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How do I exclude an assignment from the course's final grades?

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Include and exclude app assignments in Microsoft Intune

  • 5 contributors

In Intune, you can determine who has access to an app by assigning groups of users to include and exclude. Before you assign groups to the app, you must set the assignment type for an app. The assignment type makes the app available, required, or uninstalls the app.

To set the availability of an app, you include and exclude app assignments to a group of users or devices by using a combination of include and exclude group assignments. This capability can be useful when you make the app available by including a large group, and then narrow the selected users by also excluding a smaller group. The smaller group might be a test group or an executive group.

As a best practice, create and assign apps specifically for your user groups, and separately for your device groups. For more information on groups, see Add groups to organize users and devices .

Important scenarios exist when including or excluding app assignments:

Including user groups and excluding user groups when assigning apps

Including device groups and excluding device group when assigning apps

For example, if you assign a device group to the All corporate users user group, but exclude members in the Senior Management Staff user group, All corporate users except the Senior Management staff get the assignment, because both groups are user groups.

  • Intune doesn't evaluate user-to-device group relationships. If you assign apps to mixed groups, the results may not be what you want or expect.

For example, if you assign a device group to the All Users user group, but exclude an All personal devices device group, All users get the app. The exclusion does not apply.

As a result, it's not recommended to assign apps to mixed groups.

When you set a group assignment for an app, the Not Applicable type is deprecated and replaced with exclude group functionality.

Intune provides pre-created All Users and All Devices groups in the Microsoft Intune admin center. The groups have built-in optimizations for your convenience. It's highly recommended that you use these groups to target all users and all devices instead of any "all users" or "all devices" groups that you might create yourself.

Android enterprise supports including and excluding groups. You can leverage the built-in All Users and All Devices groups for Android enterprise app assignment.

Include and exclude groups when assigning apps

To assign an app to groups by using the include and exclude assignment:

Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center .

Select Apps > All apps . The list of apps that has been added to Intune is shown.

Select the app that you want to assign. A dashboard displays information about the app.

Select Properties under the Manage section.

Select Edit next to Assignments .

Select Add all users under the Available with or without enrollment section to assign this app to all users.

Select Add group under the Available with or without enrollment section.

Select the group that you want to exclude from the app assignment.

Click Select to include the group.

Select Included under the Group mode next to the group you added. The Edit assignment pane will be displayed.

[NOTE] By default, the groups you select are assigned in included mode.

Select Exclude as the Mode under the Assignment settings in the Edit assignment pane.

Select OK to exclude the selected group.

Select Excluded Groups to select the groups of users that you want to make this app unavailable to.

Select the groups to exclude. This makes this app unavailable to those groups.

Click Review + save to make your group assignments active for the app.

When you add a group, if any other group has already been included for a specific assignment type, the app is preselected and can't be modified for other include assignment types. The group that has been used can't be used as an included group.

When you make group assignments, groups that have already been assigned aren't available to be modified. If you want to select a group that currently isn't available, first remove the app from the app's assigned list.

To edit assignments, in the app Assignments pane, select the row that contains the specific assignment that you want to change. You can also remove an assignment by selecting the ellipse ( … ) at the end of a row, and then selecting Remove .

Removing a group assignment does not remove the related app except on Android Enterprise dedicated, fully managed, and corporate-owned work profile devices. The installed app will remain on the device.

  • For more information about including and excluding group assignments for apps, see the Microsoft Intune blog .
  • Learn how to monitor app information and assignments .

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what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  • Schoology Learning

How Do I Use Exceptions in My Gradebook?

You can add an exception to any Assignment, Discussion, Assessment, or Test/Quiz in your Schoology gradebook to denote that a student's submission is  Absent,   Collected ,  Exempt, Incomplete,  Missing  or  Late .

Adding Exceptions

To add an exception, point your mouse over the gradebook cell and click the flag that displays.

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

Select an exception from the menu to place the icon in the cell corresponding to a student's submission.

  • To remove an exception from your gradebook, click the exception icon, and deselect your exception from the menu.
  • Entering a score on a Collected item will automatically clear the flag. For all other exceptions, you must remove the flag before entering a score.
  • Collected exception code can be requested to be enabled for customers if it is not available to their district by contacting Support. Collected exception codes pass the status of Submitted with a score of zero for the material for some SIS integrations.
  • If an exception code is added after a score has been entered, the score will be cleared.

Absent, Exempt ,   Incomplete and  Late exceptions do not factor into the student's overall grade in Schoology. From a calculation perspective, marking a gradebook cell as  Absent,   Exempt,   Incomplete  or Late is the same as leaving it blank. Applying either does not penalize students or affect their overall grade.

The Exempt   and Incomplete icons simply serve as a reminder to the course admin that the student has either been excused or their submission is incomplete, to help avoid later confusion as to why that cell for that student is blank or unscored.

The Absent and Late exemptions also serve as a reminder that the student was either absent at the time of submission, or submitted the assignment late.

The Collected exception enables instructors to mark an item as Collected and enter a score at a later time since entering a score automatically clears the Collected flag.

The Collected icon serves as a reminder that the student has submitted an assignment but has yet to be graded.

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

In the screenshots above, the green circle with the white checkmark indicates that the student's assignment has been  Collected . The green icon indicates that the student is Exempt   from completing the assignment. The orange icon indicates the student made an Incomplete submission. The Excused and Incomplete cells contain null values, meaning that neither the possible points for this assignment nor the exception code are factored into the student's overall grade.

Marking a cell as Missing , however, does penalize the student's grade. Giving a student a Missing flag is the calculation equivalent to giving the student a zero. Selecting the Missing exception also adds a zero score in the cell:

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

This assignment has been marked Missing in the gradebook. This student has received a 0/100 on this assignment.

  • Course Administrators can disable the scoring of missing assignments as zeros by changing the Disable automatic scoring of missing exceptions as 0  setting in Grade Setup. 
  • If you change this setting after any grades are entered for a course, it will affect all graded assignments for that course that have been marked as Missing. 

Using Exceptions with Overdue Items

Marking an overdue item Absent,   Exempt , Late,   Missing or Collected removes the item from a student's Overdue notifications. Marking an overdue item Incomplete does not remove the item from a student's Overdue notifications.

The following scenarios explain how teachers can use exceptions to grade missing submissions and how it affects Overdue notifications:

  • Teacher A is accepting late submissions but does not want the grade calculation to reflect the missing assignment, so they should use the Incomplete exception flag. This way the student will receive Overdue notifications and their grade is not impacted.
  • Teacher B is not accepting late submissions and wants the grade calculation to reflect the missing assignment, so they should use the Missing exception flag. This way the student will see the impact of the missing assignment on their grade and they will not receive Overdue notifications.
  • Teacher C is no longer accepting submissions for the assignment but does not want the grade calculation to reflect the missing assignment, so they should use the Exempt   exception flag. This way the student will not receive Overdue notifications and their grade is not impacted.

Locking Assignments

Students are still able to make submissions to the item even if you have entered an exception code into the gradebook. You receive the same new assignment notifications as you normally do. If you would like to prevent students from making further submissions to an assignment, you can lock it by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the item and selecting Edit. In the Advanced row, click the Lock icon to lock down the assignment and prevent future submissions.

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

Using Exceptions with Auto-graded Tests/Quizzes

If a student completes an auto-graded test or quiz after you have added an exception–for example, if you mark it Missing but enable a student to make it up later–you can accept the auto-generated grade and override the exception directly from the cell in the gradebook.

A test that has an override available displays with a black dot on the Test icon in the upper-right corner of the cell.

To clear the exception and accept the score of the test, click the test icon, and select Update Grade in the window that displays. Select Keep Override to clear the new grade and remove the black dot from the test.

Select View Submission to open a new browser tab and review the student's test.

Using the Exempt Exception with Student Completion (Enterprise Only)

You can use the Exempt   exception to bypass materials on which you have set up student completion requirements. For example, if a student is absent and makes up a required assignment with a different make-up project, or a student is new to class and doesn't need to start at the beginning of a folder with completion rules.

Will Exceptions sync over to my SIS Gradebook? (Enterprise Only)

Use the table below to see how exceptions are passed back to your SIS.

  • Collected Only assignments will passback the Collected exception as long as it is consumed by other SIS integrations. Otherwise, it will passback an empty column with no grades. 
  • If you are expecting your students' overall grades in Schoology to be calculated as similarly as possible to the calculation in your SIS gradebook, make sure you've configured your SIS gradebook to calculate blank cells as null values, rather than as zero.
  • For organizations using SIS apps that leverage the IMS Global OneRoster standard for grade passback—each SIS interprets and handles the OneRoster statuses differently. Reach out to your SIS contact directly to confirm the expected behavior in your system.

Removing Exceptions from the Gradebook

In situations where an exception has been applied to a graded item and you would like to remove that exception, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Enter the Gradebook.
  • Locate the item that currently has an exception mark.

Click the exception mark, and deselect it to remove it from the gradebook cell.

If you enter a score for an item marked as Exempt , Incomplete ,  Collected, Absent,  or  Late , the flag will automatically be removed.

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.


How to Exclude an Assignment from the Final Grade

Instructors will organize their graded assignments from the “Assignment” link in the Course Navigation. Published assignments will then automatically sync into the Canvas Gradebook for instructors to add grades and provide feedback. 

Assignments, or columns, that are elected to be excluded from the final course grade, will have an exclamation mark next to the title in the Gradebook. Students will also see this mark in their Grades under the same assignment title. Assignments excluded from the final grade may be used to show attendance, or other non-grading items, to students that should not affect final grades. 

** Steps are performed using the New Gradebook, if your gradebook looks different, please adjust steps as needed**

  • What are Assignments?
  • How do I create an Assignment
  • How do I exclude an assignment from the course's final grades?
  • New Gradebook Guides
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Excuse assignments in Google Classroom

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excuse assignments in Classroom

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  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about  excused grading.

Rollout pace 

  • Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains : Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on December 12, 2023


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers and users with personal Google Accounts 


  • Google Help: Grade & return an assignment

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what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

The Excused status indicates that the student has been excused from making a submission. Students are not able to submit excused assignments and excused assignments are not calculated in the student’s total grade. An instructor can excuse a student from a specific assignment by typing EX in the assignment cell or by choosing the Excused button in the grade detail tray. View the ‘ How do I change the status of a submission in the Gradebook? ‘ guide for more information.

Depending on the number of students needing to be excused, you may instead wish to assign an assignment to individual students .


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Q&a: clarifying inclusion and exclusion notes.

Q: Can you please clarify these 3 areas in the DRG Expert for me? Inclusion notes Exclussion1 notes Exclussion2 notes and how that translates in the coding world?

A: First, let’s talk about the DRG Expert . The DRG Expert is a resource for understanding the methodology of DRG assignment and is not a code book. The terms you are specifically asking about refers to “coding conventions” which can be found in the alphabetical and/or tabular lists within a code book under specific the ICD 10 codes .  The definitions of the coding conventions can also be located in the 2020 Official Coding Guidelines , which I will outline below in the answers for each term you are asking about.

“Inclusions and exclusions,” are terms used in ICD-10-CM code assignment and can be found in the Alphabetical Index and/or Tabular Lists within the code set. Coding conventions, or the rules governing code assignment can be found in the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting , and are outlined below:

Inclusion Terms: These are alternate ways a provider can document condition(s) or terms that will map to the same code. The definition can be found under number 11, pg. 10, of the rules governing code assignment can be found in the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, which reads:

Inclusion Terms are a “list of terms is included under some codes. These terms are the conditions for which that code is to be used. The terms may be synonyms of the code title, or, in the case of “other specified” codes, the terms are a list of the various conditions assigned to that code. The inclusion terms are not necessarily exhaustive. Additional terms found only in the Alphabetic Index may also be assigned to a code.”

Excludes 1 Notes: Indicates that an excluded code should never be used at the same time as the code listed above the Exclude1 note used . The definition can be found under number 12A, pg. 11, and reads:

“A type 1 Excludes note is a pure excludes note. It means “NOT CODED HERE!” An Excludes1 note indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as the code above the Excludes1 note. An Excludes1 is used when two conditions cannot occur together, such as a congenital form versus an acquired form of the same condition.

“An exception to the Excludes1 definition is the circumstance when the two conditions are unrelated to each other. If it is not clear whether the two conditions involving an Excludes1 note are related or not, query the provider.”

Excludes 2 Notes:  Indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time. The definition can be found under 12b, pg. 11, and reads:

“A type 2 Excludes note represents “Not included here.” An excludes2 note indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time. When an Excludes2 note appears under a code, it is acceptable to use both the code and the excluded code together, when appropriate.”

Editor’s Note: Dawn Valdez, RN, LNC, CDIP, CCDS, CDI education specialist and CDI Boot Camp instructor for HCPro in Middleton, Massachusetts, answered this question. For information, contact her at [email protected] . For information regarding CDI Boot Camps, click here .

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Aberystwyth University

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness
  • 11. How to interpret your Turnitin similarity report

Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness: 11. How to interpret your Turnitin similarity report

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What is referencing and citation?
  • 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.
  • 4. What is plagiarism?
  • 5. Referencing Artificial Intelligence Outputs
  • 6. Consequences of plagiarism
  • 7. Plagiarism in the news
  • 8. Referencing Examples
  • 9. Reference management tools
  • 10. Submitting your work using Turnitin
  • 12. Further help


what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

What is the Similarity Report?

A Similarity Report shows textual matches or similarities between your assignment submitted to Turnitin and a range of online sources including Turnitin’s own bank of previously submitted work. Turnitin's online sources include: web pages, essay mills, online journals, articles and publications. The scan is generated once you have submitted your assignment to Turnitin.

What does the Similarity score indicate?

Most original student assignments will contain some text matches. There is no ideal percentage to aim for as percentages are dependent on the subject and requirements of the assignment. This ‘at a glance’ guide should not be used as a measure of plagiarism as even a 1% score could potentially indicate plagiarism.

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  • Click on the Funnel style Filter icon on the right-hand panel in Feedback Studio
  • Choose whether to exclude Quotes or Bibliography
  • Choose whether to exclude matches that are less than either a percentage of the whole text or are less than a specific number of words.
  • Click “ Apply Changes ”.

What is the Similarity score?

The Similarity Score is the percentage of text in the assignment submitted to Turnitin that matches or is similar to online sources. A score of 0% indicates that no matches have been found whilst a score of, 100% means that all the text is matching. Note that matching text is likely to include correctly referenced and quoted text as well as text which has not been referenced at all.

Accessing the Similarity Report

The Similarity Report can only be viewed after you have submitted your assignment and if the assignment has been set up by your department to allow you to see the associated Similarity Report.

To view your Similarity Report on an assignment you have submitted (whether it has been marked on not):

  • Log in to Blackboard and open My Modules .
  • Go to the module you submitted your assignment to.
  • Navigate to the Turnitin submission point that you submitted your assignment to.
  • Click on the Similarity score or click View to open your assignment with the Similarity score
  • Your assignment will open in Feedback Studio
  • To view the Match Overview, click on the red, numerical similarity score from the toolbar
  • You will now see your Similarity Report.
  • Text matching will appear in the body of your assignment.
  • Text that is matched from different sources will be highlighted.

Other Report functions

  •    The button on the right side gives you information such as submission date, filename etc.
  •    The word count and page count can be found at the bottom of the Report.
  •    The slider tool at the bottom of the Report allows you to increase or decrease the text size in the document

Is it a plagiarism detector?

Turnitin does not check for plagiarism in a submitted assignment. The software cannot tell whether a submitted assignment has been plagiarised, it can only state how much text has been matched or is similar to external and other sources.

The Similarity Report is useful for checking that online sources in an assignment have been properly cited and referenced as well as for deterring plagiarism and encouraging good academic practice.

To establish whether unfair means have occurred, the Similarity Report must be interpreted by an appropriate member of staff in your department.

Interpreting the Similarity Report

  • Locate Match Overview : The right-hand side panel shows matches found from either websites, journals, articles or other student submissions.
  • Click the chevron to the right of a particular source. This will open up a pop-up text box which shows the matching text and direct links (where available) to that source. Each match has its own corresponding colour.
  • You can also click directly on one of the matches in the student submission itself to bring up the pop-up text box
  • Match breakdown: You will now enter the match breakdown. This will show all further sources that contain the same portion of matching text
  • Click Full source view  to view a particular match in the sidebar, this also allows you to scroll through the further source matches using the <> arrows.

Further Help

See Turnitin’s Help pages for more information on viewing and interpreting the similarity report. Turnitin also have a useful interactive demo where you can try the Feedback Studio and find out more.

Turnitin FAQ's  

Aberystwyth University. (2019) Better Marks with Good Referencing. Turnitin: interpreting the similarity report. Available at: (Accessed: 22 July 2020).

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Hygyrchedd / Accessibility

Medicare Interactive Medicare answers at your fingertips -->

Participating, non-participating, and opt-out providers, outpatient provider services.

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If you have Original Medicare , your Part B costs once you have met your deductible can vary depending on the type of provider you see. For cost purposes, there are three types of provider, meaning three different relationships a provider can have with Medicare . A provider’s type determines how much you will pay for Part B -covered services.

  • These providers are required to submit a bill (file a claim ) to Medicare for care you receive. Medicare will process the bill and pay your provider directly for your care. If your provider does not file a claim for your care, there are troubleshooting steps to help resolve the problem .
  • If you see a participating provider , you are responsible for paying a 20% coinsurance for Medicare-covered services.
  • Certain providers, such as clinical social workers and physician assistants, must always take assignment if they accept Medicare.
  • Non-participating providers can charge up to 15% more than Medicare’s approved amount for the cost of services you receive (known as the limiting charge ). This means you are responsible for up to 35% (20% coinsurance + 15% limiting charge) of Medicare’s approved amount for covered services.
  • Some states may restrict the limiting charge when you see non-participating providers. For example, New York State’s limiting charge is set at 5%, instead of 15%, for most services. For more information, contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) .
  • If you pay the full cost of your care up front, your provider should still submit a bill to Medicare. Afterward, you should receive from Medicare a Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) and reimbursement for 80% of the Medicare-approved amount .
  • The limiting charge rules do not apply to durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers . Be sure to learn about the different rules that apply when receiving services from a DME supplier .
  • Medicare will not pay for care you receive from an opt-out provider (except in emergencies). You are responsible for the entire cost of your care.
  • The provider must give you a private contract describing their charges and confirming that you understand you are responsible for the full cost of your care and that Medicare will not reimburse you.
  • Opt-out providers do not bill Medicare for services you receive.
  • Many psychiatrists opt out of Medicare.

Providers who take assignment should submit a bill to a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) within one calendar year of the date you received care. If your provider misses the filing deadline, they cannot bill Medicare for the care they provided to you. However, they can still charge you a 20% coinsurance and any applicable deductible amount.

Be sure to ask your provider if they are participating, non-participating, or opt-out. You can also check by using Medicare’s Physician Compare tool .

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  • 3 exclude something to decide that something is not possible We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation. The police have excluded theft as a motive for the murder. opposite include

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Excluding quotes and bibliographic material

Turnitin can automatically exclude content from within a Similarity Report, so that you can better tailor it to your assignment. We look for specific things within a paper to help us understand the start and end points of what we should exclude. Already know the paper uses the correct phrases? Learn how to exclude quotes and bibliography from within Turnitin Feedback Studio .

What is excluded?

For papers written in english, bibliography exclusion.

Turnitin's machine learning algorithm understands what elements of the paper to exclude from a submission and dynamically removes them from the Similarity Report. Users don't need to specify a specific bibliography section of their paper; we'll do that for you!

Beginning and terminating phrases are still used as a fall back in the rare event of our machine-learning algorithm is unavailable at the time of submission. You can resubmit your paper at a later date to take advantage of this advanced exclusion option.

Beginning phrases

Terminating phrases.

When the document reaches any of the following words in the paper, it will resume the similarity check:

Supported marks

Turnitin will disregard any matches that use the following quotation marks (as well as quotations within a quotation):

If single quotes have not been excluded in a submission, it is possible that the word processor used to create the file has labeled the quotes as an apostrophe and will need to be manually excluded. This should not happen with Google, Microsoft, or Apple word processors.

Block quotations

Turnitin will exclude block quotation (an indented block of text) when the original file is a .doc or .docx file.

How to exclude quotes and bibliographic material from the Similarity Report

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

If the similarity layer was inactive, it will now be activated, highlighting all on-paper matches.

what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  • Select the Apply Changes button to confirm this change. This will renew the similarity report with your change now reflected in the assignment.

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Does your provider accept Medicare as full payment?

You can get the lowest cost if your doctor or other health care provider accepts the Medicare-approved amount  as full payment for a covered service. This is called “accepting assignment.” If a provider accepts assignment, it’s for all Medicare-covered Part A and Part B services.

Using a provider that accepts assignment

Most doctors, providers, and suppliers accept assignment, but always check to make sure that yours do.

If your doctor, provider, or supplier accepts assignment:

  • Your out-of-pocket costs may be less.
  • They agree to charge you only the Medicare deductible and coinsurance amount, and usually wait for Medicare to pay its share before asking you to pay your share.
  • They have to submit your claim directly to Medicare and can't charge you for submitting the claim.

How does assignment impact my drug coverage?

Using a provider that doesn't accept Medicare as full payment

Some providers who don’t accept assignment still choose to accept the Medicare-approved amount for services on a case-by-case basis. These providers are called "non-participating."

If your doctor, provider, or supplier doesn't accept assignment:

  • You might have to pay the full amount at the time of service.
  • They should submit a claim to Medicare for any Medicare-covered services they give you, and they can’t charge you for submitting a claim. If they refuse to submit a Medicare claim, you can submit your own claim to Medicare. Get the Medicare claim form .
  • They can charge up to 15% over the Medicare-approved amount for a service, but no more than that. This is called "the limiting charge."  

Does the limiting charge apply to all Medicare-covered services?

Using a provider that "opts-out" of Medicare

  • Doctors and other providers who don’t want to work with the Medicare program may "opt out" of Medicare.
  • Medicare won’t pay for items or services you get from provider that opts out, except in emergencies.
  • Providers opt out for a minimum of 2 years. Every 2 years, the provider can choose to keep their opt-out status, accept Medicare-approved amounts on a case-by-case basis ("non-participating"), or accept assignment.

Find providers that opted out of Medicare.

Private contracts with doctors or providers who opt out

  • If you choose to get services from an opt-out doctor or provider you may need to pay upfront, or set up a payment plan with the provider through a private contract.
  • Medicare won’t pay for any service you get from this doctor, even if it’s a Medicare-covered service.

What are the rules for private contracts?

You may want to contact your  State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for help before signing a private contract with any doctor or other health care provider.

What do you want to do next?

  • Next step: Get help with costs
  • Take action: Find a provider
  • Get details: How to get Medicare services


  1. Articles Excluded after Content Analysis and the Reason for Exclusion

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  2. Including The Excluded

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  3. Excluded and Included Articles and Citation Data.

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  4. Subject of excluded articles.

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  5. What We Include and Excluded from the Analysis

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded

  6. ASSIGNMENT PROMPTS What do you really mean?

    what does it mean if an assignment is excluded



  2. What STAR Voting does for traditionally excluded communities

  3. Unsubmit an assignment

  4. C++ Tutorijal-Linijski-Prosek iz 3 predmeta (aritmetička sredina)

  5. SAVE THE DATE- DREAMS- THURS MARCH 7th- Let's Get Chattin

  6. He Gets Us.....Of Course He Does!


  1. How do I exclude an assignment from the course's final grades?

    Assignments that are excluded from the final grade include a banner at the top of the assignment page and the assignment details page. The Gradebook and student Grades page also includes an icon showing the grade has been excluded. Notes: This feature is only available in assignments; it does not apply to graded discussions or quizzes.

  2. Include and exclude app assignments in Microsoft Intune

    The Edit assignment pane will be displayed. [NOTE] By default, the groups you select are assigned in included mode. Select Exclude as the Mode under the Assignment settings in the Edit assignment pane. Select OK to exclude the selected group. Select Excluded Groups to select the groups of users that you want to make this app unavailable to.

  3. How Do I Use Exceptions in My Gradebook?

    Adding Exceptions. To add an exception, point your mouse over the gradebook cell and click the flag that displays. Select an exception from the menu to place the icon in the cell corresponding to a student's submission. To remove an exception from your gradebook, click the exception icon, and deselect your exception from the menu.

  4. How Application Context, Assignment and Exclusions Work in Intune

    This means that you can't have a group of users like "all building 121 users" included, but exclude a group of devices (like exclude "engineering laptops" group). Likewise, in reverse you can't include a group of devices, but exclude a group of users. This experience is documented here. Putting it all together

  5. Grading: Exempting an Assignment or Final

    10. 30/30 100%. Note that Student 4 has an exempt assignment that is also graded, but those five points are not counted in the final grade. Exempting an assignment has a powerful impact on a student's grade. Both Student 2 and Student 3 have the same point total, but while Student 2 was exempt from HW 4, Student 3 received a 0 for the assignment.

  6. How to Exclude an Assignment from the Final Grade

    Published assignments will then automatically sync into the Canvas Gradebook for instructors to add grades and provide feedback. Assignments, or columns, that are elected to be excluded from the final course grade, will have an exclamation mark next to the title in the Gradebook. Students will also see this mark in their Grades under the same ...

  7. Excuse assignments in Google Classroom

    This will exclude that particular assignment from the student's overall grade. We hope this requested feature addresses various class scenarios, such as wanting to drop a student's lowest assignment, excusing an assignment when a student is absent, or any other circumstance in which an assignment should not be included in a student's grade.

  8. New feature: New app assignment process in Intune with an Excluded

    When you exclude groups from an assignment, you must exclude only user or only device groups, not a mixture of groups. Intune does not consider user to device association when excluding groups. Including user groups while excluding device groups is unlikely to produce the results you need, as inclusion will take precedence over exclusion.

  9. How can I exempt a student's grades?

    Canvas calls exempted grades "excused." Excused assignments are not factored into the student's total grade, and the student will not be able to submit the excused assignments. You can excuse a grade by selecting the specific student's cell in the gradebook and typing "EX." Alternatively, you can follow the steps in Canvas's How do I change the ...

  10. Bibliography and quote exclusion definitions

    Excluding the bibliography. Turnitin's machine learning algorithm understands what elements of the paper to exclude from a submission and dynamically removes them from the Similarity Report. Users don't need to specify a specific bibliography section of their paper; we'll do that for you! Beginning and terminating phrases are still used as a ...

  11. Understanding Your Grades

    The following table describes the assignment codes. These codes display in the "Info" column on the "Grade Details" screen. Code. Meaning. Missing - You have not turned in the assignment. Counts as a zero toward your grade. Excluded - Grade for this assignment is not included in your overall grade. Weighted - Assignment counts more or ...

  12. How do I excuse a student from a Canvas quiz or assignment?

    The Excused status indicates that the student has been excused from making a submission. Students are not able to submit excused assignments and excused assignments are not calculated in the student's total grade. An instructor can excuse a student from a specific assignment by typing EX in the assignment cell or by choosing the Excused ...

  13. Q&A: Clarifying inclusion and exclusion notes

    Excludes 1 Notes: Indicates that an excluded code should never be used at the same time as the code listed above the Exclude1 note used. The definition can be found under number 12A, pg. 11, and reads: "A type 1 Excludes note is a pure excludes note. It means "NOT CODED HERE!". An Excludes1 note indicates that the code excluded should ...

  14. 11. How to interpret your Turnitin similarity report

    Choose whether to exclude Quotes or Bibliography; ... 100% means that all the text is matching. Note that matching text is likely to include correctly referenced and quoted text as well as text which has not been referenced at all. ... The software cannot tell whether a submitted assignment has been plagiarised, it can only state how much text ...

  15. Participating, non-participating, and opt-out Medicare providers

    Participating providers accept Medicare and always take assignment. Taking assignment means that the provider accepts Medicare's approved amount for health care services as full payment. These providers are required to submit a bill (file a claim) to Medicare for care you receive. Medicare will process the bill and pay your provider directly ...

  16. exclude verb

    1 exclude something (from something) to deliberately not include something in what you are doing or considering The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. Try excluding fat from your diet. Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded. opposite include.

  17. Excluding quotes and bibliographic material

    How to exclude quotes and bibliographic material from the Similarity Report. To exclude different types of text from the similarity report, select the red Filter icon from the similarity toolbar. If the similarity layer was inactive, it will now be activated, highlighting all on-paper matches. From the Filters and Settings side pane, use the ...

  18. Exclude and Post Assignments

    Note: The Exclude and Post option is available only if the assignment marks are posted to ParentAccess and the Frontline ProgressBook Parent & Student app. When the Exclude and Post option is used, the assignment displays as excluded with the assignment's point value in ParentAccess and the Frontline ProgressBook Parent & Student app.. Note: To quickly exclude and post the assignment for all ...

  19. Use ICD-10-CM Excludes Notes to Improve Coding

    Excludes 1. An Excludes 1 note below a code or category heading indicates that every code to the right of the note is mutually exclusive of the codes below. The two conditions should not be coded together. A clear example is diabetes. Types 1 and 2 of this condition are mutually exclusive and should not be coded together.

  20. What does it mean if your doctor doesn't accept assignment?

    A: If your doctor doesn't "accept assignment," (ie, is a non-participating provider) it means he or she might see Medicare patients and accept Medicare reimbursement as partial payment, but wants to be paid more than the amount that Medicare is willing to pay. As a result, you may end up paying the difference between what Medicare will ...

  21. Does your provider accept Medicare as full payment?

    If your doctor, provider, or supplier doesn't accept assignment: You might have to pay the full amount at the time of service. They should submit a claim to Medicare for any Medicare-covered services they give you, and they can't charge you for submitting a claim. If they refuse to submit a Medicare claim, you can submit your own claim to ...

  22. Wiki Understanding Excludes 1 and Excludes 2 in ICD-10

    It means "NOT CODED HERE"! An Excludes 1 note indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as the code above the Excludes 1 note. A type 2 Excludes note represents "Not included here". An excludes 2 note indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code.