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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Extreme Sports (Real IELTS Test)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Extreme Sports (Real IELTS Test)

This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay related to extreme sports from the real IELTS test.

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Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? Real Past IELTS Tests

The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. Although these sports are potentially fatal, they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly.

The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute. There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage. Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

Despite the aforementioned concerns, I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious. Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe. Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots. Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience. Most extreme sports, taken seriously, present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime.

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking.

1. The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. 2. Although these sports are potentially fatal, they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic – don’t spend too much time on this simple sentence.
  • Give your opinion and make it clear.

1. The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. 2. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. 3. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute. 4. There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. 5. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage. 6. Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

  • Write about the other side first.
  • Begin your example for your main idea right away.
  • Develop the same example.
  • Keep developing it, don’t switch to a new example.
  • Add as much detail as you can to you example.
  • Generalise from your example with your last sentence.

1. Despite the aforementioned concerns, I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious. 2. Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe. 3. Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. 4. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots. 5. Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience. 6. Most extreme sports, taken seriously, present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime.

  • Talk about the side that you agree with in your third paragraph.
  • Focus on a different example.
  • Develop your new example.
  • The more specific the details you include, the higher your task achievement and vocabulary scores.
  • Include the result of your example.
  • Conclude your paragraph by tieing it back to your main idea.

1. In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. 2. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking.

  • Repeat your opinion.
  • Add in an extra detail or final thought.

Try to figure out what the words in bold mean:

The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. Although these sports are potentially fatal , they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly .

The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute . There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage . Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

Despite the aforementioned concerns , I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious . Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe . Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots . Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience . Most extreme sports, taken seriously , present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime .

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking .

increasing popularity more and more common

so-called allegedly

base jumping jumping from a low point with a parachute

backlash calling for people objecting to

potentially fatal could kill you

undertaken responsibly done with care

demanded limits regulated

take for example consider the instance of

notorious infamous

participants people taking part in

given point a random spot

parachute opens to save your life after jumping….

unforeseen can’t be predicted

malfunctions doesn’t work

fatality rate the number of people hurt/dying

debilitating injuries handicapped

paralysis can’t move

brain damage mental handicaps

outlier outside the norm

spectrum the full range of

varying degrees different levels

aforementioned concerns what was mentioned before

outweighs is stronger than

cautious careful

perilous dangerous

relatively safe somewhat risk-free

proper precautions well-prepared

sign up for joining

rig up set up/get read for

harness holds you when climbing

requisite knots what you must tie to climb

end up finally

passionate love for

exhilirating experience exciting time

taken seriously not treated lightly

present little real danger not actually that risky

enjoyable pasttime fun hobby

responsibly try out take seriously

to their liking what they like


ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti   ˈsəʊˈkɔːld   beɪs ˈʤʌmpɪŋ   ˈbæklæʃ ˈkɔːlɪŋ fɔː   pəʊˈtɛnʃəli ˈfeɪtl ˌʌndəˈteɪkən rɪsˈpɒnsəbli dɪˈmɑːndɪd ˈlɪmɪts   teɪk fɔːr ɪgˈzɑːmpl   nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs   pɑːˈtɪsɪpənts   ˈgɪvn pɔɪnt   ˈpærəʃuːt ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn   mælˈfʌŋkʃənz   fəˈtælɪti reɪt   dɪˈbɪlɪteɪtɪŋ ˈɪnʤəriz   pəˈrælɪsɪs   breɪn ˈdæmɪʤ ˈaʊtˌlaɪə   ˈspɛktrəm   ˈveəriɪŋ dɪˈgriːz   əˌfɔːˈmɛnʃənd kənˈsɜːnz aʊtˈweɪz   ˈkɔːʃəs ˈpɛrɪləs   ˈrɛlətɪvli seɪf ˈprɒpə prɪˈkɔːʃənz   saɪn ʌp fɔː   rɪg ʌp   ˈhɑːnɪs   ˈrɛkwɪzɪt nɒts ɛnd ʌp   ˈpæʃənɪt   ɪgˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ˈteɪkən ˈsɪərɪəsli ˈprɛznt ˈlɪtl rɪəl ˈdeɪnʤə   ɪnˈʤɔɪəbl pɑːstaɪm rɪsˈpɒnsəbli traɪ aʊt   tuː ðeə ˈlaɪkɪŋ

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary:

The ______________ of ______________ extreme sports such as ______________ and rock climbing have led to ______________ them to be banned. Although these sports are ______________ , they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be ______________ .

The reason that many have ______________ on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. ______________ one of the most ______________ extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, ______________ jump off a ______________ (a cliff or building, for example) with a ______________ . There is very little time before they hit the ground so ______________ parachute ______________ are possible and the ______________ is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, ______________ such as ______________ and ______________ . Base jumping is something of an ______________ on the ______________ of dangerous sports but all these sports involve ______________ of danger.

Despite the ______________ , I believe the fun people have ______________ potential injury when they are ______________ . Base jumping is the most ______________ extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are ______________ . Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if ______________ are taken. You should ______________ training and go with someone who knows how to safely ______________ the ______________ and tie the ______________ . Many people who try it ______________ become ______________ rock climbers because it is an ______________ . Most extreme sports, ______________ , ______________ and are an ______________ .

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to ______________ at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is ______________ .

Listening Practice

Watch the video below to review about this topic:

Reading Practice

Read the article below to learn about the first extreme sport from the video above:

Student Sample Corrections

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Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of extreme sports such as sky diving and base jumping as a form of recreational activities activity among youngsters. While it is often suggested that these dangerous sports should be prohibited for its their potentially deleterious effect s on players, I personally object to that idea because of the indisputable benefits these sports offer. [G1]  

On the one hand, opponents of adventure sports come up with numerous reasons why these sports should be banned. [G2]  First, since the inherently dangerous nature of extreme sports is life-threatening and traumatic, participants are bound to encounter serious injuries such as bone fracture s , head trauma and even fatal ities situations . For example, indulging in skiing down a slope at great speed or jumping off a cliff could cost players’ invaluable lives could cost someone their life in case of a slight est carelessness or equipment malfunction. Furthermore, if extreme sports athletets suffer from permanent physical handicaps, they will become burdens for their families and society because extra medical welfare shall be allocated for them. A reported heart-wrenching story of a father who lost his legs in a car race, leaving all financial burdens and responsibilities on the mother can be is a salient example for why these sports should be banned.   [G3]  

Notwithstan d ing the aforementioned arguments, I concur that adventure sports should be welcomed more are to be embraced . It has been scientically proven that engaging in any dangerous sports could can bolster participants’ personal lives happiness and mentality mental well-being . In fact, when by overcoming nerve-racking moments and conquering their own fears, players could can feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction, which adds to their personal experience and boosts their courage and self-esteem. For instance, a rock climber who has conquered Everest might mark that as his the most significant milestone and take pride in this accomplishment for his whole life. Another salient point [G4]  to clarify my view is that it is a human right to freely partake in any recreational activit y ies . If a person is willing to risk his life for an extreme sport to satisfy his desire, the endeavor of prohibiting those sports from governments will be merely in vain since he would likely secretly play engage in it elsewhere. [G5]  

To conclude, though the prohibition of adventure sports does appear plausible to some extent, I would argue that partici p ation in these sports offers far more enormous benefits and thus, should be encouraged. As long as players are fully well -equipped, well-trained and mentally prepared for the challenges of these risky sports, they can live their dreams and enjoy them to the fullest. [G6]  

Task achievement: 8

Lots of good support for both of your main ideas and a clear overall opinion. Your support was more concrete, specific and for one paragraph you focused on one main idea – well done!

Cohesion/coherence 8

Clear throughout and good referencing, ellipsis and paragraphing. You might want to look into theme/rheme which is the principle that in English writing is clearer if you put the topic/old information at the beginning of a sentence and what you want to say about it in the second part of the sentence (as in the last sentence of paragraph 2). Otherwise great!

Vocabulary 7

Great vocabulary throughout – good enough for band 8 but a few too many mistakes and poor word choice bring this down to a 7 this time.

Complex sentences great as usual but mistakes in almost every sentence and some simple ones with modal and articles bring this down to a 7.

  [G1] Great introduction!

  [G2] Good clear topic sentence and you develop that one main idea for the entire paragraph – well done!

  [G3] Swap around to make it: a salient example that supports banning these sports is…

  [G4] Salient is a great word but don’t use it in both paragraphs – try noteworthy

  [G5] Can’t fully develop this second main idea, so why have it at all?

  [G6] Perfect conclusion – how long is it taking you to write these? They are a little long…

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this sounds kinda hard tbh how am I gonna do it.


The sports?

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Essay 229 – Dangerous sports should be banned

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 229.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that dangerous sports should be banned since they are deadly and life-threatening.

Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

The growing popularity of dangerous sports has sparked a heated debate and many people insist on prohibiting life-threatening sports. I think otherwise and believe that it is the right of an individual to choose whatever sporting activity she or he wants.

The reason why a ban on adventurous yet risky sports is warranted is that these sports contain the potential hazard to athletes. Even a slight fault can ruin one’s life. An athlete can die if the parachute fails to open, for example, when he or she takes part in skydiving. A case in point is a 17-year-old US skydiver named John Nikola, whose parachute failed to open, plummeted 2000 metre to the ground and got killed instantaneously. In addition to the grave risk, these sports also encourage violent behaviour, thereby desensitizing society to dangerous activities. Therefore, opponents of dangerous sports urge the government to ban these sports.

The proponents of extreme sports have some valid arguments. Human rights and freedom, according to them, are violated by imposing such a ban on dangerous sports. They go on arguing that since athletes are keenly aware of menace from adventure sports, they should have the liberty to choose any activity or sport they find suitable for them. Besides, almost every sport possesses a risk to an extent. If the government prohibits all potentially risky sports, then there will be limited opportunity for individual’s choice and freedom, which ultimately undermines democratic values. Therefore, extreme sports should not be banned so as to exercise players’ democratic rights.

In conclusion, I believe that preventing individuals from participating in extreme sports due to the potential of inflicting fatal wounds is unjustifiable. People should have the freedom of choice to pursue their favourite adventurous sports. If an act does not cross others’ rights, a person has the rights to do it.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Dangerous Sports


Updated On Aug 05, 2024


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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Task 2 can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Learn how to write the perfect IELTS Discussion Essay question essay for Band 9 score with the guide below accompanied by some Band 9 IELTS vocabulary !

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Discussion essay


  • Paraphrase the topic of the discussion.
  • Give a clear insight into the gist of the essay and what one could expect from the same.
  • Paragraph 1 - Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports.
  • Paragraph 2 - I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate.

Conclude the essay by providing an inference made from the essay.

It is a common belief that we should strictly prohibit extreme sports due to the huge number of risks involved. In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that risk factors are present in all sports before suggesting that people should have the right to play any sports they want.

Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports. For example, skydivers who freefall from enormous altitudes seem more prone to injuries or even death than players of ordinary sports. It not only imperils the lives of the people undergoing the severities post such injuries or mishappenings but also curbs one’s harmony as at times, the players may be rendered distraught and traumatized for life. This, as they say, is a clear lack of prudence and safety measures for the people participating in such sports.

In contrast, I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. For example, those who reach the legal drinking age are free to purchase alcohol, the excessive consumption of which may have fatal consequences . If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate. Another solution is to bar players from practising or competing without the necessary protective gear. These measures would strike a happy medium without intruding on people’s personal freedom.

In conclusion, I believe people a re entitled to play dangerous sports if they want, and certain restrictions in lieu of a ban would help ease the safety concerns.

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The media commonly provides a barrage of news about dangerous sports as the deaths and injuries associated with them often make for spectacular headlines . As a result, some people have argued that all extreme sports should be banned, although I would argue that such a policy would be out of all proportion to the real risks involved.

Those in favour of prohibiting people from taking part in dangerous sports tend to focus on the risk element. Even when individuals may be physically and mentally prepared to participate in extreme sports activities, and even when they have all the right gear, the dangers are potentially existing . To take an example, some sports are challenging and fraught with danger as BASE jumping. Participants hurl themselves off cliffs, and few escape without suffering severe bruising or acute abdominal pains, which normally last for several days. In addition, although sports equipment rarely malfunctions, this may still happen and the consequences may be fatal. The supporters of legislation to ban dangerous sports argue that such tragic outcomes not only affect the individual victims, but also leave mental scars that their families then have to live with for the rest of their lives.

However, I support the view of those who contend that participation in extreme sports must be a matter of personal choice. Firstly, overcoming physical challenges may be a springboard for positive personal transformation. It may make a person stronger and more determined, and the experience may be a life-changing one. Secondly, the rigours of preparation in order to go mountain-climbing, white-water rafting or other such extremely strenuous activities demand that an individual is in the peak of health and physical condition. Finally, there is an ethical aspect that dictates that a person should have the freedom to pursue the challenges which they set themselves, even though this may involve a level of risk which others might find unacceptable.

In conclusion, while acknowledging the real risks, I would defend the right of any individual to take part in the extreme sport of their choice.

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Danger of Extreme Sports

IELTS Writing Task 2: Danger of Extreme Sports

Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Safety First Many people claim that risky sports including skiing and sky diving should be prohibited. I oppose the aforementioned view and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs. First and foremost,it goes without saying that these two sport (1) are able to evoke astounding thrills and raise adrenaline. However, incidents occur primarily due to the lack of professional training (2) . Amateurs attempt to learn on their own without being aware of the risks they are exposing themselves to. Furthermore,accidents happen because of bold stunts performed by people searching for adventure. Special tricks demand  help and ideal conditions,otherwise they will convert into imminent failures (3) . In addition,a proper equipment is a necessity when it comes to plunging into such sports. A broken sky set or a rusty fly engine can ultimately trigger terrible repercussions to the people involved. On the top of that (4) ,skiing and sky diving represent a profitable area of investment. Therefore,governments in charge of these dangerous activities can spend in rural regions, thus contributing to the development and beauty of the site. (5) On the flip side, despite of making all required steps to ensure for a safe experience , nature remains a game changer (6) .Poor weather and sudden swifts have a tremendous impact on one’s life (7) .For instance,many wounds have led to disabilities and in less fortunate scenarios to death. Ex formula pilot,Michael,has suffered a head injury while skiing and since then he has been in coma despite countless medical interventions. To draw the conclusion,after weighting both sides of the argument I support the view that such sports should not become extinct irrespective of the public belief (8) .

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in  italics  is taken from the text, the word  underlined  is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • Sport s — ‘sports’ is normally pluralised in British English. 
  • Accidents occur — ‘incident’ is usually a more general term that can refer to both good and bad, planned and unplanned event. ‘Accident’ is something that happened by chance and is definitely something unpleasant. Later on in the text you use the right word. There’s a good article on the matter at
  •   Special tricks require  help and ideal conditions,otherwise they will imminently/inevitably turn into failures —  ‘demand’ sounds too imperative here; ‘turn into’ is more suitable than ‘convert into’   — the latter makes it sound more like a business transaction than a sports mishap. I also opted for adverb ‘imminently’. This way the idea of something turning into failure is easier to see in motion, instead of it being an ‘imminent failure’ from the beginning. This is not a mistake but more a matter of preference.
  • On top of that —  ‘On top of that’ is an idiom, no article is needed here. 
  • I couldn’t understand the connection between the last two sentences and the rest of the paragraph. Make sure there’s a clear progression of idea, the text is cohesive and easy to follow.
  • On the flip side, despite ( in spite of ) making all required steps to ensure for a safe experience , nature remains a game changer  — it is either ‘despite’ or ‘in spite of’.
  • ‘Swift’ as a noun means a certain species of bird. You must have meant something different here.
  • To draw a conclusion,after weighting both sides of the argument I support the view that such sports should not become extinct irrespective of  public belief  — public opinion shouldn’t take an article because you mean public opinion in general; ‘to draw a conclusion’ is the normally used form; however, the phrase implies that you infer the conclusion from something that isn’t explicitly stated. In your case you are summing up your own writing, which means that the conclusion should be clear to you. See this article for clarification.

Despite the fact that this text has very nice examples of vocabulary and grammar, it remains fairly inconsistent with collocations and numerous vocabulary inaccuracies ( see #1-3; #6, #7) as well as occasional grammar mistakes. This could negatively affect the overall IELTS Writing score (see criteria of IELTS Writing assessment ).

Make sure you use words and phrases you are confident about, brush up your knowledge of articles , make sure all of your sentences contribute to the general idea of the paragraph they belong to.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 625 - some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others disagree. do you agree or disagree.

extreme sport should be banned essay

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PTE Daily Essay Topic: Extreme sports like skiing, rafting, and diving should be banned. Agree or disagree?


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  • Mar 11, 2024

PTE Daily Essay Topic: Extreme sports like skiing, rafting, and diving should be banned. Agree or disagree?

Brainstorming Ideas:

  • These days extreme sports have gained popularity. People choose to go for them as they are aware of their lives and want to gain self-assurance. It is also a source of income for many people.
  • In disadvantages, extreme sports are fatal and can cause lifelong injuries because of their thrilling nature. 
  • To conclude, people should participate in these activities with the correct supervision and training.

Ans : In the past several decades, extreme sports have gained popularity. Sports were the preferred form of exercise for people a few years ago, but this tendency has since shifted. People are drawn to extreme sports for a variety of reasons. In this essay, I will be sharing the advantages and disadvantages of the same.

First of all, engaging in risky sporting activities fosters self-assurance and an independent spirit that will enable them to go through any difficult situations they may encounter. Second, it’s a profitable way to generate income. For instance, a lot of influential people earn a substantial sum of money by engaging in risky activities.

Extreme sports do have a lot of drawbacks, though. People’s ignorance is what draws them to extreme sports activities. It is brimming with thrills and excitement. Extreme sports can be fatal or cause lifelong injuries because of their thrilling and daring nature. For instance, activities like boxing and motor racing result in the deaths or injuries of almost ten thousand individuals annually.

To sum up, extreme sports offer advantages and disadvantages. People should participate in risky activities with the correct supervision and training, and the government should educate the public about the benefits and drawbacks of sports.

Paraphrased Statement: In the past several decades, extreme sports have gained popularity. Sports were the preferred form of exercise for people a few years ago, but this tendency has since shifted. 

Thesis Statement:  People are drawn to extreme sports for a variety of reasons. In this essay, I will be sharing the advantages and disadvantages of the same.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: First of all, engaging in risky sporting activities fosters self-assurance and an independent spirit that will enable them to go through any difficult situations they may encounter.

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Second, it’s a profitable way to generate income. For instance, a lot of influential people earn a substantial sum of money by engaging in risky activities.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Extreme sports do have a lot of drawbacks, though. People’s ignorance is what draws them to extreme sports activities.

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: It is brimming with thrills and excitement. Extreme sports can be fatal or cause lifelong injuries because of their thrilling and daring nature. For instance, activities like boxing and motor racing result in the deaths or injuries of almost ten thousand individuals annually.

Conclusion: To sum up, extreme sports offer advantages and disadvantages. People should participate in risky activities with the correct supervision and training, and the government should educate the public about the benefits and drawbacks of sports.

Vocabulary in Use

Full of exciting experiences.
DecadesA period of ten years.
Gained popularityThe process of becoming widely liked or enjoyed.
Preferred formA way that is most liked or wanted.
Tendency has since shiftedA general direction or trend has changed over time.
Fosters self-assuranceEncourages or promotes self-confidence.
Independent spiritA person who values self-reliance and prefers to act independently.
EncounterA meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected, or brief. It can also refer to a hostile confrontation.
Substantial Something of considerable importance, size, or worth.
Brimming with thrillsFull of exciting or exhilarating experiences.
FatalSomething that causes death or disaster.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  • In the past several decades
  • For a variety of reasons
  • In this essay, I will be sharing
  • First of all
  • For instance

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IELTS essay, topic: Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned (discuss + opinion)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 March 2024

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in Sri Lanka .

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others believe that people should be free to do any sports or activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Opinions are sharply divided over the issue of whether dangerous sports should be banned. Some advocate for prohibition due to significant safety concerns, while others argue for the preservation of individual autonomy, emphasising that people should have the freedom to pursue any sports or activities they choose. Personally, although I acknowledge the legitimate concerns about safety, I believe that the principle of individual freedom should prevail.

extreme sport should be banned essay

Those in favour of banning dangerous sports often cite the significant risks involved such as severe injuries or even death. Activities like cliff diving or extreme mountain biking carry inherent dangers that often lead to severe or even fatal accidents. What is more, many impressionable young people are not fully aware of the consequences of participating in such activities. For these reasons, banning extreme sports is necessary to prevent unnecessary harm and the emotional and financial impact on the participants as well as their families.

Conversely, advocates for personal freedom believe that everyone should be free to choose their activities, regardless of the associated risks. They argue that high-risk sports can be incredibly rewarding, and offer personal growth and an unparalleled adrenaline rush. They further point out that with meticulous training and implementation of strict safety measures, the dangers of these sports can be considerably reduced. For instance, with thorough training and stringent safety protocols, the risk of skydiving can be substantially lowered, allowing participants to enjoy these activities responsibly.

In my view, while safety is crucial, it should not overrule people’s freedom to choose their sports. Banning dangerous sports outright might prevent some accidents, but it also strips away the right to make personal choices about risk-taking. A balanced approach, where high-risk sports are regulated through strict safety measures and informed consent is a more reasonable solution.

Teacher’s feedback:

Overall, your essay is likely to get a Band 8 in IELTS for the following reasons:

Task Response: Band 8 You address the question directly, presenting a clear opinion that while safety concerns are valid, individual freedom of choice should prevail. Your argument is well-developed, with both sides of the argument presented before concluding with your own reasoned viewpoint.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8 The essay is well-structured, with clear paragraphs each dedicated to a different aspect of the argument. The use of transition words like “Conversely” effectively contrasts different viewpoints, and the conclusion succinctly summarizes your position, enhancing the essay’s overall coherence.

Lexical Resource: Band 8 Your essay demonstrates a strong vocabulary with terms such as “inherent dangers,” “impressionable,” “adrenaline rush,” and “informed consent.” This varied vocabulary helps to clearly and effectively convey your arguments.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8 The essay showcases a variety of complex grammatical structures used accurately. Sentences are well-constructed, with appropriate use of complex clauses and passive forms which add to the clarity and sophistication of the writing.

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August 29, 2024

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others think people should be free

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others think people should be free to choose. discuss both views and give your opinion., sample answer:.

There is a growing debate about whether dangerous sports should be banned or if individuals should have the freedom to choose whether to participate in them. This issue has sparked a lot of controversy, with valid arguments on both sides.

Those who advocate for the ban of dangerous sports argue that they pose a significant risk to the participants’ safety. They contend that these sports often result in severe injuries or even fatalities, and that society has a responsibility to protect individuals from unnecessary harm. Moreover, they argue that allowing such sports to continue perpetuates a culture of recklessness and disregard for personal well-being.

On the other hand, proponents of individual freedom argue that people should have the autonomy to make their own choices, even if those choices involve risk. They believe that banning dangerous sports would be an infringement on personal liberties and would set a dangerous precedent for further restrictions on individual freedom. Furthermore, they argue that participants in these sports are fully aware of the risks involved and should be allowed to pursue their passions without interference.

In my opinion, while it is important to prioritize safety and well-being, individuals should ultimately have the freedom to engage in activities of their choosing, even if they are deemed risky. However, this freedom should come with certain regulations and precautions to minimize the potential for harm. For example, strict safety guidelines and regulations should be enforced to ensure that participants are as protected as possible. Additionally, there should be informed consent, where participants are fully aware of the risks involved and take personal responsibility for their decisions.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate, I believe that individuals should have the freedom to choose whether to participate in dangerous sports, as long as appropriate measures are in place to mitigate the associated risks.

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Some people think that dangerous sport should be banned, while others think should be free to choose? Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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