
Speech on Child Labour

Child labour is a troubling issue that affects millions of kids worldwide. It forces children into work, robbing them of their innocence and education.

You might have seen images of kids toiling in factories or fields. This is child labour, a practice that is sadly common in many parts of the world.

1-minute Speech on Child Labour

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good day to you all. I am here today to address a pressing issue that affects millions of children worldwide, “Child Labour”. This is not just a term, it is a scar on society that we need to heal with love, care, and education.

Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work. It deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and mentally, physically, socially, and morally harms them. The issue is not confined to developing or underdeveloped countries, it is a global concern.

The major cause of child labour is poverty. Parents unable to make ends meet force their children to work in hazardous conditions for meagre wages. Instead of studying, playing, and dreaming, millions of children are working in factories, mines, and fields. This is a gross violation of their rights and a theft of their innocent childhood.

Let’s raise our voices against child labour, report incidents that we witness, and spread awareness about the harmful effects of child labour. Let’s promote education, as it is the most powerful tool that can help break the vicious cycle of poverty and child labour.

Remember, children are not meant to earn their living, they are meant to learn, play and grow. Let’s join hands to give every child the childhood they rightfully deserve.

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2-minute Speech on Child Labour

Good morning! Today, I stand before you to discuss an issue that continues to plague our society despite modern advancements and progress. The issue is child labour.

Child labour is a crime against humanity that directly infringes the rights of over 152 million children worldwide. It deprives these innocent souls of their childhood, their potential, their dignity. It is a form of physical and mental torture that no child deserves. Child labour is a social evil that we need to eradicate from our society.

Why do children work? It’s a question we should all be asking. The primary reason is poverty. In many parts of the world, families are forced to send their children to work in order to supplement the family income. Lack of access to quality education is another significant factor. Many children are deprived of their basic right to education due to the unavailability of schools and teachers, or because their families can’t afford the associated costs.

These children work in absolutely inhumane conditions. They work in hazardous industries, factories, mines and fields, often handling dangerous tools and toxic substances. They work long hours, are subjected to physical and emotional abuse and are paid pittance. This robs them of their innocence and joy, and leaves them scarred for life.

Child labour is not just a problem for the countries where it’s most prevalent – it’s a global issue. Many of the goods we consume every day – from the coffee we drink to the clothes we wear – are produced through child labour. We, as consumers, have a moral responsibility to ensure that our purchases do not contribute to this awful exploitation.

Imagine a world where every child can enjoy their childhood, where every child has the opportunity to learn and grow, where every child is free from exploitation. This is not an impossible dream. It’s a reality that we can create, if we all work together.

In conclusion, child labour is a horrendous practice that continues to persist in the modern world, and it’s our collective responsibility to abolish it. Let us all pledge to contribute towards this cause in whatever way we can. Remember, every effort counts, and every child saved is a step towards a brighter and better world.

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  • Speech on Child Labour in English for Students


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Here the students will get to know about the speech on ‘Child Labour’. The speaker is trying to raise awareness among people about the seriousness of child labour and its effects on society. One of the main purposes of the speech is to motivate people to take action against child labour. We have mentioned long speeches and short speeches. You can choose any one of them according to your needs. Students and teachers can also make changes in the speech to make it more effective. Child labour is a global issue, but it is particularly prevalent in South Asia, which has the highest number of child labourers in the world. Child labour refers to the employment of children under certain allowable conditions and restrictions that differ from country to country. It can be defined as any activity performed by a child before completing their 11th birthday and obtaining 12 years of education.

Child Labour is a global issue, but it is particularly prevalent in South Asia, which has the highest number of child labourers in the world. UNICEF states in its report that there are 168 million children aged 5-17 involved in child labour worldwide, and out of these, approximately 120 million are involved in hazardous work. Child labour refers to the employment of children under certain allowable conditions and restrictions that differ from country to country.

Students can use the below-given speeches in their school and college functions. You can use this in your functions and make it more effective and efficient by making changes in order to suit your needs.

Children are considered to be the future of the country. As they grow up, they are given opportunities to prove themselves so that they could be the ones who will help in developing the country. But what if I tell you there are cases in which a child is not allowed to experience his childhood instead is thrown into adulthood where he or she is forced to work. Child labour is the crime that forces children to work at a very young age.

Below 2 speeches on child labour are given, a long speech on child labour and a short speech on child labour which helps in understanding this crime committed against young children.

Long Speech on Child Labour

'Good morning everyone!'. Today I want to talk about an important topic which is a major threat to children’s rights and that is Child labour.

Child labour is a crime in which children are forced to work at a very young age. It’s considered an illegal activity because children between the age of 5-15 are not yet ready to work anywhere. It is sad to see that the age at which children should enjoy childhood are forced to work and enter adulthood.

Millions of children around the world are forced to work which robs them of having a happy childhood, education, and a good future. Child labor remains to be a serious challenge to the happiness of children.

According to the report of the International Labour Organization(ILO), child labour has reduced in most of the country but it is still a major problem in many developing countries such as India. Srilanka etc.

So the next question that comes to everyone’s mind is what is the situation of child labour in India? According to the 2018 report of ILO, about 13 million children between the age of 5-15 are engaged in child labour in India. When children are employed at such a young age their chances to attend school and complete education is highly impossible. Children continue to do labor to provide food at the house and, in turn, are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

The age at which children should live their life to the fullest is forced to work at dangerous construction sites. The majority of these children are of age 5-15 and they work almost 16 hours per day to help their families make ends meet.

As children grow older, their involvement in getting odd jobs also increases as they have to provide for their families. In India, 20-30% of children aged 15 to 17 are involved in doing dangerous jobs which could be selling drugs or cigarettes on the streets.

India is a developing country in spite of the recent economic boom, one-third of the Indian population lives below the poverty line which is considered to be the primary reason for child labour in our country. People living in such conditions don’t have food to eat and that is the reason they make their children work.

Due to poverty, parents sell their children or abandon them on the street, which in turn causes many crimes like child trafficking and sex trafficking. These innocent and vulnerable children are then forced to odd jobs that could range from selling drugs, cigarettes, and even begging.

The Indian Government had passed a law against child labour in 1993 forbidding dangerous work that could cause harm to children under the age of 18. In spite of this, people exploit the law as there are many loopholes in the system which includes corrupted government officials.

In 2006 and 2016, the law against child labour was tightened to ensure that children under the age of 15 are not allowed to be used as domestic help at hotels and restaurants.

To conclude this speech I want to say that Government and the citizens play an important role in ending child labour which directly exploits children’s rights. The laws against child labour should be tightened and the punishment should be changed from fine to prison. It is important to fight poverty as it is the primary reason for child labour.

The Government should make sure that free education and food are provided to children, and a campaign should be organized that allows parents to see the brighter side of educating their children. A child should be tracked if he or she is not attending school. Lastly, as a citizen, it is the duty of each and every one of us to report abuse against a child. Thank you.

Short Speech on Child Labour

'Good morning everyone!', today I want to talk about an important topic which is a major threat to children’s rights and that is Child labour.

Child labour is a crime in which children are forced to work at a very young age. According to the International Labor Organization(ILO), children working below the age of 15 are not allowed. Millions of children around the world are forced to work which robs them of having a happy childhood, education, and a good future. Child labor remains to be a serious challenge to the happiness of children.

Child labour is a major problem in many developing countries which includes India. According to the 2018 report of ILO, about 13 million children between the age of 5-15 are engaged in child labour in India.

The age at which children should attend school is forced to work at dangerous construction sites. The majority of these children are of age 5-15 and they work almost 16 hours per day to help their families make ends meet. In India, 20-30% of children aged 15 to 17 are involved in doing dangerous jobs which could be selling drugs or cigarettes on the streets.

One-third of our country is in poverty which is considered to be the primary reason for child labour. People living in such conditions don’t have food to eat and that is the reason they make their children work. These innocent and vulnerable children are then forced to odd jobs that could range from selling drugs, cigarettes, and even begging.

The Indian Government had passed a law against child labour in 1993, 2006 and in 2013 forbidding dangerous work that could cause harm to children under the age of 18.

I wanna conclude this speech by saying that Government and the citizens play an important role in ending child labour. Laws against child labour should be tightened, free education and food should be provided to children. As a citizen, it is important to report child abuse to the nearest police station. Thank you.

10 Lines Speech on Child Labour

Child labour is a crime in which children are forced to work at a very young age.

According to the 2018 report of ILO, about 13 million children between the age of 5-15 are engaged in child labour in India.

In India, 20-30% of children aged 15 to 17 are involved in doing dangerous jobs which could be selling drugs or cigarettes on the streets.

One-third of the Indian population lives below the poverty line which is considered to be the primary reason for child labour in our country.

The Indian Government had passed a law against child labour in 1993 forbidding dangerous work that could cause harm to children under the age of 18.

In 2006 and 2016, the law against child labour was tightened to ensure that children under the age of 15 are not allowed to be used as a domestic help at hotels and restaurants.

The laws against child labour should be tightened and the punishment should be changed from fine to prison. It is important to fight poverty as it is the primary reason for child labour.

As a citizen of this country, it is the duty of each and every one of us to report the abuse of any kind of children to the police.


Child labour is a crime that robs children of their development, education, and happiness. In order to end child labour, governments should tighten the laws against it as well as fight poverty as a major cause for this exploitation. As citizens, it is our duty to report all cases of child abuse to the nearest police station. In conclusion, child labour is a crime that should be stopped. People who engage in child labour should be punished. One should not forget that poverty is the primary reason for child labour. So, let us all join hands to fight poverty and bring happiness to the lives of these children.


FAQs on Speech on Child Labour in English for Students

1. What are the major causes of child labour?

According to 2015 statistics by UNICEF, around 6% of children between 5-14 years are engaged in child labour. The main reasons for this are poverty, hunger, unemployment, lack of education, family problems, disability and the urge to support their families financially. Child labour is often a result of one or more of these underlying issues. There are many cases of child exploitation as well. These causes are not limited to certain regions of the world. These are universal problems that affect every country, including India. We should come together and fight the cause of child labour rather than punishing children for their own exploitation.

2. What are some measures that can be taken to prevent child labour?

According to UNICEF, there are some measures that can be taken to stop or prevent child labour which include: decent work for adults; free compulsory education; social support systems like health care and childcare; poverty reduction through economic growth; building schools in every village of the country; introducing more curricula on life skill education; and awareness programmes on the hazards of child labour. It is important for every country to take these necessary steps to eradicate child labour. India has made some progress in this direction, but there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

3. What should be the punishment for people who engage in child labour?

In India, the 1993 Act states that anyone who is employing children in contravention of the law shall be punished with imprisonment for a term up to six months or with a fine which may extend up to Rs. 20,000 (US \[$\]290) or both. The 2006 Act states that if someone engages in child labour and causes harm to them physically or mentally, they shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and/or a fine which may extend to Rs. 1,00,000 (US \[$\]1,460). The 2016 amendment to the law further states that if someone employs a child in any hazardous occupation or process, they will be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and/or a fine which may extend to Rs. 3,00,000 (US \[$\]43,860). These punishments are not deterrent enough. The exploitation of children is a crime that should not be tolerated in any society. Every person has a right to basic needs like food, shelter, and education. Children should not be forced to leave school and work in order for their families to make a living. Those who engage children in such activities should be severely punished.

4. How can we fight poverty which is the main reason for child labour?

Fighting poverty is the key to eradicating child labour. There are many ways in which this can be done. For example, there are programmes for financial inclusion that can provide poor people access to banking services and thereby allow them to increase their income levels. Also, livelihood empowerment programmes can help in increasing the incomes of poor people. Such programmes should be spread all over the country and should be implemented effectively. Also, there are several other ways to tackle poverty, like reducing wasteful expenditure, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, increasing infrastructure investment by the Government to create more jobs, etc. Many children around the world are forced into labor every day. Child labour is a global problem that needs to be stopped.

5. What is your opinion about the impact of child labour on society?

Child labour is a major concern of our society today. Many children around the world are forced into labor every day. The main reason for this problem is poverty and joblessness, forcing families to send their children out to work instead of school. Most people feel that children will not be able to do such hard work and that they are not strong enough to handle the workload. This is not true. Children can do the same amount of work as adults if they are given enough training and if the work is not too strenuous. However, child labour has a negative impact on society. Firstly, it denies children their basic right to education. Secondly, it affects their physical and mental development. Thirdly, it exposes them to health hazards. Fourthly, it makes them vulnerable to exploitation. Finally, it increases crime rates in society. We need to take steps to eradicate child labour from our society. We need to provide alternate sources of income to poor families so that they do not have to send their children out to work. We need to encourage families to educate their children and make them realize that education is a necessity of life.

3 Minute Speech on Child Labour for Students and Children

3 minute speech on child labour.

A very warm welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to deliver a speech on child labour. Child labour has been the most important concern in the world because it affects the children both mentally and physically. It also destroys the future of children. The Child labour act, 1986 defines a child as a person who has not completed the age of 14 years. Child labour is the practice of engaging the children in economic activity, on a part or full-time basis. Every child is considered as a gift of god it must be nurtured with care and affection with the family and society but due to the social-economic problems children will be forced to work in industries, leather factories, hotels, and a self-service restaurant.

Speech on child labour

The child labour is not a small issue in economic problems of society so to eliminate child labour first we should focus on socio-economic issues of the society. India is one of the foremost countries in Asia that has 33 million children employed in various forms of child labour. The constitution of India, too provides certain rights to children and prohibits child labour like no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed in any factory or hazardous work, children are given opportunities and services to grow in a healthily, they will provide free and compulsory educations to all children between the ages 6 to 14 years, etc. There are many causes of child labour i.e. poverty, debts, professional needs, etc.

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In developing countries, poverty is one of the major problems and the children were considered as helping hand to feed their families. If they don’t work they will die of poverty and hunger. Because of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment parents are unable to send them to schools. So that the poor parents send their children to work at lower wages. So first we will try to eliminate the poverty of society.

The poor economic condition of people in India forces them to borrow money. The literate seeks debt from money lenders during emergencies later they find difficulty in paying back the debts so debtors drag their children too in support of them so that the debts could be paid off. There are some industries such as the bangle making industries, where they require delicate hands and little fingers. Thus, they require children to work for them and do such dangerous work with glass.

I would like to conclude by saying that the remedy is only in the hands of the government. It needs to take the necessary steps to get rid of poverty by giving employment to the parents of child labourers. It is necessary to educate children. The government should allocate the necessary funds to educate poor children. There are many laws and authoritarian departments for child labour. But, up till now, these are unproductive in controlling ongoing child labour. This is possible only with the support of all the sections of the society and the law enforcement agencies.  The focus should be on controlling the population of the country, education of the children and providing sufficient funds for its removal from the gross domestic product of India.

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Child Labour Speech: Samples for School Students

a 2 minutes speech on child labour

  • Updated on  
  • Jan 29, 2024

Child Labour Speech

Child Labour Speech: Child labour is the illegal practice of employing children in different jobs. Child labour is not a new issue and has been in existence for eternity. These young and innocent children are deprived of their beautiful childhood, as it interferes with their school education and is mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful.

According to Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution , no child below the age of 14 is allowed to work in hazardous places, like mines and factories. Today, we have brought to you a child labour speech, which will cover all the dimensions of this social issue. Stay tuned.

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines on Child Labour
  • 2 1-Minute Child Labour Speech
  • 3 3-Minute Child Labour Speech

10 Lines on Child Labour

Here are 10 lines of child labour for school students. Feel free to add them to your school writing topics.

  • Child labour is a crime in India under Articles 23 and 24.
  • Children below the age of 14 are not allowed to work.
  • Child labour deprives children of their basic education rights.
  • One of the major reasons for child labour is poverty.
  • Child labour is still prevalent in both rural and urban areas.
  • The International Labour Organisation’s report says about 13 million children below the age of 14 are employed in hazardous places.
  • There must be strict punishment against people practising child labour.
  • Children are paid less wages as compared to other workers.
  • Children are often exploited in the name of work
  • Child labour has given birth to various crimes against children.

1-Minute Child Labour Speech

‘Hello and welcome to all my friends and teachers. Today, I stand before you to present my ‘Child labour speech.’ In our country, child labour is an illegal activity and the person employing children below the age of 14 or 15 can be imprisoned for 6 to 24 months and is also subjected to pay a fine of 20,000 to 50,000 rupees. 

In India, we have a law against child labour under Articles 23 and 24, which is named ‘Right Against Exploitation.’ Regardless of this, child labour is still prevalent in India, damaging the young life and early education of children. Moreover, child labour causes social, moral, physical and mental harm to children, as they are not adapted to the hazardous work environment.

Child labour can be stopped by implementing strong legal measures. With improved access to quality education, we can empower children and provide them with better future opportunities. We must raise awareness about this social issue, which is damaging the country from the inside. Let’s stand against child labour with the #saynotochildlabour on our social media accounts.

Thank you.’

Also Read: Essay on Child Labour

3-Minute Child Labour Speech

‘A very warm and cherished good morning to everyone present here. Today, I will be talking about one of the most concerning issues in our country, ‘Child labour’. A lot of times we see young children working in roadside shops, as cobblers, helpers at grocery stores, vehicle cleaners, mechanics, etc. These are some of the everyday examples that we encounter. But do you know what’s more scary? Children are often subjected to slavery, separated from their families and forced to work in hazardous places at low wages.

Child labour is a concerning social issue and we must take strong measures to end such evil practice. How can we secure the future of our country when children are forced to work in hazardous places, which not only affects their mental and physical well-being but also deprives them of their school education and overall growth?

At the international level, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is the prime body dealing with social and economic justice by setting international labour standards. In December 2023, the ILO conducted its 14th annual meeting on the Child Labour Platform, where the agenda was to interlink child labour with climate change. 

In India, the Ministry of Labour & Employment deals with all the matters related to child labour. We have strong laws against child labour, such as Articles 23 and 24, which state that children below the age of 14 are not allowed to work in hazardous places like factories and mines. 

You might be wondering why child labour is still prevalent, after having so many national and international laws. One of the major reasons for child labour is poverty. People living below the poverty line rely on their children’s income to meet days end. These people have low or no access to education, which pushes children to the workforce, instead of the classroom. In the age of holding a pencil and pen, they are forced to lift heavy items in factories.

We are so lucky to have parents who are determined to educate us. Think of the countless children who have no access to education and have no future. It’s time for us to take a stand against child labour and stop this evil practice. This is not only harming those innocent children but also damaging India’s credible image in the eyes of world leaders. From poverty alleviation to awareness campaigns, we must eradicate this evil practice in any and every possible way.

1⃣6⃣0⃣ millones de niñas y niños son trabajan en situación de #TrabajoInfantil en lugar de ir a la escuela. ➡Todos las niñas y niños merecen ir a la escuela, no al trabajo. 📢Pasemos el mensaje‼ #EndChildLabour #EducationDay pic.twitter.com/0b3OX6R0jG — ILO action to End Child Labour (@ILO_Childlabour) January 24, 2024

Ans: According to Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution, no child below the age of 14 is allowed to work in hazardous places, like mines and factories.

Ans: ‘Child labour is the illegal practice of employing children in different jobs. Child labour is not a new issue and has been in existence for eternity. In India, we have a law against child labour under Articles 23 and 24, which is named ‘Right Against Exploitation.’ Regardless of this, child labour is still prevalent in India, damaging the young life and early education of children. Moreover, child labour causes social, moral, physical and mental harm to children, as they are not adapted to the hazardous work environment.

Ans: In India, the Ministry of Labour & Employment deals with all the matters related to child labour.

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Speech on Child Labour in Simple and Easy Words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Child Labour: Child labor in India persists as a complex and deeply rooted challenge, reflecting the intersection of economic, social, and educational issues. Despite legislative measures and increased awareness, a significant number of children are still engaged in various forms of labor, compromising their rights, well-being, and potential for a brighter future. The multifaceted nature of this problem demands a comprehensive approach to address the underlying factors that perpetuate child labor in the country.

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Speech recitation, group discussion, etc are some of the most important necessities of the student’s school life as such activities help them to develop leadership qualities by eliminating their fear in front of public. Now-a-days, it is very necessary for the students to take part in the activities other than the academic activities because of the ever growing competitive environment. They must involve whenever they get chance as speech recitation is the only activity which removes student’s hesitation of talking.

speech on child labour

Long and Short Child Labour Speech in English

We have provided below variety of speeches on child labour in order to help students to actively participate in the speech recitation during any event celebration in their school.

We have also created an article on child labour , shedding light on its detrimental impacts on the physical and mental well-being of children, the underlying causes perpetuating this issue, and proposing effective solutions to eradicate this social menace and ensure a brighter future for the younger generation

All the child labour speech provided below are written using very easy words and simple sentences especially for the students.

So, you can select any of the speeches on child labour according to your need and requirement:

Child Labour Speech in 100 words

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Today as we have gathered here on the occasion of international day against child labour, I would like to say a few things about the perils of child labour and its effects on society and nation.

Child labour refers to the exploitation of children for doing manual work, which deprives them from their childhood and fundamental rights to education and health. It ruins the life of a child blocking all the venues of education and progress.

It is our responsibility to stand guard against child labour and report to the concerned authorities if we witness child exploitation in any form. With this I would like to conclude. Thank you all!

Also Read: Speech on Child Trafficking

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1 min Child Labour Speech

Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today, we all are here in this assembly to express our views on some of the biggest issues in India and therefore I would like to say a few words on Child Labour, one of the major problems continuing from even before the birth of our nation.

Child labour is an imposition of manual work over children in exchange of some money, place to live in etc. The children sometimes are used as bondage labours as they do not ask for a lot to pay. It not only deprives them of their childhood but also ruins their fundamental rights and duties to education etc., and destruction of their entire future.

There are many governmental programs running to stop child labour in the country and they made it illegal to keep children under the age of 18 as labours. Apart from this, it is our own responsibility to raise voice against injustice happening to children around us and only then this problem could be sorted.

Child Labour Speech in 200 words

Good Morning Respected Principal, Colleagues and My Dear Students!

Today we all are assembled here on the celebration of this beautiful occasion of Children’s Day , I would like to address one of the biggest problem that many children are facing every day, CHILD LABOUR. Even in today’s world where education is being prioritized by both the government and parents, there are still many places across the country where children are used as slaves and kept as bondage labours.

People keep children as workers and slaves because they do not demand much for money and easy to be dominated by them. Although in India, it is illegal to keep under aged children as workers but still we can find under aged children working.

It is not only a matter of children laboring but also of them remaining uneducated and illiterate with spoiled childhood. This will eventually affect the future of the country and its growth. Child trafficking or human trafficking is also a part of child labour as the children gets trafficked from one place to another so that they can be used as slaves.

This problem should be the concern of every citizen because this problem will hinder the development of our country and spoil the childhood of many children across the country.

2 Min Speech on Child Labour Day

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, as we have gathered here, I would like to take this opportunity to express my views on one of the most significant issues that blocks the social and economical growth of the nation.

I hope you all must be well aware of the child labour and the threats it poses to a nation’s growth, not to mention the future of a child. Child labour is a curse to the children who are forced to do trivial manual jobs, for little monetary payment in exchange. It deprives their childhood of freedom, education and a health.

The situation is grimmer in the poorest countries of the world, where nearly 25% of child population is engaged in child labour. Poverty and illiteracy is the main causes of child labour. Usually the children are employed by their own parents to supplement the family’s income. Children engaged in child labour, never get an opportunity to go to school and are pushed into a life of misery and poverty.

Not only the child labour ruins the life of children, but also hinders the economical and social progress of a nation. Future of a nation relies on its children and if the childhood is suffering today, then the nation will suffer tomorrow.

With this I would like to conclude my speech, requesting you all to keep up the fight against Child Labour in hope of a happy childhood and a satisfied nation. Thank You!

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Child Labour Speech 500 words

Good morning to the respected Principal sir, sir, madam and my dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … We have gathered here to celebrate this special occasion of … So, I would like to speech on child labour, a big social issue, interfering the growth and development of country. First of all I would like to thank my class teacher for offering me such a great opportunity to speech here.

My dear friends, child labour has been a big social issue which interferes the nation’s development to a great extent. As we all know that children become the future of the country so why people are using child labour only for their small benefits. Why they do not see from our eyes, why they do not let small children to live their sweet childhood? Why they keep small children away from their right of education. Some of the industrialists and businessmen involve children in some kind of employment at very low cost labour. They do so only for their greediness of getting efficient work at low cost of labour.

Child labour withdraws small children from their sweet and memorable childhood. It interferes with their regular schooling as it disturbs them mentally, physically, socially and morally. It is very dangerous and harmful disease to the children as well as country. This exploitative practice is still continuing by various international organizations despite of various strict rules and regulations all across the world which prohibits child labour. This social issue is running in the society for many years from the ancient time which has affected the development to a great extent.

Most of the children are involved in the child labour in the fields like agriculture, factories, home-based assembly operations, mining, production, and other services. Some of them have to work in night shifts or over time because of the need of more work and earn some more money for improving the financial condition of their family. Their normal routine of work become 12 hours long for which they get paid a little amount. The most important and primary causes of the child labour are very low family income, unavailability of schools with proper facilities for poor children, and illiteracy among poor parents.

This issue has been spread like a virus to the wide range of areas in the developing countries because of the high poverty, poor schooling opportunities, high population rate, lack of adult emplacement, etc. The highest incidence rate of child labour was in sub-Saharan Africa in 2010.

According to this, more than 50% of the children (aged 5-14 years) of Africa were working. The agriculture field worldwide has been a largest employer of child labour for years. A big percentage of child labour is found in the rural settings and informal urban economy where children are forcefully employed by their owner or parents. According to the statistics of World Bank, there is seen some decrease in the incidence of child labour worldwide (25% in 1960 however, reduced to 10% by 2003).

My dear friends, we should be aware in detail about this problem and take some positive steps to remove this issue from the society. As being youth of the country, we are highly responsible towards the growth and development of the country, so we should work positively in the fields interfering it to go ahead.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat

Also Read: Speech on Labour Day

Child Labour Speech on 400 words

Good morning to the Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear friends. My name is … I study in class … At this event, I would like to speech on child labour, its causes, and steps taken by government to remove this social issue from the society. I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such as a great opportunity to speech on this topic in front of you.

Child labour is the wrong practice running in the society worldwide for years from the ancient time. It is not only a national issue but it is a worldwide issue. Child labour is the act of involving children in some type of labour at very low cost to get efficient work by the owners, industrialists, businessmen, etc.

Generally they involve children in economic activity on part time basis. Somewhere children work for full night and over time without any leave to get more financial help. Child labour interferes with the physical and mental development of the children. It has taken its deep root in the society because of poverty, lack of shelter and food, lack of facilities for poor people, lack of education, big gap between rich and poor, growth of informal economy, etc.

According to the national census of India, the number of child labour (aged 4-15 years ) in 1998 was around 12.6 million, between 2009-2010 it was around 4.98 million (aged 5-14 years) and in 2011 it was around 4.35 million (aged 5-14).

Here we see that child labour is decreasing year wise however, the question is, why we are not able to finish it completely even after living in an advanced era? Why it is decreasing very slowly, and not has finished yet? I think the main reason behind it; people have not developed their mind level positively yet. There is still the existence of dictatorship of rich people over poor people in the society. There is a big gap between rich and poor; well developed people have not capacity to accept equality in the society.

Indian law has specified around 64 industries as hazardous in which employing children are considered as criminal offence. Around 120,000 children in the country were involved in the hazardous job in 2001. The Constitution of India has prohibited the employment of children in hazardous industries however, not in non-hazardous industries.

According to the UNICEF, it is estimated that the highest number of child labour is in India (under 14 years of age) all over the world. According to the International Labour Organization, around 60% of all the child labour is involved in agriculture whereas 70% by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

Child labour in the hazardous industries is prohibited by the Article 24 of India’s constitution. There are various laws and the Indian Penal Code (such as Juvenile Justice (care and protection) of Children Act-2000, Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act-1986, etc) working in the field to stop child labour in India.

Child Labour Speech 7 – Long Speech 350 words

Good morning to the Excellencies, Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear friends. My name is … I study in class … I would like to speech on child labour at this occasion because it is one of the big issues interfering with the growth and development of our country. I would like to say a big thank to my class teacher to give me such as a great opportunity to speech here on this topic.

My dear friends, child labour is a global issue, it is not the issue of our country only so, it needs a global effort to get removed from the society. It has affected worldwide especially developing countries to a great extent. Children are involved in various types of labour at low payment; bonded child labour is one of them. It is a very old system in India in which children are forced, or partly forced by the owner to perform their job for long time.

In this system, especially child or his/her parents have to agree for an agreement (oral or written) with the creditor. It was emerged in India during colonial period to get reliable and cheap labour at loan or land-lease relationship basis. Legislation was passed in 1977 in order to prohibit bonded child labour in India. However, some evidences have found proving the continuation of bonded child labour in the country.

Child labour is a serious issue in the society in terms of economic welfare because children involved in labour at their little age cannot get necessary education. They drop the opportunity of being a well developed (physically, mentally, intellectually, socially, psychologically and financially) citizen of the nation. Their physical and mental condition reduces day by day which makes them more vulnerable to various diseases. They remain illiterate lifelong which limit their ability to contribute in the well-being of their own and country.

There is need to make industrialists and businessmen well aware about all the adverse effects of child labour on the country’s development. Everyone must understand that education is the only tool to improve necessary skills among children which will help in increasing their own and nation’s productivity through secured higher-skilled jobs in future. It needs some effective and positive steps to be taken by the end of all Indian citizens especially well educated youths of the country to remove this social issue.

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Child Labour Speech 8 – Long Speech 450 words

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … Today we are here to celebrate this occasion so, I would like to speech on the topic of child labour. I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such as a great opportunity to speech here on this topic.

My dear friends, I feel very proud to be the citizen of India however, on the other hand, it makes me shame also that our country is a home to largest number of child laborers all over the world. It is just because of some greedy and clever Indian citizens who involve small children in hazardous labour at low labour cost for their benefits. They never think about the development of their country; they are very selfish and want their own benefits only. Most of the child labour is found in the agriculture field in rural areas and in mining industry, zari, embroidery industry, etc in the urban areas.

Some of the main causes of child labour are poverty, lack of basic facilities to all, lack of social security, etc. There is a big gap between rich and poor people of society, limitation to the basic facilities, and huge level inequality. Such type of social issues adversely affects children of the society (especially poor child) more than other age groups.

Because of the poor condition and lack of knowledge, poor children become ready to work hard for a little payment where they are used as domestic workers in the urban areas. This condition of child labour almost resembles to the situation of slavery. Most of the parents give birth to their children only to earn money and strengthen their financial condition. They involve their kids in the domestic works as their support. We generally see children working in the tea stalls, dhabas, restaurants, hotels, and other hazardous occupations.

It is seen that children involve in the child labour are generally belong to the schedules tribes, schedule castes, OBC and Muslims children. It means, castism (low cast poor people) is also the big reason of child labour in India. Its existence in such an advanced era is because of the inefficient laws, bad administrative system, lack of political desire to eliminate it completely and huge benefits to the employers.

Bonded child labour is also a type of child labour which is generally found in the informal sector. In this, poor children become bonded to work for an employer against a loan, inherited debt or social obligation by the family. We can say bonded labour a form of slavery. Bonded child laborers are more prone to the physical and sexual abuse and any type of negligence cause death. They become psychologically and mentally ill and do not have any other option to survive. As being youth of the country, we should understand our responsibility towards the nation and take some positive steps to eliminate this social issue.

Speech Topics for Students and Children’s

Child Labour Speech Faq’s

How do you start a speech on child labor.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to address a deeply concerning issue that plagues our society - child labor. A practice that denies children their right to a happy and carefree childhood

Write a speech on child labour in India in English?

In India, the haunting reality of child labor persists, a stark contradiction to the nation's progress. Despite legislative measures, the exploitation of innocent lives continues, demanding our attention and collective action.

What is child labour in simple words?

Child labor is when children, often under the age of 14, are engaged in economic activities, depriving them of their fundamental right to education and a normal childhood.

What is a 1-minute speech on child labour?

Child labor robs children of their innocence and the right to an education. It is a grave issue that demands urgent attention and intervention. Let us unite to eradicate this menace and ensure every child enjoys the childhood they deserve

What are the main ideas of child labor?

The main ideas of child labor revolve around the exploitation of children for economic gain, the denial of education, and the violation of their basic rights. It is a complex issue deeply rooted in poverty, societal norms, and insufficient legal safeguards.

What is a speech on child labour for a 2-minute topic?

In two minutes, it's crucial to highlight the prevalence of child labor, its impact on children's lives, and the need for stringent measures to curb this practice. Emphasize the collective responsibility we share to secure a better future for every child

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Speech on Child Labour | Child Labour Speech for Students and Kids in English

July 17, 2020 by Prasanna

Speech on Child Labour: As the world grapples with a multitude of problems, our children hold the key to a brighter and better future. At least this is what we believe in but our sense seems to be clouded as we involve small children in profit-generating economic activities. Yes, many lose their conscious and their sense of empathy seems to be absent while putting the country’s future at stake by chasing shallow monetary goals through wrongdoings.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speeches on Child Labour for Students and Children in English

Child labour is a long-standing unresolved issue. It is a menace that every country wants to get rid of. It is a sensitive topic and a speech on child labor needs to be written in an informative, kind and proactive manner. You may write a short speech on child labour which coveys the basic idea or write a long informative speech on child labour which delves deeper into the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’. Long Speech on Child Labour is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short speech on child labour is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Short Speech on Child Labour 200 Words in English

My warmest greetings to everyone present. I would want to thank all of you for taking out time to be here with me.

Today, I wish to shed some light on a topic that has always been a difficult one to talk about; that is, Child Labour. Child labour is a disease that continues to affect our society to date. It is a menace that is deep-rooted and has led to a shackled society. A society where children are forced to replace learning with earning, joyous life lessons with complaints and childhood with premature adulthood.

Child labour is a grave concern. According to the international labour organization, around 33 million children in India alone are engaged in the practice of child labour. The reasons are pretty evident yet the reforms and measures to create more stringent laws and spread awareness seem to be missing. There is a need to bring an inexorable decline in child labour but this will not be possible until the root cause of this menace is treated.

Poverty, debt, illiteracy, corruption, poor implementation of schemes and laws, failed family planning, etc., are some of the reasons why child labour has become a permanent problem. The solution to these problems is not immediate. Reform has to be done gradually and consistently. It is particularly inhumane to make kids work at factories and put their lives in danger at an age where they should bask in the sun and lead a worry-free life.

As you complain about the minor things in life, there are thousands of barefoot kids that toil day and night in horrendous mine temperatures surrounded by explosives and toxic gases. What did they do to deserve this? Is it not your duty to help them?

I’ll leave you to think about it and with this thought, I would like to end my speech.

Speech About Child Labour

Long Speech on Child Labour 600 Words in English

A Very good evening/afternoon to everyone present.

By the medium of today’s speech, I wish to attract your attention towards a very urgent topic-the problem of child labour. I would want to discuss what it exactly means, what is being done to overcome it and what is it that we can do to bring about the required change.

Child labour is the illegal practice of involving children in gainful economic activity. It is illegal because children between the age of 5-15 years are not yet ready to work. This is the prime time to form a skill, a personality and to develop through informative experiences but when a child is forced to work instead of learning, they are stripped of all these essential and crucial processes. It is as if asking a child to forget childhood and embrace adulthood forcefully. These forceful expectations lead children to be forever damaged and disturbed by gruesome work experiences and the missed chance at having a childhood in addition to the personal loss that follows.

To deal with the problem at hand, we need to understand where it comes from. Only grassroots-level work can help us free our society from this evil practice. Poverty is the first and foremost reason for the encouragement of child labour. Families that have an ample number of people but only one or two bread earners start pushing their children into the workspace. Since these children are basically unskilled, they are hired at minimal or no wages by big firms and factories. Their delicate hands are used in technical and dangerous glasswork. Their infectious energy is used to break rocks and pick up heavy bricks and construction rubble. Their complacent nature is exploited and they are made to do menial domestic work. The worst of them all is child trafficking. It sounds startling and is very uneasy to accept that more than 1 million children in India are engaged in forced prostitution!

As poor debt-ridden families earn the starvation wage, children either attend school scantily or not at all. Every child below the age of 14 years is allotted free primary education which can be substantiated with vocal education yet who will send their kids to school if they are struggling to survive? How will they ensure a conducive environment for their child’s learning if they cannot even ensure a piece of bread for them?

Failed family planning and loophole filled laws have not given any relief to these poverty-stricken households. Even though child labour is illegal and education is compulsory, no one looks into the implementation of these laws and ideas. Influential people are scared of losing their cheap workforce. The clauses in the child protection act that mention allowance for child labour under the family business is being heavily manipulated and exploited. These feeble voices fail to ring any sentiments in their employer’s ears. Grief-stricken and helpless, many times parents sell their children or abandon them forcing them into this horrible life trajectory that crosses out their chance at a happier and wholesome childhood and future.

This is the stark reality, this is the true scenario that echoes through many Indian villages. The solution is not immediate. It requires a conscious effort from these families, the government and each one of us. As long as we employ underage children to work at our houses or keep quiet about such an incident, we cannot expect to see a significant change in this direction. One-third of the Indian population is below the poverty line and is unemployed despite the growth in the IT sector. Growth fails to create jobs for this unskilled sector and all these problems culminate to destroy the childhood of innocent children.

In the end, I would just like to request everyone who is present here to give this issue thought and proactively try to be the change they wish to see.

10 Lines about Speech on Child Labour

  • As per a statement on Wikipedia, more than 217 million children across the world are working, majorly full-time.
  • According to Census 2011, 10.1 million children in India are working as main or marginal workers.
  • The main cause of child labour in India is poverty, social backwardness, lack of educational resources, lure of getting cheap labour and lack of awareness.
  • In India, the law forbids children to work in a hazardous environment.
  • Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan and Maharashtra are known as the biggest child labour employers in the country.
  • The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2015 protects the rights of children against child labour in India.
  • Under the Juvenile Justice of Children Act in 2015, keeping a child in the bondage of employment is considered a punishable and criminal act.
  • Any person violating the rules or laws protecting children against child labour are punished with a long term in prison.
  • Organizations are advised to carry out a regular workplace risk assessment and check the age of children before hiring.
  • We can eliminate the practice of child labour by spreading awareness of family planning, the right to education and supporting NGOs who are working for the welfare of children.

Child Labour Speech

FAQ’s on Speech on Child Labour

Question 1. What is child labour?

Answer: Child labour is the illegal practice of involving children in economic activity.

Question 2. What are the reasons for child labour?

Answer: The major reasons are poverty, debt, failed family planning and educational gaps.

Question 3. Why is child labour a huge problem?

Answer: It is affecting the mental and physical health of millions of children. It strips them of the basic human right to a normal childhood and basic education.

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Speech on Child Labour [3 to 5 Min]

Speech On Child Labour- Child labour is a heinous crime that pervades around the globe. This sinful practice is the reason behind depriving every 1 child out of 10 of their granted rights. Today, almost every country is a contributor to child labour.

Poverty is the major cause that promotes child labour the most. Economically weak families have to throw their children into this Dirty swamp so that they can meet their basic needs. Additionally, they are not able enough to afford education for their children.

3 Minute Speech On Child Labour

Everyone talks about taking a stand for their rights. But this is only applicable to those who are mature enough. What about those who are in the developing phase of their mental ability? Don’t get confused. I am talking about Child labour.

Before heading ahead I want to wish you all the day and pay thanks for having me a chance to speak on this sensitive topic of child labour.

So, I was talking about taking a stand for the granted rights. Imagine those children who are already deprived of education and have no idea how to take a stand for their rights. How can they retrieve their rights? Did you get an idea? I am sure you all got stuck.

The short answer is They can’t. In this situation, society and the government should take a stand for them. Child labour is a vicious crime that is needed to trash out from society and the country. It is not only destroying the future of young ones but also of our country because upcoming generations define the progress of a country.

To trash it out of society and nation, we need to examine the reasons that promote this heinous crime. Many major causes promote this evil practice. 

Pov e rty  is the biggest reason that drives it to a high level. Poor Families have no choice but to put their children into this hell because of fewer earnings to meet the basic needs of the family.

One of the other primary causes is the lure of cheap labour . As they are cheap to hire than a regular adult worker, industries prefer child labours.

Unaffordable education is another reason for it. As economically weak families can not afford to send their children to school, they force them to earn money. Moreover, The poor mentality of families that education has no value at all made them engage their children in work.

If we cut the root cause of the problem, the problem will be eradicated. Child labour is a curse for our children that is needed to trash out of society as soon as possible. We all have to take measures against this terrible practice so that our adolescent generation can get their  true rights .

Thank You All for listening to my words.

5 Minute Speech On Child Labour

Hello, all the people present here,

first of all, I would like to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you all for having me a chance to speak a few words on child labour.

Imagine those children who are already deprived of education and have no idea how to take a stand for their rights. How can they retrieve their rights? Did you get an idea? I am sure you all got stuck. The short answer is They can’t.

In this situation, society and the government should take a stand for them. Child labour is a cruel crime that is needed to be trashed out from society and the country. It is not only destroying the future of young ones but also of our country because upcoming generations define the progress of a country.

Now the question is Why should child labour be eliminated and how ? To answer this question one needs to understand the life of child labour and how this evil impacts their lives.

Child labour leaves a perilous impact on children involved in it. The first and foremost effect of child labour is children lose their childhood and basic rights to education. They are deprived of enjoying their innocence and naughtiness.

Children involved in child labour have to handle several difficulties during work time. They carry the load beyond their capacities and so they get fractures and physical injuries. Children have to face many injuries during work like cuts, burns, fractures, excessive fears and nightmares.

Additionally, they are abused and beaten by employers for small mistakes. Even they are forced to consume alcohol so that they can work more than their capabilities. Don’t you think this is the greatest crime found on the planet?

One of the other primary causes is The lure of cheap labour . As they are cheap to hire than a regular adult worker, industries prefer child labours.

Conclusion for speech on child labour

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Speech on Child Labour

Speech recitation, group discussion, etc are some of the most important necessities of the student’s school life as such activities help them to develop leadership qualities by eliminating their fear in front of public. Now-a-days, it is very necessary for the students to take part in the activities other than the academic activities because of the ever growing competitive environment. They must involve whenever they get chance as speech recitation is the only activity which removes student’s hesitation of talking.

Long and Short Child Labour Speech in English

We have provided below variety of speeches on child labour in order to help students to actively participate in the speech recitation during any event celebration in their school.

All the child labour speech provided below are written using very easy words and simple sentences especially for the students.

So, you can select any of the speeches on child labour according to your need and requirement:

Child Labour Speech 1 – Short Speech

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Today as we have gathered here on the occasion of international day against child labour, I would like to say a few things about the perils of child labour and its effects on society and nation.

Child labour refers to the exploitation of children for doing manual work, which deprives them from their childhood and fundamental rights to education and health. It ruins the life of a child blocking all the venues of education and progress.

It is our responsibility to stand guard against child labour and report to the concerned authorities if we witness child exploitation in any form. With this I would like to conclude. Thank you all!

Child Labour

Child Labour Speech 2 – Short Speech

Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today, we all are here in this assembly to express our views on some of the biggest issues in India and therefore I would like to say a few words on Child Labour, one of the major problems continuing from even before the birth of our nation.

Child labour is an imposition of manual work over children in exchange of some money, place to live in etc. The children sometimes are used as bondage labours as they do not ask for a lot to pay. It not only deprives them of their childhood but also ruins their fundamental right to education etc., and destruction of their entire future.

There are many governmental programs running to stop child labour in the country and they made it illegal to keep children under the age of 18 as labours. Apart from this, it is our own responsibility to raise voice against injustice happening to children around us and only then this problem could be sorted.

Child Labour Speech 3 – Short Speech

Good Morning Respected Principal, Colleagues and My Dear Students!

Today we all are assembled here on the celebration of this beautiful occasion of Children’s Day, I would like to address one of the biggest problem that many children are facing every day, CHILD LABOUR. Even in today’s world where education is being prioritized by both the government and parents, there are still many places across the country where children are used as slaves and kept as bondage labours.

People keep children as workers and slaves because they do not demand much for money and easy to be dominated by them. Although in India, it is illegal to keep under aged children as workers but still we can find under aged children working.

It is not only a matter of children laboring but also of them remaining uneducated and illiterate with spoiled childhood. This will eventually affect the future of the country and its growth. Child trafficking or human trafficking is also a part of child labour as the children gets trafficked from one place to another so that they can be used as slaves.

This problem should be the concern of every citizen because this problem will hinder the development of our country and spoil the childhood of many children across the country.

Child Labour Speech 4 – Short Speech

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, as we have gathered here, I would like to take this opportunity to express my views on one of the most significant issues that blocks the social and economical growth of the nation.

I hope you all must be well aware of the child labour and the threats it poses to a nation’s growth, not to mention the future of a child. Child labour is a curse to the children who are forced to do trivial manual jobs, for little monetary payment in exchange. It deprives their childhood of freedom, education and a health.

The situation is grimmer in the poorest countries of the world, where nearly 25% of child population is engaged in child labour. Poverty and illiteracy is the main causes of child labour. Usually the children are employed by their own parents to supplement the family’s income. Children engaged in child labour, never get an opportunity to go to school and are pushed into a life of misery and poverty.

Not only the child labour ruins the life of children, but also hinders the economical and social progress of a nation. Future of a nation relies on its children and if the childhood is suffering today, then the nation will suffer tomorrow.

With this I would like to conclude my speech, requesting you all to keep up the fight against Child Labour in hope of a happy childhood and a satisfied nation. Thank You!

Child Labour Speech 5

Good morning to the respected Principal sir, sir, madam and my dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … We have gathered here to celebrate this special occasion of … So, I would like to speech on child labour, a big social issue, interfering the growth and development of country. First of all I would like to thank my class teacher for offering me such a great opportunity to speech here.

My dear friends, child labour has been a big social issue which interferes the nation’s development to a great extent. As we all know that children become the future of the country so why people are using child labour only for their small benefits. Why they do not see from our eyes, why they do not let small children to live their sweet childhood? Why they keep small children away from their right of education. Some of the industrialists and businessmen involve children in some kind of employment at very low cost labour. They do so only for their greediness of getting efficient work at low cost of labour.

Child labour withdraws small children from their sweet and memorable childhood. It interferes with their regular schooling as it disturbs them mentally, physically, socially and morally. It is very dangerous and harmful disease to the children as well as country. This exploitative practice is still continuing by various international organizations despite of various strict rules and regulations all across the world which prohibits child labour. This social issue is running in the society for many years from the ancient time which has affected the development to a great extent.

Most of the children are involved in the child labour in the fields like agriculture, factories, home-based assembly operations, mining, production, and other services. Some of them have to work in night shifts or over time because of the need of more work and earn some more money for improving the financial condition of their family. Their normal routine of work become 12 hours long for which they get paid a little amount. The most important and primary causes of the child labour are very low family income, unavailability of schools with proper facilities for poor children, and illiteracy among poor parents.

This issue has been spread like a virus to the wide range of areas in the developing countries because of the high poverty, poor schooling opportunities, high population rate, lack of adult emplacement, etc. The highest incidence rate of child labour was in sub-Saharan Africa in 2010.

According to this, more than 50% of the children (aged 5-14 years) of Africa were working. The agriculture field worldwide has been a largest employer of child labour for years. A big percentage of child labour is found in the rural settings and informal urban economy where children are forcefully employed by their owner or parents. According to the statistics of World Bank, there is seen some decrease in the incidence of child labour worldwide (25% in 1960 however, reduced to 10% by 2003).

My dear friends, we should be aware in detail about this problem and take some positive steps to remove this issue from the society. As being youth of the country, we are highly responsible towards the growth and development of the country, so we should work positively in the fields interfering it to go ahead.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat

Child Labour Speech 6

Good morning to the Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear friends. My name is … I study in class … At this event, I would like to speech on child labour, its causes, and steps taken by government to remove this social issue from the society. I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such as a great opportunity to speech on this topic in front of you.

Child labour is the wrong practice running in the society worldwide for years from the ancient time. It is not only a national issue but it is a worldwide issue. Child labour is the act of involving children in some type of labour at very low cost to get efficient work by the owners, industrialists, businessmen, etc.

Generally they involve children in economic activity on part time basis. Somewhere children work for full night and over time without any leave to get more financial help. Child labour interferes with the physical and mental development of the children. It has taken its deep root in the society because of poverty, lack of shelter and food, lack of facilities for poor people, lack of education, big gap between rich and poor, growth of informal economy, etc.

According to the national census of India, the number of child labour (aged 4-15 years ) in 1998 was around 12.6 million, between 2009-2010 it was around 4.98 million (aged 5-14 years) and in 2011 it was around 4.35 million (aged 5-14).

Here we see that child labour is decreasing year wise however, the question is, why we are not able to finish it completely even after living in an advanced era? Why it is decreasing very slowly, and not has finished yet? I think the main reason behind it; people have not developed their mind level positively yet. There is still the existence of dictatorship of rich people over poor people in the society. There is a big gap between rich and poor; well developed people have not capacity to accept equality in the society.

Indian law has specified around 64 industries as hazardous in which employing children are considered as criminal offence. Around 120,000 children in the country were involved in the hazardous job in 2001. The Constitution of India has prohibited the employment of children in hazardous industries however, not in non-hazardous industries.

According to the UNICEF, it is estimated that the highest number of child labour is in India (under 14 years of age) all over the world. According to the International Labour Organization, around 60% of all the child labour is involved in agriculture whereas 70% by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

Child labour in the hazardous industries is prohibited by the Article 24 of India’s constitution. There are various laws and the Indian Penal Code (such as Juvenile Justice (care and protection) of Children Act-2000, Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act-1986, etc) working in the field to stop child labour in India .

Child Labour Speech 7

Good morning to the Excellencies, Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear friends. My name is … I study in class … I would like to speech on child labour at this occasion because it is one of the big issues interfering with the growth and development of our country. I would like to say a big thank to my class teacher to give me such as a great opportunity to speech here on this topic.

My dear friends, child labour is a global issue, it is not the issue of our country only so, it needs a global effort to get removed from the society. It has affected worldwide especially developing countries to a great extent. Children are involved in various types of labour at low payment; bonded child labour is one of them. It is a very old system in India in which children are forced, or partly forced by the owner to perform their job for long time.

In this system, especially child or his/her parents have to agree for an agreement (oral or written) with the creditor. It was emerged in India during colonial period to get reliable and cheap labour at loan or land-lease relationship basis. Legislation was passed in 1977 in order to prohibit bonded child labour in India. However, some evidences have found proving the continuation of bonded child labour in the country.

Child labour is a serious issue in the society in terms of economic welfare because children involved in labour at their little age cannot get necessary education. They drop the opportunity of being a well developed (physically, mentally, intellectually, socially, psychologically and financially) citizen of the nation. Their physical and mental condition reduces day by day which makes them more vulnerable to various diseases. They remain illiterate lifelong which limit their ability to contribute in the well-being of their own and country.

There is need to make industrialists and businessmen well aware about all the adverse effects of child labour on the country’s development. Everyone must understand that education is the only tool to improve necessary skills among children which will help in increasing their own and nation’s productivity through secured higher-skilled jobs in future. It needs some effective and positive steps to be taken by the end of all Indian citizens especially well educated youths of the country to remove this social issue.

Child Labour Speech 8

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … Today we are here to celebrate this occasion so, I would like to speech on the topic of child labour. I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such as a great opportunity to speech here on this topic.

My dear friends, I feel very proud to be the citizen of India however, on the other hand, it makes me shame also that our country is a home to largest number of child laborers all over the world. It is just because of some greedy and clever Indian citizens who involve small children in hazardous labour at low labour cost for their benefits. They never think about the development of their country; they are very selfish and want their own benefits only. Most of the child labour is found in the agriculture field in rural areas and in mining industry, zari, embroidery industry, etc in the urban areas.

Some of the main causes of child labour are poverty, lack of basic facilities to all, lack of social security, etc. There is a big gap between rich and poor people of society, limitation to the basic facilities, and huge level inequality. Such type of social issues adversely affects children of the society (especially poor child) more than other age groups.

Because of the poor condition and lack of knowledge, poor children become ready to work hard for a little payment where they are used as domestic workers in the urban areas. This condition of child labour almost resembles to the situation of slavery. Most of the parents give birth to their children only to earn money and strengthen their financial condition. They involve their kids in the domestic works as their support. We generally see children working in the tea stalls, dhabas, restaurants, hotels, and other hazardous occupations.

It is seen that children involve in the child labour are generally belong to the schedules tribes, schedule castes, OBC and Muslims children. It means, castism (low cast poor people) is also the big reason of child labour in India. Its existence in such an advanced era is because of the inefficient laws, bad administrative system, lack of political desire to eliminate it completely and huge benefits to the employers.

Bonded child labour is also a type of child labour which is generally found in the informal sector. In this, poor children become bonded to work for an employer against a loan, inherited debt or social obligation by the family. We can say bonded labour a form of slavery. Bonded child laborers are more prone to the physical and sexual abuse and any type of negligence cause death. They become psychologically and mentally ill and do not have any other option to survive. As being youth of the country, we should understand our responsibility towards the nation and take some positive steps to eliminate this social issue.

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Speech on Child Labour for Students in English | 3 Minutes Speech

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Child Labour: Depriving children of their beautiful childhood by employing them in any kind of work below 14 years is called Child Labour. According to Article 23 of the Indian constitution , child labour is a prohibited act, and any person going against the law shall be punished severely for the act. Children are employed in factories as bonded labourers and as a help for household chores. They are forced to do maximum physical work for minimum wages.

Speech on Child Labour 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Child Labour Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Child labour refers to the exploitation of children by engaging them in hazardous working conditions. It is also defined as a work that deprives children of their childhood, education, potential and dignity. A child is crippled mentally, physically and morally, thus affecting his growth and development. Children of younger age work in factories, local shops, restaurants etc. to support their family.

According to the World Labour Report, child labour is forced labour because they are vulnerable and easily gullible. They lack in their position to give consent to any activities performed by them and are always determined by the adults around them. In India, the root cause of child labour is poverty. People live below the poverty line and starve to death due to lack of food. In such circumstances, education looks like a distant dream and children are forced to work.

This reminds me of a quote by Miss Prayani. “The hands which were meant for holding pens and books are washing dishes and serving plates.” Bonded labour is another reason that has a history of draining poor families. Rich landlords hire children by signing a contract and extract every ounce of blood left in them by giving strenuous work.

Furthermore, the demand for children for sexual pleasure is on the rise, thus encouraging trafficking to a massive level. Children are tormented, beaten and sold off to earn income. Since they are considered as breadwinners, any means are adopted to earn a living. Several NGO’s are working persistently to phase out child labour by sensitising locals about child trafficking.

Efforts have been made by the government to rule out the concept and practice of bonded labour from the remote areas of the country. Moreover, the government has passed an act called The factories act 1948, which prohibits the employment of children below the age of fourteen years in any factory. If this act is violated, then it is considered as a criminal offence and charged with a hefty fine.

Awareness programs, movements and campaigns are initiated against child labour which involves former child labourers, child activists, government officials, celebrities are invited to dispatch the ways to eliminate the rampant existence of child labour. It is not only the government’s and NGO’s responsibility to curb child labour but also common people should work together to fight against evil as it is eroding the overall development of a nation.

Children are the future generation, and continuing such practice is a curse to our Indian society. Voluntarily sponsoring children’s education and spreading awareness will assist in eliminating it at a rapid speed. The demand for children for domestic help, small industry, shop assistant, binding etc. should be discouraged. Due to the programs launched by the ministry of child education, child protection, etc. many children have found a new beacon of hope.

Lakhs of children are rehabilitated and provided a platform to restart their lives in a better way. It is essential to remind ourselves that a child is meant to learn not to earn. Thank you!

Short Speech on Child Labour 200 Words

Find below short speech on Child Labour, usually given for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 students.

Good morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. My name is Rohan, Studying in class 8th, have been given this opportunity to enlighten us on a topic which is inhuman, severe and widespread in our country. Through this program, we are attempting to spread awareness and consciousness among the masses.

Children can be laboured in a factory, agriculture, mining or doing odd jobs. They are also forced to polish shoes, accumulate boxes, deliver items, etc. Poverty is the chief reason children are seen as breadwinners and pens and books gets replaced with doing dishes and setting the table in restaurants.

Bonded labour or slave labour being another reason makes a child servant forever until his/her kids are born to take over their place. Street children is another form of labour where a child sells flowers, or work as beggars.The prevalence of child labour affects the growth of a nation drastically. It is an evil which is deteriorating the quality of future generation.

The government enforced the factories act 1948; the mines act 1952 and other acts to eliminate this grave problem. Under this act, any person who employs children below the age of fourteen is punished and fined. Moreover, the victims are rehabilitated and provided with better living.

English Summary

3 Minute Speech On Child Labour In English

Good morning one and all. Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends, it is my pleasure and privilege to stand before you today. I am honored to have this opportunity to speak to such a distinguished audience.

Child labour is any kind of work that involves making children work and that deprives them of a joyful and healthy childhood. Due to this, children miss out on the happy days that they should spend in school and playing on the grounds. Instead, they are made to work in unfathomable conditions that violate the most basic human rights.

It is our moral responsibility to raise awareness against this inhumane practice and prevent child labour. We must demand the responsible authorities take appropriate actions. It begins at home around us, we must stop any such practice that we come across. Governments, individuals, and organisations should work collectively to protect the rights of these children and safeguard their futures.

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World Day Against Child Labour: Speech in English for Students

Speech for world day against child labour: today is world day against child labour it's a day to remember that all children deserve to play and learn, not work long hours. t he article consists of short and long  world day against child labour speech in english. check out the full article for easy speech in english for child labour day. .

Anisha Mishra

The International Child Labour Day, also known as World Day Against Child Labour, it is observed on June 12th each year. This day aims to raise awareness and promote action to eliminate child labour globally. Governments, organizations, and individuals around the world will come together to highlight the importance of ending child labour and protecting the rights of children.

Speech on  World Day Against Child Labour in 150 Words: Short Speech

Today, we talk about child labour. Imagine being our age, but working long hours instead of learning. This is the reality for millions of children worldwide. They work in dangerous places, like factories or fields, missing school and their childhood. This hurts their health and keeps them trapped in poverty. They have to work to help their families survive, but it limits their future opportunities. By raising awareness, we can tell others about this issue and how wrong it is. We can support organizations that rescue children from forced labour and give them a chance to learn and play. Ending child labour takes all of us. Let's work together to create a world where every child gets to enjoy their childhood, learn, and chase their dreams.

Speech on World Day Against Child Labour: Long Speech

Today, I want to talk about a very important issue that affects children all around the world – World Day Against Child Labour

Child labour is the practice of forcing young children to work, often in dangerous or exploitive conditions. These children, instead of being in school learning and playing, are robbed of their childhood and forced to take on responsibilities. Imagine being your age, but instead of being at school, you're working long hours in a factory, a brick kiln, or even on the streets or places where you don't deserve to be. This is the reality for millions of children around the world.

Why is child labour bad?

  • It harms children's health and safety: Many child labour jobs are dangerous and can cause physical injuries or even death. Children are also exposed to harmful chemicals and dust, which can lead to long-term health problems.
  • It deprives children of education: Children who are forced to work miss out on school and important learning opportunities. This limits their future prospects and keeps them trapped in poverty.
  • It steals their childhood: Children deserve to play and learn, not to be burdened with adult responsibilities. Child labour takes away their joy and innocence.

Also Read:  World Day Against Child Labour 2024 Speech in Hindi

What can we do about it?

  • Raise awareness: By talking about child labour, we can bring attention to this issue and put pressure on governments and businesses to take action.
  • Support organizations: There are many organizations working to end child labour. We can support them through volunteering or donations.
  • Make informed choices: When buying products, consider where they are made and how they are made. Support companies that are committed to fair labour practices.

Ending child labour is a global responsibility.   Each one of us, even as students, can play a role.

By raising awareness, making informed choices, and supporting organizations working towards a solution, we can help create a world where all children have the chance to learn, play, and reach their full potential.


World Day Against Child Labour 2024 Poster Ideas

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Speech on Child Labour for Students and Children in 800 Words

In this post you will read a persuasive Speech on Child Labour for Students and Children in 800 Words.

Speech on Child Labour in 800 Words

We are all citizens of India, and our country is large. People of all religions, castes, costumes, and sects live in our country. India has set some recent records of success since its independence.

Keeping a child on a job or taking work from a child is unfair and illegal. This is not allowed by the law of our country. Our constitution also condemns it and not allowing for the same.

(i) To abolish child labour, we must first change our thinking. We all should discourage hiring any child in our offices and houses.

(v) The common man should also realise child labour and prevent it from happening in his society.

(x) There is no improvement in the education system of our country, even today. For which children of rural areas and separated areas still cannot read and write. 

(ii) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2000 – Under this law, if a person provides wages to children or forces them to do so strict action should be taken against them, will go.

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