candidate for managerial roles.

Alternatively, perhaps you’re applying for a role at an organization that puts heavy emphasis on its data-driven decision-making processes, but you don’t come from a data background. In a case like this one, taking a course like Business Analytics or Data Science for Business can help you position yourself as a standout applicant during the hiring process.

3. Tailor Your Resume

One common mistake job seekers make is taking a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing themselves for a job. Don’t just dust off your standard old resume. Take a close look at the requirements for your dream job and make sure your resume highlights those essential qualities.

Make your resume stand out not just to recruiters, but also to computers. According to CNBC, more than 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to screen resumes for relevant keywords and qualifications. Using keywords from the job posting can help your resume move through the screening process into the hands of a hiring manager.

4. Cast Your Net(work)

Building and making use of your network may be the most critical step to landing the job of your dreams. Many career experts say less than two percent of online applicants get an interview , so rather than relying on applications, make LinkedIn your friend. The larger the universe of people you can call on to put your resume on the right desk, the better.

CNBC reports that up to 70 percent of all jobs are not published on job search sites, which further emphasizes the importance of networking. Through your connections, you’ll likely discover jobs before they’re advertised, giving you a competitive edge.

Related: 6 Networking Tips for Online Learners

5. Ask for Help

Once you have your shortlist of dream employers and a robust personal network, turn to your connections and ask for introductions. Most people are willing to spare a few minutes for a friend or a friend of a friend. Even if there’s no immediate job opportunity, you may get some free advice and introductions to people they know.

6. Prepare and Practice for Interviews

Once you secure an interview, either virtual or in person, do your homework about the organization. Spend time on its website to learn about the business and its leaders. Look for news articles and check Glassdoor to see what employees are saying.

Equally important is researching the individuals with whom you'll meet. Learn as much as possible about the interviewers and compile a list of questions to ask . Interviews are not just about the employer asking questions. In fact, according to research conducted by Harvard Business School Professor Alison Wood Brooks , “Asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding.”

In addition, be sure to prepare and practice answers to common interview questions . Just like sports or the school play, the more you practice, the better you’ll perform. Ask a friend to role-play and pose difficult questions to make sure you’re ready to think on your feet.

7. Dress for Success

In this era of casual dress codes, what to wear to an interview can be perplexing. Ask the person who schedules the interview about the company dress code. If it’s casual, a suit is likely overkill. There’s still something to be said for dressing for success, and you want your appearance to convey that you’re serious about the opportunity.

8. Prime Your References

Almost as important as your interview performance is the quality of your references. Prospective employers need third-party validation that you have the appropriate skills and right temperament to succeed in the role they need to fill.

Be prepared with at least three references—whether former employers, colleagues, professors, or mentors—who can speak to your skills, character, and work ethic. Ask permission before you give out contact information and tell your references the key points you want them to make.

9. Follow Up (The Right Way)

As a child, you may have been taught to always say please and thank you. Never is it more important than after an interview. It’s imperative that you follow up after your interview to show you’re grateful for their time and enthusiastic about the opportunity.

The question is: Will an email suffice? That depends on time. A hand-written note is a great way to stand out, but if the prospective employer is moving quickly to fill the role, you need to act fast and send an email within 24 hours of your meeting. It’s not just a polite overture, but a valuable opportunity to remind them of the key qualities you’ll bring to the job and emphasize points they may have missed in your interview.

Thanking your references is just as important. Often, it’s your references who help you seal the deal. Be sure to tell them how much you appreciate their time and effort. Your gratitude will go a long way toward ensuring they’ll be there for you the next time you need a reference.

10. Negotiate Your Job Offer

After receiving a job offer from the organization of your dreams, it can be tempting to hastily accept the initial offer out of excitement. However, it’s important that you remember to negotiate your job offer to maximize your earning potential.

Take your time to respond to the offer so you can prepare talking points that speak to why you deserve a better compensation package, and what it might comprise. Do your research to determine the standard pay range for someone with your experience and education.

There’s a reason the company is offering you the job and not another candidate, so remember your worth and negotiate confidently.

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Taking Your Career to the Next Level

With thoughtful preparation, skill development, and networking, you can take your career to the next level.

It may seem like a distant fantasy, but with grit, determination, and dogged networking, you can land your dream job and truly do what you love.

Are you interested in furthering your career? Explore our online courses to see what skills you can develop to prepare for a new role and gain a competitive edge.

This post was updated on June 29, 2021. It was originally published on September 20, 2018.

how to get your dream job essay

About the Author

How to Write an Essay About My Dream Job

  • Introduction:

Catchy Titles For An Essay About Dream Jobs

Getting the best dream job essay.

  • Starting An Essay About A Dream Job
  • Writing The Body Paragraphs

Writing The Conclusion For An Essay About Your Dream Job

Finalizing the essay.

  • Short Example Of A College Essay About My Dream Job

What is an essay about a dream job?

An essay about my dream job is something that everyone has to write once in their life. The alternate name for a dream job essay is a future career essay. Most students write dream job essays to apply to different organizations or post-graduate schools. An essay of this kind has information related to your future inspirations. It tells the reader about your ambitions in life.

Why do you need to write an essay about your dream job?

If you are a student who is applying for a job or applying for a post-graduate position in a university, a career goal essay will act as a catalyst in the process. Employers want to know the future ambitions of their employees to make a better judgment about a particular candidate; thus, they ask for dream job essays.

how to get your dream job essay

Having a catchy essay title is very important. It motivates the reader to dig into the document and read it with more interest. Students always find it challenging to find the perfect title for their essays. Here is a list of 10 perfect essay titles that might help you write your dream job essay.





  • Dream Job Essay: Becoming A Doctor And Saving Lives
  • The Path Towards The Future: Becoming An AI Expert
  • Career Goal Essay: My Path Towards Becoming The Best Chef In The World
  • My Dream Of Becoming A Well-Known Accountant
  • Dream Job Essay: The Path of Becoming a Wall-Street Lawyer
  • Dream Job: Becoming The Best Baker In The World
  • How I Excel In Microsoft Excel: Data Analyst
  • My Life As A Successful Stock Broker
  • Dream Job Essay: AI Expert
  • Chef And Kitchen: Work of The Decade

Starting An Essay About a Dream Job

Make topic research.

Topic research is the foremost step in writing the essay. Before you start with the writing process, make sure you have sufficient knowledge regarding the topic you wish to explore. For example, if you want to apply to a law firm, your topic must revolve around something very similar. Try to research the firm you are applying to and align your goals to that particular organization. Students who start their essay without any prior research on the topic regret later on. They are unable to complete the word count and run out of things to write.

Create A Writing Plan

The writing plan, also known as the outline, is also essential. Before writing, note down all your points on a rough piece of paper. This will give you a rough idea of how to divide the essay into different parts. There are three significant parts of your dream job essay.

Outline Writing

The outline below is one of the most common techniques used in writing a career goals essay.


The introduction is the first part of your essay. Make sure that you keep the intro short and precise. Try to develop a thesis statement and use captivating and robust vocabulary. Doing this will instantly engage the reader in your essay and give your essay a decent start. Know that your introduction must be 10% of your essay. Anything more than that does not look professional at all.

The main body is the heart of your essay. It must include all the relevant features of your personality that make you perfect for the dream job that you wish to find. Try to divide all your relevant points into different to make the essay easy to navigate.

The last paragraph of your essay is the conclusion. Try to keep this short and make sure you grasp the reader's attention as much as possible. Use strong vocabulary and make it stand out.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

Whenever someone asks me about finding the job of my dreams, I always tell them to focus on the body paragraphs of their essay. These paragraphs hold importance because you are sharing your life ambitions. They have to be unique. Put extra effort into forming these paragraphs and try to cater to them on a personal level. If the reader connects with you in these paragraphs, the chances are that you will land the job. Make sure to put each of your achievements in the subject area in different sections so that the reader might easily navigate through them.

The length of these paragraphs must not be too much, but try to squeeze all your points effectively for maximum readability. Try using transition words so that each paragraph can connect to the other one swiftly.

The conclusion is the last part of your essay. Make sure that you don't include any new points in the last paragraph. Make it appealing and straightforward. Remember that the conclusion must reignite your essay statement. It must summarize all your points, and don't forget to add concluding remarks.

Essay Revision

Essay revision is critical. After you are done with writing, try to read the entire essay to identify and amend the problems. Revisions are critical as they help make your essay free of all errors.

Essay Proofreading

Proofreading is the process of checking your entire essay for issues in delivery and mistakes. Try to find a friend to check your essay and proofread the whole document so that he can bring a fresh set of eyes to the table. This will make your essay one of a kind.

Make Citations

You might even add relevant references to make your essay authentic. Use in-text citations and make your essay reliable to read.

Short Example of a College Essay About My Dream Job

dream job essay free example

Dream Job In Accounting And Finance

From the very first days of primary school, I was always fascinated by numbers. Back when I was in secondary school, I took part in various competitions that involved mathematical problems. This was when I realized that I had to choose a field that was big on numbers.

Being an accountant was my dream since high school. I opted for subjects in the same area and excelled through all my courses. Being a bookkeeper is the profession that most interests me since I've generally had an affection for math. Math is the one subject I am great at, and I discover it truly simple and agreeable to do. Bookkeepers plan, dissect, and check the exactness of monetary data. You can work in conditions like the public authority, non-benefit associations, and private organizations. All organizations rely upon bookkeepers to keep their business running great.

Most people find desk jobs boring. But in my case, being a desk accountant is an ideal situation. I enjoy stability and long for it. Sitting in front of a computer all day and crunching numbers is fascinating because I like being in control of that computer.

Dream jobs are hard to find. Since the start of my professional life, I have worked towards one goal. I made sure that my top priority was becoming an accountant, and I spared no effort in making my dreams come true. The career path that I took was not without any hurdles. I spent countless hours working hard and completing relevant courses when my friends were out partying and having the time of their lives. This is just a glimpse of how dedicated I am to becoming an accountant.

I led a simple life from the start. I paid my tuition fee with my hard-earned money so that my parents won't have to burden themselves with my dream. I learned that time is one of the most important things in life.

Let's now move towards finance. Portfolio management is one of my shining capabilities. Finance had always been of keen interest to me because I love managing assets and looking at trends that might raise a decent portfolio. I have myself invested in various stocks which have been profitable since the last year.

The skills I have acquired along the way are some of my best features. Just give me a laptop, and I shall conquer the world of numbers. Not just this, I have developed some excellent communication and interpersonal skills in my college life. I attended several seminars on presentation management and vocal skills, which have improved my overall confidence and minimized my stage freight.

In conclusion, I have bested all the necessary skills for a person in your accounting and finance department. I believe that I will be an exemplary asset to any organization and help in the growth of a company.

Buy Pre-written Essay Examples On The Topic

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Dream Job Essay: Writing Tips And Tricks

how to get your dream job essay

Would you like to write a dream job essay? You need to put certain things into consideration if you want to produce an excellent piece of work. This article will help you to write a winning dream job essay. Here are some tips that will help you to understand what is your dream job essay and how to work on it.

What are Your Career Goals for the Dream Job Essay?

The first thing that you need to determine when writing a dream job essay is your career goals. You need to ask yourself what career should I have and why. According to recent surveys, there is a high likelihood of achieving your goals when you write your ideas on paper.

It is quite easy to explain this fact. All of us can speak about our passion or dream, but this keeps on changing with time. As you continue to grow, gain knowledge about the world, receive education, and gain new experiences in life, your values and interests keep on changing.

Each day you may desire to have a new thing in life. Your dream job when you were ten years old could be very different by the time you are joining the university. One day you may discover that you no longer want to pursue a particular objective you were chasing one or two years ago.

Once you set your goals for your dream job, earn money, or start a business, it will give you a strong motivation for taking the necessary action. The basis of my dream job essay writing is setting career goals. You cannot proceed further before you determine your career goal. This is also a great topic to discuss if you want to come up with something creative and craft an original essay.

Goals refer to something that you would like to achieve in your professional life once you finish college. You may use various pre-writing techniques like clustering, mapping, free-writing, or brainstorming.

Dream Job Essay Example

We all have dreams that we want to make sure they are fulfilled at one point in our lives. However, this does not just come, but we always work hard for it. At times due to the circumstances that we cannot avoid we are unable to achieve our dreams. Therefore, my dream was to become a leader in the hotel industry and take a position of lead line cook. This is something I have wanted to do in my life with an objective of helping the people to live a healthy life.

We know very well the nature of the foods that people consume and how they have negative effects on their bodies. Thus, I wanted to be in a position in which I can influence some of the things that need to be done for the safety of the people. My aim is to work at Sleepy Hollow Country Club in Scarborough, NY. This is an enterprise that was formed in 1911; thus it is historic. It is essential to note that it is not an easy thing to remain in a competitive industry for more than 100 hundred years. This clearly indicates that the firm is working towards its mission and vision statement.

The main areas I need to know and prepare for an interview is to know the mission and vision of the organization, key competencies of the company, and its rivals in the industry. I am suited for this candidate because I have taken my time to study in depth various aspects of leadership and cooking, and thus I have certificates indicating what I have achieved in the recent past.

As a leader, I have the capability to solve problems given that I have worked in a high position for years and gained adequate experience. It is only through being in the lead line that I can be able to line more. Additionally, I am friendly to my subordinates and have the ability to work in all shifts.

The guiding principle here is to think about specific information. Some of the questions that you need to answer as you start to write essay dream job include:

  • What is your dream job and professional goals, and why you want them?
  • Why is it appealing to you?
  • Do you have past experiences in this kind of work?
  • What would you like to attain in your future professional career?

Make sure you provide an answer to all these questions. You may have to carry out a search for a particular field that you choose for your future career or search online. Most of the dream job essay examples that you find online use career goals as the building blocks.

Writing My Dream Job Essay

After determining your career goals, the next step is to embark on the writing process. Here are some of the steps that you need to follow to write a perfect dream job essay:

  • Organize Your Ideas

You need to prepare a comprehensive plan for your dream job essay. Come up with concise sentences that will give your paper focus and also serve as your thesis statement. You have to make a clear outline of your essay no matter what topic you have, even if it’s about a poem like “O Captain! My Captain!” .

Your dream job essay should follow a general structure that comprises of the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. The introduction should not be too long, and it should explain why you chose the specific career goals.

The most important thing here is to think about your target audience. Make sure that each word that you use in the essay meets the expectations of the reader. It is good to seek help at this point if you are not sure of what you need to do.

  • Use Facts to Support Your Ideas

The major part of my dream job essay is the body. It should provide a detailed explanation of your career goals and your plan to accomplish them. You need to provide relevant examples in this section. Use appropriate evidence to build the body paragraphs as this will make a powerful impact on the reader. You can do this by using facts and examples from credible sources online to support your main points.

You need to explain why you fit this job and provide examples that display your skills. The guiding principle here is speaking from your heart. It is a sure way of achieving the best results and making a great impression on your readers. If you aren’t sure on how to do this, you can get some tips from good dream job essay examples.

  • Write a Strong Conclusion for the Dream Job Essay

Final Thought

With all this information, you now understand what my dream job essay is. Once you have your paper ready, it is not the last step in your writing. Break for a few days and then revise the essay to improve its flow, logic, content, and eliminate any spelling and grammar mistakes. You can also request your family member or friend to help you with proofreading your work.

Once you write a perfect dream job essay, the content will also help you with how to find a job. Also, if you are not a talented writer, you can get some help from the essay writing services – seasoned writers with years of experience are here to help you!

No matter how difficult your paper is – US essay writers are ready to give you a helping hand. Enter promo “ usessay20 “ and get your unique writing assignment with 20% discount!

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Dream Job Essay | Long and Short Essays on Dream Job for Students and Children in English

Dream Job Essay: Everyone of us wants to be something when we grow up. We dream to achieve something big right from our childhood. There are millions of job professions to choose from. And a specific profession we choose is called a Dream Job.

We all have one or the other kind of a dream job that we would like to do one day. You might get this inspiration from either someone in your family, a role model or someone whom you really admire, or even from some situations you have faced.

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Long Essay on Dream Job 600 Words in English

Having a dream job would definitely help you to be on track to achieve your goal in life and aim to be there.

We all have dreams that we want to fulfill at one point in our lives. However, this is not easily achieved, but we always have to work hard for it.

My Dream Job – Doctor

Right from my childhood I dream of being a doctor. The reason for this is I have seen the plight of poor people who die because they cannot afford the costly medical treatments. Poor people suffered a lot without advanced healthcare facilities and this incident inspired me to choose the medical profession as there is no greater service than providing healthcare to the sick. I decided to pursue my career in medical.

Medical profession is such a noble profession in which you can serve humanity and also live a luxurious life too.

Also I’m always curious to study topics related to the human body. How doctors understand the illness and how they treat the people successfully has always fascinated me. My all time favourite subject is biology.

Though making a career in a medicine field is not an easy task. I will study day and night to achieve the desired position.

What Will I Do After Being a Doctor?

After completing the medical degree I have planned to serve the poor people of my village. Poor people face lots of fatal diseases and can’t afford better treatment. Honestly speaking I would plan some special days on which i will treat all the poor people either free of cost or at minimum cost. So that at least they don’t die without any treatment.

Doctor is the most respected profession of all. My Dream is to be a Doctor and serve the people who cannot afford the costly treatments.I want to be recognized for my generosity.

Becoming a doctor, I would save several lives and their families. The satisfaction and inner peace of saving lives goes far beyond the feeling of anything.

People say that doctors are next to God who can perform miracles. Being a doctor is an honor of a lifetime. During the times of health crisis, people rely only on two: God and doctors.

A Doctor takes away the pain and sufferings of others by giving them medical treatment and healthcare. As a doctor, you are a source of happiness for many people and their families. When you give happiness to others, you too will receive the same.

Becoming a doctor is not just a great career but a reason for happiness too.

Essay on Dream Job

Short Essay on Dream Job 400 Words in English

What is a Dream job?

A dream job is a career which is a combination of an activity, skill or passion with a money making opportunity. Dream jobs include any profession like acting or playing music, or any high-paying and prestigious jobs as a doctor or lawyer.

Why Should We Have A Dream Job?

Dream Job gives us the energy to do things that can make you reach your dreams. A dream can help to give motivation, having no motivation is similar to having no desire or inspiration to achieve a goal.

The first requirement that can help to achieve your dreams is to set the right goals. One can definitely achieve their dream if the right goals are set. Setting a goal is like planning every step and taking one right step at a time.

Having a specific aim is the most important thing to achieve success in life. All of your dreams won’t come true, but still, you shouldn’t stop dreaming.

My Dream to Become a Teacher:

Different people have different types of dreams and my dream is to become a teacher. I always wanted to do something productive in my life. I loved to teach the kids and impart my knowledge to others. And finally, I realised that it is my passion. People might dream of becoming a college professor or university teacher, but I prefer to become a very normal school teacher.

I want to spend the rest of my life teaching lots of kids and students. And I am working hard to make my dream come true.

Why I Want to Become a Teacher:

There are so many reasons behind why I chose teaching as my dream job. The first reason that I have mentioned is I love teaching. I want to live a very simple life and I know the job of teacher will provide me with that.

Another major reason is that I want to make a difference in our education system. Our education system has many flaws and I want to fix that. It will not be easy, but that’s my ultimate goal in my life. I want to bring changes to the system of teaching style so that children find education as interesting, not a burden.

This profession also has pretty good job security and a good income too.

As I want to become a teacher I need to focus on my education first. But in my leisure time, I love to teach.

And finally, after being a teacher I will serve the unprivileged kids and start my own school too for street kids.

Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream job. I want to make my dream true. Teaching is a noble profession and they are the person who leads the nation from the front. Teachers are responsible for the future of the country.

FAQ’s on Dream Job Essay

Question 1. Why do you choose Teacher as Your Dream Job?

Answer: My dream job is to become a teacher, as I feel that it is a very noble job. A job that can change society and also mould the youth of the country. Teaching always keeps you around the young children. A teacher can really change the world as these children become successful grown up men or women tomorrow. They are responsible for the better future of the country.

Question 2. Why is a Dream Job important?

Answer: Dream Job gives you a sense of completion.You know the job you are doing is having impact and you are truly serving your purpose.You enjoy doing youtube work with full enthusiasm not with a burden.You feel energized by your job.

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How to Get Your Dream Job

Last Updated: December 1, 2023 References

This article was co-authored by Devin Jones . Devin Jones is the creator of “The Soul Career," an online career incubator for women. She is certified in the CliftonStrengths assessment and works with women to clarify their purpose and create meaningful careers. Devin received her BA from Stanford University in 2013. This article has been viewed 96,652 times.

Maybe you’ve just graduated from university and are struggling to figure out what your dream job might be. Or perhaps you are already working a 9-5 job but are feeling unfulfilled in your current role. Landing your dream job may seem like a daunting task but it can be done with motivation and persistence. You will first need to identify your dream job or the qualities of your dream role and then focus on getting the necessary skills and education for the job so that you can then apply for your dream job and improve your chances of finally landing it.

Identifying Your Dream Job

Step 1 Think about what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

  • This could be something you enjoyed doing as a child, such as drawing or writing, which could then lead to a dream job in the arts like graphic design or creative writing. Maybe you loved building structures with legos as a kid, which could lead to a dream career as an architect or a builder.
  • You should also consider activities you do now on your off time that you enjoy, such as a recreational sport or a hobby. If you love playing hockey for example, you may consider getting into the retail sport business or starting your own hockey club.
  • You may be doing certain skills or roles in your current job that you enjoy and may want to leverage as ways to transition into a dream job. If you like the people management side of your current role, for example, you may want to consider a career in human relations or a more people focused role.

Step 2 Identify your personal values and ideals.

  • Identify at least two individuals you respect or admire. Think about why you admire them. What characteristics do they possess that you admire or appreciate?
  • Think about what you would change or shift in your community. This could be a small issue or a larger issue. Consider what issues or problems get you the most riled up when you talk to others.
  • Try to identify any themes or common ideas in your answers to these guiding questions. These could then be your personal values, which can help you identify your priorities in life. You can use these priorities to get a better sense of what your dream job might entail.

Step 3 Write down your...

  • Create a schedule for your personal goals so you are motivated to achieve them. Depending on how complex or simple the goals are, you may have different timeframes for each personal goal.

Step 4 Do a best possible self exercise.

  • Use a prompt to do this exercise: “Think about your life in the future. Everything in your life has gone as well as it possibly could. You have achieved your life goals and realized your dreams. Write down what you see.”
  • Write to this prompt three days in a row for 20 minutes a day. On the fourth day, read over your responses. Underline or circle any themes, goals, or ideas that appear multiple times in all three writing responses. These repeating ideas could be useful guides for where your passions might lie and how you can achieve them.

Step 5 Determine your skill set.

  • For example, if you already have a background in human resources and have several years experience working closely with others in teams, you may be able to translate these skills into practical skills for a dream job working as an HR representative. If you have extensive knowledge of hockey and strong connections to individuals in the sports community in your area, you may be able to lean on these skills to start your own hockey club.

Getting the Necessary Education and Skills for Your Dream Job

Step 1 Research the educational requirements for your dream job.

  • Do an online search of the educational requirements for a particular role or job and talk to a career advisor at your school. If your dream job is to be a dolphin trainer , for example, you should get a good sense of the educational requirements and the skillset required to qualify for the position. You can then decide if you would like to pursue the career and enroll in the necessary degree program.
  • You can also ease into your new career by keeping your full-time job and taking night classes that will help you get one step closer to your dream. Over time, you may ask your employer for a work schedule that allows you to go to school part time and gain the education you need for your new, dream career.

Step 2 Identify the skills required for your dream job.

  • If your dream job is to be a forensic psychologist, for example, you may realize you have several skills or traits that may help you become successful in the role. You may have strong problem solving skills, strong observational skills, and excellent people skills. Having these skills may give you a leg up on others who are also pursuing your dream job.

Step 3 Reach out to mentors, teachers, and other professionals.

  • You should also ask the mentor, teacher, or professional about the most important thing they have learned in their role and how it has helped them to become successful. Find out more about what you can do to get to where they are and to achieve your dream job.

Step 4 Join a professional association that relates to your dream job.

  • These professional associations can also offer continuing education courses to further your skills and networking sessions where you can get to know potential employers, bringing you one step closer to achieving your dream role.

Step 5 Look for opportunities that offer hands on experience in the role.

  • You may qualify for internships or fellowships once you complete the education required for your dream job or you may be able to apply for an internship or a fellowship based on your existing skillset and education. Volunteer roles are also good ways of getting some first hand experience and training, especially if you still exploring your dream role and do not yet have the educational requirements for the role.

Applying for Your Dream Job

Step 1 Translate internship positions into full time positions.

  • It may also be useful to talk to your supervisor or boss at the end of your internship about possible part time or full time positions at the organization. Even a small part time role could lead to a more extensive position and help you get one step closer to your dream job.

Step 2 Tailor your resume to your dream job.

  • If your dream job is to be a dolphin trainer, for example, you should list any educational experience that relates to the role and any hands on experience you have working with animals, even if the animals are not dolphins. If you belong to a marine mammal trainer association, you should also make note of this to show employers that you are part of the community and are actively involved in the field.

Step 3 Demonstrate passion, drive, and an eagerness to learn in your job interviews.

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Devin Jones

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Devin Jones

To get your dream job, start by considering what you enjoy doing, like drawing or interacting with people, and think of careers where you can focus on those things. Additionally, determine what skills you have, like retail experience or a nursing degree, and consider what type of jobs these could be used in. Additionally, join a professional organization, such as a marine mammal trainers association if you want to work with dolphins, to network and continue your education. Then, look for an internship to get more experience in your field and find potential employers. For advice on how to tailor your resume to match your dream job, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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My Dream Job [100 Words]

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Essay on Dream Job for School Students

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  • Jan 24, 2024

Essay on Dream Job

Essay on Dream Job: A dream job is more than just a place to work; it is a source of passion, fulfillment, and purpose. It’s the place where ambitions and talents combine to create a profession that makes people excited every day. A dream job is a medium for personal development and self-expression rather than just a way to earn money. Check out the sample essay on dream job in English for school students to learn more about the same. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Dream Job in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Dream Job in 300 Words
  • 3 Essay on Dream Job in 400+ Words

Also Read: What are the Best Jobs in India?

Essay on Dream Job in 100 Words

Serving humanity is another way to serve mankind. Since childhood, I wanted to be a doctor. There is no other profession that takes care of sick people. That is the reason it is regarded as one of the noblest professions. Hearing unfortunate news about the deaths of people with a lack of basic healthcare facilities helped me make up my mind to go into the field of medicine. 

In addition to providing medical assistance to the underprivileged, I have a strong curiosity about the operations of various human body-related topics. One of my childhood dreams is to become a cardiologist and learn more about related diseases, and diagnoses. 

My goal is to serve underprivileged people and provide them with the best healthcare facilities possible. I am aware of the difficulties doctors have in their line of work. It is undoubtedly not an easy one. However, the satisfaction of providing for the poor and the needy is greater than all difficulties.

Also Read: How to Find Your Dream Job?

Essay on Dream Job in 300 Words

My dream job is to become a teacher. Since childhood, I have been inspired by many teachers who helped their students in academics as well as in building their moral character. It is my personal belief that a good teacher always helps students make progress at every stage of life.

From my earliest memories, I have held a deep admiration for teachers. Their ability to guide the students, not just in academics but also in shaping their character, has been a constant inspiration. Becoming a teacher is just not a career choice for me; instead, it is a passion that is rooted in my belief that a good teacher helps contribute to the progress of students at every stage of life.

My childhood experiences have left an impression on me regarding the importance of experiential learning. Teachers who went beyond the traditional classroom methods such as textbooks, methods of instruction, readings, and likewise left a lasting impact on me. These teachers helped me understand that education is just not about facts and figures and developing theoretical knowledge instead it is about shaping well-rounded individuals with practical skills like inquiry-based learning, query-based learning, competency-based learning, and project-based learning. 

To pursue my dream job as a teacher I will emphasize more on learning outside the classroom. Any location, activity, or workshop helps students to learn with a real-world learning experience instead of a school curriculum. My idea behind this experiential learning is based on the motive that I want the students to grow and engage in a broader range of soft skills learning such as adaptability, time management, teamwork, and leadership. 

In conclusion, my dream job is to guide students not only with conventional methods of learning but also with practical skills that will help the students to grow toward a brighter future. 

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Essay on Dream Job in 400+ Words

The dream of serving the country in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is more than a professional aspiration. An IAS officer not only contributes towards the betterment of society but also maintains the law and order of the country, which clearly explains that IAS merely doesn´t mean a bureaucrat; instead, they are the agents of change, policy influencers, and champions of the public. 

My ambition to become an IAS has been there in my mind since childhood. An annual function has allowed me to meet a bureaucrat who has not only inspired me but also strengthened my point of view to get into Administrative services. I am aware of the challenges and setbacks that might come my way while pursuing my dream but living a dream job is something that is beyond all hurdles. 

To pursue my dream job, I have to work consistently on brushing up on my learning and growth. Exposure to various domains, such as getting a graduate degree from a recognized university in good percentages with a minimum of 21 years and not more than 32 years of age, with relaxation of age in certain categories with certain limitations of the number of attempts. Furthermore, the three important stages of the preliminary, main, and interview examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) are the challenges to strive upon. 

Any ordinary candidate who has the zeal to work hard consistently can clear the IAS examination. The best part of the preparation process is that the candidate need not be financially, culturally, and physically sound. Although some perceptions regarding the examinations such as only good academic performances, and coaching institutes can only help you in getting success are vague. Success stories of candidates from Hindi medium, disabled candidates, lack financial soundness and those from rural areas have motivated me to keep faith in the attempts with the correct approach. 

The best part of being an IAS is that it offers a wide range of diversity and opportunities. If one is dedicated to the service then one can easily live the dream of serving the country by working in the fields, managing crises, and implementing policies for the betterment of people as well as of society. 

IAS examination needs perseverance as well as patience. There will be many challenges that will obstruct my path. Sometimes it will be a failure, lack of guidance, family obligations, stress, or anxiety but the spirit of learning and updating oneself will help me to work on shortcomings. Working on continuous learning will not only help add an extra layer of knowledge but will also help in achieve my childhood dream of becoming an IAS.

Also Read: Essay on My Aim in Life

Ans: A job that satisfies one with the use of talent, skills, and passion with chances to earn money is called a dream job.

Ans: A dream job allows one to use their passion, ability, and skills while earning a living. It’s crucial to understand that one can start preparing in childhood for the job of their dreams. Emphasizing subjects, branching out, and honing abilities will help one land their dream job.

Ans: A dream job is stimulating and demanding. A job can also be a dream since it keeps you engaged, allows you to work with supportive people, and helps you to continuously hone your skills.

Ans: Defining a job as a dream job requires many criteria like a good workplace, a handsome salary, career advancement, and likewise. But getting a job with all good possibilities has fewer chances therefore it can be said that a dream job is unrealistic. 

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Sample Answers to “What Is Your Dream Job?”

By Biron Clark

Published: November 19, 2023

Employers like to ask, “what is your dream job?” or “describe your dream job” for a few reasons… and there are some critical mistakes to avoid when answering this question in your job search.

You don’t need to tell a hiring manager that their position is your exact dream job in the job interview, but you do need to show that your dream job involves responsibilities that their work environment can offer.

Employers aren’t going to hire you if it seems like your dream job is completely opposite to what they offer.

That’s why it’s critical to answer this interview question correctly.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the best ways to answer this interview question, plus word-for-word sample answers that will impress a potential employer.

Why Employers Ask “What Is Your Dream Job?”

What hiring managers really want to find out is what you’re passionate about and what you enjoy. That’s why they ask you to describe your ideal job.

They want to make sure they’re hiring a job seeker who will be interested/engaged in this new job.

Why companies ask you to describe your dream job

And the last thing they want is to hire someone who won’t be satisfied or interested in performing the duties in the job posting, since that person is likely to leave the role quickly.

So, employers ask you about your dream job or dream career to learn about your long-term career goals and what motivates you . They want to determine whether you’ll be happy in this job or not. 

Companies don’t expect or need to hear that their job is your dream position. However, they’d ideally like to hear that there are some similarities.

For example, if you say your dream job would involve never stepping into an office again, and you’ve applied for an office job, it’s going to cause some concerns and probably cost you the job offer!

Don’t worry if this sounds tough to navigate… we’ll talk about how to answer, “tell me about your dream job” step-by-step now…

How to Answer: “What Is Your Dream Job?”

1. give a general description, not a job title.

The first trick to answering this question without raising any red flags is to NEVER give a job title. Instead, tell them about your dream job’s characteristics.

What is your dream job - answer tip

Characteristics are things like this: a job that involves helping people, a job that will let you work with cutting edge technology, a job that is meaningful to you, etc. And you want to combine multiple characteristics, at least two.

I’ll give you a full example answer coming up soon if you’re still not sure exactly what I mean. But for now, the important thing to understand is that you do not want to name a job title when describing your dream job. So don’t say things like “Pilot, Doctor, Director of Sales, etc.”

Let’s continue with the next step to answering this question.

2. Tailor Your Answer to Fit the Job You’re Interviewing For

The next step when answering, “what is your dream job?” is to adjust your answer to make sure you’re showing some overlap between the qualities you want in a “dream job”, and the characteristics of the position you’re interviewing for.

Study the job description and know about the company before your interview . That way, you can name a few things that your dream job would have, that also seem to exist in THIS job.

That’s how to give an honest, upfront answer that also shows the hiring manager why you want this particular job.

This step is very important, and not showing some overlap between your dream job and this job can cost you the offer!

If the job you’re interviewing for is focused on managing a team and you talk about how your dream job would involve working independently and only being responsible for your own goals, that’s going to kill your chances of getting hired.

So if you’re interviewing for a leadership job, talk about what type of leadership your dream job would involve.

If you’re interviewing for a highly technical role, talk about what types of technical challenges you enjoy.

Hiring managers get excited when you show them some overlap between their job and what you enjoy doing… because that means you’re more likely to be motivated and stick around longer if they hire you.

3. Explain Why You Want Their Job

To wrap up your answer, tell the interviewer exactly what you read or saw about their company that excited you. That’s how to put their mind at ease in terms of why you wanted this job .

For example, you might say:

“So that’s why I applied for this position. I saw the job description mentioned that this team is working to create life-saving medicines, and that’s something I’m really passionate about and motivated to work on.”

We’ll look at more sample answers in the next section, so keep reading.

Example Answers to “What Is Your Dream Job?”

Now that we’ve looked at the three key steps to follow when answering, “what is your dream job?”, I also want to give you a couple of word-for-word answer samples to help you create your own answer.

Example Answer #1

“My dream job would be a combination of creating products that are making a difference in the world and getting a chance to share them with as many people as possible. I was excited about this position because I read that millions of people use your company’s products each day and it seems like the work you’re doing is having a big impact in the world.”

Notice you’re not telling them your dream job in terms of a job title… like I mentioned earlier. You’re only sharing characteristics to describe your dream job, like your desire to make a difference and your interest in having a large number of people see and use your work.

And then you’re completing your answer by relating it back to what the company is offering, and showing you did a bit of research about them!

Let’s look at three more sample answers now…

Example Answer #2

“My dream job would be leading a team that’s creating cutting-edge technologies that are used by millions. I read on your job description that this Supervisor role has a chance to grow into a Manager in the next 1-2 years, and it seems like the apps your company is building are having a big impact on the business world already, so I knew I should apply!”

Example Answer #3

“I would describe my dream job as a mix of my last two positions. In my last role, I had the chance to lead a couple of challenging projects and coordinate across multiple teams, but I didn’t get to do as much hands-on work as I would have liked. In my prior role, I was doing the type of hands-on work that I enjoy most: product design and development. However, at that point in my career, I wasn’t doing any leadership tasks. I’m looking for a chance to combine those two areas now and I was excited to see this type of mix mentioned on the job description, which is one reason I applied for the position here.”

Example Answer #4

“My dream job is a position that combines my customer service skills but also places me in a leadership position where I can facilitate the career growth of others. I enjoy leading and began to take on some training and mentorship duties in my last two jobs. I applied to this specific job because it seems like it’d provide an ideal career step, allowing me to keep working in customer service while also leading a small team and providing a positive impact as a leader. In general, I like a challenge, too. So I’m looking for a position that gives me the opportunity to take on more or different responsibilities than my last job. I don’t like to stay stagnant and not be growing. I love that this position builds on my existing skills but also would allow me to hone new skills.”

Note how the example answer above shows the employer quite clearly why you’re interested in the job you’re applying for.

You can pick and choose which aspects of the position to discuss, but it’s always a good idea to spend time sharing why their specific position interests you when interviewing. You can do this in response to a variety of interview questions .

And you can talk about a range of job features/aspects, from company culture to day-to-day duties.

Always do something to show that you truly understand and want this job, though. That’s one of the more important final thoughts that I want to leave you with.

Conclusion: Key Steps to Remember When You Describe Your Dream Job

Now that we’ve looked at word-for-word example answers, here’s a quick recap of the method I recommend:

  • Never mention a specific job title when describing your dream job or career. Instead, use words that describe what your dream job would look like. Discuss the responsibilities that your dream job involves.
  • Choose at least two or three phrases/words that describe what your ideal position would look like from a day-to-day standpoint, and try to pick responsibilities that overlap with the job listing of the role you’re interviewing for.
  • Conclude by showing the hiring manager that you did some research about their company and position, and explain why you’re interested in their job.

If you follow these guidelines, you will keep your answer relevant to the job you’re applying for and deliver a convincing response to, “what is your dream job?”

Just make sure you practice your answer a few times, too (with a peer/friend, or by recording yourself talking with your phone’s sound recorder app). That way, you’ll be sure you sound confident and clear when you describe your dream job.

If you want more tips, here are three other great interview resources to help you win more job offers :

  • Answers to “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
  • Answers to “What are you looking for in your next position?”
  • Top 20 essential job interview questions and answers

Biron Clark

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My Dream Job (Essay Sample) 2023

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My Dream Job – Essay Sample

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Having a goal or aim in life is very important, it gives our life a purpose and direction. While growing up every person dreams about what they want to become in the future. Almost all of us think about our dream job and what our life will look like after we start to work in that job. Like other people, I also have the ambition to become a medical doctor one day.  As a kid, I was always influenced and inspired by doctors. The most prominent reason I chose this as my dream career is that I want to help humanity by caring for their physical health. In this dream career essay, I will discuss how and why I chose to become a medical doctor.

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My Dream Job Essay Example – 700 Word Long Essay

According to American author, Suzy Kassem, “A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers” .  This shows how important aim and ambition are in life. Our goals in life give us direction and purpose. A bird cannot fly without feathers and a person cannot flourish in life without any aim. As kids, we all had different ideas about what we wanted to become in our professional life. Unlike the past when everyone only wanted to become doctors, engineers, and lawyers things have now changed. Nowadays people want to become singers, artists, poets, musicians, and whatnot. I also have an ambition in life and that is to become a medical doctor, just not some ordinary doctor. I want to be a cardiologist who specializes in studies of the heart. This is my dream career because it will enable me to help humanity by healing their hearts.

When I was young I wanted to be an astronaut until one day when I realized that people are dying every day because there are very few doctors. On top of that, the cardiologists were even lesser. Good cardiologists at that time were not enough to attend to the heart problems of a population that big. Because of this lack of good doctors cardiologists only attended to patients who paid more money for their services and the poor patients were dying without anybody taking care of them. My grandmother was also a heart patient and one day she died of a heart attack because my father was unable to pay the doctor’s fee for heart surgery. That day I made a promise to myself that I will become a cardiologist to help the poor and needy people.

Another thing I like about this profession is that medical doctors work like scientists and discoverers. They do deep research and experiment to help patients suffering from different problems. They attend different seminars and learn all the time. I find all these tasks very exciting and challenging. I believe that when I become a cardiologist I would enjoy performing these tasks which will provide me with job satisfaction. A medical profession like being a doctor is considered the noblest job as compared to other professions. There is a huge demand for good cardiologists all around the world which also means that I will be able to live a luxurious life.

Nowadays as a teenager, I am in the company of a very intelligent academic expert who is also a great teacher, mentor, and role model for me. He is none other than my father who is also a surgeon by profession. At one point when I became scared of the long struggle to become a doctor, my father told me how to face challenges and not to run away from them. He motivated me to set my own goals and gain knowledge to pursue my ultimate goal. Now under the influence of a good teacher in my college who is offering all professional help, I am confident about achieving my career and dreams. The most important thing to me at this time is my passion and desire to achieve this dream. I know I have to work hard to achieve this dream job.

I plan to pay more attention to my education and practice researching as well. I plan to be active in school and participate in programs that give information about how to enter and survive in the health sector. I also wish to voluntarily participate in health centers to support our community. With these plans, I hope that step by step I can be successful in achieving my dream job. I also know that getting the best medical education can put a financial strain on me, therefore I plan to get a job while studying to meet my financial needs. I am willing to do all this so that no poor heart patient that I know of will die from heart problems like my grandmother.

In conclusion, my dream job is more than gaining a position of power, respect, or financial stability. My dream job is to help humanity and especially poor patients by treating them with the respect all humans deserve.

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My Dream To Become A Doctor – 300 Word Short  Essay Sample Sample

We all have dreams and ambitions while growing up. Every one of us wants to become like those who inspire and motivate us in life. Just like Martin Luther King who fought for the rights of black people I also have a dream. However, my dream is about my future profession. Like many people nowadays I also want to become a medical doctor. The most important thing for choosing this profession is to help humanity and fulfill the ever-growing need for doctors in our community. In this essay, I will discuss why I chose the doctor profession as a dream career for me.

I want to pursue this career because of an experience I had some years ago. My grandmother died from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). She used to experience severe chest pain, breathing problems, and nausea but no cardiologist attended to her because my father did not have any money back then. I loved her with all my heart but I could not do anything for her at that time. When she passed away I made a promise to myself that I will help all poor people and will not charge them money. This sad event changed my life for the better. Career-wise now I have an aim in life with a passion to pursue it with all my heart.

I know that becoming a doctor is not easy, that is why I am studying hard to achieve this life goal. My mother and teachers always taught me that with passion, hard work, and motivation every goal can be achieved. This is why I am working day and night to become a better student. I also want to become a doctor because it is the noblest job that can help me have a fulfilling career. Doctors nowadays can also afford all luxuries and still help the people in need by giving them money and free services. So, these are some of the reasons why my dream job is to become a doctor. 

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FAQ About My Dream Career Essays

How to write a dream job essay.

To write a dream job essay you have to list your dream job in the introductory paragraph. In the body section, you have to discuss how and why you like this career path; end the dream job essay with a short conclusion.

What Are The Benefits Of Being A Doctor?

Job satisfaction, making a difference in people’s lives, helping humanity, and living a luxurious life are some top benefits of being a doctor.

how to get your dream job essay

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My Dream Job Essay In 100, 150, 200 & 250 Words

This article explores the topic of “My Dream Job” from the perspective of a student who aspires to become a teacher, doctor, engineer and computer programmer. These essays describes the reasons behind the choice, the qualities required for the job, and the impact the job can have on society.

Table of Contents

1. My Dream Job Essay Teacher In 200 words

As a student, I have often thought about my future career and what my dream job would be. After much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that my dream job is to become a teacher. There are several reasons why I am drawn to this profession.

First and foremost, I believe that teaching is a noble profession. Teachers have the power to shape the minds of the next generation, to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and to make a positive impact on society. As a teacher, I would have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of my students.

Another reason why I am drawn to teaching is that I enjoy working with young people. I find it rewarding to watch them learn and grow, to see them develop their skills and talents, and to help them navigate the challenges of life. Being a teacher would allow me to make a positive impact on the lives of many young people, which is something I find incredibly fulfilling.

In addition to a passion for teaching and a desire to make a positive impact, there are several qualities that I believe are essential for success in this profession. These include patience, empathy, creativity, and strong communication skills. A good teacher is someone who can connect with their students on a personal level, understand their individual needs and learning styles, and adapt their teaching methods to meet these needs.

my dream job essay paragraphs

Finally, I believe that teaching is a job that has a significant impact on society. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of young people, and in doing so, they help to create a better future for all of us. As a teacher, I would be contributing to this important work, and I would take great pride in knowing that I was making a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a teacher. I believe that teaching is a noble profession that allows individuals to make a positive impact on society. I am drawn to this profession because I enjoy working with young people, I have a passion for teaching, and I possess the essential qualities required for success. I look forward to pursuing this career path and making a difference in the lives of my students.

2. My Dream Job Essay Doctor 100 to 150 Word

As a student, my dream job is to become a doctor. I have always been fascinated by the medical field, and the idea of helping people in their time of need is what draws me towards this profession.

Becoming a doctor requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment. It is a challenging field that demands a high level of intelligence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. However, I am willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

As a doctor, I will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I will be able to diagnose and treat illnesses, provide preventive care, and promote healthy living. I will also be able to comfort and support my patients and their families during difficult times.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to this profession is the constant opportunity to learn and grow. The medical field is constantly evolving, and doctors must stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in medicine. As a doctor, I will have the opportunity to continue learning and expanding my knowledge throughout my career.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming a doctor is the job security that it provides. People will always need medical care, and there will always be a demand for healthcare professionals. This provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a doctor. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal. I am excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, to continue learning and growing, and to have a sense of job security.

3. My Dream Job Essay Engineer In 250 Words

As a student, my dream job is to become an engineer. I have always been fascinated by the way things work and the idea of creating solutions to real-world problems. Engineering offers the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and to have a significant impact on the world.

Becoming an engineer requires a strong foundation in math and science, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As an aspiring engineer, I have worked hard to excel in these areas and have taken a variety of courses to prepare for a career in engineering.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to engineering is the wide range of fields within the discipline. Whether it’s civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering, there are many different areas of focus that I can pursue. I am particularly interested in the field of mechanical engineering, where I can work on designing and creating machines and systems that can improve people’s lives.

As an engineer, I will have the opportunity to work on complex projects that require collaboration and teamwork. This will allow me to work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives, and to learn from their experiences and knowledge.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming an engineer is the job security and stability that it provides. There is a high demand for engineers in various industries, and this provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become an engineer. I am excited about the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, to work on complex projects, and to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal and am excited about the many opportunities that the field of engineering has to offer.

4. My Dream Job Essay Computer Programmer In 300 words

As a student, my dream job is to become a computer programmer. I have always been fascinated by technology and the way it can be used to solve problems and make people’s lives easier. Programming is the language that allows us to communicate with technology, and the idea of being able to create software and applications that can have a positive impact on people’s lives is what draws me towards this profession.

Becoming a computer programmer requires a strong foundation in computer science, math, and logic. As an aspiring programmer, I have taken courses in programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and other related topics to prepare for a career in this field.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to programming is the constant opportunity to learn and grow. The field of computer science is constantly evolving, and programmers must stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and advancements. As a programmer, I will have the opportunity to continue learning and expanding my knowledge throughout my career.

As a programmer, I will also have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, from developing mobile apps to building web applications to creating software for large organizations. This diversity of work allows me to explore my interests and find the area of programming that I am most passionate about.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming a programmer is the job security and stability that it provides. In today’s digital world, there is a high demand for skilled programmers, and this provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a computer programmer. I am excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, to continue learning and growing, and to have a sense of job security. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal and am excited about the many opportunities that the field of programming has to offer.

5. My Dream Job Essay Business Woman

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been fascinated by the world of business. The idea of leading a team, making important decisions, and influencing the way our world works has always appealed to me. That’s why my dream job is to become a successful businesswoman.

In my eyes, a businesswoman is not just about owning a company or selling products. It’s about finding innovative solutions to problems, creating jobs for people, and contributing to the economy. Each day, a businesswoman encounters different challenges and opportunities. This dynamic and ever-changing environment is what keeps the job exciting and fulfilling for me.

My inspiration is drawn from powerful women like Oprah Winfrey and Sheryl Sandberg, who have broken glass ceilings and shown the world that women too, can rule the corporate sphere. Their problem-solving skills, ability to inspire others, and sheer determination to succeed against all odds are characteristics I strive to emulate.

I am aware that my dream job will require a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I am ready to commit to my education, gain the necessary skills, and work my way up. I am looking forward to learning about economics, marketing, management, and other aspects of business. I also plan to develop my leadership and communication skills, as they are essential in the world of business.

Being a businesswoman also means being a role model for other young women who aspire to enter the business world. I want to show them that with determination and hard work, they too can achieve their dreams. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their passions, and I aim to help create a world where this is possible.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a successful businesswoman. I am passionate about the business world and I am ready to work hard to achieve my dream. I understand that there will be challenges along the way, but I am prepared to face them head-on. After all, the road to success is never easy, but I believe that with passion, determination, and hard work, I can become the businesswoman I’ve always dreamed of being.

6. How To Achieve My Dream Job Essay

Becoming a successful businesswoman is more than just having a dream; it requires steadfast commitment, strategic planning, and an unyielding spirit. To achieve my dream job, I will need to follow a series of well-laid plans and continually evolve my skills and knowledge.

Firstly, I will focus on my education, understanding that it’s the foundation of my journey. I plan to major in business management or a related field, as this will provide me with the necessary insights into the world of business. My studies will cover crucial aspects such as economics, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship, equipping me with the tools to navigate my business journey.

However, knowledge alone is not sufficient to become a successful businesswoman. Practical experience plays a crucial role in understanding the complexities of the business world. Thus, I will seek internships and part-time jobs in different sectors to gain first-hand experience. Working in various industries will provide me with a broader perspective and a more profound understanding of different business operations.

Networking is another crucial aspect of achieving my dream job. Building relationships with professionals in the business world can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable advice and mentorship. I plan to attend business conferences, seminars, and workshops to connect with like-minded individuals and potential mentors.

Another important step is developing my leadership skills. As a businesswoman, I will be expected to lead teams and make important decisions. Participating in leadership training programs and taking on leadership roles in school clubs and teams will help me develop these skills.

Additionally, I will continuously keep myself updated with the latest business trends and practices. The business world is dynamic, and successful businesswomen are those who stay ahead of the curve. Regularly reading business journals, attending webinars and conferences, and enrolling in continuous learning programs will help me stay at the forefront of business developments.

Lastly, resilience and perseverance are key to achieving any dream job. I am prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. I know the path to becoming a successful businesswoman is not easy; there will be hurdles and setbacks. But I am ready to face these challenges head-on, and I will not let failures deter me from my dream.

In conclusion, achieving my dream job of becoming a successful businesswoman requires a well-rounded approach that combines education, experience, networking, leadership development, staying updated with trends, and resilience. I am committed to following this comprehensive plan and am confident that with hard work and dedication, I will turn my dream into reality.

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Essay on My Dream Job Engineer

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Job Engineer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Job Engineer


My dream job is to become an engineer. This profession fascinates me because engineers use science and math to solve problems and make our lives better.

Role of an Engineer

Engineers design, build, and maintain everything from buildings to bridges, and from cars to computers. They are problem solvers who use their creativity and ingenuity.

Why I Want to be an Engineer

I want to be an engineer because I love math and science, and I enjoy solving complex problems. I believe that as an engineer, I can make a significant contribution to society.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Job Engineer

Every individual harbors dreams and ambitions that drive their decisions and actions. My dream job is to be an engineer, a profession that embodies innovation, creativity, and problem-solving.

Why Engineering?

Engineering, to me, represents the pinnacle of practical creativity. It’s a discipline that combines the elegance of mathematics and physics with the tangible benefits of creating solutions that improve lives. The prospect of designing, building, and maintaining structures, systems, and processes that are integral to modern life is incredibly appealing.

The Thrill of Problem Solving

Engineers are problem solvers. They tackle challenges that range from the minuscule to the monumental. The allure of engineering lies in its inherent challenge: to find efficient, sustainable, and innovative solutions to problems. This aspect of engineering, the drive to improve and innovate, is what draws me towards it.

Impact on Society

Engineers play a crucial role in shaping society. They build the infrastructure that supports our daily lives, develop technologies that push the boundaries of what’s possible, and create solutions that address pressing global issues, like climate change and renewable energy. The potential to make a significant positive impact on society fuels my desire to become an engineer.

To be an engineer is to be at the forefront of technological progress, to contribute to society’s advancement, and to be a problem solver. This dream job combines my passion for science, my desire to create, and my ambition to make a difference. It’s a career that promises challenges, growth, and the satisfaction of knowing that my work has a tangible impact on the world.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Job Engineer

The allure of engineering.

Engineering, a profession that melds creativity with scientific principles, has always been my dream job. The allure of engineering lies in its capacity to shape the world around us, from the structures we inhabit to the technology we use. It is a career that demands problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, and a deep understanding of the physical world.

The appeal of engineering is multifaceted. Firstly, engineering is a field that constantly evolves and adapts to societal needs. It is a profession that is never static, always moving forward, and forever pushing the boundaries of what is possible. This dynamism is intellectually stimulating and provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Secondly, engineers have the unique privilege of seeing their ideas come to life. Whether it’s designing a skyscraper, developing a new software application, or creating a more efficient renewable energy system, engineers play a significant role in shaping our physical and digital landscapes. This tangible impact is what draws me towards engineering.

The Role of an Engineer

As an engineer, my role would not be confined to mere technical tasks. Engineers are problem solvers, innovators, and leaders. They are responsible for identifying issues, conceptualizing solutions, and overseeing their implementation. This requires not only technical skills but also interpersonal skills, strategic thinking, and a commitment to continual learning.

Moreover, the role of an engineer extends beyond the professional sphere. Engineers have a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure their work benefits society and minimizes harm to the environment. This aspect of engineering, the capacity to make a positive difference in the world, is particularly appealing to me.

My Vision as an Engineer

As an aspiring engineer, I envision using my skills and knowledge to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Whether it’s combating climate change through sustainable engineering practices, improving infrastructure in underserved communities, or developing technologies that enhance our quality of life, I aspire to contribute meaningfully to society.

In conclusion, my dream job as an engineer is driven by a passion for innovation, a desire to solve complex problems, and a commitment to positive societal impact. Engineering, with its blend of creativity and science, offers a fulfilling and dynamic career. It provides an opportunity to shape the world, make a tangible difference, and continually engage in learning and growth. This is why I aspire to become an engineer, to be at the forefront of change and progress.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Dream Job
  • Essay on My Dream Is to Become a Pilot
  • Essay on My Dream Home

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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How to Answer “What is Your Dream Job” Interview Question

job seekers with disabilities

By Kervin Peterson

10 min read

At first glance, “What’s your dream job?” looks like a straightforward and informal question during an interview, where you can talk to recruiters about your drive, passion, and life goals. However, there’s an intent behind it , and your answer can set you apart from the competition and improve your chances of progressing in the hiring process.

In this article, we’ll explain what you should say when recruiters ask you what your dream job is. We’ll give you tips and pointers on how you can provide an outstanding answer and a couple of examples that can help you come up with your own narrative. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

To decide what your dream job is , you can assess your skills, passions, and values, ask others for feedback and advice, and picture your ideal work day.

When talking about your dream job during an interview, you should be genuine, honest, and enthusiastic .

Your answer should be relevant to the job that you’re applying for but not too specific.

When answering the question, mention a couple of your key skills and values .

You shouldn’t discuss other companies and unrealistic goals, focus on negative aspects of your career, or emphasize money as the main motivator.

Why Are Employers Asking “What’s Your Dream Job?” Question?

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When employers ask candidates about their dream jobs, they primarily want to find out whether the professional’s goals and aspirations match the company’s mission and objectives . By understanding what the candidate aspires to, employers can determine whether they’ll fit into their organization and stay in it long-term.

Your answer to this question also gives insight into your interests and priorities. These can further help employers determine where in their organization you’d be most efficient and where you can thrive.

Finally, as you explain how your skills fit into your plans and how you’d use them in your dream job, you’ll show whether you have the necessary qualifications to do specific tasks that the role requires.

5 Tips on How to Decide What Your Dream Job Is

Before you can say what your dream job is and why to the recruiter, you first need to determine that for yourself . This process is complex and challenging but also highly rewarding and beneficial for your career, as it gives you a clear goal to work toward.

Here are some tips on how you can decide what your dream job is:

Tips on How to Decide What Your Dream Job Is

Assess your skills and qualifications. A good starting point is to evaluate what you’re already good at. This includes taking into account your hard skills and technical competence, as well as soft skills like communication, organization, or leadership. Understanding your strengths tells you which careers you can excel at.

Recognize your passions and interests. Look at your hobbies and things outside work in which you’re involved, including the topics you like reading about or activities you enjoy doing. All of these can steer you toward a job that you’ll find fulfilling and that will likely lead to long-term satisfaction and great work-life balance.

Consider your values. Your dream job is one that also aligns with your personal beliefs and values. For example, some people focus on sustainability and the environment, while others strive for progress and innovation.

Seek feedback. No matter how good you are at introspection , you can always benefit from someone else’s perspective. They can be more objective about your strengths and weaknesses or have insights that you might’ve never considered in the first place.

Picture your ideal work day. This goes beyond just regular tasks and assignments. Consider who you want to interact with, how you want to feel at the end of a workday, whether you want stability or challenge, etc.

How to Answer the “What’s Your Dream Job” Interview Question

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Every person's reply to the “What is your dream job” question is going to be different. While there’s no exact formula for coming up with the perfect response to this tricky interview question, there are guidelines that can help you devise the answer that best suits your situation. Let’s find out what those guidelines are:

#1. Be Genuine

Being genuine is one of the best things you can do when recruiters ask you what your dream job is. Interviewers will recognize the authenticity and sincerity of your answer, which will make it resonate with them .

This is much better than coming up with a perfectly tailored response that you think recruiters want to hear, as it will likely come off as artificial and dishonest. An honest discussion about your drive and interests will make the conversation more compelling and help you stand out among the other candidates.

#2. Make the Answer Relevant to the Job

While your answer shouldn’t be artificially designed for the interview, you can always make it relevant to the job that you’re applying for. This includes making connections between certain aspects of your dream job and the role that you’re after. That way, you’ll make a strong case for yourself and highlight how you’d be a good fit for the company.

For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position , you can emphasize that your dream job involves working in dynamic environments with creative teams to solve complex problems . This doesn’t explicitly match the job description but is highly relevant to the role .

#3. Display Enthusiasm

Displaying enthusiasm in your answer has multiple positive benefits. It’s something many candidates overlook during interviews, even though it can be a decisive factor in helping you progress to the next stages of the process and landing a job.

Passion and devotion are infectious and can transmit that positive energy to recruiters, which will, in turn, help you leave a more memorable impression . Additionally, employers like driven candidates, as that’ll likely translate to more efficient and higher-quality work.

That’s why it’s important to be deliberate when displaying enthusiasm . To ensure that interviewers see it in your answers, use positive body language and speak with energy to accentuate your eagerness.

#4. Don’t Be Too Specific

Instead of talking about a specific role, your answer should be general enough to cover a range of jobs and responsibilities . If you’re being overly precise when describing your dream job, it might end up being too different from the role that you’re applying for and the recruiters’ expectations.

Instead, you should focus on broad concepts , such as your desire to implement the latest technology in your workflow, lead teams, manage projects , contribute to improving people’s lives, and so on.

#5. Mention Skills

You should underscore your skill set when talking about what your dream job is. This includes everything from field-specific abilities, such as proficiency in software, to interpersonal skills .

A candidate’s skills are one of their most valuable assets in the realm of job hunting. The skills section is also one of the main sections on a resume since recruiters always look for candidates with abilities that match the role.

That’s why you should research the company to prepare for an interview and carefully examine the job advertisement and role to figure out which abilities recruiters want to see. Then, incorporate those skills into your answer to explain that your dream job is not just a long-term plan but that you’re already prepared for it .

#6. Discuss Values

Apart from your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the job, you also want to share your core values and overarching principles that guide you on your professional journey . The more these values match the company’s culture, the higher the chances of getting the job and contributing to the organization in a significant way.

As many as 32% of job hunters leave their company in the first three months if they dislike its culture. Recruiters even have cultural fit questions to determine whether a candidate is a good match. When employees and organizations share values , this leads to better efficiency, work enjoyment, employee retention, and reduced company losses.

#7. Talk About Future Growth

Show that your dream job involves opportunities to learn, grow, and advance further . This demonstrates ambition on your end and highlights that you’re someone who has long-term goals.

Every employer wants someone who is committed to personal and professional growth since that signals they will keep improving over time. That makes investing in these professionals potentially very lucrative for companies, as they can both prosper together .

5 “What’s Your Dream Job” Answer Samples

executive resume

We’ve prepared several sample answers to the “What is your dream job” interview question to give you an idea of what it should look like.

#1. Sample Answer

Let’s see how a graphic designer with marketing skills would give an answer to the “What is your dream job” question. In addition to their profession, this response also highlights the candidate’s creativity and collaboration skills .

Here’s an example:

Graphic Designer With Marketing Skills Example Answer

“My dream job would be creative and in a collaborative environment. I enjoy tasks where I need to think outside the box and brainstorm inventive solutions in communication with like-minded individuals. A position that requires a blend of my graphic design competence and digital marketing experience to devise exceptional marketing strategies would be ideal.”

#2. Sample Answer

In the following example, a candidate leverages their leadership and managerial skills to talk about their aspirations to become an executive.

Let’s see that in an example:

Executive Example Answer

“As someone passionate about growth and innovation, I envision my dream role as a team lead. I am drawn to positions that allow me to help and mentor others while using their feedback to solve intricate problems and come up with long-term solutions. With a knack for strategizing, organizing, and budgeting, an executive role would suit me best.”

#3. Sample Answer

This answer to the “What’s your dream job” question underlines the candidate’s autonomy and proficiency . It’s perfect for those who prefer to work focused and undisturbed for prolonged periods.

In the following example, the candidate highlights a role in data science as their dream job:

Data Science Example Answer

“I am right at home when trusted to work independently on solving complex problems that require my expertise. As such, my dream role would involve deep analysis that requires extensive periods of focus. That’s why I gravitate toward data science, as I thrive when extracting valuable insight and producing reports that guide business decision-making.”

#4. Sample Answer

Here’s an answer where a candidate wants to accentuate their enthusiasm for technological innovation , along with their desire to be a product manager :

Product Manager Example Answer

“My passion for technology and progress matches my fascination with consumer products. As a result, my dream job would be in project management within a large tech company. I am passionate about piloting projects from their inception to market launch, and I thrive when collaborating with multiple interdisciplinary teams.”

#5. Sample Answer

Finally, let’s finish with an example of an answer where a candidate wants to point out their passion for positive change and inspirational influence :

Passion For Positive Change And Inspirational Influence Example Answer

“My dream job is the one where I can work on environmental policies on a global scale. This includes being a part of international organizations, like global NGOs. I would like to develop sustainability-based programs that would result in a positive change in awareness and practices.”

How Not to Answer “What’s Your Dream Job?” Interview Question?

job scams

Let’s see what you shouldn’t do when answering the question about your dream job:

Don’t mention a job at another company. This tells recruiters that you don’t see yourself in their organization for the long run, which will make them less inclined to invest time and resources in you.

Avoid being too unrealistic. While there’s nothing wrong with aiming high and having far-fetched aspirations, you should remain grounded during the interview and discuss attainable goals to show that you’re 

Don’t focus on money. Financial compensation is one of the driving factors in the professional world, but it shouldn’t be your main focus, as it shows a lack of true passion.

Steer clear of negative statements. You should avoid mentioning bad experiences you had in your previous jobs or with previous employees and instead focus on the positives.

Don’t contradict your resume. The skills and experiences that you talk about while answering the question should match what’s stated in your resume. Otherwise, your answer can come off as dishonest and artificial.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the nuances of the “What is your dream job” question can help you successfully navigate the interview. You can think of it as an in-depth investigation into your work history, career goals, and passion .

By answering honestly and thoughtfully while emphasizing those aspects of your personality and professional identity that align with the company’s mission, you’ll remain one step ahead of the competition.

You’re now ready to impress recruiters and potential employers, and your dream job is one huge step closer. Best of luck!

Kervin Peterson

Create your resume once, use it everywhere

7 Tips to Help You Find Your Dream Job in 2023

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7 Tips to Help You Find Your Dream Job in 2023

Dream it, live it!

If you want to find your dream job in 2023, there are a few factors you should consider. Whether you're looking for full-time work or a part-time something on the side, follow these seven tips to narrow your search in the right places and give your applications that extra sparkle.

Finding the Ideal Job - 

The employment market is constantly evolving. If you’re looking for a job in 2023, staying in touch with the current practices is important to maximise your chances of finding your dream job. This year, expanded use of AI in recruitment, pivots toward skill-based hiring, and an emphasis on adaptability across industries are among the trends that will influence job searching practices.

To find your dream job, how you look for jobs and make your CV should reflect these developments. Here are seven ways to renew your job-searching strategy and find your dream job in 2023.

1. Recognize that it’s an employer’s market

The job market is red hot in 2023, and employers have the bargaining power.

According to the UK Office for National Statistics, unemployment increased marginally to 3.7% throughout 2022. Furthermore, official predictions suggest a third of the global economy will be in recession in the coming year, making it difficult to find your dream jobs.

The UK might dodge that outcome, but employers will look for ways to acquire more skills while hiring fewer people. In recruitment, that will mean slimmer hiring drives and a greater focus on finding adaptable and multi-skilled workers who can fulfil multiple roles, making for a more competitive job market and more challenging to find your dream job.

To find your dream job in 2023, you need to identify what specific employers want and build an accurate, professional CV around those needs:

  • Pay close attention to the skills and requirements mentioned in job descriptions and highlight relevant experiences on your CV
  • Check company press releases, media, and similar job descriptions to get a feel for company culture, traits, and values that you can use to assess whether you’ll be a good fit for the team

2. Showcase the right soft skills

With employers expecting workers to adapt and upskill quickly within their roles, soft skills , particularly those that support adaptability, will be vital to hiring strategies in the coming year. 

Soft skills are personality-related traits you develop through life experiences rather than by taking a course or on-the-job training,  and they are the key to finding your dream job.

Last year, McKinsey identified 56 soft skills that workers would need for the future of work. These skills are particularly relevant in 2023 because they:

  • prepare you for work in digital environments
  • enable you to quickly adapt to new ways of working
  • add value to the work that AI does

Synthesising messages, coping with uncertainty, and adaptability are three of the most valuable skills for finding a job in 2023.

If you’re wondering how to emphasise these qualities on your CV (after all, there’s no official certification for “coping with uncertainty”), look to your career objective, work history, and critical skills sections.

Highlight these traits by outlining relevant tasks and responsibilities. For example, to demonstrate your ability to synthesise messages and highlight relevant communication skills, such as writing reports, presenting and public speaking, and copyediting.

Skills such as these tell employers you can develop messages from data and make complicated information understandable for specific audiences — core abilities in synthesising messages.

3. Hone your tech skills

It might have been a brutal 2022 for the tech industry , but tech skills will remain highly desirable in 2023 and help you find your dream job in 2023. 

Workers with specialised IT skills on their CVs attract better pay than similarly qualified candidates who don’t have these skills. Non-certified tech skills such as big data analytics and Ethereum boosted pay by up to 20%, according to a Foote Partners report. 

In particular, the following skills will enjoy high demand in the coming year:

  • Programming languages (e.g. C, Python, Java, C++, and C#)
  • Data visualisation, such as Tableau and D3.js can be used to create graphical representations of data
  • UI/UX design (e.g. Sketch and Adobe XD)
  • Cloud computing platforms (e.g., Amazon Web Services)
  • Big Data processing technologies (Apache Hadoop, Rapid Miner)

4. Target fast-growing industries 

The recession might be at the top of the news cycle, but strong growth is expected for several key industries in 2023.

According to the UK Office for National Statistics, property (5.1%), accommodation and food services (4.9%), mining, quarrying and utilities (4.8%), and construction (4.2%) saw the fastest growth in business in 2022. Meanwhile, professional, scientific and technical businesses accounted for the largest share of businesses in the UK.  

In this climate, industry-specific job boards (such as Fitness Jobs, Hospitality Jobs and Caterer for accommodation and food services) are some of the best places to accelerate your job search in 2023. 

For similar reasons, updating your CV with relevant industry-specific keywords is also a good idea to make employers see that you're at the forefront of your field. Stay informed by engaging with industry forums and networks.

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5. Leverage remote job boards

Remote and hybrid were the buzzwords of the recruitment world in 2022. According to Semrush, searches for remote work tripled between July 2021 and July 2022. Meanwhile, the number of UK remote or hybrid workers who planned to return to the office permanently fell from 11% to 8% between April 2021 and February 2022.

But as these opportunities continue to grow, it's important to recognise different employers offer very different remote packages. For example, required location and working hours can differ significantly from employer to employer.

Remote job boards, like FlexJobs, We Work Remotely, and, are great resources for remote work searches, as they provide curated lists of flexible job opportunities.

Trimming the fat from your options can help you compare the packages offered by different employers and ensure you only send out your CV to employers you want to work for.  

6. Double down on keyword research

With 2023 delivering slimmer budgets and greater pressure to hire wisely for most businesses, employers must streamline recruitment processes to ensure they get the best candidates. As a result, applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other automated recruitment software will play an important role.

ATSs filter based on position-specific keywords, so human recruiters only have to review qualified applicants. So if you want your CV to reach employers, use the right industry keywords. To optimise your CV for an ATS, carefully read the job posting for the position you’re applying for, taking note of the role’s specific skills or qualifications.

You can also search online for job postings in your industry to identify other commonly used keywords. Make a list of these keywords and pepper them throughout your CV in a natural way that reads well.

Use a clean, professional CV template, so the keywords stand out when your ATS-friendly application passes the system and reaches a human employer.

7. Make job opportunities come to you

With employers searching for talent in increasingly creative ways, it’s a good idea to stay ahead of the methods that they’re using.

One example of current recruiting methods is passive sourcing, in which employers approach potential candidates who aren’t actively searching for a new job. By attracting passive recruiters to your professional profiles, you can effectively double the scope of your job search by having opportunities come to you while you’re looking for jobs.

Clean up your professional social media to build your network and attract passive recruiters. Here are four ideas to get you started:

  • Develop a clear personal brand : Make sure your profiles are professional, consistent, and relevant to the industries and professions you want to target. Remove any inappropriate or unprofessional content.
  • Participate in industry groups and discussions : Join relevant industry groups and participate in discussions to build your professional network and make you more visible to recruiters.
  • Share relevant content : Share articles, blog posts, and other relevant content for your industry, so recruiters can see you’re knowledgeable and interested in your field.

Key takeaways

The changing recruitment landscape in 2023 will mean you will have to modify your job-hunting strategy to find the best opportunities in the coming year:

  • Double down on your research before sending out an application: identify individual employers are looking for specifically and highlight it on your CV
  • Demonstrate core soft skills like adaptability to emphasise your ability to navigate the shifting professional landscape
  • Push high-value IT skills to attract higher salaries   
  • Use remote job boards to find flexible working opportunities that suit you 
  • Use social media to attract passive recruiters and broaden your search  

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i identify my dream job, what do i consider while finding my dream job, how do i prepare for my dream job, what if my dream job doesn’t exist, what questions should you ask during an interview.

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10 Easy Job Search Strategies To Find Your Dream Job

Posted: June 24, 2023 | Last updated: June 24, 2023

<p> It can be tough to get an offer for your dream job, but there are ways to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. </p> <p> You may have a specific skill you want to promote or a website or blog showcasing your work. </p> <p> Here are some strategies to help you land that new position and <a href="">get ahead financially</a>, professionally, and personally. </p> <p>  <a href="">12 legit ways to earn extra cash</a>  </p>

It can be tough to get an offer for your dream job, but there are ways to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

You may have a specific skill you want to promote or a website or blog showcasing your work.

Here are some strategies to help you land that new position and get ahead financially , professionally, and personally.

12 legit ways to earn extra cash

<p> The most crucial first step in landing your dream job is to decide exactly what job you want. The clearer you are on what you want, the better your chances are of getting it.  </p> <p> In addition to the role and responsibilities of your dream job, consider whether you want to work part-time or full-time, remotely or in an office so you can enjoy <a href="">growing your wealth</a>.  </p> <p> Researching the companies you would like to work for is also essential. Look at their mission, values, culture, and achievements and see if they align with what you would want to be a part of daily. </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href="">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

Get clear on what you want

The most crucial first step in landing your dream job is to decide exactly what job you want. The clearer you are on what you want, the better your chances are of getting it.

In addition to the role and responsibilities of your dream job, consider whether you want to work part-time or full-time, remotely or in an office so you can enjoy growing your wealth .

Researching the companies you would like to work for is also essential. Look at their mission, values, culture, and achievements and see if they align with what you would want to be a part of daily.

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p> LinkedIn is one of the first places employers and recruiters go to find out more about you or simply find you among a crowd of potential prospects. Ensure your LinkedIn page is current with all of your relevant information. You’ll also want to fill in as many fields as possible.</p> <p> Job experience and education are important, but don’t forget about awards and honors you’ve received or your particular skills. </p> <p> It’s also a good idea to ask others to write recommendations for you that can give potential employers a better idea of professional work.  </p> <p> And, of course, make sure you use a professional and up-to-date headshot, not a photo from that company gathering or family vacation. </p>

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is one of the first places employers and recruiters go to find out more about you or simply find you among a crowd of potential prospects. Ensure your LinkedIn page is current with all of your relevant information. You’ll also want to fill in as many fields as possible.

Job experience and education are important, but don’t forget about awards and honors you’ve received or your particular skills.

It’s also a good idea to ask others to write recommendations for you that can give potential employers a better idea of professional work.

And, of course, make sure you use a professional and up-to-date headshot, not a photo from that company gathering or family vacation.

<p> An online portfolio is a great way to show potential employers examples of your work. </p> <p> There are many easy-to-use online portfolio platforms out there, including a basic page. You can even add a portfolio section to your LinkedIn profile. </p> <p> While a portfolio is essential for graphic designers or writers, you can also showcase blog posts, articles, or publications you’ve written or contributed to in your field. </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href="">7 Things to Do If You’re Barely Scraping by Financially</a></p>  </p>

Build your portfolio

An online portfolio is a great way to show potential employers examples of your work.

There are many easy-to-use online portfolio platforms out there, including a basic page. You can even add a portfolio section to your LinkedIn profile.

While a portfolio is essential for graphic designers or writers, you can also showcase blog posts, articles, or publications you’ve written or contributed to in your field.

7 Things to Do If You’re Barely Scraping by Financially

<p> Blogs are a great way to show off your knowledge of your field or industry topic. LinkedIn also has a post option if you would like to share your knowledge and expertise but <a href="">avoid the foolish mistake</a> of over-sharing on social media. </p> <p> You can write blog posts of various lengths and about any topic, you wish that shows off your skills in your field. Check out sites like Word Press or Substack to post your blog ideas for others to read.  </p> <p> Consider social media sites where you have a professional presence, such as Instagram or Twitter, to promote your posts. </p>

Strengthen your digital presence

Blogs are a great way to show off your knowledge of your field or industry topic. LinkedIn also has a post option if you would like to share your knowledge and expertise but avoid the foolish mistake of over-sharing on social media.

You can write blog posts of various lengths and about any topic, you wish that shows off your skills in your field. Check out sites like Word Press or Substack to post your blog ideas for others to read.

Consider social media sites where you have a professional presence, such as Instagram or Twitter, to promote your posts.

<p> Networking is an essential tool to get your name out in front of potential employers or people in your field and let them know you’re open to new opportunities. </p> <p> Look into conferences or other networking events to connect with possible employers while learning more about the newest developments in your field.  </p> <p> It’s also important to reconnect with old co-workers, employers, alums, and others in your field to let them know you’re interested in possible job openings that they may know of. </p>

Network often

Networking is an essential tool to get your name out in front of potential employers or people in your field and let them know you’re open to new opportunities.

Look into conferences or other networking events to connect with possible employers while learning more about the newest developments in your field.

It’s also important to reconnect with old co-workers, employers, alums, and others in your field to let them know you’re interested in possible job openings that they may know of.

<p> Is there a particular company that you’re interested in working for? Then check its website for jobs. </p> <p> Searching some of the bigger job sites for a particular company can be challenging, and some companies may only list open positions on their websites.  </p> <p> Check your favored potential company for a jobs or careers link and see what t to offer that can be perfect for what you want to do next in your career. </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href="">11 legit ways to make extra money</a></p>  </p>

Visit company websites

Is there a particular company that you’re interested in working for? Then check its website for jobs.

Searching some of the bigger job sites for a particular company can be challenging, and some companies may only list open positions on their websites.

Check your favored potential company for a jobs or careers link and see what t to offer that can be perfect for what you want to do next in your career.

11 legit ways to make extra money

<p> You may have a generic cover you send out to every potential employer without any updates or revisions. </p> <p> But if you’re trying to land a dream job, it’s important to put extra effort into writing cover letters targeted to that position and company. </p> <p> Make sure you mention research you’ve done about the company and how you can fit into its success. It’s also a good idea to tailor your message with specifics about how your experience can contribute to the goals of the position and company. </p>

Customize your cover letters

You may have a generic cover you send out to every potential employer without any updates or revisions.

But if you’re trying to land a dream job, it’s important to put extra effort into writing cover letters targeted to that position and company.

Make sure you mention research you’ve done about the company and how you can fit into its success. It’s also a good idea to tailor your message with specifics about how your experience can contribute to the goals of the position and company.

<p> One of the biggest issues with looking for a job today is feeling like your application is going to fall into a black hole. You need the right people to see your application if you're going to <a href="">eliminate some money stress</a>.</p> <p> To ensure your application gets seen, target words the company uses in its job listing about things like work experience or particular skills.  </p> <p> Ensure those keywords are covered in your letter and resume so they get through any filters to the next step in the job search process. </p>

Target keywords

One of the biggest issues with looking for a job today is feeling like your application is going to fall into a black hole. You need the right people to see your application if you're going to eliminate some money stress .

To ensure your application gets seen, target words the company uses in its job listing about things like work experience or particular skills.

Ensure those keywords are covered in your letter and resume so they get through any filters to the next step in the job search process.

<p> Industries can change quickly depending on new technology, updated policies, and other issues that bring new or renewed interest in the field. </p> <p> Keep track of these trends so you can discuss them in interviews or mention them in your cover letter and resume. Your attention to these trends is a good sign that you’re at the leading edge of what’s important in your field.</p> <p> It’s also a good idea to understand these trends so you can bring them up when doing a job interview and talk about how these issues affect the field. </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href="">6 Clever Ways To Crush Your Debt Today</a></p>  </p>

Keep up on industry trends

Industries can change quickly depending on new technology, updated policies, and other issues that bring new or renewed interest in the field.

Keep track of these trends so you can discuss them in interviews or mention them in your cover letter and resume. Your attention to these trends is a good sign that you’re at the leading edge of what’s important in your field.

It’s also a good idea to understand these trends so you can bring them up when doing a job interview and talk about how these issues affect the field.

6 Clever Ways To Crush Your Debt Today

<p> Are you prepared to have someone contact you and discuss a possible job opening? Be ready for any possibilities by thinking about potential questions someone may ask you in a job interview.</p> <p> Perhaps they might want to know about your previous experience or how that experience relates to this job opening. They may also ask you about general trends or changes in the field. </p> <p> These questions can help you focus your job search on positions that interest you and ensure you’re prepared if someone contacts you and wants to move you along in the hiring process. </p>

Review possible interview questions

Are you prepared to have someone contact you and discuss a possible job opening? Be ready for any possibilities by thinking about potential questions someone may ask you in a job interview.

Perhaps they might want to know about your previous experience or how that experience relates to this job opening. They may also ask you about general trends or changes in the field.

These questions can help you focus your job search on positions that interest you and ensure you’re prepared if someone contacts you and wants to move you along in the hiring process.

<p> There are plenty of reasons to try and land your new dream job.  </p> <p> Maybe you’re trying to <a href="">move beyond living paycheck to paycheck</a> or want to add more to your retirement savings. Or, perhaps, you just want to make a change. </p> <p> Find different ways that work for you until you get that dream job you’ve always wanted. </p> <p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know</a></li> <li><a href="">9 things you must do before the next recession.</a></li> <li><a href="{impressionid}&aff_click_id=&aff_unique1={aff_unique1}&aff_unique2=&aff_unique3=&aff_unique4=&aff_unique5={aff_unique5}&rendered_slug=/strategies-to-land-dream-job&contentblockid=984&contentblockversionid=15289&ml_sort_id=&sorted_item_id=&widget_type=&cms_offer_id=637&keywords=&synd_slide=12&synd_postid=12126&synd_backlink_title=Can+you+retire+early%3F+Take+this+quiz+and+find+out.&synd_backlink_position=13" rel="nofollow">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

There are plenty of reasons to try and land your new dream job.

Maybe you’re trying to move beyond living paycheck to paycheck or want to add more to your retirement savings. Or, perhaps, you just want to make a change.

Find different ways that work for you until you get that dream job you’ve always wanted.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know
  • 9 things you must do before the next recession.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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Demystifying Key Words to Land Your Dream Job

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  1. My Dream Job Essay In 100, 150, 200 & 250 Words

    how to get your dream job essay

  2. My Dream Job Essay Example

    how to get your dream job essay

  3. How to write an essay about my dream job ?

    how to get your dream job essay

  4. My Dream Job Informative And Descriptive Essay Example (300 Words

    how to get your dream job essay

  5. How to Write an Essay About My Dream Job

    how to get your dream job essay

  6. My Dream Career in Consulting Free Essay Example

    how to get your dream job essay


  1. How to speak about your dream job?



  4. Write an essay on My dream


  1. My Dream Job Essay

    100 Words Essay On My Dream Job. My dream job is to become a police officer. Since I was a little child, my uncle, a police officer, has encouraged me to protect the streets near our house. I believe that certain traits are essential for all officers to possess. Police officers must be conscientious, dependable, and able to assume leadership roles.

  2. Essays About Dream Jobs: 6 Essay Examples Plus Prompts

    Talk about your primary motivation in getting your dream job and trying to insert what the future of your industry holds. 5. Social Challenges When Pursuing Your Dream Job. Trace your steps from when you've decided to go for your dream job. Write an essay sharing how your parents took this information.

  3. Dream Job Essay

    Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream job. I want to make my dream true. Teaching is a noble profession and they are the person who leads the nation from the front. Teachers are responsible for the future of the country. FAQ's on Dream Job Essay. Question 1. Why do you choose Teacher as Your Dream Job? Answer: My dream job is to ...

  4. PDF The 5-Step Personal Essay Writing Guide: "Future Career"

    STEP 3: Construct Your Story. The heart of your essay will be the stories and details you use to support your main point. Good examples also bring your main point to life and make your essay memorable. Notice how the essay is built up, in the example: Focus of essay: My dream job is to be a crime scene investigator.

  5. How to Land Your Dream Job in 10 Steps

    1. Make a Plan. The first step toward achieving your goals is setting them. To achieve your career ambitions, articulate your goals and develop a plan to get there. Start with your vision, or where you want to be in five to 10 years. Then, identify the organizations you admire and the specific roles that will help you get there.

  6. Essay on Dream Job

    How to Find Your Dream Job. To find your dream job, think about what you enjoy doing. Do you like drawing or building things? Maybe your dream job is being an artist or an engineer. Talk to people who do the job you like and ask them questions. Try doing small projects to see if you really like that work. Working Towards Your Dream Job. To get ...

  7. How to Write an Essay About My Dream Job

    Writing The Conclusion For An Essay About Your Dream Job. The conclusion is the last part of your essay. Make sure that you don't include any new points in the last paragraph. Make it appealing and straightforward. Remember that the conclusion must reignite your essay statement.

  8. Dream Job Essay

    Your dream job essay should follow a general structure that comprises of the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. The introduction should not be too long, and it should explain why you chose the specific career goals. The most important thing here is to think about your target audience. Make sure that each word that you use in the ...

  9. How to Write an Essay about Your Dream Job

    Step 3: Outline an Essay. Essay writers insist that you make a writing plan. Before you start writing an essay about your dream job, take a sheet of paper and write down the main points you want to talk about in the paper. This will help you keep the main idea and structure the essay properly. Also, your essay should be divided into three parts ...

  10. How to get your dream job

    Here's how: Be specific - The more specific you are, the more likely you are to achieve what you set out to do. For example, rather than simply setting your sights on working in a particular industry, choose the role you want. Prioritise - Divide your main goal into smaller steps and prioritise them. Work out what needs to happen first ...

  11. Dream Job Essay

    Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream job. I want to make my dream true. Teaching is a noble profession and they are the person who leads the nation from the front. Teachers are responsible for the future of the country. FAQ's on Dream Job Essay. Question 1. Why do you choose Teacher as Your Dream Job? Answer: My dream job is to ...

  12. Essay on My Dream Job

    The dream may be ambitious, but it is this ambition that fuels my drive to achieve it. 500 Words Essay on My Dream Job Introduction. Every person has a unique dream job that they aspire to achieve in their lifetime. This job is often viewed as the epitome of success, providing not only financial stability but also personal satisfaction and growth.

  13. Dream Career Essays

    2 pages / 941 words. The day in question started out as a typical hot summer's day in a loud and sweat smelling school gym. There was ten seconds left on the clock and the game was tied. As a short thirteen-year-old boy was speeding down the basketball court while... Physician Dream Career.

  14. How I Created the Job of My Dreams

    Present it to Your Boss. Now comes the most important (but nerve-wracking!) part: Presenting the idea to your boss. I scheduled a meeting with my boss to go over my ideas, and brought up the topic in a positive, open way: I began the conversation by explaining that while I was grateful for everything I was learning in my current role, I hoped ...

  15. How to Get Your Dream Job: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    Try to identify any themes or common ideas in your answers to these guiding questions. These could then be your personal values, which can help you identify your priorities in life. You can use these priorities to get a better sense of what your dream job might entail. 3. Write down your personal goals.

  16. How to Answer the Question 'What's Your Dream Job?'

    How to answer 'What is your dream job?' in an interview. When an employer asks about your dream job in an interview, follow these steps to craft the perfect answer: 1. Relate it to the job you're applying to. Prior to your interview, get a really good idea of what the job you're applying to looks like.

  17. My Dream Job [100 Words]: [Essay Example], 95 words

    My Dream Job [100 Words] Dreaming about dream job, I envision a career in environmental conservation and sustainability. Driven by passion and a sense of purpose, I aspire to contribute meaningfully to safeguarding the planet. Through research, advocacy, and policy-making, I aim to address pressing environmental challenges and promote eco ...

  18. Essay on Dream Job for School Students

    Essay on Dream Job: A dream job is more than just a place to work; it is a source of passion, fulfillment, and purpose.It's the place where ambitions and talents combine to create a profession that makes people excited every day. A dream job is a medium for personal development and self-expression rather than just a way to earn money.

  19. Sample Answers to "What Is Your Dream Job?"

    Example Answer #4. "My dream job is a position that combines my customer service skills but also places me in a leadership position where I can facilitate the career growth of others. I enjoy leading and began to take on some training and mentorship duties in my last two jobs.

  20. Software Engineering

    A dream job supplies contentment and satisfaction of our needs. Nearly everyday everyone had a dream, however there are solely few people who succeed with regards to making dream. My dream job is to become a software engineering. Nowadays, from morning to nighttime we are encompassed with machines and I am always curious how these machines work ...

  21. My Dream Job (Essay Sample) 2023

    My Dream Job Essay Example - 700 Word Long Essay. According to American author, Suzy Kassem, "A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers" . This shows how important aim and ambition are in life. Our goals in life give us direction and purpose. A bird cannot fly without feathers and a person cannot flourish in life without any aim.

  22. My Dream Job Essay In 100, 150, 200 & 250 Words

    2. My Dream Job Essay Doctor 100 to 150 Word. As a student, my dream job is to become a doctor. I have always been fascinated by the medical field, and the idea of helping people in their time of need is what draws me towards this profession. Becoming a doctor requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment.

  23. Essay on My Dream Job Engineer

    Conclusion. In conclusion, my dream job as an engineer is driven by a passion for innovation, a desire to solve complex problems, and a commitment to positive societal impact. Engineering, with its blend of creativity and science, offers a fulfilling and dynamic career. It provides an opportunity to shape the world, make a tangible difference ...

  24. How to Answer "What is Your Dream Job" Interview Question

    To decide what your dream job is, you can assess your skills, passions, and values, ask others for feedback and advice, and picture your ideal work day.. When talking about your dream job during an interview, you should be genuine, honest, and enthusiastic.. Your answer should be relevant to the job that you're applying for but not too specific.. When answering the question, mention a couple ...

  25. 7 Tips to Help You Find Your Dream Job in 2023

    To find your dream job, how you look for jobs and make your CV should reflect these developments. Here are seven ways to renew your job-searching strategy and find your dream job in 2023. 1. Recognize that it's an employer's market. The job market is red hot in 2023, and employers have the bargaining power.

  26. 10 Easy Job Search Strategies To Find Your Dream Job

    Boost your chances of landing your dream job by using a few, or all, of the following expert-approved strategies. FinanceBuzz. 10 Easy Job Search Strategies To Find Your Dream Job ...

  27. Demystifying Key Words to Land Your Dream Job

    Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment; Build Your Brand: Resume, Cover Letter & Story; Plan Your Job Search; Expand Your Network; Prepare for Your Interview; Evaluate Your Offer; Start Strong in Your New Role