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5th Week Class 9th English Assignment Answer 2021

The chapter-wish Answer for 5th Week class 9th has been collated in the form of PDFs that students can download for free and refer to the same while working on the NCTB questions. Class 9th English  Assignment Answer 2021 This year the NCTB has published the class 9th English  Assignment Answer with exemplar Problems designed and suggested by Subject experts of all Boards from the country, and they have published the latest or updated study material with exam material of Answer Answer with Exemplar Problems in class wise along with the student to all regional languages of the country.

Every Government and Private School Teaching Staff and Subject experts are suggested lesson wise solutions for all chapters of the assignment, we have suggested to every student and their parent can contact your child studying responsible school principle to get 5th week Class 9th English Solutions & Exemplar Problems 2021  especially to your child studying medium based on the state education board.

Here we have provided direct links to download  Class 9th Assignment English Subject wise Answer & Exemplar 2021 , every Education board student who is studying 1 st week of the Course from here can download each and every subject. Assignment Class

Class 9th English Assignment Answer 2021

Class 9th English Assignment Answer 2021 covers all chapters prescribed in the latest Class 9th English Syllabus. Class 9th English  Answer for  Testresultbd will be very helpful for all those students who are having trouble solving difficult problems. For better results, the students are advised to practice these Answer on a regular basis.

A brief overview of all chapters of the  Assignment Class 9th English  textbook  is provided below which will help students recall various concepts and topics studied in different chapters.

Class 9th English  Assignment has announced a new syllabus for All Board Class 9 Schoo English Entrance Exam to Class 9th students to the academic year of 2021, the Bangladesh 9th Class entrance test is going to conduct in February and detailed notification with the complete schedule is already announced.

Every student who has applied to class 9th admission into high school society can follow the complete syllabus and new exam pattern for all medium students, those boy’s and girl’s students can follow Class 9 assignment English Solution 2021  to getting a better idea about the exam syllabus.

Here we have shared those new answer details with High School 9th Class English Assignment Answer 2021 Pdf published on the official website, follow the subject wise and chapter wise syllabus to get a better score for getting admission under NCTB.

5th Week Class 7th Bangla Assignment Answer 2021

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Class 9 Assignment 2022 PDF 5th Week Answer Download

class 9 assignment

Class 9 Assignment Answer 5th week and 4th week question all Subject all board students download the assignment class nine has been published. This Class 9 Assignment syllabus has been published by the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. According to this syllabus, students of class IX have to prepare assignments.

According to the syllabus, assignment activities for all high school students 9 Assignment answer PDF download. Recently DSHE authority has publish 5th week Assignment second assignment is published website.

Table of Contents

Class 9 Assignment 2022

Are you worried about the Class 9 Assignment answer? Don’t worry we. By reading this post, you will learn about the assignment of class 9 and we already prepared Class 6 All subject Assignment Answer all Subject .

Every Students of Class nine Assignment Answer all Subject So read our entire post carefully to know all the information about assignment syllabus here. The High School Class nine Assignment answers have been discussed in detail here . Nine assignment Subject wise solution download and image file upload for Class 9 Assignment Answer .

Class 9 Assignment 5th Week

1 week Class 9 all subject Assignment with right answer 2022 PDF. Class Nine Assignment Answer 2022 5th week is available our website. So all education board students download her 5th week assignment.

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Class 9 English Assignment Answer 5th Week has been published. Today we discuss the class 9 English assignment, Chemistry,  Business Entrepreneurship and Bangladesh Global Studies.

Business Entrepreneurship

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Download assignment 5th week ICt and Bangla question so students download her 5th week question and answer.

5th week class 9 assignment so students they download 5th week question with answer. Class nine last week assignment has been published so students must be submission assignment before last date.

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Class 9 Assignment Answer 5th Week

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DSHE published class 9 5th week assignment question solution download for ssc batch 2022, 2023. Every students they download her assignment 2022 with solution.

1st Week Class 9 Assignment Question

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Answer Published soon.

Every students of class 9 they download 5th week assignment question pdf and answer download.

Class 9 1st Week Assignment Question & Answer

1st week class 9 assignment Bangla, Chemistry, Geography, Business Entrepreneurship and Physical Education.

Class 9 Assignment 5th week

Students they download her 5th week class 9 assignment question and answer. Every students submission assignment to school within one week.

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Class 9 English Assignment 5th Week Answer

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english assignment class 9 5th week

5th week Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2021

All Week class nine English assignment question solution 2021. 5th week Class 9 English Assignment answer 2021 is available on our website. Like other classes, authority has declared subject wise assignment topic. We answer assignment questions of different subjects accordingly. Through this post, you will find class nine English assignment answer 2021.

Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2021

Class 9 English assignment for the 1st week have already been published. The first week’s assignment was published on March 16, 2021. Second week English assignments have also been published. We answered the first week English assignment questions. Similarly, we will also answer the second week assignment questions. You will get 2nd week’s Class 9 English assignment answer through this post. To get class nine English assignment answer read the rest of the post.

5th Week Assignment 2021

Class 9 english assignment answer.

Assignments and solutions for all classes are provided on our website. Every year assignments and solutions for all classes are published on our website. Like every year, this year also Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2021 is given below.

Class 9 English Assignment 2021

Download as PDF

Check Others Subject Assignment Answer

Guidelines for Writing Assignments

1. There will be a cover page. Its better if the page is of formal design.

2. The cover page will have a logo according to the subject.

3. The cover page will have the subject clearly written at the top, it will look good if it is crescent shaped but there is no problem if it is normal straight.

4. At the bottom, there will be name, class rolls, book names and etc.

5. There will be a blank white page at the end of the assignment.

6. The ideal assignment is to be interrupted by special poly-plastic covers. (However, this isn’t mandatory for students)

7. There should be sufficient margin on the inside writing page of the assignment.

9. Even if you write short assignments on a single subject, you have to write more than 7-8 pages. And the standard assignment can be 20-50 pages longer. However, the syllabus of the students has been specified so it is not right to enlarge it unnecessarily. However, various questions and topics have to be written in a big way. Here the explanations can be researched and written in your own opinion.

10. Assignments are not usually written in stylish letters. So you need to be clear and keep all the letters in the regular size.

11. The source of the assignment information can be anything like books, story books, novels, poetry books, internet etc. There is no problem, but it cannot be copied exactly. You have to write what you understand after reading the source. The words of advice of any person or author should be written in double quotation at this time.

12. The assignment should be written on one side of the paper.

13. Find the answer to the assignment question and write it yourself. One should not copy to see someone else’s assignment solution.

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thanks for the helpness

thanks !!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for this help.👌👌👌🤙🤙👍

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Class 9-nine 5th week english assignment answer/solution 2021 -নবম-৯ম শ্রেণির ৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ২০২১.

english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 5th Week English Assignment answer 2021 

“ Change in Pastimes in Bangladesh ”

Introduction : A generation is "all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively." It can also be described as, "the average period, generally considered to be about 3-6 years, during which children are born and grow up to develop." In kinship terminology, it is a structural term designating the parent-child relationship. It is known as biogenesis, reproduction, or procreation in the biological sciences. Generations are changing in many ways, Describe are here .

Ethics and Values : Present generation doesn't have " Ethics and Moral Values " . But Older generation have " Ethics and Moral Values " .

  Thoughts : At present no one was not ready to follow other thoughts . But past every one will consult their family or friends or relatives . But one thing , if we are travelling upon our own thoughts , we cannot do or win or success anything in our life because our thoughts are very modern . And if we travel thoughtfully then definitely we will success in your life . Because we travel on others experience and views .

Love : Now - a - days love is for selfish . Older generation they live for love and they die for love . At present generation there is no true love and no sacrifice . But Older generation have and also they sacrifice their love for family . 

Culture : From art to music , cultural beliefs and customs , our generation has changed rapidly . Unlike the new generation , baby boomers were more of an independent generation since it was their personal responsibility for them to make something good out of themselves . By this I mean that nobody used to spoon feed them and all the time they were made to understand that life does not owe them anything so they used to be attentive and fixated to ensure that they are always on the right track . On the other hand , our generation feels like we are authorized on everything and we can easily give up from doing something if it requires some extra effort concentration . We have primed to always expect things to be done for us and it is truly affecting us on how we go about in our day - to - day activities . 

Technology : Technology has evidently changed our society both positively and negatively . As days goes by , science and technology has been virtually advanced and used to create various machines from vehicles , weapons , mobile phones , computers or any other equipment that are designed using technology . Huge number of new generation is relying on the internet and precisely social media which has seen to gain more attention from our youngsters over the past few years and people can now meet and communicate easily with their loved ones regardless of your whereabouts . Compared to the old generation whereby technology wasn't really familiarized as they had to find a way to dig deep and ensure their task is completely done by their bare hands without any programmed device that they could use .

  Fashion : From dressing style to hairstyle and shoes , we have seen both men and women's mode of dressing in the new generation varying as diverse clothes and outfits being introduced from various clothing designs on the runways and concerts as compared from the older generation where they never had such thing like a clothing company or designers and they were still descent and smart as they used to craft for themselves . 

Lifestyle : The baby boomers lifestyle was quite difficult because as a way of discipline , the children were whipped and given punishments by their parents and any mistake made there were consequences and this made the child to be more vigilant and careful next time before trying another stupid thing but our generation parents are becoming more relaxed when disciplining their child and that has led to the child becoming rebellious and having troubles following some simple rules and regulations given by their parent .

Media : The older generation had nothing to do with the media because they only experienced real life happenings with no computer , television or phones back then people were still keeping in touch and spending time with each other unlike the new generation whereby the media has been used as a system of keeping in touch with your relatives / loved ones . A person can easily get your details just by searching your name on the internet . But either way , we are never too old or young to accomplish anything we desire or either as the old or new generation what really matters is if you are willing to pay the price of your goal .

Conclusion : This book has investigated how the Baby Boomer generation has become constructed as a social problem in Britain . My approach to this question is based on the understanding that the problem of generations is , following Mannheim ( 1952 ) , to do with the mediation between past , present and future , where society is preserved , made anew , and at certain points transformed , by the interaction between the new members of society who come into ' fresh contact ' with the existing cultural heritage . The sociology of knowledge seeks to understand this mediation , by accounting for how generational location interacts with wider social forces to develop ideas in the present day.

৯ম শ্রেণির ৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ২০২১

৯ম শ্রেণির ৫ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ২০২১ ইংরেজি.

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Class 9 English Answer 5th Week Assignment 2021 ৯ম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি ৫ম সপ্তাহ

June 2, 2021 bdexam-aid Assignment , assignment 0

Class 9 English 5th week 2021

Class 9 English Answer 5th Week Assignment 2021 is given in full detail here in this post. We provide standard English assignment answer for all classes comparing to other’s English assignment solution. Class 9 students have English assignment in 5th week. Moreover, they have BGS and SCIENCE assignment in this week. We are going to give all the assignment answer of class 9 5th week 2021. But we will give a separate post for each subject. So, this is going to be a subject-wise post. In a subject wise DSHE assignment solution, we usually do not make the post long. Only we give assignment questions and answer. [পোস্টটি বাংলায় পড়তে ক্লিক করুন]

Quick Link..

Class 9 English Answer 5th Week 

As for other subjects of class 9 5th week assignment 2021, we will give a separate post. You will get assignment solution in subject-wise post. We we give subject wise post, we have chances to discuss broadly about the questions. Therefore, we are going to discuss broadly about English question of class 9 5th week assignment. From the beginning, we have been giving sample assignment solution. Students also keep faith on our assignment solution. Therefore. we have a sense of liability when we solve assignment for students. (Class nine English Answer 5th Week)

Class 9 English Assignment Questions 

This is almost like  a question-answer post. First, we will describe class 9 English assignment questions in our website . Discussing questions is necessary for many reasons. One of them is to write a good and coherent answer. You want to carry a good marks in the assignment. So, you need to understand the assignment question first. Class 9 English 5th Week questions are in  the following. (Class 9 English Answer 5th Week)

Pastimes may change generation to generation. Take an interview with your parents’ or grandparents’ or elderly people of your family. Know about their pastime activities and take notes on them. Also think about the pastime of your generation. Write the differences and mention why the differences have taken place.

Class 9 English Answer 5th Week

Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2021

You will find class 9 English answer 5th week in this section. We are going to add class 9 English assignment answer as soon as possible. We will write English assignment answer for you. Or we will collect it from a reliable source. However, you can be sure about the quality of assignment answer. Click below to get class 9 English assignment answer. 

class 9 english answer

Click here to download full answer PDF

Get more 5th week assignment:

  • Class 7 Assignment 4th Week 2021 Science & Charukola
  • Class 8 Assignment 5th Week 2021 Bangla & Karma Shikkha
  • Assignment Cover Page Design
  • Class 9 Assignment 1st Week 2021 ৯ম শ্রেণী ১ম সপ্তাহের উত্তর
  • Class 9 Assignment 2021 English
  • Class 9 Assignment 5th week
  • Class 9 assignment answer 5th week
  • class 9 English 5th week

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english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022- English, BGS, Since

Department of Secondary  and better  Education Class 9 Assignment 2022 Answer English, BGS, Since all Subject PDF Download. Class 9 all subject solution found here. Class Seven assignment 5th week account  all subjects here. Official site at . This year most of  the scholars  download the assignment question 2022.

All  the principles  and every one  the problems  associated with  the activities of this assignment.  are  discussed to continue  the tutorial  activities.  insight of all the discussions, the Department of Secondary  and better  Education has issued a notice. Regarding the work scheduled for  the primary  week of the assignment.

Table of Contents

Class 9 assignment 2022

For all student assignment notice 2022 download the official site This year’s new assignment notice published authority. you’ll  use  the primary  Official notice and PDF file download now.

Class 8 assignment Routine week List 2021

Class 9 assignment Routine week List 2022

Department of Secondary  and better  Education assignment Question all subject finally new notice published.  the scholar  Download for the assignment answer. The new assignment of 2022 has been published so this is often  my post  to tell  all  the scholars  about this assignment.

Class 9 5th Week English Assignment Answer

Class 9 Assignment Question PDF Download

Dear student friends,  you’ll  download the first-week assignment or scheduled work PDF file from here. Unfortunately Download All Student can`t Download PDF File.  I will be able to tell them  that you simply  can easily download  the specified  PDF file from our website with  only one  click. If  you would like ,  you’ll  easily download it by clicking on the download button

এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্নপত্র ডাউনলোড করুন

Class 9 assignment 5th week Answer 2022

See here for all Nine graders to seek out  solutions  to all or any  issues. we are  a replacement  update today and continue on our site at . Now  you’ll  found your assignment 2022 1st week answer sheet with PDF. List warry answer found on my site. Just wait to unravel  your assignment 2022 1st week answer.

Class 9 English Answer 5th Week Assignment 2022

english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2022 6th week Since

english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 5th week assignment answer Bangladesh and global studies

Class 9 5th week assignment answer Bangladesh and global studies Question

I hope that successfully download Class 9 Assignment 2022  Answer All Subject PDF Download  for free of charge . Now next update finds on  the location  at For more Updates about the Department of Secondary  and better  Education assignment 2022. Thanks for visiting our site.

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Class 9 English Assignment

Class 9 English Assignment 2021

Class 9 English 17th, 13th, 5th  Week Assignment Answer, 17th, 13th, 5th Soptaher Ingreji Assignment Somadhan, নবম শ্রেণীর ১৭তম, ১৩তম, ৫ম  সপ্তাহের ইংরেজী সমাধান। 2nd English Assignment Solution 13th, 5th, 17th Week For Class Nine. Assignment Task 2, 3,5.

Class 9 English Assignment Answer is available here. The solution for the 17th, 13th, 5th assignment is being found. Whose content is English? Today we have published the 17th, 13th, 5th week English assignment of 9th class as per the syllabus of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. Before the end of the fourth week, the students are busy getting the question papers in the fifth week. We are here to shorten their busy schedule and answer all your questions correctly. So if you need an answer sheet for the ninth grade English assignment then stay with us till the end and read the post carefully.

English Assignment

It is impossible to open the school due to the coronavirus. Our Bangladesh Ministry of Education has already announced that the test will not be taken. After that, the students are waiting for the school to reopen. They think it is impossible to take annual exams this year as educational institutions are closed. However, DSHE has published the assignment syllabus and instructed the students to submit it.

Many people are afraid of English. But it is also very difficult to get a job somewhere better than English. So every student should have good knowledge about English. We will tell you how to get good marks in English and the rules for learning English easily in a future post. The basic formula of English is grammar. Need to know better about grammar. You also need to memorize the vocabulary. The more vocabulary a student can memorize, the easier it will be for him to speak and write English. And you have to keep in mind the basic rules of grammar. Another fun thing to do in English is to have a conversation with someone. It’s something you can do with anyone. This will greatly improve your English. Ninth grade English is divided into two parts. 1st letter and 2nd letter. The first letter is about passage and the second letter is about grammar. Anyway, all the questions of the English assignment are answered below.

Class 9 English 17th Week Assignment

English has been published for the students of all departments in the 17th week of class 9. Whose assignment is serial no.5. You have been instructed to do the following to solve the English assignment of class 9 17th week.

Bangladesh is one of the densely populated countries in the world where about 18 crores people live in within 1,47,570 square kilometers. The age range of about 10 crores people is 15-64. By upgrading unskilled workforce to skilled workforce many countries in this world have turned into a developed one. Think how Bangladesh can reach in the level of developed countries by making unskilled people to skilled workforce. Give five (5) ideas and explain in not more than 200 words.


Class 9 English 17th Week Assignment Answer


Class 9 English 13th Week Assignment

Like every week, we have come up with this week’s answer sheet. The 13th week English assignment questions and solutions are grammar and a formal letter. We have come before you with the correct answer to every question. This allows you to create your own assignment with the idea. Ninth grade English is a little more complicated than the lower classes but doesn’t be afraid. If you have a problem somewhere, let us know and I will try to resolve your issue as soon as possible. Stay in regular English practice and you will see that one day you have become an English ship.

It is normal for students to enlist the help of parents, older siblings or home tutors in creating English assignments. But even if adults can help, they can’t fully help because they haven’t studied for a long time. Many times students search for questions online on their own, gaining ideas about the answers to the questions themselves. So we try to give a completely correct solution to a difficult subject like English. As such, it is convenient for students to do English assignments.

Class 9 13th Week English Assignment

Class 9 English 13th Week Assignment Answer

english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 English 5th Week Assignment

5th Week English Assignment Questions and Solutions

Get Answer : A possible answer: Pastime may change generation to generation. Take an interview with your parents or grand-parents or elderly people of your family. Know about their pastime activities and take notes on them. Also think about the pastime activities of your generation. Write the differences and mention why these differences have taken place.

1. Topic/Title:

2. Introduction:

3. Body/Description: (para or para title may vary assignment to assignment)

4. Conclusion:

Get All: 5th Week Assignment 2021 For Class 6, 7, 8, 9

Class 9 Assignment 2021

মূল্যায়ন রুব্রিক্স

Finally, we want to say that we are coming up with the answer to each assignment. I have been getting good responses from the students for the last four weeks. However, for those who still do not know about our website, I would like to say that let’s come to our website and want the correct answer. I would urge my dear students that sharing knowledge never diminishes it. Share this post with all the students around you so that the rush benefits. Thanks, everyone.

Class 9 English Old Assignment Question & Solution

Class 9 English 5th Week Assignment Question

3rd Assignment Task

Unit and Title of the Lesson

Grammar: Changing Sentences (The Passive)

Formal Letter

English Assigned Tasks / Assignment For Class 9

HW: Activity 3 (Page No.- 183, 184)

Suppose, you are Lima/Limon. You are a student of class nine in Sreepur Kumaria High School, Sreepur. In your school, you don’t have any supply of safe drinking water. Now, write an application to your Headteacher to arrange safe drinking water for the students .

Assessment Criteria

Grammar, spelling

Teacher will check students’ ability to use content, grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, communication.

HW: Activity 3 (Page No.- 183, 184) Answer

  • b) when were they taken?
  • c) I was not invited
  • d) The party was not planned …… you were…… invted
  • e) Many people were not invited
  • f) will be arranged soon
  • g) How many people were invited?
  • h) How many people will be invited?
  • i) not being surprised.

Letter: arrange safe drinking water for the students to headteacher

The headmaster

Sreepur Kumaria High School

Sreepur, Gazipur, Dhaka.

Subject : Prayer for arranging pure drinking water for the students.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to supply pure drinking water in the school as soon as possible to remove the sufferings of the students.

Yours sincerely

On behalf of the students of

পঞ্চম সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইমেন্টের সমাধান পাওয়া যাচ্ছে। যার বিষয়বস্তু হলো ইংরেজি। আজ আমরা মাধ্যমিক ও ‍উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরের সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী নবম শ্রেণির ৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজী অ্যাসাইমেন্ট প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। চতুর্থ সপ্তাহ শেষ হতে না হতেই শিক্ষার্থীরা পঞ্চম সপ্তাহে প্রশ্নপত্র পাওয়াই তাড়া বেশ ব্যস্ত সময় পার করছে। তাদের এই ব্যস্ত সময়টা সংক্ষিপ্ত করতে এবং সকল প্রশ্নের সঠিক উত্তর দিতে আমরা হাজির হয়েছি আপনাদের সমানে। তাই আপনার যদি নবম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি অ্যাসাইমেন্টের উত্তর পত্র লাগে তাহলে শেষ পর্যন্ত আমাদের সাথে থাকুন এবং মনোযোগ সহকারে পোষ্টটি পড়ুন।

ইংরেজি অ্যাসাইমেন্ট

করোনার ভাইরাসের কারণে স্কুলটি খোলা অসম্ভব। আমাদের বাংলাদেশ শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় ইতিমধ্যে ঘোষণা করেছে যে  পরীক্ষা নেওয়া হবে না। তারপরে, শিক্ষার্থীরা স্কুলটি পুনরায় খোলার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে। তারা মনে করেন যেহেতু শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান বন্ধ তাই এই বছর বার্ষিক পরীক্ষা নেওয়াও অসম্ভব। তবে ডিএসএইচই অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সিলেবাস প্রকাশ করেছে এবং শিক্ষার্থীদের এটি জমা দেওয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে।

ইংরেজি নিয়ে অনেকেই ভয়ে থাকে। কিন্তু ইংরেজি ছাড়া ভাল কোথাও চাকরি হওয়াটাও বেশ কঠিন। তাই প্রতিটি শিক্ষার্থীর উচিত ইংরেজি সম্পর্কে ভাল জ্ঞান থাকা। ইংরেজিতে কিভাবে ভাল নম্বর পেতে হয় এবং ইংরেজি সহজে শেখার নিয়ম গুলো আমরা আপনাকে পরবর্তী কোন এক পোষ্টে জানাবো। ইংরেজির যে মূল সূত্র সেটা হলো গ্রামার। গ্রামার সম্পর্কে ভাল ভাবে জানতে হবে। এছাড়াও শব্দভান্ডার গুলোর মুখস্থ করতে হবে। যে শিক্ষার্থী যতবেশি শব্দভান্ডার মুখস্থ করতে পারবে তার ইংরেজি বলার ও লিখার ক্ষেত্রে সহজ হবে। আর গ্রামারের ব্যাসিক যে সব নিয়মনীতি রযেছে সেগুলোও মনে রাখতে হবে। ইংরেজিতে আরো একটা মজার বিষয় হলো যে কারো সাথে কথোকথন করা। এটা আপনি যে কারো সাথে করতে পারেন। এতে করে আপনার ইংরেজিতে বেশ উন্নতি হবে। নবম শ্রেণির ইংরেজিকে দুইটি ভাগে ভাগ করা হযেছে। ১ম পত্র ও ২য় পত্র। প্রথম পত্রে প্যাসেজ এবং দ্বিতীয় পত্রে গ্রামার সম্পর্কে কাজ করতে হয়। তো যাই হোক ইংরেজি অ্যাসাইমেন্ট এর সকল প্রশ্নের উত্তর নিচে দেওয়া হলো।

৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজী অ্যাসাইমেন্ট প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান

প্রতিটি সপ্তাহের ন্যায় এই সপ্তাহের উত্তর পত্র নিয়ে আমরা হাজির হয়েছি। ৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজী অ্যাসাইমেন্ট প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান যে বিষয় গুলো রযেছে তা হলো গ্রামার ও একটি ফরমাল লেটার। প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের সঠিক উত্তর নিয়ে আমরা হাজির হয়েছি আপনার সামনে। এটির মাধ্যমে আপনি ধারণা নিযে নিজের মত করে অ্যাসাইমেন্টটি তৈরি করতে পারেন। নিম্ন শ্রেণি গুলোর চাইতে নবম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি একটু জটিল তবে ভয় পাবেন না। যদি আপনি কোন জায়গায় সমস্যায় পড়েন তাহলে আমাদের জানান আমি যত দ্রুত সম্ভব আপনার সমস্যার সমাধান করার চেষ্টা করবো। নিয়মিত ইংরেজি চর্চার মধ্যে থাকুন দেখবেন একদিন আপনি ইংরেজির জাহাজ হয়ে গিয়েছেন।

এটা স্বাভাবিক যে, ইংরেজী এসাইনমেন্ট তৈরিতে শিক্ষার্থীরা পিতা-মাতা, বড় ভাই-বোন বা গৃহ শিক্ষকের সহায্য নিবে। কিন্তু বড়রা সাহায্য করতে পারলেও কর্মব্যস্ততায় দীর্ঘ সময় পড়াশোনা না করার ফলে তারা সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে সহায্য করতে পারেনা। অনেক সময় শিক্ষার্থীরা নিজেরাই অনলাইনে প্রশ্ন অনুসন্ধান করে, নিজেরাই প্রশ্নের উত্তর সম্পর্কে ধারনা লাভ করে। তাই আমরা চেষ্টা করি ইংরেজীর মতো এমন একটা কঠিন বিষয়ের সম্পূর্ণ সঠিক সমাধান দিতে। যেন, ইংরেজী এসাইনমেন্ট করতে শিক্ষার্থীদের সুবিধা হয়।

পরিশেষে আমরা বলতে চাই যে আমরা প্রতিটি অ্যাসাইমেন্ট এর উত্তর দিয়ে আসছি। গত চার সপ্তাহ যাবৎ শিক্ষার্থীদের ভাল সাড়া পাচ্ছি। তবে এখনও যারা আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট সম্পর্কে জানে না তাদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলতে চাচ্ছি যে আসুন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে এবং শতভাগ সঠিক উত্তরটি নিয়ে চান। আমার প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীদের অনুরোধ করবো যে জ্ঞান বিনিময় করলে কখনও তা কমে না। আপনি আপনার আশেপাশে যেসকল শিক্ষার্থী রয়েছে তাদের এই পোষ্টটি শেয়ার করুন যাতে তাড়া উপকৃত হয়। ধন্যবাদ সবাইকে।

3 thoughts on “Class 9 English Assignment 2021”

Nice ? work

Valo legeche vaiya, thnx

many many thanks. plz keep it up.

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Class 9 Assignment 2nd, 5th Week 2021 English, BGS, Science Answer

Class 9 Assignment 2nd, 5th Week answer 2021 English, Science, Bangladesh and Global Studies(BGS), Biology, Finance, and Banking and Civics have been published here on our website with its syllabus. The Directorate of Secondary Education released this 5th-week assignment for class Nine. So here we added this class 9 assignment answer for this 5th week. Read this full post and collect your Nine class 5th week answer 2021 from here.


Class 9 Assignment 5th Week 2021

Due to covid-19 educational institute yet to be open. At this time Education Ministry announces the assignment task for class 6 to 9 students. They have no option but to announce this about the assignment. Authority thinks as all the institute has been still not opening so students are not focusing on their study. So publishing this assignment students may attend their study a bit more.

That’s why authority published assignment tasks every week. This time they released the class 9 assignment for the 5th week. Science, BGS, English, Biology, Finance and Banking & Civics(Pouroniti O Nagorikota) assignment answer is available here. As the authority includes this subject assignment for this week.

Class 9 English Assignment 2021 5th Week Answer

Class Nine assignment English 2nd week 2021 is found here. As every class 9 students asking what to write an assignment. English has added them to this week’s assignment. So it’s a big question what to write for their English assignment answer. We here for you to help them. Yes, of course, we will discuss here how you can able to write your English assignment.

Reading this post you will exactly know how to do this assignment of English. We here already added this answer for you. You will find here a pdf file to download. Also reading your text-book you can complete your assignment on your own. Honestly, this is the best way to do your not only English but all subject assignment.

Now see and can download your answer from the below. We provide a link where you have to click to collect answers.

english assignment class 9 5th week

English Assignment Solution

Class 9 Science Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021

english assignment class 9 5th week

Click To Download Solution

Class 9 BGS Assignment Answer 5th Week 2021

english assignment class 9 5th week

Class 9 Biology Answer 2nd Week

Biology is another subject DSHE authority includes class 9 2nd week assignment syllabus. Class 9 Biology assignment solution 2nd week 2021 is made by our expert team. And we here upload this Biology answer for your to collect. Anyone can come here to our website and collect answers for this assignment. As we are very committed to publishing all these answers to the class Nine assignment.

Every day for every week we here on our website published a new assignment answer post for you to collect. In this assignment week, we mainly focus on this very much. unless our beloved class 9 students feel any hard to find their assignment solution.


Biology assignment Solution

Class 9 Assignment Finance and Banking 2nd Week Answer

Class Nine Finance and Banking assignment answer 2021 2nd week is available here. This subject is mainly there who have not had Biology subject as their four subjects. Especially this subject is for Commerce background students as their four subject. They preferred this Finance subject as their commerce unit.

So on this topic, we will tell you this assignment how to write. And also added here this assignment solution for those who need help to complete their assignment. So let’s go below and collect your answer.


Finance and Banking assignment Solution

Civics Assignment Answer 2nd Week Class 9

Civics is included in the class 9 assignment. This is the subject for arts background students. So many of you may be searching for this assignment answer. That’s for we are here to provide this assignment answer. Many of you also called this Civics assignment a Politics and Citizenship (pouroniti o Nagorikota) assignment.

However, we don’t want to waste your time for a while. Let’s see below and collect your Class 9 Civics 2nd week assignment answer 2021.


Civics assignment Solution

Hope you like this post and collect your assignment class 9 answer. We are very happy to provide these subject assignment answers to you. Every week we published assignment answers here. So stay with us for more information.

Class 9 Assignment 2021 Answer Bangla, Science, BGS All Subject

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August 10, 2022 allnewjob 5th Week Assignment 2022 , Assignment , Class 9 Assignment 5

Class 9 5th Week Assignment 2022

Class 9 Assignment 5th Week 2022 has now kicked off in the country with the assigned work for the English, Chemistry, Geography and Environment & Business Entrepreneurs subject. The reinstatement for the 5th week assignment has been made by the authority in the education ministry. Now the class 9 students are in the fifth phase of the assignment period in 2022. In this 5th stage, collect your answer for English, Chemistry, Geography & Business Entrepreneurs subjects. Let us give you access to download Class 9 Assignment 5th Week Answer 2022 here.

Assignment Class 9

Assignment is a must do work for the class 9 level students in our nation. The closure of the educational institution including high school has created a huge gap in the academic activities. The students are in the jeopardy situation for the last one year with no visible change in the decision of government. They have taken only an activity which can help the class 9 learners. This lone effort taken by the education directorate is an assignment class 9 .

This effort has been keeping the students with the touch of reading and writing since the end of the last year. The recent declaration by education directorate of the opening of school and college has also invited a debut online for the class 9 students. The assignment class 9 2022, however, has the opportunity to compensate for this loss in a little bit. Our post is from the goal of aiding the class 9 learners a slight in this day of hardship.

Class 9 Assignment 2022

One of the fruitful decisions taken by the government in our country is to launch this assignment at the secondary school level. The courageous step was to make this educational activity run again in 2022. Now, not only the class 9 students but also all of them are struggling to learn from this assignment task. Thus, the help from the class 9 assignment 2022 may be little compared to the school work.

However, it is a very bright section as what they will learn will be fruitful for them in 2022. Thus the class 9 assignment 5th week 2022 answer will help them even in this situation of restrictions. The main evaluation process has been fixed so far by the authority in this term of assignment . The 2022 year for the class 9 students is not only a challenge but also an opportunity that they can make use of.

5th Assignment Class 9

The assignment number 5th is now the current demand of the learners in our country. The best off is that  class 9 assignment 2022 5th week will be in our authority. The best practice in this regard will be reading the textbook ranging from school and college. The education in this nation is deeply dependent on this class 9 assignment 5 week 2022. So, now for the first attention is finding out class 9 assignment 5th week questions.

Googling is not the only solution for the 5th assignment class 9. The question for each of the classes in the week base is not the rare thing to download. 5th week assignment class 9 is available on an online website which is like us. So, the question of the class 9 5th assignment 2022 is going to be an asset for the teachers to consider. This consideration for the class 9 5th assignment has just jumped to the easiest one.

Class 9 Assignment 5th Week

Class 9 assignment 5th week question 2022 is very obtainable from the place you are now staying. In actuality, there are two ways that can be your sources for collecting the class 9 assignment 2022 5 week. The first one is that the learners need to go to their school and ask the teachers whether they can provide the assignment. If they cannot, you can collect that of the 5th week from an online web portal like the one you are visiting now.

The base should begin from 5th week assignment class 9 2022 because this level of students has two years in total for the preparation. As the class 9 students are to sit for the secondary school examination, this time is very crucial for them. In this regard, the class 9 5th week assignment has now stepped in the academic activities. Basically, the section of the relative term has now crossed the line of the 5 week assignment class 9.

All Class 5th Week Assignment 2022

Assignment Class 9 5th Week 2022

It is not only about doing assignments but more than learning. The whole process of 5th week assignment class 9 pdf download includes collecting questions from the teachers or , read the selective topics, try to find out the answer, and then submit to the authorities. Therefore, by doing all these tasks class 9 students will not only learn the academic things, but also develop the inner quality. Therefore, Assignment class 9 5th Week 2022 may be the best decision in this lockdown.

Moreover, the assets for the class 9 students at present are the assignment marks. Since now the policy makers have advised to evaluate the nine grade learners in accordance to the performance in the 5th week assignment, so each must try with what they have over the years. Basically, the way our learners of class 9 develop their brains to achieve knowledge is not very helpful. Rather, 5th assignment class 9 2022 can bring some revolution among them.

Class 9 Assignment Answer 2022

class 9 assignment 5th week answer for the learners has now evolved the works of the high school students. Therefore, class 9 assignment 2022 5th week answer should be evaluated from the right position by the teachers. Therefore everyone will be accountable in that context as everyone will make a hard effort to present their assignment answer to the teachers. Thus, class 9 assignment answer 5th week is the cornerstone for the students.

At this current position of the assignment task, the assigned class 9 5th week assignment answer has now emerged as the home work. Therefore each of the learners will have to think about what actually they are planning to solve the class 9 assignment 5th week question 2022. The answer class 9 assignment 2022 5th week answer is very relative in this regard as it will define how the contribution is.

English Assignment Class 9

It is the 2nd English subject assignment which has been included in the class 9 5 week assignment 2022. As English is a very disturbing subject, everyone tries to skip this course as far as they can move. However, the assignment does not direct any student to avoid the lesson. Rather, it goes with the proper guidelines for making the reading done by class 9 assignment 2022 5th week question. So, it is necessary for the class 9 students to follow our advice.

If you cannot find out your English assignment class 9 2022, then you must have to visit two websites. One of them is ours where you are now roaming to and fro. On the other hand there are also some similarities in getting the class 9 5th week assignment question of English. Overall situation is for you to dance in accordance with the 5th week assignment pdf download by the time you are visiting.

Class 9 English 5th Week Assignment 2022

Class 9 English Assignment 5th Week Answer 2022

Now, here is your class 9 English Assignment answer to the 5th week syllabus question in 2022. The students of our class can now include the solution for the English assignment after making it download from here. Basically, each of the learners will have to download the first type of question at present. Following that step, one must visit for the corporation in this regard of the 5th week answer of this week

Therefore, class 9 english assignment 2022 5th answer has been the only demand this week as we are getting huge requests for the benefits of pastimes. The guardians in this regard extend their helping hand to their children as they solely depend on them. It is their duty to provide them help whenever they need. The 5th week english assignment of class nine has also been available with answers or solutions in 2022.

Class 9 English Assignment Answer 2022 5th Week

Download English Assignment Full Answer PDF

Class 9 Assignment Chemistry

The students who have felt the urge have found here the class 9 assignment chemistry 2022 from the way where the entrance has been made. So, the learners of class nine will have to go for the fifth week assignment answer for the rosayon subject. The class 9 er assignment which they also termed in other ways are in the list of the 5 week so far. The team of exclusion is here for the relative question for PDF download in 2022.

Those students from arts or humanities groups need to notice this chemistry subject as it is only for them. The students of any class will be fruitful but the selective of them will be more helpful by this assignment. So. The class 9 assignment 2022 5th week answer for their chemistry subject is to be here. The tenure of this ongoing assignment for class 9 is going to stay a long period of time.

Class 9 chemistry 5th Week Assignment 2022

Class 9 Chemistry Assignment 2022 5th Week Answer

Those who deeply feel that they require the class 9 chemistry assignment 5th week answer 2022 are now welcome on our website. From here each of them under any of the nine education boards will get their desired subject assignment solution very easily. The best feature of our website is that we do not provide any kind of information relating to the 5 week assignment 2022 which is against the government’s direct order.

So, this website can be the very source for collecting your class 9 assignment 5th week 2022 answer of the subject he or she wants. Our team is going to give you full support for getting the assignment question of the week you demand. Therefore, in this regard, the chemistry subject assignment question and answer will be here in the following section. You might have wanted what are topics in the class nine assigned work in this period of this month.

Class 9 Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022 5th Week

Download Chemistry Assignment Full Answer PDF

Class 9 Assignment Geography

As your 5 week assignment class 9 2022 also includes the subject naming vugol o poribesh or Geography and Environment, you have to be aware about the question from here. It is of course very difficult for a single learner to avoid all class assignments, how you will have to be sincere with your question pdf free download and solution. Then, Geography and Environment is very important for the assignment as it helps learners to know about their country and other nations.

Thus, one gets a very clear idea about the independence, emerge of Bangladesh by studying the assignment of class 9 5th week Geography and Environment assignment. Not only of his own country, the students also learn about other countries and global economy and politics by learning this Geography and Environment class 9 assignment 5 week 2022. So, get ready for your assignment solution of the week when you are about to finish.

Class 9 geography 5th Week Assignment 2022

Download Vugol Assignment Full Answer PDF

Read More: 

Class 9 Assignment 4th Week 2022 Math, Physics, Accounting & History Answer

Class 9 Assignment 3rd Week 2022 Bangla, Chemistry, Geography & Business Entrepreneurs Answer

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