Essay on Discipline for Students and Children

500+ words essay on discipline.

Essay on Discipline – Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success . Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Besides, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some people consider it a part of their life and some don’t. It is the guide that availability directs a person on the right path.

Essay on Discipline

Importance and types of discipline

Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not.

Moreover, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle and ultimately bring success to your life.

If talk about the types of discipline, then they are generally of two types. First one is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline.

Induced discipline is something that others taught us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline comes from within and we learn it on our own self. Self-discipline requires a lot of motivation and support from others.

Above all, following your daily schedule without any mistake is also part of being disciplined.

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The Need for Discipline

essay on the discipline in english

Moreover, the meaning of discipline changes with the stages of life and priority. Not everyone can be disciplined because it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Also, it needs a positive mind and a healthy body . One has to be strict to discipline so that she/he can successfully complete the road of success.

Advantages of Discipline

The disciple is a staircase by which the person achieve success. It helps a person to focus on his/her goals in life. Also, it does not let him/her derivate from the goal.

Besides, it brings perfection in a person life by training and educating the mind and body of the person to respond to the rules and regulation, which will help him to be an ideal citizen of the society.

If we talk about professional life then, the disciplined person gets more opportunities than the person who is undisciplined. Also, it adds an exceptional dimension to the personality of the individual. Besides, the person leaves a positive impact on the mind of people wherever she/he goes.

In conclusion, we can say that discipline is one of the key elements of anyone’s life. A person can only be successful if she/he strictly live a healthy and disciplined life. Besides, the discipline also helps us in a lot of ways and motivates the person around us to be disciplined. Above all, discipline helps a person to achieve the success that she/he wants in life.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Define discipline in simple words?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “In simple language we can say that discipline is the organizing of human tasks and objectives so that can be successful. Besides, different fields and different people have a different meaning of discipline.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the three types of discipline according to the books?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”These 3 discipline relates to the school. According to the three types of discipline are prevention, corrective, and supportive. These 3 discipline helps teachers to maintain the order and regulation in the class.”} }] }

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Essay on Discipline

Here we have shared the Essay on Discipline in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Discipline in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Discipline in 150-250 words

Essay on discipline in 300-400 words, essay on discipline in 500-1000 words.

Discipline is an essential aspect of life that plays a crucial role in shaping our character, behavior, and overall success. It refers to the practice of following rules, regulations, and codes of conduct in a consistent and orderly manner.

Discipline is the foundation of personal and professional growth. It helps us develop self-control, responsibility, and the ability to make sound decisions. It instills a sense of order and structure in our lives, enabling us to manage our time, resources, and commitments effectively.

Discipline is particularly important in educational settings. It helps students stay focused, attentive, and committed to their studies. It promotes regular attendance, punctuality, and completion of assignments. Students who embrace discipline are more likely to achieve academic success and develop a strong work ethic.

Discipline is also crucial in personal relationships and professional environments. It fosters respect, accountability, and teamwork. It allows individuals to work together harmoniously, resolve conflicts, and achieve common goals. Discipline enables individuals to maintain integrity, adhere to ethical standards, and demonstrate professionalism.

In conclusion, discipline is an indispensable virtue that contributes to personal growth, academic achievement, and success in various aspects of life. By cultivating discipline, individuals can develop self-control, responsibility, and a sense of order. It is a quality that helps us navigate challenges, maintain focus, and achieve our goals. Embracing discipline paves the way for a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Discipline is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal development. It refers to the practice of adhering to rules, regulations, and codes of conduct, both in our personal lives and in the larger community. Discipline instills a sense of order, responsibility, and self-control, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our character, behavior, and overall success.

In personal life, discipline enables individuals to lead a well-organized and purposeful existence. It helps us manage our time effectively, prioritize tasks, and set and achieve goals. Discipline ensures that we follow a routine, maintain good health habits, and make conscious choices that align with our long-term objectives. It fosters self-control, enabling us to resist temptations and make wise decisions.

In educational institutions, discipline is essential for creating a conducive learning environment. It promotes regular attendance, punctuality, and completion of assignments. Students who practice discipline are more likely to stay focused, attentive, and committed to their studies. They develop effective study habits, demonstrate academic integrity, and engage in active learning, leading to higher academic achievement.

Discipline is also vital in professional settings. It fosters productivity, professionalism, and accountability. Employees who exhibit discipline adhere to work schedules, meet deadlines, and demonstrate a strong work ethic. They follow ethical guidelines, respect company policies, and contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment. Disciplined professionals are more likely to achieve career success and earn the respect and trust of their colleagues and superiors.

Moreover, discipline is crucial for the smooth functioning of society. It ensures that individuals respect the laws, regulations, and norms that govern social behavior. Discipline encourages citizens to be responsible, law-abiding members of society, promoting social harmony and stability. It fosters a sense of civic duty, encouraging individuals to actively participate in community activities, volunteerism, and initiatives that benefit society as a whole.

In conclusion, discipline is a vital virtue that contributes to personal growth, academic success, professional excellence, and a well-functioning society. By practicing discipline, individuals develop self-control, responsibility, and a sense of order. It enables us to lead purposeful lives, make wise choices, and achieve our goals. Discipline is an essential aspect of personal development and plays a significant role in shaping the progress and well-being of our communities and society as a whole.

Title: Discipline – The Path to Success and Personal Growth

Introduction :

Discipline is a virtue that encompasses self-control, adherence to rules, and the ability to maintain order and focus in various aspects of life. It is a fundamental characteristic that plays a significant role in personal development, academic achievement, and professional success. Discipline enables individuals to cultivate self-discipline, responsibility, and a sense of purpose, leading to enhanced productivity and personal growth. In this essay, we will explore the importance of discipline, its impact on different areas of life, and strategies for developing and maintaining discipline.

The Importance of Discipline

Discipline is vital for personal growth and success. It serves as the foundation for achieving goals, managing time effectively, and making wise choices. By practicing discipline, individuals develop self-control, which enables them to resist distractions, temptations, and impulsive behavior. Discipline helps individuals prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and work towards them systematically. It fosters a sense of responsibility, ensuring that commitments are fulfilled and tasks are completed on time. Without discipline, it becomes challenging to stay focused, maintain motivation, and accomplish objectives.

Discipline also plays a crucial role in academic achievement. Students who practice discipline are more likely to attend classes regularly, submit assignments on time, and engage actively in their studies. They develop effective study habits, manage their time efficiently, and utilize resources effectively. Disciplined students show commitment to their education, leading to improved academic performance, enhanced learning outcomes, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In the professional realm, discipline is a key attribute for success. It allows individuals to maintain professional standards, adhere to work schedules, and meet deadlines. Disciplined professionals demonstrate a strong work ethic, take ownership of their responsibilities, and work efficiently. They show dedication, consistency, and professionalism, which enhances their reputation, increases opportunities for growth and advancement, and earns the respect of their peers and superiors.

Strategies for Developing Discipline

Developing discipline requires conscious effort and practice. Here are some strategies to cultivate discipline in various areas of life:

Set Clear Goals: Define clear and specific goals for yourself. Establishing goals provides direction and motivation, making it easier to stay focused and disciplined.

Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes specific time slots for various activities, such as work, study, exercise, and leisure. Following a routine helps in managing time effectively and ensuring tasks are completed without procrastination.

Prioritize Tasks: Identify and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This helps in avoiding distractions and ensures that important tasks are given appropriate attention and completed on time.

Practice Self-Control: Develop self-control by consciously making choices that align with your goals and values. Practice resisting immediate gratification and impulse behaviors that may hinder progress.

Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks: Large tasks can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time. Celebrate small accomplishments along the way to stay motivated.

Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with people who encourage discipline and share similar values. Seek accountability partners or join study or work groups to stay motivated and inspired.

Eliminate Distractions: Minimize distractions that can hinder discipline and focus. Turn off notifications on your devices, create a designated study or work area, and establish boundaries to protect your time and concentration.

Practice Time Management: Develop effective time management skills by setting realistic deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and allocating specific time slots for different activities. Use productivity tools, such as calendars and to-do lists, to stay organized and on track.

Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being improves focus, energy levels, and overall discipline.

Stay Motivated: Find ways to stay motivated and inspired. Set rewards for accomplishing tasks or milestones, seek inspiration from role models and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of discipline.

Conclusion :

Discipline is a vital attribute that contributes to personal growth, academic success, and professional achievements. It enables individuals to develop self-control, responsibility, and a sense of purpose. By practicing discipline, individuals can effectively manage their time, make wise choices, and achieve their goals. Cultivating discipline requires conscious effort, perseverance, and the implementation of various strategies. However, the rewards of discipline are immense, leading to enhanced productivity, personal growth, and a path to success. Embracing discipline as a way of life can bring about positive changes and open doors to new opportunities.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Discipline in English | 100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words

Essay on Discipline in English | discipline essay for class 10: In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on discipline in English. Here, we’ve provided 5 essays (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words) on this topic. These essays are helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Discipline: 100 Words

Discipline means complete obedience of certain rules and regulations. Discipline is an essential and noble quality. It helps a man to be honest, self-satisfied, happy and successful in life. Discipline is essential in family, society, sports, battlefield, school, organizations and everywhere. It develops strength, unity and cooperation.

Discipline is the first and foremost thing for a student. No student can achieve academic brilliance without discipline. Disciplined students are able to concentrate more on their studies. Life without discipline is a ship without a rudder. If we do not abide by discipline, there will be chaos and confusion in all aspects of life. Therefore, everyone should be disciplined in life.

Essay on Discipline in English

Discipline in Student Life Essay: 120 Words

Discipline is the training of mind and character. It teaches us to be respectful and obedient to those in authority. Everyone who has a good character has a strong sense of discipline. This discipline can be acquired, only when one is strong. It helps us to build up a strong character and a strong will.

Those who are obedient to teachers in school, become obedient citizens when they grow up. Such people become responsible citizens of the country. Those who have no discipline become disorderly violent and irresponsible citizens. Hence, it is very important that children should be disciplined in student life so that they might become worthy citizens of their country.

Also Read: Paragraph on Discipline in English

Discipline Essay in English: 150 Words

Discipline means obeying some general rules of conduct. It gives us better health, more respect, more money and above all it makes us a perfect human being. Every society has certain rules to control the life and activities of its members. If any of the rules is broken there will be trouble and disorder everywhere and the society will suffer. There will remain peace and happiness in a family when the younger members obey their superiors and every member follows the established rules.

On the other hand, if the members do not obey their superiors and do what they like, peace and happiness will completely disappear from the family. Discipline is best observed among soldiers. It is essential to ensure maximum efficiency of the soldiers. Discipline in schools and colleges is important for students. A disciplined student not only become successful in life but also become a responsible citizen. So discipline is necessary at every step of a man’s life.

Discipline Essay in English

Value of Discipline Essay: 200 Words

Discipline means obeying the rule or following the rule. When we develop discipline, then our life becomes organized. There comes a kind of orderliness in our life. Students are the future of a nation. So, they should be properly disciplined. This is the reason why efforts are made to maintain discipline in schools. Discipline has great importance in the army and police forces. Similarly, there should be discipline in the family and society also.

Nation progresses through discipline. A person living disciplined life benefits in many ways. Qualities like courage and patience are developed in him. Therefore, we should follow the discipline created by society, government or any other organization. Whereas, lack of discipline creates confusion and difficulties. Instead of peace and progress, it creates a lot of complications in life.

The life of each and every great personality of the world has been full of discipline. Nobody can succeed without discipline. A disciplined person respects others and is respected by others. Discipline helps a person become to become a better human being. Discipline is the only solution to the problems like corruption, bribery, scams, cheating, terrorism, etc. Only educated and disciplined youths can give our country a bright future.

Value of Discipline Essay

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Importance of Discipline Essay: 250 Words

Discipline is an important virtue in one’s life. Discipline helps people to build an attitude that becomes the key to becoming successful. It helps us to improve our self-confidence and self-control. Discipline helps us to stay focused on our goals. This helps develop strength and efficiency in a person.

Discipline is necessary wherever we are. Whether in society, school, office, battlefield or playground discipline is a must. No organization can run well without proper discipline. Lack of discipline creates chaos, disorder and confusion. Most of the successful people follow discipline in their life on a daily basis. Discipline shapes our life and teaches us how to handle different situations.

Discipline in student life is very important. It helps one to achieve better grades in school. A student should wake up early. He should give most of his time to his studies. He should respect his elders. A student should not tell lies. He should never cheat. He should never be disrespectful to anyone. He should keep good company. These habits finally make a student disciplined.

Home is the first place to develop discipline. The peace and progress of a family largely depend on it. A disciplined person becomes a responsible citizen. He keeps himself away from corruption and cheating. And only responsible citizens can bring change to the country. It is a virtue that everyone should have.

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Discipline is the Key to Success Essay

Most people have heard the saying “discipline is the key to success” at some point in their life. Whether it’s from a teacher, parent, mentor or friend, this old adage is still relevant today. This essay will explore these questions and provide insight into the power of discipline and how it relates to success. Read on to learn more about why discipline is an important tool for achieving your goals.

Discipline is the Key to Success Essay

100 Words Essay on Discipline is the Key to Success Essay

Discipline is one of the most essential qualities that individuals need to possess in order to achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

What is Discipline

Discipline refers to the ability to control one's actions, behaviour, and thoughts in a way that is conducive to achieving specific goals. It involves making and keeping commitments, consistently striving to improve oneself, and focusing on the task at hand. When we are disciplined, we are in control of ourselves. We are able to make decisions based on what is best for us, not what is easiest or most enjoyable at the moment.

Discipline requires self-control, determination, and a strong sense of purpose. It is essential for success in all areas of life, including school, work, and personal relationships.

200 Words Essay on Discipline is the Key to Success Essay

Discipline is the ability to take responsibility for one's actions. This means being accountable for one's mistakes and failures, and learning from them. Successful individuals understand that setbacks and failures are opportunities for growth and improvement. By taking responsibility for their actions, individuals are able to learn from their mistakes and make better choices in the future.

Why is Discipline Important

So why is discipline important? Because it is the foundation of a successful and meaningful life. It helps us to focus on what is important, develop good habits and achieve our goals. Here are some key reasons:

Helps achieve goals | Discipline is essential for achieving goals. It helps individuals prioritise long-term goals over short-term pleasures, make and keep commitments, and stay focused on the task at hand.

Improves self-control | Discipline helps individuals develop self-control, which is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. This leads to better decision-making and more effective communication.

Develops good habits | Discipline involves cultivating good habits and making positive choices. Over time, these habits become second nature, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.

Enhances productivity | Being disciplined helps individuals manage their time more effectively, leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.

Boosts confidence | When individuals consistently demonstrate discipline in their actions and behaviour, they develop a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, which helps them succeed in their personal and professional lives.

500 Words Essay On Discipline Is The Key To Success

The ability to delay gratification is a crucial aspect of discipline. This means being able to prioritise long-term goals over short-term pleasures. For example, a student who wants to achieve good grades will need to sacrifice leisure time to study and complete assignments. Similarly, an athlete who wants to excel in their sport will need to make sacrifices such as following a strict diet and exercise routine. The ability to delay gratification requires self-control, determination, and a strong sense of purpose.

Discipline is an important quality in every aspect of life. It is what helps us to achieve our goals, both big and small. It is the key to success in school, work and relationships. In school, students who are disciplined are more likely to achieve better grades, have better attendance, and be more prepared for exams.

How To Be Disciplined In Life

Discipline is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. The more we practise it, the easier it becomes. And as we become more disciplined, we open up new opportunities for success in all areas of our lives. Being disciplined in life is not always easy, but it is an essential quality for success. Here are some tips on how to be disciplined in life:

Set clear goals | To be disciplined, you need to have clear goals. Define what you want to achieve, create a plan of action, and stick to it. Set realistic goals for yourself and commit to achieving them.

Create a schedule | To manage your time effectively, create a schedule and stick to it. Prioritise your tasks and allocate time for each of them. Remember to include time for breaks and rest. Create a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible.

Develop positive habits | Cultivate positive habits that support your goals. For example, if you want to be healthier, develop a habit of exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. Make time for self-care and activities that make you happy.

Practice self-control | Practise self-control by avoiding distractions and temptations that can derail you from your goals. This may mean saying no to activities or people that are not aligned with your goals. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions throughout the day.

Focus on the task at hand | When working on a task, stay focused and avoid multitasking. Focus on the most important task first and complete it before moving on to the next one.

Learn from mistakes | Mistakes are opportunities for growth and improvement. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your plan, and keep moving forward. Be willing to accept feedback from others and learn from your mistakes.

Stay motivated | Stay motivated by reminding yourself of your goals and why they are important to you. Celebrate your successes and stay positive in the face of setbacks.

In summary, being disciplined in life requires setting clear goals, creating a schedule, developing positive habits, practising self-control, focusing on the task at hand, learning from mistakes, and staying motivated. By following these tips, you can develop the self-discipline necessary for success in all areas of life.

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Essays About Discipline: Top 5 Examples And 10 Prompts

Looking for inspiration? Discover our helpful examples of essays about discipline and inspiring writing prompts to guide you in your writing.

The power of discipline is related to extreme focus, self-control and resilience. Having discipline allows people to abide by standards that can help improve their lives.  On an individual level, discipline extremely helps in developing self-control, allowing one to resist present gratifications and achieve something much better in the future.  In the larger society, discipline among members is crucial to maintain good behavior and allow communities to follow rules and achieve common goals. 

For your essay about discipline, take inspiration from our essay examples and prompts below:

1. Is School-Discipline Reform Moving Too Fast? by Wayne D’Orio

2. how self-control can actually unleash your dark side by david robson, 3. physical discipline is harmful and ineffective by eve glicksman, 4. discipline as a vital tool to maintain the army profession by maj. michael petrusic, 5. the key to mental discipline by owen fitzpatrick, 10 writing prompts for essays about discipline, 1. how to build self-discipline, 2. self-discipline as a key to success, 3. review of self-discipline books, 4. discipline in your school, 5. your parents’ discipline methods, 6. what is positive discipline, 7. employee discipline, 8. discipline in ancient civilizations., 9. self-discipline for weight loss, 10. the lack of discipline.

“While some districts were already working to reduce suspensions, the federal push spurred more schools to revamp their disciplinary procedures. So, too, did the growing body of evidence documenting the harm associated with pulling students out of school,”

Schools have been moving back and forth when introducing reforms on discipline. Moving from an extremely tough stance to an extremely lax one, schools continue to find the right balance on how to discipline students both generally and on a case-to-case basis. In between reforms, teachers are in the thick of adjusting their approaches with minimal guidance, creating a bigger mess that drives a high turnover among teachers. 

“…[S]omeone with high self-control is more likely to act ruthlessly when group cohesion starts to fall apart, including times when their own sense of power or authority is threatened, or when they feel in competition with others… If so, we might start to appreciate the people around us who are a little bit less disciplined and agreeable than the rest.”

For decades, self-discipline has been considered an admirable part of good character that should be developed at a young age. But new studies and experiments are showing that being highly disciplined can turn into toxic traits and even encourage immoral acts. Check out these essays about respect .

“Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child’s aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship. Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse.”

The American Psychological Association (APA) brings to light new evidence that physical punishment can cause lasting harm to children. While spanking gets children’s attention and would stop a wrong deed in an instant, the act bears dangerous effects that stretch up to a child’s adult years. The APA, hence, offers an alternative approach to parenting — one defined by “respectful communication, collaborative conflict resolution and parental modeling.”

“If Army leaders inadequately police misconduct within the force by failing to consider and exercise their range of disciplinary options when appropriate, they will create a perception that the Army is unable or unwilling to address misconduct within the ranks. That perception will both contribute to a culture of impunity regarding misconduct and erode the public’s trust in the Army’s disciplinary systems and its ability to self-police.”

The military has been embroiled in several controversies that make the public suspect a decline in discipline and corrective measures within the army. The essay indeed shows a decline in the use of disciplinary options and takes readers through the reforms and proposed interventions that have emerged to restore civic trust in the military. Check out these essays about competition .

“[Mental discipline] is about making a daily, committed decision as to what you are going to pay attention to and how you are going to think. It is a committed effort to keep using what you learn to maintain a healthy attitude and build the kind of emotions that serve you well.”

Just as the body needs exercise, so does the human mind. Mental discipline is a kind of discipline where you consistently engage in a mental activity that you want to be good at. As strengthening your mind to have discipline takes a lot of practice and will, the essay offers helpful tips.

Read on to see essay prompts on the topic of discipline that can help you:

Essays About Discipline: How to build self-discipline

Achieving self-discipline requires a lot of practice every day. For this prompt, round up first the biggest benefits of developing self-discipline based on what existing studies show. Then, draw up a list of tips on how one can commit to a routine that promotes discipline. Finally, offer some words of encouragement, such as reminding that the small things done every day could build up to something big. 

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “With self-discipline, almost anything is possible.” In your essay, explain why you think people value self-discipline as a hallmark of successful people. Find studies that show links between self-discipline and the achievement of goals and include these in your essay.

If your life has been moved by a book on self-discipline, it might be great to highlight this book in your essay. Describe how the book helped you develop a certain level of self-restraint to delay short-term desires. Elaborate on how it helped you set your sights on the bigger trophy waiting in your future. List down the author’s most helpful tips and don’t forget to include your favorite quotes from the book.

First, define what discipline is for you as a student and the role schools play in developing discipline among the younger generations. Then, highlight the disciplinary strategies undertaken by your school. Elaborate cases in which school suspension is deemed necessary. And finally, provide your own insights on the effectiveness of your school’s discipline strategies and ways in which they can be improved. 

What are your parents’ rules at home and how do they discipline you when you disobey? To answer this in your essay, find out first the different methods of discipline. Then, identify which category best suits your parent’s ways of discipline. Share your inputs as to how your parents’ methods have helped you build discipline. 

Positive discipline moves away from the punishing forms of disciplinary action such as spanking and yelling. First, write about the beginnings of the concept of positive discipline. Then, list down the most common techniques in positive discipline. Cite studies that show how positive discipline compares against punishment-based discipline in effectively changing behaviors. Finally, answer whether parents and schools should start listening more to advocates of positive discipline and why so. 

Having high disciplinary standards is imperative for organizations to maintain stability and productivity. For your essay, delineate first the roles of the human resource unit, managers and supervisors in implementing disciplinary policies and the code of conduct. Then, offer recommendations on how each can improve their roles to consistently enforce rules, ensure due process in disciplinary cases and strengthen the organization’s values. 

In ancient Rome, children endured corporal punishment such as beating and whipping. Research the pros and cons historians discovered from this practice. Investigate what were the kind of people that came out of such childhood during the early civilizations. Finally, find out why corporal punishment has declined since then.

In an age where ordering fast food can be done in a jiffy, many of us have gained the extra pounds that we now regret and badly want to lose. Write a motivational essay on how your readers can keep on track of their fitness journey. Offer tips on how they can change their eating habits to how they can add exercise into their daily routine even if they feel that don’t have time for a workout.

For this essay, point out how a child’s lack of discipline can affect him or her. Segment how these disadvantages appear in three settings or scenarios: home, school and the future. For example, a lack of discipline makes it challenging for children to disobey rules and regulations. If they violate rules repeatedly, the worst consequence could be suspension or even expulsion, depending on the graveness of the misconduct. 

For more writing tips, check out our guide on transition words .Looking for more? Read our guide on persuasive writing .

essay on the discipline in english

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Essay on Discipline

“Discipline” means obeying the rules or doing things properly. There are many good things that we often listen about. Since childhood, our parents try to teach us good habits. When we reach school, our teachers teach us good etiquette and manners. When we grow old, we try to grasp the good things around us. The one thing which is common in all the stages of life is “Discipline”. From a small kid to a grown-up adult, we always hear the word “discipline” a lot in our life. It never gets old because of its huge importance. Therefore, today we will discuss discipline in detail.

Short and Long Discipline Essay in English

Here, I’m presenting long and short essays on Discipline in English for students under the word limit of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Discipline with proper headings will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Discipline Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Discipline is a behavior that encourages us to obey rules.

2) Discipline is important in every phase of life.

3) It helps us to achieve success and fulfill our dreams in life.

4) Discipline helps to increase self-confidence in us.

5) Parents, teachers, and elders teach us discipline.

6) It helps us to stay focused and committed to our goals.

7) Discipline plays an important role in shaping a better future.

8) Student life is majorly affected by discipline.

9) Discipline helps to build a good personality.

10) A good and healthy life can only be achieved if we are disciplined.

Short Essay on Discipline (250 – 300 Words)


Discipline means being able to meet all the commitments on schedule and respecting all the rules. It refers to understanding how important time is, treating people with respect, and being thankful for nature. This trait helps a person to overcome problems and reach their goals. Discipline has a big effect on the lives of people.

Role of Discipline in our Life

Our lives revolve around discipline. From childhood to adulthood, discipline plays a vital role in every phase of life. School, college, and university are all places where discipline is important. Discipline is very important in student life. It helps to boost confidence and increase focus on goals.

It is important to concentrate on studies, obtain good marks, and prepare for the future. Parents should teach discipline to their children in the early stage of their life. It will help them to build a successful and happy future. Discipline keeps a person both mentally and physically fit.

A disciplined person has full control over his actions, thoughts, body, and spirit. People will also respect you more if you are disciplined. The first step toward success is discipline. One has to put lots of effort to be disciplined and follow it throughout the life.

It allows us to live a happy life without any stress. It motivates us to work hard and stay focused on our goals. A disciplined way of living opens the door to success and happiness. Not only does being disciplined help you reach your goals, but it also makes you feel good inside and out.

Having a successful life is almost impossible without discipline just like life is impossible on the earth without water and oxygen. Discipline plays a vital role in making human being, a social human being. We must follow discipline throughout our life to reach our goal and be happy.

Long Essay on Discipline (500 Words)

Discipline refers to following a proper order to do something. In other words, discipline is a way to keep yourself and your actions in check. It is a key part of becoming a good person and is important in everyday life. It also means meeting all of your deadlines and responsibilities on time. It is the way we act that helps us stay focused, dedicated, on time, and committed to our goals. Our family and schools help us learn what discipline really means. Discipline makes a human a better person in general.

Discipline: The path to success

Discipline is just as important to success as breathing is to life. Discipline is the first and most important thing you need to learn in life. It is the foremost of all the set of steps that lead a person toward success. Discipline makes you sure of yourself and helps you move forward toward your goal. A person can become more focused and self-confident with the help of discipline.

The person who is disciplined gets more chances and opportunities in life than those who are not disciplined. Many great men in history, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Swami Rama Krishna, etc were successful because they lived disciplined life.

Advantages of Discipline

There are many benefits to being disciplined. Everyone needs discipline if they want to live a smooth, successful, and happy life. When people don’t have the discipline or don’t follow it, it causes problems and difficulties. Whether you are a student, professional, or elder discipline is essential to carry out your work efficiently.

Discipline also helps to earn respect in society. Everyone loves people who are calm, disciplined, and have good habits. It helps us be on time, work hard, and stay focused on our goals. Moreover, being disciplined keeps us healthy and active.

Discipline in Student’s Life

When a person is in school, discipline is one of the most important things that determine how well they do in the future. It keeps students motivated, stress-free, focused, active, and dynamic. If you lack discipline in your academic life, you won’t be able to create goals for yourself or perform well in your studies. A good career begins with student life and a good student life requires well-discipline. It teaches students the value of time and its management. Teachers love the student who is disciplined.

It also helps you feel better about yourself, which is important for a student. A student can only do well in school and have a successful career if he is disciplined.

Everyone needs discipline more than anything else in their lives. Without discipline, we can’t live a life that has meaning. It helps people to attain every height of life. So, the need and value of discipline in our life cannot be denied. However, it is hard to follow discipline because it demands continuous effort, commitment and hard work. If we want success, we need to learn how to be disciplined.

I hope the above provided essays on Discipline will be helpful in understanding the importance of discipline in different aspects of our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Discipline

Ans. Lack of motivation, irresponsible, laziness, fear of failure, etc are the barriers to discipline.

Ans. Supportive discipline, preventative discipline, and corrective discipline are three different types of Discipline.

Ans. Punctual, focused, hard working, calm, well-managed, etc are some qualities of a disciplined person.

Ans. Craig Ballantyne is considered the world’s most disciplined person.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Value Of Discipline

Discipline is a fundamental aspect of successful societies and personal lives, shaping habits, behaviors, and outcomes across various spheres. Writing a short essay on the value of discipline requires a focused exploration of its benefits, applications, and significance. Here’s a structured approach to help you draft a persuasive and insightful essay on this topic.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a title that is both engaging and descriptive, such as “Discipline: The Key to Success and Harmony.”

Introduction : Begin with a compelling statement or anecdote that illustrates the positive impact of discipline in a relatable context—this could be a success story or a historical event. Briefly define what discipline means in the broadest sense, including self-control, orderliness, and adherence to rules and principles. Conclude the introduction with a thesis statement that presents the central arguments of your essay, such as the role of discipline in personal success, societal order, and mental health.

Body of the Essay

Personal Success :

  • Paragraph 1 : Discuss how discipline is critical to achieving personal goals. Highlight how self-regulation and commitment lead to the development of habits necessary for success in academics, careers, and personal projects. Use examples of successful individuals whose achievements can be attributed to a disciplined approach to their work and life.

Societal Order :

  • Paragraph 2 : Explore the importance of discipline in maintaining societal order. Explain how rules and regulations help create a predictable and safe environment. Discuss the consequences of indiscipline in society, such as chaos, conflict, and dysfunction, contrasting these with societies where discipline is a core value.

Mental Health and Well-being :

  • Paragraph 3 : Examine the relationship between discipline and mental health. Address how structured routines and self-control can lead to reduced stress, increased productivity, and overall mental well-being. Mention studies or expert opinions that support the notion that discipline helps in managing life’s challenges more effectively.

Summarize the key points discussed, reinforcing the thesis about the pervasive value of discipline. Emphasize the universal benefits of discipline, encouraging readers to cultivate it in their personal and professional lives. Conclude with a reflective thought or a question that prompts further consideration of the role of discipline in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.

Value Of Discipline Essay Example #1

Discipline is a virtue that encompasses self-control, commitment, and adherence to a set of principles or rules. It is a cornerstone of personal growth, success, and overall well-being. The value of discipline extends beyond mere obedience; it empowers individuals to overcome challenges, achieve goals, and lead a purposeful life.

One of the key benefits of discipline is its role in personal development. By cultivating discipline, individuals gain the ability to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and stay focused amidst distractions. Discipline provides the structure needed to set and achieve goals, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. It instills habits of consistency and perseverance, enabling individuals to overcome obstacles and setbacks along their journey.

Discipline is also essential in academic and professional settings. Students who practice discipline exhibit improved study habits, time management skills, and a greater ability to meet deadlines. They are more likely to excel academically and develop a strong work ethic that carries into their professional lives. In the workplace, discipline ensures reliability, productivity, and a commitment to quality results.

Furthermore, discipline plays a vital role in maintaining healthy relationships. It fosters respect, accountability, and effective communication. Individuals who practice discipline are more likely to honor commitments, manage conflicts constructively, and prioritize the needs of others. Discipline helps to build trust and strengthen connections, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious relationships.

While discipline brings numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Maintaining discipline requires self-awareness, self-control, and a willingness to make sacrifices. It necessitates resisting short-term gratification in favor of long-term goals. However, with practice and determination, discipline becomes a habit that yields immense rewards.

To cultivate discipline, individuals can employ various strategies. Creating a routine, setting achievable goals, and breaking tasks into manageable steps can help promote consistency and progress. Seeking support from mentors, coaches, or accountability partners can provide guidance and encouragement. Developing self-motivation techniques, such as visualization, positive affirmations, and rewards, can also enhance discipline.

In conclusion, the value of discipline is undeniable. It is a virtue that empowers individuals to overcome challenges, achieve goals, and lead a purposeful life. Through discipline, personal growth is fostered, academic and professional success is attained, and relationships flourish. While discipline may require effort and sacrifice, its benefits far outweigh the challenges. By embracing discipline, individuals can unlock their true potential and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Value Of Discipline Essay Example #2

Discipline is a fundamental value that plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies. It is the key to achieving success, maintaining order, and reaching personal and professional goals. The value of discipline extends to every aspect of life, from education and career to relationships and personal growth. In essence, discipline provides the structure and self-control necessary to navigate life’s challenges and make the most of opportunities.

One of the primary benefits of discipline is its impact on academic and professional success. In the realm of education, disciplined students exhibit traits such as attentiveness, time management, and a strong work ethic. They prioritize their studies, complete assignments promptly, and are proactive in seeking knowledge. Such discipline leads to higher grades, improved learning outcomes, and a solid foundation for future endeavors.

In the professional world, discipline is highly valued by employers and colleagues alike. Disciplined individuals demonstrate punctuality, reliability, and a commitment to quality work. They are focused, organized, and able to meet deadlines consistently. This level of discipline not only enhances productivity but also fosters a positive reputation, opening doors to new opportunities and career advancement.

Beyond academics and career, discipline plays a significant role in personal growth and self-improvement. It requires individuals to set goals, develop action plans, and adhere to them despite distractions or setbacks. Through discipline, individuals cultivate habits such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and continuous learning. These habits contribute to physical well-being, mental clarity, and personal development, enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives.

Discipline is also vital in maintaining healthy relationships. It involves respecting boundaries, practicing effective communication, and demonstrating commitment. Disciplined individuals are reliable, accountable, and considerate of others’ needs. They prioritize the well-being of their relationships, fostering trust, and creating a harmonious environment for growth and connection.

While discipline may sometimes be perceived as restrictive or challenging, its benefits far outweigh any perceived limitations. Discipline provides a sense of direction, focus, and purpose. It empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, resist temptations, and make choices aligned with their long-term aspirations. It instills a sense of self-control and resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and determination.

In conclusion, the value of discipline cannot be overstated. It is a crucial element in achieving academic and professional success, personal growth, and nurturing healthy relationships. By embracing discipline, individuals gain the tools to overcome challenges, stay focused on their goals, and lead a purposeful life. Discipline is not a constraint but rather a pathway to self-discovery, fulfillment, and the realization of one’s true potential.

Value Of Discipline Essay Example #3

Discipline is a virtue that holds the power to transform individuals and shape their lives in profound ways. It is the unwavering commitment to self-control, perseverance, and adherence to principles. The value of discipline goes beyond short-term achievements; it fosters long-term growth, personal fulfillment, and success.

One of the significant impacts of discipline is its ability to cultivate self-control. In a world filled with distractions and instant gratification, discipline empowers individuals to resist temptations and make choices aligned with their long-term goals. It allows individuals to overcome impulsive behaviors and develop a sense of restraint that leads to healthier and more fulfilling lifestyles. Whether it’s resisting unhealthy habits, managing impulses, or staying focused on important tasks, discipline provides the inner strength needed to make positive choices.

Discipline also plays a crucial role in personal growth and skill development. By embracing discipline, individuals commit to continuous learning, practice, and improvement. Whether it’s mastering a musical instrument, honing athletic abilities, or developing professional skills, discipline ensures consistent effort and dedication. It enables individuals to push beyond their comfort zones, overcome challenges, and reach new levels of expertise. Through discipline, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable personal growth.

Moreover, discipline is instrumental in achieving long-term goals and aspirations. It instills the habits of planning, organization, and perseverance necessary for success. Disciplined individuals set clear objectives, break them down into actionable steps, and consistently work towards their realization. They understand the importance of consistency, hard work, and resilience in the face of obstacles. By maintaining discipline, individuals stay committed to their goals and increase their chances of accomplishing them.

Discipline also contributes to the development of strong character and integrity. It requires individuals to uphold moral values, act responsibly, and make ethical choices. By practicing discipline, individuals build trust and credibility in their personal and professional relationships. They become reliable, accountable, and respected members of their communities.

While discipline may require effort and sacrifice, its rewards are immeasurable. It brings order, focus, and direction to individuals’ lives. It instills a sense of purpose and empowers individuals to take control of their destinies. Discipline provides the necessary foundation for personal and professional success and paves the way for a life of fulfillment and achievement.

In conclusion, the value of discipline cannot be overstated. It has the potential to transform individuals, enabling them to develop self-control, achieve personal growth, and realize their dreams. Through discipline, individuals cultivate the virtues of perseverance, organization, and integrity. By embracing discipline, individuals unlock their true potential, leading lives of purpose, success, and personal fulfillment.

Final Writing Tips

  • Be Precise : Given the short essay format, focus on delivering clear and concise points. Avoid unnecessary details that do not contribute directly to your main arguments.
  • Use Examples : Enhance your arguments with relevant examples or anecdotes. Real-life applications make the abstract concept of discipline more tangible and relatable.
  • Stay Balanced : While promoting the benefits of discipline, acknowledge that flexibility and creativity also play crucial roles in a balanced life.
  • Proofread : Ensure your essay is free from grammatical errors and that the structure allows for smooth transitions between paragraphs.
  • Engage Your Audience : Write in a way that resonates with your readers, using language that is accessible and persuasive.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Essay on Discipline for Students in English | 500+ Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Discipline: Discipline is a fundamental quality of every human being that motivates him to lead an organised life. To progress in life and achieve excellence and success, we need to be disciplined in our work and approach. Children should be taught discipline from a young age in terms of studying, following regular habits and going to school. Discipline instils good behaviour and inspires others to follow our path.

Essay on Discipline 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Discipline Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. – Abraham Lincoln

Everything in life requires discipline. It is the act of obeying rules and following a proper, pre-defined code of conduct. A disciplined person is one who has complete control over his or her actions, mind, body and soul. It is an essential lifelong value that should be inculcated in oneself from the very beginning.  Discipline often turns out to be a weighing factor in future life success. It often becomes a way of one’s life where punctuality and systematic approach take a prominent position.

Importance of Discipline

Being disciplined gives us the ability to stay more focused and complete our tasks within the specified time frames and deadlines. We first think and then do any work, instead of merely jumping in. Being disciplined also helps you gain the respect of others. If you are a student, then submitting your homework on time and preparing well for your exams will make you a disciplined student in front of your teachers. If you are an employee, you would always complete your tasks within deadlines and come to your workplace on time.  This will gain the respect of your boss as well as your colleagues.

One more advantage of being disciplined is that it helps to keep us healthy and active. A disciplined person always has his or her day mapped out and knows what activities to do at what time. He or she will have a specified time for sleeping, exercising, taking a bath and eating.  Disciplined people also tend to have higher self- control. They can control their tongue and never speak out of turn. They are also good at forming healthy and continuing relationships. They know what is harmful to them and hence control themselves from indulging into it, no matter how tempting it looks.

Types of Discipline

There are broadly two types of discipline:

Enforced Discipline: Also known as an induced discipline, this type of control is taught to us by others. Sometimes, even negative techniques like punishment are also given to make people follow and obey rules and laws. This type of discipline can be seen in prisons and classrooms.

Self -Discipline: It is the type of discipline that we follow our self. We develop self-control which showcases our inner strength and values. Being self -disciplined does not mean living a restrictive and limited life. It means getting done what you need to be done by yourself, without getting any outside help. It helps you in taking well-thought decisions, instead of just impulsive ones.

There are numerous ways by which one can achieve self-discipline. First and foremost, one should be aware of his or her weakness. It may be as small as chocolate chip cookies or an addiction towards social media platforms. Knowing your weakness is vital to decide where and in which direction you need to apply self- discipline into. The best way to increase your self -discipline is by removing all temptations and getting rid of distractions.

If you have a report to submit the very next day, keep your mobile phone silent or switched off. If you are trying to lose weight and become fit, then refrain from buying junk food and keep healthier options available at home. Always keep in mind what goal you want to achieve and execute it according to plan. Always keep yourself motivated and energised. Try to have strong willpower as it will give you all the needed determination and perseverance for achieving your objective.

Techniques of Discipline

The first technique is time management . It makes you live your life as per the schedule and teaches you the worth of time. You understand that time waits for no one and hence, finish your activities in the required period. Another technique is the responsibility-based discipline. In this, employees of an organisation are given the responsibility of solving a problem that is being faced by the company.

This gets them to look at alternative plans and actions to be taken up with limited resources and also encourages them to generate superior results. The third one is known as corporal punishment which is a harsher way of disciplining someone. It involves causing physical pain or harm to the other person to get them to behave as desired. This is more often seen in the armed forces and was previously also a part of classrooms.

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  • Importance of Discipline Essay


Essay on Importance of Discipline

Essay writing is an important aspect of developing the language. Essay helps you to harness and discipline your thinking ability. Every time you see a topic, your mind will be filled with ideas and points for you to work on it. However, it will take a lot of patience to compile these ideas to produce a beautiful write-up. You can obtain the ability to write a good essay through consistent persistence and practice.  To aid students in their journey to write good essays, Vedantu has provided an essay on the importance of discipline for the benefit of the students. You can go through the same to understand the art of writing essays better.

Importance of Discipline

“The cost of Discipline is always less than the price of regrets, so self-discipline is always the biggest investment to success in life” who will forget such inspiring breath-stopping inspiring words of 11th president of India- Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. He was the most disciplined person in the world. Countless qualities the man had but it was not of any use if he wasn't disciplined. Frequently he addresses the disciplined quality in the successful people in his speeches. If such an inspirational legendary person described discipline as a key to success, then there must be something in that.

The first thing that every school teacher teaches, every college follows and on which every organization setup runs is Discipline. The school evolved the student in such a way that the student will complete the task within or before the time. This helps him to be a punctual person and without being delayed he will rush towards success. The large multinational companies are set up with certain targets set by their clients. Clients may be the third-party for any project, so he needs to submit the project towards the owner. So, organizations develop their employees with timely submission skills. So that the delays are avoided and the bank charges from the clients are forfeited.

If you want a great example to study discipline, it is soldiers. Soldiers are the most disciplined people in all professions. If they are late the country has to pay the debts to enemies. So, in such a critical job profile they need to maintain their physical and mental strength for fighting in unpredictable times. The high commanders taught them the importance and the techniques to discipline one. So, from the waking time to the good night sleep and from hairstyle to the clothing sense, they all have a disciplined structure.

If the company employees delay every day, the work starts on a delayed time. And this will create a bad impact on the other disciplined mates and the job too. Even the negative vibes will start roaming around the job area. If he is late by an hour, the output of his one hour is deducted from the day and targets are not fulfilled. The next is his dressing sense too. If a person comes to the office with negative casual wearing, this will neither look good nor feel good.

The importance of discipline shows us its effects throughout the day. Even the housewives are disciplined in the handling of home. Waking up too early for tiffins for the kids is the starting task for her and night lullaby is the end of the day. His delay and poor efforts will have an adverse impact on the child and her husband’s day. Discipline is one of the keys to success, and if this key is missing then it's difficult to unlock the door of success. Even if God gives very few chances to open it, we need to be disciplined in presence at the correct time to open it.

How to improve discipline as a student?

Discipline is of utmost importance when you are a student. If you are looking forward to becoming a more disciplined student, follow the tips and tricks below. Applying these habits into your daily life will help you become a more disciplined student and thereby perform well in your studies. Self-discipline is one of the most valuable skills that will help you throughout your life. 

Plan and Organize- Planning and organizing your day is one of the best ways in which you can bring about a study routine in your life. But it is also important to plan and organize your study materials. This will help you in learning and understanding your lessons better. When you become more systematic, it will save a lot of your time and energy.

Know your Strengths and Weaknesses- One of the major benefits of being self-disciplined is that you get better power and control over yourself and your actions. So it is important to understand what you usually struggle through and what is easier for you. You can even reward yourself for getting through the hard tasks.

Accept your Downfalls- It is natural to make mistakes in life and studies but you should never hold on to them or be stuck in your past. It is important to accept the mistakes that you make and move forward. This will enable you to focus on the present which will help you learn and manage your lessons efficiently. In fact, you should use these mistakes as stepping stones for your future and learn your lessons from them. 

Know when you are Most Motivated- Some people tend to learn better in the early morning while some are night owls. There is no one-size-fits-all in such situations. It is important to recognize when you feel the most motivated and plan your study timings accordingly. This does not mean that you should skip sleep altogether. Make sure to give yourself at least seven hours of sleep every day for a healthy body and mind.

Recognize and Fight your Unproductive Habits- One of the most important steps towards self-discipline is to have the ability to control yourself. It is very common to have the urge to check your phone or doodle on your books but you have to understand that these activities are costing you a lot of time and energy. So you should adopt habits that will make sure that you do not fall prey to such distractions. For example, you can simply switch off your phone, turn the notifications off or even leave it in the next room to remove the distraction. 


FAQs on Importance of Discipline Essay

1. What are a few disciplined actions we can follow to become more productive in life?

Becoming disciplined is not very difficult if you follow a few basic activities. Having a healthy lifestyle like getting up early in the morning, going out for a refreshing walk or jog, eating a healthy breakfast, having a light lunch, coffee with a snack( preferably less oily) and a light dinner. These are the few activities done at a specified time every day will make your life more disciplined and productive. 

2. How to be disciplined in studies?

Education is a very important and essential aspect of every student’s life. With the growing competition, beating the heat is not that easy. It is important for you to be disciplined in order to be on the top. Studies can be made easy with the following steps:

Have a study time table and follow it religiously.

Study and revise simultaneously.

Practice multiple times.

Study every day for better results.

Discipline usually starts from school. A Student should learn to obey the rules and regulations set up by their school which is of course, for their good. This also shows the respect that the students have for the institution. The school needs to follow proper discipline since it is important for the student to learn about it. Although it might be a little difficult to follow initially, it helps in shaping the personality of the student and he/she learns self-control in the process.

3. Mention a Famous Quote on Discipline by a Famous Personality.

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” by Abraham Lincoln is a very famous quote on discipline. Self-discipline is important for a student because it gives you numerous benefits. Firstly it helps in achieving your goals quickly, whether it is your long-term goals or short-term goals. It also gives you better control over yourself and your mind which helps in focusing better on your lessons. Being disciplined also makes you mentally strong which is very important in life. 

4. Is Regular Writing Important to Write Essays?

Writing an essay is a primary step towards better writing in higher classes and generally in life. To develop good writing skills, it is important for you to practise writing regularly. It would be better if you make it an everyday activity. Writing regularly will discipline your thoughts and improve your language making the overall writing better with time. 

5. Why is discipline so valuable in life?

Discipline is one of the most important values that you can learn in your life because it is not only beneficial for your school life but also for your future. Discipline is one of the most important factors for ensuring success in your future so it is something that everyone should possess. 

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Essay on School Discipline

Discipline is used in schools to keep students, teachers and other staff safe and to help meet the behavioral, social and emotional needs of the children as they grow and develop. Schools approach discipline in various ways and the severity of the discipline usually coincides with how severe the offense was.

Goal of Discipline

The main goal of discipline in schools is to teach children appropriate ways of behaving by giving consequences for making poor choices. For example, a student who doesn’t pay attention in class may have to spend recess time making up material that was missed. Discipline helps a student refrain from the behavior in the future.

The other goal of school discipline is to create a learning environment that benefits all students. By putting an end to behaviors that are not conducive to learning, teachers and administrators are able to create classrooms that are ideal for the educational needs of the children in the school. Types of School Discipline

Punitive techniques of discipline are the most common and involve giving an unpleasant consequence in response to a negative behavior. An example of this is when a child must move his desk to the front of the room after getting caught throwing pencils at other students. The aim is that next time the student considers throwing a pencil, he will remember the embarrassment of having to move to the front of the room while the entire class knows he is in trouble.

Zero tolerance is something that is used for more severe behaviors. Typically students are given warning or two before being given a consequence. However, the technique of zero tolerance means that no warnings are given and consequences are immediate. This type of discipline is used in cases of violence toward other students, drugs and other dangerous behaviors.

Some schools also use positive reinforcement, which is a technique that involves offering positive consequences for behavior that teachers and other staff want to see. For example, perhaps a student is given a sticker for turning in homework on time or is allowed to check out an extra library book for showing proper care of books. The goal here is to make proper behavior attractive enough that students want to make the right choices.

Effects of the Right Discipline Choice

The type of discipline a school chooses to use has an impact on the overall atmosphere and safety of the learning environment. In general, experts suggest a mixture of the types to create well rounded students who avoid undesired behaviors and instead gravitate toward the undesired ones. Discipline also creates structure and expectations for students, something that plenty of research says is ideal for teaching kids, both academically and socially, effectively preparing them for life beyond school.

Research Findings

According to the American Institutes for Research, students who are effectively disciplined, both positively and negatively, have a higher academic performance and are less likely to become part of the juvenile justice system as they get older. In addition, experts have found that discipline that occurs at school, rather than suspending students, further improves their performance in the classroom and helps keep them out of the legal system.

What Parents Can Do

School discipline is only truly effective if parents are willing to back up the decisions made by the school and help their child learn the proper way to behave at school. Parents should make a point of understanding the discipline used at their child’s school so they know what to expect and teach their child what to expect. Parents should understand that the rules at school may be different than the ones at home, but that kids are expected to follow the rules when they are in the classroom. Parents who partner with the school are the most likely to create students who behave appropriately at school and who don’t need much discipline to be successful.

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Essay on Discipline

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it. A basic essay mainly consists of three parts: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

Discipline is obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all. In this post, you will find a brilliant Essay on Discipline.

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Essay on Discipline

Essay on Discipline (550+ Words)

Discipline is about following well-defined rules and is necessary for dutifulness, self-control, and expertise. It is a prerequisite for a civilized society, and its absence leads to decay. As Aristotle said, “Discipline is obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.”

Think of the solar system , which is governed by specific regulations to maintain harmony and equilibrium. Without this order, there would be chaos. Similarly, talents thrive only in disciplined individuals. Therefore, discipline is essential for self-awareness, cultural success, and public success. Without it, there can be no regulated system, no scientific advancements, and no innovative accomplishments.

Discipline is crucial for any army to stand strong against its enemy. This is why they have specific rules in place that demand loyalty to the nation and superior officers. It creates a sense of partnership and hierarchy, essential for dealing with any crisis. Lack of discipline in such situations can lead to disastrous outcomes.

Similarly, discipline holds great importance in a student’s life as well. Since it is taught in school, it is vital to learn it during those formative years. Neglecting discipline can have severe consequences, affecting both career and character building.

However, many students tend to ignore the importance of discipline in their work. Their procrastination and laid-back attitude can lead to disappointment and frustration. As a result, they fail to utilize their full potential, hampered by the lack of discipline.

We have witnessed the success of many great personalities who achieved their goals through a disciplined approach. Mahatma Gandhi, Chandra Bose, Swami Vivekananda, and Pandit Nehru meticulously planned their strategies and followed them rigorously. They have become an inspiration to an entire generation, while those who lacked discipline have faded away.

In sports, an umpire or referee ensures that the game is played by the rules. Every player must strictly adhere to the rules, and lack of discipline even in off-field activities can determine a player’s fate. The perfect example is Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli. They started playing together in school, and experts considered them equally talented. However, the result is clear. Sachin has become the world’s highest run-getter and century-producer in both ODI and test cricket, while Vinod’s career ended abruptly despite a good start. It is evident that Kambli could not handle his priorities in a disciplined manner.

Purity is a crucial aspect of the discipline. Physical purity involves engaging in good deeds, while good thoughts lead to a pure mind and sharp intellect. According to Gandhiji, brahmacharya is the discipline that involves controlling all senses in thought, speech, and action.

Another important component of discipline is practicing restraint in all activities. Although freedom is a cherished value in our society, it cannot be absolute. Discipline involves limiting freedom for the benefit of society. The state enforces regulations to ensure justice and equal opportunities for all, and discipline plays a vital role in achieving this.

In conclusion, discipline is not only desirable but also essential. In the absence of discipline and guidelines, moral and material decay ensues. A disciplined person is less likely to fall into bad habits. Children raised in disciplined and happy households grow up to be responsible adults. The rise in crime rates can be attributed to the lack of discipline in society.

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Essay on discipline

Essay on discipline 20 Models

Essay on discipline, Discipline is one of the main reasons for success, so we will present an essay on the importance of discipline in school, on the street, and in life.

As well as the need for discipline in our dealings with others, we will talk about the concept of discipline, what are the different forms of discipline, and what are the advantages that accrue to us when we are disciplined, and what we mean by psychological discipline.

In view of the importance of discipline in our lives in general, we will present various models of articles that teach us the importance of discipline and what advantages we can get if we are disciplined in our lives.

Essay on discipline

Undoubtedly, discipline is the best way to achieve goals, and it is important to have a specific plan that includes the priorities we want to do, and the time needed to work on those priorities, then comes the role of discipline in implementing this plan and not being lazy or backtracking. In this case, make sure that you will accomplish your goals on time and with ease.

Undoubtedly, discipline is a difficult thing, as a person tends to relax and lack commitment most of the time, but when you know that discipline is the only way to achieve success, you will resist any laziness or slackness, and you will be well disciplined.

Discipline concept

Discipline means self-control, controlling your actions and reactions in order to achieve your goals with less effort and less time. It also means adherence to plans and laws to achieve the best possible results.

The discipline is an acquired trait, as all people tend to relax and not commit, but with seriousness and  good education, a person can acquire the character of commitment, especially if he feels good results as a result of his commitment, such as excellence and achieving success easily, respect for others, and promotion in jobs quickly and other things  that will accrue to him as a result of discipline.

Types of discipline

Self discipline:.

A person can be self-disciplined as a result of his conviction in what he is doing. He does not need a watchdog over his actions, or laws that deter him, or someone who reprimands him, but all his actions are disciplined because he knows right and wrong, and he tries to be an ideal person.

This may be due to the upbringing he received from a young age or the environment in which he grew up, as the family has a great role in giving a person the character of discipline and commitment. A person becomes able to know what is right and wrong, and he can force himself to do what is right only and stay away from wrong things.

Also, self-discipline may be the result of cultural and scientific awareness, and a person’s ambition to succeed and excel.

Discipline due to external factors:

Discipline due to external factors does not stem from within the person, but rather the person does it out of fear of punishment by the law, or for fear of losing his job or otherwise.

Discipline due to external factors is the most common among people, as many people need strict laws to regulate their actions and behavior. If these laws are absent or not implemented, they will be undisciplined. And sometimes we see many people who act indiscriminately if no one sees them.

Forms of discipline

There are many forms of discipline and they differ depending on the environment in which you live, and the customs and traditions prevailing in society.

Accordingly, the concept of discipline differs from one environment to another, so what one society considers a good deed may be considered a bad deed by another.

Examples of discipline in our daily life include:

  • Discipline in waking up and sleeping times. Some may think that negligence in the discipline of sleeping and waking up schedules is a normal thing, but in fact this is the first step of discipline and following order.
  • Discipline and adherence to school dates, school uniform and school rules, and not to be absent without real reasons.
  • Adhere to traffic rules, and do not expose yourself to dangers.
  • Discipline in your dealings with others, you must be honest, keep your appointments with others, fulfill your promises with them.
  • It is also discipline to make sure to eat healthy food, to exercise regularly, and to stay away from everything that distracts you and keeps you away from achieving your goal.

The importance of discipline in our lives

  • There is no doubt that discipline is very important in the life of every person because it is the only way to achieve your goals. Whatever your goal is, you will not be able to achieve it successfully unless you develop a plan, and then commit to implementing it.
  • Discipline shortens the time and reduces the effort that you will make to achieve your goal, in addition, when you are disciplined, you will recognize the mistakes in your plan and can correct them quickly.
  • And you should know that discipline is the characteristic of developed countries. There is a commitment to working times and hours, and giving all the effort to work. Everyone works seriously and tries to develop his work. On the other hand, there is a weekend in which a person can enjoy his time and practice his hobbies and so on.

Discipline benefits both the individual and society

There are many advantages to discipline for both the individual and society and we can summarize them as follows:

  • One of the most important advantages of discipline is self-esteem, and this makes you more confident in yourself, and makes you feel satisfied regardless of the results, because  you worked hard and adhered to the rules that qualify you for success.
  • To gain the respect of others, because discipline is the deprivation of many things that others do, and these things may be fun or entertaining or otherwise, but you gave up doing them in order to achieve a higher goal, and thus distinguished you from others, and in the end you will gain the respect of everyone as well.
  • Reaching the goal with the least time and the least effort, because discipline is how to manage time to carry out specific tasks.
  • Discipline achieves success and progress in all fields, and the best example of a life of discipline is the military life, which gives the soldier qualities that were not present in him before military life, such as discipline in action and reactions, dealing with his leaders, dealing with his colleagues and so on.
  • Success in any field requires a lot of effort, and this effort must be organized, and proceed according to well-thought-out plans, and discipline comes in implementing these plans to achieve the goals successfully.

Therefore, discipline is the most important component of success, whether for the individual or the community.

The development of discipline in the members of society

Discipline is a good quality and it is best to teach it to our children from a young age. This is very easy if the family members are disciplined, because the child imitates the behavior of his parents and older brothers.

Then comes the role of the school, where the student learns to respect the rules and laws, such as wearing the school uniform, attending on time, standing in the morning queue in order, sitting in the classroom in the place designated for you, not eating during the lesson, not talking to your colleagues during  the lesson, dismissal at the end of the school day and other school rules.

This leads to preparing the person to apply the laws regulating society in the future, such as traffic laws, labor laws, civil and commercial laws and other laws that regulate the relationship between the individual and the state, as well as the relationship between individuals.

Thus, we find that the quality of discipline is a trait that a person acquires, and it also grows with the age stages, where transactions increase, and duties increase.

Discipline is an acquired trait or a hereditary trait

Many people wonder, is discipline an acquired trait or a hereditary trait?

In fact, discipline is an acquired trait, and at different stages of life we ​​can commit ourselves to things that fit our goals.

The child learns discipline from a young age by imitating those around him, and then begins to acquire the character of discipline because it achieves the appreciation and praise of others when he commits to implementing their requests.

And his ability to control himself develops in order to achieve certain goals, or to avoid being punished. Thus, we find that discipline is an acquired trait and we can acquire it at any stage of our lives.

At the end of a topic about discipline, we can say that discipline is a good trait that we must have, and that we help our children acquire it because discipline is the only way to achieve the success we aspire to, and without discipline, chaos will prevail and we will not achieve any success.

Self-discipline is the most powerful deterrent to a person, as he cannot commit any mistake, and that is motivated from within and not out of fear of punishment, the view of society or otherwise.

In most cases, self-discipline is linked to belief and proper upbringing from childhood.

Paragraph on discipline

If we realize that discipline is the way to success and achieving dreams, we will bear deprivation of some things in order to control our lives and be better, and thus we can easily achieve our goals.

In order to understand the meaning of discipline, we can say that it is a lifestyle that we must follow to achieve certain goals, and thus the form of discipline varies according to the type of goal to be achieved.

For example, the student’s goal is to succeed with distinction, so the lifestyle that he must follow and adhere to applying is school attendance, studying seriously, determining the number of hours of study, determining the number of hours of sleep, canceling some things that may distract his thinking and so on.

When he can control himself and commit to implementing the plan he set to achieve his goal, he will achieve success and excellence.

Discipline Essay in English

Discipline and its concept differ from one society to another, due to the different values, beliefs, customs and traditions from one society to another, and therefore we must judge the discipline of a person according to the beliefs of his society.

Discipline also varies according to the age group, so what we ask of children is not what we ask of young people and adults.

But in the end, discipline leads to the organization of life in such a way that we can achieve our goals and dreams for the future.

Given the importance of discipline in all of our behavior, we must earn this good quality for young children, and the family and school play a pivotal role in this.

In the early stages of life, the child imitates his parents and siblings, and acquires from them some behaviors such as discipline and respect for appointments such as eating dates, sleeping and waking times, and so on.

Then when the child joins school, it is easy for him to abide by the school rules, and from here we develop his discipline little by little.

Self discipline essay

Self-discipline is one of the most beautiful qualities that a person can have, because self-discipline is the ability to control oneself, and thus control the actions we do as well as our words and reactions, in proportion to the beliefs and traditions of our society.

There is no doubt that self-discipline is the result of a correct upbringing and a disciplined family, and we also do not deny the great role that the school plays in shaping the student’s personality and giving him good qualities such as discipline.

A disciplined person is a successful person who is responsible for his words and actions, and who can take responsibility.

Therefore, discipline is one of the qualities that a leader must have, as he is a role model for others, and he is responsible for making decisions, setting plans and supervising the implementation of these plans.

Discipline essay for class 10

A disciplined person always receives the respect of others, because discipline requires some effort, and may also need to deprive oneself of some of the things that others practice.

In order to be disciplined, you must organize your time so that you can work on your priorities without shortening, and this will make you cancel some things from your daily schedule. You may need to stop watching TV, or you may cancel going out with friends, watching a football match, or other things that you like.

But all the deprivation and fatigue will vanish when you reach your goal successfully, and when you are distinguished from others who did not organize their lives and did not have any discipline, they did not achieve any success despite the effort they made, because it is a random and undisciplined effort.

Therefore, every person, regardless of his goal or age, must determine his priorities, then develop a plan to achieve these goals, and then commit himself to discipline and accurately implement the plan. If he does, he will achieve the resounding success he desires.

Write a paragraph on discipline

Some people can be disciplined easily and do not need to be deterred. As for others, it may be difficult for him to discipline and carry out orders.

Therefore, rules and laws were established to make all members of society disciplined, and whoever does not abide by the general laws and rules of society exposes himself to punishment.

Countries are keen to implement laws strictly because discipline brings peace to members of society, and crimes are reduced or absent. In addition, discipline is the only way to advance the country and work to advance it.

Organized hard work is one form of discipline, as well as adherence to labor laws and respect for general rules are necessary to achieve the desired progress.

Discipline is not in one field without another or one age group without another, but it is a good quality that should be characterized by all citizens.

Discipline essay 200 words

Given the importance of discipline in the life of the individual and society, rules and laws have been developed that help a person to control himself, and these rules are applied to children from a young age through various educational institutions.

In primary school, the child learns that there are school rules that he must abide by, such as wearing the school uniform, so he cannot go to school in the dress he likes. Attending school on a specific date and he cannot be late for that time, standing in the morning queue according to the system set by the school administration. He cannot stand anywhere he likes, or play during the morning queue or talk with his colleagues.

There is also a specific system that must be followed in the classroom, and how to deal with the teacher as well as the way to deal with colleagues, and then adhere to calm and self-control and not to cause riots and chaos during the school day.

The child also begins to control himself and realizes that there is a time to study, a time to play, and a time to rest and eat. And all that discipline was not accustomed to him before, but he learned it in school and got used to it.

Thus, we find that discipline is a learned behavior, and a person can get used to it easily, especially if this discipline is applied to a large group of individuals, because each of them is an incentive for the other.

Write an essay on discipline

In fact, I had a bad experience that made me realize the importance of discipline. Last year I didn’t commit much to school, didn’t make a study plan, and my whole life was disorganized, so I failed the end-of-year exam. While my friend succeeded with superiority, although he is less intelligent than me.

And when I compared my life to his, I realized that he is a disciplined person and this is the reason for his success and superiority, and from that time I realized that discipline is the only way to achieve good results in my studies.

Therefore, I decided this year to be disciplined and to set a schedule that includes the subjects that I must study and the number of hours of study each day, and I will stick to this schedule completely, and I will commit to attending school as well. I will never be careless again.

Short essay on discipline

Discipline in our life is a required thing, but discipline in our studies is a very necessary thing, because our success in study determines our job in the future, and therefore it is important that we make more effort in studying our lessons.

Among the forms of school discipline is attendance, adherence to school rules, participation in cultural activities, and continuous schoolwork, all of which will help us achieve success and excellence.

Discipline will also make us respectable people from our teachers and colleagues, and in the end it will bring us the success we wish for, making us happy in this life, and our family will be proud of us. I expect to achieve great success this year.

Discipline essay 100 words

Because of the importance of discipline in our lives, my family took care of us getting used to discipline from a young age.

There was a precise system followed by all family members, such as waking up at six in the morning, breakfast at seven, eating lunch at three, eating dinner at nine, going to bed at ten, taking walks on the weekend only, watching TV For an hour only, studying for four hours a day.

These were the rules that we must follow daily. Indeed, my brothers and I excelled in our studies thanks to our discipline and adherence to these rules. We also used to organize our times in all the following educational stages.

Essay on discipline 150 words

The forms of discipline are many and we can notice them in many people, and the greatest forms of discipline are in military life, and this is because the goals to be achieved are great, so discipline among soldiers must be of the highest degree.

In military life, nothing is left to chance, but everything a soldier does is planned. The soldier learns to be disciplined and to carry out orders accurately, and failure to carry out orders will expose him to severe punishment. This is what makes the military institution able to defy any difficulties it faces.

In civil life, the discipline is much less, and we can abide by the rules and laws easily and without bearing any fatigue. From the foregoing it becomes clear to us that discipline must be commensurate with the goals we want to achieve.

For example, discipline at work differs in its strictness from discipline in school, and so on.

1000 Word essay on discipline

Countries seek to achieve big goals such as social peace, economic supremacy, building a strong army, and to be a sovereign state that is feared by other countries, and does not think about its war or obstructing its interests.

In order for the state to achieve these great goals, it resorts to setting laws in order to control the internal relations between citizens and the state, as well as to control the external relations with other states.

Societal discipline is a cause of economic progress, and this will lead to the strength of the state and its ability to form a strong army with the latest weapons.

On the contrary, if discipline is absent and chaos prevails, all effort will be directed to organizing internal affairs, fighting crime, and so on.

Short paragraph on discipline

If we realize that life is a set of goals that we must achieve, in order to live in peace, security and prosperity, we will search for the best ways to achieve these goals.

From the experiences of the past, we will realize that discipline is the surest way to achieve goals in the shortest time and with the least effort.

Your success in your studies or work depends on the extent of your discipline and how you control yourself. There are people who can implement the plans set for them with precision and do not find any difficulty in that.

While there are other people who cannot abide by the rules for a long time, and these people find it very difficult to be disciplined, they usually choose the types of education that are suitable for them, as well as choose to work in jobs that do not require a lot of discipline.

Discipline par essay

We can easily compare discipline and chaos, as we live a life of great discipline during the school year. Where there is a set time to wake up, eat breakfast, put on the school uniform, stand in the morning queue regularly, study hard and do homework.

All of these things are a kind of discipline, and at the end of the year we get the result of this discipline, which is success and excellence.

While at the vacation we don’t stick to bedtimes or wake up and our lives get messy, and we don’t achieve anything of value during the holiday, but we play a lot, sleep a lot and eat a lot.

If we compare our behavior during the school year and our behavior during the end of the year vacation, we will realize the importance of discipline in our lives in general, and that discipline is the most important reason for success.

Discipline paragraph for class 10

Undoubtedly, discipline requires effort and self-resistance. And not all people can do that. Because people in their nature tend to relax, have fun and not take responsibility. So, it was important for the state to set laws regulating life and transactions in society. These laws must be strictly enforced so as not to spread chaos in society. There are many people who do not abide by the general rules and laws except because they are afraid of punishment, and at the first opportunity they realize that they are not being watched, they will make mistakes. Hence the importance of monitoring and punishing the negligent. It is also helpful to reward a disciplined person who keeps applying rules and laws on his own.

Need of discipline in life essay

It is important to have discipline in our lives, in order to achieve our goals. Discipline must stem from the self and we do not need anyone watching us or giving us orders, because self-discipline is something that continues with us throughout life.

We must abide by the general rules and laws, which are determined by the state,  for order to prevail among the people.

We must also adhere to discipline in our private lives, we must abide by deadlines, keep the promise, and our behavior must be disciplined, meaning that all our actions are appropriate for the society in which we live, as well as words, because the word also indicates the behavior of a person and the extent of his civility.

A disciplined person is someone who shows that he is from a good family, who has been taught the right behavior.

Write a essay on discipline

I am a person who does not like discipline and tends to be lazy. Last year I was absent from school a lot because I preferred playing or sleeping, and I didn’t care about studying my lessons, so at the end of the year I failed the exam.

I was very sad, especially because my friends succeeded and will move to the next grade.

I decided to be more disciplined and make a plan to organize the work that I have to do every day, such as my sleep and wake times, the number of hours of study, going to school, determining the time to exercise, and setting a time for leisure and walks.

Time management gives us the opportunity to do a lot of work. I decided to be disciplined in all my actions and leave laziness and negligence.

Composition on discipline

I am a person who likes discipline, at six in the morning I wake up, and I don’t need anyone to wake me, and at 11 in the evening I go to sleep, I never change my sleep schedule, whether it’s during school days or vacation.

I go to school at seven and half, I’m never late. I also eat breakfast at ten o’clock, which is the break time in my school, and I exercise every day, no matter the circumstances.

I also keep my appointments perfectly, which is why my friends love me. I like order and discipline.

Speech on discipline in 200 words

Given the importance of discipline in the lives of both individuals and societies, we must be keen to teach it to children from a young age, and the responsibility lies with the family, as it is the first source of teaching the child good behavior and habits.

The child is greatly affected by the environment in which he lives, and therefore the family must be qualified to raise children, and spread cultural awareness among mothers, especially because they are responsible for raising the children of today, the youth of tomorrow and the men of the future.

If the family is reformed, the children will be righteous, and therefore there must be educational seminars, television programs and series that support disciplined behavior, and show that a person who is morally disciplined in all his words and actions is a person who should be respected by everyone.

Discipline is an attribute that indicates the extent to which a person is able to control himself, and thus control everything he says or does. In order for our lives to be orderly and easier, we must have self-discipline, as well as knowledge of the rules and laws that regulate public life so that we do not fall into mistakes that expose us to accountability.

Essay on discipline for class 7

Discipline is divided into two main types, which are internal (self) discipline and discipline due to external factors.

In fact, we need both parts of discipline in our lives. For example, when you decide to wake up at six in the morning and continue to do so all the time, this is self-discipline.

But when you adhere to the traffic signal for fear of a material violation, this is considered discipline due to external factors, which are the laws regulating traffic.

Thus, it becomes clear that in order for our lives to be orderly and easier, we must have self-discipline, as well as knowledge of the rules and laws that regulate public life so that we do not fall into mistakes that expose us to accountability.

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Essay on Discipline for Children and Students

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Essay on Discipline: Discipline refers to orderliness in life which results solely from our adherence to certain code of conduct prepared by the learned people. It is an important virtue. Life without discipline is just like a ship without a rudder. Discipline involves obedience, and it is needed for success in every walk of life.

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Discipline constitutes a set of rules and regulations that are imposed upon us for all the good reasons. Either we like or not, discipline is important in life and much essential quality for becoming a good student or a good professional. Even a certain amount of discipline in personal life is also necessary. In the below essays we will go through various essays on the discipline of varying word length.

Short and Long Essays on Discipline

I have given below short and long essays on discipline in English. The essays have been written in simple and effective English language and will be easy for you to understand. In the essays provided below you will realize the importance of discipline in life; whether, you are a student or a professional. The essays will make you a better person and improve your self-confidence and other qualities.

Discipline Essay 1 (100 Words)

A majority of us don’t like discipline and have a particular dislike for the word. We don’t want to hear the word “discipline” in our schools, colleges, homes or even offices. That is because we prefer to be free willing and dislike following any rules or regulations. But we must understand that a certain amount of discipline is good for our own benefit. With no discipline at all, in life and conduct, we will be like a misguided missile, with loads of ammunition but no clue about the target. In other words – we all have the potential to succeed and do good in life but without discipline we can’t chart out a path to success, finally ending up in failure.

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Discipline Essay 2 (150 Words)

Most of the children understand discipline as a set of rules that have been imposed upon by their elders. Many children think that discipline is unnecessary and they should be given a free hand in whatever they want to do. This is because the children don’t realize the intentions with which the elders have drafted those rules. Elders and guardians always have the benefit of children in their mind and so many rules and regulations that they impose are only for the safety and benefit of the children.

There are also some simple acts of discipline that you could practice in your daily life. For example – you must have heard the phrase “early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy and wise”. If you discipline yourself in going to bed early and getting up early the next morning, it will probably have a good outcome on your health and personality. Similarly, washing hands before eating, not talking while eating, always behaving properly are some simple acts that will change your life if only you follow them every day in a disciplined way.

Discipline Essay 3 (200 Words)

I know that you already have an idea of discipline, more so if you are a student. How often were you asked by your teacher to pay attention to otherwise leave the class? Or how often did your parents stopped you from playing or going outside because you didn’t perform well in the exams. These are some of the examples of discipline, which were supposedly brought to bring positive development in you. In this case, the discipline imposed is necessary and you too must develop a habit to follow it. There is no harm in the discipline that your teachers, elders or parents have imposed on you, for what they have in their mind is primarily your own welfare and improvement.

Discipline is good as long as the objective with which it has been implemented is good. Such discipline brings positive changes in you and changes the perception of people about you. It brings you admiration from teachers, friends, and family. You will set an example for juniors and younger to follow and be looked upon with respect and admiration. You will be more composed collected and successful in career and life. Not only in student life but also in personal and professional life, discipline is a must.

Discipline Essay 4 (250 Words)

The word “Discipline” is explained in the dictionary as – “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.” It is evident from the explanation that the main objective of discipline is to train people so that they obey definite rules and regulations promptly. To make sure that the rules are obeyed and the discipline maintained, there is also a provision for punishment or penalty.

Discipline is imposed by a person upon himself or herself or onto others, often for good reasons and to get desirable results. Like, if you have disciplined yourself in studies and decided that you will self-study for 4-5 hours at home every day, under any circumstances; the decision is likely to improve your grades and make your career stable. In another example, if a prompt policeman fines a person for driving recklessly or without wearing a helmet; it is only to ensure the safety of the person and in consideration of the general good of the society.

However, some caution must be exercised while setting rules and regulations and any inconvenience caused to the followers of the rules must also be considered. For example, if the policeman in the above example not only fines the person but also puts him in prison for a minor offense, then it would be a case of discipline gone beyond the limit. Similarly, if your school management dismisses you for a week for not completing an assignment; such harsh punishment for an act of minor negligence can’t be justified as disciplinary action.

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Discipline Essay 5 (300 Words)

In the general perception, discipline is a way of keeping yourself and your acts composed, often it also means to timely complying with all your deadlines and responsibilities. Though discipline is good for improvements and development, when it is forced upon by someone else, it could generate problems as well. In this essay, I will tell you about good discipline and bad discipline.

Good Discipline

Good discipline is imposed for all good reasons and to get desirable results. For example, when your class teacher strictly asks you to not talk during the lecture, his or her intention is only to make you concentrate on the lecture so that you can improve your grades. Another example of good discipline is when your father asks you to return home early at any cost, it is only for your own safety and benefit. Similarly, there could be hundreds of examples of discipline that are placed for the betterment of things.

Bad Discipline

Any disciplinary act that has been imposed without any valid reason or with false intent comes under the category of bad discipline. Even the good discipline when carried out too forcefully so that it gets stressful and mentally disturbing for someone could be categorized as a bad discipline. For instance, let us just suppose that your friend’s parents are too protective about him/her, so much so that they don’t let him/her attend your birthday celebration or any other similar event for that matter. In this case, there is no apparent reason for the discipline imposed; moreover, it could be kind of depressing for your friend.

Discipline Essay 6 (350 Words)

Discipline is very important in one’s life, especially students, who have their whole future in front of them. It could mean all the difference between success and failure. A student who follows discipline is admired by his/her friends and teachers, while the other who leads an undisciplined and unorganized life, is looked upon with pity and ignorance.

Discipline in Student Life – Importance and Benefits

Discipline in student life is very important and a deciding factor behind the academic grades. Anyone can enroll himself/herself in a school, but how good a student he/she is, is proved by the fact that how much discipline he/she follows in studies.

Discipline is the first thing that you need to practice if you want to excel in studies. Without discipline in your student life, you won’t be able to set objectives and study well. It also improves your self-confidence, which is a must for student life.

It has many benefits when practiced in student life. Discipline makes you concentrate and remove your deviations, making your mind composed and concentrated. It helps you realize goals and gives you the guts to follow a well-planned path to achieve the very goals, with confidence.

Practicing discipline in student life will make you popular among your teachers and friends, making them admire you. You will be looked upon as an ideal student and set an example for others to follow.

Any a student who never skips his/her class unless there is a genuine reason to do so; who always listens promptly to the lectures; who completes all his/her assignments on time or before time; who never misbehave with classmates or with any other person for that matter; who always studies for the speculated time for what he/she has decided; is always loved and admired by the teachers and is sure to make success one day.

Discipline Essay 7 (400 Words)

Discipline in life makes you more confident by keeping you calm, composed and in full control of your life. Everyone has dreams yet some achieve them while others just are not able to make it. Why? The answer lies in the discipline they adapt their lives for achieving the goals.

How to Stay Disciplined?

It’s not easy to stay disciplined neither is easy to achieve your dreams. Realizing a dream and setting your life on a path of progress comes with a price. Some of the ways by which you can lead a disciplined life are given below.

1) Remove your Weaknesses

The first step towards leading a disciplined life is to identify your weaknesses and remove them one by one. With your weaknesses surrounding you, it will be difficult for you to set goals and follow rules. The first job you should be doing is to recognize the situations or acts that constitute your weaknesses and overpower them wisely and confidently.

2) Overpower your Deviations

One of the greatest hurdles in leading a disciplined life is a wandering mind. Your mind and thoughts need to be collected and composed if you want to live in the discipline. You must, at any cost, overcome your deviations and infatuations if you ever want to succeed in life.

3) Set a Clear Plan

One of the most important characteristics of discipline is that it follows a clear route plan with clear objectives. You follow discipline because you want to achieve a specific goal in life by practicing discipline. On the other hand, if you don’t have a clear plan and objective then for you discipline holds no value.

4) Adopt Good Habits

Adopting to good habits is very essential for leading a disciplined life. Bad habits are a kind of disturbances; those will always pull you down from making progress. Unless you let good habits into your life and bad habits out of it, you won’t realize its significance. With good habits on your side, you will feel more composed and disciplined.

5) Stay Fit

Staying fit is another factor that is essential for leading a disciplined life. If you are fit and happy with your body and without any ailment, that you will be able to lead a disciplined life. You must exercise regularly and take part in sports or extracurricular activities to lead a disciplined and hence fruitful life.

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Discipline Essay 8 (500 Words)

Discipline is an attitude for keeping your life and conduct in control. It is a way of life in which a person diligently follows definite rules and time tables in order to achieve a certain objective in life. Some people take discipline seriously and are always watchful of their own acts and the activities they spend time on.

What is Discipline?

Discipline is a method to do your everyday jobs in an uncompromising way. A disciplined person decides on something for good reasons and sticks to the commitment no matter what. For example, a disciplined student will never bunk his/her class for insignificant reasons. Similarly, a disciplined employee will never give lame excuses to escape his/her official responsibilities.

Advantages of Discipline

Having a disciplined life has loads of advantages in one’s personal, social and professional life. Some of the advantages of discipline are stated below-

1) Better Control of your own life

When you chose discipline as a way of life, your life gets more composed and meaningful. By practicing discipline, you get full control over your own senses and desires and the strength to wave off the insignificant ones.

2) Infuses Confidence

Discipline makes you more confident and progressive towards the goal you have chosen. If you regularly strive to achieve the objective in a disciplined way, you will become confident in moving closer to the said objective every day. If you lead a disciplined life, not only you get confident but also others will confide in you.

A person leading a disciplined life is always admired and trusted by the friends and family. People tend to like persons who are composed and disciplined. They set an example for the other to follow and get inspired.

4) Stability in Life

Discipline keeps you more stable in life and you feel more in control as never before. Discipline infuses confidence making you adapt a positive attitude and success in life. You deliver skills and earn money making you financially stable.

5) Helps you Stay Fit

Discipline help keeping you mentally and physically fit by keeping you away from temptations and diversions. It also induces zeal to exercise regularly and follow a strict disciplinarian diet in order to keep you fit and healthy. You religiously follow the schedule you have drafted for sports activities, exercise, etc.

6) Transforms you into an Achiever

With discipline, you get self-confidence and grit to succeed. You are transformed into a person who has goals and a well-structured path to achieve them. You know where to go and how to reach there. All in all, you are in full control of your life and destiny.

Essay on Discipline FAQs

What is discipline in an essay.

Discipline in an essay means sticking to the rules of writing, like organizing ideas, using correct words, and following grammar.

What is discipline 100 words?

Discipline, in a broader sense, is self-control and orderly behavior. It involves following rules, being focused, and working towards goals, which helps in achieving success and maintaining a balanced life.

What is discipline 10 lines?

Discipline is the practice of self-control and following rules. It helps in achieving goals, staying organized, and being responsible. Discipline is vital for personal growth and success in various aspects of life.

What is discipline essay in English?

A discipline essay in English is a written piece that explains the importance of self-control, orderliness, and following rules in one's life.

Why is discipline important for students essay?

Discipline is crucial for students as it helps them focus on studies, manage time, and develop good habits. This essay explains how it leads to academic success.

What is discipline essay introduction?

The introduction of a discipline essay provides an overview of the essay's topic, highlighting the significance of self-control and rule-following in achieving personal and academic goals.

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Essay On Discipline – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Discipline For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on discipline for kids, a paragraph on discipline for kids, short essay on discipline in english for children, long essay on the importance of discipline for kids, what will your child learn from the essay on discipline.

Adopting discipline in your life is not tough if it starts from childhood. Childhood is the stage of life where kids can easily adapt to any habits. Therefore, to make them learn discipline, you can make them write an essay on discipline for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Moreover, if you are a teacher, you must make children understand the importance of discipline. To do so, you can give them the discipline essay in English. This way, they will know the benefits of living a life in a disciplined manner. Only discipline can make everyone focus on their goals and give them the determination to achieve them.

Discipline creates motivation in people to move ahead in life, and it also brings positivity and punctuality to their day to day lives. When writing an essay on discipline, the words are never limited. However, if the essay is to be written by children in primary classes, they must know certain tips for writing an essay on discipline. So, here are some key points:

  • One must start an essay with a simple introductory note.
  • You must keep the central idea of an essay to the point and move forward with it in the entire essay.
  • The structure of the essay is the most important part, and therefore, it should be properly synchronised.
  • The essay must contain facts and no bluffs.
  • When writing on discipline, mention its importance, types, benefits, habits, etc.

Now that you have understood what is necessary for writing an essay, it’s time for you to write a discipline essay. We all know about the importance of discipline, so we must bring such significant facts to kids’ knowledge. So, here are the 10 lines of essays on discipline for class 2 kids.

  • Discipline must be a fundamental rule of everyone’s life.
  • We must show discipline in our way of dressing, sitting, and talking to our way of living.
  • Discipline helps us maintain punctuality, peace, and an organised lifestyle.
  • Discipline helps us focus on our studies and achieve our goals.
  • It teaches us to follow certain rules and regulations.
  • Discipline plays a significant role in our life.
  • It is the hidden secret of success.
  • Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, and everyone were highly disciplined.
  • Discipline enhances our habits, manners, and character.
  • To have a successful life, we all must maintain discipline.

Teachers give the students of primary classes to write discipline essays in 100 words. For their help, we are here with a short paragraph on discipline.

Without discipline, no one can achieve anything substantial in their lives. It helps us create a focused and happy life, guides our inner self to follow a good path and enhances self-control. Due to these benefits, discipline becomes essential to everyone’s life. There are many rules and regulations in our daily life, and if we follow them, we adopt discipline in our activities. Some ways of maintaining discipline are waking early in the morning, walking or sitting decently, talking politely, being punctual, etc. Therefore, we must always be disciplined and lead a happy life.

Discipline is for everyone, whether humans, animals or non-livings. Sunrises from the east every morning and sets down in the west every evening is also some kind of discipline. So, to understand this concept, here is a brief essay on discipline in 150 words.

Discipline is a very vital part of our lives. If it is correctly implemented in our lives, there will be no obstacle in our success path that we cannot fight. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce discipline in our lives from the childhood stage only. At school, home, tuition, office, playground, and everywhere, we must follow the right path, i.e., discipline. When you live a disciplined life, you get lots of growth opportunities.

Discipline shows us the right path towards success and helps us focus on our aims. We also learn to respect others and how to behave in public when we have discipline in our life. Manners, rules, and regulations are highly required aspects of living beings, and all these elements can be obtained by maintaining discipline. To enjoy an organised life, doing all activities in a disciplined way is paramount, like waking up early, having breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time, etc.

We know what discipline is, but do we know the actual meaning of discipline? Discipline is not only obeying elders; it is much more than that. To learn all about it, go through this essay for class 3. If you want your kids to be disciplined, read to them this essay on the need for discipline in life. Here is a long essay in 200 words or more; have a look at it:

Discipline is needed almost everywhere in life, whether it is a school, home, worship place, playground, or even nowadays, online. Discipline is a vital key to success. To succeed in life, you must have self-confidence and a good focus level to achieve the goal. And these things can only be obtained by discipline. Discipline brings lots of changes to our life, and being punctual is the first sign of the following discipline in life.

Moreover, discipline highlights perfection in life. It trains and educates your mind and body to follow the rules and be a most respectful person. If everyone adapts discipline in their life, the entire nation becomes the most reputed and valuable one. Discipline leaves a positive impact on everyone around you.

Being disciplined guides you in different ways and helps you stay healthy, fit, and fine. Discipline encourages you to develop the habit of waking up early and exercising regularly, and it also trains your mind to avoid junk foods. So, from all dimensions, discipline plays a vital role in having a successful life ahead.

By reading the composition on discipline, children learn a lot of things. Here are a few things that children learn from the essay on discipline.

  • Discipline is the primary key to success.
  • It involves certain rules and regulations.
  • Self-discipline is the best way to have control over yourself.
  • We must follow discipline everywhere, whether at home, at school, playground, battlefield, in online classes, or at tuition.
  • Disciplined people are always respected in society.
  • Discipline helps us obey elders, and it teaches us good manners.
  • It makes us realise the importance of time.
  • It is also significant for the nation’s development and our career building.

What Are The Three Types Of Discipline That Children Should Know About?

The three types of discipline that children should know about are as follows:

  • Preventive Discipline: The idea is to take proactive measures against potential disruptive behaviours by outlining expectations and consequences.
  • Corrective Discipline: Application of consequences following an infraction. The age and level of the kid should be taken into account before implementing corrective discipline.
  • Supportive Discipline: Providing kids with suggestions and options to correct their behaviour and avoid consequences comes under supportive discipline.

How Can You Show Discipline?

To lead a happy life, you must maintain discipline. You can easily differentiate between a disciplined person and an undisciplined person. To show discipline, you must adapt the rules of discipline to your behaviour first. You must build self-discipline and know your strengths. Also, set a goal and follow it strictly. Be healthy, and avoid any bad habits. It will be best to embrace a healthy routine in your life to set an example for others. Your focus, actions, hard work and results will do the talking.

Discipline is not only for students. It is valuable for adults too. Being a disciplined person means following a certain set of rules in life. A disciplined person is always respected in society and is known as the secret to success. So, once you allow discipline to rule your life, you will find valuable changes in your lifestyle.

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Best Discipline Essay in English for Kids

Provided here are 10 lines on Discipline essay in English for kids and students. Discipline is one of the most important conducts of our lives. Just like ethics and morals, discipline makes humans different from other species. Discipline, by definition, is “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour”.

Discipline is a very important aspect of human life. It helps in setting and achieving goals. Disciplined people are more respected and looked up to. Indiscipline can create chaos and confusion in one’s life.

Click on the link provided below to download this short essay on Discipline for kids in a printable PDF format. Once downloaded, this PDF can be referred to anytime and anywhere, even when you are not online.

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Self discipline essay.

Discipline Essay - Essay on importance of discipline in student life

  • Discipline should be the fundamental way of one’s life.
  • Discipline implies the practice of obeying rules. It builds self-confidence and self-control in people.
  • We are taught discipline at home, school and places of work.
  • From the way we dress to the way we arrange things on our shelf, from punctuality to a sense of moral behaviour, everything is linked to discipline.
  • In school, when we don’t dress in proper uniform or when we reach school late, we get punished because such actions are against the practice of discipline.
  • We are also corrected when we do not stand in a straight line for the morning assembly or do not complete our homework on time.
  • Through proper training and corrections, schools teach us to be disciplined.
  • Discipline is kept in check not only among students, but also professionals, army men, sportspersons, etc.
  • Maintaining a life of discipline is tough but important. That is why it is taught to us right from our formative years.
  • Discipline helps us in leading a peaceful and organised life.

We hope that the above 10 lines on Discipline essay in English for kids would help your little one in drafting a nice and simple essay on this topic. You can check out more such amazing essays for kids on other topics that are frequently asked in the primary classes.

In the given article, we have also included points on a short essay on discipline in school and essay on discipline in student life. Kids can accordingly write these lines under both these headings. Discipline is considered to be one of the most important qualities in a student. That’s why kids often are told to write an essay on discipline in English.

Essay writing develops sound creativity and imagination skills in students. It works on the overall development of one’s linguistic skills. It builds better vocabulary and sentence formation skills. Essay on importance of discipline in student life focusses on why discipline is crucial in an individual’s life. There is a high value of discipline in our lives. The most important thing that helps a person in chasing his/her goal is discipline.

The above-given child discipline essay in English is our attempt to offer a good example of writing a short essay on discipline. We have kept the language of the essay in such a way that kids find it easy to understand and replicate the essay.

We have a lot of such engaging and engrossing learning resources for your little ones – intriguing worksheets, brain-tickling general knowledge questions, interesting stories from very popular genres, poems for children, most accurate NCERT solutions, easy trivia questions on several subjects, etc. on our kids learning section . Explore this section and get a one-stop solution for all your needs to help your child excel as an individual.

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  4. Paragraph on Discipline in English [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    essay on the discipline in english

  5. Paragraph on Discipline in English [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    essay on the discipline in english

  6. Discipline Essay In English || Essay On Discipline In English || Short Essay On Discipline ||

    essay on the discipline in english


  1. Few Lines on Self Discipline in English

  2. Value Of Discipline In Our Life

  3. Essay on 'Importance of Discipline'

  4. 15 January 2024

  5. Essay Discipline

  6. 10 lines on Discipline in english/Discipline essay in english 10 lines/Essay on Discipline


  1. Essay on Discipline for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Discipline. Essay on Discipline - Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success. Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Besides, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some people consider it a part of their life and ...

  2. Essay on Discipline: 150-250 words, 500-1000 words for Students

    Topics covered in this article. Essay on Discipline in 150-250 words; Essay on Discipline in 300-400 words; Essay on Discipline in 500-1000 words; Essay on Discipline in 150-250 words. Discipline is an essential aspect of life that plays a crucial role in shaping our character, behavior, and overall success.

  3. Essay on Discipline: Sample Essays 100, 200 & 300 Words

    An essay on discipline is usually given as a task in a school. Hence, we have provided sample essays on discipline in 200 words, 300 words, and 400 words. Keep reading to know more about the same. To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

  4. Essay on Discipline in English

    Essay on Discipline: 100 Words. Discipline means complete obedience of certain rules and regulations. Discipline is an essential and noble quality. It helps a man to be honest, self-satisfied, happy and successful in life. Discipline is essential in family, society, sports, battlefield, school, organizations and everywhere.

  5. Essay On Importance Of Discipline

    100 Words Essay On Importance Of Discipline. Every person has at some point of timed, heard of the word discipline, but only a few understand its true meaning, and only countable people actually practice discipline. Discipline is important to one's life like radar is important to a ship. Discipline plays a crucial role in everyone's life. .

  6. Discipline Essay- 100, 200 and 500 Words

    500 Words Essay On Discipline. Having discipline helps each person maintain control. It encourages people to advance in life and succeed. There are a number of ways to maintain discipline in one's life. One is to set goals and stick to them. This means setting both short-term and long-term goals and then taking action steps to achieve them.

  7. Discipline Essay

    Discipline Essay in English for students available at Vedantu. Being disciplined is one of the important and toughest lessons to learn in life. This is an easy, short & informative essay on Discipline available for free only at

  8. Short Essay: Discipline

    Discipline Essay Example #3. Discipline is a critical aspect of personal and professional growth. It is the act of training oneself or others to follow a set of rules, guidelines, or principles. ... Mr. Greg's English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their ...

  9. Discipline is the Key to Success Essay

    Discipline requires self-control, determination, and a strong sense of purpose. It is essential for success in all areas of life, including school, work, and personal relationships. 200 Words Essay on Discipline is the Key to Success Essay. Discipline is the ability to take responsibility for one's actions.

  10. Essays About Discipline: Top 5 Examples And 10 Prompts

    3. Physical Discipline Is Harmful And Ineffective by Eve Glicksman. "Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child's aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship.

  11. Essay on Discipline for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    1) Discipline is a behavior that encourages us to obey rules. 2) Discipline is important in every phase of life. 3) It helps us to achieve success and fulfill our dreams in life. 4) Discipline helps to increase self-confidence in us. 5) Parents, teachers, and elders teach us discipline.

  12. Short Essay: Value Of Discipline

    Value Of Discipline Essay Example #1. Discipline is a virtue that encompasses self-control, commitment, and adherence to a set of principles or rules. It is a cornerstone of personal growth, success, and overall well-being. The value of discipline extends beyond mere obedience; it empowers individuals to overcome challenges, achieve goals, and ...

  13. Essay on Discipline for Students in English

    Essay on Discipline: Discipline is a fundamental quality of every human being that motivates him to lead an organised life. To progress in life and achieve excellence and success, we need to be disciplined in our work and approach. Children should be taught discipline from a young age in terms of studying, following regular habits and going to school.

  14. Importance of Discipline Essay

    Essay on Importance of Discipline. Essay writing is an important aspect of developing the language. Essay helps you to harness and discipline your thinking ability. Every time you see a topic, your mind will be filled with ideas and points for you to work on it. However, it will take a lot of patience to compile these ideas to produce a ...

  15. Essay on School Discipline

    Essay on School Discipline. Discipline is used in schools to keep students, teachers and other staff safe and to help meet the behavioral, social and emotional needs of the children as they grow and develop. Schools approach discipline in various ways and the severity of the discipline usually coincides with how severe the offense was.

  16. Brilliant Essay on Discipline (550+ Words)

    Essay on Discipline (550+ Words) Discipline is about following well-defined rules and is necessary for dutifulness, self-control, and expertise. It is a prerequisite for a civilized society, and its absence leads to decay. As Aristotle said, "Discipline is obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.".

  17. Essay on Importance of Discipline for Students in 500 + Words

    10 Pointer Essay on Importance of Discipline in Students Life in English. This is a brief summary of the essay on the importance of discipline in students' lives. Reading these points will help students to learn about discipline quicker and form their own essays.

  18. Essay On Discipline 20 Models

    Essay on discipline, Discipline is one of the main reasons for success, so we will present an essay on the importance of discipline in school, on the street, and in life. As well as the need for discipline in our dealings with others, we will talk about the concept of discipline, what are the different forms of discipline, and what are the advantages that accrue to us when we are disciplined ...

  19. Essay on Discipline for Children and Students in English

    A discipline essay in English is a written piece that explains the importance of self-control, orderliness, and following rules in one's life. Why is discipline important for students essay? Discipline is crucial for students as it helps them focus on studies, manage time, and develop good habits. This essay explains how it leads to academic ...

  20. Essay On Discipline (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short

    Short Essay On Discipline In English For Children. Discipline is for everyone, whether humans, animals or non-livings. Sunrises from the east every morning and sets down in the west every evening is also some kind of discipline. So, to understand this concept, here is a brief essay on discipline in 150 words. ...

  21. Best Discipline Essay in English for Kids

    Provided here are 10 lines on Discipline essay in English for kids and students. Discipline is one of the most important conducts of our lives. Just like ethics and morals, discipline makes humans different from other species. Discipline, by definition, is "the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour". ...