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Gre prep online guides and tips, gre issue essay: 4 steps to a perfect score.

gre sample issue essay

Of all the different kinds of questions on the GRE, the GRE Issue essay question can seem like the most daunting to answer completely correctly. Instead of choosing from a selection of already-made answers or filling in a numerical solution, you must write hundreds of words in an attempt to fulfill rubric criteria, knowing that there is no one right answer to the question.

To help make this Herculean task more manageable, we’ll go over the Issue essay GRE rubric in depth and offer our top GRE Issue essay tips to help you score highly every time.

Feature image credit: Bruce Berrien /Flickr

Do You Need a 6 GRE Writing Score?

In general, your GRE Writing score is the least important of your GRE scores. No grad school will require you to get a 6.0 on the essay. A 4.5 is a good GRE writing score for most schools and programs, regardless of the discipline. Even programs that have cutoff scores for writing-heavy programs, like UNC’s Media & Journalism graduate degrees , don’t require anything above a 4.5.

If you’re looking to emphasize your writing skills (for example, if you’re an international student whose first language is not English and you want to show that you can write well in English), a higher score (5.0+) can help. However, even in those instances, a perfect 6.0 score isn’t going to be necessary.

Some doctoral programs, like Harvard’s Education Ph.D. , might have higher average scores, but that’s a function of the students applying being strong writers (which you have to be to make it to the doctoral level), rather than the program itself requiring certain scores. For Ph.D. programs, you’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate your analytical thinking skills in other ways that are weighted more heavily than your GRE Analytical Writing score.

Learn more about what you’ll need to get into grad school with our article on grad school requirements !

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Walt Stoneburner/Flickr.

What Goes Into a 6-Scoring GRE Issue Essay?

The best way to determine what is needed for a perfect Issue essay score is to take a look at the official rubric and go over how the human essay grader is rating your essay.

To show the differences between a passable Issue essay and a perfect Issue essay, I’ve created a side-by-side comparison of the criteria for a 4-scoring and 6-scoring Issue essay on the GRE.

In addressing the specific task directions, a 4 response presents a competent analysis of the issue and conveys meaning with acceptable clarity. In addressing the specific task directions, a 6 response presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully. The 6 essay provides a logical and precise analysis of the issue. Rather than being merely clear in its meaning (as the 4 essay is), a 6 essay is insightful and richer in its explanations.
Presents a clear position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task. Articulates a clear and insightful position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task. Both essays include a clear thesis, but the thesis of a 6 essay demonstrates a deep understanding of the issue and discusses its complexities and/or implications.
Develops the position with relevant reasons and/or examples. Develops the position fully with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples. A 4 essay provides relevant support for its position, while a 6 essay provides comprehensive support that is not only relevant, but also persuades the reader to the position of the essay.
Is adequately focused and organized. Sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically. A 6 essay is not only organized, but the organization enhances the logic and precision of the essay, while a 4 essay is only organized adequately enough not to detract from the essay.
Demonstrates sufficient control of language to express ideas with acceptable clarity. Generally demonstrates control of the conventions of standard written English, but may have some errors. Conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety. Demonstrates superior facility with the conventions of standard written English (i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics), but may have minor errors. A 4 essay is clear enough, while a 6 essay is written extremely well. If you want a 6, you’ll need to vary your sentence structure and use advanced vocabulary accurately and appropriately.

To summarize the information above, a perfect 6 Issue essay:

  • Must make sense logically
  • Must be precise in its discussion of the issue and the author’s stance on the issue
  • Must include support for the author’s position that persuades the reader to the author’s point of view
  • Must be organized and flow smoothly from idea to idea
  • Must be well-written

In order to achieve a perfect score on the Issue essay, you must excel in every one of these areas.


Official GRE Issue Essay Example, Analyzed

Now we’ll take a look at a sample GRE Issue essay that’s already been assigned a score of 6 and find all the ways in which it fulfills the rubric. Doing this analysis will help show how the rubric is applied by taking the abstract criteria and showing concrete examples.

For the purposes of this analysis, we’ll be using excerpts from this officially-scored essay . Here’s the prompt the essay is addressing:

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

The sample essay we’ll be discussing argues against this statement, taking the position that rather than fearing technology will make human thinking obsolete, we should embrace the possibilities and human potential unlocked by technology.

I’ll next go over how each of the rubric criteria applies to this particular sample essay. The first item in the rubric is a holistic description of a perfect-scoring GRE Issue essay:

Rubric description : In addressing the specific task directions, a 6 response presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully

This item is meant to be an umbrella under which the next four criteria can fall; if an essay meets each of the four non-general criteria listed in the rubric, then it will exemplify this holistic description. The above description is also useful as a catchall reminder of what a perfect-scoring essay should look like, since essay graders aren’t necessarily going through the rubric item-by-item for each essay.


The first of the non-general rubric items has to do with how well an author makes her point of view clear throughout the essay.

Rubric description : A 6 essay articulates a clear and insightful position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task

The sample essay successfully meets this requirement in a couple of different ways. In the essay, the author’s position on the issue (a counterargument to the prompt) is articulated in a series of logical steps over the course of the entire essay as well as in a final thesis statement.

Starting with the acknowledgement that “technology has revolutionized the world” in the first paragraph, the author goes on to make the argument that “reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species” (paragraph three), demonstrating a firm grasp of the issue through a nuanced, rather than absolute, position.

With each succeeding paragraph, the author continues to develop her position on the issue with clarity and insight. The author expands the initial argument to claim that “technology frees the human imagination” (paragraph four) and “By increasing our reliance on technology, impossible goals can now be achieved” (paragraph five).

The author’s final statement on the issue condenses the author’s point of view into a single sentence: “There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.” This last sentence is not only the logical conclusion to the author’s clearly stated position, but is in itself a clear statement of the author’s position.


The next rubric item is concerned with how well an author develops and supports her points.

Rubric description : A 6 essay develops the position fully with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples

As I noted in the discussion of the first rubric description, the author’s basic position in this essay is that we should not fear technology because it is new and unknown, but instead embrace it because of the possibilities it offers for our future. In addition to developing her position through an insightful position articulated through the essay, however, the author also does an excellent job of supporting her points with examples and reasoning. Here’s an excerpt from the essay that illustrates this development and support:

“The car, computer and phone all release additional time for people to live more efficiently. This efficiency does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. For example, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation.”

In the above excerpt, the author develops her point with three actions:

#1: She presents examples to support her point that efficiency is enabled by technology (car, computer, and phone).

#2: She explains what the existence of these examples implies (efficiency doesn’t mean lack of thinking).

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#3: She follows up with further reasoning about new issues created by technology (technology means humans can tackle new problems, including new issues created by technology). This reasoning is then backed up by more examples (cars and increasing energy demand), starting the cycle over again.

The examples and reasoning the author employs in her essay are compelling not just because they are logically consistent with the author’s argument, but because they are explained in a way that makes this link clear. If the author has said “In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. An example of this is the automobile and increasing energy demands because of it,” the examples would have still been present, but not explained in a compelling or persuasive way.


The third non-general rubric item drills down even deeper into the logic of the author’s writing and analysis.

Rubric description : A 6 essay sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically

While with the previous rubric item I discussed the necessity of having a logical connection between the author’s position and the support for that position, this item refers to the author’s skill in connecting different ideas throughout the essay.

In addition to having a logical progression of the analysis (which is captured under the first rubric item to some extent as well), a perfect-scoring Issue essay must also have logical transitions between ideas . A good example of this occurs in this essay in the transition between the end of paragraph two and the beginning of paragraph three:

“Technology short circuits this thinking by making the problems obsolete.

However, this reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species.”

The first sentence of paragraph three (“However…species”) connects the ideas of paragraphs two and three. The author forges a link between the two ideas by restating the last-discussed idea from paragraph two (technology does take away some problems) in a way that sets up the idea to be discussed in the next paragraph (reliance on technology doesn’t mean humans won’t think for themselves). Specifically, the author does this by using a transition word (“However”) to link a reference to previously discussed ideas (“this reliance on technology”) with a reference to what’s coming next (“technology does not necessarily preclude creativity”).

The tightness of the logical connection between the two paragraphs and ideas also means that the essay stays organized and focused on the task at hand (presenting the author’s position on and analysis of the issue).


The last rubric item assesses the writer’s overall skill in use of language and standard, error-free English.

Rubric description : A 6 essay conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety. Demonstrates superior facility with the conventions of standard written English (i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics), but may have minor errors.

This final set of criteria has less to do with the topic being discussed and more on the writer’s ability to indicate precise meaning through appropriate use of language. The final sentence of the essay provides a good example of this:

“There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.”

This sentence uses effective language (Luddite, avenues of human imagination) that precisely conveys meaning. For instance, “Luddite” is a term that is generally used to mean resistance to technology, but more specifically has its origins in a group of people who were worried about what advances in technology meant for human workers, so it is particularly appropriate for this essay about the effects of technology on human abilities.

Another reason I chose to use this excerpt is because while the author uses effective language, there are still some minor errors (as the rubric description allows for). In this sentence, “but rather” is used incorrectly because it refers back to the subject “There,” which makes no sense with the “but rather” phrase. One correct way to say this would be, “ We should not retreat into a Luddite attitude toward new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.”

In a way, this rubric area is the “icing on a cake” domain—you can have a reasonably clear and insightful essay without a high level of skill in this domain, but if you don’t use language skillfully your cake of an essay is not going to taste as good and won’t score a perfect score. And if you try to load your essay with advanced vocabulary words without care for whether or not they make sense in context, you’ll end up with lumpy frosting that makes the cake worse than it would’ve been without the icing.

Don't let your words be the uneven frosting on the delicious banana cake of your essay! Tim Pierce/Flickr

4 Steps to a Perfect GRE Issue Essay

As a summing-up of all the information in this article, I’ll go over the four essential GRE Issue essay tips to reliably achieve a high score.

#1: Include a Clear Thesis

To fulfill the basic requirements of any GRE Issue essay task, you need to make your position on the issue clear . The easiest way to do this is with an introduction paragraph , or at the very least an introductory sentence at the beginning of your first paragraph, that outlines the issue and where you stand on it.

There is no explicit requirement on the rubric that you include an introduction and conclusion in your essay, and in fact ETS encourages students to be as freeform as fits the topic and task at hand. However, if you don’t start your essay with some kind of introduction and wrap up your points at the end with some kind of conclusion, you run the risk of being unclear about your position. Not only can this be a problem for the reader, but without a clear thesis statement at the beginning of your essay to keep you focused, you may find yourself meandering off topic, resulting in a disorganized and inconsistent essay.

Thus, we strongly recommend beginning your essay with at least an introductory sentence and wrapping it up with a conclusion statement. You don’t have to have entire paragraphs devoted to each, but it is useful to bracket your essay between an introduction and conclusion to keep your thesis front and center.

Keep your position as clear as possible in your essay. bazzadarambler/Flickr

#2: Preplan Opinions and Examples

ETS has published all prompts it will ever use for GRE Analytical Writing, which in the case of the Issue essay comes out to 152 unique topic/task combinations. Now, obviously it’s not feasible to write a practice essay for every one of the 152 possible Issue essays and memorize it in preparation for the test. On the other hand, it is very possible to prepare some examples and evidence ahead of time , as long as these examples and pieces of evidence are flexible enough to be useful for multiple different prompts.

Start by reading through the complete list of Issue essay prompts and noting any common themes. Some examples of topics that seem to come up again and again in GRE Issue prompts are the roles of government and public officials, the role of technology in our lives, and the role of education and teachers.

Practice forming opinions about subsets of these topics and thinking of evidence that can be used to support those opinions. You very likely already have opinions about some of these things already, like the role of technology in education, or the importance of government support for research. To prepare for the Issue essay on the GRE, however, it’s not enough to just have opinions – you need to be able to back up your claims and point of view with evidence or reasoning.

For instance, let’s say my pre-planned opinion is that humans relying on technology to solve problems has resulted in humans being able to think for themselves even better than before. In order for this position to be worth anything in a GRE essay, though, it needs to be backed up by reasoning or evidence.

For this particular case, then, I might preplan the evidence that the expansion in size and complexity of the human brain’s cerebral cortex occurred around the same time as humans began to use tools, which could suggest that as humans relied more on tools (technology), their brains actually had to become bigger and better at thinking than before. I could also choose to preplan reasoning to back up my point, like the fact that relying on technology to solve smaller problems pushes us to use our thinking to attack larger scale issues, whether philosophical or practical.

Even if prompts on the role of technology, or on other topics you’ve practice explaining support for, don’t show up when you take the test, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the GRE Issue essay because of your experience explaining how evidence supports your point . You’ll also likely be able to use at least one or two of the examples you’ve been writing about, even if you have to explain their support of your point of view in a different way than you’ve practiced.

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#3: Analyze Sample Essays

Scour the sample essays ETS has publicly released to understand at a deep level what is required for a 6-scoring GRE Issue essay. In addition to the essay briefly discussed in this article, perfect-scoring sample Issue essays can also be found in chapters 8 and 9 of The Official Guide to the GRE revised General Test (2nd Ed.) .

To get the most out of these exemplars of perfect essay scores, you should analyze these sample essays using the scoring rubric. Use the points we focused on above in the 4-vs.-6 rubric score comparison and the sample Issue essay breakdown as guidance to find specific ways the sample essays fulfill the rubric scoring guidelines. The essays in the Official GRE Guide also include reader commentary on the essays, which are good sources of further insight into the thought processes of essay raters.

The goal of performing these analyses of sample high-scoring GRE essays is for you to understand what makes the essays high-scoring and then be able to replicate this high level of essay writing in your own Issue essay on the GRE. This doesn’t mean that you should copy the exact words or phrases from the essays (that’s plagiarism, which is both wrong and against the GRE’s code of conduct), but it does mean you should observe the ways other students have successfully met the rubric requirements.


#4: Leave Time to Revise Your Work

Sadly, the word processor you’ll use on the GRE has no autocorrect, no spellcheck, and no grammar check. Since you’re trying to type as much as possible in a timed situation, it’s very likely you’ll make some errors.

It’s fine to make a few small mistakes on your essay as long as the typos or other mistakes don’t make your essay difficult to understand. If there are systematic typos or grammatical errors, however, that will have a negative effect on your score , because it will obscure your logic and make it more difficult for the graders (human and computer) to understand your thinking.

Example 1: No editing, systematic errors

Choosing a college major based on the avilablility of jobs in the field is a foolish endaevor at best. There’s no guarantee that Just because there are a lot of positions open in the field when you choose your undergraduate major, it doesn’t necessarily follow: this will continue ot be the case after you graduate from college, or even when you’re looking for a job.

Example 2: Edited, minor errors remaining

Choosing a college based on the availability of jobs in the field is a foolish endaevor at best. Just because there are a lot of positions open in the field when you choose your undergraduate major, it doesn’t necessarily follow that this will continue ot be the case after you graduate from college, or even when you’re looking for a job.

OER Africa/Flickr

What’s Next?

After reading this article, you’ve gained some clarity on what kind of GRE Writing score you need to succeed, but how well do you need to do on the other sections of the test? Learn what makes a good (or a bad) GRE score with this article .

Looking to get more clarity into the whole essay-scoring process? We have a guide to how the GRE essay is scored that explains it from start to finish, including how computerized grading plays into your essay score.

Want even more in-depth analyses of high-scoring GRE essays? Then be sure to check out our article analyzing perfect- and high-scoring Issue and Argument essays .

Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points?

gre sample issue essay

Author: Laura Staffaroni

Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel and fulfill their college and grad school dreams. View all posts by Laura Staffaroni

gre sample issue essay

Table of Content

GRE Issue Essay: Elements, Structure, Strategies & Samples

GRE Issue Essay

Feeling overwhelmed by the GRE Issue Essay? This writing task can be a challenge for even the most skilled essay writers. The GRE Issue Essay tests your critical thinking and analytical writing skills within a strict time limit. It requires you to take a stance on a complex issue, develop a sound argument, and support it with clear reasoning and well-chosen examples.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with the strategies and knowledge you need to write a winning Issue Essay. We’ll break down the format, provide effective writing tips, and share the secrets behind strong arguments. Plus, we’ll share five real student essays that exemplify top-notch writing to inspire you.

What is the GRE Issue Essay?

The GRE Issue Essay is a writing task designed to assess your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. Unlike the Argument Essay, which focuses on evaluating the logic of a presented argument, the Issue Essay asks you to take a stance on a broad, debatable topic.

The prompt will typically be a statement that you’ll need to analyze and form an opinion on. This statement could be about the merits of a particular approach to a problem, the value of a certain quality, or the impact of a specific trend. Your job is to develop a well-reasoned argument for either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.

gre sample issue essay

Key Elements of a GRE Issue Essay Task

1. nature of the topic.

You can expect prompts from diverse fields like education, politics, or technology. Deep subject knowledge isn’t crucial, but a well-rounded understanding helps. You can draw on your own experiences and general knowledge to develop a strong response.

2. Type of writing

Use logic and justification accurately. Build a well-reasoned argument supported by strong evidence. You can also use real-life examples to bolster your stance and show your awareness of current events. However, avoid fabricated examples, as they will question your credibility.

3. Agreeing and disagreeing

Unlike the Argument essay’s predetermined problematic thesis, the Issue essay encourages acknowledging opposing viewpoints. Briefly discuss situations where the opposing view might hold weight. It’s easier to agree with the prompt, but a well-argued disagreement is equally valid.

4. Perspectives

There’s no right or wrong answer. The essay tests your ability to choose a side and defend it convincingly. Unlike the Argument essay’s intentionally flawed thesis, here you’ll analyze and critique the prompt itself.

5. Reasoning vs. exposing

The Argument essay focuses on dismantling a flawed argument. On the other hand, the Issue essay emphasizes building your own argument from scratch using logic and examples.

6. Freedom to express

The Argument essay restricts you to the author’s evidence and arguments. The Issue essay grants you complete freedom to draw on any relevant information to support your perspective.

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How to Structure the GRE Issue Essay?

The GRE Issue essay shares similarities with the classic 5-paragraph structure used in short essays. While 4–6 paragraphs are acceptable, you should limit it to a 5-paragraph approach. According to the official GRE website, graders evaluate your “skill with which you address the specific instructions and articulate and develop an argument to support your evaluation of the issue.” A well-organized essay makes your argument clear and persuasive.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Start by clearly restating the issue you’re asked to address. Follow by expressing your position on the issue in a single sentence. Briefly introduce the key points you’ll develop in the following paragraphs. If the prompt asks you to address opposing viewpoints, mention them here. Show your understanding of the complexities of the issue.

Paragraphs 2–4: Body paragraphs

Start with your strongest point, use a clear transition phrase, and present your most impactful reason first. Provide specific examples and logical analysis to back your claim. Examples can come from various fields like history, science, or even personal experience. Clearly explain how they support your reason and, ultimately, your thesis.

Use transition phrases and follow the same structure for the remaining body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one distinct reason supporting your thesis. In one body paragraph, you can acknowledge a strong opposing view and explain why it’s ultimately flawed. This shows a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Paragraph 5 (optional): Conclusion

Briefly restate the issue and your position. Remind the reader of the key arguments you presented. While not essential, a conclusion provides a sense of closure. If time is limited, focus on completing the final body paragraph with a strong supporting example. The conclusion, though desirable, can be omitted without penalty.

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5 Strategies to Ace the GRE Issue Essay

1. structure is key.

Even a passionate and well-reasoned response can fall flat without a solid essay structure. The classic format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion ensures your message is clear and organized.

2. Engaging writing

Repetitive sentence structure leads to a monotonous reading experience. Include variety in your writing! Don’t be afraid to experiment with colons, dashes, and semicolons. Similarly, play with syntax. Avoid the monotonous “noun-verb-adjective” pattern, as it can make your writing sound hesitant. Utilize impactful modifiers, active voice, and cause-and-effect sentences to add confidence and distinction to your writing. For example, “It is unacceptable for the president to permit this unconstitutional overreach of power by Congress” conveys a stronger message than “The president shouldn’t allow Congress to pass the law…” Remember that engaging writing goes beyond analysis and organization; it shapes the overall impression your essay leaves on the reader.

3. Specificity is important

Hypotheticals can be useful tools, but only if they convincingly support your point. Vague generalities like “some people,” “mankind,” or “you” lack impact. For example, if you’re arguing that knowledge can be destructive, stating “Oppenheimer’s knowledge of nuclear fusion allowed him to create the most destructive weapon the world had ever known” is far more impactful than the bland “scientists can sometimes use knowledge to hurt us.”

4. Stay on point

Perhaps the most important element (especially if you don’t want a failing grade) is staying on topic. Imagine you’re writing about the destructive potential of knowledge. Don’t veer off course by discussing technology’s downsides and smartphone addiction. That discussion, while potentially interesting, doesn’t address the prompt of “knowledge as a destructive force.” Focus on the most compelling examples that directly relate to your chosen topic.

5. Choose a side and stick to it

Pick a stance and defend it with conviction. It doesn’t matter which side you choose; just avoid presenting both sides as if you’re undecided. This “waffling” approach weakens your argument.

gre sample issue essay

5 Essay Prompts and Samples

We’ve explored the key objectives and strategies of the GRE Issue Essay. Now, let’s look at some prompts and sample essays. All the essays analyzed here were written in response to actual GRE Issue prompts.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 1: Universities should require students to take courses only within those fields they are interested in studying.

In contemporary academia, the question of whether universities should mandate students to solely pursue courses within their chosen fields of interest has sparked contentious debate. Advocates argue that such a measure fosters student engagement, enhances academic performance, and streamlines career pathways. On the other hand, opponents contend that exposure to diverse disciplines cultivates well-rounded individuals capable of addressing multifaceted challenges. Despite the opposing viewpoints, the advantages of requiring students to focus solely on their areas of interest outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Firstly, mandating students to pursue courses within their fields of interest promotes intrinsic motivation and engagement. When students study subjects they are passionate about, they are more likely to show enthusiasm, persistence, and dedication. This enthusiasm translates into higher levels of academic performance, as students are more inclined to invest time and effort in mastering the subject matter. Consequently, universities can expect to witness improved graduation rates and academic achievements, contributing to their reputation and academic excellence.

Furthermore, focusing on specialized courses enables students to develop expertise and proficiency in their chosen fields. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and specialized knowledge, possessing in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular domain is essential for professional growth. By concentrating their efforts on courses relevant to their interests, students can acquire specialized knowledge, hone their skills, and cultivate a competitive edge in the job market. Consequently, graduates are better prepared to meet the demands of the workforce and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields.

Moreover, requiring students to concentrate on their areas of interest streamlines the educational process and facilitates timely degree completion. Oftentimes, students are required to fulfill numerous general education requirements that are unrelated to their majors, leading to prolonged graduation timelines and increased financial burdens. By eliminating non-essential coursework and focusing solely on relevant subjects, universities can optimize students’ academic trajectories and ensure efficient degree completion. This not only alleviates financial strain on students but also enables them to enter the workforce sooner, thereby accelerating their professional development.

Critics may argue that exposure to diverse disciplines cultivates critical thinking skills and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, both of which are essential for addressing complex real-world challenges. While this contention holds merit, it is imperative to recognize that students can still engage with diverse perspectives and disciplines within the context of their chosen fields. Many specialized courses incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, allowing students to explore diverse perspectives while maintaining a focused academic trajectory. Thus, the benefits of specialization need not come at the expense of interdisciplinary engagement.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 2: Those who see their ideas through, regardless of doubts or criticism others may express, are the ones who tend to leave a lasting legacy.

In the annals of history, there is a prevailing notion that individuals who tenaciously pursue their ideas despite facing skepticism or opposition are more likely to carve out a lasting legacy. While it holds some truth, a nuanced examination reveals that the relationship between perseverance and legacy is complex and multifaceted. While unwavering dedication to one’s ideas can indeed lead to significant accomplishments, it is equally important to acknowledge the role of adaptability, collaboration, and critical self-reflection in shaping a lasting legacy.

Undoubtedly, there are countless examples of individuals who have cemented their place in history through their unwavering commitment to their ideas. Consider the case of Mahatma Gandhi, whose steadfast belief in nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule led to India’s independence. Despite facing criticism, doubt, and even imprisonment, Gandhi remained resolute in his conviction, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire movements for social justice around the world. Similarly, visionaries like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have reshaped industries and revolutionized technology through their relentless pursuit of their visions, despite encountering skepticism and resistance along the way.

However, while perseverance is undeniably a key ingredient in leaving a lasting legacy, it is not the sole determinant of success. In many cases, the ability to adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances is equally crucial. History is replete with examples of individuals who clung stubbornly to their ideas in the face of overwhelming evidence or societal change, only to see their legacies fade into obscurity as a result. The most enduring legacies are often those that can adapt to new challenges and embrace innovation, rather than remaining rigidly fixed in their original vision.

Moreover, the importance of collaboration and receptivity to criticism cannot be overstated in the context of legacy-building. While it is important to have confidence in one’s ideas, it is equally important to recognize that no individual possesses a monopoly on wisdom or insight. By engaging in dialogue with others, soliciting feedback, and fostering collaboration, individuals can enrich their ideas and increase their likelihood of leaving a lasting impact. History is filled with examples of groundbreaking innovations that emerged from the exchange of ideas and collaboration among diverse perspectives.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 3: The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

In contemporary society, luxuries and conveniences have become ubiquitous, permeating nearly every aspect of daily life. From advanced technologies to streamlined services, modern individuals enjoy unprecedented levels of comfort and ease. However, amid this abundance of convenience lies a paradox: does the prevalence of luxuries hinder the development of individuals, preventing them from attaining true strength and independence? In this essay, I will explore the nuanced interplay between modern comforts and personal growth, arguing that while luxuries offer convenience, they also present challenges that can foster resilience and fortitude.

One of the primary arguments against the proliferation of luxuries is that they cultivate a sense of dependency among individuals. In an era where tasks are automated, and services are readily available at the touch of a button, people may become accustomed to relying on external aids to accomplish even the most basic activities. This overreliance on conveniences can diminish one’s ability to adapt and problem-solve in the face of adversity. For instance, the convenience of food delivery apps may deter individuals from learning cooking skills, leaving them vulnerable in situations where such services are unavailable or unaffordable.

Moreover, the comfort provided by modern luxuries may breed complacency, inhibiting individuals from pushing beyond their comfort zones and pursuing personal growth. When life’s challenges are cushioned by convenience, there is little incentive to confront difficulties head-on and develop resilience. This phenomenon is evident in the reluctance of some to engage in physically demanding activities or to undertake ambitious endeavors that require perseverance and determination. As a result, individuals may remain stagnant in their personal development, lacking the drive to strive for excellence and overcome obstacles.

However, it would be overly simplistic to dismiss the role of luxuries and conveniences as wholly detrimental to individual development. In reality, these amenities offer opportunities for personal growth and empowerment when approached with intentionality. Rather than stifling independence, the availability of resources can catalyze self-discovery and skill acquisition. For example, access to online educational platforms enables individuals to pursue lifelong learning and acquire new competencies at their own pace, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-reliance.

Furthermore, the convenience afforded by modern technologies can free up time and energy that can be redirected toward pursuits that nurture personal development. By delegating mundane tasks to automation and outsourcing, individuals can focus their efforts on cultivating their passions, honing their talents, and building meaningful connections with others.

While it is true that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life pose challenges to individual development, it would be shortsighted to overlook their potential benefits. Rather than viewing these amenities as impediments to strength and independence, we should recognize them as tools that can be leveraged to foster resilience, autonomy, and personal growth. By embracing the opportunities afforded by modern comforts while remaining mindful of their potential pitfalls, individuals can navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and emerge as truly strong and independent individuals.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 4: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.

While traditional notions of heroism may have shifted in the modern age, it is overly simplistic to conclude that society is categorically unable to recognize heroism in the present day. A closer examination reveals that heroism continues to manifest in diverse forms, and individuals are still capable of achieving heroic status in the eyes of the public, albeit through different avenues and under altered societal frameworks.

Historically, heroes were often revered for their exceptional bravery, selflessness, or extraordinary achievements in the face of adversity. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Rosa Parks exemplify this traditional archetype of heroism, having spearheaded movements for civil rights and social justice that transformed societies and inspired generations. However, in contemporary society, the parameters of heroism have expanded to encompass a broader spectrum of traits and actions. Heroes are no longer confined to battlefield valor or grand acts of altruism; instead, they may emerge from everyday contexts and show heroism through acts of kindness, resilience, and advocacy for marginalized communities.

Moreover, the advent of digital media and the 24-hour news cycle have democratized the dissemination of heroic narratives, allowing ordinary individuals to attain widespread recognition for their deeds. Social media platforms serve as amplifiers for stories of courage and compassion, enabling grassroots movements and amplifying the voices of previously overlooked heroes. From healthcare workers on the front lines of a global pandemic to activists advocating for environmental sustainability, contemporary heroes emerge from diverse backgrounds and engage in a myriad of endeavors aimed at fostering positive change in society.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the contemporary scenario of heroism is not without its complexities and challenges. In an era characterized by skepticism and disillusionment, the pedestal upon which heroes are placed is often precarious and subject to scrutiny and revision. The ubiquity of social media also means that heroes are more susceptible to scrutiny and criticism, with their actions subject to heightened scrutiny and public debate. Additionally, the proliferation of misinformation and the politicization of hero narratives can distort perceptions of heroism, leading to the idolization of individuals whose actions may not align with universally recognized ethical standards.

Nevertheless, despite these complexities, society remains capable of recognizing and celebrating heroism in its myriad forms. Whether it be the courage of a whistleblower exposing corruption, the compassion of a community rallying to support those in need or the advocacy of individuals championing social justice causes, heroism endures as a timeless and universal concept that transcends temporal and cultural boundaries. While the definition of heroism may evolve and adapt to changing societal norms, the intrinsic human capacity for empathy, courage, and selflessness ensures that heroes will continue to emerge and inspire admiration and reverence in the collective consciousness.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 5: Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.

The question of whether governments should impose restrictions on scientific research and development is a contentious issue that implicates a delicate balance between innovation, ethical considerations, and societal welfare. While proponents of minimal government intervention argue that unrestricted scientific inquiry fosters progress and innovation, opponents contend that certain safeguards and regulations are necessary to mitigate potential risks and ethical concerns. In this essay, I will explore the complexities of this debate and argue that while governments should strive to facilitate scientific advancement, they must also enact prudent regulations to safeguard against potential harm and ensure that research serves the broader interests of society.

Advocates of unrestricted scientific research often invoke the imperatives of innovation and progress as primary justifications for minimal government intervention. They argue that scientific discovery thrives in an environment of intellectual freedom and unfettered exploration, unhampered by bureaucratic red tape or regulatory constraints. Indeed, history is full of examples of groundbreaking advancements that have emerged from unfettered scientific inquiry, from the discovery of penicillin to the development of vaccines and space exploration. By allowing researchers the freedom to pursue their inquiries without undue interference, governments can catalyze innovation and propel society forward into new frontiers of knowledge and understanding.

Furthermore, proponents of minimal restrictions on scientific research emphasize the importance of preserving academic freedom and protecting researchers from censorship or political interference. They contend that governmental regulations, particularly those motivated by ideological or political agendas, risk stifling scientific creativity and impeding the pursuit of truth. In an era marked by increasing polarization and skepticism among experts, safeguarding the autonomy of scientific inquiry is paramount to upholding the integrity of the scientific enterprise and maintaining public trust in the scientific community.

However, while the benefits of unrestricted scientific research are undeniable, it is equally important to recognize the potential risks and ethical considerations inherent in certain areas of inquiry. Scientific advancements have the potential to yield profound benefits for humanity, but they also carry the risk of unintended consequences and ethical dilemmas. With the development of biotechnologies and the potential for misuse of research with implications for environmental sustainability and public health, the ethical implications of scientific research cannot be overlooked or dismissed.

Moreover, the pursuit of scientific knowledge does not occur in a vacuum; it is inexorably intertwined with broader societal concerns and values. Governments have a responsibility to enact regulations that safeguard against potential harm and ensure that scientific research serves the collective good. This may entail implementing ethical guidelines, establishing oversight mechanisms, and enacting legislation to address emerging ethical dilemmas and technological risks. By striking a balance between promoting scientific innovation and protecting societal interests, governments can harness the transformative power of science while mitigating potential risks and maximizing the benefits for society as a whole.

Want to know more about the GRE essay writing? Go through Yocket Prep Premium !

From the Desk of Yocket

The purpose of the GRE exam Issue Essay is to assess a candidate’s ability to develop a well-reasoned argument. It pushes test-takers to think critically about complex topics, develop a clear position, and support it with evidence. This ability to understand an issue, form an opinion, and articulate it persuasively is important for success in many graduate programs.

However, the Issue Essay format also has limitations. The short time frame restricts the depth of analysis one can achieve. Real-world writing often involves collaboration, revision, and access to research materials. Additionally, the focus on a single, predetermined topic can feel somewhat artificial compared to the more nuanced and open-ended writing tasks encountered in academic settings. With Yocket GRE prep , you will receive valuable assistance in essay writing, helping you refine your skills and tackle the GRE essays with confidence.

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GRE For High Scorers, Part 6: GRE Issue Essays

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Vince's GRE Issue Essay Template

VIDEO: Watch me brainstorm a real issue essay prompt for an example of the Issue Essay template I describe in the below article.

In this article, I'll talk about my favorite template for writing a high-scoring Issue Essay. These tips will work best for you if you're a good writer; however, anyone can benefit from them.

First, here are two to-dos for you:

Action item #1: Read all sample essays and commentary in The Official Guide , as well as those in the  Verbal Practice book. These are great models for your writing since you can see what the ETS graders reward. Pay very close attention to the grader commentary.

Action item #2 :  Read and brainstorm two official  Issue Essay  prompts every time you study.

Bonus: learn more new words with my GRE vocabulary flashcards app !

Ok, assuming you've gotten started on the above, I want to give you some insight about what you need to do to get a 6.

you planning your essay?

GRE Issue Essay Example That Received A Perfect Score

You may notice that many Issue Essay prompts make statements that are difficult to fully support. The example and response I want to use first is this one about technology (link is to the full sample essay on the GRE's website). Go ahead and read the prompt, then read the "6" response just below it. Now, let's think about its statement:

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Notice that this statement - like many Issue statements - would be difficult to agree with 100% of the time. Good responses will acknowledge the complexity of the issue and respond in an insightful way to that complexity. This response does that partly by discussing the reasoning that might be used by someone who agrees with the statement (in paragraph 2):

The statement attempts to bridge these dramatic changes to a reduction in the ability for humans to think for themselves. The assumption is that an increased reliance on technology negates the need for people to think creatively to solve previous quandaries. Looking back at the introduction, one could argue that without a car, computer, or mobile phone, the hypothetical worker would need to find alternate methods of transport, information processing and communication. Technology short circuits this thinking by making the problems obsolete.

Good writers often begin this way - they talk about their opponents' views, then respond with their own . This provides context and a framework for their argument. Writing a persuasive essay without addressing the reasoning of other points-of-view is like pretending your point-of-view exists in a vacuum with no one to challenge it.

essay frustration?

Now let's look at a paragraph that continues to acknowledge the complexity of the issue in an insightful way (paragraph 3):

However, this reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species. The prior examples reveal that technology allows for convenience. The car, computer and phone all release additional time for people to live more efficiently. This efficiency does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. For example, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation. Likewise dependence on oil has created nation-states that are not dependent on taxation, allowing ruling parties to oppress minority groups such as women. Solutions to these complex problems require the unfettered imaginations of maverick scientists and politicians.

I like this paragraph a lot because not only does the author make an insightful point that technology gives people more time to think, but that technology itself creates problems that require thinking. This is a step up from what I think the average writer might do - just cite an example of technology that helps us think or that we need to think to use. Now, you don't always need this level of insight, but it's a good example of what might separate a 6 from a 5. Compelling reasoning and depth of thought are rewarded.

I also like that this essay creates a critical context with the first paragraph, defining the scope of what it's going to discuss. It's the one I most talk about if a higher-scoring student wants some kind of GRE issue essay template, too. It's nice to have a go-to structure when you've only got 29 minutes and 37 seconds and the clock is relentlessly ticking...

Another example I like in the Verbal Reasoning Practice Book is the 6 essay response to a prompt about "People should obey just laws and disobey unjust laws". The author spends some time questioning the context to apply "just" - i.e., what is more important, being just to the individual or just to society? The author also questions how to define "just": if a society is brainwashed, can "just" have any meaning? I like this approach, since, again, it acknowledges the complexity and complications of forming a position on that issue.

essay writer with pencil

How To Effectively Choose And Use Examples In The Issue Essay

Many of my students find it difficult at first to think of relevant examples to support the arguments they make when writing the GRE issue essay. In this section, I’ll give you one of my favorite GRE essay tips: how to choose strong examples. Again, just so we have some context, here’s a sample Issue essay prompt: “Employees at all levels of a corporation should be involved in that corporation’s short and long term goal planning.” Now, one trap I want you to avoid falling into is thinking you have to have specialized knowledge of the topic. You might say to yourself that you’ve never worked for a corporation and that you don’t know how corporations typically plan. The good news is that you can still write a good essay about the topic using what you do know.

For example, let’s say you mostly agree with the statement and wanted to think of an example you could use. You could use an example from real life – perhaps you could talk about how employees at Google are encouraged to use 20% of their time to work on projects they think will benefit the company. Even if you couldn’t think of a real life example, you might use a hypothetical example and talk about how if an airline asked all employees about its plans for the future, flight attendants might provide unique insights into what customers like and don’t like . One strategy I like to recommend is to instead of thinking of what the perfect GRE issue essay examples might be, think about what you know well and see if it could fit. This will encourage you to choose examples you know well, making it easier to write insightfully about them. It might be a good idea to make a list of your personal “go-to” topics – things you can easily talk or write about. You’ll find that you can use many of them for many essays – don’t let the first thing that comes to mind box you in. Essay topics are designed so that almost anyone can write about them. For example, I love reading  The Economist . Since I read it every week, I usually have been thinking about some current events that I can apply to many Issue topics. Also, reading like this builds up a storehouse of information that you can dip into, making it increasingly likely you'll be inspired when a random topic pops up on the screen.

researching essay examples

How Long Should GRE Essays Be?

In general, the more you write, the better. 500-600 words is a good goal for most people, but write more if you can!

Good writers tend to illustrate and explain well, which equals more words. If your essay paragraphs seem short, try explain why more and writing more detailed "for example" sentences. Your reader will find your argument more compelling, and the GRE computer algorithm* that contributes half of your essay score will reward you as well!

*Yeah - if you didn't know, both a robot and a human read and grade your essay, and your score will be the average of their scores. :)

How Do I Improve My Issue Essay Score?

Remember, the GRE issue essay examples you choose matter, but they must be used skillfully. Practice brainstorming lots of different essay prompts from the ETS website to get used to coming up with examples that you can use to support your point of view.

Improving your score generally will mean improving one of these five grading criteria:

  • How compelling is your argument?
  • The examples that support your point
  • Organization / transitions
  • Using standard written English

In my experience, the GRE's analytical writing assessment is the one part of the test that students tend to under-prepare for. No matter how you prepare for the essay, make sure that you at least write a few before you actually take the real GRE.

P.S. I can help you with your essays, but I will charge you for my time. If you don't want to work with me personally, you can ask for feedback on Reddit ( r/GRE ) - it's the most popular and active GRE forum I know of.

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(Reddit is nerdy but also useful.)

Final Issue Essay Thoughts

Check out all the 6 responses in the ETS books (there are five "6" responses for the Issue task, and five for the Argument task). These will give you more ideas about what the highest-scoring essays do. Just keep in mind that these are paradigms of "6" responses... you don't always have to be that good to earn a "6". Again, I think one of the most valuable things you can do is to find an essay structure you like and create your own issue essay template out of it, so you have a "go-to" structure on test day.

If you enjoyed this free guide, check out Vince's other free GRE resources .

And, speaking of writing stuff, our graduate school admissions essay expert, Lauren Hammond, can help you write your personal statement !

Testimonial: "I wanted to improve my analytical writing score for the GRE and decided, with one week left before the test, that I should consult an expert for some last minute advice. Vince was awesome and provided me with so much feedback on the sample essays I sent to him. I ended up getting the score I needed, and I know meeting with Vince made that possible! Thanks again!" - Cayleen Harty

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GRE Sample Issue Essays: Introduction to the Types of Topics Covered

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Updated on 28 August, 2024

Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. content editor.

Pragya Sharma

The Analytical Writing section (AWA) of the GRE measures your ability to think critically and assesses how well you can support and articulate complex ideas and arguments and sustain a focused and coherent discussion. Since the Verbal and Quantitative sections are objective-based, the Analytical Writing Section gives you a chance to prove your analytical skills. AWA before September 2023 consisted of two areas, which are as follows:

a) An "Analyze an Issue" task for 30 minutes

b) An "Analyze an Argument" task for 30 minutes.

The Analytical Writing section after September 2023 consists of only one 30-minute issue essay task. The GRE Issue Essay requires analyzing and writing about a general statement and emphasizes personal opinions and reasoning.

Table of Contents

What is gre issue essay, types of topics included in gre issue essays, gre issue essay pool.

  • Dos and Don'ts During GRE Issue Essay Preparation

Structure of GRE Issue Essays and Tips to Frame Strong One

Tips to write impressive gre issue essay, download these useful guides to ace your gre preparation, gre sample issue essay, important resources for pte/sat/act exam.

The GRE Issue Essay is a 30-minute task in the GRE Analytical Writing section, where test-takers are asked to express their views on a given statement or topic. The prompt presents a general issue and asks for the writer's perspective, supported by reasoning and examples. It tests critical thinking, persuasive writing, and the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and logically.

The essay is scored on coherence, clarity, and depth of analysis. Preparation involves practicing writing structured, argumentative essays, and understanding common themes. This essay forms the GRE Analytical Writing measure, crucial for graduate school applications and your dream of an abroad education.

Usually, the ideas and topics on which a student will be probed in the GRE issue essay are drawn from everyday life and requires you to rely on your experiences to answer them. The topics for issue essays are taken from various domains such as business, politics, technology, art, education, and more etc. The GRE issue essay consists of a statement or statements, along with specific task instructions which require you to respond to the task in a certain way.

The GRE Issue Essay Pool provides a collection of prompts designed to assess a test-taker's ability to critically analyze and express complex ideas. THE GRE issue essay pool challenges test-takers to think deeply and present well-reasoned arguments, reflecting on diverse and often contentious issues. Preparation involves familiarizing oneself with such themes and practicing structured, persuasive writing.

Society and Culture 
Politics and Leadership 

Dos and Don'ts During GRE Issue Essay Preparation

Ensure you have a sound idea of the past-year questions.

Do not answer the question while oscillating between both sides of the issue. 

Ensure that you read the instructions carefully. 

Do not skip relating the examples to the thesis statement.

Prudently use your 30-minutes by keeping these pointers in mind: 

Avoid writing in the first person. 

The better you organize your essay, the clearer it becomes to the examiner as they want to assess how you develop an argument to support your evaluation of the issue. You can structure your essay into five paragraphs which are as follows:

a) Introduction

Develop your points so that the analysis guides the examiner through the argument you are trying to make. 

b) Body Paragraph 1

Use your most specific and most important reason at first and support it with logical analysis and examples.

c) Body Paragraph 2

Launch into your second reason by using a transition phase and supporting example. 

d) Final Body Paragraph

Transition into your third stance along with an example and explain how it supports your thesis. You can also bring a solid counterargument for the view and explain why it is incorrect. 

e) Conclusion

Summarizing the points you made in brief, your conclusion should reflect your introductory paragraph.

Here are a few tips on writing a good GRE issue essay: 

i) Choose a side and stick to it.

ii) Keep your examples specific and relevant to the real world.

iii) Use strong, declarative sentences as they add distinction and confidence to your writing.

iv) Refute the other position by introducing an opposite point of view.

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Now that you have understood the structure and have the tips to write a good one, here's a GRE sample essay that will help you improve and enable you to see the topic from a different perspective.

As people become more reliant on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

The statement linking technology negatively with people's ability to think freely reflects the recent human experience over the past century. A glance at a typical day for a human being shows how technology has revolutionized the world. From commuting to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine to interacting with a computer that processes information on silicon bridges that are 0.09 micrometers wide, to reaching out to family members on leaving home through wireless networks, technology is involved in almost everything. In the 19th century, each of these common occurrences was unimaginable.

The statement attempts to bridge these dramatic changes that were once considered inconceivable to a reduction in the ability of humans to think for themselves. It assumes that increased reliance on technology has reduced the need for people to think creatively. Looking back in time, without a mobile phone, computer, or car, humans would need to find alternate methods of communication, information processing, and transport. Still, the developments in technology have made these problems outdated.

However, this dependence on technology does not necessarily deter humans from being creative. While technological development has made things convenient, it has also made people live more efficiently. This efficiency did not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. Though it has freed the human species from tackling new problems, it has also created issues that did not exist without technology. For example, the need for fuel conservation has increased globally with the proliferation of automobiles, making global warming a significant concern with growing energy demands from emerging markets. In the same way, increased demand for oil has created nation-states that do not pay taxes, and the ruling parties oppress minority groups, such as women. Only maverick scientists and politicians' unfettered imaginations can solve these complex problems.

Let's consider the digital revolution and the advent of the internet, which contradicts the statement. We can witness how technology frees the human imagination, allowing for an unprecedented exchange of ideas. WebMD, a popular internet portal for medical information, has opened pathways of thinking for a layman by permitting patients to self-research symptoms for a more informed doctor visit. As Jeffrey Sachs developed the UN Millenium Development Goals, the unlikely union between economics and medicine has healed hyperinflation and tension from South America to Eastern Europe. The latter example provides a ray of hope for how technology will enlighten the future of humanity. Though too much dependence on technology is harmful, at the same time, it helps us achieve impossible goals. Consider how the technology of vaccines created a world free from smallpox in the late 20th century. Using technology, a disease that has ravaged the human race since prehistoric days was systematically targeted and eradicated.

From the discovery of fire to the implementation of nanotechnology, technology will permanently mark the human experience. There will be no limit to the number of old and new problems we can tackle. Therefore, it is better to embrace a hopeful attitude toward technology's possibilities for new avenues of human imagination.

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Sample 2: 

Passion is necessary for a truly great idea to take hold among a people—passion either on the part of the original thinker, the audience, or ideally both. The claim that the most lucrative subject matter for inspiring great ideas is “commonplace things” may initially seem to be counterintuitive. After all, aren’t great ideas usually marked by their extraordinary character? While this is true, their extraordinary character is often not directly derived from their insight into things that had theretofore gone unquestioned. While great ideas certainly can arise through seemingly pure innovation... say, for example, Big Bang cosmology, which developed nearly all of its own scientific and philosophical precepts through its own process of formation, it is nevertheless equally true that such groundbreaking thought was, and is, still largely a reevaluation of previous assumptions to a radical degree. all, the question of the ultimate nature of the universe, and man’s place in it, has been central to human thought since the dawn of time. Commonplace things are, additionally, necessary as material for the generation of “the best ideas” since certainly the success of an audience must be considered in evaluating the significance and quality of an idea.

The advent of Big Bang cosmology, which occurred in rudimentary form almost immediately upon Edwin Hubble’s first observations at the Hooker telescope in California during the early 20th century, was the most significant advance in mankind’s understanding of the universe in over 400 years. The seemingly simple fact that everything in the universe, on a very large scale, is moving away from everything else betrays nearly all of our scientific knowledge of the origins and mechanics of the universe. A slight, one might even say commonplace, distortion of tint on a handful of photographic plates carried with it the greatest challenge to man’s general, often religiously reinforced, conception of the nature of the world, to an extent not seen since the days of Galileo. Not even Charles Darwin’s theory, though it created more of a stir than Big Bang cosmology, had such shattering implications for our conceptions of the nature of our reality. Yet it is not significant because it introduces the question of the nature of what lies beyond Man’s grasp. Many megalithic ruins, including the Pyramids of Mexico and Egypt, Stonehenge, and others, indicate that this question has been foremost on humankind’s mind since immemorial. Big Bang cosmology is incredibly significant in this line of reasoning because it changed the direction of this generally held, constantly pondered, and very ancient train of thought. 

Additionally, there is a diachronic significance to the advent of Big Bang cosmology, which is that disregarding limitations such as the quality of optical devices available and the state of theoretical math, it could have happened at any point in time. That is to say; all evidence points to roughly the same raw intellectual capacity for homo sapiens throughout our history; our progress has merely depended upon the degree of it that a person happens to inherit, a pace that has been increasing rapidly since the industrial revolution. Yet this discovery had to happen at a certain point in time or another—it cannot have been happening constantly or have never happened yet still be present—and this point in time does have its own significance. That significance is precisely the fact that the aforementioned advent must have occurred at precisely the point in time at which it truly could have occurred—that is to say, it marks the point in our history when we had progressed sufficiently to begin examining, with remarkable substantiated acuity, the workings of the universe across distances that would take millions of human lifetimes to reach or to traverse. The point of success for this advent must necessarily have been the point at which the audience concerned was capable and prepared to accept such a radical line of reasoning. 

Both factors a radical, passionate interpretation of the commonplace and the preparedness to accept such an interpretation, are necessary for the formulation of a truly great idea. If the passion is absent from an inquiry by the thinker or by the bulk of an audience, the idea will die out if it comes to fruition at all. If the material is not sufficiently commonplace to be considered by an informed audience of sufficient size, the same two hazards exist. Given these two factors, the idea must still be found palatable and interesting by the audience if it is to hope to gain a foothold and eventually establish itself in a significant fashion. 

Source: ETS

PTE Examination Eligibility Criteria

There are no specific PTE exam eligibility criteria set by Pearson VUE – the organizers of the test.

PTE Academic Syllabus

PTE syllabus includes various sections such as Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening.

The PTE exam pattern is designed to test whether candidates can study at international institutions that have English as the main language for instructions.

PTE exam fees in India are INR 14,700, including taxes. You can choose your slot with this fee two days in advance.

Here is a list of PTE exam centers in India that you can check out. Please note that owing to the COVID pandemic, several centers are still closed.

PTE Exam Dates 2022

The PTE 2022 examination list has been released officially by the authorities conducting the examination.

PTE Accepted Universities in USA

After all, America is home to some world-class universities. Let’s discuss PTE-accepted universities in USA.

PTE Accepted Universities in Canada

Canada is a country that is renowned for the quality of its educational infrastructure. As a result, it is no surprise that a list of PTE accepted universities in Canada is sought-after.

SAT Exam Dates & Deadlines for 2022

The SAT exam dates fall on Saturdays and the test is generally conducted on 7 Saturdays every year; the deadline for registration is four weeks prior to the date of the test.

  • SAT Exam Syllabus

According to the latest update on SAT syllabus 2022, SAT Subject Tests and the SAT optional essays have been discontinued which has now reduced the duration of the exam by 50 minutes.

Understanding the SAT exam pattern is of paramount importance for all those who want to study undergraduate courses from universities or colleges abroad.

SAT Scholarship for Indian Students

The College Board India Scholars Program offers the SAT scholarship for Indian students. This scholarship helps students receive education from renowned institutes worldwide.

How to Register for SAT Exam

How to register for the SAT examination? Stay assured that the procedure is not at all complex. Students desirous of obtaining admission into bachelor’s or undergraduate courses in the US or Canada will find this to be an important examination.

ACT exam syllabus

It is very important for ACT aspirants to be aware of the complete ACT exam syllabus, as it will help them to avoid any surprises on the day of the examination.

ACT exam pattern

The ACT is a widely accepted and standardized examination in the U.S. and several other countries. It is used majorly for undergraduate admissions into several colleges and universities.

ACT Test Centres in India

Due to its relevance and popularity, there are various ACT centres. Moreover, the ACT test centres in India are spread across multiple states.

ACT Exam Registration

Registration of the ACT examination is done through the official website online. Applicants need to register for the test at least two months before the test date.

The American College Testing– ACT score is a part of the college applications in the United States of America (USA), depending on the institution students apply to. There are no fixed passing marks for this examination.

Let's take a close look at the ABCs of the ACT exam and help you prepare with some essential ACT study tips.

ACT Exam Dates 2022

It is important to know the ACT dates for the year 2022 if you are planning to appear anytime soon.

SAT Preparation Books

Carefully curated list of the top SAT prep material can prove invaluable to reducing aspirants' efforts. So, to simplify your research, here are 10 SAT exam books to consider for thorough preparation.

PTE Exam Accepted Countries

Here you will find the complete list of PTE exam accepted countries.

How can I prepare for the issue essay on the GRE?

To ace the GRE, aspirants should opt for practice tests. Aspirants can practice with ScoreItNow!™. It is one of the most essential GRE issue essay tips. It is an impeccable web-based tool that helps aspirants enhance their writing skills.

What kind of topics can I expect for the issue essay on the GRE?

You can expect a topic from these categories: Technology and Society, Education, Cities, Government and Power, and Philosophical & Intellectual Endeavors. 

What is the format of the issue essay on the GRE?

The structure of the GRE Issue Essay is comparable to the conventional 5-paragraph short essay. It will include an introduction, body paragraph (2), final body, and conclusion.

How many sample issue essays should I practice before taking the GRE?

Make sure to practice with at least three essays. You can also study by looking up the AWA prompts and increasing your speed while writing a multitude of them within 30-minute guidelines. So, if you want to ace the exam, ensure to practice.

What is the difference between the issue essay and the argument essay in the GRE?

The issue essay requires you to present your viewpoint on a given topic, supported by reasoning and examples. The argument essay asks you to critique another author's argument, identifying logical flaws and assumptions without presenting your own opinion on the issue.

Is a 3.5 GRE essay good?

A 3.5 GRE essay is considered adequate but not exceptional. It indicates competent writing skills, with some minor issues in coherence, clarity, or complexity. Improving this score involves practicing clear, logical, and well-structured essays.

How long should a GRE issue essay be?

Although there is no specified word limit for the GRE issue essay, you should typically try to write it in 400-600 words. Ensuring your essay is well-developed, with clear reasoning and examples, is more important than the word count.

How do I organize my GRE essay?

Organize your GRE essay with an introduction that presents your thesis, body paragraphs that provide supporting arguments and examples, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. Ensure logical flow and coherence throughout.

Pragya Sharma is a content developer and marketer with 6.5+ years of experience in the education industry. She started her career as a social media copywriter for NIELIT, Ministry of Electronics & IT, and has now scaled up as a 360-degree content professional well-versed with the intricacies of digital marketing and different forms of content used to drive and hook the target audience. She is also a co-author of 2 stories in an anthology based on the theme- women empowerment.

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GRE Issue Essay: Samples

by Abhinandu · Published May 27, 2019 · Updated April 22, 2022

The Analytical Writing section of the GRE determines your ability to think in a logical and cohesive manner, besides measuring how well you are able to articulate and support your arguments. Given that the Verbal and Quantitative sections are purely objective, the AWA becomes an important means through which you can demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical skills. Strong oratory powers, persuasive writing skills, and ability to think out-of-box are all highly valued by American universities; so if you do well in this section, it will give you a cutting-edge advantage over other applicants. The AWA is also used as a tool to measure the authenticity of your SOPs and LORs: because the AWA tests your writing abilities, it could be potentially used as a yardstick against which the quality of your SOP can be gauged to figure out if it was indeed written by you or someone else. Additionally, too low a score on the AWA can be a red flag for the admissions committee, and so it becomes paramount to do well on the AWA and not take it for granted.

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What is awa.

As the very first section of the GRE, Analytical Writing consists of two tasks: an ‘Analyze an Issue’ task and an ‘Analyze an Argument’ task. The time allotted is one hour, with 30 minutes for each task. In the GRE Issue essay task, you will be given a general issue and asked to evaluate and analyze it. You are required to essentially develop a sound argument for the issue and support it with examples, while the Argument task expects you to evaluate a given argument for the correctness of the logic assumed. In other words, the Issue essay seeks to examine your ability to take a stance on a certain subject by developing an argument with reasons and examples to support your views about why you favor a side of the argument. On the other hand, in the Argument task, you are expected to critique and take apart the views that the author promotes in the topic.

In this blog, we will be taking a closer look at the Issue essay to better understand what it really entails, as well as the kind of topics that could be asked of you in this section from the ETS issue pool. Finally, we will be examining some GRE issue essay samples to grasp what a well-written, high-scoring essay looks like.

All About the GRE Issue Essay

A well-written issue essay is basically one that establishes and strongly sustains a particular point of view and gives sufficient justification for the choice of that perspective. Remember, in this section, as we had briefly discussed before, you are expected to understand a given issue and provide ample reasons and examples to support your point of view on the issue. While the examiner will have access to your assessment question, your argument must be clear and strong enough to be understood in a vacuum. In other words, it must be written well enough to rule out the necessity of checking the question at hand. The GRE issue essay task question has two parts: first is a thesis statement (or a claim) and the second is a small paragraph outlining the instructions on how to respond to that thesis. Sometimes, there can be yet another part: a brief reason that explains the claim in more detail.

While there is no ironclad minimum word requirement to meet, most students average around 500–600 words in the 30 minutes allotted to them. Remember, writing more words doesn’t necessarily mean your essay is going to be more persuasive or better. In fact, quite the opposite: many test-takers seem to think that writing more is a good substitute to an essay that is otherwise lacking in sound argument and logic, leading examiners to be wary of overly lengthy essays. Always keep it simple and concise, and you’re good to go.

Let us now take a look at some key elements of a GRE issue essay task, and how it is different from the argument essay:

Nature of topic:

Generally, the topics and ideas that need to be probed in the issue essay will be of broad, general nature, and are drawn from everyday life, requiring you to rely on your own experiences for your answer. Issue prompts are taken from a wide variety of domains, such as education, politics, art, technology, etc. As such, it is not necessary to possess a very deep knowledge of the issue at hand, although it certainly helps if your general knowledge is up a notch!

Type of writing:

The issue essay is less about critical analysis and more about logical reasoning and justification. Just make sure that your reasoning and justifications are sound, and you should be good to go! Because the issue essay hinges so much on reasoning, it is a great idea to draw on real-life examples to support your position and overall stance on the matter: this will portray you as someone who is well-read and in touch with the world around her. Remember, this is not a section in which you can spin examples out of thin air, so use that wild story that your uncle told you, if you need to!

Agreeing and disagreeing:

While the argument essay contains a problematic thesis statement that needs to be disagreed upon and taken apart by you, the issue essay will generally conclude with a mention of the opposing point of view and stating a few instances in which that view may hold true. Doing so will both showcase you as a well-read, aware person, who is able to understand and appreciate opposing viewpoints. Moreover, in the issue essay, it is much easier to agree with the stance than it is to disagree, since you will usually find a lot more argument points in favor of than against. Although, of course, you are free to disagree if you wish: just be convincing about it!


The GRE issue essay is, at the heart of it, a matter of perspective, and what you really think about the question at hand. There’s no real, unequivocal ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer, because really it is two sides of the same coin, with both sides being amenable to argument and support. The quality of the essay will be wholly judged by your ability to pick one side of the coin, and how well you develop and support that choice. So, an issue question is a claim that needs to be analyzed and critiqued. This is unlike the argument essay, where the thesis statement itself is deliberately portrayed negatively or controversially so as to provoke your counter-argument.

Reasoning versus exposing:

The argument essay is all about you dismantling the author’s claims by exposing the flaws in their arguments, while the issue task is notably about reasoning and building your argument from the ground up by using examples and logic.

Liberty to express:

Last but not least, the issue task is defined by the freedom of scope it affords you. While the argument essay mandates you to work entirely with the evidence and arguments that lead up to the conclusion, the issue task is far more liberal because you are free of any authorial interference. Because of this, you can draw on any and every resource in your arsenal to deliver a powerful defense of your perspective.

What kind of topics can I expect on the issue task?

One of the things that daunt GRE test takers is essay writing: specifically, the fear of being tested on a topic or concept they may have no idea or knowledge about. Well, fear not! The GRE issue essay task is known for its supremely approachable and general nature and is broad enough to be attempted by anyone with basic general knowledge. Confused? Cast your mind back to all those family dinners, and your father arguing how mobile phones are destroying creativity and intelligence, or your uncle claiming that higher education should be free for all, and you’ll know what we are talking about. The GRE issue essay is something like those discussions, but with just a bit more sophistication, of course!

Let’s take a peek at some sample issue questions from the previous years’ GRE to better understand the kind of prompts you can expect. Do note that these are directly taken from the ETS (Educational Testing Service) website, and because ETS is the official administrator of the GRE, you can be rest assured that this information is straight from the horse’s mouth.

Sample issue tasks:

  • Governments should place few if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
  • Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.

     Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
  •  College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
  • Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Well, there you have it! You now have a general idea of what kind of questions you could expect in the issue task, and the structure of the issue prompts. As you can see, these are questions of a sweeping, unspecified nature, and usually, students find their own experiences, opinions, and awareness sufficient to write a satisfactory essay. Topics like education, healthcare, R&D, art, politics, social media, and gender are usually hot favorites for the ETS, so reading up on these areas and writing a few practice essays can prove to be immensely helpful. If you want the complete low-down on the exhaustive list of topics that make an appearance in the issue essay section, you can download our ebook  to get a better idea

Download our eBOOK on “ The complete list of GRE AWA Topics “

Now, we have seen the kind of topics and questions you could expect on the d-day, but what about the essay itself? What does a persuasive, well-written, high-scoring issue essay look and sound like?  We’re sure we’ve piqued your curiosity, so why not head over to our ebook consisting of a gamut of sample essays?

Download our eBOOK on “ How to score 4+ in AWA “

We hope you found this article helpful and illuminating and opened your eyes to the intricacies of the GRE issue essay. If you have any questions that are not answered in this article, please drop us a comment below and we will get back to you soon. We wish you all the very best in your graduate school dreams!

Tags: AWA awa writing ger issue essay GRE gre awa issue analytical essay issue essay issue topic

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7 Tips for a Perfect GRE Issue Essay

If you get a perfect score on the GRE’s Issue Essay (a 6), it can really boost your graduate school admissions chances! The best schools want good Verbal and Quantitative scores, but also students who are clear, competent writers. Lots of students have excellent transcripts and are good at taking tests – but not everyone can demonstrate impressive writing skills! Here are 7 tips to take your Issue essay to that perfect 6.

[ RELATED: What is a good GRE score?   ]

Write at least three practice essays.

Practice makes perfect! You can study for the GRE online by looking up the AWA prompts and practicing writing several of them within the 30-minute guideline. The only way to get comfortable with the time constraints is to practice them, so set up test-like conditions and get to work. If you’re a good writer, you might be tempted to take the GRE essay portion without practicing. That’s not a great idea–the issue essay is a different kind of essay than you’ve probably had to write in school, and you might miss the mark if you don’t practice. On the issue essay you’re not writing literary criticism or rhetorical analysis, but rather something more akin to a very direct, concise email to a very busy boss or professor. Get used to the idea that the issue essay isn’t about how well you make things flow or how pretty it sounds; it’s about how clearly you can get information across.

Don’t waffle.

You don’t have time to argue both sides of an issue on the GRE issue essay . Even if you don’t believe in the side you choose, you’ll only have time to argue one side effectively. If you take a middle-of-the-road approach you won’t sound as confident or clear. Remember, according to ETS, the “readers are evaluating the skill with which you address the specific instructions and articulate and develop an argument to support your evaluation of the issue.” Which side you choose to defend is less important than how you defend it!

Choose very specific real-world examples.

Don’t be general! Hypothetical arguments are easily refuted. The easy counter to any “what-if” argument is to challenge that the hypothetical scenario would ever actually happen. Instead, use specific examples: Mitt Romney, the War of 1812, Keynesian economic theory, an anecdote about your Uncle Ralph the compulsive gambler, etc. are all concrete examples you can use to drive home a point. 

BUT, make sure your examples are relevant to the topic.

You can choose examples from a wide range of subjects, including personal experience, pop culture, history, sports, literature, current events, politics, etc. But, don’t let your examples take over the essay. For instance, if you’re using a historical example, be careful that you don’t let the bulk of your essay become a summary of that event or a history paper equivalent. Your whole goal on the issue essay is to prove a point, so only use an example if it’s going to back up your argument.

Avoid first-person and self-reference.

In general, you should avoid writing in first person on the issue essay. Saying things like “I believe” or “in my opinion” adds unnecessary words since the reader already knows that the issue essay is written from your perspective. First-person pronouns should ONLY appear in a body paragraph if you are using personal experience as an example. Never use “I” in your introductory or concluding paragraphs.

Make strong, declarative statements.

Being direct doesn’t leave any room for miscommunication or misinterpretation. Part of the reason this is so important is because while one of your graders is human, the other is a computer. If you’ve ever talked to your GPS or Siri, you’ve probably experienced some miscommunication from time to time. Avoid this on the GRE issue essay by making strong, declarative statements.

Refute the opposing view in your conclusion.

Many GRE students wonder what to do in their conclusion. Try introducing the opposing viewpoint, showing that you recognize that in fact some people do not support your position. Then refute their argument in 1-2 sentences, and reinforce the validity of  your own thesis.

BONUS: Know how the GRE Analytical Writing Essays are scored

The GRE testmaker, Educational Testing Service (ETS) reports a single score rounded up to the nearest half-point. This score makes up the essay portion of your overall GRE score .

You can read more from ETS on  specific  score level breakdowns  here .

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What's Tested on the GRE: Analytical Writing


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  • Introduction

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test required by many graduate schools in the United States and other English-speaking countries.

One of the most challenging sections of the GRE is the analytical writing section, which consists of two tasks: the issue task and the argument task.

This blog will focus on the issue task, providing GRE issue essay examples, tips, and strategies to help you nail the GRE analytical writing section.

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  • GRE Analytical Writing Section

The analytical writing section is the first part of the GRE and is designed to assess your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It consists of two 30-minute tasks: the ‘Analyze an Issue’ task and the ‘Analyze an Argument’ task.

In the issue task, you are given a statement on a general issue, and you are required to write a response in which you discuss your views on the issue. You will need to provide reasons and examples to support your position.

The quality of your essay, your ability to present a clear and well-reasoned response, and your writing skills will all contribute to your GRE analytical writing score.

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  • Preparing for the GRE Issue Essay

The issue essay requires you to take a position on an issue and to support your position with reasons and examples. It is important to practice writing essays on various topics to develop your writing skills and to understand the types of topics that may appear in the actual GRE exam.

Analyzing the Prompt

The first step in preparing for the issue essay is to analyze the prompt. The prompt will present a statement, and you will need to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement.

It is important to carefully read and understand the prompt and to identify the key issues that need to be addressed in your essay.

Planning Your Response

Once you have analyzed the prompt, it is important to plan your response. Start by deciding on your position on the issue. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

To what extent do you agree or disagree? Then, think about the reasons for your position and the examples that could be used to support your reasoning.

Writing the Essay

When writing the essay, start with an introduction that clearly states your position on the issue and provides a brief overview of the reasons for your position.

In the body of the essay, discuss your reasons and provide examples to support your position. Be sure to address the most compelling reasons and examples that could be used to challenge your position. Finally, in the conclusion, summarize your position and the reasons for your position.


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  • GRE Issue Essay Examples

Below are some sample issue essay topics and responses to help you prepare for the GRE analytical writing section.

Sample Issue Essay 1:

Prompt : “In today’s world, it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is perfect.”

Introduction : In today’s fast-paced world, there is often a trade-off between speed and accuracy. While it is important to work quickly to meet deadlines and stay competitive, it is also important to ensure that the work is of high quality and free of mistakes. I partially agree with the statement that it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is perfect. While speed is important in some situations, accuracy is also crucial, and it is important to strike a balance between the two.

Body : On one hand, working quickly is important in many situations. In today’s competitive business environment, companies often face tight deadlines and need to respond quickly to changes in the market. Being able to work quickly can lead to increased productivity, faster decision-making, and a competitive advantage. Additionally, in some situations, it is better to make a decision quickly, even if it is not perfect than to delay and miss out on an opportunity.

On the other hand, it is also important to ensure that the work is of high quality and free of mistakes. Making mistakes can lead to wasted time and resources, and can damage a company’s reputation. In some industries, such as healthcare or aviation, making mistakes can have serious consequences and can even be life-threatening.

Conclusion : In conclusion, while it is important to work quickly in some situations, it is also important to ensure that the work is of high quality and free of mistakes. It is important to strike a balance between speed and accuracy, and to consider the potential consequences of making mistakes. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the situation and the potential consequences of making mistakes.

Sample Issue Essay 2:

Prompt : “The best way to solve environmental problems caused by consumer-generated waste is for towns and cities to impose strict limits on the amount of trash they will accept from each household.”

Introduction : Environmental problems caused by consumer-generated waste are a growing concern worldwide. Landfills are overflowing, and pollution from waste is impacting air and water quality. While imposing strict limits on the amount of trash accepted from each household may be part of the solution, I do not believe it is the best way to solve the problem. A more comprehensive approach that includes reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, as well as educating the public about the importance of reducing waste, is needed to effectively address the issue.

Body : Imposing strict limits on the amount of trash accepted from each household may encourage people to reduce their waste and recycle more. However, it may also lead to illegal dumping or to people finding other ways to dispose of their waste that may be even more harmful to the environment. Additionally, it does not address the root causes of the problem, which include overconsumption and the production of non-recyclable or non-biodegradable products.

A more comprehensive approach is needed to effectively address the issue. This could include implementing policies that encourage the production and use of recyclable or biodegradable products, promoting recycling and composting programs, and educating the public about the importance of reducing waste. Additionally, providing incentives for households and businesses to reduce their waste and recycle, as well as imposing penalties for illegal dumping, could also be part of the solution.

Conclusion : In conclusion, while imposing strict limits on the amount of trash accepted from each household may be part of the solution, it is not the best way to solve the problem. A more comprehensive approach that includes reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, as well as educating the public about the importance of reducing waste, is needed to effectively address the issue.

  • Tips for Writing a High-Scoring GRE Issue Essay
  • Analyze the Prompt : Make sure you understand the prompt and the issue it presents. Identify the key issues that need to be addressed in your essay.
  • Plan Your Response : Decide on your position on the issue and think about the reasons for your position and the examples that could be used to support your reasoning.
  • Write a Clear and Well-Reasoned Response : Start with an introduction that clearly states your position on the issue and provides a brief overview of the reasons for your position. In the body of the essay, discuss your reasons and provide examples to support your position. Be sure to address the most compelling reasons and examples that could be used to challenge your position. Finally, in the conclusion, summarize your position and the reasons for your position.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice : Practice writing essays on various topics to develop your writing skills and to understand the types of topics that may appear in the actual GRE exam.
  • Revise Your Essay : After writing your essay, take some time to revise it. Check for any grammatical or spelling errors, and make sure that your ideas are clearly and logically presented.

Understanding the GRE Issue Task Scoring Criteria

Understanding the criteria on which your essay will be evaluated can help you write a high-scoring essay. ETS, the organization that administers the GRE, evaluates the issue essay on the following criteria:

  • Articulation of Ideas : This criterion assesses the clarity and fluency with which you present your ideas. Your essay should be well-organized, with a clear and logical progression of ideas.
  • Development and Support : This criterion assesses the reasons and examples you provide to support your position on the issue. Your reasons should be well-developed, and your examples should be relevant and compelling.
  • Analytical Writing Skills : This criterion assesses your ability to analyze the issue, consider different perspectives, and present a well-reasoned and thoughtful response.
  • Control of Language : This criterion assesses the quality of your writing, including your vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammatical correctness.

To score high on the GRE issue essay, make sure to address all of these criteria in your essay.

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is one of the most important parts of your essay. It should clearly state your position on the issue and provide a brief overview of the reasons for your position.

Your thesis statement should be specific and debatable, and it should provide a roadmap for your reader. Here are some tips for developing a strong thesis statement:

  • Take a Clear Position : Your thesis statement should clearly state your position on the issue. Avoid vague or neutral statements that do not take a clear position.
  • Be Specific : Your thesis statement should be specific and focused. Avoid broad or general statements that do not clearly articulate your position.
  • Provide a Roadmap : Your thesis statement should provide a brief overview of the main points that you will discuss in your essay. This will help your reader understand the structure of your essay and the main ideas that you will be discussing.

Addressing Opposing Views

It is important to address opposing views in your essay. This shows that you have considered different perspectives on the issue and helps to strengthen your argument. Here are some tips for addressing opposing views in your essay:

  • Be Respectful : Acknowledge the validity of opposing views, even if you do not agree with them. Avoid dismissive or derogatory language.
  • Be Fair : Present opposing views accurately and fairly. Do not misrepresent or distort opposing views to make your own argument seem stronger.
  • Provide a Counterargument : After presenting an opposing view, provide a counterargument that explains why you do not agree with that view and why your position is more persuasive.

Using Evidence Effectively

Using evidence effectively is crucial for writing a persuasive essay. Your evidence should be relevant, compelling, and should directly support your thesis statement. Here are some tips for using evidence effectively in your essay:

  • Be Specific : Provide specific examples and details to support your thesis statement. Avoid vague or general statements that do not directly support your argument.
  • Be Relevant : Make sure that the evidence you provide is directly relevant to your thesis statement and the main points of your essay.
  • Be Persuasive : Use compelling evidence that persuades your reader to accept your position on the issue. This could include facts, statistics, anecdotes, or expert opinions.

Crafting a Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion is the final opportunity to persuade your reader to accept your position on the issue. It should summarize your main points, restate your thesis in a new way, and provide a closing thought that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. Here are some tips for crafting a strong conclusion:

  • Summarize Your Main Points : Briefly summarize the main points of your essay. This helps to reinforce your argument and reminds your reader of the key reasons for your position.
  • Restate Your Thesis : Restate your thesis in a new way. This helps to reinforce your argument and provides a sense of closure to your essay.
  • Provide a Closing Thought : End your essay with a closing thought that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. This could be a call to action, a prediction about the future, or a final insight about the issue.
  • Practice is Key

Practicing writing essays on various topics is crucial for developing your writing skills and for understanding the types of topics that may appear in the actual GRE exam.

Practice writing essays on different topics, and seek feedback from others to improve your writing. Additionally, you can find sample issue essay prompts on the ETS website or in official GRE prep books.

Practice writing essays on these prompts to familiarize yourself with the types of topics that may appear in the actual exam and to develop your ability to write a well-reasoned and thoughtful response.

The GRE issue essay is an important part of the GRE analytical writing section. By understanding the scoring criteria, developing a strong thesis statement, addressing opposing views, using evidence effectively, and crafting a strong conclusion, you can write a high-scoring GRE issue essay.

Remember to practice writing essays on various topics to develop your writing skills and to familiarize yourself with the types of topics that may appear in the actual GRE exam. With practice and preparation, you can nail the GRE analytical writing section and achieve a high score.

What is the GRE analytical writing section?

The GRE analytical writing section is the first part of the GRE and is designed to assess your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It consists of two 30-minute tasks: the ‘Analyze an Issue’ task and the ‘Analyze an Argument’ task.

How is the GRE issue essay scored?

The GRE issue essay is scored on a scale of 0 to 6, with 0 being the lowest score and 6 being the highest score. ETS evaluates the issue essay on four criteria: articulation of ideas, development, and support, analytical writing skills, and control of language.

What are some tips for writing a high-scoring GRE issue essay?

Some tips for writing a high-scoring GRE issue essay include understanding the scoring criteria, developing a strong thesis statement, addressing opposing views, using evidence effectively, and crafting a strong conclusion.

How can I practice for the GRE issue essay?

Practice writing essays on various topics to develop your writing skills and to understand the types of topics that may appear in the actual GRE exam. Additionally, you can find sample issue essay prompts on the ETS website or in official GRE prep books. Practice writing essays on these prompts to familiarize yourself with the types of topics that may appear in the actual exam and to develop your ability to write a well-reasoned and thoughtful response.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction
  • • GRE Analytical Writing Section
  • • Preparing for the GRE Issue Essay
  • • GRE Issue Essay Examples
  • • Tips for Writing a High-Scoring GRE Issue Essay
  • • Practice is Key
  • • Conclusion

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GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section

Woman writing for the GRE Essay, the GRE Analytical Writing Essay Issue Task

Though the GRE used to have two essay questions on the Analytical Writing section (prior to 2024), nowadays there’s only one GRE essay. That means the original Argument Essay no longer exists, and the only thing you need to write is the Issue Essay. Great news! So, how do you prepare for the new GRE essay? Read on to find out.

What is the GRE Essay?

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The GRE essay is a 30-minute task which requires reading an opinion of an issue and then crafting a well-supported argument. The GRE essay not only tests your ability to form a cogent thesis statement but also how well you defend your position over the course of several paragraphs. The clarity and organization of your writing also factor into your final score.

The GRE essay is also known as the Issue Task because you have to analyze a provided issue. What kinds of issues will you be asked to write about? The topics generally fall under categories such as education, technology, art, society, government, philosophy, and more. The following example prompt belongs to the technology category.

Example of a GRE Issue Essay Prompt Related to Technology

Prompt: It could be argued that the most important technological breakthroughs have happened by chance and through surprise discoveries. However, others argue that deliberate, well-planned research with specific goals is the only way to ensure technological advancement.

Instructions: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position

ETS (the makers of the GRE) publishes the entire pools of Issue topics on its website. The topics you see on your exam will be drawn from those pools , so this is an essential resource.

The GRE Essay is scored on a scale from 0 to 6. This score is separate from and does not factor into your overall GRE scaled score (which considers only your performance on the math and verbal sections).

The majority of test takers end up with a score between 3.0 and 5.0. You can see the exact percentiles here in this article: GRE Score Percentiles – What Does Your Score Mean for You?

What exactly do those scores mean? Any essay scored a 2 or below has serious flaws. An essay that receives a 4 is adequate. And the rare essay that gets a 6 is truly outstanding. You can read more about each score level in ETS’s article on GRE Analytical Writing Scoring .

Note that your final GRE Analytical Writing section score is really the averaged score of two graders: a human grader and an AI grader. The human essay grader takes around 30 seconds to grade an essay. He or she scans to make sure that you have clearly organized your information, and that your paragraphs start with a topic sentence and flow into specific examples that support your analysis. The grader looks to make sure you have a conclusion that articulates what you’ve already stated. He or she gives you a score and they move on to the next essay.

And if for some reason the human and AI greatly disagree, a 2nd human is brought in to score your essay instead.

The graders look for the three C’s: clarity, coherency, and cogency.

First off, you must express your ideas in a clear manner. If you jumble your words, or simply throw in unnecessary words, doing so compromises clarity. But your essay is not just one sentence with a clearly expressed idea; it is a set of ideas that should logically connect to one another. That is coherency.

Next you want to provide convincing evidence to back up your thesis. You can throw in some vague example, but doing so means your essay will probably lack cogency. Develop an example that cogently reinforces your thesis is key to a high essay score.

Other Factors

There are some other factors that play into the human grader’s assessment of a GRE essay. Style is important; an essay with choppy sentences and unsophisticated vocabulary will be awarded a lower score, all other things being equal, than an essay with mature syntactical development and GRE-level vocabulary deployed felicitously.

There is also the issue of grammar. Even though the graders don’t set out to nitpick at grammar, as soon as you make the tiniest mistake, he or she will notice. Anything from improper use of pronouns to misspelling common words can negatively impact your score. At the same time, a grammatical flub or two won’t preclude an essay from getting a perfect score, as long as everything else about the essay is top-notch.

GRE essay graders look for clarity, coherency, and cogency

By simply writing often you will be able to write with greater command and facility. With diligent practice, words will not seem submerged deep in your subconscious but will instead spring to life on the page.

2. Don’t forget to outline/brainstorm

You must think about what you are going to write before you write. I’m sure many amongst you subscribe to the school of thought that if you write, they will come: the words, the compelling examples, and the nuanced logic. When practicing for the GRE essay, you must avoid this tendency and instead spend a few minutes coming up with a roadmap (either in your head or on the computer screen). At first this step will slow you down and you will want to go back to the old method. Be patient. Once you become adept at outlining, the essay will write itself.

3. Spend lots of time editing your practice essays

Though you won’t get much of an opportunity to edit your essay on test day, sedulously editing your practice essays will make you more aware of your mistakes, both grammatical and logical. Correcting these mistakes will not only help you anticipate them in the future, but will also make the writing and logic in your future essays clearer.

4. Constantly read sample essays

By reading other students’ essays , you will develop a sense of what ETS is looking for. You’ll also be able to better judge your own essays. Throughout practice sessions, you should keep tweaking your essays, so they get closer and closer to the next score up. So, if you started at a ‘3’, focus on getting to a ‘4.’

5. Improve grammar

ETS explicitly states that it is looking for the quality and clarity of thought and not grammar per se. Yet the two are closely related. If you struggle to articulate something—and in doing so break a grammatical rule (or three!)—you will sacrifice clarity. Even minor grammatical errors (faulty pronouns, subject/verb agreement) will mar the overall quality of your writing.

Between grammar and style, grammar is much easier to improve. Great style is much more elusive. Indeed, many writers have cultivated their prose style over years of assiduous practice. Rest assured though—to score well on the GRE your prose does not have to be fit for The New York Times . You do want to avoid choppy sentences by varying up your sentence structure. And you shouldn’t be averse to trading a simple word for a more complex one as long that word is appropriate for the context.

A great book that offers writing advice, from dangling modifiers to how to construct compelling, dynamic sentences, is William Zinsser’s On Writing Well .

For a more stern approach to writing, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style has helped students for over half a century.

The only reason I mention both of these books is they focus not only grammar but also on style. Many grammar books should suffice as far as grammar goes, but they fall short on teaching writing style, which is a great skill to have for the GRE (and beyond!).

It is one thing to read the guidelines for what constitutes a ‘6’ essay on the GRE Analytical Writing section. In essence, you are just interpreting the information. But by actually reading real essays, you learn what the graders are looking for.

The best source for sample essays are the released sample essays (completed with grader comments!) from ETS . The essays here are actual student essays. Use these essays to assess your own level of writing. In other words, determine where in the 0.0 – 6.0 range you fall, based on the scores given to the other essays.

Additionally, you can see sample GRE essays from Magoosh students along with our own commentary here: GRE Issue Essay: Strategies + 8 Real Student Essays with Scores

Believe it or not, out of two GRE essays that are identical, save for length, the longer will receive the higher score. That doesn’t mean you should frantically scribble away, hoping that a seven-paragraph essay will automatically confer the much coveted ‘6’. Substance matters greatly. But as long as all the parts of your essay are there, you should shoot for a five-paragraph essay: an intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

I should also point out that paragraph length matters, too. 5 two-sentence paragraphs is not really a long essay. And, of course, don’t forget that each of those paragraphs has to flow logically and clearly from your thesis.

GRE essay length

While there is no better teacher than feedback, having someone give you an honest critique of your essay is difficult. ETS offers a service to score your practice GRE essays , but that’s all you will get. Just a score, no feedback.

Over the years, I’ve seen many students asking for feedback on forums—such as The GradCafe or Reddit—and sometimes munificent souls (usually GRE test takers with strong writing skills) provide insightful analysis. While that may not sound all that reassuring, remember that this feedback is free of charge and there really isn’t much else out there in terms of essay feedback.

To take advantage of the latest technology, you can now sign up for Magoosh Premium Plan today to access our AI Expert Tutor that will grade your essay and give pointers on how to improve your score!

Lastly, you yourself will want to critique your essays. Magoosh as a downloadable GRE essay rubric for you to use. And for even more writing tips, check out 12 Tips to Ace GRE Writing .

Chris Lele

Chris graduated from UCLA with a BA in Psychology and has 20 years of experience in the test prep industry. He’s been quoted as a subject expert in many publications, including US News , GMAC , and Business Because .

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11 responses to “GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section”

Gunjan Avatar

Hi how much time does it take for the practice AWA to be graded?

Magoosh Expert

Hi Gunjan, I’m not sure if I understand your question. Which practice AWA are you talking about? If you are asking about feedback from forums or other online resources, you’ll have to check with those websites or perhaps post your essay again. Please note that Magoosh does not provide essay grading and feedback at this time.

Twinkle Avatar

I got 2.5 score in awa how can i improve

These blog posts might be helpful for you: 12 tips to ace GRE Writing GRE Issue Strategies and practice essays

In order to improve in the AWA section, you should understand what the graders are looking for, have a strategy for writing a strong essay, and practice as MUCH as possible. I think these blog posts will help you to make a good strategy–don’t forget to keep practicing!

Prachi vyas Avatar

Thank you, Really it helps me a lot. but still i have confusion in argument Section, can you please tell me the deference between issue and argument

Hi Prachi! Sure 🙂 The Issue Task requires you to take a position and defend it. Usually it’s for or against some issue. The Argument Tasks asks you to read a short argument and then explain why it’s terrible. Hope that helps!

Mana Avatar

Hi! I got a poor score in AWA (2) and I did detect my fault that, in my issue task, I didn’t thoroughly agree or disagree, rather I agreed partially to the prompt and another mistake was I couldn’t conclude my essay with clear conclusive stand of mine, neither I finished my last sentence, let alone editing. Could u plz explain weather partially agree or disagree is allowed in issue task in AWA?

It sounds like you have done a good job of reflecting on your performance and identifying areas for improvement! That’s a great first step. In the AWA Issue task, it’s important to have a strong argument and clearly state your side. Your concession point shows that you have thought about the issue from different angles, but it’s important to stick to your argument and show how it is superior. We do not recommend that students take the “partially agree” approach, since it tends to ‘water down’ your argument and weaken your essay. Remember that this is an essay you are writing for a specific assignment–it doesn’t have to reflect your personal beliefs or ideas, as long as you can craft a strong argument. We have a lot of great resources for you to use to improve on the AWA, take a look 🙂

Huy Avatar

Thank you for this overall guide with lots of quality information for someone who is new to GRE like me. At the moment, this is quite sufficient for me to kick start my preparation for the test, which roughly happens in two weeks. Anyway, Thanks!

You’re welcome! Best of luck, Huy. 😀

Namuna karki Avatar

i think it give us more idea in gre test.

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Gre essay prompts.

The GRE Analytical Writing section requires you to write two essays—one will be an analysis of an issue and the other will be an analysis of an argument. You will have 30 minutes for each essay. Try your hand at these GRE essay prompts, and read our explanations for what makes a great GRE essay. We pulled these sample questions from our book GRE Premium Prep and from our GRE prep course  materials.

The GRE Issue Essay

The Issue Essay of the GRE requires you to present your opinion on the provided topic.

Issue Topic

You will be given a brief quotation that states or implies an issue of general interest and specific instructions on how to respond to that issue. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in which you develop a position on the issue according the specific instructions. A response to any other issue will receive a score of zero.

"True beauty is found not in the exceptional but in the commonplace."

Write an essay in which you take a position on the statement above. In developing and supporting your essay, consider instances in which the statement does and does not hold true.

A high-scoring Issue essay accomplishes four key tasks: (1) considers the complexities of the issue; (2) supports the position with relevant examples; (3) is clear and well organized; (4) demonstrates superior facility with the conventions of standard written English. Make sure that you respond to the specific instructions and support your position on the issue with reasons and examples drawn from such areas as your reading, experience, observations, and/or academic studies.

[+] See the Answer

The GRE Argument Essay

The Argument Essay of the GRE asks you to examine and critique the logic of an argument.

Argument Topic

You will be given a short passage that presents an argument, or an argument to be completed, and specific instructions on how to respond to that passage. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in which you analyze the passage according to specific instructions. A response to any other issue will receive a score of zero.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on the assumptions and what the implications are if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

A high-scoring Argument essay accomplishes these tasks: (1) clearly identifies and insightfully analyzes important features of the argument; (2) develops ideas clearly and logically with smooth transitions; (3) effectively supports the main points of the critique; (4) demonstrates superior facility with the conventions of standard written English. Note that you are NOT being asked to present your own views on the subject. Make sure you that you respond to the specific instructions and support your analysis with relevant reasons and/or examples.

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GRE Issue Essay Template and Sample Issue Essay

  • June 2, 2021 April 6, 2023

gre issue essay dubai

The first essay you’ll have to write when you sit down to take the GRE is the GRE Issue Essay. It’s only 30 minutes and can be a bit of a challenge…

So you need a strong game plan.

But should you really worry about the essays since they don’t factor into your quantitative and verbal scores?


We tell our students that while the essay scores may not be of importance to graduate programs, the ease of writing them should be important to you. The Analysis of an Issue and Argument essays are the first sections of the GRE. You don’t want to go into them frazzled and anxious. You definitely don’t want to finish them feeling like you could have done better. Unfortunately, this anxiety will carry into the rest of the test and NOT pave the road to earning your best GRE score.

To help you relax into the essays and the rest of the test, we’re sharing the exact template and sample essay we show our GRE students. Before you take a look, read these tips on how to practice with them.

GRE Issue Essay Practice Tips

gre issue essay template and sample

1. Words to use in every issue essay are in blue on the template.

You want to have these transitions and links well practice so that you can use them automatically on the test. Obviously, if you’re not Arab, you should change the Arabic saying part to your language or culture.

2. Your GRE issue essay should be 4 or 5 paragraphs depending on the question.

Some questions ask you to evaluate another opinion, discuss a disadvantage, or give an opposing viewpoint. Therefore, you need another body paragraph to respond to that part of the prompt.

3. The sample GRE issue essay is directly from ETS, so don’t copy the essay.

Think about how your examples and reasons can be used to respond to the prompt.

PEEL means Point – Example – Explanation – Link. The blue in the sample essay shows how well the body paragraphs conform to the PEEL writing format.

5. Always outline your essay first.

It is very obvious to a trained reader when students don’t outline their essays first. You just have to jot down your opinion and reasons or examples in a quick list. This quick outline will help keep you focused and make your writing more cohesive.

6. Check out the full list of GRE issue essay prompts .

You shouldn’t write essays for each prompt (there are a lot). However, you should read over the whole list looking for differences in the ways questions are asked. Then, pick 10 prompts to practice outlining. Of those 10, pick 5 essays to write fully.

7. For extra practice, work on the parts, rather than the whole.

Just write an introduction, a body paragraph, or a conclusion for some of the essay prompts. After outlining, of course. This type of focused writing will improve the individual parts of the essay, resulting in an entire essay that is much better overall. You don’t have to write the parts for the same essay. Switch it up!

8. When you write a full essay, do it in 30 minutes.

Practice the way you are going to perform. By the time you write your second full essay, you should be writing in only 30 minutes. Set a timer and type the essay on the computer without using spell check or Grammarly. Ideally, you will write the essays when you do a full-length GRE practice test . It’s important to develop stamina for the full 4-hour test.

GRE Issue Essay Template

In Arabic we have a saying, “[relevant quote here even if you have to make it up].” Write your thesis as a direct response to the statement in the prompt. Preview your reasons in 1 sentence.

First, write your first reason here. For example, put your example here. Explain your example making sure to include as many vivid details as possible. [Example name] ’s example demonstrates that [reason 1 again].

Second, write your second reason here. For instance, put your example here. Explain your example making sure to include as many vivid details as possible.

[You may need another paragraph depending on what the prompt asks you to do.]

In summary, restate thesis. Restate your two reasons here. The examples of [example 1] and [example 2] show that [something profound related to the thesis].

GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Sample GRE Issue Essay

[Hook] Surely there has been no time in history where the lived lives of people have changed more dramatically. [Thesis] Over the past century, technology has positively affected free thinking and human experience. [Preview of reasons] Not only does technology offer humans the necessary efficiency to tackle big problems, but it also unlocks the imagination to design solutions.

[Point] First, technology releases additional time for people to live more efficiently. [Example] For example, most people commute to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine. During the workday, chances are high that the employee will interact with a computer that processes information on silicon bridges that are .09 microns wide. Upon leaving home, family members will be reached through wireless networks that utilize satellites orbiting the earth. [Explanation] Without a car, computer, or mobile phone, the average worker would need to find alternate methods of transport, information processing and communication. [Link] Technology allows humans to spend time solving important high-level problems, rather than generating repetitive solutions to mundane issues.

[Point] Second, technology frees the human imagination to achieve once impossible goals. [Example] Consider how the late 20th century witnessed the complete elimination of smallpox. [Explanation]  This disease had ravaged the human race since prehistorical days, and yet with the technology of vaccines, free thinking humans dared to imagine a world free of smallpox. Using technology, battle plans were drawn out, and smallpox was systematically targeted and eradicated. [Link] By increasing reliance on technology, doctors were able to use it to provide hope to the future of humanity.

[This paragraph is necessary because the prompt asks to consider when your opinion might not hold true.]

[Point] The efficiency and imagination stimulated by technology does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology, thereby requiring even more imagination to solve them. [Example] For instance, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation. [Explanation] Likewise, dependence on oil has created nation-states that are not dependent on taxation, allowing ruling parties to oppress minority groups such as women. [Link] Solutions to these complex problems require the unfettered imaginations of maverick scientists and politicians.

[Restatement of thesis] In summary, there is no need to fear the deleterious effects of technology on humans’ ability to think. [Restatement of reasons] Technology can free time and imagination for solving important problems. [Restatement of examples] Technology will always mark the human experience, from the invention of the automobile to the implementation of nanotechnology. Given the history of the human race, there will be no limit to the number of problems, both new and old, for us to tackle. [Closer] There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.

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The GRE ® General Test

One test for graduate, business and law school

Select a step to learn more about your GRE ® General Test journey.

Overview of the Analytical Writing Measure

Analytical writing measure (beginning september 22, 2023).

The Analytical Writing measure of the GRE General Test administered beginning September 22, 2023, assesses your critical thinking and analytical writing skills by assessing your ability to:

  • articulate and support complex ideas
  • construct arguments
  • sustain a focused and coherent discussion

It doesn’t assess specific content knowledge.

The Analytical Writing measure consists of a 30-minute “Analyze an Issue”  task. This task presents an opinion on an issue and instructions on how to respond. You’re required to evaluate the issue, consider its complexities and develop an argument with reasons and examples to support your views.

You’ll use a basic word processor developed by ETS to type your essay responses. The word processor contains the following functionalities: insert text, delete text, cut-and-paste and undo the previous action. Tools such as a spellchecker and grammar checker are not available.

Analytical Writing Measure before September 22, 2023

The Analytical Writing measure of the GRE General Test administered before September 22, 2023, assesses your critical thinking and analytical writing skills by assessing your ability to:

  • construct and evaluate arguments

The Analytical Writing measure consists of two separately timed analytical writing tasks:

  • The "Analyze an Issue" task presents an opinion on an issue and instructions on how to respond. You’re required to evaluate the issue, consider its complexities and develop an argument with reasons and examples to support your views.
  • The "Analyze an Argument" task requires you to evaluate an argument according to specific instructions. You’ll need to consider the logical soundness of the argument rather than agree or disagree with the position it presents.

The two 30-minute tasks are complementary. The Issue task requires you to construct your own argument, while the Argument task requires you to evaluate someone else's argument.

Preparing for the Analytical Writing measure

Everyone — even the most practiced and confident of writers — should spend time preparing for the Analytical Writing measure to understand the skills measured and how the tasks are scored. It may also be useful to review the scoring guides, sample topics, scored sample essay responses and rater commentary for each task.

The tasks in the Analytical Writing measure relate to a broad range of subjects — from the fine arts and humanities to the social and physical sciences — but don’t require specific content knowledge. Each task has been tested by actual GRE test takers to ensure that it possesses several important characteristics, including the following:

  • GRE test takers, regardless of their field of study or special interests, understood the task and could easily respond to it.
  • The task elicited the kinds of complex thinking and persuasive writing that university faculty consider important for success in graduate school.
  • The responses were varied in content and in the way the writers developed their ideas.

Published topic pools for the Analytical Writing measure

To help you prepare for the Analytical Writing measure, the GRE Program has published the entire pool of tasks from which your test tasks will be selected. You might find it helpful to review the Issue and Argument pools:

  • Issue Topic Pool (PDF)
  • Argument Topic Pool (PDF)  (the Argument task was removed from the General Test beginning September 22, 2023)

Test-taking strategies for the Analytical Writing measure (in the General Test beginning September 22, 2023)

  • Before taking the GRE General Test, review the strategies, sample topics, sample essay responses with rater commentary, and scoring guide for the task. This will give you a deeper understanding of how raters evaluate essays and the elements they're looking for in an essay.
  • It is important to budget your time. Within the 30-minute time limit, allow sufficient time to consider the issue and the specific instructions, plan a response, and compose your essay. You want your essay response to be the best possible example of your writing that you can produce under the testing conditions.
  • Save a few minutes at the end of the timed task to check for obvious errors. An occasional spelling or grammatical error won’t affect your score, but serious and persistent errors detract from the overall effectiveness of your writing and lower your score accordingly.

GRE AWA sample essays to help you score high!

GRE AWA sample essays to help you score high!

Table of Contents

Gre writing tasks, sample essay 1: analysing an issue, sample essay 2: analyzing an issue, sample essay 1: analysing an argument, sample essay 2: analysing an argument, frequently asked questions.

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The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the GRE is designed to test your ability to analyse and evaluate complex arguments and communicate your ideas effectively in writing

To score high on the AWA section, it's important to have a good understanding of what the graders are looking for and to practice writing sample essays.

In this article, we will explore some GRE AWA sample essays to help you score high on this challenging section of the test.

The writing tasks on the GRE are essential components of the test that assess your analytical and writing skills. The two writing tasks are the Analyse an Issue essay and the Analyse an Argument essay. Both tasks require you to think critically and write persuasively, with the goal of demonstrating your ability to analyse complex topics, develop a clear and compelling thesis, and support your arguments with evidence and examples.

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GRE issue essay

The GRE Issue Essay requires you to write an essay that takes a position on a given issue and supports it with evidence and reasoning.

You are provided with a brief quotation or statement on a social, political, or cultural topic and are asked to develop a response that presents a clear and compelling position on the issue.

The goal of this essay is to assess your ability to analyse complex topics, develop a position, and support it with clear and compelling evidence.

Also read: GRE results and score chart 2024?

Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.

While it is certainly important for governments to address the immediate problems facing their citizens, it is equally important to plan for the future. Anticipating and preparing for future problems is the hallmark of effective leadership, and it is essential for governments to consider the long-term implications of their policies and actions.

To be sure, there are many pressing issues that require immediate attention, from healthcare and education to environmental protection and economic development. However, if governments focus solely on these issues without considering the long-term consequences of their decisions, they risk creating even more problems in the future.

For example, if a government invests heavily in fossil fuels to meet immediate energy needs without considering the long-term impact on the environment, it may exacerbate the problem of climate change and create even greater challenges for future generations. Similarly, if a government neglects investing in education and workforce development in favor of short-term economic gains, it may find itself facing a shrinking and unskilled workforce in the future.

In short, governments must balance the need to address immediate problems with the need to plan for the future. By doing so, they can ensure that they are making decisions that benefit their citizens both now and in the years to come.

The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

While positive reinforcement can certainly be a valuable teaching tool, it is not always the most effective approach. Ignoring negative actions may give students the impression that such behaviour is acceptable or even desirable, leading to further problems down the line.

Furthermore, negative actions often require immediate intervention and correction. If a student is engaging in disruptive behaviour, for example, ignoring it may only serve to undermine the learning environment and make it more difficult for other students to concentrate and engage with the material. In such cases, it may be necessary to provide clear and direct feedback in order to correct the behaviour and ensure that everyone in the classroom can benefit from a positive learning experience.

Positive reinforcement can be effective in certain contexts, but it is important to use it in combination with other teaching tools, such as clear expectations, consistent feedback, and appropriate consequences for negative behavior. By taking a comprehensive approach to teaching, instructors can create an environment in which positive actions are encouraged and negative actions are addressed in a constructive and effective manner.

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GRE argument essay

The GRE argument essay requires you to analyse and evaluate a given argument and then develop a response that critiques the argument and presents a more compelling alternative.

You are provided with a brief argument that presents a conclusion based on premises, and are asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the argument, provide evidence to support their critique, and propose an alternative conclusion that is more logically sound.

The goal of this essay is to assess your ability to critically evaluate arguments and develop your own reasoned response.

The following memorandum was sent by the principal of a high school to the school's teachers: 'Research has shown that the best way to improve student performance is to praise them for their effort, not their intelligence. Therefore, in all future assignments, please praise students for their effort rather than their intelligence.'

While praising students for their effort can certainly be a valuable motivational tool, it is not the only factor that contributes to academic success. The principal's memo oversimplifies the complex interplay between effort, intelligence, and achievement, and it may lead teachers to overlook other important factors that can influence student performance.

First and foremost, intelligence is a critical factor in academic success. While hard work and perseverance are certainly important, some students may simply have greater intellectual capacity than others. Praising students for their effort rather than their intelligence may inadvertently discourage those who are truly gifted from pursuing more challenging work and achieving their full potential.

Moreover, the principal's memo overlooks the fact that different students may respond differently to different types of praise. For some students, praise for their intelligence may be more effective in motivating them to continue working hard and striving for excellence. By imposing a one-size-fits-all approach to praise, the principal risks ignoring the individual needs and preferences of his or her students.

In conclusion, while praising students for their effort can be an effective motivational tool, it is not a panacea for improving academic performance. Teachers and principals must consider a range of factors, including intelligence, individual needs and preferences, and the specific demands of different assignments and assessments, in order to help their students achieve their full potential.

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The following article claims that technological advancements are making traditional skills and knowledge obsolete: 'As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, many traditional skills and forms of knowledge are becoming obsolete. For example, the rise of artificial intelligence means that many jobs that once required human expertise can now be performed by machines. In light of these developments, it is essential for individuals and organisations to prioritise technological skills and education in order to remain competitive in the job market.'

While it is certainly true that technological advancements are transforming the job market, it is a mistake to assume that traditional skills and knowledge are becoming obsolete. Rather, these skills and forms of knowledge are evolving alongside technological change, and they continue to play a vital role in many sectors of the economy.

For example, while artificial intelligence may be able to perform certain tasks more efficiently than humans, it cannot replicate the creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that are essential in many fields. Similarly, while automation may be able to streamline certain production processes, it cannot replace the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and quality control that are required in many areas of manufacturing.

Moreover, it is important to recognise that technological skills and knowledge are not the only factors that determine success in the job market. Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability, are also essential in today's workplace, and they cannot be easily replaced by machines. In order to remain competitive, individuals and organizations must cultivate a diverse range of skills and knowledge, including both technical and soft skills.

In conclusion, while technological advancements are certainly transforming the job market, they are not making traditional skills and knowledge obsolete. Rather, these skills and forms of knowledge are evolving alongside technological change, and they continue to play a vital role in many sectors of the economy. By recognising the importance of a diverse range of skills and knowledge, individuals and organisations can position themselves for success in the 21st century job market.

The Analyse an issue and Analyse an argument writing tasks on the GRE can seem daunting, but with practice, preparation, and a solid understanding of the task requirements, you can score high on the exam. The sample essays provided here can serve as a valuable resource for understanding how to approach the writing tasks effectively. By analysing the structure, argumentation, and writing techniques of these essays, you can gain a better understanding of what makes a strong essay and develop your own skills accordingly.

How can I use the sample essays to improve my writing skills?

By analysing the structure, argumentation, and writing techniques of the sample essays, you can gain a better understanding of what makes a strong essay. They can then apply these techniques to your own writing practice.

Are the sample essays indicative of the types of prompts that will be on the actual GRE?

The sample essays provide a good idea of the type of prompts that you can expect to encounter on the GRE. However, it is important to note that the actual prompts may differ in content and tone.

How long should I spend analysing the sample essays?

The amount of time spent analysing the sample essays will depend on your needs and goals. However, it is recommended to spend enough time to thoroughly understand the structure, argumentation, and writing techniques used in the essays.

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  2. Issue-9-GRE Sample Issue Pool Essay Topic 83

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  4. Example / practice GRE Issue essay

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  1. 4 Top-Scoring GRE Sample Essays, Analyzed (Issue

    Issue Essay 1: Technology and Human Ingenuity. The first of the GRE sample essays we'll be looking at is written in response to the following "Analyze an Issue" prompt: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

  2. GRE General Test Analytical Writing Analyze an Issue Task

    Raters apply the Issue scoring criteria to actual responses, so you should review scored sample Issue essay responses and rater commentary. The sample responses, particularly those at the 5 and 6 score levels, will show you a variety of successful strategies for organizing, developing and communicating a persuasive argument.

  3. PDF Sample GRE ® Issue Task with Strategies, Sample Essay Responses and

    Here is a sample Issue task that you might encounter on the GRE Analytical Writing measure: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take ...

  4. PDF Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries for Analytical Writing ...

    There are responses and scoring comments for essays with scores of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Note: Sample responses are reproduced exactly as written, including misspellings, wrong choice of words, typographical and grammatical errors, etc., if any. The following sample issue response received a score of 6: Passion is clearly necessary for a truly ...

  5. GRE Issue Essay: Strategies + 8 Real Student Essays with Scores

    Issue Essay Analysis. Score: 5.5. This GRE Issue essay starts off with a strong intro that clearly articulates the author's position. The essay is also very long, and the body paragraphs well developed. In terms of ideas this is a strong—though if slightly limited—essay. It makes a compelling case for interdisciplinary learning.

  6. PDF Analytical Writing Sample Essays and Commentaries Large Print (18 ...

    The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE®General Test consists of two writing topics, an Issue topic and an Argument topic. This document contains the writing topics for Practice Test #3, the scoring guides for each section, and sample responses with commentaries for each topic. Note: Sample responses are reproduced exactly as written ...

  7. GRE Issue Essay: Practice Sample Prompts

    GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt #1. 1. The emergence of the online "blogosphere" and social media has significantly weakened the quality of political discourse in the United States. Reason: When anyone can publish political opinions easily, standards for covering news and political topics will inevitably decline.

  8. 328 Official GRE Essay Topics to Practice With

    There are 152 different possible GRE essay topics in the GRE Issue pool and 176 different GRE essay topics in the GRE Argument pool, which means it's unlikely you'll run out of official prompts to practice with. And while there's only a 1/328 chance that one of the GRE writing prompts you practice with ends up being on the test, that's ...

  9. GRE Issue Essay: 4 Steps to a Perfect Score

    Official GRE Issue Essay Example, Analyzed. Now we'll take a look at a sample GRE Issue essay that's already been assigned a score of 6 and find all the ways in which it fulfills the rubric. Doing this analysis will help show how the rubric is applied by taking the abstract criteria and showing concrete examples.

  10. PDF Pool of Analytical Writing Topics

    This contains the topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE® General Test. When you take the test, you will be presented with one topic from this pool. Each topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue. The wording of some topics in the test might ...

  11. GRE Issue Essay: Elements, Structure, Strategies & Samples

    Suggested: GRE AWA Sample Essays. 5 Strategies to Ace the GRE Issue Essay. 1. Structure is key. Even a passionate and well-reasoned response can fall flat without a solid essay structure. The classic format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion ensures your message is clear and organized. 2.

  12. GRE Issue Essay Tips and a Bulletproof Template

    GRE Issue Essay Example That Received A Perfect Score You may notice that many Issue Essay prompts make statements that are difficult to fully support. The example and response I want to use first is this one about technology (link is to the full sample essay on the GRE's website). Go ahead and read the prompt, then read the "6" response just ...

  13. How to Structure the GRE Issue Essay

    GRE Analytical Writing Essay Scoring Process. Your GRE essays will be scored by half-point increments, from 0 to 6 (highest). Two graders will score both this argument essay and your issue essay. A third grader will also score your essays if your two initial graders' scores differ by more than one point. The graders base scores on their ...

  14. GRE Essay Sample Prompts

    GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt 1: Study Abroad. All college and university students would benefit from spending at least one semester studying in a foreign country. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take.

  15. GRE sample issue essays: Introduction to the types of topics covered

    The GRE Issue Essay is a 30-minute task in the GRE Analytical Writing section, where test-takers are asked to express their views on a given statement or topic. The prompt presents a general issue and asks for the writer's perspective, supported by reasoning and examples.

  16. GRE Issue Essay: Samples

    The GRE issue essay is, at the heart of it, a matter of perspective, and what you really think about the question at hand. There's no real, unequivocal 'right' or 'wrong' answer, because really it is two sides of the same coin, with both sides being amenable to argument and support. The quality of the essay will be wholly judged by ...

  17. 7 Tips for a Perfect GRE Issue Essay

    Don't waffle. You don't have time to argue both sides of an issue on the GRE issue essay. Even if you don't believe in the side you choose, you'll only have time to argue one side effectively. If you take a middle-of-the-road approach you won't sound as confident or clear. Remember, according to ETS, the "readers are evaluating the ...

  18. Nail the GRE Analytical Writing with Sample Issue Essays

    Below are some sample issue essay topics and responses to help you prepare for the GRE analytical writing section. Sample Issue Essay 1: Prompt: "In today's world, it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is perfect.". Response:

  19. GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section

    Once you become adept at outlining, the essay will write itself. 3. Spend lots of time editing your practice essays. Though you won't get much of an opportunity to edit your essay on test day, sedulously editing your practice essays will make you more aware of your mistakes, both grammatical and logical.

  20. GRE Essay Prompts

    The GRE Analytical Writing section requires you to write two essays—one will be an analysis of an issue and the other will be an analysis of an argument. You will have 30 minutes for each essay. Try your hand at these GRE essay prompts, and read our explanations for what makes a great GRE essay. We pulled these sample questions from our book ...

  21. GRE Issue Essay Template and Sample Issue Essay

    The sample GRE issue essay is directly from ETS, so don't copy the essay. Think about how your examples and reasons can be used to respond to the prompt. 4. PEEL! PEEL means Point - Example - Explanation - Link. The blue in the sample essay shows how well the body paragraphs conform to the PEEL writing format. 5.

  22. GRE General Test Analytical Writing Overview

    The Analytical Writing measure of the GRE General Test administered before September 22, 2023, assesses your critical thinking and analytical writing skills by assessing your ability to: articulate and support complex ideas. construct and evaluate arguments. sustain a focused and coherent discussion. It doesn't assess specific content knowledge.

  23. GRE AWA sample essays to help you score high!

    Conclusion. The Analyse an issue and Analyse an argument writing tasks on the GRE can seem daunting, but with practice, preparation, and a solid understanding of the task requirements, you can score high on the exam. The sample essays provided here can serve as a valuable resource for understanding how to approach the writing tasks effectively.