Army, Profession of Arms Essay

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The military as a profession of arms, the criteria used to determine the profession of arms.

The military as a profession has been a major subject of discussion in many states due to its complexity and its mandate to the people. The world has evolved from simple forms of military technologies to complex forms of military technologies. There are various forms of lethal and dangerous military technologies in the world today.

Every state has its own meaning of the profession of arms in relation to its past military cultures and traditions. The United States for instance describes it as, ‘ A preeminent military task that embeds soldiers’ preparation to combat including preparing to kill or preparing to die as the most basic principles of the force.’ A profession usually requires a lot of skills and knowledge. America embraces professionalism in its approach to military science since it has set out the basic principles of the army in relation to its work and expertise. The main clients of the American military are the citizens of America. The military profession is perceived to be a calling rather than an occupation. The profession involves the use of lethal weapons and an undefined force for the maintenance and defense of the laws and the rights of the American people. The soldiers are supposed to shoulder the heavy burden of their sole clients.

One of the criteria considered is expertise. This entails vast expert knowledge and the manifestation of unique skills in the various army units and command posts. Secondly, trust is important for peaceful civil relations between the military and civilians. This is also one of the basic reasons for proper and successful operations of the military since it is given the task of protecting its citizens at all costs.

In order for the profession to manifest itself in concrete terms, it must have continuous development that will greatly influence its meaning and purpose through good leadership. It must embrace the various codes of ethics that are stipulated in its creed such as adaptability and resilience to service. Another criterion is the values which it must embrace for the service of its country. The past cultures and beliefs of the military form an important aspect in the modern legitimacy of the military. This helps to shape the character of the soldiers both in combat and in civilian aspects. Lastly, service is a core motto of the profession of arms since it forms the basis of the military or army in general.

The army’s duty is to protect and serve the citizens of its state, maintain peace, security, protect the mandated territories, commonwealths, and possessions. The army has four modern perspectives that guide its operations which are the human development expertise of high quality service and knowledge through education and development systems, the political cultural expertise which entails the civil-military relations and media-military relations, military technical expertise which entails the employment of combat personnel, weaponry and equipments or systems, and the moral or ethical expertise(Bender,2007).The army needs to be given checks and balances through the army ethics and external relations.

The professional skills such as trust, leadership, character, and duty are the main cornerstones of the military institution. This institution should be respected by all the civilians and given provisions in the constitution in order to work effectively.

Bender, Bryan. Gates Calls for Buildup in Troops. Boston, USA: The Boston Globe Publishers, 2007.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 2). Army, Profession of Arms.

"Army, Profession of Arms." IvyPanda , 2 Feb. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Army, Profession of Arms'. 2 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Army, Profession of Arms." February 2, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Army, Profession of Arms." February 2, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Army, Profession of Arms." February 2, 2022.

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction, what it means to be a professional, the balancing role of the profession’s leaders, the army professional culture, the hr sergeant’s role in the army profession.

The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand the American army’s unique societal role. According to the Army White Paper, the role of the Human Resources Sergeant in the Professions of Arms (US Army, 2010). Although the Army White Paper is like any other government document, it plays a leading role in the need for a professional and expert armed force for a better country.

It means that the experts ensure that they produce some unique work that is synonymous with experts being professionals in a particular field. In addition, it also means that they engage in repetitive or routine work that makes their competence in the field because of being competent in what they do (US Army, 2010). Some of the best forms of subjects that are known to the public include medicine, the military, and theology, among others. These disciplines help the people involved to specialize and become competent in performing their respective roles.

The US army has a continuous challenge of ensuring that the profession is balanced in the discharge of its respective duties. Therefore, the strategic leaders in the army must ensure that the armed forces are always professional (US Army, 2010). In addition, the army has to balance its institutional practices with its internal climate and culture. Aligning the respective balancing roles of the armed forces with its corporate culture improves well-being, satisfaction, and commitment.

In any part of the world, the army is known to exhibit a professional culture that makes it one of the unique disciplines of a country. Therefore, the army culture influences its professionalism and personnel’s actions (US Army, 2010). In today’s society, comprehending how institutional culture influences professional behavior is relevant to leader competence. At the human resource level, the army must become self-aware so that it can be able to discharge its mandate.

The Human Resources Sergeant ensures that the Army processes enough staff and resources to serve its mandate and provide adequate services to the people. The role of the personnel also requires Sergeants to make sure no occurrences or events endanger the security and peace in the world (US Army, 2010). The army leadership is responsible for balancing various duties they have in their respective responsibilities. Therefore, they must ensure keeping and maintaining equilibrium between their responsibilities in liaison with the Human Resources section.

In conclusion, the Army White Paper is an insightful document that helps define the cardinal roles of the Army. All over the world, the army is known to be very professional and expert in whatever it does, such as the US forces. Balancing the role of the professional leaders within the army also ensures that strategic leaders such as general officers, colonels, and sergeant majors are well coordinated. The army has always had a professional culture, making it one of the most trusted and reliable fields. The role of the HR Sergeant in the profession is vital as he ensures sufficient personnel and resources to meet the army’s demands.

US Army (2010). An Army White Paper: The Profession of Arms. 

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 10). The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper.

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StudyCorgi . (2023) 'The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper'. 10 August.

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StudyCorgi . "The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper." August 10, 2023.

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