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What Is NSTP? Essay Sample and Writing Tips

By: Henrique Bertulino

What Is NSTP? Essay Sample and Writing Tips

To help you do better on assignments, we wrote a short essay about the National Service Training Program. In this article, we will discuss it, point out its weaknesses, and provide you with guidelines on how to write a good essay about NSTP in the Philippines.

Sample Essay: What Is the National Service Training Program (NSTP)?

Essay review: what to improve, tips on writing an essay on nstp.

What follows is an example of an essay written by a Filipino high school student, John:

The civic education and defense preparedness program, NSTP, was instituted by virtue of Republic Act 9163 back in 2001. Tertiary level students in the Philippines should take the National Service Training Program. It's applicable for both males and females.

College students must undergo one of three programs that are included in NSTP. One of them is ROTC or Reserve Officers' Training Corps. It focuses on military training and education. Students who choose ROTC can be mobilized for national defense preparedness. Many decide to take the course to learn more about the armed forces in the Philippines.

Another NSTP program is the CWTS or Civic Welfare Training Service. In terms of this civil service course, students study general welfare-related matters and focus on the betterment of life in the community. According to statistics, this is the most popular component.

Finally, the LTS or Literacy Training Service is the program that aims to promote peer-to-peer learning by encouraging students to teach others literacy and numeracy.

The chosen component determines not only the specialty but also post-graduation life. For example, students who undergo the ROTC program will make up the Citizen Armed Force. All the others, however, are to become a part of the National Service Reserve Corps or NSRC.

Normally, any National Service Training Program includes six units that are divided into two semesters. That's why students take two courses: NSTP 1 and NSTP 2. However, some universities may introduce a single course that combines both.

If you are a student who takes a baccalaureate degree course or a technical vocational course, regardless of your gender, you will compulsorily study components of the NSTP. However, there are exceptions for foreign students or those who have already completed the program before.

At first sight, the National Service Training Program essay may seem well-written. It describes what the National Service Training Program and its components are, the academic period, and who is subject to take the program. It is very informative and provides a lot of value to the reader. You can even rely on this information in your own essay! However, there are some things about this written work that should be improved or even avoided.

The introduction of John's essay could have been smoother. Apart from moving directly to the point, the NSTP abbreviation wasn't clarified when the term first appeared. It may confuse the reader and decrease readability.

Besides, the essay has a wrong ending. Normally, the last part should sum up all the mentioned above: it's either a brief review or a conclusion. In the case of John, however, it introduces new information that should be included in the main body.

Pre-writing: Selecting a Topic and Conducting Research

Both choosing a topic and conducting background research are integral parts of the pre-writing phase. It is normal to be stumped when trying to decide what to write about. The trick is to match your passions with the constraints set by your teacher.

Think about what really excites you or what pressing issue you'd like to address. Do you feel strongly about protecting the planet? Perhaps you are interested in how volunteering can help you grow as a person. Whatever you decide to write about, make sure it fits with the NSTP mission and has some personal significance to you.

As soon as you have settled on a topic, you should begin collecting relevant resources. Research materials can take many forms, such as scholarly articles, books, websites, and even interviews with subject-matter experts. You need to look for proof that supports your claims and can serve as a foundation for your essay. You can save time looking for information if you organize your sources and notes.

Writing: Crafting a Well-structured Essay

Create an outline for your NSTP essay first. This will help you arrange your ideas and ensure a smooth flow from one section to the next. Your outline can be as detailed or as general as you feel necessary, depending on your familiarity with the subject. Write down the meaning and importance of NSTP, make a list of NSTP benefits.

Following the outline is the actual writing, where you can demonstrate your style and personality. Keep in mind that you aren’t expected to merely paraphrase the work of others; instead, you should provide your own analysis or viewpoint.

Introduce your topic in a way that is both interesting and informative, and make sure to include a strong thesis statement. This sets the tone for your essay and gives a sneak peek at the information that will be revealed later.

Each paragraph in the paper's body needs to have a topic sentence that ties back to the thesis. Evidence from your research, as well as examples and anecdotes, will give your arguments weight and credibility.

Keep your essay organized and easy to follow throughout. If you want to connect ideas and lead the reader smoothly from one point to the next, transition words and phrases are your best friends. Use transitional words like "however," "so," "also," and "on the other hand" to help guide the reader through your essay.

Presenting evidence and arguments in support of your thesis is essential, but you should also account for potential rebuttals. Recognizing competing arguments demonstrates that you have given your argument some thought and lends more weight to your own position.

In the final paragraph of your NSTP essay, restate your thesis and briefly review the points you just made. It is important to leave your readers with something to think about or a call to action, so they can apply what they have learned.

Editing and Proofreading

After you have completed the initial draft, you can shift your attention to the revision phase. Here is where you will edit your work for clarity, conciseness, and accuracy.

When editing, one of the first things you should do is read it over to make sure it is clear. Think about the transition from one paragraph to the next as you read to see if the ideas flow smoothly. Is what you're saying easy to understand? Is there anything that needs to be clarified?

At this point, it can be helpful to read your essay out loud or have someone else read it to you. If your sentences do not seem to flow or if your thoughts seem to be all over the place, you can use this to find them. Keep track of these spots, so you can fix them up later.

The next step is to proofread your text for spelling and grammar mistakes. This is crucial because even a well-written essay can be ruined by typos. Spell check is not foolproof; it will miss some common mistakes (such as homophones) if you rely on it too heavily.

As you read, make sure to focus on each sentence individually. Check for punctuation, correct use of tense, and subject-verb agreement. If you want to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, you should keep a record of the terms you frequently misuse.

Additional Tips

When writing an NSTP introduction essay, you should always remember that:

  • You are unfolding the topic for a reader. Therefore, don't be shy to explain even basic things.
  • Cover all the aspects of a program, from eligibility and duration to the program components. Also, don't forget to describe the importance of NSTP and it's role in the government's nation-building strategy. Think civic consciousness, activities contributory to the country's well-being, enhancement of a variety of skills.
  • Describe each component in detail so that a reader thoroughly understands what he/she is going to study and gain in the end.
  • Don't focus on the history of the NSTP. While this may be relevant to the topic, it isn't very useful for a reader. Instead, cover the ethics of service, some fun facts, add brief statistics.
  • Explain the importance of the program for students to be motivated to take one or another course as members of the community. Show the end value and appeal to motivational triggers. But don't overdo with the sales style.
  • Write in an informative style. Avoid using a too friendly tone of voice.

The "What is NSTP?" essay aims to inform a reader about a training program. That's why it must cover all the major details to help students make a prudent choice of a program component. Besides, you need to avoid being too friendly and adhere to an informative and official writing style.

Check out our other web pages for more essay help and essay editing . Alternatively, you may wish to use our proofreading services for polishing and perfecting your essay to give you that extra grade boost or learn how to write movie review essay online!

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I found this text pretty helpful for understanding. It gave me some good insights, though I must admit I wanted more depth. It's a decent starting point, but honestly, some more detailed analysis and examples would have made it easier to grasp the topic. Especially, I wished there was a bit more about the benefits of NSTP in a narrative essay introduction.

As a student, I often find academic topics challenging, but this article made National Service Training Program accessible and the essay-writing tips were a game-changer. It's an excellent resource for anyone needing to write an NSTP essay and understand its importance and purpose.

Putting my thoughts into writing is the most challenging part for me. I can’t just write what is NSTP in my own words because I think the ones that already exist do a better job of capturing its essence. It’s so hard to overcome the fear of this phase, ugh

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The National Service Training Program

The National Service Training Program

The National Service Training Program was also known as “ An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes ” or Republic Act No. 9163 . It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

It invoked the constitutional provision regarding the “duty of the state to serve and protect its citizens,” specifically Article II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies), Section 2, which states that “The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the people. The government may call upon the people to defend the state, and in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil service” (italics supplied). This is the same principle that created and sustained the Reserve Officers Training Corps.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

Compared with the ROTC which specializes in military training, and the E-ROTC which granted three options for students yet was limited in implementation, the NSTP law ensured that the three components – Civic Welfare Service, Literacy Training Service, and Reserve Officers Training Corps – will be given the same and equal implementation in educational institutions. Moreover, it defined the different components, the duration of the training, coverage, etc.

The Three NSTP Components

The National Service Training Program is composed of three different components.

The Civic Welfare Training Service is geared towards activities that have social impact through activities that could contribute to “health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry”, thus the CWTS component of the NSTP stressed the importance of youth involvement in broad programs or activities that will benefit the people. While the CWTS focused on programs to enhance the living conditions of the people, the Literacy Training Service has a more limited yet equally useful objective that is to “train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service”. LTS thus specializes in the education of the people, strengthening the education sector to empower the people through education.

Meanwhile, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, while deemed equally important by the NSTP law (it maintained its existence and nature mentioned in RA 7077 having the primary objective to prepare the youth in national defense, became merely a component of the program.

The NSTP required male and female students to undergo the program they have chosen for two (2) semesters or one (1) academic year in contrast with the ROTC which required males to take military training for four (4) semesters or two (2) academic years. Students taking NSTP will get three (3) units from taking the program; equivalent of 1.5 units every semester. Thus, in contrast to the mandatory – yet free – ROTC, students will now have to pay for their NSTP. This included the former cadets of the ROTC who enjoyed the free reservist program. Also, the law states that private learning institutions could offer one of the three options but required state colleges and universities to maintain their ROTC units together with an alternative unit from the two other options. The law also limited the existence of the ROTC in private and vocational institutions requiring it to have 350 cadets for it to be called a unit, otherwise – and considering other factors such as insufficient cadet number, lack of logistics to support ROTC program of instruction (POI), etc. – cross-enrolling the students to other schools for their NSTP is an option.

The goal of the law and of the program is to harness the strength and capacity of the youth to contribute to nation-building, thus the National Service Reserve Force was created to enlist CWTS and LTS graduates which is also equivalent to the Citizen Armed Force of the ROTC. In the event that the state will need people for its civic and literacy activities, it will merely utilize the personnel of the reserve force, the student volunteers the NSTP-CWTS and the NSTP-LTS has produced. As with the need of the Armed Forces for additional force for its defense campaigns, it can easily use its body of reservists in the Reserve Command.

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What Is NSTP? Essay Sample and Writing Tips

purpose of nstp essay

Introduction to NSTP

NSTP, shortened for National Service Training Program, is an essential part of education in the Philippines. It is a program that combines classroom instruction and community service to provide students with opportunities for civic engagement, character and leadership development, and nation-building.

Importance of NSTP

The NSTP program aims to enhance the social consciousness and patriotism of students, encouraging them to actively participate in addressing societal issues and contributing to the betterment of their communities. It promotes values such as empathy, compassion, and volunteerism. By engaging in various community service activities, students develop a sense of civic responsibility and learn to collaborate with diverse groups of people.

NSTP Essay Sample

To better understand the concept of NSTP, let's take a look at an essay sample:

The Importance of Community Involvement through NSTP

Community involvement plays a crucial role in society's development and progress. The National Service Training Program (NSTP) serves as a vehicle for students to actively participate in community service and contribute to nation-building. Through NSTP, students have a unique opportunity to develop their character, skills, and sense of responsibility while making a positive impact on the lives of others.

One of the key benefits of NSTP is its emphasis on experiential learning. Students engage in various activities, such as environmental clean-ups, disaster preparedness drills, and outreach programs, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-life situations. By actively participating in these activities, students not only gain a deeper understanding of societal issues but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Moreover, NSTP promotes social awareness and empathy. Students are exposed to different communities, cultures, and lifestyles, fostering an appreciation for diversity and inclusivity. By interacting with individuals from different backgrounds, students learn to embrace differences and develop a sense of respect and tolerance. This exposure helps shape their worldview and prepares them to be responsible global citizens.

Another significant aspect of NSTP is the opportunity it provides for personal growth and self-discovery. Students often find themselves stepping out of their comfort zones, facing challenges, and overcoming obstacles. These experiences build resilience, confidence, and leadership qualities. As they take on leadership roles within their chosen community service projects, students learn to effectively manage teams, delegate responsibilities, and create positive change.

In conclusion, NSTP is a vital program that equips students with the necessary skills, values, and mindset to become active contributors to society. It fosters a culture of civic engagement, encourages empathy and compassion, and promotes personal and character development. Through NSTP, students gain hands-on experiences, develop critical skills, and become socially responsible individuals who are ready to tackle the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Writing Tips for NSTP Essay

If you are tasked with writing an essay about NSTP, consider the following tips:

1. Understand the Program

Before writing your essay, ensure you have a clear understanding of the NSTP program, its objectives, and the impact it has on students and communities. Conduct thorough research and gather relevant information to support your arguments and provide a comprehensive analysis.

2. Structure Your Essay

Organize your essay in a logical and coherent manner. Start with an engaging introduction that introduces the topic and provides context. Follow with well-developed paragraphs that present your arguments, supported by evidence and examples. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reinforcing the significance of NSTP.

3. Use Appropriate Language

Ensure your essay is written in a clear, concise, and formal manner. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Avoid slang or colloquialisms, and maintain a professional tone throughout.

4. Incorporate Personal Experiences

Draw from your own NSTP experiences to strengthen your essay. Reflect on the lessons learned, challenges faced, and personal growth you experienced during your involvement in community service activities. This will add authenticity and depth to your writing.

5. Support Your Arguments

Back up your statements with evidence, facts, and examples. Use credible sources to support your claims and provide a balanced perspective. This will enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of your essay.

6. Edit and Proofread

Finally, remember to edit and proofread your essay before submitting it. Check for any grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or unclear passages. Ensure your writing flows smoothly and concisely, making it easy for readers to follow your arguments.

As you can see, NSTP is a significant program that offers students the opportunity to engage in community service, develop invaluable skills, and contribute to nation-building. By understanding the importance of NSTP and following the provided writing tips, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your knowledge, critical thinking, and commitment to community involvement.

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Benefits and Difficulties of the National Service Training Program in Rizal Technological University

International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Volume 72, 2016

9 Pages Posted: 7 Aug 2017

Leonila Crisostomo

Rizal Technological University - Research and Development Center

Ma.Teresa G. Generales

Amelita l. guzman.

Date Written: 2016

The primary purpose of this study is to ascertain the benefits of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) implementation and to identify the problems encountered by its implementers. Results showed that the benefits derived from the program were topped by enhancement of skills on basic leadership with emphases on the ability to listen and ability to communicate which were rated very important and very much benefited among other training aspects of the program. Results also revealed that students are aware of the importance of physical, mental and social health as well as the observance of proper hygiene for overall sense of well-being. Although recreation is one aspect that the respondents find important, appreciation of it underscores the need to have more time for assignments and projects as most of the respondents are enrolled in their respective courses with 29 units, making them unable to appreciate the perks of involving themselves into various recreational activities. Problems in the implementation showed lack of provision of materials and equipment and of budgetary allocation which rendered full implementation weak as students and faculty involved in the community immersion have to rely on their own resources, in addition to the indifference and passivity of the local government officials. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that: the school administrators need to allocate adequate budget for materials and equipment; periodic faculty development trainings and; to look into the passive attitude of the local officials to ensure that implementation NSTP projects will benefit both clients and implementers.

Keywords: Civic Welfare, Nation Building, National Security, Proper Hygiene, Values Formation

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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The Effects of NSTP on the Lives of Saint Louis University Students

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Authors: Marilyn L. Balmeo, Jeffry P. Falinchao, Kathleen Kaye L. Biay, Joyce Karen M. Ebes, Julienne G. Eclarino & Ivy Gail P. Lao-ang, Saint Louis University, Philippines Email: [email protected] Published: February 2015

Citation : Balmeo, M. L., Falinchao, J. P., Biay, K. K. L., Ebes, J. K. M., Eclarino, J. G. et al. (2015). The Effects of NSTP on the Lives of Saint Louis University Students. IAFOR Journal of Education , 3(1).

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the Philippines is a form of service learning which is defined as the integration of community services to instruction in order to strengthen the civic and community responsibilities of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the NSTP for the students, its influences along self-improvement, performance, community involvement, and demonstration of abilities and skills, and the difficulties encountered by the students while enrolled in their respective NSTP courses. The 1421 respondents of the study were the undergraduate students of Saint Louis University who finished the NSTP courses last school year 2012-2013. The study utilized an adapted survey-type questionnaire to gather the data needed in the study. The findings of the study suggest that NSTP courses are effective and they influenced the self-improvement, performance, community involvement, and demonstration of abilities and skills of the students to an extent. The students are also able to continue to demonstrate the different competencies they learned or acquired from NSTP courses. Moreover, this study reveals that the students often encountered many difficulties while they were enrolled in the NSTP courses.

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The UPD NSTP Office shall develop and implement a National Service Training Program unique to UP Diliman, in line with its identity as a public service university, upholding honor and excellence in the service of the people through relevant and transdisciplinary projects that nurture volunteerism within the UP community.

The UPD NSTP Office is at the forefront of UP’s identity as a public service university, engaging the iskolar ng bayan and the entire UP community in meaningful and relevant experiences in service to the nation and in defense preparedness. 

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Risa's Blog

Wall of ideas and thoughts of a 21st Century Learner


NSTP-LTS benefited me in many ways and I will list it down in the later part but before that, I want to define first what NSTP-LTS is from what I have learned in module 1.

What is NSTP-LTS?

purpose of nstp essay

The National Service Training Program or NSTP is a program established to promote patriotism among the Filipino Youth. This program aimed at enhancing the civic consciousness and preparedness program to the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three program components. The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), and the Literacy Training Service (LTS).

As a pre-service teacher, I am taking the Literacy Training Service program or LTS. LTS is one of the program components of NSTP that focuses on training students with skills and potentials in teaching literacy and numeracy. It aims to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and values of the future educators to be used not only in the field of teaching, but also in volunteering to teach literacy and numeracy to young ones, out-of-school-youth and indigenous children.

The benefit of NSTP-LTS to me as a student is that it gives me knowledge not only about the course subject matter, but also more things about volunteerism and serving the country. Aside from that, I can feel that this program will truly help in enhancing my skills and developing my potentials as an aspiring teacher. The program was established to train the youth for defense and preparedness to serve the country in times of disaster or calamity, but the one who will benefit the most in this program are the student and youth like me who will be receiving the training to become one of those the country will need. I am grateful to the things I have learned and will be learning in this program.

Furthermore, I list the other benefits of NSTP-LTS to me as a student and these are the following:

  • Become knowledgeable about the purpose of NSTP-LTS to the Filipino youth
  • NSTP-LTS will help enhance my skills in basic leadership. Since most students taking NSTP-LTS are future educators we are trained to enhance our basic leadership so as to prepare for the future because I am not only going to teach inside the classroom but also to help, volunteer and lead in the country in times of need.
  • Develop my skills and potentials to teach literacy and numeracy among the other youth, especially to the Badjao children of Puerto Princesa.
  • Unlock new sets of skills and abilities in teaching
  • Experience real-time teaching to the Filipino Youth by the next semester
  • Explore the duty of serving and volunteering for the country

And many more…

I can’t count on how NSTP-LTS benefit me as a student, but as for now I am really grateful to be a Filipino Youth.

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Nstp Reflection Paper

Fhritzie Lee: There are a lot of good things that I can learn and do with my life; I know that from the moment that I was born, I am destined for a purpose. Living on purpose is the only way to really live, everything else just exists. Once I know what God wants me to do, the blessing comes in actually doing it. It defines success for me. It will show me that what I truly believe is what is important, not what the world says. As a girl with dreams of having my own charity foundation, I wanted to have a concrete and can’t-be-ruined faith & confidence.

Every day I have the opportunity to learn and experience something new. I should seize that opportunity, learn from it and use it to change the world even in little things that I do. NSTP had served as a stepping stone for me to see new things outside my boundary. I learned that I don’t have to get higher grades nor solve and analyze Accounting problems to help . . . for all I needed is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. It seems like another school break is nearing its end. At first, it seems just like any other school break.

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But looking back, it did have its ups and downs. One part of it is my NSTP class. NSTP was a one big rollercoaster ride. It was fine with me going to our designated area although it was costly because of the fare we have to pay, but I realized that I did actually had fun in one way or another. Despite my initial bitterness against having to wake up early on Saturday for NSTP class since I’ve been usually tired from Monday to Friday, still I found a sense of fulfillment as I enjoyed every lessons and activities we had. Those times I had with our NSTP class belongs now to my memories.

I strongly believe that those memories help me in my effort to learn from it and succeed in the future. The very essence of those things is the effects it had on me and what it was like to help and go out of my boundaries. It was actually the idea of helping which is weighing on my mind and heart right now. I promised to take it upon myself the lessons, friendship and teamwork that I had learned and experienced to build my dream charity foundation in the future. I may not have that one magical effect to the society, but with the things I plan to do, society can slowly and surely change.

In the activities we had, I had commit and share the life lessons and godly passions God has given for me to share with. The activities had shaped me to know the combination of spiritual gifts, heart, ability, personality, talents and experiences that God had offered and given to me. I also learned that I should not get discouraged and give up easily every time I stumble. It has been a bridge for my spiritual, emotional and personality development. It had shown to me that whatever our aspects in life – rich or poor, powerful or not – we were all equal and the same, for we are all people of God.

The experiences I had served as an eye-opener for me, to be aware of the current situation not just in the community we have visited, but for the whole country. It was a process of influencing and directing activities towards goal accomplishment. By visiting the area, I realized that I had a purpose to do and it inspires me to be more confident about myself. I am now more aware of what is going around and how to make a difference in it. It had greater impact on the leadership and teamwork skills I’d learn, both of which are vital in the world of work.

It has really been a great way for me to step outside my comfort zone and reach out others. All through my experience, there are various occasions when I had to make decisions. A number of them present in difficult forms and at crucial points, most of it eventually figure and describe the track of my life; but I refer to them as lessons and experiences which I will forever remember. I also learned that in some instance there will always be a time where I will be forced to pay a price to achieve something. This only implies that in life, I have to trade for the outcome I am seeking.

Aside from the activities we had, the film showings that we watched perked up my consciousness as to what is really happening around. I learned a lot of things about the church and the life of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. before he died. I knew how hard his life was, still he show much love and care for our country. But as of now, my NSTP days are soon finally over. No more morning alarms on Saturdays. I was looking forward for this day so I can have a rest since I’ve been sick lately, but I never imagined that seeing it slightly ending is heartbreaking and a little painful.

I’m looking forward for the next upcoming NSTP class in the second term of the school year; I know it will be a beginning of a new chapter in the book of my life. New events and experiences will happen, but I am ready and open for that. Most of all, I know NSTP will be my stepping stone to build my future charity foundation. Through this, I am beginning to know my real purpose and I know that one of my purposes in life is to help and serve the people of God; NSTP as my starting point.

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NSTP or National Service Training Program

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NSTP-National Service Training Program

  • The Impact of the National Service Training Program to the Criminality Rate among the First Batch Of Criminology Graduates of STI College Hilario Campus School Year 2011-2012
  • Measuring the Impact of National Service Training Program on Participants' Civic Mindedness and Commitment to Community Service

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NSTP or National Service Training Program essay

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What is the purpose and importance of NSTP?

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is the purpose and importance of NSTP?
  • 2 Why is NSTP important to students?
  • 3 What did you learn in NSTP?
  • 4 What does NSTP mean in Philippine education?
  • 5 What is the history of NSTP in the Philippines?

The NSTP (LAWPHiL, 2002) is a service rendered to one’s own country with its aim of enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components in the Philippines.

Who created the NSTP?

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) was implemented by the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman in accordance with the Republic Act (RA) 9163, an Act Establishing The National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, enabling the government to create a program that will encourage the …

Why is NSTP important to students?

Why NSTP is important to you as a student essay? This program is useful because students train to become well-disciplined and efficient. NSTP courses are effective in teaching self-improvement, performance, and community involvement. The main goal of the NSTP law is to uphold the role of the youth in nation-building.

Why is NSTP important for students?

What did you learn in NSTP?

NSTP is a program designed to develop the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while undergoing training in any of its three program components.

What is the meaning and the purpose of NSTP?

What does NSTP mean in Philippine education?

What are the program components of the NSTP?

What is the history of NSTP in the Philippines?

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  3. NSTP1

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    Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that: the school administrators need to allocate adequate budget for materials and equipment; periodic faculty development trainings and; to look into the passive attitude of the local officials to ensure that implementation NSTP projects will benefit both clients and implementers.

  7. PDF The Effects of NSTP on the Lives of Saint Louis University Students

    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the Philippines is a form of service learning which is defined as the integration of community services to instruction in order to strengthen the civic and community responsibilities of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the

  8. National Service Training Program

    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a civic education and defense preparedness program students instituted by the Government of the Philippines on July 23, 2001, by virtue of Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the "National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001."


    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) was implemented by the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman in accordance with the Republic Act (RA) 9163, an Act Establishing The National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, enabling the government to create a program that will encourage the youth to actively participate in civic welfare and literacy initiatives as ...

  10. FAQs

    NSTP is a program designed to develop the youth's physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while undergoing training in any of its three program components. Its various components are specially designed to enhance the youth's active contribution to the general ...

  11. (PDF) Impact Evaluation of the NSTP in Promoting Volunteerism towards

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  12. NSTP2

    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a program that aims to develop civic consciousness and defense preparedness of the youth through developing the patriotism and ethic service while going through in training in any of the three programs. The primary purpose of NST P is to promote awareness among youth and develop their physical ...

  13. (PDF) Impact Evaluation of the NSTP in Promoting ...

    Abstract and Figures. The study aimed at evaluating the level of volunteerism among National Service Training Program (NSTP) students before and after taking NSTP courses, and identifying specific ...

  14. The Effects of NSTP on the Lives of Saint Louis University Students

    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the Philippines is a form of service learning which is defined as the integration of community services to instruction in order to strengthen the civic and community responsibilities of the students. ... The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the NSTP for the students, its ...


    MISSION. The UPD NSTP Office shall develop and implement a National Service Training Program unique to UP Diliman, in line with its identity as a public service university, upholding honor and excellence in the service of the people through relevant and transdisciplinary projects that nurture volunteerism within the UP community.

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    Download. Essay, Pages 5 (1106 words) Views. 3269. The NSTP 1 (CWTS) brought an enormous level of awareness to every freshmen student. It enhances the consciousness and defense preparedness of every students by developing the ethics of service and patriotism by engaging them to a various topic. These topics were contributory to general welfare ...

  17. What are the benefits of the National Service Training Program

    What is National Service Training Program 1? NST0101 National Service Training Program 1 9163, also known as the 2001 National Service Training Act, is a student citizen "through the development of service ethics and patriotism" when engaging in services for students to receive civil welfare training (CWTS). The purpose is to raise awareness.

  18. A Journal: the Benefits of Nstp-lts to Me As a Student

    Furthermore, I list the other benefits of NSTP-LTS to me as a student and these are the following: Become knowledgeable about the purpose of NSTP-LTS to the Filipino youth. NSTP-LTS will help enhance my skills in basic leadership. Since most students taking NSTP-LTS are future educators we are trained to enhance our basic leadership so as to ...

  19. NSTP 101 ESSAY 5 MODULE 1

    What is the significance of NSTP law in student training? The NSTP law covers all the course components that will be followed for the NSTP course. This law will guide not only the students but also the professors throughout the academic period. It will serve as a basis for students who are not aware of its content.

  20. Nstp Reflection Paper Free Essay Example 985 words

    Nstp reflection paper is an essay that discusses the author's experience with the National Service Training Program, also known as NSTP. The author reflects on the different aspects of the program, including the training, the community service, and the personal growth that they experienced. ... I am destined for a purpose. Living on purpose is ...

  21. NSTP or National Service Training Program Free Essay Example

    Download. Essay, Pages 4 (934 words) Views. 20910. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.". - Ralph Waldo Emerson. NSTP or National Service Training Program for me has become more than just a required two ...

  22. NSTP LAW

    The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Law or RA 9163 also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service TrainingProgram (NSTP) for tertiary level students, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree No. 1706, and for other purposes." was enacted last January 2002 to amend the Expanded ROTC.

  23. What is the purpose and importance of NSTP?

    the national service training program (nstp) law of republic act 9163 is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components: civic welfare training service ( cwts) ; literacy training ...