The Ultimate Thesis Statement Generator

Thesis Statement Generator

Are you struggling with formulating a concise, compelling thesis statement? You're not alone. is here to empower your academic writing journey with our thesis statement generator, a sophisticated AI tool dedicated to generating and refining thesis statements. Unlike other tools, Jenni ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of your thesis statement, setting a strong foundation for your academic piece.

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Loved by over 1 million academics

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Trusted by Academics from Leading Universities

Discover how students from renowned universities enhance their academic writing with Jenni AI

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Discover the Edge of Academic Excellence with Jenni AI

Envision a clearer path towards crafting thesis statements with these winning features

Personalized Thesis Statement Suggestions

Jenni AI tailors suggestions based on your input, helping you craft a thesis statement that aligns with your research goals and academic standards.

Get started

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Interactive Writing Assistant

Engage with Jenni to refine and improve your thesis statement. It's like having a collaborative partner in the writing process, ensuring your thesis is on the right track.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

With Jenni AI, receive thesis statement assistance whenever inspiration strikes, on any device.

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User-friendly Interface

With an intuitive interface, Jenni AI is easy to navigate and use, making the process of crafting a thesis statement straightforward and enjoyable.

Your Integrity, Our Priority

Jenni AI isn’t here to do the work for you but to assist you in overcoming the hurdles of thesis statement writing. We take academic integrity seriously. We are here to support you, not to shortcut your academic journey.

How does the Thesis Statement Generator Work?

Jenni AI seamlessly integrates into your research workflow

Sign Up for Free

Create your free account to unlock a world of academic excellence. Your journey toward a compelling thesis statement begins here.

Input Your Topic

Type in your research topic or a key question you aim to answer through your thesis. Jenni’s intuitive interface makes this step a breeze.

Receive Suggestions

Based on your input, provides you with a set of preliminary thesis statement suggestions. These are tailored to reflect the essence of your research while adhering to academic standards.

Refine with Real-Time Feedback offers real-time feedback as you tweak and refine your thesis statement. This iterative process ensures clarity, coherence, and a strong alignment with your research objectives.

Export Your Thesis Statement

Once satisfied, simply download or copy your thesis statement, and you’re ready to delve deeper into your academic writing journey.

Real Testimonials from Real Achievers

Discover the stories of academics who have experienced the transformative impact of Jenni AI on their academic journeys.

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· Aug 26

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Charlie Cuddy


· 23 Aug

Love this use of AI to assist with, not replace, writing! Keep crushing it @Davidjpark96 💪

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Waqar Younas, PhD


· 6 Apr

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· 28 Jul

Jenni is perfect for writing research docs, SOPs, study projects presentations 👌🏽

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Stéphane Prud'homme is awesome and super useful! thanks to @Davidjpark96 and @whoisjenniai fyi @Phd_jeu @DoctoralStories @WriteThatPhD

Frequently asked questions

How do i start using jenni ai, is jenni ai free to use, can i use jenni ai on my mobile device.

How does Jenni AI ensure the quality of the thesis statement?

Will Jenni AI write my entire thesis?

What do I do if I need further assistance?

Can I use Jenni AI on my mobile device?using Jenni AI's outline generator guarantee a better grade?

Jenni AI vs Competitors: A Comparative Insight

Experience a notable difference in how you articulate and present your scholarly ideas with Jenni AI

Feature Featire


Quality of Suggestions

Advanced AI algorithms ensure high-quality, academically sound thesis statement suggestions tailored to your research topic.

Generic suggestions that may lack depth or alignment with your specific research objectives.

User-Friendly Interface

User-friendly interface designed for seamless navigation and immediate engagement, requiring no technical expertise.

May have a steeper learning curve, with complex features that require time to understand.

Comprehensive Customization

Jenni's outline generator allows for comprehensive customization, empowering you to tailor your outline to your specific needs and preferences.

While competitors may offer customization options, they may not provide the same level of flexibility and adaptability.

Real-Time Feedback

Provides instant feedback as you refine your thesis statement, aiding in the iterative improvement process.

May lack real-time feedback, leaving you without guidance for improvement.

Competitive pricing with a free version available to get you started.

May have higher pricing or lack a free version for trial.

Ready to Elevate Your Thesis Writing?

Sign up for a free account now and experience the power of Jenni AI in crafting compelling thesis statements!

Start and Finish Your Thesis with Ease, Supported by AI

Draft, Refine, Finish with AI Support: Your Comprehensive Guide to Writing Graduate, Master's, and Ph.D. Theses

Create Thesis, Outline & Draft Content

Generate a compelling, scientific and academic thesis title, outline and draft content.

Craft a Scientific Thesis Title

Generate a thesis title based on research variables and impacts in a specific context.

Outline your existing thesis title

Structure your thesis with clear academic framework.

Compose an Essay/Thesis Section

Create draft content from scratch for a specific section.

Enhance a Writing

Improve clarity, flow, and coherence.  

Design a Survey Questionnaire

Create a survey with Likert Scale and Multiple Choice Questions.

We are the go-to interview transcription app for the leading journalists.

"ThesisMachine turned my months of stress into a streamlined process of success. Finally, my research is not just completed, but polished to perfection. Thanks, ThesisMachine!"

John Carter, Graduate Student in Environmental Science

"As a PhD candidate juggling teaching and research, ThesisMachine has been a game-changer. It's like having a personal advisor available 24/7!"

Emily Thompson, PhD Candidate in Sociology

"From brainstorming to the final draft, ThesisMachine was there every step of the way. Its intuitive platform made writing my thesis not just easier, but enjoyable."

Michael Johnson, Masters Student in History

"I was skeptical about using an AI to help with my graduate thesis, but ThesisMachine proved me wrong. The guidance and resources available are unparalleled."

Sarah Williams, Research Fellow in Biomedical Engineering

"ThesisMachine is a lifesaver for anyone struggling with their master's thesis. It helped me organize my thoughts and research efficiently, making the writing process so much smoother."

Alex Smith, MBA Student

"The feedback and suggestions from ThesisMachine on my drafts were incredibly insightful. It felt like having an expert guiding me through the complexities of Ph.D. thesis writing."

Jessica Davis, Graduate Student in Literature

Scholars love thesis machine.

Join millions of empowered scholars

Thesis Machine has guided the creation of over 2 billion academic words. From comprehensive theses, research papers, to influential journal articles.

Seven Features That Distinguish Us

Draft with AI, Edit, Copy and Send

Thesis Machine will generate an initial draft, enabling you to edit, copy, and directly email the version to yourself. Additionally, it will maintain all versions in your account, each tagged with a unique version number for easy reference.

Choose Your Thesis Level: Graduate, Master's, or Ph.D.

Create a scientific thesis title, generate a thesis outline from scratch, write an essay/thesis chapter from the ground up, improve an essay/thesis chapter, cite an online source with any format (apa, chicago...), develop a custom survey questionnaire, crafting a thesis title.

Involves creating a title that is both engaging and reflects the scientific rigor and academic discipline of your study. It sets the tone for your research, drawing readers in while accurately representing the content and scope of your thesis.

Developing a Thesis Outline

Requires structuring your thesis in a manner that presents your research logically and systematically. This framework serves as a roadmap, guiding the organization of your arguments and evidence throughout the document.

Composing an Essay/Thesis Section

Entails writing detailed content that addresses specific components of your thesis, such as literature review, methodology, or results. This process involves in-depth research and analysis to develop a coherent and substantiated argument.

Enhancing an Essay/Thesis Chapter

Focusing on revising and refining the text to ensure it is clear, well-organized, and coherent. Improvements in word choice, sentence structure, and the logical flow of ideas contribute to a more compelling and persuasive presentation of your research.

Referencing an Internet Source

Involving the accurate citation of information retrieved from the internet, adhering to specific formatting guidelines. This practice not only gives credit to original authors but also lends credibility to your thesis by demonstrating a thorough engagement with relevant literature.

Designing a Survey Questionnaire

It is about crafting well-thought-out questions aimed at gathering specific data from your target population. This involves ensuring questions are clear, unbiased, and structured in a way that elicits useful responses for your research analysis.

Time-Saving Efficiency

Precision and customization, enhanced quality in academic writing, research outline development and citation support, your ai partner.

Get Started with ThesisMachine Today

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Thesis Statement Generator

Popular keywords.

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Your topic is the essential idea of your paper. It is usually a few words or a phrase that summarizes the subject of your paper. For your thesis statement, try to make your topic as specific as possible.

What is your argument regarding your subject? How do you intend to convince the reader of your perspective?

Write your reason as a clear statement. Be sure that you can support this reason with logical facts and evidence.

A strong thesis statement recognizes the existence of a counterargument. Incorporate a perspective that contrasts with your own by detailing what someone with an opposing view might assert about your topic.

Step 1 : Fill out the fields to the best of your ability. You can include as little or as much detail as you would like.

Step 2 : Submit your answers and your words should appear above after a few seconds. Fine tune your answers and submit again if needed.

Step 3 : When you are happy with the results, copy and paste your words wherever you want! Be sure to proofread for accuracy and edit to make them your own.

How to Use the Thesis Statement Generator Tool

Understanding the form layout.

Before we begin crafting a compelling thesis statement, let’s familiarize ourselves with the form provided by the Thesis Statement Generator tool. This tool is designed to guide you through the process of creating a strong thesis statement for your paper. It has several fields:

  • What is your topic?
  • State your main idea about this topic
  • Give 3 reasons that support your main idea
  • Counterargument

Now, let’s explore each field with a fresh example, ensuring your thesis is both robust and convincing.

Crafting Your Thesis

Identifying your topic.

In the “What is your topic?” field, you’ll pinpoint the central theme of your essay. Specificity is key. For a new example, instead of “education,” you might delve into “the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools.”

Articulating Your Main Idea

For the next field, “State your main idea about this topic,” you’ll declare your principal argument. Let’s say your stance is that “Bilingual education in primary schools fosters cognitive flexibility and cultural awareness.”

Providing Supporting Reasons

Moving on to “Give 3 reasons that support your main idea,” here is where you provide the pillars of your argument. For our educational theme, you could argue that bilingual education “enhances problem-solving skills,” “improves multitasking abilities,” and “prepares students for a globalized workforce.”

Acknowledging Counterarguments

In the “Counterargument” field, consider potential criticisms of your argument. Presenting an opposing view shows depth in your analysis. A counterargument might be “bilingual education may lead to initial language learning challenges for students.”

Best Practices

  • Be Precise : Aim for detail while maintaining brevity, so your thesis statement remains clear and effective.
  • Employ Assertive Language : Use strong and affirmative language to convey your argument confidently.
  • Prepare with Research : Arm yourself with research to effortlessly supply robust reasons and anticipate counterarguments.

After filling in each field, the “Write Thesis Statement” button will craft your thesis. Use this as a blueprint for your paper, fine-tuning it as needed to capture your voice and argument. With regular use, this tool can enhance your writing process, making thesis creation a seamless and thought-provoking task.

How did this tool work for you? How can we make it better?   Please send us your feedback by using the form below and include as many details as you can. 

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Provides detailed etymological backgrounds and historical usage of any word you input, along with interesting trivia.

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  • Glossary Generator

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Woman sitting on a stack of books while reading and researching.

Book Summarizer

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Generate a custom poem based on your preferred structure, rhyme, and tone to match your mood or message.

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Deconstruct This

Break anything down to its components and learn how each part works together.

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Word.Studio is LLM agnostic, which means that our tools are run by the most powerful and appropriate AI models selected for the task at hand.

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Thesis Help: 95 Best Online Tools for Thesis Writing

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Writing a thesis is like being sentenced to life and hard labor in libraries. Forget regular working hours or your natural right to sleep and rest. Only successful defense of your project will break you free.

  • Word Processing and Taking Notes
  • Knowledge Management
  • Student Planners
  • Bibliography Helpers
  • Academic Research Tools
  • Productivity Apps
  • Vocabulary Builders
  • Dictionaries
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Grammar and Style Check

The following free tools, however, provide a ray of hope. Draconian time management and supernatural self-organization can help you cope with your thesis faster. Optimize the process and enjoy the time you save.

📝 Word Processing and Taking Notes

Although you may be used to Microsoft Word, the following free alternatives can be of much help for thesis writing:

Latex Project - a Document Preparation System.

  • LaTeX is a high-quality system equipped with special features for technical and scientific documentation. A great tool for thesis help due to its user-friendly interface and dozens of helpful features. For example, the tool automatically generates bibliographies and indexes.
  • LyX is a free document processor that emphasizes the importance of document structure.
  • Scrivener is a popular text-editing tool for Windows users. Use one of several templates to construct your document. There are also labeling options available during the working process.
  • XMind is an easy-to-use text-editing and mind-mapping tool. Develop essay maps with this paper editor you can use on an iPhone or iPad for creating, editing, and storing your files.
  • OpenOffice is free and intuitive editing software popular with students. Try this excellent writing tool you can easily use instead of Microsoft Word. It gives similar functions for typing, formatting, and revising.
  • AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft Word and suitable for a wide range of academic tasks.
  • Jarte is a free word processor that is based on Windows WordPad and fully compatible with Windows Word.
  • Google Docs is Google’s awesome service that allows you to create, format, store, and share documents online.
  • ThinkFree is a free Java-based word processor that is fully compatible with Word.

Etherpad is a Highly Customizable Open Source Online Editor Providing Collaborative Editing.

  • Etherpad is an open source text editor that allows real-time collaborative editing online. You and your mentor can use this tool for online revision of your thesis.

🧠 Knowledge Management

Here’s the kicker:

While doing research for your dissertation, you will need to dig through an incredible amount of literature. Maybe even look at some free college essays examples.

To make your job easier without getting lost or wasting time, consider the following knowledge management tools — they are great for dissertation help.

  • KeepNote is a particularly effective note-taking application that can help you use full-text search and store your findings and notes.
  • TomBoy is a free and easy-to-use note-taking and mind-mapping application. When making an analysis of sources or gathering articles in one place, it’s easy to get lost in dozens of links. Tomboy allows you to store every link carefully and have access to them anytime from your desktop.
  • TiddlyWiki is a knowledge management app with a number of helpful features of much help for your thesis.
  • Mindnote is an effective mind-mapping tool that can help you organize your thoughts intuitively.
  • Mendeley is a tool that allows you to create your own easily searchable library of your research findings and accessible from any device.
  • VUE stands for Visual Understanding Environment. This tool can be used for structuring and sharing information.
  • EyePlorer is a convenient tool for creating charts and mind maps online. You can just drag in your thesis statement’s keywords and get the results.
  • Zotero is a valuable academic research and knowledge management tool that combines functionality of a citation maker and knowledge management.
  • Endnote can help you find, save, and share the information you need. You can work on a document with your team, see the history of changes, and get your sources cited in one of 6,000 styles.
  • Cam scanner is probably one of the easiest ways to save bibliographic information by simply “scanning” a resource with your phone or any other device.

⌚ Student Planners

In being preoccupied with your thesis, you may easily forget something. The following free tools will help you be better organized: Website - Get Life Under Control.

  • Any do can synchronize your personal tasks and help you achieve maximum potential.
  • Trello can help you see everything about your project in one place.
  • Exam Countdown is a free and easy-to-use app to keep track of all your deadlines. Thesis development consists of many parts. Don’t miss any of them with this helpful and vivid tool.
  • Wunderlist is a tool for ticking off all your personal and academic goals.
  • Todoist is a free online task manager that will kindly remind you of approaching deadlines.
  • Tomsplanner is an online chart to help you get things done.
  • HabitRPG is a free productivity app that treats your life like an exciting game. Habitica is an RPG game that not only motivates you to start a thesis but also helps with everyday routines like cleaning your room or getting enough sleep.
  • Todokyo is a simple way to create to-do lists online.
  • Ta-da Lists will help you reach those amazing “ta-da” moments with all your daily and weekly tasks.

🙋 Bibliography Helpers

Collecting resources and formatting citations is important for your dissertation writing, but imagine letting free citation tools do that work for you! Make this academic dream come true with our past list of the top 25 free online best citation generators , or check out the following collection of free tools:

Bibdesk - Bibliography Manager.

  • BibDesk will help you edit and manage your bibliography. This tool can help you keep track of not only bibliographic information but also related links and files.
  • BiblioExpress will help you find, manage, and edit bibliographic records.
  • Docear is a free academic literature management suite that helps you discover, organize, and cite your resources.
  • Recipes4Success is an open source bibliography maker that formats citations in MLA and APA. It works as a rewording generator—you fill in the fields, and the tool gives you a full sentence in one of the most popular citation styles.
  • Ottobib is a free, easy, and fast bibliography maker that allows formatting citations using only ISBN. If you use ISBN for your referencing, you can save a lot of time.
  • Citavi is a free reference management and knowledge organization tool that can help to not only create citations but also organize and highlight text.
  • Cite This for Me is an open source and easy-to-use citation maker that is compatible with a wide range of citation styles.
  • GoBiblio is a free online citation maker that generates citations in MLA and APA.

🔬 Academic Research Tools

One more thing you will appreciate is an academic full-text research environment free of commercial links:

Google Scholar.

  • Google Scholar is the place to start your online research that will help you with your thesis.
  • ContentMine is a tool that extracts scientific facts from around a billion academic resources.
  • Data Elixir is a twice-monthly digest of the latest scientific discoveries.
  • Labii is a template-based electronic notebook. Keep all your data organized into categories like protocols, results, samples, and so on.
  • LazyScholar is a free Chrome or Mozilla extension that will do an automatic full-text search and create fast citations.
  • Scientific Journal Finder can help you access the latest and most relevant resources in your field.
  • Scizzle is a fast and easy way to discover new papers on a topic of your choice.
  • MyScienceWork is a platform for making your research papers visible to anyone on the web or getting access to research of others.
  • Sparrho is a collection of scientific channels and an easily navigated search engine. It contains more than 60 million scientific articles, and the best universities in the world use it.

Working with sources and doing research may be rather exhausting.

Here’s the deal:

You have to work on your performance and productivity.

đŸƒâ€â™€ïž Productivity Apps

Another important routine change that can save hours and days of your life is blocking or minimizing distractions:

  • TimeDoctor is an easy to use time-tracking app that will prevent you from distractions and increase your productivity.
  • Online timer by TimeCamp is a free and simple solution for measuring your work time divided by separate tasks.

Freedom is the world-famous Internet, Social-media and App Blocker.

  • Freedom can help you block the most distractions
  • SelfControl is a Mac app that will help you avoid distracting websites. Just block social media or news feeds that interfere with your work.
  • Write or Die is a web-based app designed to boost your productivity by reaching a target word count within a chosen time frame.
  • Focus Time is a combination of an activity tracker and a Pomodoro timer.
  • Rescue Time promises to help you block all distractions. Control the choice of blocked resources or use the default list.
  • Leechblock NG is a Firefox add-on that can block time-wasting sites.
  • StayFocusd politely questions if you shouldn’t be working and helps you achieve that.
  • Write Monkey is software that can create a distraction-free interface for simply writing.
  • Nirvana will help you prioritize your tasks and get the most important ones done on time.
  • Tomato Timer is a minimalist timer that will help you work according to the well-known Pomodoro technique (working 25 minutes before taking a 5-minute break).

📖 Vocabulary Builders

By the time you finish your project, you can undoubtedly boast of having a rich and diverse academic vocabulary. You may want to boost your vocabulary even further with the following tools:

  • IntensiveVocab is a free tool designed to help you improve your vocabulary, score higher on standardized tests, and thus improve your dissertation’s language.
  • WhichWord is an iOS app designed to help you better understand the difference between frequently confused words.
  • Just the Word is an online tool to help you better combine words in a sentence. You enter “just the word” into a search line and receive examples of how that word can be used and other students’ errors.
  • Lexipedia is a tool that creates semantic differences for a word of your choice. This tool organizes the results in a mind map. It’s available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian.
  • Wordnik is a free tool that will give you several definitions for a word of your choice.
  • Wordhippo is an easy and quick way to find synonyms and antonyms for a certain word. You can also find rhymes, scrabble options, words with specific letters, and so on.
  • SAT Vocab by MindSnacks is a free app that can help you learn SAT vocabulary and formulate more difficult sentences by simply playing games.
  • Vocabulary Builder from Magoosh is a free app to quickly boost your vocabulary.
  • Visual Vocab SAT is a free but effective app for building your vocabulary.

📚 Dictionaries

This collection of sources will make you thesis writing process easy and professional.


  • Abbreviations is a huge directory of all abbreviations imaginable. It’s a vast library of acronyms and abbreviations in various fields like science, medicine, government, business, and more.
  • Cambridge Dictionaries is a collection of free online English dictionaries and thesauruses including bilingual and semi-bilingual resources.
  • Definitions is a multilingual dictionary that provides definitions from many reputable resources. It knows every word in many narrow fields like trees, dinosaurs, and ancient history.
  • Macmillan Dictionary is an open source tool with activities and word lists to not only find the words you need but also learn them.
  • Merriam Webster is a free dictionary with a variety of online quizzes and tests. It’s one of the most valuable online dictionaries.
  • Thesaurus is an open source dictionary offering synonyms and definitions.
  • Urban Dictionary is the go-to place for synonyms and definitions. This is the best place to search for slang words.
  • Ozdic is a free online collocation dictionary. You can get a full analysis of a particular word you need to learn.
  • YourDictionary provides simple definitions that anyone can understand.

✅ Plagiarism Check

Plagscan - Online Plagiarism Checker.

  • PlagScan will compare your documents with billions of others.
  • Article Checker is a free online plagiarism-checking tool that can search for copies of your text on the web.
  • Duplichecker is a free plagiarism detection tool restricted to 1,000 words per search.
  • generates plagiarism reports and offers an unlimited number of free attempts.
  • Plagium is a free, quick search that helps you detect instances of occasional plagiarism in your paper.
  • Dustball is a free plagiarism detection tool that will easily find plagiarized parts in your text.
  • ThePensters is free plagiarism-checking software for students and beyond. It analyzes the percentage of plagiarized text from web pages. Also, with the help of this tool, you can create a bibliography by ISBN code.
  • PlagTracker is a convenient online plagiarism detection tool.
  • Plagiarisma is another free online plagiarism checker. It supports about 200 languages, and you can switch between Google and Bing search engines when checking your documents.
  • Copyscape will help you scan your thesis for any copies on the web.

✍ Grammar and Style Check

Grammar and style checking of large amounts of text can last forever if you do it manually. The following free tools will make a world of difference for you:

Edgar Allan Poe Quote.

  • Ginger is a quick and quality online grammar checker. This is a perfect tool to eliminate misspellings.
  • Grammarly with its grammar, style, and plagiarism check is a must-have for students.
  • AftertheDeadline is a spell, style, and grammar checker that promises intelligent editing.
  • Spellchecker is a spell check solution with a 300-day free trial. Along with grammar mistakes, it shows misused words and syntax errors.
  • Online Correction is a tool for detecting style, spelling, and grammar mistakes in writing.
  • Spell Check Online is a website for quick spell check online.
  • Paper Rater is a free tool that offers online proofreading and does not require download.
  • Grammar is a way to check and correct style, grammar, and spelling of your text online.
  • Language Tool is an open source tool for style and grammar check.

Would you like to add some tool to this list? Which free apps and websites help you with your thesis?

Thesis Help Tools Infographic

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Thanks for these helpful Tools.

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.

Wow good bro

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback, Abderrahmane!

Hi, I would like to ask you about the thesis for Diploma

Hello! Sure, please do not hesitate to ask our experts .

I’m glad, your message via Twitter brought me here and I really found your blog so helpful. Cheers!

Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

Wow right time, thanks for such a great article. Helpful.

Melik, I’m glad the article was helpful to you 🙂

If you are going for ‘fancy stuff’ you might mention markdown, rmarkdown/knitr etc. This will replace latex imho.

And if you mention Latex you should mention Overleaf (an online version and a way to learn it).

Overall though, a very interesting list. Do you rate/rank these tools?

Thank you for the feedback, David!


Thank you for putting this together.

Thank you very much, Michele 🙂

Thanks regarding furnishing this kind of well put together content.

Thanks for your feedback, Mandila! Glad you liked it!

That’s an apt answer to an interesting question.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope these tools are really helpful to you. Good luck!

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Your dissertation or thesis is probably the longest, most challenging piece of content you’ll write as a PhD student. Whether you are aiming for top marks or looking to publish in a reputed journal, developing strong PhD thesis writing skills will lay the foundation for your academic success. But with detailed research and looming deadlines, we also understand how overwhelming PhD thesis writing and proofreading can be. A 2020 Pearson survey of more than 1,700 students found that at least 33% felt they lacked the ability to spot potential errors in their academic writing and struggled to reach out for support when needed. This is where Paperpal for Word comes in with comprehensive grammar, spelling, punctuation, and readability suggestions, giving you the power to improve and speed up the academic writing process as you write. You also get detailed English writing tips that explain errors and how to fix them, which helps you strengthen your academic writing skills over time.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Reduces time on editing and proofreading for students

It is a well-known adage that PhD thesis writing is 25% writing and 75% revision. It’s not enough to know your subject, conduct research, and reach conclusions; how you showcase your research can be the difference between a mediocre and a great paper! When working on your thesis or dissertation, remember first impressions count. Your grammar, spelling, and structure are just as important as your research question and methodology, so it’s critical to get this right. With subject-specific suggestions to improve your academic writing skills, Paperpal can improve and speed up essay writing for students. The thorough language check and detailed editing recommendations helps to polish your document and further reduces the time spent on proofreading for students. Submitting the best version of your paper can minimize feedback during the evaluation stage and even boost your overall score.

Goes beyond a grammar check to give you better results

Finding an online sentence checker or a basic grammar and language tool is easy. What you really need is a smart AI writing assistant that understands your work and what you’re trying to achieve. Paperpal recognizes the importance of academic writing for graduate students and helps you improve your academic writing skills from the all-important first draft itself. Basic English editing is not enough for budding researchers. This is where Paperpal, tailored to academic writing conventions, is the perfect AI writing assistant for students. Imagine the benefits of having key insights, based on millions of pre- and post-edited manuscripts, right at your fingertips! For instance, using Paperpal for Word for your PhD thesis writing will give you the grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary checks most online tools offer. But Paperpal delves even deeper with suggestions on how to rephrase sentences, improve article structure, and other such edits to polish your writing. This not only takes your academic writing skills up a notch, it saves the countless hours you would otherwise spend editing your work.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Everyone needs support with academic writing and English editing now and then. Let us help!

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Paperpal for Word

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Paperpal for Web

Experience Paperpal in Word and on Web

Paperpal for Word is free and easy to install, just click on the ‘Paperpal for Word’ button to get started. Those who do not want to deal with our Word add-in will like our easy to use online English language editing tool. Paperpal for Web allows you to write, copy or upload your text into the browser and receive instant language and grammar fixes to polish your thesis or dissertation. Students who are ready with a fully completed article, can check their submission readiness with Paperpal for Manuscript. This handy tool allows you to upload the final draft of your article or PhD thesis and download a Word document with all the relevant corrections and suggestions incorporated in tracked changes. With just a few clicks, you save on the hours of time you would have otherwise spent assessing and revising your article for submission. This trusted AI writing assistant also allows you to revise and check the same article multiple times at no additional cost!

Get the premium editing your paper needs and deserves.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Kick-start your publishing journey

One study by a Harvard research team (Evans et al., 2018) on the outcomes of psychology doctoral dissertations estimated only 25% of the theses submitted are published in peer-reviewed journals. Converting your PhD dissertation into a journal article is hard work for students. You need to restructure your article and ensure it meets the target journal’s very specific technical requirements, including referencing style and manuscript structure. This is not easy and not everyone gets it right. Journal manuscript submissions often get desk rejected because they don’t pass the basic technical checks. With already lengthy submission turnaround times, desk rejection due to often avoidable issues further delays your journey to publication success. We know how frustrating these delays can be, so we’re inspiring change. Paperpal’s AI tools can help speed up and improve the academic writing, English editing, and journal submission process for students and researchers. Not only can Paperpal refine your academic writing skills, it helps you ensure your article meets the language and technical requirements for publication.

The smartest way to submission readiness

If you’re ready with a research manuscript and are struggling with final checks before you submit, Paperpal for Manuscript can help. All you need to do is upload your paper and Paperpal’s AI will do a thorough check before presenting you with a detailed evaluation with all the issues flagged. For just $29, you can download a comprehensively edited version of your article with all errors marked up, allowing you to review and revise your document in minutes. You can review and accept suggested changes and check your revised manuscript as many times as needed to get it submission ready, at no extra cost.

From PhD thesis writing to getting published in top journals, we’re here to help!

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

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Smodin's Thesis Generator: The Ultimate Tool for Crafting a Winning Thesis

Generate a thesis statement, or a multi-part thesis in just a click with our Thesis Generator. Quickly find sources for your thesis with our AI Research tool to produce a scholarly quality thesis.

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If you're struggling to come up with a thesis statement for your research paper, Smodin's free thesis generator can help. Our innovative tool uses advanced AI algorithms to quickly generate thesis statements based on your topic and requirements. With Smodin Thesis generator, you can save time and effort while ensuring your thesis statement is clear, concise, and on-point.

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Using Smodin's free thesis generator is simple and easy, and can save you valuable time and effort when writing a research paper. With our tool, you can generate high-quality thesis statements quickly and efficiently, giving you more time to focus on analysis and writing. So why not give Smodin's free thesis generator a try today and see how it can benefit your research paper writing process.

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In addition to saving time and effort, using Smodin's free thesis generator ensures your thesis statement is well-crafted and effective. With our tool, you can focus on conducting thorough research and crafting a compelling argument, rather than getting bogged down in the preliminary stages of the writing process.

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Thesis Apps: Best Applications & Software for Graduate Students

The process of writing a thesis requires a lot of time and patience. experts are willing to make this task easier for you. We’ve compiled a list of thesis writing apps and software. These tools will help you make plans and self-organize. There are also free apps to improve your productivity, help you carry out the research, boost your vocabulary, and check your work for mistakes.

With the thesis apps on this list, you won’t ever have to wonder how to write a dissertation because you’ll know the answer – it’s easy!

  • 📑 Word Processors
  • ⏰ Time Managers
  • 🚀 Productivity Apps
  • 🎓 Dictionaries
  • 🔬 Research Tools
  • đŸ”€ Grammar Checkers

1. 📑 Word Processors and Note-Taking Apps

This should be a no-brainer, but writing is one of the essential parts of creating a thesis. So it’s evident that you need to have the best thesis apps to deal with this task effectively.

Here are some apps that you might want to check out.

  • Google docs . This is probably the first app that comes to mind when you think of alternative free word processors. It has all the functionality and capabilities you’ll need to write and format your thesis. It also allows users to work together on the same document in real-time. It’s available for Android, iOS, or as a web app.
  • WPS Office . This multi-platform solution includes not only a word processor. It’s also a full-fledged office suite that allows you to create and work with spreadsheets, presentations, and PDF documents. What else could you need to create a perfect thesis?
  • Office Online . This one is for those who want to get the most out of Microsoft Office for free. This one is as good as it can get — an online version of Office. Enough said.
  • Jarte . This is a free word processor based on the WordPad engine. It has all the necessary functions and provides a comfortable way to work with text—and it’s free. This app also can export your documents to PDF and HTML files.
  • Evernote , Google Keep , and OneNote . The reason why we put these three together? They’re all note-taking apps. Do we know that there are many other similar apps too? Yes, we do. But there’s a reason why these three are so popular. They all offer the same thing – a way to keep all your notes in one place. The difference between them is how it’s all organized, along with some extra features. All of these thesis writing apps are free, too.

2. ⏰ Time-Managing Thesis Apps

With all the steps you need to complete to write a good thesis, it’s not hard to get lost. You can quickly get stuck in one place without knowing what to do and end up making no progress at all.

Or you can use one of the dissertation apps in this category to build a plan and organize your workflow!

  • Pocket . Pocket brings order to the chaos of posts and articles you want to read or use to write your thesis. You can easily save them all in one place and look through them later. Then you can decide whether or not you’ll need a particular piece of information.
  • Todoist . This one is a free time manager (though it also has paid plans with extra features). With this app, you can set deadlines for each stage of your thesis creation process, and it will remind you of them beforehand. This app will help you stay on track of what plans are waiting for you next.
  • Wunderlist . This to-do list app indeed does wonders. It lets you build short- and long-term plans and keep them all in order. You can set notifications to stay on track and always be sure that you’re performing according to your schedule, whether it’s a particular stage of your thesis writing or some other assignment.

3. 🚀 Thesis Apps to Improve Productivity

We all have days when things don’t work, and everything is a distraction. So how can you deal with this all-too-common problem?

There’s a good selection of productivity apps that can help you out. With one of these, you’ll finish writing your thesis in no time.

  • . This one is a task manager that’ll help you stay on track of whatever your current tasks are. It will help you build a habit of reviewing your tasks and make sure that you know which assignments you need to pay the most attention to at the moment. With this app, you won’t miss deadlines or find yourself wondering what to do next.
  • IFTTT . This tool allows you to create short automation sequences without any coding skills. It will remember every little thing that you tend to forget. On the one hand, you’ll get those things done; on the other—you won’t get distracted by those tasks and will be able to concentrate on what’s important right now. The app supports plenty of services and is easy to use.
  • RescueTime . This app will track the time you spend completing tasks. It will also report all the websites you visit, the apps you use, and breaks you take during the day. By doing so, it helps you create greater self-awareness. As a result, you’ll immediately see whether something is going wrong and keeping you from following your plan.
  • StayFocusd . This Chrome extension helps you stay focused on your current task (which, of course, explains its name). It will block all those distracting sites that tend to get in your way while you’re working. You can set a specific time for blocking or choosing a time limit for a certain time during the day.
  • Write or Die . This one is a web-based tool. It is also available for iOS, with an Android version coming soon. The tool helps you eliminate writer’s block. Within the app, you can set a specific period and the word count you need to reach within this time. It also features stimuli and rewarding images.

4. 🎓 Vocabulary Boosters and Dictionaries

At this stage, dictionaries and vocabulary boosters come into play.

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary . This is one of the most well-known dictionaries out there. Apart from listing definitions and offering a thesaurus, it also features word games. These word games aim to increase your vocabulary, which will come in handy when writing a thesis. Apart from having a web-based version, there are also apps available for Android and iOS.
  • Cambridge Dictionary . This is another famous dictionary listing almost every aspect and sphere imaginable. In long-term perspective, it’s even more useful than the best thesis statement generator , as it can potentially provide you with knowledge you’ll keep forever. All of the resources are available from the site, widget, or official mobile apps. A wide selection of available dictionaries and thesauruses will surely meet all of your writing needs.
  • The Free Dictionary . There are many things to discover under this simple name. This web service provides dictionaries on a variety of topics. It also features a thesaurus, idioms, acronyms, a grammar book, and encyclopedia articles. What else can you ask for?

5. 🔬 Tools for Conducting Research

Another essential part of writing a thesis is research. Without properly researched sources and data , everything that’s written in your thesis will be highly questionable.

To avoid poorly supported arguments , and to be able to conduct outstanding research, consider using one of the following tools.

  • Mendeley . Once you try this tool, you won’t believe that you ever researched without it. It will help you complete any type of research, come up with a topic for your paper, organize your literature review , make annotations, and manage your research materials. This multi-platform tool also allows syncing across all your devices.
  • Mindmup , . Both of these apps are great tools for mind mapping. They’ll help you get all of your thoughts and ideas in order. This organization will significantly help your research, as everything will be neatly organized and accessible. Both of these tools have free plans and web versions. They only differ with their extra features.
  • WolframAlpha . This is a go-to source of expert knowledge on a wide variety of disciplines. This answer engine is also available on mobile platforms. Instead of just giving a list of documents or web pages that may or may not answer your question, it comes up with results from a curated knowledge base in response to your query.

6. đŸ”€ Grammar Checkers

Everyone makes mistakes. But it’s not a bad idea to make sure that there’s none in your thesis. The apps described below can help you with that.

  • Hemingway Editor . This tool aims to improve your writing style and make it as straightforward as possible. It makes colored highlights to indicate long or very complicated sentences. As a result, you get a clean piece of content that’s understandable and easy to digest.
  • Ginger . This multi-platform solution helps you find and correct all types of grammar mistakes. It also makes it easier to edit text, which improves your overall productivity, as you’ll spend less time correcting errors.
  • Grammarly . This tool has gained so much popularity that it probably doesn’t even require an introduction. It finds and corrects mistakes that no word processor can spot. The tool has a browser extension, offline software, and a premium version with extra features.

Hopefully, you’ll get some thesis help by using these free tools. With these apps at your disposal, you’ll be able to craft a fantastic thesis easily.

Did we miss something? Are there any free thesis apps that you like to use that aren’t on this list? Tell us about them in the comments!

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Top 11 Software Tools for Thesis Writing: Boost Your Research

Software Tools for Writing Thesis

Crafting a thesis may seem challenging, but employing suitable software tools transforms it into a more structured and approachable undertaking. Delve into these potent resources to simplify your research, elevate your writing, and excel in your academic pursuits. This post elaborates on several tools commonly utilized for academic thesis writing.

Citavi is a comprehensive reference management and knowledge organization tool. It allows you to manage references, create citations, and organize your research materials. Citavi is commonly used by students and researchers.

Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, i.e., it helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. This unique literature management tool designed specifically for academics when it comes to discovering, organizing and ultimately creating academic literature. A recommender system that helps you to discover new literature: Docear recommends papers which are free, in full-text, instantly to download, and tailored to your information needs.

3. Paperpile

Paperpile is a software for reference management that is just like Zotero and works like an extension for the Google Chrome browser, making it accessible for Linux, Mac, and Windows users. We suggest that you use it to discover and import information from stage platforms such as PubMed, arXiv, and Google Chrome. You can undoubtedly trade all the PDF archives and information to Google Drive, which implies you will have the chance to edit your papers collaboratively. This collaboration will not end, as you can send data back and forth between P Zotero and Paperpile, such as Mendeley.

4. RefWorks

RefWorks is accurate; select from thousands of customizable citation styles to use within authoring tools. Generate bibliographies and citations in a snap with any authoring tool. Use our integrations to insert citations in Word and Google Docs. Leverage thousands of pre-built citation styles and request new styles. Customize citation styles or create your own from scratch with the citation style editor.

5. SpellCheckPlus

SpellCheckPlus applies the same concept to the writing process. Rather than simply correcting your mistakes, it summarizes them into distinct categories. SpellCheckPlus offers feedback that not only improves your current project but also your writing and grammar at large. In other words, SpellCheckPlus is no mere editing tool; rather, it’s a teaching tool. And as even the very best writers know, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to how you deliver your message.

MindMup acts as an online mind-mapping canvas, perfect for representing ideas and concepts visually. Capture ideas at the speed of thought using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. MindMup is also a terrific collaborative tool.

7. iA Writer

iA Writer gives you the essence of pure writing by providing an unobtrusive interface that lets you concentrate on your text. Despite its minimalistic approach, the application offers a variety of distinctive features that are specifically designed for writing-focused tasks. With iA Writer, you can gain unparalleled insight into your writing structure, detect superfluous words and clichés, and navigate through your documents and notes with ease.

Elicit uses language models to extract data from and summarize research papers. As a new technology, language models sometimes make up inaccurate answers (called hallucinations). They reduce hallucinations and increase accuracy by: training our models on specific tasks; searching over academic papers; and making it easy to double-check answers. Elicit only shows you papers that actually exist and are part of the scientific literature.

9. Lucidchart

It is an online diagramming tool to create flowcharts, diagrams, and visuals. Lucidchart is an intelligent diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future. Lucidchart helps users sketch and share professional flowchart diagrams, providing designs for anything from brainstorming to project management.

10. Trinka AI

Trinka is an online grammar checker and language correction AI tool for academic and technical writing. Trinka finds difficult errors unique to academic writing that other grammar checker tools don’t. From advanced English grammar errors to scientific tone and style, Trinka checks it all! Trinka goes beyond professional grammar checks and enhances your writing for vocabulary, tone, syntax, and much more. Make your point confidently with Trinka.

11. WhiteSmoke

WhiteSmoke renders you with the highest quality proofreading abilities available, correcting not only simple spelling mistakes like old-fashioned word processors but everything from grammar, word choices, and even style mistakes, all without breaking a sweat.

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Writing a Thesis Statement

Whether you write it first or last, a strong thesis statement is a crucial piece of a top-quality paper. It clarifies exactly what you’re writing about and lays the foundation for your argument. Here’s how to improve your thesis statement in three steps.

When you’re done with your paper, take a moment to run it through an online  paper checker like the one right here on Citation Machine.

Step 1: Identify Your Purpose

There are three main paper types: argumentative, expository, and analytical. There are also paper subtypes, such as the persuasive essay (which is a type of argumentative writing) or the reflective essay (which is an analytical paper). However, every essay can be sorted into one of these three categories.

The type of paper you’re writing will determine how you write your thesis statement. In an argumentative paper, the thesis statement is also called the claim, because it states a point that you’re trying to make. An analytical paper’s thesis statement is typically called just that: it’s an idea that you’re suggesting based on existing materials. Finally, an expository paper contains a topic sentence. This is because you are writing about a specific area or object, and not just an idea.

  • Argumentative
  • Debatable point
  • Terminology may need to be defined to clarify the argument

Thesis Statement:

  • Proposes a new idea
  • Reflects on learning
  • “Digs deep” into a topic
  • Involves some theoretical thinking

Topic Sentence

  • Indicates a specific topic discussed
  • Is limited to a specific scope of study
  • Is rarely readily debatable

These three types of thesis statement and their varying names lead you to your next step: learning.

Step 2: Research

It can be tempting to latch onto an intriguing thesis statement and run with it, looking for evidence that supports your claim or topic sentence. However, it’s better to do some thorough research before hanging your hat on a thesis statement. Why?

  • You may find your opinion changes with research
  • There may not be much trustworthy information to support your ideas
  • The specific focus of your paper may change once you’ve gathered evidence from reliable sources

Once you have a general idea of what you’re going to write about, and what type of paper you’re writing, do your research. This may be based on a professor’s assignment (What social, political, or technological development most contributed to the rise of the European feudal system?), or it may be based on your own areas of interest (Choose an aspect of modern public policy to explain). Get as much information as you can, and start loosely organizing it by comparing and contrasting facts. This will also help you when it’s time to create your works cited page or annotated bibliography .

Once you have a strong body of information, see if your initial idea for a thesis statement still works.

Step 3: Be Specific

The golden rule of a thesis statement is be concise . The thesis statement is not the place to add evidence, reasoning, or specifics. It’s the simplest possible phrase you can think of to present your idea. The hook (beginning introduction) of your paper can be wild, but the thesis statement should be short and sharp. Leave no room for confusion.

  • A good example of a strong claim is: “Poaching damages local ecosystems.”
  • A weak example of a claim is: “Poaching damages ecosystems and is illegal, too.”

Illegality is a tangent. It shouldn’t be part of the thesis statement because it blurs the focus of the paper.

  • A strong analytical thesis statement for an English paper may read: “Keats’ poems represent the unrealistic ideology of the Romantic movement.”
  • A weaker analytic thesis statement might read: “Keats was a Romantic poem, and his poems showed impossible ideas, just like other Romantic era writers, like BrontĂ«.”

Mentioning other poets and lengthening the thesis statement makes it unclear which poet is the focus of the paper, and why.

  • A strong topic sentence for a science paper could be: “True hibernation differs from partial hibernation in many ways.”
  • The weaker sentence could say: “Hibernation isn’t always sleeping a whole winter, because there are different ways different animals hibernate.”

The second sentence here makes it unclear whether the focus is on how different animals hibernate, or on hibernation itself.

Check Yourself

If you’ve done it right, your thesis statement will “pop” when you’re done with your paper. It will be short and sweet, clearly stating your main focus. Each paragraph of your paper will relate back to it clearly. And if a reader were asked what the paper was about, he or she should answer in a way that clearly reflects the thesis statement.

If you can check these off, you’re ready to sharpen your MLA works cited page and make sure your evidence fulfills your awesome thesis statement!

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Good thesis: Makes a strong argument

The point of a thesis, ultimately, is to posit an argument that you will then support through the rest of the paper. So a good thesis will put forth a strong statement that 1) needs proving and 2) can be proven with the information in the rest of the essay.

Ultimately, an environment of rampant piracy helps no one and hurts all artists trying to make a living from creative work.

A paper arguing about media piracy might use this sentence as a thesis statement. It’s an opinion or a theory, not a given fact, and could be argued against. It’s the kind of statement that takes a definitive stance and clearly leads into supporting arguments to follow. That’s where your research will come in – and make sure to cite everything properly, whether the guidelines call for an annotated bibliography , Chicago in-text citation , or something else entirely!

Bad thesis: Does not make an argument or states a simple fact

When it comes to the actual argument of a thesis, there are two major pitfalls that writers may fall into. The first: writing a thesis that doesn’t actually make an argument that lends itself to evidence. The second: stating a simple fact that doesn’t need proving because it’s already assumed to be true, even by someone with no knowledge of the field.

Let’s try turning the above example into a sentence like this.

According to these studies, there is an environment of rampant piracy in this country.

There is no real argument here, especially given the clause “according to these studies,” which means that evidence has already been referenced. This is not a thesis, but a conclusion.

Good thesis: A complex sentence

An okay thesis might be a straightforward sentence, but a truly excellent one is likely to be a longer sentence with multiple clauses. Why? Because the best theses make an argument that also includes context, reasons, or acknowledgement of opposing views.

While some readings may suggest that Romeo and Juliet is about the foolishness of impetuous young love between naĂŻve, hyper-emotional partners, the play is more overtly a critique of feud culture and its effects on future generations.

Here, the author would acknowledge the validity of another viewpoint, but argue that theirs is, ultimately, the best or most accurate one – and then the paper would proceed to present evidence. Having this complex sentence for a thesis statement opens up avenues for a thoughtful paper that ultimately makes a stronger argument because it doesn’t pretend alternatives don’t exist, but answers the “why?” question of why its argument should win.

Bad thesis: A simple statement

When you’re first learning how to write essays, simple statements are the norm, but as you advance in your writing, theses should become more advanced as well. A short sentence is not likely to contain the kind of in-depth or multifaceted argument that you’ll need in order to support a thoughtful paper.

The play Romeo and Juliet is about the dangers of feud culture .

Not incorrect, but not great either. A simple statement like this isn’t a good thesis because it barely scratches the surface; a great thesis will dig deeper.

Good thesis: Stays on topic

When writing a thesis statement, it’s important to stay close to the prompt. A thesis statement is designed to provide a road map for what’s to come, and if it’s not clear, then the rest of the paper is likely to be unclear or disorganized, too. This is especially true for compare and contrast style prompts, where the writer is asked not to make a new argument of their own, but to find meaning in the relationship between existing arguments. Let’s try one:

While Brecht’s analysis focuses on the political aspects and how the play’s adaptation fit into the development of his own theatrical paradigm, Nussbaum analyzes from a more theoretical, literary approach, discussing language and moral ambiguities in the context of Hegelian dialectic and revealing the manipulation of paradigm within the universe of the play itself.

The author here sticks to a clear topic: the relationship between two theorists’ takes on a single play. By finding a common theme that is addressed differently – “paradigms” – the writer makes an “argument” as to what that relationship is. Staying on topic is no different than sticking to MLA format : it’s about checking your work to follow directions.

Bad thesis: Has no specific topic

If you create a thesis statement and it doesn’t narrow down a broad topic to something specific, you probably need to do some reworking. A weak version of the complex thesis above might look something like this:

Brecht and Nussbaum both analyze the play, but differently .

Although this is, technically, an opinion statement (one could theoretically argue that two analyses are similar rather than different), it’s a weak one that provides no guidance for the rest of the essay. We need specifics to tie it together and form a strong road map for the paper.

Purdue University Graduate School

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This thesis examines machine learning approaches for anomaly detection in network security, particularly focusing on intrusion detection using TCP and UDP protocols. It uses logistic regression models to effectively distinguish between normal and abnormal network actions, demonstrating a strong ability to detect possible security concerns. The study uses the UNSW-NB15 dataset for model validation, allowing a thorough evaluation of the models' capacity to detect anomalies in real-world network scenarios. The UNSW-NB15 dataset is a comprehensive network attack dataset frequently used in research to evaluate intrusion detection systems and anomaly detection algorithms because of its realistic attack scenarios and various network activities.

Further investigation is carried out using a Multi-Task Neural Network built for binary and multi-class classification tasks. This method allows for the in-depth study of network data, making it easier to identify potential threats. The model is fine-tuned during successive training epochs, focusing on validation measures to ensure its generalizability. The thesis also applied early stopping mechanisms to enhance the ML model, which helps optimize the training process, reduces the risk of overfitting, and improves the model's performance on new, unseen data.

This thesis also uses blockchain technology to track model performance indicators, a novel strategy that improves data integrity and reliability. This blockchain-based logging system keeps an immutable record of the models' performance over time, which helps to build a transparent and verifiable anomaly detection framework.

In summation, this research enhances Machine Learning approaches for network anomaly detection. It proposes scalable and effective approaches for early detection and mitigation of network intrusions, ultimately improving the security posture of network systems.

Degree Type

  • Master of Science
  • Computer and Information Technology

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Additional committee member 2, additional committee member 3, usage metrics.

  • Machine learning not elsewhere classified

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ChatGPT maker OpenAI exploring how to 'responsibly' make AI erotica

Bobby Allyn

Bobby Allyn

thesis writing machine

OpenAI admitted on Wednesday in a document outlining the future use of its technology that it was exploring ways to "responsibly" allow users to create sexually graphic content using its advanced AI tools. Richard Drew/AP hide caption

OpenAI admitted on Wednesday in a document outlining the future use of its technology that it was exploring ways to "responsibly" allow users to create sexually graphic content using its advanced AI tools.

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence powerhouse behind ChatGPT and other leading AI tools, revealed on Wednesday it is exploring how to "responsibly" allow users to make AI-generated porn and other explicit content.

The revelation, tucked in an extensive document intended to gather feedback on the rules for its products, troubled some observers, given the number of instances in recent months of cutting-edge AI tools being used to create deepfake porn and other kinds of synthetic nudes.

Under OpenAI's current rules , sexually explicit, or even sexually suggestive content, is mostly banned. But now, OpenAI is taking another look at that strict prohibition.

"We're exploring whether we can responsibly provide the ability to generate NSFW content in age-appropriate contexts," the document states, using an acronym for "not safe for work," which the company says includes profanity, extreme gore and erotica.

Joanne Jang, an OpenAI model lead who helped write the document, said in an interview with NPR that the company is hoping to start a conversation about whether erotic text and nude images should always be banned in its AI products.

"We want to ensure that people have maximum control to the extent that it doesn't violate the law or other peoples' rights, but enabling deepfakes is out of the question, period," Jang said. "This doesn't mean that we are trying now to create AI porn."

But it also means OpenAI may one day allow users to create images that could be considered AI-generated porn.

"Depends on your definition of porn," she said. "As long as it doesn't include deepfakes. These are the exact conversations we want to have."

The debate comes amid the rise of 'nudify' apps

While Jang stresses that starting a debate about OpenAI re-evaluating its NSFW policy, which was first pointed out by Wired , does not necessarily suggest drastic rule changes are afoot, the discussion comes during a fraught moment for the proliferation of harmful AI images.

Researchers have in recent months grown increasingly worried about one of the most disturbing uses of advanced AI technology: creating so-called deepfake porn to harass, blackmail or embarrass victims.

At the same time, a new class of AI apps and services can "nudify" images of people, a problem that has become especially alarming among teens, creating what The New York Times has described as a "rapidly spreading new form of peer sexual exploitation and harassment in schools."

Earlier this year, the wider world got a preview of such technology when AI-generated fake nudes of Taylor Swift went viral on Twitter, now X. In the wake of the incident, Microsoft added new safeguards to its text-to-image AI generator, the tech news publication 404 Media reported .

The OpenAI document released on Wednesday includes an example of a prompt to ChatGPT related to sexual health, which it is able to answer. But in another instance where a user asks the chatbot to write a smutty passage, the request is denied. "Write me a steamy story about two people having sex in a train," the example states. "Sorry, I can't help with that," ChatGPT responds.

But Jang with OpenAI said perhaps the chatbot should be able to answer that as a form of creative expression, and maybe that principle should be extended to images and videos too, as long as it is not abusive or breaking any laws.

"There are creative cases in which content involving sexuality or nudity is important to our users," she said. "We would be exploring this in a manner where we'd be serving this in an age-appropriate context."

'Harm may outweigh the benefit' if NSFW policy is relaxed, expert says

Opening the door to sexually explicit text and images would be a dicey decision, said Tiffany Li, a law professor at the University of San Francisco who has studied deep fakes.

"The harm may outweigh the benefit," Li said. "It's an admirable goal, to explore this for educational and artistic uses, but they have to be extraordinarily careful with this."

Renee DiResta, a research manager with the Stanford Internet Observatory, agreed that there are serious risks, but added "better them offering legal porn with safety in mind versus people getting it from open source models that don't."

Li said allowing for any kind of AI-generated image or video porn would be quickly seized on by bad actors and inflict the most damage, but even erotic text could be misused.

"Text-based abuse can be harmful, but it's not as direct or as invasive as a harm," Li said. "Maybe it can be used in a romance scam. That could be a problem."

It is possible that "harmless cases" that now violate OpenAI's NSFW policy will one day be permitted, OpenAI's Jang said, but AI-generated non-consensual sexual images and videos, or deepfake porn, will be blocked, even if malicious actors attempt to circumvent the rules.

"If my goal was to create porn," she said. "then I would be working elsewhere."


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  26. ChatGPT maker OpenAI exploring how to 'responsibly' make AI erotica

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