
University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional university admission application letter.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Successful Application Letter for University Admission

First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below.

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year].

I have recently completed my [last educational qualification] from [Name of School/College] with an aggregate of [Your Percentage/CGPA], and I am eager to further my studies in the field of [Field of Study]. I believe that studying at [Name of the University] will provide me the right knowledge, skills, and exposure to excel in this field.

I am particularly drawn to the [Name of the Course] at [Name of the University] because of its reputation for providing high-quality education and its focus on practical learning. I am confident that this course will help me achieve my academic and career goals.

Enclosed with this letter are my mark sheets, certificates, and other required documents. I kindly request you to consider my application and provide me with an opportunity to prove my potential and contribute to the university.

I am looking forward to being a part of your esteemed institution and assure you that I will put in my best efforts in all my endeavours.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Email Address]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “university admission application letter” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

To, The Admissions Committee, [University Name], [University Address].

Subject: Application for Admission to [Desired Course Name]

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class XII from [Your School Name], am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the [Desired Course Name] at your esteemed university. I believe that my strong leadership skills, coupled with my academic accomplishments, make me an ideal candidate for this course.

I have consistently excelled in my studies, but more importantly, I have taken the initiative to lead and guide my peers through various activities. As the Head Boy/Girl of my school, I’ve learned to inspire and motivate my fellow students, organize events, and address issues efficiently. These experiences have honed my leadership abilities and have taught me how to balance my academic commitments with extracurricular responsibilities.

I played a pivotal role in initiating a ‘Clean Campus Drive’ in my school, where I led a team of students to maintain cleanliness and fostered a sense of responsibility among them. This initiative not only improved the school environment but also instilled a sense of community and teamwork among the students.

Moreover, I represented my school at the [Local/State/National] Leadership Summit, where I had the opportunity to interact with other young leaders and share innovative ideas to improve our communities. This experience broadened my perspective and reinforced my desire to lead and make a difference.

If given the opportunity to join [University Name], I assure you that I will bring these leadership qualities to contribute positively to the university community. I am eager to leverage my experiences to participate actively in student-led initiatives and further develop my leadership skills.

I am confident that [University Name] is the perfect platform for me to grow not just acadically but also as a leader. I humbly request you to consider my application favorably. I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Full Name], [Your Contact Information].

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University]

Subject: Application for Admission and Highlighting Athletic Achievements

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student from [Your School Name], [Your City], intending to apply for the [Course Name] at your esteemed university.

Academically, I have consistently performed well, securing a GPA of [Your GPA] in the previous year. However, I am not just a diligent student in the classroom, but also a passionate sportsperson. I believe my athletic achievements will contribute to the vibrant sports culture at your university.

Over the last few years, I have been an active participant in athletics and have had the honour of representing my school at various district, state, and national level competitions. In the recent [Name of Sports Event], I clinched the gold medal in [Name of the Sport], making my school and family immensely proud. Additionally, I was also the recipient of the prestigious [Name of the Award] given for outstanding performance in sports.

My commitment to sports has not only honed my physical abilities but has also helped me develop leadership skills, team spirit, and resilience. I believe that these qualities will not only aid me in my academic pursuit but also contribute to the overall diversity and vitality of your university’s student community.

I am enthusiastic about bringing the same dedication and spirit to your esteemed university and contributing to its athletic teams. I am certain that the comprehensive education and diverse opportunities provided by your university will help me grow, both acadically and athletically.

I am hopeful that you will consider my application favourably. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of becoming a part of your prestigious university.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

The Dean of Admissions, [University Name], [University Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Admission

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter seeking admission to the [Course Name] course at your prestigious institution for the academic year [Year]. I have recently completed my [last academic degree/course] from [Your School/College Name] in [City, State].

I have always been passionate about [subject(s) related to the course], and I am confident that my academic achievements reflect this. I have consistently maintained a high academic standing in my schooling years, ranking in the top [percentage/rank] of my class. My teachers have commended me for my dedication and commitment to learning, which is evident from my grades and participation in various academic competitions.

Moreover, I have been an active participant in various extracurricular activities that have helped me develop a holistic understanding of the world. I have led [mention some leadership roles], worked on [mention any projects or initiatives], and engaged in [mention any community service or volunteer work]. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility, and have fuelled my desire to further my learning.

Your institution, with its exemplary faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, stands as the ideal platform for me to deepen my knowledge and broaden my horizon. I am particularly drawn to the [mention specific aspects of the course or university that attract you], and I am confident that these will provide the right environment to nurture my academic and personal growth.

I am committed to maintaining my academic excellence and contributing positively to the university community. I am hopeful that I will be given the opportunity to bring my passion, dedication, and academic prowess to your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from the [University Name] community.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Pin Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

The Admission Committee, [University Name], [University Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of [Your School Name], seeking admission to your esteemed university for the upcoming academic year.

I am writing this letter to express my keen interest in the [Course Name] program at your prestigious institution. I have always been intrigued by [Subject Name], and I am eager to explore this field under the guidance of the accomplished faculty at [University Name].

During my time at high school, I have actively participated in various community service programs that have not only enriched my life but have also enhanced my understanding of society and its needs. I was a part of the ‘Clean-Up Drive’ in my local community, where we focused on maintaining cleanliness and educating people about the importance of hygiene.

In addition, I volunteered in the ‘Joy of Giving’ initiative, aimed at providing essential supplies to underprivileged children. This experience truly humbled me and made me realize the value of giving back to society. I believe these experiences have shaped me as an individual and have taught me the importance of empathy, teamwork, and leadership.

I am certain that these experiences will enable me to contribute to the diverse community at [University Name]. I am eager to bring my commitment to service and dedication to learning to your campus, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing my skills and experiences to your distinguished institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

To, The Admissions Office, [University Name], [University Address],

Subject: Application for Admission in [Specific Field of Study]

I, [Your Full Name], a resident of [Your City Name], am writing this letter to express my deep interest in applying for the [Specific Field of Study] program at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year of Admission].

My passion for [Specific Field of Study] was kindled during my school years, when I found myself fascinated by [Mention something specific about the field that fascinated you]. Since then, my curiosity and interest in this field have only grown. I have spent countless hours learning and honing my skills, and now I aspire to take this passion forward and delve deeper into this field at a university level.

Your esteemed university, with its excellent faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a rich history of producing exceptional talent in the field of [Specific Field of Study], is my dream institution. I am especially drawn to the [mention a specific aspect/feature of the university’s program that appeals to you], which I believe would greatly enhance my learning experience and provide me with a holistic understanding of the subject.

I have consistently excelled in this field during my school years [mention any achievements, awards, or recognition received]. I am confident that my dedication, coupled with the guidance of the exceptional faculty at [University Name], will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute positively to this field.

I assure you of my utmost commitment and dedication towards my studies, and I am eager to make the most of the opportunities offered at your prestigious institution. I am hopeful that you will consider my application favorably.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being a part of [University Name].

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write University Admission Application Letter

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with your personal information including your full name, address, the date, and the recipient’s address.
  • Open the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the admissions committee or specific admission officer, if known.
  • Introduce yourself, your current educational status and the program you’re applying to.
  • Describe your academic interests, why you chose this university, and how it aligns with your career goals.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work or volunteer experience.
  • Explain any gaps or anomalies in your academic record, if applicable.
  • State how you could contribute to the university and its community.
  • End with a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm and gratitude for being considered.
  • Include a formal sign-off, your full name and signature.
  • Proofread your letter multiple times for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or typos.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “university admission application letter”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

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application letters for university admission

How to write a Motivation Letter for University (Sample)

College Application Letters: Cover Letters & Letters of Continued Interest

College application letters.

College application cover letters support your college applications, college resume, and college application essay prompts. In combination with the other elements of your college applications, particularly your college entrance essay, college application letters help establish your “why.” In short, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications that describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. When looking at college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the values that they express. College application letters and college entrance essays are similar in that they are exercises in personal branding. When reading college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the messages they convey. 

If you’re wondering how to write a college application letter, CollegeAdvisor.com has advisors who can walk you through every part of the process. If your goal is to get into top colleges, CollegeAdvisor.com can help. We’ll analyze examples of college application letters and discuss the letter of continued interest to help you craft successful applications. 

In this guide, we’ll break down the different kinds of college application letters you may encounter when completing your college applications. We’ll discuss the college application letter and the letter of continued interest, as well as teacher recommendation letters.

If you want to read college application cover letter samples, you’ve come to the right place!

What is a college application letter?

To learn how to write a college application letter, you must first understand its purpose. Do this by checking out college application cover letter examples. College application letters and college resumes serve as introductions for your college applications. Unlike college application essay prompts, there are no specific questions to answer in your cover letter. Instead, include the essential elements of university application letters: your background, what makes you unique, and your reasons for wanting to attend that particular college. In short, what makes you, you .

As you’ll see when reading example college application letters, college application cover letters are not all that different from what you would write in a cover letter when applying for a job or graduate school. The purpose of college application cover letters, college entrance essays, and college resumes is to persuade colleges that you are the strongest candidate for admissions. 

College application cover letters are not the time to be shy, but they’re not the time to be pretentious either. When reading college application cover letter examples, you’ll see that there’s a fine line. Your tone matters. In your university application letters, show your experiences and accomplishments while portraying character traits that colleges value. To get into top colleges, find a balance between being proud of your accomplishments and being humble.

College application letters – Who requires them?

Unlike college entrance essays, college application letters are required by very few colleges. However, the skills you’ll develop by writing university application letters will serve you well as you approach your college application essay prompts. When researching college application examples, you’ll notice that there are optional materials to submit. If you’re serious about your college applications, submit university application letters to show your interest. 

College application cover letters are particularly effective if the college does not have college application essay prompts that ask you to explain why you want to attend the school and/or why you want to study your major. They are even more strongly recommended when applying to colleges that don’t have any supplemental essays. You’ll see many college application cover letter examples that focus primarily on academics, but you can include so much more.

Though university application letters are rarely required, they provide an ideal way to introduce yourself. After all, you’ll notice when reading college application cover letter samples that the goal is to help the admissions committee get to know you as a person. You are more than just your grades and scores.

If you want to get into top colleges that don’t allow you to submit a college resume or don’t provide interviews, you need to take extra steps to earn acceptance. Often, you can repurpose content from college application essay prompts that ask why you want to study your major! The college application essay format differs from that of a college application letter, but they serve a very similar purpose.

Test your knowledge about other aspects of the college admissions process in our quiz below!

What is a letter of continued interest?

A letter of continued interest (LOCI) is a letter you send to a college when you are deferred or placed on the waitlist. So, not everyone will need to write a college application letter of continued interest.

Your letter of continued interest has three primary goals: 

  • Reaffirm your interest in the school.
  • Provide additional context for your application. 
  • Discuss accomplishments on your college resume that have occurred since you submitted your application.

In this guide on how to write a college application letter, we discuss all forms of college application letters in detail. We’ll expand on the above goals to explain the strategies for writing effective letters.

Explaining teacher recommendation letters 

In addition to submitting a college application cover letter and, potentially, a letter of continued interest, your application will also include recommendation letters . These letters enhance your college application entrance essay and build on answers to supplemental college application essay prompts. 

Due to the shift away from standardized testing, other parts of your college applications are inevitably getting more attention in the evaluation process. When assessing your college applications, admissions committees will often rely on letters from your teachers and counselor in place of interviews.

When reading sample college application letters of recommendation, you’ll observe that some are better than others. But, it can be a bit harder to find example teacher recommendations than it is to find college application cover letter examples. To ensure high-quality letters, create a plan well in advance of your senior year. You’ll want to ask teachers to write your recommendations who know you best beyond your grades. The strongest sample college application letters of recommendation speak to both your personal and academic strengths. 

College application sample recommendation letters with the biggest impact typically come from teachers from your core junior year courses – math, science, English, and social studies. If there’s a teacher from your junior year who taught you during your sophomore or senior year too, even better! Teachers who know you through multiple environments – clubs, classes, sports, or other areas – can often do the best job speaking to your growth and achievement over time. 

Choose teachers who know you best

Ultimately, the most effective sample college application letters of recommendation are written by the teachers who know you best. Pay attention to the college application requirements for each school on your list. Note when reading example college application letters of recommendation who the intended audience is. Some schools require math or science teachers for STEM and business majors , while others require English or social studies teachers for humanities majors .

For example, when looking at college application sample requirements, MIT writes “One recommendation should be from a math or science teacher, and one should be from a humanities, social science, or language teacher.” Caltech also requires one math or science teacher evaluation and one humanities or social sciences teacher evaluation. 

Some applicants are tempted to send more letters than the college applications require. However, aim for quality over quantity. If you want to ask another teacher to write a recommendation letter for you, ask yourself what perspective they will bring to your college applications that isn’t already covered in your college entrance essay or other recommendation letters. 

Don’t hesitate to provide materials to help your teachers and guidance counselor write their letters of recommendation for you. In fact, you should! When reading college application sample letters of recommendation, you’ll note that they are specific and provide examples where possible. Some teachers will even have you fill out a standard form to gather information from you. So, by having additional information already prepared, you are helping them tremendously. 

Here are some materials you can provide to help your recommendations augment your college applications:

  • College entrance essay
  • College resume or a list of your extracurricular activities and awards
  • Responses to college application essay prompts.
  • A sample college application letter that you’re sending to one of your colleges.
  • A few paragraphs about why you want to study your major or pursue your intended career. 
  • Key elements of the course you took with them, such as a favorite project or unit. 

When preparing materials to give to teachers, read the instructions given to recommenders by MIT. Even if you aren’t applying to MIT, the information can still be helpful to know. By understanding the process of writing recommendation letters on the teacher’s side, you can see what information will help them write a strong letter for you. 

Don’t wait until you’re submitting your college applications to ask your teachers for recommendations. Some teachers limit the number that they will write, and you want them to have plenty of time to write a quality recommendation. To make sure you have the best recommendations , ask teachers late in your junior year or early in your senior year.

The College Application Letter

As we’ve mentioned, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications. It describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. It’s different from both the college application essay format and the letter of continued interest. When reviewing college application samples, you’ll see that your cover letter works together with your college resume and college entrance essay to help admissions officers get to know you. 

Below, we’ll discuss how to write a college application letter and walk through a sample college application letter. But remember, you want your letter to be original! Don’t feel limited by what’s in any examples of college application letters.

Do all schools require a college application letter?

No — few schools actually require college application letters. However, learning to write a strong college application letter can help you in other aspects of the college admissions process. Reading college application cover letter examples can also help you learn how to write for the admissions committee audience. 

One of the ways to learn how to write a college application letter is to read sample college application letters. For instance, the same skills that help you write a strong and concise college application letter will help you in the college essay format, too.

The college application letter – What should I include?

So, you know the purpose of college application letters, but what should you include in them? Reading college application cover letter samples can help you determine this. While the college application essay format lends itself to focusing on one topic or story, college application cover letter examples highlight the importance of covering several different topics.

College application letters should contain the following elements: 

1. school name and address.

You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use.

2. Salutation

A standard salutation is suitable for your college application letter. However, it is a great idea to do your research and use the full name of the admissions officer assigned to your region.

3. Introduction

The best examples of college application letters open strong. Thank the admissions committee for reviewing your application, and introduce yourself. Do you have a unique connection to the school? Can you hook the reader in some way to make them want to keep reading?

4. Explanation of academic interests

Your primary purpose in college is to earn a degree, so notice that in example college application letters most of the space is often devoted to discussing academic plans. Include your intended major and career path, as well as interdisciplinary interests.

5. Discussion of extracurricular interests

The college application essay format may be a place for you to discuss extracurricular involvement, so use this space to elaborate or discuss additional interests. These could be connected to your academic plans, but they don’t have to be.

6. Conclusion

Express your interest in the school! Impactful example college application letters have a clear and brief conclusion that reaffirms your desire to attend and enthusiasm for the opportunity to join the next class of undergraduates. Point to specific classes, professors, programs, organizations, and aspects of the college that pique your interest. No one is going to hold you to your plan, but colleges want to see that you have one.

8. Complimentary Close

Lastly, every good college application letter should include an expression of gratitude alongside your close and your signature.

In the example of a college application letter above, there are a few key details to highlight. The letter is essentially a five-paragraph essay, with one paragraph for each of the five elements. This differs significantly from the college application essay format. In this college application example, the college application letter has clear and distinct sections, and this is very common in college application cover letter samples.

Depending on your interests and plans, you could take a more integrated approach. You’ll read some examples of college application letters that center around a theme or broad plan rather than separated into individual paragraphs.

This sample college application letter is a narrative. The applicant’s goal is to tell her story to the admissions committee. The best sample college application letters paint a picture for the reader and draw the reader into the storyline. Though it can feel like being vivid and descriptive is a waste of your space, “showing instead of telling makes for stronger college applications.

How to format your college application letter?

When reading sample college application letters, you’ll observe that they are formatted very similarly to professional cover letters. Your university application letters should be one page single-spaced. The heading should also be consistent across college application letters. 

  • Your full address
  • The date you will send the letter
  • The admission officer’s name
  • The college name
  • The college address

Then, open your letter with a salutation. Many examples of college application letters open with “Dear” and are addressed to the admission officer. If you cannot find your regional admissions officer, it is fine to address the letter to the admissions office as was done in the sample college application letter above. Once you write the body of your letter, don’t forget your closing salutation – “Sincerely,” and then your name. 

Once you read several sample college application letters, you’ll understand the best practices. After writing a university application letter for one school, you don’t need to start from scratch for additional schools. Adapt what you have to fit the next college’s context and your specific interests on their campus. 

Being concise is key. Your university application letter should not be redundant. If it exceeds one page, see where information you mention is repeated elsewhere in your application. In your cover letter, focus on the content that makes you as original and unique as possible. Most importantly, don’t forget to proofread your university application letters! 

Can a college application letter help me with other parts of my application?

Think of the college application cover letter as the glue that holds your college applications together. When writing it, think about it as your opportunity to show your best self. After brainstorming the content, you’ll be better equipped to craft your candidate profile into a cohesive narrative and articulate why you want to attend the college.

Though many parts of your college applications will be out of your control by the time you reach your senior fall, the college application cover letter is one that you can control. Use it to elevate your college applications, show interest in your top schools , and make yourself stand out among other applicants!

The Letter of Continued Interest

Another form of college application letter is a letter of continued interest . In sample college application letters of continued interest, you’ll see that the primary purpose is to reaffirm your candidacy for a spot in the next incoming class of undergraduates. 

Though it can feel like a waiting game, the waitlist should not be passive. As soon as you are waitlisted or deferred, begin crafting a letter of continued interest. The best college application sample LOCIs are submitted promptly. Put in the effort to show you’re serious about attending. 

College application example LOCIs should focus on recent updates. Likely, a lot has happened since you submitted your application, particularly if you applied by the early deadlines. Strong college application sample LOCIs convey accomplishments and experiences that either add to previously mentioned ones or provide another dimension to your application. 

Letter of continued interest – When and where to submit?

Learn as much as you can by reading college application example LOCIs, but know that each school’s process for when and how to submit them is different. Additionally, the process may vary based on whether you were deferred to the regular decision round of admissions or waitlisted after the regular decision round. It’s important to follow each university’s directions.

Many schools will request that you upload your letter of continued interest to a portal. Some will request that you email it to an address – typically the admissions office. Others won’t allow you to submit any additional materials. If you’re in doubt, call or email the admissions office and ask. 

What to include in your letter of continued interest?

You’ll notice common trends when reading college application sample LOCIs. Effective college application example LOCIs convey a tone of sincerity, gratitude, and enthusiasm for an opportunity to attend. A strong sample college application letter of continued interest includes four elements. 

First, reaffirm your interest in attending the school if offered the chance to matriculate. Then, discuss relevant developments to your application, such as additional extracurricular accolades and continued academic successes. Sometimes, you’ll see a sample college application letter of continued interest that mentions how a student improved a lower mid-year grade or discusses a new leadership role. 

When reading a sample college application letter of continued interest, remember that colleges are looking for reasons to admit you, so don’t be shy! Offer to answer any questions they have and provide additional info in the conclusion of your letter. 

It’s important to back up your claims with supporting evidence. Strong college application sample LOCIs provide examples and specific details, just as you would in a cover letter or essay. Be vivid and descriptive as you share your story!

However, college application example LOCIs that include overly emotional appeals or merely complement the university are unlikely to be effective. Your letter of continued interest should be all about you. Though it can be difficult to realize this when reading college application example LOCIs, recognize that the content of your letter should fit within the context of the rest of your application. 

The many types of college application letters – Final Thoughts

In this guide, we covered several types of letters associated with your college process – college application cover letters, teacher recommendation letters, and letters of continued interest. Reading sample college application letters, whether they are college application cover letter samples or LOCIs, can help you do your best work. But, remember that every applicant’s college application process is unique. 

Our final tips for writing college application letters:

  • Proofread. College application letters with typos or grammatical errors reflect poorly on your effort and candidacy. Use a polished and professional tone in everything you write for your college applications.
  • Be yourself. Though this goal can get lost in the requirements, scores, and grades, you should focus on helping the colleges on your list get to know who you are . 
  • Follow the requirements. Each college has their own requirements for how they want you to submit materials. Pay close attention to the details for each college as you go through the admissions process. 

CollegeAdvisor.com can help guide you through every step of the college application process. Check out our blog , webinars , or register with CollegeAdvisor.com today. Good luck!

This guide to college application letters and letters of continued interest was written by Caroline Marapese, Notre Dame ‘22. At CollegeAdvisor, we have built our  reputation  by providing comprehensive information that offers real assistance to students. If you want to get help with your college applications from CollegeAdvisor.com  Admissions Experts , click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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application letters for university admission

Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

Applying to university can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect cover letter for your application. A well-written cover letter can be the deciding factor between getting accepted into your dream program or receiving a rejection letter. In this guide, we will explore the importance of a strong cover letter, its purpose, format, content, and provide tips and examples to help you craft a compelling cover letter for your university application.

A cover letter for a university application is an essential document that can make or break your chances of getting admitted to your dream program. The importance of a strong cover letter in the application process cannot be understated, as it serves to introduce you, showcase your achievements, and demonstrate your passion for the chosen program or course.

In this article, we will cover:

  • The purpose of a cover letter for university applications
  • The format and structure of a cover letter
  • The content and elements of an effective cover letter
  • Tips for writing a compelling cover letter
  • Common cover letter mistakes to avoid
  • Sample cover letters for university applications

By following the advice and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-equipped to create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and increases your chances of admission. So, let's dive in and learn how to craft the perfect cover letter for your university application!

Purpose of a Cover Letter for University Applications

The primary purpose of a cover letter is to introduce the applicant, showcase their achievements, and demonstrate their passion for the chosen program or course. A cover letter complements other application materials, such as your resume and transcripts, by highlighting your unique qualities and strengths that may not be evident in those documents.

An effective cover letter can also demonstrate your motivation and commitment to the program, which can influence the admissions committee's decision. For example, MIT's Career Advising & Professional Development office explains that a well-crafted cover letter can help set you apart from other applicants by providing context and a personal touch to your application.

Format and Structure of a Cover Letter

A proper format and structure are crucial for creating a professional and effective cover letter for a university application. A standard cover letter typically includes:

  • Header (with your contact information and the date)
  • Salutation (addressing the recipient)
  • Introduction (capturing the reader's attention)
  • Body (highlighting your qualifications, achievements, and passion)
  • Conclusion (leaving a lasting impression)
  • Complimentary close (e.g., "Sincerely," followed by your name)

Proper formatting, such as using an appropriate font, font size, and margin settings, is essential for creating a polished and professional appearance. Keep your language clear and concise, and make sure to proofread and edit your letter to ensure it is error-free.

Content and Elements of a Cover Letter

A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include:

  • Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient
  • Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention
  • Including essential elements in the body of the letter, such as academic interests, extracurricular activities, and relevant experiences
  • Writing a compelling conclusion that leaves a lasting impression

Tailoring the content to the specific university or program is crucial, as demonstrated by Seattle Pacific University's Career Services . They advise that telling stories about your skills and experiences that are relevant to the specific program can help make your cover letter more effective.

Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Following certain tips and best practices can significantly improve the quality and impact of a cover letter for a university application:

  • Research the university and program before writing the letter to better understand their values and expectations.
  • Showcase your unique qualities and strengths by providing specific examples and details.
  • Use strong action verbs and avoid clichĂ©s or overused phrases, as suggested by Freesumes .
  • Seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers to ensure your cover letter is polished and compelling.
  • Revise and refine your letter until it accurately represents your passion and qualifications for the program.

Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common cover letter mistakes is essential for creating a strong and effective university application:

  • Address the letter to the correct recipient to show your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Avoid using generic or overly broad language, which can make your letter less impactful.
  • Submit a well-formatted and professional-looking letter to convey your seriousness and commitment.
  • Refrain from including irrelevant or excessive information that distracts from your main strengths.
  • Proofread and edit your letter to eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and other mistakes that can undermine its impact.

Sample Cover Letters for University Applications

Examining sample cover letters can provide valuable insights and inspiration for crafting a successful university application. We recommend:

  • Analyzing high-quality sample cover letters for various university programs or courses
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each sample
  • Adapting the samples to your specific situation and application
  • Using the samples as a starting point for creating your unique cover letter
  • Remembering to tailor your letter to the specific university or program

With proper research, planning, and execution, a well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance a university application and increase the chances of admission. By applying the tips and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-prepared to create a compelling cover letter that showcases your passion, achievements, and qualifications for your dream program.

As a final piece of advice, remember that persistence and dedication are key to success in the university application process. Keep refining your cover letter and learning from feedback until you have a polished and impactful document that truly represents you. Good luck on your university application journey!

College Application Cover Letter Examples

As a college instructor and communication expert with extensive nonfiction and educational writing experience, Mary shares tips and advice related to a wide variety of topics.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

When you are applying for college admission, it's important to do everything possible to make sure your application really stands out. Sending a cover letter in support of your application materials can be a great way to capture admissions officers' attention in a positive way while also giving them a chance to learn a bit about your personality and unique circumstances.

Example Cover Letter Templates for College Applications

You can use a cover letter whether you are applying via the Common Application or if you are submitting an individual admission packet. Choose the sample letter below that best fits your needs and adjust it to convey key highlights of why you should be considered for admission. To access each letter, simply click the image. It will open as an editable PDF file that you can customize, save and print. This guide for Adobe printables can be of assistance if you need help with the documents.

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Sample Cover Letter for College Application Packets

If you are submitting a school-specific applicant packet, include the letter with all of your other materials (such as your application form, essay, and application fee).

Example Cover Letter to Pair With the Common App

If you are using the Common App, also known as the Common Application, you may still want to send an individualized cover letter to the schools that you're most interested in attending. Consider sending your cover letter to each school's admissions representative at the same time you complete your Common App, or even a few days before.

Writing Your College Application Cover Letter

While the samples here are great starting points, you will need to adjust them to focus on your specific situation. You will need to include:

  • Why you want to attend this particular school
  • What your academic interests are
  • How the school is a good fit for your academic interests and long-term goals
  • How your background and future interests make you a great candidate to consider
  • Any special connections you have to the school (i.e., do you have relatives who graduated from the school?)
  • Details on how the other components of your application packet will be received
  • A specific request to consider you for admission
  • Details on how to contact you

Stand Out to College Admission Officers

A well-written cover letter can be a terrific add-on to your college application package. Not everyone will think to send this kind of document, so it just might help you stand out among the other applicants. Of course, a poorly written letter can have the opposite effect. So, be sure that your letter follows an appropriate business letter format, really presents you in a positive light, is well-written, and error-free .


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 4 amazing recommendation letter samples for students.

Letters of Recommendation


How important are recommendation letters in a college application? According to William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard, they are "extremely important."

If you're a student, examples of great letters of recommendation can help you understand how to get strong letters yourself from your teachers. If you're a teacher, the examples in this guide will inspire you to support your students strongly as they apply to college. Keep reading for four excellent letters from teachers that will get anyone into college , along with expert analysis on why they're so strong.

Important Note: Are you looking for job recommendation letters? If so, check out my great post here!

First, let's understand the role of recommendation letters in your application.

Why are Recommendation Letters Important?

The majority of admissions officers at four-year colleges, especially private schools, emphasize that their process is holistic . They seek to gain a sense of the student as a "whole person," rather than focusing on pieces of who she is based solely on grades and test scores. Since they rarely meet the student in person, the recommendation letters, along with the student's own personal essay, play a huge role in illuminating her intellectual and personal qualities.

That's why recommendation letters from teachers, especially those who know their students well, carry a great deal of weight in applications. A letter that expresses a strong vote of support, as well as highlights a student's impressive academic and personal strengths , can have a powerful effect on that student's chances of admission.

Let's look at some samples of strong recommendation letters, one from an English teacher, another from a physics teacher, the third from a history teacher, and the final one from a math teacher. Then we'll break down exactly why these letters of recommendation are effective.

The first example recommends Sara, a senior who loves to write and read poetry.

Sample Letter #1: Sara the Poet

Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest recommendation as a student and writer. Sara is talented at considering the subtleties within literature and the purpose behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is dedicated to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to explore art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara opted to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as motivated by a desire to put herself in other people's shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, and gain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer. I am certain that Sara is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated, and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out constructive feedback so she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive quality in a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Ms. Scribe English Teacher Mark Twain High School

This is a thorough, glowing recommendation for a student that Ms. Scribe clearly knows well. What other features make it stand out as a strong letter of rec?


The Breakdown

Ms. Scribe has a high opinion of Sara and her skills at writing and literary analysis. One way that she expresses this is by using powerful and specific language. She doesn't merely say Sara is a good writer. She says she's articulate about difficult concepts and sensitive to the nuances within literature. She calls her insightful and self-aware with shrewd powers of observation.

These descriptors don't happen by accident. Ms. Scribe took the time to choose her words carefully , and that effort paid off with a strong letter that captures Sara's special qualities.

Ms. Scribe also supports her characterization of Sara with examples . She describes her thesis paper and how she responded to questions thoughtfully under the pressured situation of her thesis defense. She gives the example of the debate on gun laws to illustrate Sara's openness to many different points of view.

In addition to illuminating her intellectual and personal strengths and supporting them with specific examples, Ms. Scribe speaks to Sara's goals for the future. She points out that she is talented at writing, poetry specifically, and that she is committed to continuing to improve as a writer in her future.

This letter, by virtue of its wording, length, and specificity, shows that Ms. Scribe took the time and effort to recommend Sara thoughtfully and with conviction. The fact that she knows Sara well and is committed to helping her application succeed with a thoughtful letter further adds weight to her assessment.

This letter would be a boon to Sara's application, especially if she's applying to study writing or English. She clearly impressed her English teacher and, in return, got a memorable, complimentary letter of recommendation for her college application.

This next example is similarly enthusiastic and detailed. It's for a student applying to an engineering program.

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Sample Letter #2: Stacy the Engineer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is a great pleasure to recommend Stacy for admission to your engineering program. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my 15 years of teaching. I taught Stacy in my 11th grade honors physics class and advised her in Robotics Club. I am not surprised to find out she is now ranked at the top of an extraordinarily capable class of seniors. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, math, and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your rigorous engineering program. Stacy is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She is driven to understand how things work, whether they be the old computer hard drives in the school library or the forces that hold our universe together. Her final project in class was especially impressive, an investigation of frequency-dependent sound absorption, an idea that she said was sparked by not wanting to bother her parents with her hours of guitar practice at home. She's been a strong leader in Robotics Club, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our after-school meetings. When it was Stacy's turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture on lunar nautics and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. She was our only student teacher to be met with much deserved applause at the end of her lesson. Stacy's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Stacy's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. Stacy is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Stacy has my highest recommendation for admission to your engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, collaborating with others, or teaching herself to play classical and electrical guitar. Stacy's endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Randall Physics Teacher Marie Curie High School

Ms. Randall is clearly as much of a fan of Stacy as she is of Mileva Marić. How does she communicate her recommendation?


Ms. Randall plugs for Stacy right off the bat with a statement of outstanding ranking : Stacy is one of the most exceptional students she's had in 15 years of teaching. A statement like this is pretty extraordinary and will make an impact in the mind of its readers. Stacy sounds like a special student, and she chose her recommender well.

Like in the last example, this letter uses strong, specific language , calling Stacy a perceptive and sharp person who has the confidence and good humor to take intellectual risks. Through its accurate and expressive language, this letter helps Stacy come to life in the mind of the reader.

Beyond the evaluation, Ms. Randall gives specific examples of Stacy's academic and personal strengths. She talks about her successful teaching in Robotics Club, her leadership in group projects, and her dedicated practice to teaching herself to play the guitar.

Rather than spreading the letter too thin, Ms. Randall highlights a few core themes. She connects Stacy's love of music with her passion for physics by talking about the frequency-dependent sound absorption project. All the threads tie together in a nice, memorable bow.

This letter is a strong vote of support for Stacy's application to an engineering program. Her physics teacher admires Stacy's skills and goals, and she made it clear that Stacy had her highest recommendation in this letter.

This next example also comes from a teacher who's extremely impressed with his student. It focuses on the student's performance in class and his volunteer work outside the classroom.


Sample Letter #3: William the History Buff and Social Organizer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that William has made to our school and surrounding community. As both his 10th and 11th grade History teacher, I've had the pleasure of seeing William make profound contributions both in and out of the classroom. His school and community service is motivated by a strong sense of social justice, which he informs through a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that William is one of the most caring and driven students I've ever taught in my fifteen years at the school. As a child of immigrant parents, William is especially drawn to understand the immigrant experience. He produced an extraordinary semester-long research paper on the treatment of Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during WWII, in which he went beyond all expectations to conduct Skype interviews with relatives of his featured subjects to incorporate into his paper. William has a great capacity to draw connections between past and present and to ground his understanding of current issues in the context of historical events. He never retreats to a simple answer or explanation, but is comfortable dealing with ambiguity. William's fascination with U.S. and World History and skill for deep analysis have him an exemplary scholar, as a well as a motivated activist driven to promote civil rights and work towards social equity. In sophomore year, William noticed that the college planning seminars students attended included little information for first generation or immigrant students. Always thinking about how institutions can better serve people, William spoke with counselors and ESL teachers about his ideas to better support all students. He helped collect resources and design a college planning curriculum for immigrant and undocumented students to enhance their college access. He further helped organize a group that connected ESL students with native English speakers, stating his mission to be helping ELLs improve their English and increasing multicultural awareness and social cohesion at the school as a whole. William identified a need and worked with students and faculty alike to meet it in an extremely effective and beneficial way. Ever the history scholar, he did plenty of research to back up his ideas. William believes passionately in social progress and working for the common good. His own personal experiences, along with his profound grasp on social history, drive his advocacy work. He is a talented, intelligent student with the charisma, confidence, strong values, and respect for others to make a huge difference in the world around him. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that William continues to do for his fellow humanity in college and beyond, as well as the excellent work that he will produce at the college level. William has my highest recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Jackson History Teacher Martin Luther King, Jr. High School

Mr. Jackson's letter makes William sound like a pretty amazing student and person. How does he go about expressing his admiration for William in this rec letter?


Like Ms. Randall did in her letter, Mr. Jackson provides a statement of outstanding ranking for William, calling him one of the most caring and driven students he's ever taught. Considering his long teaching career of 15 years, this says a lot about William as a student and a person.

Also like in the last example, Mr. Jackson focuses on a few core aspects of William's character. He talks about his love of history and how it informs his social activism. He comments on his exceptional historical scholarship, as well as his personal qualities of caring for those around him and working for the social good.

Mr. Jackson also gives insight into William's personal life , explaining how he has a personal connection to his projects and volunteer work as the child of immigrant parents. This letter reveals that William is a thoughtful, motivated individual who connects his own experiences with his learning and desire to contribute to his community.

The letter also showcases William's exceptional accomplishments by giving specific examples of William's research paper and his work supporting the academic and personal needs of ELL students. Mr. Jackson expresses his enthusiastic recommendation while illuminating William's love of learning and strength of character. This letter would be both impressive and memorable to admissions officers considering William for admission to their school.

This next example comes from a math teacher. Let's see what Mr. Wiles has to say about Joe.


Sample Letter #4: Joe the Hard Worker

Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class. He has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that he can always improve that's rare in a high school student, but so essential to the learning process. I am confident that he will continue to display the same commitment and diligence in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your school. Joe would not describe himself as a math person. He's told me on several occasions that all the numbers and variables make his mind go fuzzy. Joe did, in fact, struggle to comprehend the material at the beginning of the year, but his response to this is what really struck me. Where so many others have given up, Joe took on this class as a welcome challenge. He stayed after school for extra help, got extra tutoring at the nearby college, and asked questions in and out of class. Due to all his hard work, Joe not only raised his grades, but he also inspired some of his classmates to stay after for extra help, as well. Joe truly demonstrated a growth mindset, and he inspired his peers to adopt that valuable perspective, too. Joe helped contribute to our classroom environment as one where all students can feel supported and able to ask questions. Joe's strong belief in his ability to acquire new skills and improve through practice was likely shaped by his years as a baseball player. He's played all through high school and is one of the team's most valuable players. In his final for our class, Joe designed an impressive project calculating and analyzing batting averages. While he initially described himself as not a math person, Joe reaped the benefits of his tremendous effort and found a way to make the subject come alive for him in a way that he was personally invested in. As a teacher, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness a student make this kind of academic and personal progress. Joe is a trustworthy, reliable, good-humored student and friend who supports others in and out of the classroom. He was a pleasure to have in class, and his positive attitude and belief in himself, even in the face of difficulty, is an immensely admirable asset. I'm confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed myself and his peers. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Wiles Math Teacher Euclid High School

While the students featured in the first three examples were top of their class or demonstrated leadership in the school, Joe isn't a top achiever in the traditional sense. However, this recommendation is still a strong one, even if it says he struggled in the teacher's class. What does Mr. Wiles focus on to recommend Joe?


Mr. Wiles writes a strong letter for Joe, with the same kind of enthusiasm and specific examples as the other three letters. Even though Joe may not have gotten the strongest grades in his math class, he found an enthusiastic recommender in his math teacher. Mr. Wiles was extremely impressed with Joe's attitude, effort, and growth mindset , which he demonstrated throughout the year and inspired in his fellow classmates.

Mr. Wiles focuses on Joe's substantial personal strengths, ones that would likely be impressive to his future educators. Even in a subject that may not come naturally to him, Joe is diligent and committed. He's not self-conscious about asking questions or seeking extra help, and he retains a strong belief in himself that he can continuously learn, improve, and acquire new skills.

This letter, like the others, is effective because it is focused, supportive, and backed up with examples. As you can tell from these examples, recommendations can communicate a great deal about a student. Because of this, they can have a powerful impact on a student's chances of admission. So what can teachers and students do to make sure they are sending a strong recommendation letter that will help their chances?


Enthusiasm is key.

How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter

While these letters are about different students with different interests, they share certain fundamental features. One, they sound excited and enthusiastic. The teachers clearly communicate that they are impressed by these students and eager to help them get into college.

At the same time, the letters don't go overboard because they have examples to back up their assessments. Specific examples and stories are key for backing up the assessment. Plus, they make a letter more interesting and memorable. Rather than just another engineering applicant, Stacy is the student who researched sound-absorption to spare her parents from hours of guitar scales.

Finally, the teachers all discuss their students' personal strengths , along with their academic strengths. They present the holistic view that admissions officers are looking for, along with their strong vote of confidence in the students' future success.

Teachers should incorporate all these features into their letters, and students should help provide them with the raw material to write about. While students should choose a teacher who knows them well and has stories and observations to share, they should also give their teachers a detailed "brag sheet" and let them know what would go into their ideal letter. That way it can be even more personalized and complement the story the student is telling in the rest of her application.

While recommenders may or may not share their letters with students, there should still be open, two-way communication when the student makes her request . That way students and teachers can work together to produce an insightful, enthusiastic, and specific letter of recommendation to send to colleges.

What's Next?

Are you a teacher writing recommendations for your students? Read all about how to write an outstanding recommendation letter for your students , along with what not to include.

Are you or a student you work with applying to a selective school, like Harvard? Learn about what kind of letter she should get for the Ivy League.

Now that you've read these examples of strong teacher recommendation letters, check out these examples of bad ones . Warning: rec letters may appear better than they actually are.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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University Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer

Embarking on the career path, the first step to success is creating a compelling university student cover letter . This powerful tool can unlock doors to internships, jobs, and exciting opportunities within your field of study.

And so, in this guide, we'll equip you with useful tips, real-life examples, and compelling templates, that'll help you get closer to your dream job. Read on and learn about:

  • Creating a visually appealing header for your university cover letter
  • Researching employers to craft a personalized cover letter
  • Writing a compelling introduction as a university student
  • Showcasing your best skills and accomplishments as a university student
  • Completing your university student cover letter with a strong conclusion
  • Finding the best job search resources for university students

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1. How to create a visually appealing header for your university cover letter

To begin writing your university student cover letter, your first key step is to create a header.

A cover letter header serves two main purposes: to introduce you to the employer and to give your cover letter an appealing visual structure .

Within your header, you should include:

  • Your name and professional title (if you do not have a professional title yet, you can use the title of the job you are applying for and add “Student” at the end)
  • Your professional contact information
  • The name of the company or organization you are applying to

Here is an example of a well-formatted university student cover letter header

Mason Wilds , Hospitality Management Student (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | linkedin.com/in/mason-wilds

To: Hilton Head Hotels 1234 Street Address New York, NY

2. How to personalize your university student cover letter

One crucial step to take before beginning to write the body text of your cover letter is to research the employer beforehand. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about them and uncover key details about the company that you can reference throughout your cover letter .

Important information to look for during your research includes:

  • Major projects, partnerships, or programs the company is involved in
  • The company’s goals, values, and requirements for staff
  • The person at the company responsible for hiring and reviewing applications

Using the third piece of information, you can create a personalized greeting that addresses this specific person by name. This lets them know immediately the effort you have put into researching and tailoring your cover letter for them specifically.

Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings

  • Dear Mr. John Applewood,

Dear Hiring Manager John Applewood,

  • Dear Mr. John Applewood & the Hiring Department,

3. How to write a compelling introduction as a university student

Next up, you need to begin the body text of your cover letter with a compelling introduction .

To write a strong introduction as a university student, make sure to include:

  • A brief overview of your academic experience (most students will have minimal professional experience, making academic experience highly important to describe in a cover letter)
  • Your specialized area of expertise (such as the degree you are working toward)
  • A concise statement on why you are a great fit for the position

Here is an example of a great introduction from a university student’s cover letter

I am a junior at the University of South Carolina, with two semesters left to complete my degree in Business and Hospitality Management. As I approach my final year of school, I am seeking an internship opportunity with a major hotel chain to hone my hospitality skills and build industry connections. Having earned a spot on my university’s Dean’s List for three consecutive years, I will bring an exceptional work ethic and commitment to excellent service to this position.

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4. How to showcase your best skills and accomplishments as a university student

Once your introduction is written and you are satisfied with it, you can move on to writing the remaining body paragraphs of your university student cover letter.

In these body paragraphs, your main goal is to showcase your top skills or accomplishments that are relevant to the job you are applying for. As well as describing these qualifications , you can also use the research you did earlier to reference specific needs of the company and how your skills meet those needs.

Here are 6 examples of skills to describe in a university student cover letter

  • Communication (always describe your style of communication)
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management
  • Responsibility

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a cover letter

As a student at the University of South Carolina, I have served as an Orientation Leader for two years, helping to bring new undergraduate students into the fold and get comfortable in their new surroundings. I recently earned the position of Head Orientation Leader thanks to my overwhelming positive reviews from new students I have mentored. Of the 300+ students I have worked with, 95% gave me a five out of five-star rating at the end of their Orientations.

5. How to complete your university student cover letter with a strong conclusion

The last step to writing your university student cover letter is to craft a strong conclusion . In this conclusion, you should include:

  • The best times and days of the week to contact you
  • When you are anticipating a response from the employer
  • When you plan to follow up with the employer
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of a strong conclusion from a university student's cover letter

I am honored to be considered for this position and hope to hear from you within the next week regarding this opportunity. You may best reach me at (123) 456-7890 on Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. As I am excited to learn more about this opportunity, I do plan to follow up next Monday morning if I have not heard back about this position.

Many Thanks,

[Applicant Name]

6. Useful resources for job-seeking university students

As a university student standing at the threshold of a professional career, having the right set of resources can truly empower your job hunt. Let's explore the must-haves in your arsenal:

  • University career services: Your own university is a potent resource. Career Services offices often provide resume and cover letter reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. Don't overlook these gems.
  • Job search platforms: From LinkedIn to Indeed , these platforms teem with job opportunities perfect for recent graduates. They also offer search filters to streamline the hunt and make it less daunting.
  • Field-specific job boards: Niche job boards like Idealist (for non-profits) or Dice (for tech) cater to specific fields, making your job search more focused and productive.
  • Online portfolios: Platforms like Behance or GitHub , depending on your field of study, allow you to create an online portfolio showcasing your work. This can be a powerful supplement to your university student cover letter and resume.
  • Networking events: Attend career fairs, industry conferences, or university alumni events to build your professional network. You never know which connection might lead to a promising opportunity.
  • Internship websites: Websites like Chegg Internships or WayUp specifically cater to students seeking internships, often the stepping stone to a full-time job. 

Armed with these resources, you're ready to embark on the exciting and rewarding journey of your job search. Happy hunting!

University Student Cover Letter FAQ

How can i stand out in my university student cover letter, even if i have little to no work experience.

Draw attention to your academic achievements, any relevant coursework, and transferrable skills you’ve developed throughout your academic career. If you have undertaken internships or projects, summarize what you’ve learned from these experiences and how they can bring value to the prospective role.

How long should my university student cover letter be?

Aim to keep it concise and engaging. Typically, a cover letter should not exceed one page. Remember, it's about the quality of your words, not the quantity.

Must I write a new cover letter for each job application?

While it's fine to have a standard outline, your cover letter should always be tailored to each job application. Personalizing your cover letter for each role can show the hiring manager your genuine interest in their specific opportunity.

Should I always include a cover letter even if it's not asked for?

It's generally a good idea to include a cover letter when applying for a job. It gives you another platform to sell your skills and show your enthusiasm for the role and company.

Can I mention extracurricular activities in my cover letter?

Yes, definitely. Extracurricular activities can highlight your team skills, leadership qualities, and dedication. Remember to connect them back to the skills or qualities the job posting is seeking.

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer (CPRWℱ) and an active member of the Professional Association of RĂ©sumĂ© Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCCℱ). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

All student cover letter examples

  • Formal Sciences Student
  • High School Student
  • Humanities Student
  • Student Internship
  • Natural Sciences Student
  • Professions And Applied Sciences Student
  • Social Sciences Student

All university student cover letter examples

Finance Intern Cover Letter Example

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Freshman requirements

  • Subject requirement (A-G)
  • GPA requirement
  • Admission by exception
  • English language proficiency
  • UC graduation requirements

Additional information for

  • California residents
  • Out-of-state students
  • Home-schooled students

Transfer requirements

  • Understanding UC transfer
  • Preparing to transfer
  • UC transfer programs
  • Transfer planning tools

International applicants

  • Applying for admission
  • English language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS)
  • Passports & visas
  • Living accommodations
  • Health care & insurance

AP & Exam credits

Applying as a freshman

  • Filling out the application
  • Dates & deadlines
  • Personal insight questions
  • How applications are reviewed
  • After you apply

Applying as a transfer

Types of aid

  • Grants & scholarships
  • Jobs & work-study
  • California DREAM Loan Program
  • Middle Class Scholarship Program
  • Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan
  • Native American Opportunity Plan  
  • Who can get financial aid
  • How aid works
  • Estimate your aid

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  • Glossary & resources
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  • Campus program & support services
  • Check majors
  • Freshman admit data
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  • Native American Opportunity Plan
  • Apply for aid

All campuses are now closed for the fall 2024 application. 

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application letters for university admission

Update for fall 2024 applicants

Due to the Department of Education's recent announcement about the FAFSA delay, UC has changed its financial aid priority deadline to May 2. In addition, the deadline for incoming freshman students to submit their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) has been extended to May 15. 

Financial aid offers are expected to be provided in April, giving students time to review their options before making a decision.

You’re at the start of an incredible journey. Let’s get going.

Choosing to study at UC is a major decision. But we’re confident you’re making the right one.

Each campus offers an incredible range of experiences and academic programs. Whether you want to be in a big city, nestled in a redwood forest or on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, there's something for everyone.

Come be a part of it.

What you'll need

It's a good idea to have everything prepared before you start your application so you're not trying to track down information at the last minute.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Transcripts. Don't submit your transcripts to UC at this point, but refer to them as you fill out the application to ensure the information you enter is accurate. *
  • Annual income for last year and the current year (your parents' if you're a dependent; your income if you're independent). This is optional unless you're applying for an application fee waiver or for the Educational Opportunity Program.
  • Social Security number , if you have one. We use this to match your application to things like your test score report, final transcript(s) and, if you're applying for financial aid, your Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
  • Citizenship status. You must enter your country of citizenship (or "No Selection"). If your country of citizenship is outside the United States, you'll need to provide your immigration status and your visa type.
  • California Statewide Student ID (optional). Each K-12 student in California public schools is assigned an ID number. If it's not printed on your transcript, ask your counselor or registrar.
  • Credit card . If you prefer to pay by check, you can mail your payment.

* Veterans or active-duty military personnel:  If you completed courses offered by a branch of the U.S. military, you may indicate your intention to submit your military transcript by checking the box in the "About You" section of the application. If you are admitted and accept an offer of admission, you can then submit official military transcripts (e.g., ACE, SMAART) to the UC campus.

Application fees & waivers

The application fee is $80 for each UC campus ($95 for international and non-immigrant applicants). You can make your payment either by credit card or by mail, just be sure follow the instructions in the application.

Once your application has been submitted, you are expected to pay for all your campus choices, even if you cancel your application at a later date. The application fees are non-refundable.

Fee waivers

UC will waive application fees for up to four campuses for qualified students who would otherwise be unable to apply for admission. The fee waiver program is for United States citizens, permanent residents, and applicants eligible for AB540 benefits.

Fee waivers can’t be applied to more than four campuses, regardless of their source (e.g. UC, CollegeBoard/SAT). If you apply to more than four, you’ll need to pay $80 for each additional choice.

Applying for a fee waiver

You can see if you automatically qualify for a fee waiver within the application. If you enter your family size and income in the “About you” section, you will see if you’ve qualified for an application fee waiver when you select your campuses in the "Campuses & majors" section (a message will appear on that page with real-time feedback about how many campuses you can apply to for free). 

Transcripts & letters of recommendation

Don't send official transcripts when you apply. If you're admitted to UC, then you must submit final transcripts to your campus admissions office.

UC does not require (nor read) letters of recommendation at the time of application. A campus may ask for them later as part of a supplemental review, so be sure to check your email.

Have questions about applying?

Whether you're applying as a freshman or a transfer, we're here to help you find everything you need to know about our UC application.

  • Freshman: Tips for applying
  • Transfer: Tips for applying

Financial aid is for everyone (including you).

of UC's California undergrads pay no tuition

That's because UC has one of the strongest financial aid programs in the country. And we want you to get every penny of help you deserve.

  • Find out how financial aid can help you

All Formats

20+ Sample College Application Letters – PDF, DOC

College application letters are used in various academic applications when college students request an entrance or transfer. It may be a requirement of the academic institution where they currently attend or it can also be used for special functions that the college or university student would like to undertake. Whether it’s nursing, engineering, architecture, accounting, or medical students, application letters are prominent in college enrollment processes.

application letters for university admission

Free University Application Letter

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University Application Letter Sample

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Application Letter For College Admission

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Application Format For University Students

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College Application Letter

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Example Of Application Letter For College Admission

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Eligibility Letter For University

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Sample Application Letter For College Admission

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Application Letter For Studying

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Application For Enrollment In University

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Best College Application Letter

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College Application Letters Used in Academic Transactions

  • A college application letter is used by a student who would like to enroll in a learning institution. Most of the time, it is one of the requirements for enrollment which is why it is essential to be done.
  • A college leave application letter is written by a student who will have a temporary absence in the course that he or she is currently studying due to valid reasons.
  • A college admission application letter is used by a student who would like to apply for an academic slot for a specific course offered by a school. You may also see Academic Letters
  • College scholarship application letters are written by students who would like to get a scholarship grant—be it from the high school template, a government institution, or any other entity offering education assistance.
  • College workshop application letters are created by students who want to be a part of a specific academic workshop that will be conducted within the premises of the institution.
  • College application reference letters are written by the references of a student applicant so that there will be a supporting document that may be used either for admissions, enrollment, or other special academic functions.
  • College withdrawal application letters are used to formally announce the decision of the student to not push through with his or her college studies in the academic institution where s/he is currently attending.

Parts Of application Letter For College Admission

college graduate application letter

Sample Application Letter For A Course

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College Application Recommendation Reference Letter Template

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College Withdrawal Request Application Letter Format Template

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College Instructor Application Letter Writing Template

college instructor application letter

Business College F ull Block Style Application Letter Template

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Architecture College Application Letter Template

architecture college application letter template

Accounting College Application Letter Template

accounting college application letter template

Medical College Application Letter Template

medical college application letter template

College Application Letters Used for Work Purposes

  • The internship experiences of the applicant
  • The seminars and training that the applicant has attended
  • The academic achievements of the student
  • The skills, talents, and other competencies of the graduate may be helpful in the operations of the business.
  • The experiences of the applicant in terms of teaching
  • The field of study that the applicant can teach
  • The kind of teaching commitment that the applicant can provide to the academic institution
  • It can be used to apply for a part-time job. You may also see Admission Letters .
  • It can be given to the management of the school so they can provide a student assistant job function to the student.

More in Letters

Welcome letter to new college students, job application letter for accountant assistant, admission letter of college, college joining letter, holiday letter for college, visa application letter to embassy, college coach cover letter, college cover letter, college application cover letter, information application letter.

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  • Thank You Letter for Appreciation – 19+ Free Word, Excel, PDF Format Download!
  • 69+ Resignation Letter Templates – Word, PDF, IPages
  • 12+ Letter of Introduction Templates – PDF, DOC
  • 14+ Nurse Resignation Letter Templates – Word, PDF
  • 16+ Sample Adoption Reference Letter Templates
  • 10+ Sample Work Reference Letters
  • 28+ Invitation Letter Templates
  • 19+ Rental Termination Letter Templates – Free Sample, Example Format Download!
  • 23+ Retirement Letter Templates – Word, PDF
  • 12+ Thank You Letters for Your Service – PDF, DOC
  • 12+ Job Appointment Letter Templates – Google DOC, PDF, Apple Pages
  • 21+ Professional Resignation Letter Templates – PDF, DOC
  • 14+ Training Acknowledgement Letter Templates
  • 49+ Job Application Form Templates

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A letter to harvard admissions.

David and his friends

In early October 2020, David Andrade ’23 wrote the following email to Bill Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid.

We are sharing his story here with his consent.

October 2, 2020 Dear Dr. Fitzsimmons and Harvard Admissions, 

My name is David Andrade. I am currently a rising sophomore looking to major in Mechanical Engineering. I am writing this email today both as a reflection and as a thank you for giving a little Hispanic boy from Little Havana in Miami, FL a chance. I am not sure who admitted/advocated for me on the admissions committee specifically, but it says Dr. Fitzsimmons on my acceptance letter. I would like whoever admitted me to receive this note as well, as a thank you to them. Growing up, I did not have much. My mom’s a housekeeper; she has been since the day she came from Honduras over 30 years ago. She came to this country in pursuit of the American Dream, cleaning houses for the types of people she once dreamed she would be. However, reality turned out much different than we had hoped. I grew up during the housing crisis- not the best time for a housekeeper. Even through the strife and realities of poverty, I tried to see the good in my experiences. Sometimes, the only food in our cabinet were Vienna sausages; however, you could not deny that they were absolutely delicious. Because of the cost, we never went to any restaurants or private parks or the movies – but basketball, educational Vsauce/SciShow videos, and board games occupied my time. I remember having toothaches, and, instead of going to the dentist (too expensive), we would tie my tooth to the door and slam it shut so that my tooth would fall off! I felt lucky to get Burger King if I went to the doctor and there was nothing wrong with me at the checkup. In fact, I went to my first real “restaurant” when I was 17 with my teacher, who wanted to celebrate my high score on the ACT. It was so weird. I did not know how to act in the restaurant, what to ask the server, or how I wanted my meat done. It was my first time; I did not know any better! 

David's mom and brother

My mom and brother made large sacrifices when I was young so we could live with food on the table, and I am eternally grateful.

But I cannot deny that some of my childhood could not be looked at lightly in this reflection. I remember waking up every school day at 4 AM. The bus driver would pick me up in her car, drive to the bus depot where all the school buses are parked, get on the bus and continue picking up kids until 9 AM, when I was dropped off for school. I woke up so early because my mom herself took 3 buses to get to work; she did not trust me waiting alone outside for the bus in my neighborhood. I remember getting harassed by a school cop after school hours because I was in a teacher’s classroom late after finishing an ACT Bootcamp session for my peers. I was still packing up from finishing that evening, but the cop did not believe me- who would think that someone would hold such a session at this school? I remember a teacher telling my entire classroom that we were not good enough to go to college in 10th grade. I remember multiple instances in which my smart black peers, desperate to be challenged, would rot away in regular and intensive classes- teachers did not believe in them and refused to put them in honors classes because of the color of their skin. In a 90% Hispanic school. 

David and his teachers

My two high school teachers, Mrs. Munguia and Dr. Hueck, were the people that made me believe I had potential, and I wouldn’t be here without them

I remember the good, the bad, and the ugly of my childhood experiences. 

You hear stories like this all the time probably. Stories of poverty, strife, and eventual redemption. You know what comes next after all this narration: I am poor, I hate to see my mom working at the age of 64, and I want to help her to achieve the American Dream. So, I study hard, get good grades, make impact in my clubs and organizations, develop leadership skills, and voila, I am applying to your prestigious institution. 

My experiences are relatively common in America, unfortunately- you can find thousands of copies of me across the nation. But out of all those kids, you accepted me. I look at my friends with similar backgrounds and accomplishments, and they did not get in. I look back at what I did, and I compare it to what my peers did in high school. Why me? I do not know. I do not know how this admissions process works, and I do not know what separates me from them. But I thank you. I do not know where I would be today without you believing in me. I know there is some other person like me who was rejected, and I hope they are doing well somewhere else – sometimes, I reel at the fact that you chose me over them. I wish all students who went through similar things as I were able to experience the amazing experiences I have had thus far at this institution. Alas, we are systematically oppressed, and need to desperately reform the public education system in America, promoting and working towards increasing opportunities and support for minorities to succeed in high school to be able to apply to such prestigious institutions.

I cannot begin to explain how fortunate I have been to attend this place. I love it. I feel at home. I feel like I belong. I love learning from others. I love hearing their passions and using that energy to improve myself as well. Harvard students constantly elevate each other. I love that support. Harvard taught me how to learn, how to be proactive, and how to ask for help. I have learned how to reach out to professors and have grown to not be afraid to ask questions in class. I learned how to lead and how to listen. 

Most importantly, Harvard taught me to believe in myself and my passions. Growing up, I was taught that I could be only a lawyer, doctor, or engineer- only those people earn money, and as a poor person, money is your life support, so you believe this false statement. Old me would have never taken someone seriously if they said they were working toward being an astrophysicist as a career- where is the job applicability there? But now, I hope to understand the cosmos and improve the human condition on Earth, building one spacecraft instrument at a time – I am pursuing my dreams, even if far-fetched, because I believe in myself and believe I can be the best at what I do. Harvard allowed for that.

I have had a fantastic freshman summer working in the Stubbs Group designing a filter scanner calibration system for a telescope in Chile. I have taken a lead role on the Harvard Satellite Team, building Harvard’s first CubeSat. I have a leadership position at the Harvard College Engineering Society, developing freshman engineers to be the future leaders of the SEAS community. I have started green-training and welding training for machining things in my own time and I am CNC mill and lathe certified. I have thoroughly enjoyed the mechanical engineering and electronics classes I have taken so far, and the content is something I would have never seen in a high school classroom. I have even explored political bipartisanship clubs and started an education project to increase publicly accessible course materials at Harvard. I have taken advantage of every single opportunity here at Harvard thus far, and hope it propels me into my career path – in fact, it already has, as I was fortunate to accept an offer to work at SpaceX this summer.

I think if me from two years ago saw me today, I would be unrecognizable. I am more confident, comfortable in my own skin, and I feel at home for the first time, probably ever. And I have you to thank for this opportunity. Thank you. From the empty cabinets of Little Havana to the telescopes atop the Science Center, high above the city of Cambridge- I am home. 


David Andrade

David has also shared additional commentary to supplement his original letter below: 

Of course, my story is not unanimous among all FGLI students at Harvard. Some just do not feel at home at a PWI like Harvard and question the level of diversity on campus. Some have spoken about the lack of mental health support that administrators and CAMHS provide for them. Some criticize Harvard for not doing enough to help our community, amplified during the pandemic with storage relief and lack of housing for those with domestic instability. I am fortunate to have found my place at Harvard but hope this institution provides more support to FGLI students to feel at home in the future, just as I wished some of my high school peers received support in an environment not always conducive to growth and learning. 

  • Financial Aid

David Class of '23 Alumni

David Andrade

Apply to College

Get answers to commonly asked questions about the college application process.

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The college application process can be daunting, especially for students and families going through it for the first time.

Choose your topic of interest below – including college essays, extracurricular activities, standardized tests, admissions deadlines, waitlists and transferring – and you'll see a list of articles with advice on how to effectively navigate that part of the application process.

How Do I Apply to College?

To apply to college, keep in mind that you need to start early in high school and do your research to find the right fit. The following articles offer advice on how to get in to college.

  • What should I know about the college application process?
  • What are the biggest college application mistakes to avoid?
  • How can I complete my college applications on time?
  • What are ways to make my college applications stand out?
  • How do I get into college with a low GPA?
  • Which colleges have the highest application fees?
  • What questions should I ask my high school counselor when applying to college?
  • What does the Supreme Court's ban on race-conscious admissions mean for me?
  • What should I know about the Common App?
  • How can I apply through the Common Black College Application?

What Are the Different Types of Colleges and Where Should I Apply?

From smaller liberal arts colleges to bigger public universities, you have a lot of school types to consider. Here's what to keep in mind about applying to different schools.

  • What's the difference between a college and a university?
  • What is a liberal arts college?
  • What are the cost differences between a private and public college?
  • What are reasons to consider a community college?
  • How do larger public colleges compare to smaller private schools?
  • How many colleges should I apply to?
  • How do I narrow down my list of colleges?
  • What are tips for picking the right school?
  • How do I get into an Ivy League school?
  • Should I go to an urban, suburban or rural college?

How Do I Write a College Essay?

Use the college essay to give admissions officers insight into who you are. The tips in these articles will help you tackle the application essay with confidence.

  • What are tips for writing the college application essay?
  • What are grammar and style mistakes to avoid in a college essay?
  • How do I finish my college essays on time?
  • What are some examples of good college essays?

What Kind of Extracurricular Activities Can Help Me Get Into College?

Whether you're involved in a club or have a job, colleges want to know how you spend time outside of the classroom. Read on to learn about the role of extracurricular activities in college applications.

  • How do colleges weigh extracurricular activities in an application?
  • What are ways to discuss work experience on a college application?
  • How do I turn extracurriculars into scholarships?

How Important Are Standardized Test Scores?

Schools have varying policies when it comes to admissions tests like the SAT and ACT. Here's what you need to know about college entrance exams.

  • Are schools changing their testing requirements?
  • What is a good score on the SAT?
  • What is a good score on the ACT?
  • How has the SAT changed?
  • How can I perform well on ACT or SAT test day?

What Do I Need to Know About Recommendation Letters?

Applications typically require recommendation letters written by people who know you well. Read the following articles to find out who, when and how to ask for letters.

  • How do I ask for a letter of recommendation for college?
  • What are some examples of college recommendation letters?
  • What myths about college recommendation letters should I be aware of?

When Are College Application Deadlines?

Some colleges offer early decision or early action admissions, in which you apply early and receive a response before other applicants. In general, though, most colleges have a January deadline for regular applications. These articles compare the different application deadlines: early action, early decision, regular decision and rolling admissions.

  • When should I apply to college?
  • What are the differences between early action and early decision?
  • What should I know about restrictive early action?
  • What happens if I back out of an early decision offer?
  • Which colleges have later application deadlines?
  • What is rolling admissions?
  • What colleges offer rolling admissions?

What Are Tips for Applying as an International Student?

Applying to U.S. universities as an international student can be challenging. The articles below can help you understand the admissions process if you're applying from abroad.

  • Which U.S. colleges have the most international students?
  • Which colleges offer the most financial aid to international students?
  • Which colleges accept the most international students?
  • What should I know about scholarships as an international student?
  • How do I prepare to apply to college as an international student?
  • What mistakes should I avoid when applying to a U.S. university?
  • What's the difference between TOEFL and IELTS?
  • What should I know about playing sports as an international student?

What If I Apply and Am Put on a Waitlist?

A college may put you on a waitlist and not offer you a spot until after the typical May 1 decision deadline. Here's what you need to know if you're wait-listed.

  • What do I do if I've been put on a waitlist?
  • What colleges admit the lowest percentage of students off the waitlist?
  • What should I do while I wait for admissions decisions?

What Do I Need to Know When Transferring Schools?

Transferring may make sense if your college isn't a good fit or you want to finish a degree at a four-year school after community college. Read tips below on transferring schools.

  • How can I prepare for a successful college transfer?
  • How do I transfer from a community college?
  • What's the process of transferring as an international student?
  • How does transferring colleges impact student loans?
  • Which schools have the most transfer students?

Best Colleges Rankings

For students who need help narrowing down the list of colleges and universities to apply to, the U.S. News Best Colleges rankings can serve as a good starting point.

  • National Universities
  • National Liberal Arts Colleges
  • Regional Universities
  • Regional Colleges
  • Undergraduate Business Programs
  • Undergraduate Engineering Programs
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • More College Lists

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KUCCPS admission letters 2024/2025: a detailed guide

KUCCPS admission letters are official documents indicating provisional admission to university studies for a particular degree program. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has unveiled a list of universities that have already issued admission letters to successful applicants for the academic year 2024/2025. Here is a comprehensive list.

KUCCPS logo and a university student


University of nairobi (uon) kuccps admission letters, moi university kuccps admission letters, jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology (jkuat) kuccps admission letters, technical university of mombasa (tum) kuccps admission letters, university of eldoret (uoe) kuccps admission letters, south eastern kenya university kuccps admission letters, kisii national polytechnic kuccps admission letters, chuka university kuccps admission letters, how to get a kabarak admission letter, are kuccps admission letters out, how to recover kuccps password, what happens after applying in kuccps, how do you download and fill out the kuccps online application form, how do you verify your kuccps placement.

Have you completed your KCSE and are aspiring to join the university you selected? Here is a guide on accessing your KUCCPS admission profile and finding out which university accepted your application. Interestingly, the procedure is entirely online and accessible 24/7, regardless of time and location.

How to download KUCCPS admission letters

There are two main ways to download your KUCCPS admission letter. The first method is through the specific university portal. Many universities in Kenya have set up a system where you can download your admission letter directly from their website.

The other one is through the KUCCPS student portal . Here is a simple guide on how you can download admission letter on KUCCPS student portal.

application letters for university admission

Concerns as Only 150k Students Apply for Degree Courses in Latest KUCCPS Placement

KUCCPS student portal

  • Visit the KUCCPS student portal.
  • Enter your KCSE index number, KCSE year and password.
  • Log in and navigate to the "Admission Letters" section.
  • Find your admission letter and download it.

Note : Use your birth certificate number or KCPE index number (as used in KCSE Exam Registration) as your initial password. Remember to observe the different schedules outlined in the letter and keep up with the KUCCPS latest news on admission letters for more updates.

If you have been selected to join a public chartered university, you can get your KUCCPs admission letter by following the steps outlined below.

SMIS University of Nairobi portal

If you were placed at UoN by KUCCPS, you can access your admission letter online through the Student Management Information System (SMIS). Here is how to download UoN KUCCPS admission letters.

  • Go to SMIS University of Nairobi.
  • Enter your registration number (without slashes), e.g., C0133332023, as the username and your KCSE index number as the password.
  • Click on "Student Portal" and enter your full Registration Number (e.g., C01/3333/2023) as the username and your KCSE index number as the password.
  • Your admission letter will be available for download.

application letters for university admission

How to get KPSEA results online for Grade 6 students in Kenya

Moi University admission portal

Before downloading your admission letter, ensure you have received an SMS from KUCCPS or Moi University confirming your placement at Moi University . You can also verify your placement through your KUCCPS portal.

  • Visit the Moi University admission portal.
  • Click on KUCCPS/government-sponsored students.
  • Log in using your KCSE index number and solve the security stamp question.
  • Once done, click log in.
  • The first time you log in, you are required to "Accept" or "Reject" the programme you have been offered. Accepting the offer gives you access to other services, while rejecting it denies you access to any other services.
  • Fill in the required registration details and download your admission letter.

Note: Your loglog-in details should be in the following format: KCSE index number/2024 (Example: 12345678/2024, where 12345678 is your index number and 2024 is the year you sat for your Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

application letters for university admission

TSC profile update online: requirements and simplified process

The list from KUCCPS of students admitted to Moi University for the 2024/2025 academic year is available.

JKUAT admission portal

To download your JKUAT KUCCPS admission letter , follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the JKUAT admission system.
  • Provide the details required to sign up to apply or download an admission letter, i.e., username and password (your index number/Exam year).
  • Once you log in, the open page will display your admission letter. At the bottom of the letter, click on "Download admission letter."
  • You can download other documents on the right-hand side of your screen.

Technical University of Mombasa admission portal

To download the TUM admission letter as a KUCCPS-placed student, follow the steps below.

  • Open the TUM website using any internet browser.
  • Click on "Portals" and the "Student's portal".
  • Click on the "E-Register" link and sign in using your KCSE index number as your user ID and password. (e.g. 12345678911/2024)
  • Click sign in and follow the on-page instructions to download your admission letter.

application letters for university admission

RVTTI fee structure for the 2023/2024 academic year (SSP & KUCCPS)

UoE admission portal

Follow the steps below to download your UoE KUCCPS admission letter.

  • Visit the UoE admission portal.
  • Choose your year of admission, such as 2024.
  • Enter the index number in the field provided in this format: Year followed by your index number, e.g. 2024XXXXXXXX or admission number, i.e. ABT/001/24
  • Click "Submit Query" and follow the instructions on how to download the admission letter.

South Eastern Kenya University admission letter download

The government-sponsored program for 2024/2025 first-year students selected to join South Eastern Kenya University in various degree programs can now access their admission letters. Simply enter your KCSE index number in the provided box to download and print your admission letter.

Note: Do not include the KCSE year.

Kisii National Polytechnic online admission portal.

Follow the steps below to download your admission letter from the Kisii National Polytechnic.

application letters for university admission

UOK student portal registration, courses, exam results, fee structure

  • Visit the Kisii National Polytechnic online admission portal.
  • Type it in the format XXXXXXXXXX/2024, where XXXXXXXXXX is the index number, and 2024 is your KCSE year.
  • Click "Continue" and follow the instructions to download your letter.

Chuka University admission portal

To join the university as a government (KUCCPS) sponsored student, first ensure you have received an invitation from KUCCPS. Follow the steps below to download your admission letter.

  • Visit the Chuka University website.
  • For government-sponsored students, click to log in.
  • Once logged in, input your bio details, upload a photo and click "Next".
  • Fill in your contact and postal address details and click "Next".
  • Select the clubs and sports you wish to join and click "Submit".
  • You will be prompted to accept with a pop-up message. Click "OK".
  • Download the admission letter and the additional attachments.

application letters for university admission

How to get your KCSE certificate: requirements and download guide

Note: The first time you log in, you are required to accept or reject the programme you have been offered. Accepting the offer gives you access to other services, while rejecting it denies you access to any other services.

Kabarak University application portal.

Kabarak University accepts students admitted to the university through KUCCPS. To download your admission letter:

  • Visit the official Kabarak University website.
  • Click on "KUCCPS" and scroll down to "Joining steps".
  • Click on the link provided next to "Biodata and Admission letter".
  • Once logged in, follow the instructions on the page.

The KUCCPS admission letters for 2024/2025 for various universities are now available. Institutions such as Moi University and South Eastern Kenya University have already published their admission lists.

application letters for university admission

Maasai Mara University admission letters for the 2021/2022 intake

KUCCPS password request portal

If you have forgotten your login password, you can request a new one using a password reset token. The reset token will be sent to your primary registered email address.

You must use the token to reset your password on the same day it is requested, as it is only valid until midnight of that day. Note that you can request a password reset token only once per day.

Successful candidates will be notified via text messages and the KUCCPS student portal after submitting an application. All they need to do is log into their portal or send their index number to 20842, starting with their year of KCSE.

The entire application process is online. Therefore, there is no need to download any KUCCPS forms . You are only required to fill out the form online and submit it.

application letters for university admission

KNEC CP2 portal: registration, deployment letters, reset password

Before enrolling in a university, obtaining your KUCCPS admission letter is crucial. You can check your placement results through the following methods:

  • Student portal: Log in to the student portal and view your placement results on the dashboard.
  • SMS method: Send an SMS with your KCSE Index number to 20842, starting with your KCSE year (e.g., 202412345678912 to 20842). You will receive a reply indicating the program and institution you have been assigned to. (Cost: Ksh25 per SMS.)
  • KUCCPS contact inquiries: Reach out to KUCCPS through their communication channels for any inquiries.
  • Huduma Centres: Visit any KUCCPS officers at Huduma Centres located in various cities, including Nairobi (GPO), Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nyeri, Meru, Narok, Kakamega, Isiolo, Kitui, Thika, Kitale, Narok, Garissa, and Nakuru.

KUCCPS admission letters contain several details, including the name of the university or college, faculty, school, the area of specialization and duration of the study . Additional information is also offered to help prepare learners for the upcoming academic experience. Important to note is that universities no longer send students the admission letters. Instead, these letters are now available through university portals.

application letters for university admission

Mombasa Technical Training Institute (KCNP): online application, fees structure, courses

Tuko.co.ke recently published an article about Kenyatta University courses and their cluster points. Kenyatta University is one of the best universities in Kenya. The university provides a wide range of courses to Kenyan and international students.

The institution was founded in 1970. It offers high-quality programmes that attract students who want to be globally competitive. There are several Kenyatta University courses and codes for each respective programme.

Source: TUKO.co.ke

Jackline Wangare (Lifestyle writer) Jackline Simwa is a content writer at Tuko.co.ke, where she has worked since mid-2021. She tackles diverse topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Previously, she worked at The Campanile at Kenyatta University. She has more than five years in writing. Jackline graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2019) and a Diploma in Marketing (2015) from Kenyatta University. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and Google News Initiative course in 2024. Email: [email protected].

Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at Tuko.co.ke where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than four years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Adrianna finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: [email protected]

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The Enrollment Confirmation Deadline Has Passed

We would like to inform you that the enrollment confirmation deadline has passed.

However, if you are still interested in attending the University of Maryland but need more time to enroll, please email our admissions office at [email protected] with “Confirmation Deadline Extension” in the subject line.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Students sitting in Iribe Center

Transfer Applicants

Transfer students play a pivotal role at the University of Maryland (UMD), where they bring unique perspectives from their college studies as well as a diversity of backgrounds, geographic origins and personal experiences.


Apply as a transfer student if you are a high school graduate who has completed at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours after high school graduation at a regionally accredited college or university.

Below you will find information on transfer application requirements and deadlines, a complete list of required application materials and more.

Financial Aid Resources

Applicant Requirements

Admission to UMD is competitive and the number of students seeking admission exceeds the number who can be accommodated. Admission is based on the overall strength of the student's academic performance and is assessed through a holistic review. In accordance with the Maryland Higher Education Commission and Board of Regents transfer policies, certain applicants from Maryland public institutions are given special consideration and are admitted when space is available.

The university expects you, at a minimum, to meet the following requirements:

High School

To be considered a transfer applicant, you must have graduated high school or have completion of high school equivalency.

College Credits

You must complete at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours at a regionally accredited college or university. (AP/IB credits or placement tests cannot be used toward this requirement.)

If you are in progress of completing 12 credits, please email us prior to submitting an application for guidance on how to complete your application. Email  [email protected]  with the subject line "12 Credits In-Progress Transfer Applicant".

College Courses

You are expected to have completed English Composition (the equivalent of UMD’s ENGL 101 course) and  college-level mathematics (the equivalent of UMD’s Math 107 course or equivalent to the general education fundamental mathematics requirement).

Students walking into the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center.

Choosing a Major

Whether you know exactly what you want to study or are still figuring it out, we encourage you to explore UMD's academic programs . As you explore you may see that some of our majors are considered Limited Enrollment Programs (LEP). These programs have limited space and, therefore, have more competitive admission criteria.

On the UMD application, you'll select a preferred major. This information will not impact whether or not you are admissible to the university. If you selected an LEP, you will also be reviewed by the specific program to determine admission to your preferred major.

While most students are admitted to their preferred major, some LEP applicants may not be. Students who are undecided or undeclared (working on getting into an LEP) will work with Letters & Sciences advisors to explore their interests or complete LEP gateway requirements.

Benefits of Applying Early Action

We strongly encourage you to apply early action to receive priority consideration for admission and merit-based scholarships . Your application must be complete by the early action deadline in order to be reviewed. Applications that are not complete by the early action deadline will be considered for the regular application deadline.

fall Application Deadlines

Spring application deadlines.

November 15

View All Application Deadlines View All Application Deadlines

M gate

Application Platform

Transfer students can apply to UMD using the StandOut Admissions Network . We encourage you to reference our frequently asked questions if you need help completing the UMD application, especially parts that focus on high school information. 

Application Checklist

Utilize our application checklist to ensure you're submitting all required transfer application materials.

Before you get started, consider the following questions:

  • Do you have non-U.S. academic records? | If you have non-U.S. academic records for post-secondary/university work, please review our international applicant requirements for instructions on submitting these records.
  • Do you have a Joint Services Transcript? | If you have a Joint Services Transcript, please review the special audiences section of our Prospective Students page for information regarding U.S. veterans and transferrable credits.

Completed online application

The transfer application can be submitted online via the  StandOut Admissions Network .

As part of the online application you will be required to submit a(n):

Essay | This is your opportunity to share your personality and experiences with the Admission Committee. Please use our transfer student  essay prompt .

Activities and awards list or resume | Detail your efforts in the community, arts, leadership, athletics, family involvements, work experience and other extracurricular activities and hobbies in order of interest to you. This information can be submitted via the Activities/Experience section of the Profile or by uploading a separate document.

Nonrefundable application fee of $75 | When submitting your application you will be required to pay a $75 application fee on our secure website with a credit card unless you have received a fee waiver . Fee waivers must be submitted prior to application submission for consideration. We cannot accept cash or check payments.

Official copy of your college transcripts

Each institution you've attended must submit an official copy of your college transcripts listing all courses you have attempted. A final official transcript from your current institution must be sent upon completion of any courses in progress. Learn how transcripts can be submitted on our Submitting Documents page.

If you have non-U.S. academic records for post-secondary work, please review our international applicant requirements as they might apply to you.

Official copy of your high school transcripts (if necessary)

If you have completed fewer than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours post high school graduation, then at the time of applying you will need to request an official copy of your final high school transcript listing all courses you have completed. Learn how transcripts can be submitted on our Submitting Documents page.

AP/IB credits and placement tests cannot be used towards the overall 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours.

Official standardized test scores (optional)

Traditionally, students who completed fewer than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours post high school graduation, would need to submit their SAT and/or ACT scores at the time of applying. However, UMD is currently test-optional through to the Spring and Fall 2025 application cycles, which means you have the option to choose whether or not you would like your test scores considered as a part of your application review. If you choose to include your test scores, learn how to submit them on our Submitting Documents page.

If you would like to receive credit toward your degree for successfully completing Advanced Placement (AP) , International Baccalaureate (IB) , A/AS level examinations or certain other standard exams, you must submit those official scores upon receiving an offer of admission.

Letter of recommendation (optional)

You may choose to submit a letter of recommendation with your application. Recommendations must be sent to us directly from the recommender, and they can be written by anyone of the applicant's choosing including teachers, counselors, coaches and mentors. Learn how recommendation letters can be submitted on our Submitting Documents page.

School of Music application (School of Music applicants only)

In addition to the above items, students seeking enrollment into the School of Music must submit the online application supplement and audition . These items will only be used to determine your eligibility for admission into the School of Music and will not be used in the review of your eligibility for admission to UMD.

Students studying and reading class notes on a piece of paper


Applications are considered complete when the online application and all required documents have been submitted electronically or postmarked by the appropriate deadline . It is your responsibility to confirm receipt of all materials.

Through your Terps Application Portal (TAP) account, you can:

  • Track your application status.
  • Confirm receipt of application materials.
  • Receive your admission decision when it becomes available.

Keep in mind:  It may take up to two weeks for recently submitted materials to be listed as received on your checklist.

Students walking and riding a bike in front of Kirwan Hall

Services for Transfer Students

Information you need

Pre-Transfer Advising

Transfer students from two-year and four-year schools are encouraged to take advantage of Pre-Transfer Advising before applying to UMD. Pre-Transfer Advising will help assess your readiness to transfer and estimate your time to degree completion. You can also review 4-Year Plans for information about the major and graduation requirements for specific programs.

The advisors from your Maryland community college can work closely with pre-transfer advisors for issues related to transfer credits and major options. Pre-Transfer advisors help you determine how previous coursework will apply to your UMD degree, identify remaining general education and major requirements, and locate specific resources for additional assistance.

Anne Arundel Hall

Transfer Credit Services

Transfer Credit Services facilitates the evaluation of credit for new students who have earned college credit or prior learning credits (such as AP, IB, A/AS level exams). They provide a course database to help students and advisors estimate what credits will transfer to UMD. A final determination will be made after being admitted to UMD and a review of your official college transcripts.

Maryland Logo horizontal

Maryland Transfer Advantage Program (MTAP)

MTAP provides a guaranteed admission pathway for students at participating community colleges to earn a bachelor’s degree at UMD. Students who participate in MTAP have access to transfer advising resources and can take discounted courses at UMD before officially transferring.

Application FAQs

If questions come up as you're filling out the UMD application, be sure to reference our frequently asked questions. We've gathered answers about the application platforms, required materials, what to do after you've applied, and more.

Submitting Documents

Find details on the best way to submit all of your required application materials.

Admission Review Process & Factors

Familiarize yourself with our holistic review process and the many factors we consider when reviewing applications.

Arial image of the campus

There is a lot more to learn about UMD, so let's stay in touch!

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2024/2025 KUCCPS Admission

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FROM: Registrar (AA)

To:  First Year Students (2024/2025 A Y)

Congratulations for being placed at Karatina University!

The reporting day will be Monday, 5th August 2024 and thereafter Orientation running throughout theweek.

To access the Admission Letter, check on the link below:


Joining instructions and forms to be filled are attached in this communication.

Note that following your placement by KUCCPS at Karatina University, you are eligible to apply for a Government Scholarship, Loan, and Bursary to assist you with your educational expenses. If you require Government Financial Support, you MUST make an application for consideration through the official scholarship and loan portal: https://portal.hef.co.ke

Should the Government Scholarship, Loan, and Bursary not be sufficient to cover the entire cost of your programme, the remaining fee balance will be the responsibility of your Parent/Guardian. Payment details to the University are provided in the admission letter. Accommodation at the University is not guaranteed and normally issued on first come basis after full payment of fees. Therefore, make necessary arrangements to secure accommodation at the University or outside before the reporting date.

It is mandatory to report with a laptop as a learning requirement. Regular updates will be posted to the University website and via your University email. To access your university email, please follow the link provided on this page to retrieve your email; https://emaiI.karu.ac.ke

For any clarification do not hesitate to get in touch with us via Tel: 0729721200; 0716135171; 0723683150 or email: [email protected] . We will be availing regular updates on admission information on the University website: www.karu.ac.ke and through your email. The official communication lines are as directed in our official channels of communication.


Dr. Wangari Gathuthi Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Click the link below to download Admission Letter.

For those who sat KCSE in 2023 use the below link  KUCCPS 2024/2025 Admission Letters Portal

Click the link below to download the Library User Form.

Click the links below to download the Admission Forms and view the 2024/2025 First Years Joining Instructions

Click the links below to download your student forms.

Click the link below to download either the Non-Resident Form or the Resident Form(University Hostels).

Commonly Asked Questions for Registration

As you prepare to report on Monday, 5th August 2024, find a guide to Commonly Asked Questions.

1. Where is Karatina University Located?

ANSWER: Karatina University Main Campus is located in Kagochi, Karatina, Mathira East Sub County, Nyeri County. From Nairobi, the best PSV Matatu to use is 2NK boarded at the Tea Room Matatu Terminus at the Kenneth Matiba Road (formerly Accra Road).

2. How can I download my Admission Letter?

ANSWER: Please click the link below to get your Admission Letter. You will be required to input your KCSE Index Number/2022 to be able to retrieve and download your Admission Letter . 

2024/2025 Admissions Letter Portal

For Joining Instructions, Admission Forms and Fee Structure the links are available on this page.

3. How can I get my Registration Number (Admission Number)?

ANSWER: The Registration Number is well indicated on your Admission Letter. It is structured as A123/4567G/23.

4. What if I don’t make to report on Monday 5th August, 2024?

ANSWER: Karatina University encourages all students to come for reporting on Monday 5 th August, 2024 . However, if you cannot make it, you are encouraged to report within the week.

5. When is the deadline for reporting in this 2024/2025 Academic Year?

ANSWER: The deadline for reporting will be communicated to you via your emails. Those who will not make it by the deadline, will defer their studies to the 2025/2026 Academic Year.

6. When is the deadline for applying for funding from the Higher Education Funds (HEF)?

ANSWER: HEF applications deadline will be indicated in the HEF website. All First Year 2024/2025 AY Students MUST apply for funding via the Higher Education Financing (HEF) Portal, https://portal.hef.co.ke/ .

7. Am I eligible for HELB loans?

ANSWER: Yes, all students are encouraged to apply for HELB funds via   www.helb.go.ke

8. Is it a must I reside inside the University hostels?

ANSWER:  It is NOT mandatory apart from Nursing Students to reside inside the University Hostels. For those who wish to stay outside, you will be required to fill out the Non-Resident Form (AA/F017).

9. What do you provide in hostels accommodation?

ANSWER: Karatina University provides a bed and a mattress. You will only come with beddings and personal emoluments.

10. Can I book a hostel room?

ANSWER: No, Karatina University does not allow booking of hostel. The rooms available will be allocated on a first come first assign basis.

However, the University will ensure that all students get accommodated with Hostels affiliated to Karatina University.

11. Can I cook inside the hostel?

ANSWER: No. Cooking is prohibited  in Karatina University hostels. Students are encouraged to take meals from the University Cafeteria which is open for the entire Semester and the food is at very affordable prices.

12. What if I’m not able to report on this 2024/2025 Academic Year?

ANSWER: Yes, your place will be reserved till the next Academic Year. You are required to officially write a deferment letter to the Registrar (Academic Affairs) after which it will be processed within a week.

After you receive the deferment response, you will be required to write an official letter to Registrar Academic Affairs to request for readmission.

NOTE: The University Funding Board (UFB) cycle elapses after the four years from the year of admission for the Government Sponsored Students Programme (GSSP). This means the Government will cease your funding and the Private Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP) fee structure will apply henceforth.

13. Can I defer if I’m not able to report in this 2023/2024 Academic Year?

ANSWER: Yes, your place will be reserved till the next Academic Year. You are required to officially write a deferment letter to the Registrar (Academic Affairs) after which it will be processed within a week. After you receive the deferment response, you will be required to write an official letter to Registrar Academic Affairs to request for readmission

14. How can I transfer a course/ change a programme?

ANSWER: Karatina University will open the Change of Programme window from 11 th September, 2023. You are required to check from the KUCCPS Students Portal whether you are qualified for the programme you wish to change to.

i . Check on the ‘Minimum Subjects Requirements’ . You should meet the criteria set for the Programm

ii . Check the 2022 Cut-Off Points (COP) against your Cluster Points (WCP). To qualify the WCP should be equal to or greater than the COP.

iii .    Fill the Change of Programme Form AA/F012 and submit it at the Dean of the School you have been admitted to.

iv .  Wait for the response, which will be released latest 29th September, 2023 .

v . Fill an Acceptance Form for Change of Programme Form AA/F013 and submit it to the School’s Administrative Assistant of the new programme.

Note: You will get a regret letter if either you have not qualified for the new programme or the new programme is at full quorum thus n o capacity .

15. Do you pay accommodation fees in the same account with the fees account?

ANSWER: Yes. You can pay the accommodation fees of KShs 6,500 together with the fees in the same account of either Equity Bank or Cooperative Bank as indicated in the Fee Structure or via e-Citizen..

16. Can I pay half the fees for 1st Semester and get admitted?

ANSWER: No. Karatina University encourages all Students to pay fees in full. You will NOT get admitted if you will not have 100% of fees and 100% accommodation.

17. Must I come with the laptop during registration or I can acquire it after reporting?

ANSWER: For proper learning on the blended mode of study (online and physical), students are encouraged to have a laptop for ease of access of online teaching and materials.

18. What if I don’t have a NHIF Card, can I use my guardian’s?

ANSWER: Yes. NHIF cards are given to applicants above 18 years. For reporting purposes, students below the age of 18 years can use the NHIF card for parent/guardian and will be required to avail a copy of the same on the reporting date.

For those above 18 years, kindly apply for an NHIF card at your nearest NHIF office before the reporting date and avail the NHIF acknowledgement slip (stamped and signed) on your reporting date.

19. How can I contact Admissions Office?

ANSWER: Please call the number +254 716 135 171 or +254 729 721 200. You can send an email to [email protected]

20. How do I pay fees to Karatina University?

ANSWER: Requisite Fees is payable via e-Citizen or to any branch of Cooperative or Equity Bank with details as follows:

1. Cooperative Bank

Account Name: Karatina University; Karatina Branch; Account Number: 01129059776700

2. Equity Bank

Account Name: Karatina University; Karatina Branch; Account Number: 0040298291603

Payment is also done on the Student Portal via E-Citizen

Campuses & Constituent Colleges

  • Main Campus
  • Eldoret Town Campus
  • Nairobi Campus
  • Coast Campus
  • College of Health Sciences
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Published on 30 May 2024 . Hits: 4442

  • You are required to download your admission letter at admissions.mu.ac.ke, under Government sponsored students.


  • Documents required in order to download your admission letter, except passport photo. a. Passport photo with yellow background b. Scanned Birth certificate or National ID (PDF) c. Scanned KCSE results slip (PDF) d. Scanned KCSE leaving Certificate (PDF)
  • In case of challenges, kindly call or WhatsApp 0724288774, 0724950422
  • Passport photo should be strictly passport photo . No selfies or any other images.

View the How to Download your Admission letter (PDF)

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  1. 11 best Sample Admission Letters images on Pinterest

    application letters for university admission

  2. Sample Motivation Letter for MBA with Example Template

    application letters for university admission

  3. Formal Letter Format For College

    application letters for university admission

  4. FREE 31+ Sample Application Letter Sample & Templates in PDF, MS Word

    application letters for university admission

  5. 13+ Sample Cover Letter For University Admission

    application letters for university admission

  6. Writing a College Admission Application Letter in Corrent Format

    application letters for university admission


  1. Student Sent FAKE ACCEPTANCE Letters to His Classmates!

  2. Application for Admission in College

  3. Application letters

  4. Application Letter for admission in Play Group @lettersapplications #youtubeshorts #admissionschool

  5. Application Letter. How to write a formal application letter

  6. Need quick admission letter for a scholarship, try this University. @10msadmissions


  1. University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below. Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course] Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic ...

  2. How to Write an Application Letter for University (+Sample Included

    Use a proper salutation. Begin your college application letter with a formal salutation. The standard, in this case, is "Dear". Be sure to avoid informal salutations such as "Hey", "Hi", and "Hello". 💡 Tip: Do your best to personalize your university application letter in every way that you can.

  3. University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

    University Application Letter Example Template. Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name]. My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

  4. Sample Letter Of Interest For University Admission: Free & Effective

    Answer: A Letter of Interest for University Admission, often referred to as a Statement of Purpose or a Cover Letter, is a personal document submitted as part of your university application. It outlines your academic and professional aspirations, explains why you are interested in a specific program and university, and highlights your relevant ...

  5. How to write a Motivation Letter for University (Sample)

    The motivation letter is an excellent medium for speaking directly to the university committee and making a solid case for getting their thumbs up. That's why you have to put in the extra work and be sure to: Write simply, concisely, and from your heart. Exhibit all your strengths and skills related to your desired studies.

  6. College Application Letter

    1. School Name and Address. You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use. 2.

  7. College Admission Letter Example: Free & Effective

    Answer: A College Application Letter is a document that a student submits to a college or university as part of their application for admission. The letter typically provides information about the student's academic background, extracurricular activities, personal qualities, and other factors that make them a good candidate for admission.

  8. Free College Admission Application Letter Templates

    Write down your personal information. Identify yourself at the beginning of your admissions letter. This means writing down your full name and address. Use the conventionally accepted address format, whereby you indicate the street address, state, city, and zip code. This way, the admissions officers reading your letter will have an idea of who ...

  9. College Admission Application Letter

    Writing a college admission application letter is a great way to make your college admission application stand out in the highly competitive application process. Write your letter in a professional format and tone and double-check for errors. ... University of Olympia. 2008 South Livingston Place. Los Alamos, NM 89779. Dear Mrs. Emory:

  10. How To Write a College Application Cover Letter (With Template)

    Follow these steps to write an impressive college application cover letter: 1. Write your name and street address. At the top of your cover letter, write your first and last name. On a separate line include your street address, followed by your city, state and zip code on another line. 2.

  11. Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

    A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include: Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient. Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention.

  12. 8 Key Things To Include in Your Letter of Application

    This means including a heading, salutation, body and a closing. Your heading is your full name and your full address, followed by the date and the college's full address. Research the name of the head of the office of admissions so you can address them specifically in your salutation. Example: [Your name]

  13. College Application Cover Letter Examples

    Writing Your College Application Cover Letter. While the samples here are great starting points, you will need to adjust them to focus on your specific situation. You will need to include: Why you want to attend this particular school. What your academic interests are. How the school is a good fit for your academic interests and long-term goals.

  14. Letter of Intent for Graduate School Admission (With Template)

    A letter of intent for graduate school admission is a requirement for some application processes. This letter contains details about your academic journey, how you became interested in graduate school, details about academic success and other qualifications. These letters differ from personal statements since they mainly focus on students ...


    Options for Organizing an Admissions Letter. Judge by the clues on the application form and by the nature of the profession or discipline what kind of logical structure you could use to tie your points together into a coherent whole. You may see indications you are expected to demonstrate your personality, or be self-analytical, or enter into ...

  16. Motivation Letter for University Admission

    Like a cover letter for employment, a motivational letter to study is used alongside your application to an academic program or position.An academic motivation letter is meant to describe how you personally are a good fit for the program you are applying to. Academic motivation letters are important because it makes your application more personal and separates your unique qualities from the ...

  17. 4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students

    Sample Letter #4: Joe the Hard Worker. Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class.

  18. University Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Here are 6 examples of skills to describe in a university student cover letter. Communication (always describe your style of communication) Collaboration and teamwork. Leadership. Critical thinking. Time management. Responsibility. Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a cover letter.

  19. Apply now

    The application fee is $80 for each UC campus ($95 for international and non-immigrant applicants). You can make your payment either by credit card or by mail, just be sure follow the instructions in the application. Once your application has been submitted, you are expected to pay for all your campus choices, even if you cancel your ...

  20. 20+ Sample College Application Letters

    9+ Trainee Appointment Letters. Download Samples in DOC, PDF, or Other Formats to Compose a College Application Letters for a School Admission. Quickly Prepare a Document for Entrance into Any College or University. Enjoy Free Downloads Now and Write a College Application in Google Docs, MS Word, and More.

  21. University Cover Letter Example · Resume.io

    Use this University cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast - no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for University positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes. 4.8.

  22. A Letter to Harvard Admissions

    In early October 2020, David Andrade '23 wrote the following email to Bill Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid. We are sharing his story here with his consent. October 2, 2020. Dear Dr. Fitzsimmons and Harvard Admissions, My name is David Andrade. I am currently a rising sophomore looking to major in Mechanical Engineering.

  23. Apply to College

    Aug. 10, 2023, at 11:15 a.m. Apply to College. More. Getty Images. The college application process can be daunting, especially for students and families going through it for the first time. Choose ...

  24. KUCCPS admission letters 2024/2025: a detailed guide

    KUCCPS admission letters are official documents indicating provisional admission to university studies for a particular degree program. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has unveiled a list of universities that have already issued admission letters to successful applicants for the academic year 2024/2025.

  25. First Year

    An official high school transcript must be submitted by your high school, either online with your application, by email ([email protected]), or by mail to Stony Brook University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 118 Administration Building, Stony Brook, NY 11794-1901.

  26. How To Write a Motivation Letter for Master's Admission

    Here's a helpful template you can use to help you organize your letter: [Your name] [Your address] [Your phone number] [Your email] [Date] Dear [Admission's leader for your desired program], My name is [your name] and I'm writing to express my sincere interest in [program name] at [institution name]. I recently completed a degree in [subject ...

  27. Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    Apply as a transfer student if you are a high school graduate who has completed at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours after high school graduation at a regionally accredited college or university. Below you will find information on transfer application requirements and deadlines, a complete list of required application materials and more.

  28. First-year International Students

    Make an application plan. As a first-year applicant, you'll first want to pick a deadline goal for the fall semester and decide if you'd like to apply Early Action (due Nov. 1) or Regular Decision (extended to July 15). You can also apply to start in the spring semester (due Nov. 1). 2. Apply using the Common Application.

  29. 2024/2025 KUCCPS Admission

    FROM: Registrar (AA) To: First Year Students (2024/2025 A Y) Congratulations for being placed at Karatina University! The reporting day will be Monday, 5th August 2024 and thereafter Orientation running throughout theweek.. To access the Admission Letter, check on the link below:


    University Policies & Documents; Historical Background; University Governance. Moi University Council; Moi University Management; Moi University Deans; Moi University Directors; Administrative Offices. Office of the Vice-Chancellor; Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (A, P & S) Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (A, R, E & SA) Schools