
Essay on Importance Of Body Language

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance Of Body Language in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance Of Body Language

Understanding body language.

Body language is the way we move, stand, and look, which tells others what we feel without talking. It’s like a secret code that can show happiness, anger, or worry. When we meet someone, their body language gives us clues about how they feel about us.

Body Language in Communication

When we talk, our words are important, but our body language is too. If our words and body language match, our message is strong. If they don’t match, people might get confused about what we really mean.

Body Language in Making Friends

Body language helps in making friends. A smile or open arms can make others feel welcome. When we show we are listening by nodding, people like talking to us more.

Body Language in Learning

In school, body language is key. Teachers can tell if we understand by our faces. When we look interested, it shows we are ready to learn. This way, teachers can help us better.

250 Words Essay on Importance Of Body Language

What is body language.

Body language is a way people show their feelings without talking. It includes facial expressions, hand movements, and posture. This silent form of communication is very powerful and often tells more about a person’s feelings than words do.

Sharing Feelings Without Words

Imagine you are at a new school and you see a student with a big smile. You know they are happy and friendly, even if they don’t say hello. This is because their smile is a part of body language. It is a silent signal that can share feelings clearly and quickly.

Helps in Understanding Others

Body language is important because it helps us understand how others feel. For example, if your friend has their arms crossed and is looking away, they might be upset or not interested in talking. By noticing these signs, you can know if it’s a good time to talk or better to wait.

Important in Making Friends

When you meet someone new, how you stand and look at them can make a big difference. Standing tall with a friendly face can make others feel comfortable. This can help you make friends easily because they see you as kind and open.

In conclusion, body language is a key part of how we communicate. It helps us show our feelings, understand others, and make friends. Paying attention to body language is just as important as the words we use.

500 Words Essay on Importance Of Body Language

Body language is the way we communicate without using words. It’s about how we move our bodies, our faces, and even how close we stand to other people. Imagine you are talking to your friend and they are smiling, nodding, and looking at you. You would feel that they are listening and happy to be with you. That’s body language!

Why Body Language Matters

Body language is important because it shows how someone feels. If someone is crossing their arms and not looking at you when you are talking, they might not be interested or they could be feeling uncomfortable. By looking at their body language, you can understand these feelings even if they don’t tell you with words.

Body Language in Daily Life

Every day, whether you are at school, at home, or playing with friends, you use body language. When you give your friend a thumbs-up, you are telling them “Good job!” without speaking. Teachers use body language too. When they look at the clock and then at the class, they are saying it’s time to stop talking and pay attention, all without saying a word.

Body Language and Making Friends

Making new friends can be easier when you use good body language. Smiling, making eye contact, and having an open posture makes you look friendly and someone others would like to talk to. If you look at the ground and have your arms crossed, people might think you don’t want to make friends, even if you do.

Body Language at School

In school, your body language can help your teacher know if you understand the lesson. If you nod your head and look interested, your teacher will know you are following along. If you look confused, your teacher might explain things again. This helps you learn better.

Understanding Others

Just like you use body language, so does everyone else. If you can understand other people’s body language, you can be a better friend. You can tell if your friend is sad or happy, or if they need help, just by looking at how they act.

Body Language in Different Cultures

Body language can mean different things in different places. For example, a thumbs-up might be good in one country but not nice in another. It’s important to learn about body language from other cultures so you can be respectful and understand people from all over the world.

Body language is a powerful tool. It helps us understand each other without talking. We can show we are happy, sad, interested, or bored, all with our body language. By using good body language, we can make friends, do better in school, and understand how people feel. So, the next time you are with someone, remember, it’s not just the words you say that matter, but also how you say it with your body!

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essay of importance of body language

Lea Lis MD

Body Language

Body language: using your body to communicate, how body language tells our story, whether we want it to or not..

Posted March 23, 2021 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Interpreting and presenting body language has been difficult during the pandemic.
  • Body language can be both conscious and subconscious , with the potential to strengthen verbal messages or cause confusion.
  • Although body language can make interactions easier, it is only one part of communication and is not the only way to show who you are.

WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock

After a year of near-total virtual communication with just about everyone we know, we’ve adjusted to communicating differently, despite the many limitations of group chats, virtual meetings, and conference calls. One vitally important aspect of our communication that’s been missing over this year is interpreting and presenting body language.

Body language is an essential part of communication and can be just as important as our verbal exchanges. Often, it’s the nonverbal messages we send in our gestures, facial expressions, or posture that can cement or invalidate our words. Body language can be both conscious or subconscious actions, so it is important to make sure your body is sending the same messages as your words to ensure good communication. These nonverbal cues can strengthen the verbal messages you’re sending or it can lead to mistrust or confusion—signs of poor communication and misunderstanding. And let’s not underestimate the vital effects of pheromones to the limbic system which is cut off when we are virtual.

This is just one more way that the pandemic has hindered learning in children. By not allowing them to be physically present with people, they’re not able to interpret body language or pheromones in the ways they normally would. Body language is an important tool children use to learn and develop social skills.

In this way, body language can make interacting with others and expressing yourself much easier, but it can also introduce new challenges. Some nonverbal cues unintentionally communicate parts of ourselves that we don’t want others to know. For example, bad posture or fidgeting may communicate lack of confidence, something we may not intend for others to know about us. But body language can enhance our verbal messages and solidify what we are telling others. Facing someone with eye contact or taking notes while someone is speaking can communicate genuine interest. Without these cues, teachers may not be able to assess a student’s understanding.

When you’re speaking authentically, it’s natural for your body language to respond to your words through gestures or facial expressions. We also use gestures in conversations to tell stories or describe objects, often using hand signals to show how big or small something is. These are largely subconscious, naturally occurring forms of body language.

It can be difficult to communicate confidence in your actions when you may not feel it internally. When you display confident body language, such as good posture or eye-contact, even if you’re making a conscious effort, studies have shown that it can lead to feeling more confident. When speaking to others, practice controlling impulses to fidget and planting your feet confidently to increase self-esteem .

You can interpret a lot about someone from their body language, but it can’t tell you everything you need to know about someone. Behavior changes across social situations; what you show to some people, you may not feel comfortable showing to others. Some social situations may present circumstances for you to act outside of your norm and these instances obviously don’t represent who you are as a person. You can be more conscious of your body language and alter it to communicate different messages, but it isn’t the only way to show who you are. Personality is made up of so much more than just our body language, but knowing how to use it will make you better at communicating with others.

Toastmasters International. (2011). Gestures: Your Body Speaks, How to Become Skilled in Nonverbal Communication. Toastmasters International. https://web.mst.edu/~toast/docs/Gestures.pdf

Cuncic, A. (2020, May 29). 10 Ways to Have More Confident Body Language. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/ten-ways-to-have-more-confident-body-langu…

Puskar, M. (2019, July 17). The Role Of Body Language In Communication | Betterhelp. Betterhelp. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/body-language/the-role-of-body-langua…

Segal, J., Smith, M., Robinson, L., & Boose, G. (2020, October). Nonverbal Communication and Body Language. HelpGuide.Org. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/nonverba…

Lea Lis MD

Lea Lis, MD , “The Shameless Psychiatrist,” is a double board-certified adult and child psychiatrist, helping parents, children, and adolescents develop healthy, sex-positive attitudes and practices.

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What is body language?

The importance of body language, types of body language and nonverbal communication, how body language can go wrong, how to improve nonverbal communication, tip 1: learn to manage stress in the moment, tip 2: develop your emotional awareness, tip 3: better read body language, body language and nonverbal communication communicating without words.

Your facial expressions, gestures, posture, and tone of voice are powerful communication tools. Here’s how to read and use body language to build better relationships at home and work.

essay of importance of body language

Body language is the use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate nonverbally, often done instinctively rather than consciously. Whether you’re aware of it or not, when you interact with others, you’re continuously giving and receiving wordless signals. All of your nonverbal behaviors—the gestures you make, your posture, your tone of voice, how much eye contact you make—send strong messages.

In fact, it’s not the words that you use but your nonverbal cues or body language that speak the loudest. They can put people at ease, build trust, and draw others towards you, or they can offend, confuse, and undermine what you’re trying to convey. These messages don’t stop when you stop speaking either. Even when you’re silent, you’re still communicating nonverbally.

In some instances, what comes out of your mouth and what you communicate through your body language may be two totally different things. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you’re being dishonest. If you say “yes” while shaking your head no, for example. When faced with such mixed signals, the listener has to choose whether to believe your verbal or nonverbal message. Since body language is a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts your true feelings and intentions, they’ll likely choose the nonverbal message.

However, by improving how you understand and use body language and nonverbal communication, you can express what you really mean, connect better with others, and build stronger, more rewarding relationships—both in your personal and professional relationships.

Your nonverbal communication cues—the way you listen, look, move, and react—tell the person you’re communicating with whether or not you care, if you’re being truthful, and how well you’re listening. When your nonverbal signals match up with the words you’re saying, they increase trust, clarity, and rapport. When they don’t, they can generate tension, mistrust, and confusion.

If you want to become a better communicator, it’s important to become more sensitive not only to the body language and nonverbal cues of others, but also to your own.

Body language can play five roles:

  • Repetition: It repeats and often strengthens the message you’re making verbally.
  • Contradiction: It can contradict the message you’re trying to convey, thus indicating to your listener that you may not be telling the truth.
  • Substitution: It can substitute for a verbal message. For example, your facial expression often conveys a far more vivid message than words ever can.
  • Complementing: It may add to or complement your verbal message. As a boss, if you pat an employee on the back in addition to giving praise, it can increase the impact of your message.
  • Accenting: It may accent or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example, can underline the importance of your message.

The many different types of nonverbal communication or body language include:

Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. And unlike some forms of nonverbal communication, facial expressions are universal. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures.

Body movement and posture. Consider how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand, or hold their head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and the subtle movements you make.

Gestures. Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. You may wave, point, beckon, or use your hands when arguing or speaking animatedly, often expressing yourself with gestures without thinking. However, the meaning of some gestures can be very different across cultures. While the “OK” sign made with the hand, for example, usually conveys a positive message in English-speaking countries, it’s considered offensive in countries such as Germany, Russia, and Brazil. So, it’s important to be careful of how you use gestures to avoid misinterpretation.

Eye contact. Since the visual sense is dominant for most people, eye contact is an especially important type of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other person’s interest and response.

Touch. We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the very different messages given by a weak handshake, a warm bear hug, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on the arm, for example.

Space. Have you ever felt uncomfortable during a conversation because the other person was standing too close and invading your space? We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship. You can use physical space to communicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and affection, aggression or dominance.

Voice. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. When you speak, other people “read” your voice in addition to listening to your words. Things they pay attention to include your timing and pace, how loud you speak, your tone and inflection, and sounds that convey understanding, such as “ahh” and “uh-huh.” Think about how your tone of voice can indicate sarcasm, anger, affection, or confidence.

Can nonverbal communication be faked?

There are many books and websites that offer advice on how to use body language to your advantage. For example, they may instruct you on how to sit a certain way, steeple your fingers, or shake hands in order to appear confident or assert dominance. But the truth is that such tricks aren’t likely to work (unless you truly feel confident and in charge). That’s because you can’t control all of the signals you’re constantly sending about what you’re really thinking and feeling. And the harder you try, the more unnatural your signals are likely to come across.

However, that doesn’t mean that you have no control over your nonverbal cues. For example, if you disagree with or dislike what someone’s saying, you may use negative body language to rebuff the person’s message, such as crossing your arms, avoiding eye contact, or tapping your feet. You don’t have to agree, or even like what’s being said, but to communicate effectively and not put the other person on the defensive, you can make a conscious effort to avoid sending negative signals—by maintaining an open stance and truly attempting to understand what they’re saying, and why.

What you communicate through your body language and nonverbal signals affects how others see you, how well they like and respect you, and whether or not they trust you. Unfortunately, many people send confusing or negative nonverbal signals without even knowing it. When this happens, both connection and trust in relationships are damaged, as the following examples highlight:

  • Jack believes he gets along great with his colleagues at work, but if you were to ask any of them, they would say that Jack is “intimidating” and “very intense.” Rather than just look at you, he seems to devour you with his eyes. And if he takes your hand, he lunges to get it and then squeezes so hard it hurts. Jack is a caring guy who secretly wishes he had more friends, but his nonverbal awkwardness keeps people at a distance and limits his ability to advance at work.
  • Arlene is attractive and has no problem meeting eligible men, but she has a difficult time maintaining a relationship for longer than a few months. Arlene is funny and interesting, but even though she constantly laughs and smiles, she radiates tension. Her shoulders and eyebrows are noticeably raised, her voice is shrill, and her body is stiff. Being around Arlene makes many people feel anxious and uncomfortable. Arlene has a lot going for her that is undercut by the discomfort she evokes in others.
  • Ted thought he had found the perfect match when he met Sharon, but Sharon wasn’t so sure. Ted is good looking, hardworking, and a smooth talker, but seemed to care more about his thoughts than Sharon’s. When Sharon had something to say, Ted was always ready with wild eyes and a rebuttal before she could finish her thought. This made Sharon feel ignored, and soon she started dating other men. Ted loses out at work for the same reason. His inability to listen to others makes him unpopular with many of the people he most admires.

These smart, well-intentioned people struggle in their attempt to connect with others. The sad thing is that they are unaware of the nonverbal messages they communicate.

[Read: Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship]

If you want to communicate effectively, avoid misunderstandings, and enjoy solid, trusting relationships both socially and professionally, it’s important to understand how to use and interpret body language and improve your nonverbal communication skills.

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Nonverbal communication is a rapidly flowing back-and-forth process that requires your full focus on the moment-to-moment experience. If you’re planning what you’re going to say next, checking your phone, or thinking about something else, you’re almost certain to miss nonverbal cues and not fully understand the subtleties of what’s being communicated.

As well as being fully present, you can improve how you communicate nonverbally by learning to manage stress and developing your emotional awareness.

Stress compromises your ability to communicate. When you’re stressed out, you’re more likely to misread other people, send confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behavior. And remember: emotions are contagious. If you are upset, it is very likely to make others upset, thus making a bad situation worse.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, take a time out. Take a moment to calm down before you jump back into the conversation. Once you’ve regained your emotional equilibrium, you’ll feel better equipped to deal with the situation in a positive way.

The fastest and surest way to calm yourself and manage stress in the moment is to employ your senses—what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch—or through a soothing movement. By viewing a photo of your child or pet, smelling a favorite scent, listening to a certain piece of music, or squeezing a stress ball, for example, you can quickly relax and refocus. Since everyone responds differently, you may need to experiment to find the sensory experience that works best for you.

In order to send accurate nonverbal cues, you need to be aware of your emotions and how they influence you. You also need to be able to recognize the emotions of others and the true feelings behind the cues they are sending. This is where emotional awareness comes in.

[Read: Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ)]

Being emotionally aware enables you to:

  • Accurately read other people, including the emotions they’re feeling and the unspoken messages they’re sending.
  • Create trust in relationships by sending nonverbal signals that match up with your words.
  • Respond in ways that show others that you understand and care.

Many of us are disconnected from our emotions—especially strong emotions such as anger, sadness, fear—because we’ve been taught to try to shut off our feelings. But while you can deny or numb your feelings, you can’t eliminate them. They’re still there and they’re still affecting your behavior. By developing your emotional awareness and connecting with even the unpleasant emotions, though, you’ll gain greater control over how you think and act. To start developing your emotional awareness, practice the mindfulness meditation in HelpGuide’s free Emotional Intelligence Toolkit .

Once you’ve developed your abilities to manage stress and recognize emotions, you’ll start to become better at reading the nonverbal signals sent by others. It’s also important to:

Pay attention to inconsistencies. Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said. Is the person saying one thing, but their body language conveying something else? For example, are they telling you “yes” while shaking their head no?

Look at nonverbal communication signals as a group. Don’t read too much into a single gesture or nonverbal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal signals you are receiving, from eye contact to tone of voice and body language. Taken together, are their nonverbal cues consistent—or inconsistent—with what their words are saying?

Trust your instincts. Don’t dismiss your gut feelings. If you get the sense that someone isn’t being honest or that something isn’t adding up, you may be picking up on a mismatch between verbal and nonverbal cues.

Evaluating body language and nonverbal signals

Eye contact – Is the person making eye contact? If so, is it overly intense or just right?

Facial expression – What is their face showing? Is it masklike and unexpressive, or emotionally present and filled with interest?

Tone of voice – Does the person’s voice project warmth, confidence, and interest, or is it strained and blocked?

Posture and gesture – Is their body relaxed or stiff and immobile? Are their shoulders tense and raised, or relaxed?

Touch – Is there any physical contact? Is it appropriate to the situation? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?

Intensity – Does the person seem flat, cool, and disinterested, or over-the-top and melodramatic?

Timing and place – Is there an easy flow of information back and forth? Do nonverbal responses come too quickly or too slowly?

Sounds – Do you hear sounds that indicate interest, caring or concern from the person?

More Information

  • Take Control of Your Nonverbal Communication (video) - How to notice and use body language. (Harvard Business Review)
  • Herrando, C., & Constantinides, E. (2021). Emotional Contagion: A Brief Overview and Future Directions. Frontiers in Psychology , 12 , 712606. Link
  • How to Use All 5 Senses to Beat Stress | Psychology Today . (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2022, from Link
  • Wertheim, E., 2008.  The Importance of Effective Communication . Retrieved July 28, 2022, from Link
  • Segal, Jeanne. The Language of Emotional Intelligence: The Five Essential Tools for Building Powerful and Effective Relationships (McGraw-Hill, 2008) Link
  • De Stefani, Elisa, and Doriana De Marco. “Language, Gesture, and Emotional Communication: An Embodied View of Social Interaction.” Frontiers in Psychology 10 (September 24, 2019): 2063. Link
  • Nonverbal Communications . (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2022, from Link

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Introduction, the power of non-verbal communication, in academic settings, the role of body language in interviews and evaluations, cultural considerations, the impact of body language on collaboration, declarations.

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Unspoken science: exploring the significance of body language in science and academia

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Mansi Patil, Vishal Patil, Unisha Katre, Unspoken science: exploring the significance of body language in science and academia, European Heart Journal , Volume 45, Issue 4, 21 January 2024, Pages 250–252, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehad598

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Scientific presentations serve as a platform for researchers to share their work and engage with their peers. Science and academia rely heavily on effective communication to share knowledge and foster collaboration. Science and academia are domains deeply rooted in the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas. While the focus is often on the content of research papers, lectures, and presentations, there is another form of communication that plays a significant role in these fields: body language. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact, can convey a wealth of information, often subtly influencing interpersonal dynamics and the perception of scientific work. In this article, we will delve into the unspoken science of body language, exploring its significance in science and academia. It is essential to emphasize on the importance of body language in scientific and academic settings, highlighting its impact on presentations, interactions, interviews, and collaborations. Additionally, cultural considerations and the implications for cross-cultural communication are explored. By understanding the unspoken science of body language, researchers and academics can enhance their communication skills and promote a more inclusive and productive scientific community.

Communication is a multi-faceted process, and words are only one aspect of it. Research suggests that non-verbal communication constitutes a substantial portion of human interaction, often conveying information that words alone cannot. Body language has a direct impact on how people perceive and interpret scientific ideas and findings. 1 For example, a presenter who maintains confident eye contact, uses purposeful gestures, and exhibits an open posture is likely to be seen as more credible and persuasive compared with someone who fidgets, avoids eye contact, and displays closed-off body language ( Figure 1 ).

Types of non-verbal communications.2 Non-verbal communication comprises of haptics, gestures, proxemics, facial expressions, paralinguistics, body language, appearance, eye contact, and artefacts.

Types of non-verbal communications. 2 Non-verbal communication comprises of haptics, gestures, proxemics, facial expressions, paralinguistics, body language, appearance, eye contact, and artefacts.

In academia, body language plays a crucial role in various contexts. During lectures, professors who use engaging body language, such as animated gestures and expressive facial expressions, can captivate their students and enhance the learning experience. Similarly, students who exhibit attentive and respectful body language, such as maintaining eye contact and nodding, signal their interest and engagement in the subject matter. 3

Body language also influences interactions between colleagues and supervisors. For instance, in a laboratory setting, researchers who display confident and open body language are more likely to be perceived as competent and reliable by their peers. Conversely, individuals who exhibit closed-off or defensive body language may inadvertently create an environment that inhibits collaboration and knowledge sharing. The impact of haptics in research collaboration and networking lies in its potential to enhance interpersonal connections and convey emotions, thereby fostering a deeper sense of empathy and engagement among participants.

Interviews and evaluations are critical moments in academic and scientific careers. Body language can significantly impact the outcomes of these processes. Candidates who display confident body language, including good posture, firm handshakes, and appropriate gestures, are more likely to make positive impressions on interviewers or evaluators. Conversely, individuals who exhibit nervousness or closed-off body language may unwittingly convey a lack of confidence or competence, even if their qualifications are strong. Recognizing the power of body language in these situations allows individuals to present themselves more effectively and positively.

Non-verbal cues play a pivotal role during interviews and conferences, where researchers and academics showcase their work. When attending conferences or presenting research, scientists must be aware of their body language to effectively convey their expertise and credibility. Confident body language can inspire confidence in others, making it easier to establish professional connections, garner support for research projects, and secure collaborations.

Similarly, during job interviews, body language can significantly impact the outcome. The facial non-verbal elements of an interviewee in a job interview setting can have a great effect on their chances of being hired. The face as a whole, the eyes, and the mouth are features that are looked at and observed by the interviewer as they makes their judgements on the person’s effective work ability. The more an applicant genuinely smiles and has their eyes’ non-verbal message match their mouth’s non-verbal message, they will be more likely to get hired than those who do not. As proven, that first impression can be made in only milliseconds; thus, it is crucial for an applicant to pass that first test. It paints the road for the rest of the interview process. 4

While body language is a universal form of communication, it is important to recognize that its interpretation can vary across cultures. Different cultures have distinct norms and expectations regarding body language, and what may be seen as confident in one culture may be interpreted differently in another. 5 It is crucial for scientists and academics to be aware of these cultural nuances to foster effective cross-cultural communication and understanding. Awareness of cultural nuances is crucial in fostering effective cross-cultural communication and understanding. Scientists and academics engaged in international collaborations or interactions should familiarize themselves with cultural differences to avoid misunderstandings and promote respectful and inclusive communication.

Collaboration lies at the heart of scientific progress and academic success. Body language plays a significant role in building trust and establishing effective collaboration among researchers and academics. Open and inviting body language, along with active listening skills, can foster an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged, leading to innovative breakthroughs. In research collaboration and networking, proxemics can significantly affect the level of trust and rapport between researchers. Respecting each other’s personal space and maintaining appropriate distances during interactions can foster a more positive and productive working relationship, leading to better communication and idea exchange ( Figure 2 ). Furthermore, being aware of cultural variations in proxemics can help researchers navigate diverse networking contexts, promoting cross-cultural understanding and enabling more fruitful international collaborations.

Overcoming the barrier of communication. The following factors are important for overcoming the barriers in communication, namely, using culturally appropriate language, being observant, assuming positive intentions, avoiding being judgemental, identifying and controlling bias, slowing down responses, emphasizing relationships, seeking help from interpreters, being eager to learn and adapt, and being empathetic.

Overcoming the barrier of communication. The following factors are important for overcoming the barriers in communication, namely, using culturally appropriate language, being observant, assuming positive intentions, avoiding being judgemental, identifying and controlling bias, slowing down responses, emphasizing relationships, seeking help from interpreters, being eager to learn and adapt, and being empathetic.

On the other hand, negative body language, such as crossed arms, lack of eye contact, or dismissive gestures, can signal disinterest or disagreement, hindering collaboration and stifling the flow of ideas. Recognizing and addressing such non-verbal cues can help create a more inclusive and productive scientific community.

Effective communication is paramount in science and academia, where the exchange of ideas and knowledge fuels progress. While the scientific community often focuses on the power of words, it is crucial not to send across conflicting verbal and non-verbal cues. While much attention is given to verbal communication, the significance of non-verbal cues, specifically body language, cannot be overlooked. Body language encompasses facial expressions, gestures, posture, eye contact, and other non-verbal behaviours that convey information beyond words.

Disclosure of Interest

There are no conflicts of interests from all authors.

Baugh AD , Vanderbilt AA , Baugh RF . Communication training is inadequate: the role of deception, non-verbal communication, and cultural proficiency . Med Educ Online 2020 ; 25 : 1820228 . https://doi.org/10.1080/10872981.2020.1820228

Google Scholar

Aralia . 8 Nonverbal Tips for Public Speaking . Aralia Education Technology. https://www.aralia.com/helpful-information/nonverbal-tips-public-speaking/ (22 July 2023, date last accessed)

Danesi M . Nonverbal communication. In: Understanding Nonverbal Communication : Boomsburry Academic , 2022 ; 121 – 162 . https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350152670.ch-001

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Cortez R , Marshall D , Yang C , Luong L . First impressions, cultural assimilation, and hireability in job interviews: examining body language and facial expressions’ impact on employer’s perceptions of applicants . Concordia J Commun Res 2017 ; 4 . https://doi.org/10.54416/dgjn3336

Pozzer-Ardenghi L . Nonverbal aspects of communication and interaction and their role in teaching and learning science. In: The World of Science Education . Netherlands : Brill , 2009 , 259 – 271 . https://doi.org/10.1163/9789087907471_019

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Why Is Body Language Important? The 3 Key Reasons

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This article is an excerpt from the Shortform book guide to "The Definitive Book of Body Language" by Allan Pease and Barbara Pease. Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading.

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Why is body language important? What are the three major reasons?

In The Definitive Book of Body Language , Allan and Barbara Pease delve into the captivating world of nonverbal cues. The authors explain the profound impact body language can have on your emotions, interpersonal relationships, and overall communication skills.

Read on to learn three main reasons why body language is important, according to Allan and Barbara Pease.

The Importance of Body Language

Why is body language important? According to Allan and Barbara Pease, who wrote The Definitive Book of Body Language , there are three key principles of body language that underscore why it’s so important:

  • Your body language both reflects and influences your emotions.
  • Your body language influences how people feel about you and interpret your words.
  • Awareness of your body language helps you control your emotions and the way others respond to you.

Let’s explore each of these principles to learn exactly why body language is so important.

#1: Your Body Language Reflects and Influences Your Emotions

Allan and Barbara Pease argue that your body language—your facial expressions, gestures, and posture—always reflects your emotions, which is the first reason why understanding body language is important. They explain that there’s a strong physiological link between your emotions and your body language. This link is bidirectional: Your emotions trigger physiological responses that get reflected in your body language, and your body language, in turn, influences your emotions and physiological responses.

Let’s explore this two-way relationship in more detail.

It Reflects Your Emotions

According to the authors, each time you experience an emotion, your brain sends a signal to your body to produce a physiological response. These responses include changes to your heart or breathing rate, your blood pressure, your muscle tension, and your hormone levels. Each of these physiological changes then creates a corresponding physical response—and each physical response signals to others what you’re feeling.

Example: When you feel angry, your body releases stress hormones that cause your heart and breathing rate to increase and your muscles to tense up. These physiological changes create corresponding physical responses—for instance, your face reddens, your jaw feels tight, your fists clench, and your tone of voice becomes louder. Each of these physical responses signals to others that you are angry.

It Influences Your Emotions

In addition to reflecting your emotions, another reason why your body language is important is because it also influences your emotions. Allan and Barbara Pease explain that your physical movements—facial expressions, gestures, posture— also create physiological responses in your body. Each of these physiological responses creates a corresponding emotional response .

Example: When you smile, your body releases endorphins that help to lower your heart rate and relax your muscles. Each of these physical responses signals to your brain that you’re happy, causing your body to release more endorphins that further improve your mood.

#2: Your Body Language Influences How People Interpret Your Words

In addition to reflecting and influencing your emotions, another major reason why your body language is important, explain the authors, is because it influences the way others interpret your words. Allan and Barbara Pease explain that, during verbal interactions, people intuitively respond to each other based more on what they see than on what they hear . They suggest that your body language accounts for 60–80% of how others perceive you . This perception determines how they interpret and respond to your words.

(Shortform note: While it’s true that body language influences the way people perceive you, there’s no scientific evidence supporting the exact percentage breakdown the authors provide. Those who quote numbers on this subject are usually mischaracterizing mid-1960s research by Albert Mehrabian , who argued that 93% of communication is nonverbal—including body language and tone of voice—and only 7% is verbal. However, this formula was created for a specific context—to reduce uncertainty in understanding people who send mixed verbal and nonverbal signals. This implies that the more closely your words and body language align, the less attention others will pay to your nonverbal cues.)

The authors argue that people are more likely to respond positively to your words when they trust you, and the degree to which people trust you hinges on how well your words and your body language align:

When your body language aligns with your words, people trust you because they feel as though you’re expressing yourself honestly. For example, your partner trusts you when you tell her you love her because you look her in the eye and smile when you say it. As a result, she responds positively to your words by showing signs of affection—for instance, by relaxing her posture, smiling, and making eye contact. 

When your body language doesn’t align with your words, people don’t trust you because they feel as though you’re lying or hiding something from them. For example, your partner doesn’t trust you when you tell her you love her because you avoid eye contact and clench your jaw when you say it. As a result, she responds negatively to your words by showing signs of withdrawal—for instance, by crossing her arms, turning away from you, and avoiding eye contact. 

#3: Awareness of Body Language Improves Your Interactions

We’ve just explained a few reasons why body language is important, including how your body language has a powerful effect on both your emotions and the way others interpret and respond to your words. The authors argue that, since it plays an essential role in your interactions, awareness of body language is key to improving your communication skills . This is because it helps you consciously control both your emotions and the way others perceive you.

It Helps You Control Your Emotions

Allan and Barbara Pease argue that awareness of your body language is important because it helps you control your emotions during interactions . They explain that intentionally assuming different body language positions helps you experience more positive emotions.

Example: You feel nervous during a job interview and want to feel confident. You notice that you’re slumped in your chair with a frown on your face and your arms crossed. Because you understand how your body language influences your emotions, you intentionally adapt your physical presence to signal to your brain that you are confident. For instance, you sit up straight, relax your facial muscles, and unfold your arms. These changes create physiological responses in your body that make you feel more confident and also make you appear more confident to others.

It Helps You Control How Others Perceive You

Allan and Barbara Pease suggest that awareness of others’ body language is important because it helps you read their emotions. This in turn helps you control how they perceive you . In other words, knowing how to read other people’s emotions helps you adapt your approach to get what you want out of the interaction.

(Shortform note: Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves ( Emotional Intelligence 2.0 ) refer to the ability to read and respond to other people’s emotions as “social awareness.” In addition to understanding body language, the authors suggest that you can develop social awareness by listening attentively, learning the rules of your environment, practicing empathy, and focusing on the present moment.)

Example: You want your date to think that you’re interesting. However, you notice that she starts people-watching and tapping her foot every time you talk about your job. Because you know that these two cues indicate boredom, you switch topics until you find something that causes her to focus her attention back on you.

(Shortform note: The authors imply that you should attempt to influence others by adapting how you present yourself, based on your observations of their body language. Psychologists call this tactic of adapting your outward presentation  impression management —and they’ve found that attempting to control interactions in this way often increases feelings of self-consciousness and social anxiety . This is because it forces you to pretend to be something you’re not—for example, by suppressing your emotions or feigning interest in things that bore you. So, while adapting the way you present yourself might improve the way others perceive you, there’s a chance it won’t make you feel good about yourself.)

essay of importance of body language

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Like what you just read read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of allan pease and barbara pease's "the definitive book of body language" at shortform ..

Here's what you'll find in our full The Definitive Book of Body Language summary :

  • The role body language plays in shaping your daily interactions
  • Why other people respond to body language the way they do
  • How to adapt your body language to garner positive responses from others
  • ← The Three Ways From The Phoenix Project—Explained
  • 3 Benefits of Listening in Relationships: How Minds Sync Up →

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Emily Kitazawa

Emily found her love of reading and writing at a young age, learning to enjoy these activities thanks to being taught them by her mom—Goodnight Moon will forever be a favorite. As a young adult, Emily graduated with her English degree, specializing in Creative Writing and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), from the University of Central Florida. She later earned her master’s degree in Higher Education from Pennsylvania State University. Emily loves reading fiction, especially modern Japanese, historical, crime, and philosophical fiction. Her personal writing is inspired by observations of people and nature.

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What is the Importance of Body Language in Communication?

Picture of Chloe Martin

(Updated April 2024)

How often do you think about your body language on the day-to-day?

Most of the time, our body language is unconscious. We move naturally in certain ways without even noticing. 

This means we're sending signals all the time, even if we're unaware of them.

By being able to understand our own and other people's body language signals, we can improve our communication on a wide scale.

In this post, we'll cover exactly what body language is, why it's important, how you can use your body language to your advantage and how to improve your body language for the workplace.

Three employees learning why body language is important in communication


  • What is Body Language?

Why is Body Language Important in Communication?

Importance of using body language cues in the workplace.

  • How to Improve Your Body Language for the Workplace | 5 Ways

The Top 5 Advantages of Using Body Language

Key takeaways.

  • Download Our Free Communication Skills Handbook 

What is Body Language? 

Body language is nonverbal communication that includes our posture, hand gestures and body movements.

We communicate through body language frequently in our daily lives, usually subconsciously.

It was Albert Mehrabian who theorised that nonverbal communication, such as tone of voice and facial expression collectively, make up 93% of all communication. Meaning spoken words make up just 7%!

This means that although we use our verbal communication (words) to share and speak our opinions, our body language will often communicate even more to our audience than we realise.

Some expert psychologists even say that body language can "reveal one's true feelings." 

Body language is vital when we're public speaking or presenting to a small or wide audience, here's why.

Related: Why is Nonverbal Communication Important in the Workplace?

What is the Role of Body Language in Communication?

Body language enhances and amplifies the verbal message being portrayed through hand signals, gestures and postures. It helps us to convey emotions and intentions that may not be adequately expressed through words alone. 

For example, a person shaking their head can convey disapproval, while someone nodding their head can convey understanding. This is just two very simple examples. Think of body language as an added bonus to any verbal conversation.  

Body language allows us to decode what a person is truly thinking or feeling without solely relying on their tone of voice and speech alone. It acts as an additional insight into unspoken emotions which can be crucial in the workplace.

We can use body language to give our words more impact and communicate more effectively. 

Think about this example:

A speaker who gives off negative body language signals during their speech (turning their back to the audience or standing slouched), will be less likely to engage their audience and encourage them to listen to what they have to say. 

This might sound harsh, but this is just how our human brains think.

Not only is this speaker losing the interest of their audience, but they’re also steering away the audience’s attention from the topic – no matter how important it is. No one wants this to happen.

3 Main Reasons Why Body Language is Important:

1. understand the feelings of others.

Being able to read body language means you can understand how another person is truly feeling using unspoken words and reactions.

Some body language types can be difficult to spot as they can happen fast, so you need to give your full attention to keep up and stay on the ball.

Read about common types of body language in communication so you can read anyone’s body language .

2. Show You’re Truly Engaged

Want to show someone you’re truly engaged in their conversation without actually saying it?

Use your body language.

If you’re speaking one-on-one with someone, open up your body language using good posture, maintaining eye contact, open hand gestures if having a discussion and a smile.

This means no crossed arms, hands on hips, harsh hand gestures or avoiding eye contact! Using disengaged body language might appear that you're uninterested in what they have to say - even if you're not.

Thinking about your body language when you’re actively listening will help you bond and develop relationships with anyone you speak to. 

3. Demonstrate Your Confidence

Not everyone feels confident, especially if you feel uncomfortable under pressure or in front of groups of people.

But even the most visually confident people in the world have days where they don’t feel confident but still look it.

So how do they do it?

Using body language.

If you display confident body language, your audience is more likely to believe in your words and follow your lead. 

Is Body Language More Impactful Than Words? 

"Actions speak louder than words."

You've probably come across that saying once or twice before. But is body language alone more powerful than words? 

We believe that both verbal and nonverbal communication are equally important and they work together to create a powerful impact. When used effectively, they can amplify the overall message, create a lasting impression on the listener and make or break an interaction.

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Body language plays a big part in the workplace. Just because you’re not singing on stage or a football manager answering questions, doesn’t mean the same body language principles don’t apply to you in the workplace.

If you want to show you're a team player and that you truly care about the organisation and your colleagues, body language is your answer.

Body language in the workplace can help you show your enthusiasm for projects, your team and their successes or even your friendliness with new team members. 

Using body language will help you find it easier to have conversations with colleagues and team members and achieve what you set out to in the workplace.

By not using nonverbal cues in the workplace, you might be misunderstood and leave others confused about your true thoughts on their conversation or even them as a person.

If you stare at someone and subconsciously grind your teeth, others are going to notice and become defensive. We advise you not to do this!

Further reading:

  • The Importance of Body Language When Presenting | Plus Good and Bad Examples

5 Body Language Tips for More Effective Communication in the Workplace

1. move slowly.

If you've ever watched a presentation where the speaker rushes their words, uses quick hand gestures and can't stand in one place, you'll know about this.

Moving quickly with a sense of urgency shows you're uncomfortable in the situation and can also make your audience feel the same.

Although you might be feeling uncomfortable, you may not want your audience to know.

By slowing down your body movements, you'll become more relaxed and confident in your words - and your audience will too!

confidence and resilience content pillar page link

2. Ask for Feedback From Your Peers

Try to be aware of the impact your body language is having during different interactions throughout the day. It might even be worth asking for feedback from those you’ve spoken to really understand how your body language comes across to others. 

3. Adopt an Open Posture

What's the difference between an open and closed posture?

  • An open posture is a relaxed individual who uses open body language, such as facing the person or placing hands apart to appear approachable and receptive. 
  • A closed posture is when a person crosses their arms or faces away from a person while they're talking. This shows defensiveness and disinterest in the person or the conversation. 

By using an open posture, you can build a connection more easily 

Bonus Tip: If you find it difficult to remember to use an open posture, give mirroring techniques a try. This is when you pay attention to the body language of others and mirror it subtly - reflecting their expressions or body positions. This doesn't mean mimicking their every move but doing so subtly to create a rapport with that person.

4. Mirror Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are universal. A smile can say so much without uttering a single word.

So whether you're speaking to a friend who's going through a hard time or you're in an important meeting where big decisions need to be made, try to mirror the facial expressions of those around you. This is a great way to show friendliness and openness and makes the speaker feel that they've been heard. 

For example, if a friend comes to you with a personal issue they've been struggling with, they're looking for empathy and understanding, not anger or extreme happiness. By mirroring facial expressions in situations like these, you can validate their feelings and show they're not alone in this issue they're going through. 

5. Attend a Confidence and Assertiveness Course

If you want to make a positive impact at work or with your colleagues, start by understanding how you are perceived in certain situations. This will help you get the results you're looking for no matter the context.  

Our Confident Communication and Assertiveness course is led by Communications Coach and expect, Anne Walsh , who can help you enhance your communication through body language tips and truly understanding your communication style.

Want a taste of what to expect? Access our free taster session with Anne to discover a taste of what you can learn on one of our Confidence and Resilience training courses.

verbal communication taster session access cta

Mastering positive body language isn’t something that can be done overnight - it takes time to naturally be open, confident and engaged.

But work at it and you’ll find yourself doing a little bit better at poker the next time you play.

Body language can be utilised in various ways to effectively get your message across and achieve your desired outcome. Here are the five most effective ways of using body language to enhance your communication in the workplace:

1. Complements Your Message

Nonverbal cues serve to amplify and reinforce the message conveyed through spoken words. For instance, in a workplace setting, a manager might express appreciation for an employee's excellent work by offering a congratulatory pat on the back.

2. Emphasises Your Key Points

This involves combining nonverbal cues with specific words or phrases to underscore or accentuate the significance of your verbal communication.

For instance, if someone insists on "getting it done now" while slamming their hand on the table, they are highlighting the urgency and significance of their message. However, this action could also be perceived as aggressive, depending on the tone and manner in which it is delivered.

3. Substitutes Verbal Communication

Nonverbal signals have the power to replace verbal communication altogether. A simple nod or shake of the head can convey a clear "yes" or "no", while a shrug of the shoulders indicates uncertainty. And when someone asks for directions to the bathroom, a friendly point and smile can speak volumes without saying a word.

4. Reinforces Your Message

Nonverbal cues have the power to strengthen the message you convey verbally. For instance, when you verbally direct someone by saying "The train station is on the right" and simultaneously gesture with your arm in that direction, you are reinforcing your instruction and providing clear guidance to the listener on where they need to go.

5. Saves Time

By combining verbal cues with nonverbal gestures, you can convey your message swiftly and efficiently, ultimately saving precious time for both yourself and your audience.

  • Body language means nonverbal communication such as eye contact, hand movements and gestures.
  • Body language is an essential form of communication because it gives us insights into how a person is really feeling and thinking.
  • Using nonverbal communication is important in the workplace as it offers an opportunity to show you're truly engaged in conversation, interested in what another person is saying and demonstrate confidence.
  • To become a more effective communicator, start improving how you use body language in the workplace by attending one of our courses, adopting an open posture (no crossed arms and slouching) and asking for feedback from colleagues to see which areas you need to focus on. 
  • The advantages of non verbal communication include: it complements your message, helps emphasise key points, saves time, can replace verbal communication, and reinforces your message.

Improve Your Daily Interactions at Work with our Free Communication Skills Handbook

Body language is just a small part of becoming a fantastic communicator. If you’re trying to improve your verbal communication skills or you’d like to be a more engaging public speaker, then download our helpful guide today.

Click the 'Download the Guide' button below to get started.

communication handbook for the public sector

2+ years in SEO and content marketing. Striving to help public sector professionals develop their skills and learn something new through high-quality content.

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The Role Of Body Language In Communication

Body language often plays a significant role in communication and can be as important as the words we say. It can involve eye contact, head movement, posture, gestures, and facial expressions, all of which can add meaning to our verbal communication. Non-human primates also frequently use body language to communicate. Today, body language may not always play a role in communication, as many of our interactions tend to happen online through text only. However, body language will likely continue to be a crucial element of communication as long as people continue to have face-to-face interactions. If you struggle to communicate effectively or have trouble understanding various body language cues, working with a therapist in person or online may be helpful.

What is body language?

  • Facial expressions
  • Head movement
  • Eye contact

These can be universal to all humans, and people may perform them consciously or subconsciously to convey their thoughts and feelings. Experts say body language usually constitutes about half of what we are trying to communicate. 

For example, a person may not always need to verbally say "no" to communicate that something is wrong or that they disagree with what a person is saying. Instead, they can shake their head from side to side to share the same sentiment. Moreover, if a student slouches in their chair in class and doesn’t make eye contact with their teacher, this may signal that they are bored.

Body language can also enhance and complement our verbal communication skills. For instance, if someone in a store is asking for directions on where to find a product, and an employee merely says, "over there," this information may be too vague to be helpful to the customer.

At that point, the employee can be more specific with the location of the item by stating what aisle or department it is in. However, they may also gesture or point in the direction where the product is located. Even if the employee was not very specific and simply said "over there" while pointing, it would likely be more helpful than the original scenario with no body language.

Body language often plays a significant role in everyday interactions, which may be why it tends to be one of the most popular topics in communication studies. It is believed to have been of interest for thousands of years; even the Ancient Greeks interpreted the meanings behind human physical behavior. 

Body language as a form of unconscious communication

The previous section discussed a couple of examples that show how movement can be used to enhance speech. However, body language psychology may also consider unconscious communication. Although these physical cues might be unintentional, they can still be interpreted by others.

Consider law enforcement as an example. A forensic psychologist or someone working with intelligence may be  trained to notice brief micro-expressions , or quick, unconscious expressions of emotion that can appear on a person’s face.

People in charge of investigations may be interested in these nonverbal cues because they can indicate whether a person is lying or trying to conceal something from the interrogator. These cues can happen in a split second, but if an observer slows or freezes a video, they might witness an apparent expression change at that moment.

Some other everyday situations where unconscious body language can occur may be during periods of nervousness or attraction. Specific expressions can vary from person to person. For example, someone might cough when placed in a scenario that makes them nervous, whereas another might touch their face or scratch themselves as though they have an itch.

People may be unaware of their body language in these situations because these cues tend to be performed subconsciously. However, they can be observable to others, and people might notice patterns over time. This may be especially true for people who interact with each other regularly, such as parents and their children, for example. 

Since people close to one another usually know each other's baseline or default personality, they can spot when something is off by noticing changes in body language. For instance, if a child lies to their mother about where they are going, they might exhibit distinct body cues that are out of the ordinary, such as avoiding eye contact or speaking more rapidly.

Evolution and the origins of body language

By researching non-human primates, we may better understand how we used body language early in our evolution as a species. The use of body language generally predates any spoken or written language that humans have created. Since they do not have the same vocal anatomy and brain size as humans do to produce speech, non-human primates frequently use body language to communicate with each other.

It is also generally believed that genetic differences may be similarly responsible for why we can speak, while our closest ancestors, chimpanzees and bonobos, cannot. A variation of the FOXP2 gene is suggested to be why this is the case, and humans may have a unique mutation. This mutation had likely occurred within the last four to six million years because that is when the last common ancestor to the Homo and Pan species lived. The mutation is believed to have stuck around, rather than gradually being bred out, because increased communication abilities likely enhanced our chance of survival.

Although they may not speak as we can, non-human primates can provide insight into why body language developed in the first place. We can observe them and see how they use nonverbal communication with one another to fulfill their need to communicate.

Gestures have often been noted in monkeys and great apes to produce different signals, some of which humans also use. For example, a hard touch or brush of the hand can tell another individual to stop, whereas a soft one or a light pull can be more inviting. Some species, such as orangutans, also embrace one another.

Others have unique forms of body language to communicate. Male gorillas may attempt to show dominance by standing on two legs and beating their chests. Despite being exclusive to gorillas, humans also typically have ways to assert power and strength nonverbally, such as standing with our feet at a wider stance than usual. Some primates, such as chimpanzees and bonobos, may pout; however, instead of signaling sadness or disappointment, pouting usually means wanting something related to food or grooming. 

In primates, gestures are often accompanied by facial expressions and eye contact. Baring teeth can be a universal sign of aggression among non-human primates. On the other hand, lip-smacking can be a friendly facial signal and may be a form of submission in some situations.

As our brains have grown and our facial structure has changed over time, humans have generally been able to utilize other types of body language in communication. While we may not show our teeth to express aggression, we frequently have other ways to convey the same message, such as scowling, glaring, or using unique gestures like the "middle finger"(which can tie in with language and culture).

The importance of body language in modern society

In today's digital age, many people rely on social media and text messaging to communicate with each other. Although virtual interaction may allow people to talk at their leisure and can minimize social pressure and anxiety for some, certain things can be lost in translation, so to speak. 

By being unable to see or hear the other person as you speak with them, you might miss critical nonverbal cues, as well as verbal ones, like vocal inflection. Online communication is generally becoming the primary modality for millions of people, and body language may continue to evolve to accommodate this shift.

Still, body language has likely been around for millions of years, and despite it being absent from certain situations, it can still be relevant. It may continue for the foreseeable future as long as people continue interacting face-to-face. Research has shown that body language can be vital for human cognitive functioning because it can enhance information transfer and lexical retrieval. 

For some, nonverbal communication may not come easily, and this difficulty may be exacerbated by the frequent use of technology, which may not allow for as many opportunities to learn and practice. If you struggle with communication, whether verbal or nonverbal, therapy can be helpful.

Benefits of online therapy

Online therapy can be convenient if you struggle with communicating or need extra help and support with mental health-related concerns. You generally won't need to leave your house to work with a licensed therapist suited to your needs, and if you're worried about the ability to pick up on nonverbal cues like body language, video-chatting with your therapist may be an option, in addition to phone call or online chat sessions.

Effectiveness of online therapy

A common reason for communication struggles can be social anxiety disorder. If you experience symptoms of social anxiety, it can be challenging to fully engage in conversation and pick up on body language cues. A 2022 study indicated that online therapy could be effective in treating social anxiety disorder . However, if communication difficulties stem from another cause, it may be helpful to know that online therapy is generally as effective as in-person therapy for a variety of mental health-related concerns, according to a growing body of evidence. 

Please continue reading for reviews of some of our therapists from people experiencing similar challenges.

Therapist reviews

"I have been working with Heather for several months. She handles difficult conversations delicately but says what needs to be said. She is timely and thinks through her responses when we communicate via text. Occasionally, when I have a difficult question with multiple parts, she acknowledges that she saw my message and assures me she wants some time to be sure she gives me a thoughtful response and not just type back to be speedy and off-the-cuff. These responses are always well-phrased and include examples she knows I can relate to. Her follow-up of these difficult questions during our phone sessions is consistent, and she checks if anything needs clarification."

essay of importance of body language

"So far, Meashline has been a true gift. I've made a lot of progress with my anxiety, handling life challenges, understanding myself and what I want, and how to communicate with people who can't communicate. The list goes on. She guides me through every struggle and helps me develop effective tools I'll use. I could write for days about how helpful she's been. 10/10 recommend."

essay of importance of body language

What is the 7 %- 38 %- 55 rule?

Generally speaking, body language plays a large role in our ability to communicate as humans. Understanding how to read body language can give someone a deeper connection and understanding of what is truly being said and felt by someone else. 

The 7%-38%-55% rule suggests that a mere 7% of communication is done verbally. It then hypothesizes that 38% of communication comes across in our tone and voice inflection, leaving 55% of the communication to come from someone’s body movement and language. 

Whether these exact percentages are true or not, it does show us just how much of a role body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions play in communication — possibly showing our unspoken emotions. 

How much does body language contribute to communication?

Our body movements and hand gestures can convey emotions that we may not even be consciously aware of. Even if we only use subtle movements, someone who is using active listening skills can understand these additions to our verbal message. Seeking out body language tips, as well as signs of positive body language and negative body language can help us to use these skills more effectively socially. 

What are the 4 types of body language?

Generally speaking, people recognize four main types of body language. These can include soft and fluid, precise and bold, dynamic and determined, and light and bouncy movements. Each of these types can convey understanding and support our speech in a visual sense. 

What are the 3 V's of communication?

Many recognize that the three V’s of communication include visual, vocal, and verbal communication methods; which can be shown by positive body language, vocal inflection, and other ways. For example: Maintaining open posture and open body language as you welcome a new friend to a group can send the message that you’re genuinely a warm, safe person to be around. Alternatively, maintaining an open posture and maintaining eye contact can be a way to generate tension if you’re angry, signaling that you’re ready for conflict. 

What is the most effective body language used in speaking to someone face-to-face?

Many sources find that the most effective body language type for face-to-face communication is simply the management of your facial expression. A nice smile can be a great way to facilitate connection and conversation, for example. 

What are some examples of bad body language?

“Bad body language” is entirely subjective, and can be formed by a person’s unique experiences. However, common examples of body language that people may perceive negatively can include: 

  • Shifting one’s weight from side to side 
  • Tensing your cheek muscles 
  • A Body Language Guide: 15 Common Nonverbal Cues Medically reviewed by April Justice , LICSW
  • How To Figure Out If A Guy Likes You Medically reviewed by Karen Foster , LPC
  • Body Language
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Body Language Analysis in Healthcare: An Overview

Rawad abdulghafor.

1 Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 53100, Malaysia

Sherzod Turaev

2 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 15556, United Arab Emirates

Mohammed A. H. Ali

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia

Associated Data

Not applicable.

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, medical research today focuses on epidemic diseases. Innovative technology is incorporated in most medical applications, emphasizing the automatic recognition of physical and emotional states. Most research is concerned with the automatic identification of symptoms displayed by patients through analyzing their body language. The development of technologies for recognizing and interpreting arm and leg gestures, facial features, and body postures is still in its early stage. More extensive research is needed using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in disease detection. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the research performed on body language processing. Upon defining and explaining the different types of body language, we justify the use of automatic recognition and its application in healthcare. We briefly describe the automatic recognition framework using AI to recognize various body language elements and discuss automatic gesture recognition approaches that help better identify the external symptoms of epidemic and pandemic diseases. From this study, we found that since there are studies that have proven that the body has a language called body language, it has proven that language can be analyzed and understood by machine learning (ML). Since diseases also show clear and different symptoms in the body, the body language here will be affected and have special features related to a particular disease. From this examination, we discovered that it is possible to specialize the features and language changes of each disease in the body. Hence, ML can understand and detect diseases such as pandemic and epidemic diseases and others.

1. Introduction

Body language constitutes one of the languages of communication. The types of languages are classified into verbal and non-verbal languages. Body language includes non-verbal language, where the movements and behaviors of the body are used instead of words to express and convey information. Body language may involve hand movements, facial expressions and hints, eye movements, tone of voice, body movements and positions, gestures, use of space, and the like. This research will focus on interpretations of the human body language, classified under kinesiology.

Body language is entirely different from sign language, a complete language—like verbal language—with its own basic rules and complex grammar systems [ 1 , 2 ]. On the other hand, body language does not contain grammatical rules and is usually a language belonging to or classified according to cultures [ 3 ]. Interpretations of body language may differ from country to country and from one culture to another. There exists some controversy over whether body language can be regarded as a universal language for all people. Some researchers have concluded that most communication among individuals involves physical symbols or gestures since the interaction of body language here facilitates speedy information transmission and understanding [ 4 ]. According to [ 5 ], body language speaks more and better content than verbal language. When, for example, an individual speaks over the phone to someone about an inquiry, the information becomes mysterious due to the physical language’s restrictions. However, an individual sitting directly in front of an audience has fewer restrictions and does not have an audience. The information with body language is more easily transmitted and received, even more so if the speaker is standing, allowing more freedom of movement. Thus, it follows that body language enhances communication. This work attempts to prove that body language enhances workplace positivity.

Several experiments were performed in [ 6 ] on facial expressions and body movements affected by human emotions. The study has shown that facial expressions and body movements can accurately determine human emotions. It also proved that combining facial features and activities with body movements is essential for analyzing human expressions. Three different stages of experiments were conducted to determine whether it is necessary to combine the two expressions or not. It was confirmed that it is essential to connect them for identification. Reading someone’s eyes should also not be ignored. It is considered an important factor in expressing and understanding human emotions. We are generally able to know what others want from their eye movements. For that, eye language has many effects. According to [ 7 ], the expansion and tightness of the eye size are affected by emotions and allow the observer to convey specific additional information. The human eye blinks, on average, 6 to 10 times per minute. However, when someone is attracted to someone else, the number of blinks is fewer. Study [ 8 ] discovered that human feelings could be identified and defined through body position. For example, when a person feels angry, they will push their body forward to express dominance over the other person, and their upper body is tilted and no longer upright. On the other hand, if someone feels intimidated by the opponent, they signal submission by retreating backward or moving their head back. Additionally, a person’s emotional state can be determined from their sitting position. Someone sitting on a chair with half of their upper body and head slightly tilted forward indicates attentiveness and eagerness to follow what is being said. However, sitting with legs and hands crossed suggests that they do not wish to engage and feel uncomfortable with what is being said or the person saying it [ 5 ].

Body language analysis is also essential to avoid confusion in a single movement’s meanings and purposes that carry more than one meaning. For example, the expressive movement of a person may be due to a physical handicap or a compulsive movement rather than an intentional one. Furthermore, a particular movement in the body of someone may not mean the same to another. For example, a person may rub their eyes due to itchiness and not fatigue. Foreign cultures also need careful analysis due to their social differences. Although most body movements are universal, there are also movements specific to each culture. This may vary from country to country, region to region, and even social group.

Pandemic and epidemic diseases constitute a global risk factor responsible for the death of millions of people worldwide. The ability to detect and treat casualties is limited, primarily due to the lack of human and technical resources. When patients are not physically accessible, remote diagnosis is required. All pandemic and epidemic diseases are characterized by distinct body movements affecting the face, shoulders, chest, and hands. AI technology has shown positive results in some reading of these gestures. Hence, the idea is to use body language to detect epidemic diseases early and provide treatment. It should be noted that the primary and vital catalyst for the proposal of this study is the COVID-19 disease, which is presently terrorizing the whole world. As researchers in information technology and computer science, we must play our part in rapidly detecting this disease.

This paper aims to study the previous literature and identify body language expressions that indicate disease. Body language is defined as certain expressions, movements, and gestures that point to the physical and emotional state of the bearer. Certain parts of the body can express different characteristics or feelings. Some studies have demonstrated the presence of certain emotional conditions as reflected in particular facial expressions (e.g., joy, sadness, surprise, and anger). Regarding the relationship between diseases and body language, it is known that diseases affect the body parts and qualities and are reflected in the movements and expressions of parts of the body. Different diseases affect different body parts and can be measured, identified, and used for diagnosis.

Hence, this paper is proposed to study some diseases that can be diagnosed by identifying and measuring the external movements of the body. In addition, this paper discusses the findings of previous studies to demonstrate the usefulness and contribution of AI in detecting diseases through body language. One of the biggest obstacles to treating COVID-19 patients effectively is speedy diagnosis. However, the large number of cases exceeds the capacity of most hospitals. Hence, AI offers a solution through ML. ML can detect disease symptoms as manifested in the patient’s body language and can be used to generate correct readings and predictions.

Therefore, the main contribution of this paper is to show the potential use of analyzing body language in health care. The importance of body language analysis in health care and patient body language analysis using AI will be discussed in the following sections. The added tables list previous studies that used ML to identify symptoms through body expressions. The findings demonstrate that a patient’s body language can be analyzed using ML for diagnostic purposes.

2. Methodology

The methods used to review in this work are as follows (also see Figure 1 ): first, the importance of body language analysis is highlighted to prove that the body movements can be read and analyzed to produce outcomes that are useful for many applications; second, body language analysis in health care is presented to show the importance of body language in medical diagnosis in research; third, ML is used successfully to identify characteristic symptoms; fourth, Table 1 show studies that used ML as a diagnostic tool and include the used algorithms. Each topic was discussed separately, as detailed in the following sections.

Some Studies of AI Methods for Body Language Elements to Identify the Symptoms.

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The Review Stages.

3. The Importance of Body Language Analysis

AI is one of the most significant technological developments, increasing in popularity and being used in all application areas. One of the most important of these applications is the use of AI in healthcare. Health is the most important human factor for life on this planet. Recently, the use and applications of AI in healthcare have played a significant role in helping doctors discover diseases and improve human health. The use of AI in health depends on the appearance of some symptoms on parts of the body. These symptoms affect and are reflected in the movements and expressions of the body, which are manifested as body language. From this point, these features of body language can be used to classify disease symptoms by detecting them in ML. In this section, we want to explain the importance of using body language by artificial intelligence. There are features that appear in body language that AI can analyze to solve many problems in many applications. For example, facial expressions can be analyzed to know human feelings and benefit from them in psychotherapy or examine subjects’ emotions in the study. Another example is analyzing the movements of the hand, shoulder, or leg, and using them to discover valuable features in medicine, security, etc. From this point, we want to show that body language has many benefits and applications, so this is important. Therefore, we want to suggest that body language can also be used to detect infectious diseases such as COVID-19 using ML.

Now, it is feasible to employ this technology in healthcare systems. Pandemic and epidemic diseases are considered an intractable matter that inferiorly affects human health, regarded as peoples’ most valuable asset. Additionally, the biggest worry is that new pandemics or epidemics will suddenly appear and become deadly, such as COVID-19, which has claimed nearly a million lives so far. This stimulates us to develop AI technologies to help detect the disease’s external symptoms by analyzing the patients’ body language. This work deals with general studies that prove the importance of body language processing in various fields.

Every computer user interacts with the device via mouse and keyboard. Currently, researchers are developing a computer system for interaction and response through body language such as hand gestures and movement. In [ 8 ], a comprehensive survey was completed evaluating the published literature recommending the visual interpretation of hand gestures when interacting with computing devices and introducing more advanced methods to analyze body language rather than mouse and keyboard movements. The study of [ 9 ] considered the problem of robot accuracy recognition. It proposed a fusion system to identify the fall movement types and abnormal directions with an accuracy rate of 99.37%. A facial coding system was developed in [ 10 ] to measure and analyze facial muscle movements and identify facial expressions. A database was created with a series of 1100 images. The system analyzed and classified facial creases and wrinkles to match their movements. The results showed that the performance improved, reaching 92%. Combining facial features and movements with body movements is essential for analyzing individual expressions. Three different experiments were conducted to determine whether facial expressions and body language should be combined and concluded in the affirmative. Another study [ 11 ] focused on deep learning techniques to identify emotions revealed in facial expressions. This research used pure convolutional neural network techniques to prove that deep learning using these neural networks successfully recognizes emotions by developing cognition, significantly improving the usability. A new model was invented in [ 12 ] that detected body gestures and movements with a pair of digital video images, which supplied a set of vector monitors with three dimensions.

The first study showed the relationship between the contraction of the internal muscles of the face and the facial movements as established by Hjortsjo 1970 [ 13 ] to develop a coding system by identifying the minor units of facial muscle movements and then drawing coordinates that defined the facial expressions. The recognition of people’s emotions has merited much attention. However, the issue of detecting facial emotions and expressions of speech, especially among researchers, is still problematic. The work presented in [ 14 ] offered a comprehensive survey to facilitate further research in this field. It focused on identifying gender-specific characteristics, setting an automatic framework to determine the physical manifestation of emotions, and identifying constant and dynamic body shape comments. It also examined recent studies on learning and emotion by identifying gestures through photos or video. Several methods combined speech, body, and facial gestures were also discussed to identify optimized emotions. The study concluded that the knowledge of a person’s feelings through overtones was still incomplete.

4. Body Language Analysis in Healthcare

A coding system was created to classify the facial expressions by analyzing more than 1100 pictures at work [ 10 ]. Three ways to classify facial expressions were compared: a method for analyzing image components in the gray field, measuring wrinkles, and a template for creating facial movements. The accuracy of performance of the coding system for the three roads was 89%, 57%, and 85%, respectively, while when assembling the methods, the performance accuracy reached 92%. Online learning is challenged by knowing students’ participation in learning processes. In work [ 15 ], an algorithm is introduced to learn about student interactions and see their problems. In this algorithm, two methods were used to collect evidence of student participation: the first method involved collecting facial expressions using a camera, and the second involved collecting hand movement data using mouse movements. The data were trained by building two groups; one group collected facial data with mouse data, and the second was without the mouse. It was discovered that the first group’s performance was better than the second group’s by 94.60% compared to 91.51%. Work [ 14 ] commented on recognizing facial and speech gestures that may provide a comprehensive survey of body language. It provided a framework for the automatic identification of dynamic and fixed emotional body gestures that combined facial and speech gestures to improve recognition of a person’s emotions. Paper [ 16 ] defines facial expressions by matching them with body positions. The work demonstrated that the effects and expressions are more evident when the major irritations on the face are similar to those highlighted in the body. However, the model produces different results according to the dependence on the properties, whether physical, dimensional, or latent. Another significant finding in the study is that expressions of fear bloom better when paired with facial expressions than when performing tasks.

In [ 17 ], the authors stated that the medical advisor must exhibit exciting communication qualities that make the patient feel comfortable making a correct decision. They advised doctors to know how to use facial expressions, eyes, hand gestures, and other body expressions. It was mentioned that a smile is the most robust expression that a doctor can use to communicate with their patients, as the doctor’s smile makes the patient feel comfortable. The patient’s sense of comfort makes them appear confident, and they answer the doctor’s questions with clear responses, credibility, and confidence. In addition, communicating with the eyes is very important to help the patient, as the lack of this from the doctor may suggest that the doctor does not care about them. The research in [ 18 ] concludes that the doctor’s appropriate nonverbal communication positively impacts the patient. Objective evidence has shown that the patient improves and recovers better and faster when the doctor uses a smile and direct eye communication with the patient compared to those who do not use a smile and direct eye with the patient. It was also concluded that patients who receive more attention, feeling, sensation, and participation by the doctor respond better to treatment, as the tone of voice, movement of the face and body, and eye gaze affect the patient. Clint [ 19 ] reported his first day on the job in the intensive care unit. He felt fear and anxiety on that day as the unit was comprehensive and informative. Clint was asking himself, “is it worth working in that unit?” He had a patient with her sister next to her. The patient glimpsed Clint’s nervousness and anxiety but did not dare ask him, so she whispered that the nurse was nervous to her sister. Then, her sister asked Clint, “you are worried and anxious today; why?” What is there to be so nervous about? Clint thought to hide his nervousness and anxiety and restore confidence; he smiled and replied, “I am not nervous.” However, sometimes, we have to ask our patients ridiculous questions that make us tense. Here, Clint states that he noticed from the patient’s looks that he could not persuade her to hide his stress. Clint made it clear that patients are affected by their body language and facial expressions. They can know their cases through their body language. From here, Clint realized that he was wrong. As anxiety and stress began on his patient, his condition may increase for that reason.

In one of Henry’s articles [ 20 ], he wrote that treating a patient with behaviors and body language has a more significant impact than using drugs. The work [ 21 ] concluded that non-verbal language between a doctor and their patient plays a vital role in treating the patient. The doctor can use non-verbal signals sent from the patient to collect information about the condition of the disease to help them decide on diagnosis and treatment. The research summarized that the non-verbal technique used by the doctor toward the patient affects them in obtaining information and helping them recover from the disease. For example, eye gaze, closeness to the patient, and facial and hand gestures to appear relaxed. The research suggests that there is a positive effect on the use of non-verbal cues on the patient. It is recommended that doctors be trained in incorporating non-verbal cues as a significant way of dealing with patients to speed up their treatment.

5. Patient’s Body Language Analysis Using AI

Different AI methods and techniques have been used to analyze patients’ body language. We briefly discuss some studies conducted so far in this area. More specifically, focusing on facial recognition, a pimple system was introduced in [ 22 ] to analyze facial muscles and thus identify different emotions. The proposed system automatically tracks faces using video and extracts geometric shapes for facial features. The study was conducted on eight patients with schizophrenia, and the study collected dynamical information on facial muscle movements. This study showed the possibility of identifying engineering measurements for individual faces and determining their exact differences for recognition purposes. Three methods were used in [ 23 ] to measure facial expressions to define emotions and identify persons with mental illness. The study’s proposed facial action coding system enabled the interpretation of emotional facial expressions and thus contributed to the knowledge of therapeutic intervention for patients with mental illnesses.

Many people suffer from an imbalance in the nervous system, which leads to paralysis of the patient’s movement and falls without prior warning. The study [ 24 ] was targeted to improve early warning signs detection and identification rate using a platform (R). Wireless sensor devices were placed on the chest and waist. The collected data were converted to an algorithm for analysis that extracted them and activated if there was a risk. The results showed that the patient at risk engaged in specific typical movements, which indicated an imminent fall. The authors further suggested applying this algorithm to patients with seizures to warn of an imminent attack and alert the emergency services.

In research [ 25 ], a computational framework was designed to monitor the movements of older adults to signal organ failures and other sudden drops in vital body functions. The system monitored the patient’s activity and determined its level using sensors placed on different body parts. The experiments show that this system identifies the correct locations in real-time with an accuracy of 95.8%. Another approach based on data analysis was presented in [ 26 ] for an intelligent home using sensors to monitor its residents’ movements and behaviors. This system helps detect behaviors and forecast diseases or injuries that residents may experience, especially older people. This study is helpful for doctors in providing remote care and monitoring their patients’ progress. The target object capture setup model proposed in [ 27 ] is based on the candidate region–suggestion network to detect the position grab of the manipulator combined with information for color and deep image capture using deep learning. It achieved a 94.3% crawl detection success rate on multiple target detection datasets through merging information for a color image. A paper [ 28 ] under review deals with the elderly and their struggle to continue living independently without relying on the support of others—the research project aimed to compare automated learning algorithms used to monitor their body functions and movements. Among the eight higher education algorithms studied, the support conveyor algorithm achieved the highest accuracy rate of 95%, using reference traits. Some jobs require prolonged sitting, resulting in long-term spinal injury and nervous disease. Some surveys helped design sitting position monitoring systems (SPMS) to assess the position of the seated person using sensors attached to the chair. The drawback of the proposed method was that it required too many sensors. This problem was resolved by [ 29 ], who designed an SPMS system that only needed four such sensors. This improved system defined six different sitting positions through several machine-learning algorithms applied to average body weight measurements. The positions were then analyzed and classified into any approach that would produce the highest level of accuracy, reaching from 97.20% to 97.94%. In most hospitals, medical doctors face anxiety about treating patients with mental illness regarding potential bodily harm, staff risks, and hospital tool damage. The study [ 30 ] devised a method to analyze the patient’s movements and identify the risk of harmful behavior by extracting visual data monitoring the patient’s movements from cameras installed in their rooms. The proposed method traced the movement points, accumulated them, and extracted their properties. The characteristics of the movement points were analyzed according to spacing, position, and speed. The study concluded that the proposed method could be used to explore features and characteristics for other purposes, such as analyzing the quality of the disease and determining its level of progression. In the study [ 31 ], wireless intelligent sensor applications and devices were designed to care for patient health, provide better patient monitoring, and facilitate disease diagnosis. Wireless sensors were installed on the body to periodically monitor the patient’s health, update the information, and send it to the service center. The researchers investigated the multi-level decision system (MDS) to monitor patient behaviors and match them with the stored historical data. This information allowed the decision makers in the medical centers to give treatment recommendations. The proposed system could also record new cases, store new disease data, and reduce the doctors’ effort and time spent examining the patients. The results proved accurate and reliable (MDS) in predicting and monitoring patients.

The study of [ 32 ] proposed the Short Time Fourier Transform application to monitor the patient’s movements and voice through sensors and microphones. The system transmitted sound and accelerometer data, analyzed the data to identify the patient’s conditions, and achieved high accuracy. Three experiments were conducted in reference [ 33 ], which involve the recognition of full-body expressions. The first experiment was about matching body expressions to incorporate all emotions, where fear was the most difficult emotion to express. At the same time, the second experiment focused on facial expressions strongly influenced by physical expression and, as a result, was ambiguous. In the last experiment, attention was given to expressions of the tone of a voice to identify emotional feelings related to the body. Finally, it was concluded that it was essential to pool the results of the three experiments to reveal true body expression.

A valuable study was conducted at the MIT Institute [ 34 ] to develop a system that detects pain in patients by analyzing data on brain activities using a wearable device to scan brain nerves. This was shown to help diagnose and treat patients with loss of consciousness and sense of touch. In this research, researchers use several fNIRS sensors specifically on the patient’s front to measure the activity of the frontal lobe, where the researchers developed ML models to determine the levels of oxygenated hemoglobin related to pain. The results showed that pain was detected with an accuracy of 87%.

The study [ 35 ] considered the heartbeat as a type of body language. Checking a patient’s heartbeat constitutes a crucial medical examination tool. The researcher suggested a one-dimensional (1D) convolutional neural network model CNN, which classified the vibrational signals of the regular and irregular heartbeats through an electrocardiogram. The model used the de-noising auto-encoder (DAE) algorithm, and the results showed that the proposed model classified the sound signals of the heart with an accuracy of up to 99%.

6. Discussion

We can conclude from this study that reading and understanding body language through AI will help automatically detect epidemic diseases. Counting epidemic patients is a significant obstacle to detecting every infected person. The most prominent example that is evident now is COVID-19 sufferers. All the developed, middle, and developing countries of the world have faced a significant problem examining the disease due to many infected people and the rapid spread. Thus, infections increased significantly, making it difficult to catch up to detect. We suggest conducting a study to determine the movements and gestures of the body with epidemic diseases, such as those with COVID-19. Indeed, the epidemic disease will have unique and distinct movements in some body parts. The thermal camera to detect high body temperature certainly plays a significant role in indicating a patient with a disease. Still, it is difficult to determine what kind of disease is affected, and secondly, there may be a patient with epidemic disease, but their temperature may not have significantly increased. Thirdly, it may be revealed that the high temperature of an epidemic may be delayed, and the patient is in a critical stage of treatment. We focus in this study on the interest in studying the body language of some epidemics, especially COVID-19, which changed our lives for the worse. We have learned a harsh lesson from this deadly enemy: not to stand still. We must help our people, countries, and the world defend and attack this disease. Hence, we propose studying the use of body language using AI. We hope to collect and identify body parts’ gestures that characterize the epidemic in the upcoming studies on which we are currently working.

Table 1 indicates some studies that have used ML to discover disease and symptoms through gestures, hands, and facial expressions. This table concludes that the CNN algorithms are the most common and efficient methods of identifying disease symptoms through facial expressions and hand gestures. Some studies indicate that analyzing other body parts is also helpful in identifying some types of diseases using different ML algorithms, such as SVM and LSTM. It appears to us here that combining the proposed CNN algorithm with a new proposed algorithm to determine facial expressions will lead to high-quality results for detecting some epidemic diseases. It is essential first to study the symptoms that characterize the epidemic disease and their reflection on body expressions and then use the algorithm to learn the machine that has a higher efficiency in identifying these expressions.

The studies in Table 1 are classified as follows:

  • (1) Studies on medical diagnosis using AI for analyzing body language.
  • (2) Studies on medical diagnosis using electronic devices and AI for analyzing body language.
  • (3) Studies on COVID-19 diagnosis using other methods.

This study aims to survey research using ML algorithms to identify body features, movements, and expressions. Each movement is affected by the disease, and each disease is characterized by a distinct and different effect on the body. This means some body parts will undergo certain changes that point to a specific disease. Thus, we propose that ML algorithms capture images of body movements and expressions, analyze them, and identify diseases. This study surveyed a selection of existing studies that use different ML algorithms to detect body movements and expressions. Since these studies do not discuss this epidemiology method, this study seeks to document the use of ML algorithms in discovering epidemics such as COVID-19. Our survey analysis concludes that the results achieved indicate the possibility of identifying the body movements and expressions and that ML and convolutional neural networks are the most proficient in determining body language.

From an epidemiological, diagnostic, and pharmacological standpoint, AI has yet to play a substantial part in the fight against coronavirus. Its application is limited by a shortage of data, outlier data, and an abundance of noise. It is vital to create unbiased time series data for AI training. While the expanding number of worldwide activities in this area is promising, more diagnostic testing is required, not just for supplying training data for AI models but also for better controlling the epidemic and lowering the cost of human lives and economic harm. Clearly, data are crucial in determining if AI can be used to combat future diseases and pandemics. As [ 91 ] previously stated, the risk is that public health reasons will override data privacy concerns. Long after the epidemic has passed, governments may choose to continue the unparalleled surveillance of their population. As a result, worries regarding data privacy are reasonable.

7. Conclusions

According to patient surveys, communication is one of the most crucial skills a physician should have. However, communication encompasses more than just what is spoken. From the time a patient first visits a physician, their nonverbal communication, or “body language”, determines the course of therapy. Bodily language encompasses all nonverbal forms of communication, including posture, facial expression, and body movements. Being aware of such habits can help doctors get more access to their patients. Patient involvement, compliance, and the result can all be influenced by effective nonverbal communication.

Pandemic and epidemic illnesses are a worldwide threat that might kill millions. Doctors have limited abilities to recognize and treat victims. Human and technological resources are still in short supply regarding epidemic and pandemic conditions. To better the treatment process and when the patient cannot travel to the treatment location, remote diagnosis is necessary, and the patient’s status should be automatically examined. Altering facial wrinkles, movements of the eyes and eyebrows, some protrusion of the nose, changing the lips, and the appearance of certain motions of the hands, shoulders, chest, head, and other areas of the body are all characteristics of pandemic and epidemic illnesses. AI technology has shown promise in understanding these motions and cues in some cases. As a result, the concept of allocating body language to identifying epidemic diseases in patients early, treating them before, and assisting doctors in recognizing them arose owing to the speed with which they spread and people died. It should be emphasized that the COVID-19 disease, which horrified the entire world and revolutionized the world’s life, was the significant and crucial motivator for the idea of this study after we studied the body language analysis research in healthcare and defined the automatic recognition frame using AI to recognize various body language elements.

As researchers in information technology and computer science, we must contribute to discussing an automatic gesture recognition model that helps better identify the external symptoms of epidemic and pandemic diseases to help humanity.


First author’s research has been supported by Grant RMCG20-023-0023, Malaysia International Islamic University, and the second author’s work has been endorsed by the United Arab Emirates University Start-Up Grant 31T137.

Funding Statement

This research was funded by Grant RMCG20-023-0023, Malaysia International Islamic University, and United Arab Emirates University Start-Up Grant 31T137.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.A. and S.T.; methodology, R.A.; software, R.A.; validation, R.A. and S.T.; formal analysis, R.A.; investigation, M.A.H.A.; resources, M.A.H.A.; data curation, R.A.; writing—original draft preparation, R.A.; writing—review and editing, S.T.; visualization, M.A.H.A.; supervision, R.A. and S.T.; project administration, R.A. and S.T.; funding acquisition, R.A. and S.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Home / Essay Samples / Sociology / Communication / Body Language

Body Language Essay Examples

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