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How to Write a Successful Salon and Spa Business Plan

  • April 12, 2024

Julis Navarro

Table of contents.

Woman smiles while writing on clipboard in beauty salon

You’ve dreamt of opening your own salon and spa , and now you’re ready to make it a reality. Congrats! You’re in for a rewarding journey ahead. Now is the time to prepare your new venture for long-term success with a comprehensive business plan.

Why should you write a business plan? A spa and salon business plan is your playbook—it’s your vision for your company and the steps you’ll take to bring it to life. Developing a business plan will help you outline your goals, strategize, and make informed decisions. It involves thorough research of your target market and competitors, as well as creating effective marketing strategies and assessing finances.

This blog will guide you through nine essential steps to develop a successful salon and spa business plan—whether you’re a hairstylist, an esthetician, a massage therapist, or a cosmetologist. Follow along with our free downloadable template and create your very own road map toward a flourishing business.

image of salon and spa business plan template

1. Start With the Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan. Think of it as a high-level overview of your salon and spa business. It should include a brief description of your business, its unique selling proposition, goals, mission statement, and keys to success.

The executive summary sets the tone for the rest of your spa and beauty salon business plan, so write it concisely and compellingly to grab the attention of potential investors and lenders.

2. Include Your Company Description and History

Why should a potential lender or investor care? This second section dives deeper into what makes your salon and spa unique—such as its services, target clientele, and competitive advantage.

If you’re already in business, you should also highlight your growth and success by including a brief business history. This will enable potential partners or investors to feel confident that you’re a worthwhile venture.

A well-crafted company description and history will help your salon or spa business plan stand out in the industry and give interested parties a clear idea of what your company offers.

3. Perform a Market Analysis

Performing market research provides the context of where your business will fit in. This requires thoroughly examining the current state of the salon and spa industry, identifying your target market, assessing the demand for your services in your area, and doing a competitive analysis to develop unique selling points.

Once you understand your desired clients’ needs, you can identify reasons why they might choose you over your competitors. As you write your spa’s or salon’s business plan, position your business with the insights from your market research, so that your company can rise above a crowded market.

Man smiles while holding tablet in barbershop

4. Detail Your Services and Pricing

This section enables potential lenders and investors to understand the scope of your provided services and your pricing strategy. It also helps you establish your business in the marketplace and communicate clearly with your customers. Highlight your value by outlining your services and prices—this, in turn, will illustrate how you will make money for your salon and spa business.

5. Explain Your Marketing and Sales Strategy

How will you attract customers and keep them happy? In a salon or spa business plan, this section outlines your methods for getting customers interested and generating sales. It should provide details on the target market’s psychographics and demographics, as well as your marketing strategies for engaging with them.

This can include initiatives, such as collaborations, social media marketing, partnerships, advertising, and promotional activities —all the ways you plan to raise awareness and acquire customers.

The sales plan should also detail pricing strategies, like bundles or discounts, and establish referral or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business. Ultimately, a salon or spa business must leverage thoughtful marketing and sales strategies for continued success.

6. Outline Your Operational Plan

Mapping out your daily operations, including opening hours, staffing, and service processes, allows potential lenders to envision your spa and salon business functioning at its best. It also ensures you have thought through the small details that can make or break your business.

In this section, you can also include information about your suppliers and a description of your facility to round out your operational plan. You’ll also need to think through operational needs, like:

  • What client scheduling software to use
  • Which types of salon insurance you’ll need
  • The payment processing tools that will best fit your needs—and more.

7. Highlight Your Management Team and Organization

Your management team plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of your business, and investors want to know that you have a skilled and experienced team in place. In this section of your spa and beauty salon business plan, you must provide details about each management team member, including their responsibilities, credentials, areas of expertise, and previous work in the salon and spa industry.

You should also touch on your current and future staffing needs in this section. By showcasing your management team’s skill level and by forecasting employee organization, you will show investors that you have the necessary leadership to manage and grow your salon and spa business effectively.

Close-up image of financial report, calculator, budget binder, and other various items on desk

8. Present Your Financial Projections

Now it’s time to talk numbers. Your salon and spa business plan must include financial projections, which examine the financial health and anticipated profitability of the company. It outlines startup costs, a timeline for estimated income, expenses like salon and spa equipment and insurance, and a cash flow forecast.

Lenders and investors can determine your company’s viability based on these forecasts. It also helps you establish realistic financial objectives and create plans for success. Financial predictions are essential in proving the company’s financial viability and potential for growth in a spa and beauty salon business plan.

9. Finish With an Appendix

The final piece in a business plan for salons is the appendix, which provides additional details and supporting documentation. It includes market research data, financial forecasts, résumés of key employees, and other pertinent details that give your plan more substance and credibility.

By including an appendix, potential investors or lenders can learn more about the intricacies of your salon and spa business, increasing the professionalism of the plan and the likelihood of receiving backing for the endeavor.

Why Writing a Salon and Spa Business Plan Is Important

Writing a salon and spa business plan is crucial for several reasons. It helps you define your business goals and objectives, outlining the direction of your salon or spa. It creates a clear road map for success and guides your decision-making process.

A well-written spa or beauty salon business plan can also secure funding from investors or lenders, showcasing your professionalism, salon marketing plan and market knowledge, and potential for profitability.

Moreover, it is a valuable tool for monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments to ensure long-term success. Even if you’re not seeking funding, thoroughly thinking through every aspect of your business ensures nothing critical is overlooked as you grow.

Now that you know how to write a successful spa and salon business plan and why it’s important, it’s time to get started on yours. Use our free downloadable template below and lay the groundwork for the business you envision!

FAQs About Writing a Salon and Spa Business Plan

What is a salon and spa business plan.

A salon and spa business plan outlines goals, strategies, and financial projections. This plan serves as a road map for entrepreneurs and stakeholders, providing direction for growth and success. It includes sections on market analysis, target customers, competition, marketing strategies, services, operations, and finances. It addresses factors like location, staff, pricing, and revenue.

Why Should I Write a Salon and Spa Business Plan?

A salon and spa business plan is crucial for success in the beauty and wellness industry. A well-developed business plan is essential for funding, attracting investors, and guiding operations. Even if you’re not seeking funding, it ensures no critical aspects of your business are overlooked.

What Is the Business of a Spa?

A spa is a business that offers relaxation and rejuvenation services to consumers – massage therapy , facials, body treatments, and other health services like yoga or meditation sessions. The goal of a spa is to create a calm and pleasant atmosphere where clients can relax and take care of themselves, away from the stress of daily life.

What Is the Business of a Salon?

Salons provide beauty services to clients – manicures, pedicures, facials, waxing, haircuts, styling, coloring, and treatments. Salons often offer additional services like body treatments, massages, and cosmetics applications. The main goal of a salon is to enhance customers’ appearance and overall well-being, helping them to look and feel their best. Some salons also sell beauty supplies that customers can purchase and bring home.

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Picture of Julis Navarro

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How to Write a Spa Business Plan in 2024?

How to Write a Spa Business Plan?

Whether you’re hoping to expand your spa services, open a new spa or gain an edge over local competitors, having a detailed spa business plan is essential.

What You Will Learn

We’ll go over what you’ll need to do to create your business plan, as well as some tips to help you get started. We’ve also put together a spa business plan free template to help you.

Jump to the Section You Like

What is a spa business plan, why does your spa need a business plan, key elements of a good spa business plan, spa business plan template.

This plan is a document that outlines the financial, management and marketing aspects of running your spa. This includes things like your financing and startup costs, as well as market research and a competitive strategy for growing your business.

You’ll want to include both an executive summary (more detail on this later) of the plan itself, in addition to a description of your business and a clear roadmap for how you plan to promote and develop your products and services, and a description of your target market.

You should also include a plan for supporting your technicians and staff, including your staffing needs and any training or support they will receive.

Whether you’re creating a medical spa business plan, or setting up a luxury day spa, market research is essential. Write a business plan with more than just your own spa mission statement and vision in mind- include clear business goals, a sample budget, and info about current industry trends.

This plan will be something that you can check regularly, adjusting it as needed and using it as a guide to help manage your spa, make informed business decisions and be sure that you’re meeting your targets for success.

Your management team can use the business’s plan to help anticipate future sales and profitability, adjust the staffing or advertising strategy, and check financial projections at a glance.

To learn more about spa management improvement check out our post How To Improve Spa Management Efficiency .

Truthfully, every owner or manager needs to write a business plan- it’s not limited to the spa industry.

This plan is a living document that will make it easier for you to create financial projections and make decisions that affect your clients and your employees- it’s just as important as the technicians and treatments in your spa.

If you need help securing a loan, attracting investors, deciding which spa services or products to promote, or even how to reach a new demographic of potential clients, having a solid financial plan outline and strategic vision makes it all easier.

Proper business planning isn’t just essential for securing present-day success, it gives you a roadmap for your spa’s future. You can use your vision and mission statements to help with brainstorming sessions and team meetings, and it can even inform things like your spa’s reward structure and client loyalty programs.

It’s a way to make sure that you stay at the top of your game and meet your clients’ changing needs.

Do not miss our post on spa floor plan .

If you’re wondering how to write a business plan for your spa, you’re not alone- in fact, these documents are all as unique as the spa’s owners, clients and staff are. A lot depends on the size and location(s) of the business, but they do share some common elements.

They always give an overview, describe your target market and services. They also give information like your projected sales and break even point, plus your marketing strategy to attract new customers, anticipated spa expenses and overall financial plan.

For new spas, you’ll list any startup costs and explain how you’ll obtain financing. If you’re running an existing luxury spa, business plan contents should show some financial highlights such as whether you’re hitting your targets, and what your future goals are.

Now, let’s look at all of this more closely:

How to Get Started on Your Spa’s Business Plan?

Whether you’re dealing with potential investors or just planning the next round of equipment purchases and technician training, your spa’s business plan will come in handy.

It gives you a clear picture of the business’s finances and structure, keeps you focused on long-term goals and lets you review decisions with your mission statement in mind.

Some key steps you should take are:

  • Gather information: Check out other spas and businesses in your area, look into new treatments and equipment, and decide on your target market (or how you can expand into a new one).
  • Understand the Roadblocks: Sit down and make a list of things that might affect your business in terms of cash flow, startup costs or time and training. Make sure to include these in your budget and financing plans.

Pro tip: Spa management software can help you track your team’s performance and progress in meeting these targets (and much more).

  • Find Your Niche: What makes your spa special, especially with all the other businesses out there? If you offer a unique selling-point that appeals to certain clients (such as anti aging treatments, facials or sports massage) then come up with a marketing plan to reach these customers.
  • Save Time With a Free Template: There are tons of spa business plan examples and free templates available online, and using one of these has its benefits. You can save a lot of time (and stress) by simply adjusting a pre-made business plan template instead of creating a brand new one from the ground up.
  • Ask a Professional: This is just as true for someone creating a large med spa business plan as it is for someone running a small and cozy day spa. The more professional everything looks, the better.

Hiring a consultant to go over the plan outline, financial highlights or even to help you write your mission statement and marketing plan can make a big difference, especially if you’re planning on using it to secure funding and attract potential investors.

Here are some examples of things that you’ll want to include in your spa’s business plan:

This is where you’ll make your first impression on potential investors and anyone else helping to manage or run your spa. Make sure it has:

  • Your Spa’s Business Name (and potentially your logo)
  • Your Contact Info

Table of Contents

Every business plan should be organized, and your table of contents will help with this. Divide everything clearly into sections to make it easy to find.

Executive Summary

First impressions are crucial, especially if you’re trying to secure funding. A clear and concise executive summary will go a long way. Be sure to include:

  • Your Spa’s Mission Statement (This should outline your goals as a business and your plan for getting there)
  • Your Vision Statement (This is where you want your spa to be in the future, even years down the line)
  • A Business Overview (Outline your spa’s concept- is it a chic day spa, a medical spa focused on specialized treatments, or a combimation of different elements, for example? Then, give a brief summary of the plan’s contents)
  • Key Success Factors (What do you need in order to start your spa and keep it going strong?)

Key elements of a good spa business plan

Business Description

Briefly explain your business and services. Make sure to include:

  • Details about your locations
  • Current treatments provided (and any new ones you hope to offer customers)
  • Staffing Details (such as the number of technicians and support staff)
  • A breakdown of your market research and competition (including what makes you different from these spas or businesses)

Target Market

Explain who your target customers are and why. Think about:

  • Which demographics each service appeals to
  • Whether these people live, study or work nearby
  • Why you chose them (spas often base future decisions like technician training, product sales, equipment and decor around their client base)
  • What the average custome wants/ needs (and how you can help them)
  • What sets you apart from other spas in the area?

Consider cunducting a SWOT analysis for your spa (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) to better understand all of this as you’re writing your plan.

Competitive Analysis

Know the market you’re about to enter and how you can succeed in it.

  • Who are your competiion?
  • Where are their spas located? Are they nearby?
  • What services do you have in common?
  • What sets you apart?
  • How do your costs and prices compare?
  • Will you compete for the same clientele?
  • What will you do to attract new customers and keep them coming back?

Management Plan

Your spa’s management plan explains exactly how everything will operate, including:

  • The Management Structure (this could be relatively basic if you’re running a single small day spa, or more complex it it’s a large, multi-location chain)
  • The Management Strategy (including important goals, targets to hit and projections of future successes- and how you’ll achieve these)
  • Higher Level Staffing Needs (how many people you’ll require and their roles)

Products and Services

This information will help potential investors (and management staff) understand your spa’s sales and revenue, as well as projected expenses and profit margins. Be sure to include:

  • All products you’ll use on customers during treatments
  • Your retail products
  • Each service that you offer

It’s a good idea to go into detail here- explain the price of each item on the list, along with how much money they cost you, and their profitability (if you’re an existing spa, you can also include data about customer demand for each item, too).

Marketing Plan

What will you do to reach new clients and expand your customer base? What is your plan for advertising, including the cost? This can be a general outline, but make sure that you’ve put some research behind it and have a solid plan.

Include the following:

  • Your spa’s Marketing Plan (how will you reach new customers)
  • Any sales and promotion plans (what you’ll to do boost sales and retain/ reward clients)
  • Your advertising strategy (this can include your low and no-cost methods like newsletters or social media, along with paid advertising for your day spa)
  • Define your brand and its image (and reputation, if you’re an existing spa or chain)

This applies to both treatments you offer and products you sell, including:

  • How you plan to introduce and market these
  • Why these services/ products benefit clients and appeal to them
  • Your sales goals and targets
  • Your projected income from spa services and retail sales
  • Cost estimates and a financing plan for staff training or equipment purchases

Financial Plan

This explains either your spa’s startup costs and your plan to start making a profit as soon as possible, or the spa expenses and funding necessary for any expansions/ improvements, and projected profits. Make sure that you’ve included:

  • Financial statements (especially your income statement)
  • Your assumptions (forecasted expenses and funds needed to cover these)
  • Projected profits and losses, and what your break even point is
  • Your spa’s balance sheet (also called your “book value”, it explains what an existing business is actually worth)
  • A breakdown of all money owed, including loans and debts

It’s a good idea to ask a professional to look over these numbers before creating your final plan. They can double-check for discrepancies and provide helpful advice.

Operating Plan

This outlines how your spa is run, including:

  • The main location (if you have more than one day spa, where is the central office located?)
  • A breakdown of the management structure

Additional Information

You should add any other information here that you think it’s important for potential investors or management to know about. For example:

  • Additional documents
  • Policies and statements

If you need to refer to these in the main body of the plan, you can put these documents in an appendix at the end.

We know that creating business plan for your spa can take up a lot of time, and hiring a professional to write the entire thing can be expensive. We’ve done our best to help by creating a free template that you can use and modify as needed.

Starting up a new spa or running an existing one takes a lot of time and effort, but having a plan in place makes it easier. A business plan gives you and your team a roadmap for checking your progress, brainstorming new ideas and making decisions along the way.

Creating your spa business plan doesn’t have to be stressful. With the right planning it can be a rewarding process that helps you set new goals and decide on the best strategies to achieve them.

How to write a great business plan

The successful business plan: secrets & strategies

How to write a business plan

Spa Business Plan

About the author Bartek Kulasza

Bartek Kulasza creates informative content that focuses on efficient business management. He covers salon software, marketing and sales, budgeting and reporting, salon design and equipment, inventory management, growing customer base, helping businesses optimize operations, enhancing customer experience, and increasing profitability.

  • How to Write a Spa Business Plan


How to Write a Beauty Salon Business Plan: Complete Guide

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  • December 29, 2023
  • Beauty & Wellness

beauty salon business plan

Whether you’re looking to raise funding from private investors or to get a loan from a bank (like a SBA loan) for your beauty salon, you will need to prepare a solid business plan.

In this article we go through, step-by-step, all the different sections you need in your business plan for a beauty salon . Use this template to create a complete, clear and solid business plan that get you funded.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary of a business plan gives a sneak peek of the information about your business plan to lenders and/or investors.

If the information you provide here is not concise, informative, and scannable, potential lenders and investors will lose interest.

Though the executive summary is the first and the most important section, it should normally be the last section you write because it will have the summary of different sections included in the entire plan.

Why do you need a business plan for your beauty salon?

The purpose of a business plan is to secure funding through one of the following channels:

  • Obtain bank financing or secure a loan from other lenders (such as a SBA loan )
  • Obtain private investments from investment funds, angel investors, etc.
  • Obtain a public or a private grant

How to write your beauty salon’s executive summary?

This section should not exceed 1 to 2 pages and provide a brief outline of the objectives and purpose of your business, market analysis & marketing strategies, company structure & key people, financial plan, and financial ask.

Here is an overview of the different points you must address in your executive summary:

Business Overview

Introduce your company and briefly describe your business model. For example, you may provide specialized beauty services only (such as skin care only, or manicure & pedicure only, etc.) or a full-service beauty salon (where you provide all types of possible services related to overall beauty including hair care, facial, skin care, manicure & pedicure, nail care & nail art, etc.).

Again, if you are offering a full-service beauty salon with a specific focus on something like skin care while the remaining services are auxiliary services, mention that, too. Also, provide a brief idea of what problem you are trying to solve.

Market Analysis

Provide a deep market analysis that backs your decision to open a beauty salon. The market analysis will include information like who your competitors are, your strengths and weaknesses, your target audience and their beauty needs, etc.

People & Management

Mention your key partners and why you have selected them along with their relevant industry experience. Also, speak about your staff requirements and the management hierarchy.

Financial Plan

How much profit and revenue do you expect in the next 5 years? When will you reach the break-even point and start making profits? It is ideal to include a chart depicting your key financials such as revenue, gross profits, and net profit

Funding Ask

What loan/investment/grant are you seeking? How much do you need? How long will this last?

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

2. Beauty Salon Business Overview

This is the section where you will describe your beauty salon business in detail. Try to answer the following questions concisely:

  • Why do you want to open a beauty salon and what problem will your beauty salon solve?
  • How big will be the facility and how many appointments will you serve daily (approximate value)?
  • Will you have standard operating hours or extended business hours?
  • Where is the location and why did you select that location?
  • Will you provide only services, or will you sell products, too?

Include as many questions as possible to create a convincing overview to keep your potential investors and lenders hooked.

Let’s now look at the different sub-sections that you must include:

a) History of the Project

If you are yet to open your first beauty salon business, you may not have a business history to share. However, you can share your training and past industry experiences. You can even demonstrate your passion and interest for the beauty or wellness industry.

This is also where you should explain why you decided to create this business today. Did you find a gap in the market? Is there a lot of demand for manicure and pedicure treatments but few salons to accommodate customers?

Or are you trying to open a new format of beauty salon, offering a unique experience and treatments to your customers, effectively differentiating yourself from your competitors in your area?

b) Beauty Salon Business Model

This section must include the following information:

  • Are you building your beauty salon from the ground up or are you purchasing an existing one?
  • Will you allow advanced bookings through channels like a website or a mobile app, or will you allow walk-in customers or both?
  • Will you focus only on services, or will you sell beauty products, too? 
  • If you want to sell products, too, how do you intend to upsell them?
  • Will you offer home visits, and if so, what will be the area of operation for that?
  • Do you intend to extend your services into spa, bridal & wedding makeups, full body massage, etc?

Provide a thorough description of your business model so that the potential lenders and investors can make financial assessments and projections.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

c) Target Audience

Give here an overview of your target audience. For example, answer the following questions:

  • Will it be a unisex beauty salon or a gender-specific beauty salon?
  • Is there a specific age group that you are targeting?
  • What is the average disposable income of your target audience?
  • How frequently do your target audience visit beauty salons?
  • How much do they spend per month / per year in beauty treatments on average?

d) Beauty Salon Products & Services

Your beauty salon will primarily be a service-oriented business. However, that doesn’t mean you will not (or you cannot) sell related products. Outline your products and services in this section. Something like this will suffice:

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

e) Legal structure

Finally, your business overview section should specify what type of business structure you want. Is this a corporation or a partnership (LLC)? Who are the investors? How much equity percentage do they own? Is there a Board of Directors? If so, whom? Do they have experience in the industry?

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Beauty Salon Financial Model

Download an expert-built 5-year Excel financial model for your business plan

3. Beauty Salon Market Analysis

It is vital that you demonstrate a deep market knowledge to your potential investors and lenders. For example, if you are offering expensive haircare or skincare procedures in a low-income or middle-class area, you may run into losses.

Similarly, if you are not following the latest hairstyles and trends, or if you don’t offer a wide range of facials, skincare services, you may find it difficult to attract customers.

a) Market Trends

If you are offering haircuts and hair makeup, you must be aware of the latest trends. Similarly, there may be new types of facials and acne treatments available that people may be looking for. Fashion is always a time-bound thing, and so is hairstyle.

For example, if you are offering skin care services like facials, you may want to offer services like :

  • LED light therapy (to deal with bruising & acne)
  • Intense pulsed light treatment (deal with facial pigmentation)
  • Hollywood lift (a non-surgical skin-tightening for sagging skin), etc.

b) Competitor Analysis

The objective of the competitive analysis of your business plan should establish that starting a beauty salon in your area makes sense.

For example, there might be few competitors despite a lot of demand. Or, for example, existing competitors might not be adapted to the latest customer trends, effectively losing business to newcomers.

In your competitive analysis, try to include the following information:

  • Number of competing beauty salons or full-service beauty salons in your area
  • Their target audience
  • The list of products and services they are offering
  • The number of stations each salon has
  • Their marketing strategy
  • Their strengths and weaknesses
  • Their reputation as a brand

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Beauty Salon SWOT Analysis

Along with the competitive analysis, you must also perform a SWOT analysis . SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Here you must provide the following information:

  • Strengths : Examples – you may have years of industry experience, or you may be a celebrity hairstylist or aesthetician, or you may be offering unique services that no other competing beauty salon is offering
  • Weaknesses : Examples – you may not have enough experience with Millennials, or you may not have enough funds for sufficient inventory, etc.
  • Opportunities : Examples – unlike your competitors, you may be offering a full-service beauty salon experience with all services related to hair, skin, nails, and face under a single roof
  • Threats : Examples – the emergence of new beauty salons that can possibly take a slice of your potential customer base or existing beauty salons reducing their prices to counter your presence

Both competitive analysis and SWOT analysis can help you to come up with innovative marketing strategies that you can use to gain new customers and even chip off your competitor’s customer base.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

d) Customers

This is the segment where you provide a detailed analysis of your target audience. The analysis must include things like:

  • Demographic distribution of your target customers (you can find data at )
  • Average monthly family income (this will give you an idea of the spending capacity)
  • The frequency of beauty salon visits (this will give you a fair idea of the number of customers you can expect in a month)
  • Current hair, nail, & beauty trends in the location you want to operate in and the factors that influence those trends
  • What channels do the customers use to share the end results of their beauty salon visits? For example, people may post their new hairstyle or nail art on Instagram & Facebook, but share their salon interaction experience on Twitter
  • Things that your target audience like and dislike about the existing beauty salons (this will tell you what you must do and things you can do to improve their experience)
  • What is the average amount they spend per visit?
  • Do they engage in beauty-related activities at home? (This will tell you whether you can sell products such as hair oils, skin lightening creams, etc.)
  • Do they like to use coupons and gift cards? (If yes, you may open a separate revenue stream by offering such products)

You can add more questions if you need to complete your customer or target audience study. The best way to get the answers is to conduct direct surveys and interact with your potential customer base. However, you will also find some data from competitive analysis.

A complete understanding of your target audience can help you develop sales and marketing strategies that can beat your competitors and give you an edge.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

4. Beauty Salon Marketing Strategy

This is the section of your beauty salon business plan where you should outline your customer acquisition strategy: how do you plan to attract new customers?

Try to answer here the following questions:

What are your Unique Selling Points (USPs)?

  • What marketing channels will you use?
  • How do you intend to track the success of your marketing strategy?
  • What is your CAC or customer acquisition cost?
  • What is your marketing budget?
  • What introductory promos and offers do you intend to provide for attracting new customers?
  • Will you offer gift cards to open an upfront revenue stream?
  • Will you sell products? If yes, how do you intend to upsell them for revenue maximization?

Let’s expand a bit on a few questions below:

What marketing channels do Beauty Salons use?

A few marketing channels that beauty salons typically use are:

  • Google My Business listing
  • PPC ads and social media ads
  • Social media promotions and user engagement on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, etc.
  • Email marketing
  • Print ads, flyers, hoardings & billboards, etc.

You need to use all marketing channels. You can focus on a few (2 to 3 is more than enough). However, make sure that you include social media marketing as one of the options because it can help you to connect and continuously interact with your customers. In addition to that, social media can help you to go viral.

Also, do not forget to provide a fair and nearly accurate estimate of your marketing budget. Failure to display a well-planned and adequate cash flow for advertising and marketing can lead to investors losing confidence.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

In other words, how do you differentiate yourself vs. competitors? This is very important as you might need to win customers from competitors.

A few examples of USPs are:

  • We are a full-service beauty salon offering services like haircare, bridal makeups, manicure & pedicure, skin treatments & facials, & body massage under a single roof because potential customers dislike the idea of hopping from one door to another to get all their needs fulfilled
  • We are a full-service beauty salon with a focus on manicure & pedicure treatments
  • We use only 100% organic and natural haircare products to prevent side effects usually caused by chemically heavy cosmetic beauty products
  • We will use our proprietary range of hair care and beauty products that will not be available with any other competing beauty salon

5. Management & People

You must address 2 things here:

  • The management team and their experience/track record
  • The organizational structure: what are the different teams and who reports to whom?

Small businesses often fail because of managerial weaknesses. Thus, having a strong management team is vital. Highlight the experience and technical knowledge of salon managers that you intend to hire to oversee your beauty salon business.

Describe their duties, responsibilities, and roles. Also, highlight their previous experience and explain how they succeed in their previous roles.

It is also important that you explain how their experiences and qualifications help you in implementing the beauty salon services you are proposing.

Organizational Structure

Even if you haven’t already hired anyone, it is important that you provide a chart of the organizational structure of your company. Typical roles for a beauty salon may include: salon managers, hair director, hairstylists, cosmetologists, pedicurist, aesthetician, massage therapist, electrologist, makeup artist, salon/shampoo assistants, receptionists, etc.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

6. Beauty Salon Financial Plan

The financial plan is perhaps, with the executive summary, the most important section of any business plan.

Indeed, a solid financial plan tells lenders that your business is viable and can repay the loan you need from them. If you’re looking to raise equity from private investors, a solid financial plan will prove them your beauty salon is an attractive investment.

There should be 3 sections to your financial plan section:

  • Your historical financials (only if you already operate the business and have financial accounts to show)
  • The startup costs of your project (if you plan to open a new salon, renovate your salon, etc.)
  • The 5-year financial projections

Historical Financials (if any)

In the scenario where you already have some historical financials (a few quarters or a few years), include them. A summary of your financial statements in the form of charts e.g. revenue, gross profit and net profit is enough, save the rest for the appendix.

If you don’t have any, don’t worry, most new businesses don’t have any historical financials and that’s ok. If so, jump to Startup Costs instead.

Beauty Salon Startup Costs

Before we expand on 5-year financial projections in the following section, it’s always best practice to start with listing the startup costs of your project. For a beauty salon, startup costs are all the expenses you incur before you start to receive customers and make money.

Startup costs vary based on a number of factors such as the location and size of your salon, the quality of the equipment, design and furniture, whether you rent or buy the space, etc.

On average, beauty salons cost anywhere from $63,500 to $179,000 to start depending on whether you plan to lease the commercial space or buy it. Indeed, if the latter, you would have to take a loan and make a substantial deposit upfront instead.

Beauty Salon 5-Year Financial Projections

In addition to startup costs, you will now need to build a solid 5-year financial model as part of your business plan for your beauty salon.

Your financial projections should be built using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel or Google Sheets) and presented in the form of tables and charts in your business plan.

As usual, keep it concise here and save details (for example detailed financial statements, financial metrics, key assumptions used for the projections) for the appendix instead.

Your financial projections should answer at least the following questions:

  • How much revenue do you expect to generate over the next 5 years?
  • When do you expect to break even?
  • How much cash will you burn until you get there?
  • What’s the impact of a change in pricing (say 15%) on your margins?
  • What is your average customer acquisition cost?

You should include here your 3 financial statements (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement). This means you must forecast:

  • The number of customers over time ;
  • Your expected revenue ;
  • Operating costs to run the business ;
  • Any other cash flow items (e.g. capex, debt repayment, etc.).

When projecting your revenue, make sure to sensitize pricing and the number of customers as a small change in these assumptions will have a big impact on your revenues.

When it comes to the costs, consider both startup and operating costs. For more information on how much it costs to start and run a beauty salon in the US, read our complete guide here .

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

7. Funding Ask

This is the last section of the business plan of your beauty salon. Now that we have explained what your beauty salon is about, what’s your strategy, where you go and how you get there, this section must answer the following questions:

  • How much funding do you need?
  • What financial instrument(s) do you need: is this equity or debt, or even a free-money public grant?
  • How long will this funding last?
  • Where else does the money come from? If you apply for a SBA loan for example, where does the other part of the investment come from (your own capital, private investors?)

If you raise debt:

  • What percentage of the total funding the loan represents?
  • What is the corresponding Debt Service Coverage Ratio ?

If you raise equity

  • What percentage ownership are you selling as part of this funding round?
  • What is the corresponding valuation of your business?

Use of Funds

Any business plan should include a clear use of funds section. This is where you explain how the money will be spent.

Will you spend most of the loan / investment to buy the real estate and do the renovations and design of the salon? Or will it cover mostly the cost of the salaries the first few months?

Those are very important questions you should be able to answer in the blink of an eye. Don’t worry, this should come straight from your financial projections. If you’ve built solid projections like in our beauty salon financial model template , you won’t have any issues answering these questions.

For the use of funds, we recommend using a pie chart like the one we have in our financial model template where we outline the main expenses categories as shown below.

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Spa Business Plan

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

The demand for spa services is skyrocketing now. As daily life is so stressful these days due to job and family commitments, more individuals than ever are feeling the strain and are engaging in self-care and restorative practices.

Are you looking to start writing a business plan for your spa business? Creating a business plan is essential to starting, growing, and securing funding for your business. We have prepared a spa business plan template for you to help in start writing yours.

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How to Write a Spa Business Plan?

Writing a spa business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section of the business plan intended to provide an overview of the whole business plan. Generally, it is written after the entire business plan is ready. Here are some components to add to your summary:

Start with a brief introduction:

Market opportunity:, mention your services:, marketing strategies:, financial highlights:, call to action:.

Ensure you keep your executive summary concise and clear, use simple language, and avoid jargon.

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2. Business Overview

Depending on what details of your business are important, you’ll need different elements in your business overview. Still, there are some foundational elements like business name, legal structure, location, history, and mission statement that every business overview should include:

About the business:

Provide all the basic information about your business in this section like:

  • The name of the spa and the type of spa: day spa, resort spa, medical spa, mineral springs spa, club spa, or something else.
  • Company structure of your spa business whether it is LLC, partnership firm, or others.
  • Location of your spa and the reason why you selected that place.

Mission statement:

Business history:, future goals:.

This section should provide an in-depth understanding of your spa business. Also, the business overview section should be engaging and precise.

3. Market Analysis

Market analysis provides a clear understanding of the market in which your spa business will run along with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. Your market analysis should contain the following essential components:

Target market:

Market size and growth potential:, competitive analysis:, market trends:, regulatory environment:.

Some additional tips for writing the market analysis section of your business plan:

  • Use a variety of sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed information wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to help illustrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing the business plan.

4. Products And Services

The product and services section of a spa business plan should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

List the services:

  • Create a list of the services that your spa will offer, which may include massages, facials, body treatments, aromatherapy, manicures and pedicures, hair removal, and various other treatments that are designed to improve the health and appearance of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Describe each service: For each service, provide a detailed description of what it entails, the time required, and the qualifications of the professionals who will provide the service. For example, which product you will use while giving a massage?

Emphasize safety and quality:

Overall, a business plan’s product and services section should be detailed, informative, and customer-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

Develop your unique selling proposition (USP):

Determine your pricing strategy:, sales strategies:, customer retention:.

Overall, the sales and marketing strategies section of your business plan should outline your plans to attract and retain customers and generate revenue. Be specific, realistic, and data-driven in your approach, and be prepared to adjust your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

When writing the operations plan section, it’s important to consider the various aspects of your business processes and procedures involved in operating a business. Here are the components to include in an operations plan:

Hiring plan:

Operational process:, technologies:.

By including these key elements in your operations plan section, you can create a comprehensive plan that outlines how you will run your spa business.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of the individuals responsible for running the spa. This section should provide a detailed description of the experience and qualifications of each manager, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

Key managers:

Organizational structure:, compensation plan:, board of advisors:.

Describe the key personnel of your company and highlight why your business has the fittest team.

8. Financial Plan

When writing the financial plan section of a spa business plan , it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your financial projections for the first few years of your business.

Profit & loss statement:

Cash flow statement:, balance sheet:, break-even point:, financing needs:.

Remember to be realistic with your financial projections, and to provide supporting evidence for all of your estimates.

9. Appendix

When writing the appendix section, you should include any additional information that supports the main content of your plan. This may include financial statements, market research data, legal documents, and other relevant information.

  • Include a table of contents for the appendix section to make it easy for readers to find specific information.
  • Include financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These should be up-to-date and show your financial projections for at least the first three years of your business.
  • Provide market research data, such as statistics on the size of the industry, consumer demographics, and trends in the industry.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Provide any additional documentation related to your business plans, such as marketing materials, product brochures, and operational procedures.
  • Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your spa business should only include relevant and important information that supports the main content of your plan.

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This spa business plan sample will provide an idea for writing a successful spa plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you are still confused about how to write an investment-ready spa business plan to impress your audience, then download our spa business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a spa business plan.

A business plan is essential for anyone looking to start or run a successful spa. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your spa.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your spa.

How to get funding for your spa business?

There are several ways to get funding for your spa business, but one of the most efficient and speedy funding options is self-funding. Other options for funding are:

Small Business Administration (SBA) loan

Crowdfunding, angel investors.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your spa business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and idea better than you, so we recommend you write your spa business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your spa business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any spa business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software.

About the Author

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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How to Start a Spa Business

How to Start a Spa Business

The past few years have been rough – stress levels are off the chart. In fact, 2 out of 3 adults admit to feeling way more stressed throughout the pandemic. Because of this, people are finally taking their health seriously – mind and body. This means good news for spa businesses! Now that things are settling down, folks are flocking to spas for some serious self-care. If you’ve been dreaming of getting into the wellness business, now’s your chance! We’re here to make your spa journey a success. Whether you want a cozy day spa, a mobile spa to bring relaxation to clients, or even a home-based sanctuary, we’ll teach you how to strategize your way to spa business success. Ready? Let’s get started!

Define your target market 

Determining who your dream spa clients are is about more than just guessing. It’s about strategy! Here’s why it matters:

Massages are a big deal 

In the past year, 70% of women and 60% of men who regularly hit the spa have enjoyed a massage. That’s a huge market! 

Skincare is surging

People are interested in trying all sorts of skin treatments – full-body, facials, and the works. Offering these could seriously boost your bottom line. Keep an eye on those trend reports to see what’s hot in your area!

The guys are getting in on it 

The spa world has traditionally been all about the ladies. 

But guess what? Times have changed. 

Did you know that nearly half (47% ) of spa-goers are men, and that number is only growing? So, don’t forget about them when crafting your marketing!

Tip: Start with a focused customer group and go from there. It’s better to be the best at something specific than mediocre at everything.

Market research and competitor analysis

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Before you start buying those fluffy robes and fancy aromatherapy candles, research the market.

First things first, figure out what kind of spa experience folks in your area are craving. Are massages the main thing, or are facials super popular? A quick scroll through Facebook and Instagram will give you a good idea of what’s trending. This will help you build a menu that gets people buzzing.

After this, research what kind of spa you want to open.

Do you want a quick in-and-out setup that is perfect for busy folks needing a break? 

Or maybe a luxurious all-day affair with pampering packages and maybe a light lunch? 

Knowing your ideal client will help you map out the perfect vibe.

Tip: Want a little insider info? Check out the competition! Visit those other local spas, try their treatments, and see how they do things. You’ll learn loads about what works and what you can improve on.

Create a comprehensive business plan

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Think of your spa business plan as the blueprint for creating your relaxation oasis. It’s where you’ll map out your winning treatments, build a loyal client base, and design a smooth path to spa business success.

A rock-solid business plan isn’t just about filling out forms. It’s your secret weapon for:

  • Finding your dream clients
  • Pricing for profit
  • Investing wisely
  • Avoiding spa-day disasters
  • Wowing potential investors

If you want a little extra help along the way, there are many business planning software tools that can guide you in this process.

Choose the right business structure

Choosing a business structure is not as glamorous as picking out massage oils or designing treatment rooms, but trust me, it’s essential.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

You’ve got options like: 

  • Sole proprietorship 
  • Partnerships 
  • LLCs and more 

It can feel a bit overwhelming, right? Here’s the thing: many spas go with the LLC route. 

There are a few reasons for this:

  • It protects your personal assets
  • Taxes can be a little less complicated
  • The paperwork isn’t too intense

Of course, every spa is different. It’s always intelligent to chat with a lawyer or accountant to figure out the absolute best fit for your specific situation. But knowing that LLCs are a popular pick is a helpful starting point!

Obtain necessary licenses and permits

Unfortunately, you can’t open a spa without dealing with a few licenses and permits. Here’s the rundown:

  • The must-haves: You’ll need a general business license, a retail seller permit (most likely), and a license specifically for operating a spa.
  • Laying it all out: You’ll need to fill out an official document detailing whether you’re a day spa or a medical spa, as well as all that LLC info.
  • Location matters: Depending on your location, you might need a Certificate of Occupancy to show your space meets all the necessary requirements.
  • Taxes, as always: Get a Federal Income Tax ID; you’ll need it to pay taxes.
  • Protecting your staff: Most states require anyone providing spa services, like massage therapists or estheticians, to have specific licenses. Plus, having liability insurance for them is a smart move.

Find the perfect location

So, you’ve got this unique vision for your spa, right? But turning that vision into reality starts with finding the perfect location. Think of it as the foundation of your whole client experience.

So, where do you even begin? 

First things first, think about the kind of vibe you’re going for. Want outdoor treatments? Then a busy city center might not be ideal. You’ll need space and maybe a bit of quiet.

Now, let’s get practical. When scouting locations, keep these must-haves on your checklist:

  • Can people park? No one wants to circle the block endlessly before their massage.
  • Who are your neighbors? Complementary businesses (think yoga studios or healthy cafes) can be major draws.
  • Is there competition nearby? Sometimes, it’s wise to cluster; other times, you want to be the only game in town.
  • Will people see you? Easy visibility is essential, especially when you’re starting.
  • What kind of area are we talking about? Upscale? Trendy? This needs to match your target clientele.
  • Oh, and don’t forget the legal side – zoning! Some areas are strictly residential, others are all about business. Make sure your dream spa fits the local rules before you fall in love with a space.

Now, let’s talk about size. Ask yourself:

  • How busy will it get? How many clients and staff do you need to accommodate?
  • How many treatment rooms? And will they all be the same, or do you need specialized ones?
  • Where will people chill? Don’t skimp on the waiting area!
  • What about the behind-the-scenes stuff? Offices, storage, staff break areas… They all need a place.
  • Fancy extras? Locker rooms, saunas, etc., take up serious space.

Lastly, your location and decor need to be clicked with your ideal clients. A fun, vibrant atmosphere will attract a different crowd than a zen-like minimalist space. Picture your dream customer – what surroundings would make them feel pampered?

Equipment and supplies

Choosing the right equipment for your spa is all about understanding what you’ll offer and how big your space is. After all, you don’t want to be tripping over massage tables because you underestimated your space needs.

For starters, think about the kind of day spa experience you want to offer. Will there be showers and lockers for guests? Soundproof massage rooms for ultimate relaxation? Those features will influence what you buy.

Now, let’s get into the essentials:

  • Massage must-haves: Tables or chairs, comfy linens, and a washer/dryer setup to keep everything fresh.
  • Creating the mood: Think warm towels, soothing masks, and shower essentials.
  • The pampering extras: Massage oils, candles, aromatherapy… all about setting the right ambiance.
  • Behind the scenes: Remember a front desk, chairs, and all the tech needed to process payments.
  • Reception space: Make it inviting with comfy furniture where clients can chill out.
  • Esthetician essentials: Pedicure stations, stools, wax warmers, and maybe even fancy lasers for hair removal.
  • Those little touches: Exfoliating tools, hydrotherapy tubs… details that elevate the experience.

And this is just the starting point! The more specialized your spa gets, the longer your equipment list will be. For example, extra-fancy services, like hydrotherapy, can be amazing but also a significant upfront investment.  

Sometimes, you might need serious upgrades – like new plumbing and electrical work – on top of the equipment itself.

Because of that, some spa owners start with a smaller menu of services. It gives them time to build a loyal customer base and save up a bit before adding those high-end options. It’s a smart way to offer great experiences while keeping the budget in check.

Building your spa team

You know that feeling when a client leaves your spa glowing with relaxation? That’s what makes it all worth it! But creating that awesome experience takes more than just your own two hands.

At first, you might wear all the hats yourself – receptionist, massage therapist, cleanup crew… you name it! But as things get busier, you’ll want to build your own team of relaxation experts.

The heart of your spa is the people who provide the actual services – massage therapists, estheticians, and anyone specializing in fancy treatments. Finding skilled folks who really care about making clients feel amazing is key.

But don’t forget, a client’s experience starts the moment they walk through the door. A friendly greeting at the desk and someone to show them around… your front-of-house crew is just as important for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Tracking them might mean getting creative – job ads, asking for recommendations, or even offering internships. And, of course, ensure everyone has the proper licenses for the job.

Once you’ve got some potential hires lined up, interview them. Look for people who are skilled and match the vibe you want for your spa.

Developing your spa menu

So, what kind of treatment do you consider for your spa? There are many options, but here’s the basics: if you want to call your business a spa officially, you’ll need to offer at least two things like massages, facials, or those luxurious body treatments.

But choosing your services is about more than just checking boxes. It’s your chance to make your spa memorable! Maybe you become the go-to place for a few unique treatments or offer something that no one else in town does.

Here’s a quick overview of the types of services you might consider:

  • Skincare: Facials, body scrubs with all those fancy ingredients, masks that feel amazing.
  • Massage: The classic Swedish massage, plus some specialized styles for different needs.
  • Relaxation therapies: Think cellulite-busting treatments, relaxing whirlpool baths… all about combating stress.
  • Hair removal: Electrolysis, waxing (all the ouch-inducing options!), getting rid of unwanted fuzz.
  • Makeup: Every day looks, special-occasion glam, eyelash extensions – you name it!

And of course, don’t forget that strategically pricing your services is super important. You want clients to feel pampered, but also ensure your spa can thrive!

Marketing your spa business

Okay, you’ve figured out all the nitty-gritty details, from market research to hiring staff. Time for the super-fun part – getting those first clients in the door!

But let’s face it – building a customer base from scratch takes some hustle. Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • Your existing network: Got experience in the spa world? Reach out to those old clients! Let them know about your new venture and invite them to come check it out.
  • New to the scene? Connect with local businesses. Partner up with hair salons, gyms, etc., and swap some flyers to reach a wider audience.
  • Online Is essential: Get listed on Google My Business, Yelp, and other local directories. Make it easy for people to find info about your spa and book appointments .
  • Discount power: Everyone loves a good deal! Consider offering introductory discounts or special packages to attract some first-time clients.
  • First impressions matter: Make sure those first few clients feel totally spoiled. A fantastic experience will make them come back again and again, plus tell their friends all about your spa!

Essential Resources for Aspiring Spa Owners

Explore these resources to begin your spa journey: Software Lists

  • A modern online booking system for service-based businesses like spas and beauty care salons offering 24/7 client access and smart add-on options.
  • Monday sales CRM: Manage your sales pipeline effortlessly. Centralize data, automate tasks, track deals, and streamline post-sale processes.
  • Onpay: Stress-free payroll & HR for your spa. Automates tax filings guarantees accuracy, and offers a simple flat-rate pricing structure.

Industry PDFs

  • International Spa Association
  • SpaFinder Magazine
  • American Medspa Association

Starting a beauty salon and spa is an exciting journey. It takes planning, passion, and a good understanding of what your clients want.

We’ve covered the essentials for setting up your business, and remember – each step is vital for creating a thriving spa . From finding funding and the perfect location to hiring skilled staff and getting the word out, every decision matters. 

And hey, if you’re looking for an AI business plan generator to make that planning process a breeze, check out Upmetrics – they’ve got great resources to help you map out your path to success.

How Profitable is Owning a Spa?

It depends! Spa profitability is influenced by location, the services you offer, and how efficiently you run things. On average, day spas aim for profit margins around 10-15% , while massage-focused spas can see margins closer to 30%!

Is the spa industry growing?

Absolutely! In 2023, the US spa industry hit a revenue of $21.3 billion (that’s up 5.7% from 2022!), and clients are spending more with each visit. 

Is owning a Medspa profitable?

They can be! The average Medspa owner earns around $300,000–$375,000 annually after expenses, with profit margins in the 20–25% range. That’s well above the average for medical clinics overall.

How much does it cost to start a spa business?

This varies a LOT. Depending on the size of your spa, your location, and the types of services you offer, start-up costs could range from $187,000 to upwards of $695,000 .

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics , the #1 business planning software.

His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans.

He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts.

Vinay Kevadiya’s LinkedIn profile

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spa business plan

Industry • Best Practice

Making a Spa Business Plan - 9 Steps for Financial Bliss


Here’s how to create a spa business plan that will set you up for success.

There is a lot that goes into creating a successful spa that fulfills your needs, your employees’ needs, and your clients’ needs. And it all begins with a spa business plan. 

*Cue the dread.* 

Yes, we know making a business plan is likely the least fun part of opening a business. But we are here to tell you that it is quite possibly the most crucial part of your business. The business plan describes how to run your company, so look at it as a guidebook. 

Since we know creating a spa business plan is a drag, we are here to make it a bit easier. Today we are filling you in on all you need to know to create the business plan that will bring you financial bliss.

The 9 steps to creating a spa business plan

Step 1: write the description of your company.

Here is where you get to share with others the basics of your spa including its mission and the philosophies behind it. Essentially, this is a longer version of your elevator pitch — how you do a quick sell of your spa business. 

You want to include some basic things like:

Company name

Contact information

Type of business (LLC, sole proprietorship, etc.)

This description should also mention the type of spa you’re operating, the reason why you started your spa business, and any milestones your spa has already experienced. These milestones can include things such as store openings, sales goals, and more. 

This section is, in short, a humblebrag about your spa and vision, but keep it professional.

Step 2: Plan your finances

This is where things can get a bit complicated if you’re not a numbers person, and you may want to enlist the help of a financial planner to guide you through this step.

Do not underestimate the importance of financial planning in your business model — it could be the make-or-break of your spa. Many times, the failure of a business is a result of poor planning and a lack of capital. 

You want to plan on how much money you need to get the ball rolling, the source(s) of that money, what the money will be spent on, and when you’ll earn it back.

Step 3: Zone in on your target market

It’s time to get specific about your ideal customers. Here are some of the questions you need to answer to define your target market for your spa business plan. 

Who will come to your spa?

What will they buy?

Are your target clients male or female?

How old are they?

Do they have children?

What do they do for a living?

Where do they live?

How much money do they make?

You can have fun with this as you create different personas of sample clients. For example, one you create may be Melissa. Melissa is 43 years old, lives in your area, and works as a stock broker. She is financially successful but needs a massage twice a month to alleviate the stress from her job and her two children. Creating a fictional client can help guide your planning process as you make crucial decisions about what’s worthy of investment and what isn’t.

This part doesn’t have to bessful. It needs to be realistic so that it provides the necessary information, but enjoy getting creative, too.

Step 4: Location, location, location, and licensing

Maybe you already have a spa location and are looking for a new one, or maybe you’ve yet to set up shop. Either way, this part of the business plan is key to your spa’s success. 

For a business such as a spa that relies on in-person visits, you need a location that suits several different needs. Here are some of the things you want to consider when it comes to location:

High-traffic area

Easy access

Easy (possibly even free) parking

Distance from competitors

In addition to location, you need to think about the licensing requirements for the area as well. This can vary depending on the state your spa is in.

Here are some of the licenses you may need:

Business license via the SBA

Employee licensing

Health inspection regulations

Step 5: Time to market

How do you plan to market your spa ? Marketing may not be the most intuitive thing, but it is undeniably necessary for success. So how will you get there?

This part of your spa business model is one of the most important. It should cover all aspects of how you plan to market your spa, including things such as email, social media, website, review sites, and more. 

Included in this step is also planning your marketing budget. Marketing costs can get out of hand quickly if you’re not strict about spending, so take the time to sort out how much money you should put into the different areas and methods you plan to use.

Step 6: Plan your offerings

This is where your expertise finally gets a chance to shine: the creation of the spa menu. What services do you want to offer? What type of experience do you want to build for your clients? And how is that different from other spas? 

Will you be doing special deals for couples? For brides? For gifts? And anything else? Think about what you want the spa experience to be for everyone that walks into your spa, and create your menu from that. 

Any supplies or machines that you need in order to provide these experiences and services to your clients need to be included in the financial part of your business plan.

Step 7: Choose your team

A spa is not the type of place that’s a one-person show — you need a team of people to make your business run smoothly .

Take the time to think about who you want to have at your spa — estheticians, massage therapists, stylists, and more. Who do you know that would be the perfect fit? Who would you love to have on your staff? Get specific. 

Outline what each person’s skills are and why they are someone that you feel you must have on your team. Maybe you already have this team of people put together beyond just in your mind, and that’s great! Then focus your attention on creating profiles for each person to describe why they are so fabulous and why your spa needs those specific people to run successfully. 

You should also include in this the tasks that each of those team members is responsible for so that you can ensure you have everything for the day-to-day of the office covered.

Step 8: Extra, extra, read all about it

This part of your spa business plan should include any supporting materials including obtained business licenses, permits, and more. This is where research and organization pays off. The more specific detail you have, the more easily a potential investor or lender can see your spa’s potential.

Step 9: The grand finale

You can finally breathe a sigh of relief because we’ve made it to the last step of the plan. Though weirdly, this will actually be the first part of your business model.

The last step is the executive summary which is just a short overview of  of your business plan’s highlights. We saved writing this one for last because you need to fully craft out the other sections before knowing what to summarize. Just be sure you put it at the front of your plan when everything’s completed.

You’ve already done the hard part: coming up with the spa business ideas that can set you apart from the competition. By putting these business plan pointers into effect, you’ll also have the blueprint for your spa’s success .

Boulevard was built to help your business achieve profitability at scale without losing an inch of sanity. See for yourself! Get a free demo today .

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Beauty Salon Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Beauty Salon Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your beauty salon business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their beauty salons.

Below is a salon business plan example to help you create your own beauty salon business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is a newly established hair and beauty bar located in Glendale, Arizona that is founded by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician that has worked in the industry for over 15 years. Jenna’s knowledge in hair, nail, and facial trends have made her a popular stylist in the community. As her client list continues to grow, Jenna realizes that it’s time for her to open up her own salon.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be located in Glendale’s upscale district in a 5,000 square foot retail space. The area is highly trafficked with middle to high income residents who spend on luxury items such as cars, clothes, jewelry.

The beauty salon will offer haircuts and treatments, facials, manicures, and pedicures. Major Lengths will also carry a large selection of hair and beauty products that will be available for purchase. Jenna will have a loyalty program where the top clients will receive discounts on their service as a thank you for remaining loyal and referring other potential clients to the salon.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Major Lengths Beauty Salon will provide:

  • Color Treatment
  • Healthy Hair Treatment
  • Nail Services

Customer Focus

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will target the male and female adult population of Glendale, although the majority of clientele will be women. They will be middle to high income and working in a variety of industries, such as medical, legal, business, education, or other white collar professions. The salon will target stay at home mothers as well who enjoy a day of pampering.

Management Team

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local Arizona hair stylist and aesthetician. Her years of experience and in the industry have allowed her to meet the following talented individuals.

Jenna has recruited a talented nail technician and aesthetician from her previous salon to join her at Major Lengths. Jenna regards them as the best in the industry and knows that their quality of work is up to her high standards. They also have a loyal and large list of clients that will likely follow them to the new salon.

While the three of them will be in charge of their respective department, Jenna will be the head manager to oversee the entire operation of the beauty salon.

Success Factors

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Latest hair and nail trends
  • Modern and comfortable environment
  • More selection of each service offered than any other salon in town
  • Major Lengths Beauty Salon offers the best pricing in town

Financial Highlights

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open the beauty salon. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the retail space and purchasing the salon furniture, equipment, decorations, opening inventory, and working capital. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Beauty salon build-out: $30,000
  • Opening inventory, furniture, equipment, decorations:  $40,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities):  $15,000
  • Marketing costs: $5,000
  • Working capital:  $10,000

  The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Major Lengths Beauty Salon.

financial projections for Major Lengths Beauty Salon

Company Overview

Who is major lengths beauty salon.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is a newly established hair and beauty bar located in Glendale, Arizona. The company is founded by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician that has dedicated her career to making women look and feel their best. Throughout her years in the beauty industry, Jenna gained extensive knowledge in hair, nail, and facial trends as well as how to give exceptional customer service to all of her clients. Jenna realizes that men and women invest a lot of time and money into their appearance and she takes extra care to ensure her clients not only feel special, but walk away with their desired result.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be located in Glendale’s upscale district in a 5,000 square foot retail space. The area is highly trafficked with middle to high income residents who spend on luxury items such as cars, clothes, jewelry. Some of Arizona’s most expensive homes are within a 15-mile radius from the location. The salon will be decorated with a contemporary style, have modern furnishings, and include a welcoming waiting and reception area, large hair styling room, and separate areas for facials and nail services.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon History

Major Lengths is owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician who has made her career working in the beauty industry for the past 15 years in Glendale. She has gained extensive knowledge through her continuing education and industry seminars. Jenna has a long list of loyal clientele who will follow her to her new salon. Aside from her beauty salon knowledge and expertise, Jenna has taken local business courses to learn salon management and leading a small team of stylists, manicurists, and aestheticians.

Since incorporation, Major Lengths Beauty Salon has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Major Lengths Beauty Salon, LLC to transact business in the state of Arizona.
  • Has obtained the necessary salon permits and licenses for the state of California.
  • Has a lease contract in place for the 5,000 square foot beauty salon.
  • Has developed the complete list of salon services and products.
  • Has developed the beauty salon’s logo and branding image.
  • Began recruiting a team of stylists, manicurists, and nail technicians.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon Products

The following will be the services Major Lengths Beauty Salon will provide:

Industry Analysis

The Beauty Salon industry is expected to increase in size by 2.5% over the next five years. Demand for industry services mirrors broader economic performance, as economic growth boosts consumer spending on personal care products and services. Specifically, new products and services have favorably contributed to industry revenue growth over the majority of the past five years.

Online platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have provided a convenient and low-cost marketing strategy for many stylists and technicians to garner new clientele. Higher service prices and increased consumer spending on high-margin merchandise and services have also fueled revenue growth, as operators capitalize on rising per capita disposable income. Continued growth in household income over the outlook period is expected to drive consumer spending and boost demand for premium personal care services. Moreover, equipped with larger budgets, consumers will likely continue to favor professional salon products and services, such as hair coloring services, over less expensive alternatives sold at drugstores and supermarkets. Environmental sustainability concerns are expected to become more prevalent over the next five years, leading salons to offer a wider array of eco-friendly products that appeal to trending consumer preferences. Specifically, nontoxic products will likely benefit industry revenue, staff and patrons. This growing niche will likely drive hair salon revenue over the coming years.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

The precise demographics for Glendale, Arizona are:

Customer Segmentation

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Stay at home mothers and fathers
  • Working professionals
  • College students
  • Retired females
  • Mothers with adult or teenage daughters

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Hair Xtreme

Hair Xtreme is located on the west side of Glendale and is owned by a local hair stylist with over 30 years of experience. Hair Xtreme specializes in haircuts and hair coloring services as well as hair color correction. The owner is also certified in Balayage highlighting by the prestigious L’oreal SOHO Academy. Hair Xtreme Beauty Salon was established to create a higher level of service in the Glendale community and has amassed a large clientele. The salon is regarded as the go-to salon for anyone looking for extreme color or haircut transformation. The pricing of services are on the higher end of the spectrum and caters to the community in the middle to higher income range.

Hair Xtreme Beauty Salon’s full list of services include haircuts, balayage, ombre, highlights, color retouch, hair treatments, and special occasion styles. The salon is open Tuesday through Saturday and is by appointment only.

The Complete Package

The Complete Package is not only a hair and nail salon in Glendale, but also provides massage treatment, eyelash extensions, and body treatments. The salon is moderately priced and leans to be more affordable to target the population who doesn’t spend lavishly on beauty services, but also occasionally like to get pampered. Owned and operated by a mother and daughter team of hair stylists, The Complete Package is located in a small retail shopping center in the middle of the city. The salon has been in operation for over 20 years and was founded by Kate Beneducci. She was able to bring The Complete Package into operation due to her experience and background in cosmetics, marketing, and management. Every single stylist is a certified cosmetologist and are all required to attend a mandatory training every year to learn the latest techniques.

The Complete Package’s full list of salon services include hair, makeup, eyelash extensions, and nails. The full list of spa services include waxing, facials, microdermabrasion, massage, and body treatments. The salon regularly posts promotions to increase customer loyalty. The Complete Package is open daily by appointment and is able to take walk-ins Friday through Sunday.

Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa

Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa is located on the west side of Glendale, Arizona and was established in 2013 as a premier beauty salon. Fringe caters to the higher income clientele and their pricing is the most expensive in town. The owner relocated to Glendale to start her own beauty salon after working in the beauty industry in New York and Los Angeles for many years. She did hair and salon services for many celebrities and has been known to be the stylist for awards shows such as the Emmys and Oscars.

As a Glendale native, she relocated to her hometown to provide a higher quality of salon services to the community. The full list of services for Fringe Beauty Salon include haircuts, hair treatments, hair color, balayage, ombre, special occasion, manicures, pedicures, massage, facials, eyelash extensions, waxing, and makeup.

With a luxury atmosphere and relaxing spa environment, Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa is frequently booked for those wanting a full day of pampering.

Competitive Advantage

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff who are all trained and experienced in the latest hair and beauty trends.
  • Complete list of beauty salon services intended to provide a full day of pampering and relaxation.
  • Casual and comfortable environment with a luxurious feel.
  • Major Lengths Beauty Salon offers the best pricing in town for the high quality of services provided. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Complete list of beauty salon services all provided by trained and knowledgeable hair stylists, manicurists, and aestheticians.
  • Pricing is affordable and moderate so customers perceive value when visiting the beauty salon.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Major Lengths Beauty Salon is as follows:

Website/SEO Marketing

Major Lengths Beauty Salon has hired an advertising firm to develop their branding image and logo. They will also develop the hair salon’s website. The website will include a full list of services, pricing, and pictures. The advertising company will also manage the company’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “Glendale beauty salon” or “beauty salon near me”, Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be listed at the top of the search results.

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Jenna Diaz has a long list of loyal clients that have been with her for decades. They will follow her to the new salon and will receive additional clients from their referrals.

Social Media

Once the branding and logo is finalized, Jenna will use social media to her advantage and create social media business pages on all of the popular social media platforms. She will commit to posting daily to increase the list of followers and use it to regularly engage with customers.

Print Advertising

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in local magazines and hand out flyers to local businesses.

The pricing of Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their salon services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Major Lengths Beauty Salon.

Operation Functions:

  • Jenna Diaz will be the Owner and Manager of the beauty salon. She will order salon inventory and products, oversee staff, payroll, and manage customer service.
  • Melanie Brooks – Head nail technician that will oversee the nail department.
  • Fiona Adams – Head aesthetician that will oversee the facial and massage departments.
  • Jenna has hired third party companies to manage the bookkeeping, accounting, tax payments, insurance, and legal requirements.


Major Lengths Beauty Salon will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

8/1/202X – Finalize retail space for beauty salon

8/15/202X – Begin build-out of beauty salon to include stylist stations, facial and massage rooms, and nail service area

9/1/202X – Order opening inventory

9/15/202X – Begin marketing campaign

9/22/202X – Hire staff of hair stylists, nail technicians, massage therapists, and aestheticians

10/1/202X – Major Lengths Beauty Salon Grand Opening Event

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local Arizona hair stylist and aesthetician. Jenna has made an impressive career helping women achieve their desired look and feel. As an Arizona native, Jenna has attended the local beauty college and attends industry trade shows and training seminars annually. She has amassed a large and loyal clientele and has even done hair treatments, cuts, and facials for local celebrities and sports personalities. Jenna is committed to establishing a beauty salon in her hometown of Glendale and making it a place where the women and men flock to when they want the latest hairstyle, manicure, or facial.

While the three of them will be in charge of their respective department, Jenna will be the head manager to oversee the entire operation of the beauty salon. She will also outsource a third party insurance company, CPA, and attorney to take care of her insurance, legal obligations, and tax filings. Jenna will also employ a part time bookkeeper to handle her day to day accounting and payroll of staff.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Major Lengths Beauty Salon are the sales from hair services, nail services, massages and facials.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required to staff the beauty salon. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, salon inventory, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open the beauty salon. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the retail space and purchasing the salon furniture, equipment, decorations, opening inventory, and working capital. Jenna will need to allocate funds for the first three months of payroll and operating expenses as well as spend approximately on branding and marketing. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Beauty Salon Services Sold Per Month: 300
  • Average Revenue per Month: $20,000
  • Beauty Salon Lease per Year: $110,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, beauty salon business plan template faqs, what is a beauty salon business plan.

A beauty salon business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your beauty salon. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your beauty salon business plan using our Beauty Salon Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Beauty Salons?

There are a number of different kinds of beauty salons, some examples include: Beauty salon focusing strictly on hair styling, beauty salon offering hair removal services, skin care services, nail services, tanning services, or massage services, and beauty salon offering products.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Beauty Salon Business Plan?

Beauty salons are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding. This is true for a business plan for a beauty salon or a hair salon business plan.

Why do You Need a Business Plan Template?

If you’re looking to start a beauty salon business  or grow your existing salon business, you need a business plan. A hair salon business plan template will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your beauty salon in order to improve your chances of success. Your salon business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Where Can I Get a Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free beauty salon business plan template PDF here . This is a sample beauty salon business plan template you can use in PDF format.

Don't bother with copy and paste.

Get this complete sample business plan as a free text document.

Day Spa Business Plan

Start your own day spa business plan

Pamperzhou Day Spa

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

Freeway County CA is in need of a spa that offers massages and facials at a competitive price. There are spas that do not cater to men. All people who can afford them, not just women, should be able to get the benefit of massages 

Pamperzhou Day Spa is a new upscale destination in Freeway County, CA, offering a complete day spa experience. We offer seven ultra-chic, ultra-comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipment. We offer massage in a variety of styles – traditional Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue work, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Sports, Pregnancy and others. We also offer facial and body treatments, like a Vitamin C Antioxidant Facial and Pevonia’s Anti-Free Radical Treatment. The day spa has the latest in anti-aging products and techniques but does  NOT  offer services on hair such as cutting, styling and coloring. The only time a pedicure would be provided, is when it’s part of a full treatment, like Kneipp’s Arnica and Calendula Foot and Leg Reflexology Treatment. In fact, for location, we prefer being located near hair and nail salon for co-marketing opportunities.

There are about 12,000 spas in the U.S. and Canada, according to ISPA, and seven out of ten are day spas. Today, Spa Industry revenues total $12 billion annually, with Day Spas accounting for over $7 billion of this figure and growing at 25% per year.

There are several existing day spas and a number of individual LMTs (Licensed Massage Therapists) in Freeway County, but none with our service/product range within a five mile radius. To find a such a comprehensive day spa, residents currently have to travel into the city. The going rate for massage in Freeway County is $70-$90 per hour, which is slightly above most of the other residential areas in the metropolis, which can even be as low as $40 per hour in saturated or low-income areas. 


Customers choose spa services based on proximity to their daily commute, quality and an exceptional experience.  With our combined services, we expect to dominate the Day Spa market. There is not one direct competitor of this nature within the area where we are intending to locate. 

Pamperzhou Day Spa is a new destination offering customers the combination of massage, body treatments, facials and anti-aging treatments. The settings are upscale, beautiful and serene. We cater to both men and women and offer the latest in skin care products and therapies. 


We will surpass the break-even point by month four, and end the first year with a net profit margin of more than 10%. By quickly repaying our loan while increasing sales, and managing costs, we will increase the net worth of the business substantially in the first year, and continue increasing it for the foreseeable future.

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

We are planning to invest $135,000 as owner investment. 

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

Freeway County,CA is in need of a spa that offers massages and facials at a competitive price. There are spa’s that do not cater to men, all people who can afford should be able to get the benefit of massages 

Our Solution

Our mission is to run a profitable business by providing high-end therapeutic massage and aesthetician services in a caring, upscale, professional environment. We offer massage in a variety of styles – traditional Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Deep Tissue work, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, and others. Our licensed aestheticians offer the latest in skin treatments, body treatments and anti-aging therapies. 

Our goal is to tailor the client’s experience based on initial interview information, as well as feedback during the treatments, to ensure the client’s comfort and satisfaction, and to increase repeat business. We are mindful of the overall experience – using only the finest oils and lotions, beauty treatments and aromatherapies. Special lighting, music, decor, and textiles are used throughout the spa to complete the comfortable, plush environment and enhance the client’s overall spa experience. 

Target Market

Market size & segments.

As individual as our clients are, they seem to fall into one of four general categories: Injury Recovery, Self-Pampering/Relaxation, Alternative Care Users,  and Athletes. Besides the obvious differences in the style of massage or treatments each of these prefer, they also represent separate groups for marketing and retention purposes.  In addition, the booming anti-aging market is an additional momentum builder.

The Injury recovery group is usually referred by a Chiropractor, self-referred through our listing on the American Specialty Health Network site, or referred by another client who found massage helpful during an injury recovery. Marketing to this audience is done indirectly, through the referring parties. While car insurance will typically pay for massage for only a limited time (less than one year), many health insurance policies now have Alternative Care coverage with a renewable annual maximum. Most people do not know that regular massage therapy is covered on their insurance when prescribed by a physician. We will work to educate clients of their benefits and be able to bill to insurance on the appropriate patients. 

Clients who have the disposable income to indulge in massage and body treatments for self-pampering or relaxation are the core of our long-term repeat customers. These clients will come once a week to once a month for years, and often refer other family and friends. This type of client can be  difficult to find – an ad in the local alternative news weekly (especially with a coupon for $5 off) or a donation to a charity auction may result in a one-time visit, or a long-term client. Another source of usually one-time visitors is the Gift Certificate – friends pampering friends for a birthday or other special occasion. Our desired location will provide an excellent demographic to provide this type of client. 

The third group are Alternative Care users. These are people who mistrust allopathic medicine, and prefer to use chiropractors, naturopaths, herbalists, and acupuncturists. A local networking group of alternative care providers is a great way to get referrals, as well as placing posters on other practitioners offices, and ads in the local alternative newspaper.

The final group is another backbone of this business – the amateur athletes. There is a large population of runners and bicyclists in the local area, as well as out-of-town participants who return for annual events, and book massages during those times. They are a very loyal group, and will readily give word-of-mouth recommendations, especially if they see massage as having given them a specific boost to their performance. This group will cross over from the Injury group, and become long-term clients after the specific initial injury has healed. They also tend to have chronic injuries or pain, especially as they age, which can encourage them to become repeat clients. 

Current Alternatives

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1)  Salons with Day Spa Services:   Hair salons that offer limited spa services like massage and facials.

2)  Heath & Beauty Products:   Stores selling only merchandise products covering the wide range of products available, but not inclusive of those sold by salons and spas.

3)  Hotels with Spa Services:   Major hotels with on-site spas. 

4)  Medical Spa:   Focus mainly on non surgical cosmetic but also have massage therapy, facials and microdermabrasion.

The closest competitor is the Heavenly Spa which is a Hair salon that offers additional, limited, spa services. The Hyatt Regency Hotel also offers massage treatments, but will mostly cater to visitors to the area and not the local residential base. Finally, Atmosphere Spa, located in Plaza Center is not a traditional day spa but combines a day spa with a female gymnasium. No men are allowed at Atmosphere Spa, either. The going rate for massage in Freeway County is $70-$90 per hour which is slightly above most of the other residential areas in Metropolis which can even be as low as $40 per hour in saturated or low-income areas.

Our Advantages

Our competitive edge is our ability to market effectively and creatively to bring in the clients and then back that up with the best service and products in the business.  In addition, our combination of unique services, outstanding location and our interaction with the customers are setting us up for huge success. 

Keys to Success

Our keys to success are: 

  • Marketing, Marketing, Marketing –  Owner is a proven, 15-year sales executive.  Marketing will be the first strength to our success and a huge competitive edge.
  • Professionalism:  Which includes everything from maintaining confidentiality, to hiring the very best LMT and Aestheticians.
  • Individual Attention:  Each client’s experience will be tailored to his or her preference.
  • Repeat business/Recommendations:  giving the kind of service that brings people back for regular treatments, and encourages clients  to recommend us to friends, and other health professionals to recommend their clients.
  • Unique Treatments:  We have the latest in techniques with the best products from around the world.
  • Fantastic Location:  Freeway County.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

Local Advertising & Seasonal Promotions –  Local newspaper advertising, local fliers, grand opening party kick-off and promotion for first 30 days.  Continue regular advertising and plan for seasonal events like Christmas, Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, Prom and New Year’s.  

Local Networking –  Charities, women’s groups, country clubs, wedding planners, and membership with the  Metropolis Chamber of Commerce .

Health Care Referrals – prior to opening,  work current contacts and create new contacts with health care providers, especially chiropractors.  Also, become a Provider with health insurance companies that offer Alternative Care to their members.  Most people don’t know that massage therapy is usually paid by insurance when billed correctly and when prescribed by a physician.  Pamperzhou Day Spa already has practice management software to handle medically billable massage.  When the insurance does not cover the entire amount of a service the client will pay the difference.  For that reason, we will not want to participate with any PPO’s that require write-off for amounts over the usual and customary fee (which tends to be too low).  A list of acceptable insurance company plans will be maintained and those clients will be able to handle massage therapy through their insurance.  Any opportunity to convince allopathic physicians – MDs – to see massage as having long-term healing benefits for their patients will also be taken, since they hold to key to having massage paid for as "medically necessary."   The client will also help drive that with the physicians if they are properly educated. 

Hotel Referrals –  Hotels that do not offer their own spa services will send their guests to our spa or use our out-call spa services. Prior to opening, I will make contacts with managers and concierges at local hotels to ensure they are aware of the services available. Promotions will be offered to professionals in these industries to create buzz and build relationships.

Online Website –  our spa will show up on every major search engine and in the phone directory. The website will have a full menu of services and eventually have the ability to schedule appointments on-line. The spa software we are using will allow a user to see the schedule and make and appointment without making a phone call.

Location traffic –  It is imperative that we be located in a high-traffic strip mall that is high-end, modern, and clean. We prefer locating near a complementary business like a nail or hair salon that does not offer any massage or facial treatments. 

If, as it has been said, the top three items which determine success in business are location, location, location, then a busy location at  Culway Plaza  in a thriving residential community represents our top marketing strategy. With the owner focusing on the sales, marketing and management and delegating the massage and aesthetician therapies to employees–business profitability potential is exponentially maximized over a one or two person operation by a direct care-giver without any marketing, management or sales background.

As the owner, Madame Pamperzhou has done extensive market research and visited some of the best spas in the world — Beverly Hills, Paris, Amsterdam, Vegas and Arizona — and has taken ideas from the best to offer an upscale, ultra-amenity, spa experience. Once a client experiences the luxurious, high-end level of personalized care that we offer, we are confident that we will have a return client. 

Locations & Facilities

Culway Plaza, where we plan to locate, has a daily traffic count of 64,000 cars. It is also only two blocks from a commuter train stop, and has an upscale hair and nail salon which would complement our services nicely. 

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table, key metrics.

Our key metrics are: 

  • The # of treatments that we perform a day 
  • The # of treatments we do a month 
  • The # of customers who book another treatment on the way out 
  • Which staff members are the most popular with our clients. 
  • Training for our staff and if that helps their popularity 
  • The price we charge vs. the price our competitors charge for service. 

Ownership & Structure

Pamperzhou Day Spa is a Sole Proprietorship owned by Madame Pamperzhou. Madame Pamperzhou functions as developer and manager for Pamperzhou Day Spa

Management Team

Earlier in her career, as a leasor / manager for an Apartment community, she consistently maintained a 100% lease level while managing a 140-unit apartment community. Prior to that, she worked in the budget department for an overseas United States Military installation in Bamberg, Germany. Madame’s unique cold-calling, sales, budget, management and people skills will be a perfect fit for building the client-base in a new business and seeing it through to success. 

Personnel Table

Financial plan investor-ready personnel plan .">, key assumptions.

The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table as annual assumptions. We assume cash payments for all services, except for the 1% of sales projected as insurance reimbursements, with collection days at 90. The collection days are for insurance billings only. Interest rates, tax rates, and personnel burden are based on conservative assumptions.

Two of the more important underlying assumptions are:

  • We assume a strong economy, without major recession.
  • We assume, of course, that there are no changes to the Medical/insurance Industry, such as the nationalization of health care.

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

The bulk of the start-up costs will be invested by the owner and the remainder will be funded through short-term financing. Details are provided in the tables below.

Start-up Expenses

Legal $2,500

Printing, stationery, bags, grand opening coupons $3,500

Brochures $500

Construction/Design $45,000


Rent $17,000

Advertising $5,000

Accountant $950

Linens $4,000

The total startup cost is $80,450 which includes: Massage table equipment,  Aesthetician Equipment – $2,800 (2 room setup), Decor and Furnishings – $13,000, Envision Software & Equipment – $4,000, Signage – $3,500, Backbar Supplies – $5,000

Sources of Funds

Owner investment of $135,000

Projected Profit & Loss

Projected balance sheet, projected cash flow statement.

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Sample Spa Business Plan For New Spa Owners

sample day spa and medical spa business plan

Writing a business plan is essential for any aspiring spa business owner. Not only does it provide a roadmap of what to expect and how to achieve success in the future, but it also serves as a means to attract potential investors and secure funding opportunities. For those just starting out, having access to sample spa business plans can be extremely beneficial in setting them up for success.

Download our Ultimate Spa Business Plan Template

Having a comprehensive business plan in place is essential for any spa venture. It serves as the foundation of your operations, outlining goals and objectives that will act as a guide when making decisions and taking action. A well-crafted business plan can also provide insights into realistic financial projections and help you secure financing from lenders or investors. Looking at an example of a day spa business plan can help you write your own and ensure that all key elements are included.

Below is an example spa business plan to get you started, though it may not be as comprehensive or successful in raising capital as Growthink’s Ultimate Spa Business Plan Template . It can still provide guidance when writing a detailed spa business plan for your business.

Spa Business Plan Example – Miracle Rejuvenation Spa

Table of contents, executive summary.

  • Company Overview

Industry Analysis

Customer analysis.

  • Competitive Analysis

Marketing Plan

Operations plan, management team, financial plan.

Miracle Rejuvenation Spa seeks to provide the best of both worlds when it comes to spa services – traditional and medical. Located in Miami, Florida, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will offer a variety of treatments including facials, massage therapy, waxing, makeup application, and more. With a focus on providing quality service and an excellent customer experience, we aim to become the premier destination for spa services in the greater Miami area.

In order to achieve our goals of providing superior service and becoming a leader in the field of spa services, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will utilize several key strategic initiatives. These include offering comprehensive training for our staff members; creating an environment that is welcoming and relaxing; implementing technology-driven systems to streamline operations; building relationships with leading suppliers of beauty products; utilizing marketing strategies to drive awareness and attract customers; investing in high-quality equipment; and developing partnerships with local physicians and hospitals to provide medical spa services.

Since launching our business plan, we have identified two primary sources of finance through which we hope to secure startup funding: (1) bank business loans; and (2) angel investors who are passionate about beauty products and services. We believe that these two sources will enable us to raise enough money to cover our initial expenses such as rent deposits, licenses & permits fees, insurance premiums, equipment purchasing/upgrading costs, employee salaries & benefits packages, targeted marketing campaigns, etc.

To ensure long-term success for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa’s operations, we have also developed a comprehensive financial plan that takes into account various factors such as expected revenue growth rates & projections over 5 years; break-even analysis; budgeting & cash flow plans; pricing strategies & cost control measures, etc. Through disciplined execution of the above-mentioned strategies along with ongoing market research & analysis – Miracle Rejuvenation Spa aims to be the most preferred choice for spa services within Miami and its surrounding areas by 20XX.

Company Description

Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is a traditional spa with medical spa services located in Miami, Florida. Our mission is to provide the best of both worlds when it comes to spa treatments and services. We offer a variety of treatments including facials, waxing, massage therapy, makeup application, and more – all designed to meet our customers’ needs for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. Our staff prides themselves on offering exceptional customer service as well as utilizing technology-driven systems for streamlined operations.

We are dedicated to having the highest standards when it comes to quality equipment and products sourced from reliable suppliers in the spa industry. Additionally, we are looking into developing partnerships with local physicians & hospitals in order to provide even more comprehensive medical spa services than what our current offerings allow us.

At Miracle Rejuvenation Spa, we strive not only to look after our clients’ physical well-being but also their mental well-being by providing a friendly environment that exudes calming vibes so they can relax while being pampered like royalty.

The industry for traditional spas and medical spas is a highly competitive one in the Miami area. It is estimated that there are currently around 200 spas located within a 30-mile radius of the city, with more opening up every year. This means that Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will need to differentiate itself from the competition in order to succeed. This can be done by offering top-of-the-line services, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing.

The industry is also driven largely by demographic trends. It has been shown that baby boomers are the largest group of consumers when it comes to spa services and treatments, meaning that Miracle Rejuvenation Spa should focus its marketing efforts on this particular demographic. Additionally, professional women ages 25-44 are increasingly seeking out spa services due to their busy lifestyles; thus, our business should focus its marketing campaigns on these individuals as well.

Finally, the industry is driven by technological advancements such as online booking and payment solutions that streamline the customer experience. Miracle Rejuvenation Spa should take advantage of these technologies to make it easier for customers to book and pay for services.

By focusing on offering excellent day spa treatments, providing great customer service, targeting the right demographics, and utilizing technology, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will be able to differentiate itself from its local competitors and successfully establish a foothold in the industry.

The customer analysis for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa should focus on two main target customers, Baby Boomers and Professional Women ages 25-44.

Baby Boomers are the largest consumer of spa services and anti-aging treatments, making them an ideal target demographic for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa. This age group is typically more likely to choose indulgent treatments such as facials, massage therapy, and waxing. They are also more likely to pay for higher-end treatments and services due to their disposable income.

Professional Women ages 25-44 are the second largest consumer of spa services and treatments due to their busy lifestyles that often don’t allow them time for self-care. This age group tends to prefer more convenient treatments such as makeup applications and quick waxing sessions.

The customer analysis for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa should also include an understanding of their spending habits, which will allow us to tailor our services and offerings accordingly. For example, Baby Boomers may be willing to pay more for luxurious treatments while Professional Women may be more interested in quick and convenient services.

By understanding our customer base and their respective spending habits, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa can successfully cater to both target demographics and develop a loyal customer base.

Competitor Analysis

Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is entering a highly competitive industry in the Miami area, with over 200 spas located within a 30-mile radius. In order to stand out from the competition and succeed, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will need to identify and analyze its main competitors.

One of the primary competitors that Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will face is La Vita Bella, a traditional spa that has recently added medical spa services to its offerings. La Vita Bella boasts a highly trained staff and offers treatments such as Botox and laser hair removal. This makes it a formidable competitor, as it can offer more specialized treatments than Miracle Rejuvenation Spa.

Another major competitor in the area is The Haven Spa, a luxurious spa with an emphasis on pampering and relaxation. This spa offers treatments such as facials, massage therapy, and body wraps. The Haven Spa is known for its impeccable customer service and high-quality products, making it a tough competitor for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa.

Finally, there is the recently opened Ultra Luxe Spa, a high-end spa that offers treatments such as facials and body scrubs. This spa has made a name for itself by providing premium services at an affordable price.

In order to stand out from these competitors, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will need to focus on offering excellent spa treatments, providing great customer service, targeting the right demographics, and utilizing technology. By focusing on these areas, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will be able to differentiate itself from its competitors and successfully establish a foothold in the industry.

The marketing plan for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will focus on the 4Ps of marketing: product, pricing, placement, and promotion.

Product : The spa offers traditional spa services such as massage therapy, waxing, facials, and body treatments. In addition to these services, they have added medical spa services such as Botox and laser hair removal to their offerings. They also offer luxury products including skincare and cosmetics that can be purchased in-store or online.

Price : The prices for each service are competitive with the local market rates but slightly higher than what is offered by some of its competitors in order to reflect the high quality of their services.

Placement : The physical location of Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is easily accessible with plenty of parking available and close to shopping centers in Miami making it a prime spot for customers looking for a luxurious experience at an affordable price point. They also have an extensive online presence through their website which allows customers to book appointments or purchase products from anywhere around the world.

Promotion : To promote their brand they will use both digital and traditional methods such as social media marketing, billboard advertising, radio spots etc., along with offering discounts during peak seasons (such as holidays or special occasions). They will also build relationships with local influencers and celebrities to help spread the word about their services.

By using a mix of marketing methods and tactics, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa can effectively promote its brand, differentiate itself from its competitors, and drive more business.

The operations plan for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will include daily operational procedures and milestones that will help demonstrate the business’s success. In order to ensure smooth operations, the spa must have well-defined processes for customer service, employee management, inventory tracking, financial management, and quality assurance.

Customer Service : Customer service is of the utmost importance for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa, so it is essential that they provide a positive customer experience. This can be achieved by having friendly and knowledgeable staff who are willing to go the extra mile for customers, providing accurate information about services and products, offering convenient online booking options, and actively responding to customer feedback.

Employee Management : Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will need to ensure that they have highly qualified and experienced staff who are able to provide the highest quality of service. They should maintain an efficient hiring process, provide adequate training for employees, and create a positive work environment.

Inventory Tracking : The spa must track its inventory in order to ensure that they have the products and services available for customers when needed. This can be achieved by keeping accurate records of inventory levels, regularly restocking items, and placing orders in advance when necessary.

Financial Management : Miracle Rejuvenation Spa must have a reliable financial management system in place to track expenses, manage payroll, and ensure that profits are maximized. This can be achieved by setting up a budget, tracking spending against the budget, and regularly reviewing financial statements to identify any discrepancies or opportunities for improvement.

Quality Assurance : Miracle Rejuvenation Spa must have a quality assurance system in place to ensure that its services meet customer expectations. This can be achieved by having a detailed procedure for each service, regularly assessing customer feedback, and taking corrective action when necessary.

By having an effective operations plan in place, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa can ensure that its services are of the highest quality and meet customer expectations. This will help them stand out from their competitors and build a loyal customer base.

The owner of Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is Alfredo Lopez. He is a passionate and experienced medical spa expert, having owned several successful day spa businesses throughout his career. With a degree in business administration and extensive experience in the spa industry, he brings unparalleled knowledge and expertise to the table. He understands that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for running a successful spa and is committed to creating tailor-made solutions that achieve maximum results.

In addition to Alfredo, the management structure includes a human resources manager, an operations manager, a marketing manager, and a finance manager. Each of these positions will be staffed with highly qualified professionals who have experience in their respective fields and are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and satisfaction to customers.

With a talented management team in place, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will be well-positioned to succeed in its target market. The team’s expertise and experience will help ensure that the day spa is operating at maximum efficiency and delivering results that are above and beyond customer expectations.

Startup Costs

In order to open its doors, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will need to make an initial investment of $150,000. This money will be used for startup costs such as renting a space, purchasing furniture and equipment, hiring staff, obtaining permits and licenses, and other related costs.

Income Sources

Once the spa is operational, income will come from customers paying for services, product sales, and membership fees. Additional revenues may be generated through promotions and special events.

The main expenses for Miracle Rejuvenation Spa will include rent and utilities, salaries for staff, inventory costs, marketing costs, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Break-Even Analysis

The spa will need to generate $125,000 in revenues each month in order to break even. This break-even point is based on monthly expenses of $100,000 and a gross profit margin of 25%.

Miracle Rejuvenation Spa has the potential to be a successful and profitable business. With a passionate and experienced owner, an experienced management team, and an effective operations plan in place, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is well-positioned to succeed in its market. The spa’s financial plan shows that it can break even with revenues of $125,000 per month, which is attainable given the popularity of medical spas and the quality of services offered by Miracle Rejuvenation Spa. With these strategies in place, Miracle Rejuvenation Spa is sure to be a successful business.

Financial Projections

Balance sheet.

[insert financial statement]

Income Statement

Cash flow statement, spa business plan example pdf.

Download our Spa business plan PDF here. This is a free spa business plan example to help you get started on your own spa plan.

How to Finish Your Spa Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your day spa business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Spa Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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How to Create a Spa Business Plan

Creating a Spa Business plan

25 April 2019

These days, an increasing number of people are seeking an escape from the stress of urban living, making spas an accessible sanctuary for them to relax and disconnect. Growing on average by 6% per year since 2013, the thriving global spa industry continues to attract entrepreneurs and investors wishing to capitalise on the segment’s outstanding growth.

Those industry players who have decided to tap into their entrepreneurial spirit and start their own spa business will most certainly begin with creating a business plan for their new facility. In this article, we cover the main steps and some industry tips to make your spa business plan a success and convert vision into a reality.

As an outline of your business’s future, not only should a good business plan demonstrate knowledge of business implementation and critical analysis of the industry, it should give a clear roadmap through each stage of spa development, potentially helping to secure the necessary funding for the project.

To create a spa business plan, you need to:

Describe your business.

The first section of the spa business plan should focus on the basics about your company, its vision, and customer service philosophy. Consider including your company’s name, address and contact information, some details about your business structure, the purpose of the organisation, as well as the business owners, their experience and unique attributes. 

Know Your Market

Knowing that your product is commercially viable is the key to the success of any business, and spas are no exception. This section should include a thorough analysis of the local spa market in terms of size, consumer trends, and growth potential, outlining success factors and opportunities your spa can tap into. An analysis of local competitors will not only help you understand the current and future competitive environment in which the spa will operate, but also identify the niche in the market your property can fill. The competitors’ treatment menus, packages, average fees, facility size, fitness offering, interior design schemes, and the development pipeline should all be examined to ensure your spa concept is well-positioned to achieve a significant market share and long-term growth. The findings of the competitive analysis should be used to derive your spa’s competitive advantage and unique selling points.

SEE ALSO: Market Research & Feasibility

Know Your Customer

Being specific when identifying a target market helps the spa tailor its offering to the preferences of potential consumers and develop effective marketing communications strategies. An excessively broad or vague definition of a target market will cost the business a lot of time and money and raise the risk of diluting the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts. Thus, when defining potential customer profiles, consider the following: Where is the spa located? How active is tourism in the area? What are the demographics of your potential customer pool? Taking into account gender, age, buying power, travel, and wellness preferences will help assess how well they match with the facilities and services offered at the spa.

Create a Marketing Plan

Describing how to reach target consumers and promote spa services is an essential part of the business plan. This section should outline all the methods used to market the spa internally and externally – email marketing, social media, review sites such as TripAdvisor, and industry events. In the case of hotel and resort spas, internal marketing is aimed at guests staying at the hotel or resort where the spa is located. For example, packaging a spa experience with accommodation and dining offerings is an easy way to get hotel guests acquainted with spa treatments and facilities. Other strategies that help achieve target in-house capture and ultimately increase spa revenue may include guest recognition and referral programmes and on-property marketing initiatives, such as hotel newsletters and promotions. To boost external capture, partnerships with tour operators, concierge networking events, advertisements in local magazines and blogger outreach can be considered.

SEE ALSO: 9 Powerful Psychological Techniques to Boost Your Spa Sales and Customer Satisfaction

SEE ALSO: Advanced Social Media Strategies for Spas

Plan a Treatment Menu

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

Based on your target market’s preferences and findings from the competitive analysis, determine the appropriate number and mix of treatments the spa will offer, including any specialties (e.g. hair and nail care, medical spa services, or aesthetics), and note how the customer experience at your spa will differ from that of the competitors. Consider how these services can be packaged, for instance, into couple or bridal programmes. Generally, it is recommended to keep the number of treatments at below 20 to guarantee a high quality of service and therapists’ treatment expertise. At this stage, it is also crucial to make sure the right equipment is in place to support these services, and associated capital investments are accounted for in financial planning. 

SEE ALSO: Spa Pre-Opening Services & Training

Find Your Management Team

Skilful and experienced personnel is key to the success of the spa. This section of the business plan should outline spa service providers, including therapists, aestheticians and stylists among others, and include a brief overview of their qualifications, such as licensing information, years of experience, and areas of expertise. Professional biographies and credentials of the executive team can also be included.

Define an Operations Plan

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

A detailed day-to-day plan should be used to outline the critical milestones and activities needed to run the business. Indicate the team members responsible for each task, including service, administrative and support personnel. For instance, the Spa Manager would oversee spa daily operations and maintenance, handle record-keeping, employee scheduling, stock purchasing, and any facility management issues that may arise.

SEE ALSO: Spa Management Services

Establish a Financial Plan

Poor planning and a lack of funds are in many instances the cause of a business’s failure to survive during the first few years of operation. Therefore, the importance of deriving your development costs, sources of financing and potential earnings cannot be underestimated. The business plan should outline the spa’s revenue and cost drivers, capital requirements and use of funds, and a performance forecast in the form of a five-year financial statement.

To estimate spa revenue, consider the capture rate for each guest segment, the number of treatments performed daily and the appropriate treatment pricing (in line with spa positioning and the competitive environment). In addition, estimate revenue generated from the sale of spa products.

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

On the cost side, determine the cost of sale, salaries, operating expenses (including but not limited to linen replacement, complimentary services and gifts, commissions, office supplies, training, spa software license, uniforms, housekeeping items, equipment maintenance, and laundry), as well as marketing and promotions.

Prepare an Executive Summary

Last but not least, a one- or two-page summary of the spa business plan should be included at the beginning, highlighting essential takeaways from each section.


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Beauty Salon and Day Spa Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Beauty Care Industry » Beauty Salon

Beauty Salon Business

Are you about starting a beauty salon and spa? If YES, here’s a complete sample day Spa business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a beauty salon and spa. We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample beauty salon and spa marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for beauty salon and spas. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

It is true that one have got to eke out a living, but, it is even more important to know that all work and no relaxing could deal a sad blow on the body.

This is one of the reasons why there has been a rise in the spa business all over the world. In America for instance, there are loads of day spas and health spas, which see to it that customers are given the best services that will give you one of the best experiences yet.

One of the ways through which you could capture the hearts of all and sundry and get them coming over and over again, is helping them de-stress from the hectic day to day schedules. This is one of the things that those who already run a spa business have at the back of their minds.

They know that one of the ultimate reasons   why they are in business is to make life easier for people. Here is a sample spa business plan that will help you effectively write yours without much hassle.

A Sample Beauty Salon & Day Spa Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

In the united states of America there is always the need to work so as take care of the basic needs of life. Some folks get to work round the clock with little or no time left for them to take care of their selves. Some do not even mind looking the way they are, since there isn’t ample time to take a second look at how they are.

Yet others wouldn’t mind to muster some little time to pamper their selves. These set of people are the types that do not mind to visit a spa or have a spa attendant come home for a massage. They do not even mind to pay a premium to have all these services and more.

Over the years we have come to see that the spa business have continued to be on the rise, as the demand for it continues to increase. One of the very good things about this trade is the ability to have a spa attendant come for a private service.

In the past this used to be an issue, as some attendants were skeptical. However, today, it is a different ball game entirely, as the spa business have become a no holds barred type of service rendering business. It is no wonder that very business upwardly mobile people can rest assured that they can get the best of spa services.

Starting a spa just like every other business needs for one to be thoroughly calculative. This is because of the need to start on a right footing.

Steps like renting or buying a facility to use, procuring the various equipment that is needed, finding the right employees, as well as getting the required skills involved in starting a spa business, are just some of the hurdles that must be scaled. Nonetheless, there are other very technical steps that have to be cancelled out too.

It is also very important that in running a spa business successfully, there has to be a flexible payment option for customers to use. It is important to state that these days, Spa business also provide some other services asides from the typical spa.

Some go as far as having a drink and food lounge, where customers can unwind whilst they wait, or even after being serviced.

For the spa owners these are also other areas through which they are able to generate more funds for profitability and for running the business to grow successfully. When starting a Spa business, it becomes important to choose a location that is close to a boutique, hair salon or nail salon. This is o that there would be ample opportunity to attract the kind of people that want spa services.

2. Executive Summary

LaCozy Spa World is a new classy neighborhood in Maryland, Washington DC. It promises an all-round day spa experience.

We offer four classy, ultra- chic treatment rooms with premium spa linens and equipment. Our massage styles are second to none, as we offer the very best. They include; the traditional Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Deep Tissue work, Pregnancy, Sports, Reflexology, amongst many others.

We also have very effective facial and body treatments. We have also got the latest anti-aging products and techniques that can effectively meet the needs of our clients. As a matter of fact, we are specifically located near hair and nail salon, so that we are able to attract clients who would also be in need of spa services.

LaCozy Spa World is a standard Spa lounge in a 4,000 square feet facility. It is therefore no joke to say that we have one of the biggest spas with the latest products and service techniques in Mary land Washington Dc. We have got the very best of attendants who have been well trained to make clients visit a worthwhile and fun packed one.

We have a posh and classy environment that can attract all and sundry to come have a taste of what it means to run an ultra- chic spa. Furthermore, we have gifts for each customer who come to patronize us. Our Spa will be open from 8 a.m. and close 10 p.m. from Mondays to Thursdays, and will run a   24 hour service from Friday to Sunday.

We decided to operate in this format because from our market survey and feasibility studies, we realized that customers have the most flexible time schedules during the weekends. It is pertinent to state that we have the finest DJs in the house every single day of the week, who have been trained to serenade the clients whilst they get serviced.

LaCozy Spa World has well trained employees who have hands on skills, as to how to give clients the very best. It is no wonder that out Mantra at LaCozy is customers first. Our products are majorly organic, and so customers can rest assured, knowing that there wouldn’t be any reaction whatsoever on their skin.

Whether it is the male folks, or the women folks, or even children, bottom line is that we have what it takes to leave them smiling and satisfied. Our bar attendants and those who man our restaurant arm of business, have the best of drinks and foods that can leave them satisfied.

One of the things that most clients look out for in a spas, is the level coziness; we have therefore done adequate research in that area , which is why we have spent quite a lot in making our Spa really beautiful and conducive. Our state of the art facility in Maryland Washington Dc, USA is so attractive that people who our services need cannot but walk in because we use the latest technology in the industry.

Our excellent customer service is second to none, as we have exhaustively trained our employees to know that customer is king in this trade. Furthermore, LaCozy Span World is owned and managed by Madame Helen Oakwood and her family.

She is the financier, and she functions as developer and manager for LaCozy Spa World. She has been a business administrator and sales professional for over 1o years, with a track record that speaks volume. She has worked as a manager in one of the leading Spas in Washington DC. After her retirement there, she decided it was time to start her own business.

3. Our Products and Services

At LaCozy Spa World, our paramount aim is to give our clients an all-round experience so that they do not have to look elsewhere. As such, this is one of the reasons why we propose to offer a wide range of services offered by licensed therapists and aestheticians that would keep our clients asking for more.

Our Ultra- chic facility and ambience sure does promises a lot. Some of the services and amenities that we offer to clients include the following that have been listed below. These are the services and amenities that will be made available to our customers;

  • Therapeutic Massage Services
  • Body Treatments
  • Anti-aging Treatments

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our Vision is to be the number one Spa Lounge in Washington DC.
  • Our mission is to run a money-making business by offering therapeutic massage and aesthetician services in a gentle, classy, professional setting.

Our Business Structure

LaCozy Spa World is set to become one of the leading Spas in Maryland, Washington DC. As such, there would be the need to lay down a solid business structure foundation. This is so that we are able to meet and even surpass our expectation.

We do not intended to take our customers for granted, which is why we are set to make excellent customer our watch word. In realizing this, we know that hiring the best hands would deliver. Web also will lay emphasis on giving our employees a thorough training.

Essentially, we want to build a dedicated workforce that will work together to help the organization achieve its projections. This is so because we know that with the right structure in place, we are able to build systems and structures that will make the business even run on autopilot.LaCozy Spa World will employ skilled people to occupy the following position;

  • Manager (Owner)
  • Accountant/Cashier
  • Marketing Officer

Spa Attendant


  • Coffee and Bar Manager

Restaurant Manager

  • Security Guard

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Manager (Owner):

  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for recruitment
  • Responsible for payment of salaries
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Responsible for managing the daily activities at the Laundromat
  • Ensures that the facility is in tip top shape and conducive enough to welcome customers
  • Prepares budget and reports for the organization
  • Responsible for Training and Development in the organization
  • Handles procurement
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team hires

Marketing Officer (2)

  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Documents all customer contact and information.
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps increase sales and growth for the company
  • Manages the company’s CRM system
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Sees to it that clients are attended to and on time
  • Books clients for massage sessions
  • Passes information to the aesthetician about clients
  • Reaches out to clients when information needs to reach them
  • Takes and book clients for massage sessions
  • Carries out all massage styles and formula on the clients
  • Makes sure they are satisfied at all times
  • Makes sure that all beauty and massage therapies are body friendly.

Coffee Café and Snacks Bar Manager:

  • Interacts with customers, take orders for coffee and snacks.
  • Responsible for preparing different flavor and style of coffee for customers
  • Makes lists of supplies in conjunction with the bar manager
  • Ensures that each cup of coffee that leaves the kitchen is tailor made and meet the request of each customer
  • Responsible for quality control
  • Assesses customers’ needs and preferences and make recommendations
  • Makes lists of supplies in conjunction with the management
  • Prepares inventory or purchase requisitions as needed to replenish supplies.
  • Ensures that the assigned bar area is fully equipped with tools and products needed for Mixing beverages and serving guests.
  • Interacts with customers, take orders for food.
  • Responsible for preparing different flavor and style of food for customers
  • Makes lists of supplies
  • Ensures that each meal that leaves the kitchen is tailor made and meet the request of each customer
  • Ensures that the assigned restaurant area is fully equipped with tools and products needed for whipping up meals and serving guests.


  • Moves round the machines to collect payment after each working shift
  • Prepares financial report at the end of every working week
  • Handles all financial transaction on behalf of the company
  • Interfaces with our bankers
  • Responsible for payment of tax, levies and utility bills
  • Handles any other duty as assigned by the manager
  • Mops the floors
  • Wipes down the machines
  • Cleans the soap dispensers in your front-load washers
  • Washes off the folding tables
  • Cleans the bathroom
  • Empties the trash
  • Washes the windows
  • Cleans the vending machines, change machines and video game screens

Security Guards

  • Ensures that the facility is secured at all time
  • Controls traffic and organize parking
  • Gives security tips to staff members from time to time
  • Patrols around the building on a 24 hours basis
  • Submits security reports weekly
  • Handles any other duty as assigned by the restaurant manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Without a shadow of doubt, starting a Spa indeed needs loads of cash, and this especially applies to aspiring entrepreneurs who may not have huge sum of money saved up in a bank. We know that loads of cash is vital in the setting up of a standard Spa business, which is why we decided to do all that is required to build a profitable business.

As such, we are taking meticulous steps in seeing that we do the needful. Part of the needful step required to be taken, is conducting a SWOT Analysis.

It is for that reason that we employed the services of Mr. Adolphus Nettune, an HR and Business consultant who is renowned for the trade, to help us conduct SWOT analysis for our company and he did a pretty good job for us. Here is a of the result we got from the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of LaCozy Spa World;

LaCozy Spa World is centrally located where there are salons and nail studios. We see this as a strength, as we will be able to attract clients who might as well need to be massaged, pampered, amongst others.

We believe that locating our business in Maryland, Washington Dc would eventually work out for good as we look to attract a great deal of people. Yet another strength is the fact that we have equipment that are second to none and the equipment will help us give our clients the best of services.

The weakness of LaCozy Spa World can be said to be the fact that it is a new business, which is owned by an individual (a small family), and we may not have the financial capacity to sustain the kind of publicity that can give us leverage.

  • Opportunities:

We are centrally located in one of the busiest areas of, Maryland, Washington DC and we are open to all the available opportunities that the city has to offer. Our business concept has us positioned in such a way that we will attract all and sundry.

One of the major threats that confronts businesses all over the world is economic downturn; when the economy is bad it affects consumers spending which in turn impacts businesses negatively. Another threat that may likely just affect us is the competition which is found in the spa industry.

Every day, more and more people are going into the industry, and we dare add that only the strong will survive, which is why we are working hard to position ourself in a way that makes everyone want to check us out.


  • Market Trends

The ability for spa business owners to continue to seek out ways to serve their clients in the most appropriate ways is one of the keys to attracting loads of clients. This is where a beauty salon & spa marketing plan comes in handy. One of the ways that this is done is by having additional complementary services to their business offerings.

It is for this reason that once a Spa is classy, conducive and relaxing, then profit is assured because people would always want to check the services out. It is also as a result of this that we at LaCozy Spa World have some additional services, like a drink bar; where clients, or even their family or friends can hand out and wait for them whilst they get their bodies massaged and cared for.

Also there is a Karaoke session that allows our in- house DJ to entertain folks. We have also got a restaurant that would offer great meals for the delight of customers. In Maryland, Washington DC for instance; there are only a few people offering these services and so we want to key into the trend.

Yet another thing that can be attributed as one of the success factor, as can be observed about other successful existing Spa, is the fact that they have invested quite a lot in making the Spa Facility a haven to behold. We have also keyed into the trend and we have succeeded in making the interior and exterior   a classy one indeed.

8. Our Target Market

Before arriving at the place that would be suitable for our ultra- chic Spa, we conducted our feasibility studies and market survey and we were able to identify those who will benefit greatly from our service offerings.

As a result we found that Maryland, Washington DC just might be our best bet, as we are sure to attract upwardly mobile people, working class folks, as well as non- working class people.  Hence, these are the category of people that we intend marketing our Spa business to;

  • Busy Corporate Executives
  • House Wives
  • Business Owners
  • Visitors/Travelers

Our competitive advantage

From our recently concluded feasibility studies and market survey, we observed that the competition sure is a stiffer one because there are quite a number of people who run spas around where we are located. It is for this reason that we have added some more services like the drink bar, restaurant and the Karaoke lounge, because we know that there are only a very few who measures up to want we want to offer.

Yet another competitive advantage we have over others is that we have a standard Spa facility that offers additional complementary services that will definitely help us attract and retain customers. We are categorically hopeful that we have a state of the art Spa facility with the best massage techniques ever.

We also have an advantage because of the type of products we offer our clients, which has no side effect at all. We know how harmful some chemicals can be, that is why we have keyed into using organic products.


  • Sources of Income

LaCozy Spa World will generate income from the following service offerings;

  • Offering massages
  • Offering skin therapies
  • Sale of organic beauty products
  • home services

10. Sales Forecast

It is important to state that our sales forecast is based on the data gathered during our feasibility studies and also some of the assumptions readily available on the field with reference to similar business in Maryland, Washington DC.

We know that we are well positioned and we will definitely attract clients that will not only patronize our spa, but clients that will patronize our bar and restaurant. This means that we will generate additional income from these sources.

Below is the sales projection for our business, it is based on the location of our LaCozy Spa World and the type of services and products that we will be offering;

  • First Year-: $80,000
  • Second Year-: $120,000
  • Third Year-: $180,000

N.B: This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any Spa offering same additional services like us within 4.5 miles radius from our facility.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Essentially, the marketing strategies which we will adopt will be such that can guarantee us a great turn over. Furthermore, our sales strategies is going to be driven basically by making available an ultra- chic facility, excellent customer service and provision of complementary services.

We will be on our toes all the time to make sure that we build a loyal customer base. These customers are such that will always patronize us over and over again and as well help us use word of mouth publicity to get their friends and acquaintance to patronize us.

We want to drive sales through using really effective organic products, excellent services, so that we can surpass the expectations of the clients we are able to attract overtime. We shall also keep our clients glued to us by the constant trainings which we will give to our employees so that they can continue being at the plateau of their skills.

Over and above, our unique selling proposition is that we have various complementary service offerings such as a drink bar, Karaoke lounge, restaurant, as well as the massage techniques we have to offer. We make bold to say that there aren’t too many people who are into Spa business, the way want to run ours.

In view of that, we are going to adopt the following strategies to ensure that we do not only attract customers but ensure that they become loyal customer. Part of the marketing and sales strategies that we will adopt are;

  • Open LaCozy Spa World with a loud party. We shall also offer free trial for all our visitors for the first three days of launching the business.
  • Advertise our Spa business on national dailies, local TV stations and local radio station
  • Promote LaCozy Spa World online via our official website and all available social media platforms
  • Continuously Improving the performance of our brands
  • Hire the services of experts to make our brands the first choice for in Washington DC
  • Delivering consistent customer experiences to all our guest; making our first impression count positively
  • Make use of attractive hand bills to create awareness and also to give direction to our state of the art facility.
  • Adopt direct mailing coupon marketing approach
  • Position our signage/flexi banners at strategic places
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our regular customers
  • Engage on road shows within our neighborhood to create awareness for our business.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We are aware of the power of publicity and advertisement for new businesses like ours which is why we created a budget that will help us access various publicity and advertising platforms that will enable us reach out to our potential market.

At LaCozy Spa World, we will ensure that we leverage on all conventional and non – conventional publicity and advertising technique to promote our business. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise LaCozy Spa World;

  • Encourage our loyal customers to help us use Word of Mouth mode of advertisement (referrals)
  • Advertise our Laundromat business in relevant magazines- beauty and non-beauty magazines, local newspaper, local TV stations and local radio station.
  • Promote our Spa business online via our official website
  • List our Spa business on local directories (yellow pages)
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, et al to promote our brand
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations
  • Direct coupon mailing approach
  • Engage in road show from time to time
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas all around Las, Vegas.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

At LaCozy Spa World, our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the industry, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than our competitors are offering in the city we are located.

Be that as it may, the management of LaCozy Spa World have put plans in place to offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us. The prices of our products (Organic skin care products, drinks, foods, amongst others) will be same as what is obtainable in any part of the United States of America.

  • Payment Options

Basically, we have put in place different receiving payments options; especially for our complimentary service offerings. In other words, our payment policy is going to be all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that will be available in every of our pub;

  • Payment by cash /coins
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine
  • Payment via online bank transfer (online payment portal)
  • Payment via Mobile money

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our payment plans without any difficulty.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

This is the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital on;

  • The Total Fee for Registering the Business in Maryland, Washington DC – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses (Health department license and business license) and permits (Fire department permit, Air and water pollution control permit, and Sign permit et al) – $4,500.
  • Marketing promotion expenses (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • Cost for hiring Consultant – $2,000.
  • Insurance (general liability, theft, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $30,800.
  • Cost of accounting software, CRM software and Payroll Software – $3,000
  • Cost for leasing facility for the Spa – $70,000.
  • Cost for facility remodeling – $50,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery – $1000)
  • Phone and Utilities (gas, sewer, water and electric) deposits – ($3,500).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $40,000
  • The cost for Start-up inventory – $15,000
  • Storage hardware (bins, utensil rack, shelves, glasses case) – $2,720
  • The cost for Washer hook-up fees (sewer connection) – $800
  • Cost for serving area equipment for Bar and Restaurant( glasses, flatware) – $5,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, toys, vacuum cleaner, tables and chairs et al) – $30,000.
  • The cost of Launching a Website – $600
  • The cost for our grand opening party – $5,500
  • Miscellaneous supplies (cleaning supplies, soap, invoices for wash-and-fold, bathroom supplies, etc.) – $10,000

We would need an estimate of $1 million to successfully launch our Spa business in Washington DC Please note that the startup cost is higher than the average startup cost for a Spa business simply because we intend adding a bar, and restaurant.

Generating Funding/Startup Capital for LaCozy Spa World

LaCozy Spa world is a family business and it will be financed by the owner who is also the Laundromat manager. These are the areas where we intend sourcing for fund for LaCozy Spa World;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the start – up capital from family members and friends (soft loans)
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

LaCozy Spa World is set to become the number Spa business in the whole of Washington DC, which is why we took our time to craft out business plan that will help us sustain the business , as well as grow the business. Part of the plans we have in place to sustain our business is that we will have efficient machines and equipment.

We will also continue to deliver quality services, improvise on how to do things faster and cheaper. We are not going to relent in providing conducive environment for our workers and also the required trainings that will help them deliver excellent services at all times.

We are quite aware that our customers are key component to the growth and survival of our business hence we are going to continuously engage them to give us ideas on how to serve them better. We will not waste time in diversifying our services; expand our products and service offerings once the need arises.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit licenses ( Health department license and business license, Fire department permit, Air and water pollution control permit, and Sign permit et al ): Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Acquiring facility and remodeling the facility: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • writing of business plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of Massaging machines and: In Progress
  • Purchase of furniture and gadgets (Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, video games, toys, vacuum cleaner, tables and chairs et al): In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: Completed
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and in the neighborhood: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – suppliers of all our needed laundry accessories, drinks, and tobacco et al: In Progress

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Successful salon and spa packages: 6 ideas and examples

Get ready to boost your business's sales volume with these successful salon and spa package examples.

Successful salon and spa packages: 6 ideas and examples

Content Marketing Manager

Salon and spa packages offer an accessible way to boost upfront payments and increase client satisfaction. To help spark inspiration and bolster your business’s bundles, we have collected successful package examples from six creative Mangomint users.

Compatible service packages

While most individual salon or spa treatments can have an impact, it often takes a careful combination of services to achieve the results that clients are looking for. By bundling these related services, you can boost your bottom line while improving your client experiences (and potentially earning more positive reviews ).

1 ) Service package examples: Meraki Medical Aesthetics

Meraki Medical Aesthetics (of Edmonton, AB) leverages this approach, offering packages that help clients get the most out of every appointment. Let’s explore two of their service packages, one targeting a single treatment area and another combining separate (yet harmonious) treatment areas.

Relax & Rejuvenate Package ($275)

The Relax & Rejuvenate Package includes the business’s most popular facial treatments. When combined, these treatments work together to create an elevated effect on the skin:

Goddess Facial

Dermaplaning Express

Radiofrequency Eye Tightening

By taking advantage of this package deal, clients can expect sculpted, refreshed, and illuminated skin — offering a more comprehensive outcome than any individual service treatment.

Bronzed and Beaming Package ($180)

Meraki Medical Aesthetics also perfectly pairs different services with their Bronzed and Beaming package. This bundle includes:

NUDA Spray Tan (Rapid or Original)

Beaming White Teeth Whitening Service

Not only does this offer an elevated client experience, but the effect of strategic pairings could also enhance the appearance of your services. For example, the contrast between skin bronzing and teeth whitening may help both services appear more effective than they might individually.

Meraki Medical Aesthetics has a range of other packages you can explore on their website here .

Sell memberships and packages

Sell memberships and packages

Learn how Mangomint can help seamlessly sell your memberships and packages with intuitive software features.

Hourly service packages

As the name suggests, businesses that offer hourly services (like massages, saunas, salt caves, and more) can benefit from selling packages by the hour. This approach helps incentivize client loyalty and supports more service volume for your business.

2 ) Hourly package example: Ideal Massage

Ideal Massage (of Wesley Chapel and Lutz, FL) offers hourly package sales as an alternative to traditional massage memberships. These advantageous packages allow clients to roll over, transfer, and break up their pre-purchase — giving the business an edge over corporate massage chains. They also reward clients with a lower hourly rate for bulk purchases:

2 hours: $216 (10% off, $108/hour)

3 hours: $288 (20% off, $96/hour)

5 hours: $420 (30% off, $84/hour)

10 hours: $720 (40% off, $72/hour)

15 hours: $900 (50% off, $60/hour)

The Ideal Massage site also explains how you can exchange 30-minute service values for appointment upgrades, creating a seamless workaround for custom treatment options. You can read more about Ideal Massage’s incredible offerings here .

Day spa packages

Many clients would love to indulge in a full spa day but may need help getting started. Day spas can leverage this opportunity with package deals, helping your clients make the most of their spa day with incredible deals while boosting your bottom line.

3) Day spa package example: Lotus Day Spa and Salon

Lotus Day Spa and Salon (of Yuma, AZ) displays how you can creatively format service packages to make things easy for you and your clients. While this business offers a wide selection of incredible packages, let’s explore the ingenuity of their Radiance Day Spa Package.

Radiance Spa Day Package ($430)

Clients get to choose one spa treatment or service from each of the following three categories:

1) Rejuvenate

Deluxe Hydroglow facial

Volume lash extensions


1/2 syringe of Versa filler

20 units of Botox or Jeuveau

Full highlight or Balayage

Chemical peel

50-minute facial

Acne facial

Custom facial

60-minute massage

Seasonal IV

Classic Pedicure

AVEDA scalp or conditioning treatment

Top Lip Flip

Brow lamination

Express mini lash extensions

Their impressive spa day packages also include a spa lunch with a choice of beverage and dessert, offering a complete experience for clients and sweetening this deal even further. You can view more incredible package inspiration from Lotus Day Spa here .

how to write a business plan for a beauty spa

4) Day spa package example: The Hidden Spa

The Hidden Spa (of Statesville, NC) takes a creative approach to its packages that help the value and benefits strike home. This day spa bundles a combination of luxury services, add-ons, upgrades, access to in-house amenities (like the sauna and Relaxation Lounge), beverages, and products all wrapped into single-day spa packages.

Queen Bee Lux Package ($397)

While they have countless impressive packages for clients to choose from, the Queen Bee Lux Package seems to capture this business’s remarkable range, including:

60-minute Body Treatment with steam towels and warm massage oil,

Mineral Foot Soak

60-minute Gold Mineral Facial with Honey Mask

Lip Treatment with a take-home lip balm

Relaxation Lounge access


Sauna access

The Hidden Spa also prompts clients to contact the business about custom service packages, making their options limitless. You can view their impressive selection of packages here .

Treatment-based service packages

Some salon or spa services require several treatments before clients can expect results. Selling these services as a package increases the likelihood that clients will continue their treatments.

5) Beauty spa treatment package examples: Peaches + Co

Peaches + Co. (of St. Johns, FL) leverages this insight with their creative specials, including curated packages that are sure to drive sales. Let’s explore two of their treatment-based package options:

Acne Boot Camp (Custom Pricing)

Peaches + Co. offers a noteworthy 50% discount on acne consultation and treatments when purchasing an Acne Boot Camp Program comprising six treatments.

As the name suggests, this package encompasses the vigorous approach many acne sufferers need to finally achieve a solution that works for them. By bundling all of these services together, Peaches + Co. can help encourage clients to fulfill their complete treatment needs.

Laser Hair Removal Package (Custom Pricing)

Clients also get a sizable 50% discount when purchasing a laser hair removal package of eight services — which is the same number of consecutive treatments most clients need to see results.

Peaches + Co. does a beautiful job highlighting this value proposition, both with the sizable discount and detailing how its in-house equipment helps set the treatment apart.

You can view these packages and other promotions on the Peaches + Co. specials page for more information.

Get your free package agreement template

Get your free package agreement template

Package agreements can help protect your business from costly payment disputes. Read more in our article below and download our free template to help you get started!

Event-based service packages

Notable e vents (including holidays, weddings, and birthdays) often call clients to salon and spa services. Creating packages tailored to the occasion can help take the guesswork out of client decision-making, giving them less to worry about during the busy seasons of their lives. It can also help you seamlessly upsell the add-ons your clients might not know they need for the big day.

This option is perfect for nail salons , spas , hair salons , and other beauty businesses .

6 ) Wedding package examples: Coco Med Spa

Coco Med Spa (of St. Petersburg, FL) has seasonal specials alongside carefully curated wedding packages that are offered year-round. Let’s explore two of the impressive wedding packages they offer.

The Ultimate Wedding Package ($1,850)

The Ultimate Wedding Package bundles six months’ worth of medical spa treatments leading up to a bride or groom’s wedding day. This package includes:

6 Skinceuticals Facials

1 Aquagold Facial

1 Lash Lift

1 Tox Treatment in 3 target treatment areas

Their s pecialists can help time client appointments to ensure the best possible results for the big day.

The Essential Wedding Package ($900)

The Essential Wedding Package offers three months’ worth of treatments leading up to the big day, including:

3 Skinceuticals Facials

15% off one-time skincare purchase

Coco Med Spa also has seasonal holiday packages, which demonstrate how versatile packages can be. View their creative specials here .

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Sell salon and spa packages with Mangomint

Mangomint’s salon and spa management software has the features you need to successfully manage your business’s operations. In addition to advanced support for memberships and packages, Mangomint offers Payroll Processing , email marketing , online scheduling , staff management , client management , payment processing , and so much more. You can schedule a demo or start your free trial to get started today!

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Salon business plan

What is a salon business.

A salon business provides personalised beauty services focusing on hair, skin, and body care. This type of  business typically operates in a physical location where clients receive treatments such as haircuts, styling, colouring, facial, nail care, and various aesthetic enhancements. Salons can range from small, independent businesses to part of larger chains or franchises. They play a crucial role in the beauty industry, continually adapting to evolving fashion trends and customer preferences. By offering a combination of services, expert advice, and a relaxing environment, salons not only help individuals look their best but also boost confidence and promote well-being, making them integral to personal grooming and self-care markets.

Why salon business is important

The salon business plays a vital role in both the economy and society for several key reasons:

  • Personal well-being and confidence: Salons provide services that enhance physical appearance, which can significantly boost self-esteem and personal confidence. Looking good often translates to feeling good, which is essential for mental and emotional well-being.
  • Employment opportunities: As a prevalent sector in the beauty industry, salons create numerous jobs, from hairdressers and nail technicians to beauty therapists and administrative roles. This makes it a critical industry for local job markets.
  • Economic impact: The salon industry contributes significantly to the economy through various channels, including local business revenue, taxes, and product sales. It is a robust sector with consistent client demand.
  • Innovation and trends: Salons are at the forefront of introducing and implementing new beauty trends and products. They are pivotal in shaping beauty standards and consumer behaviours within the fashion industry.
  • Community hub: Salons often serve as community centres where clients interact and socialise, fostering a sense of community and belonging. This aspect can be particularly pronounced in smaller towns and neighbourhoods.

By delivering both aesthetic and therapeutic services, salon businesses not only support economic development but also enhance individual and community well-being.

How to start a salon business in India

Starting a salon business in India involves several strategic steps to ensure success:

  • Market research: Analyse local market conditions, understand customer preferences, and study competitors.
  • Business model: Decide whether to start a new salon, buy a franchise, or acquire an existing business.
  • Location: Choose a location that is accessible and visible, preferably in areas with high foot traffic.
  • Business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan detailing your services, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections.
  • Funding: Estimate start-up costs and operational expenses. Consider applying for a business loan if additional funding is needed.
  • Licensing and registration: Obtain all necessary permits and registrations required by local laws and regulations.
  • Interior design: Design a welcoming and functional space that enhances the customer experience.
  • Staffing: Hire experienced and professional stylists, beauticians, and support staff.
  • Equipment and supplies: Invest in high-quality salon equipment and beauty products.
  • Marketing and promotion: Implement marketing strategies to attract and retain customers, such as social media advertising, discounts, and loyalty programs.

Documents required for starting a salon business

Several critical documents are needed to start a salon business legally and efficiently:

  • Business registration: Register your salon as a legal entity (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company).
  • GST registration: Obtain a GST number for billing and tax purposes.
  • Trade licence: Acquire a trade license from the local municipal authority.
  • Professional licences: Ensure all employed professionals hold valid licences (for example, cosmetology licences).
  • Fire safety certificate: This is mandatory for businesses where customers visit the premises.
  • Health and sanitation permits: Obtain from local health departments to ensure compliance with hygiene standards.
  • Insurance: Secure business insurance to cover liability and property damage.
  • Lease agreement: If renting, a lease agreement is necessary for the location.
  • Employee agreements and identification documents: Maintain proper records for all employees.
  • Utility bills: Keep a record of utility bill setups under the business name.

Starting and running a salon business offers a rewarding opportunity to delve into the creative and lucrative world of beauty and personal care. With thorough planning, adherence to regulatory requirements, and effective management, a salon can become a thriving hub for beauty services. For aspiring salon owners who require financial support to launch or expand, a  business loan can provide the necessary capital to cover startup costs, purchase equipment, or finance expansion efforts, paving the way for business growth and success.

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    Thank You. $10 USD in 1 day. 4.5 (9 reviews) 4.0. 4.0. @TopWritingGuru. Beauty Spa Startup Plan for Women My name is Rabia Faisal, I am working in the writing industry since 2011. During this time, I have served countless clients with a full amount of satisfaction by providing them with TOP Quality Solutions.

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    MINDBODY Processing is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA. MINDBODY Processing is a registered ISO/Agent of Elavon, Inc. Georgia. Explore the fitness, wellness, and beauty experiences that move you and see why businesses rely on Mindbody software to grow their brands.

  30. B. NATURAL

    Specialties: Welcome to b. Natural, the go-to med spa in Denver, CO, where natural beauty meets advanced skincare. As a board-certified nurse practitioner, our shop owner is dedicated to providing you with top-notch treatments for a radiant, youthful glow. From Botox and fillers to microneedling and dermatology-grade skincare treatments, we tailor each plan to enhance your unique beauty. Be ...