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Creating a Resume with No Experience: 25 Examples and Tips

how to make resume look good with no experience

As a job seeker with no prior work experience, creating a compelling resume can be challenging. It’s tough to craft a document that captures the attention of potential employers, especially when you don’t have a proven track record to showcase.

However, a well-crafted resume is critical in getting your foot in the door and securing those crucial first interviews. It’s your chance to make a great first impression and demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and potential as a valuable employee.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a standout resume with no experience. We’ll provide you with 25 examples and tips to help you develop a resume that speaks to your strengths and positions you as a strong candidate.

Whether you’re fresh out of school, changing career paths, or have been out of work for some time, we’ll help you create a resume that gets you noticed. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how to showcase your skills, highlight your accomplishments, and get your resume to the top of the pile.

So, let’s dive in and explore the challenge of creating a resume with no experience, the importance of a well-crafted resume, and the objective of this article.

Resume Basics

Defining a resume and its purpose.

A resume is a document that summarizes your work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments. It is often the first point of contact with potential employers and serves as a critical tool in your job search. The primary purpose of a resume is to get you an interview.

Different Resume Formats

There are several different resume formats, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common formats include:

Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is the most traditional format and is what most people think of when they hear the word “resume.” It lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. This format is best for people with a consistent work history.

Functional Resume

A functional resume focuses on your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history. It includes sections for your skills, education, and work experience, but places more emphasis on your skills and accomplishments. This format is best for people who are changing careers, have gaps in their work history, or are just starting their careers.

Combination Resume

A combination resume combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats. It includes sections for your skills, accomplishments, and work experience, but lists your work history in reverse chronological order. This format is best for people with a strong work history who also want to highlight their skills and accomplishments.

How to Choose the Right Resume Format

Choosing the right resume format can be a daunting task, but it is an important one. The format you choose can make a significant difference in how your resume is perceived by potential employers. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right resume format for you:

Your Work History

If you have a consistent work history with no gaps, a chronological resume may be the best choice for you. It allows you to showcase your work experience in a clear and concise manner.

If you have gaps in your work history, a functional or combination resume may be a better choice. These formats allow you to highlight your skills and accomplishments instead of focusing solely on your work history.

Your Career Goals

Your career goals can also play a role in determining the right resume format for you. If you are changing careers or just starting out, a functional or combination resume can help you highlight your skills and accomplishments in a way that is relevant to your new career path.

If you are applying for a job in a field where your work history is especially important, such as academia or law, a chronological resume may be the best choice.

The Job Posting

Finally, it is important to consider the specific job posting when choosing your resume format. Look at the job description and requirements and tailor your resume accordingly. If the job posting emphasizes specific skills or accomplishments, make sure to highlight them in your resume.

Choosing the right resume format is an important step in creating a resume that will get you noticed by potential employers.

Elements of a Resume

When creating a resume, there are several key elements that every job seeker should include. These elements will help you stand out from the crowd, show off your qualifications, and give potential employers an idea of what you have to offer. Below are five key elements that should be included in any resume, even if you have no prior work experience.

Contact Details

The first and most important element of any resume is your contact information. This includes your full name, email address, phone number, and mailing address. Make sure that your email address is professional and easy to identify, and that your phone number is clearly listed and up-to-date. In addition, consider including links to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or any other relevant social media accounts.

Objective or Summary Statement

Another important element to include in your resume is an objective or summary statement. This statement should be a brief summary of your skills and qualifications, and should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, your objective statement might highlight your experience with social media and content creation.

Regardless of your work experience, your education is an important factor to include on your resume. This can include any degrees, certifications, or relevant coursework you have completed, as well as any significant academic achievements such as being on the Dean’s List.

When writing your resume, be sure to include a section highlighting your skills. This should include any technical skills or language proficiencies that are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job as a software developer, you might include skills such as fluency in Java or experience working with databases.

Relevant Coursework and Projects

Finally, if you have little to no work experience, it can be helpful to include relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate your skills and experience. For example, if you have completed a class in web development, you might list a project you completed that showcases your web development skills.

By including all of these elements in your resume, you can make a strong impression even if you have no prior work experience. Remember to be concise, clear, and tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and you will be well on your way to landing your dream job.

Write an Eye-catching Headers

As crucial as the content of a resume is, the header, or the first thing a prospective employer or hiring manager sees, could make or break the candidate’s chances of landing the job. For job seekers with no experience, it’s even more essential to craft a catchy header that grabs attention and leaves a positive first impression.

Here are some tips on how to craft a header that will stand out:

How to craft a catchy header

  • Keep it simple: Avoid complicated fonts or formats that could distract from the message. Stick to a basic font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and make sure the header is easy to read and understand.
  • Use keywords: Use keywords directly related to the job posting or industry to increase the chances of being selected in the initial screening.
  • Highlight relevant skills or achievements: If you have any relevant skills or achievements, make sure to include them in the header. For example, if you have experience in customer service, put that in the header to show you have the necessary skills for the job.
  • Personalize it: Tailor your header to the company and what you can offer. Research the company and find out what they are looking for in a candidate, and use that information to personalize your header.

Examples of headers that grab attention

  • Nurse with Strong Patient Care Skills
  • Recent Graduate with Excellent Communication and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Dependable Customer Service Representative with Proven Track Record
  • Hardworking Entry-Level Employee with Strong Work Ethic
  • Enthusiastic and Detail-Oriented Graphic Designer
  • Reliable Administrative Assistant with Strong Organizational Skills
  • Driven Sales Associate with Outstanding Customer Relations Skills

By following the above tips and crafting a header that stands out, job seekers with no experience can significantly increase their chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Highlighting Skills and Experience

If you have no work experience, highlighting your skills is a great way to make your resume stand out. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. How to include relevant skills even if you have no experience

First, identify the skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. These skills can be hard skills (quantifiable skills like proficiency in a particular software or language) or soft skills (interpersonal skills like communication and teamwork).

Next, search for opportunities to develop and showcase those skills. You may have gained these skills through volunteer work, academic projects, or even hobbies. Be sure to highlight these experiences in your resume and emphasize how they have prepared you for the role you are applying for.

2. Showcasing skills acquired in non-work situations

Even if you haven’t held a traditional job, you may have still gained valuable skills through non-work situations. For instance, if you have been a dedicated volunteer for a charity, you may have developed skills like planning and organizing events, fundraising, or working with others to achieve a common goal.

Similarly, if you have been pursuing a hobby like photography or graphic design, you may have gained skills in editing, creative problem solving or time management that could be relevant to certain roles. These experiences can be highlighted in your resume as well.

3. Listing extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities can also be a great way to showcase your skills and demonstrate your interests to potential employers. For instance, if you volunteered at a food bank, you may have developed teamwork and communication skills while working with other volunteers to pack and distribute food. Or, if you served as the captain of your school sports team, you may have developed leadership and problem-solving skills during games and practices.

Highlighting your skills can show employers that you have the potential to succeed in their organization, even if you do not have traditional work experience. Use these tips to effectively showcase your skills and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Mention Projects and Coursework

As a candidate with little to no work experience, highlighting relevant projects and coursework can showcase your skills and knowledge.

Relevant Coursework

When choosing which coursework to include on your resume, consider courses that align with the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position, you might include coursework on brand strategy, digital marketing, and consumer behavior.

Courses can also demonstrate your work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and ability to learn new skills. If you received high grades in challenging courses, make sure to highlight this achievement on your resume.

Projects and Achievements

Projects and achievements can provide concrete examples of your skills, creativity, and resourcefulness.

When listing projects on your resume, choose ones that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a graphic design position, you might include projects where you created logos, graphics, or website design.

Achievements can include awards, scholarships, or recognitions you’ve received for your work. If you’ve completed a particularly challenging project, or if you’ve received recognition for academic or extracurricular achievements, make sure to include these on your resume.

Highlighting relevant coursework and projects can demonstrate that, despite your lack of work experience, you have the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the job you’re applying for.

Mastering the Resume Objective

One of the most crucial components of your resume is your objective statement. It is the first thing that recruiters and hiring managers see, and it provides a glimpse into your goals and aspirations. Hence, it should be concise, clear, and powerful, giving an indication of what you want to achieve in your career.

Writing an effective objective statement

To write an effective objective statement, you need to keep it brief and focused. You should highlight the job you are seeking, your relevant skills, and what you can bring to the position. Moreover, it should be tailored for each role, ensuring that the objective reflects the requirements listed in the job description.

Here are some tips for writing a resume objective statement:

  • Keep it concise and to the point.
  • Emphasize your career goals and objectives.
  • Show what you can bring to the company.
  • Tailor it to the job description.
  • Avoid generic statements.

Examples of great objective statements

To give you an idea of what a great objective statement looks like, here are some examples:

  • Seeking an entry-level position in the marketing field, where I can utilize my excellent analytical and communication skills to contribute to the company’s growth.
  • To obtain a position as a software developer, where I can use my programming skills and passion for creating user-friendly software to develop innovative applications.
  • Looking for a challenging role as a financial analyst, where I can leverage my financial modeling and data analysis skills to provide valuable insights for the organization.
  • An ambitious recent graduate seeking a position as a management trainee in a dynamic organization where I can learn and grow while making a positive impact.
  • Seeking a customer service position where I can leverage my excellent communication skills to provide impeccable service and contribute to the company’s success.

Your resume objective statement should be tailored to each job and show what you bring to the role. A well-written objective statement can grab the attention of recruiters and take you one step closer to landing your dream job.

Resume Layout and Design

When it comes to creating a resume, the layout and design are just as important as the content itself. A well-designed resume can make a big difference in catching a potential employer’s eye and setting yourself apart from other candidates. Here are some tips for choosing the best resume layout:

  • Keep it simple and easy to read: Avoid cluttering your resume with too many fonts, colors, or graphics. Stick to a clean design that is easy on the eyes and makes your information easy to digest.
  • Focus on hierarchy: Use different fonts and font sizes to create a clear hierarchy of information. For example, your name and job title should be larger than your contact information.
  • Use bullet points: Bullet points make your resume easier to skim and highlight your achievements and qualifications.
  • Use white space: Don’t be afraid of leaving some empty space on your resume. This can help create a clean, organized look.

Now that you know the basics of resume layout, let’s talk about some creative resume layout examples that can help you stand out from the competition. Here are some ideas:

The infographic resume: This type of resume uses graphics and charts to convey your skills and experience. It’s a great option if you work in a visually-oriented field like design or marketing.

The timeline resume: A timeline resume showcases your career trajectory in a visual way. You can use a line graph or a horizontal timeline to show your employment history and key achievements.

The minimalist resume: Sometimes less is more. A minimalist resume uses simple, clean design elements to create a sleek, professional look. This can be a good choice if you work in a conservative field like finance or law.

The personal branding resume: This type of resume focuses on showcasing your personal brand. You can use color, fonts, and graphics to create a unique look that reflects your personality and values.

The video resume: A video resume is a great way to showcase your personality and communication skills. You can create a short video introducing yourself, highlighting your skills and accomplishments, and explaining why you’re the best candidate for the job.

These are just a few examples of the many creative resume layouts out there. When choosing a layout, think about your industry, your personality, and your target audience. With a little bit of creativity and design know-how, you can create a resume that will help you land your dream job, even without experience.

Tailoring Your Resume

When it comes to job hunting, sending out a generic resume for each job application is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. It’s important to customize your resume to suit each job application in order to increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Here are some tips to help you tailor your resume for specific job applications:

Customizing your resume for specific job applications

Customizing your resume for each job application shows employers that you have taken the time and effort to research the company and the role you are applying for. This can help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview.

One way to customize your resume is by highlighting your relevant skills and experience for the specific job you are applying for. You can also showcase your achievements and accomplishments that directly align with the job requirements.

How to match keywords with job descriptions

To further customize your resume, it’s important to match your keywords with the job description. Keywords are important because many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort through resumes.

Here’s how you can match keywords with job descriptions:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the keywords and skills that the employer is looking for.
  • Use those keywords throughout your resume, especially in the skills and experience sections.
  • Don’t just copy and paste the job description into your resume. Use the keywords in a natural and genuine way that showcases your skills and experience.
  • Use industry-specific jargon and terminology that aligns with the job description.

Customizing your resume for specific job applications and matching your keywords with job descriptions can greatly increase your chances of getting noticed by employers. Take the time to research the company and the job requirements, and tailor your resume accordingly. Good luck!

Creating an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any job seeker. With no prior work experience, creating an online presence is even more important as it can help showcase skills, talents, and achievements.

One of the best ways to create a professional online presence is by building an impressive LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform that allows job seekers to connect with employers, industry thought leaders, and colleagues in their respective fields. To build an impressive LinkedIn profile, one should have a professional profile picture, a catchy headline that summarizes their professional identity, a well-written summary, and a list of relevant skills. In addition, job-seekers should also try to get endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, managers, and mentors.

Apart from LinkedIn, there are other online platforms that one can use to showcase their professional skills. For instance, if the job-seeker is interested in pursuing a career in design, they can create an online portfolio on platforms like Behance, Dribbble, or Coroflot, showcasing their design projects. If the job seeker is interested in writing, they can showcase their writing samples on platforms like Medium or Contently. They can also start a blog to showcase their writing skills and their interests in the particular field.

In addition to creating an online portfolio or a blog, job seekers can also leverage social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to showcase their professional interests, industry knowledge, and achievements. However, it’s important to note that one should always maintain a professional tone on social media and not post anything that may harm their career prospects.

Creating an online presence is a vital part of any job search process for a candidate with no prior work experience. It helps to establish a professional identity, showcase skills and achievements, and connect with professionals in their respective fields. By building an impressive online presence, job-seekers can increase their chances of landing their dream job.

Tips for Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can be the key to landing your dream job, even if you have no prior experience in the field. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to the employer and showcase your skills and qualifications.

Here are some things you should include in your cover letter:

Purpose of a Cover Letter

Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and explaining why you are interested in the position.

Highlight your skills: Provide examples of your skills and achievements that make you a good fit for the position.

Show your enthusiasm: Express enthusiasm for the position and the company.

Explain why you are a good fit: Demonstrate how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job.

Call to action: End your letter by asking for an interview and providing your contact information.

What to include in a Cover Letter

Your contact information: Include your full name, address, email, and phone number.

Employer’s information: Include the employer’s name, title, company, and address.

Salutation: Address the letter to the hiring manager by name.

Opening paragraph: Introduce yourself and state the position you are applying for.

Body paragraphs: Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications.

Closing paragraph: Thank the employer for considering your application and request an interview.

Closing salutation: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Signature: Sign your name and include a digital copy of your signature if submitting online.

Examples of Great Cover Letters

Here are some examples of great cover letters:

A recent college graduate applying for an entry-level marketing position could highlight their experience with social media and their passion for the industry.

A career change candidate could explain how their transferable skills and experience make them a strong fit for the new field.

An applicant with volunteer or internship experience could highlight their work ethic and willingness to learn.

When crafting your cover letter, make sure to highlight your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating an effective cover letter that sets you apart from the competition.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re creating a resume with no experience, it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes that many job seekers make. Here are some of the most prevalent mistakes to avoid:

1. Overemphasizing education:

If you have little or no experience, you might be tempted to overemphasize your education on your resume. While it’s important to include your educational background, remember that employers are often more interested in your skills and experience. Make sure to highlight any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills, even if they weren’t related to your academic studies.

2. Lack of customization:

Sending out the same generic resume for every job application is a common mistake that can significantly decrease your chances of getting hired. Employers can tell when a resume has been copy-pasted, and it shows a lack of effort on your part. Instead, make sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for by highlighting the skills and experiences that match the job requirements.

3. Including irrelevant information:

When you have no experience, it can be tempting to include everything on your resume, whether it’s relevant or not. However, including irrelevant information can dilute the impact of your resume and make it harder for employers to see why you’re a good fit for the job. Stick to including only the most relevant information and experiences, and leave off anything that doesn’t add value to your job application.

4. Neglecting to proofread:

Spelling and grammar mistakes can quickly sink your chances of getting hired. Employers are looking for candidates who pay attention to detail, so make sure to thoroughly proofread your resume for any errors. You may also want to ask a friend or mentor to review your resume to help catch any mistakes that you may have missed.

To avoid these common mistakes, keep these tips in mind:

  • Focus on showcasing your skills and experiences, even if they’re not directly related to your education.
  • Customize your resume for each job application to highlight your most relevant experiences and skills.
  • Stick to including only the most relevant information, and leave out anything that doesn’t add value to your job application.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes to demonstrate your attention to detail.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong, targeted resume that showcases your strengths and positions you as a strong candidate for even the most competitive job opportunities. Good luck with your job search!

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how to make resume look good with no experience

How to Write a Resume with No Experience [21+ Examples]

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It’s time for your first job hunt !

You need to write a resume , which can be nerve-wracking if you don’t have any real-life work experience.  

You don’t know where to start, what to include, or which resume format to choose.

On top of that, most advice you find online isn’t relevant because it focuses on emphasizing professional background.

Chances are, you’re straight out of college with no experience to speak of. 

Or maybe you're a high-school student applying for a part-time job.

Whichever the case may be, you’re probably having trouble filling in the blank space on your resume that’s supposed to be the work experience section.

Worry not, though. In this guide, we’re going to help you create an AMAZING resume, no work experience is needed.

  • How to format your resume with no work experience
  • 4 sections to replace work experience (that help you stand out)
  • 2 no-work experience resume samples (guaranteed to land you the job)

How to Format Your Resume [with No Work Experience + Examples] 

A resume format is the layout of your resume .

The ideal resume format usually depends on how much work experience you have. 

But what happens when you have none?

For a no-experience resume, we recommend that you use the reverse-chronological format . 

no experience resume format

It’s the most popular format amongst applicants and a recruiter favorite.  

The sections in your reverse-chronological resume will be: 

  • Header : Contact Information and Resume Statement
  • Internships, extracurricular activities, projects, volunteer work  (These sections will replace your work experience)

In this article, we’ll walk you through each of these sections, and explain how to write them in a way that you stand out from the crowd.

Let’s dive in.

Start With Your Resume Header

resume header example

Your resume header includes your contact information and your resume statement.  

Below, we’ll show you how to write both of these elements and how to include them in your header section.

Put Down Your Contact Information

Just like the name suggests, the first thing you add to your header is your personal and contact information.

It’s the easiest part to get right, just keep it short and to the point.

In your contact information section, mention the following:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • A link to a professional profile (e.g. LinkedIn ) or personal webpage (if you have one)

Make sure to use a professional-sounding E-mail.

I.e. something along the lines of “[email protected].” 

You’re sure to leave a wrong impression if you use an email you created back in preschool ( “[email protected]” ).

Make sure to double-check, triple-check your contact information. After all, the recruiter can’t contact you if you have a typo in your phone number.

(Optional) Write Your Resume Objective

A resume objective is a short heading statement in your resume, where you describe your professional goals and aspirations.

Fun fact - hiring managers look at your resume for 5-6 seconds max .

Yep, that’s right. In most cases, the hiring manager is literally drowning in resumes. So, they have a couple of seconds to skim each one.

Well, this section is your chance to catch their attention (and let them know you’ve got what it takes).

A resume objective is usually 3-4 sentences max and includes information on:

  • What your field of study is;
  • What your skills and experiences are (ones that are relevant to the job );
  • Why you’re applying for this position and/or this company.

As with contact information, you don’t need to label your resume objective with a title. Just write it underneath your contact information section.

Here’s an example of what a resume objective looks like:

“ Recent Communications graduate looking to apply for the role of Secretary at XYZ inc. Extremely organized with good writing and multitasking skills. Practical experience in management gained through several university projects, which involved coordinating tasks between different team members and ensuring that everyone was in sync with the latest information. ”

Emphasize Your Education

education section on resume no experience

In your average resume, the first section would be work experience.

Since you don’t have any, though, you’ll want to omit that and replace it with the education section.

This way, you bring a lot more attention to your education, which is one of your main selling points. 

What should you include in the Education section? 

List the following features in this order:

  • Name of the degree
  • Name of the institution
  • Years attended
  • Location of the institution (optional)
  • GPA (optional)
  • Honors (optional)
  • Relevant coursework (optional)
  • Exchange programs (optional) 

As a general rule, if you studied in a prestigious university, you can add the name of the institution before the degree . This way, you will catch the recruiter’s attention faster.

Now, let’s go through some real-life examples:

BA in Computer Science

Tufts University

Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts

10/2015 - 06/2018

Magna Cum Laude

  • Exchange Program in Greenville, NY

University of the Arts London

BA in Interior Design 

10/2017 - Ongoing

Westwood High

Boston, Massachusetts

Class of 2018 

career masterclass

Education Section Q&A

Still have some questions about the education section? Worry not, we’re about to give you all the answers!

Do I include my GPA?

  • The answer here is a “maybe.” We’d recommend including a GPA if it’s higher than 3.5. Anything lower than that, and you might be underselling yourself. Keep in mind, though, that most employers don’t care about your grades.

Should I include my coursework?

  • Yep, but just as long as it’s relevant. If you have no work experience, including courses can help establish your expertise in a field. Feel free to skip out on any basic courses, though. No one cares about your Maths 101 course.

Do I mention my degree if I dropped out?

  • If you studied for more than 2-3 years, yes. A half-finished degree is still better than no degree. If you dropped out after a semester, though, that doesn’t really mean much.

Do I mention my high school degree?

  • Only if it’s your only degree. If you have any higher education, your high school degree will only take up space.

4 Sections to Replace Work Experience [With Examples]

Now that you’ve listed your education, it’s time to fill that work experience gap in your resume.

You aren’t still worried about your lack of experience, right?

Because here are four sections you can use instead:

1) Internships

Have you done an internship that is relevant to the position you are applying for?

Now’s the time to mention it. 

Here is how you add an internship to your resume:

First , place the Internship section right after the education section. 

Title it: Internships

Second , write your internship title and role . Be specific.

If your internship was in the marketing department, instead of just “Intern”, say “Marketing Intern”. 

Third , put down the company name , location , and duration of the internship - in that order.

Marketing Intern

Full Picture

New York, NY

09/2019 - 12/2019

Easy and straightforward, right?

One more step:

Last , add a list of responsibilities you had as an intern in bullet point form. 

If you have any tangible achievements , even better! Write those in as well.

Finally, tailor both the responsibilities and achievements to the role you’re applying for.

Here’s how that looks in practice:

You used to be an Advertising Intern .

You’re applying for the position of Social Media Assistant . 

Here’s how you would put down your internship entry:


Full Picture Company

  • Analyzed various social media platforms for trending content
  • Managed company social media accounts
  • Posted interested content on company Facebook page, increasing engagement by 25%

The listed responsibilities and achievements are directly connected to the Social Media Assistant job requirements.

You’re applying for a Content Writer position. Take a look at the same entry now:

  • Assisted the Marketing Manager in writing press releases and new blog posts , which increased web traffic by 25%.

Notice how the internship title remains the same. 

But in this case you’re applying for a Content Writer position, so you are highlighting your writing experience instead.

For more examples, check out our full guides to an internship resume and how to write a cover letter for an internship .

2) Extracurricular activities

Still have a ton of empty space in your resume?

Extracurricular activities are always a great addition!

Whether they’re related to the job you’re applying for or not, they still show one thing:

You’re hard-working and motivated.

Imagine you’re the HR manager, and you can pick between these 2 candidates:

  • Josh Johnson. Studied at Massachusetts State. 4.0 GPA, but that’s all he did in college - no extracurricular activities, internships, or anything else.
  • Suzie Activeson. Also studied at Massachusetts state. 3.2 GPA. Vice-president of the business club. Served as a student government senator for 2 semesters. Organized several events as part of the marketing club.

Sure, Josh is probably qualified, but we don't know anything about him, other than that he studied a lot.

Suzie, on the other hand, can manage a team (business club VP), organize events (marketing club), and is passionate about making a change (student government).

So, which one would you pick?

Now, let’s explain how to list extracurricular activities on your resume:

  • Title of the section: Extracurricular Activities
  • Name of the organization and/or team 
  • Your role in the organization
  • Time period
  • Noteworthy awards or achievements

Extracurricular Activities

Public Speaking Club


09/2018 - 09/2019

  • Organized 10+ public speaking lectures
  • Brought in speakers from all over the state
  • Conducted public speaking workshops

3) Volunteering Experience

Volunteering shows dedication and passion to apply yourself. 

And there’s nothing recruiters love more than a committed employee.  

Whether you spend your free time in a soup kitchen, or you helped collect trash in the countryside, you can mention it in your resume!

But how do you list volunteering experience?

Well, it follows the same logic as your internship and extracurriculars:

  • Title of the section: Volunteering Experience
  • Name of the organization
  • Relevant tasks and achievements (bullet points)

Volunteering Experience

Grand Archive Library Volunteer

Washington, D.C

08/2017 - 02/2019

  • Performed secretarial activities, such as sorting mail, filing documents, answering phone calls, and taking messages. 
  • Led a poetry reading event twice a month. 

4) Projects

In this section, you can add any relevant projects you were part of during your time in school or at an internship.

Your capstone project, graduation thesis, or research project go here. 

No need for work experience!

You can also mention any other type of project you’ve worked on in school, including:

  • Business project for a real-life client
  • Mock website you created in Web Design 101
  • Fake magazine you created as a capstone project
  • Market research you did as part of your graduation thesis
  • Software you developed in Software Engineering class

...And so on!

Here’s how you put them down:

  • Title of the section: Projects
  • Project name
  • Project type
  • Related organization 
  • Relevant responsibilities and achievements (optional)

And now, for some practical examples. Here’s what a journalism student project could look like:

Online Privacy and Social Media: a Journalistic Study of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Journalism Capstone Project

Harvard University

09/2018 - 11/2018

And here’s a law school example:

In-House Pro Bono Project

Columbia Law School

11/2018 - 03/2019

  • Completed a full petition for U nonimmigrant status, interviewed legal persons and drafted affidavits.

If you have anything physical to back up your project with, feel free to include a link.

For example, if you’re a developer, you could include a link to your GitHub profile.

Stand out with your Skills 

skills section no work experience resume

There are two types of skills you can include on your no-experience resume: 

Soft skills and hard skills. 

What’s the difference? 

Soft skills are attributes or habits that describe how you work. They are not specific to a job, but indirectly help you adapt to the work environment. 

Here are some of the most popular ones: teamwork, responsibility, leadership, creativity, etc.  

Hard skills , on the other hand, refer to specific tools, technical knowledge and training and other work-specific skills. They apply directly to the job. 

Technical writing, C++, financial accounting, etc. are all examples of hard skills.

So, which of these skills should you include? 

That depends on a lot of factors, but as someone with no work experience, you should opt more for hard skills .

See, you could write all the cool buzzwords like “Critical Thinking” and “Leadership,” but the recruiter won’t believe you.

Fun fact - that’s what 90% of students do.

Instead, you should focus on skills that make you stand out , and in most cases, those are hard skills.

So, how do you decide which hard skills to mention? Easy! Just check the job ad you’re applying for.

Let’s say you’re applying for an entry-level creative internship, and you find these requirements in the job description: 

  • Video editing experience (Premiere, After Effects)
  • UI design experience
  • Photo editing experience (Photoshop)
  • Photography experience
  • Experience with Adobe Illustrator

You’d transfer this into your skills section:

  • Premiere & After Effects - Expert
  • Photoshop - Expert
  • UI Design - Intermediate
  • Adobe Illustrator - Intermediate
  • Photography - Intermediate

Not sure which skills to mention? Check out our article on 150+ must-have skills for all sorts of professions !

Other Sections You Could Include in a No-Experience Resume

A resume without experience does have one advantage: extra space . 

You can use this space to create other sections that highlight how awesome you are!

Here are some sections you could include:

  • Hobbies and Interests . Add flair to your resume by showing your genuine passion and interest in the industry.
  • Languages. Do you know a second language? Or even a third? Awesome! Most companies these days are pretty international and appreciate an extra language skill or two. Be mindful not to over-exaggerate your proficiency, though. Only knowing how to ask “¿Donde está la biblioteca?” doesn’t warrant a Spanish entry on your resume.
  • Awards & Certifications . Do you have any fancy pieces of paper that show you’re smart? Maybe it’s an award for a terrific essay in a competition, or a certificate from an online course . Whichever the case may be, awards and certifications show that you’re a winner, so definitely include them in their own respective section.

Need Inspiration? 2 No Work Experience Resume Samples

Do you still have questions or don’t know where to begin?

That’s when a resume sample comes in handy. 

It provides you with a predetermined format.

It also helps you picture how your no-experience resume is supposed to look like. 

As Picasso put it: Good artists copy; great artists steal! 

Here are 2 no work experience resume samples you can borrow ideas from:

Business Student Resume Sample

no experience resume sample

High-school Student Resume Sample

high school no experience resume sample

Create a Matching Cover Letter

All done with your resume?

It’s not over yet. You need to write a cover letter to go with it.

A cover letter is a single-page letter that accompanies your resume and is part of your job application.

Look at it this way: your resume describes your experiences, and your cover letter explains (in simple words) how they’re relevant to the job.

Now, here’s a quick infographic on what to include in a cover letter:

cover letter writing for no experience resume

Finally, as with everything else in your resume, make sure to keep your cover letter relevant, short, and concise.

The hiring manager doesn’t have time to read an autobiography, they’ll only review your cover letter for a few minutes. 

There’s a lot more to creating a good cover letter than what we just explained.

For a complete, all-you-need-to-know walk-through, check out our Complete Guide on How to Write a Cover Letter !

Key Takeaways

...and that’s a wrap!

At this point, you should know everything there is to know about writing a killer no-experience resume.

Just to keep things fresh, though, let’s quickly go through everything we’ve learned so far:

  • When creating your no-experience resume, use the reverse-chronological format.
  • You can create a killer no-experience resume by emphasizing your education instead. Include relevant internships, soft & hard skills, and projects.
  • Other sections you can include on your resume are hobbies & interests, languages, certifications, or achievements.
  • Keep all the content on your resume clear, precise, and relevant. Use bullet points for all your descriptions.
  • After you’re done with your resume, you want to write an awesome cover letter that goes with it. The cover letter is a one-page letter that tells the story behind your resume content and reemphasizes why you’re a great fit for the job.

Related Resume Examples

  • Internship Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • College Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Recommended Readings:

  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024
  • 20+ One-Page Resume Templates [Free Download]
  • 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers [Complete List]

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Guide to Writing a Great...

Guide to Writing a Great Resume with No Work Experience

16 min read · Updated on February 13, 2024

Ronda Suder

No work experience? No problem.

The ol' catch-22: you need a job to get experience, but you need experience to get a job. Either way, you need a resume, and what you don't need is to panic. 

Just because you don't have skills that are relevant to the job, or experience in a traditional work setting, doesn't mean you can't craft a convincing first job resume. Whether you're a high school or college student, you may be wondering: how do you write a resume with no work experience? Well, we'll tell you with these expert tips.

1. Choose the best format for a resume with no experience

There are a few dominant resume templates in use today:


Hybrid - a blend of the chronological and functional formats

A  chronological resume format  lists a candidate's work experience in reverse-chronological order and a functional resume format focuses on highlighting the candidate's hard and soft skills and achievements, rather than work experience. While the functional and hybrid resume formats can be attractive options for job seekers with little relevant experience, most employers and hiring managers prefer a chronological format.

Aside from hiring managers preferring it, it's best to use a reverse chronological resume for two additional reasons:

It's the most used format in the US, making it easy for hiring managers to review and find the information they're seeking

It's the most liked by employers' applicant tracking systems, or ATS. If an ATS can't read your resume properly, it might not get into the hands of a human reader - even if you're the perfect candidate for the job

The primary sections of a reverse chronological resume are:

The heading (with your contact information)

Resume summary

Work experience (which will be substituted with other sections when you have no work experience)


2. Incorporate your contact information 

Now that you've chosen the best format for a resume with no experience, it's time to complete each section. The first section of your resume is the header section. This is the section that includes your name and contact information. In this section, you'll provide:

Phone number

Email address

Location and zip code

LinkedIn  or professional website URL (optional)

Your name should sit above your contact information in a larger font size than the rest of the information included in the header. You also want to ensure you use a professional sounding email address. Using something like “[email protected]” or “[email protected]” will likely come across as unprofessional and won't gain you any points for the “yes” pile. A good choice is to use your name (or a combination of your initials and surname), instead. 

Here's an example of how to list your contact information at the top of your resume:

Joseph Smith

555.555.5555 | [email protected] | WV 26250 |

3. Include a strong summary statement

The next section of your resume, your Resume Summary, will fall just below your contact information. Your resume summary is not to be mistaken for a resume objective. 

Resume objective statements , where you state exactly what career goals you wish to achieve, have mostly fallen out of fashion. This is largely because you want to focus on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you. A resume summary statement, on the other hand, sums up who you are professionally at the top of the page in two to five sentences and serves as the first impression you give a hiring manager to entice them to keep reading. 

For a resume with no experience, your resume summary can still pack a punch. Include some of the key skills you have relevant to the job, while emphasizing your major and any type of experience that speaks to your ability to succeed.

Here's an example of a resume summary for a recent grad with a human resources degree:

Human resources graduate with diverse knowledge base in employee relations, benefits design, employment law, and policy design. Avid learner with solid written and verbal communication skills and a strong desire to support all levels within an organization for improved employee morale and productive collaboration. 

4. Substitute the Work Experience section with other types of experience

Writing a resume with no experience can feel like a daunting task. Fortunately, recruiters and hiring managers are seeking candidates that have a robust background, regardless of experience level. Here are some sections you can substitute in lieu of a Work Experience section:


Graduate assistantships, extracurricular activities.

Volunteer Work

Hobbies and Interests

When you include these additional types of experiences on a resume, you can include them as a standalone section or create a “Relevant Experience” section. Depending on the type of experience you're including, you might find it's best to use a section heading that aligns with the type of experience (“Internships” for internships, “Volunteer Work,” for volunteer work, and so on). 

Landing paid or unpaid college internships  are one of the best weapons you have against "experience required." Not only do they give you some real-world work experience, they also allow you to network and make connections that can put you in a job later. When applying for a job without experience, be sure to list any internships you've completed. 

If you haven't had an internship, consider applying for one as a step before an entry-level job.

Here's an example of how to include an internship on your resume:

Finance Intern

New York Secretary of State Office, New York, NY

Jan 2021 - May 2021

Reconciled budget sheets for quarterly processing

Supported accounting team in year end tax return audits 

Analyzed 15 budget reports over a two-month period to ensure accurate data reporting 

Similar to internships, a graduate assistantship secured during school is also a great way to gain valuable experience to include on a resume. Graduate assistantships are paid opportunities provided to graduate students. They typically involve part-time teaching or research within their field of study. 

Here's an example of how to include an assistantship on your resume:

HR Graduate Assistant

West Virginia University School of Business and Economics, Morgantown, WV

August 2020 - May 2021

Reviewed 100 collective bargaining agreements to identify and document similarities and inconsistencies throughout

Worked with academic Professors to develop research guidelines for future assistants

Volunteer work

When surveyed, the majority of employers say that they take  volunteer experience listed on your resume , such as being a soup kitchen volunteer, into consideration alongside paid work experience. So any volunteer work that highlights your talents or a new skill should be put on your well-prepared resume. 

You'll list volunteer work in a similar way to how you would list internships and actual work experience:

Animal Transport Volunteer

Friends for Life Animal Shelter, Philippi, VA

April 2022 - Present 

Working with local shelters to transport animals to and from shelters and foster homes

Assisting in cleaning kennels and common areas to support sanitation efforts

Spearheading animal supply drive, collecting $10K worth of supplies

Though it might not seem like it at first, extracurricular activities can add a lot of value to your resume in lieu of work experience, if you can relate them to the job you're applying to. For example, if you were an officer for a club during college or a captain of a sports team, these roles speak to leadership ability. 

In general, these types of activities show you have the ability to collaborate with others. It also shows you have the ability to keep up with school work while being involved in other areas outside of school, which speaks to time management and organizational skills. 

Here are some of the top extracurricular activities to include on a resume with no experience, as well of some of the skills they help to highlight:

Artistic endeavors: speaks to creativity, problem solving, perseverance, ability to learn 

Sports: speaks to teamwork, collaboration, hard work, problem solving, conflict resolution

Club leadership roles: speaks to leadership, organization, perseverance, time management

General club membership: speaks to time management, community involvement, prioritizing

Student government: speaks to leadership, public speaking, time management, problem solving, organization

Here's an example of how to list extracurricular activities on a resume with no experience:

Student Council Vice PresidentBelington High SchoolAugust 2020 - May 2021

Spearheaded clothing drive to support the homeless in the state of Virginia

Wrote and delivered 3 speeches to the student body focused on student wellbeing, fundraising events, and life beyond high school

Special Projects

If you completed job-related projects during high school or college, they can be a valuable addition to your resume. Personal projects are also game for a resume with no experience, if they're relevant to the job. 

Here's how you might list a personal project on your resume:

Social Media Campaign

Sparkle and Shine Fundraising Event

February 2022 - Mar 2024

Created social media campaign to support fundraising efforts for local children's shelter, supporting education in underprivileged youth

Increased followers by 25% in two months

Generated leads that converted to $3,000 in donations

Here's how you might list school projects on your resume:

Beaumont University

Masters in Counseling and Development

Career counseling planning design for women with chronic fatigue syndrome

Group counseling proposal for friends and family members of those who have mental health challenges

Behavioral health program design to work with males ages 18 to 30 with adverse childhood experiences

Hobbies and interests

It's more common today than ever before to include hobbies and interests on a resume - they help to provide insights into who you are as a person, to enhance your resume story. Hobbies and interests require soft and hard skills, many of which are required to succeed on the job, and they can especially be useful to fill in gaps when you lack work experience.  

For additional information on how to list hobbies and interests on your resume with no experience, refer to “ How to List Hobbies and Interests on a Resume (With Examples) .”

An award can signal to an employer to take note, since they're a distinction that speaks to your skills, abilities, and accomplishments. Adding an Awards section is an excellent way to showcase your ability to succeed in lieu of work experience. 

When you list an award, include the award and issuing institution. For example:

2023 Science Olympiad Award recipient, Science Olympiad Foundation


Acquiring certifications provides an excellent opportunity to add value and fill in gaps in terms of skills and work experience. There are a lot of opportunities to secure certifications for free through sites like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, and  Grow with Google . Certifications not only highlight your skills but also show that you're focused on personal and professional development, which employers appreciate in candidates.  

You can list certifications in a standalone Certifications list or with your Education section. For more information on how to best include certifications on a resume with no experience, refer to “ How to List Certifications on a Resume (with examples) .” 

5. Include your education 

When you have work experience, it's common to include your Education section after your Work Experience section. However, on a resume with no experience, many opt to list and emphasize their education after the resume summary. This is largely due to the fact that your education is what's most relevant to employers when you're straight out of school. 

Also, in lieu of a Work Experience section, especially if you're running thin on any of the relevant experience options listed above, you can expand and focus on the  education section on your resume  to highlight the marketable skills you've developed. What can you do well that this job requires? What will be useful to the hiring company? What have you done in school and what have you studied that has prepared you for assuming this job?

This is generally a little easier if you're a college graduate with specialized education, but even a high school graduate can talk about their electives and relevant coursework, why they wanted to take them, and what they learned from the class. It's also acceptable to include any awards, scholarships, honors, or any student clubs and committees you participated in. For example, if you were on the Dean's list, include it. 

Many also wonder if they should include their GPA on their resume. The short answer is yes, if it's 3.5 or higher. This level of achievement highlights your potential and the hard work you're willing to put in for success. 

Here's the order to list items in your Education section, with items 5 to 8 being optional:

Degree issued

Issuing institution

City and state of institution 

Graduation date (or expected graduation date, if in progress)

Relevant coursework

Student committees

Here's how your education might look laid out on your resume:

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (3.5 GPA, magna cum laude)Maryland State University

Relevant coursework: human growth and development, assessment, treatment planning, abnormal behavior

6. Emphasize your skills

Even when you don't have actual work experience, you have definitely acquired skills to support you on the job, which can set you apart from the competition. Be sure to highlight both hard and soft skills on your resume. You can do this by including a Skills section near the end, or by adding a Core Competencies section just below your Resume Summary. 

You also might be wondering what the difference is between hard and soft skills. Hard skills are technical skills that are measurable and learned. Softs skills are tangible skills that are difficult to measure. 

Examples of valuable hard skills on a resume include:


Computer skills

Data analysis

Project management

Social media

Language skills

Here are some common soft skills employers seek in their employees:


Problem solving


Interpersonal skills

Time management

Working well under stress

7. Add a cover letter

Even if one isn't required, it's generally a good idea to send a short cover letter along with your resume. Cover letters are where your personality comes out and you can use them to make the case for why you're the perfect candidate for this job. 

A standout cover letter can convince an employer to bring you in for an interview, even if your resume itself doesn't have all the things they'd like to see. Your cover letter provides you with the opportunity to show a bit of personality and express why you're interested in the job, as well. Be sure your cover letter uses the same font and style as your resume, for consistency. 

Elements you should never include on a resume

While there are many elements you should consider adding to your resume, career experts say there are a few things you should never include because they waste space, don't tell the employer anything relevant, or could damage your personal brand. This list includes, but is not limited to: 

Employment references

Writing samples

Photos  of yourself

Do not add this information to your resume unless an employer or recruiter asks you to provide it. 

Additional tips for a resume with no work experience 

As you develop your resume with no experience, here are a few more tips to consider. 

Take stock of your achievements and activities

Make a list of absolutely everything you've done that might be useful on a resume. From this list, you'll then need to narrow down what to actually include on your resume. Different things might be relevant to different jobs you apply for, so keep a full list and pick the most relevant things from it to include on your resume when you send it out. This will help you to identify which sections to include in lieu of work experience.

Pay attention to technical details

When editing your resume, make sure there are no punctuation, grammatical, spelling, or other errors that will make your resume look unprofessional. Then, have a friend or family member read it again to catch any mistakes you might have missed — you can't afford a typo or missing word as a candidate with no prior work experience. Also, be sure to vary your language and use action verbs throughout your resume to keep your reader engaged.

Keywords, keywords, keywords!

Most employers use some form of  applicant tracking system (ATS) to scan and sort resumes . This may seem unfair, but it's the reality of modern-day hiring. To combat this, you'll want to come up with, and include, a list of keywords in your resume when applying for any job. The best place to  find these keywords  is in the job post itself, or in ads for similar jobs. One caveat: don't use meaningless "buzzwords," such as "go-getter," "team player," and “detail-oriented." Unfortunately, sometimes these buzzwords are the only keywords listed in the ad. If that's the case, you'll need to sneak them in alongside your detailed accomplishments and academic achievements.

Customize your resume for each job you apply to

The last and most important thing to remember when creating a good resume is to  customize it for every job to which you apply . Different job postings are going to have different keywords, different job duties listed, and so on. Appealing to each individual employer's needs and job requirements is the best strategy for getting your application noticed and hopefully landing your first job.

Relevant experience goes beyond work experience

At the end of the day, the only perfect resume is the one that gets you the interview. Regardless of whether you have work experience or not, it's still possible to stand out by highlighting other types of experience that relate to the role. 

Even once you're comfortably employed, be prepared to tweak and update your resume to get noticed with each job application you submit. In the meantime, use any type of relevant experience to help you shine and land an interview. Sooner or later, you'll land that job - and gain that much-coveted relevant work experience.

Tackling this kind of resume isn't easy. If you've recently graduated or are in an entry-level job search, a  professional resume writer  can prepare you for success.

This blog was originally written by Riya Sand and has been updated by Ronda Suder. 

Recommended reading:

5 Things You Should Always Include on Your Resume

Should You Include Social Media on Your Resume?

How to Be a Great Candidate Even If You're Under-Qualified for the Job

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How to Make a Resume With No Experience

You can lean on internships, class projects and extracurricular activities.

Jeff Rumage

Making a resume early in your career feels like a classic catch-22: A good resume highlights relevant work experience, which you don’t get until you land a job.

The truth is you don’t always need professional experience for entry-level jobs. By highlighting your existing skills, coursework and extracurricular activities, you can craft a resume that will impress employers — even without work experience.

Writing a Resume With No Experience

  • Start with a professional summary 
  • Emphasize your education 
  • Include relevant experience like internships and extracurriculars
  • Highlight your accomplishments
  • Showcase your skills 
  • Don’t include a headshot, hobbies and other unnecessary details

resume sample

Even if you don’t meet all the requirements described in a job description , there are still ways to write a resume that catches a company’s eye. First, you may want to get your hands on a resume template (word processors like Google Docs and Microsoft Word have resume templates to guide you with a general structure). From there, you can fill in the details by following the tips below.

1. Start With a Professional Summary

Career coaches have mixed opinions on including a short professional summary at the top of your resume. Lesa Edwards, founder of  Exclusive Career Coaching and the former director of the career center at  Truman State University , is in favor of a professional summary because it can set the stage and contextualize the experiences that follow. It also allows you to set yourself apart in a large stack of resumes. 

If you decide to include a professional summary, ask yourself: What do I bring to the table? What soft skills could I transfer over to this role? What do I have that other candidates don’t have? If written well, this two-to-three-sentence summary could encourage recruiters and hiring managers to take a closer look at your resume and cover letter.

2. Emphasize Your Education

If you recently graduated from college, put your education experience as one of the first headers on your resume. You should list your major, any academic honors and your GPA (if it is 3.5 or higher). The education section of your resume can also include a subsection for industry-relevant certifications . As your career progresses, you can bump your education section further down the resume to make room for more relevant professional experiences.

3. Include Relevant Experience and Activities 

Instead of focusing on the requirements you don’t meet, think about any transferable skills or experiences you might have gained from internships , extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, volunteering or school projects.

Jill Silman Chapman, director of early talent programs at Insperity , said she favors candidates who have a well-rounded set of experiences. It shows they are able to multitask, work in different types of environments and adapt to changing circumstances.

“In today’s workplace, we’re changing all the time,” she said. “That ability to adapt is critical.”


Internships are the best way to gain relevant work experience before entering the professional world. They offer an opportunity to apply the lessons you’ve learned in the classroom in real-world situations.

Part-Time Jobs

If you worked in a service industry job and you are seeking your first professional job after college, you could highlight soft skills , like time management skills needed to juggle school and work responsibilities. Customer service is an especially underrated skill, Silman Chapman said, because it translates to customer-facing roles and  interpersonal skills within the workplace.

Extracurricular Activities

This could include student government, fraternities and sororities or any number of campus organizations or community activities. Athletics is also a resume-booster in some industries, especially sales and other professions that tap into a competitive spirit. You might also note if you were an Eagle Scout, helped out at a peer tutoring program or volunteered your time in other ways that show you are engaged in your community.

Class Projects

Projects you worked on as part of a class or online certification program can also be incorporated into your resume. This could include your marketing class working on a semester-long campaign that culminated in a big presentation. If your class partnered with a company on a large project, that could be a relevant real-world experience for your resume.

Online certification programs are also a good way to gain professional experience, and often provide a chance to apply your learnings to a project, which can then be highlighted on your resume, said Karen Scully-Clemmons, assistant director of career services and employer relations at the  University of Texas at Austin . You’ll want to detail what you accomplished, what technologies you used and what you learned . If possible, you should also link to your project on your resume.

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4. Highlight Your Accomplishments

For each experience you list, showcase the results in bullet point format, and look for ways to quantify your results. For example, don’t just rattle off what you did as president of a school organization, highlight how many new members joined during your tenure or how much money you raised while leading fundraising efforts.  

These accomplishments don’t need to be groundbreaking, but you might have to reflect deeply and think creatively to recognize and articulate the value you provided in each role. Just be sure to align these accomplishments with the responsibilities in the job description. 

“Sometimes I think the hardest thing for students is to think of an achievement, because they think it has to be a super big deal,” Edwards said. “So much of it is a shift in mindset of what constitutes an achievement.”

5. Showcase Your Skills

For a skills section, you can include your software proficiencies, as well as soft skills like organization, time management, communication, adaptability to change and the ability to work as part of a team . If you are going to highlight soft skills, though, you should also include evidence of a role or situation in which you demonstrated those skills.

“It may not be numbers, dollars or percentages,” Edwards said, “but maybe you could talk about how you took a leadership role in a class project that was presented to a community organization.”

Related Reading 5 Things New Grads Need to Know About the Job Market

6. Don’t Include These Elements

You only have so much space on your resume, so be sure to leave off these unnecessary details. 

Objective Statement 

Don’t include an “objective” statement that lays out what you are looking for in a job. Instead of talking about what you want, use that space to describe what value you can offer the employer. 

Hobbies and Interests

While you might think a job is related to your hobbies and interests, Edwards said these are of little practical interest to recruiters and hiring managers. Leave them out of your resume.  

A GPA below 3.5 is not likely to win over a company, and a GPA below 3.0 could only hurt your chances. Only include your GPA if it’s above 3.5.   

Headshot or Photo

Recruiters and hiring managers don’t need or want to see what you look like. Unless you are applying for an acting job, don’t attach a picture to your resume because it could be potentially used to discriminate against you. 

Your Full Address

In the electronic age, there is no need to put your address on your resume. Providing your city and state is typically enough, unless an online application requires your full address.  


Don’t employ resume templates with fancy graphics: most companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) , which can’t read resumes that are decorated with graphics, special fonts, columns and other formatting tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i put on my resume if i have no experience.

In lieu of professional experience, you could highlight your education, skills, internships, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, volunteering experiences and school projects.

How to write a professional summary for a resume with no experience?

A well-written professional summary will draw upon the experience you’ve gained from school, internships and other extracurricular activities to demonstrate the impact you have made and the value you would bring to your desired role.

How do you say you have no experience but are willing to learn?

Employers are often willing to train entry-level candidates who have shown initiative and a hard work ethic in school, internships and extracurricular activities. You can emphasize your willingness to learn through your professional summary statement on the top of your resume or through the cover letter that accompanies the resume.

Do I need a resume if I don't have experience?

Yes, you need a resume when applying for a job, regardless of your experience. Most word processors, like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, offer free resume templates to get you started.

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How to Write a Resume with No Experience

Writing a resume when you don’t have work experience.

Writing your first resume can feel intimidating, especially if you feel as though you are not directly qualified for a specific position. However, most of us at some stage have to write a resume without having any experience to list.

If you are just transitioning into the job market, you’ll likely have no work experience to list on your resume—and this is okay.  When you have no job experience to add to your resume, you should focus your attention on all the other experiences and skills you do have that illustrate your value to an employer.

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You should remember that, if you are just looking for your first job, companies are not expecting you to have a lot of experience. So, to evaluate you, they’ll be looking for anything else that shows your skills in action. This could be anything from volunteer experience to courses you have taken.

In this guide, we’re going to discuss what to mention in a resume when you have no experience to list. We will also walk through a few examples of what you can add to your resume to help set yourself apart from other candidates for a position.

Here are the main things you should put on a resume if you have no experience to list:

  • Professional Summary

Professional summaries appear at the top of a resume and briefly describe who you are and what skills you have demonstrated. This section is typically only one to three sentences long.

Including a professional summary in a resume is a good idea whether or not you have any experience. This is because the summary will set the tone for the rest of the resume, and allow a recruiter to get a better sense of who you are as soon as they start reading your resume.

The summary you include on your resume should be written specifically for each job for which you have applied. Here is an example of a professional summary:

Detail-oriented aspiring accountant possessing a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Organized as demonstrated by my experience as an apprentice accountant, and interested in starting a formal career as an accountant.

  • Internships and Apprenticeships

Have you participated in any internships or apprenticeships? If so, you should make sure that you mention them prominently on your resume.

While apprenticeships and internships are not technically full-time jobs, they are good examples of real-world work experience that you can list on your resume. While listing any internships or apprenticeships you have participated in, make sure you discuss any notable accomplishments from your tenure in that position.

For instance, suppose you were an apprentice at a local software engineering firm. You could discuss the experience you acquired using the following:

Software Engineering Apprentice

Local Company

June 2019-August 2019

  • Trained in the basics of the software development process
  • Participated in the analysis of a new project as a member of a project team
  • Helped contribute to the code for a new project
  • Maintained a codebase of over 20,000 lines of code with my team

This structure is similar to how you would discuss professional experience. As you can see, this candidate has listed a few key bullet points which show what they accomplished on the job. This will go a long way to helping an employer evaluate this candidate’s suitability for the job.

  • Extracurriculars or Volunteer Work

Extracurricular activities are a good way to showcase your skills and interests to a potential employer. Were you student body president at school? Mention it on your resume. Were you a member of your school’s computing club? Add it to your resume.

In addition, if you have any volunteer experience, you should make sure that it is added to your resume. Volunteer work is a great way to showcase your experience working in professional work environments, even if you were not paid for your work.

With that said, you should only mention extracurriculars or volunteer work that is relevant to the position for which you are applying. So, if you are applying for a mechanical engineering apprenticeship, you may not want to mention that you were part of your school’s dance club.

In your resume, you should list all the skills you have—both technical and non-technical—that are relevant to the position for which you are applying.

If you are not sure whether a particular skill you have is relevant to a job, read over the job description for the position that you are applying for to see if the skill matches something that has been mentioned in the job listing.

When you are applying for your first job, employers will look to see what soft skills you have, in place of hard technical experience. Soft skills, like organization and reliability, are personal traits that are needed for success on a job.

Here are a few key skills you may want to list on your resume if you are applying for a job as an office junior:

  • Reliability
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills
  • Microsoft Office experience
  • Experience using email tools
  • Experience with teleconferencing
  • Team working skills

In place of professional experience, employers will focus more heavily on your educational background. The educational experience you mention will show employers your ability to commit to tasks, your learning abilities, and also acts as proxy evidence for soft skills such as time management and organization.

Suppose you are applying for a job as an administrative assistant. You may use the following section on your resume to highlight your educational experience:

Harrisford High School

August 2014 – August 2019

Venus profile photo

"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

High School Diploma, 3.9 GPA

  • Personal projects

Personal projects are a good way to demonstrate your skills without having to rely on professional experience.

Suppose you are a programmer. If you have built a website in your spare time, you could mention it on your resume. This will allow you to showcase your technical skills to an employer and make it clear how you can add value to their organization.

You can also list academic projects that are relevant to the job for which you are applying. Suppose you built a Raspberry Pi computing cluster as part of a school project. If you are applying for a computing-related job, this would be a useful project to mention.

Here is how you could list a project on your resume for a retail associate job:

Homemade Jam Enterprise

Founded a homemade jam business in January 2019. Tracked and fulfilled customer orders, handled payments, baked all the jam products, and delivered them to customers.

If you have won any awards or accolades, you could list them on your resume. While this section should not take up too much space on your resume, listing awards is a good way to showcase how your work has been recognized by other people.

Here is an example of two awards listed on a resume for an administrative assistant apprenticeship:

English Student of the Month

Harrisford High School, January 2019

Best Creative Writing Essay

Harrisford High School, March 2019

Tips on How to Write a Resume with No Experience

Now that we’ve discussed a few things that you can add to your resume with no experience, let’s explore a few top tips you can use to make your resume even more impressive.

Tip #1: Keep your resume short

While it may be tempting to list every side project you have built and volunteer experience you have had, you should resist the urge to do so. Instead, make sure that you mention only information that you think is relevant to an employer.

A recruiter may spend less than a minute reading your resume, and so as soon as they read it, they should find it easy to get a grasp of your skills, and how those skills relate to the position for which you are applying.

Tip #2: Proofread your resume

Before you submit a resume for consideration, make sure you review it carefully. This involves checking for content errors, inconsistencies, and typos that would make your resume appear unprofessional if they were seen by an employer.

Tip #3: Ask a friend or family member to review your resume

It can also be helpful to ask a friend or a family member to read over your resume and give you feedback before you submit it to an employer.

Asking for feedback allows you to get a fresh perspective on your resume, and will ensure that you mention all the key points that you should discuss in your resume.

All of us have had to write a resume without experience at some point, and so it’s completely natural to be wondering how you can do so effectively.

Your resume is your chance to present how you can add value to an employer. What you include in your resume will heavily influence whether or not you are called in for an interview.

If you mention all the experience you have—from projects to apprenticeships to volunteer positions—and highlight your educational history, you’ll be on your way to writing a professional resume that can help you get hired.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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How to Write the Perfect “No Experience” Resume?

  • Jakub Kaprál , 
  • Updated November 7, 2023 11 min read

You need a job to get experience, but also you need experience to get a job. What a conundrum!

The situation is not easy and you can feel a bit frustrated , but don’t lose heart. There’s a starting point — your resume. Which is great news, actually.

Just because you don’t have relevant skills or experience from a conventional job doesn’t mean you can’t create a  resume that will get you a job .

First of all, don’t let lack of experience discourage you from applying for the job you want . As a college senior, recent graduate or an entry-level applicant, your experience might be naturally a little thin.

But that’s not something to be ashamed of. Lack of relevant experience is a c ommon issue for many people looking for a job or for those who just want to change their career path.

The key to writing a no experience resume is to explore other creative ways to show you have the skills needed to make you a fantastic hire.

Do you want to learn more? Follow our guide to craft a powerful resume with no work experience that will make your recruiter sit up and take notice .

Table of Contents

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Open up with a personal statement.

Now choose a suitable resume format., take stock of your achievements and activities., treat your internships and extracurricular activities as regular jobs., add some personality., keep it professional even before you become a professional., pay attention to technical details and mistakes..

  • Customise your resume for each job you're applying to.

Remember that fortune favors the prepared.

Your personal statement is usually the very first thing your hiring manager will come across. It’s something that you should definitely use in a no experience resume because a strong summary can help you go far with standing out in the crowd. And if you manage to get it right, you’ll entice the hiring manager to keep reading .

Think of it as your resume elevator pitch that sums up who you are professionally and what you can do for the given employer. The personal statement should also address some of the crucial requirements and skills listed in the job posting .

Make sure to place it at the top of your resume, right after the header. Also, r emember to keep it as short and simple as possible.

Although you might feel tempted to start writing a full-length novel about yourself, try to the distill the essence into two or three sentences . You’ll go into more detail later.

To determine which skills to include in your personal statement, print out a copy of the job description and look for the qualifications section . The keywords you’ll find there will resonate with the recruiter and help pave your way to the job.

Here’s a good example:

Recent graduate with Master of Science in Finance and excellent research, time management and problem-solving skills. Able to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines on time. Seeking a position where I can use my expertise to communicate with potential clients and increase project efficiency.

There are a few dominant resume formats in use today. They have different functions and serve different purpose .

  • Chronological resume presents information in reverse chronological order, with the most recent events being placed first.
  • Functional ( skill-based) resume focuses on your skills, accomplishments, job traits and personal characteristics that employers expect future employees to have.
  • Hybrid resume contains elements of both the chronological and functional styles of resumes by including your relevant skills and accomplishments first and then describing your employment and education in chronological order.

Most people put the events on their resumes in chronological order. They talk about the jobs they’ve held, describing the way and speed with which they’ve been climbing the career ladder.

But for a job seeker with little or no experience, functional — or hybrid — resume is definitely a better option.

It enables you to prioritise some sections in favour of others. And being able to showcase your skills first will help you effectively make up for the lack of work experience .

Think smart and turn your disadvantage into an asset.

In other words, don’t get hung up on where you fall short. You need to specify what you can bring to the table. In lieu of work experience, it's best to focus on your education and skills you’ve developed during college and expand these two sections on your resume.

Skills section

Most resumes start by listing the candidate’s most recent jobs. You, however, need to list skills rather than roles and back them up with some evidence.

This section is a great place to highlight both your technical expertise and transferable skills .

Prepare a list of skills and situations where you used them for illustration. By using specific examples, you’ll make your skill-based resume far more powerful and believable.

Think about situations where you best demonstrated your ability to:

  • Take on responsibility.
  • Lead and inspire others.
  • Show initiative and determination.
  • Bridge the gap between others to get them working together.
  • Build something or make it work again.
  • Increase efficiency.
  • Meet a challenge in an innovative way.

Remember that you need to be specific with your skills . If you’re a social media expert, for example, you need to list the various social media sites you have expertise in. The same goes for experience with specific computer programs that are relevant for the job.

Education section

The Education section on the resume of a seasoned professional is usually fairly compact. Its sole purpose is to prove they have a degree .

That’s why the only thing they’ll include is the name of the school and degree, graduation date and grade.

You need to think differently, though. Play up your degree and pack your Education section with other information that speaks of your professional skills and personal qualities :

  • Academic awards
  • Relevant coursework
  • Group project work
  • Presentations
  • Publications
  • School societies
  • Sport clubs

You sure have plenty to draw on from your studies . While these may not have been paid work experiences, they still present valid experience that you should include on your resume.

As a college graduate, you can delve deeper into specialised courses, school societies or interesting coursework.

Think about the skills that stemmed from this experience and make you a good fit for your target job .

Even a high school graduate can describe their electives, why they chose to take them and what they learned from the class.

Yes, it may take some time to brainstorm and recall all these details. But without relevant work experience, the success of your resume — in large part — stands and falls on the depth of your Skills and Education section.

An additional Achievements section can act as an extension of your Education section and will help you fill space on your resume.

Start by making a list of absolutely everything you've done that you are really proud of. From that list, you'll be able to narrow down things to include on your resume.

The thing is that different achievements might be relevant to different jobs you’ll be applying for. So it’s very useful to keep a full list and pick only the most relevant ones when the time comes.

Did you organise an on-campus event, present a paper at a conference, volunteer for a good cause or write an article for the school magazine? These are kinds of accomplishments that deserve a place in the Achievements section in your resume.

Despite being unpaid, these activities can showcase your soft skills and help recruiters gauge your professional aptitude . Each one of them should come with a few points that detail the responsibilities you had:


Paid and unpaid college internships are one of the best weapons against "experience required" line in a job posting.

Use this unique opportunity to gain some relevant work experience . An internship is also a place where you can network and make connections that you will use later during your job search.


Most recruiters look at volunteer experience similarly to a paid work experience. In other words, just because you didn’t get paid doesn’t mean you didn’t do a good job.

Go ahead and list your volunteer roles as you would a full-time job . Detail the length of time you volunteered, relevant tasks you undertook and the skills you gained through the experience.

Extracurricular activities

You’ll often find your extracurricular roles very similar to regular jobs. If you’re applying for copywriting job, for example, recruiters will be more impressed to hear that you wrote a handful of articles for your student newspaper than that you had a summer job in a local fast food restaurant.

Recruiters have to deal with many applications for each graduate job. Standing out from the crowd and making yourself memorable is the best move towards getting called in for an interview.

Have you run a marathon? Won an unusual award? Skydived in the Alps? These unusual and surprising things  deserve to be in your resume.

Obviously, these experiences are not relevant professional skills, so avoid listing them in your Skills or Achievements section.

Simply list them in your Hobbies section and don’t bother going into detail . The goal here is simply to make a memorable first impression, not to convince the recruiter that running those 26 miles has prepared you for the job of an accountant.

Preparing to draft a resume with no prior experience? No need to fret! Utilize our AI resume builder and transform your limited experience into a compelling narrative that showcases your potential.

Find other ways to stand out.

Create a resume like no other.

While there are many elements that should be a part of your resume, there are a couple of things that can ruin your job search before it even begins.

Stay away from including these things on your resume:

  • The word “resume”
  • Photographs
  • Your age, date of birth, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation
  • References — include a note "references available upon request" or attach a separate list of references
  • Writing samples — include them on a separate sheet of paper
  • Information about your grammar school
  • Unrelated work experience or hobbies
  • Negative words or ideas

Most of them will waste valuable space on your resume , won’t tell the recruiter anything relevant or — at worst — destroy your chances of getting a job entirely.

Last but not least, make sure you’re not using an unprofessional email address. “[email protected]” may have sounded great when you were young, but it’s not w hat you want prospective employers to see .

To get this right, head over to Gmail or Yahoo. Creating a free professional-looking email address to use on your job searching journey is a matter of seconds.

Take that extra time to edit and proofread your resume before sending it out . In an entry-level resume, you can’t simply afford a typo or missing word .

Make sure there are no punctuation, grammatical or spelling mistakes that will make your resume look awkward. If your resume sounds too dull and boring, use language in a smart way and utilise action verbs and powerful adjectives to keep your readers engaged.

Then have a friend or family member read it over once again to catch mistakes you may have missed . They might also provide some useful feedback and describe their feelings after reading your resume.

Customise your resume for each job you're applying to.

Many college students are too lazy to tailor their career documents to the positions they’re applying for. And that’s a mistake that can often cost them a job .

Beat the crowd and adjust your resume to each job you’re opting for. Consider replacing your academic achievements or irrelevant skills to better match the job’s requirements. Recruiters will appreciate you’ve made some effort and haven’t just sent out a dozen identical resumes to a dozen different companies .

Zero experience or tons of experience. Doesn't really matter.

If you really want your career to take flight, you need to be prepared. To talk about your skills and achievements with confidence. To control your body language during your first job interview. Or to be able to negotiate your salary.

There's no shortcut to experience. But once you decide to walk that extra mile, you're on the fastest way to become a true professional.

Good luck with that!

Jakub Kapral is a former professional linguist and a career writer at Kickresume. He has written almost 100 diligently researched resume advice articles and his texts are visited by thousands of people every month. Jakub is a natural teacher who looks to help those who want to enhance their career prospects. He's also an avid drummer and a proud father of two.

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How to Write a Resume with No Experience

Writing a Resume With No Experience

Resumes are there to let recruiters and hiring managers see if you have the necessary experience and skills to do a specific job, but what if you’re a career newbie and have never worked before?

You’ve probably asked yourself, “How do I get a job if I don’t have experience?”

You’re not alone. Plenty of recent graduates and entry-level applicants have trouble finding a job description that doesn’t require a minimum amount of experience. 

But don’t panic just yet!

There are effective ways to impress potential employers , even if you’re just a beginner in your sector. 

For example, you can use tools like our AI-powered builder to generate qualifications that stand out and a no-experience resume template.

In this article, you’ll learn essential tips to help you understand how to create a resume with no experience , including less-known advice that could give you that extra edge you need to get your first career chance.

Keep reading to go over:

  • Tips on how to write a resume if you’ve never worked before
  • How to craft a resume summary that lets you shine 
  • Specific advice to guide you through writing the different sections of your resume
  • Resume examples for jobs with no experience

This article includes:

Now, let’s begin by taking a look at an example.

Example of a Resume with No Experience

What do you put on a resume if you have no experience? 

One of the best ways to learn how to write a resume without experience is to look at an example.

Review the following sample and how the applicant mentions skills, their desire to grow, and results in their internship .

[Robert Richards]

[Dog Sitter]

[NC 27284   |   222-555-8222   |   [email protected]]

Resourceful and motivated recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Completed a successful internship at a leading advertising agency, where I increased social media engagement by 20%. Proficient in using digital marketing tools such as Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Mailchimp. Seeking an entry-level position to utilize my skills and grow in the field of marketing.

Marketing Intern

Furry Friends, Inc.| Raleigh, NC

2022 – 2023

  • Assisted in creating and implementing digital marketing campaigns that led to a 20% increase in social media engagement.
  • Conducted market research using Google Analytics, helping the team understand consumer behavior and trends.
  • Scheduled and managed social media posts using Hootsuite, maintaining consistent brand presence across multiple platforms.
  • Aided in the creation of email marketing campaigns using Mailchimp, contributing to a 10% increase in newsletter subscriptions.

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

Winston Salem State University | Winston Salem, NC

2019 – 2022

Honors: summa cum laude, GPA 3.9/4.0

  • Proficient in Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Mailchimp
  • Understanding of SEO and SEM strategies
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to work collaboratively within a team


  • Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certification, 2022

>> Achievements <<

Implemented social media strategies for Furry Friends, Inc. that increased overall engagement by 20%.


  • American Marketing Association

In addition to our free online resume builder, you can select the High School Student resume template to get a clearer picture of how your resume can be formatted when you have little to no experience.  You’ll see how to include education details , what information you can include in an Experience section, and what skills you can include.

Don’t forget, you could enlist the help of AI tools like ChatGPT to help you write your resume entries. Just make sure you tweak the text to make it sound like you rather than a robot!

Choosing the Best Resume Format When Starting Out

Before we jump into the specifics of writing a resume with no experience, it’s time for some insider info: There is not a particular resume format that suits all situations 

If you have some relevant internship and volunteering experience , the ideal format is the reverse-chronological type, as recruiters are interested in seeing your work history first.

However, if you don’t have any experience, the functional format is the way to go, as it focuses on your skills and abilities . As a matter of fact, many companies are beginning to care more about applicant abilities than degrees .

What if you’re somewhere in-between and, for example, completed one internship, but your skills truly stand out? Then the hybrid resume format is right for you. With this format, you can equally highlight your experience and skills.

What to Include in a Resume if You Have No Work Experience

According to LendED, 36% of college seniors don’t feel prepared for their career, if you’re one of them, it’s good to know that if you add your qualifications correctly , you can still impress a hiring manager. 

For example, even if your work history is thinner than the air on Mount Everest, you probably have some experience worth including in your resume.

You’ll need to focus on these experiences and the skills you’ve developed from any internships or class projects. Being employable isn’t just about formal job experience. It’s also about your skills, enthusiasm, and dedication . 

Review the following list to know what to include in your resume as a career beginner:

  • Internships, class projects, extracurricular activities, volunteer work : They all count as experience and valuable ones at that. For instance, you might have spearheaded a class project that required leadership, planning, and teamwork. 
  • Micro internships : These are short-term assignments that help you build your skills, expand your network, and enhance your resume without a long-term commitment.
  • Skills : It’s your chance to spotlight your superpowers. Maybe you’ve picked up Photoshop or Excel during a class project or developed stellar communication skills while interning. 
  • Quantifying achievements : Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your contributions and results . This could be percentages, dollar amounts, or other concrete metrics.
  • Education: Listing your education on your resume is a must, especially when starting out, as it’s through it that you typically acquire professional skills.

Keep in mind, that it’s also essential to tailor these qualifications to the job description .  If you are looking for your first remote role , for example, highlight all the long-distance work collaborative tools you have used, such as Teams, Slack, Asana, Zoom, or Google Workspace.

By mentioning how you’ll carry out your responsibilities and backing it up with the information above, you’ll win over the hiring manager!

Let’s look at these in turn with examples.

Listing Volunteering on Your Entry-Level Resume

Volunteering is an effective way to build skills that are relevant to a work environment. Adding your experience as a volunteer on your resume might look something like this:

Community Food Drive Coordinator, Neighborhood Food Bank City, State | June 2023 – August 2023

  • Organized and managed a community food drive that collected over 2,000 lbs of food for local families in need.
  • Recruited and coordinated a team of 20+ volunteers, assigning tasks and schedules for the event.
  • Promoted the event using social media and local press, resulting in increased community awareness and participation.
  • Implemented a new sorting system to manage food donations more efficiently, reducing setup and distribution time by 25%.

The use of quantifiable results gives a clear picture of the responsibilities by illustrating competence and effectiveness.

Additionally, the use of resume power words , or dynamic action verbs , such as “organized” or “recruited”, along with relevant skills like team coordination and efficiency improvements, make the candidate attractive to employers across industries.

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer, City Food Bank City, State | Jan 2023 – Dec 2023

  • Volunteered at the local food bank.
  • Assisted with general tasks and activities.

The role “Volunteer” is too generic and doesn’t provide a clear picture of the responsibilities held during this volunteering stint. 

The descriptions are too vague, making it difficult for employers to ascertain what was done or what skills were used.

Also, the lack of measurable results and action words is a missed opportunity to demonstrate the tangible impact made during this volunteer experience. By not providing concrete figures or outcomes, the candidate is failing to feature their effectiveness in real-world situations. 

Don’t worry if describing some of your experiences is a little long, just keep in mind that the average number of words in a resume lies around 489.

Using Internships to Enhance Your Resume

When you have no formal work experience to list on a resume, an internship is the next best thing . Most internships are completed under the direction or supervision of a professional , so it’s basically work without the monetary compensation.

The skills you developed and the exposure to a professional atmosphere will often be enough to satisfy a recruiting manager.

An internship added to the experience section of a resume might look like this:

Social Media Intern

John’s Major Corporation

September 2019 – December 2019

  • Developed and managed content across social platforms, boosting Instagram followers by 850+ within a week and doubling the Twitter follower base during the internship.
  • Contributed to the Pinterest account management for three key clients.
  • Enhanced product visibility through digital photography and concise summaries.
  • Leveraged Google Analytics for comprehensive social media performance reports.

With this listing, you can showcase your managerial, communication, and technical skills. This also shows your ability to work in a team setting and to handle various tasks across multiple social media platforms.

Adding a micro internship

If you’ve completed a micro internship, you’ll want to maximize your achievements, especially since it was carried out in a small space of time , like in this example:

Micro Internship

Software Engineer Intern, Startup Solutions, May 2023 – June 2023

  • Collaborated on software development projects for a Chicago-based SaaS platform targeting marketing professionals.
  • Contributed to a team developing a new feature that enhanced user engagement, resulting in a 10% increase in customer retention.
  • Utilized JavaScript and React for front-end development, and contributed to back-end APIs using Node.js.

Featuring Academic Projects  on Your Beginner Resume

There is a reason to add academic projects to your resume if you don’t have experience. An extensive project could have helped you develop a skill set that many managers covet. 

An academic project could emphasize: 

  • Leadership 
  • Creativity 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Decision-making
  • Analytical skills

 If you worked in a team, then add collaborative skills to the list.

An academic project could emphasize leadership, creative, critical thinking, decision-making, and analytical skills .

Following is an example of how you might add an academic project on your resume:

Robotics Project

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

January 2020 – May 2020

  • Spearheaded a 3-member team to design and program a robotic wheelchair prototype, meeting all academic criteria and showcasing application of core robotics and systems engineering principles.
  • Created thorough documentation of the project’s progress from planning stage to prototype completion

Or if you conducted research, there is certain info that should be included, here’s an example:

Research Experience in Behavioral Economics,

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL,

September 2021 – May 2022

  • Conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of socioeconomic factors on spending behaviors, under the guidance of leading economics professors.
  • Collaborated with a team of researchers to collect data from over 500 participants using both field experiments and controlled laboratory settings.
  • Analyzed complex data sets using statistical software like SPSS and R, providing actionable insights that contributed to two peer-reviewed academic papers.
  • Presented findings at the annual university research symposium, highlighting methodological approaches and key results.

A recruiting manager can assess that you have strong leadership, communication, problem-solving, and organizational skills based on this information.

Listing Student Organizations

List any positions you might have held within an organization. Vice president of a student council, treasurer for an arts society, president of a sorority, or project lead for an academic project are all worth noting. An example would be:

Alpha Kappa Psi | New York, NY

September 2019 – May 2022

Member & Project Lead

  • Oversaw a 12-member team to develop marketing materials for AKP
  • Designed a social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram in 2021 for product promotions
  • During my time as marketing project lead (2020), generated more than $5,000 in sales of promotional materials during the academic year

How to Display Your Educational Background

Often, recruiters will check your education section when evaluating your fit for a position. With limited work experience, featuring your education at the top of your resume right after the resume summary can be beneficial.

Add a “ Relevant Coursework ” heading, list pertinent courses like “Introduction to Marketing” or “Global Marketing”, summarizing key learnings.

Review the following example to get a clear idea of how to do it:

Bachelor of Science in Marketing

XYZ University | City, State

Aug 2019 – May 2023

  • GPA: 3.7/4.0
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Marketing: Explored foundational marketing principles, including market segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the marketing mix.
  • Global Marketing: Studied the impact of global trends on marketing strategies, including the role of culture, politics, and regulations.

These details can provide valuable insight into your potential as a candidate by demonstrating your academic performance and achievements .

Now, let’s move on to another important aspect – the resume summary.

The Importance of Resume Summaries and Objectives

As we’ve mentioned, new graduates have some trouble finding work. A Reddit post titled “Can’t get a job without experience, can’t get experience without a job” mentions how this user is caught in a catch-22. 

The Redditor in question is never considered for work due to their lack of experience and doesn’t seem to be able to get experience without working. Sound familiar?

So, what do you say when applying for a job with no experience?

In addition to adding your qualifications correctly, you can do your convincing by including an eye-catching summary or objective .

Think of your resume’s summary/objective statement as your opportunity to make a first impression . It’s your introduction to a recruiting manager. 

While a summary emphasizes your career achievements and is ideal for highlighting your accomplishments during an internship or project, an objective is ideal for career beginners with no relevant experience. So if you’re writing your resume for the first time , keep this in mind.

In both cases, the statement should reflect your abilities, attitude, and professional goal . Use specific achievements and successes when possible.

Instead of stating “skilled at organizing events”, state “oversaw a fundraising event for my community center that drew 5,000 attendees and raised $10,000 for recreational programs.”

Look at this example of a resume summary :

Dedicated professional seeking opportunities in child care. Boasts three years of experience caring for children under 10. Utilized inventive skills to develop an array of educational games that boosted children’s language and motor skills by 25%. Seeking an entry-level position in early childhood education. Committed to providing safe and educational environments for children in daycare centers or preschools.

Now, review this example of a resume objective to see the difference:

Enthusiastic and dedicated educator with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, seeking a teaching position at the elementary level. Committed to creating an engaging and inclusive learning environment to stimulate students’ interest. With a deep understanding of child psychology and development, looking to inspire and make a positive impact on students’ lives.

Other Sections You Could Include in Your Resume with No Experience

Does there appear to be too much “white space” on your resume despite filling in the experience, skills, and education sections? There’s only so much spacing you can do between sections before your resume looks sort of bare.

Here are some sections you could include in your no-experience resume.

Hobbies & Interests

Including your hobbies and interest can reflect your personality and additional potential skills not detailed in the preceding sections. It could even support your experience.

For instance, if you add painting to your hobbies and are applying for a position in graphic design, this could reflect artistic skills that could stand out to an employer.

Leave out any hobbies or interests that might be seen as violent or affiliated with any specific political party or religion. Hunting, for example, might be better left off your resume, or your attendance at a particular church.

Awards & Certifications

Were you named Employee of the Month at your part-time job? Have you received any professional certifications?

This type of information can and should be revealed on a resume with no experience. An Awards & Certifications section will display your abilities and traits such as dedication, work ethic, perseverance, and teamwork.

Examples of awards you could highlight here include:

  • Fellowships
  • Sports awards
  • Military honors
  • Performance awards
  • Published writings
  • Community service awards

Certifications from professional agencies or associations are added here as well. These might be in the areas of IT, marketing, project management, software, or even first aid.

To list certifications , you would add the certification title, the name of the organization granting the certification, and the date earned.

No-Experience Resume Keypoints

As you’ve noticed, you probably have more chances as a career beginner than you initially thought. It’s all a matter of perspective and how well you sell yourself.

Remember the following points when crafting your no-experience resume:

  • Choose your r esume format depending on your particular situation
  • Leverage any internships, micro internships, and volunteering positions 
  • Tailor your resume to the job description
  • Highlight your college projects and research results
  • Add any additional sections like Hobbies or Awards that might help hiring managers to get to know you better
  • Always describe your skills and experience with quantitative data

Also, remember to use online tools and customizable templates , to make your rookie resume look like a seasoned application.

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Federal Reserve keeps interest rates at current levels as inflation holds its grip

The Federal Reserve left its key interest rate unchanged at between 5.25% and 5.5% — the highest level in more than a decade — as annual inflation rates continued to stall.

In its statement announcing the hold, the central bank said that in recent months, there had been "a lack of further progress" toward its 2% percent inflation goal.

"Economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace," it said. "Job gains have remained strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation has eased over the past year but remains elevated."

Last month, the consumer price index came in at 3.5% on an annual basis, driven by rising housing costs and insurance rates, especially auto insurance.

"We're just a mile a way from the finish line," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's, referring to the economy reaching 2% inflation. "We're very close, but still not there. I do think that inflation will continue to moderate."

The Fed has sought to slow inflation by keeping interest rates elevated. By making it more expensive for businesses and consumers to borrow money, including through credit cards, the Fed hopes to reduce demand for goods and services, thereby reducing price growth.

So far, the results of doing this have been mixed. After a period of rapid interest rate hikes, the pace of inflation fell from more than 9% in the summer of 2022 to its current levels of between 3% and 4%.

But the decline has since stalled.

There are complex reasons for the lack of progress and many elements may actually be out of the Federal Reserve's control. Home and auto insurance companies continue to pass on higher costs to consumers . Meanwhile, even as many consumers struggle, post-pandemic wealth gains have left others — especially older consumers — with plenty of money to spend, despite higher prices.

Whatever the case, the wait for slower inflation has left the average consumer in an increasingly dour mood. On Tuesday, the Conference Board’s monthly Consumer Confidence Index came in at its lowest level since July 2022. Consumers expressed more concern about the current labor market situation, future business conditions, job availability and income, the group said.

Still, most analysts say the odds of a recession are remote. In the most recent GDP report, spending on services, which includes everything from restaurants to airfare to professional services, came in at 4% year-on-year, the fastest rate since 2021.

“Don’t underestimate this economy,” economists with Wells Fargo said in a report following the release.

Consumers thus appear to be sensing that the most crucial part of the economy — the jobs market — is slowing, even while prices remain elevated.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell acknowledged this complex economic environment in remarks in early March.

"The outlook is still quite uncertain," Powell said. The central bank must balance its campaign against elevated inflation with ensuring the economy does not slip into a recession.

Economists like Zandi aren't expecting the Fed to raise interest rates, either.

Instead, the Fed will likely continue to keep rates elevated — perhaps even until after the November general election so that it does not appear to favor one candidate or another.

"[Powell's] message is clear: We can’t cut rates and we’re not there yet," Zandi said. "We've still got a ways to go."

how to make resume look good with no experience

Rob Wile is a breaking business news reporter for NBC News Digital.


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    Use power words. Peak the interest of recruiters with strong, powerful keywords and actionable descriptions. For example, "Attentive to detail" and "driven," "Team player" and "reliable" or "Problem-solver" and "leader.". Describe what you bring to the table. Clearly state how you bring value to the company's success.

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  10. How to Make a Resume With No Experience

    Writing a resume with no experience. Start with a professional summary. Emphasize your education. Include relevant experience like internships and extracurriculars. Highlight your accomplishments. Showcase your skills. Don't include a headshot, hobbies and other unnecessary details.

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    Tip #1: Keep your resume short. While it may be tempting to list every side project you have built and volunteer experience you have had, you should resist the urge to do so. Instead, make sure that you mention only information that you think is relevant to an employer.

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    3. Add contact info to the header. When you write a resume without experience, your mission is to get an employer's attention and get called for an interview. That makes your contact info extremely important and something you should highlight at the top of your document in the header.

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  16. How to Write a Resume with No Experience

    Write an expanded bulleted list providing context. Add a short list of skills after each section within your work history. Segment your resume based on your list of skills (not ideal if you have no experience) What's important is to incorporate keywords a recruiter or an ATS may be looking for.

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    Here's a resume template you can use without work experience. Here's the resume filled out below. How to write a resume with no experience: 5 tips. When you have no work experience to add to your resume, highlight your education, include relevant non-work experience, list your skills, and include a summary. 1. Highlight your education.

  18. How to Make a Resume with No Experience

    Make a no experience resume skills section. Emphasize your education in your beginner resume. Add a section for licenses and certifications if needed. Add relevant experience to your first job resume template. Add optional sections to enhance your no experience resume. Proofread and save your first resume.

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    Treat your internships and extracurricular activities as regular jobs. Add some personality. Keep it professional even before you become a professional. Pay attention to technical details and mistakes. Customise your resume for each job you're applying to. Remember that fortune favors the prepared.

  20. How to Write a Resume with No Experience

    Remember the following points when crafting your no-experience resume: Choose your r esume format depending on your particular situation. Leverage any internships, micro internships, and volunteering positions. Tailor your resume to the job description. Highlight your college projects and research results.

  21. How to Make a Resume with No Job Experience

    Header and contact information. First comes the header with your contact information. Make sure that the phone number and professional email address you provide are the correct ones. You can also include the social media handle to your LinkedIn profile but only if it will add value to your job application. 2.

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    7. Write a cover letter. Cover letters boost your chances with your employer, especially at entry-level jobs. This is because it gives you an excellent opportunity to stand out, particularly if you have no work experience. As a new professional, writing your first resume is a thrilling experience.

  23. How To Make Your Resume Look Good (So Employers Notice You)

    1. Write a strong professional summary. One way to improve your resume and make it look more appealing is to create a professional summary employers notice and remember. Your header should include your name and contact information, and you can use a large or bold font to draw attention to your header.

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