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Education Overhaul

Education Overhaul

A downloadable mod

This might just be my favorite mod I've made... This originally started out as a request to make a small addition of more school projects for children using game objects. It turned into something much more... I've done an overhaul of the Education Career and Preschool, Elementary/Middle, and Secondary school in the Sims 4 in general.

For YA and up, there's a new branch of the Education Career for K-12 teachers with new assignments, tasks, new career goals, rework of the education track, support for degrees and university career entitlements including custom degrees.

Toddlers have the option to go to preschool on Mondays-Fridays for about 7 hours. They will develop all toddler skills, have their needs met, and learn character values. They have a chance to  receive buffs at the end of their day.

Children and Teens are the focus of this mod. There are also a ton of new options for children and teens: in school interactions, field trips, the return of detention and military school, variable school projects, different types of homework assignments, new school options, and more.

Please read the mod description as it is very important you understand what the mod does and what it affects.

Education Career

  • Reworked the introductory track of the career to be broader and incorporate levels from Sims 1, 2, and 3
  • New Branch in Education Career: K-12 Educator
  • Added support for Discover University with required degrees. Sims needs a degree in Art History, Biology, Economics, Literature and Languages, Physics, Psychology, or Zero's custom Education Degree to advance to a branch
  • Degrees requirements from any of these fields leads to career entitlements for PTO, signing bonuses, performance, etc.
  • Shortened the length of time for tutoring and adjusted the pay for completion
  • New Custom Daily Task (Research Teaching Methods)
  • Work from Home Assignments (Answer Parent Emails, Research Teaching Techniques, Write Progress Reports, Attend Department Meetings)
  • New Career Goals for starting track and Educator branch

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Towards the end of finishing the mod, I realized I needed a preschool option that occurred during the day. Toddlers can now enroll in Preschool on Monday- Fridays from about 730am and will stay there for about 7 hours. Enroll the Toddler by clicking on the Toddler you want to enroll. They can manually be sent by clicking on the toddler, if necessary. While away, their needs will be met, they will gain skills, and increase their character values. You have the option to keep them home instead by canceling the Preschool interaction.

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**Note about Preschool and Daycare/Nanny: The Nanny/Daycare situation and notifications are hardcoded into the game. Therefore the notification will pop up when there's no one at home even if the toddler is already at Preschool. Y ou must choose the Send to Daycare option . This will not actually send them to daycare, they will go and stay at Preschool but the game requires a choice. Note also that if you travel off lot with another Sim, they will come back from Preschool when you return home. Because the game code does constant toddler checks and does everything in its power to send unattended toddlers to daycare, sometimes the toddler may come home early or go to daycare. I've blocked a lot of this, but it will still happen on occasion.***

New Education Enrollment Options

There are a few new education options in the game for children and teens. There are two independent/private prep school - Wintercrest Preparatory School and SimCity Academy- and two new alternate public options: Bedlington Latin School (a specialized exam school) and Striker Alternative School (an alternative school for learning difficulties and behavioral/social-emotional difficulties). There are two experimental boarding schools - Fort Starch Military Institute and Huntington Preparatory Academy. Please note that the boarding schools are an experimental feature and are still a beta.

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Application Process

All the new school options have application requirements to complete on the computer (under the School menu under Career)before your sim can join them. An application fee, a personal statement/essay, and a tour/interview/evaluation are required. After writing the personal statement and going on the tour/interview/evaluation, they will need to go back to the computer to submit their final application and pay the application fee for private/independent school. The student must complete and submit all application requirements, but if accepted, only parents can enroll their children. Similarly, only parents can withdraw their children from school. After submission, your sim should hear back from the Admissions Committee within 4 hours. You have 24 hours to enroll the student once accepted or the spot is lost. You can reapply after 5 days.

There is a chance a Sim's applications can be rejected, though this is less likely depending on grades, after which they will remain in public school. Sims who have a failing grade of F at any school have a chance of flunking out and being sent to Striker Alternative School.

Independent/Private and Exam Schools

Independent/private and the specialized schools works similarly to EA school although Sims are more likely to gain skills and increase character values due to their enrollment and learn skills faster due to their wider opportunities and first-rate education. Sims who attend independent/private school will wear uniforms. School hours are 7:30am-1:30pm for upper school students and 7:30am-2:30pm for lower school students.

Virtual School

Students can now be enrolled in Virtual School. To enroll in Virtual School, use the School menu under the phone (as the student) or the computer. Once enrolled, each day before school starts, they will have the option to Attend In-Person Classes or Attend School Virtually.

If they decide to attend school virtually, they will have three tasks to perform which can include (but are not limited to) the following options:

Group Session with Classmates

Study Independently

Do 2 Hours of Physical Exercise

Complete Experiential Learning

Complete Assessment

Attend Virtual Classes

Complete Assignments

Students must Log on and Log out of the Virtual Classroom at the beginning and end of each school day. When attending classes, students must choose from one core class, one elective class, and one skills class. Students enrolled in Virtual School still can participate in school activities including in-school opportunities and after school events and can receive assignments like other students. Occult School

Occult Sims can enroll on the phone under the School menu or on the computer in an Occults only school. There they will gain experience and skills related to their specific occult.

Boarding School

NOTE: Boarding Schools are an experimental feature! They may not always work as expected. If they don't work for you, withdraw your Sim via phone/computer and choose another school option. **When EA fixes rabbithole exit conditions, I will update functionality.**

Students who are at boarding school can only be withdrawn at their parent's behest or upon aging up to young adult. There's a chance that after a few days the Sim may become homesick. A parent will receive notification asking if they wish to withdraw the homesick Sim or not. While the student is away, they can still have texts sent to them and chat with family members through the relationship panel. If you wish a Sim to stop going to boarding school permanently, you must cancel the interaction and then either have an adult withdraw them using the phone/computer and they'll go to their local public school or you can apply to a different application-required school and upon acceptance they will automatically be withdrawn.

After aging up to teen and during holidays, your boarding sim will come home for a two day break and then return to boarding school. Once aging up to a teen, a notification will pop up asking if the parents wish to pay for another year's tuition or unenroll the sim. The sim will be enrolled into Public School upon unenrollment. During Summer your boarding sim will come home for summer break and then return to boarding school. You can end their break and send them back at anytime under the phone menu. Sims at boarding school will have the chance to learn and gain most major skills. You can bring your boarding school sim home at any time, but in order to formally enroll them in another school, you must withdraw them from boarding school via the School menu. Note: If your sim's still grey in the panel after returning from boarding school, travel to a different lot and then back and they should be normal again.

Grade School and High School Changes

Homework, School Projects, and Assignments

Added the ability for your Sims to do their homework online. The option exists under the Career menu.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Added more Homework Options for Children and Teen through Homework Book which increases skills and character values while fulfilling homework task

Unlocked Homework book options for Children:

  • Fill Out Activity Chart (Motor)
  • Do Math Problems (Mental)
  • Practice Vocabulary (Creativity)
  • Review Social Studies (Social)

Homework book options created for Teens:

  • Study Dramaturgy (Charisma/Acting)
  • Submit Original Composition (Piano/Violin/Guitar)
  • Prove Scientific Principles (Rocket Science)
  • Write English Paper (Writing)
  • Work on Art Critique (Painting)
  • Solve Linear Equations (Logic)
  • Compose Analytical Argument (Research&Debate/Logic)

New School Projects and Active Assignments

Randomly every week or two, child and teen Sims will receive the additional assignments and projects. Not completing these custom projects and assignments before the next school day will penalize their work performance. If assigned one of these custom projects and assignments, they will count as homework when assigned and Sims will not be able to use the homework book to complete their homework.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

A note about EA's Parenthood School Projects: If installed, these projects will now no longer be given every Monday. They will be randomly assigned along with the custom assignments. They will also need to be completed before the next school day, will count as homework, and will no longer be for extra credit.

  • Artwork Assignment - Spend time working on artwork/painting
  • Coding Assignment - Beginner coding assignment (new BG interaction)
  • Essay Assignment - Spend time writing an essay on computer or in homework book (new BG interaction)
  • Music Assignment - Practice for Band Concert, Orchestra, or Recital
  • Performance Assignment - Practice for Role by Learning Lines (new interactions, BG compatible), Singing, Puppet Theatre
  • Science Assignment- Chemistry Experiment (Children); Stargazing at Observatory (Teens)
  • Test Assignment - Study for Exam (new study options on the computer)

School Day Changes

Detention makes a comeback! If your sim spends most of their time in school (via one of the new away interactions below) either sleeping in class, disrupting class, goofing off, or gets caught doing homework there's a chance they could be sent to after-school detention. Detention lasts for about 2 hours. Detention is more likely the poorer a student's grades are. If a Sim gets Detention, their parents may discipline the student. If your Sim gets repeated detentions and have poor grades, they are more likely to be kicked out of school and forced to attend the alternative school.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

New Away Actions for Students

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Goof Around (Irresponsible) - Increases Fun. Lowers Performance, Responsibility, Emotional Control, and Manners.
Participate in Group Work - Increases Fun, Social, Skills, Responsibility, and Conflict Resolution. Slows the rate of performance gain.
Copy Homework - Increases Homework Completion. Decreases Responsibility and Manners. Chance for Detention.
Actively Participate (Study Hard) - Increases Performance, Skills, Empathy, Responsibility, and Manners. Decreases Fun.
Be Disruptive - Increases Fun. Lowers Performance, Responsibility, Emotional Control, and Manners. Chance for Detention.
Sleep During Class - Increases Energy. Decreases Manners and Responsibility. Chance for Detention.
University Prep - Teens only. Increases Performance, Skills, and Responsibility. Decreases Fun.
Attend Club Meetings - Increases Fun, Social, Responsibility, and Conflict Resolution.
Take Notes - Increases Performance, Skills, and Responsibility. Decreases Fun.

Field Trips

Students will now have a small chance at the beginning of the day to go on one of six Field Trips with classmates instead of to School. They will receive a buff at the end of their trip.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

  • Planetarium
  • Professional Theatre Production
  • Sim River Conservatory

In-School Events

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

At the end of the school day, children and teens can choose to participate in a Spelling Bee (grade school only), Student Body Elections (teens only), Science Fair, or Art Showcase. They have a chance to win a prize.

Honor Roll/Honor Society

Students with high grades and skills have an opportunity to make honor roll (Grade School and Middle School) or join the Honor Society (High School).

School Hours

Hours for public high schoolers have been changed from 8am-3pm to 8am-2pm.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Your sims can now experience the joys of snow days. They will randomly occur, mostly during winter but a small chance they can happen during fall or spring, on days when there's snow on the ground and your sims will have a day off to lament the snow or make snow angels!

Summer and Winter Break

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Sims enrolled in all schools (including the private school from the Private School mod) will now no longer be required to attend school during the summer and winter. They will have the opportunity be on break for the entire summer and mid-to-late winter and will automatically return to school on the next weekday of Fall/Spring. Of course, parents can elect to send their children back at any time via the School menu on the phone or computer as well as opt-out of sending them at all.

Dropping Out

For some, school just isn't the way. Children and Teens have the ability to use the Drop out of School option available in the School menu on the phone. Dropping out will make it more difficult to become promoted if they seek employment. An adult in the household can always enroll them back in school if they change their minds. (I will be adding a GED-type course and exam for those who drop out in the future).

School Milestones and After School Events

Note: The separate mod is being phased out and should not be used with this mod.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sims can sign up for Parent-Conferences and learn about their students' progress.

Game Night and Theater Performance

After school on some days, children and teens have an opportunity to get a chance to attend the school play or sports game with household members and friends.

Prom and School Dances

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

These now occur randomly during school nights.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Graduation now occurs automatically on a teen Sim's last day as a teen. If you having aging off, you can manually choose to have graduation for your teen, but it will not age them up. They will attend in cap and gown if from public or private school or in military dress if from military school. Depending on their grades, graduates have a chance to graduate with honors or be valedictorian. Upon graduation, they will be withdrawn from school.

School Picture Day

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

School picture day can now randomly have occurred during or at the end of the school day for both teens and children. Your sim will get a notification it happened and a random buff.

Academic Aptitude Test

During the last 3 days as a Teen, Teen Sims will receive a notification that they have the opportunity to go and take an Academic Aptitude Test via the phone or computer. Taking the test will give them a large boost in performance. This is especially helpful if you have a mod that takes into account a Sim's final grade level/trait for University acceptance.

Future Plans

  • Add the ability to obtain High School Graduate Level Certificate after homeschooling or dropping out and becoming Young Adult.
  • Update functionality for boarding schools once EA fixes rabbithole exit conditions
  • Add changes to university acceptance based on school performance and which schools attended (i.e. going to prep school might give you a little leg up in uni acceptance) in a collaboration with Ilkavelle
  • Add a couple active school trips and an actual graduation event to start after graduation


Required Packs

Discover University (Only for the Education Career. It's the adeepindigo_gameplaymods_EducationOverhaul_M_DU_REQUIRED_EducationCareer file. Do not install if you do not have Discover University.) High School Years (Only for the files labeled HSY)

Snowy Escape is NOT required for the EA Default version but if you have it, you can choose the pack uniform your sims will wear to Prep School in the ChooseSnowyEscapeUniform version.

Compatibility and Instructions

NOTE: Mod Conflicts simply mean the same files are used and if both in the game could cause one or the other not to work as intended depending upon how they're loaded. If a mod is not listed below, I did not find a conflict with it, but if you do, let me know.

Download Instructions:

Read Instructions 1-6 and the Compatibility and Conflict Information below. No other mods are needed for this mod to work. Place the entire folder from the zip file into your mods as is. The path should be similar to this: Electronic Arts -The Sims 4 - Mods - [adeepindigo] Education Overhaul v4. Do not change the name. If you have School Milestones installed, delete before adding this mod! Make sure if you have Family and Youth Activities, it's version 2.9 or higher.

Also, always clear your cache when installing or uninstalling script mods!!

1. Delete any previous versions (the whole mod and all modules).

No other mods are needed for the mod to work that are not included in the zip. Check, double check, and triple check you do not have a conflicting mod installed (detailed explicitly below) before installing.

2. Download the CORE file and script. Download any modules you want in your game. IF you choose to download the AlternateRabbitholeSchools, choose only ONE version.

EA Default (No Uniforms) Mod Version : This version of the mod has no custom uniforms and all schools including private schools have the default uniform settings (everyday). This will allow you to plan an everyday outfit to use for your sim but you'll need to change into it before school like usual.

Choose Snowy Escape Uniform Mod Version : Snowy Escape required. This version of the mod will allow you to choose a Snowy Escape uniform for each age and gender for all private school uniforms. I have prechosen a uniform for each age and gender. If you wish to change it, replace the files in the SnowyEscapeUniform folder with those you'd like instead.

Core (Required) - This is the main file required for the mod to work.

Extracurricular Activities and Events - This adds Sports/Game Night and  School Musical as events your Sims can attend after school.

Alternate Schools - This adds four new schools including one private school, one exam school, one independent school, and one alternative school. 

Boarding Schools - This adds boarding schools to the game.

Field Trips - This adds six field trips students can attend in lieu of school of certain days.

More Schoolwork Options Compatibility - This option is needed if more school work is installed and one has High School Years installed.

More Schoolwork Options - This requires Parenthood. It adds additional schoolwork options to your sim's homework book as well as different projects they can work on for homework including science projects, art projects, and more. 

Preschool - This adds a preschool option for toddlers.

School Breaks and Snow Days - This adds the option for students to get school breaks including a Winter break, Summer Break, as well as Snow Days.

School Day Changes and Possibilities - This adds in school events such as Science Fair, Honor Roll, Arts Show as well as Detention 

School Milestone Events - This adds school dances for grade  and middle school as well as prom and graduation for those without High School Years pack.

Virtual School - This adds an alternate school that Sims can attend from home

Education Career - This requires Discover University. This includes a revamp of the Education Career.

Education Overhaul/HSY Compatibility - This is required if you have High School Years pack.

Occult School - This is adds an alternate school that Sims can attend if they are occults to learn occult specific experience and gains

Skill and Character Value Gains - This optional file allows your sims to gain skills and character value points when at school

4.  If you do not have a pack corresponding to the required pack on the file name, do not install that particular file. The core mod and all modules without packs required in the names are BG compatible. 5. Clear Cache

6. For the Snowy Escape Version, I have prechosen a uniform for each age and gender.

If you wish to change it, replace the files in the SnowyEscapeUniform folder with those you'd like instead. The alternative options are in the AlternateSnowyEscapeUniform zip file.

Troubleshooting Instructions

1. If you are using the mod and can't access options, clear your cache and make sure you have the updated general pie menus. If you are looking for cheats, they are under the Action menu. 2. If you get BE UI errors, you are missing the general pie menus and/or the Mood Pack. They are REQUIRED. 3. The Shared Mod tuning files are required. You need ALL of the files unless you either have Private Practice in which case you don't need the GTW file or you use Dynamic Teen Life Addon for HSY Activities in which case you don't need the HSY Activities file. In all other cases, you need all the files. However, you only need one copy so if you use another mod that already includes the files, you only need to install them once.

4. If you are using the mod and get a game error or can't open your game, your download was most likely corrupted by your browser when downloading. You must do the following in order

  • Step 1: Delete all iterations of the download from your computer including downloads folder and mods folder
  • Step 2: Delete your browser cache
  • Step 3: Delete your game folder cache
  • Step 4: Delete your resource.cfg (it will be regenerated)
  • Load up the game and try again.
  • Step 5: If that doesn't work, try downloading from a different browser or the alternate download link in the mod's description post after repeating the first 4 steps.
  • Step 6: Load up your game again.
  • Step 7: If that doesn't work, try downloading from a different browser and using the alternate download link after repeating the first 4 steps.
  • Step 8: Load up your game and try again.
  • Step 9: If this does not work, you can try for mod support on Discord.

Compatibility and Conflict Information:

ItsKatato's PreTeen Mod will not conflict.

KS Education Bundle is compatible with one exception: the Better Schools folder will conflict and is not needed with this mod as similar options are included in this mod. Delete the files KS-Better Grade School mod.package and KS-Better High School mod.package . The rest of the Education Bundle is fully compatible.

Kuttoe's Career Overhaul is compatible with this mod with one important exception : the Education Career Goals package in Kuttoe's Career Overhaul. To avoid the issue, simply delete the file Kuttoe_CareerReqs_Education.package found under Kuttoe Career Overhaul Suite- Career Goals/Discovery University Careers. Do not use that package with this mod; they are incompatible and will cause issues.  All other portions of the Career Overhaul are fine to use with this mod.

LMS/Scarlet's Subject Homework will not conflict with this.

Shenanagin's Private School Mod will not conflict with this mod. You can withdraw your sims from Private School with this mod but you need to go through the Private School mod's enrollment event to gain entrance. However, if your sim is enrolled in Private School they will still get summer break, a chance for detention, field trips, and school assignments.

My School Milestones mod will conflict with this mod and is not needed with this mod as these options have been reworked and integrated into this mod. Delete that mod!

School Uniforms in Any World by MizoreYuki will not technically conflict but it will cause your Sims to wear Snowy Escape uniforms to public and private school and requires Snowy Escape.

Zerbu's Go to School works with this mod but if you choose to follow your sim to school you will not receive a chance for the additional assignments, new away actions, or receive detention. Those options are only available in the school rabbithole. You will not get the chance to follow your sims to school if enrolled in boarding school or independent/private school. If you aren't getting the popups for Zerbu's mod, rename the Zerbu - Go to School Mod Pack (Old Code) to !Zerbu - Go to School Mod Pack (Old Code) and make sure it's directly in your mods folder.

Zero's Required Degrees for Promotions-UNI package will conflict. The rest of the mod will not.

Zero's Teens Jump to University Mod will conflict. Ilkavelle has a similar mod that does not here .

Zafire's Mandatory School Uniforms will conflict. Please do not use with this mod. That mod has been included in this mod, many thanks to Zafire!

Install instructions

Read Instructions 1-6 and the Compatibility and Conflict Information below. No other mods are needed for this mod to work. Place the entire folder from the zip file into your mods as is. The path should be similar to this: Electronic Arts -The Sims 4 - Mods - [adeepindigo] Education Overhaul v4. Do not change the name. If you have School Milestones installed, delete before adding this mod! Make sure if you have Family and Youth Activities, it's version 2.9 or higher.

EA Default (No Uniforms) Mod Version: This version of the mod has no custom uniforms and all schools including private schools have the default uniform settings (everyday). This will allow you to plan an everyday outfit to use for your sim but you'll need to change into it before school like usual.

Choose Snowy Escape Uniform Mod Version: Snowy Escape required. This version of the mod will allow you to choose a Snowy Escape uniform for each age and gender for all private school uniforms. I have prechosen a uniform for each age and gender. If you wish to change it, replace the files in the SnowyEscapeUniform folder with those you'd like instead.

4.  If you do not have a pack corresponding to the required pack on the file name, do not install that particular file. The core mod and all modules without packs required in the names are BG compatible. 5. Clear Cache

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Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

The Sims 4 Education Career

Guide: should you become an administrator or professor in discover university.

The Sims 4 Discover University Education Career lets you be a professor or administrator

You can become either a Professor or Administrator if you pursue a Career in Education.

Career Quick Links

The Education Career is new in The Sims 4 Discover University. This career lets you choose between one of two branches - Administrative or Professor. So you either teach students or run the school. Both get a teacher's desk, apple clock and award they can hang on the wall. This career relies heavily on the new Research and Debate skill that came with the Expansion. It's a nice skill focused on learning and convincing others. As a work from home career, Education offers some flexibility in how the job gets done.

How to: Education Career Cheats Press Control + Shift + C then type testingcheats on and press enter. You can now get promotions with careers.promote education - you can also see all Career Cheats or visit a full list of Cheats in The Sims 4 .

Getting Started

Early levels.

Education is a work from home career, meaning you can choose not to go into work and instead complete a couple tasks. You get paid the same, but performance is gained a bit later. You'll need to use the Teacher's Portfolio you can find in your Sim's inventory to grade papers. If you happen to lose your Teacher's book, you can find one at a bookshelf under 'Homework Books'.

Teachers all unlock the desk and apple clock you will see in the pictures for Administrator and Professor found below. Overall this is a fairly simple career that will be made much easier if you get ahead of the two logic levels. Because of its steady Monday to Friday shifts advancement can be fairly rapid with a good routine.

Teachers are able to eventually tutor students online to make a little side cash, but it's not much. They can teach Health, Technology, Art, Communication, and Entertainment.

Education Career Levels 1-5

Administrator branch.

An Administrator in The Sims 4 Discover University

The Administrator Branch focuses mostly on the budgeting side of education. As such, a lot of their work from home tasks will revolve around using the computer to review budget proposals, plan agendas for meetings, and writing recommendation letters. Planning an agenda makes Sims confident, as does Create Lesson Plan, but only for about 3 hours. Creating a lesson plan raises logic, while many of the others raise Research and Debate. I suppose this is nice, as at times when you work from home the very tasks you'll have to do will help keep you moving along in R&D. Here are the career levels and when you unlock various things (mainly at the first and last levels).

Administrator Career

Professor branch.

Be a professor in The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack

A male Professor in the max-level clothing for their field. The awards hanging are about all they receive in terms of new objects.

Professor Career

Overall the difference in these two careers is not very great as far as I'm able to tell. One focuses more on Logic , the other on Charisma . Neither had any fantastic rewards for me to discover. Let us know if we missed something!

Other Discover University Guides

  • Discover University Features Guide
  • Discover University Cheats
  • Degrees in Discover University
  • Education Career - Professor or Administrative
  • Engineering Career - Mechanical or Computer
  • Law Career - Private Attorney or Judge
  • Gameplay Features Guide (Robotics, Secret Society) Video
  • New Video Making a Better Student Video Guide
  • Research and Debate Skill - Convince Others & Debate Guild
  • Robotics and Cybernetics
  • Student Organizations (University Groups)
  • New Lot Traits : Study Spot and University Student Hang Out
  • The Secret Society of Britechester

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Add Comment

Comments (4).


Quick question. Any suggestion on University majors that help out education career later?

(PS thanks for all your hard work for us)


Look on this page (click) where you will see all the degrees with which career they boost listed in the same box.


The Practice Lecturer link doesn't seem to work (for me). It says it is in the friendly interaction but I am yet to find it when clicking on other sims. Any suggestions? My boss is disappointed with my work.


Instead of doing what it tells you to do, just click on a mirror and you should find the practice lecture prompt.


I'm stuck. For the Professor Career you say the "Work from Home" assignment is 'Ask to Volunteer' and 'Practice Lecture'.. Not in my game. Mine is 'Practice Lecture' and 'Conduct Research'. The latter of which I can not get to complete. No matter WHAT I RESEARCH. I have asked other sims to volunteer.. Nothing! I have used the computer, mirror, gardening NOTHING.. HELP! I'm currently a Lead Lecturer at level 7 of career, logic is 10, debate skill 9, charisma 8.. I'm stuck

Try saving then quitting out of your game. Then delete the localthumbcache.package file from your The Sims4 folder.


You need the special Research computer in order to fulfill that requirement.


If one of my sims is a professor, and another is a student, will the professor appear as a possible professor for a student? Thanks.

Make Seasons Better!

  • Disable Seasons individually
  • Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
  • Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
  • Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
  • Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
  • Disable Fall Leaves
  • Disable Ground Snow

A Deeper Game

The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.

Cottage living

The Sims 4 Cottage Living

You can also find handy Cottage Living Cheats

I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!

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Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.

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Snowy Escape Cheats Lifestyles in Snowy Escape Climb Mt. Komorebi Sentiments in Snowy Escape Rock Climbing Skiing Skill Snowboarding Skill

Sentiments & Platforms (Free Patch!)

I've released a guide to Sentiments in The Sims 4 & Snowy Escape .

There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4 . There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.

Best Mods in Sims 4

I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.

Secrets and Other New Stuff

New - Secrets I have a new guide to secrets in the game . If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4 .

Nifty Knitting is now available. Learn all about the stuff pack on my guide page here .

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How to do homework in The Sims 4 High School Years

Your teen Sim doesn’t have to do homework, but they should sometimes

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A teen Sim does homework on a plain desk

In The Sims 4 ’s new expansion, High School Years , your teen Sims can head out to school the same way some Sims head to work. You can go with them to control what they do throughout the school day, affecting their relationships and academic growth.

Notably, in the career tab for the teen Sim, you’ll see that they have a daily task to “do homework” after every school day (as you’d expect from school). Though homework for young Sims is not a new addition, it can be new for players who never had teenage Sims.

The homework your teen Sim has to do will be in their personal inventory , as a little blue book. You can select it and click “do homework” and your teen Sim will move to a nearby table to do it.

The inventory menu screen of a teenage sim with homework inside

Based on our gameplay, not doing homework didn’t do anything too dramatic to the Sims’ school performances. As long as your teen Sim is attending class, they’ll progress in their career just fine. However, if you want them to improve their grades faster, they should actively be doing their homework.

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How to Do Homework in The Sims 4 – how to complete homework for child, teen, and university student Sims

How to Do Homework in The Sims 4 – how to complete homework for child, teen, and university student Sims

Posted in Guides

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Need to know how to do homework in The Sims 4? Getting good grades and keeping out of trouble is a great start for any Sim, but it can be difficult if you don’t know how to get homework done.

The Sims 4 lets players take control of every aspect of a Sim’s life, from waking up in the morning to completing aspiration goals. Whether you’re playing it on a gaming pc or the best laptop for Sims 4 , this is all possible with just the base game, and doesn’t even include mods or custom content . Completing homework is just one way you can take control. If you need help getting your Sims to do homework in The Sims 4, we’re here to show you how.

Step-By-Step Guide to Doing Homework in The Sims 4

The Sims 4 How to Do Homework

How you perform homework depends on which stage your Sim is in their education. Here’s a detailed guide for doing homework across all ages in Sims 4.

Children – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

To get your child to do homework, follow these steps:

  • Send your child to school.
  • When they return home, select the child and check their inventory . There should be an orange book – this is their homework book.
  • Click on the book and select Do homework . The child will sit down and begin completing the task.
  • If needed, an adult Sim can assist with their child’s homework, which will speed the process up.

Make sure your character completes their homework before the next school day for optimum performance at school.

Teens – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

If you’re struggling to get your teen Sim to do homework in The Sims 4, follow these steps:

  • Send your teen to school.
  • When they return home, check their inventory . Your teenage Sims should have a blue book, which is their homework book.
  • Complete steps 3 and 4 as above.

Getting a teen Sim to do homework is largely the same as having a child Sim complete it. The only difference is that a teen Sim’s homework book will be blue, not orange.

University Student – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

If you have the Discover University expansion pack installed, here’s how you can get your Sim to do their homework:

  • Have your Sim go to class.
  • When they return, open the character’s inventory . There should be a homework book.
  • Click on the homework book and choose Do homework . If your Sim takes multiple classes, you’ll have to choose which homework to do. 
  • Repeat until all homework is done.

Sims who have enrolled at university will have much more homework than other Sims because they will attend multiple classes. It’s a good idea to get each piece of homework done before the next class, as this will lead to bigger XP rewards and better progress at university. 

To speed up the time it takes for your character to complete their university homework, try leveling up their Research and Debate skills. This will reduce the time taken to complete homework considerably. 

Why Is Doing Homework Important in The Sims 4?

By doing homework, your Sim will perform better at school, leading to better school grades . This will ultimately result in better job opportunities and higher wages. Additionally, you’ll be able to unlock several achievements by performing well at school.

There’s everything that you need to know about doing homework in The Sims 4. Be sure to check out how to move items freely in The Sims 4 and how to edit sims in CAS if you need more help navigating the life simulator.

Sims 4 Homework FAQs

How do you complete homework in The Sims 4?

All you need to do is open the inventory of the students and find the homework they brought home from attending class. You can click on it, and then choose to complete it.

Is homework the same for children and teens?

Yes, the method for completing homework is the same for child and teen Sims. The only difference for university students is that they need to complete homework for each class they attend that day.

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Sims 4 How to do Homework Guide: All You Need To Know

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When you think of gaming, homework probably is the furthest thing from your mind– but in the Sims 4, knowing how to do homework is the key to becoming a successful student, integral with the parenting skill, and impacts your Sims’ life in a few ways.

One thing’s for certain: whether you’re trying to raise a family, or cramming study sessions in between dorm parties, knowing how to do homework is a must in the Sims 4– and there’s more to it than you might think. Consider this your guide to homework, and all things related, in the Sims 4.

Homework in Sims: A Brief History

Homework has been signature gameplay in the Sims franchise. As a life simulator, it only makes sense that, just like players have to contend with paying bills, cleaning dirty dishes, and juggling careers with relationships, parenting, and everyday life. And it’s actually rather interesting to see how doing homework in the Sims has been important from generation to generation, but also evolved.

Here’s a Sparknotes version of the history of homework in the Sims franchise.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Homework was not a mainstay of the original Sims game, but it was in the Sims 2. In the Sims 2, homework was important for teens, kids, and the then-new young adult life stage.

Children and Teens

A child and teen in the Sims 2 were required to go to school (with options for both public and private). Homework was generated daily. After the bus brought the kid home, that child Sim would have a physical copy of homework in their hand. Normally, homework would be set on a desk or nearby surface, though I remember many times it would just as often be placed on the ground. Completing homework had a direct effect on the Sims’ grades. Every day without incomplete homework resulted in a deduction.

A teen’s homework was a duller color, compared with the bright hues of a kid’s homework. If a Sims’ needs were not met, then they would likely not finish homework. When a Sim aged up, their homework automatically disappeared.

There were a few basic interactions for children and teens with homework in the Sims 2.

  • Work on Homework
  • Complete Homework
  • Ask for Homework Help — this could be asked of any older Sim, and not only helped Sims complete homework more quickly, but also allowed them to complete homework more efficiently in the future.

Young Adults

Young adults were introduced in the Sims 2 University expansion pack, and have since become perhaps the most popular life stage in the Sims franchise. In the Sims 2, this life stage was limited to the University expansion. These young adults worked on assignments in order to influence their grades. It worked in a similar way as with kids and teens, though in addition to homework, they also had exams to deal with.

Sims 3 continued the homework system from Sims 2, making it clear that doing homework would become an expected gameplay feature in the Sims franchise. In many ways, Sims 3 kept the same basic systems for homework intact but enhanced it through new traits, packs, and an updated interface.

School, again, was mandatory for children in the Sims 3 , with a new boarding school option for no private school. If a Sim was sent to boarding school, there was nothing that you needed to worry about in terms of completing homework. Otherwise, it worked more or less the same way: new homework was generated and had to be completed for every school day.

New features included:

  • The ability to do homework with a Sim of the same age
  • The ability to copy homework (which could send them to detention)
  • Ability to work on past due homework
  • Enhanced homework completion with the workaholic and bookworm traits or if your Sim was a vampire (Sims 3: Supernatural expansion)
  • Homework became a hidden skill
  • Sims with an A average could select their new trait when they became a teen or young adult
  • Grades listed in the new Simology panel

Young Adults (and Adults)

Sims who opted to attend college (via the Sims 3: University Life expansion pack), of course, had homework of their own. Homework, or assignments, were fairly similar to Sims 2, and, like Sims 2, the grades were determined by other factors like exams, but also somewhat how they behaved in their seminars, as well as outside projects.

Homework in the Sims 4- Your Guide

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

If you’ve played previous Sims games, the good news is that homework in the Sims 4 isn’t too different from previous Sims games. But like each generation, there are different tricks and tips you need to keep in mind to be successful, whether you are just looking to complete homework to help teens pass high school, or your Sims are tackling on a degree at the University of Britechester or Foxbury Institute of Technology.

Here’s what I think you need to know.

Children are required to go to school, and Sims 4 does arguably take a step back in that public school is the only option for children and teens.

Getting to School

In a curious move, Sims 4 does not have any transportation that picks Sims up. In fact, the lack of even cars in the game has been a source of contention. In any case, a school bus won’t pick up children or teens, nor can you watch them make their way to school, as you could in the Sims 3. Instead, children and teens will either automatically transport themselves to school, or you can prompt them.

Decisions During School

Especially if you have Sims 4 Parenthood game pack, you can influence teen and child Sims’ days at school, at least a little. Pop-ups may occasionally come up where you are given a scenario, just as another kid caught cheating, or your Sim being teased. Some of these will impact your Sim’s mood and social life. Sometimes, a child or teen will also ask for advice, which is tied to Sims 4 Parenthood parenting skills.

Locating Homework

As was the case with Sims 2, there is a small distinction in the appearance of children and teens’ homework. Children Sim will have a yellow Grade School Handbook, which, when not being worked on, is typically in their inventory. Teen homework is a blue notebook.

If you’re like me, though, sometimes homework gets lost in the house. If that happens you can actually purchase homework from a bookcase for a single simoleon. And unlike in the Sims 2, homework isn’t assigned to one Sim in particular, meaning a kid can complete their homework even if it wasn’t their original copy.

How to Do/ Complete Homework

To work on homework, simply drag it out of your Sims’ inventory and click on it for the “Do Homework” option. You can have your Sim to do homework all at once, or pick it back up after taking care of their needs. Remember, your teen or child Sim will be assigned homework every school day, with no new homework on weekends.

Homework and Grade Performance

Knowing how to do homework in Sims 4 is helpful for grade performance, but it also isn’t the only factor. In fact, by building skills, working on projects, and even keeping your Sims in a good mood, you can remain a fairly good student even when you skip homework from time to time.

Sims that are at a B or A average also will have access to the “Do Extra Credit” option. This pops up after they complete their homework for the day and you select their homework a second time (homework doesn’t disappear after being completed like previous Sims games). Extra credit is a chance to boost your Sims’ grades even more.

School Projects

School Projects are a unique feature exclusive to the Sims 4: Parenthood game pack. Available to teens and children, Sims can both work on their own projects and assist others. Working on a project builds all child skills at once.

Unlike homework, there is no official deadline for school projects so there aren’t penalties for however long it takes. Once a project is completed, the student can start on a new one. Adults can help both teens and kids; kids can be helped by teens/.

You’ll be able to select from one of seven projects, all available for purchase on build mode. The completed project will be rated as excellent, good, or poor. Siblings may get upset with one another if their project is destroyed by a brother or sister.

How to Do Homework Faster

I admit; sometimes I get impatient with doing homework in Sims 4, especially if I have other plans for the family. The good news is that, if you work on your Sims’ skills, you can speed up the process for children.

You’ll need to work equally on the four major skills for Sim Children: creativity; mental; motor; social; and mental. Level 3 of all of these allows you to “Breeze through Homework” while level 7 allows them to “Dominate Homework”.

For teens, your only real option is installing a mod (which I will discuss later).

University Students

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Young adult and adult Sims can attend one of two campuses if you have the The Sims 4: Discovery University expansion pack installed. Homework, as you might imagine, is part of the equation–but the homework system looks different for adult and young adult Sims than it does for younger Sims, which impacts how you should do homework.

Getting Accepted

I won’t go into a full guide to the Discover University pack, but, in a nutshell, you Sim will have to first apply using a computer. Based upon their previous grades, skill set, and some other factors, they will either be offered or denied admission to the program of their choice at the University of Britechester of Foxbury Institute of Technology.

There is also the opportunity to gain scholarships and take out loans to finance their education. In my experience, most get accepted to school but may be limited to pursuing an honorary degree. Humanities-based degrees at Britechester, like English Literature, are honorary, while if you want a science or technology degree with distinction your Sim should attend the more modern Foxbury.

Homework Load at University

Homework is a part of the university experience in Sims 4, and doing it will help your Sims’ performance. Homework appears in their inventory (as a black and white book) and is meant to be completed before every class. You can also purchase homework from a bookshelf or the college’s kiosk (found out on the quad).

Classes are usually in the form of seminars and do not last all day, but your Sim, depending on your enrollment decisions, will likely have at least two classes per day, meaning you’ll have to juggle multiple assignments.

Other Types of Homework

In addition to doing daily homework, Sims need to attend class regularly. You’ll also be working towards end of the semester exams, final projects, and term papers, depending on the class. Doing homework daily is helpful in keeping their grade average high, and putting a little less pressure on a term paper. It is possible to flunk out of college, so doing homework on a regular basis and attending classes is a must.

How to Make Homework Easier

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Knowing how to do homework doesn’t cut it, though. Between classes, roommates, parties, extracurriculars, and just taking care of basic needs, if you’re like me, you’ll want to tip things in your Sims’ favor a little. Here are some tips

  • Work on skills related to their major, or current classes
  • Keep your Sim in a good mood by keeping needs in check
  • Decorate your space with objects that exude a “Focused” mood (you can see this if you hover over objects in buy mode)
  • Lock your dorm room to other Sims when studying
  • Work on the Research and Debate skills
  • Study in the library or another place if your roommate is partying
  • Live off-campus and apply the “Study Spot” lot traits

Using Mods for Better Homework

If you know how to do homework in the Sims 4 but want it to run more smoothly, another option is to download a mod. I always caution that mods are at your own risk, and they can break, so make sure you check to see that the mod has been updated and that you’re downloading from a secure site.

Better Autonomous Homework by LittleMsSam

This mod fixes what many saw as a deficit in the Sims 4 homework system, by making sure that child Sims will do their homework without your prompting. Now and Sim with an A, B, or C average won’t require you to direct them to do their homework, at least initially.

There are optional add ons, too, such as careers affecting the speed they complete their homework; automatic transfer of homework to inventories when not in use; and a mod for NPCs. Read/ Download Here .

Faster Homework (University Edition) by Scarlet’s Mods

As the name suggests, this mod allows your Sims studying at college to do homework faster. While homework normally takes 150 Sim minutes to complete, this mod allows them to complete it in 10, 25 or 50 minutes. It’s truly a huge time saver. Read/ Download Her e.

Subject Homework by ScarletQueenKat

Subject Homework adds a little nuance and potential storytelling element for how to do homework for teens and kids in the Sims 4, all the while improving skills. Children will now be able to practice vocabulary (improves motor skill); review social studies (increases social skill) and do math problems (improves mental skill).

Teens can now solve algebra problems (increases logic skill); write a fitness article (raises fitness skill); practice creative writing (increases writing skill); and study music theory (improve the guitar skill).

Download/ Read Here .

Question: Where is homework located in The Sims 4?

Answer: You can find homework in your Sims’ inventory. Sometimes. Sims will work on it and place it elsewhere. If you lose homework, it can be purchased from a bookshelf for one simoleon, or at a University kiosk for college students.

Question: Can you grade homework in Sims 4?

If you have Sims 4 Discover University installed, you get an opportunity to grade homework if your Sim is in the Education Career. To grade homework, you need to navigate to the Education Career menu. From there, you can access student homework.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to do homework in the Sims 4 can make your playing experience a lot easier. With the help of skills, and maybe some mods, homework will take up less of your gameplay time, while your Sims still stay top students–if they, and you, so choose.

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How to Find Sims 4 Lost Homework: What To Do When Homework is Missing

Oh no, your sim’s homework is not in their inventory! Here’s how to quickly fix the sims 4 missing homework glitch.

what to do sims 4 lost homework

What to do if you lost homework in Sims 4?

There are really only two things you can do if your sim’s homework is lost: you can look for it by checking all the places missing homework usually ends up or you can buy new homework.

If you need more help than that, you’ll find it all in this post!

First, I’ll go over the best places to find lost homework then I’ll show you all the easy ways you buy new homework (university homework included!)

Places to Check for Sims 4 Missing Homework

The most obvious explanation is that it’s somewhere in or around your sim’s home.

Check all around your lot for the lost homework. Child sims love to stop doing their homework and leave it randomly in the middle of the floor!

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

If your sim was doing homework at a community lot , it’s likely they set it down and it’s somewhere around there.

If your sim tries to leave the community lot without bringing their homework, usually you’ll get a notification that it’s been returned to their inventory when your sim gets back home.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

I know I already told you to look around your sim’s lot, but just in case you didn’t already, check any bookshelves around the house . It may have been put away in there.

And lastly, if your sim’s homework isn’t in their inventory, maybe it’s in someone else’s.

View the inventory of all the sims in your household to check that the lost homework wasn’t stolen!

How to Buy Homework in Sims 4

If you can’t find your sim’s homework notebook, there are 4 ways to buy new homework in Sims 4: bookshelf, computer, university kiosk, or build mode by unlocking hidden objects .

I’ll take you through how to buy new homework using each of these methods.

And in case you were worried, it doesn’t affect your sim’s homework completion level if they lose it and have to buy new. Your sim’s homework will still be listed as complete if they had completed it before it went missing!

To buy homework using a bookshelf, click ‘ purchase books ‘ and then select ‘ homework books ‘ from the drop-down categories.

This will allow you to buy all the possible homework types in Sims 4 including:

  • grade school homework
  • homework (high school)
  • university homework
  • soccer team playbook
  • teacher’s padfolio of student homework

Prices vary, but high school, university, and grade school homework is 1 simoleon.

Keep in mind that when you buy homework with the bookshelf, the new homework will be on the bookshelf.

After buying, you need to open the bookshelf and place it in your sim’s inventory.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

To buy homework in sims 4 using the computer, you’ll follow almost exactly the same steps you did when buying with the bookshelf.

I have a mod in my game that makes the computer setup more organized, so my sim’s computer menu looks different. (You can find it at #32 on my list of must-have sims 4 mods !✨)

But all you have to do is find the ‘ purchase books ‘ option and then select ‘ homework books ‘ from the drop-down categories, just like you did with the bookshelf.

This time, the new homework will be put directly into your sim’s inventory!

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

If your sim is in college and lost their homework, you can buy new university homework at the kiosk located on campus in either Britechester or Foxbury.

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Just find the kiosk and click ‘ buy university items ‘.

Then you’ll want to click on the book icon labeled ‘ academics ‘ to narrow the items down even further.

You can find the university homework by scrolling all the way down. Just buy it and it will appear in your sim’s inventory!

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

And finally, you can easily buy homework in build mode by unlocking all hidden objects using cheats.

If you don’t know how to do that, here’s my easy step-by-step guide on how to unlock hidden all items in build mode .

Once unlocked, search for homework in build mode and place it somewhere on your sim’s lot.

Then have your sim put it into their inventory by clicking on the homework or simply dragging it directly into their inventory!

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

I hope that this post on finding missing homework in sims 4 was SUPER helpful! Leave me a comment if you have any other questions and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

For more sims 4 content, follow me on Tumblr and Pinterest , or check out the other categories on my blog like cc lists , best mods , cheats , and gameplay ideas .

This post was all about Sims 4 Lost Homework.

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How To Do Homework In The Sims 4

How To Do Homework In The Sims 4

Written by 

Kiera Mills


6th Jul 2022 16:50

Homework in The Sims 4 is an extracurricular activity that sim children and teens can do at home. To learn more about homework in The Sims 4 read on.

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Homework in sim's inventory in The Sims 4

As your sim children and teens age up-they'll automatically receive homework in their inventories. Children receive yellow 'Grade School Homework' and teens receive blue 'Homework' books. The homework is individual to each sim, sims cannot do other sim's homework for them. If you lose the book around the neighbourhood, you can purchase another set of homework for your child through the 'buy books' menu on a bookcase or PC.

To do homework simply click on it in your inventory and select 'Do Homework'. The activity will take longer if your sim is in a bad mood. You can speed up the interaction if you get an adult sim to 'Help with Homework' by interacting with the sim whilst it is working. After completing the homework, you can interact with it again to complete 'Extra Credit Homework' for additional gain.

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How To Improve Grades In The Sims 4

Parents helping with a school project in The Sims 4

Doing Homework is an easy way of ensuring your child improves their grades. School works in a very similar way to sim careers in the fact that homework acts as an extra activity you can do to boost performance.

To boost performance, you can also ensure that your sim goes to school in a good mood with their needs all met and choosing the 'Work Hard' option on their icon picture whilst attending class. You can also raise a child's skills to increase performance. Skills include mental, motor, creativity and social.

Children can sometimes come home with a school project if you have The Sims 4: Parenthood installed. If this is the case, you'll receive a notification that they have received a project from school. Projects range from making volcano displays to castles and other dioramas. These are a good way of boosting your sim child's grade as well as boosting skill gain. The project will perform even better if you get a parent to help the child with the project. Projects can also be bought from the build and buy mode if you wish to help your child's grade along faster.

If the child's grade starts to fall, it will trigger an interaction where the principal will ring the child to discuss their failing grades. The child's grades will also suffer if they choose to skip school. This can be done by simply cancelling the interaction for them to go to school in the morning. They may also get a pop-up from a classmate asking them to skip school if you have The Sims 4: Parenthood installed.

  • Check out our recent Sims 4 Werewolves review to see if it's worth a purchase or not.

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The Sims 4 Discover University: Education Career Guide

11 13 19 12 32 36 PM

Presented by EA Game Changers

The Education Career is just one of three brand new careers that come with The Sims 4 Discover University. The career itself comes with two branches.

As with any career, your Sim can join the Engineer Career simply by sitting down at a laptop/computer, using their cell phone or by the job tab on the user interface. You should keep in mind that if your Sim has completed a degree that relates to the chosen career that your Sim is joining, they have the option to either start at the lowest level or at a higher point in the career. You will also notice that your Sim will receive a higher hourly rate and a signing bonus (which is only awarded once per Sim every seven days) and also more vacation days.

Once you have joined the career you will be greeted with a pop up asking you if you wish to start the first Work From Home Assignment/Work Assignment/Daily Task. You can either start it right away or hold off and do it at a time that suits your Sim better. Just make sure it is completed as soon as possible every time.

Note:  If you are not sure what your Sims work from home assignment is or what you need to do you, can head to the  Career  panel and there will be a section for  Work From Home Assignments/Work Assignment.  Hover over the required task and it will let you know how to complete it.

When it is time for your first shift you will be presented with another small pop up which asks you if you want your Sim to  Go To Work ,  Work from Home  or  Take Paid Time Off (PTO) . The choice is up to you. If you choose to Go To Work or Work From Home you will still be working towards your Sims next promotion. If you choose to Take PTO your Sim can go about their day however they please. If you choose to Work From Home make sure you check the  Career Panel  to see what tasks your Sim needs to complete during the day.

Substitute Teacher

  • Hourly Rate – $22
  • Schedule – Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 8 am-4 pm

Teaching Assistant

  • Hourly Rate – $32
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 2 research and Debate Skill
  • Bonus – $425 & A is for Apple Clock
  • Hourly Rate -$38
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 3 research and Debate Skill
  • Bonus – $475 & The Teacher’s Desk

Mentor Teacher

  • Hourly Rate -$44
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 4 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
  • Bonus – $525 & The World Is Your Oyster

Department Head

  • Hourly Rate -$56
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 5 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
  • Bonus – $595

The Education Career divides into two different branches which are either the Administrator branch or the Professor branch. You can choose either one and see where it takes your Sim.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Education Career Guide

Administrator Branch

Student services officer.

  • Hourly Rate -$100
  • Schedule – Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9 am-5 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 6 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
  • Bonus – $1000 & the following interactions Review Budget Proposals, Ask for Donation, Plan Agenda for Faculty Meeting and Write Grants.

Dean of Admissions

  • Hourly Rate – $125
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 7 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
  • Bonus – $3,500

Director of Academics

  • Hourly Rate – $170
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 8 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
  • Bonus – $2,500 & Memories of Graduation


  • Hourly Rate – $225
  • Schedule – Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 10 am-4 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 9 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
  • Bonus – $3,200

Head Chancellor

  • Hourly Rate – $325
  • Schedule – Tues, Weds, Thurs 10 am-4 pm
  • Bonus – $3,150 & Learning Embetterment Award

Once your Sim becomes earns the Head Chancellor promotion, there will be no further promotions. However, your Sim can earn a raise that will increase their hourly rate over time.

Professor Branch

Inspired instructor.

  • Hourly Rate – $72
  • Schedule – Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri 9 am-4 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 6 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 3 Logic Skill
  • Bonus – $975 & New Clothes

Lead Lecturer

  • Hourly Rate – $110
  • Schedule – Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9 am-4 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 7 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
  • Bonus – $1250

Adjunct Professor

  • Hourly Rate – $135
  • Schedule – Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9 am-4 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 8 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
  • Bonus – $2250

Tenured Professor

  • Hourly Rate – $175
  • Schedule – Tues, Wed, Thurs 10 am-4 pm
  • Promotion Tasks – Reach Level 9 research and Debate Skill & Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
  • Bonus – $2850

Master Educator

  • Hourly Rate – $265
  • Bonus – $3150 & Learning Embetterment Award

Once your Sim becomes earns the Master Educator promotion, there will be no further promotions. However, your Sim can earn a raise that will increase their hourly rate over time.

Additional Notes

  • Using a computer or laptop will allow your Sims to access the Education Career Sub-menu in the Careers menu. This allows you to write a letter of recommendation and create a lesson plan. You can also Tutor a student online about a variety of subjects including Arts, Communication, Entertainment, Health and Technology. These are unlocked when you first join the Education Career and your Sim can do any of these interactions while they work their way up the career ladder. You will also unlock more interactions the further through the career your Sim gets.
  • In your Sims’ Inventory, you will find the Teacher’s Padfolio of Student Homework that allows you to grade student’s homework.
  • There is one new Create A Sim Jacket that is unlocked with the Education Career.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Education Career Guide

  • There are also several new Buy Mode objects that are unlocked with the Education Career.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Education Career Guide

Let us know what you think about the new Education Career below in the comments!

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The Sims 4 Discover University Lost Homework

How to Find Lost Homework in The Sims 4

Image of Madison Benson

Let’s picture a situation real quick. Your Sims 4 character is sitting on a couch or bed, working on their homework. They finish the work before running off to do something else. You go to their inventory to do more homework, only to find that it has disappeared! This is a common occurrence that can be detrimental to your success if your student Sim isn’t performing well. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading to discover how to find your lost homework in The Sims 4.

The most likely reason why your sim lost their homework is that they finished their work and dropped the book somewhere. Instead of placing it inside their inventory, they often drop it onto the floor or a nearby surface and walk away to perform other actions. With this in mind, you can look around your immediate surroundings to see if you can find the homework book on the ground or on a table.

Related: How to Drop Out of University in The Sims 4 Discover University

What if you can’t find it, though? Are you doomed never to do your homework again? No! If you misplace your homework book and can’t find it anywhere, you can order a new one from any nearby bookcase or computer. Head into one of these, choose “ Purchase Books “, and pick “ Homework Books ” in the Show All dropdown menu. In the base game, you’ll find a Grade School and regular Homework book, while The Sims 4: Discover University introduces a University Homework book. Each book type costs one Simoleon, making them inexpensive to replace.

The Sims 4 is available to play on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 through the official website . If you’d like to learn more about the game, check out How to Get Rid of the Dead-End Job Fear in The Sims 4 and How to Do the Motherlode Cheat on All Platforms .

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The Sims 4: How to Find Lost Homework


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How to Find Aliens in Disguise in The Sims 4

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The Sims 4 grants players access to a plethora of unique items that can be placed in one's environment or stored to be used later. Given that so many items exist in this charming title, it should come as no surprise when certain items seemingly vanish without a trace. One such item that can go missing in The Sims 4 is homework.

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It is not uncommon for Sims to misplace their homework, and it is not a bug that requires a patch . Sims who are not performing well academically also tend to misplace their homework more than those who don’t. Thankfully, there is a way to find missing homework , and this guide explains how the process works.

How To Find Lost Homework in The Sims 4

A major reason why Sims misplace their homework is that they drop it somewhere instead of placing it in their inventory. Sims can drop their homework to perform other actions. If players suddenly realize that the homework has gone missing, they should have a glance around any nearby areas to see if they can spot it. If it's not on a table or surface of some kind , it could very well be on the floor .

You can also buy new homework if you still can’t find your Sim’s homework by following the steps listed below.

  • Select a computer or bookcase .
  • Select “ Purchase Books. ”
  • Under the “ Show All ” dropdown menu, pick “ Homework Books. ”
  • Pick the appropriate option.

The base game has Homework and Grade School Homework, but The Sims 4: Discover University adds University Homework, too. The homework will cost you one Simoleon , regardless of your choice.

After making your purchase, you must still access the bookshelf and place the homework in your Sim's inventory . Once that is taken care of, access your Sim’s inventory and click on their homework so that they can complete it.

Alternative Tips for Finding Homework in The Sims 4

There are a couple of other tips worth considering when attempting to find your Sim’s homework:

  • It is possible that your Sim’s homework landed in the inventory of another Sim . To find out if this is the case, you should check the inventory of other Sims in your household.
  • Users have reported that a Sim moving to a new house can cause their bookcases to glitch . Keeping this in mind, a great way to solve this problem is to sell or delete bookcases and replace them .

sims 4 teacher can't grade homework

Complete Education Career Guide For The Sims 4

Quick links, education career overview, first levels of education career, administrator branch levels of education career, professor branch levels of education career, what are the education career rewards.

If your Sims are eager for knowledge and the college experience, then there's no better pack for you than The Sims 4: Discover University . Travel to the lively world of Britechester, join fellow students in pursuit of a degree, and attend some of the best parties.

The Sims 4 Create A Sim Kits, Ranked

However, for Sims who want to enjoy education beyond just college, there is the Education career included in the expansion pack. Your Sim gets to impart their wisdom to the youth with this career, going all the way from a simple substitute teacher all the way up to the very top of the Education career track.

The Education career track allows you Sim to become a teache r, and teach skills to younger Sims. The Education career has two branches to choose from: the Administrator branch, and the Professor branch.

Both branches come with increased pay and more perks. The Administrator branch will earn more Simoleons overall. However, the Professor branch has fewer work hours.

This career is great for Sims who are focused on knowledge, particularly the Research and Debate skill . However, your Sim will need to be good at both Logic and Charisma skills, too.

To join the Education career, go to any computer and click Career , then Find a Job. You will be able to scroll down and find Education, starting as a Substitute Teacher. You can also use your Sim's phone to get a job under the Business app.

Once you've accepted the career, it's time to get started on your journey in education.

To start, there are five levels of the Education career that are general before you pick a branch. Here are all the levels, including their work hours, pay, daily tasks, and promotion requirements:

How To Get Promoted In Early Education Career

To get promoted quickly, the best thing to do is to focus on increasing your required skills , specifically Research and Debate, and completing the daily tasks .

Increasing the Research and Debate skill can be done easily through any mirror. Simply click on it and choose Practice Debate .

You can also use The Daring Debator Podium Set , but this costs 1,750 Simoleons. It can be found under Activities and Skills > Logic in Buy Mode.

If you want to increase your Research and Debate skills and your Logic skills faster, make sure your Sim is in a focused mood . This will increase the rate which they earn the skill at.

Your Sim won't have to work as hard to level up their Charisma and Logic skills, but don't neglect them entirely. It's best to get these leveled up quickly.

Logic skill can be increased by playing on any chessboard, and Charisma can be leveled up by practicing speech in any mirror.

Grading homework is easy. Open up your Sim's inventory, and you'll find the Teacher's Portfolio . Place it anywhere on the lot, click it, and choose Grade Homework .

There are five levels of the Administrator branch if you choose this for your Sim. Here are all the levels, along with their hours, pay, daily tasks, and promotion requirements:

How To Get Promoted In Administrator Branch

Once you choose the Administrator branch, you can forget about the Logic skill and focus on leveling up the Research and Debate and Charisma skills only. You will specifically want to level the Research and Debate skill.

Again, these can be done by practicing at a mirror, by Practice Debate or Practice Speech .

Having your Sim in a confident mood can help boost their Charisma skill. You can have your Sim brush their teeth at any sink to get a Confident moodlet.

Reviewing budget proposals is the other task that is important to getting promoted. You can do this by going to any computer, choose Career , then Education Career , then choose Review Budget Proposals .

Luckily, this task isn't difficult, and it will put your Sim in a confident mood once completed. You can take advantage of this moodlet by practicing the Charisma skill.

Just like the Administrator branch, the Professor branch has five levels to complete . Instead of working behind the scenes, Sims became a professor at a university to teach higher education.

Here are all the levels of the Professor branch, including their pay, hours, daily tasks, and promotion requirements:

How To Get Promoted In Professor Branch

Just like how the Administrator branch gets to stop building the Logic skill, Professor branch Sims no longer have to increase their Charisma skills.

Instead, they should spend their free time playing chess to increase their Logic skill, and continue to practice debating . This will make it much easier to advance in their career.

Professor Sims will also need to write scholarly papers to get promoted. This can be done by going to any computer, choosing Career , then Education Career, then choosing Write Scholarly Paper .

This task will only take one or two Sim hours to complete, so it's best to do it every day.

It helps to be in a focused mood when trying to level up Logic skills and write scholarly papers. Try enabling some emotional auras with your items to induce this mood.

There are plenty of rewards to earn as you level up in the Education career. Here are all of the career rewards , along with the level they unlock at:

As soon as you unlock the rewards, they will be available in your household inventory. Place them in Live Mode or Buy Mode wherever you'd like.

The Sims 4: Discover University - Research & Debate Skill Guide

Complete Education Career Guide For The Sims 4

Ultimate Sims Guides

The Sims 4: Education Career Guide

With the new addition of The Sims 4: Discover University comes three new careers, Education, Engineering, and Law. All of the careers are great additions to the game and have been long awaited.

I think the education career is one of the most sought after and many players have been waiting for this to be added for months, if not years. This guide is going to tell you everything you need to know about mastering the education career in The Sims 4.

Traits for the Education Career

The education career is going to heavily focus on the research and debate skill, so genius may be a good trait to choose as those sims are probably going to enjoy research more than other sims.

You may also find genius helpful because a genius sim gets focused more often and focused is a great mood for using the research machines. Also, genius is great for the logic skill which is the second skill for the professor branch.

You may also want to choose outgoing if you are going down the administrative branch because charisma is a large focus on that side.

Lot Traits for the Education Career

Lot traits can really make your sims grow their skills more quickly and are a great addition to any household. If your sim is choosing the administrative branch, convivial is a great lot trait because it allows charisma interactions to go more smoothly.

If you’re going down the professor branch, you may want to choose science lair because that will help your sim increase their logic skill more quickly.

Degrees that Help With Education

There are certain degrees that are going to help you in each career, with these degrees you’ll get to skip a few levels, get a signing bonus, and get more vacation days. The degrees that can help this career are economics, and psychology .

Working From Home

The education career is one of the newer careers that has a work from home option attached to it. This means that every morning an hour before you’re set to start work a popup will appear asking if you’d like to go to work or work from home.

If you choose to go to work, your sim will leave the lot like normal and come home when their shift is over. If you choose to work from home, you’ll be given a list of tasks to complete by the start of your shift the next day.

Every time you complete a work from home task you’ll be given a bit of money and sometimes even a bonus if you’re boss is impressed with your work. This is a great option if you want to raise kids while having a successful career.

The work from home tasks in this career include things like practice lecture, grade papers, and more. If you are unsure how to complete a work from home task you can hover over it in the career panel and it will tell you how.

Education Career Levels

“ Shape tomorrow’s minds with a career in Education. Though, at times, challenging, there are few jobs quite as rewarding.”

Education Career Unlocks (Before Branch)

With every career in The Sims 4, you’ll have different unlockable items that are only available if you complete the requirements or through using cheats. There are 3 really cute unlocks that your sim will receive if they make it through the first 5 levels of the education career.

The first is the A is for Apple Cloc k, which is a really cute clock for any kid’s bedroom or family home. The next is the The World is Your Oyster art. And finally you’ll unlock The Teacher’s Desk , a nice desk with drawers that look exactly how you remember from elementary school.

Image of the rewards for the first 5 levels of education

Administrator Branch

“Sims Pursuing a career in University administration will fill a variety of roles, all critical to the success of the larger institution. You don’t work directly with the students, but your decisions will impact their entire education experience and their lives for years to come.”

When you join the administrator branch, your sim is going to unlock some new abilities including: review budget proposals, plan agenda for faculty meeting, write grants, and ask for donations .

This branch of the career focuses on the charisma skill which you can gain from practicing a speech in the mirror or through actually talking to other sims which will gain the skill quicker.

Administrator Branch Levels

Administrator branch unlocks.

The administrator branch has two really great unlocks that look great on any wall. The first is the Memories of Graduation wall art, and you also unlock the Learning Embetterment Award.

An image of the administrator branch unlocks for education

Professor Branch

“ Pursue a career as a university professor. Run lectures, assist students, research for the university, and of course, assign grades!”

The professor branch of this career is going to focus on the logic skill and of course, the new research and debate skill. You can gain logic on the chess board and the research and debate skill can be learned using a research machine.

You’re also going to have new abilities open up to you on the computer, like write scholarly paper, plan lecture, and write letter of recommendation. These don’t do a ton, except for the paper is your daily task.

You also have the option of making extra money through tutoring students online. This takes a few hours but you can make a few hundred dollars when it’s completed.

Professor Branch Levels

Professor branch unlocks.

The professor branch is lacking in fun unlocks, but you do unlock the learning embetterment award which is a cute addition to any home office as well as a new CAS item.

Final Thoughts

The education career may be one of my favourite new additions in The Sims 4: Discover University, since teaching is such a common career track! You can do a lot with this career especially with the ability to work from home.

You should also check out the law and engineering career guides!

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I've been playing the Sims since the first game was released when I was only 5 years old. It's been a huge passion of mine for two decades and I've loved every single minute of it. I also love dogs. And grilled cheese sandwiches. And I think me and Bob Pancakes could be friends.

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