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Why Is Education Important? The Power Of An Educated Society

Looking for an answer to the question of why is education important? We address this query with a focus on how education can transform society through the way we interact with our environment. 

Whether you are a student, a parent, or someone who values educational attainment, you may be wondering how education can provide quality life to a society beyond the obvious answer of acquiring knowledge and economic growth. Continue reading as we discuss the importance of education not just for individuals but for society as a whole. 

a student graduating from university while showing the time and impact their education provides

Harness the power of education to build a more sustainable modern society with a degree from  Unity Environmental University .

How Education Is Power: The Importance Of Education In Society

Why is education so important? Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” An educated society is better equipped to tackle the challenges that face modern America, including:

  • Climate change
  • Social justice
  • Economic inequality

Education is not just about learning to read and do math operations. Of course, gaining knowledge and practical skills is part of it, but education is also about values and critical thinking. It’s about finding our place in society in a meaningful way. 

Environmental Stewardship

A  study from 2022 found that people who belong to an environmental stewardship organization, such as the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, are likely to have a higher education level than those who do not. This suggests that quality education can foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly alarming, this particular importance of education is vital to the health, safety, and longevity of our society. Higher learning institutions can further encourage environmental stewardship by adopting a  framework of sustainability science .

jars filled with money showing the economic growth after going to a university

The Economic Benefits Of Education

Higher education can lead to better job opportunities and higher income. On average, a  person with a bachelor’s degree will make $765,000 more  in their lifetime than someone with no degree. Even with the rising costs of tuition, investment in higher education pays off in the long run. In 2020, the return on investment (ROI) for a college degree was estimated to be  13.5% to 35.9% . 

Green jobs  like environmental science technicians and solar panel installers  have high demand projections for the next decade. Therefore, degrees that will prepare you for one of these careers will likely yield a high ROI. And, many of these jobs only require an  associate’s degree or certificate , which means lower overall education costs. 

Unity  helps students maximize their ROI with real-world experience in the field as an integral part of every degree program. 

10 Reasons Why School Is Important

Education is not just an individual pursuit but also a societal one.  In compiling these reasons, we focused on the question, “How does education benefit society?” Overall, higher education has the power to transform:

  • Individuals’ sense of self
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Social communities
  • Professional communities

Cognitive Development

Neuroscience research  has proven that the brain is a muscle that can retain its neuroplasticity throughout life. However, like other muscles, it must receive continual exercise to remain strong. Higher education allows people of any age to improve their higher-level cognitive abilities like problem-solving and decision-making. This can make many parts of life feel more manageable and help society run smoothly. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is key to workplace success.  Studies  show that people with emotional intelligence exhibit more:

  • Self-awareness
  • Willingness to try new things
  • Innovative thinking
  • Active listening
  • Collaboration skills
  • Problem-solving abilities

By attending higher education institutions that value these soft skills, students can improve their emotional intelligence as part of their career development in college.

Technological Literacy

Many careers in today’s job market use advanced technology. To prepare for these jobs, young people likely won’t have access to these technologies to practice on their own. That’s part of why so many STEM career paths require degrees. It’s essential to gain technical knowledge and skills through a certified program to safely use certain technologies. And, educated scientists are  more likely to make new technological discoveries .

Cultural Awareness

Education exposes individuals to different cultures and perspectives. Being around people who are different has the powerful ability to foster acceptance. Acceptance benefits society as a whole. It increases innovation and empathy. 

College also gives students an opportunity to practice feeling comfortable in situations where there are people of different races, genders, sexualities, and abilities. Students can gain an understanding of how to act respectfully among different types of people, which is an important skill for the workplace. This will only become more vital as our world continues to become more globalized.

Ethical and Moral Development

Another reason why school is important is that it promotes ethical and moral development. Many schools require students to take an ethics course in their general education curriculum. However, schools can also encourage character development throughout their programs by using effective pedagogical strategies including:

  • Class debates and discussions
  • Historical case studies
  • Group projects

Unity’s distance learning programs  include an ethical decision-making class in our core curriculum. 

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Communication Skills

Effective written and verbal communication skills are key for personal and professional success. Higher education programs usually include at least one communication course in their general education requirements. Often the focus in these classes is on writing skills, but students can also use college as an opportunity to hone their presentation and public speaking skills. Courses such as  Multimedia Communication for Environmental Professionals  provide many opportunities for this. 

Civic Engagement

According to a  Gallup survey , people with higher education degrees are:

  • More likely to participate in civic activities such as voting and volunteering
  • Less likely to commit crimes
  • More likely to get involved in their local communities

All these individual acts add up to make a big difference in society. An educated electorate is less likely to be swayed by unethical politicians and, instead, make choices that benefit themselves and their community. Because they are more involved, they are also more likely to hold elected officials accountable.

Financial Stability

The right degree can significantly expand your career opportunities and improve your long-term earning potential. Not all degrees provide the same level of financial stability, so it’s important to research expected salary offers after graduation and job demand outlook predictions for your desired field. Consider the return on investment for a degree from an affordable private school such as  Unity Environmental University .

Environmental Awareness

We have already discussed why education is important for environmental stewardship. Education can also lead to better environmental practices in the business world. By building empathy through character education and ethics courses, institutions can train future business leaders to emphasize human rights and sustainability over profits. All types and sizes of businesses can incorporate sustainable practices, but awareness of the issues and solutions is the first step.

Lifelong Learning

The reasons why education is important discussed so far focus on institutional education. However, education can happen anywhere. Attending a university that values all kinds of learning will set students up with the foundation to become lifelong learners.  Research  demonstrates that lifelong learners tend to be healthier and more fulfilled throughout their lives. When societies emphasize the importance of education, they can boost their overall prosperity.

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The Role Of Unity Environmental University In Society

Environmentally conscious education is extremely valuable and should be accessible to all.   Unity Environmental University  offers tuition prices that are comparable to public universities, and financial aid is available to those who qualify. Courses last five weeks so that students can focus on only one class at a time. This ensures all learners are set up for academic success. 

Unity believes in supporting students holistically to maximize the power of education. This includes mental health services,  experiential learning opportunities , and  job placement assistance . Students in our  hybrid programs  can take classes at several field stations throughout Maine and enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding the campus for outdoor recreation.

Sustainable Initiatives

Some highlights from Unity Environmental University’s many sustainable initiatives:

  • All programs include at least one sustainability learning outcome
  • All research courses are focused on sustainability research
  • Reduced building energy use by 25% across campus
  • 100% of food waste is recycled into energy 
  • Campus features a  net-zero LEED Platinum-certified classroom/office building

While many schools value sustainability, Unity stands out because  everything  we do is about sustainability. We also recognize our responsibility to model how a sustainable business can operate in a manner that’s fiscally viable and socially responsible.

Make An Impact At Unity Environmental University

While the phrase ‘education is power’ may sound cliche, it is also resoundingly true. Higher education has the power to transform individuals and societies. Unity Environmental University understands its power to make a positive impact on the world. That’s why we were the first university to divest from fossil fuels. 

This year, we celebrated our  largest incoming class ever , showing that students want an education system that aligns with their values. In addition to our commitment to sustainability, we offer flexibility to students with start dates all year round for our  online degree programs .

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27 Facts on the Importance of Education (Essay or Speech)

importance of education

Are you in need of ideas for an importance of education essay?

Here is a list of 27 ideas that will get you started!

These ideas come from a variety of online sources and links have been provided in case you need to provide references in your essay .

This article lists ideas on the importance of education to a person’s life (Points 1 – 16) and to society (Points 17 – 27).

Importance of Education to a Person’s Life

1. education helps people out of poverty.

Poverty is linked to low education . Families that are poor are usually less educated than families that are rich. Plus, if you are born into a low educated poor family, chances are high that you too will end up low educated and poor.

One way poverty affects education is through the direct costs. Even when school is free, the costs of uniforms, travel, and so on can be very difficult for families to cover.

To escape the poverty trap cycle , people need to gain a higher education than their parents and find upwardly mobile employment (this means: jobs that help you get from the working class into the middle class).

Here’s some facts to back up this point.

A recent report found that people with a college education are statistically less likely to be in poverty. Of people over the age of 25, only 2% of college graduates were in poverty. That compares to 13% of high school graduates over 25.

Related Article: How Can Health Influence Learning?

2. Education helps People make More Money

Jobs that require a higher education are usually more highly paid than unskilled jobs. This is because the jobs are more difficult and require a more specialized skillset. If you get an education in a skill area where there is a shortage of available workers, your wages will increase.

To underscore this point, Brookings presented findings that show:

“An individual with a college degree is nearly nine times more likely to make over $100,000 than someone with only a high school diploma and 13 times more likely to make more than $200,000 per year.”

Today, jobs that are in demand, require a high education and pay quite well include:

  • Software developer (USD $101,000)
  • Health care administrator (USD $98,000)
  • Medical Technologist (USD $51,000)

Source: CNBC .

3. Highly Educated People have a Better chance of Getting a Job

Jobs are not that easy to come by these days – even for people with degrees. But there’s statistically a higher chance of you getting a job if you have a higher education.

The 2017 report Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society found that people with higher education have lower rates of unemployment.

In 2015, younger people (ages 25 – 34) with bachelor’s degrees had an unemployment rate of 2.6%. High school graduates of the same age range had an unemployment rate of 8.1 percent.

That’s a huge difference that underscores the correlation between education and employability.

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4. Highly Educated People are Statistically Healthier

Statistically, the higher your education, the healthier you are. This could potentially be due to a few factors including:

  • Stable jobs with regular hours allow you to plan exercise;
  • Cultural differences between working-class and middle-class people;
  • More money to participate in recreational activities.

Whatever the reason, the facts stand for themselves. One of the major facts is this:

In 2014, 26% of high school graduates smoked cigarettes. In the same year, only 8% of college graduates smoked cigarettes.

Source: Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society

5. Highly Educated People Volunteer More

Educated people tend to do better when it comes to volunteering. The reasons for this may be very similar to the reasons for being more fit. Reasons could include:

  • Stable jobs with regular hours allow time to plan regular volunteering hours;
  • Highly educated people are less likely to work two jobs;
  • People who are well educated have more money to travel to and from their volunteering locations.

Again, it’s a good idea to back this claim up with some facts.

In 2015, 39% of college graduates reported that they volunteered that year. Among high school graduates, it was just 16% who reported that they volunteered.

6. Education helps People make Better Decisions

We have already established that people with a higher education have more job security and more money.

The flow-on effect of this is that they can make better decisions.

When you are more certain that you have money coming in every week, you’ll be able to plan our your budget more. You’ll also have the money to make decisions about living in safer neighborhoods with more public services.

Furthermore, higher education usually teaches critical thinking skills . This means people who’ve been trained in critical thinking may have an advantage when making tough decisions. They will have the education to know how to handle complex decision-making processes.

7. Education helps People make Long-Term Decisions

Not only will highly educated people have the skillset to make tough decisions, they will also have the money to make long-term decisions.

If you have a stable job with a high income each month, you’re more likely to get a loan for a home. You also have the freedom to start investing into your retirement funds.

As you can see, the correlation between high education and high incomes has huge flow-on effects for quality of life.

8. Education can increase Social Status

An education from a respected educational institution can open lots of doors for you.

Many students from around the world flock to nations like the United Kingdom, United States and Australia to get degrees from top-ranking education nations.

Similarly, if you make it to a higher-ranking school or university such as Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford or Princeton you’ll get a lot of social status just for having attended the university.

Even at compulsory school age there are elite institutions. For example, the private school named Eton College in the UK is known for producing no less than 19 British Prime Minsters .

When you get social status from going to a good school or university, we say you have institutional or cultural capital .

This degree from a well-respected university may get you that job interview you were looking for. But, it could also get you social status amongst family, friends and – yes – potential future partners!

9. Education makes People better Conversationalists

Have you ever had a conversation with a person and they were just really interesting? They seemed to know a lot of things and be able to talk to you about anything.

Well, that person is likely very well educated.

In fact, we have some words to describe people who are well-educated in a broad range of topics. You could call them:

  • A renaissance man
  • A renaissance woman

There is also a type of education designed to help you become a polymath. It’s called a Liberal Education and you get it by doing a Liberal Arts Degree from a university.

10. Education helps People get Access to Important Information

In the dark ages in Europe very few people had the ability to read.

This meant that knowledge held in books was only available to very few people.

When people don’t have access to knowledge, they’re in a very vulnerable situation. They can’t educate themselves on important information and have a harder time making decisions.

Nowadays, most people in the developed world can read. This huge advance in education levels has enabled any of us to go out there and access information.

In fact, you’re doing that right now! Aren’t you glad you can read?

Educated people also have the knowledge about how to access important information. We’re taught at school about encyclopaedias and libraries. At university we’re taught about scholarly sources and how to access them .

Combine the ability to read with the skills to access information and anyone can help educate themselves on anything. You just need a basic level of education to get started!

11. Education enables People to Critically Analyze ideas

At school, you’re not just being taught facts.

You’re also being taught how to think.

This ability to think involves some pretty advanced strategies like:

  • Skepticism: The reluctance to believe something until you see the facts;
  • Critical Thinking : the ability to look at something from multiple perspectives;
  • Analytical Thinking : the ability to investigate something deeply to find answers.

With these fantastic skills, you can go a long way! You’re less likely to be tricked into believing something that’s not true. You’ll also be able to think things through and come to reasonable, rational conclusions.

12. Education can Help People (especially Women) become Independent and Powerful

Women’s education is a major focus of the United Nations.

This is because many women who are not educated are dependent on their families or husbands to make money.

When women become educated, they can become independent . They can work in better paid jobs, move into more powerful positions in workplaces, and earn an income that’s independent of their husbands.

In the long run, this will mean that women have an equal say in the development of our world.

Furthermore, women with jobs can contribute financially to their families which can help move the whole family out of poverty and give them a better standard of living.

Read Also: Why is School Important?

13. Education reduces Unplanned Pregnancies and Sexual Diseases

Basic education on sex and relationships can dramatically reduce sexual diseases and unplanned pregnancies.

Here’s some facts:

The Borgen Project cites that completion of primary school will reduce a person’s chances of getting HIV. In fact, it reduces girls’ chances of contracting the illness 3-fold.

Educated people also have smaller families and they have them later in life. In Mali , women with a high school education have an average of 3 children. Women without a high school education have an average of 7 children.

14. Education helps us Realize our own Potential

Through education, we learn about what we like and don’t like. We learn all about things from science, math, languages and history.

After contemplating all of these different topics, we’ll be more capable of living our best life.

If you don’t get educated, you won’t open up your horizons and learn about the world. You may end up being stuck in an insular life without having experienced all the great things life has to offer.

You don’t need to go to school for this. Maybe being educated for you is just about reading books on a lot of different topics.

Either way, by educating yourself, you can realize your potential and live a more meaningful life.

15. Education can bring Enjoyment to People’s Lives

Unfortunately, it’s often overlooked that education can be pleasurable for its own sake.

I’ve talked all about how education can help people out of poverty, get them jobs, make them more powerful and less sick.

But it’s also important to remember that education can simply be enjoyable and therefore be important for helping you be happy.

Have you ever learned something really cool and just been glad you know that information now?

That’s what I mean by education being a fun activity on its own.

When people are learning just because they love learning, we say they are intrinsically motivated . This is the opposite to extrinsic motivation where people learn things so they can get a reward like a better job.

16. Education makes you more Tolerant

There is some evidence that highly educated people may be more tolerant than lowly educated people.

To take just one example, people from Latin America with a high school education are 45% more tolerant toward people with HIV than Latin Americans with only an elementary school education.

Similarly, Lorelle Espinosa argues that colleges are ideal locations for teaching tolerance. She argues:

The foundations of tolerance run deep in the college classroom, where students learn and confront new ideas, issues and experiences at times vastly different than their own.

This is, of course, if you have a good teacher who’ll teach you different people’s perspectives!

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Importance of Education to Society

17. education prevents diseases in society.

Health education in classrooms can make an entire society healthier and live longer.

Health care education helps people avoid risky activities and behaviors, conduct basic first aid when someone is injured, and learn when they need to see a doctor.

The Population Reference Bureau argues that education of women on matters of health is especially important because they often set the standards for household behaviors like regularly washing your hands.

Educating children on health is also very important for the future health of a society.

That’s why Save the Children spends a lot of money on health education in developing countries. Here’s what they say the benefit of education is for children’s health:

Most importantly, through education, students learn how to adapt their daily habits to improve their health, nutrition, hygiene and prevent HIV and AIDS, gaining these important skills and behaviors for life.

18. Education helps a Country’s Economy Grow

When the population of a country is more educated, the whole country gets wealthier. This surely highlights the importance of education!

Here’s some facts that might be useful for you:

Hanushek and Wobmann (2010) looked at the evidence on the links between economic growth and education. They found that good quality education systems have a strong connection to long-term economic growth in a society.

Here’s their conclusion:

Economic growth is strongly affected by the skills of workers. What people know matters.

Hassan and Rafaz (2017) looked at economic growth in Pakastan between 1990 and 2016. They argue that:

[A] 1% increase in female education, female labour force participation, education expenditure and fertility rate causes 96% increase in GDP of Pakistan

Woah! Education of women appears to be a powerful way of increasing the wealth of entire societies.

19. Education can attract High Paying Jobs of the 21 st Century

You might have heard that manufacturing and factory jobs are becoming pretty rare in developed nations.

Because the high paying jobs of the future won’t be in unskilled labor. Those jobs are disappearing and going to poorer nations.

Instead, all the good jobs of the future will require a very high education level.

Often teachers like me talk about skills for the 21 st Century . These are skills like:

  • Creative thinking ;
  • Critical thinking;
  • Communication;
  • Collaboration;
  • Digital literacy

If children today aren’t educated on these important skills, they’ll have trouble finding the best jobs. And if a whole society falls behind in education, those good jobs will move overseas to where the most highly educated workers can be found.

20. Education can Prevent Wars and Conflicts

History lessons can be very powerful for helping is prevent the mistakes of the past.

If you want to avoid the mistakes of history, you have to learn about how they were made. By educating people about the events leading up to World War 1 and 2, we might be able to teach people how to avoid the same mistakes again.

Similarly, if a society is well educated on the dangers and heartbreak of wars, those wars might be prevented.

This happened during the Vietnam War when students on college campuses began protesting the war . These students worked hard to teach people all over the United States about what was really happening in Vietnam.

War journalists were also instrumental in educating the public on the terrible effects of the war. Video footage, photos and news reports sent back to the United States helped educate the population and helped boost the anti-war efforts.

21. Education is good for Democracy

Most first world nations ensure children are taught democratic citizenship .

Teaching the values of democratic societies – like the fact that we should elect our leaders – helps to keep democracy going.

If we don’t teach about how good democracy is for our freedom and prosperity, we may sleepwalk into an evil dictatorship!

Democracy is about more than voting. It’s about learning the importance of treating each other respectfully, volunteering in our community, and respecting each other’s liberty.

I think Senator Michael Bennet sums this one up well when he says in his blog post :

With education, the common man would be able to select leaders wisely and fight back against the tyrannical instincts of those in power.

22. Education leads to Medical and Technological Breakthroughs

Before we became obsessed with the link between education and money, societies still invested heavily in public universities.

Because strong higher education systems can lead to technological and medical breakthroughs.

Here’s a few things that people invented while learning and researching at universities:

  • The Seat Belt: Invented at Cornell University
  • Gatorade: Unvented at the University of Florida
  • Ultrasound: Developed at the University of Vienna
  • CAT Scans: Developed at Georgetown University
  • GPS: Developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Polio Vaccine: Developed at the University of Pittsburgh

23. Education can lead to Entrepreneurship

The online website Talk Business argues that entrepreneurs are always in need of more education. They argue:

…at their core [Entrepreneurs] are problem solvers and spend their time investigating potential solutions.

In order to solve problems, entrepreneurs enroll themselves in courses, read books, listen to podcasts and pay for mentors. In other words, they’re huge self-educators.

The article goes on to explain that entrepreneurs often don’t seek out a formal education from a school or university. Instead, they seek out answers to their questions from people who have already solved the problems.

So, education is good for business – but don’t narrow your definition of education. Education can come in all shapes and sizes.

24. Education may be the Solution to Global Problems like Climate Change

There’s two ways education can help us get out of the problem of climate change.

Firstly, educating people about sustainability can help us to reduce our ecological footprint on this world. If we recycle more, consume less goods, and ensure we’re cleaning up after ourselves, we can do a lot to help the environment.

Secondly, educating future environmental scientists is vital for finding the solutions to our current environmental problems.

Scientists of the future might find ways to dramatically reduce carbon emissions, reduce the temperature of the globe, or come up with better ways to produce energy.

In the race against time to solve the climate crisis, education may just be the thing that saves us from ourselves.

25. Education is important for Creating a Cohesive Society

Education helps us learn how to behave appropriately.

Emile Durkheim is a major theorist who came up with this concept.

According to Durkheim, schooling is all about ‘socialization’.

By this, he means we go to school to learn about more than maths and science. School has a hidden curriculum . The hidden curriculum is all the things we learn above and beyond our textbooks.

The hidden curriculum includes:

  • Learning manners;
  • Learning to get along with each other;
  • Learning to respect other people’s privacy;
  • Learning to follow the rules for the good of society;
  • and many more things besides!

So, without schools teaching us how to get along, there may be many more conflicts in our communities.

26. Education passes on Cultural Values, Heritage and Information from one Generation to the Next

How did you learn about Christmas? How about the 4 th of July? How did you learn about Native Americans?

We learn a lot of these things from school.

So, education also teaches us about our culture and who we are.

This usually takes place in history classes where we learn about the history of our nations and our world.

But we also learn cultural values from the hidden curriculum (If you haven’t read point 25, I talk about the hidden curriculum there).

For example, in western culture it’s polite to look people in the eyes and shake their hands. We also respect our elders. These are cultural values that are taught to us in everyday conversations at school.

27. Education can lead to Gender Equality

There is a lot of evidence that says education is the key to creating a more equal world.

For example, UNESCO states that women tend to be less educated than men in developing countries. However, women overall show more concern for the environment.

Why is this a problem?

Because at the moment women aren’t empowered enough (through education) to create change. More educated women means more power for women to effect change.

Here’s an example:

“Women constitute almost two-thirds of the 758 million adults who are unable to read or write a sentence – a vast pool of people we are not empowering to help us fight environmental shifts” ( UNESCO )

There is also the problem of gender stereotypes, which can be challenged through education . If we educate more people about justice and equality, gender stereotypes will diminish which will be good for gender equality.

Final Thoughts

importance of education essay and speech ideas

Any importance of education speech or essay needs facts and figures backing it up. Use these 27 key points on the importance of education for your next essay!

You could also get facts from the following two sources:

  • 23 Major Barriers to Education
  • 11 Lifelong Effects of Lack of Education


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) 10 Magical Thinking Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) Social-Emotional Learning (Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) What is Educational Psychology?

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Top 10 Reasons Why Is Education Important

Updated: February 1, 2024

Published: April 15, 2020


Most of us have grown up being taught the importance of education. But why is education important? Through your frustrating school years, you may have thought that it was a waste of time, or was just something that you needed to do in order to get a job. Truth be told, however, education goes so much beyond just getting a job and making your parents happy. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful tools out there.

What Is Education?

Education means studying in order to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life. Education is not limited to just knowledge from books, but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

Top 10 Reasons: Why Is Education Important?

There are many different understandings and definitions of what education is, but one thing can be universally agreed upon, which is the importance of education — and here’s why.

1. Provides Stability

Education provides stability in life, and it’s something that no one can ever take away from you. By being well-educated and holding a college degree , you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself.

2. Provides Financial Security

On top of stability, education also provides financial security, especially in today’s society. A good education tends to lead to a higher paying job, as well as provide you with the skills needed to get there. Educated and well-informed individuals also know how to use money-saving tactics. They are more likely to use coupon websites like EMUCoupon while shopping online to save their hard-earned money.

3. Needed For Equality

In order for the entire world to really become equal, it needs to start with education. If everyone was provided with the same opportunities to education , then there would be less gaps between social classes. Everyone would be able to have an equal chance at higher paying jobs — not just those that are already well-off.

4. Allows For Self-Dependency

The importance of education is evident when it comes to being self-dependent. If we are we educated, then it’s something that belongs to us, and only us, allowing us to rely on no one else other than ourselves. It can allow you to not only be financially independent, but also to make your own choices.

5. Make Your Dreams Come True

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. An education is the most powerful weapon you can possibly have, and with it, you can make all of your dreams come true. There are of course certain exceptions, depending on what you’re aiming for, but generally an education will take you as far as you’re willing to go.

6. A Safer World

Education is something that’s not only needed on a personal level, but also on a global level, as it’s something that keeps our world safe and makes it a more peaceful place. Education tends to teach people the difference between right and wrong, and can help people stay out of risky situations.

7. Confidence

Being self-confident is a major part of being successful in life. And what better way to gain that confidence than with an education? Your level of education is often considered a way to prove your knowledge, and it can give you the confidence to express your opinions and speak your mind.

8. A Part Of Society

In today’s society, having an education is considered a vital part of being accepted by those around you. Having an education is believed to make you a useful part of society, and can make you feel like a contributing member as well.

9. Economic Growth On A National Level

An educated society is crucial for economic growth. We need people to continue to learn and research in order to constantly stay innovative. Countries with higher literacy rates also tend to be in better economic situations. With a more educated population, more employment opportunities are opened.

10. Can Protect You

Education can protect you more than you know, not only on a financial level, but it can help prevent you from being taken advantage of by knowing how to read and write, such as knowing not to sign any bogus documents.

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Education is important for children.

Children are the future of our world, making education crucial for them. Their knowledge is what’s going to keep our world alive and flourishing.

At Childhood

During the childhood development stages, the importance of education is stronger than ever. It’s a time for children to learn social and mental skills that will be crucial for their growth and success in the future. Education at childhood also offers a chance for self-discovery and to learn about their unique interests.

The importance of education in our lives goes far beyond what we can read in a textbook. Education also provides childhood with knowledge such as how to produce artwork and make music. Education allows us to analyze what’s in front of us, and even learn from our mistakes.

Goal Building

By learning from a young age, children are given the chance to start building goals for themselves. Education means having the logic to set your mind to something and achieve it.

Importance Of Education In Society

For a modern society, education is of utmost importance. There are so many influences coming from all directions, and education can help us decipher what we should take as true, and what we should take with a grain of salt. Education can mold people into functional members of society with the right kinds of values.


Education is needed for a productive society. Our population only continues to increase, and in turn, so do our needs. We need a strong and efficient workforce of educated people to provide us with the services we need for everyday life.

Why Is Education Important For a Nation?

The importance of education is seen in every aspect of life, and is especially crucial for the growth of a nation.

The Impact Education Has On The World

With education, people can become better citizens, knowing right from wrong, allowing for a better society where laws are followed. An educated nation knows about the importance of voting, doing so with the knowledge not blindly, but also having an understanding of what their party truly stands for. Education can also help people get jobs, which is what a nation thrives on.

Inspiring Quotes On What Education Truly Is

Why is education important, and what is it exactly? While every person has a different understanding of its true meaning, here are some of the most inspiring quotes by some legendary people.

  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin
  • “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” — John Dewey

What Are Some Other Reasons Why Education Is Important?

There are endless reasons why education is so important, especially since it also has endless connotations and meanings.

Mind And Body

Our mind and bodies are connected more than we know. With a powerful, well-educated mind, so too are our bodies.

We can not only know how to best take care of ourselves, but we can feel confident and good about ourselves, which will likely have a positive effect on our physical well-being . Education has even been proven to add years to our life . To be exact, each additional year of education was found to add as much as 1.7 years to our lives at the age of 35.

Personal Growth

The importance of education even extends itself to our personal growth. By constantly educating ourselves, asking questions and wanting to know more, we can move forward and achieve things we never imagined before.

Get To Know Yourself

Education can allow us to get to know ourselves better than ever. We can learn things about ourselves, whether it be through books, courses, or even consulting with a professional.

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Worldwide value.

Education is the best way to ensure a positive world value and view. Without a proper education, how else do we know what’s considered appropriate and how to behave?

While world peace may unfortunately seem like a far-fetched concept, with education we can get closer to this goal than we know. Education can teach us about our place in this world, and about our responsibility to humanity.

Teaches Values

Values are taught through education! Education exists far beyond the classroom or an exam. It’s taught at home, through what our parents and peers show us, and although not necessarily written down somewhere, such a teaching method is still a large aspect of what education entails.

Sharpens Your Thinking

Education is needed to think sharply and clearly!

Makes You Informed

Education makes you informed about the world around you, what’s going on and what kind of people are around you. Education can help you be more self-aware about your strengths and weaknesses, showing you were to shift your focus.

Logical Reasoning

When in an argument, if you aren’t well educated and don’t have your facts straight, then you aren’t likely to win. If you get upset about something, then being educated can also help you logically work through the situation and make sense of it, understanding all aspects.

Stay Focused

Education can help you stay focused and on track in the right direction by knowing what the right path is for you.

Allows For Innovation And Creativity

When it comes to being creative, in any way, shape, or form, the mind can only really reach its full potential if it’s been fed with the knowledge it needs to think outside the box.

Develop Life Skills

Education is the foundation of basic life skills and street smarts. While education might sound like a fancy technical term, it’s really everything we learn in life about how to best conduct ourselves from day to day.

Education can be the most freeing and empowering thing in the entire world!

Live Life To The Fullest

Truly living life to the fullest means being well-educated and holding a vast amount of knowledge about the world around us. It also means we continue to learn every day in all kinds of forms, whether it be from the people around us, newspapers, experiences, research, or traditional classes.

Breaks Barriers

Education breaks barriers between people, and allows people from across the globe to be empowered.

University of the People, a tuition-free , online university, is one powerful example of how education is being revolutionized – they offer students of all socio-economic backgrounds an equal chance at education.

Once upon a time, such a thing wouldn’t have been possible, but today such places like UoPeople have proven that these barriers truly can be broken through to receive higher education.

You Become Your Highest You

Education can allow you to become the best, fullest version of yourself, learning about what interests you, what you’re good at, becoming self-aware and conscious about the world around you. It can help you establish your place in this world, and feel complete.

Education In The Modern World

Education today is more important than ever before, and has reached new heights with new understandings of what it truly entails. Ask yourself “Why is education important?” and it will surely not be the same as anyone else’s answer.

While in modern society, holding a college degree is considered to be highly beneficial for a successful career and to be socially accepted, it is not the only means of education. Education is all around us in everything that we do, so use it wisely!

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Persuasive Essay: Why is Education Important in Our Society?


Education is more than just learning from books, and it is a shame that a lot of schools do not see that it is more than just a curriculum and school score. A good education can teach a child how to learn so that the child may take up independent learning as an adult. Education may also teach a child how to reason so that a child does not grow up to be ignorant.

I will show you the two best reasons why education is important in our society.

Persuasive point 1

The biggest selling point for education in our society is the fact that it helps people learn “how” to learn. It is not about the knowledge they accumulate, it is the way a child is taught how to “learn” things. A child may come away from school not knowing a lot of the course, but if that child has been taught how to learn, then that child may become an adult that learns everything he or she needs in life. Otherwise, that child may grow up to be a person that cannot see the obvious because he or she cannot reason and consciously learn new things.

Persuasive point 2

Education teaches people how to reason, and if they are taught how to reason well, then they help subdue their own thoughts of ignorance. For example, there are lots of posts and websites on the Internet about childhood vaccinations and how dangerous they are. Ignorant people than never learned how to reason will look at them, believe them and support them. If a person is taught how to reason then he or she will know how to recognize empirical evidence.

That person would look at all the people in the US that have had childhood injections (most of them) and then look at all the people with autism. They would reason that if childhood vaccinations caused autism then most of the people in the US would have autism. If a person is taught how to reason then that person may see how people that smoke seem more likely to develop emphysema than people that do not smoke. They would then reason there is a link between smoking and emphysema. This sort of reasoning can be taught in schools, and if children are not taught it then they walk around risking their children’s lives by not vaccinating them, and walk around smoking because their daddy smoked for years and it never hurt him.

If education is not seen as important, then one day it will just be all about school scores and hitting the factors of a curriculum. There will be a day when children start to hate learning because school put them off it for life (this already happens in some cases). Plus, without education teaching people how to reason things out and teaching them how to separate what is fact from what is faulty evidence, then our society will become more and more ignorant until a smarter country simply marches over and takes our country from under out ignorant noses.

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What Is Education For?

Read an excerpt from a new book by Sir Ken Robinson and Kate Robinson, which calls for redesigning education for the future.

Student presentation

What is education for? As it happens, people differ sharply on this question. It is what is known as an “essentially contested concept.” Like “democracy” and “justice,” “education” means different things to different people. Various factors can contribute to a person’s understanding of the purpose of education, including their background and circumstances. It is also inflected by how they view related issues such as ethnicity, gender, and social class. Still, not having an agreed-upon definition of education doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it or do anything about it.

We just need to be clear on terms. There are a few terms that are often confused or used interchangeably—“learning,” “education,” “training,” and “school”—but there are important differences between them. Learning is the process of acquiring new skills and understanding. Education is an organized system of learning. Training is a type of education that is focused on learning specific skills. A school is a community of learners: a group that comes together to learn with and from each other. It is vital that we differentiate these terms: children love to learn, they do it naturally; many have a hard time with education, and some have big problems with school.

Cover of book 'Imagine If....'

There are many assumptions of compulsory education. One is that young people need to know, understand, and be able to do certain things that they most likely would not if they were left to their own devices. What these things are and how best to ensure students learn them are complicated and often controversial issues. Another assumption is that compulsory education is a preparation for what will come afterward, like getting a good job or going on to higher education.

So, what does it mean to be educated now? Well, I believe that education should expand our consciousness, capabilities, sensitivities, and cultural understanding. It should enlarge our worldview. As we all live in two worlds—the world within you that exists only because you do, and the world around you—the core purpose of education is to enable students to understand both worlds. In today’s climate, there is also a new and urgent challenge: to provide forms of education that engage young people with the global-economic issues of environmental well-being.

This core purpose of education can be broken down into four basic purposes.

Education should enable young people to engage with the world within them as well as the world around them. In Western cultures, there is a firm distinction between the two worlds, between thinking and feeling, objectivity and subjectivity. This distinction is misguided. There is a deep correlation between our experience of the world around us and how we feel. As we explored in the previous chapters, all individuals have unique strengths and weaknesses, outlooks and personalities. Students do not come in standard physical shapes, nor do their abilities and personalities. They all have their own aptitudes and dispositions and different ways of understanding things. Education is therefore deeply personal. It is about cultivating the minds and hearts of living people. Engaging them as individuals is at the heart of raising achievement.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights emphasizes that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,” and that “Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Many of the deepest problems in current systems of education result from losing sight of this basic principle.

Schools should enable students to understand their own cultures and to respect the diversity of others. There are various definitions of culture, but in this context the most appropriate is “the values and forms of behavior that characterize different social groups.” To put it more bluntly, it is “the way we do things around here.” Education is one of the ways that communities pass on their values from one generation to the next. For some, education is a way of preserving a culture against outside influences. For others, it is a way of promoting cultural tolerance. As the world becomes more crowded and connected, it is becoming more complex culturally. Living respectfully with diversity is not just an ethical choice, it is a practical imperative.

There should be three cultural priorities for schools: to help students understand their own cultures, to understand other cultures, and to promote a sense of cultural tolerance and coexistence. The lives of all communities can be hugely enriched by celebrating their own cultures and the practices and traditions of other cultures.

Education should enable students to become economically responsible and independent. This is one of the reasons governments take such a keen interest in education: they know that an educated workforce is essential to creating economic prosperity. Leaders of the Industrial Revolution knew that education was critical to creating the types of workforce they required, too. But the world of work has changed so profoundly since then, and continues to do so at an ever-quickening pace. We know that many of the jobs of previous decades are disappearing and being rapidly replaced by contemporary counterparts. It is almost impossible to predict the direction of advancing technologies, and where they will take us.

How can schools prepare students to navigate this ever-changing economic landscape? They must connect students with their unique talents and interests, dissolve the division between academic and vocational programs, and foster practical partnerships between schools and the world of work, so that young people can experience working environments as part of their education, not simply when it is time for them to enter the labor market.

Education should enable young people to become active and compassionate citizens. We live in densely woven social systems. The benefits we derive from them depend on our working together to sustain them. The empowerment of individuals has to be balanced by practicing the values and responsibilities of collective life, and of democracy in particular. Our freedoms in democratic societies are not automatic. They come from centuries of struggle against tyranny and autocracy and those who foment sectarianism, hatred, and fear. Those struggles are far from over. As John Dewey observed, “Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife.”

For a democratic society to function, it depends upon the majority of its people to be active within the democratic process. In many democracies, this is increasingly not the case. Schools should engage students in becoming active, and proactive, democratic participants. An academic civics course will scratch the surface, but to nurture a deeply rooted respect for democracy, it is essential to give young people real-life democratic experiences long before they come of age to vote.

Eight Core Competencies

The conventional curriculum is based on a collection of separate subjects. These are prioritized according to beliefs around the limited understanding of intelligence we discussed in the previous chapter, as well as what is deemed to be important later in life. The idea of “subjects” suggests that each subject, whether mathematics, science, art, or language, stands completely separate from all the other subjects. This is problematic. Mathematics, for example, is not defined only by propositional knowledge; it is a combination of types of knowledge, including concepts, processes, and methods as well as propositional knowledge. This is also true of science, art, and languages, and of all other subjects. It is therefore much more useful to focus on the concept of disciplines rather than subjects.

Disciplines are fluid; they constantly merge and collaborate. In focusing on disciplines rather than subjects we can also explore the concept of interdisciplinary learning. This is a much more holistic approach that mirrors real life more closely—it is rare that activities outside of school are as clearly segregated as conventional curriculums suggest. A journalist writing an article, for example, must be able to call upon skills of conversation, deductive reasoning, literacy, and social sciences. A surgeon must understand the academic concept of the patient’s condition, as well as the practical application of the appropriate procedure. At least, we would certainly hope this is the case should we find ourselves being wheeled into surgery.

The concept of disciplines brings us to a better starting point when planning the curriculum, which is to ask what students should know and be able to do as a result of their education. The four purposes above suggest eight core competencies that, if properly integrated into education, will equip students who leave school to engage in the economic, cultural, social, and personal challenges they will inevitably face in their lives. These competencies are curiosity, creativity, criticism, communication, collaboration, compassion, composure, and citizenship. Rather than be triggered by age, they should be interwoven from the beginning of a student’s educational journey and nurtured throughout.

From Imagine If: Creating a Future for Us All by Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D and Kate Robinson, published by Penguin Books, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2022 by the Estate of Sir Kenneth Robinson and Kate Robinson.

Why Is Education Important in Our Life? (40+ Great Answers)

What is the purpose of education in our life?

Why is it so important?

Table of Contents

It is the key to supporting a broad understanding of systems

Education in its purest form is expansive in nature, it is the foundation on which we build everything else, education can open doors to unlimited opportunities, it is the key to bringing us out of the dark ages, education has the power to change lives, education is so important to a person and to society, education can improve your life and the lives of others around you, it empowers you to answer questions, education is not about memorizing facts and numbers, education is a powerful tool, education is imperative in today’s society, education gives people access to learning, education is one of the most defining aspects of one’s life – if not the most important., education sharpens your skills, it gives you the ability to think independently, education develops critical thinking, education comes with many benefits, frequently asked questions .

Dr. Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones

Founder, Green Ivy Schools

We, especially our children, are facing some of history’s greatest challenges. The world is increasingly complex, seamless and dynamic. Education is the vehicle for ensuring that we can navigate this complexity with understanding, collaboration, and problem-solving across cultures and languages.

Education is essential for our children to address global warming, increased vulnerability to disease, the increasingly rapid development of technologies and the accompanying need for ethical governance and protections.

It is the key to ensuring that in an age of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, human potential and contribution is maximized.

The future requires much more than a simple knowledge of facts and basic skills. Education is the tool for building a society that can interpret, analyze, and think critically and creatively through unpredictable challenges across disciplines. The future demands solutions across disciplines rather than in silos of expertise.

Education will be the key to supporting a broad understanding of systems and the way in which all disciplines work in tandem. 

Josie Urbistondo, Ph.D.

Josie Urbistondo

Educator, University of Miami | Founder, Write Your Acceptance, Inc.

Education allows individuals to fully participate in our world in two major ways. From a knowledge perspective, a comprehensive education exposes people to a shared sense of identity, purpose, and language.

We learn how to move within social and professional spaces, and at its best education deepens our emotional and psychological intelligence. We learn to be more empathetic to difference, compassionate to our self and flexible with our view of the world.

Education in its purest form is expansive in nature. The opposite would be narrow indoctrination where you learn a sliver of half-truths and believe that one idea needs to blanket all experiences at any cost.

From a social perspective is the aspect of belonging. Being educated affords us a shared set of cultural and historical references from Greek mythology to the connection between the War of the Roses and Game of Thrones. Education creates an archive of references that then makes even our leisure experiences richer.

Yolanda Newton

Yolanda Newton

Educator & Director, Education Revolution

Education is vital in our life because it is the foundation on which we build everything else. First, though, let’s eliminate the notion that education is something formal linked to an institution. It’s not. Classrooms are not the start or end of human education.

Simply put, education is being enlightened to new thoughts, ideas, or potential. It might be achieved in a systematic formal way, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Education is when the mind grows and expands.

It doesn’t matter what someone wants to do; it will involve education. Besides the innate knowledge, we have as babies–for example that that gravity isn’t something to mess with–we’re clean slates.

If a human wants to try, achieve, or participate in something, they have to learn how.. That first time a baby realizes they want to be able to get to the table and grab that toy themselves, they decide to educate themselves on the process of crawling. Looking around they’ll soon realize there is a quicker way to get what they want–walking. And thus that milestone of progress begins.

For our entire lives, humans can desire to do something new or do something differently. It’s human nature to see problems and try to solve them, to see mountains and try to climb them, to see a void and fill it.

And while we might all focus on different things, and learn in different ways, education is the only way to accomplish anything new, to improve, or grow. We must shed light on the darkness to see where we are going.

So if it is someone learning to decorate cakes, an architecture student, a kid on a bike, or a physicist contemplating the matter of the galaxy, education is the backbone of what will lead them to success.

Carol Gee. M.A.

Retired Educator & Author, Venus Chronicles

With the high cost of college today and rising student loan obligations, many are questioning whether it is important and the expense worth it. However, I am a witness to how far a person can possibly go with education.

My story. I always intended to go to college, taking all the college prep classes offered in high school. Then one day my mom retired from her civil service job in a big city and announced we would be moving to her small hometown in Virginia.

Alas, I was entering my senior year in high school. A factory town, jobs were limited upon graduation so I accepted a dead-end job at the local shoe factory.

With no money to go to college, I felt I was destined to factory life forever. While I am not knocking factory work, I wanted more.

One day on break, I saw an ad for the Air Force. Taking the entrance exam and entering military service my life took a turn for the better.

Earning bachelors and masters degrees courtesy of GI Bill (no student loans) my positions and careers have included a short stint as a mental health counselor, adjunct professors at colleges/universities in the US and abroad, nearly 24 years as a university administrator and today a published author and freelance writer.

Besides jobs, having an education teaches you many life long skills such as how to communicate with others, introduces folks to educators and other scholars that have had major influences on our world and lives today. It did this for me.

Deborah Radford-Sweeting

Adjunct Professor, South Mountain Community College, and Grand Canyon University

When I think of education, I am forced to look at our history of species. We have made mistake after mistake, but “ good ” education was the key to bringing us out of the dark ages (literally). Education is synonymous with knowledge and wisdom. I would characterize good education as the following:

Knowledge of oneself that gives you a sense of identity.

For example, there is widespread movement in the African-American community to research their family history.

Knowledge of others that gives you a sense of purpose and allows you to relate to someone outside of your tribe/culture.

These are the most basic notions of human philosophies and arguably the most important. Formal education has been regarded as the highest ranking kind, however independently seeking out wisdom from the coffers of historical books and current philosophers is a good place to start. And I would rather live in this world with a person who is open to knowledge and wisdom than one that is not.

Related: What Is the Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom?

A good education is important to help us get along and most would agree that we need that now more than ever!

William Wadsworth

William Wadsworth

Researcher | Author | Speaker | Podcast Host,  Exam Study Expert

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Josaia Marr, who retired from his post as one of Shell’s Chief Executive and Managing Directors some years ago.

The story of how he reached the top table of corporate life was truly remarkable: as a native Fijian, he had not only had to break through the “bamboo ceiling” early in his career but before even that, he had had to fight hard to get a quality education, as a child of a third-world village with no electricity or running water.

The difference between the world Josaia came from and the one he was to succeed in is beautifully illustrated by the following anecdote he tells.

He was aged 11 and had just won a prestigious scholarship to the boarding school on Fiji. He walked into the ironing room in his first week to find, to his bemusement, none of the coconut shells he was used to setting light to in the belly of a great metal iron to generate heat to de-crease clothes.

Instead, “fire” seemed to be coming down wires from sockets in the walls. Entranced, he stuck his finger into one of the holes. He got quite the shock – literally, as well as intellectually!

His fascination with science was kindled and coupled with his passion for education as a whole and a thirst to succeed in life, he did well at school and landed a rare university scholarship in Australia.

The power of education eventually transformed a boy who’d never seen an electric iron into a world-leading businessman. Education has the power to change lives – and the data shows it’s not just Josaia who has benefited.

Education makes us smarter.

Each additional year of education increases intelligence by 1-5 IQ points.

Education makes us healthier.

Each additional year of education increases life expectancy at age 35 by as much as 1.7 years.

Education makes us richer.

For every extra year that you spend in education beyond secondary school, you can expect to add 11%-13% to your paycheck. For example, data from the current US population survey shows those with a Bachelor’s degree earn on average $1,137 per week, compared to the average high school graduate on $678.

Josaia’s story shows that quality education is one of the great leveling forces in society: you may have to fight tooth and nail at every step like he did, but if you’re committed to bettering your lot in life, nothing is beyond your reach.

Erin Goodnow

Erin Goodnow

Founder, CEO and Admissions Consultant, Going Ivy

My son is learning to read, sounding out words like C-A-T or B-O-X. He sees these same words again and again, and he doesn’t have to sound it out. He just reads them. He reads more. He is so proud of himself and calls himself a reader. He confidently tells friends that he can read.

Education, whether formal or informal, has its wonderful benefits of giving a person a higher starting salary or more options for moving up in her career, but there are altruistic reasons that education is so important to a person and to society.

We can raise the next generation to be confident by educating them and praising them for what they’re learning.

We can better appreciate excellence in art, science, sports, math, music or anything if we understand it. We can engage with others in a more meaningful way.

We can learn discipline by becoming educated in any subject.

We can satisfy an innate sense of curiosity about the world and discover not only our strengths but also our passions.

It breaks down boundaries.

Higher education often comes with breaking down boundaries and being exposed to more people of different perspectives outside of our home or immediate neighborhood.

This is a wonderful benefit of education because we can gain a social intelligence and awareness of how other people work and learn and judge and lead, and in turn, we can be more self-aware of how we do the same.

Dan Thorpe

Music Teacher | Founder, Guitar Domination

As someone who has worked in education and currently teaches people of retirement age how to play musical instruments and achieve recognized qualifications in music, I can share a unique perspective.

Education for the elderly is often ignored by society at large but has an important role to play within society itself. Many elderly people lack a lot of confidence to learn and try new things but the ones that do often improve their lives and the lives of others around them.

This is shown by my students who go from never having played a musical instrument in their lives and sometimes living an isolated life to being someone who is reinvigorated by life, makes new friends and is ready to take on new skills.

They often become members of music clubs such as guitar or ukulele clubs and even perform live gigs to other retired people or charities. These students become role models for other members of society which include their friends of a similar age and their young family members such as grandchildren.

It is important for all of society that the elder generation are happy, vibrant and living life to the full rather the hermit-like grumpy image many in society give them. The inspiring image of the former helps everyone in society and not just a happy older person.

From something as simple as casual music education, the above can be achieved and an independent, happy and joyful older generation can continue to thrive.

If society helped the older generation learn other things as well as music, such as learning another language (which is common in Sweden at retirement age) a sport, chess-clubs or more, then the world would surely be a better place.

Related: How to Change the World (45 Things You Can Actually Do)

David J. Demko, Ph.D.

Clinical Gerontologist

Education is important because of the following reasons:

  • It is knowledge gained, enabling you to answer your teacher’s questions.
  • The greatest thing about education is the wisdom gained, empowering you to question your teacher’s answers.
  • Democracy requires an educated society because freedom cannot ring from dumbbells.
  • Ignorance is the fertilizer that makes prejudice grow.
  • Micromanagement is the trademark of a micro-mind.
  • Lifelong learning is the vital sign sets the pulse of human progress.
  • What you learn today determines what you earn tomorrow.
  • What you earn is a large part of what you learn.

Shaan Patel

Shaan Patel

Founder & CEO,  Prep Expert

It is about giving ourselves the ability to engage the worlds around us, and within us, with clarity and action. Learning English and Literature, for example, isn’t about collecting a list of authors and knowing how to construct a sentence.

Those subjects teach every person how to grapple with the abstract sensations we all feel every day: thoughts, emotions, ideas.

Not only do we learn how to understand them for ourselves, but we see the commonality of them in all people, no matter where they come from or what their lives entail. Science and Math aren’t about memorizing formulas and facts. They exist to provide the language of reality around us and how it operates.

Furthermore, the fact that they are always changing and deepening shows that our urge to know more doesn’t end.

Shashank Shalabh, MBA, BS

Shashank Shalabh

CEO & CMO, OmniDigit

There is a famous quote in Sanskrit that translates into:

Education makes a person humble. Being humble makes a person noble. With nobility, money, and righteousness come. And these finally lead to peace.

In Retrospect…

Let’s examine our society for a minute. What’s the cause of violence, unhappiness, and overall chaos? We can always argue and cite various reasons for this – lack of money, or inequality. But all those reasons do not address the core of the issue.

A little introspection will reveal that it is “ignorance” that causes a disturbance in a healthy society. And what’s the cause of ignorance? Lack of education.

Please understand that when I use the word “ education “,  I am not referring to mere formal education that you can get in schools and colleges. My focus in a 360-degree growth of human beings – an educational approach that can make us think.

As human beings, what we receive in life is directly related to what we think and do. You can use the term “ karma ” to explain this aspect. In other words, every decision of ours has a direct impact on our future. Hurting or loving someone, supporting or abandoning someone, hugging or hitting someone…all these are results of a decision.

Often, our decisions happen in a fraction of a second. So if our minds (not just the brain) are trained to think clearly and analyze before “ acting ” upon a thought, most of the problems of the world would disappear.

Education is a powerful tool to address that core issue. It can develop a positive thought process in a child, thus allowing the child to think rationally before acting quickly.

How to start?

Imparting education is not only the responsibility of teachers. That’s where we go wrong. Education is not about “ reading ” books or memorizing things.

The best form of education is through observation, analysis, and experimentation.

Observe a small baby, and you will see these three things in “ action “. So, if parents are not setting an example of “ positive ” education, how can we expect a child to grow into a noble human being?

Parents, teachers, and almost each one of us has a moral responsibility to set good examples for the next generation. Think before you act. Ponder before you say something impulsively.

Related: The Benefits of Being a Teacher (According to Teachers)

Benefits of education

  • Good education creates positive, compassionate human beings and this is the very basis of a successful society, nation, and world.
  • Education is the foundation of success. Let’s join hands to create a movement to educate one and all for personal and moral growth.

Owner, Innovate House Buyers

Getting educated is imperative in today’s society, world economies, commerce, and business are excelling at rapid paces with new emerging technologies. The pace that information is shared is astounding and those who cannot adapt will be left behind. The centerpiece to staying relevant in this fast-paced environment is educating yourself on current trends and advances.

Many think that a formal education from an institution that leaves you with a degree is the key, but to the contrary, it isn’t. Having a degree is essential to being marketable but that is the tip of the iceberg.

Many millennials with multiple degrees are having difficult times acquiring jobs thinking that a degree or in some cases an advanced degree will secure their future.

You have to continue to add tools to your toolbelt to keep yourself in the game. Skills such as knowledge in technology, online marketing, networking, finance, and social media are a ground base of skills that you need to be adept in.

You can no longer be a one-trick pony in this world, the landscape is too competitive. The sharing of information is at an all-time high and through technology, you can gain these skills from places like Youtube, weekend or week-long Bootcamps, and Meetup groups.

A breakdown of the bare minimum things that everyone should know in today’s culture.

  • Technology. Having a general understanding of coding goes a long way, learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These are the foundational elements that make the web work in today’s Internet Age.
  • Online Marketing. Learn about SEO, SEM, and Online Advertising. Having an understanding of these areas will greatly enhance what you bring to the table when it comes to knowing how to drive traffic in the online world.
  • Networking.  With the advances that came along with technology also brought along the unwillingness of people wanting to rub elbows. You need to know how to interact with others in social atmospheres.
  • Finance. Knowing the driving factors of commerce is huge and finance is the cornerstone of it. Learn about Global Markets, different types of investing, Mutual Funds, ETF’s, Active vs Passive investing.
  • Social Media. Social Media isn’t all about seeing the current status of your friend’s lives, there is an explosion in the online influencer world, learning how to tap into this market is vital.

Marisa De Marco-Costanzo

Marisa De Marco-Costanzo

Executive Director and Co-Founder, Ivy & Quill Admission Essay Consulting and Editing Services

When one enters into the world, they have a unique set of DNA that accounts for their nature. Depending on location, society, socioeconomic background, and most importantly upbringing at home, one’s experience with nurture is shaped through early formative experiences that will either benefit or challenge them as they grow into young children, adolescents and later on into adults.

I believe that the only true factor into guiding an individual to live a decent and meaningful life is when they receive an education whether it is academically based, through life experience, or learned while on the job or by performing a task.

In the broadest sense, education is what gives people access to learning and when one learns something, they have the opportunity to acquire knowledge that can be processed, reflected upon, and recalled in a variety of circumstances and interpersonal relationships both personally and professionally.

In terms of scholastic education, when young children have a solid and positive foundation that instills the joy of learning through exploration and discovery, they start to form positive habits of becoming lifelong learners.

By the time they approach middle school, they are prepared to take on more sophisticated challenges when approaching a range of subject matter that can help them define their path of study along with rediscovering themselves within the world as they go through physical, emotional, and mental changes.

Equally important is one’s transition into high school. In today’s day and age where higher education has become tremendously costly, one may initially feel deterred to pursue a college education.

Yet if guided and supported by families, teachers, and the community, students can learn that there are many good organizations and scholarships out there that support college-bound students who strive for success upon their own merit.

Without having primary, secondary, and at the very least, undergraduate level education or vocational training, individuals will find themselves virtually “iced-out” of true possibility of financial stability as they enter into adulthood.

What the global community needs to understand is that education has to be at the forefront of our minds—starting within our homes, within school districts, society, and reaching up to the governing level. The day that we stop learning is the day that we stop living.

Tommaso Dolfi

Head of Marketing, Pathfinder

Apart from the obvious reason of preparing a student for the professional world, it serves a much broader scope. A good education should not only equip a student with specific knowledge but also provide a broader view of the possibilities available in today’s world, widening the horizons of the students.

As of today, the traditional concept of education as a step well defined in time and duration towards a profession is no longer valid.

The ever-changing world we live in now, fast-paced and constantly progressing, demands for life-long learning in order to keep updated with the latest trends, technologies, and tools that can help us to become better suited and more effective in the pursuit of a fulfilling career.

Education becomes then all the more important, for it is no more a single step to face in order to reach a profession, a box to tick once done, but rather an on-going process that’s closely linked to self-development.

It’s no longer about acquiring technical or vocational skills – instead, it’s about empowering students with a toolbox of transferable knowledge that will contribute to forming their mindset.

At a later stage, it’s about nurturing the skills and knowledge already mastered to develop a better understanding of the world and where it’s headed.

The most difficult challenge is to ensure that there are tools to support learners as they go through education, which is what we do at Pathfinder, as our vision is to provide a platform that leads students to find and prepare for a fulfilling career.

We believe that self-development, career-development, and education shouldn’t be perceived as siloed stages of life anymore. They are different aspects of the developing journey, intertwined and equally important.

Seth Kravitz

Seth Kravitz


So many people are faced with the problem of having the passion for something, but lacking the key skills they need to take it from hobby to profession. Think about the famous Abraham Lincoln quote for a second, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

A lack of proper education is like working with a dull axe. Sure, you will eventually accomplish your goal, but it will take you far longer and dramatically more effort.

Education sharpens your skills and even though you get off to a delayed start, you catch up and pass those who skipped it in short matter of time.

Chhavi Agarwal

Chhavi Agarwal

Lawyer | Freelance Writer and Blogger, Mrs. Daaku Studio

In my opinion, there are three reasons why education is so important in life:

First, education gives you the exposure and the ability to think independently that you require in life to succeed on all fronts. It helps you in creating opinions and distinguishing right from wrong.

Secondly, it helps you develop a unique perspective in life along with building confidence in your skills. This helps you in dealing with difficult situations in a sound and rational manner.

Thirdly, education helps you get innovative and creative. Let me give you one example – as a student, I was quick to make money writing articles for publications and covering some expenses. Similarly, I know of college students, who work as a virtual assistant and earn $1-2k a month which helps them pay student debt sooner than others.

Byron Tully

Byron Tully

Author,  The Old Money Book

Aside from offering increased professional opportunities and the chance to make more money, education has some less tangible, but just as important, effects.

One is that we are presented with context, with history, with a realization that we are not the first generation to be unhappy with the status quo, to protest, to seek a better world. We get a sense of our present in relation to the past, and we can better frame the future.

On a personal level, we can also realize that we are not the first person to feel alone, vulnerable, or afraid. Literature, with its characters and stories, can shine a light on our troubles and perhaps make them more manageable. “Wow, that’s just how I feel!” is something more than one person has said after reading a line of Shakespeare.

Another major element of education is the development of critical thinking. This ability, to see the more complex and nuanced aspects of an issue, opinion, or challenge, is key. It plays a vital role as we make choices, personal, professional, and political.

Zach Smith

Digital Marketer | Founder, CollegeNotRequired

In today’s constantly evolving world, it’s more important than ever to stay educated. Education comes with many benefits that you can apply to both your career and personal life.

You are keeping your brain active and healthy

By consistently learning, you are keeping your brain active and healthy. Not to mention, education provides you with new skills and the confidence to tackle new projects.

Thankfully, you can find a ton of educational resources for free online to get you started with almost any subject.

It provides motivation

Also, I believe the most beneficial aspect of education is the motivation it provides. One of the best ways to avoid feeling ‘stagnated’, or like you’re not going anywhere, is to learn something new and set goals for yourself.

There’s nothing that feels better than achieving a goal from scratch. So if you’re ever feeling stuck, it’s probably a good idea to dive into something you’ve always wanted to learn.

Education can help you find new ways to enhance your life

You might find a new hobby, or even a cause you’re passionate about! Personally, I became enthralled by the government and politics when I was in high school.

I put a lot of time and effort into learning how our government functioned (and a whole lot of history). I’ve since put in hundreds of hours of volunteer work for various political campaigns, which has paved the way for a lot of opportunities to open up.

Is formal education the only way to learn?

No, formal education is not the only way to learn. Formal education does provide structured learning experiences and recognized credentials, but individuals can also learn in other ways, such as:

Informal learning:  Informal learning refers to learning outside of formal education, such as at work, in volunteer activities, or in hobbies. Informal learning can be as valuable as formal education because it gives individuals practical skills and real-world experience.

Self-directed learning:  Self-directed learning refers to learning that occurs on the individual’s own initiative and direction, without the guidance of a teacher or formal curriculum.

Self-directed learning can be an effective means of pursuing one’s own interests and passions and acquiring knowledge and skills on one’s own terms.

Online learning:  Online learning refers to learning that occurs over the Internet on platforms such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), webinars, and podcasts. Online learning can be a convenient and flexible way to learn, giving individuals access to many resources and learning opportunities.

Is it ever too late to pursue education?

No, it’s never too late to continue your education. Whether you have just graduated from high school or are a seasoned professional, there are many opportunities to continue learning and growing.

Lifelong learning is essential to personal growth and development, and anyone can benefit from it at any age.

Adult learners can start with continuing education programs, professional development courses, certifications, or even online courses. These options can be balanced with work schedules, family priorities, and adult responsibilities.

Many universities even offer flexible evening or weekend courses designed specifically to fit adult learners’ schedules. Remember, it’s important to be clear about your goals and passions and look for educational opportunities that align with them.

Whether you’re looking to advance your career, learn new skills, or simply pursue a personal interest, there are options available to help you achieve your educational goals at any stage of life.

What can I do to support education in my community?

– Volunteering at a local school or library – Donating to charities and organizations that support education – Participating in school- board meetings and advocating for quality education – Mentoring and tutoring students in need – Encouraging friends and family members to prioritize education and pursue lifelong learning

What challenges does education face?

Access:  Millions of children and youth around the world lack access to quality education due to factors such as poverty, conflict, and discrimination.

Quality:  Many education systems fail to provide quality education, resulting in poor learning outcomes and limited opportunities for students.

Relevance:  Education systems often fail to adapt to the changing needs of society and the economy, leading to a skills gap and a mismatch between education and the labor market.

Equity:  Education systems often perpetuate inequality by favoring certain groups over others based on factors such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Cost:  Education can be expensive, and many individuals and families cannot afford to pay for it, leading to limited opportunities for those who need it most.

Is education a lifelong process?

Yes, education is a lifelong process. Learning does not stop when a person completes their formal education or achieves a degree.

Learning is a continuous process that can happen anytime, anywhere, and in many ways. People can continue to enrich their knowledge through books, news, podcasts, videos, and online courses.

Continuing education helps individuals pursue their interests, hobbies, or passions, leading to a better work-life balance, reducing stress, and adding meaning and fulfillment to life. It also helps individuals stay informed about social issues and participate actively as citizens.

As the world continues to evolve and new knowledge is acquired, it is vital for people to continually educate themselves to keep up with the changes around them and succeed in their personal lives and careers.

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Importance Of Education Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

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Merriam - Webster defines “Education” as the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated. Education involves learning new skills and acquiring knowledge to have a better understanding of different disciplines. Here are a few sample essays on the importance of education.

  • 100 Words Essay on The Importance of Education

Education is an important element in an individual's life to go ahead and find success . Parents, schools, and universities play a vital role in educating an individual. Education instils confidence, self-acceptance, and self-worth and makes a person more aware of their surroundings and issues faced by the world. In this competitive world, it is a must for an individual to be educated. Self-confidence is found more in an educated individual than in one who is uneducated. It helps people to improve their skills and work on better opportunities to make a living. Educated individuals are an asset to the nation and help a nation to grow.

200 Words Essay on The Importance of Education

500 words essay on the importance of education.

Importance Of Education Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Education brings change and it helps an individual to understand their rights and responsibilities towards their family, society, nation, and world. It helps an individual to view the world and situation from a different perspective and fight against violence, injustice, corruption, and various other mishappenings. It makes a person more stable and wise. One can improve their chance of getting job opportunities with the aid of their expertise and degree. It opens several opportunities in various fields for an individual.

Education teaches a person to be self-sufficient. It brings equality to society. If everyone chooses to be educated, there will be equality among individuals and no one will look down on others with disrespect. Education makes a person productive and helps them to contribute to society efficiently. An educated person is an asset to society as well as the nation . It can be said that education is a staircase for a person's, society's, and nation's achievement and development. The future of a nation is dependent on the education of the present generation. It plays a significant influence in making and developing us, making us more optimistic about life and its objectives. An educated person tends to live a more meaningful and purposeful life than an uneducated individual.

Franz Grillparzer once said, “The uneducated person perceives only the individual phenomenon, the partly educated person the rule, and the educated person the exception". Education is necessary for individuals. It is one of the basic rights of an individual. It expedites quality learning and also inculcates belief, skills, knowledge, value, and moral habits. Education makes an individual’s life better and more peaceful. The first step of education is to teach an individual to write and read. Education makes people aware and literate. It opens the door to employment and certainly helps people to make a better living. It also improves and refines the communication skills of a person. It educates an individual to use the resources available to them pragmatically. One of the noteworthy aspects of education is its importance in spreading knowledge in society. The knowledge is passed from one generation to another when a person is educated. It is not one person who is educated but through one many are educated. It is a ray of light and hope for a better life.

Personality Development

Education makes a person socially, mentally, and intellectually strong as it increases knowledge level, and improves technical skills . It helps them to secure a better position in the corporate and educational sectors. It is a tool that benefits throughout life. Education plays an important role in the modern technological world. Education is not tough and costly like in earlier days when only rich people could afford to get their children educated and trained. There are many ways to enhance the education level in the present century. The whole criteria of getting educated have changed in this modernised era.

Education is now accessible to an individual of any age group. It is said that it is better late than never. Age limit can never be a barrier if the mind of a person is not limited. Schools have opened a curriculum in which a person can undergo homeschooling. Various distance learning programs are opened by Universities all over the world. We can study through the means of distance learning programs after high school while pursuing a job. The academic fee has also been made feasible to make the courses accessible for every individual.

Non-Governmental Organisations and Governmental organisations run various drives in which they come to an area and teach students . Parents and teachers play an important role in an individual’s life to help them to become well-educated people. It develops people's minds and removes a great barrier in society. It makes people noble and perfect. It enhances personal advancements, increases social health and progress, and economical progress.

Educated individuals are the asset of any nation . Through them, a nation advances as education removes the barrier of mindsets, provides knowledge and information, and makes a person a good listener and well-mannered. It provides an individual with a unique standard in life and prepares them to solve any family, social, national, and international level problems. Education helps in financial and mental stability and self–dependency. It instals confidence in a person which is one of the finest aspects of success and also boosts self–assurance.

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Why is Education Important? 11 Reasons it Matters in Your Life

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In our free country, where we pride ourselves on being able to make our own choices, why is it  required by law  that children attend school between the ages of six and 16?

There are a few arguments out there as to why receiving an education  shouldn’t  be mandated by law:

Children could simply be taught their family’s trade from a young age and earn a living wage through that knowledge, right? Is education is a form of political control? By having the freedom of speech and thought, children should also have the fundamental right to control what information enters their minds. Schooling is really just a tool for assimilation, so everyone is the same.

We all know that the world is facing challenges unique to our times. The world continues to become increasingly complex, and having an education helps ensure that people understand that they need to maneuver through this complexity using problem-solving and collaboration. 

Back in the 1500s, these laws began to be put into place to make sure that everyone could read the Bible, among other religious reasons around the world. In 1852, compulsory education laws began to be enacted in the United States, and they still stand strong today.

Although the reasons for getting an education have evolved, people have always known that education is important. The benefits of education are indisputable, both for each individual student and for our society’s future.

Table of Contents

How We Sometimes Undervalue Education

So, why is it that we put this overarching sense of importance on education, but in reality, people truly undervalue it?

One of the main ways that the undervaluing of education can be seen is through teachers’ universally low salaries. The government and the media seem to ignore the hard work and sacrifices teachers make to ensure children are given the best opportunity to succeed.

While some focus on the shorter hours of a school day and the summers off, we forget about the time teachers spend on lesson planning, grading papers, and completing administrative forms. Nor do we recognize the personal money teachers end up spending on educational materials the schools won’t provide.

However, we expect teachers to do the critical task of preparing our youth to take over and manage the world one day. Dedicated and hard-working teachers are undervalued, and the importance of the outcome of their work is often forgotten.

Furthermore, when considering  what people will do in other countries to receive an education , it is astounding that  our truancy rates are so high . In Tanzania, 8-year-olds walk 90 minutes both to and from school to gain an education, and in Zimbabwe, children are so motivated to learn that some leave their homes at 4:00 am to get to school by 7:00 am. 

Students in China  see their education as a privilege and respect their responsibility to learn to be successful adults.

This article will look at 11 reasons why education is critical on both a personal level and as a society . Whether that means formal education after high school or committing yourself to being a lifelong learner through self-education, the value of knowledge is immeasurable and, once gained, is something that can never be taken away from you. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why education is so important.

11 Reasons Why Education Is Important

1. increased job opportunities.

Yes, this is certainly a factor that perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as those who do not have access to a quality education are much less likely to earn a living wage than those who do. But getting a diploma is indeed a requirement for obtaining certain jobs. The  US Bureau of Labor Statistics  shows us that the rate of unemployment drops with each higher rank of education that a person earns. We will cover this in more detail below.

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Many jobs require applicants to have a minimum level of education to get an interview. If you already meet the educational requirements, exceeding these by having advanced degrees or certifications in a related subject will boost your likelihood of landing a job.

Once you've been offered a job, you will still benefit from your education. Higher education is often required for promotions, and by continuing your education even once you’re employed, you'll be eligible for those higher-paying job opportunities.

2. Ability to Think Critically

In the past, education focused on the ability to retain and recite information. Problem-solving was limited to math, and science classes were the only place where experiments were performed. Over time, learning progressed toward developing skills to prepare students to navigate the world outside of school.

Your critical thinking skills embody your ability to think for yourself, problem-solve, analyze information, integrate various sources of knowledge, and make decisions.  Studies have shown  that writing is the most effective way to improve critical thinking skills, and when equipped with these skills, people are better prepared to problem-solve in life and be productive, engaged citizens.

Students today face a steady cascade of information, especially from the internet, friends, and media, making it increasingly evident that they must know how to evaluate what they hear to determine any ideas that are false and look beyond the surface. Through brainstorming and discussions that occur in educational settings, students can enhance their abilities to think critically.

Check out this list of critical thinking questions to help you examine new information.

3. Increases a Passion for Learning

People are born with a passion for learning, as evidenced by babies’ relentless walking attempts and curiosity about everything in their surroundings. Teachers are attempting to keep this motivation alive by teaching using a “passion-based” method while students are still at an age where the information they’re learning is decided for them.

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For example,  one school in Minnesota  taught using passion-based learning for a 10th-grade project. For the year-long project, students were asked to explore their own interests in order to meet the standards of learning. Each student researched and investigated a topic of their choice and wrote a ten-page paper recounting their research. As part of the project, each student identified an issue within their area of interest and took action to try to solve the problem.

One student with a passion for computer science collected enough electronic waste to fill two semi-trucks, reducing the waste that goes to landfills. Another student, who grew up in foster care, advocated for foster families to have access to more resources when opening their home to a child. All of the students used their experiences from their research to help solve community problems through their engagement in service-learning.

While not every student will gain a deep passion for learning while in school, the act of learning is the only thing that can ignite this passion to carry on past infancy and into adulthood.

If you're looking to set goals for the next school year,  here are some SMART goals examples for teachers .

4. Economic Growth

There is a lot of emphasis placed on “human capital” in our global economy for economic growth, which refers to the contribution that people can make. Each person's contribution to the economy's growth depends on their unique knowledge, training, skills, and competencies. Because of this, developing people’s skills and knowledge in any given field is a principle strategy for promoting economic growth.

Further, working and trading with other countries requires competition, and economically successful countries typically have some type of competitive advantage over those that aren’t.

A developed country can usually offer expertise in various industries, allowing them to have these competitive advantages in the global marketplace, and a big factor in determining the potential success of a country’s economy is the education and training of their workforce.

5. It Provides a Foundation for Knowledge

Your education lays the foundation for all of the knowledge you gain in life. And it’s important to eradicate the idea that education can only be something formal connected to an institution–classrooms are neither the beginning nor the end of education. Education is any enlightenment to new ideas, theories, or concepts. While this is often acquired in an academic, systematic way, this is not the only way your mind can grow.

Just like we self-educate as babies, when we realize we can lift ourselves and pick up toys, people can continue to educate themselves through resources such as  Skillshare ,  Udemy , and  Coursera . People also self-educate by watching videos on YouTube,  listening to educational podcasts , and reading. People can have the desire to do something new or differently at any point in their lives, and there are certainly resources out there to help meet this need.

It’s natural to want to solve a problem that you see, and while everyone may focus on their own subject or industry and  learn in a variety of ways , education is the only means of figuring out how to accomplish new things and improving upon your existing skills. No matter how you gain the knowledge that you seek, it will help build the foundation for further learning.

6. Equality

If we want a world that is both fair and just, where everyone has an opportunity to live a successful life (no matter what that looks like to them), education is a must. When certain world populations are sequestered from receiving an education, the world becomes unjust.

However, when more diverse populations are enrolled in schools, teachers must take the backgrounds and needs of all of the children into consideration when teaching their classes.

reasons why education is so important | why education is very important in our life | why education is important for a country

Well-designed educational programs recognize the importance of diversity among students and teach in inclusive ways that don’t overlook anyone’s background. When children grow up in such an environment of acceptance, they carry that value with them into adulthood, creating more equality in the world.

As people move on into higher education, they’re often more exposed to people with differing opinions or belief systems, forcing people to further break down the boundaries of their own beliefs. By gaining an awareness of how other people work, lead, and learn, students  can become more self-aware  of their own methods of doing these things.

7. Helps Build a Social Network

Sharing a common experience is one of the best ways to meet people and build both a  personal and professional network . Education lets you gain this experience through interactions with people both in formal and informal learning environments. When you learn alongside others who share your interests, you can create a bond with them that will set the foundation for your social and professional circle.

Networking in this manner will help you cultivate and improve your relevant skills, keep up with the latest trends in your field, stay on top of the job market,  meet people who could be mentors , business partners, or clients, and access resources that will  help in your career development .

8. Builds Confidence

Being educated can help anyone  feel confident in social situations  when people have intellectual conversations. Also, when people learn, they gain confidence in trying new things. But beyond that, while education for the elderly is often put on the backburner, it plays an important role in society.

Many seniors lack the confidence to continue their education and learn new things, but those who make an effort to gain new knowledge can often improve their lives and build up their self-esteem.

Learning new things is an important part of keeping the brain active as we age, as the process of learning can keep the mind sharp and improve memory by sustaining brain cells and making sure brain pathways continue to communicate with each other properly. 

Studies show  that continuing education into the later years of life can help reduce age-related cognitive decline and help seniors improve their self-image and fight symptoms of depression.

9. Encourages Future Generations

Parents who value education and continue learning either in a formal or informal setting after having children demonstrate to their children the importance of lifelong learning. Aside from just telling children about the importance of being in school, these parents demonstrate that by continuing to enhance their knowledge without the requirement to do so.

Further, children of parents who value education tend to stay in school longer, have lower crime rates, and have higher career aspirations than children whose parents are less enthusiastic about learning.

10. Fights Boredom

Boredom can be dangerous for many people, as it has been linked to increased drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, depression, overeating, and other counterproductive coping mechanisms. However, when you challenge yourself to learn new things, you will experience less boredom, and it can prevent you from getting stuck in negative thought patterns and feelings.

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Being in environments that don’t provide some kind of challenge doesn’t just leave people bored, but it also leads to feelings of disinterest and reduces the likelihood that you will do anything to change the situation. And more importantly, boredom will never lead to innovation, and it certainly doesn’t help you improve upon your existing strengths.

Continuing your education in any way can fight this by giving you a constant challenge and helping you continuously grow. Chances are that the more you learn, the more you will  want  to learn.

(If you’re looking for a way to prevent your kids from getting bored,  pick an educational app that can engage them in learning . If you're the one getting bored,  here are some educational games and apps for adults .)

[Bored? Looking for something to do?  Check out this list of 217 fun things to do when bored .]

11. Improves Skills

Getting an education isn't just about receiving a diploma. Your time in high school, college, or graduate school allows you to learn advanced skills for being an independent adult. The longer you spend in school, the more refined your reading, writing, understanding, and communication skills will become. You will also gain computer skills increasingly required in our advanced technological society.

A thorough education subjects people to a communal sense of identity and purpose as we learn how to operate in social and professional situations. Further, education cultivates our emotional intelligence, allowing people to learn to be empathetic to the differences of others and flexible with our perception of the world.

As you get used to interacting with different types of people in any sort of educational setting, the social skills you gain will serve you well in life as you navigate the world.

[Want to learn some new skills? Discover  101 new skill ideas you can start today .]

How to Get Involved in Your Child's Education

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The most important figures for your child alongside their teacher is, of course, the parents. As a parent, you can significantly impact the progress your child makes academically. So, always strive to make positive contributions to your child's education by doing the following:

Education in Everyday Activities

Our day-to-day lives are filled with many opportunities to use education in our regular activities. Even using simple math when grocery shopping or learning new words when you go out to eat. All of these are small activities that can make a big impact. It is also a great way to reinforce and refresh what your child learns at school and in their current education system.

Homework Help

Don't let your children struggle to complete their homework on their own. Instead, make it an activity you can do together at home. Doing so offers your child encouragement and shows that you share a love of learning. This positive attitude will rub off on them and follow them through to higher education.

Participate in Extracurriculars

If there is something your child is interested in, then do what you can to encourage their growth in that area. Perhaps there is an after-school club they can join or a local group they can participate in outside of regular school hours.

Read Together

Reading is a very powerful skill and plays an important role in our lives. Reading for twenty minutes a night with your child can help spur their education, expand their vocabulary, and allows them to express themselves in different and more creative ways.

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

While many tend to focus more on the value and importance of primary school, high school education, and college education, we also have to continue to see the value of early childhood education as well.

It has been found that children who participate in an early childhood education system have improved social skills and do better in school than those who didn't receive this quality education. The early years for a young child are where we lay the groundwork for a successful future.

Early childhood education provides young children a base for quality education, lifelong learning, and life skills. It also teaches cognitive and social development that helps them enter modern society as they get older.

How Does Education Affect Employment and Society?

A higher education level can increase a person's chances of receiving a comparable wage and reduce the time it takes for unemployed people to find new employment. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics , “earnings increase and unemployment decreases as educational attainment rises.”

A proper education also helps people become better citizens, increases the literacy rate, helps you land a better job that pays more and shows the importance of hard work. Additionally, a quality education helps us grow and develop in our lives, so we can shape the society we want to live in.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Education

why is education important | why is education important essay | why is education important to society

Education is an essential component to ensure future generations can address issues such as widespread disease, global warming, the exponential development of technology, and the need for ethical leadership and the protection of all citizens. Education is also the key to ensuring that in our era of robotics and artificial intelligence, our potential as humans continues to be maximized.

Our future requires more than the required knowledge that people gain before entering their 20s. Education is the only way to build a society that can analyze, interpret, and problem-solve through unpredictable obstacles across all disciplines. The future will continue to demand unprecedented solutions to problems we have never faced as a society as we continue to enter uncharted territories.

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

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  • Essay on Importance of Education

Importance of Education Essay

Education is one of the key components for an individual’s success. It has the ability to shape one’s life in the right direction. Education is a process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, and developing the powers of reasoning and judgement. It prepares growing children intellectually for a life with more mature understanding and sensitivity to issues surrounding them. It improves not only the personal life of the people but also their community. Thus, one cannot neglect the significance of Education in life and society. Here, we have provided an essay on the Importance of Education. Students can use this essay to prepare for their English exam or as a speech to participate in the school competition.

Importance of Education

The importance of education in life is immense. It facilitates quality learning for people throughout their life. It inculcates knowledge, belief, skill, values and moral habits. It improves the way of living and raises the social and economic status of individuals. Education makes life better and more peaceful. It transforms the personality of individuals and makes them feel confident.

Well said by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. To elaborate, it is the foundation of the society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity and political stability. It gives power to people to put their views and showcase their real potential. It strengthens democracy by providing citizens with the tools to participate in the governance process. It acts as an integrative force to foster social cohesion and national identity.

In India, education is a constitutional right of every citizen. So, people of any age group, religion, caste, creed and region are free to receive education. An educated person is respected everywhere and well-treated in society. As a kid, every child dreams of being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, actor, sportsperson, etc. These dreams can come true through education. So, investment in education gives the best return. Well-educated people have more opportunities to get a better job which makes them feel satisfied.

In schools, education is divided into different levels, i.e., preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary. School education comprises traditional learning which provides students with theoretical knowledge. However, now various efforts are being made to establish inbuilt application-based learning by adding numerous experiments, practicals and extracurricular activities to the school curriculum. Students learn to read, write and represent their viewpoints in front of others. Also, in this era of digital Education, anyone can easily access information online at their fingertips. They can learn new skills and enhance their knowledge.

Steps Taken By Government To Promote Education

Education is evidently an important aspect that no government can ignore in order to ensure the equitable development of a nation. Unfortunately, some children still do not have access to education. The Government has thereby taken initiatives to improve education quality and made it accessible to everyone, especially the poor people.

The Government passed the Right to Education Act 2009 (RTE Act 2009) on 4 August 2009. This Act came into effect on 1 April 2010, following which education has become the fundamental right of every child in India. It provides free and compulsory elementary education to children of the age group of 6-14 years in a neighbourhood school within 1 km, up to Class 8 in India. On similar lines, there are other schemes launched by the government, such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Mid-Day Meal , Adult Education and Skill Development Scheme, National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme, National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Education, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutions, Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao, etc.

For our country’s growth, we require a well-educated population equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitude and skills. This can be achieved by spreading awareness about the importance of Education in rural areas. There is a famous saying that “If we feed one person, we will eliminate his hunger for only one time. But, if we educate a person, we will change his entire life”. Henceforth he will become capable of earning a livelihood by himself.

This essay on the Importance of Education must have helped students to improve their writing section for the English exam. They can also practice essays on other topics by visiting the CBSE Essay page. Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Education Essay

How can the literacy rate in india be increased.

People in rural areas must be informed about the importance of providing education to their children. Also, with the COVID-19 situation, the government should take steps by providing laptops/phones for children to follow online classes.

Are girl children still denied their right to get educated?

Although awareness has now improved, there are still many villages in India where girl children are not provided with proper education or allowed to enrol themselves in schools. This mentality has to change for the betterment of the society.

Teaching subjects/academics alone is enough, or should students be introduced to other forms of educational activities too?

Extracurricular activities, moral value education, etc., are also as important as regular academic teachings.

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Why Education Is Important to Me

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How Education Helps In Building Presence

Did you know that Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, one of India’s most successful businessmen is a college dropout? He dropped out…

How Education Helps In Building Presence

Did you know that Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, one of India’s most successful businessmen is a college dropout? He dropped out of Stanford University to join his father’s business. Like him, many successful people across the world are college dropouts. They make us mull over the question—what is the importance of education in our life?

Education And Its Importance

Most of us are under the impression that the role of education is to help us gain knowledge from schools and colleges. However, the power of education isn’t limited to acquiring knowledge only from formal learning institutes. Earning a formal degree isn’t a necessary step to receiving an education. Learning can happen anywhere. In other words, education is the ability to think with or without the help of classrooms. It helps us apply the knowledge we’ve acquired in the world and understand the value of life.

The power of education is so strong that it can last a lifetime. Moreover, education is a lifelong process because there is no end to learning new things and acquiring new knowledge. The role of education is to help us build opinions and have different perspectives in our lives. It not only helps us improve our lives; it also helps us utilize our knowledge to improve the lives of others.

Power Of Education

Education forms character strengthens minds and makes us independent beings. It helps us exercise our intelligence and put our potential to optimal use. ( sapns2 ) By championing the importance of good education, we open doors to a better world. You learn how to stand out in a crowd and articulate your visions clearly. Education helps you create a unique purpose.

Harappa Education’s Building Presence course is designed to help you put your education skills to the best use. The ‘Building a Brand’ model will help you learn the benefits of creating and chasing your unique purpose. The TEA (Trust, Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity) Skills framework will help you communicate your ideas with people in a compelling way while exhibiting confidence.

Importance Of Education In Our Life

The role of education is to teach us how to conduct ourselves in life by giving us a conscience. It makes us more certain and confident about our long-term goals in life.

Here are a few facts highlighting the importance of good education:

1. Spreads Awareness

Education helps develop a conscience and often helps us differentiate between right and wrong. The role of education is to question everything and not take anything at its face value. An educated mind usually pursues the logic behind actions and decisions.

2. Drives Progress

It’s because of the power of education that we can access a variety of opportunities.  From the industrial revolution days to the present technologically advanced era, education has helped us make the leap. Discoveries, inventions, and all social/technological progress are proof of embracing the importance of education in our life.

3. Improves Lives

The role of education is to help us gain better control of our lives. If you want to change your life for the better, education helps you do that. For example, you decide to start your own company. The power of education will help you reach this realization. It gives you the confidence to use your knowledge and skill-sets.

4. Empowers People

Education improves our decision-making capabilities and gives us the courage to stand up for our beliefs. The importance of education in our life is rooted in real-time examples like women standing up against domestic violence or transgender communities fighting for civil rights.

5.  Changes The World

We’ve already established that education is not only helping us but also others around us. You’re better aware of your rights and responsibilities as a citizen. If you feel empowered, you’ll want to empower others. To make better judgments and use your skills to make the world a better place is the power of education and its importance.

They say, “Instruction ends in the schoolroom but education only ends in life”. Let’s keep reminding ourselves of the importance of education in our lives and continue making the world a better place.

Explore the skills & topics such as  Social Skills ,  How to Improve Social Skills ,  Conversation Skills  & Key  Skills for a Job  from our Harappa Diaries blog section and be workplace ready.


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Eight brilliant student essays on what matters most in life.

Read winning essays from our spring 2019 student writing contest.

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For the spring 2019 student writing contest, we invited students to read the YES! article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age” by Nancy Hill. Like the author, students interviewed someone significantly older than them about the three things that matter most in life. Students then wrote about what they learned, and about how their interviewees’ answers compare to their own top priorities.

The Winners

From the hundreds of essays written, these eight were chosen as winners. Be sure to read the author’s response to the essay winners and the literary gems that caught our eye. Plus, we share an essay from teacher Charles Sanderson, who also responded to the writing prompt.

Middle School Winner: Rory Leyva

High School Winner:  Praethong Klomsum

University Winner:  Emily Greenbaum

Powerful Voice Winner: Amanda Schwaben

Powerful Voice Winner: Antonia Mills

Powerful Voice Winner:  Isaac Ziemba

Powerful Voice Winner: Lily Hersch

“Tell It Like It Is” Interview Winner: Jonas Buckner

From the Author: Response to Student Winners

Literary Gems

From A Teacher: Charles Sanderson

From the Author: Response to Charles Sanderson

Middle School Winner

Village Home Education Resource Center, Portland, Ore.

why is education important in your life essay

The Lessons Of Mortality 

“As I’ve aged, things that are more personal to me have become somewhat less important. Perhaps I’ve become less self-centered with the awareness of mortality, how short one person’s life is.” This is how my 72-year-old grandma believes her values have changed over the course of her life. Even though I am only 12 years old, I know my life won’t last forever, and someday I, too, will reflect on my past decisions. We were all born to exist and eventually die, so we have evolved to value things in the context of mortality.

One of the ways I feel most alive is when I play roller derby. I started playing for the Rose City Rollers Juniors two years ago, and this year, I made the Rosebud All-Stars travel team. Roller derby is a fast-paced, full-contact sport. The physicality and intense training make me feel in control of and present in my body.

My roller derby team is like a second family to me. Adolescence is complicated. We understand each other in ways no one else can. I love my friends more than I love almost anything else. My family would have been higher on my list a few years ago, but as I’ve aged it has been important to make my own social connections.

Music led me to roller derby.  I started out jam skating at the roller rink. Jam skating is all about feeling the music. It integrates gymnastics, breakdancing, figure skating, and modern dance with R & B and hip hop music. When I was younger, I once lay down in the DJ booth at the roller rink and was lulled to sleep by the drawl of wheels rolling in rhythm and people talking about the things they came there to escape. Sometimes, I go up on the roof of my house at night to listen to music and feel the wind rustle my hair. These unique sensations make me feel safe like nothing else ever has.

My grandma tells me, “Being close with family and friends is the most important thing because I haven’t

why is education important in your life essay

always had that.” When my grandma was two years old, her father died. Her mother became depressed and moved around a lot, which made it hard for my grandma to make friends. Once my grandma went to college, she made lots of friends. She met my grandfather, Joaquin Leyva when she was working as a park ranger and he was a surfer. They bought two acres of land on the edge of a redwood forest and had a son and a daughter. My grandma created a stable family that was missing throughout her early life.

My grandma is motivated to maintain good health so she can be there for her family. I can relate because I have to be fit and strong for my team. Since she lost my grandfather to cancer, she realizes how lucky she is to have a functional body and no life-threatening illnesses. My grandma tries to eat well and exercise, but she still struggles with depression. Over time, she has learned that reaching out to others is essential to her emotional wellbeing.  

Caring for the earth is also a priority for my grandma I’ve been lucky to learn from my grandma. She’s taught me how to hunt for fossils in the desert and find shells on the beach. Although my grandma grew up with no access to the wilderness, she admired the green open areas of urban cemeteries. In college, she studied geology and hiked in the High Sierras. For years, she’s been an advocate for conserving wildlife habitat and open spaces.

Our priorities may seem different, but it all comes down to basic human needs. We all desire a purpose, strive to be happy, and need to be loved. Like Nancy Hill says in the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” it can be hard to decipher what is important in life. I believe that the constant search for satisfaction and meaning is the only thing everyone has in common. We all want to know what matters, and we walk around this confusing world trying to find it. The lessons I’ve learned from my grandma about forging connections, caring for my body, and getting out in the world inspire me to live my life my way before it’s gone.

Rory Leyva is a seventh-grader from Portland, Oregon. Rory skates for the Rosebuds All-Stars roller derby team. She loves listening to music and hanging out with her friends.

High School Winner

Praethong Klomsum

  Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica, Calif.

why is education important in your life essay

Time Only Moves Forward

Sandra Hernandez gazed at the tiny house while her mother’s gentle hands caressed her shoulders. It wasn’t much, especially for a family of five. This was 1960, she was 17, and her family had just moved to Culver City.

Flash forward to 2019. Sandra sits in a rocking chair, knitting a blanket for her latest grandchild, in the same living room. Sandra remembers working hard to feed her eight children. She took many different jobs before settling behind the cash register at a Japanese restaurant called Magos. “It was a struggle, and my husband Augustine, was planning to join the military at that time, too.”

In the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” author Nancy Hill states that one of the most important things is “…connecting with others in general, but in particular with those who have lived long lives.” Sandra feels similarly. It’s been hard for Sandra to keep in contact with her family, which leaves her downhearted some days. “It’s important to maintain that connection you have with your family, not just next-door neighbors you talk to once a month.”

Despite her age, Sandra is a daring woman. Taking risks is important to her, and she’ll try anything—from skydiving to hiking. Sandra has some regrets from the past, but nowadays, she doesn’t wonder about the “would have, could have, should haves.” She just goes for it with a smile.

Sandra thought harder about her last important thing, the blue and green blanket now finished and covering

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her lap. “I’ve definitely lived a longer life than most, and maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I hope I can see the day my great-grandchildren are born.” She’s laughing, but her eyes look beyond what’s in front of her. Maybe she is reminiscing about the day she held her son for the first time or thinking of her grandchildren becoming parents. I thank her for her time and she waves it off, offering me a styrofoam cup of lemonade before I head for the bus station.

The bus is sparsely filled. A voice in my head reminds me to finish my 10-page history research paper before spring break. I take a window seat and pull out my phone and earbuds. My playlist is already on shuffle, and I push away thoughts of that dreaded paper. Music has been a constant in my life—from singing my lungs out in kindergarten to Barbie’s “I Need To Know,” to jamming out to Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” in sixth grade, to BTS’s “Intro: Never Mind” comforting me when I’m at my lowest. Music is my magic shop, a place where I can trade away my fears for calm.

I’ve always been afraid of doing something wrong—not finishing my homework or getting a C when I can do better. When I was 8, I wanted to be like the big kids. As I got older, I realized that I had exchanged my childhood longing for the 48 pack of crayons for bigger problems, balancing grades, a social life, and mental stability—all at once. I’m going to get older whether I like it or not, so there’s no point forcing myself to grow up faster.  I’m learning to live in the moment.

The bus is approaching my apartment, where I know my comfy bed and a home-cooked meal from my mom are waiting. My mom is hard-working, confident, and very stubborn. I admire her strength of character. She always keeps me in line, even through my rebellious phases.

My best friend sends me a text—an update on how broken her laptop is. She is annoying. She says the stupidest things and loves to state the obvious. Despite this, she never fails to make me laugh until my cheeks feel numb. The rest of my friends are like that too—loud, talkative, and always brightening my day. Even friends I stopped talking to have a place in my heart. Recently, I’ve tried to reconnect with some of them. This interview was possible because a close friend from sixth grade offered to introduce me to Sandra, her grandmother.  

I’m decades younger than Sandra, so my view of what’s important isn’t as broad as hers, but we share similar values, with friends and family at the top. I have a feeling that when Sandra was my age, she used to love music, too. Maybe in a few decades, when I’m sitting in my rocking chair, drawing in my sketchbook, I’ll remember this article and think back fondly to the days when life was simple.

Praethong Klomsum is a tenth-grader at Santa Monica High School in Santa Monica, California.  Praethong has a strange affinity for rhyme games and is involved in her school’s dance team. She enjoys drawing and writing, hoping to impact people willing to listen to her thoughts and ideas.

University Winner

Emily Greenbaum

Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 

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The Life-Long War

Every morning we open our eyes, ready for a new day. Some immediately turn to their phones and social media. Others work out or do yoga. For a certain person, a deep breath and the morning sun ground him. He hears the clink-clank of his wife cooking low sodium meat for breakfast—doctor’s orders! He sees that the other side of the bed is already made, the dogs are no longer in the room, and his clothes are set out nicely on the loveseat.

Today, though, this man wakes up to something different: faded cream walls and jello. This person, my hero, is Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James.

I pulled up my chair close to Roger’s vinyl recliner so I could hear him above the noise of the beeping dialysis machine. I noticed Roger would occasionally glance at his wife Susan with sparkly eyes when he would recall memories of the war or their grandkids. He looked at Susan like she walked on water.

Roger James served his country for thirty years. Now, he has enlisted in another type of war. He suffers from a rare blood cancer—the result of the wars he fought in. Roger has good and bad days. He says, “The good outweighs the bad, so I have to be grateful for what I have on those good days.”

When Roger retired, he never thought the effects of the war would reach him. The once shallow wrinkles upon his face become deeper, as he tells me, “It’s just cancer. Others are suffering from far worse. I know I’ll make it.”

Like Nancy Hill did in her article “Three Things that Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I asked Roger, “What are the three most important things to you?” James answered, “My wife Susan, my grandkids, and church.”

Roger and Susan served together in the Vietnam war. She was a nurse who treated his cuts and scrapes one day. I asked Roger why he chose Susan. He said, “Susan told me to look at her while she cleaned me up. ‘This may sting, but don’t be a baby.’ When I looked into her eyes, I felt like she was looking into my soul, and I didn’t want her to leave. She gave me this sense of home. Every day I wake up, she makes me feel the same way, and I fall in love with her all over again.”

Roger and Susan have two kids and four grandkids, with great-grandchildren on the way. He claims that his grandkids give him the youth that he feels slowly escaping from his body. This adoring grandfather is energized by coaching t-ball and playing evening card games with the grandkids.

The last thing on his list was church. His oldest daughter married a pastor. Together they founded a church. Roger said that the connection between his faith and family is important to him because it gave him a reason to want to live again. I learned from Roger that when you’re across the ocean, you tend to lose sight of why you are fighting. When Roger returned, he didn’t have the will to live. Most days were a struggle, adapting back into a society that lacked empathy for the injuries, pain, and psychological trauma carried by returning soldiers. Church changed that for Roger and gave him a sense of purpose.

When I began this project, my attitude was to just get the assignment done. I never thought I could view Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James as more than a role model, but he definitely changed my mind. It’s as if Roger magically lit a fire inside of me and showed me where one’s true passions should lie. I see our similarities and embrace our differences. We both value family and our own connections to home—his home being church and mine being where I can breathe the easiest.

Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James has shown me how to appreciate what I have around me and that every once in a while, I should step back and stop to smell the roses. As we concluded the interview, amidst squeaky clogs and the stale smell of bleach and bedpans, I looked to Roger, his kind, tired eyes, and weathered skin, with a deeper sense of admiration, knowing that his values still run true, no matter what he faces.

Emily Greenbaum is a senior at Kent State University, graduating with a major in Conflict Management and minor in Geography. Emily hopes to use her major to facilitate better conversations, while she works in the Washington, D.C. area.  

Powerful Voice Winner

Amanda Schwaben

why is education important in your life essay

Wise Words From Winnie the Pooh

As I read through Nancy Hill’s article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I was comforted by the similar responses given by both children and older adults. The emphasis participants placed on family, social connections, and love was not only heartwarming but hopeful. While the messages in the article filled me with warmth, I felt a twinge of guilt building within me. As a twenty-one-year-old college student weeks from graduation, I honestly don’t think much about the most important things in life. But if I was asked, I would most likely say family, friendship, and love. As much as I hate to admit it, I often find myself obsessing over achieving a successful career and finding a way to “save the world.”

A few weeks ago, I was at my family home watching the new Winnie the Pooh movie Christopher Robin with my mom and younger sister. Well, I wasn’t really watching. I had my laptop in front of me, and I was aggressively typing up an assignment. Halfway through the movie, I realized I left my laptop charger in my car. I walked outside into the brisk March air. Instinctively, I looked up. The sky was perfectly clear, revealing a beautiful array of stars. When my twin sister and I were in high school, we would always take a moment to look up at the sparkling night sky before we came into the house after soccer practice.

I think that was the last time I stood in my driveway and gazed at the stars. I did not get the laptop charger from

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my car; instead, I turned around and went back inside. I shut my laptop and watched the rest of the movie. My twin sister loves Winnie the Pooh. So much so that my parents got her a stuffed animal version of him for Christmas. While I thought he was adorable and a token of my childhood, I did not really understand her obsession. However, it was clear to me after watching the movie. Winnie the Pooh certainly had it figured out. He believed that the simple things in life were the most important: love, friendship, and having fun.

I thought about asking my mom right then what the three most important things were to her, but I decided not to. I just wanted to be in the moment. I didn’t want to be doing homework. It was a beautiful thing to just sit there and be present with my mom and sister.

I did ask her, though, a couple of weeks later. Her response was simple.  All she said was family, health, and happiness. When she told me this, I imagined Winnie the Pooh smiling. I think he would be proud of that answer.

I was not surprised by my mom’s reply. It suited her perfectly. I wonder if we relearn what is most important when we grow older—that the pressure to be successful subsides. Could it be that valuing family, health, and happiness is what ends up saving the world?

Amanda Schwaben is a graduating senior from Kent State University with a major in Applied Conflict Management. Amanda also has minors in Psychology and Interpersonal Communication. She hopes to further her education and focus on how museums not only preserve history but also promote peace.

Antonia Mills

Rachel Carson High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. 

why is education important in your life essay

Decoding The Butterfly

For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must first digest itself. The caterpillar, overwhelmed by accumulating tissue, splits its skin open to form its protective shell, the chrysalis, and later becomes the pretty butterfly we all know and love. There are approximately 20,000 species of butterflies, and just as every species is different, so is the life of every butterfly. No matter how long and hard a caterpillar has strived to become the colorful and vibrant butterfly that we marvel at on a warm spring day, it does not live a long life. A butterfly can live for a year, six months, two weeks, and even as little as twenty-four hours.

I have often wondered if butterflies live long enough to be blissful of blue skies. Do they take time to feast upon the sweet nectar they crave, midst their hustling life of pollinating pretty flowers? Do they ever take a lull in their itineraries, or are they always rushing towards completing their four-stage metamorphosis? Has anyone asked the butterfly, “Who are you?” instead of “What are you”? Or, How did you get here, on my windowsill?  How did you become ‘you’?

Humans are similar to butterflies. As a caterpillar

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Suzanna Ruby/Getty Images

becomes a butterfly, a baby becomes an elder. As a butterfly soars through summer skies, an elder watches summer skies turn into cold winter nights and back toward summer skies yet again.  And as a butterfly flits slowly by the porch light, a passerby makes assumptions about the wrinkled, slow-moving elder, who is sturdier than he appears. These creatures are not seen for who they are—who they were—because people have “better things to do” or they are too busy to ask, “How are you”?

Our world can be a lonely place. Pressured by expectations, haunted by dreams, overpowered by weakness, and drowned out by lofty goals, we tend to forget ourselves—and others. Rather than hang onto the strands of our diminishing sanity, we might benefit from listening to our elders. Many elders have experienced setbacks in their young lives. Overcoming hardship and surviving to old age is wisdom that they carry.  We can learn from them—and can even make their day by taking the time to hear their stories.  

Nancy Hill, who wrote the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” was right: “We live among such remarkable people, yet few know their stories.” I know a lot about my grandmother’s life, and it isn’t as serene as my own. My grandmother, Liza, who cooks every day, bakes bread on holidays for our neighbors, brings gifts to her doctor out of the kindness of her heart, and makes conversation with neighbors even though she is isn’t fluent in English—Russian is her first language—has struggled all her life. Her mother, Anna, a single parent, had tuberculosis, and even though she had an inviolable spirit, she was too frail to care for four children. She passed away when my grandmother was sixteen, so my grandmother and her siblings spent most of their childhood in an orphanage. My grandmother got married at nineteen to my grandfather, Pinhas. He was a man who loved her more than he loved himself and was a godsend to every person he met. Liza was—and still is—always quick to do what was best for others, even if that person treated her poorly. My grandmother has lived with physical pain all her life, yet she pushed herself to climb heights that she wasn’t ready for. Against all odds, she has lived to tell her story to people who are willing to listen. And I always am.

I asked my grandmother, “What are three things most important to you?” Her answer was one that I already expected: One, for everyone to live long healthy lives. Two, for you to graduate from college. Three, for you to always remember that I love you.

What may be basic to you means the world to my grandmother. She just wants what she never had the chance to experience: a healthy life, an education, and the chance to express love to the people she values. The three things that matter most to her may be so simple and ordinary to outsiders, but to her, it is so much more. And who could take that away?

Antonia Mills was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and attends Rachel Carson High School.  Antonia enjoys creative activities, including writing, painting, reading, and baking. She hopes to pursue culinary arts professionally in the future. One of her favorite quotes is, “When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t.” -Emily S.P.  

  Powerful Voice Winner

   Isaac Ziemba

Odyssey Multiage Program, Bainbridge Island, Wash. 

why is education important in your life essay

This Former State Trooper Has His Priorities Straight: Family, Climate Change, and Integrity

I have a personal connection to people who served in the military and first responders. My uncle is a first responder on the island I live on, and my dad retired from the Navy. That was what made a man named Glen Tyrell, a state trooper for 25 years, 2 months and 9 days, my first choice to interview about what three things matter in life. In the YES! Magazine article “The Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I learned that old and young people have a great deal in common. I know that’s true because Glen and I care about a lot of the same things.

For Glen, family is at the top of his list of important things. “My wife was, and is, always there for me. My daughters mean the world to me, too, but Penny is my partner,” Glen said. I can understand why Glen’s wife is so important to him. She’s family. Family will always be there for you.

Glen loves his family, and so do I with all my heart. My dad especially means the world to me. He is my top supporter and tells me that if I need help, just “say the word.” When we are fishing or crabbing, sometimes I

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think, what if these times were erased from my memory? I wouldn’t be able to describe the horrible feeling that would rush through my mind, and I’m sure that Glen would feel the same about his wife.

My uncle once told me that the world is always going to change over time. It’s what the world has turned out to be that worries me. Both Glen and I are extremely concerned about climate change and the effect that rising temperatures have on animals and their habitats. We’re driving them to extinction. Some people might say, “So what? Animals don’t pay taxes or do any of the things we do.” What we are doing to them is like the Black Death times 100.

Glen is also frustrated by how much plastic we use and where it ends up. He would be shocked that an explorer recently dived to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean—seven miles!— and discovered a plastic bag and candy wrappers. Glen told me that, unfortunately, his generation did the damage and my generation is here to fix it. We need to take better care of Earth because if we don’t, we, as a species, will have failed.

Both Glen and I care deeply for our families and the earth, but for our third important value, I chose education and Glen chose integrity. My education is super important to me because without it, I would be a blank slate. I wouldn’t know how to figure out problems. I wouldn’t be able to tell right from wrong. I wouldn’t understand the Bill of Rights. I would be stuck. Everyone should be able to go to school, no matter where they’re from or who they are.  It makes me angry and sad to think that some people, especially girls, get shot because they are trying to go to school. I understand how lucky I am.

Integrity is sacred to Glen—I could tell by the serious tone of Glen’s voice when he told me that integrity was the code he lived by as a former state trooper. He knew that he had the power to change a person’s life, and he was committed to not abusing that power.  When Glen put someone under arrest—and my uncle says the same—his judgment and integrity were paramount. “Either you’re right or you’re wrong.” You can’t judge a person by what you think, you can only judge a person from what you know.”

I learned many things about Glen and what’s important in life, but there is one thing that stands out—something Glen always does and does well. Glen helps people. He did it as a state trooper, and he does it in our school, where he works on construction projects. Glen told me that he believes that our most powerful tools are writing and listening to others. I think those tools are important, too, but I also believe there are other tools to help solve many of our problems and create a better future: to be compassionate, to create caring relationships, and to help others. Just like Glen Tyrell does each and every day.

Isaac Ziemba is in seventh grade at the Odyssey Multiage Program on a small island called Bainbridge near Seattle, Washington. Isaac’s favorite subject in school is history because he has always been interested in how the past affects the future. In his spare time, you can find Isaac hunting for crab with his Dad, looking for artifacts around his house with his metal detector, and having fun with his younger cousin, Conner.     

Lily Hersch

 The Crest Academy, Salida, Colo.

why is education important in your life essay

The Phone Call

Dear Grandpa,

In my short span of life—12 years so far—you’ve taught me a lot of important life lessons that I’ll always have with me. Some of the values I talk about in this writing I’ve learned from you.

Dedicated to my Gramps.

In the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” author and photographer Nancy Hill asked people to name the three things that mattered most to them. After reading the essay prompt for the article, I immediately knew who I wanted to interview: my grandpa Gil.      

My grandpa was born on January 25, 1942. He lived in a minuscule tenement in The Bronx with his mother,

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father, and brother. His father wasn’t around much, and, when he was, he was reticent and would snap occasionally, revealing his constrained mental pain. My grandpa says this happened because my great grandfather did not have a father figure in his life. His mother was a classy, sharp lady who was the head secretary at a local police district station. My grandpa and his brother Larry did not care for each other. Gramps said he was very close to his mother, and Larry wasn’t. Perhaps Larry was envious for what he didn’t have.

Decades after little to no communication with his brother, my grandpa decided to spontaneously visit him in Florida, where he resided with his wife. Larry was taken aback at the sudden reappearance of his brother and told him to leave. Since then, the two brothers have not been in contact. My grandpa doesn’t even know if Larry is alive.         

My grandpa is now a retired lawyer, married to my wonderful grandma, and living in a pretty house with an ugly dog named BoBo.

So, what’s important to you, Gramps?

He paused a second, then replied, “Family, kindness, and empathy.”

“Family, because it’s my family. It’s important to stay connected with your family. My brother, father, and I never connected in the way I wished, and sometimes I contemplated what could’ve happened.  But you can’t change the past. So, that’s why family’s important to me.”

Family will always be on my “Top Three Most Important Things” list, too. I can’t imagine not having my older brother, Zeke, or my grandma in my life. I wonder how other kids feel about their families? How do kids trapped and separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border feel?  What about orphans? Too many questions, too few answers.

“Kindness, because growing up and not seeing a lot of kindness made me realize how important it is to have that in the world. Kindness makes the world go round.”

What is kindness? Helping my brother, Eli, who has Down syndrome, get ready in the morning? Telling people what they need to hear, rather than what they want to hear? Maybe, for now, I’ll put wisdom, not kindness, on my list.

“Empathy, because of all the killings and shootings [in this country.] We also need to care for people—people who are not living in as good circumstances as I have. Donald Trump and other people I’ve met have no empathy. Empathy is very important.”

Empathy is something I’ve felt my whole life. It’ll always be important to me like it is important to my grandpa. My grandpa shows his empathy when he works with disabled children. Once he took a disabled child to a Christina Aguilera concert because that child was too young to go by himself. The moments I feel the most empathy are when Eli gets those looks from people. Seeing Eli wonder why people stare at him like he’s a freak makes me sad, and annoyed that they have the audacity to stare.

After this 2 minute and 36-second phone call, my grandpa has helped me define what’s most important to me at this time in my life: family, wisdom, and empathy. Although these things are important now, I realize they can change and most likely will.

When I’m an old woman, I envision myself scrambling through a stack of storage boxes and finding this paper. Perhaps after reading words from my 12-year-old self, I’ll ask myself “What’s important to me?”

Lily Hersch is a sixth-grader at Crest Academy in Salida, Colorado. Lily is an avid indoorsman, finding joy in competitive spelling, art, and of course, writing. She does not like Swiss cheese.

  “Tell It Like It Is” Interview Winner

Jonas Buckner

KIPP: Gaston College Preparatory, Gaston, N.C.

why is education important in your life essay

Lessons My Nana Taught Me

I walked into the house. In the other room, I heard my cousin screaming at his game. There were a lot of Pioneer Woman dishes everywhere. The room had the television on max volume. The fan in the other room was on. I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to learn something powerful.

I was in my Nana’s house, and when I walked in, she said, “Hey Monkey Butt.”

I said, “Hey Nana.”

Before the interview, I was talking to her about what I was gonna interview her on. Also, I had asked her why I might have wanted to interview her, and she responded with, “Because you love me, and I love you too.”

Now, it was time to start the interview. The first

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question I asked was the main and most important question ever: “What three things matter most to you and you only?”

She thought of it very thoughtfully and responded with, “My grandchildren, my children, and my health.”

Then, I said, “OK, can you please tell me more about your health?”

She responded with, “My health is bad right now. I have heart problems, blood sugar, and that’s about it.” When she said it, she looked at me and smiled because she loved me and was happy I chose her to interview.

I replied with, “K um, why is it important to you?”

She smiled and said, “Why is it…Why is my health important? Well, because I want to live a long time and see my grandchildren grow up.”

I was scared when she said that, but she still smiled. I was so happy, and then I said, “Has your health always been important to you.”

She responded with “Nah.”

Then, I asked, “Do you happen to have a story to help me understand your reasoning?”

She said, “No, not really.”

Now we were getting into the next set of questions. I said, “Remember how you said that your grandchildren matter to you? Can you please tell me why they matter to you?”

Then, she responded with, “So I can spend time with them, play with them, and everything.”

Next, I asked the same question I did before: “Have you always loved your grandchildren?” 

She responded with, “Yes, they have always been important to me.”

Then, the next two questions I asked she had no response to at all. She was very happy until I asked, “Why do your children matter most to you?”

She had a frown on and responded, “My daughter Tammy died a long time ago.”

Then, at this point, the other questions were answered the same as the other ones. When I left to go home I was thinking about how her answers were similar to mine. She said health, and I care about my health a lot, and I didn’t say, but I wanted to. She also didn’t have answers for the last two questions on each thing, and I was like that too.

The lesson I learned was that no matter what, always keep pushing because even though my aunt or my Nana’s daughter died, she kept on pushing and loving everyone. I also learned that everything should matter to us. Once again, I chose to interview my Nana because she matters to me, and I know when she was younger she had a lot of things happen to her, so I wanted to know what she would say. The point I’m trying to make is that be grateful for what you have and what you have done in life.

Jonas Buckner is a sixth-grader at KIPP: Gaston College Preparatory in Gaston, North Carolina. Jonas’ favorite activities are drawing, writing, math, piano, and playing AltSpace VR. He found his passion for writing in fourth grade when he wrote a quick autobiography. Jonas hopes to become a horror writer someday.

From The Author: Responses to Student Winners

Dear Emily, Isaac, Antonia, Rory, Praethong, Amanda, Lily, and Jonas,

Your thought-provoking essays sent my head spinning. The more I read, the more impressed I was with the depth of thought, beauty of expression, and originality. It left me wondering just how to capture all of my reactions in a single letter. After multiple false starts, I’ve landed on this: I will stick to the theme of three most important things.

The three things I found most inspirational about your essays:

You listened.

You connected.

We live in troubled times. Tensions mount between countries, cultures, genders, religious beliefs, and generations. If we fail to find a way to understand each other, to see similarities between us, the future will be fraught with increased hostility.

You all took critical steps toward connecting with someone who might not value the same things you do by asking a person who is generations older than you what matters to them. Then, you listened to their answers. You saw connections between what is important to them and what is important to you. Many of you noted similarities, others wondered if your own list of the three most important things would change as you go through life. You all saw the validity of the responses you received and looked for reasons why your interviewees have come to value what they have.

It is through these things—asking, listening, and connecting—that we can begin to bridge the differences in experiences and beliefs that are currently dividing us.

Individual observations

Each one of you made observations that all of us, regardless of age or experience, would do well to keep in mind. I chose one quote from each person and trust those reading your essays will discover more valuable insights.

“Our priorities may seem different, but they come back to basic human needs. We all desire a purpose, strive to be happy, and work to make a positive impact.” 

“You can’t judge a person by what you think , you can only judge a person by what you know .”

Emily (referencing your interviewee, who is battling cancer):

“Master Chief Petty Officer James has shown me how to appreciate what I have around me.”

Lily (quoting your grandfather):

“Kindness makes the world go round.”

“Everything should matter to us.”

Praethong (quoting your interviewee, Sandra, on the importance of family):

“It’s important to always maintain that connection you have with each other, your family, not just next-door neighbors you talk to once a month.”

“I wonder if maybe we relearn what is most important when we grow older. That the pressure to be successful subsides and that valuing family, health, and happiness is what ends up saving the world.”

“Listen to what others have to say. Listen to the people who have already experienced hardship. You will learn from them and you can even make their day by giving them a chance to voice their thoughts.”

I end this letter to you with the hope that you never stop asking others what is most important to them and that you to continue to take time to reflect on what matters most to you…and why. May you never stop asking, listening, and connecting with others, especially those who may seem to be unlike you. Keep writing, and keep sharing your thoughts and observations with others, for your ideas are awe-inspiring.

I also want to thank the more than 1,000 students who submitted essays. Together, by sharing what’s important to us with others, especially those who may believe or act differently, we can fill the world with joy, peace, beauty, and love.

We received many outstanding essays for the Winter 2019 Student Writing Competition. Though not every participant can win the contest, we’d like to share some excerpts that caught our eye:

Whether it is a painting on a milky canvas with watercolors or pasting photos onto a scrapbook with her granddaughters, it is always a piece of artwork to her. She values the things in life that keep her in the moment, while still exploring things she may not have initially thought would bring her joy.

—Ondine Grant-Krasno, Immaculate Heart Middle School, Los Angeles, Calif.

“Ganas”… It means “desire” in Spanish. My ganas is fueled by my family’s belief in me. I cannot and will not fail them. 

—Adan Rios, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

I hope when I grow up I can have the love for my kids like my grandma has for her kids. She makes being a mother even more of a beautiful thing than it already is.

—Ashley Shaw, Columbus City Prep School for Girls, Grove City, Ohio

You become a collage of little pieces of your friends and family. They also encourage you to be the best you can be. They lift you up onto the seat of your bike, they give you the first push, and they don’t hesitate to remind you that everything will be alright when you fall off and scrape your knee.

— Cecilia Stanton, Bellafonte Area Middle School, Bellafonte, Pa.

Without good friends, I wouldn’t know what I would do to endure the brutal machine of public education.

—Kenneth Jenkins, Garrison Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.

My dog, as ridiculous as it may seem, is a beautiful example of what we all should aspire to be. We should live in the moment, not stress, and make it our goal to lift someone’s spirits, even just a little.

—Kate Garland, Immaculate Heart Middle School, Los Angeles, Calif. 

I strongly hope that every child can spare more time to accompany their elderly parents when they are struggling, and moving forward, and give them more care and patience. so as to truly achieve the goal of “you accompany me to grow up, and I will accompany you to grow old.”

—Taiyi Li, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

I have three cats, and they are my brothers and sisters. We share a special bond that I think would not be possible if they were human. Since they do not speak English, we have to find other ways to connect, and I think that those other ways can be more powerful than language.

—Maya Dombroskie, Delta Program Middle School, Boulsburg, Pa.

We are made to love and be loved. To have joy and be relational. As a member of the loneliest generation in possibly all of history, I feel keenly aware of the need for relationships and authentic connection. That is why I decided to talk to my grandmother.

—Luke Steinkamp, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

After interviewing my grandma and writing my paper, I realized that as we grow older, the things that are important to us don’t change, what changes is why those things are important to us.

—Emily Giffer, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

The media works to marginalize elders, often isolating them and their stories, and the wealth of knowledge that comes with their additional years of lived experiences. It also undermines the depth of children’s curiosity and capacity to learn and understand. When the worlds of elders and children collide, a classroom opens.

—Cristina Reitano, City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.

My values, although similar to my dad, only looked the same in the sense that a shadow is similar to the object it was cast on.

—Timofey Lisenskiy, Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica, Calif.

I can release my anger through writing without having to take it out on someone. I can escape and be a different person; it feels good not to be myself for a while. I can make up my own characters, so I can be someone different every day, and I think that’s pretty cool.

—Jasua Carillo, Wellness, Business, and Sports School, Woodburn, Ore. 

Notice how all the important things in his life are people: the people who he loves and who love him back. This is because “people are more important than things like money or possessions, and families are treasures,” says grandpa Pat. And I couldn’t agree more.

—Brody Hartley, Garrison Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.  

Curiosity for other people’s stories could be what is needed to save the world.

—Noah Smith, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Peace to me is a calm lake without a ripple in sight. It’s a starry night with a gentle breeze that pillows upon your face. It’s the absence of arguments, fighting, or war. It’s when egos stop working against each other and finally begin working with each other. Peace is free from fear, anxiety, and depression. To me, peace is an important ingredient in the recipe of life.

—JP Bogan, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

From A Teacher

Charles Sanderson

Wellness, Business and Sports School, Woodburn, Ore. 

why is education important in your life essay

The Birthday Gift

I’ve known Jodelle for years, watching her grow from a quiet and timid twelve-year-old to a young woman who just returned from India, where she played Kabaddi, a kind of rugby meets Red Rover.

One of my core beliefs as an educator is to show up for the things that matter to kids, so I go to their games, watch their plays, and eat the strawberry jam they make for the county fair. On this occasion, I met Jodelle at a robotics competition to watch her little sister Abby compete. Think Nerd Paradise: more hats made from traffic cones than Golden State Warrior ball caps, more unicorn capes than Nike swooshes, more fanny packs with Legos than clutches with eyeliner.

We started chatting as the crowd chanted and waved six-foot flags for teams like Mystic Biscuits, Shrek, and everyone’s nemesis The Mean Machine. Apparently, when it’s time for lunch at a robotics competition, they don’t mess around. The once-packed gym was left to Jodelle and me, and we kept talking and talking. I eventually asked her about the three things that matter to her most.

She told me about her mom, her sister, and her addiction—to horses. I’ve read enough of her writing to know that horses were her drug of choice and her mom and sister were her support network.

I learned about her desire to become a teacher and how hours at the barn with her horse, Heart, recharge her when she’s exhausted. At one point, our rambling conversation turned to a topic I’ve known far too well—her father.

Later that evening, I received an email from Jodelle, and she had a lot to say. One line really struck me: “In so many movies, I have seen a dad wanting to protect his daughter from the world, but I’ve only understood the scene cognitively. Yesterday, I felt it.”

Long ago, I decided that I would never be a dad. I had seen movies with fathers and daughters, and for me, those movies might as well have been Star Wars, ET, or Alien—worlds filled with creatures I’d never know. However, over the years, I’ve attended Jodelle’s parent-teacher conferences, gone to her graduation, and driven hours to watch her ride Heart at horse shows. Simply, I showed up. I listened. I supported.

Jodelle shared a series of dad poems, as well. I had read the first two poems in their original form when Jodelle was my student. The revised versions revealed new graphic details of her past. The third poem, however, was something entirely different.

She called the poems my early birthday present. When I read the lines “You are my father figure/Who I look up to/Without being looked down on,” I froze for an instant and had to reread the lines. After fifty years of consciously deciding not to be a dad, I was seen as one—and it felt incredible. Jodelle’s poem and recognition were two of the best presents I’ve ever received.

I  know that I was the language arts teacher that Jodelle needed at the time, but her poem revealed things I never knew I taught her: “My father figure/ Who taught me/ That listening is for observing the world/ That listening is for learning/Not obeying/Writing is for connecting/Healing with others.”

Teaching is often a thankless job, one that frequently brings more stress and anxiety than joy and hope. Stress erodes my patience. Anxiety curtails my ability to enter each interaction with every student with the grace they deserve. However, my time with Jodelle reminds me of the importance of leaning in and listening.

In the article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age” by Nancy Hill, she illuminates how we “live among such remarkable people, yet few know their stories.” For the last twenty years, I’ve had the privilege to work with countless of these “remarkable people,” and I’ve done my best to listen, and, in so doing, I hope my students will realize what I’ve known for a long time; their voices matter and deserve to be heard, but the voices of their tias and abuelitos and babushkas are equally important. When we take the time to listen, I believe we do more than affirm the humanity of others; we affirm our own as well.

Charles Sanderson has grounded his nineteen-year teaching career in a philosophy he describes as “Mirror, Window, Bridge.” Charles seeks to ensure all students see themselves, see others, and begin to learn the skills to build bridges of empathy, affinity, and understanding between communities and cultures that may seem vastly different. He proudly teaches at the Wellness, Business and Sports School in Woodburn, Oregon, a school and community that brings him joy and hope on a daily basis.

From   The Author: Response to Charles Sanderson

Dear Charles Sanderson,

Thank you for submitting an essay of your own in addition to encouraging your students to participate in YES! Magazine’s essay contest.

Your essay focused not on what is important to you, but rather on what is important to one of your students. You took what mattered to her to heart, acting upon it by going beyond the school day and creating a connection that has helped fill a huge gap in her life. Your efforts will affect her far beyond her years in school. It is clear that your involvement with this student is far from the only time you have gone beyond the classroom, and while you are not seeking personal acknowledgment, I cannot help but applaud you.

In an ideal world, every teacher, every adult, would show the same interest in our children and adolescents that you do. By taking the time to listen to what is important to our youth, we can help them grow into compassionate, caring adults, capable of making our world a better place.

Your concerted efforts to guide our youth to success not only as students but also as human beings is commendable. May others be inspired by your insights, concerns, and actions. You define excellence in teaching.

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why is education important in your life essay

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What is the Importance of Education Essay

What is the Importance of Education Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

why is education important in your life essay

What is the Importance of Education Essay ? Unraveling the Path to Success! Embark on a thrilling journey of knowledge and self-discovery as we explore the transformative power of education.

Discover how education holds the key to unlocking your full potential, paving the way to a world of endless opportunities and boundless joy.

Don’t miss out on this life-changing exploration – it’s time to unleash the greatness within you! What is the Importance of Education Essay? Let’s find out!

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What is the Importance of Education Essay

What is the importance of education essay?

What is the importance of education essay highlights the significance of education in shaping individuals and society.

Education provides individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their careers and personal lives.

It plays a crucial role in personal growth and development, allowing individuals to explore their interests, develop their talents and abilities, and achieve their goals.

Understanding the Significance of Education

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals and societies. It equips people with knowledge and skills that are necessary for personal and professional development.

Moreover, education helps individuals make informed decisions, think critically, and solve problems.

Benefits of Writing an Essay on Education Importance

Writing an essay on the importance of education allows individuals to delve deeper into the subject matter.

It encourages research, critical thinking, and the exploration of various perspectives.

Additionally, writing helps individuals articulate their thoughts effectively and develop strong communication skills.

Exploring Different Perspectives on Education Importance

An essay on the importance of education offers an opportunity to explore different perspectives.

It allows individuals to analyze the impact of education on personal growth, social change, and career success.

By considering various viewpoints, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of education.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

Importance of Education

Education is of utmost importance as it equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate through life.

It not only provides opportunities for personal growth and development, but also enables individuals to contribute effectively to society.

Education empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions, which are essential skills in today’s complex world.

The Role of Education in Personal Development

Education plays a crucial role in personal development. It cultivates a sense of self-awareness, promotes emotional intelligence, and enhances moral values.

Education empowers individuals to recognize their strengths, embrace diversity, and become responsible citizens.

How Education Empowers Individuals

Education empowers individuals by providing them with knowledge and skills that are crucial for their personal and professional growth.

It opens doors to opportunities and allows individuals to achieve their goals. Moreover, education instills confidence, self-belief, and a sense of empowerment in individuals.

Education as a Tool for Social Change

Education is a powerful tool for social change. It helps challenge societal norms, break down barriers, and foster inclusivity.

Through education, individuals learn about social justice, equality, and human rights, which in turn enables them to contribute to a more equitable and just society.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

Essay on Importance of Education

Writing an essay on the importance of education requires careful planning and organization.

  • Start by introducing the topic and providing some background information on why education is important in today’s society.
  • Then, outline your main points and provide evidence to support each point.
  • Make sure to include real-life examples or personal experiences to make your essay more engaging and relatable.

Tips for Writing an Engaging Essay on Education Importance

When writing an essay on the importance of education, it is essential to engage the reader.

Start with a compelling introduction that captures attention. Present strong arguments supported by relevant evidence. Additionally, use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.

Key Points to Include in an Essay on Education Importance

When writing an essay on the importance of education, it is important to include key points that highlight its significance. Emphasize the role of education in personal growth, societal development, and career success.

Discuss how education equips individuals with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to contribute positively to society.

Addressing Common Misconceptions about Education Importance

There are often misconceptions surrounding the importance of education. In your essay, address these misconceptions by providing evidence-based arguments.

Dispel myths such as “education is only for academic excellence” or “success can be achieved without education.” Highlight the comprehensive benefits and lifelong impact of education.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

500 Words Essay on the Importance of Education

We will delve into the significance of education and explore how to effectively convey its essence in a concise 500 words essay.

Whether you are a student seeking guidance or an educator looking for inspiration, join us on this enlightening journey as we unlock the transformative power of education.

Constructing a Well-Structured Essay within Word Limit

Writing a 500-word essay on the importance of education requires careful planning and organization.

Divide your essay into paragraphs with clear topic sentences. Use transitional phrases to ensure coherence. Prioritize key points and supporting evidence while staying within the given word limit.

Exploring Various Aspects of Education Importance in 500 Words

A 500-word essay provides an opportunity to explore various aspects of education importance.

Discuss the role of education in personal development, social change, and career success.

Include examples and real-life experiences to illustrate the impact of education on individuals and society as a whole.

Creating a Compelling Conclusion for a 500 Words Essay

A compelling conclusion is essential for a 500-word essay on the importance of education.

Summarize the main points discussed in the essay and re-emphasize the significance of education.

Leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement that reinforces the importance of lifelong learning.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

Education is Important

Education is the key that unlocks a world of opportunities, empowering individuals to reach their full potential and make a lasting impact on society.

It is the foundation upon which knowledge is built, shaping the way we think, perceive, and interact with the world around us.

Highlighting the Long-term Benefits of a Good Education

Education is important for long-term personal and professional success. A good education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in various aspects of life. It opens doors to better career opportunities, enhances critical thinking abilities, and fosters personal growth.

The Link between Education and Career Success

Education plays a vital role in career success. Well-educated individuals are more likely to secure higher-paying jobs and have increased opportunities for career advancement.

Education equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required in their chosen fields, making them more competitive in the job market.

Education as a Tool for Overcoming Socioeconomic Barriers

Education serves as a powerful tool for overcoming socioeconomic barriers.

It provides individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds with opportunities to improve their lives. Education promotes equality and social mobility, enabling individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty and achieve a better quality of life.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

200 Words Short Essay on Education Importance

Education is the key to unlocking one’s potential and achieving personal growth.

It is not merely about acquiring knowledge from textbooks, but also about developing critical thinking skills, fostering creativity, and nurturing a thirst for lifelong learning.

We will explore the importance of education and provide practical tips on how to craft a concise yet impactful 200-word essay that captures its significance in our lives.

Conveying a Strong Message within a Limited Word Count

A 200-word essay on the importance of education requires concise and impactful writing.

Focus on key points and avoid unnecessary details. Use clear language and straight-to-the-point arguments to convey a strong message within the limited word count.

Choosing the Most Impactful Points for a 200 Words Essay

When writing a 200-word essay on education importance, select the most impactful points to highlight.

Discuss the role of education in personal development, career success, and societal progress.

Emphasize the transformative power of education in shaping lives and creating a more inclusive society.

The Power of Concise Writing in an Essay on Education Importance

Concise writing in an essay on the importance of education allows for a powerful message. By carefully choosing words and phrases, individuals can deliver a compelling argument within a limited word count. Conciseness ensures that the essay is focused, impactful, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

Importance of Education in English

Education is not just a mere process of acquiring knowledge; it is a beacon that guides us towards personal growth and societal progress.

It helps people transcend limitations, making them well-educated individuals with the tools to navigate life’s challenges.

As education teaches, it sharpens and enhances our understanding, leading us to become a well-informed, educated society.

From elementary education to college, it opens doors of opportunities, bringing the cherished dream of success within reach.

Join us as we delve into the significance of education and how it serves as a ray of light, illuminating the path to a prosperous and enlightened future for all.

Exploring the Influence of English Education Globally

English education holds great importance globally. It is considered a lingua franca and enables communication between individuals from different language backgrounds.

English proficiency provides individuals with access to a wider range of educational resources, job opportunities, and cultural exchange programs.

The Benefits of English Education for Career Growth

English education facilitates career growth. English is widely used in various professional fields and industries, making it a valuable skill for job seekers.

Strong English language skills can open doors to international job opportunities, multinational companies, and global markets.

English Education as a Gateway to International Opportunities

English education acts as a gateway to international opportunities. It allows individuals to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures, fostering global understanding and cooperation.

Fluency in English expands one’s horizons and facilitates engagement in global academic, professional, and social contexts.

What is the Importance of Education Essay

10 Tips to Succeed in Life

In this fast-paced and competitive world, everyone aspires to achieve success and lead a fulfilling life.

  • While the path to success may seem elusive, one indispensable factor paves the way for greatness: education.
  • Education makes people well educated, instills knowledge, and empowers individuals to reach their full potential.
  • Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or someone seeking personal growth, the importance of education for children and adults alike cannot be overstated.

So, let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment as we explore ten invaluable tips that will guide us towards triumph in all aspects of life.

1. Education Makes a Difference

Recognize the importance of education in life. It not only helps in the development of understanding and learning but also sharpens and enhances your skills.

2. Set Clear Goals

Define your objectives and create a roadmap to achieve them. Education can help you attain your goals and lead to a successful life.

3. Embrace Continuous Learning

Education doesn’t end with formal schooling. Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning to enhance your knowledge and skills.

4. Build Strong Relationships

Surround yourself with well-educated and supportive individuals. Education can connect you with like-minded people who can be valuable in your journey.

5. Prioritize Time Management

Develop good time management skills to balance education and other aspects of life effectively.

6. Stay Determined

Be persistent in pursuing your dreams, and education can help you stay focused and overcome challenges.

7. Take Care of Your Health

A healthy body and mind are crucial for success. Education can create awareness about health and well-being.

8. Stay Curious and Open-Minded

Embrace curiosity and be open to new ideas. Education can foster an inquisitive mindset and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

9. Persevere in Adversity

Life may present challenges, but education can instill resilience and the determination to persevere.

10. Contribute to Society

Education not only benefits you but also empowers you to make a positive impact on society. Being well-educated can help you become an aware citizen who contributes to the betterment of others.

What is its importance to education?

Education is of paramount importance as it equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities, enabling them to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Why education is the key to success?

Education opens doors of opportunity, empowers individuals to achieve their aspirations, and broadens their horizons, laying the foundation for personal and professional growth, which ultimately leads to success.

What education means to me?

Education is a transformative journey that empowers me to explore my passions, acquire knowledge, and develop into a well-rounded individual, capable of making a positive impact on the world.

What is the true purpose of education essay?

The true purpose of education is to foster intellectual curiosity, instill values, promote lifelong learning, and prepare individuals to become responsible, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.

What is the meaning of learning in education?

In education, learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes through various experiences, formal instruction, and interactions with others.

What does education mean to you in one word?

Enlightenment. Education illuminates minds, broadens perspectives, and empowers individuals to understand the world around them.

Why is education important to you?

Education is crucial to me as it serves as a catalyst for personal growth, opens up opportunities for success, and allows me to contribute positively to society.

What does the value of education mean to you?

The value of education lies in its ability to cultivate critical thinking, nurture creativity, and equip individuals with the tools to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

What is the true purpose of education?

The true purpose of education is to enable individuals to reach their full potential, become well-informed citizens, and actively participate in shaping a just and prosperous society.

Why education is the key factor for success?

Education equips individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and adaptability to excel in various fields, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals, thus making it a key factor for success.

Why is it important to have education?

Education is vital as it empowers individuals to make informed decisions, enhances their problem-solving abilities, and provides a foundation for personal and societal advancement.

Is education the most powerful weapon?

Indeed, education is a powerful weapon as it empowers individuals to challenge ignorance, break barriers, and effect positive change in the world.

What does success in education mean to you?

Success in education means not only achieving academic excellence but also developing a lifelong passion for learning and a desire to make a meaningful difference in the world.

What is the true meaning of education?

The true meaning of education goes beyond acquiring information; it involves fostering a love for learning, nurturing character, and preparing individuals to be responsible and compassionate global citizens.

Frequently Asked Questions about Education

Get answers to all your questions about education from our comprehensive FAQ . Discover everything you need to know about this important topic.

Why is education important for personal growth?

Education is important for personal growth because it provides individuals with the opportunity to explore their interests, develop their skills and talents, and achieve their goals. It also leads to increased self-confidence, creativity, and a better understanding of the world around them.

Why is education important for societal development?

Education is important for societal development because it leads to a well-educated population, which in turn contributes to a stronger economy, improved health, and increased political stability. A well-educated society also promotes democracy and tolerance.

How does education benefit individuals in their careers?

Education benefits individuals in their careers by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. It also provides them with better career opportunities, higher salaries, and more job security.

Wrapping Up What is the Importance of Education Essay

Education is an essential tool that can help individuals succeed in life. It goes beyond acquiring knowledge and skills; it shapes character and empowers individuals to achieve their goals.

By prioritizing education, embracing continuous learning, and staying determined, one can navigate through challenges and achieve success in various aspects of life.

Education not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the betterment of society as a whole. It is a powerful tool that can open doors of opportunities and enable people to lead fulfilling and successful lives.

If you enjoyed this article about What is the Importance of Education Essay and would like to learn more, please leave a comment below.

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why is education important in your life essay

  • August 22, 2022
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Why Education Is Important in Our Life

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We all hear the word “education” in our daily life. Our education begins at home when we are taught how to act, what to eat, what to wear, and many other life skills. Therefore, we receive our early education from our parents and then attend elementary school , where we are instructed in various subjects, manners, and what is and is not appropriate behavior.

At this point, you may be asking yourself why education is important. Well, we receive education in a variety of ways throughout our entire lives, and an uneducated society does not have a future in this world. So let’s get started immediately. The University of the Potomac has compiled a list of 16 reasons why education is crucial to assist you with its significance.

What Is Education?

So what exactly is education? Education is a complex concept with a wide range of definitions. Still, to put it simply, education is a powerful tool that educates people about their obligations to their families, friends, and most importantly, society.

There are three types of education : formal, informal, and non-formal.  Formal education usually occurs in classrooms where students learn academic or trade skills.  Informal education occurs daily in our homes by our parents teaching us manners, how to prepare a meal, ride a bike, and so on.  Non-formal education takes place outside the classroom, allowing anyone to obtain fundamental knowledge and practical skills.

Education improves people’s lives by motivating them to fight against specific issues, including violence, injustice, corruption, and much more. Another way to illustrate the value of education is to point out the several governments that make significant financial investments in it. 

They do this so that their country can advance and so that they can have a promising future since a well-educated person is a precious resource for the state.

16 Reasons Why Education Is Important

The impact of education on every corner of the world is unremarkable. Growth and development are what we want and what we can achieve with education by our side. Further, educated individuals will follow their families’ steps and educate their children on different aspects of life. Below, we have mentioned 16 reasons why education is essential. Let’s start with problem-solving skills.

Develops problem-solving skills


The most significant benefit of education is the improvement of our problem-solving abilities. We encounter various issues every day, and we typically approach their solution logically. Compared to someone without prior education, an educated individual will handle the circumstance easily. Since problem-solving abilities are necessary for employment, it’s a win-win situation for you to have your desired career and further add more skills.

Promotes gender equality

Gender equality is still a topic of discussion today. Women didn’t use to be able to attend a school or receive an education. Unfortunately, we can’t say this is no longer an issue because a few isolated instances indicate it still occurs. Education encourages gender equality; thus, a society that values education would also value gender equality. People with education, especially educated women, will fight to advance gender equality for the women who lack a voice through education.

Provides self-dependency

Self-dependency is taught by our parents first. That’s one of the most critical skills that everyone should possess. Education provides just that, whether that occurs in our homes, schools, or even streets. You have a voice; thus, you need to be able to act and talk for yourself and, most importantly, be independent.

Provides stability and financial security


Stability in our lives is a result of education. You have to work for your job goals; education is the best way to achieve that. By doing so, you will have stability and won’t be concerned that you won’t have a job. On the other hand, education also has the advantage of ensuring financial security. Higher qualified people acquire the dream career they’ve wanted since they were young. So, with education, your future is secured.

Contributes to economic growth

Governments invest a lot of money in education so that their people can get an education and contribute to developing their nation’s economy. A nation’s GDP is based on the number of employed citizens, and since most jobs require a bachelor’s or master’s degree , education helps the economy thrive. You benefit your society and your country by educating yourself, your kids, and others as every state aspires to an educated society in the future.

It’s a way to give back to the community

Educated individuals always find ways to give back to the community, whether by investing in colleges so other students can educate themselves or by investing in the education system. Someone gave back to the community so you can be educated, and it’s your turn to do the same.

Creates more employment opportunities


Nowadays, obtaining a job is very hard. Education in your resume opens a door full of opportunities for you. Unfortunately, the lower your education, the lower the number of employment opportunities. In addition, your salary might not be as high as expected if you have a lesser education level. However, you will get that job position you have dreamed of if you have strong credentials and a solid educational foundation.

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Helps to get to know yourself

You come to know yourself better when you have education on your side. You learn more about your qualifications, your shortcomings, and what you want out of life. Your critical thinking and creativity continue to grow, which aids in your understanding of who you are as a person and what kind of person you want to be in the future.

Teaches values

Values as a word can be used in different scenarios, whether valuing your family, nation, friends, loved ones, and most importantly, yourself. Education can help you accomplish that by teaching you how to become more responsible and sensible, which leads to developing a solid relationship with those around you.

Develops critical thinking

Education helps in different ways, especially in developing critical thinking. By developing critical thinking, you will see that there is more than what meets the eye. You learn how to express your thoughts as well as ideas better. You tend to analyze the situation before saying or acting as a response as a result of education in your life.

Breaks barriers

By educating yourself, you dismantle the obstacles to education and ensure that other students have access to the chance to use education to better their lives and the community’s life. Educate yourself so that you can educate others and break the glaciers by changing the future of education for the better.

Develops life skills

Life skills are needed everywhere you go in life (trips, job interviews, etc.) and are also learned in all sets of circumstances. Education is a factor in developing life skills as everything you learn in school, on the job, or in the community helps you get through life and increases your chances of success.

Helps fulfill your dreams

Education can help you achieve your goals. By getting a job and working, you can support yourself and live the life you’ve always wanted. You dedicate four years of your life to earning a degree, and the realization of your dreams results from your hard work, persistence, and ambition. And education is where it all begins.

Allows for creativity


Education supports innovative people with many good ideas, and it allows room for creativity. Creativity can look different depending on the field you focus on, whether business, fashion, architecture, or other.

Builds confidence

Through every step of the way, education helps you build confidence. You can discuss a topic without fear of what others may think or say. You will speak of what you consider suitable and not be afraid of judgment. So, education is the way to go to build your confidence.

Offers freedom

We’ve all thought of freedom at least once in our lives. You might ask, though, how education can promote independence. The key to freedom is education, which gives us all the required knowledge. If you are educated, you will accomplish everything with much greater confidence and carry a set of creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills with you wherever you go.

Whenever we hear the word education, we instantly think of hope. It offers you and your future family a significantly better future. We should encourage people to further their education to benefit themselves, their families, and their community. Now that you’ve learned 16 reasons why education is important, seize the opportunity !

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Essay on Education for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on education.

Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes man the smartest creature on earth. It empowers humans and gets them ready to face challenges of life efficiently. With that being said, education still remains a luxury and not a necessity in our country. Educational awareness needs to be spread through the country to make education accessible. But, this remains incomplete without first analyzing the importance of education. Only when the people realize what significance it holds, can they consider it a necessity for a good life. In this essay on Education, we will see the importance of education and how it is a doorway to success.

essay on education

Importance of Education

Education is the most significant tool in eliminating poverty and unemployment . Moreover, it enhances the commercial scenario and benefits the country overall. So, the higher the level of education in a country, the better the chances of development are.

In addition, this education also benefits an individual in various ways. It helps a person take a better and informed decision with the use of their knowledge. This increases the success rate of a person in life.

Subsequently, education is also responsible for providing with an enhanced lifestyle. It gives you career opportunities that can increase your quality of life.

Similarly, education also helps in making a person independent. When one is educated enough, they won’t have to depend on anyone else for their livelihood. They will be self-sufficient to earn for themselves and lead a good life.

Above all, education also enhances the self-confidence of a person and makes them certain of things in life. When we talk from the countries viewpoint, even then education plays a significant role. Educated people vote for the better candidate of the country. This ensures the development and growth of a nation.

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Doorway to Success

To say that education is your doorway to success would be an understatement. It serves as the key which will unlock numerous doors that will lead to success. This will, in turn, help you build a better life for yourself.

An educated person has a lot of job opportunities waiting for them on the other side of the door. They can choose from a variety of options and not be obligated to do something they dislike. Most importantly, education impacts our perception positively. It helps us choose the right path and look at things from various viewpoints rather than just one.

why is education important in your life essay

With education, you can enhance your productivity and complete a task better in comparison to an uneducated person. However, one must always ensure that education solely does not ensure success.

It is a doorway to success which requires hard work, dedication and more after which can you open it successfully. All of these things together will make you successful in life.

In conclusion, education makes you a better person and teaches you various skills. It enhances your intellect and the ability to make rational decisions. It enhances the individual growth of a person.

Education also improves the economic growth of a country . Above all, it aids in building a better society for the citizens of a country. It helps to destroy the darkness of ignorance and bring light to the world.

why is education important in your life essay

FAQs on Education

Q.1 Why is Education Important?

A.1 Education is important because it is responsible for the overall development of a person. It helps you acquire skills which are necessary for becoming successful in life.

Q.2 How does Education serve as a Doorway to Success?

A.2 Education is a doorway to success because it offers you job opportunities. Furthermore, it changes our perception of life and makes it better.

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Importance of Value Education

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  • Jan 18, 2024

Importance of value education

What is Value Education? Value-based education emphasizes the personality development of individuals to shape their future and tackle difficult situations with ease. It moulds the children so they get attuned to changing scenarios while handling their social, moral, and democratic duties efficiently. The importance of value education can be understood through its benefits as it develops physical and emotional aspects, teaches mannerisms and develops a sense of brotherhood, instils a spirit of patriotism as well as develops religious tolerance in students. Let’s understand the importance of value education in schools as well as its need and importance in the 21st century.

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This Blog Includes:

Need and importance of value education, purpose of value education, importance of value education in school, difference between traditional and value education, essay on importance of value education, speech on importance of value education, early age moral and value education, young college students (1st or 2nd-year undergraduates), workshops for adults, student exchange programs, co-curricular activities, how it can be taught & associated teaching methods.

This type of education should not be seen as a separate discipline but as something that should be inherent in the education system. Merely solving problems must not be the aim, the clear reason and motive behind must also be thought of. There are multiple facets to understanding the importance of value education.

Here is why there is an inherent need and importance of value education in the present world:

  • It helps in making the right decisions in difficult situations and improving decision-making abilities.
  • It teaches students with essential values like kindness, compassion and empathy.
  • It awakens curiosity in children developing their values and interests. This further helps in skill development in students.
  • It also fosters a sense of brotherhood and patriotism thus helping students become more open-minded and welcoming towards all cultures as well as religions.
  • It provides a positive direction to a student’s life as they are taught about the right values and ethics.
  • It helps students find their true purpose towards serving society and doing their best to become a better version of themselves.
  • With age comes a wide range of responsibilities. This can at times develop a sense of meaninglessness and can lead to a rise in mental health disorders, mid-career crisis and growing discontent with one’s life. Value education aims to somewhat fill the void in people’s lives.
  • Moreover, when people study the significance of values in society and their lives, they are more convinced and committed to their goals and passions. This leads to the development of awareness which results in thoughtful and fulfilling decisions. 
  • The key importance of value education is highlighted in distinguishing the execution of the act and the significance of its value. It instils a sense of ‘meaning’ behind what one is supposed to do and thus aids in personality development .

In the contemporary world, the importance of value education is multifold. It becomes crucial that is included in a child’s schooling journey and even after that to ensure that they imbibe moral values as well as ethics.

Here are the key purposes of value education:

  • To ensure a holistic approach to a child’s personality development in terms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects
  • Inculcation of patriotic spirit as well as the values of a good citizen
  • Helping students understand the importance of brotherhood at social national and international levels
  • Developing good manners and responsibility and cooperativeness
  • Promoting the spirit of curiosity and inquisitiveness towards the orthodox norms
  • Teaching students about how to make sound decisions based on moral principles
  • Promoting a democratic way of thinking and living
  • Imparting students with the significance of tolerance and respect towards different cultures and religious faiths

There is an essential need and importance of value education in school curriculums as it helps students learn the basic fundamental morals they need to become good citizens as well as human beings. Here are the top reasons why value education in school is important:

  • Value education can play a significant role in shaping their future and helping them find their right purpose in life.
  • Since school paves the foundation for every child’s learning, adding value-based education to the school curriculum can help them learn the most important values right from the start of their academic journey.
  • Value education as a discipline in school can also be focused more on learning human values rather than mugging up concepts, formulas and theories for higher scores. Thus, using storytelling in value education can also help students learn the essentials of human values.
  • Education would surely be incomplete if it didn’t involve the study of human values that can help every child become a kinder, compassionate and empathetic individual thus nurturing emotional intelligence in every child.

Both traditional, as well as values education, is essential for personal development. Both help us in defining our objectives in life. However, while the former teaches us about scientific, social, and humanistic knowledge, the latter helps to become good humans and citizens. Opposite to traditional education, values education does not differentiate between what happens inside and outside the classroom.

Value Education plays a quintessential role in contributing to the holistic development of children. Without embedding values in our kids, we wouldn’t be able to teach them about good morals, what is right and what is wrong as well as key traits like kindness, empathy and compassion. The need and importance of value education in the 21st century are far more important because of the presence of technology and its harmful use. By teaching children about essential human values, we can equip them with the best digital skills and help them understand the importance of ethical behaviour and cultivating compassion. It provides students with a positive view of life and motivates them to become good human beings, help those in need, respect their community as well as become more responsible and sensible.

Youngsters today move through a gruelling education system that goes on almost unendingly. Right from when parents send them to kindergarten at the tender age of 4 or 5 to completing their graduation, there is a constant barrage of information hurled at them. It is a puzzling task to make sense of this vast amount of unstructured information. On top of that, the bar to perform better than peers and meet expectations is set at a quite high level. This makes a youngster lose their curiosity and creativity under the burden. They know ‘how’ to do something but fail to answer the ‘why’. They spend their whole childhood and young age without discovering the real meaning of education. This is where the importance of value education should be established in their life. It is important in our lives because it develops physical and emotional aspects, teaches mannerisms and develops a sense of brotherhood, instils a spirit of patriotism as well as develops religious tolerance in students. Thus, it is essential to teach value-based education in schools to foster the holistic development of students. Thank you.

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Types of Value Education

To explore how value education has been incorporated at different levels from primary education, and secondary education to tertiary education, we have explained some of the key phases and types of value education that must be included to ensure the holistic development of a student.

Middle and high school curriculums worldwide including in India contain a course in moral science or value education. However, these courses rarely focus on the development and importance of values in lives but rather on teachable morals and acceptable behaviour. Incorporating some form of value education at the level of early childhood education can be constructive.

Read more at Child Development and Pedagogy

Some universities have attempted to include courses or conduct periodic workshops that teach the importance of value education. There has been an encouraging level of success in terms of students rethinking what their career goals are and increased sensitivity towards others and the environment.

Our Top Read: Higher Education in India

Alarmingly, people who have only been 4 to 5 years into their professional careers start showing signs of job exhaustion, discontent, and frustration. The importance of value education for adults has risen exponentially. Many non-governmental foundations have begun to conduct local workshops so that individuals can deal with their issues and manage such questions in a better way.

Recommended Read: Adult Education

It is yet another way of inculcating a spirit of kinship amongst students. Not only do student exchange programs help explore an array of cultures but also help in understanding the education system of countries.

Quick Read: Scholarships for Indian Students to Study Abroad

Imparting value education through co-curricular activities in school enhances the physical, mental, and disciplinary values among children. Furthermore, puppetry , music, and creative writing also aid in overall development.

Check Out: Drama and Art in Education

The concept of teaching values has been overly debated for centuries. Disagreements have taken place over whether value education should be explicitly taught because of the mountainous necessity or whether it should be implicitly incorporated into the teaching process. An important point to note is that classes or courses may not be successful in teaching values but they can teach the importance of value education. It can help students in exploring their inner passions and interests and work towards them. Teachers can assist students in explaining the nature of values and why it is crucial to work towards them. The placement of this class/course, if there is to be one, is still under fierce debate. 

Value education is the process through which an individual develops abilities, attitudes, values as well as other forms of behaviour of positive values depending on the society he lives in.

Every individual needs to ensure a holistic approach to their personality development in physical, mental, social and moral aspects. It provides a positive direction to the students to shape their future, helping them become more responsible and sensible and comprehending the purpose of their lives.

Values are extremely important because they help us grow and develop and guide our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. Our values are reflected in our decision-making and help us find our true purpose in life and become responsible and developed individuals.

The importance of value education at various stages in one’s life has increased with the running pace and complexities of life. It is becoming difficult every day for youngsters to choose their longing and pursue careers of their choice. In this demanding phase, let our Leverage Edu experts guide you in following the career path you have always wanted to explore by choosing an ideal course and taking the first step to your dream career .

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Your Article is awesome. It’s very helpful to know the value of education and the importance of value education. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Anil, Thanks for your feedback!

Value education is the most important thing because they help us grow and develop and guide our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Susmita, Rightly said!

Best blog. well explained. Thank you for sharing keep sharing.

Thanks.. For.. The Education value topic.. With.. This.. Essay. I.. Scored.. Good. Mark’s.. In.. My. Exam thanks a lot..

Your Article is Very nice.It is Very helpful for me to know the value of Education and its importance…Thanks for sharing your thoughts about education…Thank you ……

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The Importance of Education

Harvey Mackay by by Harvey Mackay

About this time every year, millions of people graduate from all levels of education, excited to begin the next chapter of their lives. Most are relieved to be finished with formal classroom learning and ready to put their newly minted knowledge to work.

News flash: Their education in the real world is just beginning.

We can’t put enough of a premium on the importance of education. Education can help avoid the high price we pay for experience. It's the great teacher that helps us gain knowledge and avoid making the same mistake again and again.

The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance. I have always told my children and grandchildren, “Before you get to the three R’s, you’ve got to master the three L’s -- look, listen and learn.”

I believe education is a cornerstone for success, both personally and professionally. It's not just about formal schooling, but also about the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout one's life. Education equips us with the tools to think critically, solve problems and adapt to change.

As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Education is an investment and never an expense. Consider education a capital improvement. Don’t be ashamed to borrow wisely, particularly to replenish your professional inventory. In fact, self-improvement is the one area in which you should really increase your spending, not decrease it.

Self-education and lifelong learning are vital in personal and professional development. In today’s fast-paced world, where industries and technologies are constantly evolving, the pursuit of knowledge cannot stop at graduation. Continuous learning is the key to staying relevant and competitive.

Self-education demonstrates a strong personal initiative and a commitment to personal excellence. It helps to stay adaptable and able to pivot in response to changes in your industry or career.

Lifelong learning is crucial for enhancing existing skills and acquiring new ones. It fosters innovation by exposing you to new ideas and perspectives.

In my experience, the most successful individuals are those who are curious and never stop learning. They read books, attend workshops, listen to podcasts, ask substantive, in-depth questions and engage in networking to exchange knowledge. This not only enriches their lives but also provides them with a competitive edge in their careers.

Benjamin Franklin was once asked to describe the most pitiful sight he had ever seen. Franklin said, “The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who does not know how to read.”

One little-known benefit of education: Statistics indicate that educated people live longer. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the mortality rate of Americans aged 25 to 64 who had not completed their high school education was twice as high as those who had. Also, the mortality rate of those who continued their education after high school was 79% less than those who earned only a high school diploma.

In today’s job market, it’s important to have several skill sets. As companies evolve to keep current, managers look for people who can roll with the times. Be prepared to respond to changing job requirements as needs demand.

Education comes in so many forms beyond the classroom. Opportunities are unlimited if you just pay attention. I’ve hired people whose skills included being able to talk about fishing or art or cars with customers, even though that had nothing to with the envelopes they were buying. We aren’t just in the envelope business, we’re in the people business.

Nothing impresses me more as a potential employer than someone who is out of work but still actively attending school. What excuse is there for not pursuing education of some kind when you’re not employed? It’s the true test of your determination to get into the workplace, to present an up-to-the-minute, trainable, quality package to a potential employer.

If you are fired or downsized, it’s a great way to prove to yourself and others that you’re capable of bouncing back after a setback. It’s a real confidence builder.

It’s also the best single thing you can do for yourself.

A mother once asked Albert Einstein how to raise a child to become a genius. Einstein’s advice was to read fairy tales to the child.

“And after that?” the mother asked.

“Read the child more fairy tales,” Einstein replied, adding that what a scientist most needs is a curious imagination.

Mackay’s Moral: Invest in your education, and it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.

Respect: Find Out What It Means to Business

A wolf spent his nights howling at the moon. He was making fun of her, of how old she was, how slowly she moved and how little light she had. In the same forest, when the howling had stopped, the little hedgehog would come out to console the moon.

One day, both the wolf and the hedgehog were far from home and were caught unaware by a great storm. When the storm subsided, both animals were lost. As the moon came out, the wolf began his usual howling, while the hedgehog was feeling sad and frightened at being lost.

Before long, the hedgehog heard a voice calling him. It was the moon, who was so grateful for the hedgehog's constant help and advice. She gathered up all her light into one single ray, to help show the hedgehog how to get back safely.

The hedgehog arrived home in the early hours, while the wolf remained lost out in the darkness and scared to death. Only then did he realize that all his rudeness to the moon had been pointless and cruel. The moon didn't shine for him until the wolf asked for forgiveness for his bad attitude.

In every aspect of business, from the way we conduct ourselves with our colleagues to the manner in which we serve our customers, respect is a virtue that goes far beyond the emotion of liking someone. It is about acknowledging the inherent worth of individuals and valuing their contributions, regardless of whether you agree with them.

Respect in business is absolutely fundamental. It is the cornerstone of building trust, fostering effective communication and creating a positive work environment. When respect is present in a business setting, it can lead to a multitude of benefits, including increased employee engagement, higher levels of productivity and improved customer satisfaction.

Here is why respect is so crucial in business:

-- Trust and integrity. Respect helps build trust between colleagues, managers and clients. When people feel respected, they are more likely to act with integrity and be trustworthy in return. Ask for and value their opinions and suggestions.

-- Effective communication. Respectful interactions are essential for problem-solving and decision-making. Use polite language and a friendly tone. Reply to emails, messages and calls in a timely manner.

-- Positive work environment. A respectful workplace promotes a sense of safety and belonging. Be mindful of physical boundaries and personal space. Respect the privacy of your colleagues and clients by not sharing personal or sensitive information.

-- Employee retention. Employees who feel respected are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and stay with a company, reducing turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training new staff.

-- Customer relations. Respect extends to how a business treats its customers. A respectful approach to customer service can lead to loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Early in my career, I was eager to make my mark and often found myself formulating responses rather than truly listening to what others were saying. One day, I was in a meeting with a potential client who was explaining the challenges his company was facing. Midway through his explanation, I began to interject with what I thought were solutions.

The client calmly said, “Mr. Mackay, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I am not sure you are really hearing me.” That moment was a wake-up call. I realized that I was inadvertently showing a lack of respect for his experience and knowledge. This realization not only helped me to build stronger relationships but also allowed me to learn and better address others’ needs.

That client became one of our most loyal customers, and our business relationship lasted for many years. He later told me what convinced him to work with us was the respect I showed by listening and valuing his perspective.

If there was ever a time in our history when respect was less evident, I would suggest that time is now. We need to examine our relationships. Politics, social media, even our schools are rife with examples of disrespectful behavior.

But all is not lost. It’s possible to return to kinder times, when differing opinions were met with open minds. It’s important to listen to other points of view. You may learn something that you hadn’t considered before. And it could help you understand why others behave as they do.

Mackay’s Moral: Respect is not just a virtue; it is a vital business strategy that opens the door to success.

Mackay’s Moral: Fitness is like a relationship; you can’t cheat and expect it to work.

Exercise Will Improve Your Business Acumen

A woman joined a local health club, but after the first day requested her membership be refunded.

“Is there a problem?” asked the proprietor.

“Yes,” she replied. “Your floors are so low, I can’t touch my toes.”

Like so many of us discover, getting started is usually the hardest part. Why not start in May -- National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

Going to the gym isn’t just about staying healthy. Lots of people also use it as a place to socialize and meet like-minded people and network. You can multitask! It makes your workout go faster!

Research published in the Harvard Business Review notes that exercise is not just vital for maintaining physical health, but is also crucial for mental acuity, which directly impacts business performance.

I don’t need a study to tell me about exercise. I’ve been doing it all my life. It just makes me feel better, gives me energy to work more productively and, I hope, live longer. My philosophy is: Exercise doesn’t take time; it makes time.

As motivational author Jim Rohn said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

There was a time when the pressures of running MackayMitchell Envelope Company could have easily overwhelmed me. The stress of meeting deadlines, managing a large team and constantly innovating to stay ahead of the competition was immense. However, I found solace and strength in my commitment to regular exercise. I made it a point to integrate physical activity into my daily schedule, no matter how busy I was.

Whether it was a quick jog in the morning, a brisk walk during lunch breaks or a game of tennis, these activities not only kept me physically fit but also mentally sharp. They provided a much-needed break from the mental load, allowing me to return to work with a clearer mind and a fresh perspective.

I specifically remember when I was facing a challenging negotiation that would significantly impact the future of our company and feeling particularly anxious about it. Instead of succumbing to the pressure, I took a long run on the morning of the negotiation. During that run, I was able to think through my strategy, anticipate potential counterarguments and, most importantly, calm my nerves. The result? I strode into that negotiation with a level of clarity and confidence that I attribute in large part to the benefits from that morning’s exercise.

When you exercise, you increase blood flow to the brain, which can help to sharpen your mental faculties and improve cognitive functions. This is particularly important in a sedentary work environment where the risk of cognitive decline is higher due to a lack of physical activity.

Regular physical activity can lead to improved concentration, sharper memory, faster learning, prolonged mental stamina and enhanced creativity. These benefits can translate into better problem-solving, planning and dealing with the complexities of business.

Moreover, exercise is a powerful stress reliever. It helps in managing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which, when left unchecked, can impair your ability to think clearly and make well-reasoned business decisions.

Canadian self-help writer Robin Sharma said, “If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.”

Incorporating more exercise into your routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. As I’ve mentioned before, starting with manageable segments, such as a 15-minute walk during lunch or after work, can make a significant difference. Gradually increasing the duration and intensity as you become more comfortable can help you maintain consistency and avoid burnout.

Here are a few tips on how to integrate exercise into your business schedule:

-- Set specific goals. Just like in business, setting clear, achievable goals for your fitness can help you stay on track.

-- Schedule it. Treat your exercise time like a business meeting -- non-negotiable.

-- Mix it up. Incorporate different types of activities to keep it interesting and work different muscle groups.

-- Stay accountable. Find a workout buddy or join a group to keep you motivated.

-- Measure progress. Keep track of your exercise routine and improvements in your work performance to see the correlation.

Taking care of your body is a responsibility that should be as high a priority as any business meeting or deadline. Your health is the foundation upon which you can build a successful career and life.

One note of caution: Avoid the exercise that lazy people prefer -- didley squats.

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What was an education going to get me—except into trouble .

Posted May 13, 2024 | Reviewed by Hara Estroff Marano

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My family, filled with smart, shrewd, and funny people, would shrug their collective shoulders and ask, “What good is college?” Only my mom, who died when I was young, valued education . I knew that because her single ambition for me growing up was that I might marry a man with a degree.

I applied to college only because my high school history teacher told me the place he’d attended on a football scholarship just started accepting female students. He thought maybe I had a shot.

When I told my relatives that I was heading to New Hampshire in 1975, they assumed I was pregnant . Why else would an 18-year-old girl leave the state? “It happened to your cousin,” one aunt whispered as I boarded the bus for White River Junction. “You can always come home.” They were skeptical about what I’d learn in some cold building far away that I couldn’t learn in Brooklyn. What was an education going to get me—except into trouble?

I had no idea what I wanted to do or wanted to be, but I wanted a degree of my own. Revising my mother’s wishes, I didn’t just want to stand next to someone who was knowledgeable. I wanted to be knowledgeable.

Also, I didn't just want to marry a man with a degree. Even at 18, I realized an education can’t divorce you.

Besides, receiving an education is different from getting a degree. A degree is like a wedding ring: It’s meaningless if it’s there just for show. Like a thin piece of gold, a printed piece of paper—even in a fancy font-- is worthless unless it represents substantial personal commitment.

An education is about learning things you don’t know. Just as we need to try foods we’ve never eaten before, we need to approach unfamiliar subjects. Life's menu can be innovative, varied, and delightful, but without outside influences, it can too often be limited, boring , and unappetizing.

I have a friend who pretty much eats only those things she was served in childhood : meat, potatoes, beans, and applesauce. She’s not excessively fun when it comes to dining out.

Curiosity, like originality and delight, has to be nurtured. But if we keep emphasizing the notion of familiarity and security at the expense of new and potentially challenging experience, then we’ll be stuck with the intellectual equivalent of a 1968 Swanson’s TV Dinner.

Authentic education demands that students learn and not merely that they are taught. It’s not about simply offering access to information or data. What happens in classrooms is not the same as what happens at UPS: it is not like transferring an unexamined parcel of information from one person to another. It must include, as all reputable teachers know, instructing students in academic discipline and personal responsibility.

This is one reason that students should be required to take classes from outside their area of specialization. Their futures are under construction: While they may have blueprints in place, perhaps handed down through their families or fantasies from glittering daydreams, there are many architectural models from which to choose. That way they won’t end up with the academic equivalent of a five-story one-bedroom apartment with no kitchen and a bathroom on the roof.

Unable to predict the ineffable results of education, I worry we’re defining education in merely quantifiable terms—judging institutions, subjects, and majors by how much money their graduates earn once they’re in the workplace. That’s not an assessment of a demanding course of study. That’s an assessment of who makes coin. If that’s all anybody needs know, I could have stayed in the old neighborhood.

Gangsters, after all, make more money than anybody else.

An authentic liberal arts education has value of a different kind: It’s a triumph over ignorance and a refusal to be intimidated by the unknown.

A good education is about taking a class in a cold building on a quiet morning and learning that words, as well as numbers, in the proper sequence, can unlock the universe. It’s about proficiency, of course, but it’s also about perspective.

why is education important in your life essay

It’s not what you “get” out of college that changes your life; it’s what you’re given. You gain authority not only over subjects but over yourself.

As my family predicted, education got me into trouble—but it was trouble for which I looked, not from which I ran. That’s the payoff.

Gina Barreca Ph.D.

Gina Barreca, Ph.D., a board of trustees distinguished professor at UConn, is the author of 10 books, including the bestselling They Used to Call Me Snow White, But I Drifted.

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Why educating women is more important than we realize

why is education important in your life essay

The Times of India

The Stri or the Female Energy is the creatrix, mother of all gods, conqueror of all evil, dispenser of all boons in the Indian culture. She is considered the divine power of the universe from where all beings are born. This divine female energy is worshipped with intense adoration and devotion in India.

Yet, it is in India itself that we find the most intense contradiction towards the female shakti.

On one hand we surrender to the divine Durga to protect us and on the other hand we look down upon the feminine principle with condemnation, contempt, cause of all failures, source of lust and miseries.

An Indian woman suffers this wrath both in her mind and heart right from her birth. She struggles to understand her true role, position, and identity in human society. She lives in a dilemma, wondering whether to relate to the feminine deities being erected all around her or to an unborn female avatar which was never allowed to be born.

Since ancient times women have not been denied legal, social, and educational rights in India but certainly in practise they have been more preoccupied and confined to domestic affairs and that is where their social subordination began.

Despite such subjugation, women have survived important roles such as bold householders, strong mothers, queens, administrators, warriors, elected representatives and leaders. Therefore, despite oppression and denial, India has, time and again, truly experienced the shakti of this female creative force.

The way forward for India and humans in general is to treat the Female Shakti (The Feminine Powerhouse) with respect, deep regard, equal access to experiences, learning and opportunities. All sexes should be allowed to find, above all sexual differences, their full inner potential.

India, the land of diversity and contrast, India the ardent worshipper of the Shakti-The Durga can perhaps lead mankind into human success based in deep regard for the deep inner potential, intellectual prowess and ingenuity of women. Denying women their due place is denying mankind its due success.

Women Across the Globe

The battle for legal, civil, social, and educational equality is a central element of woman’s rights globally. However, a deeper understanding of the women’s needs has revealed that in daily life they struggle to voice their objections and opinions, struggle to agree or disagree, condemn, or promote, speak, share, discuss, and struggle to manage, participate and lead.

Therefore, it would not be incorrect to state that the battle is only half won if the women get access to education and opportunities but no access to exercise their will.

Women across the globe may be characterized by diversity in feminine energy and feminine approach to life, work, family, and society yet their basic emotional, psychological, physical, mental, intellectual, social, professional, and creative needs tie them together to a common cause. The common cause being-women across the globe want to be active participants and decision makers in their own lives and refuse the passivity that is expected of them.

A modern progressive woman prides herself with all her feminine virtues. She wishes to embrace her own self in entirety not to put men down but only to break out of an oppressed state so that she can realize her own untapped full potential.

Women today are capable of and want to accumulate the advantages of both the sexes, but she is not willing to pay an unfair price for achieving this. For instance, a young mother wants the right to work or not to work to lie within the realms of her decision-making powers.

She wishes to be able to make a choice between scenarios where in one she wishes to fully involve herself in her motherhood and suspend her professional aspirations without being made to feel undeserving or financially dependent. Or in another scenario where she wishes to strike a balance between her motherhood and professional duties and yet not labelled as irresponsible and selfish. Such a state of choice with dignity would be true liberation for a young mother.

Equal Education is a Steppingstone Towards Gender Equality, Quality Socialization and Economic Growth

Denying women access to equal and quality education opportunities encourages gender segregation and stereotypical behaviour in society. Perceptions towards gender roles are sowed by members of family and society very early on in the lives of men and women which adversely impacts the quality of the socialization process.

Creating gender neutral learning environments can serve as a steppingstone to quality socialization. This in turn can help in creating favourable position for women in creative, scientific, technological, professional endeavours and lessen their personal and social struggles.

Any society that denies and discourages women from boldly participating in the learning process is only encouraging biased patterns that are deeply rooted in promoting the influential masculine identity.

Quality education can help both men and women understand these deep-seated issues in our society, raise their collective and individual levels of awareness, understand the importance of all people, irrespective of sex, in building a healthy and conscious society. In order to ensure sustainable development, it has become imperative to recognize the importance of all the sexes.

When a girl is educated, she is empowered. She can make her own decisions, raise the standard of living for her family and children, create more job opportunities, and reform society as a whole. As a result, a shift in attitudes toward girl child education in India is urgently needed. Every girl child deserves to be treated with love and respect. If all girls complete their education and participate in the workforce, India could add a whopping $770 billion to the country’s GDP by 2025!

Some Important Statistics

As per statistics presented by UNICEF, 129 million girls are out of school around the world, including 32 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67 million of upper-secondary school age.

Borgen Project, a US based not for profit, study has revealed that every year, 23 million girls in India drop out of school after they begin menstruating due to lack of sanitary napkin dispensers and overall hygiene awareness in schools.

As per National Survey of India, Literacy Rate in India has increased from 73% in 2011 to 77.7% in 2022, however it still stands behind the global literacy rate which stands at 86.5% (as per UNESCO). Of the 77.7% Indian literacy rate in 2022, male literacy rate stands at 84.7% and female literacy rate stands at 70.3% as compared to global average female literacy rate of 79% (as per UNESCO).

There are several factors that influence poorer literacy rates in women as compared to men, the biggest and most crucial factors being inequality and sex-based discrimination. This discrimination pushes the girl child to either never be born (female infanticide) or the woman to be predominantly pushed into household affairs.

Low enrolment rates, high dropout rates, social discrimination, unsafe public spaces, prioritizing boy child education are some other important factors that negatively influence female education.

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Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning

Jonathan Lambert

A close-up of a woman's hand writing in a notebook.

If you're like many digitally savvy Americans, it has likely been a while since you've spent much time writing by hand.

The laborious process of tracing out our thoughts, letter by letter, on the page is becoming a relic of the past in our screen-dominated world, where text messages and thumb-typed grocery lists have replaced handwritten letters and sticky notes. Electronic keyboards offer obvious efficiency benefits that have undoubtedly boosted our productivity — imagine having to write all your emails longhand.

To keep up, many schools are introducing computers as early as preschool, meaning some kids may learn the basics of typing before writing by hand.

But giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.

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In kids, studies show that tracing out ABCs, as opposed to typing them, leads to better and longer-lasting recognition and understanding of letters. Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.

"There's actually some very important things going on during the embodied experience of writing by hand," says Ramesh Balasubramaniam , a neuroscientist at the University of California, Merced. "It has important cognitive benefits."

While those benefits have long been recognized by some (for instance, many authors, including Jennifer Egan and Neil Gaiman , draft their stories by hand to stoke creativity), scientists have only recently started investigating why writing by hand has these effects.

A slew of recent brain imaging research suggests handwriting's power stems from the relative complexity of the process and how it forces different brain systems to work together to reproduce the shapes of letters in our heads onto the page.

Your brain on handwriting

Both handwriting and typing involve moving our hands and fingers to create words on a page. But handwriting, it turns out, requires a lot more fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems. This seems to more deeply engage the brain in ways that support learning.

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"Handwriting is probably among the most complex motor skills that the brain is capable of," says Marieke Longcamp , a cognitive neuroscientist at Aix-Marseille Université.

Gripping a pen nimbly enough to write is a complicated task, as it requires your brain to continuously monitor the pressure that each finger exerts on the pen. Then, your motor system has to delicately modify that pressure to re-create each letter of the words in your head on the page.

"Your fingers have to each do something different to produce a recognizable letter," says Sophia Vinci-Booher , an educational neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Adding to the complexity, your visual system must continuously process that letter as it's formed. With each stroke, your brain compares the unfolding script with mental models of the letters and words, making adjustments to fingers in real time to create the letters' shapes, says Vinci-Booher.

That's not true for typing.

To type "tap" your fingers don't have to trace out the form of the letters — they just make three relatively simple and uniform movements. In comparison, it takes a lot more brainpower, as well as cross-talk between brain areas, to write than type.

Recent brain imaging studies bolster this idea. A study published in January found that when students write by hand, brain areas involved in motor and visual information processing " sync up " with areas crucial to memory formation, firing at frequencies associated with learning.

"We don't see that [synchronized activity] in typewriting at all," says Audrey van der Meer , a psychologist and study co-author at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She suggests that writing by hand is a neurobiologically richer process and that this richness may confer some cognitive benefits.

Other experts agree. "There seems to be something fundamental about engaging your body to produce these shapes," says Robert Wiley , a cognitive psychologist at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. "It lets you make associations between your body and what you're seeing and hearing," he says, which might give the mind more footholds for accessing a given concept or idea.

Those extra footholds are especially important for learning in kids, but they may give adults a leg up too. Wiley and others worry that ditching handwriting for typing could have serious consequences for how we all learn and think.

What might be lost as handwriting wanes

The clearest consequence of screens and keyboards replacing pen and paper might be on kids' ability to learn the building blocks of literacy — letters.

"Letter recognition in early childhood is actually one of the best predictors of later reading and math attainment," says Vinci-Booher. Her work suggests the process of learning to write letters by hand is crucial for learning to read them.

"When kids write letters, they're just messy," she says. As kids practice writing "A," each iteration is different, and that variability helps solidify their conceptual understanding of the letter.

Research suggests kids learn to recognize letters better when seeing variable handwritten examples, compared with uniform typed examples.

This helps develop areas of the brain used during reading in older children and adults, Vinci-Booher found.

"This could be one of the ways that early experiences actually translate to long-term life outcomes," she says. "These visually demanding, fine motor actions bake in neural communication patterns that are really important for learning later on."

Ditching handwriting instruction could mean that those skills don't get developed as well, which could impair kids' ability to learn down the road.

"If young children are not receiving any handwriting training, which is very good brain stimulation, then their brains simply won't reach their full potential," says van der Meer. "It's scary to think of the potential consequences."

Many states are trying to avoid these risks by mandating cursive instruction. This year, California started requiring elementary school students to learn cursive , and similar bills are moving through state legislatures in several states, including Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina and Wisconsin. (So far, evidence suggests that it's the writing by hand that matters, not whether it's print or cursive.)

Slowing down and processing information

For adults, one of the main benefits of writing by hand is that it simply forces us to slow down.

During a meeting or lecture, it's possible to type what you're hearing verbatim. But often, "you're not actually processing that information — you're just typing in the blind," says van der Meer. "If you take notes by hand, you can't write everything down," she says.

The relative slowness of the medium forces you to process the information, writing key words or phrases and using drawing or arrows to work through ideas, she says. "You make the information your own," she says, which helps it stick in the brain.

Such connections and integration are still possible when typing, but they need to be made more intentionally. And sometimes, efficiency wins out. "When you're writing a long essay, it's obviously much more practical to use a keyboard," says van der Meer.

Still, given our long history of using our hands to mark meaning in the world, some scientists worry about the more diffuse consequences of offloading our thinking to computers.

"We're foisting a lot of our knowledge, extending our cognition, to other devices, so it's only natural that we've started using these other agents to do our writing for us," says Balasubramaniam.

It's possible that this might free up our minds to do other kinds of hard thinking, he says. Or we might be sacrificing a fundamental process that's crucial for the kinds of immersive cognitive experiences that enable us to learn and think at our full potential.

Balasubramaniam stresses, however, that we don't have to ditch digital tools to harness the power of handwriting. So far, research suggests that scribbling with a stylus on a screen activates the same brain pathways as etching ink on paper. It's the movement that counts, he says, not its final form.

Jonathan Lambert is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance journalist who covers science, health and policy.

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