Top 16 Shipping Clerk Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 15, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a concise statement that outlines your professional goals and ambitions. As a shipping clerk, your objective should reflect the skills and experience you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job. When writing a resume objective for a shipping clerk position, consider what makes you stand out from other applicants. Focus on specific qualifications such as knowledge of inventory control systems, familiarity with shipping regulations, or experience in customer service. Make sure to include relevant keywords from the job description in order to demonstrate your understanding of the role. For example: “Experienced shipping clerk seeking to leverage 5+ years of expertise in inventory control systems, customer service, and regulatory compliance to ensure efficient operations at ABC Logistics.” This statement clearly highlights your qualifications while providing a strong sense of direction for future goals.

Shipping Clerk Resume Example

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Top 16 Shipping Clerk Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a Shipping Clerk utilizing my strong organizational and communication skills.
  • To utilize my experience in shipping and receiving to become an effective Shipping Clerk.
  • Seeking a Shipping Clerk role to apply my knowledge of logistics and customer service.
  • To secure a position as a Shipping Clerk where I can use my excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Shipping Clerk in order to contribute to the success of the organization.
  • To obtain employment as a Shipping Clerk where I can maximize my knowledge of warehouse operations.
  • Seeking an entry-level position as a Shipping Clerk that will allow me to develop further skills and experience.
  • Motivated individual seeking the opportunity to work as a Shipping Clerk in order to provide quality service and support.
  • Aiming for a challenging role as a Shipping Clerk, utilizing my exceptional organizational and multitasking abilities.
  • Applying for the role of Shipping Clerk with the goal of providing superior customer service while meeting deadlines efficiently.
  • To acquire an entry-level position as a Shipping Clerk that will enable me to gain valuable experience in the field.
  • Desire to join an organization where I can use my expertise in shipping procedures and customer service as a Shipping Clerk.
  • Eagerness to be part of an esteemed organization by taking up the role of Shipping Clerk and delivering excellent results.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a dedicated Shipping Clerk, applying my knowledge of inventory control systems and processes.
  • To obtain employment with your company as a reliable, hardworking, and detail-oriented shipping clerk who is committed to excellence in all areas of performance.
  • Seeking an entry-level position at your company where I can apply my knowledge of shipping regulations, safety protocols, and customer service best practices as your next shipping clerk

How to Write a Shipping Clerk Resume Objective

A shipping clerk resume objective is an important part of any job application. It serves as a concise introduction to your skills, qualifications and experience, giving potential employers an insight into what you can bring to the role. Crafting an effective shipping clerk resume objective requires careful consideration of your particular strengths and how they align with the job requirements.

When writing a shipping clerk resume objective, begin by researching the role and company in order to identify key competencies required for success. This will allow you to tailor your objective more directly to the position, demonstrating that you have taken the time to understand their needs. It is also important to keep your statement succinct – around one or two sentences – so it can be quickly digested by recruiters.

The body of your resume objective should focus on specific qualifications, such as knowledge of inventory management systems, ability to work in a fast-paced environment or experience with warehouse operations. These should be backed up with relevant examples where possible, such as “Five years' experience working in a warehouse environment” or “Proficient in using WMS software”. It is important to avoid generic statements that could apply to any role; instead focus on qualities that make you stand out from other applicants.

Finally, end your statement with a clear indication of why you are interested in the shipping clerk role and why it would be beneficial for both parties if you were hired. Demonstrating enthusiasm for the position shows employers that you are motivated and eager to contribute positively to their team.

By following these tips when writing your shipping clerk resume objective, you can effectively showcase yourself as a strong candidate for the job and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Related : What does a Shipping Clerk do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Shipping Clerk Resume Objective

In a competitive job market, it's crucial to make your resume stand out. If you're applying for a shipping clerk position, the objective section of your resume is an excellent place to highlight key skills that make you the ideal candidate for the job. This section gives potential employers a glimpse into your abilities and expertise before they delve deeper into your work history and qualifications. Here are some key skills you should consider emphasizing in your shipping clerk resume objective to catch the attention of hiring managers.

1. Inventory management

A Shipping Clerk is responsible for managing, organizing, and maintaining the inventory in a warehouse or storage facility. This includes tracking incoming and outgoing shipments, ensuring that there are sufficient stock levels, and managing the documentation related to inventory. Therefore, having strong inventory management skills is crucial for this role. It ensures that operations run smoothly and efficiently, avoiding delays or losses due to mismanagement of goods. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an ability to effectively oversee and control inventory, which is a key aspect of the job role.

2. Order processing

A Shipping Clerk is responsible for managing and coordinating outgoing shipments, which often involves processing orders. This skill is crucial as it ensures that the correct items are sent to the right locations in a timely manner. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle logistical tasks, manage inventory, and maintain accuracy in high-volume, fast-paced environments. It also shows potential employers that the candidate has experience in using software systems for order processing and can adhere to company procedures and protocols.

3. Palletizing

A Shipping Clerk is responsible for organizing and managing incoming and outgoing shipments in a warehouse or logistics setting. The skill of palletizing, which involves stacking goods in a secure and stable manner on a pallet for shipping, is crucial for this role. This skill is needed for a resume objective to showcase the candidate's ability to efficiently handle goods, ensure their safety during transport, and optimize space within shipping containers. It also demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of proper loading techniques and safety protocols, contributing to smooth and efficient operations in the shipping department.

4. Barcode scanning

A shipping clerk needs to have barcode scanning skills as they are responsible for tracking incoming and outgoing shipments. This involves scanning barcodes to log items into a database, ensuring accuracy in inventory and shipment records. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of efficiently managing and organizing stock, reducing errors, and maintaining accurate records.

5. Forklift operation

A Shipping Clerk is often required to move heavy packages or load and unload delivery trucks. Forklift operation is a crucial skill for this role as it enables the clerk to efficiently and safely handle large shipments. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to perform essential job duties, reducing training time and increasing productivity. It also highlights the applicant's commitment to safety regulations and procedures, which are critical in warehouse environments.

6. Packaging expertise

A shipping clerk is responsible for preparing items for shipment, which often involves proper packaging to ensure the items are not damaged during transit. Packaging expertise is therefore a critical skill as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to effectively and safely prepare items for shipment. This skill also shows that the candidate can organize packages in an efficient manner, potentially saving the company time and resources. It may also indicate knowledge of various packaging materials and methods suitable for different types of goods.

7. Labeling accuracy

A shipping clerk is responsible for ensuring that all outgoing shipments are correctly labeled with the right address, product information, and any other necessary details. Labeling accuracy is crucial in this role to prevent misdelivery or loss of packages. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates attention to detail and commitment to efficiency and customer satisfaction.

8. Microsoft Excel

A Shipping Clerk needs the skill of Microsoft Excel to efficiently manage and organize large amounts of data related to inventory, shipping schedules, customer details etc. This software allows for easy data entry, manipulation and analysis which can greatly enhance productivity and accuracy in a shipping environment. It is also often used for creating reports and presentations that may be required by management. Therefore, having this skill on a resume shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of effectively managing and processing important logistical data.

9. Time management

A Shipping Clerk is responsible for managing and coordinating all shipping and receiving activities. This role requires excellent time management skills to ensure that all packages are sent and received in a timely manner, meet delivery deadlines, and keep the flow of goods moving efficiently. Without effective time management, there could be delays in delivery, customer dissatisfaction, or potential loss of business. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective can show potential employers that the candidate is capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritizing work effectively to meet the demands of the job.

10. Hazardous materials handling

A Shipping Clerk is often responsible for handling various types of goods, including potentially hazardous materials. Having this skill indicates that the candidate is capable of safely managing and transporting such materials in compliance with all relevant regulations and safety protocols. This can minimize the risk of accidents, damage, or violations that could disrupt operations and incur costs. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective can make a candidate more appealing to employers in industries where hazardous materials are commonly handled.

Top 10 Shipping Clerk Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your shipping clerk resume is a crucial area to showcase your key skills. It provides potential employers with a snapshot of what you bring to the table and why you are a strong candidate for the position. Highlighting these skills effectively can set you apart from other applicants and demonstrate that you understand what the role entails. Remember, this section should be concise, clear, and tailored to each specific job application. By doing so, you increase your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers and potentially securing an interview.

Related : Shipping Clerk Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Shipping Clerk Resume Objective

Writing a shipping clerk resume objective is an important step in the job-seeking process. It is a brief statement that highlights your professional qualifications and serves as an introduction to potential employers. Unfortunately, many people overlook this crucial element of their resume and make common mistakes that can cost them the job.

One of the most frequent errors made when crafting a resume objective for a shipping clerk position is failing to tailor it to the specific job. Generic objectives such as “To obtain a challenging position with growth opportunities” are far too vague and fail to demonstrate your unique value to employers. Instead, focus on how your skills and experience could benefit their organization specifically. For example, “To leverage my seven years of experience in order fulfillment and warehouse management to streamline operations at ABC Company” conveys much more information about you as well as your motivation for applying.

Another mistake when writing a shipping clerk resume objective is being too long-winded or overly ambitious. Your resume should be concise, so keep your objective short and sweet while still demonstrating your qualifications for the position. Make sure you focus on key words from the job listing so employers can easily identify why you are a good fit for the role.

Finally, avoid clichéd phrases such as “A hardworking individual” or "Team player". These platitudes don't say anything about who you are or what makes you stand out from other applicants. Instead, provide concrete examples of how you have excelled in similar roles in the past; this will give prospective employers tangible evidence of your capabilities.

In summary, writing an effective shipping clerk resume objective requires careful thought and consideration so that it reflects both your professional qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. By avoiding common mistakes such as being too generic or using clichéd phrases, you can ensure that your resume stands out from others vying for the same position.

Related : Shipping Clerk Resume Examples

Shipping Clerk Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a shipping clerk should demonstrate the applicant's ability to be organized, manage inventory, and ensure timely delivery of packages; whereas a wrong resume objective for a shipping clerk would focus on the applicant's desire for increased salary or job security.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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1 Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Example for Your 2024 Job Search

Shipping Receiving Clerks are the gatekeepers of inventory flow, meticulously tracking and organizing goods as they move in and out. Much like a well-managed warehouse, your resume must carefully catalogue your skills and experiences, ensuring nothing valuable is misplaced or overlooked. Let's unpack the essentials of a standout Shipping Receiving Clerk resume, itemizing the best practices to showcase your logistical prowess and keep your career inventory up-to-date.

shipping receiving clerk resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Shipping Receiving Clerk Resumes:

  • Inspect and verify incoming goods against invoices or other documents, record shortages and reject damaged goods.
  • Prepare and maintain records of all outgoing and incoming shipments, including their date, quantity, and destination.
  • Operate forklifts, hand trucks, or other material handling equipment to load and unload shipments from trucks or shipping containers.
  • Label and stock incoming inventory in the appropriate storage area within the warehouse.
  • Coordinate with carriers and schedule shipping and delivery times to ensure timely distribution of goods.
  • Process shipping documents, such as bills of lading, packing lists, and shipping labels, ensuring all paperwork is accurate and complete.
  • Communicate with suppliers, carriers, and customers to resolve any shipping or receiving issues that may arise.
  • Utilize inventory management software to track warehouse stock levels and process inventory audits.
  • Ensure compliance with safety codes, policies, and procedures of the work environment.
  • Assist in the packing of goods for shipment, ensuring that they are properly protected and secured.
  • Perform regular maintenance and cleaning of the warehouse and work area to maintain a safe and organized environment.
  • Participate in inventory control activities, including counting and monitoring supplies and conducting physical inventories.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Example:

  • Streamlined receiving processes, reducing average unloading and inspection time by 30%, which directly contributed to a 15% improvement in overall warehouse efficiency.
  • Implemented a new inventory management system that increased stock accuracy by 98%, significantly reducing the occurrence of stock discrepancies and lost items.
  • Coordinated with carriers to optimize shipping schedules, achieving a 20% reduction in average delivery times and enhancing customer satisfaction rates.
  • Orchestrated a warehouse reorganization project that improved the flow of goods and accessibility, resulting in a 25% faster turnaround for shipping and receiving tasks.
  • Developed and enforced strict safety protocols in the shipping and receiving area, leading to a 40% decrease in workplace incidents and maintaining a zero-accident record for two consecutive years.
  • Played a key role in negotiating shipping rates with carriers, saving the company an average of $50,000 annually on transportation costs.
  • Led a team in conducting a comprehensive audit of the inventory system, identifying and rectifying historical inaccuracies and preventing over $100,000 in potential losses.
  • Enhanced the tracking and communication process for shipments, which reduced the average resolution time for shipping errors by 50% and improved customer trust.
  • Trained and supervised a team of 5 new clerks, improving team productivity by 35% and fostering a collaborative work environment that reduced turnover by 20%.
  • Inventory Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Time Management
  • Warehouse Operations
  • Shipping & Receiving Procedures
  • Carrier Coordination
  • Stock Accuracy
  • Team Leadership
  • Cost Reduction Strategies
  • Safety Compliance
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Data Entry & Record Keeping
  • Problem-Solving
  • Customer Service
  • Quality Control
  • Training & Development
  • Communication Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Inventory Audit
  • Shipping Software Proficiency
  • Material Handling Equipment Operation
  • Adaptability
  • Collaborative Teamwork
  • Loss Prevention

High Level Resume Tips for Shipping Receiving Clerks:

Must-have information for a shipping receiving clerk resume:.

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies
  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Shipping Receiving Clerks:

Shipping receiving clerk resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • These headlines are compelling because they immediately convey the candidate's relevant experience, efficiency, and specialized skills that are critical in a shipping and receiving role. They highlight the candidate's attention to detail, ability to improve processes, and proactive approach to inventory management, all of which are key attributes that hiring managers seek in a Shipping Receiving Clerk.

Weak Headlines

  • The headlines are too generic and fail to differentiate the candidate from others in the field. They lack quantifiable achievements, specific expertise, or unique skills that would catch an employer's attention. For example, they do not mention any proficiency with shipping software, years of experience, or any notable efficiency improvements or cost savings the candidate has achieved.

Writing an Exceptional Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Summary:

Shipping receiving clerk resume summary examples:, strong summaries.

  • These summaries are strong because they highlight specific achievements and metrics that demonstrate the candidates' impact on shipping and receiving operations, such as improving inventory accuracy, reducing processing times, and increasing productivity. They also showcase a blend of technical skills, experience with industry-standard practices, and a proven ability to enhance operational efficiency, which are key attributes that hiring managers look for in Shipping Receiving Clerks.

Weak Summaries

  • The summaries provided are weak because they are generic and do not include specific accomplishments, metrics, or examples of how the candidate added value in their previous roles. They lack quantifiable achievements such as improvements in shipping times, error reduction rates, or cost savings initiatives that the candidate may have contributed to. Additionally, they do not highlight any unique skills or experiences that would differentiate the candidate from others in the field.

Resume Objective Examples for Shipping Receiving Clerks:

Strong objectives.

  • These objectives are strong because they highlight the candidates' relevant skills and attributes, such as attention to detail, organizational skills, understanding of supply chain logistics, and proficiency with shipping software. They also express a clear eagerness to contribute to the employer's operations, which is appealing to hiring managers looking for proactive and committed new team members. Additionally, they demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow within the role, an important quality for less-experienced candidates aiming to establish themselves in the field.

Weak Objectives

  • The objectives provided are weak because they are too vague and fail to convey the candidate's specific qualifications, experience, or measurable achievements that would make them stand out. They also do not address the unique needs or goals of the hiring company, which could demonstrate the candidate's understanding of the role and their potential contribution to the organization.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your shipping receiving clerk work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Quantify your inventory management skills: Include specific numbers to illustrate the volume of goods you've handled, such as "Processed an average of 500 units per day with a 99.8% accuracy rate."
  • Detail your experience with shipping and receiving software: Mention the names of any warehouse management systems (WMS), inventory tracking tools, or shipping software you are proficient in, like "Skilled in using SAP and ShipStation for end-to-end inventory management."
  • Showcase your organizational abilities: Highlight how you've optimized storage solutions or improved the layout of the shipping area, perhaps with a statement like "Redesigned warehouse shelving system to increase space efficiency by 15%."
  • Emphasize your attention to detail: Provide examples of how your meticulousness prevented errors, such as "Implemented a double-check system that reduced shipping errors by 25% over six months."
  • Discuss your role in safety and compliance: Explain how you've contributed to maintaining a safe work environment and adhering to regulations, for instance, "Conducted weekly safety audits to ensure OSHA compliance, resulting in zero workplace accidents for two consecutive years."
  • Highlight your problem-solving skills: Describe a situation where you successfully addressed a shipping issue or discrepancy, like "Resolved a recurring customs documentation problem, cutting down international shipping delays by 40%."
  • Illustrate your teamwork and communication skills: Talk about how you've collaborated with other departments, such as "Worked closely with the sales team to prioritize urgent shipments, ensuring on-time delivery for key clients."
  • Include any process improvements: Mention any initiatives you've taken or participated in that led to increased efficiency, such as "Introduced barcode scanning, speeding up the receiving process by 30%."
  • Point out your experience with different types of shipments: If applicable, specify your familiarity with international shipping, hazardous materials, or oversized items, for example, "Managed international logistics for hazardous materials, ensuring full compliance with IATA regulations."
  • Reflect on customer service experiences: Describe how you've interacted with customers or vendors to solve issues, like "Regularly coordinated with vendors to rectify order discrepancies, maintaining strong professional relationships and high satisfaction levels."
  • Don't forget soft skills: While technical abilities are crucial, soft skills like adaptability, time management, and a strong work ethic are also important to mention, perhaps as "Praised for adaptability in cross-training for multiple roles within the shipping department during peak seasons."
  • Use action verbs: Start bullet points with strong action verbs that convey your responsibilities and achievements, such as "Coordinated, streamlined, implemented, or optimized."
  • Match the job description: Tailor your resume to the job posting by using keywords and phrases from the job description, ensuring that your experience aligns with the employer's needs.

Example Work Experiences for Shipping Receiving Clerks:

Strong experiences.

  • Streamlined the shipping and receiving process by implementing a barcode scanning system, reducing package handling time by 30% and decreasing errors in shipments by 40% within the first year of adoption.
  • Coordinated with vendors and transportation companies to optimize delivery schedules, resulting in a 20% improvement in on-time deliveries and a 15% reduction in freight costs.
  • Managed inventory control for a warehouse with over 10,000 SKUs, maintaining a 99% accuracy rate in inventory counts and contributing to a 10% increase in overall warehouse efficiency.
  • Developed and enforced safety protocols in the shipping and receiving department, leading to a 50% reduction in workplace accidents and a 100% compliance rate with OSHA regulations.
  • Negotiated contracts with new courier services, achieving a cost savings of 25% on shipping expenses without compromising service quality or delivery times.
  • Implemented a cross-training program for the shipping and receiving team, which increased staff versatility and allowed for a 15% faster response time to fluctuating workloads.
  • Orchestrated a major warehouse reorganization project to improve the flow of goods, resulting in a 35% reduction in the time from receiving to stocking and a 20% increase in space utilization.
  • Utilized advanced inventory management software to track shipments in real-time, enhancing customer service by providing accurate and timely information, which led to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Played a key role in a seasonal ramp-up, hiring and training 25 temporary workers in shipping and receiving practices, ensuring a seamless integration into the team and meeting 100% of holiday shipping deadlines.
  • These work experiences are impactful because they demonstrate the Shipping Receiving Clerk's ability to improve operational efficiency, manage costs, and enhance safety and customer satisfaction. The use of specific percentages and outcomes illustrates their direct contribution to the company's success. Additionally, the experiences show the candidate's initiative in adopting new technologies, negotiating contracts, and leading projects, which are all highly valued by hiring managers in this field.

Weak Experiences

  • Handled daily shipping and receiving tasks, ensuring that all packages were sent and received on time.
  • Maintained inventory records, updating the database as items were shipped out and received.
  • Assisted in the organization of the warehouse, placing items in their designated areas.
  • Processed incoming and outgoing shipments, verifying their contents against invoices and orders.
  • Coordinated with carriers to schedule pick-ups and deliveries, keeping track of shipment dates.
  • Performed routine inventory checks to ensure accuracy and report any discrepancies.
  • Managed documentation for shipping and receiving, filling out paperwork and logs as required.
  • Communicated with suppliers to resolve any shipping issues or delays that arose.
  • Operated warehouse equipment, such as forklifts and pallet jacks, to move shipments.
  • These work experiences are weak because they are vague and do not provide measurable outcomes or specific achievements. The use of passive language and lack of strong action verbs fail to convey the candidate's proactive role and impact on the shipping and receiving processes. To enhance these bullet points, the candidate should include details such as the volume of shipments handled, the percentage of error reduction achieved through their inventory management, or the efficiency improvements brought about by their warehouse organization skills.

Top Skills & Keywords for Shipping Receiving Clerk Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for shipping receiving clerks, hard skills.

  • Shipping and Receiving Procedures
  • Forklift Operation
  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
  • Packaging and Palletizing
  • Order Processing
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Freight Booking
  • Quality Control and Inspection
  • Hazardous Materials Handling
  • Logistics Coordination
  • Export and Import Compliance

Soft Skills

  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-Solving Abilities
  • Customer Service Orientation
  • Stress Management and Resilience
  • Active Listening
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Work Ethic and Dependability

Go Above & Beyond with a Shipping Receiving Clerk Cover Letter

Shipping receiving clerk cover letter example: (based on resume), resume faqs for shipping receiving clerks:, how long should i make my shipping receiving clerk resume.

The ideal length for a Shipping Receiving Clerk resume is typically one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience in the field. This length is sufficient to showcase your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments without overwhelming the hiring manager with too much information. Focus on relevance: When crafting your resume, include the most pertinent information that aligns with the shipping and receiving clerk position. Highlight your experience with inventory management, shipping and receiving procedures, and any software or tools you're proficient in. If you have a longer work history, emphasize your most recent roles and the skills that are most transferable to the position you're applying for. Be concise and clear: Use bullet points and short, impactful sentences to convey your responsibilities and achievements. This approach helps to make your resume easy to read and allows the employer to quickly grasp your qualifications. Quantify your accomplishments where possible, such as by stating how you improved inventory accuracy or expedited shipping processes. Tailor your resume: Customize your resume for each job application, ensuring that it addresses the specific requirements and preferences mentioned in the job posting. This targeted approach not only keeps your resume concise but also demonstrates to employers that you have taken the time to understand what they are looking for in a candidate. If you have extensive experience spanning over a decade, or if you hold additional relevant certifications, training, or achievements, extending to a second page may be appropriate. However, always aim to be as succinct as possible, and remember that the goal of your resume is to secure an interview by presenting yourself as the best fit for the job.

What is the best way to format a Shipping Receiving Clerk resume?

The ideal resume format for a Shipping Receiving Clerk should be clear, well-organized, and tailored to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences for the job. Here are some key considerations and tips for crafting your resume: **Reverse Chronological Format:** Start with your most recent job and work backward. This is the most traditional resume format and is often preferred by employers because it provides a clear timeline of your work history and progression. **Clear Headings and Subheadings:** Use bold and larger font sizes for section headings such as "Professional Experience," "Education," and "Skills." This helps employers quickly find the information they're looking for. **Bullet Points for Clarity:** When listing your job responsibilities and achievements, use bullet points to make the information easily digestible. This helps avoid large blocks of text that can be overwhelming to read. **Relevant Skills Section:** Include a dedicated section for relevant skills such as inventory management, forklift operation, knowledge of shipping software, and organizational abilities. Tailor this section to match the skills listed in the job description. **Quantifiable Achievements:** Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with numbers or percentages to demonstrate your impact on previous employers. For example, "Reduced shipping errors by 15% through meticulous record-keeping and quality control checks." **Professional Summary or Objective:** Start your resume with a brief professional summary or objective that clearly states your career goals and what you bring to the table. This should be a concise statement that grabs the employer's attention. **Education and Certifications:** List any relevant education or certifications that pertain to the role of a Shipping Receiving Clerk. If you have certifications in operating heavy machinery or using specific software, make sure to include these details. **Contact Information:** Ensure your contact information is up-to-date and includes your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). **Clean and Professional Design:** Use a simple, professional design with ample white space to enhance readability. Avoid using excessive graphics or colors that could distract from the content of your resume. Remember, the goal of your resume is to make a strong first impression and to get you an interview. Keep it concise, relevant, and focused on your professional strengths and the specific requirements of the Shipping Receiving Clerk position you are applying for.

Which Shipping Receiving Clerk skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

As a Shipping Receiving Clerk, it's important to highlight keywords and action verbs that showcase your experience and skills in logistics, inventory management, and customer service. Consider incorporating the following: Keywords: - Inventory Management - Order Fulfillment - Shipping and Receiving - Logistics Coordination - Warehouse Operations - Stock Control - Distribution - Quality Assurance - Record Keeping - Invoicing - Freight Handling - Packaging - Supply Chain Management - Data Entry - Safety Compliance Action Verbs: - Coordinated - Processed - Managed - Organized - Inspected - Verified - Documented - Loaded - Unloaded - Monitored - Operated (as in machinery or software) - Dispatched - Tracked - Scheduled - Communicated Make sure to use these terms in the context of your specific duties and achievements. For example, "Managed inventory levels and coordinated stock replenishment" or "Processed inbound shipments and verified contents against purchase orders." Tailor your resume to the job description, using the language that mirrors the employer's requirements. This will help you pass through automated resume screening tools and catch the attention of hiring managers.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Shipping Receiving Clerk?

Crafting a resume for a Shipping Receiving Clerk position without direct experience can be a challenge, but by highlighting your transferable skills, relevant coursework or projects, and demonstrating your eagerness to learn and adapt, you can create a compelling resume that appeals to employers. Here are some tips to help you build an effective resume: Emphasize transferable skills: Focus on skills that are pertinent to a Shipping Receiving Clerk role, such as organization, attention to detail, time management, and the ability to work under pressure. If you have experience in customer service, teamwork, or data entry, these are also valuable skills to highlight, as they demonstrate your ability to handle the responsibilities of shipping and receiving. Include relevant coursework or certifications: If you've taken any courses related to logistics, supply chain management, inventory management, or other related fields, make sure to list them. Certifications such as forklift operation or OSHA safety training can also be very beneficial to mention, as they are directly applicable to the role. Detail any relevant experience: Think about any past work or volunteer experiences where you've performed tasks similar to those of a Shipping Receiving Clerk. This could include inventory management, packaging, sorting, or organizing materials. Be sure to describe these experiences and how they've prepared you for a role in shipping and receiving. Demonstrate your knowledge of the industry: Show that you have a basic understanding of the shipping and receiving industry by mentioning any relevant software (like inventory management systems) or processes you're familiar with. This can be from self-study, internships, or other indirect experiences. Showcase your soft skills: Shipping and receiving clerks need to communicate effectively with team members, drivers, and sometimes customers. Highlight your communication skills, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. These soft skills are crucial in a fast-paced environment and can help compensate for a lack of direct experience. Quantify achievements when possible: If you have any measurable achievements from past roles or projects, include them. For example, "Organized a volunteer charity event, coordinating the distribution of goods to 200 families," provides a clear, quantifiable point that shows your organizational skills. Remember, your resume is a tool to get your foot in the door for an interview. It should be clear, concise, and tailored to the job description, emphasizing how your background makes you a good fit for a Shipping Receiving Clerk role, even without direct experience.

Compare Your Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Shipping Receiving Clerk job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

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Work Experience

  • Complies with ReMedPar’s ISO 9001 inventory management standards
  • Knowledge of export and other shipping
  • Responsible to make arrangements for pick-up by the carrier specified on the customer’s purchase order which is conveyed to the shipping clerk by final inspection via the shipping instructions
  • Receive incoming personal packages
  • Respond to incoming phone calls and emails
  • Valid California Driver’s License
  • Any other activities requested and having similar job functions. Some Examples would include but not limited to painting, plumbing, general labor type work, general maintenance type work, cleaning, rearranging, stacking etc
  • Package materials in boxes of varying sizes and ensures closure by tape or strapping
  • Prepare pallets for storage or shipment using stretch wrapping process
  • Post weights and shipping charges, and affixes postage
  • Unpack and examine incoming shipments, rejects damaged items / goods, records shortages, and corresponds with shipper to rectify damages and shortages
  • Participate in physical inventories and inventory reconciliation exercises to meet overall inventory accuracy goals
  • Route items to various internal departments and kanban areas for manufacturing projects
  • Operate Pallet Stacker, pallet jack, hand-truck or cart to move shipments from shipping and receiving platform to storage or work area
  • Verify and keeps records on incoming and outgoing shipments and prepares items for shipment. Inputs all shipment information into ERP computer system
  • Compare identifying information and counts, weighs or measures items of incoming and outgoing shipments to verify information against bills of lading, invoices, orders or other records
  • Make carrier arrangements when necessary
  • Affix shipping labels on packed cartons or markings identifying shipping information on cartons
  • Assemble wooden or cardboard containers or selects preassembled containers
  • Insert items into containers, using spacers, fillers and protective padding
  • Nail covers on wooden crates and binds containers with metal tape, using strapping machine

Professional Skills

  • Be detail focused with strong communication skills and follow-up skills
  • Basic mathematical skills are required. Demonstrated organization, time management, customer service and telephone skills are required
  • Basic Computer knowledge, LTL Shipping and receiving experience, communication skills, warehouse experience
  • Effective communication skills, listening skills, attention to details, and ability to organize and retrieve information
  • Great with reading, computer skills, and basic math skills
  • Communication skills - proficient in written, verbal, and listening skills
  • Excellent customer service skills; ability to interact professionally and effectively with customers

How to write Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

Shipping & Receiving Clerk role is responsible for computer, basic, microsoft, organizational, customer, math, interpersonal, organization, software, outlook. To write great resume for shipping & receiving clerk job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

The section contact information is important in your shipping & receiving clerk resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your shipping & receiving clerk resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous shipping & receiving clerk responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular shipping & receiving clerk position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Shipping & Receiving Clerk resume experience can include:

  • Detail orientated, good communication skills and basic computer skills (Word, Outlook and Excel)
  • Customer service experience with excellent telephone communication skills
  • SAP experience & solid computer skills required
  • Demonstrate a high attention to detail and good follow-up skills
  • Prior PPG Shipping and Receiving experience and Oracle Receiving Sub-Module of Inventory Management experience is required
  • Demonstrated organizational and planning skills, capable of managing a large number of tasks with tight deadlines

Education on a Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your shipping & receiving clerk resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your shipping & receiving clerk experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

When listing skills on your shipping & receiving clerk resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical shipping & receiving clerk skills:

  • Data entry skills, listening skills and phone skills. Accuracy and timeliness are very important
  • Strong interpersonal skills to communicate effectively in oral and written form with faculty, staff and students
  • Good organizational skills and administrative skills to deal with large volume of paperwork and data flow
  • Strong organizational skills, strict attention to detail and the ability to multi-task and prioritize as necessary
  • Excellent computer skills and experience with inventory control system
  • Working knowledge of office equipment, i.e., calculator, fax, and copy machine. Good telephone skills

List of Typical Experience For a Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

Experience for shipping / receiving clerk resume.

  • Computer experience is essential – intermediate skills in Microsoft Office Suite (i.e. Word, Excel & Outlook) are required
  • Excellent computer skills, specifically Excel, Word, and Outlook
  • Utilizes UPS/FedEx software effectively and understands summary reporting on request. Have
  • Valid drivers’/ license and good driving record
  • Effective skill in following instructions, policies, procedures, and safety regulations
  • Perform basic packaging skills to ensure that parts are not damaged in transit

Experience For Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Resolve day-to-day issues by working effectively with others
  • Learn computer skills involving MS Word, UPS software, and Visibility
  • UPS, FedEx, and LDL software is to be used effectively and understood for summary reporting on request
  • Possesses analytical and observational skills
  • Knowledge of general business mathematical skills
  • Demonstrated experience with UPS, Federal Express and bill of lading database software

Experience For Clerk Lead Shipping / Receiving Resume

  • Intermediate math and analytical skills
  • Prior experience operating a Power Industrial Vehicle (PIV) and overhead crane
  • Receive damaged or defective goods returned to establishment and be designated Returned-Goods Receiving Clerk
  • Effectively utilize the ERP system
  • Communicate effectively and tactfully with all levels of employees and vendors
  • Basic computer skills (MS Word and MS Outlook)
  • Completes Bill of Lading (BOL) for all goods and materials prior to shipment. Also generates E-Shipping BOL and logs shipments
  • Packaging Finished goods for stocking

Experience For Shipping / Receiving Clerk NG Resume

  • Checking goods against shipping documents and authorizations
  • Packing goods for shipment according to specifications
  • Recording and maintaining inventory of all goods and materials in the warehouse
  • Keeping records of all documentation relating to the dispatch and receipt of goods
  • Recording damage, loss, or surplus of goods and materials stored in the warehouse and reporting to the Warehouse Supervisor
  • Coordinate deliveries to customers and clients on a daily basis, including boxing goods, addressing packages and loading trucks
  • Ensure quality control by comparing materials to be shipped to corresponding packing slip prior to shipping
  • Experience in a shipping and receiving role within an aerospace, manufacturing or industrial environment
  • Performs clerical and physical tasks in connection with shipping goods of the establishment in which employed and receiving incoming shipments

Experience For SCA Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Perform Dangerous Goods receiving and shipping under DOT and IATA regulations
  • Hipping/receiving work experience required
  • Shipping or receiving experience in materials/warehouse
  • Hipping/receiving experience
  • Contract vendors on return goods, arranging for items to be picked up or acquiring authorization from vendor to return company
  • Generate barcode labels and operate barcoding equipment for parts issues, receipts, and cycle counting
  • Move all incoming and outgoing shipments by hand, with hand operated equipment or by fork lift

Experience For Senior Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Shipping and receiving clerical experience
  • Two or more years’ experience in shipping, receiving and/or inventory control
  • Experience in receiving, shipping, logistics, etc
  • Professional experience in a shipping and receiving role
  • Prioritizes incoming and outgoing shipments

Experience For Shipping Receiving / Mail Clerk Resume

  • Hipping or receiving experience in materials / warehouse, Clear Motor Vehicle Report
  • Minimal experience with shipping and operating a forklift
  • Operate tier-lift truck or use hand truck to move or hoist shipments from shipping/receiving platform to storage or work area
  • Operate MHE to include forklifts and sweeping/scrubbing equipment as assigned
  • Develops and implements shipping and receiving work schedules and assignments to ensure effective and efficient operations

Experience For EG Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Stage and warehouse orders awaiting shipment; organize shipping area; operate forklift to move parts
  • 6 months to 1 year experience in shipping and receiving
  • Operates dolly, pallet jack, and/or forklift in loading and unloading stock, parts, materials, and supplies
  • Hipping/receiving or similar experience
  • Previous Shipping & Receiving experience
  • Experience operating a forklift and pallet jack
  • Demonstrate discretion, confidentiality, and professionalism when representing the company

Experience For Shipping / Receiving / Stores Clerk Resume

  • Responsible for the all inventory stored within the Finished Goods, and Shipping Dock areas
  • Operate dollies, forklifts and other moving equipment to transport shipments from stockroom to production
  • Operate trucks, forklifts, electric carts, hand trucks and other materials handling equipment
  • Verifies order P.O. numbers to shippers, validates quantities using weight scales, and moves parts to stockroom or other stock to storage areas
  • Validates quantities using weight scales, and moves parts to stockroom or other stock to storage areas
  • Meet strict deadlines and adapt to an environment with multiple tasks and changing priorities, required

Experience For Senior Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • One-2 years’ experience working in a mid- to large-sized mailroom or warehouse environment
  • Verify and track all incoming shipments for distribution to appropriate personnel, and enter all purchase order goods receipts in a timely manner
  • Relevant job-related experience and/or training required
  • Operates motorized and non-motorized material handling equipment
  • Receive incoming shipments and goods, process through ERP system
  • Assist leadership roles in effective deployment of daily scheduled activities to include interaction with loaders for order processing
  • Dexterity to operate printer/copier, binding machine

List of Typical Skills For a Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

Skills for shipping / receiving clerk resume.

  • Leadership skills, computer skills (Office),
  • Work effectively in a fast-paced environment with changing priorities and deadlines
  • Highly effective organization & planning skills
  • Demonstrates organizational and problem solving skills
  • Strong stress management abilities and multi-tasking skills
  • Good working knowledge of computers and Microsoft Office skills, especially Microsoft Excel and PLEX
  • Basic computer skills with a strong ability to learn and train others on both AS400 and INFOR systems

Skills For Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with customers, co-workers, and supervisors as well as manage difficult or emotional customer situations
  • Problem resolution and strong organizational skills
  • Good computer skills with Microsoft Office applications
  • Good communication, computer and organizational skills
  • Strong computer skills. Proficient in Microsoft outlook, excel, and word
  • Excellent relationship and teamwork skills
  • Detail oriented with excellent organization skills and ability to multi-task
  • Organize, analyze and prioritize workload effectively and efficiently, under minimal supervision

Skills For Clerk Lead Shipping / Receiving Resume

  • Has good math skills and is detail oriented
  • Solid communication (oral and written) and interpersonal skills
  • English language skills including good written and verbal communication
  • Experience: One year of experience in shipping/ receiving environment and clerical experience in a customer service oriented organization
  • Effective multi-tasking skills and the ability to take on additional responsibilities as required
  • Knowledge: Working knowledge of office equipment, i.e., calculator, fax, and copy machine. Good telephone skills

Skills For Shipping / Receiving Clerk NG Resume

  • Experience: 6 months of prior warehousing experience required, preferably in a high-volume environment
  • Computer skills / Microsoft office experience
  • Excellent phone voice, data entry, 10-key, and computer skills
  • Excellent/positive communication skills
  • Good communication skills. Fluent in English, verbal and written
  • Good leadership, communication, interersonal and time management skills

Skills For SCA Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Good organizational and communication skills including email and phone
  • Good Customer service/telephone skills
  • Windows and computer literate, good communication skills
  • Excellent communication skills with ability to work with buyers, vendors, carriers and distribution center team
  • Detail orientated and effective time management skills
  • Strong communication skills (written and oral) to work with others within and outside the organization
  • Excellent customer service/vendor relations skills
  • Good Physical skills on equipment & an aptitude for manual work

Skills For Senior Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Excellent interpersonal & customer relations skills
  • Read and understand work instructions with excellent communication skills
  • Self-directed with strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Shipping/receiving experience with LTL tracking, UPS World ship, FedEx online and export experience
  • Training and experience on Dangerous Goods is an asset
  • Prior shipping experience processing domestic and international shipments, both Parcel and LTL, using UPS, FedEx, DHL, and/or similar shipping applications
  • Prior experience in shipping/receiving for a gas turbine engine component repair facility or similar manufacturing environment

Skills For Shipping Receiving / Mail Clerk Resume

  • Prior experience in shipping and receiving product
  • Load trucks with finished goods in preparation for shipping without damaging finished goods
  • 6 mos. experience operating a forklift and 6 mos. experience operating a pallet jack
  • Related experience in shipping activities in a manufacturing or similar fast-paced environment. Supervisory experience would be an asset
  • Checks for damaged goods; ensuring that goods are appropriately identified for routing to departments within the installation
  • Related experience on shipping and receiving dock or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • 1 year forklift experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.-
  • Prior experience working with UPS Worldship and Fedex Manager

Skills For EG Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Prior experience in a manufacturing/logistics environment
  • Strong creative problem-solving skill
  • Proven experience with domestic and international shipping of Federal Express, UPS and Expedite Carriers
  • Experience working with hand operated equipment or forklift
  • Clerical in transportation/manufacturing experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • At least one (1) to three (3) years’ of related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Manage the Returned Goods process according to the Returned Goods SOP
  • Work closely with Supervisors to ensure material handling methods are effective and communications tools are timely/effective
  • Basic skills/knowledge with computers (capable of functioning independently)

Skills For Shipping / Receiving / Stores Clerk Resume

  • Organizational Skills attention to detail
  • Basic computer skills to include Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Inventory scan guns
  • Able to work under moderate supervision, able to effectively follow verbal and
  • Prior Shipping and Receiving experience needed
  • Demonstrated experience using material handling equipment and an RF scanner
  • Experience using warehouse equipment, operate fork list to set up orders and load trucks
  • Prior experience in customer service, shipping or inventory control would be highly desireable
  • Relevant experience or equivalent combination of experience/higher education

Skills For Senior Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Math and computer skills; spreadsheet literate
  • Basic Computer skills (tablet & scanner)
  • Operate non-vehicular material movement and external material movement equipment, operate office equipment
  • Basic math and computer skills
  • Intermediate computer skills (Word, Excel, Email)
  • Highly proficient computer skills

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

Responsibilities for shipping / receiving clerk resume.

  • Effective process evaluation and problem solving skills
  • Strong computer skills, including familiarity with the Microsoft Office suite
  • Great people skills, patience and the ability to multi-task to be good at this job
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to facilitate team interactions Team orientated
  • Strong interpersonal, humble, and influential skills

Responsibilities For Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to develop positive relationships with external and internal customers
  • Read and write English, good verbal communication skills
  • Able to apply job skills to complete a variety of tasks good interpersonal & communication
  • 3+ months’ prior shipping and receiving experience
  • Prior Shipping experience using DHL, UPS, LTL and Motor Freight
  • Operates battery operated hand truck to move, convey, or hoist shipments from shipping and receiving platform to storage or work area

Responsibilities For Clerk Lead Shipping / Receiving Resume

  • 6+ month’s prior Shipping/Receiving Clerk experience
  • Prior experience in Warehouse Customer Service or Shipping and Receiving
  • Experience Shipping Finished Goods & Loading Trucks
  • Knowledge of materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods
  • Express self effectively and professionally, both verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrate sound judgment when following through with priorities
  • 3 years' experience in all aspects of domestic and international shipping; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • EXPERIENCE: 6 months to 1 year experience working in a food warehouse environment desired

Responsibilities For Shipping / Receiving Clerk NG Resume

  • Certified to operate overhead crane and other pipe handling equipment, with 2+ years of experience
  • Experience with Bill of Lading/Warehouse Experience
  • 1 (one) year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Effectively work individually and in team environment, under minimal supervision
  • Strives to continuously improve expertise, knowledge, and skills

Responsibilities For SCA Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Operate up to a 4.5 ton box truck and operate a 10,000lbs fork lift
  • Computer literate, good typing skill set. Ability and willingness to learn. Background in operation of forklifts
  • Prior work experience in a warehouse environment
  • Computer skills, Microsoft office suite, SAP
  • Prior experience in import/export related functions
  • Good communicator with the ability to form and maintain good relationships internally and externally
  • Basic (6th Grade) math skills
  • Communicate effectively in person or via telephone
  • 1-year experience of prior data entry

Responsibilities For Senior Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Forklift and organizational skills
  • Perform basic math skills, including the ability to record and understand basic data and information
  • Basic math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Communicate effectively with co-workers and all levels of management
  • Perform effectively as an individual contributor, and in a team-driven environment
  • Maintain organization and perform tasks effectively to meet customer needs and requirements
  • Operate a forklift in a safe and effective manner, or successfully complete forklift certification within six weeks of start date
  • Function effectively and courteously in a fast-paced environment
  • Effectively communicate written and orally with all levels of the organization, as well as internal and external customers, required

Responsibilities For Shipping Receiving / Mail Clerk Resume

  • Work independently with minimal supervision and to function effectively as part of a team, required
  • One to two years related experience in at least two areas of warehouse operations, or a combination of equivalent education and experience
  • Operate stretch wrapper for palletization and consolidation of materials and finished
  • 2 yrs prior shipping and receiving experience
  • High organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Trains new employees effectively
  • Communicates effectively with supervisor, lead person, and peers
  • Preparing and keeping records of goods shipped, e.g., manifests, bills of lading

Responsibilities For EG Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume

  • Verifying that orders are accurately filled by comparing items and quantities of goods gathered for shipment against documents
  • Shipping or Receiving experience
  • Shipping, receiving or warehousing experience
  • Experience working through incoming shipments, receiving, coordinating outgoing products (working with UPS/FedEx)
  • At least seven years of experience taking accurate measurements of material using measuring tools such as metric ruler, callipers, and/or measuring tape
  • Have good understanding of shipping and receiving processes
  • Checks incoming goods against bills of lading, packaging slips, etc

Responsibilities For Shipping / Receiving / Stores Clerk Resume

  • One (1) year experience in shipping/ receiving, preferably in medical setting
  • Operates forklift truck or uses hand truck to load / unload merchandise to / from trucks picking up from or delivering shipments to the loading dock
  • Possesses experience with computer solutions, including Excel, Word, Outlook, Bar coding storage and forwarding devices
  • Create shipping/receiving documents (BOLs, Receiving Tickets, Work Orders, Work In Process and Finished Goods Tickets)
  • Previous warehouse experience, filling orders according to customer specifications and completing all pick-ups and deliveries

Responsibilities For Senior Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume

  • At least seven years of experience examining and routing incoming shipment
  • Shipping and receiving experience, ideally for a manufacturing company
  • Enter receiving’s for dry good manually into Prism against PO, ensuring accuracy for amounts entered against BOL or packing slip
  • 180 days experience in shipping and receiving and related procedures. Familiar with invoices, purchase orders, bills of lading, freight bills
  • Previous shipping experience in manufacturing setting
  • Material handling shipping/receiving experience
  • Experience in a manufacturing setting

Related to Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

Receiving associate resume sample, shipping / receiving resume sample, shipping clerk resume sample, associate procurement resume sample, leader, sourcing resume sample, engineer logistics resume sample, resume builder.

Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

The Receiving Clerk will work at a warehouse and assume the responsibility of receiving a large number of shipments on a daily basis. This position can also be seen in various other facilities that provide shipping service regularly. The job description and duties mentioned on the Receiving Clerk Resume include – verifying the correctness of the shipment and unloading it, sorting and placing the shipment in correct place, maintaining an accurate record of shipments , loading shipment into shipment truck, managing the supply levels , dealing with vendors to make purchase and deliver the needed materials; and establishing the company’s par supply level.

To work at this position, job applicants would need these skills – demonstrable mathematical knowledge, organizational skills, experience in operating forklifts, a solid understanding of health and safety regulations and strong physical condition. The minimum qualification may include a high school diploma or equivalent.

Receiving Clerk Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Receiving Clerk

Receiving Clerk Resume

Headline : Exceptional customer care professional who addresses inquiries and resolves problems as they arise. Well-experienced in inbound/outbound shipments, access control, and security services. A devoted learner and rules and regulations amplifier. Searching for a full time Receiving or Shipping position in a company where I can show my leadership skills. Having 6 years of experience in warehouse operation services.

Skills : Forklift Experience, Overhead Crane, Diehandler Truck, Pallet Jack, Computer Knowledgeable, Organized, Team Worker

Receiving Clerk Resume Template

Description :

  • Cleaned and maintained supplies, tools, equipment, and storage areas in order to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Compiled, reviewed, and maintained data from contracts, purchased orders, requisitions, and other documents in order to assessed supply needs.
  • Determined proper storage methods, identification, and stock location based on turnover, environmental factors, and physical capabilities of facilities.
  • Examined and inspected stock items for wear and defects, reporting any damage to supervisors.
  • Marked stock items using identification tags, stamps, electric marking tools, and other labeling equipment.
  • Packed and unpack items to be stocked on shelves in stockrooms, warehouses, and storage yards.
  • Provided assistance and direction to other stockrooms, warehouse, and storage yard workers.
  • Received and counted stock items, and recorded data manually and using the computer.
  • Sold materials, equipment, and other items from stock in retail settings.

Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume

Summary : Shipping And Receiving Clerk skilled with forklift sit, pallet jack, and RF Scanner. Highly skilled in Compiling, sorting and verifying accuracy of data to be entered. Excel at planning and organizing a time to complete simultaneous tasks to stay on deadline. Seeking a position that will allow me to grow personally and professionally, within an industry that is fast-paced, exciting, and creative.

Skills : Filing Paperwork, Ordering Office Supplies, E-mail, Excel, PowerPoint, Word

Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Example

  • Counted, weighed and measured items of incoming and outgoing shipments to verify information against bills of lading, invoices, orders, and other records.
  • Inserted items into containers, using spacers, fillers, and protective padding.
  • Unpacked and examined incoming shipments, rejected damaged items, recorded shortages and corresponded with the shipper to rectify damages and shortages.
  • Compiled, sorted and verified accuracy of data to be entered, kept records of work completed.
  • Printed packing list for all inbound trailers, created receiving worksheets for each trailer.
  • Informed upper management, corporate and buyers pertaining any errors and damages.
  • Answered all e-mails from upper management and corporate pertaining errors in merchandise.
  • Filed receiving workbooks daily, contacted vendors as well as worked closely with receivers, shipping and lift drivers.
  • Transferred that information onto a barcode for each palletize merchandise.

Cost Receiving Clerk Resume

Objective : Enthusiastic, outgoing and personable Machine Operator/ Receiving Clerk. Proficient at building positive relationships with new and existing customers by offering superior customer service. Focused on exceeding expectations and building customer loyalty. Flexible schedule and a strong desire to better me. Logistics experienced for over 4 years as well as being versed in sales and merchandising.

Skills : Forklift Driver, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Answering Phones, Setting Appointments

Cost Receiving Clerk Resume Format

  • Working with a team in order to receive and check drivers in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Delivering or routing materials to departments, using work devices, such as hand truck, conveyor, or sorting bins.
  • Preparing documents, such as work orders, bills of lading, or shipping orders, to route materials.
  • Examining contents and compare with records, such as manifests, invoices, or orders, to verify accuracy of the incoming or outgoing shipment.
  • Conferring and corresponding with vendor representatives to solve problems in areas concerned with damages, shortages, and nonconformance to specifications.
  • Ensuring complete and accurate records to prevent loss through receiving records and/or payment errors.
  • Stocking products on shelves occasionally picked orders, helped with the inventory.
  • Managing processing of incoming raw material receipts into the appropriate computer system, as well as RMA processing, and transfer orders of incoming raw material and finished goods in the appropriate computer system.

Receiving Clerk/Warehouse Resume

Summary : A self-motivated and efficient Receiving Clerk/Warehouse, with extensive experience in a warehouse environment. Adapts to change swiftly with a positive attitude. Continues to complete tasks in a timely fashion while putting safety first. Broad-based experience includes everything from receiving to shipping and also operating various forklifts. Did local deliveries using a box truck. Seeking a position that affords me the ability to utilize the skillsets that I currently possess, as well as the opportunity to expand my knowledge base and expertise.

Skills : Forklift Operator, Microsoft Outlook, Powerpoint, Data Entry, Customer Service, Quality Assurance, Supervising, Transportation, Phones, Shipping And Receiving, Order Processing

Receiving Clerk/Warehouse Resume Model

  • Independently managing secondary warehouse to include all shipping and receiving needs.
  • Skilled in navigating cross-functional teams, indirect people management, as well as autonomous completion of high importance deliverables.
  • Overseeing multiple projects simultaneously, requiring vigilance in time management to ensure execution of deadlines.
  • Ensuring that all documents and material received in the warehouse are of satisfactory quality.
  • Performing regular material warehouse audits to ensure that material is undamaged and maintained neatly throughout the warehouse.
  • Verifying receipts and log them according to required procedures investigating and resolving situations where items received are not properly documented in the daily receipt log.
  • Examining and unpacking incoming shipments, recording shortages and rejecting damaged items.
  • Counting, weighing or measuring items of incoming shipments in order to verify information against invoices, orders, bills of lading or other records.

Inventory Control/Receiving Clerk Resume

Summary : Inventory Control/Receiving Clerk with lots of experience in a warehouse type environment gaining knowledge and know-how of all tools and processes used in that setting. To obtain employment in a rewarding and challenging position with a progressive organization that offers the opportunity for growth and advancement. To be able to utilize my knowledge, skills, abilities, training, and education to further enhance my experience in order to meet and/or exceed in contributing to and accomplishing the organization/company's mission.

Skills : Yale Forklift, Cherry Picker, Replenishment, Load / Unload Trucks, Replenish, Inverter, Auto Wrapper, Lowbay, Highway

Inventory Control/Receiving Clerk Resume Format

  • Assisting in unloading and accurate receipts of all shipments, performing all BOL verifications for loads, reconciling all variances, and data entry.
  • Ensuring eligible incoming freight, investigating, documenting, and communicating all vendor compliance issues to local and corporate management, as well as coordinates all vendor returns reduction of problem freight recognized and vendor compliance rate achieved at 100%.
  • Providing daily support to corporate accounts payable department, providing necessary research and documentation as needed.
  • Planning and executing yard move with the driver team to ensure team member efficient off-loads are available.
  • Providing hourly reports to the management staff as to current unload status, yard backlog, and load goal rates.
  • Communicating with corporate, buyers for product concerns, returns, rejections and credit of all problem products.
  • Ensuring the receiving area is organized and clean at all time and meeting all compliance factors.
  • Checking and sorting receiving the paper before being submitted to the office for processing.

Shipping/Receiving Clerk Resume

Summary : Shipping/Receiving Clerk with many successful years in the warehouse, received, stored, and issued the material in direct support of the ongoing operations. Responsible for order entry and order fulfillment. Complied with global policies and procedures. Maintained inventory accuracy, order accuracy, inventory count accuracy. Utilized mechanical devices to lift or move product above average weight limits. Worked in large warehouses with racks and bins, forklifts, pallet jacks, and RF scanners.

Skills : Forklift Certification, Forklift, Stacking, Sealing, Cherry-Picker, Telzon, Power-jacks

Shipping/Receiving Clerk Resume Format

  • Receiving requests from the operations team and inputting/fulfilling orders for material, including coordinating the delivery of material to rig site if required.
  • Responsible for accurate and timely receipt and the issue of materials including completion of material transactions in via computer systems.
  • Verifying material shipping records for accuracy, resolving material handling questions, resolve concerns of shipping shortages and/or material overages, including addressing any issues/problems with warehouse inventory control.
  • Maintaining physical security of material and notifying supervisor of any suspected security issues.
  • Ensuring stock is placed neatly on the shelves and that material status is clearly identifiable.
  • Ensuring that lifting equipment is available and adhering to company guidelines on proper lifting techniques, complying with all import/export and transportation regulations including documentation, packing, shipping, and reporting.
  • Examining all incoming shipment contents and comparing with purchase order or invoice is accuracy.

Receiving Clerk/Material Handler Resume

Objective : Receiving Clerk/Material Handler with excellent organization and communication skills who is capable of working with or without supervision. Experience in working under pressure and completing each task with diligence and efficiency at all times. Seeking a position where I can use my excellent clerical experience, as well as my effective materials management skills.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Excel, REX, DC Wizard, Skype, Appointment Scheduling, Receptionist, Receiving, Forklift Operator, Office Assistant

Receiving Clerk/Material Handler Resume Sample

  • Moved freight, stock, or other materials to and from the truck by hand or using jacks, forklift, reach or other equipment.
  • Recorded numbers of units handled or moved, using daily production sheets or work tickets.
  • Inspected condition and quantity of received materials before placing them in the warehouse.
  • Loaded merchandise unto pallets and carts and transfer to designated bin and area.
  • Entered data into Genesis or other unit databases for inventory count and customer follow up.
  • Processed special orders for delivery by finding and attaching the shipping label.
  • Examined and unpacked incoming shipments, recorded shortages and rejected damaged items.
  • Investigated and resolved situations where items received are not properly documented in the daily receipt log.
  • Contacted buyer if a problem found with the shipment as well as email parts on hold for end of the day.

Receiving Clerk/Cashier Resume

Summary : Energetic and reliable Receiving Clerk/Cashier with strong leadership skills looking to obtain a position with a company that offers advancement opportunities. To secure a position in the organization that offers challenge and opportunity for my career development and at the same time serve the organization to the best of my capabilities.

Skills : Inventory Management, Receiving, Certified On Multiple Forklifts, Bilingual, Customer Service Representative, Receptionist, Dispatch

Receiving Clerk/Cashier Resume Example

  • Recording shipment data, such as weight, charges, space availability, damages, or discrepancies for reporting, accounting, or recordkeeping purposes.
  • Conferring or corresponding with establishment representatives to rectify problems, such as damages, shortages, or nonconformance to specifications.
  • Preparing, maintaining, and recording records of inventories, receipts, purchases, or deliveries, using a variety of computer screen formats.
  • Reporting any major or unresolved shipment delays or problems to the company manager.
  • Responsible for receiving, tracking and stocking of materials, parts, and equipment, plus delivering the goods to vendors.
  • Safely operating dolly, pallet jack, shrink wrap machine, drive a forklift and operating the company vehicle.
  • Processing customers' orders by ensuring that the right shipment is on its way.
  • Handling shipment receiving duties by ensuring the right item has been delivered.

Shintech Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume

Headline : Adaptable Shintech Shipping And Receiving Clerk with extensive experience in material handling, inspections, and receiving. Focused on continual process improvement and cost reduction. To find a company where I can use my shipping and Receiving skills. Where I can also use my bilingual skills and have room for advancement within the company.

Skills : Inventory Control, Laboratory Clerical Office, Inventory Control, Supply Chain Management, Administrative Support, Warehouse Management

Shintech Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Sample

  • Unloaded various freight trucks, received various exhaust parts, equipment, and supplies, signed receiving documents, opened packages, compared items received with items listed on the packing lists.
  • Checked for any damaged parts, equipment, supplies, and quantities received, documented receiving information such as date received, how delivered and who ordered, etc.
  • Maintained the freight bills and other receiving records, entered receipts into the computer system, generated a receiving label for the exhaust parts that came in.
  • Ran errands and delivered the exhaust parts, equipment, and supplies to the appropriate departments and had packing slip papers signed as necessary.
  • Flattened and threw boxes and trash into the cardboard baler and trash compactor.
  • Prepared documents, such as work orders, bills of lading, or shipping orders, to route materials.
  • Determined shipping method for materials, using knowledge of shipping procedures, routes, and rates.
  • Examined contents and compare with records, such as manifests, invoices, or orders, to verify accuracy of the incoming or outgoing shipment.

Summary : A highly driven, detailed oriented professional with over 11 years of experience as a Purchasing/Receiving Clerk with expertise in managing inventory, processing orders and stock management. Demonstrates great attention to detail and maintains a strong work ethic that will contribute to the performance of a prominent business.

Skills : Inventory, Quality Control, Administration, Machine Troubleshooting, General Labor, Manufacturing

Receiving Clerk Resume Example

  • Maintained cleanliness and presentation of stock room and production floor.
  • Informed forklift operators on their assignments and which fruit will be used and in which sorting line.
  • Acted as support staff for the shipping department, inventory manager, and procurement department.
  • Pulled orders for parts transmitted by drivers from DMS in a time sensitive manner.
  • Performed all cleaning duties to maintain a clean and safe work environment and follows all safety codes.
  • Verified products received against receiving documents, report damages, shortages or overages.
  • Visually inspect each item for damage prior to placing the item on the shelf and ensuring item accuracy.
  • Responsible for receiving products and ensuring each product is entered into the inventory system through the use of a computer terminal or handheld scanner.
  • Ensured boxed items were unloaded from trucks by a sit-down forklift in a neat and safe manner.

Table of Contents

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  1. Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

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  2. Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

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  3. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

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  4. Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

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  1. Top 16 Shipping Clerk Resume Objective Examples

    Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of efficiently managing and organizing stock, reducing errors, and maintaining accurate records. 5. Forklift operation. A Shipping Clerk is often required to move heavy packages or load and unload delivery trucks.

  2. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Objective

    Adding the name of the company you are applying for within the objective statement is a great way to get yourself noticed. It lets the hiring manager know you have a sincere interest in the position. 1. Searching for a position of Shipping Receiving Clerk with ABC company in order to use exceptional knowledge of packing and labelling packages. 2.

  3. 5 Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Objective Examples

    Sample Objectives for Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume. 1. Highly experienced Shipping and Receiving Clerk with an exceptional track record of maintaining inventory, including stocking shelves, organizing warehouse bins, and performing picking duties. Poised to contribute to the success of ABC Company by using my skills and talents.

  4. Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Sample

    For a shipping and receiving clerk, your career objective needs to mention your warehouse experience in addition to any education or certifications you have. ... Your shipping and receiving clerk resume needs to look professional and clean, so keep reading for how you can make sure it fits this description. Visual Appeal Checklist.

  5. Shipping and Receiving Resume: Job Description for Clerks

    Justin Melendez. Shipping and Receiving Clerk. 507-831-8953. [email protected]. Summary. Reliable and professional shipping and receiving clerk with 6 years of experience in warehouse organization. Determined methods of shipment for up to 25 transports a day.

  6. Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    Shipping and receiving clerks use their skills to monitor shipments and process orders. You can review relevant job descriptions to learn more about what the job entails. Writing an effective shipping and receiving clerk resume can help distinguish your qualifications from other candidates and increase your chance of receiving an offer for the position.

  7. 1+ Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    Shipping Receiving Clerks are the gatekeepers of inventory flow, meticulously tracking and organizing goods as they move in and out. Much like a well-managed warehouse, your resume must carefully catalogue your skills and experiences, ensuring nothing valuable is misplaced or overlooked. Let's unpack the essentials of a standout Shipping Receiving Clerk resume, itemizing the best practices to ...

  8. Warehouse Shipping Clerk Resume Objective

    See a few examples of resume objectives below: 1. Dependable, hard-working individual with experience reconciling shipping inventories and tracking incoming packages. 2. Seeking position as a Warehouse Shipping Clerk at ABC Company where hard work and dedication can contribute to the efficient operation of the shipping department as a whole. 3.

  9. Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

    Shipping / Receiving Clerk Resume Examples & Samples. 1) Identifies, examines, classifies, accepts, rejects, and disposes of material as per regulations. 2) Visual examination or use of measuring devices and techniques may be performed under mentoring assistance of. 5) Able to use blueprints, schematics, etc., under mentoring of senior personnel.

  10. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Examples

    Shipping Receiving Clerk. 10/1/2016 - 2/1/2021. Company Name. City, State. Moved products to assigned area in the warehouse or to store shelves. Retrieved customer orders and packaged for shipment. Prepared shipping documents and mailing labels. Verified that orders were filled correctly.

  11. Shipping And Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

    Shipping And Receiving Clerk/Office Assistant Resume. Objective : 3 years of experience as a Shipping And Receiving Clerk. Excellent communication and computer skills; ability to work independently or as part of a team to meet project deadlines; multicultural awareness with a high level of adaptability.

  12. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Example

    Cell: 000-000-0000. [email protected]. Summary. Organized Shipping Receiving Clerk dedicated to the comprehensive and accurate coordination of shipping rates and routes. Skilled at providing detailed record verification and processing, processing customer orders and facilitating shipments, and shipment and equipment labeling.

  13. Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    The median annual salary for Shipping and Receiving Clerks is $31,180, the BLS reports. Shipping and Receiving Clerks in the 10th percentile earn about $21,000 a year, and the highest paid make in excess of $48,700 a year. Shipping and Receiving Clerks in the District of Columbia, Alaska and Washington make the highest median salaries in the U ...

  14. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

    A Shipping Receiving Clerk will perform a variety of shipping and receiving tasks. The job duties include verifying materials as ordered and routes; preparing items for shipment in a cost-effective manner. The Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume indicates the following core duties - recording shipping and receiving details in computerized systems ...

  15. Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume Sample

    Excellent customer service skills; ability to interact professionally and effectively with customers. Create a Shipping & Receiving Clerk Resume. Find and customize career-winning Shipping & Receiving Clerk resume samples and accelerate your job search. All shipping & receiving clerk resume samples have been written by expert recruiters.

  16. Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Examples

    Why this example passes: Numbers and statistics add detail and quantify the results this shipping and receiving clerk delivers: 4% improvement and a class size of 20-25. Good use of strong words and active language. References specialized value cahier provides with "individualized lesson plans.".

  17. Shipping Clerk Resume Samples

    Shipping Clerk Resume Examples & Samples. Collect and replace hazardous waste solvent containers from labs for disposal, and maintain identity of the container into the 90 storage room. Pump contents of container into the bulk tank. Preventive maintenance of corroded parts and labels must be performed as needed.

  18. Shipping Receiving Clerk Resume Example

    Jason Franklin. 10524 W Chickasaw St. Lynnwood, WA, 98036 (555)-555-5555 [email] Job Objective To obtain a Shipping Receiving Clerk position and utilize my experience and skills for the successful completion of each job task.. Work Experience: Shipping Receiving Clerk. Volt Information Sciences, Lynnwood, WA

  19. Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Sample

    Shipping and Receiving Clerk Resume Example. Joseph Smith. 58 York Avenue, Cleveland, OH 65987. (000) 215-9655. [email protected].

  20. Receiving Clerk Resume Samples

    Receiving Clerk Resume Samples. The Receiving Clerk will work at a warehouse and assume the responsibility of receiving a large number of shipments on a daily basis. This position can also be seen in various other facilities that provide shipping service regularly. The job description and duties mentioned on the Receiving Clerk Resume include ...

  21. shipping receiving clerk jobs

    Shipping and Receiving Clerk 1. Eco-Bat Technologies LTD. Indianapolis, IN 46231. :root {--reach-menu-button:1;} Familiarity with shipping/receiving operations. Verifies and keeps records of incoming and outgoing shipments and prepares items for shipment by performing the…. Posted 30+ days ago·. More...