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  • New! Creative Writing First Steps
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Murder Plot Generator

  • Fantasy Plot Generator

Quick Plot Generator

  • Plot Structure

Character Generator

Character rounding, character exercises.

  • Random Traits
  • List of Character Traits
  • Create A Setting
  • Dialogue Prompts
  • First Line Prompts

Famous Film Plots

  • Image Generator
  • Random Job/Occupation
  • List of Jobs/Occupations
  • Name Generators
  • Random Exercises

Rhyming Dictionary

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Town Name Generator

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Welcome to Writing Exercises and Prompts.

This site provides (completely free) creative writing prompts and exercises to help you get started with creative writing and break through writing blocks - as well as some fun anagram vocabulary games.

Generate random story ideas, plots, subjects, scenarios, characters, first lines for stories and more. Did I mention it's all free? Have fun :-)

- Update March 2024: Random First Line - lots of new prompts and you can now choose a genre Creative Writing - First Steps - dive right in with some practical tasks to get you started.

- Update November 2023: New 'Guess The Word' game

- Update August 2023: Bite-size Writing Tips and Tricks. 3-minute reads

Random List of Contents:

Random first line prompts.

Generate a random first line for a story.

Random Subject

Prompts to encourage freewriting.

Generate a plot-line at the click of a button.

Random Plot Generator

Generate two characters, a setting, a situation and a theme. Change the elements until you are happy with your plot.

Generate elements for a murder plot. Change the elements until you get an interesting mystery to solve.

'Take Three Nouns'

Another freewriting exercise. Make connections between random nouns.

Random First Line of Dialogue

Writing prompts to help with dialogue writing.

Random Scenario

Create a 'What If?' scenario to write about.

Random Writing Exercises

Browse my random list of writing exercises.

For poets and songwriters. Enter a word to find rhyming and similar-sounding words.

Generate a selection of words and use the suggestions to kick-start your writing.

Story Title Ideas

Create your own story title.

Create a character outline.

Create some interesting aspects to your character.

There's now a section dedicated to writing prompts for children of primary/elementary school age.

Generate a fictitious,'English-sounding' town name.

Get plot ideas for your own story-writing by looking at the plots of over 100 popular films.

Random Image Generator

Use images to help you write.

Random Character Traits

Generate random traits for your characters.

Random Jobs

Generate an occupation for your character.

Random Name Generator

Choose first and last names for characters.

Develop your character into a well-rounded person, quirky habits and all.

Anagram Puzzle Game

Exercise your brain and keep your vocabulary in good shape with this free anagram game.

Anagram Puzzle Game 2

Another anagram game - each word must contain the middle letter.

Enter a list of letters and discover all the words you can make with them.

Scrabble Trainer Game

Have fun improving your Scrabble vocabulary.

Because every aspiring author needs a back-up plan...

Quick Links:


The best writing exercises bring out our latent creativity. Especially if you ever feel stuck or blocked, making creative writing exercises part of your daily writing practice can be a great way to both hone your skills and explore new frontiers in your writing. Whether you’re a poet, essayist, storyteller, or genre-bending author, these free writing exercises will jumpstart your creative juices and improve your writing abilities.

24 of the Best Free Writing Exercises to Try Out Today

The best creative writing exercises will push you out of your comfort zone and get you to experiment with words. Language is your sandbox, so let’s build some sand castles with these exercises and writing prompts.

Write With Limitations

The English language is huge, complicated, and — quite frankly — chaotic. Writing with self-imposed limitations can help you create novel and inventive pieces.

What does “limitations” mean in this context? Basically, force yourself not to use certain words, descriptions, or figures of speech. Some writing exercises using limitations include the following:

  • Write without using adverbs or adjectives.
  • Write without using the passive voice – no “being verbs” whatsoever. (Also called “E-Prime” writing.)
  • Write a story without using a common letter –  just like Ernest Vincent Wright did .
  • Write a poem where each line has six words.
  • Write without using any pronouns.

Among exercises to improve writing skills, writing with limitations has the clearest benefits. This practice challenges your brain to think about language productively. Additionally, these limitations force you to use unconventional language – which, in turn, makes you write with lucidity, avidity, and invention.

Freewriting & Stream of Consciousness

What do you do when the words just don’t come out? How can you write better if you can’t seem to write at all? One of the best poetry exercises, as well as writing exercises in general, is to start your day by freewriting.

Freewriting, also known as “stream of consciousness writing,” involves writing your thoughts down the moment they come. There’s no filtering what you write, and no controlling what you think: topicality, style, and continuity are wholly unnecessary in the freewriting process. While the idea of freewriting seems easy, it’s much harder than you think – examining your thoughts without controlling them takes a while to master, and the impulse to control what you write isn’t easy to tame. Try these exercises to master the skill:

  • Do a timed freewrite. Start with five minutes.
  • Freewrite until you fill up the entirety of something – an envelope, a receipt, a postcard, etc.
  • Freewrite after meditating.
  • Freewrite off of the first word of today’s newspaper.

Among daily writing exercises, freewriting is one of the best writing exercises. Poets can use freewritten material as inspiration for their poetry. Prose writers can also find inspiration for future stories from the depths of their consciousnesses. Start your writing day with freewriting, and watch your creativity blossom.

Copy What You Read

Plagiarism is still off the table; however, you can learn a lot by paying attention to how other people write. This is what we call “reading like a writer.”

Reading like a writer means paying attention to the craft elements that make an excellent piece of literature work. Good writing requires different writing styles, figurative language, story structures, and/or poetry forms, as well as key word choice.

When you notice these craft elements, you can go ahead and emulate them in your own work. As a fiction writer , you might be drawn to the way Haruki Murakami weaves folklore into his stories, and decide to write a story like that yourself. Or, as a poet, you might be inspired by Terrance Hayes’ Golden Shovel form — enough so that you write a Golden Shovel yourself.

  • Read a favorite poem, and write your own poem in the same poetic form.
  • Blackout poetry: take another poem, cross out words you don’t want to use, circle words you do, and write a poem based on the circled words.
  • Copy a single sentence from a favorite novel, and write a short-short story with it.

Among free writing exercises, this is a great way to learn from the best. The best kinds of exercises to improve writing skills involve building upon the current canon of works — as Isaac Newton said, you achieve something great by “standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Write From Different Perspectives

The conventional advice given to writers is to “write what you know.” We couldn’t disagree with that statement more. The best creative works force both the writer and the reader to consider new perspectives and learn something new; writing from a new point-of-view makes for a great exercise in expanding your creative limits.

Try these ideas as daily writing exercises:

  • Write a story with the same plot, but with two or more perspectives. For example, you could write a lover’s quarrel from two different view points.
  • Write from the point-of-view of a famous historical figure.
  • Write a story or poem from the perspective of an object: a statue, a doll, a roomba, etc.
  • Write from the perspective of a person you dislike.

While playing with perspective makes for a great fiction writing exercise , poets and essayists can do this too. Patricia Smith’s poem “Skinhead,” for example, is a persona piece written from the perspective of a white nationalist, but the poem clearly condemns the speaker’s beliefs.

Thus, perspective writing also works as a poetry exercise and an essay writing practice exercise . If you’re stuck in your own head, try writing in someone else’s!

Write Metaphor Lists

All creative writers need figurative language. While metaphors, similes, and synecdoches are more prominent in poetry , prose writers need the power of metaphor to truly engross their reader. Among both exercises to improve writing skills and fun writing exercises for adults, writing metaphor lists is one of the best writing exercises out there.

A metaphor list is simple. On a notebook, create two columns. In one column, write down only concrete nouns. Things like a pillow, a tree, a cat, a cloud, and anything that can be perceived with one of the five senses.

In the other list, write down only abstract ideas. Things like love, hate, war, peace, justice, closure, and reconciliation — anything that is conceptual and cannot be directly perceived.

Now, choose a random noun and a random concept, and create a metaphor or simile with them. Delve into the metaphor and explain the comparison. For example, you might say “Love is like a pillow — it can comfort, or it can smother.”

Once you’ve mastered the metaphor list, you can try the following ideas to challenge yourself:

  • Create a coherent poem out of your metaphor list.
  • Turn your metaphor list into a short story.
  • Try making lists with a different figurative language device, such as personification, pathetic fallacy, or metonymy.

Any free creative writing exercise that focuses on figurative language can aid your writing immensely, as it helps writers add insight and emotionality to their work. This is an especially great creative writing exercise for beginners as they learn the elements of style and language.

Daily Journaling

Of course, the best way to improve your creative writing skills is simply to write every day. Keeping a daily journal is a great way to exercise your writing mind. By sitting down with your personal observations and writing without an agenda or audience, a daily writing practice  remains one of the best writing exercises , regardless of your genre or level of expertise.

Consider these ideas for your daily journal:

  • Track your mood and emotions throughout the day. Write those emotions in metaphor — avoid commonplace adjectives and nouns.
  • Write about your day from the second- or third-person.
  • Journal your day in verse. Use stanzas, line breaks, and figurative language.
  • Write about your day backwards.
  • Write about your day using Freytag’s pyramid . Build up to a meaningful climax, even if nothing significant seemed to happen today.

Learn more about keeping a journal here:

How to Start Journaling: Practical Advice on How to Journal Daily

Writing Exercises: Have Fun with Them!

Many of these writing exercises might feel challenging at first—and that’s a good thing! You will unlock new ideas and writing strengths by struggling through these creative challenges. The main point is to have fun with them and use them to explore within your writing, without indulging too many monologues from your inner critic.

Are you looking for more exercises to improve your writing skills? Our instructors can offer prompts, illuminating lectures, one-to-one feedback, and more to help you improve your craft. Check out our upcoming creative writing courses , and let’s put these skills to practice.

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Sean Glatch

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Thank you for this. I’ve been stuck for months—more than that, actually, and you’d think that a pandemic stay-at-home would be the perfect time to do some writing. But no. I’m as stuck as ever. In fact, the only time I seem able to write consistently and well is when I’m taking one of your classes! I’m still saving my pennies, but these exercises will hopefully get me writing in the meantime. Thanks again!

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Hi Kathy, I’m glad to hear some of these tips might spark your creativity 🙂 I feel the same way, I was hoping the stay-at-home order might spark some creativity, but we shouldn’t push ourselves too hard – especially in the midst of a crisis.

The best part about writing: all you have to do is try, and you’ve already succeeded. Good luck on your writing endeavors!

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Bravo….!What a great piece! Honestly I learnt a lot here!

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I picked interest in poetry just a week ago after reading a beautiful piece which captivated my mind into the world of writing. I’d love to write great poems but I don’t know anything about poetry, I need a coach, a motivator and an inspiration to be able to do this. This piece really helped me but I will appreciate some more tips and help from you or anyone else willing to help, I am really fervid about this.

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for your comment! I’m so excited for you to start your journey with poetry. We have more advice for poetry writing at the articles under this link: https://writers.com/category/poetry

Additionally, you might be interested in two of our upcoming poetry courses: Poetry Workshop and How to Craft a Poem .

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] . Many thanks, and happy writing!

[…] 24 Best Writing Exercises to Become a Better Writer | writers.com  […]

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Hi, kinsey there. Thanks for giving information. it is a very informative blog and i appreciate your effort to write a blog I am also a writer and i like these type of blogs everyone takes more knowledge to check out my essay writing website

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As a writer, I often struggle to break free from the chains of writer’s block, but this blog has gifted me with a map of inspiration to navigate through those creative storms. It’s like being handed a box of enchanted writing exercises

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43 Creative writing exercises

Creative writing exercises for adults

A selection of fun creative writing exercises that can be completed solo, or with a group. Some are prompts to help inspire you to come up with story ideas, others focus on learning specific writing skills.

I run a  Creative Writing Meetup  for adults and teens in Montpellier or online every week. We start with a 5 to 20 minute exercise, followed by an hour and a half of silent writing, during which each participant focuses on their own project. Every exercise listed below has been run with the group and had any kinks ironed out.  Where the exercises specify a number of people, if you have a larger group, simply split everyone up into smaller groups as appropriate.

The solo exercises are ideal to help stimulate your mind before working on a larger project, to overcome writer’s block, or as stand-alone prompts in their own right. If a solo exercise inspires you and you wish to use it with a larger group, give every member ten minutes to complete the exercise, then ask anyone who wishes to share their work to do so in groups of 3 or 4 afterwards.

Looking for something quick to fire your imagination? Check out these  creative writing prompts for adults .

Writing Retreat in South France

Writing retreat in France

A note on running exercises remotely

While you can enjoy the exercises solo, they are also designed for online writing groups using Zoom, WhatsApp, or Discord.

If you're running a group and follow a ' Shut Up and Write ' structure, I recommend connecting on WhatsApp (for example) first, doing the exercise together, sharing writing samples as needed. Next, write in silence for an hour and a half on your own projects, before reconnecting for a brief informal chat at the end. This works great with small remote groups and is a way to learn new techniques, gain online support, and have a productive session.

If you have a larger online group, it's worth looking into Zoom, as this has a feature called  Breakout Rooms . Breakout Rooms let you split different writers into separate rooms, which is great for group activities. The free version of Zoom has a 40 minute limit, which can be restrictive, but Zoom Pro is well worth it if you're going to use it on a regular basis. In my experience, Zoom has a better connection than Facebook chat or WhatsApp.

A Letter From Your Character To You

Letter from fictional character to the author

Spend ten minutes writing a letter from a character in your novel to  you , the author, explaining why you should write about them. This serves three purposes:

  • As you write, it helps you get into the mindset of the character. Ask yourself how they would language this letter and what they would consider important.
  • It's motivating to know that your character wants you to write about them.
  • If your goal is to publish a complete work of fiction one day, whether it be a novel, a play or a movie script, you will want to contact an agent or publisher. This helps you practice in an easy, safe way.

If you're doing this exercise with a group of teens or adults, and some of the group haven't already started working on their masterpiece, they can instead choose any fictional novel they love. Ask participants to imagine that a character within the book wrote to the author in the first place to ask them to write their story. How did they plead their case?

The Opening Sentence

First sentence of books

The opening sentence has to grab the reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. Many authors achieve this by starting with an action scene. In modern literature, it's best to avoid starting with someone waking up, or a description of the weather. In this exercise the task is to write an opening sentence either to a book you're currently writing, or simply for an imaginary piece of literature.  Here are some of my favourite opening sentences to get you going:

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

George Orwell , 1984

The Golem's life began in the hold of a steamship.

Helene Wecker , The Golem and the Djinni

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Leo Tolstoy , Anna Karenina

It wasn't a very likely place for disappearances, at least at first glance.

Diana Gabaldon , Outlander

You better not never tell nobody but God.

Alice Walker , The Color Purple

The cage was finished.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez ,  Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon

Imagine that you are living your life out of order: Lunch before breakfast, marriage before your first kiss.

Audrey Niffenegger ,  The Time Traveler's Wife

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

Douglas Adams ,  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

There are a plethora of ways you can start a book, however two ways that help engage the reader immediately are:

  • Set the scene in as few words as possible, so the reader immediately knows what's happening and wants to know what happens next.  The scene must be original and create a vivid image in the reader's mind.
  • Surprise the reader with an unusual event or usual point of view.

Spend 5 minutes working on your own opening sentence, then share it with the other participants.

Make your protagonist act!

Exercise for 2 writers, or can be done solo.

Make your characters act

According to John Gardner:

"Failure to recognise that the central character must act, not simply be acted upon, is the single most common mistake in the fiction of beginners."

Spend 5 minutes writing a scene where the protagonist is passive in a conversation with one other character. It could be that the other character says something dramatic, and the protagonist just listens, or it could be anything else of your choice!

Once the 5 minutes is up, swap papers with another writer. If you're using Zoom, or working online, send it to each other in a private chat. Now the other person spends 8 minutes rewriting the scene to make the protagonist as active as possible. This might include:

Read both scenes together. Which makes you want to keep on reading?

If you're doing this as a solo writing exercise, simply complete both parts yourself.

  • Showing the emotion this evokes.
  • Getting them to disagree with the other character.
  • Showing how they respond physically (whether it's as a physical manifestation of how they feel, or a dramatic gesture to make a point).

Overcoming writer's block

Overcoming writer's block

Are you staring at a blank page or stuck for any story ideas? This exercise will help anyone who's experiencing writer's block with a particular piece of writing. If this isn't you, that's great, others will value your input!

If anyone has a particular scene they're stuck with (a pool of blood on the floor they have no explanation for, a reason why the rich lady just walked into a particular pub, etc.) then at the start of the exercise everyone briefly describes their scenes (if working online with a large group, typing it into the chat might be best). Everyone then chooses one scene to use as a writing prompt to write a short story for 10-15 minutes.

Afterwards, split into small groups if necessary, and read out how you completed someone else's writing prompt. As everyone listens to everyone else's ideas, this can be a wonderful source of inspiration and also improves your writing. As an alternative solo exercise, try free writing. With free writing, simply write as quickly as you can on the topic without editing or censoring yourself - just let your creative juices flow. If you're not sure what happens next, brainstorm options on the page, jot down story ideas, or just put, "I don't know what happens next." Keep going and ideas will come.

Writing Character Arcs

Character arc

There are several different types of character arc in a novel, the 3 most common being:

For this exercise choose either a positive or negative character arc. Spend 8 minutes writing a scene from the start of a novel, then 8 minutes writing a scene towards the end of a novel showing how the character has developed between the two points. Don't worry about including how the character has changed, you can leave that to the imagination.

The point here is to capture the essence of a character, as they will be the same, but show their development.

  • Positive  - Where a character develops and grows during the novel. Perhaps they start unhappy or weak and end happy or powerful.
  • Negative  - Where a character gets worse during a novel. Perhaps they become ill or give in to evil tendencies as the novel progresses.
  • Flat  - In a flat character arc the character themself doesn't change much, however the world around them does. This could be overthrowing a great injustice, for example.

Sewing Seeds in Your Writing

Sewing seeds in writing

In this exercise, we will look at how to sew seeds. No, not in your garden, but in your story. Seeds are the tiny hints and indicators that something is going on, which influence a reader's perceptions on an often unconscious level. They're important, as if you spring a surprise twist on your readers without any warning, it can seem unbelievable. Sew seeds that lead up to the event, so the twists and turns are still surprising, but make intuitive sense. Groups : Brainstorm major plot twists that might happen towards the end of the novel and share it in a Zoom chat, or on pieces of paper. Choose one twist each. Individuals : Choose one of the following plot twists:   -  Your friend is actually the secret son of the king.   -  Unreliable narrator - the narrator turns out to be villain.   -  The monster turns out to be the missing woman the narrator is seeking.   -  The man she is about to marry happens to already have a wife and three kids.

Write for ten minutes and give subtle hints as to what the plot twist is. This is an exercise in subtlety. Remember, when the twist occurs, it should still come as a surprise.

Animal exercise

This is a fun writing activity for a small group. You’ve found a magic potion labelled ‘Cat Chat’ and when you drink it, you turn into whichever animal you’re thinking about; but there’s a problem, it also picks up on the brainwaves of other people near you!

Everyone writes down an animal in secret and then reveals it to the other writers.  The spell will turn you into a creature that combines elements of all the animals.  Each person then spends 5 minutes writing down what happens when they drink the potion.

After the 5 minutes is up, everyone shares their story with the other participants.

If you enjoy this exercise, then you may also want to check out our  Fantasy and Sci-Fi writing prompts  full of world building, magic, and character development prompts..

I remember

Joe Brainard wrote a novel called:  I Remember It contains a collection of paragraphs all starting with “I remember”.  This is the inspiration for this exercise, and if you’re stuck for what to write, is a great way to get the mental gears turning.  Simply write “I remember” and continue with the first thing that pops into your head.

Spend 5 minutes writing a short collection of “I remember” stories.

Here are a couple of examples from Joe Brainard’s novel:

“I remember not understanding why people on the other side of the world didn't fall off.”

“I remember waking up somewhere once and there was a horse staring me in the face.”

Giving feedback to authors

Giving constructive feedback to authors

If you're running a workshop for more experienced adult authors and have at least an hour, this is a good one to use. This is the longest exercise on this page, but I felt it important enough to include.

Give each author the option to bring a piece of their own work. This should be double spaced and a maximum of 3 pages long. If you're running a workshop where not everyone is likely to bring a manuscript, ask everyone who wants to bring one to print two copies each. If someone forgets but has a laptop with them, the reader can always use their laptop.

Print out a few copies and hand them around to everyone in the workshop of the guide on: 'How to give constructive feedback to writers'

Each author who brought a sample with them then gives them to one other person to review. They write their name on the manuscript in a certain colour pen, then add any comments to it before passing it to a second person who does the same (commenting on the comments if they agree or disagree).

Then allow 5 minutes for everyone to discuss the feedback they've received, ensuring they are giving constructive feedback.

The Five Senses

Giovanni Battista Manerius - The Five Senses

Painting by Giovanni Battista Manerius -  The Five Senses

Choose a scene and write it for 5 minutes focusing on one sense, NOT sight. Choose between:

Hearing  Taste Smell Touch

This can be internal as well as external (I heard my heartbeat thudding in my ears, or I smelt my own adrenaline).

After the 5 minutes stop and everyone reads it out loud to each other. Now write for another 5 minutes and continue the other person's story, but do NOT use sight OR the sense they used.

You can use any sense to communicate the essentials, just focus on creating emotions and conveying the story with the specific sense(s).

If you need some writing prompts, here are possible scenes that involve several senses:

  • Climbing through an exotic jungle
  • Having an argument that becomes a fight
  • A cat's morning
  • Talking to someone you're attracted to

Show don't tell

2 or 3 people

Show don't tell your story

A lot of writing guides will advise you to, "Show, don't tell". What does this actually mean?

If you want to evoke an emotional reaction from your reader, showing them what is happening is a great way to do so.  You can approach this in several ways:

Split up into pairs and each person writes down a short scene from a story where they "tell" it.  After this, pass the description of the scene to your partner and they then have 5 minutes to rewrite it to "show" what happened.  If there are an odd number of participants, make one group of three, with each person passing their scene clockwise, so everyone has a new scene to show.  After the 5 minutes, for small groups everyone reads their new description to everyone else, or for large groups, each person just reads their new scene to their partner.

  • Avoid internal dialogue (thinking), instead have your protagonist interact with other people, or have a physical reaction to something that shows how s/he feels.  Does their heart beat faster?  Do they notice the smell of their own adrenaline?  Do they step backwards, or lean forwards?
  • Instead of using an adjective like creepy, e.g. "Mary entered the creepy house", show why the house is creepy through description and in the way the protagonist responds - "The light streamed through the filthy skylight, highlighting the decomposing body of a rat resting on top of it.  As Mary stepped inside, she felt a gust of freezing air brush past her. She turned, but there was nothing there..."

World building

Visual writing prompts

World building is the art of conveying the magic of living in a different world, whether it's a spaceship, a medieval castle, a boat, or simply someone's living room. To master world building, it's not necessary to know every intricate detail, rather to convey the experience of what it would be like to live there.

Choose one of the above images as a prompt and spend 10 minutes writing a scene from the perspective of someone who is seeing it for the first time. Now, move your character six months forward and imagine they've spent the last six months living or working there. Write another scene (perhaps with an additional character) using the image as a background, with the events of the scene as the main action.

Click the above image for a close-up.

Gossiping about a character as if they're a friend.

Easy to gossip with friends about a character

Judy Blume says that she tells her family about her characters as if they’re real people. 

Chris Claremont said, "For me, writing the 'X-Men' was easy - is easy. I know these people, they're my friends." 

Today’s exercise has 2 parts. First, spend 5 minutes jotting down some facts about a character you’ve invented that might come up if you were telling your friends about them. Either choose a character in something you’ve already written, or invent one from scratch now.

Answer the questions:

What are they up to? How are they? What would you say if you were gossiping about them?

Then split up into groups of 4 to 6 writers. 2 volunteers from each group then role-play talking about their character as if they were a friend (perhaps another character in the story).  The other participants will role-play a group of friends gossiping about the character behind their back and ask questions. If you don’t know the answer, invent it!

Degrees of Emotion Game

Degrees of emotion

This is based on an acting game, to help actors understand how to perform with different degrees of emotion.

Ask everyone to write the following 4 emotions:

For groups of 5 or less, write down numbers starting with 1 and going up until everyone has a number, then give them out in order. For groups of 6 or more, divide groups into 3's, 4's or 5's.

Each person has to write a scene where the protagonist is alone and is only allowed to say a single word, e.g. "Banana".  The writer with number 1 should write the scene with a very low level of the emotion (e.g. happiness), number 2 increases the intensity a bit and the highest number writes a scene with the most intense emotion you can possibly imagine.

Once each writer has written about happiness, rotate the numbers one or two spaces, then move onto anger, then fear, then sadness.

It can help to give everyone numbers showing the intensity of the emotions to write about at the start of the exercise, in which case you may wish to print either the Word or PDF file, then use the ones corresponding to 3, 4 or 5 writers.


Everyone shares their scene with the other course participants.

Three birds, one line

Kill three birds with one stone

The first paragraph of a surprising number of best-selling novels serves multiple purposes. These are to:

  • Establish a goal
  • Set the scene
  • Develop a character

Nearly every chapter in a novel also serves all three purposes. Instead of establishing a goal though, the protagonist either moves towards it, or encounters an obstacle that hinders them from achieving it.

Some books manage to meet all three purposes with their opening lines, for example:  

Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

J.K. Rowling ,  Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone  

A little more than one hundred days into the fortieth year of her confinement, Dajeil Gelian was visited in her lonely tower overlooking the sea by an avatar of the great ship that was her home.

Iain M. Banks ,  Excession  

"We should start back," Gared urged as the woods began to grow dark around them.

George R.R. Martin ,  A Game of Thrones

For this exercise write a sentence or short paragraph that serves all three purposes. If you're already writing a novel, then see if you can do this for the first line in a chapter. If not, choose any combination from the following table:

Blind Date on Valentine's Day (Exercise for Adults)

Valentine's Day Book

In pairs one writer spends a minute or two describing a character they're writing about, or alternatively they can describe a celebrity or someone from a work of fiction.  The next writer then describes their character.

The story is that these 2 characters (or in my case, person and alien, as I'm writing a sci-fi) have accidentally ended up on a blind date with each other. Perhaps the waiter seated them in the wrong location, perhaps it's an actual blind date, or perhaps they met in some other fashion the writers can determine.

Now spend 10 minutes discussing what happens next!

A Success (Works best for online groups)

Winning a race

This exercise works best for online groups, via Zoom, for example.  The instructions to give are:

"In a few words describe a success in your life and what it felt like to achieve it. It can be a small victory or a large one."

Share a personal example of your own (mine was watching my homeschooled sons sing in an opera together).

"Once you have one (small or large), write it in the chat.

The writing exercise is then to choose someone else's victory to write about for 10 minutes, as if it was the end of your own book.

If you want to write for longer, imagine how that book would start. Write the first part of the book with the ending in mind."

This is great for reminding people of a success in their lives, and also helps everyone connect and discover something about each other.

Your dream holiday

Dream holiday in France

You’re going on a dream holiday together, but always disagree with each other. To avoid conflict, rather than discuss what you want to do, you’ve decided that each of you will choose a different aspect of the holiday as follows:

  • Choose where you’ll be going – your favourite holiday destination.
  • Choose what your main fun activity will be on the holiday.
  • Decide what mode of travel you’ll use to get there.
  • If there’s a 4 th  person, choose what you’ll eat on the holiday and what you’ll be wearing.

Decide who gets to choose what at random. Each of you then writes down your dream holiday destination/activity/travel/food & clothes in secret.  Next spend 5 minutes discussing your dream holiday and add any other details you’d like to include, particularly if you’re passionate about doing something in real life.

Finally, everyone spends another 5 minutes writing down a description of the holiday, then shares it with the others.

Writing haiku

A haiku is a traditional Japanese form of non-rhyming poetry whose short form makes it ideal for a simple writing exercise.

They are traditionally structured in 3 lines, where the first line is 5 syllables, the second line is 7 syllables, and the third line is 5 syllables again. Haiku tend to focus on themes of nature and deep concepts that can be expressed simply.

A couple of examples:

A summer river being crossed how pleasing with sandals in my hands! Yosa Buson , a haiku master poet from the 18 th  Century.

And one of mine:

When night-time arrives Stars come out, breaking the dark You can see the most

Martin Woods

Spend up to 10 minutes writing a haiku.  If you get stuck with the 5-7-5 syllable rule, then don’t worry, the overall concept is more important!

See  How to write a haiku  for more details and examples.

Writing a limerick

Unlike a haiku, which is profound and sombre, a limerick is a light-hearted, fun rhyming verse.

Here are a couple of examples:

A wonderful bird is the pelican. His bill can hold more than his beli-can He can take in his beak Food enough for a week But I'm damned if I see how the heli-can.

Dixon Lanier Merritt, 1910

There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light; She started one day In a relative way, And returned on the previous night.

Arthur Henry Reginald Buller in  Punch,  1923

The 1 st , 2 nd  and 5 th  line all rhyme, as do the 3 rd  and 4 th  line.  The overall number of syllables isn’t important, but the 3 rd  and 4 th  lines should be shorter than the others.

Typically, the 1 st  line introduces the character, often with “There was”, or “There once was”. The rest of the verse tells their story.

Spend 10 minutes writing a limerick.

Time Travel - Child, Adult, Senior

Adult time travel

Imagine that your future self as an old man/woman travels back in time to meet you, the adult you are today.  Alternatively, you as a child travels forward in time to meet yourself as an adult.  Or perhaps both happen, so the child you, adult you, and senior you are all together at the same time.  In story form write down what happens next.

Participants then share their story with other writers either in small groups, or to the whole group.

Focus on faces

Solo exercise.

Describing a character

One challenge writers face is describing a character. A common mistake is to focus too much on the physical features, e.g. "She had brown eyes, curly brown hair and was five foot six inches tall."

The problem with this is it doesn't reveal anything about the character's personality, or the relationship between your protagonist and the character. Your reader is therefore likely to quickly forget what someone looks like.  When describing characters, it's therefore best to:

  • Animate them - it's rare that someone's sitting for a portrait when your protagonist first meets them and whether they're talking or walking, it's likely that they're moving in some way.
  • Use metaphors or similes  - comparing physical features to emotionally charged items conjures both an image and a sense of who someone is.
  • Involve your protagonist  - if your protagonist is interacting with a character, make it personal.  How does your protagonist view this person?  Incorporate the description as part of the description.
  • Only give information your protagonist knows  - they may know if someone is an adult, or a teenager, but they won't know that someone is 37 years old, for example.

Here are three examples of character descriptions that leave no doubt how the protagonist feels.

“If girls could spit venom, it'd be through their eyes.” S.D. Lawendowski,  Snapped

"And Ronan was everything that was left: molten eyes and a smile made for war." Maggie Stiefvater,  The Dream Thieves

"His mouth was such a post office of a mouth that he had a mechanical appearance of smiling." Charles Dickens

Spend 5 minutes writing a character introduction that is animated, uses metaphors or similes and involves your protagonist.

If working with a group, then form small groups of 3 or 4 and share your description with the rest of the group.

Onomatopeai, rhyme and alliteration

Onomatopeai, rhyme or alliteration.

Today's session is all about sound.

Several authors recommend reading your writing out loud after you've written it to be sure it sounds natural.   Philip Pullman  even goes as far as to say:

"When I’m writing, I’m more conscious of the sound, actually, than the meaning. I know what the rhythm of the sentence is going to be before I know what the words are going to be in it."

For today's exercise, choose the name of a song and write for 10 minutes as if that's the title for a short story. Focus on how your writing sounds and aim to include at least one onomatopoeia, rhyme or alliteration.  At the end of the 10 minutes, read it out loud to yourself, or to the group.


An alliteration example from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea.


Buzz, woof, quack, baa, crash, purr, beep, belch,...

The alphabet story - creating a story as a group

alphabet story

This is a novel way to write a story as a group, one word at a time.  The first person starts the story that begins with any word starting with “A”, the next person continues the story with a word starting with “B”, and so on.

Keep going round until you have completed the alphabet.  Ideally it will all be one sentence, but if you get stuck, start a new sentence.  Don’t worry if it doesn’t make complete sense!

It can be tricky to remember the alphabet when under pressure, so you may wish to print it out a couple of times, so the storytellers can see it if they need to, this is particularly helpful if you have dyslexics in the group.


Here’s an example of an alphabet story:

A Band Can Dance Each Friday, Ghostly Hauntings In Jail Kill Lucky Men, Nobody Or Perhaps Quiet Rats, Still That Unifies Villains Who X-Ray Your Zebras.

As I mentioned, it doesn’t need to make sense!

A question or two

Small or large groups

1 or 2 questions

The standard format in our group is a short writing exercise followed by an hour and a half of silent writing on our projects.

At one point I felt like we'd done a lot of small group exercises, and wanted to gain an insight into what everyone was working on, so we did the following exercise instead:

Go round the table and ask everyone to briefly talk about their writing.  Each person then asks one or two yes/no questions.

Everyone responds either by raising their hand for 'yes' or shaking their heads for 'no'. You can also leap up and down to indicate a very strong 'yes'.

Questions can be about anything, and you can use them either to help guide your writing or to help find other people in the group who have similar interests.

Here are some random examples you might ask:

  • I want to write a romance novel and am considering setting it in Paris, a traditional romantic setting, or Liverpool which is a less obvious setting. Who thinks Liverpool would be best?
  • I need to know more about the life of a farmer. Has anyone got farming experience who I can interview in exchange for a drink?
  • My character gets fired and that night goes back to his office and steals 35 computers. Does that sound realistic as the premise of a story?

This works best when you give participants some advance notice, so they have time to think of a question.

Murder Mystery Game

Groups of 3 or 4

Murder mystery

This exercise takes 20-30 minutes and allows participants to create a murder mystery outline together.

Phase 1 (3 minutes)

  • Split into groups of 3 or 4
  • Decide as a group where the murder occurs (e.g. the opera house, a bar, a casino)
  • Decide one person who will write the details of the victim and the murder itself.  Everyone else writes the details of one suspect each.
  • The ‘victim author’ then invents a few extra details about the scene of the crime, who the victim was (a teenage punk, an adult opera singer, etc.) and the murder weapon and summarises this to the others.

Phase 2 (10 minutes)

Each person then writes a police report as if they are either describing the scene of the crime, or recording the notes from their interview with a single suspect:

Write the following:

  • 1 line description of the victim.
  • When they were last seen by a group of witnesses (and what they were doing).
  • How the murder occurred in more detail based on the evidence available.

Write the following (from the perspective of the investigator):

  • 1 line description of the suspect
  • What they said during the interview (including what they claim to have doing when the murder occurs).
  • A possible motivation (as determined by the police from other witnesses).

Phase 3 (5 minutes)

  • Each person reads out their police reports to the other members of their small group
  • As a group, decide who the murderer was and what actually happened

See more ideas on  creating murder mystery party games

The obscure movie exercise

Obscure movie

Pick a famous movie and spend 5 minutes writing a scene from it from an unusual perspective.  Your aim is to achieve a balance between being too obscure and making it too obvious.  Feel free to add internal dialogue.

At the end of the 5 minutes, everyone reads their movie scene to the others and all the other participants see if they can guess what the movie is.

How to hint at romantic feelings

How to hint at romantic feelings

Write a scene with two people in a group, where you hint that one is romantically interested in the other, but the feelings aren’t reciprocated.

The goal of this exercise is to practice subtlety. Imagine you are setting a scene for the future where the characters feelings will become more important. Choose a situation like a work conference, meeting with a group of friends, etc. How do you indicate how the characters feel without them saying it in words?

Some tips for hinting at romantic feelings:

  • Make the characters nervous and shy.
  • Your protagonist leans forward.
  • Asks deeper questions and listens intently.
  • Finds ways to be close together.
  • Mirrors their gestures.
  • Gives lots of compliments.
  • Makes eye contact, then looks away.
  • Other people seem invisible to your protagonist.

A novel idea

Novel idea

Take it in turns to tell everyone else about a current project you’re working on (a book, screenplay, short story, etc.)

The other writers then brainstorm ideas for related stories you could write, or directions your project could take.  There are no right or wrong suggestions and the intention is to focus on big concepts, not little details.

This whole exercise takes around 15 minutes.

Creative writing prompts

Exercise for groups of 3-5

Creative writing

If you're in larger group, split up into groups of 3 or 4 people.

Everyone writes the first line of a story in the Zoom chat, or on paper. Other people can then choose this line as a writing prompt.

For this exercise:

  • Say who the protagonist is.
  • Reveal their motivation.
  • Introduce any other characters

Once everyone's written a prompt, each author chooses a prompt (preferably someone eles's, but it can be your own if you feel really inspired by it.)  Then write for 10 minutes using this prompt. See if you can reveal who the protagonist is, what their motivation is (it can be a small motivation for a particular scene, it doesn't have to be a huge life goal), and introduce at least one new character.

Take turns reading out your stories to each other.

  • Write in the first person.
  • Have the protagonist interacting with an object or something in nature.
  • The challenge is to create intrigue that makes the reader want to know more with just a single line.

Creative story cards / dice

Creative story cards for students

Cut up a piece of paper and write one word on each of the pieces of paper, as follows:

Give each participant a couple of pieces of paper at random.  The first person says the first sentence of a story and they must use their first word as part of that sentence.  The second person then continues the story and must include their word in it, and so on.  Go round the group twice to complete the story.

You can also do this creative writing exercise with story dice, your own choice of words, or by asking participants to write random words down themselves, then shuffling all the cards together.

Alternative Christmas Story

Alternative Christmas Story

Every Christmas adults tell kids stories about Santa Claus. In this exercise you write a Christmas story from an alternative dimension.

What if every Christmas Santa didn't fly around the world delivering presents on his sleigh pulled by reindeer? What if gnomes or aliens delivered the presents? Or perhaps it was the gnomes who are trying to emulate the humans? Or some other Christmas tradition entirely that we humans have never heard of!

Group writing exercise

If you're working with a group, give everyone a couple of minutes to write two possible themes for the new Christmas story. Each theme should be 5 words or less.

Shuffle the paper and distribute them at random. If you're working online, everyone types the themes into the Zoom or group chat. Each writer then spends 10 minutes writing a short story for children based on one of the two themes, or their own theme if they really want to.

If working alone, choose your own theme and spend 15 minutes writing a short story on it. See if you can create the magic of Christmas from another world!

Murder Mystery Mind Map

Murder Mystery mind map

In a murder mystery story or courtroom drama, there's often conflicting information and lots of links between characters. A mind map is an ideal way to illustrate how everything ties together.

Split into groups of 3 or 4 people each and place a blank piece of A3 paper (double the size of A4) in the middle of each group. Discuss between you who the victim is and write their name in the middle of the piece of paper. Then brainstorm information about the murder, for example:

Feel free to expand out from any of these, e.g. to include more information on the different characters involved.

The idea is that  everyone writes at the same time!   Obviously, you can discuss ideas, but anyone can dive in and write their ideas on the mind map.

  • Who was the victim? (job, appearance, hobbies, etc.)
  • Who did the victim know?
  • What were their possible motivations?
  • What was the murder weapon?
  • What locations are significant to the plot?

New Year’s resolutions for a fictional character

List of ideas for a fictional character

If you’re writing a piece of fiction, ask yourself how your protagonist would react to an everyday situation. This can help you to gain a deeper insight into who they are.

One way to do this is to imagine what their New Year’s resolutions would be.

If completing this exercise with a group, limit it to 3 to 5 resolutions per person. If some participants are historical fiction or non-fiction writers, they instead pick a celebrity and either write what their resolutions  will  be, or what their resolutions  should  be, their choice.

Verb Noun Fiction Exercise (Inspired by Stephen King)

List of ideas for a fictional character

Stephen King said, "I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs, and I will shout it from the rooftops."

He also said, "Take any noun, put it with any verb, and you have a sentence. It never fails. Rocks explode. Jane transmits. Mountains float. These are all perfect sentences. Many such thoughts make little rational sense, but even the stranger ones (Plums deify!) have a kind of poetic weight that’s nice."

In this fiction writing exercise, start by brainstorming (either individually or collectively) seven verbs on seven different pieces of paper. Put those aside for later. Now brainstorm seven nouns. Randomly match the nouns and verbs so you have seven pairs. Choose a pair and write a piece of fiction for ten minutes. Avoid using any adverbs.

It’s the end of the world

End of the world

It’s the end of the world!  For 5 minutes either:

If working as a team, then after the 5 minutes is up each writer reads their description out to the other participants.

  • Describe how the world’s going to end, creating evocative images using similes or metaphors as you wish and tell the story from a global perspective, or
  • Describe how you spend your final day before the world is destroyed.  Combine emotion and action to engage the reader.

7 Editing Exercises

For use after your first draft

Editing first draft

I’ve listened to a lot of masterclasses on writing by successful authors and they all say variants of your first draft won’t be good and that’s fine. Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman summarise it the best:

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.”  

Terry Pratchett

“For me, it’s always been a process of trying to convince myself that what I’m doing in a first draft isn’t important. One way you get through the wall is by convincing yourself that it doesn’t matter. No one is ever going to see your first draft. Nobody cares about your first draft. And that’s the thing that you may be agonising over, but honestly, whatever you’re doing can be fixed… For now, just get the words out. Get the story down however you can get it down, then fix it.”

Neil Gaiman

Once you’ve written your first draft, it will need editing to develop the plot, enhance the characters, and improve each scene in a myriad of ways – small and large. These seven creative editing exercises are designed to help with this stage of the process.

The First Sentence

Read the first paragraph of the novel, in particular the first sentence. Does it launch the reader straight into the action? According to  On Writing and Worldbuilding  by Timothy Hickson,  “The most persuasive opening lines are succinct, and not superfluous. To do this, it is often effective to limit it to a single central idea… This does not need to be the most important element, but it should be a central element that is interesting.” Ask yourself what element your opening sentence encapsulates and whether it’s the best one to capture your readers’ attention.


Consistency is crucial in creative writing, whether it’s in relation to location, objects, or people.

It’s also crucial for personality, emotions and motivation.

Look at scenes where your protagonist makes an important decision. Are their motivations clear? Do any scenes force them to choose between two conflicting morals? If so, do you explore this? Do their emotions fit with what’s happened in previous scenes?

As you edit your manuscript, keep the characters’ personality, emotions and motivation in mind. If their behaviour is inconsistent, either edit it for consistency, or have someone comment on their strange behaviour or be surprised by it. Inconsistent behaviour can reveal that a character is keeping a secret, or is under stress, so characters don’t always need to be consistent. But when they’re not, there has to be a reason.  

Show Don’t Tell One

This exercise is the first in  The Emotional Craft of Fiction  by Donald Maass. It’s a writing guide with a plethora of editing exercises designed to help you reenergize your writing by thinking of what your character is feeling, and giving you the tools to make your reader feel something.  

  • Select a moment in your story when your protagonist is moved, unsettled, or disturbed… Write down all the emotions inherent in this moment, both obvious and hidden.
  • Next, considering what he is feeling, write down how your protagonist can act out. What is the biggest thing your protagonist can do? What would be explosive, out of bounds, or offensive? What would be symbolic? … Go sideways, underneath, or ahead. How can your protagonist show us a feeling we don’t expect to see?
  • Finally, go back and delete all the emotions you wrote down at the beginning of this exercise. Let actions and spoken words do the work. Do they feel too big, dangerous, or over-the-top? Use them anyway. Others will tell you if you’ve gone too far, but more likely, you haven’t gone far enough.

Show Don’t Tell Two

Search for the following words in your book:

Whenever these words occur, ask yourself if you can demonstrate how your characters feel, rather than simply stating it. For each occasion, can you use physiological descriptors (a racing heart), actions (taking a step backwards) or dialogue to express what’s just happened instead? Will this enhance the scene and engage the reader more?

After The Action

Find a scene where your characters disagree – in particular a scene where your protagonist argues with friends or allies. What happens next?

It can be tempting to wrap up the action with a quick resolution. But what if a resentment lingers and mistrust builds? This creates a more interesting story arc and means a resolution can occur later, giving the character development a real dynamic.

Review how you resolve the action and see if you can stretch out the emotions for a more satisfying read.

Eliminating the Fluff

Ensure that the words used don’t detract from the enormity of the events your character is going through. Can you delete words like, “Quite”, “Little”, or “Rather”? 

Of “Very” Florence King once wrote: “ 'Very' is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen .” Delete it, or replace the word after it with a stronger word, which makes “Very” redundant.

“That,” is another common word used in creative writing which can often be deleted. Read a sentence as is, then reread it as if you deleted, “That”. If the meaning is the same, delete it.

Chapter Endings

When talking about chapter endings, James Patterson said,  “At the end, something has to propel you into the next chapter.”

Read how each of your chapters finish and ask yourself does it either:

  • End on a cliff hanger? (R.L. Stine likes to finish every chapter in this method).
  • End on a natural pause (for example, you’re changing point of view or location).

Review how you wrap up each of your chapters. Do you end at the best point in your story? Can you add anticipation to cliff hangers? Will you leave your readers wanting more?

How to run the writing exercises

The editing exercises are designed to be completed individually.

With the others, I've always run them as part of a creative writing group, where there's no teacher and we're all equal participants, therefore I keep any 'teaching' aspect to a minimum, preferring them to be prompts to generate ideas before everyone settles down to do the silent writing. We've recently gone online and if you run a group yourself, whether online or in person, you're welcome to use these exercises for free!

The times given are suggestions only and I normally get a feel for how everyone's doing when time's up and if it's obvious that everyone's still in the middle of a discussion, then I give them longer.  Where one group's in the middle of a discussion, but everyone else has finished, I sometimes have a 'soft start' to the silent writing, and say, "We're about to start the hour and a half of silent writing now, but if you're in the middle of a discussion, feel free to finish it first".

This way everyone gets to complete the discussion, but no-one's waiting for ages.  It's also important to emphasise that there's no wrong answers when being creative.

Still looking for more? Check out these creative writing prompts  or our dedicated Sci-Fi and Fantasy creative writing prompts

If you've enjoyed these creative writing exercises, please share them on social media, or link to them from your blog.

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11 Creative Writing Exercises To Awaken Your Inner Author

I believe there’s a writer inside of all of us.

Even if you don’t think you write well, you do have something to say.

You have a story to tell, knowledge to impart , and experiences to share.

You’ve lived a full life that’s packed with observations and adventures, and you shouldn’t exit this Earth without chronicling them in some way.

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, your life is the laboratory for creating a great book or story.

If you can talk, you can write — even if you need to brush up on grammar and spelling. You’ll naturally become a better writer the more you write.

You’ll learn how to organize ideas, make smooth transitions, and expand your vocabulary.

Reading also improves your writing, so if you have the tiniest desire to write well, read a wide variety of books in different genres.

You can accelerate your writing competence with some simple writing exercises.

Your inner creative muscle needs exertion to stay fit and strong — but writing exercises don’t need to be drudgery.

They can be fun and exciting as you see how much creative juice you have just waiting to be squeezed.

These creative exercises should be practiced without self-judgment, inner filters, or concern about what a reader might think.

The purpose is to allow your creative mind complete freedom to cut loose.

You don’t have to show these writing exercises to anyone if you don’t want to.

It’s a good weekly practice engage in writers exercises to what catches your imagination and awakens your inner author .

1. Answer 3 questions.

2. write a letter to your younger self., 3. use writing prompts., 4. write about your expertise. , 5. write a stream of consciousness page., 6. write a story told to you., 7. pretend to be someone else. , 8. write about something or someone who changed your life., 9. describe your surroundings., 10. pick a number., 11. describe a dream of yours — or the life of your dreams., what are creative writing exercises.

“Perfect” writers don’t exist. Even Ernest Hemingway and Alice Walker honed the craft right up to their waning days. Growth, improvement, and experimentation are the clarion calls of professional and aspiring scribes. And those who succeed put in the work.

That’s where creative writing exercises come in, as they’re designed to help you play with words in a non-judgmental environment.

Common “craft-sharpening” writing games and tools include:

  • Prompt prose
  • Timed freewriting
  • Stream-of-consciousness exercises
  • Vocabulary teasers / mad libs
  • Restricted writing (i.e., every sentence must start with a verb, certain words cannot be mentioned, et cetera)

Serious writers — and people serious about becoming better writers — are perpetually composing pieces that will never see the light of day. But just as a tennis player hits thousands of serves during practice sessions, writers scribe thousands of short language exercises. To continue the sports analogy: Writing exercises are the equivalent of an athlete stretching before a game or match.

Here are 11 creative writing exercises to get you started:

In this exercise, you’ll use three questions to stimulate creative thought. You can write these questions yourself, but I’ll give you some examples to show you what to do.

You want to answer the questions as quickly as you can, with whatever ideas pop into your mind.

Write as much or as little as you wish, but just allow the words to flow without pondering too much what you want to say.

  • Who just snuck out the back window?
  • What were they carrying?
  • Where were they going?
  • Who is Ethan?
  • Why is he crying?
  • What is he going to do about it?
  • Whose house is Julia leaving?
  • Why was she there?
  • Where is she going now?

In this exercise, you are writing to yourself at a younger age. It can be your childhood self or yourself just a few years back.

man at coffee house with laptop creative writing Exercises

You can offer advice, compassion, explanation, forgiveness, or praise.

Or you can simply recount an experience you had and how it impacted you as your adult self now.

Try to see this younger self as a real and separate person when you write the letter. This exercise helps you think about your reader as a real person with emotions — a person who can be moved and inspired by your writing.

Again, try not to overthink this exercise. Spend a few minutes deciding the core message of the letter, and then just start writing without filters.

A writing prompt is an idea that jumpstarts the writing process.

The prompt can be a short sentence, a paragraph, or even a picture, but the purpose is the same — to ignite your creativity so you’ll begin writing.

Writing prompts can help you when you feel stuck while writing your book.

If you take ten minutes to work on a writing prompt, you can go back to your book writing primed to get down to business. It stimulates ideas for a writer and releases the creative process.

Here are a few prompts you can use:

Think about something you know how to do well. It can be anything from washing the dishes to selling stocks.

Write a few paragraphs (or more if you wish) explaining some aspect of how to do what you do.

Assume your reader is completely ignorant about the subject.

This writing shouldn’t sound like a dry instruction manual. Try to write in a conversational style, as though you’re verbally explaining the process.

Break down the steps in a way that makes the reader understand exactly what to do, without using business jargon or buzzwords.

This is an easy and fun exercise. You want to write it in longhand rather than typing on your computer, as handwriting slows down the process and allows more time for your creative brain to do its work.

Grab a pen and blank pad and simply start writing. Write down whatever comes into your brain, no matter how nonsensical or disjointed.

man using quill to write creative writing Exercises

There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages — they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page…and then do three more pages tomorrow.

In this exercise, you want to recount a story told to you by another person.

It can be a story one of your parents or grandparents shared about something that happened many years ago, or it can be a more recent event a friend or family member recounted.

Or you can tell a story you learned in school or through reading about a well-known person or event.

The story can be funny, sad, or educational — but it should be interesting, entertaining, or engaging in some way.

Whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, readers love stories.  They enjoy relating to the lives and experiences of other people.

When you share stories in your writing, you humanize your writing and take your readers on a small journey.

In this exercise, you’ll practice writing from another person’s perspective. You can choose a person you know well, or you can write from the point of view of an imagined character.

Put yourself in this person’s shoes, see things through their eyes, and react the way they would react.

Choose one situation, encounter, or setting, and write what you see, hear, think, and feel about the scenario. Get inside of this person’s brain, and try to be as descriptive as possible.

You can write a paragraph or several pages if you’re inspired.

In this exercise, rather than telling the story of someone else or pretending to be another person, you want to share your story from your perspective.

Write about a person or event that has profoundly impacted you and changed your life.

Rather than simply recounting the situation, talk about how it made you feel, what your reactions were, and how you were changed on the inside as well as the outside.

Pour your heart into this writing. Remember, you don’t have to show it to anyone, so be completely vulnerable and real in this exercise.

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Simply write a paragraph or two about your surroundings.

You can write in first person (“I am sitting at my desk, which is littered with papers and old coffee cups.”), or write in third person, simply describing what you see (“The room is bleak and empty except for one old wooden chair.”).

Challenge yourself to use descriptive language to set the scene.

Rather than saying, “The light is shining through the window,” you might say, “The morning sun is streaming through the window, spotlighting a million dancing dust particles and creating mottled shadows on my desk.”

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction , you want to write intriguing descriptions that invite the reader into the setting so they can “see” what you see.

Even numbers can serve to inspire writing. This exercise combines numbers with something else you probably have at your disposal.

Pick a random number between 1 and 30. We’ll call it number n. Then look to your bookshelf (real or virtual) and choose the nth book.

( Note: If you have more than 30 books on your shelf, you can choose a bigger number).

Then you’d open that book to the nth page and go to the nth sentence on that page.

Write that sentence down and make it the first sentence of a new freewriting exercise. Just write whatever comes to mind for the next sentence and the one after that, and so on.

Write at least as many sentences as the number you chose.

Think of a dream you remember and describe it in as much detail as you can recall.

From there, you can take that dream and turn it into a story or play with possible interpretations — serious or just for fun.

Or you can write about the life you dream of living. Describe a perfect day in that life, from the time you wake up to the time you lie back down.

Describe the home in which you live or the places you want to go. Imagine you’re living there in the locale of your choice for as long as you wish.

Don’t bother trying to make it sound realistic.

Just let the words flow, and enjoy the ride. Part of the fun of learning how to practice writing fiction is letting your imagination take over — without any heckling from your inner editor.

How These Exercises Can Make You a Better Writer 

At first explanation, writing exercises may sound a tad tedious. But people who do them improve by leaps and bounds. 

For starters, it all comes down to the human brain’s wiring. In short, every thought and idea we have is conducted by electrical impulses that torpedo around our nervous systems. When we practice something, the associated “circuits” grow myelin, a biological cushion that protects nerves. The added shielding optimizes the relevant electrical paths, rendering them more efficient. 

In other words: The more you do something, the better you’ll get. It doesn’t matter if you have an IQ of 80 or 180. Practice yields results. With writing, the more you do it, the better work you’ll produce. 

Specifically, creative prose lessons also:

  • Keep your creativity muscles limber
  • Help exercise your vocabulary
  • Present opportunities to think about ideas and situations from different perspectives
  • Help writers workshop characters, plots, and ideas

Final Thoughts

No matter how experienced you are as a writer, you can always improve and tap deeper into the wellspring of your own creativity.

You can always learn new ways to express yourself and delight your reader.

View these writing exercises as a means to opening doors of insight and imagination and enjoy the process of becoming a better writer.

I believe there's a writer in all of us. Try these 11 creative writing exercises to see what catches your imagination and awakens your inner author. #writing #writingtips #writingcommunity #writingprompts #writinginspiration #author #amwriting #selfpublishing

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14 Creative Writing Exercises to Improve Your Writing

Allison Bressmer

Allison Bressmer

Writing Exercises title

Whether writing is a hobby or a career for you, developing consistent writing habits is key to becoming a better writer.

Blank pages are intimidating. Commit to writing every day to conquer that page and develop your writing skills and style.

By engaging in intentional writing exercises daily, you’ll hone your skills and develop a creative mindset.

These creative writing exercises will get you started immediately!

14 Best Writing Exercises to Try (For Beginners AND Pros)

How do you improve your writing skills, 1. practice freewriting.

To freewrite , set your fingers on your keyboard and start writing; don’t worry about mistakes. Your freewriting is for your eyes only and your goal is simply to get words on the page.

Stuck for a topic? Choose an object you can see—your coffee cup; your sofa; the beat-up (or not) car across the street.

Now, write about the object. You might describe it, tell a story about it, analyze its usefulness—anything is fine. Allow your stream of consciousness to flow and bring ideas to the surface.

The endgame of this writing exercise isn’t to produce great writing about boring objects; it’s to work your writing muscles.

As you search for ways to make these objects interesting, you’ll find unexpected ideas, word choices, and wordplays.

Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, calls freewriting exercises “Morning Pages” and advises all writers to practice freewriting every day, first thing in the morning, right after waking up.

2. Use Story Starters

Story starters or writing prompts are creative writing exercises that can help you escape a creative rut.

A writing prompt can be anything—a single sentence, a short paragraph, a word. You could even use the first line of a favorite book or newspaper article and take the story in a new direction.

Try building a story from one of these prompts:

  • I opened the window.
  • We disagreed.
  • “It was a pleasure to burn.” (Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 )

There are many places to find story starters and writing prompts online, such as Daily Prompt .

Story starter examples

3. Write a “Dear Younger Me” Letter

What would you like to say to yourself five, ten, 20, or 50 years ago? Go ahead and write a letter to that younger self!

Maybe you’ll offer advice or reassurance, relive a special moment with them, or tell them how you’ve changed, or haven’t, since you were “their” age.

Another option: imagine what someone else in your life would say to you at a particular time and write from that person’s perspective.

This activity is a great creative writing exercise and a way to tap into your emotions.

write a letter to your younger self

4. Do a Point of View (POV) Switch

Take a segment from a favorite book. Rewrite that segment from a different character’s point of view.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is written in third-person limited POV. A third-person narrator tells the story, but focuses on Harry’s thoughts and feelings.

In your rewrite, focus on Hermione’s POV. What does she see that Harry doesn’t? What is she feeling and thinking?

As you write, notice how the story changes. Chances are, it will take on a distinct form and tone and may inspire an idea for a new story of your own.

Or rewrite the segment from an entirely different point of view. If the original is told from first-person POV, recreate it with a third-person narrator.

Note what other changes you’ll have to make because of that switch.

Should you include more or less sensory detail ? Should you adjust what’s revealed about each character thinks or feels?

This writing exercise can help you determine what POV you like writing in best and demonstrate how a single story can be told in several ways.

5. Put Yourself in the Middle of the Action

Put yourse;f in the middle of the action

Take a story that resonates with you.

Rewrite the story as if you’re the main character.

Now that you’ve got eyes “inside” the story, can you expand on the details to make a situation more intense or to convey your feelings more fully? Can you think of ways to make the story more engaging?

As you generate ideas you’ll likely find a creative direction for a new story.

6. Eliminate Empty Words

Sentences contain working words and glue words. Working words tell your reader key information, convey emotions, and provide meaning. Glue words hold the working words together.

Streamline your phrasing to only use necessary glue words. Unnecessary glue words are empty words that clutter your sentences and slow your writing down.

There are, there is, there are, in, on, of, this, just are common glue words that can become empty.

In this sentence, “There are two birds sitting on the roof,” the only purpose of the words “there are” is to make the sentence complete. A better strategy is to use a stronger, more specific verb. For example, “Two birds perch on the roof” or “Two birds idle on the roof.”

ProWritingAid’s Sticky Sentences Report highlights sentences with too many glue words. With rephrasing and editing, you can streamline those sentences and keep your work moving fluently.

ProWritingAid's Sticky Sentence Check

To practice, review a scene in your manuscript and restructure sentences to eliminate glue words.

Replace weak verbs with stronger ones and be economical with your word count. Don’t be afraid to cut; you can always go back and add details as needed.

You’ll find yourself choosing more precise words and constructing leaner, clearer sentences.

7. Outline Dialogue-Heavy Scenes

To create a natural back-and-forth exchange between characters, outline the dialogue in dialogue-heavy scenes first.

Don’t worry about writing descriptions, dialogue tags , or body language cues. Just write the basic dialogue.

Then, go back and evaluate what you need to add to express the characters’ tone, feelings, and personality more fully.

Outline dialogue heavy scenes

Tip: only use dialogue tags when the speaker’s identity isn’t clear. When they’re needed, it’s best to stick with said and asked . If the exchange needs intensity, add action beats—a telling glance or gesture to heighten the moment.

8. Replace Adjectives with Descriptions

Adjectives are powerful. However, they only tell what’s happening; they don’t give the reader an experience. In this sentence, the adjective tells us Peter’s feelings:

  • Watching the movie, Peter was scared!

Replacing this with a description allows the reader to experience fear along with Peter:

  • When the headless bleeding corpse slithered out from the box in the attic, Peter screamed and ducked behind the sofa!

Now you try.

Review your draft. Look for adjectives you can replace with descriptions.

Use sensory words so your reader can experience the smells, touches, sights, sounds, or tastes you describe.

ProWritingAid’s Sensory Report helps you balance sensory details by analyzing the emphasis you put on each sense. For example, in this sample, my writing has a heavy sight-emphasis.

ProWritingAid's Sensory Report

The report measures 67% of the sensory words as appealing to sight, letting me know I might want to make adjustments and create a more balanced experience.

9. Blog Every Day

Blogging every day encourages regular writing habits and is great practice for any writer.

You can consult online resources for tips on how to find a blog topic or niche.

Why you should blog every day

For example, you might decide to focus on food, on being a teacher, on being a millennial, on parenting, or on being a millennial who is a teacher and a parent!

Focus on a different aspect of that topic each day—even if you simply write a “Day in the Life of a _ _ _ _ _” series.

This limited focus provides a framework, but leaves plenty of room for creativity. Explore within that framework as you develop your voice and style.

For an extra challenge, limit the number of words you write. On slower days, the number will serve as a target. On days when ideas flow, it will help you ensure that each word matters.

10. Write a 500-Word Story

The definition of flash fiction

In the writing world, a 500-word story is an example of “ flash fiction. ”

Flash fiction includes all the elements of plot, conflict, and character development, but since it’s so short, every word counts.

Want to try? Write a fully formed story that includes these three words: rose, glass, forbid . Add no more than 497 additional words of your choice!

This exercise will help you focus on story structure, word choice, and powerful imagery.

11. Set a Captivating Mood

Readers should be intrigued by the story and drawn into the setting so they can feel for and with your characters. To make that happen, create a mood.

In Creating Short Fiction , Damon Knight suggests imagining you’re a character in a room. Describe what’s happening in that room and how the character sees, experiences, and responds to those surroundings.

Put the exercise into practice. Imagine an enemy from your past just called you, saying, “I’m outside your door.”

Now describe the space around you. Do everyday objects become potential weapons? Is the air heavy with dread or charged with fear or filled with fury?

12. Be Observant

Pay close attention to your own reality and the emotions you experience in response.

Let’s imagine you’re sitting on a beach. Engage your senses and observe your emotions.

What do you see, hear, taste, smell? What does it feel like to sit in the sun and sand?

Are you feeling excited? Tranquil? Contemplative? What’s triggering that emotion?

Perhaps the roaring waves make you feel small and insignificant—or invigorated! Maybe the ocean is quiet, and the small waves’ gentle rhythm soothes you,

Capture those details and feelings in a journal (or on your phone!). Later, write a scene based in that setting, using those captured details to create sensations and evoke emotions.

13. Practice Empathy

Being sensitive to the feelings of others and seeing the world through their eyes will help you create well-developed characters .

Imagine a mother struggling with a stroller and shopping bags on the bus. Her kids are loud, they press the stop button repeatedly, and she has to take a phone call. Passengers are obviously annoyed.

Write the scene from the mother’s perspective, considering her feelings and frustration. Does she notice the passengers’ anger? Who is calling her? Where is she trying to go?

This exercise also works when you make it personal, though it may be emotionally challenging.

Rewrite a part of your life from the perspective of someone you hold negative feelings about—an ex, an enemy, a boss. Consider their feelings and tell “their side.”

Why you should practice empathy

14. Group Writing Exercises

Groups can trigger creative writing ideas.

Give each member time to write one or two themes (one sentence each) for a holiday story.

Shuffle those submissions and redistribute them randomly.

For online groups, post the themes in chat and have everyone use the entry following their own.

Set a timer for ten minutes, during which each writer creates a story fitting their assigned theme.

Then, share your stories! Keep the exercise going with a story swap. Have a new author continue each narrative.

Writing prompts rouelette

Stephen King once observed:

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

Reading and observing the work of other writers is essential to developing your skills, but isn’t enough on its own.

You must give your writing skills a workout—and these 14 creative writing exercises provide the perfect starting point.

You don’t have to work alone! Professional bloggers, novelists, copywriters, and other writers use ProWritingAid to receive personalized feedback on their work.

It’s a one-stop tool to help you evaluate, edit, and improve your writing. Try it out today.

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World-Building 101: How to construct an unforgettable world for your fantasy or sci-Fi story!

World-Building 101: How to Construct an Unforgettable World for Your Fantasy or Sci-Fi Story!

This guide is for all the writers out there who want to construct an unforgettable world that your readers can’t help but get lost in, learn how to invent species, gods, monsters and more in our immersive guide..

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Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Allison Bressmer is a professor of freshman composition and critical reading at a community college and a freelance writer. If she isn’t writing or teaching, you’ll likely find her reading a book or listening to a podcast while happily sipping a semi-sweet iced tea or happy-houring with friends. She lives in New York with her family. Connect at linkedin.com/in/allisonbressmer.

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7 Creative Writing Exercises For Writers

Need a creative lift as a writer? Try these 7 creative writing exercises for writers to boost your writing skills.

Pencils and notebook on a desk.

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Has your creative well run dry? Are you struggling to find inspiration for your next written work? Creative writing exercises could be the answer.

online creative writing exercises

Just like any other skill, the art and craft of writing will benefit from the frequent working and reworking of your practices and habits. Creativity exercises for writers could unlock that writer’s block that you have been struggling to overcome and spur you on to new and exciting creative directions. 

What are Creative Writing Exercises?

Creative writing exercises can take on many forms and can mean different things to different people. However, certain elements are common to most examples of creative writing exercises.

They are often produced in short, intense bursts, for one thing, and they are often entirely improvised. Improvisation is one of the earmarks of the creative writing exercises employed by many writers.

One other factor that most creative writing exercises have in common is that they often encourage the exploration and expounding of familiar subject matters in novel ways.

Many classes and guides that focus solely on developing creative writing techniques involve adopting short and spontaneous approaches. 

How often should writers practice creative writing exercises?

online creative writing exercises

Regardless of what form a creative writing exercise takes, it is smart for writers to adopt these practices and incorporate them into their daily routines. The goal is to expand their writing skills and develop the ability to tell the same story in as many different ways as possible. 

Start by writing a few lines once or twice a week, spending only a few minutes each session. Gradually increase the length of each session and how many times you sit down to write per week.

Eventually, you could work up to about ten minutes per session, performing these exercises several times throughout the week. 

Here are 7 Creative Writing Exercises for Writers

online creative writing exercises

If you feel like taking a break from a writing assignment or are between projects, you can try your hand at these creative writing exercises. They can also serve as inspiration for your next opus or strengthen your creative muscles. 

1. Follow your stream of consciousness.

online creative writing exercises

Many writers have become conditioned to feel a great deal of stress or worry about being confronted by a blank page. This exercise will help you address this fear head-on. 

Get a piece of paper and start writing the first thing that comes to mind. Don’t even think about what you are writing or edit your thoughts. This type of writing is known as “free writing”. Author Julia Cameron referred to this as the “morning pages” in her award-winning book, The Artist’s Way . 

2. Work with different points of view.

online creative writing exercises

If you find yourself struggling with expressing yourself, try switching up your point of view. Take a chapter from your favorite book, or even just a scene if you want to start slow. Write everything that takes place from the point of view of another character. The goal here is to communicate the story in another way. 

You could also vary this exercise by writing as if you are the main character by changing their point of view. If the story is written in the first person, try writing it from the third person. Be aware of the details that are omitted when you switch viewpoints. This frequently leads to an interesting new twist to the story. 

3. Take advantage of writing prompts.

Writing prompts or story starters can be invaluable writing tools that could encourage you to explore unfamiliar but interesting creative directions. These are sentences or short passages that could serve as springboards for writing spontaneous stories. 

We have many writing prompts lists here at ThinkWritten you can use for inspiration, including 365 Creative Writing Prompts , 42 Fantasy Prompts , and 101 Poetry Prompts .

4. Have a Conversation With Yourself

online creative writing exercises

See what it’s like to write a letter or converse with yourself. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have a conversation with your younger self, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

You can choose any subject you want, from a significant social or political event or some words of wisdom to your younger version. Try to be as honest and as forthcoming as possible. The results might surprise you.

5. Try Writing Flash Fiction

online creative writing exercises

Try to crank out a piece of flash fiction. As with other creative writing exercises, don’t spend too much time at it. Simply sit down in front of the computer or a piece of paper, and begin writing. Flash fiction doesn’t usually go beyond 500 words, so try to keep it short.

Note: It might be helpful to differentiate flash fiction from the freewriting exercise discussed earlier. While freewriting involves generating words and ideas in an unbridled stream of consciousness, flash fiction is more about writing within a set of guidelines. In this particular exercise, try incorporating structural elements such as plots, conflicts, and character development, all in the goal of developing a logical story arc. 

6. Practice writing fake ads

online creative writing exercises

Writing fake advertisements is another potentially useful exercise. Few tasks can flex your creative muscles than trying to sell a product, person, company, or idea. You don’t need a lot to get started either. All you have to do is to select a word at random from a magazine or newspaper and get started writing an ad for it. 

It might help to write one ad in a more formal tone, similar to the classified ads published in newspapers. This exercise will train you in using a few words effectively to sell your subject. You can then write another ad in a style similar to that published in online marketplaces, which allow for longer text. In both exercises, try to convince your readers to purchase the product in as definitive terms as possible. 

7. Rewrite someone else’s story

online creative writing exercises

Consider adopting a story from someone else and making it your own. Unlike the exercise that involves writing a story from another point of view, this one involves telling the same story from the same viewpoint but using your own words.

It could be any story you want to write about, from something a family member told you about or an urban legend that has long made the rounds of your town.

Whichever story you choose, try to write it as if it happened to you. If certain details are missing–which is often the case with old stories–don’t hold back from adding your own touches. You could even take a well-known story and write it as if you were there when the events took place. 

There are only a few of the creativity exercises for writers you can try. There are many more variations that you could use to help you get back into the pattern of writing creatively.

If you ever find yourself stuck and unsure of what your next step should be, consider taking some time off and working on some creative writing exercises instead. After some time, you might find yourself becoming more eager to get back into it and more inspired than ever. 

Tell us what you think! Do you enjoy creative writing exercises? Do you have any additional ideas for ways writers can continue to build and work on their writing skills? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Eric Pangburn is a freelance writer who shares his best tips with other writers here at ThinkWritten. When not writing, he enjoys coaching basketball and spending time with his family.

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Free Creative Writing Worksheet with 5 Warm-up Exercises

  • by Domestika @domestika

Download these free writing exercises to challenge your creativity and come to the blank page filled with inspiration

Writing a unique and engaging book that readers simply can’t put down often means finding ways to put a twist on well-known tropes and writing habits. Prompts are a great way to open your mind by introducing new ideas and rules to experiment with .

Emily Barr ( @emily_barr ) is an award-winning novelist and Domestika teacher who combines a love for travel with her talent for writing addictive thrillers to take readers on a journey. Here, she shares five warm-up prompts that will help you stretch your writing muscles in a downloadable PDF worksheet.

How to get started with writing prompts

“It’s much easier to not write a book, than to write a book!” Emily explains. As the author of several adult and young adult thrillers in the UK, and horror and sci-fi in the US, she needs to stay motivated and engaged with her projects through lots of drafting and editing.

While reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way , Emily was introduced to the practice of morning pages , where you begin a writing day by filling three pages by hand. This can help “unstick” your mind.

And if you’re struggling to think of things to write about, writing prompts are your best friend. They might be a single word or image you can bounce off, or they might be a whole scene waiting to be explored.

Writing freely for a set amount of time or pages can open your mind at the start of a writing day.

Benefits of using writing prompts

1. You can discover new ideas and themes you want to explore in your main project.

2. It’s easier to get started on a slower writing day.

3. You can experiment with styles or genres you don’t usually write.

4. They give your brain a break from writing the same thing every day.

5. It’s liberating to write something completely silly, that you don’t have to share with anyone!

Emily builds out from early drafting to create her larger plot for a thriller in her course.

Download the free PDF worksheet with five writing warm-up exercises

After clicking on the download button below, you’ll find a PDF file titled Creative Writing Warm-up Worksheet by Emily Barr in your Downloads folder.

Inside, you can learn more about Emily’s course, and also discover the prompts she recommends to stimulate your creativity before you work on your novel. They will push you to think about a range of aspects in your writing, from dialogue to description—and even challenge you to write a story with every letter of the alphabet!

Join for Free and download

EN download-20230825T091752Z-001.zip

Sign up for Emily’s course, Writing a Psychological Thriller . There, you’ll write the opening of your own book, a 25-word synopsis, and plan the rest of your plot with an experienced novelist as your guide.

Discover more writing resources

1. Try these two additional writing exercises to overcome creative block.

2. Learn the difference between a novel and a short story , so you can make the right choice for your narrative.

3. Watch these six free creative writing tutorials for all levels.

4. Go from the blank page to a daily writing practice with this course by Aniko Villalba.

5. Develop your first novel idea with this course by Shaun Levin.

Nathan Ams

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✍️ Writer's Block Writing Exercises

Curated with love by Reedsy

We found 33 writer's block exercises that match your search 🔦 reset

The Hammer and the Hatchet

A stranger walks into the general store and buys a hammer, a hatchet, some rope, and an apple. What does he do with them?

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Picket fence.

Describe your house - or the dream house you hope to get some day.

Telephone Directory

It is commonly known that a telephone directory might be the most boring text in the entire world. Here is your challenge: write a page of a telephone directory and figure out SOME way to make it interesting.

online creative writing exercises


Your story matters. Unlock your potential with daily video lessons from bestselling ghostwriter Tom Bromley, and finish your first draft in just 3 months. Learn more →

Pick a fiction book from your shelf. Go to page eight and find the eighth sentence on the page. Start with that sentence and write an eight-line poem that connects in some way to your work-in-progress. For instance, write from the POV of a character, or set the poem in a story setting. Don't worry about poetry forms. Just write eight lines of any length that flow and explore some aspect of character, setting, or theme.

  • You could say it began with a phone call."
  • Michael had watched them both for weeks."
  • She remembered the way it was the first time she saw the prison."
  • Midsummer, no time to be in New Orleans."
  • With the dawn came the light."

Break Through The Block

  • Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Connect.
  • How do you feel?
  • Nervous because you're coming up on a tough scene?
  • Starting to wonder why you embarked on this project?
  • Bored with sticking to your thorough outline and not wanting to admit it?

At the root of all writer's block? Fear. You'll recognize it by the questions you ask yourself when you sit down to write: Can I really finish an entire story? Am I a good enough writer to pull this off? Will this story matter to anyone? Or am I wasting my time? And what if I sound dumb? But the specific fear doesn't matter if you know how to soothe it. Here's what to do: Lie down. On the couch. In bed. In the tub (Hey, don't knock it! Sometimes it's the only place writers can find some time alone!). Lie down where it's comfortable and quiet, and write fifty words.That's it.Either the exercise helps you break through the anxiety, and you keep writing. Or you have fifty words more than you had yesterday, and you try again tomorrow. Either way, lie down and write fifty words.

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The Write Practice

This Fun Creative Writing Exercise Will Change Your Life

by Joe Bunting | 212 comments

Want to Become a Published Author? In 100 Day Book, you’ll finish your book guaranteed. Learn more and sign up here.

I'm sure this never happens to you, but there are times when I don't feel very creative. A few years ago we'd just had a new baby  (our second), bought a house (our first), and were busy managing a thousand new details. I felt like I had nothing to give to my writing. And life hasn't slowed down any since then. All the busywork and bill paying leaves me feeling like all the creative juices are dried up.

But no matter how un-creative I'm feeling, there's one creative writing exercise that never fails to fire up my writing.

This Fun Creative Writing Exercise Will Change Your Life

Why We Need Creative Writing Exercises Like This

Over the last ten years, I've worked with thousands of writers, and  in that time, I've there is one thing that stops more people from writing than anything else.

“This is so bad,” we think after one particularly difficult sentence. “Why would anyone read this? Why would I want to read this? I thought I was better than this. I thought I was talented. So why am I producing such crap?”

Sometimes, writers don't even allow themselves to go through this kind of painful monologue. Instead, they put off writing altogether, procrastinating until the very last minute, then whipping something together that may not be very good but at least it's done!

So while you can still use daily journal writing or creative writing prompts to jump start your writing process, the creative writing exercise I'm going to talk about in this post is designed specifically to combat that kind of perfectionism .

Where Does Perfectionism Come From?

Perfectionism begins with pride. “I'm so talented how could I not  write the next great book? Bestseller? More like best book of the century.” (Full disclosure: this used to be me.)

Or, for the slightly less narcissistic, “I may not be the best, but I have the best idea . And what's more, I  care  the most.”

Unfortunately, this kind of pride doesn't survive “contact with the enemy”: the blank page.

I've watched so many writers be humiliated and completely demoralized by the process of writing.

“I never want to do this again,” they confess to me, usually when they're about two-thirds of the way through writing their first book. “Writing is horrible. Miserable. I'm  horrible! Why did I ever think it was a good idea to write this? to write at all?!”

Neither of these two postures—pride and despair—are helpful if you want to create great work.

What's missing? What's the secret ingredient writing in a way that both displays your natural that is both an absolute joy to write and your best possible work?

The secret ingredient is PLAY.

That's right, the same thing that toddlers are so good at is the key to writing your best work.

This Writing Exercise Brings the Joy Back to Writing—Here's How

How do you play with writing?

Two words: modernist poetry . *

Pioneered by poets like Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, modernist poetry often makes very little sense. In fact, it can sometimes even seem like gibberish, like a Rauschenberg lithograph .

And that's what makes it such a great exercise. Because it allows you to play with words in a way that the perfectionistic side of your brain won't be able to stop.

5 Steps to This Writing Exercise

I've broken it up into five steps so simple a two-year-old could follow them:

  • First, get out a blank page.  Feel free to open a new document on your computer, get out a pen or a blank piece of paper, or even whip out your old-school typewriter (the preferred method!)
  • Next, write the first word that comes to your mind.  When I did this exercise this morning, the first word I thought of was “Boom.” Why not?! So I wrote it down.
  • Then, the hard part: write another word.  Why is this hard? Because for this exercise to work, the second word  must  be random and disconnected from the first. This will completely piss off that perfectionistic little writer in your head. Do it anyway!
  • After you write the second word, write a third, fourth, and so on. After a few words, you can start a new line. It doesn't matter where you break the line. Just do it when it feels right. And as you write, don't forget the most important step of all…
  • PLAY . When you do this exercise, write with the  sounds  of words in mind, not their meaning. Try out movie/historical/song/literary references, mashing them up with gibberish rhymes (e.g. “ Twain's hammersaw is bringing me low slow like a long bow “). Make up new words. Pay attention to the sounds of words. Try to come up with the most random noun you can. Then, put it next to a list of five verbs. DON'T use punctation (unless that sounds fun to you, of course).

* I'm of course using the term modernist poetry very loosely here. Good modernist poetry is about much more than random gibberish strung together.

Embarrassing Examples of My Own Attempts at This Exercise

To give you a sense of how your poems might look, and to hopefully give you much room to improve upon, here are two of my worst attempts at this exercise (for humor's sake, it's best to read these aloud in the sincerest voice you can muster):

Boom story Simple reason hides the only response to holiness tears and I'll love you I'll love you Asparagus dream tell me I'm happy Bromate the worn door Catalyst of evergreen I'll sing it all dusk Thiery weeps Allspice leaves Kroner folder brning Someday I'll participate in wishful thinking

Amazingly bad, right? Here's the next one (I actually like this one):

bloom you folly seeking pinwheeling song stealers float your lilly feelings youround a hold and follow the starring problem holder

Ready to write yours?

Why This Creative Writing Exercise Is Genius

When you finish—after ten lines or a hundred— read your poem out loud. You'll probably be surprised at how good it is!

That's why this exercise is so perfect. Because when you try to write badly, you free up your creativity and end up making surprising connections.

Sure, some of your lines will be horrible, embarrassing, and never to be read again. But others will be much better than you expected.

Finally, with your new playful spirit, you'll be able to go back to your work in progress with a new level of creativity.

How about you? Do you ever play with words?  Share in the comments !

Ready to try out this creative writing exercise? Use steps above to write a modernist poem. Make sure to PLAY!

When you're finished with your poem, post it in practice box below and offer feedback to three other writers. (Come on, it can't be worse than mine!)

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

The 7 Components of a Fail Proof Book Plan


Sandra Nachlinger

Sounds like a great idea and definitely worth a try. I’ll be going to a writing retreat in June, so I’m printing this out to take with me. My goal will be to use this exercise to get the creative juices flowing. Thanks for the playful nudge!

Marcy Mason McKay

Wow, Joe. Though new house and new baby are exciting additions, but are STRESSFUL (she says from experience).

Creepy sushi dancing Wisps of smoke prancing

Die, bastard, die! Comforter comforting me now

Wash adrift the sand Turning pages of my life

Sandals wanting time Laughter make it mine

Wanting more Wanting less Wanting…

Susan Barker

This is good brain relief. I like your choices Marcy.

Thanks, Susan. You should try it. It was FUN!

Matt O'Berski

Hahah, I love that you started with creepy sushi! What a random thought: wonderful! Yours is certainly more together than my little pieces I wrote, but I didn’t want to have to think too much longer. It’s the weekend lol

Glad you enjoyed it, Matt. I really did like creating this.

Tom Farr

Interesting exercise. My perfectionist brain and definitely my English teacher brain are unsettled by the idea of it, but here goes:

Feathers stream Rockets spread unseen Lockets touching foes unbreaking Feathers spray and need Feed the blue buttons

Wow. That is terrible. Fun exercise though.


Hey, I think it’s great! I really liked the “rockets spread unseen.” Kinda creepy and majestic. 🙂

Thanks. I wouldn’t have thought of it that way, but glad you did 🙂 Thanks!

There could totally be a song for that one. Maybe a new Bruce Springsteen original?

I can hear it now!

Joe Bunting

Ha! This is great. Feed the blue buttons, but not the green ones, those pigs.

Haha! Thanks, Joe. Strange what comes out when you’re not thinking ahead.

Never tried this before, but it sounds like fun.

boast most helpful dope lean bean is really mean come down come around and be the day play as we may all the day nachos ate grouchos at the grill til morning light with fright in the night she wails while he’s in jail

This is FUN! Thanks

I LOVE that line–“nachos ate grouchos at the grill til morning light”

Jeanne Frost

Players weep on trees Into the gilded forest eggs cry Maybe in the future planes will crawl If only I know when I die

Agonizing grapes pull a ward from the hen Please have the finish, each screams One tangle of empty forges after another Flip and fall to hell

Eight and every page of guards Death and door come to yield Of my apostles one hath died Never rise again

Open girth weighs the justice Golden feathers flim and glide Beguile the dragons in my ankles, And you will be the saint of pyres.

Forest justice ever black Into my heart slack and die Make sure the door is locked my friend The statue thief’s here.

Traci Sims

Chinese bells tassels scarlet swaying winds on horseback in Mongolia Leather gauntlet falcons grip with strong talons Cheese drip curds steaming face bent good and hot On a cold winter night on the mountains Snow-covered steppes step back front door and look out to the horizon horses drive towards the mud and centre of our camp Girls wrestle in embroidered helmets on Lacquered heads black as silk satin and moth wings

I was listening to a documentary on medieval China while I wrote this. It’s scary to do this, but very interesting.

A wisp of memory Fading fast Tinges of red and orange Surrounding the evening Memory escaping Irrelevant now Nothing necessary Sustaining Pain Useless to my wellbeing Forget Move on Look at the flowers They don’t weep Yesterday Does not exist There is only My happy heart Free

Beautiful Open Bright Sad Free (i.e. I loved it!)

(Love your summary! Thanks)

mm, beautiful is right! i love how you have the single-word lines. powerful. wonderful to see a longing end in freedom!

Thanks Matt…

Lisette Murphy

I loved the flow of it! Very nicely written!

Thank you Lisette!

Lifeboat don’t sink Speak louder dishwasher Don’t ignore the soap Once upon a time I lived in a treehouse By the sea In a boat Eating popcorn With my best friend’s sister After we met By the seashore Watching chickenwings dance Like chiropractors Eating mustaches I think I’m weirded out By this poem The end.

Debbie L

I love that chicken wingsdance!

This poem paints word pictures. (Smiling)

I’m glad it made you smile. 🙂

Joy, I loved it! I like having your name above your entries… It’s like titling every thing ‘Joy’! I especially like the line ‘speak louder dishwashwer’. What a neat personification you do there!

Thank you, Matt! I’m so glad it brightened your day. 🙂


Wind blown hair Sudden smells Dirt caked fingernails Keep the blood flowing Listen well all of you Faded days of youth Slowly crawling down my hands

Drops slither down the lines of them

The sidewalk will end The days do grow short The sun will someday set You better start running Nothing will keep your heart beating The terror of the inky blackness Slipping towards you Like a unseen hand Pulling towards the sky Silent breathing Eyes looking Holding on to something Anything that seems like hope Dropped from a hundred feet Slammed on top of the fear and anger

Of those looking for it Never to be found Whispers in your voice The voices try to speak


Lovely idea, tried doing this but end up with like freewriting exercise, not poetry. I wonder if I’m doing it right though, would someone mind to let me know?

As you can see, mine is more like a threads of words that sort of rhyme imperfectly together, I’m not sure if I’m doing this exercise right.

Should we rush the next word without 2nd thought like in brainstorming/freewriting, or should we take the time to ponder which next word that can describe the previous word & 2nd word must rhyme?

Is it ok if we have spelling errors, i.e. we make up some words along the way?

Thanks, this is my piece: boom clap boom boom pow fowl fowler spoiler lier spelling error rubbish gibberish nonsense random blank space getting better improve dance fun run hike trial fire hire never say never Justin Bieber tin dean jean man motivational speaker fooler fuller occupational redeem receipt resit deceive deceit damn realm delve elf power grip rip drip dip sip nim numb rum wine alcohol dollar dine sky high fly fry rye nice buy fine nine mine fine right cents sense make fake bake aiks ache cite poetry poem focus circus amazing Britney Spears songs

Hi Alisa 🙂 You’re definitely not doing it wrong! Art is, almost by definition, to be defined by the artist (that’s you 🙂 I’m guessing you were going for the rhyming and that the author’s mention of ‘sound’ guided you toward that specific type of sound/poetry. Well poetry doesn’t have to rhyme, certainly doesn’t have to have any lines working with each other…. but one beautiful thing is that it CAN!

The best part about this is that the rule is there are no rules. Needless to say you did it perfectly. I laughed out loud at this, “

Sheila B

Seems right to me. I think theepoint exercise gets the brain off the right wrong good bad wagon and allows for the revolving of the word flow wheels, creates writing momentum.

Thanks so much guys for the positive enforcement, was pretty fearful actually that I’m doing this wrong, especially after I’ve read many other writers’ comment on this page which seem like poetry to me.

spaghetti soon twitches forknife held below knight night gnight long vacuous overwhelming consistency contstantly spaghetti but that is that how too yearn is rending still

vacuum space unrelated frequency dulled roar riptide rush bloated watermelon belly crying infants smiling sadness empty full long the two fight

hug me hurt me hide me rid me of the actions of the past the ones so now long forgotten belkin summit of faith radioplate maneuver fan running walking stillness complete grain texture paper thin neighbors credit cards fight plastic battles are the swimming seagulls

sleep yellow over long side ways dream a dream facesfacesfacesfaces who questions keep chanting smoke signals carrier pidgeons wood pidgeon harry potter sunrise sunsets full to empty nevermore ravenclaw harry potter slytherin dauntless teen fiction rests above elbows not betwixt

brains are concrete solidly cementing gray matter into dark matter elmer’s legends trip the nation glue that murdered many factionless fathers forget daughterless mothers highlighted on paper numbers alone

notetaking has never neared the precipice starbucks mcdonalds Disney world songs of the weekend amazing handsome always faith window clotheshanger lightpole crosschair living lives left of lines leaving lines write of lies

Wonderful images Matt – “brains are concrete…..” love this.

Thank you Jeanne!

“notetaking has never neared the precipice.” Not sure what it means, but love the sound of it. Great images throughout.

thanks Tom! i have no idea either. of course, as an english teacher you and i could likely come up with something for it. eg. there has never been enough note taking; notetaking is only as good as the bottom of the mountain… etc

lol, thanks again Tom, you’ve become faithful at commenting on my non-make-sensory posts!

Spaghetti sounds good right now… Great job Matt!

haha, right?!

it’s not that late, and it sounds real good to me too :)) thanks for the comment, lisette!

Anytime! It could never be too late for spaghetti!


Better not let any psychologists get a look at this free-association writing we’re doing here – they could have a field day!

Here’s a snippet of mine – what it reveals of my inner demons, I have no idea:

Fuchsia correct killing thyme Sun son jumping giants handle fun Haricot wimples forget-me-nots queen rapier juniper lungs Yesterday warrior bungle contemporary sweat linguine

However, having done that (and a few more lines of equal gibberish), some of the words resonated and I wrote an actual poem – not normally my thing at all. Here it is:

Celebrity cooks, killing thyme, Randy writers, striving to rhyme. Fossilised footballers, can’t keep them down, Rejected representatives, doing nothing but frown. My box is just full Of these unwanted folk. Won’t somebody tell them They’re nowt but a joke?

I loved both of these poems Alex! In the first I especially enjoyed all the crazy nouns. Haricots? Wimples? Juniper lungs? Awesome.

And the second is almost just as crazy! Representatives and footballers in your inbox? Great image! These were lots of fun, Alex. Great job!

For clarity, Joe, where I come from “box” means “television” …

Alex, I so enjoyed hearing your thought process during the writing, and then also enjoy the writing. Thanks for sharing!

Those were both very enjoyable poems! That was great! Thanks for sharing!


Interesting explanation,

Spices, are the most common flavore used to give the recipes a good taste

Ralph Hua

ninja use nunchaku whack the baby whack Bruce Lee write a song sing sing sing on stage rap swim fly dragon in the pond fly fly up with balloons land shaolin master punch matrix blue red laptop iphone smash medicine pills poets ted choose give up fly disappear forrest musics guitar horses flowers bill gates wheat weed whip whisky michael jackson fly fly fly fly

Ooh, I like this….


Cane Shut up curl

Keep try hop run

Jury Jig try dig

Methos fin help learn love

Delve done truck hug

Thomas Furmato

mushroom bathroom in a line mask violate stop came in time grab grapple free sew line slow feverish tinkering mess all over feet globe car shadows blank squeeze fan top red bump in the road cemetery almost done pancakes shuffle indentation


Firstly get away guitar laying down fluent strings play pencilled drawings in graphite where it weeps the songbird relents ongoing tide in long ago fields of green someday wishful thinking may happen

This brought a smile to my face….

This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Heather Guidry

when I wrote down my ongoing may happens, I was thinking it was a long month! with a bunch of things happening in May… and it’s not over yet!!! 🙂 great minds think alike!!!


Ripples sunlight rocking across time forgetting wisdom teeth falling out left and right and interdormand rushing giants planting tin cans frequent sighs undeserved highs racking up moments laughing hate spinning monumental focus pointless and proud

Brittany Engler

Rollercoaster Dreams I’m beaming at the seams.

Moving quickly at the speed of light I’m crawling out of my skin with fright.

People screaming, I hear My turn is getting near.

Do I actually want to ride? There’s no where to hide.

I take a seat in the rear Everything is becoming clear.

We take off with a jerk Maybe closing my eyes will work

to keep me from getting sick Maybe that’s the trick

My stomach turns My heart burns


To free write and simultaneously rhyme is no mean feat. I am envious of your ability! Wow!

Oh! I love roller coasters, so I especially liked reading this! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Volen Andreev

Now that’s marvellous for a quick writing exercise!

What a good peice of writing, I wish I have the same ability of writing.


Would be a great Rap song!


Cute piece!

Macey Stewart

I’m beaming at the seams!?! This is gorgeous!


I want to steal juniper lungs and sandals wanting time… After just putting the words that popped up down, I wanted to then use them within a line, so did it really quick to stop my conscious brain having any of the fun! It has made me want to go back to poetry after years away…..

Credible, cheerful, possible cream

Cauliflower people, treading mice

Like flowers popping tears tear in soulful

Cake will play because foe

Archipelago chant swear carry notice

The archipelago of my fractured mind

Gives chant to each spiralled thought

I swear I will sin again

Carry the panniers of hope

Until I notice the emptiness.

Debra johnson

This is harder than it seems trees shoot out light beams its rays cause puss to ooze from ears and eyes multicolored tears soon begin to fall easy to say not to do brain filters raise defeat and letters emerge from holes galore

Okay yea this was weird and maybe not right so I’m off to the kitchen to fetch a bite. May attempt this later I might, but it will be well into this night.

Cool! multicolored tears soon begin to fall, trees shoot out light beams. I don’t think there is a right way to do this exercise. You write what comes to mind and cool/ weird things start happening. 🙂

yea my editor was fighting me all the way.

Angelo Dias

This remembers me of the last scene of Frank, with the song I Love You All. He creates the song based on loose phrases about the place he is.



Pace Breathing rapidly Tongue twisted around silk Silently contemplating Ifs and ands? Forever is temporary Tonight will change forever Night falls, dawn cracks Missions are possible.

Pete Joison

Writing gibberish is a wonderful way to loosen up the old writing muscles. I have been doing this for years. I call these exercises “SOUPS” (like a minestrone of words 🙂

Here’s a ‘soup’ I prepared earlier:

I have hooks for ears. A fox for breath. I am alive but not for much longer. Passion over, I followed the posts, but lost her in Hades. The last words she spoke tore at my soul and were consumed in flames. I have tesserae eyes.

And here’s one I just did. (So much fun!)

How the red fruit became a violent blue. Cause and effect. Holodecks and bears. There’s a fly buzzing around my antlers. Drinking heavy water by the container ship full.


(Preface – This was ridiculously fun…)

Sisyphus expels fiction

Portable headstones rumbling nowhere

Fused opinions laugh at sweat

Mangle Josephine and Scarlet and Rastafarian hats

(Not even sure if that is a word, I continue)

Rain doesn’t come here

Snow doesn’t come here

Pacifists don’t come here

Snaggletooth and mulberries are frowned upon

over there though their new wall and

attempt at visibility works

Voo doo doll paves the way

So this is how this works?

First shots. Not a dunk or lay up

Hula hoop falls down the hips

Too many EL Fudge cookies

leave her belly trapezoidal


I’m not sure if this was what it was supposed to be, but what the heck. Here it is:

Wings darkness glow beauty

Eyes hear broken staccatos

Brainless batteries contain wealth

Eat hearts oil and sadness

Pray stay with contrite expectations

I can’t save me, why save you?

Breathe a breath, save yourself

Talk up to the sky, Sing to the clouds,

You are alone, we are alone, let me be

Hold a chainsaw gently against a pine tree

Keep a cigarette between the teeth, but don’t blow

Thoughts a whirling, don’t slow down, keep thinking

No regrets but no life as well

Don’t fail, don’t trust

Printers lay out a formal foundation

Of ink splattered on a page, rhythm to it

Like bongos, tambourines, a circus of stupidity

Why the formality? Just breathe.

Gary G Little

Ok, I doo’d it. I tried to disconnect just write random words. The app I used has a Hemingway mode which will NOT let me go back and correct. So here it is in the raw:

fabulous bang twins supperbanner moon mistriss cold laubchlaunch cart bicycle haeart hart fart fifteen minutes foervroforever as arghhhh terry telephone wizards stupid magic radar neck crackle creakle arthritis ouch ouch ouchouch age apain in the ass still random arrggghhh fifte en minutes!!!! ocoffee coffeecake telephone terry newspaper crossword kids running on the street raining rain falling umbrellas red and blkblue morning gratgrey drizzle falling people walking coffee holding starbusks and caribou barns and noble refugee writing nonsesnenonsense geern of spring why do I keep connecting words!!!! I’m a sentence pig that should be green of spring random words hah blue whit umbrella pblue cap pink shirt white pants black man pololder cell phgone smartphone everine on a phone

This is fun, I’m curious what app you use for the Hemingway mode? Do you like it or does it tend to just force more editing after the fact?


Shelina Valmond

This was gold! Thanks for tuning us into this part of the brain again. I had some rhymes and even a made up word that I had to write down. Some of my words were more connected than I realized after close examination. I think I’ll do it again and keep trying for more and more obscure nouns and verbs. Very fun.

Here’s my first attempt:

Buzz fuzz no flibbery slippery to trees knees acid foreign plastic pom Dom cray lips bend send Growl fowl my Galaxy bar forage skip tip mandible crime time yes Fall

Plenty of rhymes and certainly some connections. Fun connections too! My favorite line is “growl fowl my galaxy bar’

I decided to give mine a title. Very fun exercise. Writed

Hat hormonster tea says That is yours ill elcaire Crane frejuices hotdog on Very long train blank your eye Free fee to honk poink grr Grass hit shovel to joy Little carber yet kinger Questest am I

HA! I feel like I’m reading a combination of Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss! I enjoyed how you verbified the word hotdog – as in the “crane frejuices hotdog on”. so many wonderfully unique and made up words, as well as not being constrained by grammar: “Questest am I”

Thanks! It was very fun!


After first draft, I felt happy. I added some connecting words.

Cormorant Languishing on the rocks I watch from the theater of trees carrier, freer, flier

beyond, a boat on the foam, full of hope, stable before, a blue jay, sneaky, to the wren feeder, pecking, tipping, flapping to stay afloat.

I get to Barnes and Nobles and realize that there most likely will not be a prompt today from Joe, new baby and all. So I said why not do Fridays again. So I did. I have no idea what this is but it was fun, which I think is the whole point.

I am a sentence pig. I grovel in words. I wallow in phrases. I show fields of green using appositives where paragraphs are ecstacy. I long for chapters. I pray for a novella Oh my what would I give for a novel. A tome of sci-fi, of memories of west Texas, of a curmudgeon just mumbling on a keyboard.

Well, there sort of was! But I’m glad you wrote this instead. This is publishable Gary! The first line and last two lines are especially wonderful.

Kiki Stamatiou

A very creative piece with a lovely touch of humor.

Laurie Phillips

Beautiful and such talent in this!

Wow! This is such an intriguing metaphor. I love it!

Kelly H.

I loved this exercise…it felt great not to criticize the words I wrote…freeing…thank you!

Trees avenue go Paper pens and doors Wooden leaves swing Flowers sign loudly Anger rises Mad men scream Wishes take turns Mashed potatoes scream, cream and laugh Head full of noise Make it right, write


I’m pretty good at being random so here I go ….

random atom batman cat living loosely bill need a boosty can’t fathom random matter rather ponder infinite father you know, y’all, this random thinking has my inner brain’s eyes a-blinking tac namtab mota modnar line one backwards written makes even less sense this is only a test of my inner randomness but random it is scary it is i think i thunk i thought it was kind of fun but book seems long way off still

Fireworks miss you the forever paper friendly happy I’ll make the move rain oil painting tell me story earthquake end new house cucumber fence Gerber thinking crazy daisy patio fan

and glue smile together sunshine hides at hard rock flirty guitar stage tony danza

ongoing may happens

Heather Guidry


Carefully crafted canvas, smeared by my own hand, as I tried to perfect the image.

Beacon of light, luminous thought. Darkness tamped down.

C. Stella

I think this ended up being more cohesive than random…random words do come to mind once in a while though, and I make note of any interesting ones if I come across them (in order to use it later on).


Uncertain eyes look to yonder Over the gleaming horizon of sparkling grays and blacks. No whites. Just in between – the uncertainty of color.

Managing stark cold hands, Voices linger behind bedridden backs, Calling “Up! Up!” Back to who we are.

The dark suits hang on dressers, Image of the callback days of loose shirts, Untucked and fondly wrinkled. Memories of play.

The uncertainty of color persists.

Harboring Lost Thoughts By Kiki Stamatiou a. k. a. Joanna Maharis

The doormat brings with it it’s own excuses For harboring lost thoughts Of my vengeance.

Forever embraced by the hallow deeds Of raspberries filled with scornful melodies Inside their core, their bitterness stings My tongue with a sourness overcome By vicious melodies bombarding my Mind so listlessly.

I’m melting in the sun so filled with It’s buttery decree. I’m left dancing outside like a mundane Archer taking aim against vicious levities Of the outright political game.

I’m embalmed with the crucifix burning My flesh with starved convictions. I’m famished by the powers withholding me And feeding me to the hungry sharks Swarming around my cage.

I’m lost in a watery grave Where only the sadistic survive The maze of the harpoon. Dying carp freeze in the ice. I’m withholding my heart Until tomorrows spring.

For I’ve learned to dance in the snow When the burrow brings forth it’s own song. Let the rich melodies pour out of your Grave, and bring me into the hourly tides.

I’m ever floating across the lake of your Misery. Allow me to bring my party hats, so I can Topple over you mind with the fruitfulness Of lush shrubbery with all their essence.

I’m driven by the fires burning up my soul With evergreens throbbing against my heart. For they bleed out the grail pouring forth Unto you, my friend.

If only you’ll learn to hobble once you’ve Been stung on the foot by a bee.

I create my own task master. For it is none other than me. I’m left standing there holding your Heart on a pole.

I’m ready to consume the vilest taste Of your herbs, if only you’ll sedate me So I no longer have to feel the pain Of your leaving me behind.

I’m drifting in the foulest pools Of consciousness when the melody Stops breathing. I’m the delft parted across the sea Of the fires.

I long to be cast aside by the nets Holding me prisoner to the night, But the song they choose to play Is the feverish hours of the stars Blinking their light into my eyes.

I’m gone overboard, because I lost My grip on life. I’m sailing across the sea with no one To guide me to you.

How can I bring for the misery unto You when you’ve left me nothing but The hollow log I sleep in on a cold night.

The waters thirst for survival in the grave Of your rite, but I’m left winded after Trying to tread on water for so long a tide.

I’m sifted by the breathing fire coming From your nostrils when the harpoons Engage themselves in the shark meat Ready to be pounced upon.

I’m the grave holding myself prisoner To you. For I know nothing else better than To sing of the wisest miser ever created By the Creator himself.

I’m strong, but I’m fragile all At the same time.

Help these seeds grow you left Planted in my heart. For they torture me at night with Their bite. I’m helpless in the darkness when Striving to breath in wicked breaths Of fire. Every time the rain goes away,

You take a piece of my sight with you.

Each day passing by me, I’m overcome With the hunger to seize your wild heart, And devour it’s passion with my tired spirit. Bring me back into the lion’s den So my song will continue to be heard.

Let me be the one who lets you into the Coasting plight of this miracle dancing Before us. For the captor is none of than the waves Crashing upon our heads when disease Of the soul echoes on in the realms of the dead.

© Copyright, Kiki Stamatiou, 2015

Bri T

Time stands still Until it can tip no more And then the days move on Until you lips bleed lore The birds hone down their beaks And the water is low The boats begin to leak With what failed to show I hope with all kindness Genuity and trust That we lack what makes us better That is Until we know what we have lost Because with pride comes the end And as they say The end is the beginning It’s only in the new start Can we begin to see meaning

Pete Dancause

Fickle beans tasty trophy Force winds and rings tomorrow Gentle sabbath soaring greenly Froth and spirits sending dreams of chairs and inspiration Karma subtle and sorcery bright as foggy lenses Crime and candy dabble in forts of cheesecloth and dandelions Bear crawls for when it has none

Thanks for the idea. It was a lot of fun!

Anthony Rodriguez

This was a lot of fun! Hippo java maps connects

My boom excites telephones

Rapidly energize terribly memorized

Backpack table cama pillow candles little tables

Life stipe’s the dog and kidnaps the night

Relentless stripes remarkable marbles scattered

Jacqueline Nicole

Where is the man That purposely punched pilots Of spoiled roses And oscar cigarettes

From the steps he fell Fluffy clouds float Don’t look him in the eye It’s the devil in a goat

Frolic in the fields The sweater astrewn Dream catchers above Still wondering about the man in blue.

(Yeah random and fun exercise)


Busted bread gulls gaping gushing Gucci over moonbeans Muppets bruising, black buckets belting, bucketing, melting, Droplets pelting, pelts, Cigarettes high, rise of smoke of fabric blokes Muscles choke, mice pedal, broke, Wrappers soak Wrap me up, warm, torn, tongue worn and eyes sore, Fingers of lore, written in pores, shivers delivers Knuckles raw on wooden doors.

Sloshed and moshed and fever caboshed Rick Rack, thistle, high jack, delve, dig, seethe, heave Wrist watch, moss, laden toast Butter creamed and curdled and hurdled at strangers On bikes Come in Be gone Be sworn this is yours Its ours – our seething mess, our rubber ringworm test Of time.


Culture gone forgotten Who what am I Where do I come from Here, there, I cannot be from everywhere Lost in a line Pen investigates Discover insight, delightful I am Content with me


Practice moon green deliverance when I loved full but empty I thought I knew, I knew what I thought signing sounds on the wind christmas, crackling flowers druzy quartz sleep grey is silver a song isn’t a voice love is in crisp leaves in autumn smell pain and loss red, blue and purple veins sing a song of merry and bright scream shadows and lust revenge and deception and outrage meditation out of a void experience touch and sound walking children forest dark blues gasping for love remembering you remembering us.


Love killer season pie Melon dew drop Hug me lemon pink dye Books rob heart man Warmth in the blue snowflake Stars drown in lake boat Shy girl dress up dress out Dark sunlight blue sky


Catheter betrayal Why bottle bowl spritz spoon Long bright breezy Simple calm sound Magazine in the trash Water never drunk Purple towel, folded, untrusted Never betrayed Like he had I trusted him in the bed And not the towel But the towel never betrayed He did

Skylee Estby

Food is food. And I am I. Phones are cool. See eye to eye. Don’t you know how good it feels. To finally be as free as a bee. Love is hate and hate is sorrow. Yolo my friends so be okay. Piglets are weird and so are bowties. But don’t be afraid, my sick little fry. Yolo my friend, you don’t know what it’s like to be me. I am a fry, and so are you, bee. Okay okay where should i go if ye who wanders, Not to far from thee. I am pretty cool, not gonna lie. Omg um yeah cool. Love is food and food is love and i am asparagus. Cheese cheese wonderful cheese to yee who wanders… I’m not really a twat just it’s complicated, okay? Life is stars and stars are life yasss queen work okay Tyler oakley is stupid and kinda is not a queen So is joey and shane and grade I should be a teacher cuz im cool and i grammar right Piglets are dumb No they’re not What am i saying Okay okay i’m okay Fault in our stars is actually a good movie Wattpad is awesome


I long to no longer long. I long to chase my shadow I long for that moment when the sun takes its light and the shadow becomes one with darkness. I long to stand in darkness, panting and laughing at the absurdity of my chase.

Emily Atkinson

life fleeting ships red burning winter’s deep asparagus peel back the layers while finding the bird’s song pinecones a layer of dust she breathes until dawn shining on your back my heart crumpled i pander to your soul the most esoteric fragments of my fingertips radiate and suddenly we are one


Huglesnort prediction elevation anger redevelopment spitfire unadorned clickity-clack barn meadow racer acclimation result thinking adhd motherhood replace learn become Aldrenation replicated meshining verbiage dumper

Lyz Frerking

whisper down the swallowing stream, aloft from the earth, sea green angelic melodies, no desire for the smothering day, nauseating glimmers of a sense of feeling, but there is no more there is no more


Okay, I gave this a try. Here is what I came up with:

Singing a rain of showers Holding the clovers Wishing upon the jar Look the seeds are brining Fool heart incontent Slam slimming silliness Shapes come by hard Shall we ride now pard Hope do not despair Poop on the stairs

LOL Okay, I’m done.

That was fun. I might try this daily to get the juices flowing. Thanks Joe

D. Bay'k

Holes always look to never Emptiness knows no more clever On life’s machine I lever So pull no more punches And ties no more sever Never say ever Today is much better Present gifts push tomorrows buttons So no loving all of a sudden Butchers chop no muttons Or see self esteem plunging The pen is an extension of my hand So stretch your arms out do it dance to life’s music or die in life’s silence sight.

Joey Burton

I was really skeptical for some reason when starting this exercise. I was doubting myself and the process, but something happened to me once I got going and this is what I came up with. There are definitely some crap lines, but true to what Joe claims, there are also some keepers!

Lust crust stuck to my nose. A seed planted where wild things grow. Now I have no room to breath. Rub elbows while desires seethe.

Polarity creates a daunting rift. Between extremes I seek, I sift. Close my eyes and there I find. The alleyway that is my mind.

Wedged between a corner store. And failing rotten tavern door. Graffiti art laments the day. That all we see should turn to grey.

Hypodermic desperation. Apathetic consternation. Should I share my deepest thoughts? With the naked body I’m draped across.

Rejection looms beyond the mist. Savagery consumes our tryst. Explosive climax from both ends. Meets the middle spectrum trends.

Morning brings mundane expressions. Forgotten by the twilight lessons. Of what to do when passions raw. Begin to rip, and tear, and gnaw.

Abby A

Thanks! That was fun!

Here it is: fast taken long yellow road funny laughter dog takes a wheel of cheese boom goes the cat in winter wintery gloomy sad and desperate final dinner sees broadcast trucking along in the winter snow capped feelings it’s all allowed it’s all aloud cheese strings of death scary and morbid spooky and wrongly written bitten apple snow and white

Sarah Wagoner

I stumbled upon this post two years later, but thought I’d join in the creativity. Arriving fashionably late to the party…

Miraculous Ezra writes now And never did he whistfully boast Loud cymbals dampen darkness Lulled by sweet melancholy trees Torn amber flickers in kerosine Forgotten resorts listless in new days Harpoons by night Enslaved carvings hangers of folly Miracle girl Paisley lover Blinded and languid forever mine Shells and shambles balloon or fray Liquid ignition and lusty eyes Pooling careening cereal magic Employing adoring your bickering teeth Pliable queens of utmost sincerity Important or pleasurable it matters not Sandy hearts quake and shudder in time


Me foolish window was astonished Right poster under my keyboard tried to be sympathy Pen afterward might seek another coaster Hello if my chair help me to kick the wire off vegetable sicks coal sky


FUCK PERFECTIONISM words trickle ever so light sounds seem sharper tonight emotions cutting edges thank God for freedom long walks nighttime stories laughter the world moves slowly in the distance i see a perfect stranger in front of me she wears nothing but black with a devious smile & ready to attack eyes as sharp as daggers but a laugh so beautiful it puts my french horn to shame she walks with pride in every step, taking her time soaking in her surroundings gratitude is an action word and to be breathing today is more than I deserve

Nathan Huang

what are your interpretations? i’m interested

Ton bam landfill mining on a truck Unsure what the jar has struck On the grass a settle petal We sat lavishing flowers in sight To old and young, They all played In songs of mass and greed We stood like pires Eating the way for those saddened In the dormant spaces of their lives Unlucky and solemn Truth be told we aren’t the saints That paper sent us through disdain

J Knopf

Random, chair, purple, millenium falcon, buzz, silver Double, fingers, contact, nod, blank, empty, crack, Jump, tweet, snore, light, cat, breath, duplo, criss-cross Applesauce, orange, wood, song, island, coaster, basket, Egg, video, stupid, dumb, nonsense, soda, dim, car, morning, Awake, early, email, thoughts, tasks, day, ahead, drudge Time, scared, moron, promising?, not, dictionary, web, blog, feather, Kettle, knife, bowl, lunchbox, time, slow, poor, worthy, light switch Ceiling, floor, table, rug, avoid, tray, card, lego, figure, television, Books, breathing, silly, impossible, another avenue, keep, trying?, Exercise, practice, hi-low, plug, outlet, moving, awake, resolve, Undecided, laundry, dust, webbing, sad, afraid, anxious, inferior, Awful, no use, boring, coffee, progress, no, banana, wii, hat, Swallow, fingernails, click, snap, bulb, roar, big, engine, fast, Dawn, light, street lamp, trees, branches, dark, binoculars, Slow, view, pop, nothing, inhale, exhale, move, suddenly, Time, a.m., what, meaning, tires, pavement, stop sign, Text, edit, white, black, housecoat, feet, decision, waste, Possible, not, last, minute, keep, forward, sometime, Expression, money, job, administrate, look, busy, nothing,

shiwangi agarwal

Pain and failure easy to come difficult to go it’s just a phase, really?

Coldplay- hope and kindness generosity and love music happiness, calmness

crazy ideas implementation overpowering fear negative to positive long lost dreams.

words, words, words time not enough lost in transition waiting to be found

curious minds to care or not to care here or there now or later to create or not don’t know


New excersize for me, but what fun. Cant say mine makes a bit of sense, but here it is:

Running through the leaves Hyper on my life Hoping past hoping that pain will be Put to rest Open wide Feel free Slide in home Cheaters tea

Adeoti Oyinlola

It seems difficult, yet you must face it, feels likes it never going to end, but you have to get to the end to prove that, when it looks too long, all you need to do is to walk all the way to see how short it actually is… Such is life, we must learn to overcome our fears daily; be rest assured that every unpleasant situation will definitely end, and walk confidently through every daunting and challenging experiences to see how helpful they have been. I think that’s what I’m going to do…. I’ll keep overcoming the fears, enjoying the process, and celebrating the fulfillment of my writings so that someday, I’ll look back and be amazed at how much I have written in a short time….. I hope I’ve been able to walk through these few lines to show that my writings can become better.


So after my Physics lesson I wrote this for fun..

Your soul was embedded within every particle of my being Thus with a kiss my body caught alight From one phase to another my bonds broke Until I was one with the air

You lifted me up

Drifting aimlessly, until you breathed me in slowly I flowed inside of you, through every inch of you Until you were consumed by me

I brought you life


Full I fell in well of will But There is alot n lots thrill.

Thinking Too Much

I love this exercise: it’s fun and it greatly helped with my creative slump. I had a go at it. Here are my results (warning: contains swearing (hope I’m not breaking any rules).

Watch out for the smack attack; making a jam.

If you’re in first class, I’ll put some glass in your ass.

Vroom vroom bam, doing the jam slam.

I’ll beat you till you spew faecal; coming out like treacle.

Gonna end this poem like I did your dick.

Don’t forget this brutality; my formality is a fatality.

Next time I’ll beat you with a stick. (damn right that was sick).

Sebastian Halifax

Atop my tower Gazing in despair at all my hands wrought. I strove to raise a better order. Slowed by hubris of the oligarchy. Heads rolled as I pressed on, the weak cowed into place. Behind my back they plot my fall. I am betrayed by all, and I betray all.


All I want Is to shout Really loud Because I’m so mad and sad Since I was bit by a turtle when I was a young lad Make me clap See me slap That ugly turtle face It’s such a disgrace messing up that place

… well this was fun.(Ps. I love animals I swear, it’s like my hand wrote on its own)

Barbara O'Donnell

I thought this was really good. You seem to have a flair for poetry.

proud victorious free

Soaring high above trees

Beady eyes watchful frilly

It was fun to be silly

Debby Hattan

the treasure of sound by dancing trees from the swinging wind

the treasure of smell by dropping water from the falling rain

the treasure of taste by refreshing life from the rising sun

the treasure of sight by coloring sky from the varying lights

the treasure of smell by blossoming petals from the growing flora

Overthe Rainbow

Post modern poem

Sketch elephant shoe

Badoom badoom baddom

Jukebox millionare

Becky with the guitar hair

And suddenly, I’m soaring

Poop boop and cute

You’re raining and your snoring

Gravy pad thai pouring

Luke warm Jonathon cold

Badoop badoop badoop.


Spirit rider Pickle in syrup Jump out of your skin Pull the rope to freedom Roar like the sister wind Waves of emotion Perfectionism sucks….


Chewy Furry boy Big boy Bad boy Loveable boy Playful boy Handsome boy He’s my boy Loves to look outside at the pretty birds, Wonder what he would do if he were to ever catch one? Headbutting, bread kneading little boy Fat boy, furry boy, does he know how much I love him? Chewy is my handsome, loveable, furry CAT

Argiris Fytakis

Eerie palms swinging in the northern breeze Endless summer leaves are playing to the wind The relatively of relatives just brings me in this awful place of hill where sun does not shine either on your door or mine I still hope that the city dream would tell me to sing But I can’t do the party animal I can sing all the genres of dreams Let me do this for you

She was standing over there , chewing her gum , when the old man stumbled on his face on a rainy day , and she sarcastically started to laugh louder, louder and louder , and merly she was trying to help him , what a sorrow to be such sarcastic and regretful at the same time , the man was barley looking at her with eyes full of shame .

Steve O

So I take a random word. Then write another word disconnected. And then just let it go. Sounds really good. just clarifying.

Nicole Phoebe

Emeralds form in my heart Rubies and rainbows show in the dark Crazy molasses engraved in my skin Elevated munchkins makes it harder to kin

Justice prevails, to you I love to hail I am a woman and you are a male Courageous enough to show that I care This is goodbye, get out of my dare


Baby diapers are Fuel for cars Carnation corsage for her Hotrod partner Swimming is fun for Cats who like to skate Honorable mentions for Meticulous wheels Of happiness outfitting Our highways


Thank you for this. I’ve been wanting to write but don’t really know what to write and where to begin. This was an enjoyable way to begin though. Here is my very first attempt with this exercise:

Surging pain for the demented brain Never underestimate the fate of the absurd Words have meaning but why do I care Follies of life and static despair Where is the bag of time wasted When do we trade this agenda for mourning Laugh and you shall see The tears that run through me For I can’t believe anymore I had faith but realized it was fruitless Time can heal but I still remain rootless Fly in the breeze to separate thoughts Grounded for life until I take flight Energize your procrastination to delay the inevitable Chaos ensues we are the idols of temptation

Sue Gore

That is amazing

liked the last two sentences

Diksha Sharma

Energize your procrastination to delay the inevitable. Wow great!

Wow!!! This is really great! Your choice of words is inspiring! (It makes way more sense than mine!)


What a nice exercise, I like how random it is. The results are terrible though 😀

mirror is a random word stars and rainbow windows the wet dogs sleep maroon Mr Swish is waterbottlishly pale I like to be sad sometimes is never as good as trees the lasagne contains the summer and Brutus runs as top speed drummer cats wail in narrow alleyways I like words radish radish softly blood when cavernous halls sing piano and the taste of iron my key hole is black chocolate leaves verbs are missing Jesus is not here today my mind spins spoons running time out of setting stage work and French class under the weapon shot Kenmare ink blood navy feather table blue glue sandwich green ocean cold my door is open splashing No! out of tune like the big fish and the past and the future we are laughing laughing still

Jeopardy, what’s this word A lot to think about this torn world He wouldn’t even talk to me A new topic to envy

Wishing upon my diaries I never went fishing with such families Climbing stories and craving lamenities Leverage powers of beauty custodies

I am a woman, or maybe just a girl Crying in depth for when I twirl With sentiments of a wiggly ride Slowing down with a sudden pride

Louminous hearts so bright as to see to jolt is to wander, an unending tavern While darkness hold to what it is told Lies the secret where truth never gets old

Shall I perish? How bout today? How bout tomorrow? Tired as the dog who journeyed restless Chasing the devil who stole sight nevertheless

Allow the highness to judge you of what you are Or what you could have done to save someone drowning

Its u and me today. But not tomorrow.

I do this fun exercise now and then whenever i didnt have the motivation to contine my WIP or there werent just any ideas coming up.

Reading my peoms, I sound smart ass to myself. It’s like reading something very fine and well thought – “Wow, those words are deep!” – but really there’s not much of an effort put there.

It really was fun and helpful.

Thanks, Joe

the explainer

Spring like morning Dust like wind Feel your mind Wander within Think about The emptiness inside You will find nothing within.

Aira Crimson

Broken wings, like a strangling theme.

Wanting to be green, In a deserted dream.

The wings that I wear, Were once white and fair.

Now stained with despair, they look dark and glare.

Rubbing the stains, To get them off.

I end up realizing, My hands are also stained dark.

Deborah S.

I love this idea and the freedom it brings. Here is what I strung together.

Maine bears eat ice cream From the hands of children To see if they will cry They lick it sweet and Suddenly find The tree and rope to hang it by The furry feet of mothers fretting Will keep us busy and fight for meaning in the night

Crazy but fun! Thanks Joe.

Unidentified Me

This is such a fun poem! Main, bears, and icecream? Oh my!

Jen Mulholland

Boldly the endless nighttime waits

For tricking tears and synapse connections

Stop fearing It longs to hold you

To free you from your body’s

Fleshy envelope Break apart

Shatter in the glass and be free Darkness passes.

It feels so mysterious. I love the flow of this poem. Thanks for sharing!

Peter Ryan

I might have missed the point of this exercise by taking so long, but here’s what I wrote.

demolition garden fate a residue keeps its promise some people are far under sea I imagine their tents are ragged live to starve when she eats the fire bowly poley nobody likes me sad that sailboats aren’t more popular what a waste now, people don’t care salvo codec lips eat the rose thyme we live in a deceitful world where presidents are from TV where poetry sucks and the ends justify the means never say always, it always is never right so say the sunken swollen sorry sallow sot air at the mountaintop is thin but the sun can be beautiful on the clouds he with he and she with me how many hidden sets they give to them when their own did that with him and me she didn’t even reply to those dark deeds boat in the fog she leapt off as always, nobody cares air is filled with water matter is filled with me suck it and the morning and the evening were the twenty-first day.

I spent way too much time making it unexpected, but it sure was fun!


Apple. Alms. Rib cage nuns fall in the Dark of day looking for a way Today a heart thaws and hurts raw World blurs feel so small A doll on a staircase childhood memories like sand in my hand Words burns towards nothing low blow Angry frothing doe eyed Cocoa dark Honey in the night Rib cage tight pretty sight Mage bites a knife Circus call backstage brawl Crawl away skin bright tonight Black and blue and purple too White elephant fly high die specify Ivory burst sorts retorts shorts Reaching his knees these people Stones and moans groans in pain Worthless street rat in a fancy shy hat die in glory tell his story ain’t an allegory remembered by none no friends till the ends funeral flowers every hours sours his name sins weigh a ton everyone cries lies say they won’t forget about that I have my doubts. Someone shouts in the back Golden boy rusted never suspected Him of this sin never let it Rejected motivations dissected Like a frog in biology class That was never kissed missed So close to last year’s Christmas Laughs burn the tongue so young Last laugh worth frothing nothing If nobody to share it with.


Love board it happens Phone rings now Can marker paper love Water flowing randomly We are present We are absent Could I be that Picture flowers Girl getting moving dancing crying Where do you go Am I funny or am I not Is it real or is it not


Hello simmering thinking Eye arises clicks sees Silent tears no fear Heart strong quiet warrior stone Black white words shine fight conquer Breathe die live Bell rings toxic fume Mystical ramblings and foes Fantasy reality illusion. Dreams.

Kitten Birmingham fossils share Brimming torture fairly there Wither so the bees dew frown Spinning fruit from wayward cow socks and parrots collide until Fevers surging writing well Cancel pain from yonder square Fancy prancy all the daywear

Fatima Zohra

This is a great idea for starters like me. Thank you.

Roar ocean loud You powerful prudent proud Dusk towards fire She goes nowhere Leaves burning astray I’ll love you today Tomorrow stars will play Dark fading day Fairies sing lilac tears I’ll wait years

Flower: of mine planted in the Ground: To grow and stretch and Beach: itself in a truly fine Wood: That aromatic substance is not Amiss: To a fresh pressed garment sprayed with Starch: A garment that sits up around the neck and chaffs the Chin:

Anon Mouse

I’ve got a terrible cold right now and my head doesn’t feel quite right, but I thought I may as well give this a go. It was very fun once I got into it! Here is my first one, not really sure where it all came from but I suppose that’s the point!

Stumbling tumbling with yet dawn lawn on shallow peaks some yet speak but some yet don’t humbling lounges spiraling peaks Who might Shoe might Shulamite miss With wide brass buttons and a harrowing kiss close quarters

Faith McGill-Cossick

“Shoe might Shulamite miss”

LOVE it! Are we talking Abishag here?

Phyllis Chubb

Exercise #3 The lights are out. The coffee has been drunk. The phone is ringing, The computer is on. The dog is snoring and so is the cat. The paper came The news was checked There’s a desire for dreams.

No great imagination here!

I love the passive voice here: “The news was checked”

world imagined

So, here is something that I managed to write, using your prompt and my brain working with no expectations whatsoever :D.

Bridge monologue news anchor Lies and tries the fifth Heavy headset rumbling Pantless actor’s face Words blasphemy roll Fear the enemy no 1 Danger we all face Heartless jerk in mic Eyes empty on the cup Thoughts on a coffee sip News anchor sitting up Weather forecast amiss Raining lies wash away Truth in it’s making Realise the bridge monologue Of the puppets and a puppetier Strings and strands Pulled by the fifth king

UnderLocknKey 4Ever

Delightful smiles Optimistic Non-stop fun Take a break Wipe the few that escape Overwhelmed Rest your mind Replenish energies Youthful spirit Ignite a flame Make the most of the day Funny jokes Incessant laughter Never breaking Every day the same game


excellent is word you want to hear from people for you Pakistan is my lovely country: Mirror can describe you face not your personality, attitude, behavior and inner soul:


I don’t really know what does this means but I enjoy it:

Make it top Stop Evil drops Crops and the bots I care Bear the pain Cain ain’t rain Main system Get together Love it better Leave the mice Spaghetti Leave it I can’t Bear the pain You should know For you Closed

Pigs Mcgee

When I awake, I see the light And if I don’t, then it is night Too much tv is bad for the mind Just spot the difference Then you will find Love is blind But so am I Like a diamond In the sky I wrote this poem for you Because the internet told me to.

I wrote this in Messenger and immediately sent this to my sister. Ahhh well.


In a dark forest far far away from the truth. A deadly husband waits alone for his wife. Alone, and drunk in despair, dream terrors at night are his companions. And now the end is coming soon. Everything he wanted for his life was to receive some love, but now it is too late, all too late, all is doomed.

… A little disturbing but really fun to write!


Stop drop tired

blop glop ayer

what is that

this is so bad

crude brood

read and brood

tense happy angry and sad

all the reaction when I read

will they be there when you read

Takira Hodges

My violena major upgrade senior quality Ten thousand hore radishes eating popcorn why must I beg I shall not go to the zoo with monsoon rain brian burger main chimpzoobam chichichinese why must I be the source of misery misery alli oop Arcana my cana chi cana everybody jutsu ray say ray gun rain May scary play of course the dang blang demented as a hoodlum I acquire a plan tum Jump off the cow Into my arms You dog

Deeksha amin

Thanks a ton! this was amazing and fun! I always wanted to write something of this style and finally i got to know the mantra. here is something that I wrote just in five minutes. Thanks to you.

sound of the soul loud and clear shines so bright in the dark sky never blame it for your actions close you eyes and feel the sensation try not to tame it free bird flies high so does the soul far from the destination but closer to the realization breathe in breath out let the peace be all yours


I feel like I should print this and read it again from time to time.

I did this one a couple of days ago foe similar reasons(i felt stuck but wanted to keep on writting) I am at the edge waiting I know i must jump I want to jump But I pause There’s rocks down there My bones will shatter There’s water down there My lungs will falter But there’s also grass And a whole new life Maybe I wont die Maybe it wont hurt to crash I wanna jump I’m gonna do it So Help me god Faith as my fuel I can do it I’m doing it I jump

***** I enjoyed writting it. It felt like describing a dream.

suncorn megadeers

Thanks, Mr Bunting! This exercise is fun indeed. It took a decade for my next ‘poem’. I’m weird at it, so here it is. 🙂

unserious this, please logger dee, logger done twisty legger gum lettuce risen, damage dome fractions munchies calleth sie Zed makes weatherly weasels in to the suncorn megadeers and teenage tentacles to whiperdone and tiny bababas riped with abstract peopees how is the glue Hank achieved? bristing breaching broth reacus propelled pud-ding liberation fungae, clouds of joy champion of life is tot pocket oh, the last escape! jurney knocked china ware spacege cracks inself wieseldorf a bee an a, a c through tyne enterprise euny pewney cow need a shrinky sauce brutalized canvas steer globe around is fear or is ith, dearling tooz? cangashnouze statues work pensil hack up underdust cut off the deal me a ninja skill

Greetings to all from Slovenia!

NeilJuan Juan

Grand new start Beautiful beginning Sunrise so peaceful Ready to work Writing at best Looking forward at the rest Same spirit of fluency Guided at best

Straining night Wine before dawn Cat goddess is the only oath Book stacks are craving for fire Peony blossoms yet nobody cares Illusion you saw Weaknesses I sought Fade away In the songs of white birds You are here, my darling, Wander in the wild

Toni Merflag

Lesson #3 writing practice assignment #2 “modernist poetry”

compare final plans with initial brainstorm prepare night fight right, is it delight? brisk frisk makes fakes angri-nervy singing ringing hinging binging etiquet music in my ears famous woodwind quartet there are no saints here, only strange and queer people from the steeple, who wait for the second shoe drop that gat Looey, watch out! it’s gone kablooey lotta hooey if you ask me take your “poem” and climb up a tree distract compact and also retract I break I bend here lies the end

Reworked this and I like it better.

Lesson #3 writing practice assignment #2 “modernist poetry” version #2

compare final plans with initial brainstorm prepare for night fight, am I gormless or gorm? brisk frisk makes fakes angri-nervy singing ringing hinging binging topsy-turvey music in my ears famous woodsy wind quartet beef steak and kidney pie, finger bowls and pretty etiquette there are no saints here, only stranges with not-a-clue-ish people from the steeple, waiting for the second shoe-ish to drop that gat Looey, watch out! it’s all gone kablooey if you ask me it’s a lot of hooey take this “poem” and stare at a fractal distract compact and also retractal I break, and broken I bend here lies welcome, this is the end

Nika Gravador

This poem is for my daughter who’s always curious with everything

Hovering into the screen Wide eyes, feelings melting into one Dawdling like a cat purring in the ground Screaming, gnarling feisty feline Up she rose, up she goes Totally immersed into the pooling water of depth How was she to know when the music stops? How was she to know when all things would last? She’s just there, staring, sitting into the bewilderedness She’s just there, feeling the tick of the clock of eagerness Now and then, the bell will rang But she would not bear the raging sound Alas! The time has come to an end! And then she stood again She prowled into me with eyes like diamonds Snuggly, relaxingly came into my embrace As I slowly uttered these words as I say “ What do you have been dreaming my dear?” “ Come here my darling” “ Let’s venture forth and sail”


smooch pooch when coffee quivers write out of sight down deep delving sleep hope for now unturning turn twist toasting tumble flip and sigh. Sleep short sweet shiver sleep soon surest shout ships and skips come shooting through a starless sky, bible black, and blue.


My love Your not alone Running in the the uphill battle I will be silent Till the day I die Take me somewhere nice Bring me the horizon Seize the day I see star My chemical romance Leave me blind My love I’d like to write a love letter in your arms I hate you, I love you I don’t want you Just give me a reason A war inside my head Broken open I’m yours Yet I’m still broken holding-on


Sanity Chaos Dreams Living life in what seems Spiraling up then down again Always moving never proving

Ive told that little girl before When you grow up this will be no more But here I am yet again Drowning Swimming oops..Suffering I promised her on many nights Those thieves would never steal her light I need to fix this make it right I promised her we would always fight.

Sampath Kumar

I really don’t know what i came up with..!! 😀 may be a mordern rap. Here comes my first attemp.

Shape the wire practice at office

Door with the write privilege is the politics of the car

auto made of cabbage taking charge meet the idea of mid-brain

avengers of the scent shop is the pickup

app that chirp fan could walk cloth sing, spoon flap

motor of fish rain bike was a fraud

[bump horn] Sun just honked

Font that wireframe zoom at the article

contestant can check smile with smule

run for the missed ad be like a snail in Facebook

zainab mushtaq

Phew said Phil from boomerang

He blew a thrill so slang

Confused so full of twang

Bulbous frills swing till I sang

So many pills in my hand

Crazy in love til I’m mad

To show how much good to the bad

Filled with surprise till I hang

Dead from the ceiling fan

That was fun!!

Anja Voigt-Schraudolph

Muten gelingen traute Versagen

zeig nicht genügend

Sinn sinnieren transzendental

tausend brillieren versanden zum Ziel

ohne ein Leuchten Paläste und Schwärme

Sanftmut verwundbar zertreten im Staub

Großes gebären Brombeeren nur Mut

Taglicht gesendet rasch kräftezermürbend frömmelnd vergleichen

plaudern zum Troste Rüschen gereichen

…well, it’s German, my second try, but I certainly had fun and I loved most to play with the sounds – the most incredible words flowed out of me, interestingly many quite oldfashioned words that I never use in my day-to-day language. Wonderful! I take it as a beautiful wordfinder and certainly as a good practice whenever creativity seems to be sleeping 😉 Thank you!


Just amazing! is all I can say!!! this method relaxes that internal ‘perfectionist’– completely sacks it really. I kind of like my rendition…sort of poetic:

Picking Up Down It goes Where up your nose Silly as it seems to be Why ask what happened to me

Tip toe in the dawn tulips A blip goes blop and ends in slop Why whistle when the wind wildly wings where No one sings

Purple dermis does a do for you Far away it scatched and sizzled Sinking Rising over the rainbow Far Far Away working while we wink

This tis tarry til tall tail tell Signs sickly sink sound Down dares deeply distressed Crossword carries Carmel convenience

Olivia Carrender

I think this exercise was great fun! Here’s one I came up with

Cant handle the night Hope is a nightmare Dressed in leather and steel Lace and taffeta laugh at the night Boots stomp on the moon Sheep smell the fear of the farmer


#1 hoorah lets get there somewhere to get free and have a bit of coffee and shall not have to pay the fee for everything there is free free

#2 waves of the sea always in motion they are always at work is everyones’s notion when there is a storm they are at commotion when you find that you are stuck up in emotions peace to the heart is what we get on observing the waves devotion


wire put fire truth pour lyre soar drier (i had to work so hard to not write higher over here) mere crier sheer liar pasty admire hasty prier


Foam scared blue Love you too Don’t dive in Love is mean Floor jump sky Feet can fly Disconnected My heart has fainted I wish it was worth it I wish I was worth it

What do you think? I have mixed feelings about it


Halo on high Silver stag midnight woods Time slows Bittersweet snowflakes hang Mutual missing Longing stinging wind Howl under night’s cowl

Natalie Swift

Wow. Reading all the poems here and then looking at mine= definitely not motivating 😉 I’m going to post it anyway though…

Fall candy sweaters Makes me laugh With sadness Pencils destroy me Coffee an addiction Of despairing minds Paper is linked with Letters and words unmanageable Glasses of kindness Fill my heart with joy Speakers speak with perfectionism Destroy me When people stoop Or slouch and bend So stand straighter


I dream as I lay From last night’s play I wore armor That feels warmer To fight the enemy And win for my army I shout in victory That has become history

this was a terrible one

I blink aim and target With knife that made me feel joy As clear as death Dad claim bed Shout stop gloom Laid slain in clean mid marsh Shave hand and claim bold Chomp stop and dance

Gary Mauricio

Awesome exercise, perfectionism is definitely a force to contend with.

Mind tool freak teak speak geek Hello computer find me where you roam Ventually you step through the foam of life and home Recover not what you once knew but what you will Whereto are the masters of the abyss End of new comes strength and resilience Btw this is was supposed to be gibberish Foiled again damn creative mind


Here’s my poem using random words:

Folly fools eat forest leaves Lyrical leaves fall gushing blur confusing watchers Birds tweet longingly to distant hills Falling wings soar endlessly Fragile features form in tree tops amongst the clouds Dropping tender tears onto branches Sip my nectar slowly


Here is my try at it: Telephone mushroom giveaway morning eagle closet green danger value rose entry speeding blank tube window future whispering hidden modern trembles plastic jokesters parables onion storm demanding eternity venues zero mixtures nibbling honesty general spanning blowing thrust inclement product

Nothing could be more embarrassing than this one. But it’s fun, life is better when you’re laughing.

Water in Mumbai, Happiness sensation. Awkward moments! Formed creative bonds Made artistic expressions Experience art and architecture Different bond with passion A joyful trip captured. Work hard and travel, Wellness through satisfaction. Enjoying writing having fun! Forget limits and recapitulate childhood, Free as an infant, could go to everyone in the neighborhood.

Claudia Smile

Let me start by saying the last word of every line was the random word. Except for the last line, the last line is the name of the poem. And this is probably dumb sounding but it’s more of a KIDS’ poem, so it’s supposed to be weird and maybe funny. I don’t even know if it counts as a poem because the last word of every line doesn’t rhyme, but whatever. It’s more like a bunch of incomplete sentences… Well, here goes: UNFORTUNATE Heard Biscuit, my dog, Biscuit had my shirt. I had bed-head, Had slept in my closet. Ran into the sink, Last night at the skating rink. Got home on the bus, Sat on a pencil. Broke a mirror, And a doorknob. Tripped on a bouncy ball, Lost a yo-yo. Can’t watch TV. Popped some balloons. Found dirty headphones. My dog ripped a pillow, He tore up the grass, Messed up the rocks, Then chewed my sock, Ripped the head off my doll, Crashed my model airplane. But when he sits on the chair, I know I’m not totally, Unfortunate.


It’s true; it is a fun exercise! Here are the words I wrote down, and I did a bit of straightening up to them:

Ghouls smile to girls Like wolves they twitter Whitewashed curtains Behind wreaths and dolls

But teenage games Have copious spice Like a box of ginger and flowers Crumbs and cables Goad ghosts

But we worn-out tires Hair stiff split flat crooked and parted Await the amorphous death Bright as the moon


I enjoyed the exercise! Thank you for posting! Here’s my first attempt . . .

Bum with rum Tantalize your mind Bust a move, not original, but worthy of movement Sound-ra-la Post much sound waves, talk a lot Be free, run far – don’t get caught Smile with style and hitch it Beyond my dreams, I live Trees and stars Black as night, right as rain, clearly not original but descriptive Abate do not rate Something inside squirms Bringing the A back A time line stopped and reset Refresh to start over Again with the A Stoic empathy Brave beyond fear Sympathy sucks, love is real

T.L Mora

I don’t know exactly why most of these things popped into my head. But they did. So here you go. Enjoy!

Apples! They shall rue the day For morning comes after night Red blood shall rein true For the night is young And we shall bogey to our hearts content Cease and desist all intrusions! For it takes only two to tango And one more to be rude Yay verily! For the day is short Shorter than expected Because it’s like that And that’s the way it is Pity the fool who’s never watched the A-team Ed Sheeran should be King of Westeros Spoiler Alert! This life weird Annotations are key Antonio Banderas is lord Shut the gates! Let’s do this! Logang for life Thank you #Pleased


Holy shower devours hours Mannequin brains strain until they fade Believable bars of sand can afflict the conscious Markers of grain make gains upon the day Optimist birds float upon dandelions of smoke Golden spires of ancient dust reflect unjust days

This exercise is amazing! Here’s my poem. Pineapple chair doodles peanut Can flair mixed poodle rut Dinosaurs weep Tiddlywinks sleep Day draws long of noodles or cuts Freckle Pickle Fun Page flip harness his slip Face diet checkers whiz hip Munch lid ponder Wide-eyes wander Doorknob squishes priss lip Peace Crease Run

Sue Walker

I wrote this in the comments section. The starting of each line is the word I came up with. Then I fleshed out with minimal thought. Wonderful exercise thank you!

pain is inevitable life is complicated with hopeless promises curry stimulates the senses painting yellow stars in the brain strife fuels courage fueling greatness peel the skin of perfectionism and expose the priceless flaws foam bleeds white cuddling bubbles and picturesque mirage brain fiends optimum success but the line above average houses gold fight the fear of failure white knight throwing worded spears village like happiness no technology just you and the greenery procrastination insidiously creeps up on you, quick stop while your ahead vacuum your mind of negative thoughts barely stop and you’ll be a perfect writer!

Heather McGregor Ferguson

duck boomerang never laughing

macabre brain riot

question volume tomb belonging

boom zoom doom and gloom

square leaping sawing bouncing boinging

quitting smoking in the morning


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Ten Minute Writing Exercises

Are you looking at a blank page right now?

I’ve been there too and I know what it’s like.

But I also know how to get past it – by writing.

Writing exercises are a great way to take you from the blank page and stuck feeling and on into your writing stride.

If you truly want to write more productively and are willing to work towards this, then you are in the right place.

I personally love writing and I hope I can inspire you to feel the same.

Writing takes practice, lots and lots of practice.

Ten-minute exercises are a great way to practice.

Developing a regular writing exercise routine is the most useful thing you can do to improve your writing and increase your creativity.


Make a firm commitment., do some writing exercises each week., decide for yourself which days and times suit you best., pick a number of exercises you intend to do..

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Make it realistic – if you can only do one that’s fine. As you get used to the exercises this number can increase.

Remember the golden hour – some people writer better at dawn and others late at night.

Experiment and see what time suits you.

The following exercises are short although you can make them longer if you like.


There are ten exercises below and each one comprises a simple set of three questions.

Each one should be answered as quickly as you can.

Don’t stop and think just start writing and keep going.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – only ideas.

It is up to you to decide whether the ideas appeal to you enough to make you want to develop them further.

I suggest trying them all and see what happens.

At this stage, it is best to view your writing as an experiment and you should enjoy it.


1. Who is coming round the corner?

2. What is their secret?

3. What are they carrying?

1. Why did Peter lose his temper with Joanna

2. Where did he go after he stormed out?

3. What happened to him when he got there?

1. Who has found something at the back of the wardrobe?

2. What have they found?

3. What will they do next?

1. Who cheated John?

2. What did they cheat him at?

3. Will John do something?

1. What building can you see Rose leaving?

2. What is she wearing?

3. Where is she going?

1. Why is Ian finding it difficult to steer the car?

2. Where is he going?

3. Who is there?

1. Where did the accident happen?

2. Who was hurt?

3. Who helped?

1. The view is blocked by?

2. Whose view is blocked?

3. If the view wasn’t blocked what would they see?

1. Who closes the window?

3. How old are they?

1. Who is Jenny?

2. How tall is she?

3. Why is she alone?

Don’t forget any time you have a spare ten minutes try these ten-minute writing exercises because every little bit of writing you do will increase your skills, build good habits and help you become the focused writer you want to be.

Different exercises suit different people and there are plenty more free exercises for you to try on this site. So go ahead and try the exercises below – write and Enjoy.

Abstract creative writing exercises.

Who what when and where, visual creative writing exercises., creating characters., creating story..

If you enjoyed these ten-minute exercises you will find plenty more fun, stimulating and challenging exercises in my book,  Practical Creative Writing Exercises.

Practical Creative Exercises is written for writers who want to become more focused, more versatile, boost their creativity and imagination and improve their writing skills.

The exercises in this book will enable you to become really immersed in your writing. You will enjoy experiencing the joys of creative writing flow.

Best of luck

P.S. I love encouraging people to write and all the exercises and information on this site is provided free of charge.

All I ask is that if you found this useful or helpful, that you like, share or comment.  I love hearing from you and I always reply.


You won’t be able to stop writing because these beautiful and inspiring exercises will banish your writing block right now, never be stuck again,  get ebook from amazon.com ,  get ebook from amazon.co.uk,   get paperback from amazon.com, get paperback from amazon.co.uk, get from smashwords, share this:, 56 responses to ten minute writing exercises.

Thank you so much for this. i ultimately would like to write a romance novel. This has helped me greatly pay attention to detail, what was she wearing? iin the back of the wardrobe. etc. Thank you so much. It is greatly appreciated, and when I finally finish my novel, I will send you a copy.

Hi Jenny, I am so glad you liked it. Best of luck with your romance novel – keep writing! Grace

The exercise it was great because… it kind open the way for me to do scenes that in themselves hint to feelings or states of mind, without necessarily have to speak explicitly about them in words. And the flow was great, and the answers so diverse. The questions made me realize that in me there is so much i can write about and so much that i know… Many thanks for that!

Hi Layaly I am so glad the exercise helped you and it is especially good to hear it helped with ‘flow!’ Thanks for commenting and best of luck with your writing. Grace

I’m just getting back into writing and these exercises are a great way to write without any attachment to the outcome. I love the freedom of the exercise. Just to write for ten minutes and see what happens.

I have been going through the exercises with a writing buddy. We decide which one we both want to tackle and then time ourselves. It’s great to read the results to each other and see how the same questions can inspire wildly differing stories.

We are having a blast!

Hi Kathleen, I am so glad you are enjoying the exercises – it’s fun to do them with a friend too. Keep it up. I am looking forward to hearing from you again to let me know how you are getting on. Best wishes, Grace.

Hey, I’m really grateful for these exercises. They help so much, I really find ideas flowing to me when I start one. Thanks, John

Glad to hear it. Best of luck with your work. Grace

An original post. I’ll keep it as a favorite

Thanks for your comment hope you find it useful. Grace

I have the most outlandish answers… I think. But I know that I made myself laugh with at least three of these. But these are brilliant ways to get ideas flowing to ignite my writing lamp so I can see into the depths of my imagination to further my prowess. Thank you.

So glad it helped and so glad you got to laugh as well!

All the best Grace

I wanted to share my lines♥ Just ’cause.. (pardon me if there’s mistakes, I’m not native English xD)

1. Who is coming round the corner? There’s this girl coming around the corner, she feels lonely and misunderstood. It’s been a while since she last fell in love and it’s been really hard getting over that douchebag. She’s just there, coming and going, like there isn’t much to do, like her soul got lost a few moons ago… 2. What is their secret? Her secret is, not knowing how much power she hides within herself, little by little listening to a marvelous advisers our girl started learning, taking action on this feeling crappy situation, and deep down a fire has started…and it can’t be stopped. 3. What are they carrying? She carries hope; she carries music, a dancing soul and a book…a book that involves some magic for those who can see beyond words. Full with illusion she walks, waiting for that moment when she finally gets the strength to break the shell and let her beauty light up the city.

Hi Lucia, So glad you have been inspired to write. Best of luck with it. Grace

This gives me a great opportunity to work on my writing again. Thanks so much.

Great to hear it, Tamila – good luck with it. Grace

Great site you have here. I am a teacher and a writer too. Your advice are sound and grounded and I love your exercises. Take Care! BTW I’m from Malaysia.

Great to hear from you, Jason. I am so glad you like the exercises. All the way from Malaysia too! Isn’t it great the way the Internet allows us to connect with so many people from all over the world. Best wishes Grace

This will be extremely helpful for the writing challenges in our online community. Thank you. I can see potential for real stimulation with these by various means. Possibly an on-going write around, where one adds to the storyline of the first, then the next participant adds to that etc… Many to choose from.

Hi Linda, An on-going write around sounds fun – let me know how it goes. Best wishes, Grace

Hi Grace I’m using some of your exercises for my Writers’ Circle tonight so hopefully they will generate some good writing. It’s sometimes difficult to come up with prompts the will inspire the group. Thanks for making these available. Louise 🙂

Hi Louise, Thanks for letting me know. Good luck to you and your writing group. Grace

Thank you. I sponsor a writing group in a prison. The guys who have been attending up to now are very good writers and are interested only in reading what they have written and receiving criticism. But some of them are leaving the facility and many of the new members are not confident writers. Suddenly I am in need of material for people who are not already half-way through a novel. These exercises look to be really useful.

I Sean, I am so glad you got in touch. Your work sound fascinating and I am glad to hear so many of your students are busy writing. You must be an inspiring teacher. If you let me know your email I will send you a free copy of my book ‘Practical Creative Writing Exercises’ and I would be more than happy for you to use it with your students. Keep in touch. Grace

Although it’s so simple I found this really helpful, I just needed a little push to get me writing some short scenarios. I particularly found the first several thought provoking. Thanks so much 🙂

So glad to have helped Jenny – the best of luck with your work and thanks for commenting. Grace

I loved this. Thank you so much for suggesting these. I definitely think that half the battle with writing is getting into a constructive, routine – like you said. So I really appreciate the assistance!

Hi Meagan, thanks for your comments – it is really encouraging to me when I hear from readers. Routine is so important. Best of luck with your writing. Grace

Asnwered few sets of questions and at the end of it all I realised I could string all the various answers into one story brought together with more plot points. Thanks for this! Very helpful!

Hi Hazell, thanks for commenting. I am very happy this helped you and I am interested to hear about the way you could string the various answers into one story – sounds very creative. Keep going and let me know how the story turns out. Grace

Thank you for providing this! i like the three-part format, and was just enough time to sneak a little writing into my lunch break.

You are welcome and glad you could grab some extra writing time too. All the best Grace

Tonight I am taking these to the prison writing group I facilitate. the group is different every time, and these are often popular with new people who are not comfortable writing.

That’s great, Sean. I hope it went well with your group. Take Care Grace

Your exercises are very helpful! We plan to use them along with other writing exercises during the National Novel Writing Month events we are hosting at our library (we’re giving credit to you of course).

Thanks! Sam

Hi Sam, great to hear from you. It’s always lovely for me to hear from people so far away. I hope your National Novel Writing Event goes well. If any of your participants have any queries, or questions I will happy to help. Best wishes Grace

I completed first three of the exercises and I would like to share them. Well, here they are.

1. A man in a dark coat is coming around the corner with a young woman. The woman seems to be terrified as she is dragged along by the tall man. She struggles even harder until finally he smacks her cheek and she falls unconsciousness. He is going to sell her to vampires and she will become a slave. In his left pocket he carries a wad of hundred dollar bills just to be safe. Most vampires could be bought.

2. Peter couldn’t stand Joanna anymore. She was always clinging on to him and begging for jewelry and money. Finally, he snapped. On a Tuesday afternoon , Peter snarled in frustration and anger at Joanna. He told her off and said he was done. After the confrontation, Peter went to his favorite local coffee shop, muttering angry words along the way. After he had sat down, he ordered a cappuccino and took deep breaths. Calming himself down was no easy task, Joanna had really ticked him off. Suddenly the door swung open, and there stood his old high school lover, Amelia James. Soon, all his anger was forgotten as he started devising a plan to rekindle an old love.

3. Sandra Baker quickly snatched up the little jewelry box that sat in the back of her aunt’s closet. She walked out of the close nonchalantly, and headed back towards her room. Soon after, she plopped down on her bed and excitedly examined the ancient looking box. Slowly she lifted the lid up. She winced as a loud crack came from the rusty lock that held the lid in place. Inside lay a emerald so beautiful that Sandra stared at it in awe for several minutes. Entranced, she lifted the gold chain holding the emerald and set it gently upon her neck. No one will take it. No one, Sandra thought in anger and desperation.

This is a great exercise! Thank you! 🙂

Thanks Natalia – I am so glad you liked it.

Hey, I just waned to say that as a young high school student, I’m trying to develop my writing skills and perfect them, and your exercises have proved so fascinating and helpful. Allowing me to write with no outcome has opened realms of stories and potential plots. Thank you so much!

Hi Mavis Thanks for letting me know that my exercises have helped. I hope you keep going. Grace

Hey Grace! Awesome tips that I will employ from now on. I hate blank page syndrome 🙂 Thank you.

Great – nice to hear from you Jeremy and hope you never get stuck in front of a blank page again!

This was a lot of fun!! Here’s mine!

A tall man with a dark fedora pulled over his eyes and a dingy beige coat. He knows who murdered the wife of a prominent business man. In his long arms he carries a package wrapped with old newspaper.

Peter was enraged with Joanna because she still wasn’t able to properly set the dinner table. After he stormed out he headed down to the pub. When he opened the door Jimmy Toller, the bartender shook his head and poured him his usual.

Dorthy Fontain pulled the stack of hundred dollar bills that were burried in the back of her lover’s wardrobe. Quietly she looked around to be sure no one could see and stuffed them down the front of her gown.

That wily bastard Fred had been known for conning people out of their money. John clenched his fist angrily as he pushed his cash across the poker table. John knew he wasn’t able to prove that Fred was a lying, cheating scoundrel. He crossed his arms and seethed in his chair.

Rose was exiting the old dilapidated mansion on Sugar St. Her ruby red gown was caked with mud at the hem. She straightened her elbow length gloves and headed for the bar. Ian’s left hand was red with blood and throbbing. His right arm sat useless on his lap as he tried to steer with his broken hand. He was headed for the railroad tracks to meet up with his connection, Johnny.

Sugar St. was dark and brooding, Sandy lay on the cobblestone, she could still see stars and her knee was throbbing with pain. The car had come out of now where. Suddenly a woman in red was standing over her. “Hey there honey. Looks like you could use a hand.” Rose said. A passenger train blocked Ian’s view as he exited the car. He was hoping to see the empty train station with old johnny standing out in front. But from this vantage all he saw was a wall of cold steel.

A pair of old hands belonging to Ben Warren slammed shut the window. The rumble of a car engine had woken him in his light sleep. A man of 84 years couldn’t be bothered with the noise the young people of this town made.

Jenny is the wife of an up and coming business man. Standing at 5’9″ she was a sight on the old gin mill stage. But tonight she sat in the empty bar room remembering when she was more than a house wife.

Hi Ashley Thanks so much for posting. Wow! You certainly let your imagination loose and what a lot of characters and action. Hope you keep going – it looks like you have made a great start. Best of luck Grace

Thank for the motivation and brain gymnastics. I’m surely trying them all. I have my blog at : truptisatardekar.com/blog, surely visit, I write with love 🙂 I intend to post often which ain’t happening as yet but after following your exercise I hope I do that. thanks again.

You are welcome – it is amazing how many ideas some simple exercises can do. Grace

Grace, thank you SO much, this helped me so much, i’m trying to write a fantasy novel and this really opened my mind out!

Hi Leila I’m so glad to hear that. Keep going and don’t forget there’s lots more information and help in my book, Practical Creative Writing Exercises – get it here.

Thank you for these! I’ve never considered myself a writer, but recently a lot of people have been commenting on my writing and I have felt really encouraged to write. Usually I just write whatever spills out of my brain, but these exercises help me consciously write about a specific subject. The first exercise I did, aboht the window, I ended up editing it and it’s being published this September/October! I feel inspired to share both the raw version as well as the edited version here.


Each day after my students’ test I notice a window that stands out among the rest White curtains, sheer and lace Blow gently onto the young boy’s face Each day when I approach he shuts it tight As if he’s trying to keep out sudden fright I’ve never seen him outside The boy on the inside White paint peels off the siding plywood covers the door But not the creeky floor Knock knock knock But no one is there to undo the lock I find an unlocked window and enter the home of my widow Up the flight of stairs I go Enter the room with the boy, I see his face He is me- trapped in space Younger and wiser He grips my hand Coming to take me, I am already gone The boy in the window is me I notice a window that stands out among the rest The window where my widow lay me to rest

In a city full of windows I notice one that stands out among the rest White curtains, sheer and lace Blow gently across the young boy’s face Each day when I approach he shuts it tight As if he’s trying to keep out sudden fright I’ve never seen him outside The boy on the inside Entangled in his abode that has been blanketed with grief Peeling white paint reveals the dilapidated house beneath Plywood hides the secrets of the door But not the creeky floor Knock knock knock But no one is there to undo the lock Through an unlatched window I enter The home Of My widow Invading the room with the boy I finally see his juvenile face He is me- trapped in space In a city full of windows I notice one that stands out among the rest The window where my widow lay me to rest

Hi Grace Thank you for coming back to tell me about this. I was absolutely delighted to learn that my exercises inspired you. Perhaps you could take a moment to leave a review on the book on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Creative-Writing-Exercises-Jolliffe-ebook/dp/B00QJ2U30K

I read your poem and really enjoyed it – a lovely sense of mystery and heart.

Great news about publication too.

I wish you all the best with your continued writing and look forward to hearing more from you. Grace


[…] https://www.practicalcreativewriting.com/creative-writing-exercises/ten-minute-writing-exercises/ […]

[…] is a link day. 🙂 Please find a GREAT series of writing exercises here. Trust me. They’re great […]

[…] to Grace, of “Practical Creative Writing” we used this exercise […]

[…] of the same exercises over and over. So I Googled creative writing exercises and stumbled across this page! It’s awesome. All the exercises are designed to be short, about ten minutes. The site has […]

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  • Writing Games

Interactive Creative Writing Games

Fun interactive writing games to get your creative juices flowing...

  • Visual Poetry  : Explore your creativity by drawing word mosaics with your poetry.
  • Haiku Madlibs  : Fill out the text fields to generate 16 haikus, madlibs style - using templates from the masters, including: Basho, Buson, Issa, Shiki, Shuson, and Soseki.
  • Madlib Poem  : A madlib poem is a fun and creative way to write poems using a fill-in-the-blank format using poem templates from famous poems.
  • Electronic Poetry  : Similiar to magnetic poetry. Create poems using the words of your favorite authors or create magnets from your own text. Includes author kits for: Antonin Artaud, Charles Baudelaire, Francesca Lia Block, André Breton, Poppy Z. Brite, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs, Angela Carter, ee cummings, Hilda Doolittle, Brett Easton Ellis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Allen Ginsberg, Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Comte de Lautréamont, The Smiths, Anaïs Nin, Flannery O'Connor, Mary Oliver, Sylvia Plath, Edgar Allan Poe, Marcel Proust, Anne Rice, Arthur Rimbaud, J.D. Salinger, William Shakespeare, Robert Smith, Gertrude Stein, Donna Tartt, Michelle Tea, Tristan Tzara, Oscar Wilde.
  • Poem Collage  : Enter your poem and click Generate. Poem Collage will generate your poem as a series of draggable lines. Rearrange the lines to form a new poem.
  • Poem Builder  : Flip 3 cards to build a poem - one: the subject of the poem, two: the poetic form you should write the poem in, and three: 10 words you should incorporate into the poem.
  • Exquisite Corpse  : A writing game that originated in the Surrealist movement of the early 20th century. The game involves a group of writers who each contribute a sentence or phrase to a collective work without being able to see what the other writers have written. Add a word or line to the exquisite corpse poem - started in 2000!
  • Poetry Stamp  : Poetry stamp will randomly generate lines of poetry, which you can then modify by changing or removing words.
  • Letter Link Poetry  : When we play Boggle, we then like to use the words we found to write a poem, using each word to start each line of the poem.
  • Ring Game [Vowels vs Consonants]  : Use letters to chain together words to write poems.
  • Text Collage  : Linguasso - dynamic emotional design linguasso (for lingual and Picasso) creates totally random works of art, composed of text and based on varying emotions.
  • Story Dice  : Roll the dice to get 6 different words - a setting, a character, an object, an action, an emotion, and an adjective. Use all of these words as prompts to write a story.
  • Never­ending­ Story  : Add a line to the neverending story - started in 2000!
  • Tarot Reading Writing Game  : Use a Tarot Reading to flesh out characters, come up with plot twists, and character conflict. Tarot readings can be a powerful tool for writers looking to generate ideas for their creative work. By interpreting the symbolism and meanings of the tarot cards, you can access your subconscious mind and tap into a rich source of inspiration and creativity.
  • Fade Out  : Fade Out is a writing game that forces you to be creative with limited word choices.
  • Alliterator  : An alliteration text generator that only uses words starting with the same letter.
  • Ring Game  : Use letters to chain together words to write poems.
  • Graffiti Wall  : Add to or edit the writing on the Graffiti Wall! Yes, your additions may be altered or deleted by someone else and you may change or delete other's additions. That is the game...
  • Blind Finish-the-Story  : A modified version of the popular writing game where at least three players take turns adding to a story on numbered index cards, creating a surreal dreamlike tale that can inspire or be used for fun.

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing The Write Stuff for Writers

online creative writing exercises

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100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Grow Your Writing Passion into a Career with Liberty’s Online MFA in Creative Writing

Many people write creatively, but few hone their skills to develop their writing craft to its highest form. Even fewer learn the other skills it takes to become a successful writer, such as the steps needed to get a book published and into the hands of readers. Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can help you develop your writing passion into a career so you can set your works free to impact culture and the world.

Employers in every industry need professionals who have strong writing skills, so you can be confident that your ability to write effectively can also help set you apart in your current career. With in-demand writing expertise and the ability to customize your degree with electives in literature or writing practice, Liberty’s online MFA in Creative Writing can help you achieve your professional writing goals.

Our online MFA in Creative Writing is designed to help you build on your writing skills with specific workshops dedicated to the craft of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or screenwriting. With a work-in-progress approach to writing practice and mentorship from our faculty of experienced writers and scholars, you can learn the specific skills you need to make your writing stand out.

Military Friendly School

Ranked in the Top 10% of Niche.com’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s MFA in Creative Writing?

Our online MFA in Creative Writing is mainly offered in an 8-week course format, and our tuition rate for graduate programs hasn’t increased in 9 years. Through our program, you can study the writing process and develop your creative skills through workshops with experienced writing professionals. With our flexible format, you can grow in your creative writing while continuing to do what is important to you.

As a terminal degree, the online MFA in Creative Writing can also help you pursue opportunities to teach writing at the K-12 or college level. You will gain comprehensive and in-depth exposure to writing, literature, publishing, and many other professional writing skills that you can pass on to students. Partner with the Liberty family and learn under faculty who have spent years in the field you love. Your career in professional writing starts here.

What Will You Study in Our MFA in Creative Writing?

The MFA in Creative Writing program is designed to help you become an excellent creative writer across the genres of creative fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and poetry. You can learn how to produce aesthetically and culturally engaged creative works while gaining professional knowledge and practice. You will also study foundational contemporary literature so that you have a background in studying important works to draw on for your writing.

To help you in your professional writing, you will also study many essential skills in editing, layout, and the business of publishing so that you can best position yourself for success in the market. Through your creative writing courses and workshops, you can develop your craft so that you will be ready for your thesis project.

Here are a few examples of the skills Liberty’s MFA in Creative Writing can help you master:

  • Marketing your projects and pursuing new writing opportunities
  • Organizing writing and adapting it to different types of writing
  • Tailoring writing to specific audiences and markets
  • Understanding what makes art effective, compelling, and impactful
  • Writing compelling stories that engage readers

Potential Career Opportunities

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

Featured Courses

  • ENGL 600 – Editing, Layout, and Publishing
  • ENGL 601 – Writing as Cultural Engagement
  • ENGL 603 – Literary Theory and Practice
  • WRIT 610 – Writing Fiction

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the College of Arts and Sciences .
  • View the Graduate Arts and Sciences Course Guides (login required).
  • Download and review the Graduate Manual for MFA .

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

Top 1% For Online Programs

Not sure what to choose?

Speak to one of our admissions specialists to help you choose the program that best fits your needs.

  • Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

All Tuition & Fees

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid Forms & Eligibility

Scholarship Opportunities

Admission Information for the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Unofficial transcripts can be used for acceptance purposes with the submission of a Transcript Request Form .
  • Creative Writing Sample – A creative writing sample of one creative writing work of at least 2,500 words or a culmination of creative writing samples totaling 2,500 words.*
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

*A sample of one or more poems totaling a minimum of 750 words may also be submitted. Song lyrics are not accepted at this time as writing samples.

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your master’s degree after the last day of class for your bachelor’s degree.
  • Complete a Bachelor’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official/unofficial transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show a minimum of 105 completed credit hours.
  • If you are a current Liberty University student completing your undergraduate degree, you will need to submit a Degree/Certificate Completion Application .
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new master’s degree.

Dual Enrollment

Please see the Online Dual Enrollment page for information about starting graduate courses while finishing your bachelor’s degree.

Transcript Policies

Unofficial college transcript policy.

Unofficial transcripts combined with a Transcript Request Form can be used for admission. Official transcripts are required within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first, and will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Before sending unofficial college transcripts, please make sure they include the following:

  • Your previous school’s name or logo printed on the document
  • Cumulative GPA
  • A list of completed courses and earned credit broken down by semester
  • Degree and date conferred (if applicable)

Official College Transcript Policy

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

If the student uses unofficial transcripts with a Transcript Request Form to gain acceptance, all official transcripts must be received within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first. Failure to send all official transcripts within the 60-day period will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

Email for Documents

[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Ready to Apply?

Submit your application online or over the phone.

Apply by phone: (800) 424-9595

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course) *
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

*Not applicable to certificates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an mfa in creative writing.

A Master of Fine Arts degree, or MFA, is a terminal degree in an artistic craft that demonstrates that you have achieved the highest level of training and skill in your discipline. Like a doctorate, an MFA often allows you to teach courses at the graduate level while also providing many opportunities for scholarship and leadership in education. If you want to grow your creative writing skills to become the best writer you can be, then the Master of Fine Arts can help you get there.

How will students work towards developing their writing skills?

With creative writing workshops and a thesis project, you will receive support and guidance to help you become the best writer you can be.

How long will it take to complete the MFA in Creative Writing?

You can complete the MFA in Creative Writing in just 48 credit hours!

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  22. Interactive Creative Writing Games

    Fade Out : Fade Out is a writing game that forces you to be creative with limited word choices. Alliterator : An alliteration text generator that only uses words starting with the same letter. Ring Game : Use letters to chain together words to write poems. Graffiti Wall : Add to or edit the writing on the Graffiti Wall!

  23. Online Master of Fine Arts

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