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Graduate Admissions

Office of graduate admissions.

820 Idaho Avenue Morrill Hall, Room 205 Moscow, ID 83843

University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019 Moscow, ID 83844-3019

Phone: 208-885-4001

Email: [email protected]

Web: More Contact Information

Graduate Programs and Certificates

Select program to review admissions requirements and apply.

Accountancy (M.Acct.)

Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership (M.S.)

Agricultural Education (M.S.)

Animal Physiology (Ph.D.)

Animal Science (M.S.)

Anthropology (M.A.)

Applied Economics (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Art (M.F.A.)

Athletic Training (D.A.T.)

Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Biological Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemistry (M.S., Ph.D.)

Civil Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Climate Change - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Computer Engineering (M.Engr., M.S.)

Computer Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Criminology (M.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (M.Ed.)

Curriculum & Instruction (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.)

Cybersecurity (M.S.)

Dietetics (M.S.)

Education (Ed.D., Ph.D.)

Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S.)

Electrical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Emerging Media (M.A.)

Engineering Management (M.Engr.)

English (M.A.)

Entomology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Environmental Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Experimental Psychology (Ph.D.)

Family and Consumer Sciences (M.S.)

Food Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Aspects of Sustainable Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Habitat Assessment Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Intelligence Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geotechnician Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: GIS Programming Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Natural Hazards and Emergency Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Remote Sensing (M.S.)

Geographic Information, Skills, Mapping, and Monitoring - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Geography (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geological Engineering (M.S.)

Geology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.)

History (M.A., Ph.D.)

Human Factors (Psychology M.S.)

Hydrology (Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.))

Integrated Architecture and Design (M.S.)

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Interdisciplinary Studies (M.A., M.S.)

Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences (M.S.)

Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Master of Natural Resources (Natural Resources (M.N.R.))

Mathematics (M.A.T.)

Mathematics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Mechanical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Ph.D.)

Music (M.A., M.Mus.)

Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication (@MOSS) (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Neuroscience (M.S., Ph.D.)

Nuclear Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Nutritional Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)

Online Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Physical Education (M.Ed.)

Physics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Plant Pathology (M.S.)

Plant Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Political Science (Ph.D.)

Precision Nutrition for Human and Animal Health - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.))

Psychology (M.S.)

Psychology (Ph.D.)

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Secondary Education (M.A.T.)

Soil and Land Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Special Education (M.Ed.)

Statistical Science (M.S.)

Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.)

Technology Management (M.S.)

Theatre Arts (M.F.A.)


Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Water Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Applied Statistics and Data Science

Applied Statistics and Data Science

YSU – ISTC Joint Master Program

Applied Statistics and Data Science

Lecturing Staff

Recent Lecturers

  • Shahane Arushanyan, LinkedIn
  • Narek Melkonyan LinkedIn
  • Arnak Poghosyan Institute of Mathematics
  • Arpi Sahakyan LinkedIn
  • Hrant Davtyan, Linkedin profile
  • Harut Martirosyan, Linkedin profile
  • Samvel Gasparyan,
  • Lusine Zilfimian
  • Vazgen Hakobjanyan Crunchbase profile
  • Tigran Sukiasyan Linkedin profile

Karen Keryan Head of the ASDS Program YSU, AUA

Karen Keryan’s teaching career started at YSU in 2008. He got his Ph.D. in Mathematics from YSU in 2009. Continuing teaching at YSU he then joined American University of Armenia (AUA) in 2013. Currently he is an assistant professor at YSU and adjunct lecturer at AUA. Since 2013 he is the team leader and the coach of the Armenian universities teams participating in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) for university students. The results of YSU team has improved drastically since then and YSU team took the 7th place at IMC in 2017. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 publications. In 2018 Karen defended his habilitation and was awarded the degree of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. Recently he jointly with Gegham Gevorkyan won RA Presidential award in the area of natural sciences. It is awarded for a breakthrough discovery or significant contribution to the mentioned area.

From 2020, Karen is heading the Supreme Certifying Committee of Armenia.

More Info: LinkedIn

Ruben Gevorgyan Head of the “Data Science in Business” YSU – ISTC joint MS Program YSU

Lusine poghosyan ysu, aua, institute of mathematics, lilit sargsyan ysu.

I started my teaching career at Yerevan State University in 1998. Since 2009 I have served as an Associate Professor at Faculty of European Languages and Communication (YSU). In 2021 I was honored to be the winner of YSU Teaching Excellence Award.

I am a Member of the Bologna Follow-up Working Group on Learning and Teaching representing Armenia. For the last two years I have been guest lecturing at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow). I have designed courses and delivered teaching services to YSU academic staff, Public Health Ministry officials and IT solution providers of ZEVIT company.

I have conducted Teacher Training courses on “Innovative Methods of Teaching in the Context of Concurrent Online/Offline Teaching”, “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience” at YSU Department of Additional Post-Graduate Education Professional Development within the framework of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project.

I am a CELTA Certified teacher of English (Cambridge).

In 2002 I received the scientific degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) in Moscow).

In 2009 I became an Associate Professor in Linguistics (certified by the Supreme Certifying Committee, RA).

Michael Poghosyan YSU, AUA

Vazgen mikayelyan ysu, krisp, shant navasardyan ysu, picsart, karen hambardzumyan ysu, yerevann, victor ohanyan ysu, aua, davit shahnazaryan amaros, stepan sargsyan ysu, krisp.

More Info: LinkedIn ×

Shahane Arushanyan, Intelinair

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Featured Stories , Rehabilitation

Solano sees 27 graduate mentor program

California State Prison Solano recently celebrated 27 incarcerated graduates from the Occupational Mentor Certification Program (OMCP) cohort 12.

Those attending included:

  • Warden (A) Schultz
  • Chief Deputy Warden (A) Gonzales
  • Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT) contract staff
  • family and friends of the graduates
  • dignitaries from throughout California.

incarcerated giving speech at a Solano mentor program graduation.

After 15 months of mentor program training, the Solano graduates now begin their journey to accumulate over 2,000 internship hours to become officially certified.

They will work with ISUDT contract staff in delivering Cognitive Behavioral Interventions programming to the incarcerated population. This milestone helps participants with employment prospects Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) counselors when they are paroled.

OMCP began as a pilot program at Solano in 2008. Now, the program is available in seven institutions.

What is the mentor program?

The mentor program teaches incarcerated persons to use their lived experiences and training to mentor and support their peers while incarcerated. Trainees receive some of the best AOD treatment education to be able to aid their incarcerated community.

Currently, OMCP has 394 participants comprising trainees, interns, and certified mentors across California prisons. Since 2019, 244 OMCP mentors have paroled with a recidivism rate of less than 1%, making OMCP one of the most successful rehabilitation programs in the California prison system. The program gives purpose and fulfillment to mentors while incarcerated, and a potential career upon release back into the community.

Learn more about the program on the website .

Submitted by Lt. Vicino California State Prison Solano

graduate shakes hands with SOL staff at OMCP graduation

Read more rehabilitation stories.

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RECRUITING NEW PhD Student and Postdoc for fall 2025!

August 5, 2024

Come join our team

In a longstanding collaboration between the Moffitt-Caspi  Team and the Hariri Lab , we are recruiting a new PhD student and a new postdoctoral fellow for fall 2025. We seek trainees who have a specific interest in midlife brain aging , its origins in early life, and its implications for mental and physical health in later life.  The research training will be grounded in the ongoing longitudinal Dunedin Study, which has followed a population-representative birth cohort for six decades , funded by the National Institute on Aging .  We collected a first wave of MRI data in 875 Study members when they were 45 years old and are currently collecting a second wave of data as Dunedin Study members turn 52 years old this year .  We expect the second wave of data collection to be ready for analysis by fall semester 2025 .  This will lead to many opportunities to map individual life histories (e.g., childhood adversity, environmental exposures, history of mental illness) onto changes in midlife brain structure , cognitive changes, epigenetic aging measures , and risk markers for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.  The research training will also afford opportunities to extend findings from the Dunedin Study through other MRI datasets and epigenetic datasets, including those collected through ADNI, UK Biobank, BrainLat, and ENIGMA.  The trainee will be collectively supervised by Avshalom Caspi, Ahmad Hariri, and Temi Moffitt.  Applications for the Duke PhD program may be submitted through either the Clinical Psychology training area or the Cognition & the Brain training area in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience , as well as the Cognitive Neuroscience Admitting Program.   Applications for Postdoc training can be submitted through a number of T32 Training Grant programs in the Duke Medical School. Ideal candidates will have existing research experience with MRI data analysis including a strong background in programming , or experience with epigenetics research . Contact us to discuss your application.

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The University of Arizona Health Sciences | Home

Design for Health Innovation graduate certificate program now accepting applications

Health Sciences Design, College of Health Sciences

Applications for admission are now open for the Design for Health Innovation graduate certificate, a new program at Health Sciences Design in the College of Health Sciences . The program provides students with interdisciplinary training in human-centered design and innovation processes that can be applied in public health, health care, medical technology, product design and other fields.

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024-25 academic year.

Program highlights

In the Design for Health Innovation graduate certificate program, students develop and demonstrate key competencies in human-centered and collaborative approaches to improving health outcomes. Core courses use a workshop format in which students identify design needs and develop projects to address them. Key features include:

  • Flexibility: The nine-unit program can be completed in two to three semesters with courses that fit a variety of schedules. Remote and hybrid options are available for some courses.
  • Active and applied learning: Students work individually or in teams on faculty-approved projects that are either self-generated or proposed by campus or community partners. Projects can take a variety of forms, including but not limited to a research study, media production, simulation, visualization, educational initiative, user experience, application or device.
  • Multi-pathway course of study: The certificate can be pursued on a standalone basis or in combination with other graduate programs. Core coursework is suitable for students from any discipline and is structured so that students are engaged in an interdisciplinary and interprofessional learning environment.

Application requirements

  • A bachelor’s degree with a minimum grade-point average of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale.
  • Letter of recommendation from a supervisor, instructor or professionally advanced colleague.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year, but the priority deadline for domestic applicants is 12 business days before the start of the semester of admission.

Interested students should visit the College of Health Sciences website to learn more.

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Saint Joseph’s University and the Barnes Foundation Launch Online Museum Education Graduate Program, Marking First-Of-Its-Kind Collaboration in Philadelphia

Innovative partnership offers students a unique opportunity to learn from esteemed museum experts

Left to right: The Barnes Foundation, Detail Room 19, North Wall and Erin Downey, PhD, assistant curator of the Frances M. Maguire Art Museum, speaking with Saint Joseph's students inside of a gallery.

Written by: Kevin Gfeller, BS ’20

Published: August 5, 2024

Total reading time: 3 minutes

PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 2024 — Today, Saint Joseph’s University and the Barnes Foundation announced a new online graduate program designed to prepare future museum educators for roles in public and private institutions. Beginning in fall 2024, the museum education graduate program will offer a Master of Arts in Museum Education and a Museum Education Certificate . 

Building on the educational affiliation between the Barnes and Saint Joseph’s University, which began in 2018 to further the common missions of both institutions, this new, comprehensive graduate program teaches students how to share knowledge with the public in an engaging and inclusive way, from K-12 school groups to museum visitors. Participants will learn strategies for teaching about objects and collections and develop skills applicable to any type of museum, including art and natural history museums, science institutes and historical sites. 

“The uniqueness of our new museum education program lies in the strength of the partnership between the Barnes and SJU,” says Joshua Power, BS ’05, EdD ’16 , dean of the School of Education and Human Development at Saint Joseph’s University. “This program was co-created by these two great institutions to provide a one-of-a-kind educational experience tailored specifically to the museum industry and advancing your museum career.” 

Offered entirely online, the museum education program was designed for students from around the world, with assignments and projects that encourage participants to engage with their local museums. Students will explore various topics, including the history of museum education; pedagogical strategies for gallery-based teaching; and museum management. Each course will be taught by esteemed faculty who bring a wealth of practical experience.

“This innovative endeavor with Saint Joseph’s University is at the heart of our mission to make art accessible and relatable through education,” says Martha Lucy, Deputy Director for Research, Interpretation, and Education at the Barnes Foundation. “The Barnes has been focused on learning since our founding in 1922, so this really is in our DNA — and we are excited to help shape the next generation of museum educators.”

In addition to learning from expert faculty, students enrolled in the program will use the Barnes’ state-of-the-art Visual Experience Platform (VXP), designed specifically for the study of visual material. This innovative online learning tool allows students to zoom in on artworks in astonishing detail while engaging in dialogue with their peers and educators, creating a highly interactive environment conducive to learning. 

Local students enrolled in the program will have access to the many vibrant cultural offerings of Philadelphia as well as internship opportunities at the Barnes and Saint Joseph’s University’s Frances M. Maguire Art Museum , which is housed in the original Barnes gallery building. Internships require 35 hours of fieldwork and a biweekly seminar component. 

Credits earned from the certificate program in museum education can be applied toward the Master of Arts in Museum Education at Saint Joseph’s University. Students who complete the certificate program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher can take six additional courses to earn the MA. 

To learn more about Saint Joseph’s University’s master’s program for museum education, visit .

Motion blur shot of high school students walking on stairs between classes

Saint Joseph’s University Launches Substance-Use-Prevention Program for Delaware County Middle and High Schools

Funded through a $500,000 grant from Delaware County’s opioid settlement fund, Prevention Academy will support school communities in building a culture and climate of prevention.

Jim Brennan in a suit holding the Hawk mascot head, next to which it reads "James 'Jim' Brennan '58" in white text against a black background with a hawk logo below

In Memoriam: Remembering the Original Hawk, James “Jim” Brennan ’58

The creative mind behind The Hawk mascot was 91.

Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, seated in an orange chair

Saint Joseph’s University Announces Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, as New Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs

With 26 years of higher education experience, Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, assumes the role of provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at Saint Joseph’s University, effective June 17, 2024.


  1. Graduate Programs

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  2. Center for Doctoral Education

    phd programs ysu

  3. Undergraduate Programs

    phd programs ysu

  4. Graduate Programs

    phd programs ysu

  5. Undergraduate Programs

    phd programs ysu

  6. Graduate Programs

    phd programs ysu


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  1. College of Graduate Studies

    COVID-19 info Advance your degree, advance your career Our faculty are highly qualified and successful on a national level in research and publications. The graduate programs offer the latest developments in research and technology and most importantly, we are an urban research university that highly values teaching. This means that the focus is on you and your professional development ...

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    Online Graduate Programs. Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. Master of Arts in Financial Economics. Master of Arts in Gerontology. Master of Business Administration. Master of Health and Human Services. Master of Music in Music Education. Master of Respiratory Care. Master of Science in Criminal Justice.

  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences

    Degree Requirements. Learning Outcomes. Program Director. Ken Learman, PhD, PT. Director, PhD in Health Sciences. Professor, Physical Therapy. [email protected]. Mission: To prepare the next generation of academics who are excellent researchers, instructors, and are prepared to serve Northeast Ohio and beyond.

  4. PhD in Health Sciences

    A PhD in Health Sciences at Youngstown State University is an advanced degree designed for students wishing to further their careers in research, academia, or leadership in health-related fields. ... (Ph.D.) in Health Sciences at Youngstown State University (YSU)! As an established leader in health education, YSU's PhD program focuses on ...

  5. PhD in Health Sciences

    Adequacy of students. The Ph.D. in Health Sciences is designed to accept students who possess a bachelor's, master's or a clinical doctorate degree. The bachelor's and master's degrees considered should be health related, but will consider students with a basic science degree (ex. biology) if there is an established interest in healthcare.

  6. Materials Science and Engineering PhD

    Degree. Materials Science and Engineering PhD. Along with your courses, our program consists of elements that contribute to both your studies and research, including: Qualifying exam: Based on first year's core curriculum. You'll have two chances to successfully complete this exam. Recommended internship: Typically via full-time paid employment ...

  7. Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering

    Program Coordinator. Dr. Clovis A. Linkous 5001 Ward Beecher Science Hall (330) 941-1958 [email protected] . Program Description. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Materials Science and Engineering is a cutting-edge program, employing state-of-the-art analytical materials instrumentation not found anywhere else in the area between Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

  8. Graduate Degree Program

    Graduate Degree Program | Bitonte College of Health and Human Services.

  9. PhD Degree Programs

    Double Degree Programs. PhD programs are implemented since 1932. Those who have Master's degree or a Specialist's degree in the fields related to the programs of aspired postgraduate studies are best suited for these programs. List of PhD degree programs: Code and name of scientific specialty. The number of budget places.

  10. Graduate Programs Offered-University of Idaho

    Physical Address: 820 Idaho Avenue Morrill Hall, Room 205 Moscow, ID 83843. Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019 Moscow, ID 83844-3019

  11. Study PhD Programmes in Moscow, Russia

    Weather Moscow. Moscow has long, cold winters usually lasting from November to the end of March. Temperatures can fluctuate between the city centre and the suburbs between 5-10°C (41-50°F). Heat waves may occur during summer. Average low temperatures are -10°C (15°F) in February, while average highs reach 24°C (76°F) in July. Study a PhD ...

  12. PhD degree in Russia

    Philosophiae Doctor is the third level of higher education in Russia and the first stage on the path to an academic career of a scientist. In Russia, PhD studies conducted not only in universities but also in various specialized scientific organizations and research centres. Upon completion of the PhD programme and the candidate's dissertation ...

  13. Lecturers

    Since 2013 he is the team leader and the coach of the Armenian universities teams participating in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) for university students. The results of YSU team has improved drastically since then and YSU team took the 7th place at IMC in 2017. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 publications.

  14. PhD programs

    Procedure and rules for admission applications and list of required documents. Via e-mail: [email protected]. Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building). Division for International Students +7 499 230-24-09.

  15. 100% Online Bachelor's of Applied Science in Allied Health

    Explore a wide range of opportunities in healthcare and related industries when you earn your 100 percent online Bachelor of Science in Applied Science in Allied Health from Youngstown State University. If you have earned your associate degree, you can apply the credits to this bachelor in allied health program to save time and money.

  16. Ph.D Programs in English in Russia

    PhD degrees of Russian universities are recognized worldwide. Russian scientists are well-known for their researches. Our scientists have paid the most contribution to the present world. On completion of the PhD programs students has to write the thesis and to defend it in front of the commission of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation.

  17. Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

    Program Coordinator. Dr. Jane Beese 4105 Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (330) 941-2236 [email protected]. Program Description. The Doctor of Education program in educational leadership provides terminal professional preparation for administrators in public and nonpublic schools and health and human service organizations.

  18. Health Sciences PhD

    One of the main goals of this Ph.D. program is to admit students from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to facilitate interprofessional learning and experiences. We feel this is a contextually "richer" experience for adult learners who are currently working in the health arena, or plan to teach in health-related professions.

  19. 100% Online Criminal Justice Bachelor's Degree

    This Youngstown State University program features an accelerated online format optimized for flexibility and convenience. ... Applying at Youngstown State University is a simple 3-step process and is the first step toward ... encouraged to select a situation consist with present work or long-term career plans. Prereq.: CRJS 1500, PHLT 1531, OR ...

  20. 100% Online Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

    Graduate this bachelor's in sociology online program prepared to work in a variety of settings, including: ... This Youngstown State University program features an accelerated online format optimized for flexibility and convenience. ... Applying at Youngstown State University is a simple 3-step process and is the first step toward earning ...

  21. Solano sees 27 graduate mentor program

    A graduate from Solano's mentor program speaks during the ceremony. After 15 months of mentor program training, the Solano graduates now begin their journey to accumulate over 2,000 internship hours to become officially certified.

  22. RECRUITING NEW PhD Student and Postdoc for fall 2025!

    Applications for Postdoc training can be submitted through a number of T32 Training Grant programs in the Duke Medical School. Ideal candidates will have existing research experience with MRI data analysis including a strong background in programming, or experience with epigenetics research. Contact us to discuss your application.

  23. Dean's Welcome

    Contact the Dean. Dr. Sal Sanders. 330-941-3091. [email protected]. Welcome to the College of Graduate Studies at Youngstown State University! YSU's faculty is highly qualified and successful on a national level in research and publications. Our up-to-date programs offer the latest developments in research and technology.

  24. Graduate Faculty < Youngstown State University

    The City University of New York Graduate Center, 2000. Dr. Vamsi Borra Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Faculty Member B.E., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2011 M.S., Youngstown State University, 2014 Ph.D., University of Toledo, 2017.

  25. Assistant Coach, Sports Performance in Youngstown, OH for Youngstown

    Summary of Position Responsible for assisting with the implementation and management of the Sports Performance program. Position Information Essential Functions and Responsibilities: In compliance with applicable NCAA Policy, Inter-association Guidelines, and/or Consensus Guidelines and in conjunction with the use of performance data and analytics: analyzes available data on strength and ...

  26. Design for Health Innovation graduate certificate program now accepting

    Applications for admission are now open for the Design for Health Innovation graduate certificate, a new program at Health Sciences Design in the College of Health Sciences.The program provides students with interdisciplinary training in human-centered design and innovation processes that can be applied in public health, health care, medical technology, product design and other fields.

  27. 100% Online Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

    Become a sought-after member of any organization's tech team. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 100 percent online program from YSU gives you credentials that align with a rewarding career in a high-growth field.This respected program is taught by highly dedicated faculty who provide career-relevant instruction in a supportive environment.

  28. Graduate Degree Programs

    With opportunities to research global issues and engage with top-ranked faculty, Penn State's graduate and professional programs will give you a competitive edge in your career. Search Graduate Academic Offerings. Explore degrees and courses offered across six Penn State campuses and online. To see a full listing of programs, visit the ...

  29. Saint Joseph's University and the Barnes Foundation Launch Online

    PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 2024 — Today, Saint Joseph's University and the Barnes Foundation announced a new online graduate program designed to prepare future museum educators for roles in public and private institutions. Beginning in fall 2024, the museum education graduate program will offer a Master of Arts in Museum Education and a Museum Education Certificate.

  30. Graduate Admission

    Contact Graduate Admissions. 330-941-3091. [email protected]. Choose the Application Type that best describes you I'm a first-time applicant This is your first time applying to the graduate college at Youngstown State. for first-time information I'm an International applicant You are an international student applying to graduate college. for ...