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How do I submit my thesis? Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024     Views: 204

Information on thesis submission can be found on the Lancaster University - Deposit Your Thesis.

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Everything You Need to Know About Submitting Your Thesis

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

This course will introduce you to:

  • The University regulations for thesis deposit (electronic and print)
  • The benefits of electronic access to your research
  • The deposit process, including uploading your thesis to Pure and completing the thesis declaration form
  • Third party copyright
  • Consideration of an embargo on your thesis


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Dissertations and Theses

  • EThOS This link opens in a new window EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. more... less... There are approximately 440,000 records relating to theses awarded by over 120 institutions. Around 160,000 of these also provide access to the full text thesis, either via download from the EThOS database or via links to the institution’s own repository. Of the remaining 240,000 records dating back to at least 1800, three quarters are available to be ordered for scanning through the EThOS digitisation-on-demand facility.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (with full-text) PQDTGlobal is considered the world’s most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. The collection comprises millions of searchable citations from 1861 through to the present day, together with over a million full-text, graduate dissertations and theses added since 1997. Annually, around 70,000 new, full-text documents are added to the collection from 700+ academic institutions worldwide.

The PQDTGlobal trial is available until 31st December 2020. Tell us what you think of this resource by completing our  trial evaluation form

Lancaster eprints

Lancaster eprints  is the research repository for Lancaster University.  

You can search the site for Lancaster theses, or browse by department, year or subject.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 19, 2024 10:16 AM
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Your Thesis

All the information you need about preparing and depositing an electronic version of your thesis should be available on this page. 

To arrange an appointment with the library to discuss completing the Thesis Access Declaration Form , please email [email protected]  

IMPORTANT: The information on this page is ONLY for students whose PhD is being awarded by the University of Cumbria. 

Students submitting to Lancaster University should visit  https://portal.lancaster.ac.uk/ask/study/programme/study-assessment-progression/thesis/deposit-your-thesis/  

Thesis layout and presentation 

University guidelines on the layout and presentation of your thesis are available in the  University of Cumbria Postgraduate Research Assessment Regulations . 

The Graduate School can also advise on the requirements for thesis layout and presentation:  [email protected] .

Please do not sign your name within your thesis, otherwise your signature will be available via the web.

The electronic version of your thesis should be deposited as a single PDF file.  However, it is acceptable to deposit a small number of individual files if you experience difficulties in producing a single file for conversion to PDF.

Before converting to PDF you need to ensure that you have incorporated any elements of the thesis created in programs such as Excel, etc. into the main body of the thesis to create a single PDF file.  However, if there are multimedia elements that you are unable to incorporate into the main body of your thesis it may be possible to upload these as a separate file.

You should save the PDF version of your thesis using the following filename format: yearnamedegree.pdf, eg 2020smithphd.pdf or 2020jonesmphil.pdf

If you need to deposit two files, one complete and one with third party copyright material edited out you should give them different filenames using the following format:

  • edited (public version): yearnamedegree.pdf, eg 2020smithphd.pdf
  • full (not for public view) version: yearnamedegreeinternal.pdf, eg 2020smithphdinternal.pdf

If you need to deposit additional multimedia files that cannot be incorporated into the main PDF file you should use the same file name with the addition of information about the type of media being deposited. eg: 2020smithphd_audio.mpeg

Depositing associated multimedia files 

The main body of your thesis, including associated images, data, tables etc. must be deposited as a PDF document. However, if your thesis has associated multimedia e.g. audio file or video clips, these can be uploaded separately. No guarantee can be given that such files will continue to be accessible in the future. The relevant software for playing such files will not be provided via the institutional repository. Note that you should only upload multimedia files where you own the copyright, or where you have cleared any necessary rights.

Creating an edited version of your thesis

If you have been unable to secure all the necessary third party copyright permissions for your thesis you will not be able to make the full version available online. You will still be required to deposit this copy, and it will be held securely. However, you may wish to make an edited version publicly available. If this is the case you should save an additional copy of your thesis,  remove  the relevant material and insert a place holder at this point in the document, eg "Figure (Text/Chart/Diagram/Image etc) has been removed due to Copyright restrictions".

Remember that you need to deposit both the full and the edited version of your thesis, and that these should be given different filenames (see above).

Quick Guide to MS Word Styles and Headings for UoC Theses

If you are writing a long document such as a thesis, we recommend that you use Styles and Headings within MS Word to format the text – but this is not a mandatory requirement for University of Cumbria PgR Assessment Regulations.  

Styles and Headings are beneficial to your document because…

  • They keep formatting consistent throughout the document and save you time
  • You can create and apply your own styles
  • They offer features that will help your readers and examiners to navigate your work.

The quick guide below will show you how you can use Styles and Headings to create an automatic Navigation Panel and Table of Contents.

Quick Guide to MS Word Styles and Headings for UoC Theses (Word version)

Quick Guide to MS Word Styles and Headings for UoC Theses (PDF Version)


Copyright law prohibits reusing more than an insubstantial part of third party copyright-protected material unless you have the owner’s permission or your use is permitted by an exception in the legislation (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988).  If you are unsure whether the third party material you have used is copyright protected see the  Copyright guide for more information

To seek permission for reuse you need to contact the copyright owner.  This may be the author of a work, a publisher, an illustrator etc. In the case of material from books and journals your first course of action should be to contact the publisher. Many publishers give details on their website of how to seek permission and who to contact. Look for information on rights/permissions/copyright clearance. If the publisher does not hold the rights to the work they should forward your enquiry to whoever does.  Once you have established who to contact you can use the template below to form the basis of a letter or e-mail to the rights holder asking permission to include the material in the electronic version of your thesis.

If the rights holder does not reply immediately you may choose to contact them again. However, note that it is not safe to assume a lack of response as permission to go ahead.

What to do if permission is granted

If a copyright holder indicates that permission has been granted you should indicate this at the appropriate point in your thesis, eg 'Permission to reproduce this ... has been granted by...'. You should keep a copy of any letters or e-mails you received from rights holders.

What to do if permission is not granted

If you need to include third party copyright material in your thesis and are unable to obtain permission or are asked to pay to do this you will not be able to make the full version of the thesis publicly available online. You need to select the option on the Thesis Access Declaration form to restrict access to the electronic version of your thesis because of copyright restrictions. However, you are still required to deposit an electronic copy of your thesis which will be held securely.

When you come to deposit your thesis you have two options:

1. Deposit two copies i) The full version with all third party copyright material retained. This version will not be made publicly available; and ii) An edited version excluding the third party copyright material for which you do not have permission. This will be made publicly available.

2. Deposit just the unedited version. This version will not be made publicly available.

Restricting Access to your Thesis

There may be a valid reason why you need to restrict access to your thesis. In most cases this will be for a limited period of time.

Because theses can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, grounds for embargoing access to a thesis need to relate to one of the exemptions provided for by the Act. The most common reasons why you might need to embargo access are listed below:

  • Your thesis is due for publication, either as a series of articles or as a monograph
  • Your thesis has been commercially sponsored and you may have signed a agreement which does not permit you to make it publicly available
  • Your thesis contains commercially sensitive information, the release of which might prejudice the commercial interests of any person including the author, the University or an external company
  • Your thesis includes material that was obtained under a promise of confidentiality
  • The release of your thesis might endanger the physical or mental health or the safety of an individual

A  detailed list and guidance  on the scope of exemptions is available from the Information Commissioner's Office.

Theses may also be requested under the  Environmental Information Regulations  (EIR). If you think you may need to restrict access to your thesis in relation to environmental information you may need to specify an EIRs exception rather than an Freedom of Information exemption.

You should talk to your supervisor when establishing if there is a need to restrict access to your thesis. They will be able to advise if one of the exemptions permitted under the Act is applicable.

Requests for embargoes should be made on the Thesis Access Declaration form. You must indicate in the space provided in the form which exemption you are claiming, and why you feel an exemption is necessary. It is important that you hand this form in to the  Graduate School  when you are ready to deposit the final version of your thesis so that there is time for your request to be considered. The Director of Institute is required to sign the Thesis Access Declaration form to indicate that they agree with your decision on restricting access to your thesis. The restriction will then be approved by the Graduate School on receipt of the form.

If requests are approved, theses will normally be embargoed for up to a maximum of five years.

At the end of the embargo period, the restrictions on access will be removed automatically. It is your responsibility to contact the Graduate School well in advance if you need to extend the embargo. You will have to make a written case to the Graduate School for the extension.

If you are granted an embargo but decide it is no longer necessary, contact us . We will contact the Director of Institute to confirm that it is appropriate to make the thesis available earlier.

Your Thesis and Creative Commons

What are creative commons licences.

Creative Commons licences are a series of easy-to-use copyright licences designed to encourage the creation of content that can be copied, distributed, and re-used, without infringing the creator’s copyright.  Each licence has three parts: legal code defining the licence terms, a translation of the legal code into easy-to-understand layman’s terms, and a machine-readable version which search engines and other software systems can understand.

Which Creative Commons licence will be applied to my thesis?

The University of Cumbria requires that a CC BY-NC-ND licence be applied when you deposit your thesis in the Institutional Repository called  Insight . This will happen automatically. 

Types of Creative Commons licence

There are six different Creative Commons licences, permitting different types of reuse. 

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

The basic Creative Commons licence is the Creative Commons Attribution licence, or CC-BY licence.  Under a CC-BY licence, users are free to copy, redistribute, and reuse the work for any purpose, including commercial purposes, but must attribute the creator of the work.  The remaining licences are made up of the basic Creative Commons Attribution licence, and one or more of the following elements:

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

Users can only use the work for non-commercial purposes .

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

Users cannot share adaptations or derivatives of the work.

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

Users can share adaptations of the work but must use the same licence terms.

These elements can be combined; for example, the most restrictive Creative Commons licence is CC BY-NC-ND under which users can copy and redistribute the work but cannot alter it in any way, or use it commercially.

thesis access declaration form lancaster university

What if I want to apply a different Creative Commons licence to my work ?

The University requires that a CC BY-NC-ND licence be applied when you deposit your thesis in Insight. This will happen automatically. If you wish to make your thesis available elsewhere under a different licence you are free to do so. You could use the Creative Commons licence chooser to help you pick an appropriate licence.  It will also generate the relevant licence icons and descriptive text for you.

If you want your thesis to be included in the ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Globa l database then you will need to apply a CC-BY licence.

What do I do if my work has third-party content ?

You must have permission to reuse the third-party content. This permission might be granted by a licence on the third-party content: for example, if the third-party work itself uses a CC BY licence you can reproduce it in your own work as long as you attribute it properly.  

If you have permission to reuse the third-party content, you can apply a Creative Commons licence to your work but you must clearly mark the third party content within your work and indicate the terms of use for these elements.

  • For the overall work: “Except otherwise noted, this thesis is © 2020 Your Name , under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ .”
  • For the third-party content: “The photo X is © 2019 Third-party Name , used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ .”

Thesis Deposit Instructions

Depositing your electronic thesis .

Before depositing the final version of your thesis you should ensure that you do the following:

  • Ensure that you have made best efforts to seek permission to include any third party copyright material in the electronic version of your thesis. If you have been unable to gain all necessary permissions, decide if you want to make an edited version publicly available.
  • Discuss with your supervisor whether or not there is a reason for restricting access to your thesis. If you do wish to restrict access to your thesis you will need the signature of your Director of Institute on the Thesis Access Declaration Form .  
  • Complete the Thesis Access Declaration Form . This should be sent to the Graduate School [email protected]   and to [email protected]   when you are ready to deposit the final version in Insight .

Instructions for electronic theses that are to be made available immediately (no embargoes, no copyright restrictions):

  • You need to send the final PDF electronic version of your thesis as an email attachment to [email protected]  
  • The Insight administrator will deposit your thesis in Insight and apply the relevant metadata to make it discoverable
  • You should have the final version of your thesis as a single PDF file
  • Ensure that your file is named according to the format  yearnamedegree.pdf  (eg 2020smithphd.pdf)
  • Once your thesis has been uploaded to Insight, the Graduate School will be informed that you have complied with University regulations

Instructions for electronic theses where access is to be restricted, either due to an embargo or due to the inclusion of third party copyright material

If you have been granted an embargo or if your thesis contains third party copyright material you do not have permission to include within the electronic version, access to the full text of the thesis will be restricted. In the case of embargoed or restricted theses, the access restriction will be dependent on the length of time for which restriction has been granted (up to a maximum of 5 years).

Embargoed theses

  • The instructions for depositing your thesis in Insight are as above. You will need to include details of the length of restriction, e.g. restricted until 2025, in the appropriate section of the Insight screen.
  • The Insight administrator will verify the embargo details with the Graduate School before restricting access to the thesis. Please make sure you have returned the Thesis Access Declaration Form to the Graduate School containing the required authorisation for the restriction.
  • Once your thesis has been uploaded and validated, the Graduate School will be informed.

Edited versions of theses with third party copyright removed

  • If you have created an edited version of your thesis to remove third party copyright, you may deposit this for public access in addition to the restricted unedited version.  
  • You should give the versions different filenames using the following format.   Edited (public view) version - yearnamedegree.pdf (e.g. 2020smithphd.pdf). Unedited (not for public view) version - yearnamedegreeinternal.pdf (e.g. 2020smithphdinternal.pdf)

What happens after you have deposited your thesis?

The Insight administrator will check the information you have provided and add further details.

If you have chosen to make your thesis available immediately with no embargoes it will be available in Insight shortly after deposit (assuming there are no problems with the file you have deposited - if there are we will contact you). Your theses will then be automatically harvested by the British Library's  EThOS  service.

If you have been granted an embargo, the full text of your thesis will not appear publicly until after this period has elapsed. However, the details about your thesis, e.g. author, title etc. will be made publicly available at the point of deposit. If access to your thesis has been restricted for copyright reasons it will not appear in the repository at all unless you have also provided an edited version.

All the information you need about preparing and depositing an electronic version of your thesis should be available on this site. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions.

What are the advantages to me of making my thesis available electronically?

Your work is much more visible, so it is likely to be better known and more highly cited. It is a flexible format, ideal if your work includes videos or graphics. You can include links to supplementary material too.

Won’t the University of Cumbria be at a disadvantage if it makes its students publish their doctoral theses on the web? Will it affect applications?

On the contrary, most UK universities already require electronic submission of theses and there is no sign of this affecting their student applications. In fact it makes the University's research output more visible to potential applicants.

I'm worried about plagiarism. Won't this make it easier for someone to pass off my work as their own?

In fact the reverse is true! Making your thesis available electronically means that powerful online plagiarism detection services can quickly establish if someone else is using your material. Depositing your e-thesis makes it easier for other researchers to use and cite your work legitimately, using the accepted academic conventions.

I want to publish my thesis as a book; won’t this put a stop to my discussions with a publisher?

You may put an embargo on access to your thesis of up to five years. If this is not sufficient you will need to make a formal written case towards the end of that period to show why the embargo should be extended. However an extension beyond five year would only be made in exceptional circumstances.

My thesis takes the form of a novel I want to publish.

Again, you should apply for a five-year embargo in the first place.

How will people find my thesis?

The thesis can be searched locally from  OneSearch , but it is also harvested by major search engines such as Google and Google Scholar. There are links to it from UK-wide theses services such as  EThOS .

I did my thesis at another university but I would like to deposit a copy here. May I?

Certainly, you may deposit your thesis electronically if you wish. Before you deposit your thesis, please complete the  Thesis Deposit Form and then follow the instructions in this guide.

What will happen if I fail to deposit an electronic version of my thesis?

You will not be permitted to graduate until you have deposited an electronic version of your thesis.

Can I restrict access to my thesis?

For information on the options that may be open to you see the Embargoes section above.

How does the Freedom of Information Act 2000 affect access to my thesis?

For information on this see the Embargoes section above.

What do I do if my thesis contains third party copyright material?

For information on this see the Copyright section above.

What do I do if I want to include works I have already published?

For details of what to do see the Copyright section above.

What format does my thesis need to be in?

See the Format section above.

How do I convert my thesis to PDF format?

What do I do if I cannot produce a single PDF file of my thesis?

If you are experiencing major difficulties in creating a single PDF file it is acceptable to upload a small number of separate PDF files, eg main thesis and appendices.

What happens after I have deposited my electronic thesis in Insight?

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Student forms

A selection of student forms made available by the Student Registry.

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  • Doctoral Academy Covid Funding Extension
  • Phase 2 Covid Funding Extension form - UKRI and LU Funded Students (Word)
  • Phase 2 Covid Funding Extension form - Externally Funded Students (Word)
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  • ‌ Criteria for Postgraduate student extensions and intercalations (Word)
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  • PhD Confirmation Panel Form (Word)
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  • ‌ UG assessment deferral form
  • Statement for Thesis Submission Impacted by COVID-19 - PGR Students (PDF)
  • Statement for Thesis Submission Impacted by COVID-19 - PGR Students (Word)
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  • Postgraduate research exit survey (Word)


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Where epidemiology and entomology meet. Research assistant professor specializes in protecting human health from vector-borne diseases

Kyndall Dye-Braumuller

August 19, 2024  | Erin Bluvas,  [email protected]

The Arnold School has been home to Kyndall Dye-Braumuller for the past five years, and she’s agreed to extend her stay. The Ph.D. in Epidemiology graduate (’22) and postdoctoral fellow recently accepted a research assistant professor position with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics .

“Over the past few years as a doctoral student and postdoctoral fellow here, I have been a part of some really wonderful projects where we have filled in gaps in our understanding of infectious disease risk for residents of South Carolina and abroad,” Dye-Braumuller says. “The Arnold School has always been supportive and inclusive when new ideas are brought into the fray, and I have grown to love this community.”

Over the past few years as a doctoral student and postdoctoral fellow here, I have been a part of some really wonderful projects where we have filled in gaps in our understanding of infectious disease risk for residents of South Carolina and abroad.

Dye-Braumuller’s research combines two different, yet applied, disciplines: epidemiology and entomology. She discovered the first when she was in middle school and watched the 1995 film, Outbreak. That’s when she knew that she wanted to become an infectious disease epidemiologist.

Then, during her undergraduate program studying environmental health science at the University of Georgia, she took an entomology course. Dye-Braumuller fell in love with the study of insects, but her passion for epidemiology remained strong as well.

“At an impasse for what I wanted to do with my life, I thought I created a 'new' career by combining entomology and epidemiology,” she says. “As it turns out, there is an entire field called medical entomology or public health entomology, which is the study of arthropod vectors and their impact on human health.”

Dye-Braumuller knew she had found her vocation – studying vectors (i.e., insects and ticks that can transmit diseases between animals and humans) and their health impacts. She added entomology to her studies and contributed to zoonotic diseases research while earning two bachelor’s degrees.

Kyndall Dye-Braumuller

After completing a master’s in entomology at the University of Kentucky, Dye-Braumuller moved to Houston, Texas to gain experience as the vector surveillance manager for the local public health department. She crossed paths with a postdoctoral fellow at Texas Children’s Hospital, Melissa Nolan , and they connected over their shared interest in tick- and kissing bug-borne diseases. When Nolan took a position at the Arnold School, Dye-Braumuller enrolled in the Ph.D. program so they could collaborate.

Over the course of her doctoral studies (during which she received the school’s Doctoral Achievement Award ) and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship, Dye-Braumuller has become an integral part of the Arnold School’s growing expertise in the field of zoonotic diseases, particularly vector-borne illnesses. Working with the South Carolina Department of Public Health (formerly DHEC), the team has expanded tick surveillance in the state – launching its first formal surveillance program, which Dye-Braumuller led as its inaugural coordinator. They’ve also collaborated extensively with the University of El Salvador and the country’s Ministry of Health.

Today, Dye-Braumuller’s research focuses on understanding various aspects of vector-borne disease transmission dynamics. She is particularly interested in vector-pathogen interactions, vector and pathogen genome change over time, human behavior and changes to vector-borne disease risk, and novel vector control strategies.

Dye-Braumuller is excited to be a part of the Institute for Infectious Disease Translational Research , which USC launched last year. She is also looking forward to continuing to work with students – both in the classroom and the lab. 

“I thoroughly enjoy bringing in a somewhat new discipline to public health in the classroom, particularly entomology,” Dye-Braumuler says. “Infectious disease epidemiology will always be one of my favorite courses to teach, and I love to include as many references and hands-on activities to introduce students to medical/public health entomology as well.”

“We are so excited to have Dr. Dye-Braumuller join the faculty of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,” says chair Anthony Alberg . “Dr. Dye-Braumuller has proven herself to be an exceptional researcher whose cross-disciplinary training adds a critical dimension to the study of vector-borne diseases, an issue of increasing public health importance.”

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Samara Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Samara oblast: Samara .

Samara Oblast - Overview

Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region.

The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

Samara oblast flag

Samara oblast coat of arms.

Samara oblast coat of arms

Samara oblast map, Russia

Samara oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

15 February, 2020 / Syzran - the view from above .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

26 January, 2018 / Samara - the view from above .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

21 November, 2016 / Park of the History of Equipment in Tolyatti .

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History of Samara Oblast

The territory of the present Samara region became part of the Russian state in the middle of the 16th century, after the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates were conquered by the Russian state. In the 17th-18th centuries, the territory around the middle Volga was colonized by migrants from other regions of Russia and foreigners (in particular, the Volga Germans).

The intensified colonization of the region began only in the second half of the 18th century. From the mid 19th century, this region experienced economic growth. Samara became an important center of the Russian domestic grain market, which led to the development of trade and industry in the city. In 1851, Samara became the center of Samara guberniya (province).

In 1935, Samara was renamed into Kuybyshev (the historical name was returned in 1990). In Soviet times, industrialization had a serious impact on the development of the region. Construction of plants producing explosives, poisonous substances and ammunition began in the town of Chapayevsk.

During the Second World War, the region became one of the centers of the defense industry of the USSR. In 1941, an oil processing plant was put into operation in Syzran providing the army with fuel. Several aviation plants were evacuated to Kuybyshev from Moscow and Voronezh. They started production of “Il-2” attack aircraft.

More Historical Facts…

In 1942, a railway passed through Syzran to supply Soviet troops during the Stalingrad Battle. In 1941-1943, diplomatic missions of foreign countries to the USSR were located in Kuybyshev (Samara). In 1941, there were plans for transferring the capital of the country to Kuybyshev in case the German troops capture Moscow.

In the 1950s-1960s, this region was one of the leading centers of oil extracting in the USSR. In 1945-1951, Kuybyshev and Novokuybyshev oil processing plants were built. At the same time, construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was resumed. It was put into operation in 1955. Because of this construction, the town of Stavropol was flooded and was rebuilt in a new place and received a new name - Tolyatti.

Later, the construction base created during the construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was used to create a series of other large industrial enterprises in Tolyatti - “KuybyshevAzot” mineral fertilizer plant, “Tolyattikauchuk” synthetic rubber plant (1964-1966), the Volga Automobile Plant (1970), and the largest in the country and the world manufacturer of ammonia “TolyattiAzot” (1979).

At the same time, aviation production was expanded. Kuibyshev Aviation Plant began production of the most mass Soviet passenger medium-haul aircraft Tu-154. The Soviet rocket space program orders were also fulfilled at this plant (“Progress” rockets).

In the post Soviet period, due to saved economic potential, Samara oblast has become one of the main economic centers of the country.

Samara Oblast views

Samara Oblast scenery

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Dmitriy Siryachenko

Winter in Samara Oblast

Winter in Samara Oblast

Author: Ochin Vladimir

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Urgalkin

Samara Oblast - Features

Samara Oblast stretches from north to south for 335 km, and from west to east - for 315 km. The climate is moderately continental. The average temperature in July is plus 20.7 degrees Celsius, in January - minus 13.8 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns of the region are Samara (1,137,000), Tolyatti (685,600), Syzran (163,000), Novokuybyshevsk (98,400), Chapaevsk (70,100), Zhigulevsk (50,000), Otradny (47,000).

The main resources of the Samara region are oil, natural gas, shale oil, various building materials, water resources. The local industry is presented by about 400 large and medium plants and over 4,000 small ones. The most developed industries are machine building (automotive industry) and metalworking, fuel, electric power, chemical and petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy.

AvtoVAZ is the largest manufacturer of cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. TogliattiAzot is the largest producer of ammonia in the world (about 8-10%). The 300-kilometer section of the main ammonia pipeline Togliatti-Odessa passes through the territory of the region.

Crop production specializes in the cultivation of wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, sunflower, vegetables, and potatoes. Livestock is represented by production of cattle meat and milk, pigs, poultry.

Tourism in Samara Oblast

There are 19 monuments of archeology, more than 1,200 cultural monuments, 11 theaters, and 58 museums on the territory of the Samara region. The cities of Samara, Syzran and Tolyatti are included in the List of Historical Settlements of the Russian Federation.

The most developed areas of tourism: sightseeing tourism, cruises along the Volga River, medical and recreational, ecological, event, rural, and ethnographic tourism, caving tourism, bicycle and horse routes.

The most interesting sights:

  • The buildings of the Samara Drama Theater and the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater,
  • Stalin’s Bunker, House with Elephants, Klodt Mansion, Zhigulevsky Brewery in Samara,
  • Samara Space Museum,
  • Church of Sergius of Radonezh in Chapaevsk,
  • Kremlin, Sterlyadkin Mansion in Syzran,
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Verhnee Sancheeleevo,
  • Museum of the History of Technology in Tolyatti,
  • House-museum of Ilya Repin in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • Sarbai Center of Folk Crafts in the village of Sarbai,
  • Center for Historical Modeling “Ancient World” with the dwellings of the Stone and Bronze Ages,
  • Zhiguli State Nature Reserve and Samarskaya Luka National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Zhiguli Mountains are the largest mountain range in the region and, at the same time, one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Annual festivals taking place in the Samara region:

  • All-Russia festival of the author’s song named after Valery Grushin (the first weekend of July),
  • “World of Bards” (in the end of August),
  • Festival of electronic music and extreme sports GES FEST (the second week of July),
  • “The Battle of Timur and Tokhtamysh”,
  • “Steppe races in the Samara estate of Leo Tolstoy”,
  • International festival “Drums of the World” (June),
  • Holiday “Syzran tomato” (mid-August),
  • “Holiday of a cherry pie” in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • International festival “Theatrical Circle” in Tolyatti,
  • Festival of Classical Ballet named after Alla Shelest.

Samara oblast of Russia photos

Nature of samara oblast.

Field road in the Samara region

Field road in the Samara region

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Author: Vladimir Baboshin

Samara Oblast landscape

Samara Oblast landscape

Pictures of the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Author: Dyomin Ivan

Church in Samara Oblast

Church in Samara Oblast

Author: B.Yartsev

Churches in the Samara region

Churches in the Samara region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

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