Take Thesis lessons with a private tutor

🥇 personalized thesis classes 💻 8,901 thesis tutors available 💸 secured payment 🔒 verified reviews, the top thesis tutors near me.

  • 5 (15 reviews)

Proofread and correct your writing! i correct your written works (thesis, essays, all) and help you write in impeccable english.

  • 1 st lesson free
  • 5 (19 reviews)

Need help with your research? phd-holder guides you through every step of the way.

  • 5 (12 reviews)

Professor with a phd from yale in literature makes your essays and applications ivy league level

  • 5 (18 reviews)

Get critical support in structuring and writing your thesis or essay from university faculty and research supervisor. author of journal articles and papers in international conference proceedings.

  • 5 (9 reviews)
  • Experienced

I have taught college english, creative writing, and essay writing for more than ten years. writing is difficult, but you don't have to do it alone.

  • 5 (10 reviews)

I have a phd in machine learning for robotics at the university of illinois. i have been published 6 times in peer-reviewed academic journals in engineering and science. i have 8+ years tutoring stude

  • 5 (6 reviews)

Advance your academic journey with expert thesis writing and comprehensive dissertation proofreading. tailored for perfection, crafted for success

  • 5 (53 reviews)

Dissertation coach / data science specialist / psychometrics phd / published author in social/health sciences: advisory for your research work, paper, data analysis, or thesis/dissertation

  • 5 (5 reviews)

Researcher in social science with 12+ years of experience in supervising dissertations and theses

  • 5 (8 reviews)

Yale & oxford graduate with 6+ years of teaching experience offers college essay support

Dr. mahmoud

Research project design and thesis-dissertation preparation for bachelor final year research projects for biomedical, biological, scientific and medical students, master research projects and phd rese

Non-native english speaker give your research thesis/presentation/essay a perfect touch to accomplish your goal. with 12 years of experience in writing english research dissertations and presentat.

Our star teachers with a 5 star rating and more than 1,865 reviews.

The best prices: 95% of teachers offer their first lessons for free and the average lesson cost is $22/hr

Quick as lightning, our teachers usually respond in less than 3hrs

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Our former students review their Thesis tutors

Thesis tutor

Chelsea has been great and my kids loves her. She has shown Clear Communication, Motivation and Engagement, Patience and Empathy.

Ahmad , 1 day ago

Laura is super helpful! She gives amazing feedback and comments! Highly suggest!

Aneika , 6 days ago

Ruth really helped me with my Dissertation and also helped me gain confidence in myself and my work!

Jennifer , 2 weeks ago

Lori showcased an exceptional level of expertise and experience as a tutor. I genuinely appreciated her kindness and helpfulness throughout our sessions. I would highly recommend her services to anyone seeking assistance.

Megan , 2 weeks ago

I had a session with Sharon, and her support was invaluable. She is patient, nonjudgmental, has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and genuinely wants the best for her students. I really appreciated Sharon's time and words. I highly recommend her...

Skylar has had Mr Cooper as his ELA teacher and loved him. It will be to Skylar’s advantage that Mr Cooper knows Skylar’s work habits and can help Skylar improve on them. The only problem was the meeting on the computer(technical bugs we...

Christina , 2 weeks ago

The average price of Thesis  lessons is $22.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

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These reviews, which have been added directly from students and their experience with thesis tutor on our platform, serve as a guarantee to the seriousness of our teachers. Reviews obtain their value as they are validated by the community, highlighting the quality of teachers who benefit from positive feedback from their students.

From a sample of 1,865  tutors, students rated their private tutors 5 out 5.

If you have any issues or questions, our customer service team is available to help you.

You can view tutor ratings by consulting the reviews page.

8,901 tutors are currently available to give Thesis lessons near you.

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

Find your tutor from among 8,901 profiles.

On Superprof, many of our Thesis tutors offer online classes.

To find online lessons, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject. 

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✅ Average price :$22/h
✅ Average response time :3h
✅ Tutors available :8,901
✅ Lesson format :Face-to-face or online

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Test prep and homework help from private online Dissertation tutors

Our online Dissertation tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.

Top 35 online Dissertation tutors

Sydney's photo

2 years of tutoring

Richmond , United States

USD $ 18 /hr

Virginia Commonwealth University , Brightpoint Community College

Experienced academic writing tutor

Need help with an upcoming essay? Can't think of a topic, or having trouble developing a thesis? I love helping with editing, formatting, ensuring that bibliographies/works cited are done right, and everything else that comes along with academic writing. My students always leave in a better place than they started. Whether you are an advanced writer looking for a second opinion, or staring at a blank Word doc in frustration, let me help you! :)

Subjects : College Essays, Creative Writing, Dissertation, English, Essay Writing, Proofreading, Psychology, Reading, Reading Literacy, Sewing, Writing, crocheting

Danisha's photo

1 year of tutoring

Euless , United States

USD $ 55 /hr

Walden University , Walden University , Texas Woman's University

Ph.D. Writing Tutor Specializing in Dissertation and Research

I'm Dr. Danisha T., and I love helping graduate students write papers. I have written many in my college career, from capstone to dissertation and everything in between. I have learned how to make the writing process enjoyable and received A's on over 99% of my papers. I was the editor and proofreader for all my group projects in grad school. My classmates were impressed that I could combine multiple writing styles and create a singular paper with one voice. I believe that is one of the challenges many students face; creating work that reflects their voice and having a personal writing process. Understanding what you need to do and at what point can be challenging regarding the dissertation project. I believe I can help students write their academic (i.e., dissertation, research) papers because of what I learned personally, and I have also helped others during this arduous process. I have a master's degree in psychology that focuses on crisis management and response. I also have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with close to 3000 hours of clinical practice. I'm also a Registered Nurse with over six years of work in psychiatry/psychology. Also, I have over a decade of writing, editing, and proofreading experience. I have written research papers, a capstone, and a dissertation; thus, I understand the challenges of picking a topic and finding the gap. I would love to work with you. I've been where you are, and I can tell you personally that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can do this! You can reach your academic and professional goals with hard work, dedication, and a little guidance. You will succeed. I am rooting for you, and I can help you. So, contact me now, and let's get you out of grad school!

Subjects : Business Coach, Career Coach, Editing, Essay Writing, Life Coaching, Mental Health, Personal and Professional Development, Professional Development, Proofreading, Psychology, Public Speaking, Religious Studies, Scientific Writing, Writing, research papers

Jeanne's photo

6 years of tutoring

Buttercrambe , United Kingdom

CAD $ 20 /hr

University of York , University of York , University of Huddersfield

Essay and dissertation writing assistance, academic skills coaching, proof reading.

Academic assistance up to and including undergraduate, support and encouragement along with revision and study techniques. Paper/essay writing, preparation and planning, reading and academic language guidance.

Subjects : College Essays, Dissertation, Human Resources, University Application Prep

Charles's photo

10 years of tutoring

English , Swahili

Nairobi , Kenya

USD $ 20 /hr

Mt Kenya University

Adept, proficient, authentic, and dynamic essay and dissertation tutor.

Hi, my name is Charles, I am a proficient essay and dissertation tutor with tremendous experience of over 10 years. During this time, I had the opportunity to tutor various clients with their essays, assignments and dissertations. The tutoring profession allows me to learn beyond my talents and skills to serve those in need. I offer the best tutoring services by exceeding customer expectations. When a customer consults me for education services, I usually check the instructions to acquaint myself with the work's requirements and ensure that I can assist sufficiently. I only coach when I know I have the expertise. My experience allows me to tutor at various academic levels, including doctoral, master's, bachelor's, and high school levels. My tutoring services comprise: - Draft development consultations - Giving directions on how to develop the best outline, thesis, or report - Informing customers how to ensure vocabulary enrichment - Tutoring on how to access quality academic sources and development of annotated bibliographies - Coaching on how to develop remarkable PPTs and brochures - Tutoring customers on how to do exemplary article and book reviews.

Subjects : ACT English, ACT Math, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP US Government, AP US History, Accounting, Anthropology, Auditing, Biology, Business, Communication, Political Science, Psychology

Sarah's photo

40 years of tutoring

Panamá , Panama

USD $ 40 /hr

Walden University

The stats whisperer and lover of math

I love mathematics and have been teaching algebra, calculus, and statistics at the post secondary level for eons! I teach both online and face to face classes. I am a research methodologist for an American university. I can help with your dissertation analysis at masters and doctoral level. I am an expert in SPSS.

Subjects : AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Calculus, Data Analysis, Discrete Math, Dissertation, IB Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Linear Programming, Pre-Calculus, Quantitative Methods, SAT, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistics

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Success stories

Revolutionizing education with the power of online tutoring

“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.” — Sasha

Best online tutor

“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.” — Jessica

Best online tutor

“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.” — Lateefah

Best online tutor

“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.” — Rajasiva

Best online tutor

“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.” — Erin

Best online tutor

“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.” — Jada

Best online tutor

“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.” — Sam

Best online tutor

“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.” — Stephanie

Best online tutor

“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.” — Abigail

Best online tutor

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essay, thesis, and Dissertation Tutors

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Tell us what you’re working on, and we’ll connect you with an expert Essay, Thesis, Dissertation or Admissions Tutor who can help. From Law, Nursing and Statistics to English, Social Sciences, Admissions, and Career Support. Find by Subject, Location, Experience, Availability, and More!

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Hire an Essay, Thesis or Dissertation tutor 24/7 in 40+ subjects including Law, Business and Nursing. Our tutors help thousands of students get better grades every day. Get an expert tutor now.

Our service gathers a great list of the best Essay, Thesis, and Dissertation tutors who are experts in their respective domains. Get fast, clear, detailed and high quality solutions for your homework and assignments

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Hire in under 5 minutes. Whether you need an essay, research paper, or dissertation, our professional tutors can help you perfect your next paper. Also, our tutors can rewrite and edit your papers.

A Level Above

Every single tutors in our global network embodies the highest levels of expertise, integrity, and professionalism.

Every Grade and Skill Level

Our tutors cover cover essay-writing from elementary school through the introductory undergraduate level (including college admissions essays).

At ETD Tutors, you work one-to-one with an essay, thesis, and or dissertation-writing tutor on whatever you need help with. Our tutors will help you understand what makes a great essay, and how you can create one-whether you’re working on an argumentative essay, research paper, book report, thesis, dissertation, or creative writing assignment.

tutor for dissertation

essay writing tutors

Get help brainstorming ideas, writing essays, and more from an essay writing tutor online. Our essay writing tutors can help you write any kind of essay, brainstorm ideas for a term paper or put the finishing touches on your draft.  

Thesis Writing Tutors

Ask us your Thesis writing questions, and we’ll pair you with the right Thesis writing tutor – from literature critics and Law professors to the human version of spellcheck. Day or night, our thesis writing tutors are here to help. Within minutes, we’ll introduce you to the right tutor for your thesis. Average time to match is under 5 minutes.

tutor for dissertation

Dissertation Writing Tutors

Our highly qualified dissertation tutors can help you craft a completely custom, engaging, and interesting dissertation based on whatever title or proposal you can come up with. Just tell us if you require a full dissertation or part of one, and which chapters you need help with.

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Online writing help.

Tell us what you’re working on, and we’ll connect you with a writing expert who can help. Our online tutors are available anytime, anywhere.

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Ask us your writing questions, and we'll pair you with the right tutors; from literature critics and Law professors to the human version of spellcheck. Day or night, we’re here to help.

Raise Your Grades

96% of students say they improved their grades with ETD tutors. With on-demand essay, thesis, and dissertation writing help, you’re able to improve your essays on the go.

Writing Help 24/7

Get help brainstorming ideas, writing essays, and more from an essay writing tutor online. Our tutors can help you write a book report, brainstorm ideas for a term paper or put the finishing touches on a college admissions essay

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The Best Online Dissertations Tutors

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Tutors that can help will bid on your job. This means you get matched quickly with top tutors at the best price.

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Compare profiles and hourly rates to find your favourites. Communicate via messenger, phone or video calls.

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Flexible scheduling. All classes are recorded so you can watch them back. Payments are handled by Stripe.

Professional Online Dissertations Tutors

All of our high quality online dissertations tutors are interviewed and background-checked before tutoring on Spires.

professional online Dissertations tutor Alexandra

Certified Professor in Academic Research and Writing

professional online Dissertations tutor Dr. Johan

Dr. Johan is a professional academic and business consultant based in Scotland. He is also the founder of Vox Solo a think tank based in Glasgow.

professional online Dissertations tutor Amy

Hello! I am a Cambridge-educated tutor with years of experience in assisting students with academic work, in a variety of subjects, especially Psychology, Sociology, Education, Media and Research Methods - from undergraduate to Doctorate level. I am flexible, dedicated and personal in my approach, have an excellent eye for detail and criticality and happy to provide structuring, editing, proofreading and feedback services.

professional online Dissertations tutor Deirdre

Anthropology PhD and University Lecturer

professional online Dissertations tutor Dr Jacqueline

Experienced senior academic, Author, Education Consultant, Chartered People Manager, Qualitative Researcher and business founder, with PhD in Knowledge Management and MSc in Management with Distinction.

professional online Dissertations tutor Yannis

Experienced tutor in International Relations, Political Science, and International Political Economy. I also teach courses on Qualitative Research Methods and Academic Writing.

professional online Dissertations tutor Liezel

I am a quantitative researcher with more than 30 years experience, who specializes in statistics and research methodology. I hold a PhD and am a registered research psychologist. I was a lecturer for many years in research methodology and statistics for the social sciences, as well as psychometrics. I am also an SPSS trainer and tutor SPSS from introductory to advanced topics.

professional online Dissertations tutor anissa

Anissa is a Dr in International Relations (LSE) and an experienced academic, teacher, researcher, and editor with a background in academia and journalism

professional online Dissertations tutor Ruwayda

I have 22 years of teaching experience in 2 universities. I can teach computer and Statistics courses. I have a very good experience in SPSS / Jamovi / Jasp / Stata to help you in your statistics courses and in your research. I am very patient, dedicated, and ready to assist you in understanding key concepts.

professional online Dissertations tutor Frederico

I have 26 years of experience in tutoring and supporting learners to achieve their goals. I have a strong knowledge of excellent academic practice, developing your understanding of the arguments, and sharpening your subject comprehension, critical thinking, and essay writing skills for examination and assessment. I convert complicated theories and paradigms into straightforward ideas, with practical worth, and impart useful advice to my clients. I tutor KS3, GCSE/IGCSE, A-Level/IAL-Level, AP, CAIE/CIE, EPQ, IB, IPQ, PRE-U, and SQA Learners, Undergraduate, Postgraduate/Doctoral Students, Oxbridge Entrance/UCAS Personal Statement Applicants, and US Common App/Ivy Applicants, College Essay Students, and Professional Clients.

professional online Dissertations tutor Alexander

I'm a current Ph.D. student investigating the neural underpinnings of depression and anxiety, and how certain interventions effect them. I love the field and want to help you hone your strengths and love the subject of psychology and the wider sciences!

Recent Dissertations Tutor Class Reviews

Recent dissertations tutor class reviews from our students.

StudentProfessional TutorDateSubjectLevelRatingComment
17th May 2024DissertationsUniversity Very helpful and informative
13th May 2024DissertationsUniversity I enjoyed my tutoring sessions with Ruwayda. They were instrumental in addressing the gaps in my research paper, particularly in enhancing the results and discussion sections. Her logical approach enabled me to structure my thoughts more coherently, improving the overall readability of my paper. Her guidance has significantly boosted my confidence in my work. I sincerely appreciate her insightful feedback.
12th May 2024DissertationsUniversity Ruwayda is an excellent tutor. Her method of questioning is what I would expect from a VIVA examiner. It helped me to critically evaluate my work and anticipate challenging questions, preparing me for the rigorous defense process. This experience has not only honed my ability to think on my feet but has also deepened my understanding of my research topic.
11th May 2024DissertationsUniversity Ruwayd's feedback helped me to delineate the results and discussion sections of my research paper. It brought clarity to my paper with an organized structure. This showed me that Ruwayda possesses a keen understanding of how to effectively communicate complex ideas, making them accessible and logically sequenced for the reader.
9th May 2024DissertationsUniversity I enjoyed my initial meeting with Ruwayda. She asked about my research aims and questions to deepen her understanding of the information I shared in my Results Chapter for her feedback. This showed me that she was truly interested in helping me refine and deepen my analysis, which is essential for the integrity of my work. Ruwayda also suggested how I could strengthen my study's findings despite a small sample size. Her suggestion of using Probability in SPSS, in addition to my frequency count/descriptive statistics, told me that she was committed to ensuring that my conclusions were robust and statistically sound.
28th April 2024DissertationsUniversity my hero!
10th April 2024DissertationsUniversity thank you for great catch up as always.
7th April 2024DissertationsUniversity fabulous and helpful meeting as always
12th March 2024DissertationsPostgraduate I was hoping to finish formulating the research questions in this lesson, but perhaps in the next lesson.
22nd February 2024DissertationsDissertations Dr Ben is so lovely and approachable. He really helps to break things down for you in a way to help your understanding. Would recommend him to anyone doing a Neuroscience degree!

Pricing Per Hour

Spires is a marketplace. tutors will bid on your job. their prices will depend on your needs and their expertise..

Primary & Secondary

From €25 /hr.

Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Admissions

From €35 /hr.


Chartered Qualifications

From €45 /hr.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Dissertations Tutors at Spires Online Tutors

What qualifications do your dissertation tutors have.

Our dissertation tutors have distinguished qualifications that set the standard for excellence in dissertation tutoring. Each of our dissertation tutors holds advanced academic credentials, including master’s and PhD degrees in diverse fields. These tutors offer years of significant academic and research experience, elevating the university-level educational standards they uphold. They have a proven track record and tutoring experience with dissertation help.

How Can a Dissertation Tutor Assist Me?

A highly experienced tutor will be able to help you feel more comfortable with your subject area and answer any questions you might have. It can also provide a different perspective than simply reading on the internet. They’re typically very knowledgeable, especially when it comes to academic subjects, for example, History or Economics because they’re in frequent contact with other students in these fields.

How Does Spires’ Dissertation Tutors Work?

You can find a professional tutor in four easy steps: Use the Find A Tutor feature to create a post outlining your needs and requirements. You can choose from subject, level, price, and expertise. Find your perfect tutor from our wide variety of skilled professors and educators. After you filter your search results using the Find A Tutor feature, you can choose to “view profile” of the best choices for your needs. You can then see reviews and star rating, including total hours taught for Spires and the price per hr. Have your face-to-face class. This can be done whenever and wherever you are. It’s all online—neither you nor the tutor travels! Replay the classes afterward for any missed information at your own pace and convenience. Private help is that easy!

What Is the Hourly Rate for Dissertation Tutors?

If you’re considering the assistance of a dissertation tutor in London, you might be wondering about the cost. The average hourly rate for our tutors is £40/$53/€45, a reflection of their expertise, experience, and dedication to facilitating your academic journey. Keep in mind that this rate is influenced by factors such as the tutor’s level of experience and the complexity of the subject matter. London’s higher living costs contribute to this pricing, ensuring that you receive top-notch guidance from professionals who understand the demands of both academia and city life.

Can I choose tutors who specialise in a specific area of research?

Absolutely, we recognise that students pursuing dissertations have diverse educational requirements. We offer an array of tutors with specialised knowledge in various fields such as social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Feel free to examine each tutor’s profile to find a match for your academic needs.

Can Dissertation Classes Be Provided Across All Subjects by Expert Tutors?

Absolutely, dissertation tutoring can span a wide variety of subjects. Whether you’re delving into a history dissertation, focusing on economics, or exploring any other subject, the diversity of dissertation tutors available makes it simple to find the right match tutor. Dissertation tutoring isn’t just limited to common subjects; there’s a broad range of specialisations and expertise in our database. Use the filter options to find dissertation tutors who align with your specific academic needs. You can browse through available candidates and read their profiles and reviews for further guidance.

How Can a Tutor Provide Help and Guidance for My Thesis?

Crafting a compelling thesis is critical in any dissertation work. Dissertation tutors can assist in focusing your research questions, developing a methodological approach, and providing constructive criticism. Whether it’s help with writing or structuring your thesis, dissertation tutors offer expert guidance to refine your ideas into a cohesive and compelling argument. They can also review your drafts to ensure they meet the highest academic standards.

How Can a Spires Dissertation Tutoring Help Prepare for Viva Voce?

The Viva Voce, an oral examination where you’ll defend your dissertation, can be intimidating. Our expert dissertation tutors can help prepare you for this. They’ll conduct mock interviews, offer feedback on your responses, and guide you on how to best present your dissertation. With their experience, dissertation tutors can provide insight into what questions are likely to be asked and how best to answer them, ensuring that you go into your Viva Voce as prepared as possible.

Can I request additional resources or materials from dissertations tutors?

Absolutely. Our private dissertation tutors are enthusiastic about supplementing your dissertations learning with additional resources tailored to your dissertations course objectives. This could range from recommended dissertations readings to specialised dissertations practice exercises and other dissertations study materials. All these resources are aimed to deepen your dissertations knowledge and are consistent with the academic level you are studying dissertations at in university. Rest assured, our tutors are committed to enriching your learning experience.

Are tutors available to help with specific aspects in my dissertation?

Absolutely. Our dissertation tutors are highly skilled and have years’ experience in providing targeted assistance for various aspects of dissertation. These range from research methods to statistical analyses, literature reviews and even writing assistance to help you write your dissertation, meeting the highest standards of academic excellence and success. Our tutors ensure that students achieve their academic goals.

How Much Do Dissertation Tutoring Sessions Cost?

The cost of dissertation tutoring sessions varies depending on the tutor’s qualifications, experience, and the complexity of your dissertation topic. Our dissertation tutors are highly qualified, often holding advanced degrees and having extensive experience in guiding students through the dissertation process. Each tutor sets their own competitive rates, which reflect their level of expertise and the quality of support they provide.

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Dissertations Tutoring Locations

Spires online Dissertations tutors are available in many cities:

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Award-Winning Thesis Writing Tutors

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My son was failing Algebra on all levels. He began working with one of the VT 1-on-1 tutors a month ago. He now has an overall grade of 91%!
Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

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We've had the BEST experience with VT! Our tutor has helped my middle schoolers math grades come up from a D to an A for our 8th grader and from a D to a B for my 6th grader. I'm beyond pleased with how she connected with my boys.

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.

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Top Thesis Writing Tutors

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Eric

...learning and I love travel. I have taught or studied on every continent except Antarctica! I grew up in Colombia in a multilingual setting. My father introduced me to Latin at the age of eight and I was hooked. I earned my BA in classics at Oxford University and my PhD at the University of... Read more

Can also tutor: English Grammar and Syntax , Middle School English , Reading and 67 more subjects.

  • University of Oxford - Bachelor in Arts, Classics
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Doctor of Philosophy, Classics

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Kalee

...an alumna from the University of Washington with a degree in English Language and Literature. I have 10+ years of tutoring experience ranging from elementary students to undergraduate seniors. Additionally, I am a published writer and have worked for multiple literary magazines. I am skilled in writing, reading, editing, research, prose, language acquisition, and literary... Read more

Can also tutor: High School English , Literature , Spelling Bee and 56 more subjects.

  • University of Washington-Seattle Campus - Bachelor in Arts, English

Test Scores

  • ACT English: 33

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Anika

...tutoring, writing of any kind is my jamapplication materials, personal statements, resumes, essays, research papers, literature reviews, etc. I love working one on one with writers to help them achieve their goals and to equip them with principles and tools so that after they leave a tutoring session with me, they feel more confident in... Read more

Can also tutor: High School English , Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class , College English and 11 more subjects.

  • Brigham Young University-Provo - Bachelor in Arts, English
  • Brigham Young University-Provo - Master of Arts, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Daniel

...currently enrolled in UT, at Dallas as a Computer Engineer major. I've spent tons of time tutoring friends, and I'm very much looking forward to tutoring new students. I love teaching physics more than anything because it's very conceptual, and finding new ways to make it make sense to others like it does to me... Read more

Can also tutor: Middle School English , Writing , Algebra and 22 more subjects.

  • The Texas AM University System Office - Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering, General

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Juliana

...Cum Laude from the University of Notre Dame with a BA in the Program of Liberal Studies. After graduation, I worked as a teacher at a high adventure outdoor boarding school, where I taught middle school social studies, english, and math. I also worked for the Institute of Reading Development, teaching reading classes to students... Read more

Can also tutor: English Grammar and Syntax , College English , Public Speaking and 73 more subjects.

  • University of Notre Dame - Bachelor in Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • The University of Alabama - Master of Science, Library and Information Science

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Harrison

...absolutely critical to building a strong foundation for future learning. That's why I go to the effort to include background information and explain the lower levels of abstraction that so often make the difference between memorizing *facts* and learning *skills.* This focused approach enabled me to place in the 99th percentile nationwide on the PSAT... Read more

Can also tutor: Literature , College English , Elementary School English and 117 more subjects.

  • University of Central Florida - Bachelor of Science, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General
  • ACT Composite: 35
  • ACT English: 36
  • ACT Math: 35

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Atarah

...special needs and various learning abilities, students with language and cultural differences, students with little to no computer skills and non-traditional students, many of whom are the ages 40 and up. I have also serviced students from the grammar school level to the collegiate level. Students are very comfortable working with me and appreciate my... Read more

Can also tutor: Reading , Poetry , Adult Literacy and 146 more subjects.

  • Chicago State University - Bachelors, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Kathleen

...currently a third-year senior at Michigan State University. In May 2021, I'll graduate with a double major in International Relations and French, and most (if not all) of my university work revolves around international political theory and language learning. I'm currently working on a year-long thesis on UN Peacekeeping and international mediation efforts, in addition... Read more

Can also tutor: Writing , Languages , French 4 and 17 more subjects.

  • Michigan State University - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Anna

...graduate school from my experience as a research assistant and through working with peers on our various writing requirements. Since I left school, I have spent time traveling and volunteering for social and environmental justice groups and also working various jobs as needed. After the pandemic began, I have turned my focus back to academics... Read more

Can also tutor: Literature , Reading , College English and 44 more subjects.

  • University of Southern Mississippi - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General
  • University of Southern Mississippi - Master of Arts, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named David

...candid in all of my interactions, no matter what the race, age, sex, gender identity, sexuality, health status, etc., of the person I am speaking with. I believe that those differences are all ultimately superficial, and that we as human beings are at our best when we are celebrating the very best accomplishments our species... Read more

Can also tutor: Literature , College English , GRE Subject Test in Psychology and 40 more subjects.

  • University of Missouri-St Louis - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology
  • University of Nebraska at Omaha - Master of Arts, Psychology
  • GRE Verbal: 164

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Melissa

...that learning happens everyday. Presently, I am studying to obtain a Master of Business Administration degree. I received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from Texas A&M-Kingsville. I have obtained an Associates of Applied Science degree in Administrative Computer Technology. I have mentored others. My favorite subjects to tutor would be English, Reading... Read more

Can also tutor: Adult Literacy , Elementary School English , Adult ESL/ELL and 55 more subjects.

  • Texas A & M University-Kingsville - Bachelor in Business Administration, Accounting

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Matt

...writing instructor, I believe that my job is not to "tell students what to do," but rather to coach and develop, to ask questions and give feedback as needed. In my experience, students who are open to this feedback--and show an eagerness to grow--are the most rewarding to work with. I believe that written communication... Read more

Can also tutor: English Grammar and Syntax , ESL/ELL , Adult ESL/ELL and 7 more subjects.

  • Concordia College at Moorhead - Bachelor in Arts, English Composition
  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities - Masters in Education, Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • ACT Composite: 31
  • ACT English: 35
  • ACT Math: 32

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Nicholas

...a senior at Binghamton University studying English. I have gained experience tutoring through my time with the Student Athlete Academic Success Center on campus. I mainly tutor writing and English, but I will occasionally tutor algebra or history as well. My favorite subject to teach is essay building because, in my opinion, it is more... Read more

Can also tutor: Literature , Reading , Middle School English and 34 more subjects.

  • SUNY at Binghamton - Bachelor in Arts, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Tyler

...an instructor and researcher at UNC Greensboro with five years of teaching and tutoring experience. The majority of my teaching and tutoring experience is in earth and environmental sciences and statistics. My teaching philosophy is meeting the student where their current knowledge is at and tailoring the material to fit their specific needs. I incorporate... Read more

Can also tutor: Writing , High School Geography , Statistics Graduate Level and 21 more subjects.

  • The University of West Florida - Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science
  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Master of Science, Geography
  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Doctor of Philosophy, Geography

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Anne

...a graduate of the University of Rochester where I received a Ph.D. in English, with a focus on American Literature. Since graduation, I have taught numerous college introductory and upper-level literature classes as well as basic and advanced writing classes. My tutoring fields cover a wide range of subjects, but I am most passionate about... Read more

Can also tutor: High School English , College English , English Grammar and Syntax and 10 more subjects.

  • Goucher College - Bachelor in Arts, English
  • University of Rochester - Doctor of Philosophy, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named David

...a PhD student in Psychology at Fordham University. My areas of expertise are Psychology, Mental Health, Research, and Writing. I have a master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, a bachelor's degree in Finance from Penn State University, and experience working on Wall Street (investment management) as well as teaching English. As a tutor... Read more

Can also tutor: Writing , ESL/ELL , English and 23 more subjects.

  • Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Finance
  • Teachers College at Columbia University - Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology
  • GRE Quantitative: 165

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Darnell

I am a graduating senior at Yale University studying political science. I hope to be able to use my expertise in many areas, as well as positive attitude and great communication skills to be an effective tutor. I love to mentor others and help younger students suceed! Read more

Can also tutor: Reading , Writing , High School English and 25 more subjects.

  • Yale University - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government
  • SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1470
  • SAT Math: 730
  • SAT Verbal: 740

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Tolu

...team to work directly with high school students in Vietnam to teach a seminar on mythology. I have extensive experience working with children, which has helped me develop soft skills such as patience, thorough explanation, problem resolution, and communication. Since June, I have taught English to high school students from Eastern Europe, which has been... Read more

Can also tutor: Spelling Bee , Writing , College English and 61 more subjects.

  • Harvard University - Bachelor in Arts, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Online Thesis Writing tutor named Hannah

...spread of topics, which includes writing and literary conventions, essay organization, study tactics, and reading comprehension, among a number of others. My favorite of these subjects to tutor is writing; helping someone to see the subject I love most from a new point of view is one of the most rewarding aspects of being an... Read more

Can also tutor: Reading , Adult Literacy , Writing and 21 more subjects.

  • St John Fisher College - Bachelor in Arts, English

Online Thesis Writing tutor named David

...so it is something of a preparation for my future career. I also love tutoring for its own sake: for me, it is a genuine joy to help a student develop their cognitive and creative capacities. The ultimate goal of all my tutoring is not merely to help students succeed in an area they might... Read more

Can also tutor: College English , Literature , Reading and 59 more subjects.

  • Reed College - Bachelor of Philosophy, Philosophy
  • SAT Verbal: 770

Private Thesis Writing Tutoring

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best Thesis Writing tutors work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored Thesis Writing lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Thesis writing is an important topic for your high school child to learn. A thesis is an expository piece that they typically will have to write in college. Writing a thesis calls for necessary preparation, such as research on the issues and concepts surrounding your chosen topic. Your child may need to defend a position on an issue or perform experiments to collect evidence about a claim. They can use thesis writing tutoring to get the insight of a writing professional on your efforts. Varsity Tutors can help you connect with a thesis writing tutor who can keep your child engaged as they work.

Thesis writing tutoring can help your child work on the skills they need to do well, such as:

  • Developing a clear argument
  • Choosing a thesis topic
  • Identifying relevant keywords for research purposes
  • Thesis structure

Perhaps your high school child needs some guidance in choosing a solid subject for their thesis. Maybe they've written their first draft and need a fresh pair of eyes to help during the editing process. They can work alongside their thesis writing tutor to find solid keywords that can make their research sessions more effective, especially when searching online. Your child's tutor can offer resources that can help them identify such keywords, as well as brainstorm potential sources. High school thesis writing tutoring can give your child additional time to practice their abilities. They can even provide instant feedback as they work to prevent future issues. Your child can ask questions as soon as they come up without worrying about disrupting their study session.

Your child's private tutor can provide a variety of opportunities to practice their thesis writing skills. They may have your child write essays about their favorite activities to familiarize themselves with the format and structure of a typical thesis. Your child may engage in debates with their tutor about current events that interest them after spending some time conducting independent research. They may offer suggestions and strategies that can help them feel prepared for writing their thesis or provide access to research tools and journals.

If you found this page while searching for "thesis writing tutoring near me," you've found a solution to your child's needs. Varsity Tutors can help you connect with thesis writing tutoring options that can work with your schedule. You can choose to have online tutoring sessions via the Live Learning Platform. Call today!

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

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Dissertation Tutors

tutor for dissertation

Our tutors from UCL , Cambridge, Oxford, and St. Andrews , to name a few, can help you with your University UG or PG dissertations, long essays, case studies, research projects, assignments, theses and research proposals.

To avoid conflict of interest, tutors from your university will not be contacted., our dissertation tutors are uk university lecturers, examiners, academics and certified professionals who teach, mark and supervise ug, pg and phd students..

The major subject areas our Dissertation Tutors offer help with are listed below.

The FAQs below will give you a clearer idea about the support provided by our tutors, the costs, timelines and our student results so far.

Yes they are. All our tutors are UK University lecturers, examiners and academics. They teach, mark and supervise UG, PG and PhD students and hence are experts in all major areas within the subject. They are currently helping students in all major areas within this subject. These include areas currently taught and researched in the UK, in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia. In between them, our 1000+ tutors teach more than 50,000 areas of study within the major subjects taught internationally. So, we are quite certain our tutors can definitely help you. The quickest way to enquire is to ‘request a tutor’ using the link below. Please provide us as much details as possible regarding your requirements and deadlines.

The kind of guidance you will receive from our tutors will be second to none. Their guidance is structured around your needs and deadlines. The quality of their guidance is always better than what you could have received from your University lecturers on a 1-2-1 basis. All tutors offer a FREE consultation with students before starting the paid hours. They only offer help within the ethical guidance of Universities. Tutors offer tailored help, assistance and guidance for relevant requests, as below. Exams . Our tutors clarify topics and help revise, provide model answers and suggestions. They also mark practice questions, help structure answers, and select questions strategically to score more. Coursework/essays. Tutors help build your theoretical understanding necessary to complete course work and essays. They also review the work and suggest improvements. Additionally, they can also recommend resources, methodologies, references and relevant examples to help you complete the work. Proposals, dissertation and theses. Our tutors use a customised approach to help students with all three. For proposals, tutors help you draft your proposal and review it for improvements in line with your requirements. All relevant resources, publications and reviews will also be recommended for you. For dissertations and theses, tutors help you with the entire process from start to end or just with necessary tasks. They help you with planning your research, literature review, the hypothesis, and even planning data collection or experiments. They guide you with the data analysis to draw conclusions and inferences. Additionally, they also review your draft, check the methodology and proof check to recommend changes. All these can improve the structure and content of the dissertation in line with the marking criteria. Project work. For project work and allied assignments, tutors help students stay on course with the aims and objectives of the work. They help set a project plan, assist with research and resources, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results and drawing inferences. Presentations. Our tutors help students create a crisp and effective presentation to help meet the marking criteria. Tutors help identify resources, structure the content and optimise the messaging and infographics or charts. Finally, they review the presentation and provide feedback for improvements. Viva voce. Tutors run mock viva sessions to identify all possible questions that can be asked, help identify gaps and prepare you likewise. They prepare you to defend arguments with results, inferences and references. Most importantly, they provide an examiner’s perspective to what is expected from students for you to excel in your viva. Additionally, they can also help you with potential corrections post-viva. UCAS/PG University application. Tutors can help you shortlist and prioritise universities to apply. They help you with every step of the application procedure. Tutors can help to structure and develop the statement of purpose (SOP), review the SOP and suggest improvements. Moreover, they also share their experience as interviewers to prepare you with mock interviews, identifying likely questions and the best responses to them. Professional accounting exams (ACCA,ACA, CIMA, AAT) and entrance tests (UCAT/BMAT, STEP/MAT, HAT, LNAT). Tutors will prepare you with mock tests, develop your theoretical understanding and share tips to identify patterns in the questions. Additionally, they provide model answers, mark mock papers to help improve technique and focus on areas to improve. To enquire how our tutors can help you in more details, request a tutor using the link below. Please provide us as much details as possible regarding your requirements and deadlines to arrange a free consultation with a best match tutor ASAP.

Since 2006, 85% of UG and PG students have achieved a distinction or 1st. Similarly, all PhD transfer students have very successfully transitioned from MPhil to PhD. Final stage PhDs have successfully concluded their research, completed their theses and defended them in vivas. Surely, all these would not have been possible without the hard work and the diligence of the students. Importantly, all successful students follow the best quality ethical guidance offered by our experienced tutors and work hard to achieve exceptional results. So, it is important to understand that with the right attitude to work hard and work smart you too can succeed. Under the guidance of our subject area experts there is nothing stopping you to get the best results for your exams, assignments, coursework, thesis or viva voce. Contact us and request a tutor using the link below. Please provide us as much details as possible regarding your requirements and deadlines to arrange a free consultation with a best match tutor ASAP. No results are guaranteed by the company or the tutors in line with Universities’ ethical guidelines. Good results are the outcome of the hard work of our diligent students.

The hourly rates for tutors vary and depend on the level of your study, which start from £55/hr. Please note that generous discounts are available for block bookings of hours. A one-off registration fee of £50 is payable when new students register with us. Contact us and request a tutor using the link below and provide us as much details as possible regarding your requirements and deadlines to receive precise quotes.

We can match you with a best match tutor anytime between 24 hrs to 3 working days. A best match tutor is assigned to you anytime within 3 working days from the time your request is accepted and you are registered as a client. However, you can request for a 24 hrs turnaround in an urgency. Additional fees for such services are applicable. Expedited matching services are discretionary and are offered only on a need-based basis. If you have an urgent requirement, please contact us and request a tutor ASAP using the link below. Please remember to provide us as much details as possible regarding your requirements and deadlines.

You are welcome to contact us and enquire more about the services or any other specific query you may have by filling in a request for a tutor form or calling us on 02036171755 .

Our Tutors teach all major specialties listed below. This is not an exhaustive list, so, if your subject is not here, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
  • Agriculture & Forestry
  • American Studies
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Art & Design: Ceramics, Design, Drawing, Fashion, Painting, Sculpture
  • Aural & Oral Sciences
  • Advertising
  • American Literature
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology: Anatomy, Botany, Biotechnology, Genetics, Human, Immunology, Microbiology, Physiology, Zoology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Business Studies
  • Building and technology
  • Business & Management Studies
  • Celtic Studies
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Child Development
  • Citizenship
  • Civil Engineering
  • Classical Civilisation
  • Classics & Ancient History
  • Communication & Media Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Studies and programming
  • Counselling
  • Creative Writing
  • Criminology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Defense Studies
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama: Theatre Studies & Acting
  • East & South Asian Studies
  • Economics (Macro, Micro and Econometrics)
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • English: Creative Writing, Language, Literature, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English as a Second Language (ESL), Writing
  • Environmental Studies
  • Food Science
  • Forensic Science
  • Film Studies
  • Geography (Human and Physical) & Environmental Sciences
  • Greek history
  • Government and Politics
  • Graphic Design
  • Health and Social Care
  • History: American, Ancient, British, Classical, European, Imperial, Latin America, Medieval, Military, Modern, Renaissance, World
  • History of Art
  • Human Resources
  • Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism
  • International Relations
  • International Development
  • Islamic Studies
  • Land & Property Management
  • Law (LLB, LLM, GDL, LPC, BPTC, PhD)
  • Librarianship & Information Management
  • Linguistics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Maths: Applied, Core, Decision, Discrete, Further, Mechanics, Pure, Statistics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Technology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Microeconomics
  • Middle Eastern & African Studies
  • Molecular Pharmacology
  • Media Studies
  • Materials Sciences and Technology
  • Natural Sciences
  • Nursing and midwifery
  • Nanotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Neuropsychology
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Ophthalmology & Orthoptics
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Photography
  • Programming
  • Public Relations
  • ‘R’ and R studio
  • Real Estate
  • Research methods
  • Religious Education
  • Religious Studies
  • Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Social Policy
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Work
  • Social Care
  • Sports Sciences
  • Theatre Studies
  • Town & Country Planning and Landscape Design
  • Urban Planning
  • Veterinary Medicine

Before you Request a Tutor, to learn how our service works, costs etc., please go through our FAQs .

If you are not sure about the kind of help you may need and need more information, please contact us .

You are on this page because you may have been looking for tutors matching one or more of the terms below.

  • Choosing an Appropriate Methodology
  • Degree Level Dissertations Tutors
  • Dissertations Assignment Help
  • Dissertations Coursework Help
  • Dissertations Dissertation Help
  • Dissertations Online Help
  • Dissertations Tutors London
  • Dissertations Tutors near me
  • Dissertations Tutors UK
  • Help with Dissertations
  • How to Critically Appraise the Evidence Base
  • University of Liverpool dissertation
  • University of Birmingham dissertation
  • University of Manchester dissertation
  • How to Formulate a Research Question
  • How to Write a Literature Review
  • Online Dissertations Tutors
  • Private Dissertations Tutors
  • Professional Qualification Dissertations Tutors
  • Referencing (MLA and Harvard Style)
  • Research Methods Tutors
  • The Best Dissertations Tutors
  • Thesis Structure and Chapter Planning
  • University Dissertations Tutors
  • University of Leeds dissertation
  • University of Leicester dissertation
  • University of Nottingham dissertation

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The Best Qualitative Research Tutoring Online

Find the best qualitative research tutor.

Dr. Lauren J. Austin, TX, available for online & in-person tutoring

Get Help with Essays and Research Papers by Former Professor

Graduate students, I can help you to: Write, edit, and proofread a thesis/dissertation; Apply for a grant or scholarship; Craft a conference presentation; Prepare a journal article submission; Design a qualitative research study and... See Dr. Lauren's full profile

Dr. Lauren J. is an amazing tutor who helped me to clarify my main points in my statement of purpose for my many graduate school applications. She was often available and made time to help me throughout the application process. I ... read the full review - Allison , 9 lessons with Dr. Lauren

Danielle O. Columbia, MO, available for online & in-person tutoring

PhD Tutor for Research Methods, Statistics, Dissertations

In addition to providing course tutoring for statistics and research methods, I also provide assistance with all aspects of quantitative and qualitative research including: literature reviews, identifying research topics, experimental... See Danielle's full profile

Danielle is an amazing tutor! She was able to break everything down, so I could understand the material in a real-world application. She was very patient and understanding in accomodating my anxiety about STATS! I am a doctoral-le... read the full review - Alexis , 7 lessons with Danielle

Marina S. Rego Park, NY, available for online & in-person tutoring

Dedicated educator with passion for social sciences

I have over 14 years of experience of college teaching at various levels (both undergrad and grad). I am also currently a full time faculty at a University and I conduct both quantitative and qualitative research . I have extensive knowledge... See Marina's full profile

Marina is an exceptional tutor! She helped me break down my dissertation topic and gave me some suggestions for my chapter one and two! I will definitely be consulting with her throughout my dissertation journey. She is EXTREMELY ... read the full review - Carmen , 3 lessons with Marina

Hassan R. Bloomfield, NJ, available for online & in-person tutoring

Research Methods, Statistics, SPSS, Psychology, and Dissertation

My ten years of experience and expertise in quantitative, qualitative , mixed methods research and SPSS statistical analysis is the result of my love and passion for teaching students about these complicated but most important areas... See Hassan's full profile

Haley A. Vacaville, CA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Math, Test Prep, and Paper Editing: We Can Solve This Together!

I also have a PhD-track Master's degree in Political Science-- which has given me training and experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods and designs, academic writing and editing, and undergraduate mentoring and... See Haley's full profile

Haley is very good at listening to Jackie and understanding what her concerns are about her math assignments and exams. Jackie comes away from the lesson with a clearer understanding and more confidence. I am especially happy that... read the full review - John , 58 lessons with Haley

Juliet M. Glendale, CA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Experienced Marketing- International & Domestic experience

...Marketing business doing a variety of strategic and tactical projects for B2B customers, creating marketing plans, qualitative research , product development, digital and off line communications, branding, promotions, customer sat/loyalty programs and... See Juliet's full profile

Doris F. Brooklyn, NY, available for online tutoring

I love Psychology and you can, too!

I will not, however, do your work for you. My favorite topics are social psychology, personality and individual differences. I'm well-versed in qualitative research methods, and have basic knowledge of statistics and SPSS. Happy to... See Doris's full profile

Dr. Heather H. Moab, UT, available for online & in-person tutoring

Doctorate and Graduate Research and Writing Tutor

I have a PhD. I have experience teaching researching and writing in both quantitative and qualitative research . See Dr. Heather's full profile

The best tutor in the whole world! She is second to none! The way she explains things and concepts plainly makes you become a better student,and simplifies the process of learning. ... read the full review - Gaby , 90 lessons with Dr. Heather

Vis S. Andover, MA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Human and natural geographer with extensive study experience

...topography. I have an intermediate understanding of GIS and associated geomatics software, as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods for cartography and geostatistics studies.... See Vis's full profile

Working with Vis as my English tutor has been an outstanding experience deserving of a five-star rating. His ability to simplify complex concepts and tailor lessons to my learning style has been invaluable in improving my English ... read the full review - Shayla , 20 lessons with Vis

Mark S. Oak Park, IL, available for online & in-person tutoring

Medical Student, Science teacher, and Admissions Specialist

Graduate students, I can help you to: Write, edit, and proofread a thesis/dissertation; Apply for a grant or scholarship; Craft a conference presentation; Prepare a journal article submission; Design a qualitative research study and... See Mark's full profile

Mark helped my H.S. Daughter with short notice, understanding AP chemistry concepts right before a test. She says he was very nice and she really liked the fact that he was younger. We have previously used much older tutors. Mark ... read the full review - Stephanie

Terry H. Lithia Springs, GA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Sociology teacher with related research at Duke, Emory, GSU, and UGA

In addition to teaching Sociology, I have taken numerous graduate school courses in Sociological research methods. Furthermore, I have judged submissions for presentations using qualitative research methods and am conducting my doctoral... See Terry's full profile

Terry was a great teacher offering me a very insightful first lesson. He offered me lots of options and suggestions for my start to LSAT prep. I was a little nervous as to what kind of prep I needed but I am confident that I will ... read the full review - Adriana Summer

Claudio D. Christiansburg, VA, available for online & in-person tutoring

PhD in social studies (2017)

My Ph.D. is in Social & Ethical Thought. I have expertise in classic and contemporary analytic sociology, including both quantitative and qualitative research methods. See Claudio's full profile

Rebecca A. Pasco, WA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Specialist in Writing/Public Speaking/ Qualitative Methods/APA 7th ed.

I have written articles for publication and regularly give presentations at academic conferences. Currently, I am working on a qualitative research project and another journal article. In my free time, I love to cook. I will be getting a... See Rebecca's full profile

Olivia J. Bryn Mawr, PA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Bachelors and Masters degree in Sociology

I was trained by sociologists in sociocultural understanding, race/culture, environmental sociology, historical sociology, political sociology, and data entry for research purposes. My expertise is in qualitative research methods:... See Olivia's full profile

Dr. Davette H. Smyrna, GA, available for online tutoring

Dr. Davette Harvey, Entrepreneur, Educator, Coach\Consultant,Tutor

I have been a consultant with the Women’s Business Enterprise Center, and a Professional Tutor within the University System of Georgia, specializing in statistics, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and research writing. See Dr. Davette's full profile

I was writing my Master's Comprehensive Examination (a monster of a 32-page paper) and had many questions. Dr. D was very patient with me and knowledgeable about research methods, APA, and EVERYTHING I needed for this paper. Hones... read the full review - Jenn , 6 lessons with Dr. Davette

Sharon T. Chicago, IL, available for online tutoring

Research Scientist, 14 years of experience

I have worked with statistical programs and conduct analyses on a regular basis since 2008. I have contributed to many qualitative and quantitative research studies and am highly comfortable with research design, various statistical... See Sharon's full profile

Claudia R. Maple Valley, WA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Principal UX Researcher Specializing in Accessibility and Innovation

Hi there! My work has primarily focused on highly technical product spaces (such as enterprise storage administration), innovation (with various successful patent applications), and inclusivity (including WCAG and Section 508 accessibility... See Claudia's full profile

Marcella C. Flagstaff, AZ, available for online & in-person tutoring

PhD Student in Linguistics with 20+ Years of Teaching Experience

I have a strong grounding in basic linguistic areas, including syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics and phonology, etc. I also have experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods and computer programming for... See Marcella's full profile

Linda K. Boston, MA, available for online & in-person tutoring

PhD Student in Theology

My research interests are: Practical Theology, Asian American Theology, Feminist and Womanist Theology, Narrative Theology, Contextual Theology, Ecclesiology, Sociology of Religion, Ethnography, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods,... See Linda's full profile

Judith W. Hayes, VA, available for online & in-person tutoring


During the course of teaching in an Alternative Education Environment I have written several published papers exploring race, ethnicity and sex and what role these play in political and educational systems. I use quantitative, qualitative ... See Judith's full profile

My daughter has been taught two courses by Judith, Biology and Chemistry. Judith is a very impressive teacher who combines kindness and patience with a thorough knowledge of both subjects. She provided comprehensive materials to t... read the full review - Sarah , 45 lessons with Judith

John M. Astoria, NY, available for online & in-person tutoring

PhD in Anthropology with 10+ years of teaching experience

My PhD research included familiarity with the major theorists within sociology, including Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. I am familiar with qualitative and quantitative research methods within sociology, especially the areas of... See John's full profile

My son has a packed schedule, with a full load during the day and an extra class online--history. We used him after the first month of school when it was clear he was falling behind and that the material was very challenging. Jo... read the full review - Lisa , 60 lessons with John

Jeremy S. Washington, DC, available for online & in-person tutoring

MSW with Sociology Coursework Experience

With a Master's in Social Work from NYU as well as a BA from Columbia University, I can help you with sociology coursework, writing, and exam preparation. I'll help you analyze qualitative and quantitative research while... See Jeremy's full profile

How to break down test questions in order to choose the correct answer! Jeremy is very good at walking you through not only the test question, but going through each answer choice to find the most appropriate answer!... read the full review - Deanna , 12 lessons with Jeremy

Shivani D. Los Angeles, CA, available for online & in-person tutoring

Learning should be full of laughter!

I am currently a PhD student at UCLA with a full scholarship in the Education department. I am studying qualitative and quantitative research methods and I enjoy tutoring math, science, and writing on the side. Prior to beginning my... See Shivani's full profile

Nora K. Louisville, KY, available for online & in-person tutoring

Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Human Services Expertise

...combining social science theory and research practices with literary and cultural criticism. I am well-versed in qualitative social research practices and textual analysis. I am also well versed in Regency-era and Victorian fiction as well as speculative... See Nora's full profile

Byrd N. Chapel Hill, NC, available for online & in-person tutoring

Fourth-year medical student who is excited to share knowledge!

I went on to take Nutrition and Chronic Disease, Community Nutrition (a graduate level course), and minor in Nutrition. Additionally, I worked in a qualitative Nutrition research group assessing the benefit of a positive mealtime... See Byrd's full profile

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Get 1-to-1 learning help through online lessons. If you are looking to learn a subject similar to Qualitative Research, tap into the nation’s largest community of private tutors. Wyzant helps more students find face to face lessons, in more places than anyone else. Plus, if you're not happy with any new tutor, we'll gladly refund the cost of your first hour. In addition to Qualitative Research tutors, Wyzant can also help you find:

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Grad Coach

Find The Perfect Research Topic

Stop struggling with half-baked, vague and impractical research ideas. Get hands-on help with your research proposal, today.

Grad Coach awards

Students Helped

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Wherever you are in the topic ideation process, we’ll  move you forward .

Get help finding a research topic

Finding a research topic

If you’re still trying to identify a topic, our Topic Kickstarter service will help fast-track the ideation process by providing you with a clear set of potential research opportunities, firmly rooted in the current literature .

Structuring and planning a research proposal

Refining your topic idea(s)

If you already have a research topic in mind (or perhaps even multiple), but need to refine it and work out the practicalities of your study, one of our friendly Grad Coaches can help you make this happen. 

Reviewing a research proposal

Crafting Your Proposal

If you’ve pinned down your topic but are struggling to translate this into a convincing research proposal, we’ll help you develop a clear structure and provide actionable feedback as you write each section. 

Why Grad Coach ?

Dissertation coaching is custom-tailored to your needs

It's all about you

We take the time to understand your unique challenges and work with you to achieve your specific academic goals . Whether you're aiming to earn top marks or just need to cross the finish line, we're here to help.

Our dissertation coaches have insider experience as dissertation and thesis supervisors

An insider advantage

Our award-winning Dissertation Coaches all hold doctoral-level degrees and share 100+ years of combined academic experience. Having worked on "the inside", we know exactly what markers want .

Access dissertation coaching wherever you are

Any time, anywhere

Getting help from your dedicated Dissertation Coach is simple. Book a live video /voice call, chat via email or send your document to us for an in-depth review and critique . We're here when you need us. 

Our thesis coaches are tried and tested

A track record you can trust

Over 10 million students have enjoyed our online lessons and courses, while 3000+ students have benefited from 1:1 Private Coaching. The plethora of glowing reviews reflects our commitment.

Chat With A Friendly Coach, Today

Prefer email? No problem - you c an  email us here .

Awards and accreditations

Have a question ?

Below we’ve listed some of the most popular proposal-related questions we receive, but you’re also welcome to get in touch if you have any other questions.

Topic Ideation Support

Can you give me a research topic.

Unfortunately, not.

You, as the researcher, need to explore the options and choose your own research topic. Thankfully, our Topic Kickstarter service makes this much easier , as we provide you with a clear summary of potential research opportunities and directions which can form the foundation of your topic.

How does the Topic Kickstarter service work?

With the Topic Kickstarter service, you tell us which research area you’re interested in (this can be fairly broad). We then review the current literature and get back to you with a clear set of potential research opportunities, based on literature-backed, current research gaps. You can learn more about the Topic Kickstarter here.

How long does the Topic Kickstarter service take?

It depends on our workload at the time, but we can typically complete a Topic Kickstarter project within a few days. If you’re interested, please contact us to discuss your project.

Are the suggested research opportunities unique and original?

Yes. When undertaking a Topic Kickstarter , we focus on the most recent literature to identify current research gaps/opportunities/problems that can form the foundation of your research topic.

Can I see a sample of a Topic Kickstarter report?

Absolutely. You can access the sample here.

Can you help me find relevant literature about my research topic?

Yes. If you utilise our Topic Kickstarter service, this will by default include various resources that you can use as a theoretical base.

Alternatively, if you have already defined a topic, you can consider using our Literature Kickstarter service to help build a solid base of credible literature.

Can you help me with my research proposal?

Yes, we can help you develop a convincing research proposal. One of our friendly coaches will help you plan and structure your proposal, and provide you with feedback as you write each section.

Can you help me with other aspects of my research project?

Yes. Topic ideation/refinement support is only one aspect of our offering at Grad Coach, and we typically assist students throughout their entire dissertation/thesis/research project. You can learn more about our full service offering here .

Can I get a coach that specialises in my topic area?

It’s important to clarify that our expertise lies in the research process itself , rather than specific research areas/topics (e.g., psychology, management, etc.). In other words, the support we provide is topic-agnostic, which allows us to support students across a very broad range of research topics.

That said, if there is a coach on our team who has experience in your area of research, as well as your chosen methodology, we can allocate them to your project (dependent on their availability, of course).

If you’re unsure about whether we’re the right fit, feel free to drop us an email or book a free initial consultation.

Can you help me find funding for my research project?

Unfortunately, this is not something we can assist with . Our focus is on the research process itself, not the funding thereof. 

What qualifications do your coaches have?

All of our coaches hold a doctoral-level degree (for example, a PhD, DBA, etc.). Moreover, they all have experience working within academia, in many cases as dissertation/thesis supervisors. In other words, they understand what markers are looking for when reviewing a student’s work.

Will my research topic be kept confidential?

Yes, all interaction is treated as strictly confidential.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

What our clients say

We've worked 1:1 with 3000+ students . Here's what some of them have to say:

David's depth of knowledge in research methodology was truly impressive. He demonstrated a profound understanding of the nuances and complexities of my research area, offering insights that I hadn't even considered. His ability to synthesize information, identify key research gaps, and suggest research topics was truly inspiring. I felt like I had a true expert by my side, guiding me through the complexities of the proposal.

Cyntia Sacani (US)

I had been struggling with the first 3 chapters of my dissertation for over a year. I finally decided to give GradCoach a try and it made a huge difference. Alexandra provided helpful suggestions along with edits that transformed my paper. My advisor was very impressed.

Tracy Shelton (US)

Working with Kerryn has been brilliant. She has guided me through that pesky academic language that makes us all scratch our heads. I can't recommend Grad Coach highly enough; they are very professional, humble, and fun to work with. If like me, you know your subject matter but you're getting lost in the academic language, look no further, give them a go.

Tony Fogarty (UK)

So helpful! Amy assisted me with an outline for my literature review and with organizing the results for my MBA applied research project. Having a road map helped enormously and saved a lot of time. Definitely worth it.

Jennifer Hagedorn (Canada)

Everything about my experience was great, from Dr. Shaeffer’s expertise, to her patience and flexibility. I reached out to GradCoach after receiving a 78 on a midterm paper. Not only did I get a 100 on my final paper in the same class, but I haven’t received a mark less than A+ since. I recommend GradCoach for everyone who needs help with academic research.

Antonia Singleton (Qatar)

I started using Grad Coach for my dissertation and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for them, I would have really struggled. I would strongly recommend them – worth every penny!

Richard Egenreider (South Africa)

Kickstart Your Research, Today

Enter your details below, pop us an email, or book an introductory consultation .

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  18. 25 Highest Rated Qualitative Research Tutors

    I have been a consultant with the Women's Business Enterprise Center, and a Professional Tutor within the University System of Georgia, specializing in statistics, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and research writing. See Dr. Davette's full profile. 5.0 (967) 75 /hour. 3,026 hours tutoring.

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