Traduzione di "do your homework!" in italiano

fa i compiti! è la traduzione di "do your homework!" in italiano. Esempio di frase tradotta: You should do your homework now. ↔ Dovresti fare i compiti ora.

Dizionario inglese-italiano

Fa i compiti.

You should do your homework now.

Dovresti fare i compiti ora.

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Worse than or worst of all? How to use the words ‘worse’ and ‘worst’

do your homework traduzione in inglese

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Write My Paper For Me – your ultimate writing helper!

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Here is why Write My Paper Company is your top pick

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Grade-A Papers

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On-Time Delivery

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Affordable prices

Our cost-effective rates ensure budget-friendly access to professional academic assistance.

Can you please write my paper ASAP? No problem! Follow these simple steps!


1. Tell Us the Basics Start by choosing the type of writing service you need help with and follow the order form prompts.


2. Share Paper Instructions Tell us all about your “write my paper” needs to help your expert tailor the piece to your requirements.


3. Complete Checkout Confirm your “write my paper for me” order by transferring the payment via our secure system.


4. Get Assigned a Writer Wait for our system to analyze your requirements and match you with the best person to fulfill them.


5. Follow the Progress Keep track of your paper writing expert’s progress via chat on your personal dashboard.


6. Download the Paper Preview the final draft and approve to download your high-quality essay or request a free revision.

Our Best Paper Writers

Get to know our top paper writers ready to tackle “write paper for me” orders

Johanna Skaniakou

Johanna Skaniakou

Master's Degree - Computer Science

Darious Davson

Darious Davson

Bachelor's Degree - Law & Ethics

Lindi Chattree

Lindi Chattree

Master's Degree - Health Sciences

Rimantas Bering

Rimantas Bering

Master's Degree - Environmental Sciences

Catharine Tawil

Catharine Tawil

PhD - Modern History

Ottavio Jully

Ottavio Jully

PhD - Astrophysics

Jay Brines

Bachelor’s degree - Political Science & History

Evelyn Yogerst

Evelyn Yogerst

Master's Degree - Literature & Arts

Darsey Skraban

Darsey Skraban

PhD - Neuroscience

Types of paper writing services

  • Discussion board post
  • Research paper
  • Course work
  • Presentation
  • Literature review
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Article review
  • Research proposal
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Argumentative essay
  • Criminal Law
  • Film studies
  • Paraphrasing
  • Problem Solving
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Presentations
  • Admission papers

Our Customers’ Feedback

Got a pro to write a paper for me to save time and boost my grades. It’s two for two, so I’ll be coming back for more papers!

I suck at writing, so it’s easier for me to pay for paper. I order at least a couple every month, and they haven’t let me down once.

It’s my go-to paper writing service. The rates are real low for the quality I get, so there’s no reason to look for better deals.

First time getting an expert to write my essay, and I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner! It saved me hours, and I got a B.

Was looking to pay someone to write my paper. Found these guys and been using them for two years now.

I was afraid of plag, but it hasn’t been detected here. Get an essay once a month, and it keeps me from going insane, so I couldn’t recommend it more.

I’m never doing another paper when ther’s a pro to write an essay for me. I’d rather pay for it than waste my time.

I had to write my paper in two days but had no time. So I turned to my trusty writer. Sure, it was a bit pricey, but I got a pass, and the prof never suspected a thing.

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When I need someone to write my paper for me cheap, I come here. Never failed a paper, and the prices are great. Wish the writers were more open, tho.

Wasn’t sure they had true pro writers ready to do my paper for me. I know now they’re the best! Big fan here, so keep up the good work, guys!

Finally, I found someone to do my essay for me, no questions asked. Upload the prompt and rubric—get the paper in a week or so. Simple, painless, cheap. Love it.

Never thought I’d pay someone to write my essay, but now I can’t believe I waited this long to get help. It was much cheaper than I expected, super friendly and open!

These guys sure know how to write paper for me. It’s just perfect for my class, and there’s no way my professors know I’m cutting corners.

Is it legal to write my paper for me cheap?

Yes, you can legally use academic writing assistance services like WritePaperFor in most countries.

Is it permitted to have someone to write my paper for me?

Having a professional write your paper is OK. However, consider outside help purely as a tool for gaining knowledge.

Who can write a paper for me?

Only experienced academics with undergraduate or postgraduate degrees and flawless reputation work on your papers.

Is this "write my paper for me" company legit?

WritePaperForMe is a reputable and legitimate service, trusted by students at various academic levels, backed by years of successful operation.

Can this paper writing service write my paper cheaply?

Sure. WritePaperForMe offers competitive pricing, starting at just $6.99 per page for high school assignments.

How can I be sure that my paper written by WritePaperForMe isn't plagiarized?

We run it through a plagiarism checker before delivering the paper. You can order a plagiarism report with your paper.

How fast can WritePaperForMe write my papers?

You can order paper writing with a deadline as short as six hours.

What if write my paper for me, and I don't like it?

You can have our expert paper writers revise your paper for free until you like it. Refunds are also available.

How much should I pay to write my paper for me?

Pricing begins at $6.99 per page for high school-level work, with undergraduate papers starting at $9.69 per page.

How fast can you write my papers?

Your paper can be delivered in less than 24 hours, with the minimum deadline being six hours for urgent requests.

Write My Paper Services Get Evermore Popular

You’d expect educators to be the first to adjust to the ever-changing technology and embrace the potential of ground-breaking innovations, like the Internet or generative AI. Instead, they double down on what they know and look for ways to block the advancements from their classes. We’ve seen it before with plagiarism checkers, and we see it now with AI detectors and the growing number of false accusations. In the end, it’s students who have to bear the increased burden of essays, papers, reports, and other homework assignments. 

So if you catch yourself thinking, “I wish someone would do my paper for me,” don’t beat yourself up. You’re not alone in your struggles with the unmanageable workload most schools expect you to handle. Every other student experiences stress, anxiety, and depression caused mainly by the numerous academic assignments they are expected to tackle daily. 

Most students believe they only have two options when it comes to dealing with homework: struggle on their own or fail class after class only to drop out of school. But there’s another option many forget about—using professional paper writing services like WritePaperFor. 

Outsourcing even a fraction of your tasks to a trustworthy writing company is a risk-free way of getting control over your life and finally feeling human again. Don’t think of it as buying papers; think of it as a way of living your best life and getting the most out of every day!

What Can “Write Paper For Me” Do for You?

At first glance, buying papers seems like an easy way out of doing your homework. But when you think about it, high-quality writing services can do so much more for you. Here’s a short list of potential benefits you can reap:

Reduce your workload. Outsourcing your academic writing tasks will instantly make your life easier, especially if you have extracurricular engagements, side gigs, or family obligations. With the assignment pressure off, you’ll finally be able to devote more effort to achieving your big goals instead of playing catch-up with schoolwork.

Save hours every week. When you’re thinking, “I want to get my essay done,” time-saving is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Considering every piece takes at least a few hours to complete, that’s the extra time you’ll get. After all, placing the order for a high-quality essay only takes minutes. 

Boost your grades. Although no professional writers worth their salt will ever offer grade guarantees, you can expect to see a significant increase in your school performance when our experts take over your tasks. The more assignments you outsource, the bigger the GPA boost you will see. 

Enhance your college experience. Your every “do my paper” order is a small contribution to your quality of life. While our paper writers deal with your tasks, you can finally catch up on sleep, have a break, go out with friends, or stay in and enjoy the feeling of having everything under control. 

The full list of benefits of using professional writing services is extensive, and each student will surely have a unique set of advantages to enjoy.

How Do I Hire Someone to Write My Papers?

WritePaperFor employs a team of over 500 seasoned academics to deal with your papers. They are the main reason behind our good reviews and solid reputation among students. To ensure you only work with qualified writers, we employ a thorough vetting and screening process, which involves multiple steps, including:

Academic credentials check. We only employ writers with Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degrees across a variety of 40+ subjects.

English fluency test. We work with native speakers and writing experts to ensure you receive top-notch services.

Timed writing assignment. We pick the most successful and experienced writers by having them complete a research and writing task within a short timeframe to test their ability to work under pressure.

Academic reputation check. We study the candidates’ writing portfolios to identify potential issues and to guarantee each one of them will deliver a plagiarism-free essay for you every time.

Above is merely a short description of our hiring process. However, we don’t stop there. We monitor each writer’s performance throughout our cooperation and assess their skills, as well as the customer reviews, the number of revisions, and complaints. Top performers get singled out and elevated to a top writer status with higher pay and more challenging tasks. Those who receive multiple negative reviews and fail to satisfy students’ needs do not stay on our team for a long time.

This approach ensures that every time you come asking, “Will you do my paper for me?” we can match you with the best expert to deal with your particular set of requirements. Even if your topic is obscure or your deadline is unreasonably tight, we can find a skilled expert to help you among hundreds of our writers.

The Biggest “Write a Paper For Me” Service Range

Over the years, we haven’t encountered a single task WritePaperFor writers could not handle. Thanks to an extensive range of research fields and skills, our experts can handle:

All academic levels. College, university, and school assignments, as well as Ph.D.-level writing, are all within the scope of our writers’ expertise. We’ll match you with an expert on your level, so an undergrad will never work on your doctoral thesis.

All types of papers. Whether you need help with coursework, outlines, research papers, lab reports, or creative writing, you can order it here and get the best possible results on a budget and within your timeframe.

All classes and topics. Our paper writing services cover everything from Medicine and Law to STEM majors and humanities. We’ll match you with a knowledgeable academic in your field to ensure in-depth research and meaningful conclusions for all your “write my paper” orders.

Some students doubt our experts can successfully write their essay because the topic is too obscure or the requirements are too tough. But “impossible” is not a word in our writers’ vocabulary. All you need to do to check if we can handle your task is chat with our support agents. Explain the basics of your assignment, and they’ll match it to the perfect expert to help you out.

Our Quality Assurance Approach to “Do My Paper For Me” Orders

There’s no arguing that high-quality papers take a lot of effort and time. Many students doubt our experts can deliver the promised quality on short notice and avoid getting help for fear of getting caught by professors or school administration. But with WritePaperFor on your side, you can be sure you’ll get top results thanks to our extensive quality assurance procedures, which include:

Original research and paper writing. Our experts do not recycle topics or papers. They craft each assignment from scratch and customize papers to your specific requirements and instructions.

Editing and proofreading. After the writers are done writing essays, they go through mandatory editing, proofreading, and formatting stages. Thus, we eliminate potential errors and guarantee your paper is the best it can be. 

Plagiarism check. Before delivering a preview to your inbox, we run a plagiarism check to ensure similarities do not exceed 10%. You can even order a plagiarism report to go with your essay if you’re nervous about the professor’s accusations.

In the unlikely case you do not enjoy the writing service we provide, you get free revisions. Your writer will analyze your feedback and make improvements to the paper. Alternatively, if revisions do not help, you can request a refund and get your money back. 

Unbeatable Benefits of Our “Write My Essay For Me” Service

The incredible variety of academic writing services online makes buying a paper a challenge. With the same promises across the board, how do you choose a trustworthy company to help you? We won’t bore you with a lengthy list of all our benefits. Instead, we’ll focus on the three standout advantages every student will appreciate:

Student-friendly pricing. Our rates start as low as $6.99, meaning everyone can afford our help, even high school and college students who never have enough money for anything. 

Custom papers. Our writers do not rely on cookie-cutter solutions and don’t try to make your assignment fit their narrative. Instead, they carefully take all your instructions into account to craft original pieces that are 100% true to your unique requirements. 

Round-the-clock support. Not only can you follow the writing process in real time via chat with your writer, but you can also get instant help any time of day or night, thanks to the diligence of our support managers. Reach them via the hotline, live chat, or email and receive a response within minutes.

With such advantages on your side, you can be sure you’ll get a high-quality essay online any time you come to WritePaperFor for help. 

How to Get Your “Write My Paper” Order In

Arguably one of the best things about our paper writing service is the quick and painless order process that only takes a few minutes to complete. It involves several key steps:

Explain your assignment. You can write out your instructions in the order form or upload pertinent files for your writer’s use. 

Get assigned a writer. Based on your requirements and instructions, our legitimate writing service will select the best expert for your task and assign them to you as soon as you confirm the order and check out.

Follow the writer’s progress. Chat directly with your expert to get progress updates and provide additional information and guidance throughout the writing process. But you can also take a step back and relax while your expert works on the paper. 

Download the paper. Preview the final draft and approve it to download an editable file or request a revision with your comments and feedback on what you want your writer to change or improve. 

Although it may seem somewhat complicated at first, this order process is easy to master. And if you have any troubles, feel free to reach out to the support team.

Ultimate Payment Security on Write Paper For Me

Like every other professional writing company, WritePaperFor accepts upfront payment for writing services. However, we ensure your payment is as safe and risk-free as possible. For one, we employ a secure payment system that accepts credit card payments without jeopardizing your financial details. For another, we rely on industry-standard encryption to process your payment and keep track of your order.

Moreover, our paper writing service relies on a strict confidentiality policy that protects your personal and order details. We do not disclose this information to third parties, so no one at your school will ever learn you use the help of expert writers. The only way for your professors or school administration to learn about your essay orders is for you to confess. Therefore, if you keep quiet about our deal, your reputation and record will be 100% safe from suspicions and accusations. 

Thanks to these extensive security measures, you can safely order custom papers from WritePaperFor with minimal risk to your wallet, personal data, and academic reputation.

Never Feel Abandoned When Dealing with Homework

When you pay someone to write your paper, the last thing you want to feel is being left to fend for yourself without any support. After all, you invest your hard-earned money into having some peace of mind instead of worrying over your essay.

That’s why our customer support team remains online 24/7 and delivers outstanding service to new and regular customers. You can reach out to our managers via email, live chat, and phone calls to get answers to your questions, request progress updates, or discuss revisions, refunds, and any other issues.

Best of all, we won’t stick you with a chatbot and, instead, immediately connect you with a human agent. Within a couple of minutes, you’ll learn everything you want to know about our paper writing services, rates, writers, and more.

If you want direct contact with your writer as they work on your paper, all you need to do is log into your account and reach out via the dashboard. But please remember that unlike our support team, writers are not available round the clock, so getting a response may take a few hours. 

Your Ultimate “Write My Essay” Assitant

Paying us to write essays for you is always a good idea. After all, WritePaperFor is a trustworthy paper writing service with years of experience on the market, lots of good reviews, and a solid reputation. Our experts are professional writers with a broad range of expertise and skills, capable of dealing with anything professors throw at you.

At the same time, we make writing papers affordable and comfortable for students. Instead of a drawn-out order process, you can get it in within minutes and finally catch a well-deserved break. Our support team is always here to answer your “do my paper” questions and share the latest updates on your assignment.

Finally, WritePaperFor is the best place to ask, “Write my paper for me cheap.” We maintain our rates at a level affordable to all students without compromising writing quality or the comfort and livelihood of our academic experts. 

Are you ready to ace your papers? Hurry and seize this chance to be free from schoolwork. Order your paper today and turn it in right on time to get the grade you deserve!

Dizionari di lingua online

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(n): (Can be used as a collective plural—e.g. "We saw a stag and several doe.") : ( ) is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections , , WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

(used to form question)-
 Does your mother know you're here?
 Tua madre sa che sei qui?
(used to form negative)-
 My older brother doesn't like it when I tease him about his age.
 A mio fratello maggiore non piace quando lo prendo in giro per l'età.
(do: 3rd person singular)fare
 He does his homework every night.
 Fa i compiti ogni sera.

WordReference English- Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

(fill your time with)fare
 What are you doing this afternoon? When Peter retired, he didn't know what to do all day.
 Che cosa fai questo pomeriggio?
(create, make)fare , creare
 As an artist, he did fabulous things with scrap metal. What a lovely painting; did you do it?
 Come artista faceva cose favolose con il metallo di scarto. Che bel dipinto. L'hai fatto tu?
(carry out, attend to: task, job)fare
  occuparsi di
 I'll do the dishes, since you cooked.
 Io faccio i piatti, visto che tu hai cucinato.
(work as [sth] for a living)fare
 What do you do for a living? George's mother is a bus driver; I don't know what his father does.
 Che cosa fai per vivere?
(fare, manage)andare
 How are you doing on that project? It looks as though you're doing well with your homework.
 Come ti sta andando quel progetto?
 How are your kids doing in school? I didn't do well at school.
  Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. Come sta andando il caso?
do (used to form question)-
: In italiano non si usa un verbo ausiliare per le frasi interrogative.
 Do you have a pen? Do you know where the dog is?
 Hai una penna? Sai dov'è il cane?
(used to form negative)-
: In italiano non si usa un verbo ausiliare per le frasi negative.
 I do not know.
 Non lo so.
(used for emphasis)su, dai, suvvia
 I do love you, honestly!
 Ti voglio bene, dico sul serio!
(used in positive commands) ( )-
 Do come over for a visit!
 Vieni a trovarci!
 Jane bought a red dress for the big do.
 Jane ha comprato un vestito rosso per il grande evento.
(first note of musical scale) ( )do
 The teacher sang 'do, re, mi' and then the children joined her.
 L'insegnante cantò "do, re, mi" e i bambini si unirono in coro.
(hairdo)taglio di capelli
 Sarah's work colleagues all admired her new do.
 Tutti i colleghi di lavoro di Sarah hanno apprezzato il suo nuovo taglio di capelli.
(be satisfactory)andare bene
 Will this do for you, or should I work on it some more?
 Questo va bene per te, o ci devo lavorare ancora su?
 Do as I say, not as I do.
 Fai quello che dico, non quello che faccio.
(be in a stated condition)stare
 Is she doing any better than yesterday?
 Sta meglio di ieri?
(suffice)andare bene
 Will decaf do, or should I go out and get some real coffee?
 Va bene il decaffeinato, o esco a prendere del vero caffè?
(used in place of an earlier verb)-
: In italiano il verbo si sottintende, o si ripete quello principale,
 We see things as you do.
 Noi vediamo le cose come te.
(produce)fare , produrre , confezionare
 The dressmaker could do six dresses in a day.
 La sarta poteva fare sei vestiti in un giorno.
(cause an effect)fare
 Drugs can do a lot of harm.
 Le droghe possono fare molto male.
 We haven't done trigonometry yet.
 Non abbiamo ancora fatto trigonometria.
(prepare)fare , preparare
 I'll do the drinks; you just keep everyone entertained.
 Faccio io la cena stasera?
(make effort)fare
 It doesn't matter if you pass the exam or not; just do your best.
 Io faccio Lady Macbeth.
(theatre: present, perform)fare
 We're doing Hamlet next. That comedian does a great stand-up routine.
 Faremo Amleto la prossima volta.
(cook)fare , preparare
 I'm going to do a roast this weekend.
 Questo fine settimana farò l'arrosto.
(have custom of)fare
 We don't do that sort of thing here.
 Si era fatta i capelli a caschetto.
(appearance: prepare)farsi
 Sally spends an hour every day doing her makeup, hair, and nails.
 Lei passa mezz'ora al giorno a farsi le unghie.
(write)scrivere , fare , creare
 His next idea is to do a book on the history of Wimbledon.
 La sua nuova idea è fare un libro sulla storia di Wimbledon.
(traverse, cover)fare
 We did five hundred miles in two days.
 Abbiamo fatto cinquecento miglia in due giorni.
 They did the baby's bedroom in yellow, just in case.
 La camera del bambino l'hanno fatta gialla, per sicurezza.
(travel at a given speed)fare
  andare a
 They were doing thirty miles an hour when the other car struck them.
 Stavano facendo trenta miglia all'ora quando l'altra automobile li ha tamponati.
 Stavano andando a trenta miglia all'ora quando l'altra automobile li ha tamponati.
(travel, sightsee)fare
  andare in
 We're going to do the Riviera this summer.
 Faremo la Riviera quest'estate.
(act, take action)fare
 Don't just sit there, do something!
 Non restartene lì seduto, fai qualcosa!
(drugs: take) ( )farsi
 You're acting really strangely; have you been doing drugs?
 Ti stai comportando in modo davvero strano: ti sei mica fatto?
(prosecute) ( )finire nei guai con la giustizia
  ( )avere guai con la giustizia, passare guai con la giustizia
 The police don't have enough evidence, so they aren't going to do Lisa for that burglary after all.
 I heard Mathew's been done for speeding again.
 La polizia non ha prove sufficienti, perciò alla fine Lisa non finirà nei guai per furto.
 Ho sentito che Mathew ha avuto guai con la giustizia sempre per eccesso di velocità.
to [sth] (cause effect on)fare [qlcs] a [qlcs], causare [qlcs] a [qlcs]
 That rugby game has done a lot of damage to the grass.
 Quella partita di rugby ha causato molti danni all'erba.
(female deer) ( )cerva
 Hunters are allowed to kill up to two does per season.
 I cacciatori possono uccidere fino a due cerve a stagione.
(female rabbit)femmina di coniglio
 The doe gave birth to four bunnies last night.
 La femmina di coniglio ha dato alla luce quattro cuccioli la notte scorsa.
(female hare)coniglia
 Jenny has two pet hares; both of them are does.
(female rat) ( )topolina
 Mark's pet rat is a doe.

| |
to do [sth],
call upon [sb] to do [sth]
(request that [sb] do [sth]( )chiedere a [qlcn] di fare [qlcs]
 The union called on the workers to support a strike.
 Il sindacato ha chiesto ai lavoratori di aderire a uno sciopero.

| |
(go slowly, be careful)piano, vai piano, non avere fretta
  ( )vacci piano
(it is unimportant or irrelevant)non importa, non ha importanza
 It doesn't matter what you say; I'm still going to do what I want.
 Non ha importanza ciò che dici, io farò quello che voglio.
(I don't care)chi se ne importa?
 So you're earning more than me – what does it matter?
 Ah, guadagni più di me? E chi se ne importa?

Forum discussions with the word(s) 'does' in the title: Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo è presente la parola 'does':

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  4. Housework Verbs

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  6. Sentences with Homework, Homework in a Sentence in English, Sentences

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  3. Fare in inglese: DO o MAKE ?

  4. Italian Song Lyrics and Translation. Fred Buscaglione’s Guarda che Luna

  5. Workplace. Что на вашем рабочем столе?



  1. do your homework

    Faccia il vostro lavoro. Fate il vostro dovere. Go upstairs, do your homework. Ora va' subito a fare i compiti. I think you forgot to do your homework, dawg. Penso che avete dimenticato di fare i compiti, amico. Never forget to do your homework. Non dimenticare mai di fare i tuoi compiti.

  2. do your homework

    do your homework - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. | Dizionari di lingua online. English-Italian Dictionary | do your homework. ... Inglese: Italiano: do your homework v expr: figurative (become informed)

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    Moltissimi esempi di frasi con "do your homework" - Dizionario italiano-inglese e motore di ricerca per milioni di traduzioni in italiano.

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    Inglese: Italiano: do homework vtr + n (do after-hours schoolwork) fare i compiti vtr : The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. I bambini devono fare i compiti prima che possano uscire a giocare. do your homework v expr: figurative (become informed) informarsi⇒, prepararsi⇒ v rif: homework assignment n (task for ...

  5. do homework

    Inglese. Italiano. do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) fare i compiti vtr. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. I bambini devono fare i compiti prima che possano uscire a giocare.

  6. Traduzione di "do your homework!" in italiano

    Guarda le traduzioni di 'do your homework!' in italiano. Guarda gli esempi di traduzione di do your homework! nelle frasi, ascolta la pronuncia e impara la grammatica. ... + Aggiungi una traduzione Aggiungi do your homework! Dizionario inglese-italiano . fa i compiti! You should do your homework now. Dovresti fare i compiti ora. GlosbeMT ...

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    Il servizio di Google, offerto senza costi, traduce all'istante parole, frasi e pagine web dall'italiano a più di 100 altre lingue e viceversa.

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    homework traduzione: compito di casa, compito (a casa). Saperne di più.

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