How to Use Prezi for Remote Presentations

prezi remote presentation

Writen by: Pablo Povarchik

, May 28, 2015

Let’s face it, the world has gotten smaller. At the same time, it has gotten larger. With the advances in technology, you can now take a simple phone call and make it a live event. Your presentations have even kicked it up several levels. Prezi’s remote presentation feature gives you the ability to travel thousands of miles to a board room with the click of a button. Instead of just talking about this amazing feature, we are going to show you how to use it from a technical viewpoint.

Setting up the Presentation

You have a game changing meeting that is hundreds of miles from your office. A conference call has worked in the past. Then comes the screen sharing technology that really made a difference. But there were quality issues with this. Lagging, frozen, and completely absent. Everyone has to have the same software. Annoying! All that is changed with Prezi’s Remote presentation feature.

You start by signing up for a Prezi account. If you are just getting started and don’t need to keep your content private, the free account is perfect for you. Once you have your account made and your presentation built, you need to know how to remote present it hundreds of miles away. Make it feel like you are right in the room and not lose quality of what you’re presenting.

Creating The Link

The first step is to create the remote presentation link. With this link you can send it off to as many as 30 people on any device. Mobile uses will need to install the Prezi app (it’s free).

Then you click the Present remotely button and the drop down menu opens. Press the copy button. Now you can send this link by:

+ Text Message

+  Instant Message

+ Any other method you find perfect to get it to another device

Starting The Remote Presentation

Now that you have sent the link off to your audience, it’s time to start the remote presentation. Once it has loaded, you will see the first screen and all the participants.

You can now drive the presentation in real time to them. The quality stays crystal clear. You even can pass the controls off to one of the participants. If you decided to have more than one presenter and you are not in the same location, no worries. Just click on their profile icon on the right. You have the option to hand over controls.

Check out our Prezi on how to use Prezi for Remote Presentation:

Simple, Easy, and Powerful

Now you can drive your presentations remotely without any additional software. Quality isn’t lost, which can really kill your message if it cannot be seen. Using remote presentations in this way makes you stand out.

At wOw Prezi, we rebel against PowerPoint’s status quo and are in a mission to save the world from deadly PPTs, helping sales teams to transform stiff, slide-based presentations into fruitful, revenue-generating conversations.

Get in touch with our team of Prezi Experts to find how we can help your salespeople thrive with Conversational Presenting and the Power of Storytelling in Sales.

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prezi remote presentation

The Prezi Mobile App: Using Your Phone or Tablet as a Presentation Remote with Screen Previews!

One of the most common questions we get after we complete a Prezi design is “How does the presentation work?”

The easy answer is it works just like Powerpoint – load it on the computer (both online and offline versions are available), plug in a presentation remote and you’re off to the races. Because of Prezi’s native cloud integration, however, the platform actually has some distinct advantages over desktop-native programs like PowerPoint and one of our favorites is the ability to synchronize presentations on multiple devices for presenting and for sharing with audiences – both in-person and remotely.

Prezi’s mobile app has many great features to help you enhance your presentation.  One of those features is the “Use as a Clicker” feature. This feature enables you to use your mobile device as a presentation clicker and visual reference while you present, allowing you to face your audience and engage with them more effectively.

Using the “Join Presentation” feature, the app allows you to sync your live presentation across multiple devices, including your smartphone, tablet and computer.

Another great feature of the Prezi app is the Start/Stop Presentation feature.  This allows you to stop your presentation on a single frame, giving you the opportunity to navigate or search your Prezi without your audience seeing.  This is really great for your Q&A sessions at the end of your presentation.

Check out the video below to see how to use these great features!

Prezi Mobile App Download links:

Prezi for iOS

Prezi for Google Play

For more helpful information about Prezi, check out our blog here ! 

To watch more videos about Prezi and how to use it, check this page out!


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  • Success Stories


Prezi app as remote control for your presentation

prezi remote presentation

As of today you can now use the Prezi app on your iPhone or android as a remote control for your Prezi presentation on a PC or Mac. We will show you in a nutshell how it works here:

Step 1 – Open Prezi app

Step 2 – in the prezi of your choice, click on the 3 vertical dots, step 3 – select “use as remote control”, step 4 – follow instructions for next steps, step 5 – open prezi on your pc or mac by selecting “edit”, step 6 – click “join” & get started, it’s as easy as that to use your prezi app as a remote control.

Give it a try!

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How to create a webinar that resonates with remote audiences

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Michael Lee January 15, 2021

With most in-person events canceled over the past year, many have turned to webinars to share information and insights. But when webinar speakers rely on screen sharing, the virtual presentation ends up feeling more static and less personal. That’s why experts and speakers have turned to Prezi Video to add a new level of engagement to their virtual events. Check out these tips and examples for ideas on how to create a webinar that will stand out this year. 

Embrace the virtual space 

Webinars and other online events don’t happen in a vacuum. Organizers need to consider the right platform for their audience, as well as how to best promote the event and engage attendees. Lauren Hagerty , the Director of Marketing & Community at recruiting platform PowerToFly , explains how other organizations can pivot to be more virtual in her Prezi Video webinar. 

Once you have everything set up, there are some differences to consider when sharing virtual presentations. Russell Anderson-Williams , a Prezi expert and founder of presentation design agency The Prezenter , shares his tips for becoming a better online presenter :

Go in depth without going overboard 

One of the main benefits of webinars is that they can act as forums for experts to really explore a topic at length. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that going in depth on a topic doesn’t mean paragraphs of text on the screen. For example, Salesforce’s Global Growth Evangelist Tiffani Bova used Prezi Video to break up her sales trends into digestible, highly visual sections, allowing her to share a lot of information without overwhelming the audience:

When it comes to more technical or scientific information, such as in Dr. Gleb Tsipursky ’s webinar on adapting to COVID-19 , you can fade in information as you talk about each point so that you don’t throw everything on the screen at once. See how Dr. Tsipursky did it here: 

Build a human connection 

Webinars can often be on the longer side, so if you’re simply screen sharing a massive slide deck, your audience will end up multitasking or tuning out. Interact and engage with your attendees to keep them focused on your content and message. Career coach Diana YK Chan keeps up a rapport with her audience as she presents. For example, in her webinar on life and career tips for 2021 , she carved out time throughout to answer questions and highlight insightful comments: 

You can also take advantage of the unique features in video conferencing tools to keep your audience engaged. Rich Mulholland , an acclaimed speaker and the founder of presentation design company Missing Link , shared Zoom polls and then posted the results to help drive the conversation in his webinar on becoming a better public speaker :

Ultimately, the best way to connect with your audience is to be present and on screen. With Prezi Video, you get to engage with your visuals and content without sacrificing facial cues and body language , which go a long way in making sure your message is clear and memorable. 

Don’t stop at just one 

While the examples and tips above can show you how to create a webinar that resonates, don’t leave it at just one. Creating content regularly will help you build stronger relationships with your customers and prospects, and can also do wonders for your brand awareness . Nathan Czubaj , a Master Trainer at Dale Carnegie, used Prezi Video to create an entire workshop series around professional development . And he’s not alone — most of the speakers featured in this post have created multiple webinars and videos. 

Whether you’re creating your first webinar or a seasoned pro, be sure to try Prezi Video for a more personal, immersive webinar experience. Have your own tips for how to create a webinar? Create a Prezi video and tag it with #Webinar for a chance to be featured on our Video Gallery . Or, if you’d like to work with us on a future webinar, feel free to email [email protected] .

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Small Business Trends

What is prezi and is it right for your business, what is prezi.

Rather than using slides, Prezi utilizes a large canvas on which users can zoom in and out to specific parts to emphasize text, visual content and ideas. As well as supporting text and images, the Prezi platform supports the use of video.

Nurturing Collaboration

With co-editing and collaborative features, the Prezi platform supports real-time collaboration, enabling different members of your team to communicate with each other directly from their prezis, regardless of where they are located.

Remote Presenting

With more and more small business teams working from remote locations and communicating with colleagues, customers and clients via telecommunication methods, having a presentation platform that enables you to host remote presentations makes shrewd business sense.

Prezi Analytics

Features of PreziDescription
Canvas-Based PresentationPrezi utilizes a canvas instead of traditional slides, allowing users to zoom in and out to emphasize text, visuals, and ideas. It supports text, images, and video content, fostering dynamic presentations.
Templates for Easy StartPrezi offers a collection of templates for new users, making it easy to navigate the platform and become familiar with the interface. Templates enhance the creation process and streamline design.
Drag and Drop InterfaceWith Prezi's drag and drop interface, users can effortlessly create timelines to showcase historical references and chronological data. The platform also simplifies diagram creation for highlighting specific information and data.
Real-Time CollaborationPrezi supports co-editing and collaborative features, enabling team members to communicate directly within their presentations, regardless of their locations. This promotes seamless teamwork and enhances productivity.
Cloud-Based StoragePresentations are stored in the cloud, providing accessibility for team members, employees, and clients. They can access, open, edit, and link to presentations from a single, shareable location, ensuring efficient sharing and collaboration.
Integration with SlackPrezi integrates with Slack, creating a dedicated channel for enhanced collaboration with presentations. This integration fosters improved business productivity and communication.
Seamless Remote PresentingIn the era of remote work, Prezi enables seamless remote presentations, offering high-definition viewing without the need for screen sharing software. It supports effective communication with remote teams and clients.
Real-Time AnalyticsPrezi's real-time analytics provide feedback on presentation performance, allowing businesses to gauge audience engagement and identify areas for improvement. These insights are invaluable for fine-tuning presentation delivery.

Which Businesses Is Prezi Right For?

There are of course certain industries and professionals that have a particularly high use of presentations in order to sell their products or services and grow their brand. Such industries and professions include:

Mastering the Art of Prezi Presentations

Now that we’ve introduced the power of Prezi, let’s delve deeper into strategies for creating impactful presentations with this innovative tool. Here’s how to master the art of Prezi presentations:

Strategies for Mastering Prezi PresentationsDescription
Embrace Nonlinear StorytellingUtilize Prezi's canvas to create nonlinear narratives that allow the audience to explore content organically. Craft engaging journeys that maintain audience curiosity and engagement.
Visual ConsistencyMaintain visual consistency in your Prezi presentation by selecting a consistent color palette, fonts, and design elements that align with your brand's identity. Consistency enhances professionalism and reinforces brand recognition.
Engage with ZoomingLeverage Prezi's zooming feature strategically to emphasize key points, details, and data. Well-timed zooms in and out can provide context and keep the audience visually engaged throughout the presentation.
Storyboard Your PreziBefore creating your Prezi, develop a storyboard or outline that defines the main points, transitions, and the presentation's logical flow. This planning stage ensures that your Prezi flows smoothly and coherently.
Use Images and Visuals EffectivelyExploit Prezi's canvas to incorporate high-quality images, graphics, and videos that enhance your narrative. Visual elements should not only facilitate understanding but also evoke emotions and engagement from the audience.
Keep It ConciseAvoid overwhelming your audience with excessive content on a single canvas. Maintain clarity and conciseness, focusing each canvas or zoomed-in section on a single key idea or point.
Test Your PreziPrior to presenting to your target audience, conduct testing with a smaller group or colleagues to ensure all zooms, transitions, and embedded content work seamlessly. Address any technical issues in advance to ensure a smooth presentation.
Engage with Audience InteractionUtilize Prezi's interactive features, including clickable paths and buttons, to enable your audience to navigate the presentation at their own pace. Implement polls and quizzes to boost audience engagement and participation during the presentation.
Storytelling is KeyCraft a compelling narrative that captures your audience's attention, maintains their interest, and effectively conveys your message. Storytelling remains a crucial element in Prezi presentations, just as it does in traditional presentations.
Practice and RehearseRehearse your Prezi presentation multiple times to become comfortable with the flow, transitions, and timing. Practice enhances your ability to deliver a confident and engaging presentation that captivates your audience effectively.
Gather FeedbackAfter each presentation, collect feedback from your audience to understand what aspects resonated with them and identify areas for improvement. Continuously refine your Prezi skills based on these valuable insights to enhance future presentations.
Explore Advanced FeaturesAs you become proficient with Prezi, explore advanced features such as custom animations, 3D backgrounds, and more. These features add depth and creativity to your presentations, allowing you to create visually captivating and engaging content.

Creating Impactful Prezi Presentations

As remote presentations become the norm, Prezi’s seamless remote presenting capabilities ensure that your message transcends physical boundaries, reaching and captivating a global audience.


  1. Presenting a Prezi Classic Presentation Remotely

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  2. Presenting a Prezi Classic Presentation Remotely

    prezi remote presentation

  3. Presenting a Prezi Classic Presentation Remotely

    prezi remote presentation

  4. Presenting a Prezi Classic Presentation Remotely

    prezi remote presentation

  5. Using Your iPhone or iPad as a Presentation Remote (Clicker)

    prezi remote presentation

  6. Presenting a Prezi Classic Presentation Remotely

    prezi remote presentation


  1. Using your mobile device as a presentation remote (clicker)

    Click the Prezi Remote button. This will open your presentation in a separate window. Click Connect in the pop-up to connect the app with your device. Pro Tip: If your presentation is already open in present mode, you can also click the Remote icon in the bottom right corner of the navigation bar.

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    You get all our remote work solutions. PREZI VIDEO. Appear right alongside your content in live or recorded presentations, keeping the human connection in remote meetings and videoconferences. PREZI DESIGN. Create stunning interactive charts, reports, maps, and infographics to make any message more compelling and easier to understand.

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    Seamlessly connect Prezi Video to a video conferencing platform of your choice and improve engagement in your virtual presentations. Get all our virtual presentation tools. Our suite of easy-to-use products helps make anyone a great visual communicator. They're all included with a subscription or Teams license. PREZI VIDEO.

  6. Presenting with the Logitech Spotlight remote

    The Spotlight remote comes with three buttons for navigating through your presentation. Pointer: Click and hold to navigate the cursor on your presentation canvas. Click once to enter topics and subtopics, or to zoom in on an object. Next: Click to advance in your presentation. Back: Click to go back in your presentation.

  7. Remote work resources

    Inspiration. Recommended videos See how other users use Prezi Video to engage their audiences. Reusable presentations Browse some of our favorite presentations and copy them to use as templates. Reusable infographics Customize the content in these infographics to create your own works of art. Presentation templates Get a big head start when creating your own videos, presentations, or infographics.

  8. How to Use Prezi for Remote Presentations

    The first step is to create the remote presentation link. With this link you can send it off to as many as 30 people on any device. Mobile uses will need to install the Prezi app (it's free). Then you click the Present remotely button and the drop down menu opens. Press the copy button.

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  11. Prezi Mobile App: Using Your Phone or Tablet as a Presentation Remote!

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  12. Prezi app as remote control for your presentation

    As of today you can now use the Prezi app on your iPhone or android as a remote control for your Prezi presentation on a PC or Mac. We will show you in a nutshell how it works here: Step 1 - Open Prezi app Step 2 - In the Prezi of your choice, click on the 3 vertical dots . Step 3 - Select "Use as remote control"

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    2. In the Prezi Video desktop app, there are multiple different ways to present your content. You can either: Import a PowerPoint file and convert it for presenting live in a video call; Import a Google Slides presentation and convert it for presenting live in a video call; Import a Prezi presentation and convert it for presenting live in a video call; Use a previously recorded Prezi Video or ...

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    The must-have tool for remote sales. Attract new sales leads and strengthen relationships with existing customers through more persuasive presentations, inspiring meetings, and professional-looking data visualization solutions. Try for FREE. Let's talk! 1-844-773-9449. 8:30 am-5 pm PST.

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    Build a human connection. Webinars can often be on the longer side, so if you're simply screen sharing a massive slide deck, your audience will end up multitasking or tuning out. Interact and engage with your attendees to keep them focused on your content and message. Career coach Diana YK Chan keeps up a rapport with her audience as she ...

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    As remote presentations become the norm, Prezi's seamless remote presenting capabilities ensure that your message transcends physical boundaries, reaching and captivating a global audience. The real-time analytics offered by Prezi grant you invaluable insights into audience reception, allowing you to continually refine and enhance your ...

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  24. Presentation templates for professionals

    Presentation templates for Prezi. Prezi's presentation templates offer a rich cinematic appeal that will grab and hold everyone's attention. Built to inspire and engage, these templates allow you to zoom around the canvas and reveal information at key points, so you can take on the role of a storyteller as much as a presenter and draw your viewers into an adaptable format that you can adjust ...