Compare and Contrast about Cats and Dogs

This essay will provide a comparative analysis of cats and dogs as pets. It will discuss the differences and similarities in their behavior, care needs, and the nature of their interactions with humans. The piece will cover aspects such as temperament, maintenance, and the suitability of each animal for different types of owners and living environments. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Animals.

How it works

 Dogs and cats have several similarities, but even more distinctions. Both animals are easily loved by mankind and will display love and affection in return for good treatment. Some people enjoy the presence of a cat, and others are simply dog lovers. Based on the history, characteristics, and similarities of the two creatures, dogs are considered to be man’s best friend- but most likely it’s the feline who is.

Thousands of years ago, a man trapped wolves and used a selective breeding process to make canines with certain qualities.

Some of the qualities include hunting abilities, obedience, and trainability. Every dog in our modern world has the DNA of wolves, although if you look at a Yorkshire Terrier or a Teacup Chihuahua one would have their doubts. Throughout time, breeding became more selective, and more breeds were born. Humans began breeding dogs for their function. Some canines were great for hunting, while others did the best job of herding or guarding. Canines can show more human characteristics such as love, sorrow, and loyalty. Dogs are also more social than cats which is why some consider them the best companions.

Felines, on the other hand, decided on their own that they would integrate with humans. The Egyptians considered cats to be Gods, due to them protecting their homes from death and disease by killing rodents. The Egyptians thought so highly of their beloved felines that they mummified them for the journey to the next world- and even included mummified mice to accompany their pets. In the middle ages, Pope Gregory IX associated cats with Satan and witches. The accusation led to the massacre of millions of cats across Europe. After the massacre, there were no cats to kill rodents and this caused an outbreak of black rats which brought on the Black Death.

Cats are more independent than dogs and are considered loners. Felines only seek companionship from other cats when mating. They enjoy spending time away from humans and do not get lonely, whereas a dog would. All cats today still harbor the same traits as their ancestors because they were not bred into exclusivity, they were perfect just how they were. Cats are nocturnal and do the best hunting at night solitary. They have a long tail that aids in balance, and light-reflecting eyes which gives them an advantage over their prey. Cats are quick and have retracting claws for self-defense, they can jump and climb to get away from any threats. Dogs are more earthbound and not able to jump as high or climb trees such as cats. Canines hunt more efficiently when they are accompanied by their pack. While both species are carnivores, dogs can survive on plant materials if needed but cats are strict meat-eaters. All cats are considered equal and do not have ranks to determine their social status. Dogs have a particular social status, their rank is determined by how high they hold their tail. When one dog greets another and that dog holds its tail up, it means they are of higher social class. Cats only hold their tail up as a sign of content, they do not feel the need to dominate.

Aside from the numerous differences, there is also a good deal of similarities. Both canine and feline are part of the Mammalia Kingdom. Both dogs and cats birth multiple offspring at one time. The mother carries 3-12 babies in one litter. A characteristic of the female in the Mammalia Kingdom is that they have mammary glads, which allows the mothers to nurse their young. Both canines and felines are covered in fur and can carry fleas and ticks if not treated by the owner. The lifespan of these two creatures ranges an average of twelve years, and up to twenty-five for cats and eighteen for dogs. Both cats and dogs show territorial instincts that come naturally. The canine and feline alike have the ability to survive in the wild if needed, their natural hunting instinct would employ before being left to starve to death.

Some people may think more profoundly of cats due to the felines’ intelligence, while others fancy dogs for their companionship. A cat does not need your love, food, or acceptance. Felines are the ultimate hunters and voluntarily gave up their life in the wild to save man from rodent infestations and the plague, and cats know it.

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Dogs vs Cats Compare and Contrast Essay

Dogs vs cats comparison.

cats and dogs

Dogs used to live in a pack in the free wild, thus, they require to be with the pack in captivity, therefore they consider you and your family to be their brood. In the wild the dogs hunt in a company of their kind, and love to outnumber their prey. Dogs are usually extremely playful and want to have a job to do. Dogs love to be petted, and can sit on your lap for hours. Dogs are active during the day and sleep at nights. Dogs are extremely “communicative” and use their body language and barking to express their feelings.

Cats, on the other hand, usually hunt on their own, and do not need any company. Certainly they can live together, although they do not require to be with one another or with anyone else. Usually cats do not want to sit with you, and some of them dislike being held. Cats are active at night, and can sleep all day long. Cats can meow, but they are definitely not as noisy as dogs, and much less expressive with their body language.

Thus, both cats and dogs bring…

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Cat vs. Dog


Cats and dogs are the most popular pets in the world. Cats are more independent and are generally cheaper and less demanding pets. Dogs are loyal and obedient but require more attention and exercise, including regular walks.

Comparison chart

How to choose.

When choosing between a cat or a dog, you should consider how much time you can dedicate to the pet (dogs require more time than cats, and don’t like to be left home alone), how much you can afford to spend (dogs are more expensive than cats), and what temperament of pet you would before (dogs are more needy and affectionate than independent cats).

A dog petting a cat

When choosing a cat, consider whether you want to get a purebred cat from a breeder, or rescue a cat from an animal shelter. If you are not getting a kitten, consider whether you want an indoor or an outdoor cat and choose accordingly, as certain cats will be trained for different situations. Different breeds have different temperaments, but they vary less than dogs. For example, Siamese cats are intelligent and playful, but can be very noisy, while long-haired cats are laid back and short haired cats are usually affectionate and even-tempered. Individual cats also have different personalities, so interact with them before taking them home. Consider the hair length you can handle, as longer fur , such as the fur of a Maine Coon, Persian or Ragdoll, will require daily brushing.

When choosing a dog, consider its size. Larger dogs, such as a German Shepherd or a Labrador, need more space and cost more to feed and care for. Some breeds, such as Labradors, Corgis and Spaniels, are also easier to train than others, and have more friendly temperaments. Take into account the length of the dog’s fur, as those with longer coats will need more regular grooming. Although purebreds are popular, they can suffer from greater temperament and health problems. Mixed breed dogs usually have fewer health problems and can be adopted more cheaply from shelters.

Cats require a food and water bowl, a litter box, a few toys and scratching posts, and a brush for grooming.

Dogs require a food and water bowl, a leash and collar, a dog bed, toys and chews and treats.

The amount a cat needs to eat varies depending on its size, but cats require less food than most all dogs. Cat food comes in dry or canned wet form . Adult cats require between 250 and 300 calories per day.

The amount a dog eats depends on its size. Commercial dog food comes in both dry and wet forms, and most dogs need between 25 and 30 calories per pound per day.

Cats do not need bathing, but they should be brushed regularly if they have long hair.

Dogs –especially those with long hair – need grooming and bathing frequently .

Both cats and dogs can get infected with ticks, lice , fleas and other pests . When this happens, disinfectants like Frontline or Advantix are required to rid the pets of the infection. Some of these chemicals contain harmful pesticides. Care must also be taken to ensure Advantix is used only on dogs because it is very dangerous for cats.

The average life expectancy of cats is around 12 to 14 years, but they can live into their 20s or even their 30s. Medical costs for cats are around $160 per year.

The life expectancy of dogs — usually 7 to 14 years — varies depending on the breed, with larger breeds tending to have shorter lives, akin to the lifespan of wolves . The oldest dog was 29 years old. Medical costs for dogs vary depending on size and existing health conditions but will usually be at least $200 for dental cleanings and vaccines.

House Training

Cats usually already know how to use a litterbox or can easily be trained to use their litterbox. This requires cleaning once a day.

Dogs need to be trained, socialized and housebroken. Training usually takes around 2 months.

Dogs can function as watchdogs or guard dogs, protecting their owner and the house.

Cats can live in smaller areas, while dogs generally need more space to run around. Cats can be kept indoors, but dogs need to be taken for regular walks – at least twice a day.

Although some cats will learn to do tricks, they do them to please themselves, not their owners, and so are more difficult to train.

Most dogs can be trained to do some tricks with patience.

As dogs need more personal attention than cats, they are less well suited to people who travel a lot or work long hours. Dogs should preferably not be left home alone all day, while cats will cope.

According to the ASPCA, a typical cat costs $670 per year, including food, litter and medical costs.

A small dog cost approximately $580, while a medium sized dog costs $695 and a large dog costs $875.

Popular breeds

The most popular cat breeds in the US are the Persian, the Maine Coon, the Exotic and the Siamese.

The most popular breeds of dog in the US are Labrador Retriever (with over 123,000 registered individuals), Yorkshire Terrier (48,346), German Shepherd (43,629) and Golden Retriever (42,962).

According to US census data, there are around 86.4 million pet cats in the US. 33% of households in the US own at least one cat. On average, cat owners have two cats. [1]

There are approximately 78.2 million pet dogs in the US. 39% of US households own at least one dog. On average, dog owners have one dog. [2]

AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association ) statistics are slightly different — about 74 million cats and 70 million dogs. Dogs are found in more American households than cats but cat-owners tend to own a larger number of cats on average and so the over all population is larger for cats than dogs.

Common Games

Cats enjoy simple games that allow them to stalk and pounce. Popular games include bouncing a ping-pong ball on the floor for the cat to jump after, rolling a crumpled ball of paper along the floor, dragging ribbon along the floor, or playing hide and seek.

Dogs enjoy games that allow them to run and chase. As well as playing “fetch,” dogs enjoy playing tug-of-war, hide and seek, find the treat, and running races.

  • Pets by the Numbers - Humane Society
  • Should I Choose a Dog or a Cat as a Pet? - Your Pets Universe
  • Dog vs. Cat: Which is Right For You? -
  • 10 Easy Games You Can Play With Your Cat - Susan Ng
  • Are Cats Domesticated? - The New Yorker
  • Games to Play With Your Dog - Purina New Zealand
  • Wikipedia: Aging in dogs#Life expectancy by breed
  • Wikipedia: Cat
  • How to Choose a Cat - wikiHow
  • How Many Calories a Dog or Cat Should Eat a Day - Embrace Pet Insurance Blog
  • Wikipedia: List of most popular dog breeds
  • The 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds - Catster

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Comments: Cat vs Dog

Anonymous comments (5).

February 13, 2014, 4:48am Oh goodness gracious. Both beings have it's advantages and disadvantages. And whatever they are, we just have to accept it. I cannot choose between cats and dogs since I love both. I own a dog and two cats. And being an owner of both, I could say they compliment each other. — 49.✗.✗.15
September 23, 2013, 6:38pm I love both cats and dogs but I think cogs are a little better since they are more interactive with people and aim to please. — 66.✗.✗.121
December 17, 2013, 6:19pm This is Written to look like a pet war, I just wanted to know differences between them and ended up cheering on dogs — 201.✗.✗.203
October 16, 2013, 11:51am You are a jerk. Cats are wonderful that's why they are the most popular pet in the world. You don't know a cat until you have loved and owned one. — 94.✗.✗.166
February 26, 2014, 12:52pm Clearly cats dont rule if they are less liked. Look at the user ratings above. Obviously the dog outweighs the cat on the more liked. So quit your ignorance and just understand that dogs are clearly more liked. Satisticts can prove it like the user rating, again, above. — 108.✗.✗.239
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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Cat — Assessing the Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Cats and Dogs


Assessing The Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Cats and Dogs

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Published: Jan 31, 2024

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Physical characteristics, behavioral traits, care and domestication.

  • Bradshaw, J. (2013). Cat Sense: The Feline Enigma Revealed. Basic Books.
  • Serpell, J. (2017). Domestication and history of the cat. In The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour (pp. 13-23). Cambridge University Press.
  • Coppinger, R., & Coppinger, L. (2001). Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior, and Evolution. Scribner.
  • McGreevy, P., & Boakes, R. (2011). Carrots and Sticks: Principles of Animal Training. Cambridge University Press.

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compare and contrast between cats and dogs essay

Tips for Compare and Contrast Dog and Cat Essay

compare and contrast between cats and dogs essay


When tasked with writing a compare and contrast essay on dogs and cats, it is essential to delve into the uniqueness and intricacies of these two popular pets. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you craft an impressive essay that effectively highlights the similarities and differences between dogs and cats.

Understanding the Differences

Before you begin writing your essay, it's crucial to understand the fundamental differences between dogs and cats. Dogs are known for their loyal and social nature, often seeking companionship and interaction with their owners. On the other hand, cats are known for their independent and self-sufficient behavior, displaying a more reserved and solitary demeanor.

Physical Characteristics

When comparing dogs and cats, it is important to consider their physical traits. Dogs are generally larger in size, possessing a wide variety of breeds with distinctive features such as fur length, color, and body structure. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be smaller in size with slender bodies, and their fur can vary greatly in texture and coloration.

Behavioral Traits

Another crucial aspect to explore in your essay is the behavioral differences between dogs and cats. Dogs are often seen as highly trainable and adaptable, with an innate ability to form strong bonds with their owners. Cats, on the other hand, display a more independent nature, often preferring to explore their surroundings at their own leisure and pace.

Identifying the Similarities

While dogs and cats have their unique traits, there are also several similarities that can be explored in your essay.

Companionship and Emotional Bond

Both dogs and cats have the ability to form emotional bonds with their owners. They provide companionship, love, and affection, making them popular choices for households seeking a furry friend.

Need for Care and Attention

Regardless of the differences in their behavior, both dogs and cats require proper care and attention. They need to be fed, groomed, and provided with a safe and comfortable living environment.

Health and Well-being

Ensuring their pets' health and well-being is a shared responsibility for both dog and cat owners. Regular visits to the veterinarian, vaccinations, and appropriate exercise are essential for maintaining their overall health.

Tips for Writing an Impressive Essay

1. research thoroughly.

Before you begin writing, conduct in-depth research on both dogs and cats. Understanding their history, characteristics, and unique qualities will help you provide accurate and detailed information in your essay.

2. Create an Outline

Outline the structure of your essay to ensure a coherent and logical flow of ideas. Organize your thoughts and arguments, making it easier for readers to follow your analysis and comparisons.

3. Include Specific Examples

Support your statements with precise examples to provide a comprehensive view of the topic. Whether it's highlighting a specific breed's behavior or identifying common health issues in both dogs and cats, specific examples add credibility to your essay.

4. Use Clear and Concise Language

Avoid using overly complex language or jargon that may confuse your readers. Focus on conveying your ideas clearly and concisely, ensuring your audience can easily understand your points.

5. Consider Both Sides

While comparing and contrasting, it's important to consider both the similarities and differences. Provide a balanced perspective on the topic, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of both dogs and cats.

6. Edit and Revise

After completing your essay, take the time to edit and revise. Ensure proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Eliminate any typos or errors that may distract the reader and hinder the overall quality of your essay.

By utilizing the tips and insights provided in this article, you are well-equipped to craft an exceptional compare and contrast essay on dogs and cats. Remember to focus on the unique characteristics, both similarities, and differences, while providing comprehensive and detailed analysis. Happy writing!

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