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  • Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay


Essay on Trees are Our Best Friend

Trees are the essence of life. If you can listen to the murmur of leaves, they say, "we are your best friend." Trees play a crucial role in ecology and our life. Earth will be a desert without greenery. Trees offer numerous benefits to humans, expecting just a bit of love and care, which we often ignore. They give us fruits and foods to feed, oxygen to breathe, absorb carbon dioxide, and timber to make homes. They cause rain, preserve water bodies, and prevent soil erosion and floods. Trees are grand old children of mother earth, surviving longer than human beings.

Importance of Trees

We tend to forget the contribution of trees and endlessly exploit them to meet our growing demands. Despite the vengeance, trees, like true friends, share all the right things with us. They offer the most delicious fruits to eat, seeds to cultivate, and flowers to make this world beautiful. They give us timber and firewood. From timber houses, furniture and different tools are made. From Cellulose, the fibre present in raw wood is processed to make paper. Herbs and teas come with many curative properties, effectively curing many diseases.

Villagers use firewood for cooking their meals. Woods are used to building their huts, carts, and other agricultural tools. A shade provided by a tree is an oasis in the scorching heat. The flowers with a sweet smell beautify our surroundings, and they are offered to God. On the trees, the birds build their nest and wake you up in the morning with their chirp. The butterflies collect nectar from flowers and make honey. Children play around a big mango tree and eat sweet ripe mangoes from the tree. The soothing shade and cool breeze under the tree calm our body and mind. They provide so much and always stand like a true friend.

Birds build the nest on trees, and many animals take shelter in it. The birds lay and hatch eggs on their nests. New lives emerge from the eggs and fly in the sky. Forests are the habit of many animals and birds, where they live, hunt, and prosper; without forest, they would not survive. The ecological system will be disrupted without plants and trees. Herbivorous animals like elephants, giraffes, and zebras survive eating leaves, twigs, and stems of trees. Predators like a lion, tiger, and cheetahs take rest on the shades of trees. Animals like money, squirrels, and chimpanzees take refuge in a tree, as most carnivorous animals cannot climb on a tree. 

The Amazon rainforest is the lung of this earth, controlling oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The rainforest supplies around 6% of the world oxygen and absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. According to the World Life Fund, this forest is the habitat of ten percent of the world's species. The forest is the home of 1,300 species of birds,3,00 species of fishes, and 430 species of mammals.

Trees are guardians of our environment. They control global temperature by releasing moisture in the air. This moisture turns into clouds shielding us from UV rays. Forgetting all the benefits of cutting trees, we cut more trees in a minute than we plant. Nearly .5 660 trees are uprooted in a minute. Every year, 3.5 million trees are cut down. If we continue deforestation, all the rivers on the earth will dry up. If we plant trees within one kilometre on both banks, rivers will flow. Let us make a promise to plant trees to make the environment secure and make our life happy. Trees are the oldest living creatures on this earth. We must save them.

Benefits of Trees to Human and Environment

Trees are highly important to humans and the environment in general because of the various benefits that they provide. The benefits of trees can be categorized as social benefits, environmental benefits, and economic benefits.

Social benefits: Trees serve as a social house for many birds because birds generally build their nest on trees and even lay eggs there. Apart from birds, forests are home to many other animals. Destructing the natural habitat of such animals will leave them devoid of shelter and eventually become endangered. Also, humans see trees as a stress buster because of the serenity it provides. The ambiance of nature reduces tension and fatigue in individuals as well by promoting meditation and self-discovery. Trees also have religious values attached to it. They are worshipped religiously in parts of India like Peepal tree is said to resemble Lord Vishnu, the coconut tree is named after God Lakshmi, the Neem tree signifies Goddess Durga, and the Banyan tree is worshipped during various auspicious occasions. Therefore, cutting these trees is against religion and thus, forbidden.

Environmental benefits: Trees act like a guardian of the environment because they regulate the atmosphere’s temperature and maintain a balance between humidity and dryness and also reduce the effect of greenhouse gases. Apart from this, trees also facilitate the water cycle that causes rainfall and even protect the land from the harsh heat of the sun forming a protective shield and also preventing soil erosion and floods. Trees also help improve soil fertility by releasing nutrients into the soil when the tree and its parts rot. 

Economic benefits: Trees also provide us with certain economic benefits as the food produced by trees is converted to other products that are also exported internationally. Timber obtained from trees is also used for making homes, schools, offices, and colleges. Also, the paper used in daily lives is another important economic product obtained from trees. Also, there are many medicines produced from trees to treat diseases like HIV, fever, mastitis, and cancer.

Over-Exploitation of Trees by the Environment and Human Race

Though trees are really significant for all the living creatures on Earth, they are still overexploited in a lot of ways. However, if we as humans keep on overexploiting forest resources at such a pace, we will surely face its after-effects and consequences in the future. The industrial sector possesses a major impact on trees as they are cutting down trees exponentially so that they can get raw materials from the forest in bulk. Apart from this, even governments cut down a lot of trees to clear land for domestic purposes.

Conclusion of ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’

We cannot survive in this world without our friends and similarly, it is impossible to survive on this land without trees. Trees give us everything and in return, we do nothing for trees. The least that we can do for trees is to protect them from being cut and over-exploited because without them our motherland will turn into a desert. Though the government is taking measures to conserve trees, we as responsible citizens of the country should also take some effective steps to protect these non-renewable sources, that is, our trees and forests. 

In today's time, the world pays little or no attention to the direct consequences of deforestation, and each one of us should take measures to protect our trees before it gets too late. 

A Brief Summary on Trees Are Our Best Friends

These points will help students in framing a well-structured essay on the topic ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’

Trees provide human beings with oxygen and breathe in carbon-di-oxide from the atmosphere, thereby maintaining the natural balance.

Trees provide the environment with beautiful and colorful flowers, delicious and sweet fruits, and healthy herbs.

Trees even provide human beings with food, air, water, and shelter.

Trees are the primary source of oxygen on Earth.

Areas with more trees are benefitted from rainfall and various other climatic phenomena as well.

Trees must be conserved in their natural habitat.

We as human beings, never give anything in return for the benefits it provides us with.

Trees make our environment look even more beautiful and aesthetic.

Therefore, for all the benefits trees provide us, they must be respected and conserved.


FAQs on Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay

1. What is Deforestation?

The world is becoming a jungle of concrete. Deforestation is the process of permanently removing trees to make cities and towns. Forests are cut for agriculture, gazing, or using timber for construction and furniture.30% of the earth's surface is covered by forest, which provides food, medicine, and fuel to millions of people. In 2017 earth has lost 158,000 square kilometres (about the size of Bangladesh) of the forest. Every minute, an area of forest equal to the football ground is cut down. Most forests are cut for the cultivation of palm, soya oil cultivation, and wood products.

2. How Trees Protect Us?

Trees reduce the force and speed of winds. Trees act as a shield against typhoons and hurricanes, minimizing damage to life and property. The roots of trees hold the soil, preventing soil erosion. The force of the wind is reduced when it passes through dense tree cover like mangroves. The Sundarban mangrove guards the low lying coast against excess salt deposits caused by storms and floods. The mangrove stands as a wall between the land and the sea. We must conserve and regenerate mangrove covers to save the fragile ecosystem and precious human lives.

3. How to Protect Plants?

4. How to Protect Plants?

If we want to reduce pollution and global warming, we need to conserve the tropical rainforest. Ending deforestation will not solve global warming but considerably lower it. There is a ray of hope to conserve our forests, and the process has started. Many governments, corporations, and citizens are coming forward to end deforestation, and if possible, to reverse it. You can also contribute to this effort by using both sides of the paper, using scrap paper for painting. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones — plant trees and shrubs in your terrace and pavements. Small steps can make this world more green and beautiful.

5. How can we say that the trees are our best friends?

It is widely known that trees are our best friends because they help us in many ways as all our friends do. The most important thing that trees do for us is to provide us with oxygen, without which we cannot survive. These trees also give us a beautiful environment because of blooming flowers around us and delicious fruits to eat. The trees also protect us from natural disasters like thunderstorms, earthquakes, and floods. Apart from all this, trees also maintain the natural balance of carbon dioxide in the air by absorbing it while releasing oxygen.

6. How do human beings use plants every day?

Plants are living beings that exist in the form of huge trees, bushes, and herbs that can live on land and water as well. These plants provide many products like firewood, fibers, timber, dyes, medicines, pesticides, rubber, and oil that are used by humans for a lot of activities. Apart from human beings, trees are also of use to other living organisms like insects, small mammals, worms, reptiles, and birds which take shelter under these trees. Therefore, trees are home to a lot of living beings.

Essay on Trees

500+ words essay on tress.

We cannot imagine a world without trees because there won’t be one without them. Trees are one of the most essential beings on planet earth . They work continuously to clean the air that living beings breathe. Moreover, they make the world a better place to live in by giving us numerous offerings. This essay on trees will help you understand how important they are for us.

essay on trees

Significance of Trees

Trees are one of the most significant things on our planet. They help in improving the health of humans and make them fit and happy. You can notice this in people who are surrounded by trees as opposed to those who are not.

Further, we must all look after trees to do ourselves a favour. In other words, we are dependent on trees, they are not. They have utmost significance in many ways of life. Firstly, they give us fresh air. It allows us to breathe freely and live healthily.

Similarly, we also get food from trees. On the other hand, they provide us shade and shelter. We protect ourselves from the heat of the sunlight and the rainfall. Most importantly, a lot of our medicines come from trees only.

The tree extracts help in the making of these medicines. Not only these medicines, but trees themselves have medicinal values which we can use in a lot of ways. When we are around trees, we can feel peace and calm.

Similarly, its presence helps us relax. They also bring down the temperature and are a saviour on sunny or hot days. Also, trees work to conserve water as well as prevent erosion of soil. Thus, they have utmost significance in various ways which essay on trees will help us understand.

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Save Trees and Save Lives

Trees are not only important to humans but also to animals. We must do our best to save trees so everyone can lead a good life. Firstly, we must not waste paper. Using less paper will result in lesser trees being cut down.

Further, it is better to borrow and share books instead of buying new ones. You will help in lesser consumption of paper. Similarly, you can also donate your old books to those who need them. This will help the planet and the needy, both.

Moreover, plant more trees. Planting more trees can really help the planet as it is the need of the hour. Also, visit the forests to make children aware of their importance. We can all do our bit and make the world a greener place.

In conclusion, trees are very important for every form of life on planet earth. If we do not have trees, we will find it very hard to survive in this world. In fact, all species will not be able to make it without trees. Therefore, we must continuously work to save trees and plant more of them to give our future generations a better and greener world.

FAQ of Essay on Trees

Question 1: Why are trees significant?

Answer 1: Trees are significant as they give us a lot of benefits. From the air we breathe to the fruits we eat, we get it all from trees. Similarly, they also work to conserve water and prevent soil erosion. On the other hand, we also get many medicines from trees.

Question 2: How can we conserve trees?

Answer 2: Essay on trees can help you learn how to conserve trees. Save paper and you will save trees. Similarly, try to buy alternatives to wood when buying furniture. On the other hand, do not overuse paper towels or tissues in daily life. Do not throw away old books but donate them so the paper can be saved and ultimately trees.

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Essay On Trees For Students [Short & Long]

Essay On Trees- Trees are our best friends because they consume carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it into fresh oxygen. The importance of saving and planting trees is growing day by day.

It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends and how they contribute to the balance of the ecosystem.

short Essay On Trees | 250 Words


Trees are the real beauty of our planet. They make mother earth look beautiful. Trees help us live a healthy life on Earth. Not only humans but herbivorous animals also depend on trees for their food. And herbivorous animals are food for carnivorous animals.

It means trees maintain the life cycle on Earth. They purify the air we breathe and sustain an ecosystem suitable for all living beings. So, we can say that trees are our best friends.

Essay on Trees | Introduction

Importance of trees

Trees are important for all living beings on Earth. They are also essential to take care of our environment. Apart from that, they help us maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

Plus, They are useful for the reduction of air pollution as they consume carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas too. Trees provide pure oxygen that is very useful for human beings and animals.

Values of trees

We are unable to assess the value of trees. Trees are priceless. A tree is a result of struggles of tens of years from when it was a seed. The value of a tree varies for every living being. Some deeply depend on them and some narrowly.

But trees hold value for all the organisms on the planet. Some depend on their food and some depend on shelter. Trees are an amazing creation of nature. They give us uncountable benefits without expecting anything in return. This is why trees are our best friends.

In conclusion, without trees, our earth will look like the sun without light. Trees maintain a life cycle on Earth. But we humans are using them for the sake of earning money. We are just cutting down more and more trees daily. This is wrong and it will harm all living beings at a greater level soon. We must understand the importance of trees.

Long Essay On Trees | 500 Words

It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends. Our nature is made up of many small and big elements. Trees are one of them. The life cycle starts with a tree on Earth.

It means they are the basic element to support life on the earth. Also, human beings and animals depend on trees for daily food and oxygen. Moreover, birds and some other organisms make their home on them.

Trees are necessary for all living beings on the planet. They are also vital to take care of our climate . Apart from that, they support us to maintain stability in the ecosystem. Plus, They are helpful for the abatement of air pollution as they absorb carbon dioxide which is a harmful greenhouse gas too.

Trees provide purified oxygen that is extremely useful for humans and animals. They provide us with food, wood, flowers, medicines, rubber, and much more than that. Just think of a scene of nature without trees. Would not it look absurd in the brain?

Values of trees ( Paragraph on values of trees )

We are incapable to estimate the value of trees. In reality, trees are invaluable. A tree is a result of efforts of many years from when it was only a seed. The value of a tree diversifies for every living being. Some strongly depend on them and some nearly do.

But trees hold value for all the bodies on mother earth. Some depend to meet the need for food and some depend on safety and security. Trees are an astonishing creation of nature. They give us countless benefits without demanding anything in return. This is The reason trees are our best friends.

different uses of trees

Trees are used in various ways. Some of the uses of trees are described below. This will help you understand the importance of trees.

  • Food- Trees are the first and foremost source of food on this planet for various organisms. We get fresh fruits and veggies from trees.
  • Medicine- Some trees have medicinal properties and so these are used to treat many types of illness and sickness.
  • Wood – We get wood from trees which is used in making furniture and various types of tools and equipment. Also, in villages, it is used as fuel.
  • Fruits and vegetables – What is your favourite fruit? whatever it is. The source of it surely is a tree. Fruits are something very beneficial for health.

Save Trees, Save Lives

If we want to live a healthy life in future, we need to protect trees and increase the population of trees. There are various ways to do the same.

1️⃣ Tree plantation

Tree plantation is a good way to fill the land with trees. With a few efforts, we can create a great count of trees. Human beings should plant at least five plants every year.

2️⃣ Prevent deforestation

Growing a tree from a seed is a little bit difficult process and requires continuous effort. But we can save the trees that are already grown. Deforestation is a good way of protecting trees.

3️⃣ Celebration by planting new trees

We can celebrate the great achievements and the best moments of life by planting some trees instead of cracking firecrackers that pollute the environment.

Final Words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, Trees hold huge importance in our lives, and it gives seamless assistance to the environment. we have anyhow not guarded them and possibly that is why as of now we are being influenced by global warming, critical pollution and additional ill outcomes of deforestation. So, to live a good life we need to understand the importance of trees. Also, We must take some steps to protect them.

Essay on Trees | Conclusion

How to save trees?

Don’t waste paper. Plant a tree. Borrow, share and donate books. Prevent deforestation.

What would happen if there were no trees?

Without trees, humans would not be able to survive because the air would be unfit for breathing.

Why should we plant trees?

To increase the level of fresh air in the environment, To decrease the level of carbon dioxide, to maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

How to write an essay on trees?

To write an essay on trees follow these steps! 1. Write down the important headings. 2. Frame a structure of headings. 3. Write an engaging introduction. 4. Infuse headings in the middle with content. 5. At last, Give a conclusion. This way you can write an essay on trees and their importance.

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Essay on the Importance of Trees: Our Life Guardian

trees are our friends essay grade 5

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 29, 2023

trees are our friends essay grade 5

Imagine a world without trees. No shade to rest under on a sunny day, no juicy fruits to munch on, and no clean air to breathe! In a world that is increasingly dominated by concrete jungles, the role of trees in our lives cannot be overstated. Trees are like the silent, guardians of our environment, providing us with a plethora of benefits. In this blog, we will explore the significance of trees and provide sample essays of varying lengths on the importance of trees. In this blog, we shall delve into some of the sample essays on the importance of trees.

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Why Are Trees So Important?

  • Oxygen Factories –  Trees are nature’s oxygen factories. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is vital for our survival. Just one tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.
  • Home for Wildlife : Trees are homes to a variety of birds, insects, and mammals. They create a balanced ecosystem where different species can thrive.
  • Climate Control : Trees act as natural air conditioners. They provide shade and reduce the temperature, making the environment cooler and more comfortable.
  • Clean Water : Tree roots help to filter and purify water, making it safe for us to drink. They also prevent soil erosion, keeping our rivers and lakes clean.
  • Aesthetic Beauty : Trees add beauty to our surroundings. Their vibrant colours in spring and autumn are a visual treat for everyone.

Sample Essay on the Importance of Trees in 100 Words

Trees are the unsung heroes of our planet. They are a very important and vital need for our planet. They do so much for us! First, they breathe life into our world by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. This oxygen is what we breathe, making trees our best friends for fresh air. Moreover, they offer us shade on hot summer days, making picnics and playtime enjoyable.

But that’s not all! Trees are like nature’s grocery store. They give us fruits like apples, bananas, and oranges. These yummy treats not only taste great but also keep us healthy. Animals and birds also find shelter and food in trees, creating a balanced ecosystem.

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Sample Essay on the Importance of Trees in 400 Words

The significance of trees is immeasurable, affecting every aspect of our existence. To begin with, trees are often referred to as the “lungs of our planet.” Why? Because they play a critical role in producing oxygen. Through a process called photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide, the gas we exhale, and convert it into the very essence of life – oxygen and glucose. 

Just one tree can produce enough oxygen for four people for an entire day. Without this remarkable process, life on Earth would cease to exist. This cleansing effect is critical in combatting air pollution, a growing concern in many parts of the world.

Trees also offer us a bounty of delicious fruits and nuts. Apples, oranges, mangoes, almonds, and walnuts are just a few examples of the tasty gifts we receive from trees. These fruits not only satisfy our hunger but also provide essential vitamins and nutrients that keep us healthy.

They embrace our emotional and psychological well-being. Trees have an innate ability to soothe our troubled minds, reduce stress, and connect us with the beauty of the natural world. They provide us with spaces for recreation and reflection, nurturing our mental health. 

Moreover, trees are nature’s air conditioners. Have you ever noticed that it feels cooler in the shade of a tree on a scorching summer day? Trees provide shade and reduce the temperature in their vicinity. They also release water vapour into the air, which has a cooling effect. In urban areas concrete and buildings trap heat, so trees become essential for maintaining a comfortable climate.

Trees also play a vital role in maintaining clean water sources. Their deep roots help prevent soil erosion, which can lead to muddy and polluted rivers. Additionally, trees act as natural filters, removing pollutants from rainwater as it soaks into the ground. This process ensures that the water we drink is pure and safe.

Additionally, trees serve as a refuge and a larder for countless species of wildlife. Birds build their nests in their branches, squirrels leap from limb to limb, and insects scuttle along their bark.

 In conclusion, trees are not mere elements of our environment; they are the lifeblood of our planet. From oxygen production to air purification, from nourishing our bodies to nurturing our souls, trees embody the essence of nature’s generosity.

Also Read – Essay on Environmental Pollution

The importance of trees can be seen everywhere from the oxygen we breathe to the food we eat.

Writing a short essay on importance of trees can begin with highlighting the role trees play in sustaining the ecological balance. Trees are essential for the planet and for human beings. We would not cease to exist if trees were not there. They are blessings from the planet for the planet.

Trees provide us with food, shade and shelter. They are responsible for the existence of humans too.

Feel free to use these sample essays and let’s remember to plant trees and care for them, for in doing so, we are preserving the beauty and balance of our world. If you are planning to study abroad and want help in writing your essays, then let Leverage Edu be your helping hand. Our experts will assist you in writing an excellent SOP for your study abroad consultant application. 

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Rajshree Lahoty

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Essay on Trees for Kids

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In this tree essay for kids, they can learn the importance of trees and the benefits we get from them. Trees are living things that are a huge part of the Earth. They need sunlight, water and air for survival. Trees provide many things, like oxygen, food, shelter and more, to all living creatures. They are also an important source of medicine. Trees have even been found to help make the places we live in less polluted by filtering the air . They consume carbon dioxide and clean the air, and give us oxygen to breathe in. Furthermore, trees prevent soil erosion and floods.

Short Tree Essay for Kids

Trees are an essential resource for everyone. They provide habitat for various species, clean the air and produce oxygen. Besides, they give us shade in the summer, and their leaves can be used for numerous purposes, such as making perfumes, medicines, etc. Moreover, they help cool our atmosphere. There are so many different types of trees that grow all over the world.

Trees are an excellent asset to the Earth. They contribute so much daily to make our planet clean and healthy. In this tree essay in English, children can learn more about the importance and benefits of trees.

Benefits of Trees for the Planet

Trees are a source of oxygen. They absorb carbon dioxide and help regulate climatic conditions, along with transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen by photosynthesis.  Trees control the atmospheric temperature and improve soil fertility. They are also vital for wildlife to survive and thrive. Further, trees provide an aesthetically pleasing landscape. Since they provide many benefits to living beings, it is important to understand how trees contribute to the planet.

Why Should We Plant Trees?

Planting trees is the best way to combat climate change and pollution. This action needs to be combined with an increase in recycling efforts. If millions of people worked together to plant millions of trees, we would have a much better chance of reversing this phenomenon. Below are a few points that help us understand the significance of planting more trees.

  • They provide a natural habitat for many other species, including birds and insects.
  • The shade from a tree can make a huge difference in a sensitive environment by reducing the amount of heat absorbed.
  • Trees also help to keep the ground cool by transpiring moisture through their leaves.
  • They trap heat to mitigate the greenhouse gas effect, decrease ground-level ozone levels and release life-giving oxygen.

For more kids learning activities similar to essays for kids , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Trees for Kids

Why are trees essential for us.

Trees are essential for everyone. They provide oxygen, food, shelter and more to all living creatures. They are also an important source of medicine.

What are the benefits of trees for the planet?

Trees clean the air, control the temperature and absorb carbon dioxide; they improve soil fertility, produce oxygen and are vital for wildlife to survive. Furthermore, trees provide a pleasant landscape and help prevent soil erosion.

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Cities Stories

6 Ways Trees Benefit All of Us

From a city park to a vast forest, trees deliver for us when we help them thrive.

October 09, 2020

Several people sit on a grassy hill under the shade of large trees. The New York City skyline is in the distance.

Trees have been with us throughout our whole lives. They’re the background of a favorite memory and that welcome patch of green our eyes seek as we gaze out our windows—an activity we’re doing a lot these days.

While they are silent and stationary, trees hold tremendous powers, including the power to make all our lives better and healthier.

If a tree has power, a forest has even more. What superpowers do trees have?

A Valdivian Coastal Reserve park guard stands between two giant Alerce trees covered in moss and leaves.

#1: Trees eat the greenhouse gases that cause climate change—for breakfast.

More like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Trees’ food-making process, photosynthesis, involves absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in its wood. Trees and plants will store this carbon dioxide throughout their lives, helping slow the gas’s buildup in our atmosphere that has been rapidly warming our planet.

Smarter management of trees, plants and soil in the US alone could store the equivalent carbon of taking 57 million cars off the road ! Trees are looking out for us so we have to look out for them. Older, larger trees store a lot more carbon than young trees, so it’s important that in addition to planting new trees, we conserve and protect the giants of our forests like these ancient trees in South Carolina .

People lounge in the shade  of trees on Billings Lawn of Fort Tryon Park. The Hudson River in New York is visible.

#2: Trees boost our mental health while raising our physical health.

A healthy tree can lead to a healthy you and me. A study by a TNC scientist shows that time in nature—like a walk among the trees in a city park—correlates with a drop in anxiety and depression.

The good news: it doesn’t take a lot of time in nature for these soothing powers to kick in. You may have felt the benefits from a short walk or hike in your neighborhood. We’re drawn to green spaces, and for good reason.

Trees are more than just trees. 🌲🌳🌴 (video via @Nature_IL ) — The Nature Conservancy (@nature_org) August 24, 2020

Access to nearby green space also contributes to better physical health by encouraging us to move around and exercise. Because we move around more when we have access to trees and parks, nature can help lower rates of obesity.

An aerial view of The Spaghetti Junction in Louisville, Kentucky, a mess of multiple highways converging.

#3: Trees clean the air so we can breathe more easily.

Leave it to leaves. Trees remove the kind of air pollution that is most dangerous to our lungs: particulate matter. This pollution arises from the burning of fossil fuels, and can reach dangerous concentrations in the largest cities as well as in neighborhoods near highways and factories .

Your Dollars at Work

TNC is in the middle of the first controlled experiment testing neighborhood tree planting for health benefits  in the same way that a new pharmaceutical drug would be tested.

Tree’s leaves will filter this dangerous pollution, but only if they’re planted near the people who need them; most of the filtration occurs within 100 feet of a tree. More trees in cities, especially in lower-income neighborhoods close to highways and factories, can reduce ailments like asthma and heart disease that cause 5% of deaths worldwide.

Fallen trees on a forest floor, covered in moss and surrounded by dead leaves and bare tree trunks.

#4: Trees give a home to the wildlife we love.

From our windows, many of us can see how much our feathered and furry neighbors enjoy their ‘high-rise apartments.’ Even a single tree can provide vital habitat for countless species.

An intact forest can do even more, creating a home for some of the most diverse and resilient webs of life on the planet. Old-growth forests, the forests that we need to protect most urgently, create habitat at the ground level, at the top of their tree canopies, and everywhere in between. All of these different types of habitat in a single area allow so many diverse species to thrive .

A shaded street in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York City, lined with many tall trees.

#5: Trees cool down your life, and could even save it.

Trees give us all shade—and that’s a good thing! Temperatures are rising and heatwaves are getting longer due to climate change. Some places feel the heat more than others. Neighborhoods with lots of pavement absorb more heat and can be five to eight degrees hotter than surrounding areas. These areas also stay hotter later into the night, which is detrimental to our health.

Enter our branchy, leafy neighbors. A tree’s shade acts like a natural air conditioning and can even keep down the energy costs of our actual air conditioning systems, which are increasingly working overtime.

The rushing water of Elder Creek, with moss covered banks, as it flows into South Fork of Eel River in Angelo Reserve.

#6: Trees filter your water, making your drinking supply cleaner and more reliable.

Raise a glass to a tree near you! Actually, raise your glass to trees far from you, as your water has traveled on a long journey to your faucet. Trees store and filter more than half of the water supply in the United States.

Forests do this by removing pollutants and sediments from rainfall and then slowly releasing the water back into waterways and underground aquifers. Thanks to trees, this naturally cleaner water is easier and cheaper to treat before it ends up in your tap . The water supply is also steadier because all of the rainwater didn’t end up in a river right away; it seeped through these natural filters over time.

To fully use their powers, trees need our help.

While trees are resilient, they are not invincible—and they need our help. When you support The Nature Conservancy, you’re helping to plant more trees, protect old forests and restore forests that have been partially developed. So, together, we’re helping our planet and giving an important gift to our children and their children.

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Sunday Observer

Trees are our friends

trees are our friends essay grade 5

Trees are beautiful and they make the world a better place. Trees never fail to do their duty as our friends. The world is running out of trees. Trees are important to our lives in more ways than we can imagine.

They provide us with many things such as Oxygen and intake our Carbon dioxide emissions.

Trees give us medicinal materials, tasty fruits, shelter and wood for making furniture.

Trees also add beauty to our surroundings too. They protect us from floods and help to prevent land erosion.

When trees absorb Carbon dioxide it means they help to control pollution. Therefore, trees are a precious gift that Mother Nature has given us.

Thus, it is our responsibility to always support, protect and love them and never let them be cut down. Friends will come and go, but trees will forever stand by our side.

“Plant a tree and add a new friend to your life”.

D.R.M. Gardiniya Weerakkody

Holy Family Balika Vidyalaya


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  • Marriage Proposals – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Trees

There are many people in this world that help us to grow and live happily. Apart from people, there are some other creatures that support life on this planet. Nature gives us many beautiful things. One of the precious gifts is Trees. Trees are the backbone of human survival in this world. There is no life without trees. Planting trees is really equal to planting a life. Therefore, to highlight the roles of trees on this planet, we will discuss Trees in detail.

Short and Long Trees Essay in English

Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on Trees in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Trees will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Trees Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Trees support all the lives on this planet.

2) We get oxygen to breathe from trees.

3) There are many different kinds of trees on this earth.

4) They give us flowers, fruits, timber, rubber, etc.

5) It is home to many small and large creatures.

6) They play a major role in controlling pollution.

7) Trees are helpful in water conservation.

8) It prevents soil erosion and the occurrences of natural disasters.

9) Trees consume carbon dioxide and balance the ecology.

10) We should save trees to save life on this earth.

Short Essay on Trees (250- 300 Words)


Trees are large plants that are beneficial for us. They are of different types. From balancing the ecosystem to supporting millions of lives, trees are an essential part of our environment. They are also responsible for making nature look beautiful and green.

Benefits of trees

Trees provide us with uncountable benefits. We need trees in many ways, and we can’t ignore how important they are. Many medicines on the market are made from extracts from trees. They give us shade and a cold breeze in hot summers. They help in preventing natural disasters. The only living things that can stop the alarming rise in greenhouse gases are trees. Other things like fruits, flowers, wood, rubber, etc come from trees.

Trees- Supporting Lives

Trees are a significant component of our environment. They are important to people, animals, and other creatures. Without trees, it would be hard for life to keep going on Earth. As a result after a while, every species would start to die. They are the only source of food for herbivores animals.

The most important thing to remember is that saving plants doesn’t help plants at all. It only helps us. People forget how important trees are, even though they give us all the things we need to live. We need to make sure everyone knows how important trees are to live. Because of the bad things we did, our children and grandchildren will have to pay for it. Therefore, we need to make things better. It’s time for everyone to work together to save trees to save life on this earth.

Long Essay on Trees (500 Words)

Trees are actually large plants with lots of benefits. They are the living things that grow on Earth. They need air, water, and light to live. All over the world, there are many different kinds of trees. However, it took many years to grow a tree. Different kinds of fruits grow on different trees. They also differ in their appearance. Trees are the most beautiful and important things in the world around us. They are the best gift of Mother Nature to us.

Trees – Our Best Friend

Trees are our best friends and help us for the rest of our lives. They clean the water, air, and soil, making the world a better place. It is home to many living things. They never ask for anything in return for the help and gifts they give. Just as a friend is always there to help and support us, trees also provide us with all the necessary things. In this way, we can say that trees are our best friends. Therefore, we have to take care of our friends who help us in living on this planet.

Importance of Trees

From our health to our homes, trees are important in every way. They provide us with many things from food to shelter. Also, they help keep the temperature even and keep the sun’s harmful rays from getting in. They also help save water and prevent soil erosion. Wood from trees is used to make beautiful furniture for our homes. They help to stop climate change by soaking up greenhouse gases, which are the main cause of it. Trees play a vital role in balancing the ecosystem. Trees add to the beauty of nature and protect against natural disasters at the same time. Without trees, our planet will look like the sun when it doesn’t have any light.

Trees: Essential for our Survival

Trees and plants don’t need us to live, but we need them to live. Trees give us oxygen and food, which are two of the most important things for life. Some plants and trees can be used to treat illnesses. Roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds are all parts of trees that are used by humans in some or another way. Trees also give many animals on Earth a place to live. The value of a tree to each living thing is different. Selling the flowers, fruits, and vegetables that grow on trees is a primary source of income for a great number of individuals. So, this is also a way to make money.

Trees are essential for all living things on earth. But people do not understand its worth. To meet the needs of a rapidly growing population, many trees are cut down. This can meet the need of the present but will create great trouble for the future. Therefore, to establish a healthy life on this earth, we should not waste our time and start planting more and more trees. The tree we plant today will help not only us but also our children and grandchildren.

I hope, the above provided essay on Trees will be helpful in understanding the role and importance of trees in our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Trees

Ans.  Leaves of trees use the process of photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars. Oxygen is given off during this chemical process.

Ans.  Manchineel is considered the most dangerous tree. One bite of the fruit can kill you, and the bark, sap, or leaves will give you painful blisters if you touch them.

Ans.  It is measured that a fully grown large tree can produce oxygen that is sufficient for four people to consume in a day.

Ans.  Trees only produce oxygen during the day.

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Trees are Our best Friends

Essay on Trees are our Best Friends

Paragraph on Trees are our best friend for Class 6, Essay on Trees are our Best Friends

trees are our friends essay grade 5

Trees are our best friends on Earth. They provide us with oxygen to breathe, clean the air and water, and help to regulate the climate. Trees also provide us with food, shelter, and medicine. In addition, trees are essential for maintaining biodiversity and supporting wildlife.

trees are our friends essay grade 5

Why are trees our best friends?

  • Trees produce oxygen.  Trees are the primary producers of oxygen on Earth. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen through photosynthesis. This oxygen is essential for all life on Earth.
  • Trees clean the air and water.  Trees absorb pollutants from the air and water, helping to improve the quality of both. For example, trees can remove harmful gases such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide from the air. They can also filter heavy metals and other contaminants from the water.
  • Trees help to regulate the climate.  Trees help to cool the planet by absorbing sunlight and releasing water vapor into the air. They also help to reduce soil erosion and prevent flooding.
  • Trees provide us with food, shelter, and medicine.  Trees provide us with a variety of foods, including fruits, nuts, and seeds. They also provide us with wood for building and papermaking. In addition, many trees produce medicinal compounds that are used to treat a variety of diseases.
  • Trees are essential for maintaining biodiversity and supporting wildlife.  Trees provide food and shelter for a wide variety of animals, including birds, insects, and mammals. Trees also help to create habitats for many different plants and fungi.

What can we do to protect our best friends?

We can all help to protect trees by planting trees, reducing our consumption of paper products, and supporting sustainable forestry practices. We can also advocate for policies that protect forests and promote tree planting.

Here are some specific things you can do to help protect trees:

  • Plant a tree in your yard or community.
  • Recycle paper and cardboard products.
  • Buy paper products made from recycled materials.
  • Support businesses that use sustainable forestry practices.
  • Advocate for policies that protect forests and promote tree planting.
  • Donate to organizations that are working to protect trees and forests.

Every little bit helps!

Trees are our best friends, and we need to do everything we can to protect them. By planting trees, reducing our consumption of paper products, and supporting sustainable forestry practices, we can help to ensure that trees continue to provide us with the benefits we rely on every day.

Trees are truly our best friends. They give us so much, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. We must all do our part to protect and conserve trees for future generations.

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Our Garden English essay

Our garden is not so large. It is around our house. There is a fence around the garden. It is a high fence. There are various kinds of trees in the garden. Some are coconut trees. Some are mango trees, and some are jak trees. The jak trees and the coconut trees are behind the house. There is a huge mango tree in front of our house. Our well is at the corner of our garden. We can see beautiful butterflies and birds flying in our garden.


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पेड़ हमारे सच्चे मित्र निबंध Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi

Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi पेड़ हमारे सच्चे मित्र निबंध: जीवन में जो हमारा साथ निभाता है उसे हम मित्र कहते हैं. पेड़ पौधे भी हमारे जीवन के लिए अपना सब कुछ त्याग कर देते हैं.

trees are our friends पेड़ हमारे लिए एक मित्र के रूप में हमें अपनी ठंडी छाँव, प्राणदायी ऑक्सीजन, ईमारती लकड़ी व हमारे पर्यावरण में संतुलन बनाए रखने में अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं.

आज trees our best friend essay, Paragraph, Speech में हम पेड़ों के महत्व के बारे में विस्तार से जानेगे.

पेड़ हमारे सच्चे मित्र निबंध Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi

मानव का पेड़ पौधों के साथ अटूट रिश्ता रहा हैं. भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रकृति के अन्य चीजों की तरह पेड़ों की पूजा भी की जाती हैं. बरगद, तुलसी, नीम, खेजड़ी, पीपल जैसे पेड़ों में देवों का वास माना गया हैं.

हम पेड़ों के बिना जीवन की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते हैं. हमारी प्रकृति में पेड़ सबसे बड़े परोपकारी हैं वे हमारे लिए अपना सब कुछ निस्वार्थ ही दान कर देते हैं.

पेड़ हमें प्राणवायु ऑक्सीजन प्रदान कर जीवन प्रदान करते ही हैं, साथ ही हरे भरे पेड़ वर्षा में ही सहायक हैं. घने जंगल बाढ़ आदि को रोकने तथा मिट्टी के कटाव को रोकने में अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं.

पेड़ पौधे वातावरण को स्वच्छ बनाने तथा संतुलन बनाने की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं. हमारे द्वारा छोड़ी गई co2 को अपनी श्वसन क्रिया में उपयोग कर बदले में ऑक्सीजन प्रदान करते हैं. 

यदि धरा पर पेड़ नहीं होंगे तो समस्त भूमि बंजर एवं मरुस्थल में तब्दील हो जाएगी. पेड़ों के कई लाभ हैं ये हमें फल फूल यूँ ही उपहार में देते हैं. हमारे घर बनाने की इमारती लकड़ी तथा ईधन के लिए लकड़ी भी वनों से ही प्राप्त होती हैं.

सुदूर हिमालय तथा वनों में कई जीवनउपयोगी प्रजाति के पेड़ व झाड़ियाँ पाई जाती हैं, जिनसे हमारे जीवन रक्षक दवाइयों का निर्माण होता हैं. इस तरह न केवल पेड़ हमें जीवन देते है बल्कि स्वास्थ्य में भी अपना योगदान देते हैं.

पेड़ हमारे मित्र निबंध Essay On Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi Language

पेड़ हमारे सबसे अच्छे मित्र हैं, वे बेस्वार्थ हमें अपने अमूल्य रत्न देते हैं. मगर यह विडम्बना ही है कि हम पेड़ों को अपना दुश्मन मान बैठे हैं. निरंतर पेड़ों की कटाई करने से बाज नहीं आ रहे हैं, वन निरंतर समाप्त हो रहे हैं.

प्रदूषण की समस्या ने सम्पूर्ण पर्यावरण को जकड़ लिया हैं. हमने जिस सुरक्षा कवच को तोड़ने का साहस किया है, यदि समय रहते हमने अपनी नादानियाँ बंद नही की तो इसका परिणाम बेहद भयानक होगा.

हमें चाहिए कि हम पेड़ों को अपना मित्र समझे, समय समय पर वृक्षारोपण करे तथा लोगों को भी जागरूक करे, ताकि भविष्य में आने वाली बड़ी समस्याओं को समय रहते टाला जा सके.

पेड़ कई प्राकृतिक आपदाओं में हमारे रक्षक के रूप में पहरा देते हैं. हमें यह संदेश जन जन तक पहुचाकर तेजी से हो रही वृक्षों की कटाई पर रोकथाम लगानी होगी.

धरती पर पेड़ ही हमारे सबसे अच्छे मित्र हैं, हम उन्हें एक बाल्टी भर पानी और उसकी देखभाल तक नहीं कर सकते मगर पेड़ अपना कर्तव्य पूर्ण निष्ठा के साथ निभाते हैं.

परोपकारी पेड़ों से सीखकर हमें उनकी इस ईमानदारी के साथ कर्तव्य पालन के गुण को अपनाना चाहिए. तेज गर्मी में जब शरीर तर बतर हो जाता है तो पेड़ ही हमारा सहारा बनते है तथा अपनी ठंडी छाव में हमें विश्राम करने का अवसर देते हैं.

व्यक्ति जब भी जीवन में थकावट महसूस करता हैं. तो वह हरी भरी हरियाली तथा घने पेड़ों से सुसज्जित प्रकृति की गोद में जा बैठता हैं. प्रकृति का यह हरा रंग, एकांत का माहौल, स्वच्छ वायु जीवन में नई ताजगी एवं उत्साह भर देते हैं.

हम पर्यटन के लिए वनों का रूख करते है, क्योंकि घने पेड़ों के बीच हमारे मन को शान्ति मिलती हैं. मगर हम इसी तरह प्रकृति के दुश्मन बनकर मित्र रुपी पेड़ों को काटना जारी रखेगे तो हरा रंग देखने तथा हरियाली के दर्शन को आँखे तरस जाएगी.

सोचिये यदि पेड़ नहीं होते तो क्या हम अपना घर, घर में काम आने वाली लकड़ी की वस्तुएं उपयोग में ले पाते. क्या जून महीने की दोपहरी में छायादार वृक्षों की छाया जैसा आनन्द हमें कोई एयरकंडिशनर दे पाएगा.

पेड़ों का सुकून उनके हमारे घरों बगीचों एवं खेतों में लहलहाते समय ही मिलता हैं. हमें तमाम तरह के फल और फूल इन पेड़ों की ही देन हैं जो पाताल से जल सोखकर आम, केला, नारियल, सेब जैसे हजारों फल व सब्जियां मुफ्त में देकर हमारा पेट भरने का काम करते हैं.

इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि भगवान् ने पेड़ों को हमारा सच्चा मित्र बनाकर भेजा हैं. वे एक सच्चे मित्र की तरह हमारे सूखी जीवन के लिए अपना सब कुछ निस्वार्थ ही दे देते हैं.

हम निस्वार्थी होकर उन्ही पेड़ों को काटने जैसा पाप करते हैं. आज हमें संकल्प लेना चाहिए, कि आज के बाद कोई भी हरा पेड़ हम न काटेगे बल्कि हर साल नयें पेड़ लगाएगे.

पेड़ मनुष्य के मित्र निबंध Essay On Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi

वृक्षों का महत्व – वृक्ष और मानव दोनों ही प्रकृत्ति की सन्तान हैं. वृक्ष अग्रज है जो उन पर निर्भर मानव उनके अनुज है. हमारे जीवन में वृक्षों का सदा से ही महत्व रहा हैं. वृक्ष हमारे सच्चे मित्र हैं.

सुख दुःख के साथी हैं. इनका ह्रदय बड़ा उदार हैं. ये हमें देते ही देते हैं. हमसे बदले में केवल मित्रता की अपेक्षा रखते हैं. ये पर्यावरण के संरक्षक हैं. वृक्षों के अभाव में सुखी और सम्रद्ध जीवन की कल्पना असम्भव हैं.

वृक्षों के लाभ- वृक्षों का सामूहिक नाम वन या जंगल हैं. प्रकृति ने मनुष्य को अपार वन सम्पदा की अमूल्य भेट दी हैं. हमारे जीवन के लगभग हर क्षेत्र में वृक्षों की महत्वपूर्ण उपस्थिति हैं. वृक्षों से हमें अनेक लाभ हैं.

  • वृक्ष हमें सुंदर प्राकृतिक दृश्यों का स्रजन करते हैं. मन की प्रसन्नता और शांति प्रदान करते हैं.
  • वृक्षों से हमें अनेक प्रकार के लाभदायक और आवश्यक पदार्थ प्राप्त होते हैं. ईधन, चारा, फल, फूल, औषधियाँ आदि अनेक वस्तुएं हैं.
  • अनेक उद्योग वृक्षों पर आश्रित हैं. फर्निचर उद्योग, भवन निर्माण उद्योग, खाद्य पदार्थ, तेल मसाले, अनाज आदि से सम्बन्धित उद्योग, औषधि उद्योग वृक्षों पर ही निर्भर हैं.
  • वृक्ष पर्यावरण को शुद्ध करते हैं. बाढ़ों को रोकते हैं. वर्षा को आकर्षित करते हैं. उपयोगी मिटटी के क्षरण को रोकते हैं.

वृक्षों का विकास- ऐसे निष्कपट, परोपकारी सच्चे मित्रों का विकास करना हमारा नैतिक ही नहीं लाभप्रद दायित्व भी हैं.

यदपि प्रकृति स्वयं वृक्षों का विकास करती हैं. किन्तु आज के उद्योग प्रधान और सुख साधनों पर केन्द्रित मानव जीवन ने वृक्षों के विनाश में ही अधिक योगदान किया हैं.

मानव समाज का विकास वृक्षों के विकास का शत्रु सा बन गया हैं. अतः हमें वृक्षों के विकास और संरक्षण पर अधिक ध्यान देना चाहिए.

वृक्षों का विकास अधिकाधिक वृक्षारोपण और वनों, उपवनों, पार्कों आदि के संरक्षण से ही संभव हैं. नई नई योजनाओं में वृक्षों की अविवेकपूर्ण और अंधाधुंध कटाई पर नियंत्रण आवश्यक हैं.

वृक्षों और वनों के साथ ही मानव जाति का कुशल क्षेम जुड़ा हुआ हैं. अतः वन संपदा का संरक्षण परम आवश्यक हैं. वृक्षारोपण और वृक्ष संरक्षण को एक अभियान के रूप में चलाना शासन का दायित्व हैं.

हमारा दायित्व- यदपि शासन और प्रशासन के स्तर से वृक्ष संरक्षण की दिशा में अधिक सक्रियता की आशा हैं. तथापि हमारा अर्थात समाज के प्रत्येक वर्ग का, यह दायित्व हैं कि वह अपनी अपनी क्षमता और संसाधनों से वृक्षमित्रों की सुरक्षा में तत्पर हो.

वृक्षों को हानि पहुचाने वालों की सूचना ngt राष्ट्रीय हरित न्यायिकरण को दे. राष्ट्रीय, धार्मिक तथा सामाजिक पर्वों, उत्सवों दिवसों आदि पर वृक्षारोपण कराए जाए, छात्र छात्राएं वृक्षारोपण में विशेष रूचि ले.

गृहिणिया घरों में गृह वाटिकाएं लगाने में रूचि ले. विवाह में गोदान नहीं, वृक्ष दान की परम्परा चलाए. समाज के प्रतिस्थित और प्रभावशाली महाशय विभिन्न आयोजनों में तथा मिडिया के माध्यम से वृक्षों की सुरक्षा और आरोपण की प्रेरणा दे.

पर उपकारी विरछ सौ, नाहिं बिरछ सौ मित्र पाथर मारें देत फल, तरु की नीति विचित्र

  • आम के पेड़ के बारे में
  • पेड़ बचाओ पर स्लोगन 
  • पेड़ों का महत्व पर निबन्ध 

आशा करता हूँ दोस्तों आपकों  का यह लेख अच्छा लगा होगा. Trees Our Best Friend In Hindi पेड़ हमारे सच्चे मित्र निबंध में ped Par Nibandh, Essay On Tree, Ped Humare Mitra, Importance Of Trees, Save Trees Essay In Hindi Language, 5 line, 10 Line का यह लेख पसंद आया हो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ भी शेयर करे.

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वृक्ष आपले मित्र मराठी निबंध | Essay On Tree Our Best Friend In Marathi

वृक्ष आपले मित्र मराठी निबंध | Essay On Tree Our Best Friend In Marathi

अस्तित्वात असलेल्या सर्व ग्रहांन पैकी पृथ्वी चा आसा ग्रह आहे जेथे मनुष्यवस्ती पाहायला मिळते. थोडक्यात पृथ्वीच‌ असा एकमेव ग्रह आहे यावर सर्व सजीव सुखाने राहतात यामागचे कारण म्हणजे पृथ्वीवर अस्तित्वात असलेली झाडे होय.

इतर कोणत्याही ग्रहावर मानवी जीवन पाहायला मिळत नाही कारण पृथ्वी सोडून कुठल्या ग्रहावर झाडे पाहायला मिळत नाही आपण आज सुखाय राहतो त्यामागचं कारण म्हणजे झाडेच होय.

म्हणून झाडे आपले मित्र आहेत येवढ्याच नसून आपल्या पर्यावरणाचे संतुलन ठेवण्यासाठी आणि पर्यावरणाला शुद्ध हवा पुरवण्यासाठी झाडे खूप महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावतात.

पर्यावरणामध्ये विविध प्रकारचे वृक्ष पाहायला मिळतात. जे आपल्या पर्यावरणाचे सुंदरता राखण्यासाठी खूप महत्वाचे ठरतात. इतर प्रकारच्या वृक्षांमुळे आपल्या पर्यावरणाचे सौंदर्य टिकून राहते. म्हणून प्रत्येक व्यक्तीच्या जीवनामध्ये वृक्षांना खूप महत्त्वाचे स्थान आहे.

वृक्ष हे मानवाचे खरे मित्र असतात. आपल्यासाठी पर्यावरणात अस्तित्वात असलेल्या प्रत्येक वृक्ष कुठल्या ना कुठल्या कार्यासाठी महत्त्वाचे ठरतात. आणि या वृक्षापासून आपल्याला वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचा फायदा होतो.

वृक्षांनामुळे मानवाला वेगवेगळ्या गोष्टी प्राप्त होतात. मानवाचे जीवनासाठी आवश्यक असलेला प्राणवायू म्हणजे ऑक्सिजन देण्यासाठी वृक्ष महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावतात. पृथ्वीवर ह्या वृक्षांचे अस्तित्व आहे म्हणूनच सजीव जीवनन पृथ्वीवर टिकून आहे.

तसेच वृक्ष वातावरणातील हावा शुद्ध बनवितात व वातावरणात स्वच्छ आणि सुंदर बनवण्यासाठी कार्य करीत असतात. तसेच वृक्षा पासून आपल्याला फळे, फुले पाने, भोजन किंवा अन्न आणि इंधन प्राप्त होते.

तसेच वृक्ष हे आपल्या पृथ्वीवरील सर्व सजीवांना जगण्यासाठी आवश्यक असणारा ऑक्सीजन प्राप्त करून देतात. तसेच वातावरणातील सजीवांसाठी हानिकारक असणारा वायू म्हणजेच कार्बन-डाय-ऑक्‍साईड शोषून घेऊन हवेला शुद्ध करतात.

तसेच वृक्षांनापासून मिळालेल्या लाकडांचा उपयोग मानव व आपल्या दैनंदिन जीवनामध्ये करतो. मुख्यता ग्रामीण भागातील लोक वृक्षांच्या लाकडाचा उपयोग इंधन म्हणून करतात. तसेच जगभरातील सर्व घरे बांधण्यासाठी लाकडांचा उपयोग मोठ्या प्रमाणात केला जातो.

मानव वृक्षांच्या लाकडांपासून खिडक्या, दरवाजे, फर्निचर च्या वस्तू, टेबल, खुर्च्या इत्यादी तयार करतो व त्यांचा वापर आपल्या दैनंदिन जीवनामध्ये करतो. तसेच वृक्षांपासून उद्योगाचा कच्चामाल तयार केला जातो. वृक्षांच्या पालापाचोळा पासून खत बनविला जातो त.र काही वृक्षांपासून रबर, माचिसच्या काड्यांचा उपयोग केला जातो.

आपल्या अवतीभवती अनेक अशी झाडे आहेत त्यांचा वापर आपण आपल्या जीवन सोयिस्कर काढण्यासाठी करतो म्हणजेच काही वृक्षांपासून पासून औषध निर्मिती केली जाते. तसेच आपल्या वातावरणामध्ये अशा अनेक वृक्ष आहेत त्यांच्यामध्ये विविध या आजारांवर मात करण्याचे गुणधर्म आहेत त्यामुळे बहुतांश वृक्षांचा उपयोग औषधी गुणधर्मासाठी केला जातो.

वृक्षांचा आणखीन एक महत्त्वपूर्ण उपयोग म्हणजे वृक्ष आपली जमीन सुपीक करण्यासाठी महत्त्वाची ठरतात. वृक्षांची मुळे जमिनीवर खोलवर जातात त्यामुळे जमिनीची धूप देखील होण्या पासून बचाव होतो. आज वृक्षां मुळेच आपल्या जमिनीची होणारी धूप टाळत आहे व आपली जमीन सुपीक होऊन जमीनीमध्ये पीक योग्य प्रकारे येत आहे. त्यामुळे खऱ्या अर्थाने वृक्ष आपले मित्र आहेत.

वृक्षांचा विविध प्रकारे आपला दैनंदिन जीवनात वापर होतो. एवढेच नसून वृक्षांना भारतीय संस्कृतीमध्ये खूप महत्त्वाचे स्थान देण्यात आले आहे. वृक्ष आणि मनुष्य यांच्यातील अतूट नाते हे खूप पूर्वीच्या काळापासून चालत आलेले आहे. हिंदू धर्मामध्ये तो रुक शांतला देवता समजून वृक्षाची पूजा केली जाते. जसे की, वड, पिंपळ, तुळसी, यांसारख्या वृक्षांना देवाचे स्थान देऊन त्यांची दैनंदिन जीवनामध्ये पूजा केली जाते.

वृक्षाचे महत्त्व सांगावे तितके कमीच आहे. आपल्या निसर्गाला स्वच्छ, सुंदर बनविण्या सोबत एक निसर्ग सौंदर्य प्राप्त करून देण्यासाठी रुक्ष महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावत असतात. ज्या भागांमध्ये भरपूर वृक्ष आहेत तो भाग हिरवागार दिसतो आणि त्या भागात मध्ये पर्यटक आवडीने जातात. निसर्गाचे हिरवे रूप, एकांतीचे वातावरण हे सर्व काय आपल्याला वृक्षांमुळे प्राप्त झाले ‌.

आपल्याला आजपर्यंत प्रत्येक गोष्टींमध्ये हात देणारे हे मित्राप्रमाणे वृक्षांच्या जीवावर आज मनुष्य उठला आहे. स्वतःच्या सुख, सुविधा पूर्ण करण्याच्या हेतूने आजचा मनुष्य स्वार्थी व आंधळा झाला आहे. मोठमोठे इमारती आणि उद्योगधंदे बांधण्याच्या हेतूने आज बेसुमार वृक्षतोड केली जात आहे.

यामुळे वृक्षांची संख्या कमी होतच आहे त्यासोबत पर्यावरणाचे संतुलन देखील बिघडत आहेत वृक्ष आपला पर्यावरणाचा संतुलन बरोबर ठेवण्यासाठी महत्त्वाची कामगिरी बजावतात. परंतु वृक्षांची संख्या कमी होऊन प्रदूषणाच्या समस्या उद्भवल्या आहेत. तेवढेच नसून जागतिक तापमान वाढ मागे वृक्षतोड हेच कारण आहे.

आणि अलीकडे बदलत चाललेले ऋतुचक्र आणि पावसाचे कमी प्रमाण हे देखील वृक्षतोडीचे परिणाम आहेत. वृक्षांच्या कमतरते मुळे आपले पर्यावरण खराब होतच आहे त्यासोबत वृक्षांवर अवलंबून असणारे प्राणी व पक्षी यांचे निवासस्थान देखील संपुष्टात येत आहे.

मोठा मोठी‌जंगले नष्ट करून त्या भागात इमारती किंवा उद्योगधंदे टाकल्याने त्या भागात राहणारे प्राणी आणि पक्षी हे रस्त्यावर आले आहेत यामुळे त्यांची संख्या कमी झाली आहे व या सर्वांचा परिणाम आपल्या पर्यावरण साखळीवर होत आहे.

काय सांगायचे एवढेच की, वृक्ष आपले मित्र आहेत त्यामुळे आपण वृक्षतोड याकडे लक्ष केंद्रित केले आहे आपण वृक्ष वाचवले पाहिजे. यासाठी आपल्या परिसरामध्ये झाडे लावा झाडे जगवा असे उपक्रम राबवले पाहिजेत.

जर आपल्या आसपास वृक्षांची संख्या मोठ्या प्रमाणात असेल तर आपले स्वास्थ्य देखील निरोगी असेल त्यामुळे आपल्या सर्व सजीवांसाठी वृक्ष खूप महत्वाचे आहेत हे लक्षात ठेवून वृक्षतोड कमी करून त्याचे संगोपन व संवर्धन करणे ही काळाची गरज आहे.

तर मित्रांनो ! ” वृक्ष आपले मित्र मराठी निबंध | Essay On Tree Our Best Friend In Marathi “ वाचून आपणास आवडला असेल तर तुमच्या सर्व मित्रांना अवश्य शेअर करा.

ये निबंध देखील अवश्य वाचा :-

  • सिंहगड किल्ल्याचा इतिहास
  • तोरणा किल्ला माहिती मराठी
  • सिंधुदुर्ग किल्ल्याचा इतिहास
  • आजचा आदर्श विद्यार्थी मराठी निबंध
  • चंद्रशेखर आझाद मराठी निबंध

धन्यवाद मित्रांनो !

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  1. Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay for Students in English

    Trees are the essence of life. If you can listen to the murmur of leaves, they say, "we are your best friend." Trees play a crucial role in ecology and our life. Earth will be a desert without greenery. Trees offer numerous benefits to humans, expecting just a bit of love and care, which we often ignore. They give us fruits and foods to feed ...

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