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The 11 Best Coding Games to Build Your Programming Skills


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Why I've Lost Faith in AAA Games

Every piece of creative software has ai now, but few need it, i find ps plus absolutely worth the cost for these 6 reasons.

Programming games are fun! Period. The more you code, the more you learn while playing your favorite games.

You should set aside time to play these coding games and challenges. Not only do they serve as fun breaks, but you'll learn faster and retain more info, thanks to the hands-on practice and game development experience.

Ready to code while you play these coding games?

1. Robocode


Robocode is complex, but it's one of the best programming games in the market. It has you coding robot tanks and pitting them against each other. Your job is to write the artificial intelligence code that drives your robots to success—using programming languages like Java, Scala, C#, and more. To get started, check out the Robocode Basics and Tutorials on Robowiki .

The Robocode installer includes a development environment, a built-in robot editor, and a Java compiler. Despite launching in 2000, the developers regularly update Robocode, even though it's open-source and addictive.

2. CodinGame


CodinGame is one of the best coding games, with a game-like web app where you solve puzzles and challenges by writing actual code. It supports over 25 programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, Lua, Go, and Rust. Each puzzle or challenge has a theme (e.g., program the turret to shoot down airships that come too close), which kicks up the fun factor.

Languages like C#, Rust, Lua, and C/C++ rank high among the list of Unity-compatible languages for game development .

3. CodeCombat


CodeCombat is another web app for game-like puzzles and challenges you can only solve by writing code. But while CodinGame is more entertaining, CodeCombat has a significant educational angle with a Classroom Edition . Teachers can use it to help their students learn how to code by designing programming games.

There are three course paths available to pursue: Computer Science, Web Development, and Game Development.

4. Codewars


Codewars isn't a programming game but a gamified way to practice coding and solve algorithmic challenges. You get points for completing puzzles, and the efficiency of your solutions determines the point values. You can view solutions submitted by others, which is a great way to learn programming.

5. Vim Adventures

vim adventures

Vim Adventures is a fun game-like coding game for beginners, especially if you want to learn how to use Vim , an unusual but powerful text editor within the programming fraternity.

Since Vim has a steep learning curve, many programming games are available to help beginners grasp the nuances of this powerful tool. While Vim isn't a programming language per se, mastering Vim can help you become an efficient coder.

"It's the assembly language programming game you never asked for!"—it says so on the tin.

TIS-100 is a coding game that forces you to learn and use a mock version of low-level assembly code to solve its puzzles. This programming game is not a joke, since it's difficult and open-ended. It has incredible replay value until you don't get frustrated and confused.

Download : TIS-100 ($6.99)

7. Shenzhen I/O

Shenzhen I/O has a common developer base with TIS-100 and is a puzzle-based programming game. The game entails creating basic circuits and writing simplified assembly code for successful execution.

Shenzhen I/O is easier to use and more enjoyable between the two games since it offers the same air of satisfying complexity.

Download : Shenzhen I/O ($14.99)

8. Human Resource Machine

In Human Resource Machine, you are an office worker who completes tasks by combining various instructions. In a sense, this game is all about puzzle-solving through visual programming, even going as far as to touch on concepts like logical flow and memory management—but presented in an easy-to-digest, office-themed way.

It's a great game for exercising your programmer's brain, and can even make a good coding game for kids , too.

Download : Human Resource Machine ($14.99)

Screeps (which stands for scripted creeps ) is an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) strategy game where you use JavaScript to code the behaviors of in-game entities and build an empire for yourself. The game is one of the best coding games and was released in 2017.

The base game has a private server to play independently, plus 30 days of full access to the official server. After that, you can keep playing on the official server in a limited capacity, or get full access with a monthly subscription.

It's an ideal programming game, with an unending focus on learning, especially if you want to understand the nuances of game coding.

Download : Screeps ($14.99, optional subscription available)

10. Untrusted

Black screen with gaming instructions

Guide Dr. Eval through a machine continuum within Untrusted to help him gain freedom. However, it can’t be all that simple, right? You must use your JavaScript skills to navigate each game level in this coding game.

You can use the programming game’s gaming environment and console to write and modify the JavaScript codes. Untrusted gives you access to all the source code; however, to progress further, you must make changes to the source code, without which it is impossible to move ahead.

11. Elevator Saga

Elevator Saga website interface showing code snippets and buttons

Elevator Saga is another delight for JavaScript enthusiasts who want to improve their programming skills. This coding game has various programming challenges, wherein you must carry out different challenges with people and elevators.

As you move through the levels, you need to apply your coding skills and optimized algorithms to reduce the waiting time for your elevator travelers. The most promising aspect of the game is its basic UI; just enter your code in the input window and click Apply .

Other Ways to Sharpen Your Coding Skills

Looking for even more ways to hone your programming ability? You may benefit from listening to some podcasts for coders and developers.

You can also start making your own programming games with free game development tools. If you're looking for a suitable way for your children to get into coding, you may consider some great coding classes and programming games.

However, if, after everything, you're still struggling and can't seem to grasp the basics of coding video games, you may want to step back and consider whether programming is the right choice for you.

  • Programming
  • Programming Games

12 Free Coding Games to Learn Programming for Beginners

Jessica Wilkins

A lot of beginners can become intimidated when they're learning how to code. But learning through coding games can be fun and educational.

According to True Education Partnerships ,

Gamification in learning involves using game-based elements such as point scoring, peer competition, team work, and score tables to drive engagement, help students assimilate new information and test their knowledge.

I have curated a list of 12 coding games for beginners.

Here is the complete list. Once you find a website that interests you, click that link and it will jump you down to a more detailed description of that website.

Flexbox Froggy

Flexbox defense, grid garden, sql murder mystery, elevator saga.


CodinGame is a site that helps you work on problem solving skills and learn programming basics through a turn-based game.

This platform supports over 25 different programming languages and gives players the opportunity to practice, learn, and compete in coding contests.


Once you create an account, you can get started with the beginner level onboarding section. You will be introduced to standard programming concepts and solve mini challenges.


In CSS Diner , you can practice the basics of CSS through a series of 32 challenges. This is a good way to get more familiar with the language and have fun learning it.

The first few challenges are short and focus on working with classes and ids. But as you progress through the levels, you will be introduced to Pseudo-selectors, First of Type Selector, Last of Type Selector, and the Universal Selector.


In Flexbox Froggy , you will learn CSS Flexbox by placing the frogs on the correct lillypads. By the time you finish level 24, you should feel comfortable using Flexbox in your next project.

Each challenge provides a description on the Flexbox properties. The first few challenges start off easy but as you progress in the game things get more complicated.


Flexbox Defense is a tower defense game that helps you strengthen your CSS skills. Position the towers to keep out your enemies using CSS Flexbox.

The challenges will provide you with definitions of the Flexbox properties. Once you write your code, press the Start Wave button and see if you were successful in stopping your enemies.


Learn CSS Grid by going through 28 levels of Grid Garden . Some familiarity with CSS Grid is encouraged but not required for getting started with the game.  

Each challenge provides a description on the CSS Grid properties. The first few challenges start off easy but as you progress in the game things get more complicated.


CodeCombat works well for both kids and adult learners. You can create a free account and learn the fundamentals of programming like loops, functions, conditionals, and  variables.

You can choose which programming language to start with and work your way through the games.


You also have the option to upgrade to the premium account if you are interested in having access to more levels.


MIT's Scratch is a block based programming language where you can learn about events, conditionals, variables, and more by building your own games and animations.

Choose from dozens of sprites, sounds and backgrounds to code your own creations and start understanding programming basics.


Scratch is also used during the first week of Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science course .


Tynker is a site where you can build projects and play games using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Java. They have an extensive list of projects, algorithms and data structure challenges.


You can build these projects in the online editor and share your creations within the community. This site is aimed at kids between the ages of 5-18.


SQL Murder Mystery is great for both beginners and experienced SQL developers. Strengthen your SQL and problem solving skills by trying to track down the killer in this murder mystery.

The game uses SQLite and you will first have to get acquainted with the database structure before starting the game.


If you are new to SQL, there is a detailed walk through for beginners. Otherwise, if you are an experienced SQL user then you can dive straight into the game.


Untrusted is an adventure game where you can test your JavaScript and problem solving skills. Help guide Dr. Eval through a series of levels by solving JavaScript challenges.

If you are brand new to JavaScript then this game might be a little advanced for you. But if you have spent some time programming in JavaScript then the challenges will be doable.


Elevator Saga is a JavaScript game where you will go through a series of challenges trying to transport people in elevators in the most efficient way possible within the time given.

Once you modify the code, you can test the efficiency of your solution by clicking the start button in the top right hand corner. When the program is running, you can check the stats to see if you passed the challenge or not.


CheckiO is a strategy game where you can learn TypeScript or Python through a series of challenges. Once you create a free account, you will start off with the beginner challenges and work your way through to the advanced ones.


The game will give you access to hints and other players' solutions if you need help. You will solve each of the challenges in the online editor and move onto the next mission when the task is solved.


I am a musician and a programmer.

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23 Programming Games to Level Up Your Programming Skills

Programming games are often overlooked as a way to learn a new programming language or improve your knowledge of an existing one. Here are 23 of the best coding games worth a try if you want to level up your programming skills:

7 Billion Humans

Flexbox defense, sql murder mystery, ruby warrior, elevator saga, vim adventures, baba is you, turing complete, set up a minecraft server.


CodinGame is one of the better-known free platforms for learning how to code through video games. The platform supports over 25 programming languages and comes with challenges that become gradually harder as you progress through them.

CodinGame is a community, too. You can solve challenges together with your friends or colleagues and learn how other players solve particular challenges.

7 Billion Humans

Tomorrow Corporation is an indie video game developer that specializes in programming games. They have three under their belt already: Little Inferno (2012), Human Resource Machine (2015), and 7 Billion Humans (2018).

7 Billion Humans gives the player sixty programming puzzles to solve in a programming language similar to assembly. Each time, you need to write a program that can most efficiently control all the humans in the puzzle.


Robocode is a programming game where you need to program a robot battle tank that competes against other robots in a battle arena. You have no direct influence over the robot. Instead, you must write the AI of the robot so it behaves and reacts appropriately to events occurring in the battle arena.

Robocode is primarily used to learn Java, although you can also program in Kotlin and Scala. It’s a good way to learn how to program in these languages, but it’s also a good way to gain a basic understanding of AI.


Halite is an AI game where people write algorithms in a programming language of their choice to compete in an online multiplayer game. The game is on its fourth iteration and, since its launch in 2016, has been played by more than 15,000 people.

You play Halite on Kaggle, an online community of data scientists and ML practitioners. There is plenty of documentation on Kaggle explaining how Halite works, what its rules are, and how you can get started.


Similar to Halite, Terminal is an AI game where you program algorithms and battle them against one another in tournaments. You can compete with other players and their algorithms for cash prizes, too.

You can play by hand, which requires no code, or play with the algorithms that you programmed. You can play against yourself, other players, or boss algorithms. Familiarize yourself with the game by watching it on Twitch .

CSS Diner

CSS Diner is a programming game where you learn about CSS selectors. The game has 32 levels and teaches you how to select a wide variety of DOM elements, with each next level building on the previous levels.

You’ll probably breeze through this if you’re an experienced programmer, but it's still a great game to train your CSS selector muscle memory.


CodeCombat is a platform that gamifies Python, JavaScript, HTML, and the fundamentals of computer science. As you progress, you'll unlock heroes, pets, gear, and more.

The game is free for all its core levels, with a $9.99 a month subscription if you want access to its extra level branches plus 3,500 bonus gems a month. The game has a strong open-source community that helps with translations and creating more levels.

Flexbox Defense

Flexbox Defense asks you to stop incoming enemies from getting past your defenses. The catch is that you must position your towers using CSS flexbox code.

When it was released, Flexbox Defense went viral. It became the #1 game on and was picked up by several magazines, such as and


CheckiO is a combination of programming games for both beginners and advanced programmers who want to learn Python or TypeScript. You land on an island and have to complete several programming challenges before another island unlocks.

CheckiO also has a forum where users can collaborate and help each other if they’re stuck. The company’s mission is to teach people how to code in a fun and engaging way.


Zachtronics is an indie game development company that creates coding games. EXAPUNKS is their latest and user reviews on Steam have been overwhelmingly positive. You solve programming puzzles in a language similar to assembly.

Other Zachtronics games worth checking out are Opus Magnum , SHENZHEN I/O ,  and TIS-100 . All three are programming games as well and have been reviewed positively by thousands of users.

SQL Murder Mystery

There’s been a murder in SQL City and you’re there to solve it. SQL Murder Mystery is a programming game to learn SQL concepts and commands. It’s not meant as a beginner tutorial, but more as a fun way to practice your SQL skills.

If you’re stuck, there’s a walkthrough to remind you of some key SQL concepts. With the help of the walkthrough and the schema diagram the developers offer on their homepage, you should be able to figure out who committed the murder.


Screeps brands itself as an MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers. You write JavaScript to control your units in a single, persistent world where other players are continuously trying to attack you.

People enjoy playing Screeps because you're writing real code instead of pseudo-code. Some companies even use it as part of their recruitment process, because there's no single "right" solution to writing code in the game.

Ruby Warrior

Ruby Warrior is designed to teach the Ruby language and artificial intelligence in a fun, interactive way. You play as a warrior climbing a tall tower to reach the precious Ruby at the top level. On each floor you need to write a Ruby script to instruct the warrior to battle enemies, rescue captives, and reach the stairs.

After you have successfully cleared a level, you can still use the editor and modify your code. This lets you try out different ideas without immediately progressing to the next level. It’s a great sandbox for learning Ruby.


Untrusted is a meta-JavaScript adventure game written by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin. You need to write (or remove) JavaScript code to create a gap in the walls surrounding you.

Contrary to some of the other suggestions in this list, Untrusted is made for people already familiar with JavaScript. It starts easy, but the puzzles quickly become difficult. If you're up for a challenge, try Untrusted.

Elevator Saga

Elevator Saga requires you to program the movement of elevators by writing a program in JavaScript. You want to move people up or down in the most efficient way possible.

The better you do, the faster you'll progress through increasingly challenging levels. The code you write in the browser is saved locally, so you can close the browser without having to start over.

VIM Adventures

VIM Adventures teaches you VIM (no surprise there). More specifically, it teaches you all the shortcuts of a VIM text editor. You don't need any prior programming knowledge to play this programming game.

The game provides immediate error feedback, making it easy to understand what you did wrong and what you need to change to no longer make a particular mistake.

Baba Is You

Baba Is You is a highly-rated puzzle game that requires you to manipulate rules to allow the player character to reach a specific goal.

The game contains over 200 levels and won several indie awards, with some game reviewers considering this one of the best puzzle video games in recent years.


Codewars is a platform where you learn a specific programming language by solving gamified challenges. The better you do, the higher your rank and honor.

The platform is suitable for both beginners and intermediate programmers, as many of its initial challenges are small and straightforward.


Duskers is an indie strategy video game developed by Misfits Attic. You need to pilot drones into derelict spaceships to find the means to survive and piece together how the universe became a giant graveyard.

The game is played exclusively with the keyboard and is considered quite a scary game. While not a pure programming game, the graphics, the gameplay, and the atmosphere make this a game many programmers enjoy playing.

problem solving games for programming

If you’ve always wanted to understand how computers work, Turing Complete is your game. Everything starts with a single NAND gate, which you use to build increasingly complex structures until you’re building full CPU architectures.

After you’ve completed this game, you’ll have a thorough understanding of logic gates, a computer’s basic components, and assembly. It will also teach you how basic programming concepts like statements, loops, and functions work in assembly and hardware.

problem solving games for programming

If you’re interested in hacking (the white variety, of course), this one’s for you: Grey Hack is a massively multiplayer hacking simulator game. It has a player-generated internet that you can exploit in a wide variety of ways: social engineering, backdoor scanning, admin flaws, et cetera.

Grey Hack gives you a terminal that’s based on real UNIX commands, which you’ll use to carry out successful attacks. You use an in-game scripting language to modify existing commands and create new ones. The game is currently in Alpha, but is well-reviewed and popular.

problem solving games for programming

Bitburner is a coding game where you use JavaScript to automate gameplay, learn skills, and solve puzzles. Story-wise, you’re an unknown hacker in a dark, dystopian world who needs to use his programming skills to get rich, augment his character, and hack a network of servers.

The programming game was released late 2021 and receives updates to this day. It has overwhelmingly positive Steam reviews. Even better, it’s free, so there’s nothing stopping you from trying it out.

problem solving games for programming

Everyone's familiar with Minecraft. But did you know you can set up a Minecraft server and run scripts on it? Doing so will teach you about AWS, Java, and possibly many other programming concepts.

So if you're a Minecraft fan and you want to level up your programming skills with a coding game, try and write a Minecraft script with the Mojang API .


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15 Free Coding Games to Improve and Level Up Your Coding Skills

Practice and improve your coding skills the fun way with these 15 free online games.

15 Free Coding Games

When I started learning to code , my options for practicing coding skills were limited — lots of books, some very basic online tutorials, some coding challenges, and a whole lot of experimentation. These days, in addition to interactive courses and tutorials, there are lots of free coding games you can check out to improve your coding skills and take your programming skills to the next level.

Are there any games that teach coding?

The answer is: Yes! And no computer science degree is required. You can play coding games to learn coding skills – including all sorts of different programming languages. With coding games, you’ll hone your problem-solving skills, improve your knowledge of programming concepts, and enjoy the learning process too.

While a coding game alone probably isn’t going to teach you everything you need to know about coding, these free fun games can be a really incredible way to practice the skills you’re learning. If you’re anything like me, you’ll suddenly realize you’ve spent the last four hours reinforcing your JavaScript, Python, and other coding skills without even realizing it.

I’ve tried out some of the most entertaining and useful coding games for learning to code. Check out 15 of the top free games for learning to code below and you’ll find your programming skills upgraded to elite programmer status in no time. 😉

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1. CodeMonkey

CodeMonkey teaches coding using CoffeeScript — a real open-source programming language that compiles to JavaScript — to teach you to build your own games in HTML5. It’s aimed at coding for kids, but it’s definitely fun for adults, too. There are even CodeMonkey Android and iOS apps.

2. CodinGame

CodinGame offers up fun free open-source programming games to help coders learn more than 25 programming languages, including JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. One of the great things about CodinGame is that you can play with friends or colleagues, and also enter international coding competitions.

3. CSS Diner

CSS Diner is a simple but fun way to learn CSS for beginner coders. There are 32 levels that will teach you the basics of how CSS selectors work. Each level of this free coding game gets progressively more complex — like a real video game — building on what you’ve learned in previous lessons. By the end of CSS Diner, you’ll be a CSS selectors expert.

4. Flexbox Froggy

Want to learn how CSS Flexbox works? Check out Flexbox Froggy . It has a simple interface that teaches you the basics of how things align in Flexbox while you help Froggy and his friends — save Froggy and be a CSS Flexbox expert at the same time.

5. Flexbox Defense

Flexbox Defense is another great way to practice your Flexbox skills with a programming game. This time, you’ll move gun towers into position along a path to defeat oncoming waves of enemies, using the same kinds of commands as Flexbox Froggy.

6. CodeCombat

CodeCombat is aimed at teachers and students, but anyone can play. Learn Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, or the Lua game scripting language. On the beginner Dungeon level, you’ll move your Hero through the programming game using some basic commands according to the tutorial alongside the game.

7. Ruby Warrior

If you want to learn Ruby, then Ruby Warrior is the game for you. There are beginner and intermediate tracks to suit your skill level. The lessons start out easy and go from there. You’ll need to login with Facebook to save your progress.

8. Untrusted

Untrusted is a meta-JavaScript adventure game that tests your JavaScript skills to solve problems. You use JavaScript to guide Dr. Eval through a machine continuum and alter his reality to move between levels. It’s a free fun game for practicing more complex JavaScript skills.

9. Code Hunt

Code Hunt teaches you coding in a unique way. To play, you identify code fragments, analyze them, modify code to match the fragments, and then capture the working code fragment. You can use it to learn Java or C#.

10. Robocode

If you’ve ever watched the show BattleBots, then Robocode is for you. You’ll learn programming skills by building virtual robot battle tanks in Java or .NET. Battles are then played out onscreen in real time.

11. CheckIO and Empire of Code

CheckIO and Empire of Code are both strategy games that can teach you JavaScript or Python, two fundamental coding languages to learn. Empire of Code uses a space setting and you learn by defending your own base and attacking others, while CheckIO lets you improve your skills by using others’ solutions.

12. VIM Adventures

Vim is a highly configurable text editor used by programmers. If you want to learn how to use Vim, then VIM Adventures is a great place to start! Use common VIM keyboard shortcuts to navigate your way through a Zelda-like adventure game. Very video game-esque, right?

13. Cyber Dojo

Cyber Dojo has practice exercises and challenges for dozens of programming languages including Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more. Each exercise spells out a challenge to complete with an example showing what the end result should look like. It’s a great way to practice your coding skills.

14. Elevator Saga

Elevator Saga tests your JavaScript knowledge with challenges related to moving an elevator and transporting people in the most efficient manner possible. It starts out with a challenge to move 15 people in less than a minute, with challenges getting progressively harder from there.

15. Code Wars

Code Wars helps you improve your skills by training in challenges with others. They offer a huge variety of programming languages, including JavaScript, Swift, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Haskell. You’ll have to prove your skills first with a basic test of your understanding of the language you want to practice.

Want to get started learning to code so that you can make your own games that make other coders jealous (without a computer science degree)? Check out Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech course to start your journey in the wonderful world of tech.

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Cameron Chapman

Category: Blog , Coding Languages and Tools , For Beginners , Learn to Code

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problem solving games for programming

The 12 Best Coding Games to Learn Programming in 2024

When it comes to computers, games used to get a bad rap! Thankfully, games have become more widely accepted for learning and education, with many touting their benefits for teaching children to code . This has led to many developers releasing coding games to help people learn how to program. 

Sounds pretty cool; play a game and learn an essential skill for the future!

In 2024, coding games are some of the most fun and engaging ways to learn to code. After all, gamification is known to be an effective way to optimize learning, as it can boost motivation while helping users recall what they’ve learned more clearly.

In this article, we’ve found 12 of the best coding games available in 2024, including games for various skill levels and ages, so there’s something here for everyone!

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There are lots of games that teach coding for various ages and experience levels. Some games are targeted toward children as young as four, while others are designed for beginner adults or more experienced professionals.

So whether you want to learn web design or want to help a child learn coding in a fun way, there are plenty of choices for games that teach you how to code. Coding online games can also be helpful for learning the fundamentals of programming. So if you’re curious about what coding is used for , coding games can be an excellent gateway to the wonderful world of programming.

You can also find coding games to download and install on various platforms, including desktop and mobile, with some even being offered on the Nintendo Switch gaming console. So regardless of the platform, these games can be a fun and challenging way to be entertained as you learn to code. Who knows, you might even want to learn how to code your own game when you’re finished!

  • Best Coding Games of 2024

Free for 10 levels; in-app purchase for more levels

iOS, Android, Amazon App Store

Teaches young children programming basics and logical thinking by designing and programming a car to move around an obstacle course

Paid; 7-day free trial

iOS for iPhone and iPad

Using intuitive drag-and-drop programming blocks, users can control an adorable fuzzball and move it around their screen or make it perform various actions


iOS, Android

An educational game platform that teaches young kids coding basics through a variety of games and activities, each one designed to teach specific sets of coding skills



An online platform to learn and improve programming skills by solving challenges and playing games. Users can learn various programming languages, including C++, Java, Ruby, Python, and more

All core levels free; paid CodeCombat Premium


Rather than using drag-and-drop code blocks or traditional game controls, CodeCombat players write code in various programming languages to control their heroes



Teaches users the fundamentals of CSS flexbox layout so they can learn how to create flexible and responsive web layouts



This interactive game is a fun, engaging way of learning and practicing the fundamentals of CSS selectors


Windows, macOS, Linux

Users write code to control their tank and its movement, aiming, and firing. Robocode provides APIs that let players interact with their virtual environment


Nintendo Switch, Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, macOS

Puzzle-type game set in an office environment that teaches users programming basics — no programming experience necessary



Learn CSS flexbox layout in a tower defense-style game by writing CSS code



A meta-JavasScript game in the adventure genre that helps learners use their JavaScript skills for problem-solving


Nintendo Switch, Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, macOS

From the the same devs behind Human Resource Machine, players must optimize a large corporation’s workflow by writing code

The Best Kids Coding Games

The experiential learning experience offered by coding games online can be invaluable in teaching kids how to code in an engaging way. In fact, institutions like Texas A&M have even gone so far as to say that video games should be used more widely in school . Let’s take a look at some of the best kids coding games available today.

1. CodeKarts

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : Teaches young children programming basics and logical thinking by designing and programming a car to move around an obstacle course

Price : First 10 levels free, then an in-app purchase of $0.99

Platforms : iOS, Android, Amazon App Store

Why We Chose This Coding Game

CodeKart’s challenges continually ramp up in difficulty, allowing children to use problem-solving skills to decipher the correct solution using drag-and-drop coding blocks to navigate their car through the obstacle track.

There are many free coding games online, and CodeKarts is free for the first ten levels, but to access the rest, you’ll need to make an in-app purchase for a small fee. Regardless, this coding game is one of the best for kids as it allows children to develop logical thinking while they learn the basics of programming.

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : Using intuitive drag-and-drop programming blocks, users can control an adorable fuzzball and move it around their screen or make it perform various actions

  • $9.99 per month or $79.99 per year
  • Alternatively, you may purchase lifetime access for $149.99

Platforms : iOS for iPhone and iPad

Kodable allows users to move and command their adorable fuzzball creature using intuitive drag-and-drop code blocks. Players go through levels that build upon each other, with each one introducing new programming challenges and concepts. Students will learn programming concepts like loops, sequencing, functions, conditionals, and more.

Teachers and parents can monitor student progress through the teacher dashboard. They can also adjust the game difficulty to match the student’s skill level.

3. codeSpark Academy

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : An educational game platform that teaches young kids coding basics through a variety of games and activities, each one designed to teach specific sets of coding skills

Price : 

  • 7-day free trial
  • App + Classes - $4.17/mo on a two-year plan, paid $99 upfront
  • App Only - $5.83/mo billed annually for $69.99

Platforms : iOS, Android

codeSpark Academy offers some of the best programming learning games for kids. Rather than being a single video game, codeSpark Academy is an educational game platform that offers various video games and activities designed to help kids as young as four years old learn to code.

Children can enjoy fun and engaging games like The Foos, RoboPlay, or Spritebox, which teach problem-solving skills and basic coding concepts.

Best Coding Games for Beginners

If you want to learn how to program, games are a great way to get started as they can introduce you to foundational concepts in programming while also helping to build skills over time. Let’s take a look at four fantastic online coding games and coding games websites for beginners.

4. CodinGame

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : As an online platform, CodinGame allows users to learn and improve programming skills by solving challenges and playing games. Users can learn various programming languages, including C++, Java, Ruby, Python, and more

Price : Free

Platform : Web

This online platform supports most programming languages while providing fun, challenging, and engaging games to play and learn with.

Beyond offering games, CodinGame also has tutorials and an active community and forums. A progression system allows users to feel rewarded as they go through challenges. If you’re looking for coding games for beginners free of charge, CodinGame is worth a look!

5. CodeCombat

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : Rather than using drag-and-drop code blocks or traditional game controls like mice and keyboards, CodeCombat players write code in various programming languages to control their heroes

  • All core levels are free
  • Unlock more levels/resources through a paid CodeCombat Premium subscription

Those looking for games to learn Python or JavaScript  can give CodeCombat a try. This is a fantastic game for everyone, be it children or professionals looking to upskill.

CodeCombat starts players on simple coding challenges and then ramps up the difficulty, helping players to learn and improve their code-writing skills. CodeCombat also offers plenty of resources for players, including real-time feedback via the code editor and community forums.

6. Flexbox Froggy

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : Teaches users the fundamentals of CSS flexbox layout so they can learn how to create flexible and responsive web layouts

Flexbox Froggy teaches users how to use CSS flexbox layout to create flexible and responsive layouts for the web. In the game, players control a frog and move through one level after another by writing CSS code. This code positions the frog on the lily pads using Flexbox.

Flexbox Froggy is one of the best coding games online that’s also free to play. Expect to start out easy to learn fundamentals and then ramp up to more complex challenges.

7. CSS Diner

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : This interactive game is a fun, engaging way of learning and practicing the fundamentals of CSS selectors

CSS Diner is among the few free online coding games that can help users learn how to target HTML elements and apply CSS styles to them. In this game, players control a waiter that serves food to customers based on the specific requests they make. Users must write CSS code to accomplish these requests.

Best Coding Games for Adults (Beginner+)

There are many coding game websites that help adults learn how to code for free, with some being web-based and others are available on multiple platforms. Let’s take a look at five programming games online for adults (and big kids!).

8. Robocode

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : In this open-source game, users write code to control their tank and its movement, aiming, and firing. Robocode also provides APIs that let players interact with their virtual environment

Platform : Windows, macOS, Linux

Robocode is a fun, interactive game with an active community where users must write code in Java or .NET in order to control their tank. Tanks fight in last-man-standing battles within virtual arenas. Players will learn about logic, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.

9. Human Resource Machine (HRM)

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : HRM is a puzzle-type game set in an office environment that teaches users programming basics — no programming experience necessary

Price : Up to $14.99

Platform : Nintendo Switch, Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, macOS

Human Resource Machine is available on various platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. In this game, players will learn programming concepts by writing programs to control the actions of their character in-game, an employee working for the “Tomorrow Corporation.” 

HRM has a visual programming language using icon sets representing concepts in programming. It’s a very beginner-friendly game, but even experienced devs can enjoy the game for practice.

10. Flexbox Defense

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : Learn CSS flexbox layout in a tower defense-style game by writing CSS code

Flexbox Defense teaches players about CSS and CSS flexbox layouts to help them create websites with responsive and mobile-friendly layouts.

This game asks users to write CSS code as they play a defender protecting their base by building defensive towers. The exciting challenges in Flexbox Defense start easy and become more challenging as users gain more knowledge.

11. Untrusted

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : A meta-JavasScript game in the adventure genre that helps learners use their JavaScript skills for problem-solving in a rogue-like game experience

Untrusted offers a unique experience where players guide the main character, Dr. Eval, through a machine continuum where he must alter his reality to be free.

Players must write and edit the JavaScript in the game to succeed, as each level is unbeatable when initially loaded. Untrusted offers a rogue-like experience for ultimate replayability.

12. 7 Billion Humans (7BH)

problem solving games for programming

Main Feature : A puzzle game developed by the same devs behind Human Resource Machine, where players must optimize a large corporation’s workflow by writing code

In 7 Billion Humans, players must control a large workforce and optimize their workflow by programming them to perform their tasks in specific orders.

Widely available and, like its predecessor HRM, playable on the Nintendo Switch. 7BH has more than 60 levels of programming puzzles suited for even complete beginners.

Video games and gamification are great ways to learn new skills, including coding and programming. Coding games can help learners engage with new knowledge and challenges, allowing them to absorb what they’ve learned more optimally.

If you want to learn programming through video games, you can find many coding games for free online. There are also many premium game options that offer plenty of features and community access if that’s more your speed.

Just remember to choose a game that suits your experience level — and pick one that features the programming language you’d like to learn!

Has all this talk of games inspired you to make your own? Check out:

The Best Programming Languages for Game Development

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Games Help With Coding?

If you’ve decided you want to learn to program, games can definitely help. There are many games that can help you learn how to code, with any of the options on our list being a great starting point. If you’re looking for games for kids, consider codeSpark Academy. Alternatively, if you’re a beginner that wants to play fun coding games to learn, try CodeCombat or Human Resource Machine .

2. Are Coding Games Helpful?

Yes, code games can be incredibly helpful for learning how to code. Gamification has become more widely accepted as a way to facilitate learning , as it can help the brain optimize how to process new information. Programming games online are often designed to make the learning process more fun and engaging while providing structured experiences that help users understand programming concepts as they develop their coding skills.

problem solving games for programming

Chriselle is a passionate writer and graphic designer who graduated with a BFA in Information Design. She's passionate about tech and loves learning new things everyday.

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9 Best Games for Programmers to Improve Programming Skills

Learning coding can be a little tough initially, especially when you’re getting started, however when you get into the detail, it becomes very fun and enjoyable. Besides games are the best way you can do that.

Today, the gaming sector has undergone a huge change with new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, IoT, etc integrated with video games.

Furthermore, it can help you empower your problem-solving and creativity skills as you want to solve different challenging problems and compete with different proficient programmers around the world.

Can Games Teach Coding?

Definitely! And for this, you do not need any science degree. You may just play coding games and learn coding skills – which includes all types of programming languages. With the best coding games, you can sharpen your programming and problem-solving skills, enhance your concepts, as well as enjoy your learning process.

Whereas the coding game probably will not teach you everything that you want to know about programming, these fun games are just an amazing way to practice these skills that you are learning. Suppose you are just like me, then you’ll realize you have spent your free hours reinforcing Python, JavaScript, and various other programming skills without realizing it. Let us check out some top games for programmers to improve programming skills that are personally picked by me.

Best Games for Programmers and Coders

1. code hunt.

Code Hunt is one educational game launched by Microsoft Research that allows you to learn Java or C# languages. It’s a browser-based app. Learners have to go through the short tutorial for every section and set their code fragments and get passing scores.

2. Untrusted

This is yet another wonderful online adventure game that is made for people who wish to practice or test JavaScript skills. In Untrusted, you have to use various JavaScript commands that will help Dr Eval to go through the machine continuum & change his reality for getting freedom. This game offers you the rogue-like gaming experience and console window with JavaScript code generating every level. You can access all source codes and save yourself, but you have to make required changes to its source code.

3. Robocode

Robocode is one popular game that allows you to develop the robot battle tank by using programming languages such as Java and .NET to battle with other tanks. You have to write AI for the robot to make them understand what to do or how to perform various events that are happening in a battleground.

This game is quite useful to learn and practice many programming languages like Scala, Java, and C#. This helps you to get into the Artificial Intelligence domain. Furthermore, Robocode offers you the complete development environment as well as comes up with their installer, robot editor and Java compiler. Robocode is an Open Source programming project, so you can find your own modes and showcase your skills.

4. CodeMonkey

CodeMonkey teaches coding by using CoffeeScript — it is an open-source language, which compiles JavaScript — and teaches you to build your games in HTML5. This game is aimed at coding for kids, however, it is so much fun for adults, as well. There’re CodeMonkey Android & iOS apps too.

This is one gamified programming course made for the users to learn as well as practice coding skills in Java. Players do not have to know coding in Java to start playing this game, thus it is best for beginners.

6. CodinGame

Suppose you are looking to develop your own coding skills or learn new programming concepts but not through traditional tutorials, but something engaging and exciting, then CodinGame is the best option for you. It is an immersive & free game platform, which teaches more than 25 popular coding languages, which includes Ruby, JavaScript, Rust, Java, C#, and PHP.

7. Flexbox Froggy

This is one easy game made to help users to learn CSS code. The players need to bring their Froggy home just by mastering the layout module flexbox. This game is made particularly for beginners in the CSS flexbox so that you will learn the basics of CSS.

8. Code Combat

Students and teachers are the main target audience in Code Combat, however, everyone can take part. You will learn to script the games in JavaScript, Python, Lua or CoffeeScript. On a beginner Dungeon level, you will guide the Hero through this game by using simple commands, which are explained in this game’s tutorial.

9. CSS Diner

This is one simple and fun way you can learn CSS for beginner coders. There’re over 32 levels that can teach you the basics of how CSS selectors will work. Every level of the free coding game will get more complex —just like the real video game — it helps in building over what you have learned in the previous lessons. By an end of this game, you will be called the CSS selectors expert.

Final Words

Learning and playing isn’t the new concept, these games are the tried and tested way to improve and learn your coding skill. Programming is no exception. There’re many amazing coding games that you can try and play. Doesn’t matter which programming language you want to and what is your mode, you will find the right game to enhance your coding skills, and have lots of fun too.

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DEV Community

DEV Community

John Selawsky

Posted on Jul 23, 2019

1. Robocode


In Robocode, you learn to program by controlling a tank fighting against other tanks and practice writing code along the way.

  • Easy and quick to learn.

Robocode is an old game (launched back in 2000) with very detailed tutorials that would explain you every aspect of the game. Its mechanics are quite simple so it won’t time to start playing it.

  • The game is fun and can even be addictive.

Robot tanks battling is always fun. Robocode has quite a huge fan base thanks to its engaging and balanced game process. Just think of it, the game launched back in 2000 is still regularly updated and maintained by fans today.

  • It makes you write real code.

In Robocode you have to write AI for your robot tank using a bunch of popular programming languages, including Java and C#. So you get to practice your real and applicable coding skills every time you play.

  • It’s an open-source game.

Robocode is a fully open-source project, which means you can reuse it make pretty much anything you want. Fans have been creating all kinds of modes and add-ons to Robocode for years now.

  • You can use different programming languages when playing.

In Robocode, you can skill up and learn a whole bunch of different programming languages, not a particular one.

  • Simplistic design.

As mentioned already, Robocode is an old game. And it has very basic graphics, design, and interface. Nothing fancy here.

  • Hard to uninstall. And if you would like to remove Robocode from your computer, it may not be so easy to do. Robocode doesn’t have an uninstall file. Instead, you have to manually find the game’s directory (which may be tricky to do) and delete all the files in there.


CodeGym is a gamified programming course designed for users to learn and practice programming in Java.

  • You can learn Java programming from scratch.

Players don’t need to know anything about coding in Java to start the game, so it’s suitable for beginners.

  • The platform offers plenty of examples and explanations to ease the learning process.

If you can’t figure how to complete one of the tasks, CodeGym provides all kinds of examples to help you find a solution.

  • CodeGym teaches you to use Java for different purposes and platforms.

It has more than 1200 puzzles in its course. They teach you how to write solutions for different tasks, fix or adapt existing code for different requirements, and other applications.

  • It’s more than just a gamified learning course.

CodeGym is an exciting online game which has an actual science fiction plot, interesting characters, and a good deal of humor. All this makes studying Java fun and engaging process.

  • Virtual mentor.

Your solution is verified by a virtual teacher, and you get the results instantly. Virtual teacher gives recommendations about your solution, helping you fix your mistakes, and also gives you a clear list of requirements regarding what you need to do.

  • CodeGym is free to use.
  • You might need additional study materials to understand some aspects of Java.

Sometimes, what the puzzles give you is just not enough, and you might need to start looking for additional information and tutorials. Good thing is, you don’t need to look far. There are plenty of materials for Java available online and on the platform.

  • The game is not fully optimized for mobile platforms.

CodeGym could really use some adjustments to better fit mobile platforms.

3. Codewars


Codewars is a gamified online platform with coding challenges where users can solve puzzles and compare their solutions.

You can compare your solutions with the other players. Codewars allows you to compare your approach to a puzzle solution with other users. This helps to quickly find the bugs in your code, as much as learn how the same problem can be solved from a totally different point of view.

You practice coding through completing challenges.

Solving different puzzles and algorithmic challenges is one of the most effective ways to learn a programming language fast.

  • Codewars is free to use.
  • Requires some basic coding knowledge to start.

Codewars is not as newbie-friendly as, say, CodeGym. You need to learn some coding basics before you start using it.

  • Limited topics for challenges.

After using Codewars for some time you will realize the platform doesn’t have that many kinds of puzzles to offer.

4. Shenzhen I/O


Shenzhen I/O is a puzzle game that teaches future engineers how to build circuits and write assembly code based on provided requirements.

  • Shenzhen I/O models IT work in general.

This game is not as focused on programming languages as the previous ones but the skills you are training with it would be applicable for many different jobs and purposes in the field.

  • A perfect choice for those interested in programming the old-fashioned way.

Back in the day, without the fancy IDEs and frameworks, the code had to be much more detailed. And that’s what this game allows you to practice.

  • Shenzhen I/O is quite difficult.

This game doesn’t have a complete user manual and its puzzles generally are quite difficult, so many people may find it way too hardcore.

  • It has a steep learning curve.

Shenzhen I/O is rather difficult to learn. It starts with a couple of fairly simple tasks, but the puzzles get a lot more complex quite abruptly. The game doesn’t give you much time to adjust.

5. Vim Adventures


Vim Adventures is a game for learning or improving your knowledge of Vim, the popular Unix text editor.

  • It’s a simple way to learn all the main Vim concepts.

Playing this game you will quickly learn all Vim’s keyboard shortcuts, main concepts, and functions.

  • Useful for learning programming logic.

Although Vim, strictly speaking, is not a coding language, knowing how to use it would help you as a programmer a lot.

  • Vim Adventurers is simply a fun and entertaining game.
  • Some users might get bored easily.

Vim Adventurers is overly simple, which could make the gaming process boring quite quickly.

6. CodeMonkey


Code monkey is an online coding game mainly designed for elementary and middle school students with very limited or zero knowledge in coding, which make it a good option for beginners.

  • Good for students with zero knowledge in coding.

CodeMonkey is a great start for teaching children and teenagers how to code. And if it’s good for them, it’s good for any age.

  • It improves logic and problem-solving skills.

Skills you are training while playing this game, like logic and problem-solving, can be applied almost anywhere in life, not just coding. It makes CodeMonkey good for those who are interested to improve these skills, while also learning how to code.

  • Its coding language is similar to JavaScript.

Using this language in CodeMonkey makes it easier to learn JavaScript after playing the game.

  • The game isn’t so well-adjusted for students studying at home.

It often requires technical support and help. CodeMonkey fits much better as a class interactive activity.

7. Flexbox Froggy


Flexbox Froggy is a simple game designed to help users in learning CSS code. Players have to bring Froggy home by mastering a layout module CSS flexbox.

  • Made for users without any knowledge of CSS.

Made specifically for beginners in CSS flexbox so you can learn the basics of CSS with Froggy.

  • The game is very simple and only good for beginners.

Simplicity is also the biggest disadvantage of Flexbox Froggy. It’s more suitable for complete beginners and doesn’t offer much learning space for more demanding users.

8. CodeCombat


CodeCombat is an online game, which consists of puzzles and challenges player need to solve by writing JavaScript code.

Works as an introduction to JavaScript syntax and logic for beginners. You can start with very simple puzzles and progress slowly, learning JS syntax step by step.

It is fun and engaging.

CodeCombat offers players quite a broad spectrum of puzzles and challenges, which makes it really fun. You won’t get bored playing this game for a while.

  • Teaches only basic JavaScript concepts.

CodeCombat only covers the most basic concepts of JavaScript, and if you mastered them already, to learn further you would need to find another tool.

Learning while playing is not a new concept, and games are a tried and tested approach to learning or improving a skill. And coding is not an exception. There are plenty of great coding games available for all types of players. No matter which language you are learning or what is your current level, you can find the game to pump up your coding skills, while having fun at the same time.

The article was originally posted on GitConnected blog .

Top comments (27)


Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

tatianacodes profile image

  • Location Los Angeles, CA
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A good Javascript resource I've used that is similar to Codewars is Edabit . It has easier challenges for beginners, but also offers higher level problems too. I found it after being frustrated with how advanced Codewars seemed to be, but also wanted to practice in a similar fashion. I believe they do Python, Java, C++, C#, and others too.

selawsky profile image

  • Joined Feb 1, 2019

Thank you, will try!

umavictor6 profile image

  • Work software developer
  • Joined Dec 20, 2019

thanks alot

aliokan profile image

  • Joined Jul 24, 2019

Have you tried "Clash of code" on a 5min challenge, really fun!

pkochanski profile image

  • Location Wrocław, Poland
  • Work Software Engineer

I would also add CodeSignal to the list. It has a bunch of "worlds", which you can "conquer". I just love the design and overall theme.

The difficulty of problems vary, they are usually pretty easy and you can solve them using different languages.

davidrushton55 profile image

  • Location London
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  • Joined May 30, 2019

If you haven't checked out elevator saga it is cracking little game. Using JavaScript, the aim is to deliver passengers to the floor of their choice.

gledsonafonso profile image

  • Location Araçatuba
  • Work Software Engineer at Solinftec
  • Joined Jan 29, 2019

No love for else Heart.Break() ? :'(

Also, for people who liked Shenzhen I/O, Zach (the creator of the game) made a Google Talk in 2017 that was pretty cool where he talks about the games he made in Zachtronics.

Wow! Will try for sure)

mvoloskov profile image

Nice list though!

The best game to level up your skills is the one you build yourself :)

Check out mine .

tachyonlabs profile image

  • Email [email protected]
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  • Joined Jul 31, 2019

Another big pro of Codewars is that despite the name it's actually a very collaborative site. As soon as you reach a certain "honor" (earned by solving programming challenges) level, you can author and contribute your own programming challenges and unit tests for the site, in addition to translating programming challenges and unit tests others have written into additional programming languages. Designing and writing good programming challenges with clear and engaging descriptions and thorough unit tests is a great learning experience in itself, and you'll get feedback from other users to help you improve. If your challenges are ranked highly enough by the other users then they will come out of beta to become official approved challenges on the site.

mariusbalcytis profile image

  • Joined Jul 26, 2019

I'd surely add Screeps to this list!

chinchang profile image

  • Location India
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  • Joined Mar 16, 2017

Here is one for CSS (and code golfing) ->

saiafonua profile image

  • Work Software Dev Engineer
  • Joined Jul 2, 2019

If you want to learn about service workers:

andyst81 profile image

  • Location Thailand
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This may be an old post, but I've just found it. Love the suggestions - I've heard of some of these before, and even started playing Vim Adventures for a while. Will certainly be checking out some of the games on this list. Thanks for this post!

chaos0815 profile image

  • Location Munich
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Another Zachtronics coding game is TIS-100. More basic than Shenzhen I/O but it has it's charme.

pixeline profile image

  • Location Brussels, Belgium
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  • Joined Jun 18, 2017

I'm a big fan of Silent Teacher !

nguyenquangtin profile image

  • Location Danang, Vietnam
  • Joined Mar 6, 2018

Thank you for your list.

tmpou1 profile image

  • Location Paris
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  • Joined May 5, 2019

Nice ! I also suggest this one as it's fantastic to master some mysterious CSS selectors while having fun :

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Diving into the world of programming can sometimes feel like venturing into an intricate maze. Sure, there are many routes to the center—books, lectures, tutorials, and more. But what if there was a fun, game-like pathway through this maze? Welcome to the exciting universe of free Python coding games!

Python learning games transform the education process into a captivating journey of quests, challenges, and virtual rewards. Python is not just an essential programming language, it's also a gateway to creating magical worlds and solving intriguing problems.

So whether you're just starting out or looking to polish your skills, interactive Python coding platforms, websites, and mobile apps can make your adventure enjoyable. For younger students, there are even resources that specialize in teaching Python through games designed for their age. So buckle up and get ready to explore a dynamic approach to learning Python—one that's as exciting as it is educational. We've got a few surprising finds up ahead!

For live expert guidance learning Python, join an award-winning online Python coding class for kids, designed by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT.

Discover the Power of Free Python Coding Games

Python, one of the most sought-after programming languages, is an excellent starting point for beginners in middle and high school—and what could be more engaging than learning through games? Recent studies suggest that gamified learning can boost student engagement by up to 60%, making 'learning through play' a powerful tool in education. This article will guide you through a universe of free Python coding games that are not just educational but also super fun. From interactive Python coding platforms tailor-made for beginners to websites that allow learners to practice Python skills through engaging games, find everything you need. We'll also reveal some impressive platforms that are revolutionizing the way Python is being taught. Can you guess the platform that has seen a user increase of 300% in the past year alone? Stay tuned to find out!

1. Code Combat

Free, Ages 9+, Online

Code Combat is an exciting platform that transforms learning Python into an adventurous game. Users navigate through different worlds and levels by writing actual Python code. This platform seamlessly integrates education with entertainment, making it ideal for learners who thrive in engaging, gamified environments. You might be wondering:

  • Is any prior coding knowledge required for Code Combat? No, prior coding knowledge is not required to start with Code Combat. The platform is designed to introduce beginners to the world of coding in a fun and interactive manner.
  • Is Code Combat exclusively for learning Python? While Code Combat offers extensive material for learning Python, it is not exclusive to Python. It also provides opportunities to learn JavaScript, making it a versatile platform for young coders.

Free, Ages 12+, Online

CheckiO is another fantastic resource for Python coding games. It’s an interactive and competitive platform where learners can improve their coding skills through Python challenges. Its key features include a community of coding enthusiasts where learners can collaborate, making it an interactive learning space. You might be wondering:

  • Is CheckiO suitable for beginners in programming? CheckiO does cater to beginners, but it's more appreciated by those who have some initial understanding of Python. The challenges start at an easy level but quickly escalate in complexity, encouraging continuous learning.
  • Is CheckiO appropriate for children? While CheckiO can be a valuable tool for older children interested in programming, the complexity of some problems might make it challenging for younger children. It's best suited for high school students and adults.

3. Codewars

Free, Ages 13+, Online

For those seeking more competitive Python programming games, Codewars presents real coding problems in a karate-themed game. Its community-based approach allows learners to improve through collaboration, making it an excellent choice for enhancing problem-solving and coding skills. You might have some questions such as:

  • Is Codewars only for experienced programmers? While Codewars does offer advanced coding challenges, it's not only for experienced programmers. The platform provides 'kata' or challenges across various difficulty levels, making it suitable for beginners as well.

4. Blockly Games

Free, Ages 7-10, Online

Blockly Games created by Google provides a visual coding experience that gradually introduces Python syntax to young learners. By transforming complex coding tasks into simple, visual-based puzzles, Blockly offers a strong foundation for those just beginning their Python journey.

  • Do children need prior coding knowledge to use Blockly Games? No, Blockly Games is designed for beginners. It uses visual blocks that represent programming concepts, helping children to intuitively understand coding principles without needing to learn complex syntax.
  • Does Blockly Games only teach JavaScript? While Blockly Games teaches principles that can be applied to any programming language, the games themselves are in JavaScript. However, the focus is on teaching programming logic and problem solving, rather than the specifics of a particular language.

5. Create & Learn's Python AI Coach Adventure

Free for Python for AI students, $20/12 months for everyone else, Ages 10+, Online

Get started learning Python with an AI Coach powered by ChatGPT in this simple interactive experience. Complete basic Python syntax challenges before moving onto a fun animation project and four new exercises every month. Ask questions and get immediate answers from your AI Coach, if you get stuck along the way. This platform is seeing tremendous growth this year, as high schoolers enjoy the way the platform empowers experimentation as they learn.

Discover Interactive Python Learning Platforms

Interactive Python learning platforms are designed to transform the sometimes daunting task of learning a programming language into a game-like experience. Imagine platforms where users can solve challenges, unlock new levels, and earn badges—all while learning Python!

One shining example of such a platform is CodeCombat, as discussed above, which turns Python learning into a role-playing game. On this platform, users play as heroes on a mystical quest, but instead of fighting monsters with swords, they use Python code. It's an engaging and effective way to learn Python basics.

Another great platform is the previously mentioned CheckiO. It's more puzzle-based but equally fun and interactive. In CheckiO, users solve challenges by writing Python code, and they can even see how others solved the same problem—promoting a spirit of collaboration and shared learning.

Lastly, for those who enjoy the classic game Minecraft, there's a modified version called Raspberry Jam Mod , which allows users to manipulate their Minecraft world using Python.

Remember, the key to mastering Python, or any programming language, is consistent practice. And what could be better than practicing while having fun?

Python-Based Game Projects for Beginners

Python-based game projects are a fantastic way to reinforce your understanding of Python's fundamentals. Here's a brief list of projects you could consider:

  • Creating a text-based adventure : This is a classic and simple starting point. It reinforces understanding of variables, control flow, and user input.
  • Building a quiz game : Quizzes can vary in complexity. They can range from simple trivia games to complex systems with scoring and multiple choice options.
  • Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe game : This will challenge you to work with arrays and loops, while creating an enjoyable game.
  • Designing a simple Pong game : Here, you'll begin to use libraries like Pygame. This is a bit more advanced, but extremely rewarding!

Check out even more Python project ideas here . There are countless resources online to help you get started on these projects. One key piece of advice? Don't worry about making your games complex or flashy. Focus on making them work, and have fun in the process!

Python Coding Competitions or Challenges

Want to test your Python skills? Participating in Python coding competitions or challenges is a great way to do so. These events are not only exciting, but they can help improve your problem-solving skills and potentially provide recognition for your coding abilities. Some popular platforms hosting these challenges include:

  • HackerRank : This platform is great for practicing a wide range of Python problems. They even have a 30-day coding challenge to improve consistency and discipline.
  • W3Schools : This free platform provides interactive exercisess and tutorials for Python.

Remember, the aim is not just to compete, but to learn and grow. Don't feel disheartened if you can't solve a problem. Learn from it and move on to the next! Explore more coding contests for kids here .

Python Game Libraries

In Python, libraries are sets of modules, functions, and methods that allow you to perform many actions without writing your own code. When it comes to game development, these libraries can be invaluable. Two commonly used Python game libraries are:

  • Pygame : This is probably the most well-known library for making games in Python. Pygame provides functionality for creating 2D games, with easy-to-understand methods for handling game elements like graphics, sound, and user input.
  • Arcade : Arcade is another Python library, praised for its simplicity and consistency. It's especially suitable for 2D video games and for beginners who are new to game development.

Before jumping into game creation, spend some time exploring these libraries.

Want to make your own games in Python? Try this beginner-friendly guide to making Python games or learn how to make a Harry Potter Hogwarts Sorting Hat game .

Online Python Coding Courses with a Gaming Element

Learning to code doesn't have to be a solitary or monotonous activity. Online Python coding courses often incorporate gaming elements to make learning more enjoyable and engaging. Here are a few to consider:

  • Create & Learn ( Python for AI Class ): This online class is led by an expert instructor, and covers not only the basics of Python coding for kids and teens, but also puts a strong focus on the elements of Python that are most relevant to Artificial Intelligence, including data structures and libraries. This is the perfect small group class to get started, and the curriculum is designed by experts from Google, Stanford, and MIT. There's even a free Python intro class to begin.
  • Create & Learn ( Data Science with Python, Pandas, and ChatGPT Class ) : This live online course designed for teens teaches students the fundamentals of Pandas, a fast, powerful, and flexible open source data analysis and manipulation tool. Students learn and practice throughout class, and will also complete a capstone project using a dataset they have identified themselves.
  • Codecademy ( Learn Python 3 ) : Codecademy's Python course offers interactive video lessons and projects, as well as quizzes to reinforce learning.
  • Coursera ( University of Michigan's Python for Everybody ) : This on-demand video course offers a comprehensive introduction to Python with plenty of exercises and projects. It takes 8 months to complete and includes a certificate, so is best for students that can hold themselves accountable.
  • Udemy ( The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications ) : This course includes 52 hours of on-demand videos, and allows students to learn Python by building several applications, turning the learning process into an exciting journey.

Each course is structured differently, so choose the one that fits your student's learning style best. Remember, the goal is to enjoy the process of learning, so find a course that's not just informative but also engaging!

Try Free Python Coding Games Today!

Python is not only one of the most in-demand programming languages in today's digital age, but its mastery can also be an enjoyable and enriching journey. Take advantage of the myriad resources available. Experiment with different platforms, challenge yourself with increasingly complex coding puzzles, and, above all, remember to have fun in the process. For those seeking a more structured learning experience that sets students up for success, consider taking a course like the Python for AI - an award-winning interactive class that teaches Python through engaging coding projects. You can also explore more free Python resources for kids online , and get your student started with an interesting Python for loops tutorial .

Remember that learning to code isn't a sprint, but a marathon. Enjoy each step, celebrate your progress, and before you know it, you'll be tackling Python projects with confidence and ease. Let the games begin!

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17 Coding Challenges to Sharpen Your Critical Thinking

Coding challenges

If you want to improve your skills in an existing or a new programming language, one of the best ways to do it is through coding challenges.

A lot of platforms and websites have become available over the years, providing exciting challenges for coders of all levels. Whether it’s a new language you’re trying to learn or wish to test your wits in stressful situations — coding challenges can be both fun and a test at the same time.

The benefits, apart from the obvious, of working on these challenges include better problem-solving skills, in-depth language understanding, and the joy of learning new algorithms. As you know, algorithms aren’t uncommon during the hiring process — so having some teeth in the game might give you an upper hand.

This post covers some of the best coding challenge websites and platforms that there are. Some are beginner-friendly, while others cater to a more experienced audience. We’re also adding some stuff that you can show your kids since children-friendly coding has also become quite popular. So, let’s get started.

Top Coding Challenges to Refine Your Skill in 2024


The easiest way to learn new things is to have consistent interaction with the thing you’re trying to learn. Such is the case of programming, too. Reading the best books will give you zero knowledge unless you put the written word into practice.

Edabit is an established platform that offers bite-sized coding challenges, which can quickly improve your coding abilities.

Games as learning platforms aren’t an entirely new thing, but there seem to be a lot more players in the field now.

CodinGame is just one of many platforms that provide programming challenges through a gamified experience. Rather than writing point-blank code, you’re building a game environment instead. All the code you write, in some ways, is affecting the way that the ‘game’ is going.


In hindsight, platforms like CodinGame can help tech developers a lot about cause and effect. And how certain decisions lead to specific outcomes.

This isn’t just one of those cheap sites where you write sloppy JavaScript code. CodinGame involves some top-level algorithms and has countless world-class coders helping to provide solutions to both new and seasoned developers alike.

HackerRank is a startup focusing on providing coding challenges for individuals and organizations alike. Depending on the challenge, you’re most often given instructions for a project that needs to be completed, and how you complete it is up to you.

Currently, developers can use Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, C++, and SQL to solve the provided challenges.


Whenever you submit your solutions, the platform automatically scores your submission based on factors like accuracy. Afterward, you’re placed in the global leaderboard while cultivating achievements (badges) along the way. There’s also ‘sprints,’ which is another term for platform-hosted contests.

House of Codes wrote an exciting piece depicting the top 50 challenges found in Hacker Rank . If you’ve got the curiosity for it, it’s a worthwhile read, with a ton of examples and material.

Coderbyte is a unique app based on modern programming practices. Its core feature is coding challenges, which have helped millions of people across the globe to become better developers. Unlike similar apps on the market, Coderbyte is dedicated to helping people tackle industry-level issues.


One of the perks of using this platform is that it is working together with some of the leading software brands. E.g., Google, LogMeIn, HBO, PWC, and many others. If you ever wish to land a job at such companies, then rest assured that Coderbyte can give you the required challenges to test your skills.

Once you register, you can choose from challenges and algorithms. There are hundreds of thousands of user-submitted solutions that can help you get a much broader understanding of specific programming topics.

Organizations can sign up and manage their screening process. By becoming a registered organization, you gain access to additional tools that can help screen each developer individually.

The beauty of consistent coding practice is that you’re always coming up with new ways to solve problems. Codewars is capitalizing on this idea. Based on ‘katas,’ the platform provides exercises and challenges in a large variety of languages.

As you complete the said exercises, you can score points but also check how other programmers solved a specific problem.


If you’ve meant to practice a new language, then Codewars is an exceptional site to add to your bookmarks.

Here are some of the supported languages:

And a lot of other languages are in the BETA program, available but with potential bottlenecks.

Return the Sum of Two Numbers Edabit

Fundamentally, Edabit wants to provide a platform that can bridge the gap between beginners and advanced coders. You can check out the Roadmap to see the full feature list.


HackerEarth is a well-known platform that runs hackathons, coding challenges, and different kinds of competitions.


It’s also a place where you can pick up some interesting knowledge of the hiring process in modern companies. Not all, but a good amount of the challenges found in HackerEarth’s database can end up being asked in any of your future job interviews.

Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 4.18.22 PM

And how is that possible? Well, mostly because HackerEarth’s real hustle is to provide recruitment solutions to top-notch tech companies. If you want to be considered the best, you have to hang out with the best. It’s a win-win situation for you.

Programmr is a dynamic digital lab for all levels of developers. With Programmr , you can write code, compile it, and execute projects directly from your browser. The platform supports all major languages used today. Whether it’s a mobile app or a database structure you want to run — Programmr has the guts to support it.


On the challenges side, Programmr has a custom set of challenges for Java, C++, PHP, C#, Ruby, Python, and iOS. Each set includes 100+ challenges, which can be sorted by popularity (based on user votes) and other factors.

What sets these guys apart from others is that you can use your newfound experiences to get instant feedback, whether it’s a certificate for a specific language or merely feedback from existing users.

The Coding Train

Daniel Shiffman is a self-made one-person army, creating and producing great material on programming. The Coding Train is Daniels’ personal YouTube platform, where he shares exciting and helpful videos for tackling programming-related issues.

The Coding Train

But he has this interesting approach. Rather than hosting everything on his website, he’s using YouTube as the platform for the challenge and his website as the platform for the solution.

Do keep in mind that his challenges are based on P5.js and Processing — two popular solutions used in art and graphic design.

Wolfram Challenges

Wolfram is one of the best-known companies in the world operating under the computer science branch. Their platform has left many speechless by its possibilities.

Wolfram Challenges

Though our focus is not on Wolfram Alpha, a new frontier introduced in early 2018 — Wolfram Challenges .

There are plenty of examples of Challenges one can imagine that involve finding “the lowest-cost solution”, or the “best fit”. And it’s a similar setup with typical machine learning tasks: find a function (say based on a neural network) that performs best on classifying a certain test set, etc.

In comparison to other websites/platforms in this roundup, Wolfram covers a broad area of challenges and not just coding. All in all, if you want to sharpen your critical thinking — this is going to be the platform to do it!

LeetCode is a product, meaning it’s not just a site hosting random challenges. Instead, LeetCode is a way to prepare yourself for future possibilities.


The platform provides modern learning, intricate challenges, and a superb dashboard to get it all done.

Longest Valid Parentheses LeetCode

There are also articles, discussion boards, and other community aspects to encourage a seamless experience. Many LeetCode users have ‘graduated’ to work at companies like Uber, Amazon, Stripe, and others.

Codeforces is for all the hardcore and dedicated coders out there. Think software engineers, pentesters, A.I. enthusiasts, and machine learning junkies! As a platform for advanced programmers, Codeforces is known for its notorious leaderboard and competitive spirit.


And getting started is easier than you think.

It’s great to see the initiatives behind many coding challenge platforms.

And Exercism is no exception. Katrina Owen, the founder, says that her goal is to “help people learn enough coding [using Exercism] so that they can find a job in development.”.


At the time of writing this, there are more than 2,600 exercises in 48 languages — all free of charge! Have you meant to learn Kotlin , or perhaps get more oriented in Vim ? Now is your chance to learn some new skills through interesting challenges!

As surprising as it may be to some of you, there is still coding happening in front-end development, too!

The Codier challenges here are mostly pooled together by users. E.g., Someone might publish a ‘Material Design Card’ and challenge you to make it better or create a similar variation.


The result is your ability to get some creative ideas going. And it’s nice to see how others tackle similar problems in real time as well. You can always reuse the code submitted by others in your projects.

Flexbox Froggy

Speaking of front-end, how’s your Flexbox understanding coming along? It’s always nice to get a little memory refresher to keep yourself sharp and on point!

Flexbox Froggy is a nice little game that takes you through 28 steps of different Flexbox uses and alignments. Perhaps it’s less of a challenge than it is a reminder, but can you do all of the levels without looking for answers?

Flexbox Froggy

Grid Garden is a very similar game; the only difference is that you’re working with the Grid function and not Flex.

Python is widely accepted as the most straightforward language to learn. And is often recommended for new programmers to explore first. But don’t let that discourage you from believing in Python’s capacity. These days, a lot of machine learning and data set generation is done exclusively with Python — and that’s no small feat! PyBites gets you up to speed with the latest happenings.

PyBites Code Challenges

Articles, coding challenges, and other critical tidbits to help you sharpen your wits. Each challenge includes a follow-up as a review, where you can compare your code and explore the correct way of solving a problem.

CodeCombat is a coding game that provides a dynamic and challenging coding environment. The difference between a product like CodinGame is that CodeCombat focuses on teachers. As a result, you can use this platform to teach programming and problem-solving at the school level.


There are tools, materials, and other resources tailored specifically for this purpose. And it’s a lot of fun, too. The CodeCombat games that you build are both interesting but also visually stunning. And gaming is so popular among kids already. Giving kids the challenge to develop their virtual environment can inspire them to build something amazing in the future!

As briefly mentioned in the intro, we got something for all you parents out there. Tynker is a fun little platform that helps teach coding to kids. It’s based on a very simple drag and drop interface where kids can shuffle between choices and hopefully solve the presented problems.


And don’t get it mistaken either; Tynker is adapted to modern standards more than you think. If you have kids who are creeping into their teens, you can let them write solutions using Python or JavaScript rather than using Blocks alone.

Closing Words: Challenge Yourself!

In total, there are probably 10,000 unique code challenges across all the sites and platforms we listed. It’s impossible to get through them all just like that.

Instead, my recommendation is to find a platform that you feel best fits your needs and focus on that one platform only. You can build friendships, learn new things, and who knows — you might learn enough to land a new job at a top-paying company!

You may also want to consider DataCamp to learn data science, which includes coding challenges and projects.

More for you on Coding

  • Engaging Platforms to Learn Coding With Fun
  • Best Sites to Learn New Languages

The 12 Best Coding Games of 2022

Madison Zoey Vettorino

Updated: September 10, 2023

Published: September 26, 2022

Think learning how to code means spending hours and thousands of dollars in bootcamp ? Not necessarily. Coding games can teach you essential principles of programming and don’t feel like a chore.

Father and daughter playing best coding games together

Whether you’re an adult looking to learn how to code or seeking the best coding games for kids, you’ll find plenty of options. So how do you find the perfect one?

Download Now: 25 HTML & CSS Hacks [Free Guide]

In this post, we’ve rounded up 12 of the best coding games you can try today. We’ve divided our list into three categories:

Best Coding Games for Beginners

Best coding games for adults, best coding games for kids.

Regardless of what you’re looking for, you’ll find the perfect game to get you started on your coding journey.

Best Coding Games

  • Flexbox Froggy
  • Human Resource Machine
  • 7 Billion Humans
  • codeSpark Academy

Ready to begin cultivating your coding skills? These four games cover various programming languages , connect you with colleagues and friends, and get you on the right path without getting overwhelmed.

1. CodinGame

Best Coding Games for Beginners: CodinGame

For those looking to dive into the world of coding, CodinGame is a fun and digestible first step. The game supports more than 25 different languages (including JavaScript , PHP, and Ruby). It allows you to practice, learn, and eventually compete in international contests to show off your coding skills.

The courses were created by top developers and allow you to learn new languages, tricks, and algorithms quickly. As you play and strengthen your profile, you can opt in and enable companies to see your profile.

What we like: CodinGame can be as independent or collaborative as you’d like — you can play with your colleagues or friends.

2. Flexbox Froggy

One of the best coding games for beginners: Flexbox Froggy

Flexbox Froggy seems simple, but offers an engaging way to practice writing CSS code. You can play independently or with your friends. Through this game, you’ll learn the intricacies of CSS and how to align page elements in Flexbox.

There are 24 levels in total, and by the time you make it to the final one, you’ll be fully equipped with the skills necessary to work with Flexbox in your next project.

What we like: The pacing of this game is intuitive as it’s easy to begin and gradually increases in difficulty.

3. CodeCombat

One of the best coding games for beginners: Code Combat

Regardless of age, if you’re a beginner coder, you shouldn’t miss out on CodeCombat. Create a free account to start learning programming must-knows, including functions, conditionals, loops, and variables.

CodeCombat boasts over 20 million learners in 190 countries. With this program, you can select which programming language you’d like to work with.

What we like: CodeCombat supports Python and JavaScript, two of the most popular programming languages.

4. CSS Diner

One of the best coding games for beginners: CSS Diner

CSS Diner offers 32 levels designed to teach beginner coders everything they need to know about CSS selectors. CSS diner introduces brief challenges that hone in on working with ids and classes. Once you level up, you’ll discover Pseudo-selectors, Last of Type Selectors, First of Type Selectors, and the Universal Selector.

What we like: If you’re just starting to learn CSS, this game is a must-try because it helps you get familiar with the programming language without getting overwhelmed.

If you’re an adult learning to code, check out some of the beginner games we mentioned. Then, when you’re ready for a challenge, give this next set of best coding games for adults a try. Even if you’re an experienced coder simply looking for a refresher, these games are entertaining and give your skills a brush-up.

5. Robocode

Best Coding Games for Adults: Robocode

Robocode is a fun yet complex programming game that asks players to code robot tanks and then make them compete against each other. Your quest is to write artificial intelligence that shows your robots how to succeed. To do so, you’ll use languages including Scala, Java, C#, and beyond. Play it once or twice, and it’ll hook you. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

What we like: Though this game launched in 2000, it is updated frequently and well-maintained.

6. Codewars

One of the best coding games for adults: Codewars

Sharpening your coding skills is simple with the help of Codewars. When you join, you’ll challenge yourself on small exercises referred to as ‘kata.’ These are created by the Codewars community and help you fine-tune your skills. You could use this program to master your favorite programming language, or learn as many of the over 55 languages as you want.

What we like: Codewars isn’t only a game; it’s also a community of over 3 million developers.

7. Human Resource Machine

One of the best coding games for adults: Human Resource Machine

Human Resource Machine is on our list of best coding games for adults because it offers an engaging way to solve puzzles. In Human Resource Machine, you’re an office worker who needs to automate your job. How? Through visual programming, of course. Another reason we’re a big fan of this game is because it even touches on memory management and logical flow, two valuable concepts.

What we like: Human Resource Machine features 19 supported languages.

8. 7 Billion Humans

One of the best coding games for adults: 7 Billion Humans

7 Billion Humans is from the same creators as Human Resource Machine. In this game, you won’t only have to automate one office worker — you’ll have to automate swarms of them. Then, you can begin to solve puzzles. (Trust us, it’s easier said than done.) If you were a fan of Human Resource Machine, you don’t want to miss out on this game, either.

What we like: This game features more than 60 levels of programming puzzles.

It’s never too early to introduce your kids to coding. Not only are these games fun, but they also offer a practical way for children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Here are the four best coding games for kids that are just as educational as enjoyable.

9. Code Karts

Best Coding Games for kids: Code Kart

With over 100,000 downloads and teacher approval, Code Karts is one of the best coding games for kids. Whether you have an iOS, Amazon, or Android device, you can introduce pre-coding to children ages four and up. This game presents kids with several logical puzzles presented as a raceway.

What we like: There are over 70 levels and two game modes, so once your child masters one level, they’re onto the next.

10. codeSpark Academy

Best Coding Games for kids: codeSpark Academy

For kids ages 5 to 10, codeSpark Academy offers an excellent introduction to coding. This game was developed by Carnegie Mellon, MIT, and Princeton research. codeSpark Academy has garnered over 20 awards, including LEGO Foundation’s Pioneer Re-Imagining Learning & Re-Defining Play, Apple’s Editor’s Choice, Top Educational App, and Association of American Publishers’ Apps on the Rise.

What we like: New content is released regularly, so your child can dive into fresh puzzles, creative tools, and coding challenges, so they’re continually learning.

11. Kodable

Best Coding Games for kids: Kodable

If you need proof that Kodable is one of the best coding games for kids, consider how over 50% of schools in the US trust it. Kodable helps kids ages 4-10 discover core programming concepts.

There are two levels to Kodable: the first K-2nd Grade Level and 3rd to 5th Grade Level. K-2 is for children ages 4-7 and offers the opportunity to engage in drag-and-drop programming, create personalized characters, and even develop critical thinking skills.

For older kids ages 7-10, the 3rd to 5th-grade level introduces JavaScript and Swift Programming, allows children to build characters, transitions them into actual code, and teaches Object-Oriented Programming.

What we like: With two different levels, Kodable will grow with your kids as they do.

12. ScratchJr

Best coding games for kids: ScratchJr

Coding offers youngsters the ability to program their games and interactive stories. Throughout this process, your child learns invaluable problem-solving skills, how to design projects, and the value of creativity/self-expression. ScratchJr is designed specifically for children ages 5-7. The program was developed by researchers at Tufts University’s Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, and also features contributions from the MIT Media Lab. And when your child is middle to high school aged, they can play Scratch , which was created by the same team.

What we like: ScratchJr scores major points for accessibility — it is available in over 12 languages.

Still haven't found what you're looking for? Watch this video for 10 more coding games to consider.

Use These Games to Get Started Coding Today

With the help of these 12 games, starting your journey to becoming an expert developer has never been so enjoyable. Whether you’re a beginner looking to take the first step, an experienced coder seeking a refresh, or a parent who wants to find an educational and fun game, you’re sure to find something that checks all the boxes.


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Games to help both young and old get into logic, engineering, and programming.

Inspired by another post of a parent wondering how to help a curious child expand their interest in programming, I thought I would list many of the games I've come across that can help grow your mind, teach problem solving, and understand the nature of fundamental logic. Please comment with others I've missed or obscure games that can help broaden the mind in ways that are helpful to engineers of all types!

(I've linked as many Steam store pages as I can, but some of these are not available on that platform)

Procedural Logic: Procedural logic is understanding how a series of events cause things to occur.

LightBot Flash web game with mobile version available; set up commands for a robot to execute. Very light but sound procedural teaching that even forces contraints at higher levels to help understand efficiency.

Hexcells Have not played, but highly recommended by a software developer friend.

Human Resource Machine Process information that comes through on a conveyer belt. Though I have no experience with assembly languages, I am to understand this basically gamifies how they work.

SpaceChem Build molecules out of atoms for processing and storage. Teaches an understanding of data flow, asynchronous timing, and efficiency.

Kami Asian themed game about paper "folding" where you try to get a pattern of interconnected colors distilled down to a single color. Very light and zen, but helpful in exploring layered procedural behavior patterns.

Puzzle Sovling/Deductive Logic: Games in this category teach engineering on a very fundamental level; you are presented with a problem and must find a solution with the tools you are given by understanding the requirements and how things are related to form conclusions about a result.

Portal / Portal 2 Aside from being one some of best writing/presentation video games have to offer, this game teaches amazing problem solving skills. The second pass through Portal on "hard mode" proves that even though you solved the problem, there are other, more efficient ways, though they are often much, much, more difficult to imagine. People who are able to do this easily should apply at NASA.

The Swapper Side-scrolling platformer where you use multiple versions of your character on the screen--that all simultanneously repsond to your controls. Have not played, but highly recommended by friends.

Engineering: Engineering, at it's core, is problem solving. There is an argument that--more or less--all games teach engineering, but the ones I've listed here are more about putting mechanical things in place to find the solution.

Beseige Medival siege-engine building game. Using tools of specific purpose to complete various problems/tasks.

Minecraft On the surface, this seems like LEGOs--and it is--but it also has an somewhat complex logic-system known as "redstone" that has inspired many, many fantastic engineering projects. A simple pressure plate that automatically opens the front door of your house as you walk up to it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Kerbal Space Program Best suited for teens and up, some parents enjoy playing this in tandem with younger children, using their suggestions. Extremely creative sandbox space exploration game that is easy to get into, but has surprising levels of depth regarding astrodynamics (orbital mechanics).

Space Engineers More than just "Minecraft in space," though it can be played that way. They also have a more recent Medieval Engineers . No redstone, but helps understand resource management and system requirements (as in, the functionality demands for machines, like power, materials, etc.).

Factorio Coming to Steam 2/25/2016, but it's been out via the website for a while. Gather resources to progress your level of technology while fighting off an increasingly aggressive alien presence. Helps understand systems, processing, and flow.

Mind-broadening: Games listed here are good for thinking outside the box or doing things in an abstract way.

Braid Manipulate a timeline and position to get from one point to another. I almost put this game under "Procedural Logic" but decided that it's still pretty abstract compared to the others.

Fez I've barely played this, but I've seen some Let's Plays on YouTube. Teaches an understanding of spatial/dimensional manipulation.

Monument Valley Amazing game for mobil/tablet that also teaches spatial manipulation.

Hack 'n' Slash I have not played, but reviews, recommendations, and interviews/demos have shown me how powerful this game is. Move a character through a digital world using a special sword that allows you to "hack" into the universe. Hacking allows you to manipulate most of the attributes of the things you interact with, changing their movement speed, hit points, roaming behavior, color, etc.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Your team has a copy of a bomb-diffusion manual that you cannot see and must work with you to diffuse a complex bomb that they cannot see. Teaches teamwork and communication skills during problem solving.

The Typing of the Dead: Overkill Warning: mature content This isn't really "mind-broadening," but being able to type is essential to writing code. This and other typing games can be fun and useful.

Other Games: I don't own and have never played or seen these played, so I cannot vet them as strongly, but they seem to fit into the category of "teaching problem solving."

Poly Bridge (Engineering)

The Talos Principle (Puzzle Solving/Deductive Logic)

TIS-100 (Procedural)

Infinifactory (Engineering) Successor to Infiniminer--a large inspiration for Minecraft.

Democracy 3 (Engineering) Complex system and resource management.


The Most Important Soft Skill for Developers & How to Get Better at It


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At its core, programming is just solving problems so a computer can execute a task. Or, as one of our engineers Nick Duckwiler aptly put it: “A lot of engineering is just solving headaches.” Indeed, between fixing bugs and dreaming up app ideas that can address real world difficulties, devs need to be enthusiastic about solving problems of all sizes.   

On top of all the technical knowledge that’s required for engineering roles, you also should work on soft skills, which are personal attributes that enable you to work well with others. Problem solving is one of the most essential soft skills to have in technical positions , and luckily, there are plenty of ways to get better at tackling challenges and finding solutions.

Next month, we’re hosting an exclusive three-part livestream series all about developing core soft skills: problem solving, planning, setting priorities, and critical thinking. The events will be led by Merri Lemmex, a management and leadership expert who has decades of experience training people who work in tech and business. The first session on November 1 is focused on problem solving approaches and tools. Be sure to register today for the virtual events and read on to learn more about the problem-solving strategies that developers use in their work.

Learn something new for free

Intro to chatgpt, write out the problem.

Your problem won’t always come right out and say: “It’s me, hi. I’m the problem , it’s me.” In fact, something that often gets in the way of solving a problem is that we zero in on the wrong problem.

When pinpointing a problem, you can try borrowing a UX research technique that’s part of the design thinking process. After you’ve done some initial research or information gathering, you delineate your problem space and write a problem statement, which is a concise couple of sentences that succinctly define the task and offer a clear sense of direction. Write out the who, what, where, when, and why of your problem.

Getting to the core of your fundamental issue will make addressing the symptoms much easier. You can learn more about this strategy in our free course Learn Design Thinking: Ideation .

Don’t try to solve it alone

Rather than spinning your wheels trying to fix a problem on your own, consider having other people weigh in. Set up a brainstorming session for the problem you’re trying to solve, see if anyone can pair program with you, or send a Slack message to your team and see what your collective intelligence can accomplish.

It’s easy to get tunnel vision when you’re working on a project and become fixated on one part of it. Getting more people involved in the problem-solving process will enable you to address blind spots, consider fresh perspectives, and ultimately get valuable feedback and validation for your idea. Not to mention, you’ll get experience collaborating with other people, which is a soft skill in and of itself.

Say it out loud

Ever seen a rubber duck on a programmer’s desk and wondered what it’s doing there? There’s a popular debugging technique called “ rubberducking ,” where you describe out loud what your code is supposed to do to the duck. As you verbally articulate your code and thoughts to the silent, non-judgmental duck, you may identify issues or problems that you skipped over before. Though you might have to work up the courage to talk to an inanimate object at your desk, you’ll be surprised how effective and practical rubberducking can be when it comes to pinpointing a problem.

See how other people approached the problem

Remember: You’re probably not the first person to have experienced this problem. There’s a plethora of resources that developers use to ask questions, get feedback, or crowd-source solutions for bugs. Go to Stack Overflow and see if someone else has experienced your issue and created a workaround. Or look through Docs , our open-contribution code documentation for popular languages, to see if you can find a solution. (Better yet, once you figure your issue out, you could take what you learned and contribute a Doc for folks to reference in the future.)

Learn problem-solving skills in our new course

Join us next month for an engaging three-part livestream series dedicated to honing essential soft skills, including problem solving, strategic planning, priority setting, and critical thinking. These skills are your secret sauce for nailing your next job interview, making an impression on your team leader, or feeling confident at a networking event. By the end of the livestream series, you’ll have a soft skills toolkit that you can continue to refine throughout your whole career.

Our first session on November 1 delves into effective problem-solving techniques and tools. Secure your spot for these virtual events today. Quick note: These are only available to Codecademy Pro and Codecademy Plus members, so make sure you upgrade your account or start a free seven-day trial to attend.

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35 Awesome Career-Readiness Activities That Teach Soft Skills

Set kids up with the skills they’ll need to succeed in the workplace.

Two examples of job readiness skills activities

Our vision is to unlock the potential of each learner at every stage of life. At McGraw Hill, we believe that your diverse experiences enrich the way you learn, teach, and grow. See how Career Explorations  introduces students to hundreds of diverse careers and critical soft skills needed to set them on a purposeful path through high school and beyond.

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When it’s time for students to start working and/or head to college, they’ll need “soft skills,” otherwise known as career-readiness or job-readiness skills, in addition to academic knowledge and vocational skills.

Soft skills are those characteristics that help you function as an individual (motivation, self-confidence, flexibility) as well as within a group (teamwork, negotiation, respect). These job-readiness skills are key for succeeding in the workplace. After all, if you can’t show up on time, speak up for yourself, or get along with your peers, chances are you’re not going to have a very smooth go of it.

Explicitly teaching students these job-readiness skills is the best way to give them valuable insight into their strengths and weaknesses. We’ve rounded up more than 30 engaging lessons and activities that are not only just right for teaching the job-readiness skills students need, they are also a lot of fun!

1. Use an engaging curriculum for career exploration and readiness

A printout of a curriculum as an example of job readiness skills

There are so many important things to teach our students before they’re ready to leave high school that it’s daunting to know where to begin. That’s why having strong, trusted resources can make such a difference. McGraw Hill’s Career Explorations program for middle and early high school is an excellent example of such a curriculum. The resources blend occupation and industry content with case studies and real-world, application-based questions and activities to grab students’ attention right from the start. And real-world, industry-specific soft-skills practice questions throughout each chapter expose students to types of challenges they’ll face regardless of what career path they pursue.

Skills they’ll practice:

Collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving

Explore the program: McGraw Hill Career Explorations

2. Listen and recap

There are so many things competing for kids’ attention in today’s overstimulating world, so learning the simple art of listening can be a difficult task. This one-on-one communication activity will help students practice taking the time to clear their minds, focus, and really listen to what their partner is saying in a way that they can clearly and accurately repeat.

Divide students into pairs. Partner one draws a topic card from a prepared deck and talks about that topic, while partner two listens without speaking. The listener must really focus on simply receiving their partner’s words—not letting their mind wander or think about how they are going to respond. Then, without a rebuttal, partner two recaps what partner one said. Then, they switch roles.

Listening, respect, interpersonal skills, communication

Buy it: Letz Talk Conversation Cards at Amazon

3. Make a game of it

Responsibility isn’t something students develop overnight. It takes lots of practice to show self-control when things don’t go our way, to be accountable for our decisions, to finish what we start, and to keep trying even when we want to give up. Try these five super-fun games (below) that teach responsibility.

Responsibility, flexibility, patience

Learn more: 5 Great Games for Teaching Your Students About Responsibility

4. Serve others

2 images of teens participating in service learning projects as an example of job readiness skills

Service-learning projects not only get kids involved in their communities, they help them develop many valuable job-readiness skills that will be assets on the job one day. Team students up to organize a book or food drive, recruit bilingual students to provide translation services, or encourage budding artists to collaborate on a community art event.

Teamwork, respect, time management, responsibility

Learn more: 30 Meaningful Service Learning Projects for Kids and Teens

5. Cultivate critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to examine a subject and develop an informed opinion about it. It’s about asking questions, then looking closely at the answers to form conclusions that are backed by provable facts, not just “gut feelings” and opinion. And it’s definitely on the top of most employers’ wish lists for new employees. Click the link below for fun and engaging classroom activities that’ll get your students’ gears turning.

Critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, self-confidence

Learn more: 5 Critical Thinking Skills Every Kid Needs To Learn and How To Teach Them

6. Human Marble Run

Working together to meet a goal takes patience and focus. This IRL version of Marble Run will help your students learn job-readiness skills like working together, and they’ll have fun doing it!

Give each member of the team a length of gutter or drainpipe. The team has to transfer a tennis ball or golf ball from one place to another by rolling the ball from one piece of gutter to the next. Make it interesting by making the team get the ball to traverse an obstacle course or to go up and down stairs.

Patience, negotiation, teamwork, communication

7. No-hands cup-stacking challenge

Green paper cups with strings attached stacked on a table as example of job readiness skills

This hands-on group challenge is an exercise in learning job-readiness skills like patience and perseverance, not to mention it’s a total blast!

Decide how many students you want in each group, and tie that number of strings to a single rubber band. Each person in the group holds on to one of the strings attached to the rubber band. As a group, they use this device to pick up the cups (by pulling the rubber band apart and then bringing it back together over the cups) and place them on top of one another in order to build a pyramid.

Critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, patience

Learn more: Teamwork Cup Stack

8. Paper bag skits

You never know what life is going to hand to you. This is true at work, school, and in life in general. Sometimes you’re handed a set of circumstances and have very little time to figure out what to do. This fun activity will help teens practice thinking on their feet.

Fill a few paper bags with four or five assorted classroom or household items. Break the teens into groups, and assign each group a bag without showing them what’s inside. Give them two minutes to examine the items in their bag and come up with a skit, using all of the items, for the rest of the class.

Time management, teamwork, flexibility, presentation skills

9. Nurture self-knowledge

Journaling is a powerful tool for creative expression and reflection, but did you know that it can also be an effective way to improve mental health? Recording your thoughts and feelings can be a cathartic form of stress relief, an opportunity to get to know yourself better, and a way to help you feel more grounded and authentic in your beliefs. Try these free writing prompt cards with your middle and high schoolers to help them get started.

Stress management, self-confidence, motivation

Learn more: Deep Writing Prompts at Journal Buddies

10. Foster self-motivation

Self-motivation is one of the key indicators of success in the future. Conversely, lack of motivation leads to big problems not only in school but on the job later on. But how do we teach something that comes from inside? Check out the activities below for some great tips like breaking big dreams into smaller pieces, envisioning a bright future, encouraging students to share their stories, and more.

Work ethic, critical thinking, self-confidence

Learn more: How To Instill Intrinsic Motivation

11. Hold a poetry slam

Kids on stage delivering a slam poem together as an example of job readiness skills

Slam poetry is a unique performance art that will not only give your students the opportunity to express their thoughts, but build their confidence as well. Slam poems are specifically written to be performed in front of an audience, and topics are often diverse, political, and thought-provoking. Finding your voice and being able to move people with your words are job-readiness skills that can apply to any future endeavor.

Self-confidence, presentation skills, teamwork

Learn more: What is slam poetry and how can teachers use it with students?

12. Team survival challenge

What would happen if your class went out on a pleasure cruise only to end up being lost at sea? Who would take charge? What materials would be essential for survival? If you ever saw an episode of the TV series Lost , you know that making these decisions as a group can get ugly fast. The Lost at Sea activity is a great lesson in group decision-making, as students will undoubtedly have different ideas about what materials to add to a limited list in a limited amount of time.

Critical thinking, negotiation, communication, teamwork

Learn more: Lost at Sea at Insight

13. Start a school garden

Students working in a garden with their teacher as an example of job readiness skills

A school garden is an amazing, hands-on way to help teach students about responsibility. From planning what to grow and organizing the supplies needed to creating a maintenance schedule and actually getting down and dirty in the garden, it’s a project that requires hard work and perseverance.

Responsibility, teamwork, problem-solving, patience

Learn more: How One School Garden Transformed a Neighborhood

14. Time-management challenge

We all have days when our list of tasks is huge, and the amount of time we have to complete them just isn’t. When time is tight and your agenda is packed, you’ve got to prioritize tasks and work efficiently! This activity gives students the opportunity to practice just that by presenting them with a long list of tasks to complete in a limited time frame.

Make a list of tasks on chart paper, assigning a point value for each job. For example: Do 25 jumping jacks (5 points); make up a nickname for each member of the group (5 points); get every person in the class to sign a piece of paper (15 points); form a conga line and conga from one end of the room to the other (5 points; 10 bonus points if anyone joins you); etc. Make sure you list enough tasks to take up more than 10 minutes.

Divide your students into groups of five or six and give them 10 minutes to collect as many points as they can by deciding which tasks to perform. A debriefing session is essential with this game. Guide your students to think about how they made decisions, which group dynamics came into play, and how they determined the value of each task.

Negotiation, critical thinking, communication, time management

15. Vision boards

A proud teenage girls sits on a staircase displaying her vision board

Unleash your students’ creativity while simultaneously helping them set goals for the future with a vision board. We don’t frequently take the time to express who we are and what we hope for. Setting aside time to contemplate can motivate teens to think deeply about what they really want in life and also fuel their desire to do what’s necessary in order to reach their dreams.

Self-confidence, motivation, critical thinking

Learn more: Why Teachers Should Create Vision Boards With Their Students at Study All Knight

16. Collaborative contract

This exercise for middle schoolers helps them establish values-based ground rules for a team. Each student takes an index card and lists three values that they believe will promote a sense of community. Team members discuss the values, consolidating them into more precise categories. They write the finalized list on a poster board, with each student signing it. Whenever there is a dispute, the team should refer to the “contract,” which holds everyone accountable.

The purpose of this exercise is to create a safe space to explore ideas by focusing on common language and shared expectations. Additionally, this activity prepares middle-school students for the workplace by emphasizing similarities rather than differences.

Negotiation, communication, listening, respect, team building

17. Zombie apocalypse

Students dressed as zombies role play as an example of job readiness skills

In this two-day lesson, students are required to identify soft skills, literary guides, and everyday objects that will help them survive a zombie apocalypse. They’ll work both cooperatively and independently and produce short pieces of persuasive writing to argue in favor of their survival.

Teamwork, interpersonal skills (collaboration), problem-solving

Learn more: Zombie Invasion Plan  at Teachers Pay Teachers (free)

18. Stoke their competitive fire

According to teacher Christine Weis , there’s nothing like a little healthy competition in the classroom. “It motivates students and drives them to put forth their best effort,” she says. “It sparks interest, passion, and ignites a fire within.” Not only can healthy competition build confidence, it can encourage students to learn something new and develop new skills. Try games, puzzles, sports, quiz competitions, team presentations, etc., to motivate your students to reach a higher level.

Motivation, work ethic, problem-solving, self-confidence

Learn more: 7 Motivational Activities for Students from The Homeschool Resource Room

19. The blindfold game

Teacher tying a blindfold onto students while another student helps adjust the bandana

Teens leading one another around in blindfolds? Are we sure this is a good idea? The answer is yes when it’s part of a structured, purposeful job-readiness skills activity like this one!

You’ll need a large space for this activity (maybe the cafeteria after lunch or the gym during an off-period), enough blindfolds for half of the participants, and furniture and other items that you can use as obstacles (cardboard boxes, pillows, chairs, tables). Scatter furniture and objects around the room before the activity begins. Your course should be challenging but safe to navigate.

Pair students and have them line up at one end of the room. One person from each pair should put on the blindfold. The sighted person must guide their partner across the room and give them clear oral instructions (without touching them) to help them avoid the obstacles. When each team reaches the far side of the room, partners can switch roles and repeat the exercise. Have just a few pairs at a time tackle the course so that the others can observe. Take some time between rounds to process what went well, what didn’t, and what could make the challenge easier.

Communication, listening, respect (taking the task and their partner’s safety seriously), flexibility

20. Take a mini crash course

Our teens may almost look like adults, but we have to remember they still have a lot to learn. And sometimes the best way to teach them what they need to know is to just spell it out. This video is a no-nonsense tutorial about some of the job-readiness skills that employers find valuable. Hold a screening, then after the video, have students form breakout groups to talk about what portion of the video they found most helpful and what they need to work on.

Communication, listening, critical thinking

21. Human knot

Teens outdoors playing the human knot game

Nothing promotes job-readiness skills such as cooperation like getting all tangled up with your classmates — literally!

Players stand in a circle and reach out to shake hands with other players, with each hand holding that of a different person, creating a “human knot.” Then the players have to figure out how to untangle their bodies without letting go of each other’s hands. This activity lends itself to a vibrant debriefing session as students observe their communication and cooperation skills.

Teamwork, communication, problem-solving

Learn more: The Human Knot Game

22. Mind your mental health

Managing stress in school (and on the job) is a timely subject. With mental health issues on the rise across the country, it’s critical to teach your students strategies that will help them stay grounded and build resilience. After all, it’s hard to do your best in any endeavor when you’re stressed to the max. Try the empowering activities below to teach students how to manage stress so they can succeed in college, on the job, and in the future.

Self-confidence, problem-solving, leadership

Learn more: 26 Empowering Mental Health Activities for Teens

23. Rope Circle Shimmy

Legs of two teens standing on two ropes strung on top of the pavement

Divide teens into two groups. Each group should have a minimum of five members. To begin play, make a big circle out of rope for each team and put it on the floor. Each member of the team stands at the edges of the circle, so the rope is taut around their ankles, while holding their hands in the air.

Team members must take turns moving to work the rope up from ankles to wrists, keeping hands in the air at all times. The team member will have to wiggle and move to slide the rope up. Other team members can help by keeping the rope as taut as possible. The team that finishes the challenge first wins!

Communication, flexibility, interpersonal skills (cooperation)

Learn more: Looped to Rope

24. Four-card negotiation

Sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to know how to wheel and deal. That’s what this lesson is all about. The objective is for teams to trade and barter for pieces of cards to match up with the pieces they already have and ultimately end up with four complete playing cards.

Start with a pile of playing cards (four cards per team of four or five students). Cut each card diagonally into four pieces and mix all of the pieces together. Now divide the mixed-up pieces evenly among the teams. Give teams a couple of minutes to sort out their card pieces and figure out which pieces they have and which pieces are missing. Set a timer for 10 minutes. The goal of the game is for the students to use their negotiation skills with the other teams in order to gain as many complete cards as possible for their team. At the end of 10 minutes, the team with the most cards wins.

Negotiation, communication, interpersonal skills

25. Pair up with younger kids

3 shots of a buddy activity book for younger kids and older kids to complete together

Nothing helps teens build responsibility like pairing up with a younger buddy. Being the more mature, more experienced partner in the relationship gives teens the opportunity to share what they know and learn to be a leader. Have your students plan fun activities and special events with their buddies.

Responsibility, leadership, problem-solving, listening, patience

Learn more: 20 Activities To Do With Reading Buddies or Big/Little Buddy Time

26. Blind spelling practice

Weaving soft-skills activities into everyday curriculum is a win for everyone. Enhance your students’ interpersonal skills with this fun spelling activity. Tape letters to each student’s back. Then call out a definition of a word. Students will need to work together to assemble in the right order to spell the word correctly.

Communication, listening, negotiation, problem-solving

Learn more:  Manuel Antonio Noronha

27. Practice small talk

Teens sitting in a circle making small talk

Teenagers aren’t exactly known for their chitchat skills. In fact, for many it is one of the most awkward situations they can imagine being put in. But small talk is considered a foundational job-readiness skill that is important for almost every job, as well as learning to network. Many teens feel awkward speaking with people they’re not used to speaking to and need practice, especially with adults. Try some free conversation starters that will help them practice the “three P’s” of small talk: being polite, positive, and professional.

Communication, listening, self-confidence, patience, respect

Learn more: Conversation Starters on the Job at Realityworks

28. Blind drawing

Try this hilarious activity with your teens. It’s kind of like “telephone” but instead of listening, each person must pay close attention to what is being drawn on their back. Each student in the line gets a blank sheet of paper taped to their back and a marker. The student at the end begins by slowly drawing an image on the person’s paper in front of them. When that person feels what’s being drawn, they try to re-create what they’re feeling on the person of front of them. When the image is complete, have the students take off their papers and compare the results. This activity is a colorful reminder that people often perceive things very differently, so communication is extremely important!

Communication, teamwork, patience

29. Mock interviews

Teen handing his resume to an employer during an interview

The prospect of going on a job interview can be terrifying to a kid who’s never had a job before. Practicing job-readiness skills like interviewing can help them reduce the fear factor and build their confidence. Pair students up and assign one teen the role of interviewer and one the role of interviewee. Use a set of job interview questions to practice with.

Give each pair 15 minutes, then have them talk about how the interview went. The interviewer may have some valuable insight for the interviewee. Then have the partners switch roles and repeat. After they’ve had practice with their peers, invite a few adults into the room to conduct mock interviews.

Interview skills, critical thinking, self-confidence

Learn more: Job Interview Questions for Teens at Understood

30. Group storytelling

Create small groups of three to eight students. The first person makes up the first line of a story and says it out loud. The second person says, “Yes, and …,” continuing the story. Play continues around the group until everyone has contributed or until the story has come to a satisfactory ending. Since students don’t know what’s coming, they have to learn how to listen carefully and react and communicate well on the fly. As an alternative, to have students listen even more carefully, have them continue the story with the phrase “because …”

Communication, listening, critical thinking, presentation

Learn more: 4 Soft Skills Training Activities at Unboxed Training and Technology

31. Team pen

Sometimes it takes the whole team to produce results. This fun game involves a marker with four to six strings tied to it and a blank piece of paper. The teacher calls out a word and the team has to work together to legibly print the word on the paper. Students will have to think carefully and cooperate with one another to maneuver the pen correctly to write the word.

Communication, teamwork, patience, critical thinking

32. Hold group brainstorming activities

Students sitting around a table talking with a sketch pad between them

When you assign a project (individual or group), instead of laying out all the options, gather students into small groups to brainstorm topics, strategies, and procedures. When they decide the parameters of their work, they will be more invested in the outcome.

Teamwork, work ethic, communication skills, critical mindset

Learn more: Soft Skills Activities for High School Students

33. Encourage peer review

As often as possible, allow students to both give and receive feedback from classmates on their work. Of course, receiving (and giving) constructive feedback may feel uncomfortable at first. But as the practice becomes part of their regular routine, students will learn the value not only in the classroom but also, one day, on the job.

Critical thinking, confidence, communication

Learn more: 7 Soft Skills for High School Students at College Transitions

34. Play games

Teens gathered around a table, talking and smiling

Oftentimes teens learn best when they are at play, especially if the chosen activity is especially engaging and fun. There are oodles of games (see link below) that foster trust and establish a safe place for learning. In addition, teens actually enjoy a break from the mundane and time to “play games” instead of work, work, work all the time.

Communication, team building, conflict resolution, problem-solving, collaboration

Learn more: 25 Games To Help Teens Learn Social Skills at A Day in Our Shoes

35. Practice with concentric circles

Choose a discussion topic ahead of time. Set up two concentric circles of chairs. Participants in the center circle sit as “talkers,” while those in the outer ring sit as “watchers.” For the first round, talkers address the topic while the listeners take notes. For the second round, students change places and roles.

Collaboration, listening skills, speaking skills, focus

Learn more: 10 Best Soft Skills Games for Efficient Training at Outsource Accelerator

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If you liked these activities that teach job-readiness skills, check out these “would you rather” questions to get teens thinking about their future careers..

Need ideas to help your students learn job-readiness skills to help them succeed in life after school? These soft skills activities will help!

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Opinion | Readers sound off on solving traffic…

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Opinion | Readers sound off on solving traffic congestion, commemorating Juneteenth and remembering Willie Mays

Traffic traverses 42nd Street near Grand Central Terminal, in New York, Jan. 11, 2018. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

Tolling cars is a poor patch for poor planning

Long Island City: There is no magic bullet to the problem of our congested streets. There is a way to address the problem but the answer is not congestion pricing. I read the “Be Our Guest” pieces by Liz Krueger (“ Killing the MTA’s toll program breaks state law ,” op-ed, June 7) and Alex Matthiessen (“ Hochul’s congestion pricing betrayal ,” op-ed, June 7) and while I agree with certain parts of both articles, I totally disagree that congestion pricing is the answer. I agree that Gov. Hochul’s about-face is stunning, to say the least. That said, our problem has only gotten worse over the years from poor leadership and planning.

I understand that buses move faster with dedicated bus lanes, but removing two lanes of traffic on major north/south avenues for dedicated bike and bus lanes only makes congestion worse. I could not cross Second Ave. and 40th St. one recent morning because of gridlock, and as usual, the worst offenders were NYC articulated buses completely blocking the intersection. Bike lanes along the curbs with cars parked further from the curb are extremely dangerous. Dining sheds should never be allowed in the streets, never mind this stupid plan to take them down for four months a year. Closures along Broadway for car-free pedestrian seating areas are another poorly planned and designed idea.

If you want to raise money for the MTA, create a $1 surcharge on all packages delivered by Amazon, FedEx and UPS. Our problems can be solved by good planning and design, but there does not seem to be a will among our elected officials to really address them. Paul Camilleri

Just another smell

Brooklyn: I have to laugh when I hear New Yorkers indignantly complain that since marijuana became legal, the supposedly offensive smell of weed has taken over everywhere. So, which of NYC’s signature street scents do you miss savoring fully? The rotting garbage, car exhaust fumes, second-hand cigarette smoke or the urine and feces? If you ask me, the herbal aroma one occasionally encounters wafting down the sidewalk these days is, if anything, a welcome upgrade to the city air’s ambience — and surely no more harmful to passersby than all the other toxins we were already inhaling. Katherine Raymond

Help in a pinch

Brooklyn: I want to thank the several people who helped my sister when she fell Tuesday night in Brooklyn. She hit her head on the sidewalk and there was a lot of blood. A man actually gave the shirt off his back to use for pressure on her wound! He also called the ambulance, and FDNY EMT came very quickly. All of the people who helped really made the situation less traumatic. Beautiful Brooklynites! Kerry Weirich

Holiday robbery

Camden, N.J.: Hawk Newsome has a good heart as it relates to wanting to render a favorable social event in the community. “The mayor is the Grinch that stole Juneteenth,” Newsome proclaimed (“ Juneteenth event stirs permit flap ,” June 20). New York City is the leader in the country as it relates to recognition of this newest federal holiday. And by rights, its acknowledgement of such a greatly deserved commemoration is well overdue. In the news, we hear of so many crimes perpetrated by our youth. The rules are the rules, but when it comes to activities that involve entertainment and free concession, particularly for young people, the city should be honorable. Wayne E. Williams

Use it to know us

Bronx: Not only Black Americans should celebrate Juneteenth. It is an American holiday that should be meaningful to all morally grounded Americans. When one American hurts, we must all feel the pain. Our contemporary white brothers did not enslave us, and the guilt over this human condition can not be passed down from one generation to another. But they must understand their duty to study how this stain on America still affects Black Americans. Knowledge is not only power, it can help heal our nation. Gilbert M. Lane

Irrelevant illustration

Bronx: I was looking forward to June 19’s Bramhall’s World, hoping to see his take on Juneteenth — perhaps something as moving as the annual Memorial Day cartoon. Instead, you ran a repeat of the previous day’s cartoon about bump stocks. What a letdown! Barbara Sulkowski

Root of the conflict

Penticton, British Columbia: Long for Middle East peace? Solve the Arab displacement and elimination of Arab parents and children, and now Gaza, by Benjamin Netanyahu and the original uninvited, destabilizing Zionist intrusion, or Israel will suffer a widening of its own self-created curse! Joe Schwarz

Prophetic reasoning

Kew Gardens: To Voicer Nick Smith: Ultra-Orthodox Jews don’t support Israel because they believe that only the Messiah will deliver the Jews to Israel and nothing else. They don’t care about the Palestinians. They support them in the hope that they will take down the government and wait for the Messiah. Steve Flatow

Offshoot ideology

Brooklyn: To Voicer Nick Smith: I learned the hard way that not all Jews believe in the state of Israel. The prophecy is that “there is no state of Israel until the Messiah comes!” According to the Satmar sect, the “Messiah” hasn’t come yet, so to them, there is no state of Israel. There might be other sects that agree with the Satmars. Harvey Kaplan

Bronx: Your otherwise excellent article “ Union’s power shift ” (June 19) repeats significant disinformation propagated by the city’s budget office: “The plan was expected to save the city $600 million annually and negotiated with the Municipal Labor Committee, including Mulgrew.” Shifting retirees from Medigap to Medicare Advantage would not save the taxpayers $600 million per year. Even the city’s attorneys admitted that the money would shift from the General Fund to the Health Stabilization Fund during the recent appellate decision, won by the plaintiffs. The Independent Budget Office testified at the City Council on Jan. 9, 2023, “that while this nominally frees up approximately $600 million annually, those savings will not accrue to the city’s general fund, a statement that is still true today. As a result of agreements made by the city with the Municipal Labor Committee, all the savings resulting from ending the city’s financial support for Medigap insurance will be contributed annually to the Joint Health Insurance Premium Stabilization Fund.” Stuart Eber, president, Council of Municipal Retiree Organizations

Escape plan

Brooklyn: There are three key reasons why Donald Trump desperately wants to be president again. They are, in no particular order, an obsessive need for attention, retribution against his perceived enemies and staying out of jail. He is so desperate that he brought the absurd case for total presidential immunity for any crimes committed to the Supreme Court. Only a true criminal would think this way in the first place. This blanket pardon would apply to future presidents from either party. I wonder how his supporters would feel about that. Irwin Cantos

Biased source

Manhattan: To Voicer Bob Sterner: I evidently believed that the Wall Street Journal was, or rather should be, a cut above Fox News and its printed counterpart, the New York Post, but alas, as you correctly noted, it is yet another Murdoch-owned property with obviously slanted coverage. Indeed, not only did the Journal leave out all positive references to President Biden’s mental acuity from sources formally interviewed, but will likely not report anything about the former president’s often bizarre, nonsensical and irrelevant ramblings on the stump, his recent failure to accurately recall his own personal physician’s name (after challenging Biden to take a cognitive test), his references to beating Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, or his conference last week with CEOs/business leaders who reported their dismay at his inability to stay on topic. I can only imagine what hay would have been made out of any such lapses if they were Biden’s. Denise Fortino

Baseball legend

Whiting, N.J.: Although I grew up a Mickey Mantle fan, and in my youth would argue he was the better player, I eventually reached the conclusion that I was wrong. Willie Mays was the best all-around ballplayer, a showman for the sport and a good man. Rest in peace, Willie. When they choose up sides for a game in heaven, you’ll be the first pick. Bill McConnell

More in Opinion

It was a warm summer day in Neshoba County, Miss. in June 1964. Three young men arrived to investigate a church fire bombing. It was about to become red hot. James E. Chaney, Andy Goodman and Mickey Schwerner were recruited along with hundreds of Black and white volunteers to register voters, develop schools, and secure better health care in the deep South. The project was known as Freedom Summer.


Opinion | chaney, goodman & schwerner live on.

Sixty years ago today, on June 21, 1964, Andy Goodman, Mickey Schwerner, and James Chaney were brutally killed in what came to be known as the “Mississippi Burning” murders.

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Today is the 110th birthday of Bill Vickrey, the Columbia economics professor and Nobel laureate who first came up with the concept of congestion pricing. This month was set to begin tolling vehicles driving south of 60th St. until Gov. Hochul illegally interfered.

Opinion | Congestion pricing countdown: An unhappy birthday to Bill Vickrey as Hochul’s folly derails the Second Ave. subway

Another year, another dispiriting set of results for those who care about the city’s eight elite high schools serving New Yorkers of all backgrounds.

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Welcome to the daily solving of our PROBLEM OF THE DAY with Nitin Kaplas. We will discuss the entire problem step-by-step and work towards developing an optimized solution. This will not only help you brush up on your concepts of Geometry but also build up problem-solving skills. Given three non-collinear points whose co-ordinates are p(p1, p2), q(q1, q2) and r(r1, r2) in the X-Y plane. Return the number of integral / lattice points strictly inside the triangle formed by these points. Note: - A point in the X-Y plane is said to be an integral / lattice point if both its coordinates are integral.

Input: p = (0,0), q = (0,5), r = (5,0) Output: 6

Give the problem a try before going through the video. All the best!!! Problem Link:

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    Problem-Solving: Arizona State University. Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success: Imperial College London. Solving Problems with Creative and Critical Thinking: IBM. Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose: Princeton University. Introduction to Mathematical Thinking: Stanford University. Problem Solving, Python Programming ...

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    There is a way to address the problem but the answer is not congestion pricing. I read the "Be Our Guest" pieces by Liz Krueger ("Killing the MTA's toll program breaks state law," op-ed, June 7 ...

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  30. PROBLEM OF THE DAY : 20/06/2024

    Welcome to the daily solving of our PROBLEM OF THE DAY with Nitin Kaplas. We will discuss the entire problem step-by-step and work towards developing an optimized solution. This will not only help you brush up on your concepts of Geometry but also build up problem-solving skills. Given three non-collinear points whose co-ordinates are p(p1, p2), q(q1, q2) and r(r1, r2) in the X-Y plane.