How to Layout a Business Floor Plan

by Jill Harness

Published on 29 Apr 2019

In offices, where you seat your employees matters . Open floor plans can allow for increased teamwork and more sharing of ideas, while cubicles are important when your employees need more privacy due to confidentiality concerns. Which employees get seated at windows and who is nearest the door is something that requires a lot of consideration. That's why laying out the floor plan of a new company or department (or even one you just want to rearrange) is so important to do before you actually move a single piece of furniture.

What is a Floor Plan?

A floor plan is a drawing, designed to scale, that shows the relationship between rooms, spaces, furniture and other physical features as they would be viewed from up above. This helps you get a better idea of how things like desks and cubicles can best be arranged in the office, where to sit certain employees or whole departments, and how people will move throughout the space. You never want to start putting out cubicles only to realize you have to pack them all back out again in order to make sure there are enough for everyone in your company.

Small business floor plans can even be useful to consider before signing a lease on a building to ensure the space will actually suit your needs. If you need to make sure you have space for all of your employees, two offices for upper management, an office for the HR department, a conference room, a breakroom and a smaller room for client consultations, a floor plan can help ensure all of this will fit in your potential property. If you're having a property constructed for your business, a floor plan can help ensure you have it built in a way that will be most beneficial for your needs.

Decide Which Type of Office Layout is Appropriate

You need to consider what kind of office layout to use for your company before arranging the furniture. While you could do a different floor plan for each possible layout, it is usually more beneficial to learn about the benefits of each type of office floor plan and have an idea of what you want first . You can find business floor plans examples online that show just about every possible option for office layouts based on different room dimensions. This can help you choose the right business layout for your floor plan.

Different Business Floor Plans Examples

A few of the most common office layouts these days are cellular, open, co-working and combination . Cellular office layouts are those that use cubicles. Many enjoy these layouts because they allow for more privacy, but they also can reduce communication and leave people feeling shut off and isolated from their co-workers. Open layouts require everyone to share a workspace together with low or no partitions, which results in less privacy and more noise but increased communication.

Co-working layouts are relatively new options that are similar to open layouts only workers generally do not have an assigned workspace, allowing them to choose a space that suits their needs for the moment as needed. Most co-working layouts offer a few private rooms that can be used for privacy purposes when necessary. Combination offices are also a new idea, consisting of small offices or cubicle clusters laid out in smaller spaces than they would be in a cellular layout. These also offer ample communal spaces, offering employees the benefits of a cellular office and an open office at the same time.

Consider Your Office's Needs

When making a business floor plan, it's easy to focus solely on making sure you find a way to organize all of your employees using the office layout you have chosen, but don't forget your other needs as well . Do you expect to have a lot of business meetings? Then you'll need plenty of conference rooms. If you expect people to be on their feet a lot in the office, you need to make sure workspaces aren't too closely cramped together.

Don't forget to leave space for printers, copiers, file cabinets, plants, artwork, office supply cabinets, water coolers, coffee stations, etc. because it can be easy to forget about these things when laying out your floor plan.

Even recreational activities and amenities you plan on offering might need consideration. If you want a TV in the breakroom, you need to include it in your plan. If you want to be able to do potluck lunches for the whole team periodically, then you need to make sure you plan on having enough table and counter space for everyone to be able to bring their own dishes. Finally, be sure your walkways and other spaces are wide enough to be navigated by a wheelchair in order to ensure your office is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act .

Preparing to Create Floor Plans

While you're considering what you need to include in your floor plan, be sure to write down all of your requirements including both features, like wide walkways, and furniture and other large objects. Next, make measurements of your space, including:

  • The walls from side to side and floor to ceiling
  • Where each door, window and entryway sits on the walls
  • The location of electrical outlets, switches and other necessary controls
  • Any built-in architectural features including shelves, benches, counters, fireplaces, etc.
  • All objects that will be located inside your space

Floor Plan Creation

You can make a floor plan with a pen or pencil and a piece of paper (graph paper will make drawing to scale easier), or with a free online floor plan designer, which many people find to be easier. If you draw your floor plan manually, you'll have to do more math and pay more attention to ensure everything is drafted to scale (most people prefer a scale of 1/4 inch to 1 foot), whereas online tools can handle all the scaling for you so you just have to enter your measurements. It can also be easier to make changes with an online tool than when working manually.

While you can move furniture and building features easily when working with an online tool, it can be hard to move these if you draw them in. This is why people working manually should draw these features on a second piece of paper and then cut them out so they can be moved around on the building page until you're totally happy with your layout. Be sure to work somewhere where there's no wind or fan and where your floor plan won't be disturbed. It can also help to take a picture of your floor plan when you're done working on it for a time just in case something does get knocked off the building drawing.

Whether you work online or on paper, take time to be sure you've met all the requirements you set before you began the floor plan. When you think you're done, be sure to review your requirements list and make sure you like the spatial arrangement, the flow of traffic, the ease of communication, the amount of privacy and the general accessibility of the space. After you're totally content with your floor plan layout, show it to someone else (preferably someone familiar with your company) and ask them to give you feedback on your design – they may notice something important you never would have considered before.

Small Office Floor Plans

Quickly create practical small office floor plans that work for you and your clients

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Create small office floor plans in minutes…not hours.

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Duplicate floor plans to build small offices within a larger floor plan.

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Generate stunning 3D renderings in 5 minutes.

Create small office floor plan with Cedreo

Draw Professional Small Office Floor Plans in Minutes

With Cedreo, it’s never been easier to create an attractive small office layout. Our intuitive tools and extensive library of office furnishings help interior designers, builders, and remodelers create professional 2D & 3D small office floor plans in just a few minutes. Help your clients envision their new office and close deals faster.

2D Small Office Floor Plans

A 2D small office floor plan shows the space from above and can include dimensions, partition locations, and even furniture symbols. An accurate 2D floor plan is the first step in designing an efficient workspace.

Cedreo’s continuous drawing mode helps you create accurate small office floor plans in 5 minutes or less. As you draw the plan, you instantly see the updated dimensions and surface areas. Then, just drag and drop doors, windows, and office furniture symbols into place.

2D small office floor plan with dimensions

3D Small Office Floor Plans

3D floor plans help bring your 2D plans to life. Cedreo allows your clients to simultaneously view their new office in 3D as 2D drawings are updated. This makes it easy to adjust office plans to match your client’s taste and needs, while instantly seeing the changes reflected in the 3D visualization.

You can add colors, materials, and office furnishings from Cedreo’s extensive 3D design library and then move through the workspace from a first-person perspective to help your clients visualize working in their new finished office space.

3D Rendered Small Office Layouts

All it takes is 5 minutes for Cedreo to create a custom room rendering based on the office lighting, time of day, camera perspective, and more!

Being able to visualize how office space will look helps your clients make better design decisions that pave the way to another successfully completed project.

3D rendering of small office

Small Office Layout Considerations

When creating floor plans for small offices, there are 6 things to keep in mind.

Continuous drawing mode icon - Cedreo


Office space needs can easily change over the years. If this might be the case for your clients, it’s best to limit the number of permanent walls you include in your designs. Instead, make better use of temporary partitions or cubicle systems since they can easily be reconfigured as needed. You can also create a more flexible space by designing multi-use areas that work for a variety of purposes.

light icon

Be sure to include a variety of different lighting sources in your clients’ small office plans. Making good use of natural light helps reduce energy costs while also adding to workers’ sense of happiness. Then, combine natural lighting with daylight-colored task lighting to illuminate each person’s workspace and improve alertness.

Furniture icon

An uncomfortable office chair or a desk that’s too small can make a workday seem to drag on forever. That’s why it’s important to choose office furniture that provides a comfortable and ergonomic place to work. Look for desks, chairs, and other office furniture that are versatile and easy to adjust based on each person’s height and body shape.

Space and placement icon

Space and Placement

As you work with your clients, consider how their employees will need to interact with each other. If their employees need to exchange ideas often with each other, consider designing a more open office layout. On the other hand, if certain employees need to concentrate for long periods on detailed tasks, it’s best to give them a more private workspace to avoid distractions.

collaboration icon


More and more companies are prioritizing collaboration and interaction between their employees. That’s why it’s important to include areas that facilitate interaction and encourage creativity. This could include open floor plans, casual meeting areas, and even larger break rooms.

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Make sure employees who need to concentrate on detailed tasks won’t be disturbed by noises from break rooms, telephones, and printers. You can do this with sound-absorbing furniture and partitions with acoustic insulation.

And if you’re designing a small home office floor plan, it’s best to position it away from living rooms and children’s play areas to minimize noise and promote concentration.

Small Office Floor Plan Examples

Check out some examples of real small office layouts created with Cedreo. These floor plans showcase different layouts depending on the client’s needs and constraints.

2D small office floor plan

2D small office floor plan

small office floor plan closed

Small office floor plan closed

home office floor plan

Home office floor plan

2D office floor plan created with Cedreo

Office floor plan with dimensions

3D small office floor plan

3D small office floor plan

rendered small office floor plan

Rendered small office floor plan

client-focused small office floor plan

Client-focused small office floor plan

small office floor plan for two people

Small office floor plan for two people

Small Office Floor Plan FAQs

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about small office floor plans.

What’s the best way to maximize small office space?

The three best ways to maximize small office space is natural lighting, functional furniture pieces, and making it a flexible space. Adequate natural lighting helps to make your space feel bigger. Find furniture that is multi-purpose to make the space more flexible and functional.

Can I create 2D & 3D floor plans with Cedreo?

Yes! Cedreo’s dual-window view shows you your 3D design in real-time as you draw in 2D. Then you simply switch to the 3D view to add 3D furnishing, materials, and products.

How will I know if everything will fit in my small office space?

Cedreo allows you to add dimensions for everything…walls, doorways, windows, appliances, and furniture. Once you have the basic floor plan in place with dimensions, you can test to view what different-sized furniture will look like in the space.

Can I create multiple offices on one floor plan?

Yes! Cedreo’s floor plan software helps you create an entire home or commercial space. So, create a small at-home office, or an entire company office space!

Create Small Office Floor Plans Online In Minutes

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The Perfect Business Plan Layout & Outline

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business plan layout

The layout of a business plan is not an area where great imagination and creativity is needed or recommended. It should be a more or less straightforward task to layout or outline your plan, using industry standard practices which funders have become familiar with through thousands of business plans. Use the following steps to implement this standard layout and save creativity for your business venture within the plan.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

Start by getting your hands on a business plan template. This will speed your time to completing your plan. Business plans generally start with an executive summary and company overview, move through background research and market analysis, customers, and competition, describe the company’s intended methods in the marketing plan and operation plan, show who’s on the management team, and conclude with the financial plan and appendices featuring full financial statements.

Use the business plan template to guide your understanding of each section and to see how they relate to each other. Don’t assume that any one example should dominate your understanding unless it comes from an extremely trusted source with a reputation for business plan expertise and success.

Business Page Layout Tips

How to finish your business plan in 1 day.

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Sample Outline For Your Business Plan

1. executive summary.

Your executive summary is the most important part of your plan. It comes at the beginning and is the first thing potential investors or lenders will read. If they aren’t excited by what they see, they’ll unfortunately stop reading. So make sure your executive summary gives a quick overview of what your company does and explains, in an exciting tone, why your company will be successful.

In your Company Description, provide background on your company. When did you incorporate? What have you accomplished to date? Here you will let readers know the history of your business.

In the Market Analysis section of your business plan provide background on the industry in which you operate. Conduct market research to make this section concrete and compelling. Answer questions such as: how big is your industry? what trends are affecting it?

Here you will document your target market. How are they? How many are there? What are their likes and dislikes? Ideally you can provide comprehensive demographic and psychographic profiles of your target customers and show how your company’s product or service are ideally suited to their needs.

In this section of your business plan, document your key competitors. Explain their strengths and their weaknesses. Remember that investors and lenders expect you to have direct competitors. They just want to feel confident that despite them, you can still achieve lasting success.

Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

Your marketing strategy should primarily focus on the promotional methods you will use to attract new customers. Will you use search engine marketing? Will you employ radio ads? Document each of the promotional methods you will use.

This section of your plan should discuss the key roles that your company must expertly perform and your strategies for operational excellence. You must also outline the long-term milestones your company plans to accomplish and the key dates for each.

In your Management Team section, detail the key members of your team. Document their backgrounds and how their past experiences make them well suited to succeed in your organization.

Here you will layout the key assumptions used in creating your financial model and then provide topline results from your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow projections. If you are seeking funding, document the amount of funding you seek and the key uses for it.

Business Plan Outline financial projections

In your Appendix, you will provide supporting information such as employee or customer agreements, store layouts, etc. You must also include your full, five-year financial projections.

By following the comprehensive business plan outline, you will ensure your plan is in the format investors and lenders expect.

OR, Let Us Write a Business Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.

Click here to see how Growthink’s business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

Business Page Layout FAQs

How do i layout a business plan.

Laying out a well-crafted business plan is not, and should not, be complicated. You can lay out your business plan using our sample business plan outline discussed here . An organized business plan structure is key to a successful business plan.

What is a business plan outline?

A business plan outline allows you to organize your plan and present it in the format that’s most compelling to readers. Also, by starting with your outline, it’s easier to add the required information into the key elements of a comprehensive business plan.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template & Guide for Small Businesses

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Store layout example

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Kitchen Business

How to Design a Restaurant Floor Plan (+ Layout Examples)

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Jan Lundvik

December 16, 2022

If you’re opening a new restaurant or want to revamp your old one, it’s important to design a floor plan that will maximize efficiency and sales.

A well-designed floor plan will help streamline your workflow and make your restaurant run more smoothly.

It will also help customers navigate your space more easily, which can lead to more sales.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to design a restaurant floor plan that works for you.

A good design for your restaurant layout is also the basis for your interior design. And an inviting and attractive restaurant decor will help your restaurant stand apart from the competition.

cut away illustration of a small restaurant

What is a Restaurant Floor Plan?

A restaurant floor plan is a blueprint depicting your establishment’s whole layout. It indicates the different areas, tables, waiting spaces, payment kiosks, and more. The floor plan also points out the locations of things like furnaces, doors, electrical outlets, and water heaters.

A restaurant floor plan is vital for servers, bartenders, bussers, barbacks, and managers to do their job well. It also helps new employees understand where everything is located in the restaurant, from the kitchen storage to the dishwasher and the restrooms to the bar.

Why is a Restaurant Floor Plan Important?

Combining a good chef, great branding, and technology should automatically equal success, right? But, unfortunately, it’s not always that easy.

With the cost of a food service entity anywhere between $100-800 per square foot , many food service brands focus on getting the maximum revenue per square foot. And the easiest way to do that is with an efficient floor plan.

An efficient floor plan allows servers to move around easily, tend to customers quickly, and turn tables faster. In short, a well-designed restaurant floor plan can increase your profit margins.

However, designing an efficient floor plan is much more than just maximizing the number of tables in your space.

Can I Design My Own Restaurant Floor Plan?

Hiring a professional architect and interior designer with knowledge of the restaurant industry is a good idea to avoid costly mistakes. There are many critical items to consider (more on that below!), and a professional architect and designer can safely implement your restaurant design vision.

However, there are times when hiring a professional may be outside your budget. In that case, there are software options for designing your restaurant floor plan.

Also, some restaurant POS software allows for easy floor plan design. For example, there are options for adding walls, sections, tables, and chairs, all with just a few clicks.

2 Essential Posts When Growing a Restaurant Business

As you are reading this article, also check out the two articles below!

business plan floor plan layout

5 Best Restaurant POS Systems

The ultimate guide to picking the right restaurant POS software.

image illustrating examples of restaurant marketing ideas

31 Best Restaurant Marketing Ideas

Attract more customers with these powerful marketing ideas.

Things to Consider When Designing Your Floor Layout

The primary objective of a restaurant’s floor plan is to organize the space most efficiently. While there are several must-haves for your restaurant floor plan, it’s essential to consider these factors before designing the layout.

While the budget may seem obvious, it still needs to be mentioned. For example, how many tables and chairs can you afford? How many tables will each server have? How many servers will you be able to have on staff? Do you want lights at each table? Do you want any booths?

Building Codes

Whether building a new restaurant or renovating an existing space, you’ll have to consider your state’s building codes. There may also be local or county codes. These codes can include the number of exits, accessibility, restrooms, and kitchen requirements. In addition, local building codes will usually have a maximum occupancy for your space.

Efficiency and Flow

One important consideration is the efficiency and flow of your layout. For example, can your servers easily access the tables? Is there space to set down a tray with food? Is there a clear path to other parts of the restaurant, like the restroom, bar, and kitchen? Will the customer have enough space to get in and out of their chair at each table?

The last thing to consider, but equally important, is the electricity, lighting, water, and air conditioning outputs. Is there electricity where you need your technology platforms, lighting, fans, and other appliances? Where do you need water access?

What to Include in a Dining Room Floor Plan

Since customers spend almost their entire time in the dining area, making it comfortable and aesthetically pleasing is imperative.

The dining area is usually about 60% of a restaurant’s total square footage and includes the waiting area, to-go space, bar, Point of Sale (POS) terminals, and seating area.

Waiting Area

When designing restaurants, the waiting room is frequently forgotten. Yet, as the first area customers see, it’s essential to have a comfortable and welcoming entrance with plenty of chairs for waiting.

Seating Area

Your seating area will depend on the type of food service establishment you are opening. For example, the dining area for a fine dining restaurant should be roughly 18-20 square feet, while a full-service restaurant’s seating area should be 12-15 square feet.

However, a fast food establishment only needs about 11-14 square feet of dining space, while a counter-service restaurant needs between 18-20.

If you plan on seating all-sized parties, then you’ll need to have seating space with multiple-sized tables. It’s usually best to have three different table sizes; 2-tops, 4-tops, and 6-tops.

Your focus should be to have as many tables as possible in your dining room, with a suitable distance between each one.

Most restaurants place the 2-tops against the window areas, while the middle of the dining room is suitable for tables of three or more guests.

A distance of 3-4 feet is the minimum requirement between tables for customers and servers, although some restaurants prefer more space.

Billing and Point of Sale Area

To maximize efficiency, place your Point-of-Sale registers near your customers, so employees don’t have to run back and forth to place orders and charge credit cards.

Over the last few years, cloud-based POS software has blown up, with many table management features included. For example, today’s POS systems allow you to assign tables and sections, monitor tables to maximize occupancy, transfer tables, and take orders and payments by the table.

Table Management Features in Restaurant POS Software

As mentioned above, many POS software companies now offer table management features, including adjustable floor plans, inventory management, customizable menus, tableside ordering and payments, and flexible billing.

business plan floor plan layout

With these technological advances, servers can order food faster and with fewer errors, and the kitchen receives it immediately. Servers are notified immediately if any menu items are out of stock, avoiding lost time going to the bar or the kitchen.

Managers or owners can also easily adjust the floor plans, space between tables, and menu items. For example, if outdoor seating is closed for the winter, that section can be closed for the season.

How to Create a Restaurant Floor Plan Yourself

Whether you’re DIYing your restaurant layout or working with a professional interior designer, there are several things you’ll want to consider when creating your floor plans.

1. Keep it Simple

If you’re doing your own floor planning, keep everything simple. You don’t necessarily need CAD software to do it, either. Many easy-to-use online tools and software can help you do this, including SmartDraw and ConceptDraw.

2. Use Templates or a Grid System

Ready-made templates can be a great time saver and serve as inspiration. A grid system helps you organize everything on your floor plan into neat little boxes. This lets you see what’s where, and it keeps things organized.

3. Don’t Forget About Lighting

When drawing a floor plan, you should always think about lighting. It’s essential to know how much light comes through windows, doors, skylights, etc., to depict them on your floor plan accurately.

And finally, you need to know whether any of these lights are coming from above or below. All of these factors affect how the room appears on your floor plan.

4. Know Where Doors Go

When drawing a floor plan, you have to know which door goes where. This means knowing in which direction each door opens and where its hinges are located. Your floor plan will look better if you remember to add these details.

5. Include Restaurant POS and other Tech Placement

Don’t forget to include server stations with card readers or POS systems in your dining room layout, especially if you plan to offer table service. These devices are often placed near electrical outlets, ensuring enough power nearby.

Place multiple POS systems throughout the dining area to improve the guest experience and increase sales. This way, servers can quickly check out customers and take payments without walking long distances.

Finally, if you use a cloud POS system or an iPad POS system, you’ll want to consider how many walls you’re willing to put up around your POS terminals. You’ll need to think about placement carefully because the more walls between your terminals and your Wi-FI router, the weaker your signals become.

Best Floor Plan Software with Restaurant Templates

SmartDraw is a popular and affordable tool that is an excellent choice for beginners.

Screenshot of restaurant floor plan templates at SmartDraw

You can choose from several restaurant-specific floor plans and templates, including restaurant kitchen layouts, that you can customize yourself.

business plan floor plan layout

You don’t need to download an app but can start designing in your web browser. SmartDraw has a free trial version.


ConceptDraw lets you quickly draw floor plans, rooms, and furniture. The Restaurant Floor Plan solution in ConceptDraw Diagram contains 20 examples and nine libraries having 298 vector graphics and icons of typical restaurant furnishings and appliances.

ConceptDraw restaurant floor plan software

ConceptDraw Diagram is available for both macOS and Windows. There is also a free trial.

Foyr – Interior Design Software

Foyr is a more advanced tool intended for interior designers but also easy enough for restaurateurs.

With Foyr you can design high-quality 2D or 3D interactive floor plans for your restaurant. Let the AI help complete the floor plan into a full 3d model. You don’t need any previous CAD experience. Free trial available.

Restaurant Floor Plan Examples

Example 1. piatti restaurant.

business plan floor plan layout

The Piatti restaurant was designed to be a contemporary yet traditional Italian oasis in the heart of Montreal. After a fire damaged the original space, owners chose to renovate and update it with a green marble pizza oven, a sienna-toned banquette below a mirrored wall, custom lighting, stools at the bar, and a pendant light hanging in the corner of the bar.

business plan floor plan layout

The decor was inspired by traditional Italian design, with textures, materials, and colors reflecting the Mediterranean. Recessed lighting was used to highlight the original stone walls in the evening. All of these elements create an inviting atmosphere for customers, old and new.

Example 2. Seven Easy Restaurant

business plan floor plan layout

The interior design of the Seven Easy restaurant in Ascona is open and inviting and features solid wood tables, wall paneling made from sawn tree trunks, stacked wine crates, blackboard walls, and a ceiling with rows of suspended, roughly sawn wooden planks.

business plan floor plan layout

The restaurant floor plan is based on an open kitchen concept, allowing guests to dine at long wooden tables or at wood-trunk tables directly in front of the cooking area. Illumination comes solely from suspended lamps and lights over the standing tables.

Example 3. Vesta Pizza Restaurant

business plan floor plan layout

The Vesta pizza restaurant was designed by studio Ménard Dworkind, who sought to create a space that recalled the spirit of Italian family restaurants in North America during the 1970s.

The restaurant’s walls are half covered in white pine paneling, and the other half painted a dark green color, while slimmer oak bands are laid against the surface to form a linear, geometric pattern.

A custom-made illuminated wine display case and furniture pieces such as a beige powder-coated steel bar and marble dining tables add to the restaurant’s atmosphere.

business plan floor plan layout

An open kitchen allows patrons to view food preparation, while graphic yellow pizza boxes are stacked along a 20-foot (six-metre-long) white rack that extends over the counter. The space also features a Lambert & Fils dot lamp and vintage cans of tomato sauce along the oak shelf for an extra touch of traditional Italian style.

Conclusion – Benefits of a Restaurant Floor Plan

The proper layout of your dining room, kitchen, and bar have an incredible impact on your employee and guest experiences. If you provide front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house employees with an efficient, comfortable, and safe workspace, they’re more likely to work hard and make more money.

A well-designed restaurant layout has many benefits, including the following:

Better Customer Experience

The second your customer walks in the door, they should feel comfortable and welcome, and this should continue whether they are at the bar, the dining room, or the waiting area. With a proper layout, your customers will have a better experience overall, leading to return visits.

More Efficient Workflow

When your restaurant’s floor plan is designed well, your staff can get from the kitchen to the seating area and bar efficiently. They can also move between tables, delivering drinks and food without interrupting other guests. This more efficient flow of traffic benefits everyone, from staff to guests.

Maximized Space

A restaurant with a well-designed floor plan maximizes its space, allowing for the best return on investment.

Higher Profits

You will likely increase your revenue if you have an efficient workflow, maximized space, and a fantastic dining experience. You can obtain all of these things with a well-planned restaurant layout.

More Restaurant Interior Design Resources:

  • 10 Low Budget Small Restaurant Design Examples
  • 13 Creative Restaurant Interior Design Examples

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Jan is a writer and content creator at with a focus on the restaurant and food service industry. Drawing from his background in tech and UX design, Jan breaks down complex systems into digestible, actionable insights.

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Small Office Floor Plan Examples

Small office floor plans are generally used by companies and businesses with ten employees or fewer. One example - a small firm of professionals who consult with local clients, such as accountants, real estate agents, and lawyers. As such, this small office layout usually includes individual work areas with desks and one or more rooms in which to meet with clients. Another typical use for this size office space is a small medical practice, which may have a reception area and several patient/exam rooms.

Small Office 3D Floor Plan Examples

Small Office Floor Plan Size

The typical size range is 1000 square feet (100 m² ) and less for a small office floor plan. One way to get a rough estimate of your best floor plan size range is to multiply the number of workers by a particular space allocation. The allocation per person for an office layout should be about 100 sq ft (about 10 m²).

Small Space, Big Functionality

With a small space, every bit of floor plan matters. So, it’s essential to consider the key functions and needs for your particular small office layout. Some ideas to consider:

  • Does your business work best with an open office style, individual closed offices, or a combination?
  • Can some workspaces or offices be shared due to flexible work schedules?
  • Make sure each work area will be super-efficient, space-wise. For example, choose double-duty desks that include filing and office supply storage. Share one printer among multiple employees. Cut the cord clutter by using WIFI and Bluetooth as much as possible.
  • Many small office layouts include a conference room. A 100 ft square (about 10 m2) room should comfortably seat up to 4 people. Will that be enough for most needs?
  • If clients come to your office, how will they navigate the space? Do you need a small entry area, perhaps with seating? What path will you take when walking clients to the conference room or a patient office?
  • Do you need a small break area or mini-kitchen? Workers will appreciate a small coffee or tea bar and a mini-fridge to store snacks or lunch.
  • Is there a shared restroom as part of a larger building? This is often the case with small office floor plans. If not, you may want to include at least one small gender-neutral bathroom.
  • How much space do you need to allocate for storage beyond what each employee will store at their work area?

Creating a detailed list of the functions you want to accomplish is an important step. You’ll have a thorough checklist of rooms and areas that are musts for your particular business - super helpful while browsing or creating floor plans.

Plan for Growth

While you are a small business today, where will you be in 5 years? As you plan the layout, make sure you think about the projected growth rate of the company. For example, if you’ll be adding employees over the next few years, where will they sit? With more employees, will you also need additional meeting space or other key rooms?

Are you ready to develop or update your small office floor plan layout? With some upfront planning and research, you can create a pleasant small office workplace that maximizes productivity, creativity, and employee satisfaction. Browse our small office floor plan examples.

For home office floor plans, check out our home office floor plan examples.

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  2. Corporate Office Floor Plans

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  3. Can you solve this ventilation issue in the plan?

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