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How to Write a Victim Impact Statement

Domestic abuse survivors have the right to tell a judge how a crime has affected them.

  • By Amanda Kippert
  • Jan 15, 2024

How to Write a Victim Impact Statement

A victim impact statement is a written account of how a victim, their family members or friends have been impacted by the actions of a perpetrator. Not only relegated to domestic violence crimes, victim impact statements can be submitted by the victim of any offense. They are given to a judge often at or before the sentencing of a defendant. Though not required, they are a right that victims can exercise if they so choose to. The impact statement can be the first time the judge hears the victim’s side in their own words, or through the words of a loved one. 

Victim impact statements can also be the first time a survivor or their loved ones may address the perpetrator directly if they feel comfortable doing so. We saw a powerful example of this in the 2018 trial of Larry Nassar, the former team doctor for the USA Gymnastics team who sexually abused at least 265 girls and women over the span of his career. An astounding 204 women stood up at his trial to read victim impact statements aloud. One by one, these survivors bravely faced the court and Nassar himself to share how his actions had affected their lives. 

Kyle Stephens was only 6 years old when Nassar began to abuse her. She read her powerful statement to Nassar directly.

"You used my body for six years for your own sexual gratification. That is unforgivable. Perhaps you have figured it out by now, but little girls don't stay little forever. They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world."

How to Write a Strong Victim Impact Statement

Former attorney and current domestic violence advocate Barry Goldstein says victim impact statements can be a powerful tool to make a survivor heard. 

“[During the] victim’s rights movement this was one of the things that was implemented. It can be a factor in determining a defendant’s sentence,” explains Goldstein. 

“In the case of domestic violence,” he says, “It can be dangerous to read it in front of an abuser, but sometimes, they [the survivor] do want the abuser to know what they did.” While many people could know an abuser from the persona they display in public, it may be very different from how he acted behind closed doors. 

“Many court professionals fail to realize this, and that’s a piece of context to definitely include,” says Goldstein.

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Questions to ask before writing a victim impact statement.

Advocates suggest domestic violence survivors or support persons ask themselves the following questions before beginning to write a victim impact statement. These questions can help the writer figure out what they want to say to a judge and how they want to say it. 

  • What kind of emotional impact has the crime had on you?
  • How has your ability to relate to other people changed as a result of this?
  • What specific injuries are you suffering due to the crime?
  • What kind of financial impact has the crime had on you? Did you have to miss work, move or are you facing substantial hospital or therapy bills?
  • How long do you expect to receive treatment as a result of this crime?
  • How else has your life or your family’s life changed as a result of this criminal’s actions?
  • If you are a friend or loved one of the victim, talk a little about victim and what kind of person he or she was. What kind of relationship did you have with them?

Advocates warn not to put personal information into the statement, like your address, phone number, email address, place of employment or where your children go to school. The offender will be able to view a copy of this statement.

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

Writing a Statement After Her Sister’s Murder 

Tene Goodwin wrote a victim impact statement after her younger sister, Taitu Goodwin, was murdered in 2019 by an ex-boyfriend. 

“She was a victim of domestic violence during the relationship. When she ended it, he broke into her house and killed her,” Tene says. 

The sisters were very close. “My life was essentially destroyed and also the same for my family,” Tene says.

In her statement, Tene described how her sister’s life was just beginning, how she had recently graduated with a master’s degree in law and international trade and started a new career just six months prior. She had a family who loved her, especially her young nephew and nieces. She wrote how it was all taken away just three months after her sister’s 27th birthday by a jealous, hateful ex-boyfriend who refused to let her end a relationship and murdered her instead.

Tene says she suffered severe panic attacks in the aftermath of her sister’s murder. She couldn’t be around people she didn’t know, especially men. She couldn’t go to work or barely even leave the house. The rest of her family was just as traumatized. 

She says getting it down on paper was therapeutic. 

“Before I wrote the statement, any time I had a panic attack or felt on the brink of despair, I felt extreme guilt because I thought, ‘I wasn't the one murdered. I shouldn’t be feeling this way.' But after writing down the impact of her murder on me I realized the way I felt was valid,” says Tene.

Ultimately, Tene decided not to submit the victim impact statement. 

“Testifying was its own traumatic event and afterward, in my emotional exhaustion, I just .. I didn’t have the energy. But more importantly, I felt like the act of writing it was what gave me the courage to be able to testify and so it had served its purpose.”

She hopes other survivors find the courage to write their own victim impact statements. 

“There's so much silence around domestic violence crimes and I think it’s [victim impact statements] a way to regain strength by using your voice to speak up about what was done to you. Oftentimes there's a lot of gaslighting in domestic violence, so for victims to be able to assert their experience and the impact on them can be pivotal to their healing.”

Victim Impact Statements Don’t Guarantee Harsher Sentences

Stephanie wrote a victim impact statement after being the survivor of an armed robbery. 

“A friend and I were robbed by a stranger coming out of a Subway. We were held at gunpoint but managed to run away in two different directions. My friend slipped on ice, the gunman caught up to him, pointed the gun into his abdomen and said he'd shoot him if I didn't return.”

Stephanie went back to the robber who put the gun to her head. He forced Stephanie and her friend to walk to an abandoned house where he said he was going to kill them, but they were able to run away. The robber fired his gun, but Stephanie and her friend escaped unharmed.  

She chose to write a victim impact statement but says it didn’t have the effect she hoped for. 

“Words didn't hold a candle to what had happened in my body. I thought my testimony should be sufficient because I covered a lot of the same territory in both… I tried to share the impact of what had happened but, so soon after the incident, I was still in shock and couldn't even process it.”

Stephanie felt like her statement didn’t make a big difference in sentencing. 

“The judge didn't even sentence him to required minimums, somehow. He should have gotten at least 25 years and got seven.”

Goldstein says that whether the victim impact statement affects sentencing “very much depends on the judge.” 

“Sometimes they read them and sometimes they don’t,” he acknowledges. This means that survivors who chose to write them should know this going in. Is the potential retraumatization of reading the statement out loud worth it?

Justice can look different to different survivors. A victim impact statement may be a part of that, or it may not. Read, “ What Does Justice Look Like for Abuse Survivors ?” for more information. 

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What is a Victim Impact Statement?

A Victim Impact Statement is a written or oral statement presented to the court at the sentencing of the defendant.  Many times victims, their family members, and friends of the victim participate in both written and verbal statements.  More often than not, numerous individuals write letters to the sentencing judge and only a few of those directly connected to the crime speak at sentencing.  Victim Impact Statements were created as an opportunity for the judge to hear how a criminal action has affected you and those that you love.  Victim Impact Statements are not limited to the courts.  Many times, probation or paroling agencies allow for an opportunity to present a statement as well.

How to Write a Victim Impact Statement?

As you are preparing your impact statement, you may find that using the following questions can guide you.  Remember that writing about your feelings may be very painful, so be sure to pace yourself and don’t feel that you need to have it “perfect”.  Be gentle with yourself and take as many breaks as you need.  As you are preparing your statement, you may find that the following questions can guide you:

  • How did the crime affect you and your family?
  • What was the emotional impact of the crime on you and your family?
  • What was the financial impact on you and your family?
  • Do you have any recommendations to the court about disposition (sentencing) of this case?
  • Is there anything else you would like to tell the court?

The above guidelines do not cover the totality of the impact of crime, but may be used as a starting point.  Victim Impact statements are unique to you and people have various ways of expressing how crime has affected them.  Even though guidelines are typically given to you before sentencing, and there is much flexibility in how you present your statement, there are things you will need to take into consideration.

  • Write simply and descriptively.  Your goal is to help the court feel your trauma. While nobody can truly understand what you are feeling, you can help others identify with your trauma by using feeling evoking words and phrases.  Using descriptive words can help people form an image of what you are saying.

Every morning when I wake up, I have to remind myself that my attacker won’t be able to hurt me today. If I don’t tell myself that I simply can’t get out of bed.  Since I was assaulted I have lost the full function of my right leg. I still have to go to the doctor for physical therapy and they fear that I still won’t be able to walk the same. I used to love to run, until my attacker took that away from me.  It hurts emotionally and physically to even make it to work in the morning. When I drive past the place that this all happened I try not to shake in fear.  I can’t sleep most nights without nightmares of my attacker. I so desperately want my life back. The life I had before he took my life away.

  • Do address the judge, or paroling authority, when you speak.  You may want to talk directly to the offender.  If this is something you want to do, ask permission from the judge first.  You can still say what you need regarding the offender through the judge.
  • Do ask permission if a picture is part of your statement.  More often than not this is allowed, but any visual aids you utilize will need permission from the court first.
  • Do write out your statement in advance.  Presenting a statement is emotional.  You may think you know what you want to say but when the time comes, your emotions could take over and your train of thought is lost.  If this occurs, you can read directly from your statement.
  • Do have an alternate person that can read your statement in case you cannot finish.
  • Don’t directly express your anger toward the court or the offender.  Your goal is to express your hurt and your pain, not to blame.  The blame has already been placed on the offender, so now is the time to talk about what you have been experiencing through your loss.
  • Don’t use unsuitable language, as it will diminish the effectiveness of your statement.
  • Don’t describe what you want to happen to the offender in prison.  Please do not get descriptive about any harm you would like to see imposed.
  • Don’t put personal, identifying information in your letter and do not say it verbally in court.  This includes your physical address, mailing address, email address and phone number.  The offender will be provided copies of all letters submitted.  If you state this out loud in court, it will be another opportunity for the offender to contact you in the future.

What Happens to my Victim Impact Statement?  Do I Have to Read it in Court?

Preparing and presenting an impact statement in court, or in front of a paroling or probation agency, can be intimidating.  If you do not think you can physically stand in front of the offender and read your statement, have an alternate in mind beforehand.  It does not matter who presents your statement as long as you have identified this person in advance.  Many times, victim advocates are asked to present impact statements.  It does not have to be a victim advocate, and should be someone you feel comfortable expressing your words. If you submit a letter, this will become part of the court file, the prosecutor’s file and defense file.  Victim Impact Statements can also be included in the offender’s Department of Corrections file.  It could be subject to public disclosure.  This is why it is essential to not include contact information in your statements, written or verbally.

Why Write a Victim Impact Statement?

It is not mandatory you write an impact statement.  This is a right you have but not one you have to participate in.  Many choose not to participate.  There are several reasons why Victim Impact Statements are beneficial.  The reasons stated below are just a few.

  • The judge gets to hear your side of the story.  This is usually the first time this occurs.  Throughout the criminal justice process, the focus is on the offender.  Hearing from those that are affected by the crime puts a face with an often forgotten victim.
  • You have a chance to tell the judge how you want sentencing to occur.  More often than not, cases conclude by a plea offer.  Many times the prosecutor and defense have agreed to a recommended amount of time.  The judge is not bound by that agreement.  You can make a difference in the amount of time an offender receives by speaking up.  This is true in cases that go to trial as well.
  • You have the opportunity to address the court, and the offender by way of the court, about how the crime has affected you.  Many find this helpful in the journey of victimization.  Letting those know how they harmed you can be beneficial for emotional well-being.
  • The impact statement becomes part of the offender’s permanent file.  It is a reminder of the harm they caused you.

***Please note, if you are not able to download the VIS samples below, please try a different web browser and/or clear your web history/cache. Thank you.

VIS Assault Example

VIS Vehicular Assault Example

VIS Assault Example - Spanish

VIS Vehicular Assault Example - Spanish

VIS Attempted Homicide Example

If you have any questions or would like help with a Victim Impact Statement please  contact us .

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How to Write a Powerful Victim Impact Statement

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A victim impact statement is a personal account of how a crime has affected you and your life. It is an opportunity for victims and their families to have a voice in the legal process and to convey the emotional, physical, and financial effects of the crime. Writing a powerful victim impact statement is crucial to achieving justice and closure. In this article, we will explore the purpose, benefits, and structure of a victim impact statement, as well as provide tips and examples for writing a compelling one.

Understanding the Purpose of a Victim Impact Statement

A victim impact statement is a written or oral statement made by the victim or their loved ones to the court before sentencing of the offender. The purpose of a victim impact statement is to inform the court of the emotional, physical, and financial impact the crime has had on you, your family, and your community. Victim impact statements are used by judges to determine the appropriate sentence for the offender and consider the effects of the crime on the victim.

The Role of a Victim Impact Statement in the Legal Process

A victim impact statement plays an important role in the legal process by giving victims and their families the opportunity to share their experience and feelings about the crime. It also helps the court understand the severity of the crime and its impact on the victim and their loved ones. Victim impact statements can be used as evidence in the sentencing process and can influence the judge's decision regarding the sentence.

The Benefits of Writing a Powerful Victim Impact Statement

Writing a powerful victim impact statement can have both emotional and practical benefits. Emotionally, it can be cathartic to express your feelings and emotions about the crime and its impact on your life. It can also help with the healing process by providing closure and a sense of empowerment. Practically, a well-written victim impact statement can influence the judge's decision regarding the sentence and result in a more appropriate punishment for the offender. It can also contribute to the victim's sense of justice and fairness in the legal process.

Preparing to Write Your Victim Impact Statement

Preparing to write your victim impact statement involves several important steps. It's essential to take the time to gather information, reflect on your emotions and experiences, and seek support from loved ones or professionals if necessary.

Gathering Relevant Information and Evidence

Start by gathering relevant information and evidence related to the crime and its impact on your life. This may include police reports, medical bills, counseling records, or other documentation of the emotional, physical, or financial effects of the crime. Take the time to review this information and ensure that it accurately reflects the impact of the crime on you and your family.

Reflecting on Your Emotions and Experiences

Reflecting on your emotions and experiences is an essential part of writing a powerful victim impact statement. Take the time to think about how the crime has affected you emotionally, physically, and financially. Consider the long-term consequences of the crime and how it has impacted your daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. This reflection can help you to communicate your thoughts and emotions more effectively in your statement.

Seeking Support from Professionals or Loved Ones

If you're struggling to process your emotions or experiences related to the crime, consider seeking support from professionals or loved ones. Counseling, therapy, or support groups can provide a safe and supportive environment to discuss your feelings and emotions related to the crime. Talking to loved ones can also be helpful in providing emotional support and a sense of community.

Structuring Your Victim Impact Statement

Structuring your victim impact statement is a crucial step in ensuring that your message is clear and effective. A well-structured statement should have a strong introduction, detail the emotional, physical, and financial impact of the crime, address the long-term consequences of the crime, and conclude with a call to action or request for justice.

Starting with a Strong Introduction

Begin your statement with a strong introduction that captures the attention of the court and sets the tone for the rest of your statement. Consider beginning with a personal anecdote or powerful statement that illustrates the impact of the crime on your life.

Detailing the Emotional, Physical, and Financial Impact

Detail the emotional, physical, and financial impact of the crime on yourself, your family, and your community. Use specific examples and details to help the court understand the severity of the crime and its effects on your life. Be honest and direct about the emotional toll the crime has taken on you and your loved ones, as well as any physical injuries or financial losses.

Addressing the Long-Term Consequences of the Crime

Address the long-term consequences of the crime and its impact on your daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Consider the emotional trauma and psychological effects of the crime, as well as any long-term physical injuries or financial burdens. Provide specific examples and details to help the court understand the ongoing impact of the crime on your life.

Concluding with a Call to Action or Request for Justice

Conclude your statement with a call to action or request for justice. Consider what you would like the court to do in response to your statement and how you think justice can be served. This can include requesting a specific sentence for the offender or calling for changes in the legal system to prevent similar crimes from occurring in the future.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Victim Impact Statement

Writing a compelling victim impact statement requires clear and concise language, specific examples and details, a balance of emotion and objectivity, and careful proofreading and revision.

Using Clear and Concise Language

Using clear and concise language is essential in ensuring that your statement is easy to understand and effective. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse the court. Use simple and direct language to convey your message clearly.

Providing Specific Examples and Details

Providing specific examples and details can help the court understand the severity of the crime and its impact on your life. Use concrete examples and specific details to illustrate the emotional, physical, and financial effects of the crime.

Balancing Emotion with Objectivity

Balancing emotion with objectivity is important in ensuring that your statement is effective and persuasive. Be honest and direct about the emotional toll the crime has taken on you and your loved ones, but also provide factual information and evidence to support your claims.

Proofreading and Revising Your Statement

Proofreading and revising your statement is essential in ensuring that your message is clear and effective. Take the time to review your statement for typos, grammatical errors, and other mistakes. Consider having a trusted friend or professional review your statement for feedback and suggestions.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Victim Impact Statement

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot . Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.

Please compose a thorough and detailed statement that describes the impact that a particular crime has had on you as the victim. This statement should include information about any physical, emotional, or financial harm that you have suffered as a result of the crime, as well as any ongoing effects that it has had on your life. Please be as specific and detailed as possible, and provide any additional information that you believe may be helpful in ensuring that the perpetrator is held accountable for their actions.


Writing a powerful victim impact statement can be a powerful tool in achieving justice and closure. By understanding the purpose, benefits, and structure of a victim impact statement and following these tips and examples, you can write a compelling statement that effectively communicates the impact of the crime on your life.

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Victim Personal Statements

If you have been the victim of a crime, you are the only person who can fully appreciate the impact it has had on your daily life, work and relationships. For this reason, you may be asked to write a Victim Personal Statement (VPS) if a case goes to court. This is an opportunity for you to express in your own words how the crime has affected you emotionally, physically, or financially. It gives you a voice and gives the court an insight into what you have experienced and the effect it has had on your life.

You may be asked if you wish to read your statement out in court, but someone can do this on your behalf if you prefer. Even if your statement is not read out in court, it will still be seen by those involved in the trial and they will have a better understanding of the impact on you. That does mean that the statement will also be shared with the defence and that they may ask questions about your statement if you are giving evidence. The VPS is a formal statement, so you will need to sign a declaration confirming that it is true to the best of your knowledge.

Victim First can help you to prepare a VPS, so you won’t have to start from a blank page. There are some rules about what can, and can’t be said, but we can help you with this.

You may include… 

  • Details of any physical or psychological harm you have suffered the impact on your family
  • If you no longer feel safe
  • If the quality of your day-to-day life has been affected
  • Any concerns about the alleged offender being given bail
  • Views on the crime being motivated by your race, faith, sexuality or disability
  • The need for additional support as a result of the crime
  • Your wish to claim compensation from the offender for any injury, loss or damage

You are not permitted to include…

  • Your thoughts or opinion about appropriate punishment for the alleged offender
  • Any unsubstantiated claims

More information

  • Speaking to someone
  • Reporting a crime and what happens next
  • Your rights
  • Criminal Justice Agencies
  • Help at court
  • Seeking compensation
  • Frequently asked questions

Types of crime

  • Assault (ABH/GBH)
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Burglary, theft and robbery
  • Criminal damage
  • Domestic abuse
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Forced marriage
  • Honour-based abuse
  • Sexual assault and violence
  • Stalking and harassment

Useful organisations

  • GOV.UK - VPS

Information about types of crime

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

  • Apr 14, 2017

Echoes of Impact: How Victim Statements Shape Recovery and Justice

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

"Victim impact statements are written or oral information from crime victims, in their own words, about how a crime has affected them. All 50 states allow victim impact statements at some phase of the sentencing process." ~The Center for National Crime Victims

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

The Enduring Influence of Victim Impact Statements

During a recent class in my psychology victimology course, we delved deep into the role and power of victim impact statements. We were tasked with creating a "mock" statement, which led us to study several real-life examples, including a heart-wrenching statement from Gary Christian, father of Channon Christian . His profound grief and the vivid portrayal of his loss during his daughter’s perpetrator's sentencing is a stark reminder of the raw power these statements hold.

This exercise wasn’t just academic for me; it was personal. Having previously navigated this daunting process, I revisited the deep-seated emotions from my own experience, reflecting on how crucial it is for the judiciary to see and feel the human cost of crime. Granting the victim the opportunity to be involved in the judicial process serves as a potent tool for judges and prosecutors. The notion of 'justice is served' can often be ambiguous, as what constitutes justice for a judge may not align with the victim's sense of justice. While it is the judge’s role to apply the law, it is equally important for the victim to convey to the court those impacts and feelings that cannot be learned from evidence alone, but must be felt

You can find Gary Christian's victim impact statement here :   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5La2QrFrz1s

"Everyone deserves to be heard, in order for changes to be made in law enforcement, courts, and corrections, it is going to take someone that is willing to listen."

The Weight of Words: Reliving the Past through Victim Impact Statements

As a victim of crime, this assignment was not difficult for me since I have written and read one in the courtroom before. However, pulling this letter out again brought back the anxiety and nervousness I felt on the day of my former boyfriend's sentencing. Wednesday, September 16, 2015, is a day that is just as memorable as the day that led me to it. It took virtually two years to get to the sentencing day; the journey between being victimized and being vindicated...was a long road.

Engagement and Justice: The Dual Edges of Impact Statements

Victim impact statements transcend their role as mere narrative tools; they are vital instruments of justice and healing. Acting as a bridge between sterile legalities and raw human emotions, they provide judges and prosecutors with a deeper insight beyond the confines of case files. For many victims, crafting these statements is a rare opportunity to indirectly confront their perpetrators, offering a powerful sense of personal reclamation in an often impersonal judicial process.

Victim vs. Survivor

The terms 'victim' and 'survivor' are often used interchangeably, yet they represent different stages in the healing journey. Whether one is labeled a victim or a survivor largely depends on their personal progression toward healing. The transformation from victim to survivor is a path I know well—fraught with unbearable pain and challenges I wouldn't wish on anyone. Even now, as a survivor, the journey continues. There is no true 'finish line' in the process of overcoming trauma.

"Once you have been victimized by any form of violence, you are and never will be the same."

Small Voice: Big Impact

Violence leaves a profound impact on families, particularly on children whose voices may get lost in the chaos. it's often challenging for them to express their emotions clearly, yet acknowledging their trauma is crucial, regardless of whether they were directly or indirectly affected. my three children, though not physically injured, endured emotional scars just as deep as my own. their daily lives and routines were upended—peering anxiously through windows, suffering from sleepless nights, and feeling unsafe in their sanctuary, our home. all had the chance to write their impact statements, which were presented to the judge. their honesty and bravery in expressing their pain was profound. the process of writing an impact statement is transformative. i witnessed this first-hand with my children, particularly my then 8-year-old daughter, amaya. she wrote and bravely read her statement in court, standing up not just to her indirect abuser but to the fear and chaos that had overshadowed her young life. her courage was a profound moment of triumph not just for her, but for our entire family, reminding us of the resilience and strength that often lies untapped in the face of adversity..

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

8-year-old girl reads victim impact statement in court after her mother was beaten.

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

Personal Reflection: The Day of Reckoning

On September 16, 2015, at 9 AM, I entered the courtroom not just as a case number, but as a survivor—surrounded by the unwavering support of my family and friends. That morning, I was forced to revisit those harrowing days I had fought so hard to move past—the days filled with fear, brokenness, solitude, and shame; the days I battled to regain my voice and my self-assurance. This was the moment I had been waiting for to stand before the judge—and crucially, in front of my abuser—to narrate the deep, dark journey my family and I had been forced down by the crime. I needed the judge to see the real me: the pain in my eyes, the tremor in my voice, and the resolve in my spirit.

I was there not only as a victim but as a daughter, a mother, demanding to be seen and heard.

As I walked back to my seat after delivering my statement, an overwhelming sense of release enveloped me. I could finally breathe again. The weight I had carried for so long lifted, and I felt the shackles of my trauma break away. I was free. It was a profound freedom that came not from the sentence to be handed down—six years—but from having my voice resonate in that courtroom. The impact was immediate; one prosecutor approached me afterward, sharing that in his twenty years of service, he had never heard a victim impact statement as compelling as mine. This acknowledgment not only affirmed the strength it took to speak out but also underscored the transformative power of such statements. It was then that I truly understood the power of our voices, no matter how big or small they might seem. September 16, 2015, remains a significant date in my life—the day I stood in court, not just as a survivor of domestic violence, but as an advocate for myself and my family. The courtroom became a place of liberation. As I read my statement, the emotional shackles began to loosen. This moment wasn’t about the sentence that would be handed down; it was about being heard, truly and deeply heard. The affirmations from the prosecutors afterward only underscored the impact my words had made.

Click here for a link to view the courtroom video  and news media footage .

victim personal statement for domestic abuse

Domestic Violence Survivor, Marica Phipps reading her victim impact statement during the sentencing of her ex-boyfriend.

Comprehensive Guide and Sample Letter

For those looking for more detailed guidance in writing an impact statement, I have compiled a comprehensive guide complete with a sample victim impact statement. This guide is designed to support you through the process of articulating your experiences and emotions in a structured and impactful way.

To access the guide and sample letter, click below to download.

This resource aims to provide you with the tools you need to effectively communicate the depth of your experiences and the consequences of the crime, helping you navigate this crucial part of the judicial process.

Further Reading and Resources:  

For those looking for more detailed guidance or additional perspectives on victim impact statements, you might find these posts helpful:

Voices of Courage: A Mother and Daughter Plead for Justice (September 2015)

The Weight of Words: The Power of Our Stories During Victims’ Rights Week ( 2024)

Each post offers unique insights and further elaborations on the importance and impact of these statements in the judicial process. For a more vivid illustration of these moments, you can view the courtroom video from the sentencing where my daughter and I read our statements. This link is available in the previous posts linked above.

If you are preparing your victim impact statement, know that your voice matters. The journey from victim to survivor is arduous and ongoing, but every step you take in reclaiming your story is a stride toward healing. For guidance and support, please visit the National Center for Victims of Crime or consult Victim Support Services for assistance in crafting your statement. Our comprehensive is also listed below and on our resources page.

National Center for Victims of Crime  - Provides resources and advocacy for a wide range of crimes. Visit their website  for information on victim impact statements or Victim Support Services  to get help and suggestions in writing an impact statement.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)  - Offers support for sexual assault survivors, including help in writing victim impact statements. Learn more on their website .

Victim Support Services  - Practical advice and support on writing victim impact statements and navigating the emotional challenges of the process. Click here for assistance .

Battered Not Broken, Inc. - Detailed guidance in writing an impact statement and a sample letter can be found on our resource page or by clicking below to download.

Recent Studies & Statistics:

Research published by the Justice Department  has shown that victims who participate in the sentencing phase through impact statements feel more satisfied with the legal process.

Effect on Sentencing Outcomes : A study by researchers at the University of Leicester found that victim impact statements can influence the perception of the offender's culpability among judges and jurors, potentially affecting sentencing outcomes. The research suggests that when judges and jurors are exposed to detailed accounts of the emotional and psychological damage suffered by victims, there tends to be a higher likelihood of imposing stricter sentences. This emphasizes the role of these statements in ensuring that the impact on the victim is fully considered in the judicial process.

Impact on Victim Healing : Research published in the "Psychology of Violence" journal indicates that victims who deliver impact statements often report a greater sense of closure and are less likely to experience post-traumatic stress symptoms after participating in the sentencing phase of a trial. The study highlights that the act of verbalizing the impact of the crime provides victims a sense of personal agency and empowerment, which are critical components in the psychological healing process.

Call to Action:

I encourage you to share your own experiences with writing and delivering victim impact statements. By sharing our stories, we not only heal ourselves but also empower others facing similar challenges. If you're comfortable, please share your thoughts and stories in the comments below or on social media to help foster a supportive community. Together, we can shine a light on the importance of being heard and acknowledged in the judicial process.

Remember, the power of a victim impact statement lies not just in the words spoken or written but in the courage to share them. Every voice matters, and every story can make a difference in reshaping our approach to justice and healing.

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A Guide for Writing Victim Impact Statements

For life-sentenced adult inmate parole consideration hearings.

Submitting a Victim Impact Statement

Any person may submit a written statement to OVSRS ( [email protected] ) or the Board of Parole Hearings ( [email protected] ).

Right to Attend and Testify

After the offender is committed to an institution within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), you have the right, as a victim of crime, to attend the offender’s parole hearings to give a statement (Penal Code Section 3043). This is your opportunity to tell the people making decisions about the offender who committed the crime against you how you and your loved ones have been affected by the crime. Your victim impact statement ensures that your voice is heard.

A parole hearing is a hearing to determine whether an inmate should be released on parole. Only adult inmates sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole receive parole hearings. An example of a life sentence with the possibility of parole is when an inmate is sentenced to serve a term of “15 years to life.”

Inmates serving such sentences are automatically eligible for a parole hearing 13 months prior to their “minimum eligible parole date” or MEPD. An inmate’s MEPD is the earliest possible date they can be released, based on their sentence. Just because an inmate has been scheduled for a parole hearing does not mean he or she will be released on parole. The Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) will determine whether inmates are suitable for parole. Inmates sentenced to life with the possibility of parole are not entitled to parole and can be held in prison for life.

To attend the parole hearing in person, call the Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services toll free at (877) 256-6877 when you receive your hearing notice.

What is the purpose of a victim impact statement and how is it used?

Victim impact statements provide an opportunity for panel members to understand how this crime has affected you, your family, and those close to you. Many victims have found it helpful to voice how their lives have been impacted by the crime committed against them physically, financially, emotionally and even spiritually. Victims and their family members speak last at parole hearings, just before the panel deliberates. Statements usually range from 5-15 minutes in length.

Without your input many offenders may never know the true impact of their actions.

What should I include in my statement?

Only you know how to best describe the effects this crime has had on you and those close to you. We realize it may be difficult to describe in words how this crime has affected you. To assist you with your thoughts and feelings, it is recommended you write an impact statement on paper.

If you would like to share the emotional and mental impact you may consider:

  • How life has changed for you and those close to you.
  • How your ability to relate to others has changed.
  • Any counseling or other support you have obtained.
  • Fees incurred for counseling or therapy for you and your family.
  • Certain details of the crime and the offender’s actions you want the panel to know.

If you or your family members were injured you may wish to describe:

  • The specific physical injuries you or members of your family have suffered.
  • How long your injuries lasted or how long you expect them to last.
  • Any medical treatment you have received or expect to receive in the future and the medical expenses you have incurred.
  • Your inability to work and lost wages.

Do I have to make a victim impact statement?

It’s your choice whether you make a victim impact statement. However, no one knows better than you how this crime has changed your life. It is very important for you to help the panel members understand all of the ways this crime has affected you and those close to you. Whether or not you choose to submit a victim impact statement is a decision made by you and your family. It is a voluntary right that you have as a victim of crime.


Crime victims can request transcripts of Parole Suitability Hearings 30 days after the hearing date. For more information visit: www.cdcr.ca.gov/BOPH/psh_transcript.html or call 1-877-256-6877

Sexual Assault, Stalking, Blackmail, Online Harassment Lawyers | C.A.Goldberg | Carrie Goldberg

The Power of the Victim Impact Statement 

A blog by Norma Buster, our Client Relations Manager

Finally . That was my first thought when I learned in early 2016, during the criminal prosecution of my ex-boyfriend, that I’d have the opportunity to have my say in court.  

A year earlier, he had posted my private, naked photos online; the culmination of a months-long campaign of stalking.  Finally , I could confront him.   

He was being charged with invasion of privacy, a third-degree crime  in New Jersey , and he took a  plea deal  to drop an additional cyber-harassment charge. Of course, it was criminal courts, so  I  wasn’t the one bringing the charges against him, it was the State of New Jersey vs. C.M. 

I’d had contact with the prosecutor and contributed all the evidence I had, and I was certainly glad that he was being held accountable for the devastation he had caused, but ultimately I wasn’t in control of the process. On sentencing day, the  judge  would decide what the consequences were for my ex. He faced up to five years of probation or prison, and a $30,000 fine. By writing and reading aloud my victim impact statement I could speak directly to the judge. This would be my one chance to fully impress upon the judge, and my ex, how what he had done had affected me.   

One in 25 Americans has been a victim of threats or posts of nearly nude or nude images without their permission,  according to  the Center for Innovative Public Health Research. But each of us is more than a statistic. We are a full human being with hopes, dreams, relationships, jobs – and  NCP  can destroy all of these.  

The victim impact statement can be a powerful tool in the sentencing decisions made in court – in some ways it’s the first time that case facts become  human , the first time the judge is faced with the victim in front of them. And it’s often the first time the survivor can speak to the abuser in a place they know they’re physically safe.  

On top of the potential effect my statement could make on how the case was sentenced, it was truly the first time I could  finally  face my ex.   

It was a year since I had found the impersonating,  doxxing  Pornhub profile he made of me with my naked pictures and personal information, and I hadn’t ever confronted him because I was terrified it would escalate his behavior. 

I had managed to get the pictures taken down quite quickly after finding them, but I feared that if I provoked him in any way he’d go to Twitter or Instagram with my nudes where they would spread even further – to places where all my future employers or dating partners would look ,  or directly to my friends and family. So, I never contacted him again, ignoring his barrage of desperate messages and fake suicides. I had been frozen in fear until an internet search led me to this law firm. I work here now, but my journey with C.A. Goldberg, PLLC started when they helped me obtain a restraining order in Family Court and connected me with a prosecutor who opened a criminal investigation against my ex that would lead to his charges. 

Sentencing day was the first time my ex would hear me speak since the  revenge porn , and he’d have the added pressure of an entire courtroom listening – not just the judge, but his family, my family and friends, and press. On that day in March of 2016, when asked if he had anything to say, he simply offered an apology to the court and to “her” (he couldn’t even say my name). Then it was my turn to speak. 

I had been preparing for this for weeks. I put a lot of thought into my victim impact statement, wanting everyone in the room, especially the judge and my ex-boyfriend, to feel the weight of my words. As I spoke, my voice remained steady and I felt  powerful , knowing every single person in the room was hearing my side. When the judge sentenced my ex to the maximum probation allowed, I was so relieved that I could go home feeling that I had been heard. 

My experience as a client of C.A. Goldberg, PLLC was  not dissimilar  to many clients that we help with  stalking , harassment,  blackmail , intimate partner violence, and other privacy violations. Not everyone who goes through the criminal justice system chooses to make a victim impact statement. But it was important for my case and reading it aloud was a moment of power that will stick with me forever. 

If you are considering starting a victim impact statement, it can be daunting. Where to begin? It might help to break it down in to a few sections: the physical, emotional, and financial effects the crime had on you.  

When writing mine, I started by thinking about my first   reaction to seeing my private naked photos online. I recalled the thoughts that raced through my mind at that moment. I pinpointed the feeling of my world imploding. Have you ever had a moment like that? It rocks you to your core and it festers there. I reflected on the year that had passed, and considered the ongoing effects that moment had on me—the constant fear and paranoia that I couldn’t shake, the all-consuming dread that it would happen again.  

I wanted my ex to hear all of that, but I also knew I was speaking to the court and would need to articulate my feelings in a way that the judge would understand and take into consideration.   

That’s why I found my attorney’s support really valuable when crafting my victim impact statement – throughout the process they didn’t just advocate for me, they explained how the system worked and how I could have the best shot at justice.  

After losing control of my image, my victim impact statement gave me the opportunity to take back control over how people saw me. I was not the worst thing that ever happened to me, I was a survivor who refused to be shamed in to silence. I had moved  from victim to warrior.  My victim impact statement is below. Feel free to take inspiration from it.  

I ended my relationship with [C.M.]  in November of 2014, which is nearly a year and a half ago. I never imagined that I would still be dealing with the repercussions of this breakup until today. Over the course of our two-year relationship, from the age of 17 to 19, I sent [C.M.] intimate, private photos of myself, to which he agreed to and solemnly promised not to share with anyone, ever. I trusted him, and I trusted that no matter what, he would never show anyone those photos. I was utterly shocked and demoralized when I found those same photos that I sent to him on the pornography website, Pornhub.com, in a fake account with my name on it, along with my phone number, street name, and town.  

I still remember my reaction to finding the online page, which was that of shock, horror, and panic. I was humiliated. I immediately began shaking and felt my eyes welling up with tears. I felt betrayed and exposed. I thought of my parents, friends, coworkers, and schoolmates, and was deeply concerned about the shame I would feel if any of them saw the images.  I was embarrassed when my mother told me two weeks later that she had found two Tumblr pages created on the same day as the Pornhub page also containing the same intimate photos of myself that only [C.M.] had possessed—I was ashamed and utterly mortified. My mother had been searching online to ensure that the photos had not been circulated throughout the Internet, and I was frightened to wonder whether the pictures had been distributed elsewhere. I worried about future job opportunities being affected if these pictures were circulated throughout the Internet. I became nervous and scared, because he put my phone number, street name, town, and full name online along with my intimate photos—I could only imagine if the wrong person had seen this information. I was afraid for my safety, afraid that a sex offender would be able to locate me after seeing my photos and my information. After all, it was through a stranger that I learned of the page—the person sent me a text message saying he had acquired my phone number through the Pornhub page. I had heard so many horror stories of girls getting raped or killed because a terrible, disturbed person had somehow acquired their locational information online and came after them, and I was petrified that the same could happen to me.  

These photos had been posted without my permission, without a doubt by the one and only person who had possession of them, [C.M.]. He had been angry that I had broken up with him, and had become obsessed with me. He admitted in the hearing concerning my final restraining order against him that he had acted obsessively about me and had told lies about terrible events (including death, terminal illness, and other tragedies) occurring in his family so that I would keep speaking to him. However, I never thought he would go so far as to expose my private photos to the world.   

Over the course of time after the breakup, and even after he committed this terrible wrong, I felt trapped. I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop him—if I were to confront him, he could get angry and put the private photos online on other websites and forms of social media. I felt that I was in a way in a prison–he had the one thing that he knew would hurt me more than anything and I could not protect myself from that. I was trapped; stuck; imprisoned by him. That’s why I do not think that probation is enough of a sentence for [C.M.]. He had been threatening to distribute the photos months before he actually made the Pornhub and Tumblr accounts with my name, private photos, and contact information. This was not a rash action; this was a cruel decision that he intentionally made.  

One of the great things about the American government as compared to so many countries around the world is its justice system. There are laws in place to protect people, such as the laws that protect my right to privacy, and when individuals break those laws, they face the consequences. Not only was I deeply humiliated, disgraced, angered, and disheartened by Chris’s inexcusable decision to post my intimate photos online, but he broke a law. I do not think that he should be able to get away with such an atrocious offence. He should be convicted of the charges against him, and he should suffer the consequences of his actions.   

I cannot get back my privacy that had been invaded when those pictures were online. I do not know how many people saw them, I do not know how many people saved them, and every single day I think about the fact that other people have seen me in my most private state. I do not think that [C.M.] should be able to cause me such anguish without suffering the legal consequences for his cruel actions.  

  • The powerful victim impact statement from another C.A. Goldberg, PLLC client In The Cut . “It’s hard to explain how I felt when I realized that all of the harassment I had endured was actually perpetrated by the man I was in love with.”
  • Stalker take-down team honored by attorney general’s office
  • Free resource: How to report revenge porn on social media

Were you sexually assaulted or stalked by someone you met online?

Think that you might need an Order of Protection? 

Click  here  to get in touch.

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