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Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

(4 reviews)

problem solving and programming concepts chapter 5 answers

Ralph Morelli, Trinity College

Ralph Walde, Trinity College

Copyright Year: 2016

Publisher: Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

Language: English

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problem solving and programming concepts chapter 5 answers

Reviewed by Onyeka Emebo, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 12/28/21

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving approaches and gradually builds up to more advanced Java technologies in such a simplified manner that can be easily understood. The text also provides a table of content at the beginning and a summary of points for each chapter with exercises.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The text content is accurate, without errors and unbiased. There is however some links that needs to be updated.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

While the field of computer science with particular emphasis to programming as it relates to this text is constantly evolving, the approach taken by this text to teach the essentials is likely to persist. The code, tested in Java 8, should continue to work with new Java releases. Updates to the text can be done easily by the way it has been written.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is written in a clear and easy to understand manner. The objectives, explanations, examples and exercises are clear and easy to follow. The codes are well commented to aid readability.

Consistency rating: 4

The text is highly consistent in both structure and terminology. It starts each chapter with objectives and outline and concludes with summary, exercises and solutions. However, some codes within the chapters are put in figures while others are not, this could be confusing.

Modularity rating: 5

The text is divided in 17 chapters (0 - 16) and 8 appendices (A – H). Each chapter is further divided into sections and subsections. This breakdown makes it easier for instructors to apportion sections to students at different times within the course.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text is organized in a manner that is logical and it flows well from section to section. The structure makes navigation from chapter to chapter easier.

Interface rating: 3

I reviewed the PDF version and it looks good to a large extent. The links in the table of contents are working properly. There are clickable links within the text to different figures, sections, such as appendices, and external websites. However, there are some issues with some figure titles, e.g., figure 12, 1.10, 2.7, 2.10, 2.14, etc. are cut off. Some hyperlinks for some figures missing e.g., figure 2.8 and some figures don’t have titles.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text is culturally neutral. The examples are unbiased in the way it has been presented.

Reviewed by Ghaith Husari, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University on 4/17/20

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it... read more

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it covers more advanced topics such as socket programming and algorithms.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The Object-Oriented concepts and implementation example shown in code samples are accurate and easy to learn as the code samples are aligned with the concept being discussed. Some links and URLs are out-dated but they have little to no impact on student learning. However, I would add a note that says "some of the links and URLs might not up-to-date. However, they can be found using search engines if necessary"

Programming languages get updated regularly to include new and easier functions to use. While it is impossible for a textbook to include every function, this textbook provides a great learning opportunity that allows students to build the muscle to be able to learn more about Java online. When it comes to Object-Oriented concepts, the book is extremely relevant and up-to-date

The textbook is very easy to understand and the code sample is both clear (code readability) and relevant.

Consistency rating: 5

The text and the terms it contains are consistent. Also, the textbook follows a consistent theme.

The textbook chapters are divided into sections and subsections that are shown also in the table of contents which can be used to visit each section.

The textbook consists of seventeen chapters that are organized in a logical manner. The more general concepts such as problem-solving and programing are placed at the beginning, then the chapters introduce the discuss Object-Oriented Programming come after the general chapters. The more advanced topics such as socket programming and data structures and algorithms come towards the end. This made a lot of sense to me.

Interface rating: 5

The textbook is easily accessible online and it can be downloaded to open with Edge or Adobe Reader without any problems.

No grammar issues have been noticed.

This textbook is neutral and unbiased.

Reviewed by Guanyu Tian, Assistant Professor, Fontbonne University on 6/19/18

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all areas of the subject including the main principles of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language. In the later chapters, this textbook also introduces advanced topics such as concurrent programming, network/socket programming and data structures. The textbook provides table of contents at the beginning and index of terms at the end. Each chapter also provides a list of key words and a list of important concepts and technique terms.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

The content of the textbook is mostly accurate. Many URLs linked to Java documentations and APIs are not up-to-date.

Many URLs to Java references are not up-to-date and many online samples are not accessible. Nonetheless, the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language syntax are mostly current. Any updates to the contents of the textbook can be implemented with minimal effort.

The text is easy to understand. However, some of the texts are not displayed on adobe reader.

Consistency rating: 3

The text is consistent in terms of framework. Each chapter starts with introduction to a problem, and then discussion and design of the solution with UML diagrams; then Java is used to implement the solution(s). However, there is some level of inconsistency in terms of Java code samples. For example, some Java code examples use appropriate indentations and new lines, but some examples do not. This may confuse students.

Each chapter is divided into different sections and subsections. A student can go to each section of a chapter by clicking it in the Table of Contents.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics in this text book are organized in a reasonable order. It starts with general concepts of computer and program design, then Objects and Java Programming Language, and then advanced topics in computer programming. It would be better if the textbook starts with Java programming language and then principles of Object Oriented programming.

Some of the texts are not displayed in the reviewer's adobe reader. Many diagrams and figures are poorly drawn. Overall, the interface of the book is one area that needs improvement.

No major grammar issues has been noticed.

The text of this textbook is a neutral and unbiased.

Overall, this textbook covers materials of Object-Oriented Programming with Java taught in first or second-year computer science course. However, the contents of Java programming language has not been up-to-date and the interface of the book is very poor compare to similar books the reviewer has used for learning and teaching the same materials. Some sample codes are not well written or inconsistent in terms of the use of indentation and new lines. Many URLs are obsolete and the web pages are not accessible.

Reviewed by Homer Sharafi, Adjunct Faculty Member, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented... read more

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented programming principles. In addition to an Index of terms towards the end of the text, each chapter summary includes the technical terms used, along with a bulleted-list of important points discussed in that chapter.

The computer science concepts and the accompanying sample code are accurate and error-free; however, the only issue is the fact that the URLs that make references to various aspects of Java, such as API documentation, JDK, and the Java Language Specification, have not been updated to reflect the fact that Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle back in 2010.

Like other software systems, Java is updated on a regular basis; nonetheless, the computer science concepts discussed in the textbook are based on standard undergraduate curriculum taught in a CS1 course. Therefore, any updates to the textbook would need to be with regard to the version of Java with minimal effort.

Clarity rating: 4

The authors deliver clear explanations of the computer science concepts and the accompanying Java language features.

There is a consistent theme throughout much of the text: A topic is introduced and discussed within the context of a problem. Its solution is then designed and explained using UML diagrams; finally, Java is used to illustrate how the solution is implemented on the computer.

Each chapter is divided into sections that can easily be identified within the table of contents. Therefore, it’s fairly easy for a student to pick and choose a section in a chapter and work on the other sections later. Throughout each chapter, there are self-study exercises to incrementally test understanding of the covered material. Solutions to those self-study exercises are then provided towards the end of the chapter. In addition, each chapter includes end-of-chapter exercises that can be used to assess one’s understanding of the computer science concepts as well as the various features of Java.

The book consists of seventeen chapters; however, a typical CS1 course would need the material in the first ten chapters only, and those chapters are set up in a logical manner, allowing one to go through the material sequentially. Depending on how fast he first ten chapters are covered during the course of a semester, an instructor may choose from the last seven chapters in the text to introduce more advanced topics in computer science and/or Java.

Interface rating: 1

The textbook can be accessed online or opened using Acrobat Reader with no problem. There are no issues, as long as navigation is done one page after another manually. However, when browsing through the table of contents (TOC) or the Index, the entries are not set up using any live links. That is, you cannot click on a page number associated with an item within the TOC or the Index to go directly to that page.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

This reviewer did not come across any such issues, while going through the text.

This is a computing textbook, where the contents are presented using technical terms. Culturally, the textbook is completely neutral and unbiased in terms of how the material is presented.

Table of Contents

  • 0 Computers, Objects, and Java
  • 1 Java Program Design and Development
  • 2 Objects: Defining, Creating, and Using
  • 3 Methods: Communicating with Objects
  • 4 Input/Output: Designing the User Interface
  • 5 Java Data and Operators
  • 6 Control Structures
  • 7 Strings and String Processing
  • 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • 9 Arrays and Array Processing
  • 10 Exceptions: When Things Go Wrong
  • 11 Files and Streams
  • 12 Recursive Problem Solving
  • 13 Graphical User Interfaces
  • 14 Threads and Concurrent Programming
  • 15 Sockets and Networking
  • 16 Data Structures: Lists, Stacks, and Queues

Ancillary Material

  • Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

About the Book

We have designed this third edition of Java, Java, Java to be suitable for a typical Introduction to Computer Science (CS1) course or for a slightly more advanced Java as a Second Language course. This edition retains the “objects first” approach to programming and problem solving that was characteristic of the first two editions. Throughout the text we emphasize careful coverage of Java language features, introductory programming concepts, and object-oriented design principles.

The third edition retains many of the features of the first two editions, including:

  • Early Introduction of Objects
  • Emphasis on Object Oriented Design (OOD)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams
  • Self-study Exercises with Answers
  • Programming, Debugging, and Design Tips.
  • From the Java Library Sections
  • Object-Oriented Design Sections
  • End-of-Chapter Exercises
  • Companion Web Site, with Power Points and other Resources

The In the Laboratory sections from the first two editions have been moved onto the book's Companion Web Site. Table 1 shows the Table of Contents for the third edition.

About the Contributors

Ralph Morelli, Professor of Computer Science Emeritus. Morelli has been teaching at Trinity College since 1985, the same year the computer science major was first offered. More recently, he was one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) for the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project, an NSF-funded effort to get undergraduates engaged in building free and open source software that benefits the public.  In summer 2011 a team of Trinity HFOSS students and faculty traveled to Haiti to build an open source mobile application that helps manage beneficiaries for a humanitarian aid organization. Currently Morelli is the PI of the Mobile CSP project, an NSF-funded effort to train high school teachers in CT and elsewhere to teach the emerging Advanced Placement CS Principles course that is being created by the College Board. The main goal of this NSF initiative is to increase access to computer science among underrepresented groups, including girls, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.  The Mobile CSP course teaches students to create mobile apps to serve their community.  In summer 2014, a group of 20 Mobile CSP students spent their summer building mobile apps for the city of Hartford. 

Ralph Walde.  Dr. Walde has given Trinity 28 years of distinguished service, first as a Professor of Mathematics and now as a Professor of Computer Science. He was instrumental in helping to establish and nourish computing at Trinity and was one of the founding members of the Computer Science Department.

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How to Solve Maths Problems with Google Circle for Students

Math can be a challenging subject for many students. Between understanding word problems and applying the right formulas, getting stuck is a common experience. Google has introduced a powerful tool called Google Circle, designed to help students solve math problems with confidence.

Read In Short: What Google Circle is and how it can help students solve math problems. How to use Google Circle to break down and solve different types of math problems. Additional tips and tricks to maximize your learning experience with Google Circle


What is Google Circle?

Google Circle is a feature within the Google Search app for Android devices . It allows you to solve math problems directly from your phone or tablet. Instead of simply providing answers, Google Circle focuses on math problem-solving by offering step-by-step guidance. This makes it a valuable tool for understanding the concepts behind the calculations, not just getting the final answer.

How Does Google Circle Work

Using Google Circle is incredibly simple. Here’s how it goes:

Step 1: Open the Google Search app on your Android device.

Step 2: find the math problem you’re working on., step 3: circle the specific problem you want help with using your finger., step 4: google circle will recognize it and use its artificial intelligence to analyze it., how to enable circle to search, step 1: open settings on your phone, step 2: scroll down and select display, step 3: scroll down and select navigation bar, step 4: select the toggle and turn on circle to search, which devices are getting the circle to search update.

Below is the list of android which is getting Google Circle App

  • Samsung Galaxy S24, S24 Plus, and S24 Ultra
  • Samsung Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, and S23 Ultra
  • Samsung Galaxy S23 FE
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S9, S9 Plus, and S9 Ultra
  • Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro
  • Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro
  • Google Pixel 7a
  • Google Pixel 6a
  • Google Pixel Fold
  • Google Pixel Tablet

What Types of Math Problems Can Google Circle Solve?

Currently, Google Circle is particularly helpful with math word problems. These can be some of the trickiest problems to tackle, as they require translating real-world situations into mathematical terms.

Google Circle excels at helping students understand the key information in a word problem, identify the relevant mathematical concepts, and apply the appropriate formulas to reach the solution.

Here are some specific areas where Google Circle can be helpful:

  • Algebra: Solve for variables, manipulate equations, and understand linear relationships.
  • Geometry: Calculate areas, and volumes, and understand geometric shapes and their properties.
  • Statistics: Analyze data sets, calculate measures of central tendency, and interpret graphs.

How to Solve Math Probelm Using Google Search

Step 1: activate circle to search.

On your Android smartphone or tablet, activate the Circle to Search feature.

Step 2: Circle the Problem

Find the math problem you’re stuck on and circle it on your screen. This prompts the feature to focus on that particular problem.

Step 3: Get Step-by-Step Instructions

The feature breaks down the problem and provides step-by-step instructions to solve it

Google Circle Vs Photomath Vs Socratic by Google

Tips for getting the most out of google circle.

  • Practice makes perfect: Don’t just rely on Google Circle for the answer. Use it as a guide to understand the steps and then try solving similar problems on your own. This will solidify your learning and build your confidence.
  • Focus on understanding, not just answers: While getting the right answer is important, the true power of Google Circle lies in its explanations. Pay attention to why each step is taken and how the concepts are applied.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: Google Circle can handle various math problems. Try circling different parts of a word problem to see how it breaks down the information and guides you toward the solution.
  • Take notes: As Google Circle explains the steps, jot down important points or formulas for future reference. This will create a personal study guide tailored to your learning needs.
  • Combine it with other resources: Google Circle is a powerful tool, but it shouldn’t be your only resource. Use it alongside your textbook, class notes, or online tutorials for a well-rounded understanding.

Google Circle is a new tool designed to help students to become independent math problem solvers. By using its step-by-step guidance and clear explanations, you can transform your approach to math, gaining a deeper understanding of concepts and building the confidence to tackle even the most challenging problems. So, next time you’re stuck on a math question, don’t hesitate to circle it with Google Circle and watch your problem-solving skills soar!

Google Circle for Students – FAQs

Is google circle available on iphones.

Unfortunately, as of now, Google Circle is only available on Android devices within the Google Search app. However, there might be plans for future expansion to other platforms.

Is Google Circle safe to use?

Google Circle is a feature within the official Google Search app, making it a safe and reliable tool. However, it’s always a good practice to be mindful of the information you share online and only use it for educational purposes.

What if Google Circle can’t solve my math problem?

While Google Circle is constantly learning and expanding its capabilities, it might encounter problems it can’t handle yet. In such cases, don’t hesitate to consult your teacher, a tutor, or online resources for alternative solutions.

Will Google Circle do my math homework for me?

Google Circle is not a magic shortcut. It’s designed to be a learning tool. While it can guide you through the problem-solving process, it’s still important for you to understand the steps and concepts involved.

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    5. The algorithms . 6. The flowcharts. 7. Test the solution. The following are the organizing tools that are used for developing a solution: 1. The problem analysis chart. The problem analysis chart helps one to comprehend the problem clearly and helps him to have a vivid concept of the problem and what the problem demands.

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