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How to Reference in an Essay (9 Strategies of Top Students)

How to Reference in an Essay (9 Strategies of Top Students)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by referencing?

When you’re first asked to do referencing in an essay it can be hard to get your head around it. If it’s been a while since you were first taught how to reference, it can be intimidating to ask again how to do it!

I have so many students who consistently lose marks just because they didn’t get referencing right! They’re either embarrassed to ask for extra help or too lazy to learn how to solve the issues.

So, here’s a post that will help you solve the issues on your own.

Already think you’re good at referencing? No worries. This post goes through some surprising and advanced strategies for anyone to improve no matter what level you are at!

In this post I’m going to show you exactly how to reference in an essay. I’ll explain why we do it and I’ll show you 9 actionable tips on getting referencing right that I’m sure you will not have heard anywhere else!

The post is split into three parts:

  • What is a Reference and What is a Citation?
  • Why Reference? (4 Things you Should Know)
  • How to Reference (9 Strategies of Top Students)

If you think you’ve already got a good understanding of the basics, you can jump to our 9 Advanced Strategies section.

Part 1: What is a Reference and What is a Citation?

What is a citation.

An in-text mention of your source. A citation is a short mention of the source you got the information from, usually in the middle or end of a sentence in the body of your paragraph. It is usually abbreviated so as not to distract the reader too much from your own writing. Here’s two examples of citations. The first is in APA format. The second is in MLA format:

  • APA: Archaeological records trace the original human being to equatorial Africa about 250,000–350,000 years ago (Schlebusch & Jakobsson, 2018) .
  • MLA: Archaeological records trace the original human being to equatorial Africa about 250,000–350,000 years ago (Schlebusch and Jakobsson 1) .

In APA format, you’ve got the authors and year of publication listed. In MLA format, you’ve got the authors and page number listed. If you keep reading, I’ll give some more tips on formatting further down in this article.

And a Reference is:

What is a Reference?

A reference is the full details of a source that you list at the end of the article. For every citation (see above) there needs to be a corresponding reference at the end of the essay showing more details about that source. The idea is that the reader can see the source in-text (i.e. they can look at the citation) and if they want more information they can jump to the end of the page and find out exactly how to go about finding the source.

Here’s how you would go about referencing the Schlebusch and Jakobsson source in a list at the end of the essay. Again, I will show you how to do it in APA and MLA formats:

  • APA: Schlebusch, C. & Jakobsson, M. (2018). Tales of Human Migration, Admixture, and Selection in Africa. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics , 11 (33), 1–24.
  • MLA: Schlebusch, Carina and Mattias Jakobsson. “Tales of Human Migration, Admixture, and Selection in Africa.” Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics , vol. 11, no. 33, 2018, pp. 1–24.

In strategy 1 below I’ll show you the easiest and fool proof way to write these references perfectly every time.

One last quick note: sometimes we say ‘reference’ when we mean ‘citation’. That’s pretty normal. Just roll with the punches. It’s usually pretty easy to pick up on what our teacher means regardless of whether they use the word ‘reference’ or ‘citation’.

Part 2: Why Reference in an Essay? (4 Things you Should Know)

Referencing in an essay is important. By the time you start doing 200-level courses, you probably won’t pass the course unless you reference appropriately. So, the biggest answer to ‘why reference?’ is simple: Because you Have To!

Okay let’s be serious though … here’s the four top ‘real’ reasons to reference:

1. Referencing shows you Got an Expert’s Opinion

You can’t just write an essay on what you think you know. This is a huge mistake of beginning students. Instead this is what you need to do:

Top Tip: Essays at university are supposed to show off that you’ve learned new information by reading the opinions of experts.

Every time you place a citation in your paragraph, you’re showing that the information you’re presenting in that paragraph was provided to you by an expert. In other words, it means you consulted an expert’s opinion to build your knowledge.

If you have citations throughout the essay with links to a variety of different expert opinions, you’ll show your marker that you did actually genuinely look at what the experts said with an open mind and considered their ideas.

This will help you to grow your grades.

2. Referencing shows you read your Assigned Readings

Your teacher will most likely give you scholarly journal articles or book chapters to read for homework between classes. You might have even talked about those assigned readings in your seminars and tutorials.

Great! The assigned readings are very important to you.

You should definitely cite the assigned readings relevant to your essay topic in your evaluative essay (unless your teacher tells you not to). Why? I’ll explain below.

  • Firstly, the assigned readings were selected by your teacher because your teacher (you know, the person who’s going to mark your essay) believes they’re the best quality articles on the topic. Translation: your teacher gave you the best source you’re going to find. Make sure you use it!
  • Secondly, by citing the assigned readings you are showing your teacher that you have been paying attention throughout the course. You are showing your teacher that you have done your homework, read those assigned readings and paid attention to them. When my students submit an essay that has references to websites, blogs, wikis and magazines I get very frustrated. Why would you cite low quality non-expert sources like websites when I gave you the expert’s article!? Really, it frustrates me so, so much.

So, cite the assigned readings to show your teacher you read the scholarly articles your teacher gave to you. It’ll help you grow your marks.

3. Referencing deepens your Knowledge

Okay, so you understand that you need to use referencing to show you got experts’ opinions on the topic.

But there’s more to it than that. There’s actually a real benefit for your learning.

If you force yourself to cite two expert sources per paragraph, you’re actually forcing yourself to get two separate pieces of expert knowledge. This will deepen your knowledge!

So, don’t treat referencing like a vanity exercise to help you gain more marks. Actually view it as an opportunity to develop deeper understandings of the topic!

When you read expert sources, aim to pick up on some new gems of knowledge that you can discuss in your essays. Some things you should look out for when finding sources to reference:

  • Examples that link ideas to real life. Do the experts provide real-life examples that you can mention in your essay?
  • Facts and figures. Usually experts have conducted research on a topic and provide you with facts and figures from their research. Use those facts and figures to deepen your essay!
  • Short Quotes. Did your source say something in a really interesting, concise or surprising way? Great! You can quote that source in your essay .
  • New Perspectives. Your source might give you another perspective, angle or piece of information that you can add to your paragraph so that it’s a deep, detailed and interesting paragraph.

So, the reason we ask you to reference is at the end of the day because it’s good for you: it helps you learn!

4. Referencing backs up your Claims

You might think you already know a ton of information about the topic and be ready to share your mountains of knowledge with your teacher. Great!

So, should you still reference?

Yes. Definitely.

You need to show that you’re not the only person with your opinion. You need to ‘stand on the shoulders of giants.’ Show what other sources have said about your points to prove that experts agree with you.

You should be saying: this is my opinion and it’s based on facts, expert opinions and deep, close scrutiny of all the arguments that exist out there .

If you make a claim that no one else has made, your teacher is going to be like “Have you even been reading the evidence on this topic?” The answer, if there are no citations is likely: No. You haven’t.

Even if you totally disagree with the experts, you still need to say what their opinions are! You’ll need to say: “This is the experts’ opinions. And this is why I disagree.”

So, yes, you need to reference to back up every claim. Try to reference twice in every paragraph to achieve this.

Part 3: Strategies for How to Reference in an Essay (9 Strategies of Top Students)

Let’s get going with our top strategies for how to reference in an essay! These are strategies that you probably haven’t heard elsewhere. They work for everyone – from beginner to advanced! Let’s get started:

1. Print out your Reference Style Cheat Sheet

Referencing is hard and very specific. You need to know where to place your italics, where the commas go and whether to use an initial for full name for an author.

There are so many details to get right.

And here’s the bad news: The automated referencing apps and websites nearly always get it wrong! They tell you they can generate the citation for you. The fact of the matter is: they can’t!

Here’s the best way to get referencing right: Download a referencing cheat sheet and have it by your side while writing your essay.

Your assignment outline should tell you what type of referencing you should use. Different styles include: APA Style, MLA Style, Chicago Style, Harvard Style, Vancouver Style … and many more!

You need to find out which style you need to use and download your cheat sheet. You can jump onto google to find a cheat sheet by typing in the google bar:

how to reference in an essay

Download a pdf version of the referencing style cheat sheet, print it out, and place it on your pinboard or by your side when writing your essay.

2. Only cite Experts

There are good and bad sources to cite in an essay.

You should only cite sources written, critiqued and edited by experts. This shows that you have got the skill of finding information that is authoritative. You haven’t just used information that any old person popped up on their blog. You haven’t just gotten information from your local newspaper. Instead, you got information from the person who is an absolute expert on the topic.

Here’s an infographic listing sources that you should and shouldn’t cite. Feel free to share this infographic on social media, with your teachers and your friends:

good and bad sources infographic

3. Always use Google Scholar

Always. Use. Google. Scholar.

Ten years ago students only had their online university search database to find articles. Those university databases suck. They rarely find the best quality sources and there’s always a big mix of completely irrelevant sources mixed in there.

Google Scholar is better at finding the sources you want. That’s because it looks through the whole article abstract and analyses it to see if it’s relevant to your search keywords. By contrast, most university search databases rely only on the titles of articles.

Use the power of the best quality search engine in the world to find scholarly sources .

Note: Google and Google Scholar are different search engines.

To use Google Scholar, go to:

Then, search on google scholar using keywords. I’m going to search keywords for an essay on the topic: “What are the traits of a good nurse?”

how to reference in an essay

If you really like the idea of that first source, I recommend copying the title and trying your University online search database. Your university may give you free access.

4. Cite at least 50% sources you found on your Own Research

Okay, so I’ve told you that you should cite both assigned readings and readings you find from Google Scholar.

Here’s the ideal mix of assigned sources and sources that you found yourself: 50/50.

Your teacher will want to see that you can use both assigned readings and do your own additional research to write a top essay . This shows you’ve got great research skills but also pay attention to what is provided in class.

I recommend that you start with the assigned readings and try to get as much information out of them, then find your own additional sources beyond that using Google Scholar.

So, if your essay has 10 citations, a good mix is 5 assigned readings and 5 readings you found by yourself.

5. Cite Newer Sources

As a general rule, the newer the source the better .

The best rule of thumb that most teachers follow is that you should aim to mostly cite sources from the past 10 years . I usually accept sources from the past 15 years when marking essays.

However, sometimes you have a really great source that’s 20, 30 or 40 years old. You should only cite these sources if they’re what we call ‘seminal texts’. A seminal text is one that was written by an absolute giant in your field and revolutionized the subject.

Here’s some examples of seminal authors whose old articles you would be able to cite despite the fact that they’re old:

  • Education: Vygotsky, Friere, Piaget
  • Sociology: Weber, Marx, C. Wright Mills
  • Psychology: Freud, Rogers, Jung

Even if I cite seminal authors, I always aim for at least 80% of my sources to have been written in the past 10 years.

6. Reference twice per Paragraph

How much should you reference?

Here’s a good strategy: Provide two citations in every paragraph in the body of the essay.

It’s not compulsory to reference in the introduction and conclusion . However, in all the other paragraphs, aim for two citations.

Let’s go over the key strategies for achieving this:

  • These two citations should be to different sources, not the same sources twice;
  • Two citations per paragraph shows your points are backed up by not one, but two expert sources;
  • Place one citation in the first half of the paragraph and one in the second half. This will indicate to your marker that all the points in the whole paragraph are backed up by your citations.

This is a good rule of thumb for you when you’re not sure when and how often to reference. When you get more confident with your referencing, you can mix this up a little.

7. The sum total of your sources should be minimum 1 per 150 words

You can, of course, cite one source more than once throughout the essay. You might cite the same source in the second, fourth and fifth paragraphs. That’s okay.

Essay Writing Tip: Provide one unique citation in the reference list for every 150 words in the essay.

But, you don’t want your whole essay to be based on a narrow range of sources. You want your marker to see that you have consulted multiple sources to get a wide range of information on the topic. Your marker wants to know that you’ve seen a range of different opinions when coming to your conclusions.

When you get to the end of your essay, check to see how many sources are listed in the end-text reference list. A good rule of thumb is 1 source listed in the reference list per 150 words. Here’s how that breaks down by essay size:

  • 1500 word essay: 10 sources (or more) listed in the reference list
  • 2000 word essay: 13 sources (or more) listed in the reference list
  • 3000 word essay: 20 sources (or more) listed in the reference list
  • 5000 word essay: 33 sources (or more) listed in the reference list

8. Instantly improve your Reference List with these Three Tips

Here’s two things you can do to instantly improve your reference list. It takes less than 20 seconds and gives your reference list a strong professional finish:

a) Ensure the font size and style are the same

You will usually find that your whole reference list ends up being in different font sizes and styles. This is because you tend to copy and paste the titles and names in the citations from other sources. If you submit the reference list with font sizes and styles that are not the same as the rest of the essay, the piece looks really unprofessional.

So, quickly highlight the whole reference list and change its font to the same font size and style as the rest of your essay. The screencast at the end of Step 8 walks you through this if you need a hand!

b) List your sources in alphabetical order.

Nearly every referencing style insists that references be listed in alphabetical order. It’s a simple thing to do before submitting and makes the piece look far more professional.

If you’re using Microsoft Word, simply highlight your whole reference list and click the A>Z button in the toolbar. If you can’t see it, you need to be under the ‘home’ tab (circled below):

how to reference in an essay

You’ve probably never heard of a hanging indent. It’s a style where the second line of the reference list is indented further from the left-hand side of the page than the first line. It’s a strategy that’s usually used in reference lists provided in professional publications.

If you use the hanging indent, your reference list will look far more professional.

Here’s a quick video of me doing it for you:

9. Do one special edit especially for Referencing Style

The top students edit their essays three to five times spaced out over a week or more before submitting. One of those edits should be specifically for ensuring your reference list adheres to the referencing style that your teacher requires.

To do this, I recommend you get that cheat sheet printout that I mentioned in Step 1 and have it by your side while you read through the piece. Pay special attention to the use of commas, capital letters, brackets and page numbers for all citations. Also pay attention to the reference list: correct formatting of the reference list can be the difference between getting the top mark in the class and the fifth mark in the class. At the higher end of the marking range, things get competitive and formatting of the reference list counts.

A Quick Summary of the 9 Top Strategies…

How to reference in an essay

Follow the rules of your referencing style guide (and that cheat sheet I recommended!) and use the top 9 tips above to improve your referencing and get top marks. Not only will your referencing look more professional, you’ll probably increase the quality of the content of your piece as well when you follow these tips!

Here’s a final summary of the 9 top tips:

Strategies for How to Reference in an Essay (9 Strategies of Top Students)

  • Print out your Reference Style Cheat Sheet
  • Only cite Experts
  • Always use Google Scholar
  • Cite at least 50% sources you found on your Own Research
  • Cite Newer Sources
  • Reference twice per Paragraph
  • The sum total of your sources should be minimum 1 per 150 words
  • Instantly improve your Reference List with these Three Tips
  • Do one special edit especially for Referencing Style


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How to Write an Academic Essay with References and Citations


Written by  Scribendi

If you're wondering how to write an academic essay with references, look no further. In this article, we'll discuss how to use in-text citations and references, including how to cite a website, how to cite a book, and how to cite a Tweet, according to various style guides.

How to Cite a Website

You might need to cite sources when writing a paper that references other sources. For example, when writing an essay, you may use information from other works, such as books, articles, or websites. You must then inform readers where this information came from. Failure to do so, even accidentally, is plagiarism—passing off another person's work as your own.

You can avoid plagiarism and show readers where to find information by using citations and references. 

Citations tell readers where a piece of information came from. They take the form of footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical elements, depending on your style guide. In-text citations are usually placed at the end of a sentence containing the relevant information. 

A reference list , bibliography, or works cited list at the end of a text provides additional details about these cited sources. This list includes enough publication information allowing readers to look up these sources themselves.

Referencing is important for more than simply avoiding plagiarism. Referring to a trustworthy source shows that the information is reliable. Referring to reliable information can also support your major points and back up your argument. 

Learning how to write an academic essay with references and how to use in-text citations will allow you to cite authors who have made similar arguments. This helps show that your argument is objective and not entirely based on personal biases.

How Do You Determine Which Style Guide to Use?

How to Write an Academic Essay with References

Often, a professor will assign a style guide. The purpose of a style guide is to provide writers with formatting instructions. If your professor has not assigned a style guide, they should still be able to recommend one. 

If you are entirely free to choose, pick one that aligns with your field (for example, APA is frequently used for scientific writing). 

Some of the most common style guides are as follows:

AP style for journalism

Chicago style for publishing

APA style for scholarly writing (commonly used in scientific fields)

MLA style for scholarly citations (commonly used in English literature fields)

Some journals have their own style guides, so if you plan to publish, check which guide your target journal uses. You can do this by locating your target journal's website and searching for author guidelines.

How Do You Pick Your Sources?

When learning how to write an academic essay with references, you must identify reliable sources that support your argument. 

As you read, think critically and evaluate sources for:


Keep detailed notes on the sources so that you can easily find them again, if needed.

Tip: Record these notes in the format of your style guide—your reference list will then be ready to go.

How to Use In-Text Citations in MLA

An in-text citation in MLA includes the author's last name and the relevant page number: 

(Author 123)

How to Cite a Website in MLA

How to Cite a Website in MLA

Here's how to cite a website in MLA:

Author's last name, First name. "Title of page."

Website. Website Publisher, date. Web. Date

retrieved. <URL>

With information from a real website, this looks like:

Morris, Nancy. "How to Cite a Tweet in APA,

Chicago, and MLA." Scribendi. Scribendi

Inc., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2021.


How Do You Cite a Tweet in MLA ?

MLA uses the full text of a short Tweet (under 140 characters) as its title. Longer Tweets can be shortened using ellipses. 

MLA Tweet references should be formatted as follows:

@twitterhandle (Author Name). "Text of Tweet." Twitter, Date Month, Year, time of

publication, URL.

With information from an actual Tweet, this looks like:

@neiltyson (Neil deGrasse Tyson). "You can't use reason to convince anyone out of an

argument that they didn't use reason to get into." Twitter, 29 Sept. 2020, 10:15 p.m., .

How to Cite a Book in MLA

Here's how to cite a book in MLA:

Author's last name, First name. Book Title. Publisher, Year.

With publication information from a real book, this looks like:

Montgomery, L.M. Rainbow Valley. Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1919.

How to Cite a Chapter in a Book in MLA

Author's last name, First name. "Title of Chapter." Book Title , edited by Editor Name,

Publisher, Year, pp. page range.

With publication information from an actual book, this looks like:

Ezell, Margaret J.M. "The Social Author: Manuscript Culture, Writers, and Readers." The

Broadview Reader in Book History , edited by Michelle Levy and Tom Mole, Broadview

Press, 2015,pp. 375–394.

How to  Cite a Paraphrase in MLA

You can cite a paraphrase in MLA exactly the same way as you would cite a direct quotation. 

Make sure to include the author's name (either in the text or in the parenthetical citation) and the relevant page number.

How to Use In-Text Citations in APA

In APA, in-text citations include the author's last name and the year of publication; a page number is included only if a direct quotation is used: 

(Author, 2021, p. 123)

How to Cite a Website in APA

Here's how to cite a website in APA:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month. date of publication). Title of page. https://URL

Morris, N. (n.d.). How to cite a Tweet in APA, Chicago, and MLA.       

Tip: Learn more about how to write an academic essay with  references to websites .

How Do You  Cite a Tweet in APA ?

APA refers to Tweets using their first 20 words. 

Tweet references should be formatted as follows:

Author, A. A. [@twitterhandle). (Year, Month. date of publication). First 20 words of the

Tweet. [Tweet] Twitter. URL

When we input information from a real Tweet, this looks like:

deGrasse Tyson, N. [@neiltyson]. (2020, Sept. 29). You can't use reason to convince anyone

out of an argument that they didn't use reason to get into. [Tweet] Twitter.

How to Cite a Book in APA

How to Cite a Book in APA

Here's how to cite a book in APA:   

Author, A. A. (Year). Book title. Publisher.

For a real book, this looks like:

Montgomery, L. M. (1919). Rainbow valley.

Frederick A. Stokes Company.

How to Cite a Chapter in a Book in APA

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In Editor Name (Ed.), Book Title (pp. page range).

With information from a real book, this looks like:

Ezell, M. J. M. (2014). The social author: Manuscript culture, writers, and readers. In

Michelle Levy and Tom Mole (Eds.), The Broadview Reader in Book History (pp. 375–

394). Broadview Press.

Knowing how to cite a book and how to cite a chapter in a book correctly will take you a long way in creating an effective reference list.

How to Cite a Paraphrase

How to Cite a Paraphrase in APA

You can cite a paraphrase in APA the same way as you would cite a direct quotation, including the author's name and year of publication. 

In APA, you may also choose to pinpoint the page from which the information is taken.

Referencing is an essential part of academic integrity. Learning how to write an academic essay with references and how to use in-text citations shows readers that you did your research and helps them locate your sources.

Learning how to cite a website, how to cite a book, and how to cite a paraphrase can also help you avoid plagiarism —an academic offense with serious consequences for your education or professional reputation.

Scribendi can help format your citations or review your whole paper with our Academic Editing services .

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Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing transformed into a great one. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained numerous degrees. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

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How to Reference Essays

Last Updated: January 8, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alexander Peterman, MA . Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 375,978 times.

When you begin writing a research essay, you must take into account the format of your writing and reference pages. There are several reference styles that may be assigned to you, including MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), and Chicago. Each one has its own set of rules. There's no need to familiarize yourself with all 3 unless you have to, but you do need to learn at least one if you’re in any field involving academic writing. Here are summaries of each style to help you start your essay on the right track.

Referencing Essays Templates

how do you write references in an essay

  • You will need a citation directly after every sentence (or group of sentences if you're citing the same source in multiple consecutive sentences) containing information you didn't think of yourself. These include: paraphrases, facts, statistics, quotes, and examples.
  • An in-text citation using MLA will simply have the author last name (or title if no author) followed by the page number. No comma between author and page number. For example: (Richards 456) Richards is the author last name, and 456 is the page number.
  • If you have an author name (or title, if no author) but no page number, simply use author last name (or title).

Step 2 Gather information.

  • The easiest way to keep track of MLA citations while doing research is to copy and paste copyright information into a word processing document as you go, or to write it down in a notebook.
  • Things to include for any source are author(s), date published, publisher, page number, volume and issue number, website, date accessed, anything that appears on the copyright page or indicates how to find it again. [2] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 3 Organize the sources.

  • As an example, the format for a standard book citation using MLA style is as follows: Last name of author, First name. Title of Book. City published: Publisher Name, Year published. Source Medium.
  • An MLA website citation looks like the following. If there's no author listed, begin citation with the name of the page: Last name, first name. "Page Title." Website Title. Publisher. Date published. Source Medium. Date accessed.
  • An MLA scholarly article citation looks like the following: Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal . Volume.Issue (Year): page numbers. Source Medium.
  • Write the title of the main work (book, magazine, journal, website, etc.) in italics, or underline if you’re writing references by hand.
  • Chapter or article titles should be in quotation marks.

Step 4 Alphabetize the list.

  • If there is no author listed, as is common on websites, simply skip the author’s name and begin the entry with the title of the work.
  • Alphabetize by the first letter that appears in the entry, whether it has an author name or not.

Step 5 Format the Works Cited page.

  • The formatting should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, with “Works Cited” centered at the top of a new page.
  • Each entry should have hanging indent, meaning all lines below the first line are indented by half an inch.
  • Make sure there is a period after each section of the citations. A period should always end the citation.

Step 1 Cite while you write.

  • Place a parenthetical citation at the end of every sentence (or group of sentences if you're using the same source for multiple consecutive sentences) containing information you didn't know before doing research.
  • An in-text citation using APA will simply have the author last name (or title if no author) followed by the year it was published. No comma between name and year. For example: (Richards 2005) Richards is the author last name, and 2005 is the year.
  • If you have an author name (or title if no author) but no page number, simply use author last name (or title). This is common when citing websites.
  • APA document formatting is very important. APA papers are divided up into 4 sections: the title page, the abstract, the main body, and the references page. The citations of a research paper using APA appear in the References section, the last portion of an APA document. [7] X Research source

Step 2 Gather information.

  • To form APA reference page citations, you will need such information as author name(s), date published, website URL, date you accessed the website, title of work, and so on. [8] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 3 Organize the list.

  • For example, the format for an APA reference of a scholarly journal article is as follows: Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Article or chapter title. Journal or book title, Issue number , page number range. [10] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source
  • The format for an APA book reference looks like: Last name, First name. (Year.) Title of Book: Capital letter also for subtitle . Location: Publisher.
  • The format for an APA website reference looks like: Author, A.A. First name, & Author, B.B. (Date published.) Title of article. In Title of webpage or larger document or book (chapter or section number). Retrieved from URL address

Step 4 Format the page.

  • Capitalize the author's last name and first initial, followed by a period.
  • Only capitalize the first word of a journal article title, unless the title contains a proper noun (called sentence case). Titles of books should preserve the published capitalization.
  • Capitalize the city of publication, and use correct state abbreviations for states. Also capitalize the name of the publisher and end the reference with a period.
  • The title of larger works, whether a book, journal, website, or magazine, is in italics (or underlined if handwriting), as is the issue number that appears right after the title. Titles for shorter works like articles and chapters should not have any indicative punctuation in an APA entry. [12] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source
  • A period should end all citations.

Using Chicago Manual of Style

Step 1 Cite while you write.

  • For Notes and Bibliography, you will use a superscript at the instance of each quote in the text with a corresponding footnote at the end of the page. All footnotes are compiled into endnotes at the end of the work, on the bibliography page. [14] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source
  • For Author Date, you will use parenthetical in-text citations that include author last name and year published, using no punctuation between name and year. The full version of each parenthetical citation is listed alphabetically on the references page. For example: (Simon 2011) Simon is the author last name, and 2011 is the year.
  • You will need a citation directly after every sentence (or group of sentences if you're using the same source for multiple consecutive sentences) containing information you didn't think of yourself. These include: paraphrases, facts, statistics, quotes, and examples.

Step 2 Gather information.

  • If using a book, write down all pertinent information found on the copyright page, including the name of the publisher and the city and year of publication.
  • For other sources, look for this information near the title of the piece you’re looking at. Publication date is often at the bottom of webpages.

Step 3 Use Notes and Bibliography if instructed.

  • Title your references page “Bibliography” centered at the top of the page. Leave 2 blank lines between this title and the first entry, and one blank line between entries.
  • Notes and Bibliography style uses footnotes for page endings and endnotes for chapter endings. The bibliography page will be an alphabetized list of all sources in hanging indent.
  • An example format for a book is as follows: Last name, First name. Book Title . City: Publisher, Year.
  • An example format for a chapter in a print scholarly journal is as follows: Author last name, first name. "Title of Chapter or Article." Book or journal Title Issue Number (Year): Page number range. (For an online scholarly journal article, tack on the following at the end: Date accessed. URL address.)
  • When there is no known author, the entry should begin with the title of the document, whether it's a webpage, chapter, article, and so on.
  • When there are multiple authors, the first listed author appears last name, first name, so that the citation is alphabetized by this author's last name. Subsequent authors are listed by first name, like this: Alcott, Louisa May, Charles Dickens, and Elizabeth Gaskell.
  • Always end a citation with a period.

Step 4 Use Author Date if instructed.

  • When using Author Date style, title your references page “References” centered at the top of the page. Leave 2 blank lines between this title and the first entry, and 1 blank line between entries.
  • Author Date style bibliographies should be organized alphabetically by last name (or by title if no author) in hanging indent.
  • An example format for a book is as follows: Last name, first name. Year. Book Title . City Published: Publisher.
  • An example format for a chapter in a print scholarly journal is as follows: Author last name, first name. Year. "Title of Chapter or Article." Book or journal title issue number: page numbers. (for an online scholarly journal article tack this onto the end: Date accessed. URL address.)
  • An example format for a website is as follows: Name of Website. Year. "Page Title." Date last modified. Date accessed. URL address.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Peterman, MA

  • You don't have to write each bibliography or reference entry on your own. You can download citation management software like Endnote [17] X Research source (purchase required on this one), Zotero [18] X Research source (it's free), or use websites like and . Select the name of your style manual before you begin creating citations. Copy and paste the citation into your bibliography or references list. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are assigned to write a paper or other written document in one of these styles, you need to purchase the style manual. It will contain nearly every instance not only of source citation, but paper formatting as well as grammar and punctuation that is unique to that style. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how do you write references in an essay

  • This article only lists how to cite research for each style manual. Each style has its own instructions for setting up the format of the essay, including heading, spacing, margins, font, and so on. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Alexander Peterman, MA

To reference an essay using MLA style, add a citation after any information you found through a source, like facts or quotes. When citing the reference, include the author’s name and the page number you pulled the information from in parenthesis, like “(Richards 456).” Once you’ve finished your essay, add a Words Cited page with all of the information you used to research your essay, like books or articles. To create a Works Cited page, list the sources in alphabetical order using the author’s last name, and include additional information, like year published and the medium. For more tips from our Writing reviewer, like how to reference an essay using APA style, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • Mastering the Art of Reference Writing: A Comprehensive Guide


Reference writing, often called citation or bibliographic essay, is crucial to scholarly communication. It serves as the backbone of research, allowing readers to trace the origins of ideas, verify claims, and build upon existing knowledge. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of reference writing, covering everything from the fundamentals to advanced techniques.

Understanding the Purpose of References

References play a multifaceted role in academic writing. Here are some essential purposes they serve:

  • Credibility : References lend credibility to your work by demonstrating that you have consulted relevant sources and incorporated them into your research.
  • Acknowledgment : References acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others, showing respect for their ideas and research.
  • Verification : They allow readers to verify the information and claims you make in your writing, promoting transparency and trust.
  • Building on Existing Knowledge : References provide a foundation for further research, allowing future scholars to explore the same sources and expand upon your work.
  • Avoiding Plagiarism : Proper referencing helps you avoid plagiarism, a serious academic ethical violation.

Components of a Reference

A reference typically comprises several components, including:

  • Author(s) : The name(s) of the author(s) responsible for the work. For multiple authors, follow the prescribed citation style guidelines for formatting.
  • Title : The title of the source material, whether it’s a book, article, website, or other format.
  • Publication Date : The year the source was published, which can be found on the title page or the copyright page.
  • Source Information : Details such as the name of the journal, publisher, volume/issue number, page numbers, and URL (if applicable), depending on the type of source.
  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : A unique alphanumeric string assigned to many scholarly articles and books, providing a permanent link to the source.

Common Citation Styles

Various citation styles are used in academic writing, each with its rules and guidelines. Some of the most common citation styles include:

  • APA (American Psychological Association) : Often used in psychology, education, and the social sciences.
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) : Commonly used in humanities disciplines like literature and languages.
  • Chicago/Turabian : Used in history, arts, and some social sciences.
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) : Primarily used in engineering and technology.
  • AMA (American Medical Association) : Standard in the medical and biological sciences.
  • Harvard : Commonly used in the natural and social sciences.

It’s essential to follow the specific style guidelines required by your institution or publication to ensure consistency and accuracy in your references.

Tips for Effective Reference Writing

  • Organize as You Go : Keep a well-organized record of your sources from the beginning of your research. This will save you time and prevent omissions later on.
  • Use Citation Management Tools : Software like Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote can help you correctly manage and format your references.
  • Double-Check Formatting : Pay close attention to the formatting rules of your chosen citation style, including punctuation, italics, and capitalization.
  • Be Consistent : Maintain consistency throughout your document. If you choose a particular citation style, stick to it.
  • Check Primary Sources : Consult the source material whenever possible rather than relying on secondary sources.
  • Use DOI When Available : Include the DOI for digital sources, as it provides a stable and easily accessible link.
  • Review and Revise : Proofread your references to ensure accuracy. Mistakes can undermine the credibility of your work.

Advanced Techniques

For seasoned researchers and writers, mastering reference writing involves more than basic formatting. Here are some advanced techniques:

  • Secondary Citations : Use secondary citations sparingly. Always try to locate and cite the source of a piece of information.
  • Cite While Writing : Incorporate references into your text as you write, making tracking and maintaining accuracy easier.
  • Cross-Referencing : Ensure that your in-text citations correspond accurately with the entries in your reference list.
  • Annotate Your References : Provide brief annotations summarizing the key points of the source, which can be especially helpful in literature reviews.
  • Use Footnotes or Endnotes : For additional explanatory notes or citations that might disrupt the flow of your main text.

Reference writing, citing sources, and creating bibliographic references are widely used in various fields and professions.

Here are some of the critical groups and contexts where reference writing is essential:

  • Academics and Researchers : Scholars and researchers in all academic disciplines use reference writing to acknowledge and cite the sources they consult when conducting research writing academic papers, theses, dissertations, and scholarly articles. Proper referencing is a fundamental aspect of academic integrity and scholarly communication.
  • Students : Students at all levels of education, from high school to graduate and postgraduate programs, must use reference writing to support their assignments, essays, and research projects. Learning how to cite sources correctly is an essential academic skill.
  • Authors and Writers : Authors and writers in various genres, including non-fiction, fiction, journalism, and creative writing, use reference writing when incorporating research, quotes, and references to other works. It helps them provide evidence, give credit, and add credibility to their work.
  • Journalists use reference writing to attribute information and quotes to their sources when reporting news and investigative stories. Accuracy and proper sourcing are crucial in journalism.
  • Scientists and Researchers : Professionals in the scientific community use reference writing in research articles, papers, and reports to provide evidence, support their findings, and acknowledge the work of other scientists in their field.
  • Librarians and Information Specialists : Librarians and professionals working in information and knowledge management use reference writing to organize and catalog resources in libraries, databases, and digital repositories, making it easier for users to locate materials.
  • Editors and Publishers : Editors and publishers use reference writing to ensure that citations and references in books, journals, and other publications adhere to the specific citation styles required by their publishing guidelines.
  • Legal Professionals : Lawyers and legal scholars use reference writing in legal documents, court briefs, and legal research to cite relevant case law, statutes, regulations, and legal precedents.
  • Medical and Healthcare Professionals : Healthcare professionals use reference writing in medical research papers, case reports, and clinical studies to cite medical literature and evidence-based practices.
  • Government and Policy Analysts : Professionals working in government agencies and policy analysis use reference writing to support policy recommendations and reports with evidence from research and authoritative sources.
  • Business and Marketing Professionals : In the business world, reference writing is used in market research reports, business plans, and marketing strategies to cite industry reports, market data, and academic research.
  • Historians and Archaeologists : Historians and archaeologists use reference writing to document their sources and provide historical context in research papers, books, and documentary projects.
  • Technical and Engineering Professionals : Engineers and technical writers use reference writing to cite technical manuals, standards, and patents in technical documents, user manuals, and engineering reports.

Reference writing is a universal practice across various professions, disciplines, and educational levels. It serves as a fundamental tool for acknowledging sources, providing evidence, and ensuring the integrity and transparency of communication in a wide range of contexts.

Here are examples of reference entries in two commonly used citation styles, APA (American Psychological Association) and MLA (Modern Language Association):

APA Style :

  • Book with One Author :

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of Book . Publisher.

Example: Smith, J. D. (2020). The Art of Writing . Academic Press.

  • Journal Article :

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal , volume number(issue number), page range. DOI

Example: Johnson, P. L. (2019). The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity. Environmental Science Quarterly , 45(2), 123-145.

Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day of Publication). Title of Webpage. Website Name. URL

Example: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2021, June 15). Mars Exploration Program. NASA.

MLA Style :

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book . Publisher, Year of Publication.

Example: Smith, John D. The Art of Writing . Academic Press, 2020.

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal , volume number, issue number, year of publication, page range.

Example: Johnson, Paul L. “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity.” Environmental Science Quarterly , vol. 45, no. 2, 2019, pp. 123-145.

Author’s Last Name, First Name (if available). “Title of Webpage.” Website Name, publication date (if available), URL.

Example: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “Mars Exploration Program.” NASA, 15 June 2021,

Remember that the formatting and specific elements included in a reference entry may vary depending on your source type and citation style. Always consult the official style guide or your institution’s guidelines for the most accurate reference formatting.

Improving your reference writing skills is essential for academic success. Several websites and resources can help you enhance your reference writing abilities.

Here are some of the best ones:

  • Website:
  • Purdue OWL offers comprehensive guides on various citation styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. It covers in-text citations, reference lists, and general writing tips.
  • Website:
  • Citation Machine provides citation generators for multiple citation styles. You can input the necessary information, and it will generate a correctly formatted reference for you.
  • Website:
  • Zotero is a free reference management tool that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research materials. It integrates with your web browser and word processor.
  • Website:
  • Mendeley is another reference management tool that allows you to organize your references, annotate PDFs, and generate citations and bibliographies. It’s beneficial for collaborative research.
  • Website:
  • If you need to follow APA style, the official website of the American Psychological Association offers detailed guidance, tutorials, and resources for correct APA citation.
  • Website:
  • The Modern Language Association provides the MLA Style Center, which offers guidelines, examples, and answers to frequently asked questions about MLA style.
  • Website:
  • For those using the Chicago style, the official website of the Chicago Manual of Style provides access to the complete manual, which includes detailed reference formatting guidelines.
  • Website:
  • CiteULike is a free online service that helps discover and manage scholarly references. It can automatically format your references in various citation styles.
  • Website:
  • Google Scholar helps you find academic sources and provides citation information for articles and books, which can be helpful for reference writing.
  • Many university libraries offer guides and tutorials on reference writing, including specific guidelines for their institution’s preferred citation style. Check your library’s website for resources.

Remember that while these websites can be valuable tools, it’s crucial to understand the principles of reference writing and citation styles. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and rules of your specific type, and use these resources as aids to ensure accuracy and consistency in your references.

Reference writing is a fundamental skill for researchers and scholars, enabling them to contribute to the ongoing conversation within their field. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced writer, mastering the art of reference writing is a continuous process that demands attention to detail and adherence to established citation styles. By following the guidelines and techniques outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can enhance the credibility and impact of your academic work.

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APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

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  • APA Referencing (7th Ed.) Quick Guide | In-text Citations & References

APA Referencing (7th Ed.) Quick Guide | In-text Citations & References

Published on 18 January 2021 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on 22 May 2024.

APA 7th edition publication manual

This citation guide outlines the most important citation guidelines from the 7th edition APA Publication Manual (2020). Scribbr also offers free guides for the older APA 6th edition , MLA Style , and Chicago Style .

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Table of contents

Apa in-text citations, apa references, formatting the apa reference page, free lecture slides.

In-text citations are brief references in the running text that direct readers to the reference entry at the end of the paper. You include them every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s ideas or words.

An APA in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system). If you’re citing a specific part of a source, you should also include a locator such as a page number or timestamp. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 170) .

Parenthetical vs. narrative citation

The in-text citation can take two forms: parenthetical and narrative. Both types are generated automatically when citing a source with Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator.

  • Parenthetical citation: According to new research … (Smith, 2020) .
  • Narrative citation: Smith (2020) notes that …

Multiple authors and corporate authors

The in-text citation changes slightly when a source has multiple authors or an organization as an author. Pay attention to punctuation and the use of the ampersand (&) symbol.

Author type Parenthetical citation Narrative citation
One author (Smith, 2020) Smith (2020)
Two authors (Smith & Jones, 2020) Smith and Jones (2020)
Three or more authors (Smith et al., 2020) Smith et al. (2020)
Organization (Scribbr, 2020) Scribbr (2020)

Missing information

When the author, publication date or locator is unknown, take the steps outlined below.

Missing element What to do Parenthetical citation
Author Use the source title.* ( , 2020)
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. (Smith, n.d.)
Page number Either use an or
omit the page number.
(Smith, 2020, Chapter 3) or
(Smith, 2020)

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APA references generally include information about the author , publication date , title , and source . Depending on the type of source, you may have to include extra information that helps your reader locate the source.

Reference examples

Citing a source starts with choosing the correct reference format. Use Scribbr’s Citation Example Generator to learn more about the format for the most common source types. Pay close attention to punctuation, capitalization, and italicization.

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It is not uncommon for certain information to be unknown or missing, especially with sources found online. In these cases, the reference is slightly adjusted.

Missing element What to do Reference format
Author Start the reference entry with the source title. Title. (Date). Source.
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. Author. (n.d.). Title. Source.
Title Describe the work in square brackets. Author. (Date). [Description]. Source.

APA Reference Page (7th edition)

On the first line of the page, write the section label “References” (in bold and centred). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order .

Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page:

  • Double spacing (within and between references)
  • Hanging indent of ½ inch
  • Legible font (e.g. Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11)
  • Page number in the top-right header

Which sources to include

On the reference page, you only include sources that you have cited in the text (with an in-text citation ). You should not include references to personal communications that your reader can’t access (e.g. emails, phone conversations or private online material).

Are you a teacher or professor looking to introduce your students to APA Style? Download our free introductory lecture slides, available for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

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Cite this scribbr article.

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Streefkerk, R. (2024, May 22). APA Referencing (7th Ed.) Quick Guide | In-text Citations & References. Scribbr. Retrieved 12 August 2024, from

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For information on how to reference this website for non-academic purposes, see the SkillsYouNeed referencing guide .

Citing and referencing information can be daunting for students who do not understand the principles.

There are numerous ways to reference. Different institutions, departments or lecturers may require different styles so check with your teacher, lecturer or instructor if you are unsure.

Bad referencing is a common way for students to lose marks in assignments so it is worth taking the time and effort to learn how to reference correctly.

Why Do We Cite and Reference?

When writing any academic essay, paper, report or assignment, you need to highlight your use of other author's ideas and words so that you:

  • Give the original author credit for their own ideas and work
  • Validate your arguments
  • Enable the reader to follow up on the original work if they wish to
  • Enable the reader to see how dated the information might be
  • Prove to your tutors/lecturers that you have read around the subject
  • Avoid plagiarism

Referencing Styles

There are many different styles of referencing, including Harvard, APA (from the American Psychological Association), Chicago and Vancouver. The Harvard referencing system is of the most popular styles and the remainder of this article deals with this system. However, your university may prefer the use of a different system so check with your lecturer or in your course information as to which referencing style to use.

What is Plagiarism?

  • Presenting another's ideas as if they are your own – either directly or indirectly
  • Copying or pasting text and images without saying where they came from
  • Not showing when a quote is a quote
  • Summarising information without showing the original source
  • Changing a few words in a section of text without acknowledging the original author

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence.  You are likely to be awarded 0% for an assignment which has evidence of plagiarism. If you continue to plagiarise then you may be excluded from your course.

Most universities will want a signed declaration with submitted work to say that you have not plagiarised. 

Universities use anti-plagiarism software to quickly find plagiarised work. This software usually draws on huge databases of web sources, books, journals and all previously submitted student work to compare your work to so you will be found out.

Therefore, if you plagiarise, you are likely to be caught so don't take the risk and reference properly.

Be Organised

When writing an essay, report, dissertation or other piece of academic work, the key to referencing is organisation. As you go along, keep notes of the books and journal articles you have read and the websites you have visited as part of your research process.

There are various tools to help here. Your university may be able to provide you with some specialist software (Endnote – ) or you can simply keep a list in a document or try Zotero ( ) a free plugin for the Firefox browser.

What Needs to be Recorded?

Record as much information as possible in references to make finding the original work simple.

Include the author/s name/s where possible. You should write the surname (last name) first followed by any initials.  If there are more than three authors then you can cite the first author and use the abbreviation 'et al', meaning 'and all'.

For one, two or three authors: Jones A, Davies B, Jenkins C

For more than three authors Jones A et al.

For some sources, especially websites, the name of the author may not be known. In such cases either use the organisation name or the title of the document or webpage.

Example:  SkillsYouNeed or What Are Interpersonal Skills.

Date of Publication

You should include the year of publication or a more specific date if appropriate, for journal or newspaper articles/stories. For webpages look for the when the page was last updated. Include dates in brackets (2020) after author information. If no date can be established, then put (no date).

Title of Piece

Include the title of the piece; this could be the name of the book, the title of a journal article or webpage. Titles are usually written in italics . For books you should also include the edition (if not the first) to make finding information easier. Often when books are republished information remains broadly the same but may be reordered, therefore page numbers may change between editions.

Publisher Information

Usually only relevant for books, but for these you should include the publisher name and place of publication.

Page Numbers

If you are referencing a particular part of a book, then you should include the page number/s you have used in your work. Use p. 123 to indicate page 123 or pp. 123-125 to indicate multiple pages.

URL and Date Accessed

For webpages you need to include the full URL of the page (http://www... etc.) and the date you last accessed the page. The web is not static and webpages can be changed/updated/removed at any time, so it is therefore important to record when you found the information you are referencing.

Once you have recorded the information, you have everything you need in order to reference correctly. Your work should be both referenced in the text and include a reference list or bibliography at the end. The in text reference is an abbreviated version of the full reference in your reference list.

Direct Quotes

If you are directly quoting in your text you should enclose the quote in quotation marks, and include author information:

"Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another." SkillsYouNeed (2019)

For longer direct quotations it may be neater to indent the quotation in its own paragraph.

Your reference list should then include the full version of the reference:

SkillsYouNeed (2022) What is Communication? [online] available at (Accessed October 14 2022)

For a book you would use, in your text:

“Long before the twelfth century rhetoricians had collected quotations, particularly from classical authors, into anthologies called florilegia…” (Clanchy, M.T, 1993)

The reference list would then include the full reference:

Clanchy, M.T. (1993) From Memory to Written Record England 1066 – 1307 Oxford, Blackwell, p. 115

The same rules also apply when you are referencing indirectly and you have not included a direct quote. If you have used the ideas of another source, reference both in your text at the relevant point and in your reference list or bibliography at the end of your document.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide for Students

The Skills You Need Guide for Students

Skills You Need

Develop the skills you need to make the most of your time as a student.

Our eBooks are ideal for students at all stages of education, school, college and university. They are full of easy-to-follow practical information that will help you to learn more effectively and get better grades.

Additional Information

When quoting you may sometimes want to leave out some words , in which case use … (three dots).

"Communication is … transferring information from one place to another"

If you need to add words to a quote for clarity, then square brackets are used:

“Communication is simply the act [in communication skills] of transferring information from one place to another.”

You can use [sic] to note an original error and/or foreign spelling , SkillsYouNeed is a UK site and therefore uses UK spellings:

"The color [sic] of the water..."

Continue to: Common Mistakes in Writing Sources of Information

See Also: Note-Taking for Reading What is Theory? | Writing an Essay | Punctuation

Understanding How, When and Why to Reference

Learn how to acknowledge your sources of information

It is important that you acknowledge your sources of information in your academic writing. This allows you to clearly show how the ideas of others have influenced your own work. You should provide a citation (and matching reference) in your essay every time you use words, ideas or information from other sources.  If you would like to learn how, when and why to reference by watching a video, you can do so on Capstone Editing's YouTube channel .

Why reference?

Not referencing correctly can be perceived as plagiarism. It is expected and required at the university level that all your assignments will contain references. Otherwise, you are saying that the essay is made up entirely of your own original ideas, and that you have not engaged critically in any way with the literature. A passing grade requires that you use a minimum number of references (check your assignment marking criteria or ask your lecturer), and a good grade requires many more references than this. The purpose of referencing is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of your research, to show that you have read and engaged with the ideas of experts in your field. It also allows you to give credit to the writers from whom you have borrowed words or ideas. For your reader, referencing allows them to trace the sources of information you have used and to verify the validity of your work. For this reason, your referencing must be accurate and provide all necessary details to allow your reader to locate the source. It is therefore a good idea to keep careful records of all the sources you accessed when researching your assignment. This way, you do not have to hunt for these details after you have finished writing.  

How to incorporate the ideas of others into your essay

It can be difficult for new academic writers to know how to incorporate others’ work into their own writing. By learning how to use quotations effectively, and how to summarise and paraphrase the words and ideas of others, you can better avoid unintentional plagiarism. 

A quotation is a word-for-word reproduction of someone else’s words, either spoken or written. When quoting from another source, you must: 

  • Exception: For long quotations (e.g. over 40 words in APA or over 30 words in Harvard), indent the quotation instead of using quotation marks. The quotation should be introduced by a colon and followed by a citation. 
  • Use quotation marks even if only borrowing a single phrase or word from another source. 
  • Exception: If the source does not have numbered pages (e.g. a website, an interview), no page number is needed. However, if there is some other way of pointing to the specific location from which the quotation was taken (e.g. paragraph number, clause number, line in transcript), include that in the citation. 

Quotations should be logically integrated into your text. One way to do this is to lead into the quotation or paraphrase by using the author’s name (e.g. ‘According to Lines,’) followed by the quotation from Lines or a summary of Lines’s ideas. 

Quotations must fit grammatically into your text. It is allowable to modify quotations slightly to ensure a good fit. However, it is essential that these changes are clearly marked using square brackets ([ ]). It is also possible to omit words from a quotation, shown using an ellipsis (…). Note that if you omit words, you must be sure that the original meaning of the quotation is retained. You should never omit words to change the meaning of a quotation. 

The below examples show ways to integrate the original quotation ‘Most of the time, they don’t, and I mean really don’t, behave well’, showing changes to 1) the verb and 2) a pronoun. Notice the use of the square brackets to show your modifications to the quotation, and the ellipsis to show omitted words. 

  • The teacher reported that the children were not ‘behav[ing] well’.
  • According to the teacher, ‘Most of the time, [the children] don’t … behave well’. 

Finally, you should avoid using quotations that have not been adequately introduced. If a quotation is inserted without appropriate integration into your text, this can negatively affect the logical and grammatical flow of your work, and lower the quality of your writing. Not introducing quotations or incorporating them into your own sentences usually also means you are relying too heavily on the words of others, and your grades can suffer as a result.

Summarising and paraphrasing

Another option for integrating others’ ideas into your own assignments is by summarising and paraphrasing. Summarising means giving an overview of the main ideas in condensed form. Paraphrasing means putting an idea (usually in detail) into your own words.  

To summarise or paraphrase well, you need to read carefully and understand the ideas in the source. Then, you can think about what those ideas mean in the context of your assignment and write them in your own words, integrating them well into your own writing. If you take sentences completely from the original source and just change a few words, this is not paraphrasing, and may be considered plagiarism. 

For some students, the temptation to use a source’s original wording is high. To avoid this, after reading and understanding the author’s ideas, write just the keywords on a separate piece of paper. See if you can change some of the keywords to other words, while keeping the original meaning. Then, think about whether you can reorganise the order of the keywords, to write sentences that keep the original meaning, but that are quite different to the original. Using your keywords, and without referring to the original source, write your new sentences. It takes a while at first, but the process becomes automatic with practice. 

The importance of writing in your own words

Putting others’ work into your own words will not only ensure the material is effectively integrated into your writing, it also demonstrates to your reader (e.g. your lecturer) that you have understood, absorbed and interpreted the information. This is a key purpose of essay writing at university and will help you to get a better grade. In addition, the better you get at putting complex ideas into your own words, the more developed your writing style will become. 

Acknowledge every source

Remember that the need to reference is not limited to academic sources like books and journal articles. You need to reference ALL words, ideas or information taken from ANY source. 

These sources might include: 

  • books and journal articles
  • newspapers and magazines
  • pamphlets or brochures
  • films, documentaries, television programs or advertisements
  • computer programs
  • diagrams, illustrations, charts or pictures
  • letters or emails
  • personal interviews
  • lecturers or tutors. (This is not always necessary, but check with your lecturer or tutor about his or her preferences before you draw on his or her ideas.)

Note that if the source you are citing is retrievable (i.e. can be located by another person using the information you provide in the reference list), you must provide a reference for the source. However, if the source is only available to you (e.g. a personal interview or email, or a private Facebook post), you should cite all necessary details in the text, but should not provide a reference in the reference list. ONLY irretrievable sources are not included in the reference list, and even these are still cited in the text. 

The only times you would not reference are:

  • when referring to your own observations (e.g. a report on a field trip) or experiment results
  • when writing about your own experiences (e.g. a reflective journal)
  • when writing your own thoughts, comments or conclusions in an assignment
  • when evaluating or offering your own analysis (e.g. parts of a critical review)
  • when using ‘common knowledge’ (facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be known by a lot of people) or folklore
  • when using generally accepted facts or information (this will vary in different disciplines of study. If in doubt, ask your tutor).

If you are concerned that you may not have referenced correctly, you should ask your tutor, lecturer or Academic Learning Advisor for their advice before submitting your assignment. Capstone Editing can also edit your work to correct your referencing and provide advice about how to reference correctly in the future.   

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how do you write references in an essay

APA In-Text Citations and Sample Essay 7th Edition

This handout focuses on how to format in-text citations in APA.

Proper citation of sources is a two-part process . You must first cite each source in the body of your essay; these citations within the essay are called in-text citations . You MUST cite all quoted, paraphrased, or summarized words, ideas, and facts from sources. Without in-text citations, you are technically in danger of plagiarism, even if you have listed your sources at the end of the essay.

In-text citations point the reader to the sources’ information on the references page. The in-text citation typically includes the author's last name and the year of publication. If you use a direct quote, the page number is also provided.

More information can be found on p. 253 of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Citation Rules

Direct quotation with the author named in the text.

Heinze and Lu (2017) stated, “The NFL shifted its responses to institutional change around concussions significantly as the field itself evolved” (p. 509).

Note: The year of publication is listed in parenthesis after the names of the authors, and the page number is listed in parenthesis at the end of the quote.

Direct Quotation without the Author Named in the Text

As the NFL developed as an organization, it “shifted its responses to institutional change around concussions significantly” (Heinze & Lu, 2017, p. 509).

Note: At the end of the quote, the names of the authors, year of publication, and page number are listed in parenthesis.

Paraphrase with 1-2 Authors

As the NFL developed as an organization, its reactions toward concussions also transformed (Heinze & Lu, 2017).

Note: For paraphrases, page numbers are encouraged but not required.

Paraphrase with 3 or More Authors

To work toward solving the issue of violence in prisons begins with determining aspects that might connect with prisoners' violent conduct (Thomson et al., 2019).

Direct Quotation without an Author

The findings were astonishing "in a recent study of parent and adult child relationships" ("Parents and Their Children," 2007, p. 2).

Note: Since the author of the text is not stated, a shortened version of the title is used instead.

Secondary Sources

When using secondary sources, use the phrase "as cited in" and cite the secondary source on the References page.

In 1936, Keynes said, “governments should run deficits when the economy is slow to avoid unemployment” (as cited in Richardson, 2008, p. 257).

Long (Block) Quotations

When using direct quotations of 40 or more words, indent five spaces from the left margin without using quotation marks. The final period should come before the parenthetical citation.

At Meramec, an English department policy states:

To honor and protect their own work and that of others, all students must give credit to proprietary sources that are used for course work. It is assumed that any information that is not documented is either common knowledge in that field or the original work of that student. (St. Louis Community College, 2001, p. 1)

Website Citations

If citing a specific web document without a page number, include the name of the author, date, title of the section, and paragraph number in parentheses:

In America, “Two out of five deaths among U.S. teens are the result of a motor vehicle crash” (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2004, Overview section, para. 1).

Here is a print-friendly version of this content.

Learn more about the APA References page by reviewing this handout .

For information on STLCC's academic integrity policy, check out this webpage .

For additional information on APA, check out STLCC's LibGuide on APA .

Sample Essay

A sample APA essay is available at this link .

How to Reference in an Essay

In the world of academia, names and dates are important! Just look at your lecture slides. Whenever your lecturer introduces a new theory, they’ll tell you who came up with the theory and when .

So, it’s no surprise that you’d need to do this in your essays, too. Indeed, whenever you refer to someone else’s ideas in your essays, you should cite the author’s surname and the publication date. In some cases, you should cite the page number, too.

The rules of referencing can be confusing, especially if you’re new to higher education. That said, let’s explore the ins-and-outs-of how to reference in an essay provided by experts from our writing service .

Why is referencing important?

Referencing other people’s ideas is important because it:

  • Demonstrates you have done wider reading – In turn, this enhances your credibility as a student and as a writer.
  • Provides context – More specifically, if you reference the key theories and debates that relate to your essay topic, your tutor will be convinced that you understand the wider contextual issues.
  • Helps you think critically – When you reference other people’s work, this encourages you to critically evaluate their findings. Critical evaluation is key to achieving first-class grades.
  • Helps you develop an argument – Building upon other people’s ideas helps you to develop a strong argument.
  • Prevents plagiarism – Perhaps most importantly, referencing other people’s ideas (rather than copying them) prevents you from being accused of the worst academic sin.

In essence, referencing (when done well), gets you better grades!

Is referencing the same as quoting?

Strictly speaking, whenever you refer to another person’s idea in your essay, this is classed as ‘referencing’. However, it’s important to distinguish between:

  • Direct quotes – this is when you quote another person’s ideas verbatim (word-for-word).
  • Paraphrasing – this is when you rephrase another person’s ideas in your own words.

This article refers to paraphrasing, though we do offer specific guidance on how to quote in an essay .

What will happen if I don’t reference in my essays?

If you hand in an essay that has no (or very few) references, it’ll look as if you haven’t tried very hard. After all, at degree level, lecturers expect you to be able to do your own research and develop your own arguments.

So, a poorly referenced essay shows that you have not ‘done your homework’. Worse still, if you copy/paraphrase someone else’s ideas without referencing them, you risk being accused of plagiarism.

Having said that, from time-to-time you may be asked to write an assignment without references, such as a reflective report . But these types of assignments are few-and-far-between.

Therefore, it’s best to hone your referencing skills as early as possible. You’ll find this skill particularly useful when it comes to writing your dissertation .

Where should the references go?

Often, students worry about putting the references in the wrong place. But try not to worry too much as the rules of referencing can be learnt.

First and foremost, find out which referencing style your faculty uses. Although there are many different referencing styles, they all fall into two main categories :

  • In-text referencing styles
  • Footnote referencing styles

Check the tables below for detailed guidance!

The author’s surname and the date of the publication should be provided. They can either both be provided in parentheses, or the date can be placed in parentheses after the author’s surname.


Page numbers are generally not required for paraphrased information, though check your university’s style guide.

It has been said that corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance (Smith 2011).


According to Smith (2011), corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.

The author’s surname and the date of the publication should be provided. They can either both be provided in parentheses, or the date can be placed in parentheses after the author’s surname.


Additionally, a page number is recommended if you are paraphrasing a particular passage from a long text.

According to Smith (2011) corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.


According to Smith (2011, p. 115), corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.

The author’s surname and the date of the publication should be provided. They can either both be provided in parentheses, or the date can be placed in parentheses after the author’s surname.


Also, cite the page number if you’re referring to a specific passage from a long text. According to the , you should use the colon format as specified in the example.

According to Smith (2011), corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.


According to Smith, corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance (2011:15).

The author’s surname and the date of the publication should be provided. They can either both be provided in parentheses, or the date can be placed in parentheses after the author’s surname.


Uniquely, you should even when paraphrasing, unless there is no page number in the source you are citing.

According to Smith (2011 115), corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.

*There is also a footnote version of the Chicago referencing style. *
The author’s surname and the date of the publication should be provided. They can either both be provided in parentheses, or the date can be placed in parentheses after the author’s surname.


Page numbers are recommended if you are citing a particular passage within a long text.

According to Smith (2011) corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.


According to Smith (2011, p. 115), corporate social responsibility enhances organisational performance.

Put a superscript (small) number after the closing punctuation of the sentence. Then, in the footnote at the bottom of the page, provide:


Author’s first name and surname, source title, (publisher, date), page number.

If you are paraphrasing an author’s idea (as opposed to quoting it) the page number is .

According to Smith, corporate social responsibility enhances organisational


Robert Smith, , (Routledge, 2019).


Robert Smith, , (Routledge, 2019), 115.

*There is also an in-text version of Chicago referencing*.
Place a superscript number at the end of the sentence.
Then, in the footnote, include:


Author’s last name, “Title of the source”, and page number .

It’s only necessary to include a page number if you are citing a particular passage from a long text.

According to Smith, corporate social responsibility enhances organisational


Smith, .

Smith, , 115.

Regardless of which style you use, you must provide a ‘reference list’ at the end of your essay. Need some help with this? Learn how to write a reference list for an essay .

Top tips for referencing in an essay

Once you’ve got the hang of the basics, it’s time to hone your referencing skills! Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • Strike a balance – A good essay will include a good range of references, but it won’t be stuffed full of names and dates. If you include too many references, you run the risk of producing a list rather than an essay. So, make sure you clearly explain and/or critically evaluate every reference you include in your essay.
  • Credibility is key – When selecting materials to include in your essay, make sure they are credible. Journals, academic books, and policy documents tend to be the most credible resources. Some web resources are also acceptable, but these should not feature too heavily in your essay.
  • Critically evaluate – As previously mentioned, you should critically evaluate some of the references you use in your essay. This does not mean that you have to rip the author’s ideas to shreds. Rather, you could propose a new application for the author’s theory, or consider their findings from a novel perspective.
  • Check your university’s referencing guide – It has been said before, but it’s worth saying again – check your university’s referencing requirements! Many UK universities adopt a variant of Harvard style, with ‘variant’ being the operative word. That’s why it’s so important to check your handbook for specific guidance.

Common mistakes to avoid

Finally, try to avoid the following mistakes when referencing in your essays:

  • Referencing the same source many times throughout your essay.
  • Including too many citations in the same sentence, thereby making it unclear who said what.
  • Paraphrasing half-heartedly, thereby risking plagiarism.
  • Forgetting to include necessary information such as the date of the publication or the page number (where applicable).

Typically, referencing is worth between 5 and 15% of your overall marks, so it’s worth getting it right. Plus, in theory, bad referencing could cost you 100% of your marks if you’re accused of plagiarism!

That said, time spent on referencing is time well-spent!

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  • Referencing

Referencing explained

Why and when to reference.

Referencing is an important part of academic work. It puts your work in context, demonstrates the breadth and depth of your research, and acknowledges other people’s work. You should reference whenever you use someone else’s idea.

View video using Microsoft Stream (link opens in a new window, available for University members only)

These webpages explain what referencing is, why it is important and give an overview of the main elements of how to reference. Our Referencing made simple tutorial opens in a new window and covers how to identify your source and create a reference with interactive examples.

Why reference?

Referencing correctly:

  • helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own and which are someone else’s
  • shows your understanding of the topic
  • gives supporting evidence for your ideas, arguments and opinions
  • allows others to identify the sources you have used.

When to reference

Whenever you use an idea from someone else's work, for example from a journal article, textbook or website, you should cite the original author to make it clear where that idea came from. This is the case regardless of whether you have paraphrased, summarised or directly quoted their work. This is a key part of good practice in academic writing.

Read more on:

  • academic integrity
  • quoting, summarising, paraphrasing, and synthesising
  • citing direct quotations in Leeds Harvard or citing direct quotations in Leeds Numeric styles.

University and school policies

The University referencing policy (PDF) sets out the referencing requirements that all taught students and tutors are expected to follow.

Each school in the University requires students to use a specific style of referencing. Check the referencing style used in your school before you begin.

All your citations and references should match the style you are using exactly, including any punctuation, capitalisation, italics and bold, and you should use the same referencing style throughout your assignment.

How to reference in a university essay

Knowing how to reference correctly in your university essays is very important. Doing it wrong, or not at all, could affect the grade you are given. Here's how to get your referencing right...

Jade Newman

We all know referencing isn’t the most exciting thing on the planet but it’s easy to do once you know how and can also make a difference to the grades you’re getting on your essays.

Here are our tips on referencing to make sure you nail it every time!

Referencing styles

There are many different styles of referencing such as Harvard, Chicago, APA etc. so you want to make sure you’re using the right style as some courses or universities may differ.

Whilst there are useful websites such as Cite This For me and tools on Microsoft Word itself which can pretty much do all the work for you, it’s still good to know how to do it yourself and use resources like these to double check afterwards. These tools are useful, but often don't get it totally right. You can find guidance on how to cite in the correct style online, or you may be able to buy a handbook for your referencing style that explains all the nuances.

How to reference in an essay

Any time you mention the work of someone else – whether this is a direct quote or if you’re rewording a theory of theirs –  you need to reference!

Most essays you write will usually end up being knowledge built up from other authors or theorists and so citations in your work are absolutely necessary. When mentioning the work of others throughout your essay, your citation will usually be the source and date it was published in brackets somewhere in the sentence. Depending on the style of referencing, you may also have to include page numbers too.

For example:

“…..transgressive performances of gender (Baym 2015)" – Harvard Style

“Where there is power there is resistance” (Foucault 95) – APA Style

Your actual list of references at the end of your essay needs to correspond to the citations you have in your essay. To make this easier and ensure you haven’t forgotten any, always do your references as you go along.

A Harvard Style reference may look something like this:

“Baym, N. (2015) Personal Connections in the Digital Age. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Polity Press”

Referencing is not only useful to your readers if they are left wanting more information about the topic you’ve written about, it also shows that you have done some wider reading and have actually understood what you have read.

As well as giving readers other related texts to explore and proving your own understanding of the discussions around your topic, referencing properly also prevents you from getting into trouble for plagiarism. While unis won't expel you for making a small referencing error, presenting someone else's ideas and words as your own is against the code of conduct for students and can lead to disciplinary action. And yes – that includes the use of AI-written text. Universities use plagiarism software to detect unattributed quotes or ideas, and there are now also softwares that can detect AI-produced work, so make sure you've correctly referenced and all your work is actually your ow n to avoid getting in trouble.

Finally, here's a quick checklist of everything your citations and reference lists should include (this list will vary depending on the referencing style you're using):

  • Name of the author, usually formatted as Last name, First name or Last name, First initial
  • Date of publication
  • Title of the text, if you have used a journal then you need the title of the journal itself along with the page numbers as well as the title of the individual essay
  • If you have cited a website then you need to include the URL in your reference list along with the date you accessed it
  • If you have cited a book then the place of publication and publisher should be included

Happy referencing!

- More advice for coping with uni life

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Generate accurate APA citations for free

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APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.) | Generator, Template, Examples

Published on November 6, 2020 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on January 17, 2024.

The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual provides guidelines for clear communication , citing sources , and formatting documents. This article focuses on paper formatting.

Generate accurate APA citations with Scribbr

Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines:

  • Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Double-space all text, including headings.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
  • Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).
  • Include a page number on every page.

APA format (7th edition)

Let an expert format your paper

Our APA formatting experts can help you to format your paper according to APA guidelines. They can help you with:

  • Margins, line spacing, and indentation
  • Font and headings
  • Running head and page numbering

how do you write references in an essay

Table of contents

How to set up apa format (with template), apa alphabetization guidelines, apa format template [free download], page header, headings and subheadings, reference page, tables and figures, frequently asked questions about apa format.

Scribbr Citation Checker New

The AI-powered Citation Checker helps you avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Missing commas and periods
  • Incorrect usage of “et al.”
  • Ampersands (&) in narrative citations
  • Missing reference entries

how do you write references in an essay

References are ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name. If the author is unknown, order the reference entry by the first meaningful word of the title (ignoring articles: “the”, “a”, or “an”).

Why set up APA format from scratch if you can download Scribbr’s template for free?

Student papers and professional papers have slightly different guidelines regarding the title page, abstract, and running head. Our template is available in Word and Google Docs format for both versions.

  • Student paper: Word | Google Docs
  • Professional paper: Word | Google Docs

In an APA Style paper, every page has a page header. For student papers, the page header usually consists of just a page number in the page’s top-right corner. For professional papers intended for publication, it also includes a running head .

A running head is simply the paper’s title in all capital letters. It is left-aligned and can be up to 50 characters in length. Longer titles are abbreviated .

APA running head (7th edition)

Prevent plagiarism. Run a free check.

APA headings have five possible levels. Heading level 1 is used for main sections such as “ Methods ” or “ Results ”. Heading levels 2 to 5 are used for subheadings. Each heading level is formatted differently.

Want to know how many heading levels you should use, when to use which heading level, and how to set up heading styles in Word or Google Docs? Then check out our in-depth article on APA headings .

APA headings (7th edition)

The title page is the first page of an APA Style paper. There are different guidelines for student and professional papers.

Both versions include the paper title and author’s name and affiliation. The student version includes the course number and name, instructor name, and due date of the assignment. The professional version includes an author note and running head .

For more information on writing a striking title, crediting multiple authors (with different affiliations), and writing the author note, check out our in-depth article on the APA title page .

APA title page - student version (7th edition)

The abstract is a 150–250 word summary of your paper. An abstract is usually required in professional papers, but it’s rare to include one in student papers (except for longer texts like theses and dissertations).

The abstract is placed on a separate page after the title page . At the top of the page, write the section label “Abstract” (bold and centered). The contents of the abstract appear directly under the label. Unlike regular paragraphs, the first line is not indented. Abstracts are usually written as a single paragraph without headings or blank lines.

Directly below the abstract, you may list three to five relevant keywords . On a new line, write the label “Keywords:” (italicized and indented), followed by the keywords in lowercase letters, separated by commas.

APA abstract (7th edition)

APA Style does not provide guidelines for formatting the table of contents . It’s also not a required paper element in either professional or student papers. If your instructor wants you to include a table of contents, it’s best to follow the general guidelines.

Place the table of contents on a separate page between the abstract and introduction. Write the section label “Contents” at the top (bold and centered), press “Enter” once, and list the important headings with corresponding page numbers.

The APA reference page is placed after the main body of your paper but before any appendices . Here you list all sources that you’ve cited in your paper (through APA in-text citations ). APA provides guidelines for formatting the references as well as the page itself.

Creating APA Style references

Play around with the Scribbr Citation Example Generator below to learn about the APA reference format of the most common source types or generate APA citations for free with Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator .

Formatting the reference page

Write the section label “References” at the top of a new page (bold and centered). Place the reference entries directly under the label in alphabetical order.

Finally, apply a hanging indent , meaning the first line of each reference is left-aligned, and all subsequent lines are indented 0.5 inches.

APA reference page (7th edition)

Tables and figures are presented in a similar format. They’re preceded by a number and title and followed by explanatory notes (if necessary).

Use bold styling for the word “Table” or “Figure” and the number, and place the title on a separate line directly below it (in italics and title case). Try to keep tables clean; don’t use any vertical lines, use as few horizontal lines as possible, and keep row and column labels concise.

Keep the design of figures as simple as possible. Include labels and a legend if needed, and only use color when necessary (not to make it look more appealing).

Check out our in-depth article about table and figure notes to learn when to use notes and how to format them.

APA table (7th edition)

The easiest way to set up APA format in Word is to download Scribbr’s free APA format template for student papers or professional papers.

Alternatively, you can watch Scribbr’s 5-minute step-by-step tutorial or check out our APA format guide with examples.

APA Style papers should be written in a font that is legible and widely accessible. For example:

  • Times New Roman (12pt.)
  • Arial (11pt.)
  • Calibri (11pt.)
  • Georgia (11pt.)

The same font and font size is used throughout the document, including the running head , page numbers, headings , and the reference page . Text in footnotes and figure images may be smaller and use single line spacing.

You need an APA in-text citation and reference entry . Each source type has its own format; for example, a webpage citation is different from a book citation .

Use Scribbr’s free APA Citation Generator to generate flawless citations in seconds or take a look at our APA citation examples .

Yes, page numbers are included on all pages, including the title page , table of contents , and reference page . Page numbers should be right-aligned in the page header.

To insert page numbers in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, click ‘Insert’ and then ‘Page number’.

APA format is widely used by professionals, researchers, and students in the social and behavioral sciences, including fields like education, psychology, and business.

Be sure to check the guidelines of your university or the journal you want to be published in to double-check which style you should be using.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Streefkerk, R. (2024, January 17). APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.) | Generator, Template, Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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How to Write References on Essays

References on essay generator.

how do you write references in an essay

Though it may not always be necessary, referencing is an important factor to consider when writing an essay. The act of referencing is a way for you to state the fact that there are contributions from existing writings and other  essay examples  that have been used in the essay that you have created. You need to cite your sources properly so you can acknowledge the things that these documents have contributed in your writing.

There are a variety of ways on how you can write references in your essay which you can commonly see in some  essay writing basic guides . What is important in this undertaking is for you to be clear that not all the information presented in the document that you have created is based on your own ideas and opinions. We have listed some guides, tips, and information that can help you be more aware on the usages and importance of references in an essay document.

how do you write references in an essay

Advantages of Specifying References When Writing an Essay

Though references are commonly specified in good analytical essays  as well as on scientific and academic researches, they can also be an important part of essays and other written documents. Listed below are some of the advantages that you can experience if you will specify your resources or references when writing an essay:

  • Being able to write down your specific references can help you reflect your source’s reputation. The perception of people about your reference can allow you to create more impact when it comes to backing up the statements that you have used either for arguments or particular statements. It will be helpful if you will use a reputable source so you can easily state a factual information that is relevant to what you are talking about.
  • Listing down your references can help you ensure that you have a strong foundation within the entirety of your discussion. References support your claims which can ensure your readers that what you have written is real and credible. It is very important to get the trust of the people who will read your essay When you are fully aware that some the content of your essay is based on another writing and you are open about it, people can have a clearer view of the items that are from your own opinion and those that are taken from the context of other writers.
  • Identifying your references can make you more confident when it comes to proving the focal points of your essay. The major information that can make or break your essay should be based on something that is existing and/or tested so you can be more trusted by your readers. Once your references are specified, your readers can look or search at those references so they can have more idea on the the point that you would like to elaborate or give focus on.
  • Aside from your credibility, trustworthiness and reliability, having references in your essay can make you appeal to be more objective. Since you have based your content on a specific source, it will be easier for you to convince people that you have not personally asserted a concept or an idea. Again, separating you opinion to what has already been stated by others can clear up issues about how you look on things and the like.

Ways to Incorporate References in an Essay

Just as how there are  examples on how to start essays , there are also a number of ways on how you can list down your references. The incorporation of references in your essay will depend on the format that you will use. Though APA format is commonly followed in most reference essays, there are still a lot of ways on how you can include your sources in your writing.

A few ways on how you can easily place your references in the content of your essay without committing  common essay mistakes  are as follows:

  • Summarize your references through a reference page. If you want your essay to be continuously flowing when it comes to discussion, you can separate the list of your references. This will make it faster for readers to browse through the entirety of the essay. With the usage of a list of your sources, the separate page that you will create can also elaborately identify all the existing writing where you have gathered details present in the essay.
  • Quote your references during discussion. If you want to include your references in the body of the essay but would like to subtly do it, using quotations that refers to your sources can just do the trick. Quoting your references is also an easy way to add a direct explanation of why a particular content is placed in a specific part of your essay.
  • Paraphrase the content of your source then provide an in-text citation. You can easily apply this into your writing if you already have a number of resources. Summarize your content per paragraph based on the sources that you have used per discussion. Then, place the references at the end of the paragraph where you have used them. If this is not applicable due to the number of resources that you have used, then you can list the complete sources where you referred to in a separate reference page.

Guidelines in Writing References on Essays

Though there are different ways on how you can write your references, there are also a few guidelines that you also need to be aware of when doing so. Some of the things that you need to remember when writing your references in your references include the following:

  • Identify the style of referencing that you will use. May it be APA, MLA , or any other kind of referencing; you have to be aware of which of these formats or styles to use so you can apply them appropriately within the entirety of your writing.
  • Make sure that you will use references that are relevant to your discussion. It is essential for cohesion to always be present in your discussion. For this to be achieved, you have to make sure that all the references that you will use talks about the subject of what you are writing about. This way, your references will be highly-effective and efficient.
  • Be detailed when it comes to the references that you have used. May it be a note, a statistic or any other form of writing and discussion, you have to make sure that you can present it accordingly as one of your sources. Doing this will let your readers know the kind of source that you have referred to when speaking about a particular matter or topic.
  • Organize your sources. You need to be organized when listing down your references. Aside from following a specific format, you must have a clear structure to follow. When necessary, always write your references on a chronological order may it be based on the name of the author or the title of the essay or publication where you have referred to. You can also base it on the date of the reference’s publication.

Being knowledgeable of the above mentioned items can help you be more effective when it comes to ensuring that all the information in your essay are properly specified whether your own or from a reference. You can also use this knowledge as one of your strengths especially during  last-minute essay writing  activities as this will help you to be transparent and to ensure your readers that you are stating the truth about your thoughts as well as the ideas of others.

Make sure to list down your references accordingly so you can avoid misunderstandings especially when it comes to issues of plagiarism. It will be best for you to take note of the items that we have discussed so you can keep all of those in your mind. Through this, it will be easy for you to accordingly apply them in actual writing instances when necessary.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write about the importance of using references in academic essays in your References on Essay.

Discuss how to effectively integrate quotes into your writing in References on Essay.

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Microsoft Copilot can boost your writing in Word, Outlook, and OneNote — here’s how

Copilot integration in microsoft 365 apps makes it a snap to generate first drafts, revise text, and get instant summaries for long docs or email threads. here’s how to use copilot for writing assistance in word, outlook, and onenote..

draft with copilot panel in microsoft word

One of the most enticing uses for generative AI is to help you write. Anyone can get writing help from Microsoft’s Copilot genAI tool via the free Copilot web or mobile app. But Copilot becomes especially useful when it’s integrated with various Microsoft 365 apps.

As you compose, edit, or view a document in Word, for example, you can summon Copilot to assist you in several ways: It can generate rough drafts, polish or change the tone of your writing, and summarize long passages of text. Copilot can also help you compose or summarize emails in Outlook and help you rewrite or summarize notes in OneNote.

This guide will get you started on the basics of using Copilot for your writing in Microsoft 365 apps. But you’ll have to pay for a Copilot subscription in addition to your current Microsoft 365 plan.

In this article:

How to use copilot in microsoft 365 apps, generate a rough draft in word or outlook.

  • Get email draft coaching in Outlook

Rewrite text in Word or OneNote

Summarize long documents, notes, emails, or threads.

Individuals with a free Microsoft account or a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription can purchase a Copilot Pro subscription for $20 per month. (A one-month free trial is available.) Each person who wants to use Copilot Pro must have their own subscription.

If you have a free Microsoft account, the Copilot Pro subscription lets you use Copilot in certain Microsoft 365 apps on the web only. If you have a paid Microsoft 365 plan, you’ll be able to use Copilot in the desktop and mobile versions of those M365 apps as well. Once you’ve signed up, you may need to refresh your Microsoft 365 license before Copilot becomes available in the apps.

If you’re on a Microsoft 365 business plan (such as through a company you work for), a Copilot for Microsoft 365 subscription costs $30 per user per month. This must be paid annually at $360 up front, and there’s no trial period. (Apparently, Microsoft presumes that your company will foot this hefty tab.) A Copilot Pro subscription cannot be used with a Microsoft 365 business account.

This guide goes over how to use Copilot in Word, Outlook, and OneNote to help you compose and revise text. I’ll demonstrate using Copilot Pro with an individual Microsoft 365 account, but the descriptions also apply to Copilot for Microsoft 365 used with a Microsoft 365 business plan. Most of the steps and user interfaces are alike. I’ll also note additional features that are available under the business versions of Copilot and Microsoft 365.

Note: Microsoft 365 apps aren’t completely consistent on different platforms — for instance, a menu choice in Word for Windows might be named differently from the same option in the web version of Word. In these cases, I’ve tried to include both names. You may still find instances where a button or menu item doesn’t match, but it’s generally obvious what to do.

Copilot can help you compose text drafts in Word and Outlook. In Outlook, you use Copilot through a panel that appears over the main area of the app. In Word, you can use Copilot from a similar panel that overlays the document, or from a sidebar that opens along the right of the page.

Using the “Draft with Copilot” panel in Word and Outlook

Word: Start with a new, blank document or open an existing document that you’d like to add more writing to. (Set the cursor where you want the generated text to be inserted.) Click the Copilot icon that appears in the left margin.

blank word doc with copilot icon in left margin

To get started with Copilot in Word, click the Copilot icon in the left margin or press Alt-I on your keyboard.


Howard Wen / IDG

The “Draft with Copilot” panel appears over the document. In the text entry box, you’ll type in a prompt that describes the text you want Copilot to write. (More on that in a moment.)

draft with copilot panel in microsoft word

Type your prompt into the “Draft with Copilot” panel.


In the desktop version of Word for Windows, there’s a Reference a file button at the bottom of the Draft with Copilot panel. Clicking this may let you select a document in your OneDrive or SharePoint for Copilot to base its generated text on, including content, writing style, and formatting. (Business users can select up to three files for Copilot to reference.) You can also type your prompt followed by a / (forward slash) and a document’s file name to trigger Copilot to reference it.

But know that this function may not work for you – it apparently depends on whether Copilot itself thinks you have documents that it can reference for you.

Outlook: With the cursor in the message body of a new email, click the Copilot button on the Home tab of the ribbon toolbar. On the drop-down menu that opens, click Draft with Copilot .

outlook ribbon toolbar copilot menu

To get started with Copilot in Outlook, click the Copilot button in the ribbon toolbar.

On the “Draft with Copilot” panel that opens, type your prompt inside the text entry box. The panel is similar to what you see in Word, but with an additional option: a button with two sliders on it that may say Adjust or Generate options , depending on your version of Outlook. When you click it, a drop-down menu opens that lists options for tone of voice and word length for the generated email draft.

outlook draft with copilot panel options

In Outlook, you can designate tone of voice and general length for Copilot’s output.

Crafting your prompts

Prompts are sentences that you enter to instruct Copilot (or other AI assistants) how to compose the text you want created. Your prompt should minimally include the subject and a few specifics about the writing you want it to generate.

To get started, describe the kind of text you want Copilot to generate and add a detail or two about it. These prompts can be simple or a little more complex. For example:

  • “Create a brief business pitch for a new vegan restaurant that will be located in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.”
  • “Write an opening paragraph describing my interest in a technical support job opening at Microsoft.”
  • “Write a few sentences that inquire if there are any job openings in technical support at Microsoft.”
  • “Compose a polite follow-up with the recipient about a video call we had last week.”

The more specifics you include in your prompt, the more likely you are to get good results. For instance, if you have notes that contain specific data points that you want to include in the generated text, copy and paste those notes into your prompt. If you have an outline for the topics you want to cover in the draft, paste that in as well.

But frankly, there are no hard rules about writing prompts — just use your imagination and see how Copilot responds. Expect that the AI may not generate results that you like (if it generates any at all). Keep experimenting with the descriptions in your prompts until you coax Copilot to produce a useful response.

Once you’ve entered your prompt (and optionally selected a tone and length in Outlook), click the Generate button or press Enter on your keyboard and wait for Copilot to work its AI magic.

The results are in – actions you can take

When Copilot has generated a draft, it appears in the document or email with a toolbar below it.

word copilot generated text with toolbar

In Word, use the toolbar below the generated draft to keep, retry, discard, or refine the text.

You can use the toolbar to perform the following functions:

  • Click the Keep it button to keep the newly minted words in your document or email. You can then edit the generated text in the doc or email as you see fit.
  • Click the Regenerate button (two circular arrows) if you’re not satisfied with the result and want Copilot to generate a whole new one.
  • Click the Discard button (a trashcan) to discard the result.
  • Refine the result by typing more prompts in the text entry box (e.g., “add more details,” “make this sound more professional,” or “make it shorter”) and clicking the arrow. Copilot will generate an updated writing result using your additional commands and descriptions.
  • Optionally click the thumbs up or down icon in the upper-right corner of the toolbar to rate the quality of the result that Copilot generated. Presumably, this helps train the Copilot to produce better results in the future.

In Outlook, the buttons and text entry box are arranged differently in the toolbar, but they perform the same actions on an email draft that Copilot generates for you. You can also use the Adjust or Generate options button to change the tone or length.

outlook copilot generated text with toolbar

The toolbar that appears with generated text in Outlook offers the same functions as in Word.


Important: All AI-generated content can contain errors or outright fabrications, known as hallucinations. When you insert text that Copilot has generated into a document or email, be sure to fact-check it carefully.

AI-generated content also tends to be generic and a bit boring, so you’ll likely want to edit it to inject your own personality or writing style.

Using the Copilot sidebar in Word

On the Home tab in Word’s ribbon toolbar, click the Copilot button. This will open the Copilot sidebar to the right. At the bottom of the sidebar, type your prompt inside the text entry box and click the arrow button (or press Enter). Copilot will generate text and display it inside the sidebar.

word copilot sidebar with generated text

Generated text in the Copilot sidebar in Word.


Click the Copy button to copy the writing to your PC clipboard. You can then paste it into a document, note, email, or elsewhere.

Unlike the Draft with Copilot panel, the Copilot sidebar doesn’t include tools for refining text it generates from scratch. What’s more, Copilot’s behavior in the sidebar feels a little unreliable, producing inconsistent results. The sidebar seems better used for summarizing your document or asking the AI questions about it than for generating text.

Get coaching on an email draft in Outlook

If you’d rather compose emails yourself but would like some suggestions for improvement, there’s a nifty Copilot feature in Outlook called email coaching. After you’ve written your email draft, click the Copilot button on the Home tab in the ribbon toolbar. On the menu that appears, choose Coaching by Copilot .

Copilot will review your draft and offer specific suggestions for improving it in terms of tone, reader engagement, and clarity.

outlook email coaching by copilot

Copilot can critique your email draft and offer suggestions for improvement.


You can rewrite passages of text in a Word document or a OneNote page. This can be useful if you feel that your writing could use a little more detail, or if a paragraph sounds too wordy.

In Word, you can use either the Copilot panel or sidebar (as described earlier in this guide) to command Copilot to rewrite. In OneNote, you can use the sidebar or a right-click menu option.

Note: As of this writing, Copilot is available for OneNote only in the Windows desktop app.

Using the “Rewrite with Copilot” panel in Word

Highlight the passage of text that you want Copilot to rewrite. The Copilot button will appear in the margin to the left of the text that you highlighted. Click it, and on the menu that opens, select Auto rewrite or Rewrite with Copilot . Alternatively, you can right-click on your highlighted text, and on the menu that opens, select Copilot > Rewrite with Copilot .

word selecting auto rewrite option

In Word, select the text you want to rewrite, click the Copilot icon in the left margin, and select Auto rewrite .

Either way, the “Rewrite with Copilot” panel appears below your highlighted text. Copilot will generate and present up to three rewritten versions in the panel. Click the arrows at the top of the panel to cycle through the rewrites.

rewritten text in rewrite with copilot pane in word

Reviewing and refining Copilot’s suggested rewrite for the highlighted text.

Below the rewritten text, you can click the following buttons:

  • Replace will replace the original text that you highlighted with the currently visible rewritten version.
  • Insert below will insert the rewritten version below the original text you highlighted (so that you can decide later if you want to keep it).
  • The Regenerate button (two circular arrows) will generate another result.
  • In the Word desktop app for Windows, there’s an Adjust tone button (an icon with two sliders); it opens a menu that lets you select another writing style. Copilot will then adjust its result with the style you select.
  • In the Word web app, there’s a text entry box where you can refine the result by typing more prompts.

Note: Users with Copilot and M365 business subscriptions can also have Copilot rewrite messages in Teams . This feature works similarly to the Rewrite with Copilot panel in Word.

Using the Copilot sidebar in Word or OneNote

On the Home tab in the ribbon toolbar, click the Copilot button to open the Copilot sidebar to the right. To have Copilot rewrite the whole document or note, type rewrite inside the sidebar’s text entry box. To have it rewrite a specific paragraph, supply the paragraph number. You can also describe how you want the text to be rewritten, such as rewrite first paragraph to be shorter or rewrite paragraph 3 to sound more professional .

Copilot’s rewritten text appears in the sidebar. Below this result you’ll see the Copy button to copy the rewritten text to your clipboard.

word copilot sidebar with rewritten text

A rewritten paragraph in the sidebar.


If you want to adjust Copilot’s rewriting result, you can click one of the suggested prompts that appear in the sidebar below the generated text and above the text entry box. To see different prompt suggestions, click the circular arrow icon.

In the text entry box, you can refine the result by typing more prompts.

Although the Copilot sidebar offers more options for refining its rewritten text than it does for text it generates from scratch, it’s still underpowered compared to the Rewrite with Copilot panel. The best way to rewrite text with Copilot in Word is to use the Rewrite with Copilot panel.

Using the right-click menu in OneNote

Alternatively, in OneNote, you can right-click the top bar of a text field on a page. On the menu that opens, select Copilot and on the next menu, Rewrite .

onenote right click menu

In OneNote, you can use a text field’s right-click menu to trigger a Copilot rewrite.


This action will trigger Copilot to rewrite everything inside this text field. The rewrite will then be set inside the top of the text field.

onenote with copilot rewritten text

The rewritten text appears in the text field above the original text.


You can have Copilot generate a brief summary of a long document in Word or a page in OneNote. For this to work well, Microsoft says the document or page should contain at least 300 words but no more than 20,000.

In Outlook, Copilot can summarize a long email and, even more useful, the conversation within an entire email thread.

Using the Copilot sidebar in Word and OneNote

With the document opened in Word or page opened in OneNote, highlight the text that you want summarized. (If you want a summary of the entire document or page, skip this step.)

Click the Copilot button on the Home tab of the ribbon toolbar to open the Copilot sidebar. Inside the text entry box, type summarize and click the arrow button.

Copilot will generate a summary and display it inside the sidebar.

word copilot sidebar with document summary

Copilot’s summary of a long document appears in the sidebar.


Below the summary, there’s the familiar Copy button to copy the summary to your PC clipboard.

Below that, you can click References to see a list of citations within the document that Copilot used to generate this summary. Clicking a snippet of the cited text will show in the main window of the app where in the document or page these words are. Clicking the down arrow to the right of a citation will show the passage that Copilot used as a citation.

word copilot sidebar with references for summary

Click References to view citations from the document that Copilot used for its summary.

Between the results field and the text entry box, you’ll see suggested prompts that you can click to revise the summary. Click the circular arrow icon to refresh these prompts with new suggestions.

Right-click the top bar of a text field. On the menu that opens, select Copilot > Summarize . This action will trigger Copilot to summarize everything inside this text field. The summary will then be set inside the top of the text field.

onenote copilot summary

Copilot summaries created via OneNote’s right-click menu appear at the top of the text field being summarized.

Summarizing emails and threads in Outlook

Open the email or conversation that you want to summarize. Click Summarize or Summary by Copilot at the top of the email thread. Copilot will generate a summary of the email or thread.

outlook copilot summary of email

A Copilot-generated summary of an email.


This summary will be posted at the top of the email or thread. Thread summaries may include citations that Copilot used in generating the summary.  Clicking a citation (denoted by a number) will scroll down the thread to the cited email for you to view.

outlook copilot summary of email thread

This Copilot-generated summary of an email thread includes citations you can click to go to the source email.


Getting a summary when sharing a Word doc (business plans only)

If you have Copilot with a Microsoft 365 business plan, you can use Copilot to generate a summary of a Word document when you share it with your co-workers. This summary is inserted as a passage of text inside the message that your co-workers receive inviting them to collaborate on the document.

With the document open in Word, click the Share button toward the upper right. On the Share panel that opens, click the Copilot icon inside the lower right of the “Add a message” composition box. The AI will generate and insert the summary. You can edit the summary before you send out the invite.

  • Copilot for Microsoft 365 deep dive: Productivity at a steep price
  • Is Copilot for Microsoft 365 a lying liar?
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Howard Wen ( ) is a longtime contributor to Computerworld . He specializes in explainer guides, how-tos, and reviews of office applications and productivity tools.

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American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

Use discount code STYLEBLOG15 for 15% off APA Style print products with free shipping in the United States.

We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

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Character Reference Letter: Example and Tips on How to Write Yours

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The right introduction can open doors. If you ever felt like your resume doesn't properly portray your outstanding soft skills , let us introduce you to a character reference letter. While cover letters are the most popular additional document used in hiring processes, a good character letter can also be used to highlight your personal journey.

We will walk you through everything you need to know about writing a captivating character reference letter, including expert tips and an example to help you get started.

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What is a character reference letter?

A character reference letter is a document written to attest to a person's character, virtues, and abilities from a personal perspective—all attributes that potential employers value and want to know more about. When Jeremy Yamaguchi, CEO and Founder of Lawn Love, is hiring for his company, he says, “it helps to get a sense of what a candidate is like as a human being beyond their qualifications.”

In the job market, character reference letters offer valuable insight into a prospective employee's cultural fit. Companies that prioritize cultural alignment may request these letters to ensure the candidate shares their values.

“Especially for companies that really value teamwork and a great workplace environment, the character qualities of a candidate matter quite a bit,” Yamaguchi says. “Sometimes this can be the deciding factor between two equally skilled candidates.”

This article focused on its use for job applications , but a character reference letter can also be useful and even requested for academic applications, volunteer positions, and pet adoption processes.

While character letters are a smart way to get ahead in the hiring process for any type of position you may be applying for, they’re most common in industries requiring high trust and interpersonal interaction, such as education , healthcare , or social services .

What should a character reference letter say?

Character reference letters should carry information that can't be found on your resume. “It provides insight into a candidate's personality, values, and interpersonal skills , which are crucial but not always evident through resumes or interviews,” says Naomi Clarke, the head of HR at digital company Flingster. “It helps hiring managers understand the candidate's reliability, integrity, and compatibility with the company culture, providing a more holistic view of the individual.”

Impactful character reference letters are ones that tell a story. If you’re writing one, don't just spell out the person’s virtues—showcase them with examples, putting positive traits in a real-world context. “Always be honest and avoid generic statements; personalized anecdotes make the letter more compelling,” Clarke says.

Hiring managers want to know your journey, how you've grown, what your goals are, and how you act towards them. The letter should paint a vivid picture that shows why you're a great fit for the job you’re applying for.

The character statement is a mirror reflection of how you can perform in critical situations or have the emotional intelligence to deal with challenges. Though technical skills and experience are important, emotional intelligence can be the difference between average performance and exceptional adaptability, efficacy, and cooperation.

If you're new to the field, are applying for an internship , or have taken a long stretch away from working, character reference letters can also help hiring managers to understand who you are and what you can bring that your lack of experience might obscure.

Here's what an employer is likely looking for in a character statement:

  • Conflict resolution: Cases where you have effectively solved conflicts showcase good interpersonal relations skills and empathy.
  • Adaptability: Examples of how you adjusted to change or uncertainty demonstrate flexibility and resilience, both signals of high emotional intelligence.
  • Positive influence: Situations where you positively have impacted others or promoted a supportive work atmosphere indicate leadership abilities as well as motivation qualities.
  • Passionate endorsement: A passionate endorsement is often expected when the subject has played significant roles in a work environment and/or other people’s lives.

​​Who should write your character reference letter?

The impact of a character letter is directly related to the person who's writing it. Your character reference should be written by someone who:

  • Has known you for at least a year
  • Isn't related to you (no family members, please!)
  • Knows you well and can speak of you in a positive light

Colleagues you consider more than just work acquaintances may be a good idea, as well as previous employers, mentors, or university professors. Depending on your industry, you might be able to ask a client or a customer with whom you have an especially good relationship.

How to write a character reference

When asking someone to craft a compelling character reference letter for you, provide them enough information about the types of roles you're applying for and give them the proper time to do it.

The letter itself should be fairly brief. To make their job easier, you can share these steps to hit all the necessary points:

  • Introduction: Briefly explain who you are, how you know the candidate, and how long you’ve known them.
  • Describe their character: Highlight the candidate’s positive traits with specific examples. Mention their reliability, honesty, teamwork, and other relevant qualities.
  • Add real-life examples: Provide anecdotes or examples that illustrate these traits. For instance, you might recount a time when the candidate went above and beyond in a volunteer project.
  • Give an endorsement: Conclude with a strong statement of support, expressing your confidence in the candidate’s ability to excel in the new role.
  • Contact information: Offer your contact details for any follow-up questions.

“I zero in on how well the referee actually knows the candidate and any concrete examples they provide of virtues like stellar work ethic,” says Conor Hughes, an HR consultant. “An overall assessment of the candidate's strengths and fit for the role is also super insightful to get that full 360 view.”

Character letter example

Here’s an example of a character reference letter.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Employer’s Name]

[Company’s Name]

[Company’s Address]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Candidate's Name] for the position of [Job Title] at [Company’s Name]. I have known [Candidate's Name] for [number] years in my capacity as [Your Relationship to the Candidate], and I can confidently attest to their excellent character and work ethic.

[Candidate's Name] is one of the most reliable and dedicated individuals I have had the pleasure of knowing. For example, [provide a specific anecdote that highlights the candidate’s positive traits]. This example is just one of many instances that demonstrate their [specific traits such as reliability, honesty, and teamwork].

In addition to their strong personal qualities, [Candidate's Name] has consistently shown [specific skills or qualifications relevant to the job]. I am confident that they would be a valuable asset to your team and contribute significantly to [Company’s Name].

Please feel free to contact me at [your email] or [your phone number] if you have any further questions.

Writing a character reference letter might seem intimidating at first, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding way to support someone in their career journey. It should focus on the candidate’s best qualities, provide specific examples, and express genuine belief in their abilities.

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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

  • Last Updated On July 29, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

nuclear power essay ielts

The IELTS exam tests how well-versed you are in the English language. It consists of four papers: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Essay writing can be daunting if you’re not conversant in its framework and concept. This blog will assist you in writing Nuclear Power Essay IELTS and guide you on how to crack IELTS writing task 2.

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We’ll focus more on the nuclear power essay during this blog and walk you through the process. For guidance and reference on other topics and any other help regarding the IELTS exam, you can look through our website’s collection of blogs and obtain the assistance you need, including writing task 2 topics with answers .

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

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nuclear power essay ielts

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS Sample Answer

Nuclear power is a very debated topic in every convention and has always been questioned for the bad it does rather than its good. In my opinion, nuclear power needs to be used, and the user should also be controlled and hedged with renewable energy sources as they are the only viable solution. Nuclear plants currently provide 11% of the world’s electricity. With an ever-increasing demand for electricity being seen everywhere and the fossil fuels reducing each day, it is now more important than ever that major decisions should be made. In the upcoming decades, energy consumption will only increase and meet the rising demand; nuclear power plants will be required as they are the best source of traditional energy-producing sources. Although nuclear power plants are required, it is also necessary to gradually push renewable energy sources and promote them to create a sustainable future for future generations. Nuclear power plants’ waste disposal and radioactivity are the concerning factors that have been the hot topic of most debates at conventions and meetings. In addition to that, a single misuse of this tremendous power can result in the disruption of life for all mankind. Striking a balance between the two will be crucial in the coming time as global warming and the energy crisis are on a constant rise. If nothing is done in the near time, countries could get submerged underwater within the coming decades, and the entire world will have to fight for survival.

Writing Task 2

The writing section of the IELTS exam consists of two sections. Writing task 2 is an essay writing task that requires deep thinking and coherence. This task will be our focus for this blog, as the rules and guidelines of the IELTS exam can be confusing for students appearing for the first time. Writing task 2 has the subsequent guidelines:

  • The essay should have a minimum of 250 words. An essay written in less than 250 words will be penalised and negatively marked. There is no penalty for writing a longer essay, but it will cause you to stray off-topic and waste time.
  • 40 minutes is a good enough time to complete this task and will leave you with time to recheck your answer.
  • The essay’s contents should be written with perfect grammar and solely focused on the topic.
  • You can be penalised if you stray off-topic while writing your essay. All the sentences must be related and formed to provide a clear view and information.
  • The content must be well structured to fetch the best results and have proper cohesion between the sentences.
  • The tone of your answer must be academic or semi-formal and should discuss the given topic at length and focus on proper and sophisticated language.
  • Using bullet points and notes is not allowed in the IELTS exam . The real answer must be written together and broken into paragraphs to better examine your writing style and structure.


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Structure of Essay in Writing Task 2

The structure of the essay in writing task 2 is the base of your essay, and a clear idea of the structure will make it much easier for you to finish the essay on time. The structure of the essay can be broken down in the following way:

  • First Paragraph
  • Second Paragraph
  • Third Paragraph
  • Fourth Paragraph

The first paragraph of your essay should provide a small introduction to the topic and provide an opinion of yours about what side you are on about the topic. The first paragraph should be minimal and to the point. A clear and concise introduction leaves a good impression on the examiner. The second paragraph should begin with your stance on the topic. The first sentence should provide clarity on your stance. The second sentence should build on that idea and delve deeper into the specifics. The next sentences are suitable for providing an example and developing it in detail. You can make up research studies and quote them in your essay to support your point. At the end of the paragraph, end with a statement that sums up the overall idea of the paragraph and supports the idea you started with. The third paragraph is very similar in structure to the second paragraph. The main objective of this paragraph is to provide either the opposite view of the topic or discuss new ideas that touch on a different perspective of the topic but ultimately support your opinion. The structuring is the same as in the second paragraph, with minute changes. The fourth paragraph is the conclusion of your essay and, just like the introduction, should be minimal. Summing up your essay with a statement supporting your opinion and overall idea is best advised.

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS

Score well on IELTS Nuclear Essay by understanding the Writing task 2 structure above. Add Brownie points for writing answers with facts, examples and evidence. For more related content, head on to LeapScholar blogs. Avail of one-on-one guidance from India’s top IELTS educators from the Leap Scholar Premium course.

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Frequently asked questions, 1. what are the pros and cons of nuclear power.

Ans: Nuclear energy is a widely used method of production of electricity. The benefits of nuclear technology and the main advantages of nuclear power are: a. No production of harmful gases that cause air pollution b. Clean source of energy c. Low cost of fuel d. Long-life once constructed e. A massive amount of energy produced f. Unlike most energy production methods, nuclear energy does not contribute to the increase in global warming

Disadvantages: a. Very high cost of construction of the facility. b. Waste produced is very toxic and requires proper and safe disposal, which is costly. c. If any accident happens, it can have a major impact on everyone and can be devastating. d. Mining of uranium 235, which is nuclear fuel, is very expensive.

2. Does Japan have a plan for dealing with its own nuclear waste problem?

Ans: As per the latest news and research, Japan does not have a proper nuclear waste dumping structure even after the Fukushima disaster in 2011. The Fukushima disaster was caused by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 and caused meltdowns and hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor. It was the worst recorded nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Japan is said to have enough nuclear waste to create nuclear arsenals. In April 2021, Japan declared they would be dumping 1.2 million tonnes of nuclear waste into the sea. This is the same Japan that called the 1993 ocean dumping by Russia “extremely regrettable.” The discharges are bound to begin by 2023, and various legal proceedings and protests have been going on inside Japan against this inhuman decision that would destroy marine life.

3. How many countries have nuclear power plants?

Ans : Currently, 32 countries in the world possess nuclear power plants within their boundaries.

4. Why do people oppose nuclear power?

Ans: Opposition to nuclear power has been a long-standing issue. It is backed by a variety of reasons which are as follows:Nuclear waste is hard to dispose of, and improper disposal affects the radioactivity levels and can disrupt the normal life of people as well as animals. Nuclear technology is another concern of people as the usage of nuclear power plants leads to deeper research into the nuclear field. In today’s world, anything can be weaponised, and the threat of nuclear weapons is one of the drawbacks of nuclear power. This brings the threat of nuclear war and disruption of world peace. Any attack on nuclear power plants by terrorist organisations can result in a massive explosion that can disrupt and destroy human life and increase radioactivity to alarming levels around the site of the explosion.

5. What is the best way to dispose of nuclear waste?

Ans: Nuclear waste needs to be disposed of properly to prevent radioactive issues in the environment. The best methods to dispose of nuclear waste are as follows: a. Incineration : Radioactive waste can be incinerated in large scale incinerators with low production of waste. b. Deep burial: Nuclear waste can be buried deep into the ground as the radioactivity of nuclear waste wears off over time. This method is used for waste that is highly radioactive and will take a longer time to lose its radioactivity. c. Storage: Nuclear waste with low radioactivity is stored by some countries in storage. This is because their radioactive decay takes lesser time and can be disposed of safely once the radiation wears off.

6. Is it possible to produce electricity without using fossil fuels?

Ans: At the moment, 11% of the world’s electricity is produced by nuclear power plants alone. Replacing fossil fuel-based energy with renewable needs to be done gradually and properly. Renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind will have to be promoted and pushed to create a sustainable future. Renewable energy sources provide cheap energy, do not use up natural resources and fossil fuels and are much cheaper to construct than a nuclear power station.

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  • Describe something that you picked up that was thrown by someone else
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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

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  1. How to Reference in an Essay (9 Strategies of Top Students)

    9. Do one special edit especially for Referencing Style. The top students edit their essays three to five times spaced out over a week or more before submitting. One of those edits should be specifically for ensuring your reference list adheres to the referencing style that your teacher requires.

  2. How to Cite Sources

    To quote a source, copy a short piece of text word for word and put it inside quotation marks. To paraphrase a source, put the text into your own words. It's important that the paraphrase is not too close to the original wording. You can use the paraphrasing tool if you don't want to do this manually.

  3. How to Write an Academic Essay with References and Citations

    When learning how to write an academic essay with references, you must identify reliable sources that support your argument. As you read, think critically and evaluate sources for: Keep detailed notes on the sources so that you can easily find them again, if needed.

  4. A Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing

    When you cite a source with up to three authors, cite all authors' names. For four or more authors, list only the first name, followed by ' et al. ': Number of authors. In-text citation example. 1 author. (Davis, 2019) 2 authors. (Davis and Barrett, 2019) 3 authors.

  5. 4 Ways to Reference Essays

    4. Format the page. Double-space your document, and title the references page "References" at the top-center of the page. Put the page number all the way to the right, and a shortened version of the title of your paper all the way to the left in all capital letters.

  6. A Quick Guide to Referencing

    In-text citations are quick references to your sources. In Harvard referencing, you use the author's surname and the date of publication in brackets. Up to three authors are included in a Harvard in-text citation. If the source has more than three authors, include the first author followed by ' et al. '.

  7. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition)

    On the first line of the page, write the section label "References" (in bold and centered). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order. Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page: Double spacing (within and between references) Hanging indent of ½ inch.

  8. Mastering the Art of Reference Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

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  9. The Basics of In-Text Citation

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  10. APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

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  11. APA Referencing (7th Ed.) Quick Guide

    APA in-text citations The basics. In-text citations are brief references in the running text that direct readers to the reference entry at the end of the paper. You include them every time you quote or paraphrase someone else's ideas or words.. An APA in-text citation consists of the author's last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system).

  12. Academic Referencing

    You should write the surname (last name) first followed by any initials. If there are more than three authors then you can cite the first author and use the abbreviation 'et al', meaning 'and all'. Examples: For one, two or three authors: Jones A, Davies B, Jenkins C. For more than three authors. Jones A et al.

  13. References

    References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text. Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements with ease.

  14. How to Write a Reference List (or Bibliography) For an Essay

    An essay without a reference list is like a house without foundations - weak and unsupported! After all, the reference list is 'proof' that the books and journals you referred to in your essay do exist. In turn, this makes your essay seem more credible. But a reference list will only enhance your essay if it is accurate. That said, let ...

  15. How to Reference Your Essays & Reports Correctly Every Time

    One way to do this is to lead into the quotation or paraphrase by using the author's name (e.g. 'According to Lines,') followed by the quotation from Lines or a summary of Lines's ideas. Quotations must fit grammatically into your text. It is allowable to modify quotations slightly to ensure a good fit.

  16. APA In-Text Citations and Sample Essay 7th Edition

    In-text citations point the reader to the sources' information on the references page. The in-text citation typically includes the author's last name and the year of publication. If you use a direct quote, the page number is also provided. More information can be found on p. 253 of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American ...

  17. How to Reference in an Essay

    OSCOLA. Put a superscript (small) number after the closing punctuation of the sentence. Then, in the footnote at the bottom of the page, provide: Author's first name and surname, source title, (publisher, date), page number. If you are paraphrasing an author's idea (as opposed to quoting it) the page number is optional.

  18. Why and when to reference

    Referencing is an important part of academic work. It puts your work in context, demonstrates the breadth and depth of your research, and acknowledges other people's work. You should reference whenever you use someone else's idea. View video using Microsoft Stream(link opens in a new window, available for University members only) These ...

  19. How to Format an APA Reference Page

    Start the reference list on a new page. Place the title "References" in bold and center-aligned at the top of the page. Reference pages are double-spaced, both within the entries and between them. Each entry uses a hanging indent: The first line is not indented, but every line after the first is.

  20. Reference examples

    More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual.Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual.. To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of ...

  21. How to reference in a university essay

    Name of the author, usually formatted as Last name, First name or Last name, First initial. Date of publication. Title of the text, if you have used a journal then you need the title of the journal itself along with the page numbers as well as the title of the individual essay. If you have cited a website then you need to include the URL in ...

  22. APA format for academic papers and essays

    Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines: Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides. Double-space all text, including headings. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches. Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).

  23. How to Write References on Essays?

    Aside from following a specific format, you must have a clear structure to follow. When necessary, always write your references on a chronological order may it be based on the name of the author or the title of the essay or publication where you have referred to. You can also base it on the date of the reference's publication.

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    Below that, you can click References to see a list of citations within the document that Copilot used to generate this summary. Clicking a snippet of the cited text will show in the main window of ...

  25. How to cite ChatGPT

    The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large ...

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    Impactful character reference letters are ones that tell a story. If you're writing one, don't just spell out the person's virtues—showcase them with examples, putting positive traits in a real-world context. "Always be honest and avoid generic statements; personalized anecdotes make the letter more compelling," Clarke says.

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